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The 1st International Conference on Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.04 for 2 days in Serang |

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Diana Tustiantina, Nani Sunarni, Dadang Suganda

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Diana Tustiantina

Universitas Padjadjaran

This paper investigates how humor is used in intercultural interactions in the entertainment segment of the television program “Ini Talkshow” Episode 884. The program “Ini Talkshow” Episode 884 is interesting to study because it presents a lot of ethnic humor from several tribes in Indonesia, such as Sundanese and Javanese and other ethnic groups outside of Indonesian ethnicity, such as ethnic Japanese in the entertainment segment. The aim of the present paper is to identify ways in which players in Program “Ini Talkshow” organize humor fragments in entertainment segments where ethnic humor arises by applying Raskins humorous theory (1985) in an effort to understand and actualize the concept of multiculturalism and cultural acculturation that is happening today in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data obtained from program “Ini Talkshow” Year 2017 episode 884 downloaded from The results showed that: (1) ethnic humor found in intercultural interactions in the entertainment segment Episode 884 was built on a combination of three basic theories of humor, namely incongruity theory, hostility theory, and the theory of release (2) ethnic humor that is present in this section is humor that is conveyed by involving cultural and linguistic situations that represent an ethnicity and part of the effort to actualize the concept of multiculturalism and acculturation of culture which is a central topic in the film starred by guests and a reality picture the daily lives of Indonesian people in the globalization era. This paper is expected to be an input for further research, especially in the field of linguistics and social change.

Ethnic Humor, Humor Theory, and Inter-Cultural Interaction

Education and Social Change


Exploring Digital Legislation Concepts and Practices: Inspiration for Indonesia City Government
Bani Pamungkas and Maulana Yusuf

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Bani Pamungkas

Bakrie University and Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

Abstract—Both in global and local context, cities have become more important politically, economically and socially. With rapid growth of Information and communication technology (ICT) over the last decade, human relations have revolutionized, creating new possibilities of encounter and connectivity, as well the new way for strengthening cities government and citizen relations. The cities government have started to use ICT to foster citizen engagement with broader and deeper contributions in political decision-making process for achieving openness and transparency. Innovative digital and mobile technology facilitate solutions for government to respond demand participation including informing, consulting and engaging citizens during legislation cycle process. However, the development of e-participation in the digital city context still have primary challenge for reaching participation of low-income, older and technology-challenged citizens. This paper tries to elaborates a literature study of conceptual publications on the subject of eParticipation in term of legislation process with the time frame of 2013–2018. Its objectives are to track recent theoretical and practical development in the field, to reveal constraints and limitations the concepts, and to offer some suggestions for city government in Indonesia for developing digital legislation implementation strategy.

political participation, cities government, citizen relation, ICT, legislation cycle

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Fake news and election: An analysis of the Malaysian General Election 2018 and Indonesian Presidential Election 2019.
Nuurrianti Jalli, Ika Karlina Idris

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Nuurrianti Jalli

Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Faculty of Paramadina Graduate School of Communication, Indonesia

Increasing Internet penetration across the globe and the wide distribution of false information on Internet platforms have resulted in the pressing need to study the effects of fake content on society. The advancement of technologies also had contributed to a more sophisticated false content could be produced. Widespread of forged images and realistic fake videos were made possible through computer-generated techniques. Several studies had been done by other scholars to study the influence of fake news during elections (see Allcott & Gentzkow, 2016; Persily, 2017). This research aims to look at the distribution of fake news during two elections in Southeast Asia, focusing on Malaysia 14th General Election in 2018 and Indonesia Presidential Election 2019; and how false information influenced political discourse. We employed two different methods for this study which were in-depth interviews with experts and social media analysis (SNA). We analyzed six different hashtags popular during these two elections and how these hashtags were used as conduits to share false information. For Malaysia, three specific hashtags were studied -

Fake news, election, Malaysia, Indonesia, social media

Political Party and Election


Female Street Children Handling Model in Serang Municipality, Banten Province
Titi Stiawati

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Titi Stiawati

Social and Political Science Faculty, Sultan Agung Tirtayasa University

In a community environment there will be a lot of social problems. One of these social problems is what needs to be considered is the problem of street children, especially female street children. Social unrest arising from the rise of female street children, because they make places such as markets, under bridges, sidewalks, or other open spaces used as an arena for their lives, so often disrupt the peace and comfort of other community members. The purpose of this study was to analyze the model in handling female street children in the city of Serang, Banten Province so that the city of Serang could change the image of being a clean city from the presence of female street children whose presence disturbed the beauty of the city. The expected results of this study are to make the concept of female street child handling models more comprehensive and more accurate so that the results of the model of female street children handling can truly run optimally and the number of female street children in Serang City will decrease. The specific target to be achieved from this research is to find out the model of handling female street children in the city of Serang, Banten Province, and find new concepts in improving the handling of female street children and the development of the science of public administration. In this study using a qualitative method, as for this research stage, namely (1) Pre-research stage, (2) Stage of field observation, (3) Phase data analysis, an overview of the model of handling female street children in Serang City, Banten Province.

Female Street Children, Handling, Model

Education and Social Change


Forest Utilization Policy in Indonesia as the Effort to Improve the Environmental Carrying Capacity
Nurikah and Ferina Ardhi Cahyani

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Ferina Ardhi Cahyani

Faculty of Law, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Jalan Raya Jakarta KM 04, Panancangan, Serang, Banten

Environmental Problems are an undisputed issue both in Indonesia and in the world. The big and important issue of the environment makes United Nation launch the Sustainable Development Goals. One of them is about life on land, including forest. Indonesia, which was once dubbed as the lungs of the world, has now declined in quality. In 2016, research conducted by Indonesia Forest Watch announced that forests in Indonesia were reduced by one time the size of a football field every hour. Based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 33 paragraph (3) states that "earth and air and natural resources are contained in an environment controlled by the state and used to achieve massive prosperity of the state", so that it has been adjusted to forest needs so that it becomes a matter that needs attention. In Law No. 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry also has an opinion about forests that have benefits for life both in terms of ecology, socio-cultural, and economic. The research method used is the national research method, where the author uses legislation, books, and other literature as the main source. With this fulfillment, it is hoped that it will be able to create new policies that can provide benefits and changes to the condition of forests in Indonesia so that one of the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals can be realized and the carrying capacity of forests can increase.

Sustainable development; forest; supporting capacity

Sustainable Development Goals


Fragmentation of Democratic Talks After Simultaneous Elections in 2019 in Urban Minangkabau Communities
Asrinaldi (1), Yanita (2), dan Yoserizal (3)

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Asrinaldi Asril

(1) Department of Political Science, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia, 25163
(2) Department of Mathematic Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia, 25163
(3) Department of Public Administration, Universitas Andalas, Padang Indonesia, 25163

After the simultaneous election, talks about the contestation of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Prabowo Subianto in West Sumatra are still ongoing. Moreover, Jokowi suffered a landslide defeat in the 2019 elections, raising questions. Why could Jokowi lose in West Sumatra? Isnt the development project carried out in West Sumatra an important part of Jokowis strategy to bring him closer to the Minangkabau ethnic group in the past two years? In fact, Jokowis defeat in the 2019 Election was actually greater than in the 2014 elections. If in the 2014 Election Jokowi won 23.18 percent, while in the 2019 election only reached 14.1 percent. Of course this defeat still leaves talk in the public of West Sumatra, even though the presidential election has been completed. One of the things discussed is the future of West Sumatra after Jokowis defeat in the context of central-regional relations. Despite losing heavily in West Sumatra, Jokowi won nationally and returned to being president. This article explains the issues discussed in the political discussion of urban Minangkabau ethnic groups after Jokowis defeat, especially in coffee shops that often become informal places of discussion. How does the public perceive the future of West Sumatra in the central-regional relations after this presidential election? How do they understand Jokowis severe defeat in the conversation at the coffee shop? What are their hopes for President Jokowi in managing the government, especially for the people of West Sumatra? In addition, this article also wants to analyze the patterns of political communication that occurred in coffee shops after the simultaneous elections in 2019. In the final section, this article will elaborate more deeply on the implications for the concept of political communication in urban communities in West Sumatra related to the election results in their regions.

Political Communication, Ethnic, Minangkabau, Election and Democracy

Political Party and Election


From Social Resistance to Political Resolution: Mining Conflict Transformation in Sinjai, Indonesia
Andi Luhur Prianto (a*), Ahmad Harakan (a), Muh. Zaldi Rusnaedy (b), Nurfahmi (a)

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Andi Luhur Prianto

a) Department of Government Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Jl. Sultan Alauddin No.259 Makassar, Indonesia 90221
b) Department of Government Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Pancasakti Makassar, Indonesia
Jl. Jl. Andi Mangerangi No.73, Makassar, Indonesia 90132

The wealth of natural resources can be both a blessing and a curse. In various places, the struggle for access to natural resource actually triggers to conflict and violence. This research aims to explore the process of transforming mining conflicts, which involve corporations with local indigenous communities. The gold mining operation that obtained legal permits from the local government was rejected by the local community. This resistance transformed from the social resistance to finally become the political resolution from the local authority. This research was conducted in several individuals and institutions, where they were involved in the resistance movement rejecting gold mining activities in Bonto Katute Village, Sinjai Regency Indonesia. This research is qualitative and data collection through literature studies and field research using observations and interviews and analyzed with interactive models. The results of study showed that the relationship of conflict between the corporation and the local indigenous community was communal level and later developed into a collective movement. The conflict was triggered by the refusal of local indigenous communities to issue mining exploration permits for the corporations, which were considered not transparent and participatory. The change in the strategy of the resistance movement was influenced by efforts to negotiate, mediate and consolidate which were less successful. The strong pressure from the social resistance movement in the form of civil society alliances eventually turned into a political resolution movement, through the decisions of local power institutions.

social resistance; political resolition; conflict; mining

Conflict and Reconciliation


Gender Responsiveness in Public Facilities in Terminal Pakupatan, City of Serang
Yeni Widyastuti and Hermawati Agustin

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Yeni Widyastuti

Public Administration Department
Faculty of Social and Politics Science
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

Development runs fairly and meets the needs of men and women if there is a connection between the process, aspects of benefits and impacts for both, including the infrastructure development in passenger terminals. The City of Serang has Type A Terminals that serve public vehicles for cross-border transportation, inter-city transportation between provinces combined with inter-city transportation services in the province, urban transport and rural transportation for the benefit of the community in mobilizing. Some problems are still encountered, i.e. waiting rooms that are less comfortable, access to non-gender sensitive infrastructure such as toilets, lactation rooms and childrens play rooms. By using descriptive quantitative research methods with 196 respondents determined by non-probability sampling techniques and using incidental samples and the theory of Gender Impact Assessment (Social Research and Development, Economy and Environment, 2013: 8) with 5 indicators i.e. infrastructure for all, infrastructure that takes into account everyones needs, safe infrastructure, comfortable infrastructure and environmentally friendly infrastructure. The results of Gender Responsivity in the Public Facilities of Terminal Pakupatan in the City of Serang are less responsive with a value of 61%. Recommendation from this research are to identify passenger needs through complaints and complaints services delivered directly, the availability of toilets designed according to gender needs, gender-sensitive support facilities for disabled people with special lanes and priority seats in the waiting room

Public Facility, Gender, Responsiveness

Sustainable Development Goals


Global Value Chain 4.0 for economic, social, and environmental upgrading: The experience of Indonesian palm oil
B. Endo Gauh Perdana

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B. Endo Gauh Perdana

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Gadjah Mada University
Jalan Socio Justicia No.1, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 endorses a high-speed transfer of information that promotes digitalization and innovation across many sectors of industries allowing them to thrive by increasing productivity, profitability, product quality and performance. However, the utilization of digital technology, especially in agricultural sector where sustainability practices are essential to be addressed, requires effective governance for upgrading strategies. As one of the main export commodities and a key driver of the economy, the palm oil industry in Indonesia is in alert to face challenges brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This research draws from the latest work of Gerrefi and Joonkoo Lee on Global Value Chain. In the framework of horizontal industrial cluster and vertical global value chain governance, the theory examines how governance and upgrading trajectories produces economic upgrading which correlates to social and environmental upgrading. This research, then argues that the role of technology supports as well as accelerates the upgrading strategies. A set of data are collected from literature of multidisciplinary perspectives in addition to statistical data on the palm oil industry. The GVC analysis of Indonesian palm oil industry will be used as a map to understand the complexity of how actors operate in every cluster of governance. Economic upgrading is not always associated with social and environmental upgrading. Therefore, a strong linkage between actors suggests that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is relevant and essential to enhance synergy to cater for economic, social and environmental dimensions in order to harness the potential of sustainable development.

global value chain, governance, upgrading, palm oil

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Bayu Nurrohman

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Bayu Nurrohman

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

This research examines the management of government carried out by the government of Pandeglang district through the regional tax service agency Pandeglang district. This study aims to find out how much the role of the Pandeglang district government in optimizing the potential of local taxes owned to be able to increase the regional income of Pandeglang Regency. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method using a descriptive approach. Data collection uses In-depth interviewing techniques to informants with purposive sampling, then field observations and documentation studies to support accurate data and facts. The results of the study show that: (1) In the planning stages the Regional Tax Service Agency has carried out planning activities well. This is evidenced by the program that has been established in increasing local tax revenues. The local tax revenue optimization program has been set, has realistic and visionary goals, objectives, and strategies in solving local tax problems in Pandeglang Regency (2) In the organizing stage, in the program to optimize regional tax revenues, Pandeglang Regent and Head of Regional Tax Service Agency has formed a team in implementing the program. Teams are formed with clear main tasks and functions so that they can carry out their tasks properly. (3) In the implementation stage, the strategy that has been set has been carried out properly. This can be seen from the progress of the program that has begun to show improvements in tax services to the community. However, the results are still not maximal because they have not been able to achieve the realization of this years target. (4) In the supervision phase, it has been carried out properly because the Regent carries out supervision through the Head of the Regional Tax Service Agency of Pandeglang Regency. While the supervision of the Regional Tax Service Agency is monitoring the activities of optimizing the increase in local tax revenues from the program team leader.

Government Management, Local Taxes

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Dr. Prima Mulyasari Agustini, Dr. Tuti Widiastuti, Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Ph.D

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Prima Mulyasari Agustini

Universitas Bakrie

Cianjur as one of the districts in West Java is carrying out various activities under the framework of city branding namely Sapta Cita. This research focuses on the packaging of Sapta Cita as the Cianjur government strategy as well as flagship program for establishing city branding. The purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) stakeholder perceptions on the flagship program Sapta Cita; (2) the advantages, weaknesses, challenges and packaging opportunities of Sapta Cita as strategic city branding in Cianjur; (3) messages embedded within the strategic city branding of Cianjur through various programs in Sapta Cita ,and; (4) the implementation of Sapta Cipta Action Plan. The method used in this study are in-depth surveys and interviews involving the millennial generation in general, and other stakeholder groups such as community leaders, members of communities, visitors to tourist attractions, officials at the Cianjur Tourism and Sports Agency, Cianjur Bappeda officials, and Cianjur Public Relations Officer. This study finds that: (1) millennial generations generally know of Cianjur tourist attractions; (2) evaluation on advantages, weaknesses, challenges, and packaging opportunities of Sapta Cita points toward various of potentials in Cianjur that can be developed into robust city identity; (3) Cianjur-s jargon Jago is the core message in Cianjurs branding, and; (4) Sapta Cita as flagship program is carried out through the "seven-goal" program.

Strategy, City Branding, Government Programs.

Sustainable Development Goals


implementation of E-Government and Public Services in Sidenreng Rappang Regency: Case Study of Village Websites in Bulo Wattang, Carawali, Kanie, and Lagading
Saifullah (a) Madaling (b) Lili Fitriani Hafid (c)

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Saifullah saifullah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang

Abstract Governments throughout the world are currently held by parties to improve the quality of society and increase active participation in the provision of information for the community and are required to be more effective. This causes e-Government or electronic-based government to be increasingly important for all decision-making. Traditional government (traditional government) that is identical to paper-based administration has begun to be rejected. The transformation of traditional government into an electronic government (e-Government) has become one of the hottest public issues discussed at this time. In general, the process of providing services to the community (today) is carried out through direct contact between service providers (government bureaucracy) and citizens. Apparently, direct contact like this has been widely used by the parties involved in the interaction of both the bureaucrats (service providers) and from the community (service recipients). requested. payment exceeds applicable conditions. In terms of community members, some people who want to get complete service by bribing or giving "lubricating" money to unscrupulous officers. Such practices will definitely be Impact on other service users, which in turn will also have an impact on the quality of public services. Some survey results from international survey institutions show that public services in Indonesia are still the worst in Asia in terms of public services. Likewise, various discussions have been carried out by observers of public services, with almost all of them being sustainable about public services through direct contact which is vulnerable to various practices of maladministration, namely a practice that deviates from ethics administration or an administrative practice that moves away from meeting objectives administration. Based on the facts above, one effective way to minimize public action in government is with e-government. E-government is Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 concerning E-government Development Policy and National Strategy which departs from current thinking regarding the use of communication and information technology in government processes that will increase efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability in governance. While the main purpose of the implementation is to improve the quality of effective and efficient public services. According to Mustopadijaya (2003), e-government is needed because of the answers to changes in the strategic environment that require efficient, effective, public-oriented, transparent and accountable state administration. According to Indrajit (2005), e-government can improve internal management and improve public services. With e-government the summary of the study is no more than 500 words that contain the research background, objectives and results of the study, the proposed outcomes, and the description of the research TKT supported. can simplify, cheapen, accelerate, lighten and

Implementation, E-Government, Publik Service

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2011 concerning Business Service Retribution at the Transportation Department of Pandeglang Regency
Hasyim Adnan

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Hasyim Adnan

STISIP Banten Raya

One source of local revenue is derived from regional retribution, so to maximize it, the Pandeglang District Government has issued Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2011 concerning Business Service Retribution. This business service levy is regional retribution which is a potential regional levy to finance the implementation of regional government. Regional levies are collected as payments for certain services. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach that aims to find out how the implementation of regional regulations on service fees in Pandeglang district is implemented. The technique of data collection is done by interviewing informants who have been self-determined by the researcher using a purposive sampling model, then direct observation of researchers at the Department of Transportation of Pandeglang Regency to better know the real conditions in the field, as well as study documentation as a complement to the data secondary in this study. Policy implementation is a complex activity with so many factors that influence the success of a policy implementation. Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2011 concerning Business Service Retribution by the Department of Transportation, Communication and Information in Pandeglang Regency is the process of realizing the Business Services program by the Department of Transportation of Pandeglang Regency so that it shows the results in the form of Regional Original Income (PAD). In addition, the implementation of these regional regulations also if implemented properly, will affect public satisfaction and increase local revenue through the regional tax levy sector. The results of the study show that this regional regulation has been implemented well but is still not optimal. This can be seen from the lack of maximum service fees and business services carried out by the Department of Transportation, and the potential for retribution that is considered very potential cannot be fully maximized by the Pandeglang district government.

Implementation, Regional Regulation, Business Service Retribution

Local Politics and Decentralization


Implementing Independent Village with Political Law-s Reconstruction of Government Village in Indonesia
Hartati*, Elita Rahmi*, Pahrudin HM**

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Pahrudin HM

* Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi.
** Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jambi

Law Number 6 of 2014 about Villages states that the purpose of village regulation is to create an independent village. As an effort to achieve this goal, village management in Indonesia is carried out using a self-governing community system that requires apparatus that has good capacity. On the other hand, the existence of village officials in Indonesia still does not have the capacity needed to organize the government to become an independent village. Therefore, it is necessary to do a legal political reconstruction to find a solution to the inequality of expectations of village regulation and the reality of the quality of village officials like this. Political law functions as a bridge to the goals to be achieved and is strongly influenced by the social reality of society. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with the type of library research by reviewing data related to villages in Indonesia, especially village government. The results of this study revealed that only 5,606 (7.43%) were independent villages. This of course requires a solution through a series of solution policies so that the objectives of village regulation towards independent villages can be achieved so that the prosperous community can be achieved.

Village, Independent, Political Law, Government.

Local Politics and Decentralization


Indonesian National Police in Terrorism Handling Policy During Joko Widodos Government: Analysis of Role, Function and Evaluation
Sarah Nuraini Siregar

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Sarah Nuraini Siregar

Centre of Political Studies
Indonesian Institute of Sciences

In 1998, Indonesia began to enter the democratic system. The consequence of democratic system in security field is how to create a professional military and police. In police aspects, it is called Democratic Policing. But to realize it is not easy because the ways of police still dominant with element of violence. This was inseparable from the values and military approaches in Polri during the New Order period. This difficulty occurs when Indonesia faced terrorism cases after the New Order; from Bali Bombings in 2002 until 2018. The trend of terrorism attacks had up and down; starting from suicide bombings until open physical attacks towards public and the police. Various cases of terrorism that occurred in Indonesia and other countries reopened the review of national security. This review consider the relationship between security and national interests where national interests are a matter of state safety. Based on this assumption, the concept of national security develops with two aspects: military approach and state policy. The relevance of this assumption could be seen on May 25, 2018, when DPR officially ratified The Law No.15 /2003 concerning the Criminal Act of Terrorism. This law raises two problems. First, the involvement of the TNI in handling terrorism; second, the freedom of authority granted to Polri. This authority can potentially apply a militaristic approach in handling terrorism cases. These problems made some doubts from human rights activists about Polri-s commitment for abandon militaristic ways as part of efforts to create democratic policing. This paper will examine how the role of Polri in handling terrorism cases during in Joko Widodos government. The review will analyze the role and functions of Polris institution related to the commitment in creating democratic policing on post New Order.

police, policy, security, democracy, terroris

Conflict and Reconciliation


Kafurta Sutaarga, S.H., M.H

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STISIP Setia Budhi Rangkas Bitung

This research is to find out the application of Corruption Crimes committed by the Defendant in collecting from the Social Assistance Fund at the Ministry of Education and Culture according to Decision No. 25/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.SRG. This study uses Juridical-Empirical Research method, namely research that uses two ways, namely library research and field research, and data collection techniques used, namely data that has been collected both primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results of this study Defendants were proven to have violated Pasal 2 ayat 1 Jo Pasal 18 Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 as amended by Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2001 as amended by Act Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crime Jo Pasal 55 ayat 1 ke-1 KUHP is cut/collect social assistance funds from recipients of social assistance on the grounds that there are fees paid to the center and the social assistance funds that are deducted/collected will be distributed again to the central person or the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture who manages the search for social assistance, Technical Guidelines for Distribution of Social Assistance in 2015 in Chapter V concerning Supervision and Complaints in Point B concerning Complaints in the Contents "To Obtain No Social Assistance Funds Charged by Anyone" and Article 4 paragraph 6 Republic of Indonesia Minister of Finance Regulation Number 81/PMK.05/2012 which contains "Social assistance provided by the Social Assistance Giver is not to be taken by the Provider of social assistance. The Defendants act has benefited the Defendant and has caused State Finance losses of 230,354,000 (two hundred thirty million Three hundred fifty four thousand rupiahs) and the Corruption Courts decision at the Serang District Court the defendant was sentenced to 2 (two) years prison is lighter than the prosecutors demands, namely 4 (four) years in prison;

Corruption, Collection

Corruption and Clientelism


Language and Identity of Urban Community at Social Media
Uliviana Restu Handaningtias, Andin Nesia

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Uliviana Restu Handaningtias

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Within this enormous competitivness of media industrial and global social media, most of the ideological penetration to fulfill the emptyness of hegemonic power happen on popular culture stage. The target market nonthenless are the urban youth, which less in number but large in inluence and have a distict way of speaking in social media. In that sense, the urban youth became the center of atention from the elit of political or economical group to be act on social change in society. Thus they create a mass industry to produce a massive entertainment content and trend that brings joy, fun, new imagination, new habits into their own social institution. This research are trying to explain how urban youth create their identity dan how this identity molded inside their own culture, which also be known as “popular culture” through social media. It also trying to describe how the urban youth transform their identity with a new way that more challenging, more dinamic, and more freedom. The purpose of this research are to: 1. Explain how Indonesian urban youth act and respond into ideology-hyper-reality issues through social media; 2. Describing how the urban youth identity transformation within popular culture stage on social media. Keywords: Popular culture, Indonesian Youth, Social Media, Identity.

Popular Culture, Indonesian Youth, Social Media, Indentity

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Zaluchu, Sonny Eli

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Sonny Eli Zaluchu

Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Baptis Indonesia (STBI) Semarang

The presence of religious symbols in the narrative and campaign for the 2019 general election in Indonesia concludes that religion can be a political tool for directing political choices. Religion and symbols are used as vehicles and a way to mobilize the masses to get the votes of voters. As a result, Indonesians are permissive to the phenomenon and are involved in the polarization of identity politics. Democracy, which should be the stage for fighting for ideas, turns into religious legitimacy against political interests. From the private sphere, religion turns into a political strategy in the public sphere. This article discusses and conducts a descriptive analysis of the use of religious narratives and symbols by Indonesian political actors seen from four approaches, namely religiosity, ritual expression, Religion and Public Role and Politics of Identity and Pop Culture. The findings through descriptive literature analysis show that the use of religious symbols is not related to the religious attitude of the Indonesian people and is not part of religious rituals. This attitude arises as an effort to build and carry out identity politics, to gain political interests and not for the interests of religion and religious people.

Religion, Political of Identity, Religious Symbol, Indonesian Politics, Election

Political Party and Election


Malaysia Politics and Government in the Post 2018 General Elections: Change and Democratisation?
Jayum Anak Jawan

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jayum anak jawan

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

The keynote address on Malaysia Politics and Government in the Post-2018 General Election-Change and Democratisation? focuses, first, on the issue of linking political change to democratisation. In the process, political change that Malaysia went through after the 2018 General Elections were being seen through the lense of democratisation. Many analyses proceeded from that basis, but some are now beginning to rethink whether the change that occurred in 2018 really has led to “more” democratisation. The second focus of the paper is arguing that change and democratisation may still happened but within the framework of Malaysia political system, and that the processes and events cannot really be judged based on indexes borrowed from other political system.  

Malaysia, political change, democratisation, ethnic politics

Political Party and Election


Riny Handayani

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Riny Handayani

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

Population aspects functionally form a unity of regional ecosystems, therefore information on population development is strategic information and is needed for planning development policies that are population-oriented and sustainable. Population problems, especially those related to increasing the quantity of population in Banten Province, have become one of the strategic issues recorded in the Banten Province Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) for the period 2017-2022, another strategic issue regarding population growth in the RPJMD not yet increased use of Contraception Tools, Lack of new FP Participants, Increased population migration between provinces and between regencies / cities residents of 5 years and above. The purpose of making population quantity mapping is to make a description of the data that has been obtained and display in the form of simple statistics so that people can more easily get a picture of the situation of the quantity of population in the Banten Province. The population quantity variables analyzed were Population Growth Rate (LPP), Population Density, Population Composition, Birth Rate, and Birth Rate by Age. Since the formation of Banten Province in 2000, in general all regions in Banten Province experienced a decrease in the amount of LPP. Exceptions occurred in South Tangerang City, the population increased by 51.22%, population density increased by 40%, the composition of the most dominant population was the age group 0-4 and 5-9 years, a significant change for Sex Ratio, reduction in birth rates and numerical parameters births in the 15-19 year age group received special attention because in this age group the proxy for prenatal early marriage at the age of adolescents in Banten Province.

Mapping, Population Quantity

Sustainable Development Goals


Messianism on Menak Reclaiming at Sumedang
Gilang Ramadhan

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Gilang Ramadhan

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

This research is about how menak reclaim right of landowner from Pemda Sumedang. This case was begin at 1996 when BPN Sumedang set up Land Consolidation (LC) project that must be land acquisition at kelurahan Situ, North Sumedang. In the middle of project there are many mistake in land measurement that resulting in losses of landowners. Not yet over, the project was abandoned until 2010 when local government launching Induk Pusat Pemerintahan Kabupaten Sumedang (IPP) in the same location. Even though the landowner for decades never received a compensation, even utilize their land for farming, business, and build a material when LC and IPP occupy their rights. Obscurity fate of menak that causes them to against Pemda Sumedang for gaining compensation. Therefore this research specifically aims to identify the factors which nurture the resistance movement from among menak, and how it can operated and developed to reach their goals to get compensation. This research is a qualitative research, designed as a descriptive method. I-ts finding that all the loss that held by menak cant move them onto mass movement, caused of many of elder among them, and the fact that menak had no confrontation culture since feodalism era in Indonesia so that menak delegate their affairs to the youngest ancestry Mr Syawaludin to prosecute they matters to Pemda Sumedang in behalf of menak. This movement has messianism characteristic because just rely on a person of menak ancestry who protests against Pemda Sumedang. Menak reclaiming movement can develop until confrontation with Pemda Sumedang moreover still exist for 20 years can-t be separated from menak culture devotion to elders and keeping trusted. The resistance takes direct state organization incluing Komnas HAM, Ombudsman and letter for President, mass media, even through social media.

Reclaiming Movement, Messianism, Menak, Land Tenure

Conflict and Reconciliation



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Syafruddin Syafruddin

Padjadjaran University

The statement that congestion by reducing private vehicles and improving the function of road volume and capacity, the statement does not apply to the current transportation improvement model, finally the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government fixes transportation modes by building public transportation infrastructure by building MRT and LRT, and improving quality and since Transjakarta has been growing since 2014, the existence of public transportation has not made it easier for passengers to use advanced modes, because there is no integrated route, management and tariff, therefore, since the appointment of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr. Anies Baswedan made a policy on the Ok Trip program. This program aims to integrate Transjakarta buses with angkot in terms of routes, management and tariffs. This program shows success or success with passenger numbers increasing every day, because passengers feel that there is no tariff on angkot or free, and passengers only pay when on the Transjakarta bus by clicking on a Trip card. This study uses the concept of transparency according to Mardiasmo and Kristianten (2006: 45) is the openness of the government in providing information related to the activities of managing public resources to those in need. In addition to the concept, this study also uses the concept of accountability according to Samual Paul (in Tjahya Supriatna, 2001). Both concepts are used in research to answer research problems as an analysis knife, because the concept will examine and be very in accordance with the phenomenon of the Ok Trip program in the DKI Jakarta Province. The scope of this study only examines the application of the Program. This program study was analyzed by qualitative approach and descriptive method, then how to collect data by interviewing, observing, and analyzing documents, then analyzed by triangulation. The research findings suggest that the Ok Trip program is very suitable for further development, because the benefits of the program are very useful for passengers and policies to improve transportation in Jakarta, indirectly this program really changes the mindset of operators and drivers to use minimum service standards, and evaluation of city bus rejuvenation. What is certain is that the interests of actors cannot be avoided, because there are differences in explicit interpretations between provit goals and the benefits of the program, therefore, human resources need to be improved by sending HR from PT. Transjakarta, operators, drivers, and provincial comparative studies to other countries, as well as eliminating different perceptions by improving transportation are openness and shared responsibility.

Public Policy, Program, Transportation, Organization, Interpretation, Integration, Minimum Service Standards, Socialization.

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Muhammadiyah Political Role In Increasing Rural Community Economic (The Role of Institutional Assessment Branch of Muhammadiyah In Resources Management)
Titi Darmi (a*), Onsardi (b), Sri Ekowati (b)

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Titi Darmi

(a*) Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu, Jalan Bali Bengkulu City.
(b) Faculty of Economics, Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu, Jalan Bali Bengkulu City.

This article analyzes the political role of the Muhammadiyah organization in improving the economy of the village community. The focus is to observe the extent of the contribution of the institutional organization of the Muhmmadiyah branch in the Seluma district to the resources around the Muhammadiyah branches. The stages of the research were carried out by conducting interviews with Muhammadiyah leaders and checking these statements with the conditions in the field. Data was analyzed using SWOT. The results of the study indicate that Muhammadiyahs political role as the largest organization has not been carried out maximally. Management Resources in the form of government policies, that is, the existence of the Village Fund policy has not become an institutional strategic opportunity for the Muhammadiyah branch in optimizing its political role

Muhammadiyah, politics, village society, economics and resource management

Local Politics and Decentralization


Not to Lose the Battle: Striking the balance between Ethics and Innovation in Public Sector
Tutik Rachmawati (a*), Arundina Pratiwi (b), Riswanda (c)

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Tutik Rachmawati

a) Parahyangan Catholic University, Ciumbuleuit 94, Bandung, 40141 *tutikr[at]
(b) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara Bandung
(c) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Public sectors across the globe are seeing a great pressure to innovate. It is however notorious that public sector organizations have deeply embedded culture of risk aversion (Riley, 2019). Compare to the private sector, the culture of risk aversion in public sector is the result of long-standing belief that -failure will not be tolerated- or zero tolerance for trial and error gone wrong (Reester, 2017). Other factors that inhibit public sector innovation are ranged from restrictive regulations, insufficient funding, lagging technology and limited vision by the leaders. On the other hand, transparency and accountability is paramount in public sectors. Prerequisite for this is the upheld ethics by all public sector actors. Therefore, horrifying public responses to failed innovation efforts makes it even harder for public sector to innovate. Working on the use of taxpayer money that needs to be justifiable and expected constantly is not an easy job. Nevertheless, without innovation, it will be almost impossible to fulfill the community needs and expectations. This paper aims at highlighting innovation by Indonesian public sectors particularly at local government level. In doing so, this paper will able to identify the aspect of innovation ecosystem in public sector – what are the significant factors that enable innovation thriving in Indonesian public sector. The second part of the paper will also discuss on how innovation being carried out without contradicting or violating the public ethics. As the result, this paper seek to understand how to strike the balance between ethics and innovation is carried out by public sector actors in Indonesia. Using survey to public officials in Indonesian local governments, the analysis of this paper benefit from rather wide range of public officials in Indonesia. Survey will be done for those local governments with innovation acknowledged by the ministry of administrative and Bureaucratic Reform of Indonesia. The result of the discussion will be recommendation on how to boost the development of innovation ecosystem while being very considerate to the public ethics upheld.

Public Ethics, Public Innovation

Corruption and Clientelism


Pattern and Map of Political Dynasty in Banten Indonesia After 2019 Legislative Election with Social Network Analysis
Abdul Hamid, Yearry Panji Setianto

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Abdul Hamid

Faculty of Social and Political Science, Unievrsity of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Dynasty politics is a growing political phenomenon in Indonesia where Banten is one of the best cases. If at the beginning of regional autonomy, dynasty politics was only dominated by one family, now dynasty politics were formed in almost all regencies / cities in Banten. The elections should be a means of showing local leaders democratically trapped in the interests of pragmatism of political parties that tend to build party cartels. In the 2018 Concurrent Local Election, 3 out of 4 regions were filled by single candidates. The 2019 legislative elections are also a means for families who have strong positions in Banten to fill positions in the legislature at all levels: Regency / City Parliament, Provincial Parliament, Regional Representative Assembly and House of Representative. This study using social network analysis found that the 2019 Legislative Election became an arena for the formation of a new pattern of dynastic politics at both the Provincial and District / City levels. Political dynasties maintain, strengthen and expand their grip on local politics by making political parties as vehicles and elections as momentum. The circulation of local politics in Banten is threatened to become increasingly elitist and further away from the essence of democracy.

Political Dynasty, Social Network Analysis, Local Politics

Local Politics and Decentralization



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On April 5, 2019, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad announced that Malaysia would withdraw from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute) citing that the government was forced to do so due to political pressure. In Malaysia, the ratification of the Rome Statute was said to be able to undermine the power of the Malay Kings. Rome Statute is a treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC) that came into force in 2002. Any country that signs the Rome Statute fundamentally agrees to recognize the powers of the ICC. The treaty gives jurisdiction to ICC to penalize four specific crimes as stated in Article 5 of the statute which are 1) genocide, 2) crime against humanity, 3) war crimes, and 4) crimes of aggression. To date, 122 countries across the world are part of the convention. Malaysia-s decision to withdraw from the treaty has been scrutinized by critics, asserting that the government has taken a step backward civil progressiveness. Today, Malaysia is among the minority of the countries that have yet to ratify the Rome Statute alongside countries like North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia. This research aims to look at the acceptance of the Rome Statute in Malaysia. A series of interviews were conducted to explore the perception, knowledge, and acceptance of the statute as well as the reactions on Malaysia-s decision to withdraw from the treaty. It was found that while some of the informants supportive of Rome Statute, citing ICC as a complement to the existing law in Malaysia and serving as check-and-balance, others opposed the idea of the treaty ratification. Among the reasons found was, the statute will undermine the power of Malay Rulers and will cause discord among people of different races.

Rome Statute, acceptance, Malaysia, international treaty

Education and Social Change


Ipah Ema Jumiati, Nina Yuliana

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Ipah Ema Jumiati

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

The background of this research is the fact that the problem in HIV / AIDS prevention to provide good services has been mandated in the Minister of Health Regulation 21 of 2013 so that the Banten Provincial Government should be able to provide good services for people with HIV AIDS (ODHA), but in fact the Indonesian government has not been able to serve people with HIV AIDS (PLWHA) well because of a lack of commitment from the central government and regional governments. Therefore the need for the role of regional governments in the era of regional autonomy in HIV AIDS prevention is needed in providing health services to their communities. Besides that HIV and AIDS is one of the social problems that must be considered by the government, because in reality the views in the community and discrimination are still a serious problem in the efforts to prevent, handle and control HIV and AIDS in Banten Province. The next problem is that stakeholder understanding of the HIV and AIDS program budgeting policies is limited, institutional capacity related to budget access and management is inadequate, and data-based budgeting planning is still minimal. The theoretical basis used is the Policy Implementation Theory, while the method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach.

Model, Implementation, Policy, Budgeting, HIV and AIDS Prevention Program

Sustainable Development Goals


Harits Hijrah Wicaksana

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Harits Hijrah Wicaksana

STISIP Setia Budhi
Jl Budi Utomo no 22 L Komplek Pendidikan Rangkasbitung Kabupaten Lebak

Abstract Tourism potential in Lebak District must be managed and utilized optimally through the implementation of tourism development programs that are expected to be a trigger for regional growth and the spread of tourism places that tourists can visit. The legal basis for implementing tourism policy in Lebak Regency is contained in Lebak District Regulation No. 1 of 2016 concerning the Master Plan for Tourism Development in 2016-2031 in Lebak District. This research was conducted using qualitative methods, the selection of informants was done purposive. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation studies. The analysis in this study uses the Theory approach used is the theory of policy implementation from Van Meter and Van Horn in Agustino (2006: 153) because the results or performance of the policy are determined by the following factors: certain standards and targets; resource; communication between organizations; the character of the implementing bureaucracy; implementing attitude; social, political and economic conditions. Based on the results of the analysis, the implementation of the development of the tourism sector in Lebak Regency has faced a major problem, namely: the limitations of tourism human resources, both in quantity and quality (competent and professional); it is not good for infrastructure (facilities and infrastructure), especially road access and transportation networks, to tourist destinations so that it influences the performance of the tourism sector; cross-agency coordination and cross-actors that have not been optimal. Keywords: Implementation, Tourism and Public Policy

Implementation, Tourism and Public Policy

Sustainable Development Goals


Political Campaign of PML-N through Press: A content analysis of Daily Dawn and Daily Times
Rashid Ali Khuhro1, Ahmadi Mohiuddin2, Mohsin Hassan Khan3

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1. Rashid Ali Khuhro
Lecturer, Center for Rural Development Communication, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. 76080. +92229213219. rashid.khuhro[at]
2. Ahmadi Mohiuddin
Graduate Student, Dept. of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. 76080. iamhinaansari[at]
3. Mohsin Hassan Khan (Corresponding Author & Presenter)
PhD Scholar Department of Media and Communication studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Mohsin18516[at]

Political Campaign of PML-N through Press: A content analysis of Daily Dawn and Daily Times Rashid Ali Khuhro1, Ahmadi Mohiuddin2, Mohsin Hassan Khan3 The politicians and political parties are one of the leading newsmakers for all sorts of news media. In news media, most of the news stories represent politicians and political parties. During elections, the coverage gets a hype. The politicians want to disseminate their election manifestoes and the public try to get updated through media. This content analysis study examines the coverage of Pakistani Press about mainstream political party Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) during the election campaign of General Elections-2018. The researcher selected samples through systematic random sampling from 6 months coverage (February-July, 2018) of leading English language newspapers, i.e., Daily Dawn and Daily Times. The findings showed that in comparison to the Daily Times, the Daily Dawn gives more attention to PML-N. The research found that during the analysis of selected content that Daily times used in favorable tone against PMLN while Dawn newspapers remained neutral about the coverage of PMLN. This kind of studies should be conducted on other mainstream political parties of the country to the coverage patterns in mainstream and local newspapers.

PML (N), Daily Dawn, Daily Times, General Elections-2018, Pakistan

Political Party and Election


Political Education Model for First-time Voters on Millennials Women Among Students in 2018 Serang Regional Election
Kandung Sapto Nugroho, Agus Sjafari

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Kandung Sapto Nugroho

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

The proposal of this research basically aims to form a political education model / policy that can increase the political participation of young voting women in politics in Indonesia. This model is expected to be used as a reference and a model for organizers of general elections / regional elections and democratic actors such as political parties. Nowadays political education is getting worse along with the lower public trust in democratic institutions such as political parties. Political parties that cannot be separated from corruption, collusion and nepotism greatly undermine public trust in the current democratic system. Womens participation that has been mandated is at least 30 percent, still very lacking. With the Serang Regional Head General Election of Regional Head of Regional Election amounting to 426,159 voters where the number of Beginner Voters amounted to more than 40,000 (Banten News, 11/1/2017), female voters were not less than 20,000. For young female voters, those who first participated in or participated in the election / election activities still felt anxieties which had an impact on the high floating mass in the implementation of elections / elections. This research will attempt to portray the preference conditions of female beginner voters in the implementation of the 2018 Serang Regional Election. Through this research, it is hoped that this can be used as a policy model for organizers of elections / regional elections in either Serang City or Banten Province or other regions Beginner voter participation in implementing the democratic agenda both locally and nationally through effective and current political education. The conclusion of this study shows that what is an obstacle to the political participation of novice voters is that the political education factor is indeed still less intensive, especially from political party elements, even though the main motorbike is political parties as a form of responsibility for leadership leadership. politics based on information technology and the use of more massive social media. Suggestion given by the research team that the General Election Commission as the main actor in the implementation activities should maximize socialization and political education to the beginner voters on the basis of information technology and social media so that an increase in smart voters for better quality elections can be achieved and will lead to the improvement of the Democracy Index in Indonesia

First-time Voters, Millennials Woman, Political education

Political Party and Election


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