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2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.18 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 15 (data 421 to 450 of 535) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanoparticles by using gelatin as co-template
Maria Ulfa, Yuni Irwanti and Teguh Endah Saraswati

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Corresponding Author
Maria Ulfa

Sebelas Maret University

For the first time, well ordered zink oxide nanoparticle was synthesized by soft template technique using gelatin as co template. The structure of nanoparticle were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, XRay diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, nitrogen adsor[tion desoprtion tevhniques and scanning electron microscopy. Elementalo analysis on surface monitored by EDAX showed that pure particle produced by the first step produces by self assembly route. However, the process is affaected by block copolimer infiltration into zink precursor which make the Zn bulk formation. In another approach, the using gelatin as template had big effect on the morphology and structure on the nanoparticle. The structure of nanoparticle that synthesized by gelatin involving showed significantly enhanced textural morphologies than zink oxide without gelatin. F future application, nanoparticle using gelatinn as co template can be new candidate of the green material in the future

zink oxide, material, gelatin, soft template



System Performance Measurement Using Web Server Log Files Method and Sinks Seven Performance Criteria in Multichannel System Architecture
Rudy Asrianto (a*), Yusrila Kerlooza (b)

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Corresponding Author
rudy asrianto

a) Post Graduate Program, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM), Bandung 40132, Indonesia.
b) Magister Sistem Informasi.

The update of population data system with multichannel architecture helps simplify and shorten population data service procedures. Multichannel systems require many aspects to building the architecture, one of them is performance measurement aspect. Performance measurement in multichannel systems aims to measure the performance of the system and parties involved in multi-channel architecture, to determine the contribution in each multi channel sub-system and as a basis for evaluating the performance of each process in a multi-channel system using the Web Server Log Files method. This study measures multichannel performance by establishing key performance indicator (KPI) and records the process on a multi channel system using the Sinks Seven Performance Criteria method.

System Performance Measurement; Web Server Log Files; Sinks Seven Performance Criteria; Multichannel System Architecture; key performance indicator

Informatic and Information System


Tackling Imbalanced Class on Cross-Project Defect Prediction Using Ensemble SMOTE
Aries Saifudin (a*,b), Spits Warnars Harco Leslie Hendric (b), Benfano Soewito (b), Ford Lumban Gaol (b), Edi Abdurachman (b), Yaya Heryadi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Aries Saifudin

a) Informatics Engineering, Pamulang University
Jl. Puspitek Raya no. 46, buaran, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, banten, Indonesia
b) Computer Science Department, Graduate Program-Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara university
Jakarta, Indonesia

The dataset with imbalanced class can reduce the performance of the classifiers. In this study proposed a cross-project software defect prediction model that applies the SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) to balance classes in datasets and ensembles technique to reduce misclassification. The ensemble technique using AdaBoost and Bagging algorithms. The results of the study show that the model that integrates SMOTE and Bagging provides better performance. The proposed model can find more software defects and more precise.

Cross-Project, Defect Prediction, SMOTE, Ensemble

Informatic and Information System


Target marketing strategies for university : profiling potential school
a p purfini,r yunanto

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Corresponding Author
apriani puti purfini

Universitas Komputer Indonesia,Jl.Dipatikur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

This research is meant to obtain information about schools that have good prospects to become the target of university marketing. This research analyzes and processes data prospective new students and data students who graduate. Data analysis and processing in this study uses data mining techniques. Data input for the data mining process uses segmentation that considers retention, frequency, and average GPA value, this is needed to determine the characteristics of the school. The results of this research are in the form of school profiles that can be the main target of the university in conducting marketing strategies to get new students.

data mining,university marketing

Informatic and Information System


Teaching Biology class using Japan Animation (Anime)
K D A Sigiro (a*), Fenny Febrianty (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dinda A

a) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This research was conducted for investigates the effectiveness of using anime entitled "Hataraku Saibou" in teaching Biology class. There are many ways for a teacher to convey knowledge to his students, starting from inviting students directly to the field, study tour, practicum, or even making anime as an educational reference, almost everyone likes animation movie nowadays. The method used in this research was the lliterature method. The result of this research was to identify how to teach in the way that students likes, if someone learns in the way that he likes, then the lesson will be easier.

Animation; Student; Class; Education



Techniques for Predicting the Failure of Student Studies Using the Decision Tree method
Dadan Arifin and Ana Hadiana

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Corresponding Author
Dadan Arifin

a) Master of Infomation Systems, Faculty Of Post Graduate
b) Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 112-116, 40132, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) dadanarifin666[at]

The purpose of this study is to predict students who have the potential to drop out in a college so that the prospective student selection process is more effective. Based on the problems that have been raised, the forecasting method is proposed to predict prospective students to drop out before entering the lecture using the Decision Tree C4.5 and Forward Selection methods. The tool used in this study uses rapidminer 9.2, the results obtained using 90% training data and 10% testing data resulted in an accuracy of 82.52% and obtained attribute models that influence student graduation classifications, namely the attributes of the Study Programs and Age.

height education, Drop Out Prediction, Algorithm, Dicision Tree Algorithm

Informatic and Information System


S A Nugroho (a*), Tatik Rahmawati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Saryobimo Nugroho

c) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

b)Departemen Ilmu Pemerintah, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to knowing the various kinds of advanced technology that used in the business world and seeing how the role of that technology in the business activities. This scientific work use the internet as a survey for research methods on various websites and online video. The result of this research will show that with the presence of various kind of technologies in the business world will make it easier for human on doing business activity and how to solve the negative impact from presence of that technology. Therefore, with these various technologies, we must be able to to optimize the use of these technologies so that there are no negative impacts

technology, business, internet

Informatic and Information System


Lia Warlina, Dhea Nurfa

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Corresponding Author
M Riofanny M Akbar

Department Of Accounting, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This research aims to identify the technological development of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and benefit from the application of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in an enterprise. The methods used in this research study using the method of the library by means of collecting data on the influence of ERP to a company. The results of this research can make in helping management companies to mengabil decisions with the development of ERP technologies in the enterprise. This research was conducted to facilitate integrated business management. ERP integrates various information systems within an enterprise.

Enterprise Resource Planning, Influence, ERP technologies,

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Technology development of Online Wallet (cashless payment) transactions in E-Commerce
1) M A Jasysrurrahman, 2) H Purnomo

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Corresponding Author
M Azmi JR

1) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2) Departemen Keuangan dan Perbankan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to show the development of the technology of online wallet in transacting, and the benefits of using an Online Wallet in transacting Online. This research uses descriptive research method in which data is obtained based on the facts. His goal was to show how far the use of technology (cashless payment) as a substitute for real money in online transactions, and how excellence in technology implementation cashless if applied at the moment. The research results obtained over human needs a versatile online and instant in the industrial age 4.0. Then some startup as well as conventional bank started developing technology cashless. This research will discuss payment transaction system, charging the balance in doing transactions online wallet use technology.

Online wallet, cashless payment, online transaction, information system

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Technology In Japanese Language Private
M Shobron (a*) Deni Albar (b)

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Corresponding Author
M Shobron

a) Departemen Teknik Arsitektur, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to find out the use of technology in private learning services. The technology referred to in this study is an Online Site that provides learning services. In this study using qualitative methods, namely by focusing on socio-cultural conditions. The results show that how important the use of technology in the field of education is seen from Indonesian citizens who are very enthusiastic in learning foreign languages to increase their abilities and knowledge. This is also due to the development of Japanese companies in Indonesia and the many offers of Japanese scholarships to students in Indonesia. Of course, foreign languages are very important for Indonesian education in this time.

Private Learning; Foreign Language; Japan



Technology Information as an Opportunity to Build a Business
F A Prasetio1*, and I D Sumitra2

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Corresponding Author
lusiana uci

1Departement of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departement magister of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Email : adi.prasetio366[at]

The purpose of this study is to find out what opportunities can be used to do business using information technology and also to find out how to take advantage of these opportunities so that we can do business using current technology and information. the subject of this research are entrepreneurs who are still not familiar with the technology and information used today, the research method used to compile this scientific work using descriptive research methods, the results of this study are to find out whether current business people have used technology and information to develop their business, this study discusses what entrepreneurs and information technology can be used to build their business, and it can be concluded that by using technology and information, of course we have a large business opportunity, therefore we are required to use business opportunities available so that we are able to compete in business by using technology and information media as intermediaries for competing in business.

Technology, Information, Opportunities, Business

Informatic and Information System


Test of Easy Factors and The Utilization of University Website in Supporting Student Learning Processes
Edy Prayitno, Deborah Kurniawati, Pulut Suryati, Muhammad Abdullah Alhusni

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Corresponding Author
Deborah Kurniawati

Computer Information System Study Program
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer AKAKOM, STMIK AKAKOM,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The existence of a university website is an integral part of the existence of the university itself. But it is necessary to test the acceptance of the website for the user, how does the influence of the university website on student learning. The study was conducted using a quantitative descriptive approach with multiple linear regression analysis tools. Questionnaires were conducted on students as one of the website users by asking about the ease and usefulness of the website. Simultaneous test results on perceptions of benefits and perceptions of convenience show the results of Fcount in column F as much as 149,180, with a significance of 0,000, greater than the value of Ftable which is 0,139 with an error rate of 5% or in other words Fcount> Ftable (149,180> 0,139). Based on hypothesis testing criteria if Fcount> Ftable with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. And Fcount in column F is 149,180, with a significance of 0,000, greater than Ftable value of 0,139 with an error rate of 5% or in other words Fcount> Ftable (149,180> 0,139). Based on hypothesis testing criteria if Fcount> Ftable with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. From the numbers produced in this study, it shows that the perception of the usefulness and ease of the university website has a positive influence on student learning.

university website, easy and utilization factor, student learning, quantitative descriptive, multiple linear regression analysis

Informatic and Information System


Text mining classification system of spam emails using the SVM based TF IDF
Niswan Fiqih Fahroji

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Niswan Fiqih Fahroji


Abstract. Sending a message via e-mail is the most efficient, faster, and cheaper. Email is a communication tool, file transfer, as well as advertising media through the internet. With the advantages of e-mail, not all users take advantage of the good email. Many users send emails with messages containing viruses, advertisements, and fraud. This email is called spam email. To overcome this problem. To solve this problem, it should be made a research to develop an application of text mining using Support Vector Machine (SVM) method that is capable of classifying to differentiate between spam and non-spam emails according to specific criteria. Text mining is the process of data mining in the form of text where the source data is usually obtained from the documents and the goal is to find words that can represent the contents of the document so it can be analyzed connectedness between documents. In text mining process includes the process tokenisasi, stemming and filtering. Data were collected by literature methods. Thus, the system offered will be able to classify spam and non-spam emails if that happens.

Email Spam, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Text Mining

Informatic and Information System


The Ability Scoring Model of Software Support Engineers Based on Technical and Communication Skills
Prabaswara Muktikanana Seta, Yeffry Handoko Putra

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Corresponding Author
Prabaswara Muktikanana Seta

Magister of Information System, Indonesia Computer University
Dipatiukur 112-116, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the ability of a software support engineer both technical abilities and communication skills. To achieve these objectives the research begins by determining questions through literature studies and interviews then validate these questions by involving 2 communication expert, 10 support manager, and 30 software support engineers from 3 IT companies ranging from a small business company, medium business company, and large business company. Validity testing is done through filling out a questionnaire to the support manager, communication expert and application support with weighting using a Likert scale. With this research, we succeed in creating the scoring model with a value of more than 90% confidence level to assess the ability of a software support engineer. This assessment model contains 5 questions about database capabilities, 5 questions about basic algorithms, and 10 questions about communication skills. Therefore, this scoring model has been able to represent the real capabilities of a software support engineer.

The Ability Scoring Model, Software Support Engineers, Communication Skills

Informatic and Information System


The Adoption of Online Internet Banking in Islamic Banking Industry
Ratna Sundari Johar Sukadi (a*) Dwi Suhartanto (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ratna sundari Johar

a) Applied Master Of Islamic Banking Finance, Bandung polytechnic.
JL. Gegerkalong Hilir, Desa Ciwaruga, Kecamatan Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat.Indonesia

The new era of Industry 4.0 is marked by, among others, digitalization and automation in every aspects. For banking industry, this era offers a great opportunity by providing technology-based governance tools. This governance technology has changed the way banks operate and offer products and services to their customers by reducing geographical constraints and the costs of financial transactions. Although the importance of technology in the banking industry is widely recognized, concern for the challenges in this digitalization and automation era in the Islamic banking sector is still not well developed. This study is conducted to investigate the factors influencing Islamic bank-s consumers in adopting online internet banking. To test the hypotheses developed, this study uses the extended theory of The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) consisting of expected performance, effort expectations, social influences, facility conditions, and religious factors. This study utilizes 250 Islamic banking customers as the sample, gathered from Bandung and Jakarta. Using Partial Least Square Modelling as the data analysis method, the results reveals that the expected performance and religious factor are the most important determinants for Islamic banking customers to adopt online services. This research extends the existing knowledge of internet banking adoption in the context of Islamic banking. From a practical perspective, this study provides a guidance and strategy for Islamic bank managers to encourage their customers to adopt online internet banking services.

Internet adoption, performance expectations, effort expectations, social influences, facilities condition, and religious influences

Industrial Engineering


The Advantage of Information Communication and Technology for Wedding Organizer in Attracting Customer
Adzhani Milla Putri (a*), Dian Dharmayanti (b)

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Corresponding Author
Adzhani Milla

a) Departemen Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of doing this research is to know how the Information Communication Technology (ICT) can help a Wedding Organizer attracts the customers attention. This research uses Qualitative Descriptive Method and Library Study. The result of the research states that the Information Communication Technology (ICT) obviously has big influence in attracting the customers interests. That is why every business is expected to be able to use Information Communication Technology (ICT) as the existence of business development, not only in Wedding Organizer but also in other business fields.

ICT, Wedding Organizer, Customers

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Henny, Annisa Nurul Latifah, Handi Haryanto

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Corresponding Author
Handi Haryanto

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The researchs purpose is to analyze the problems in the production process in the occurrence of waste. The method used by the researchers is lean six sigma approach to define, measure, analysis, improve and control (DMAIC). The results of the study were the ability for saus sambal to be at level 3 sigma, while the sambal terasi was at level 4 sigma. The results of the analysis of researchers, in the production process there are two waste. First, waste transportation is in the form of activities to move the labelling table, so the labelling table is placed close to the pallet during the packing process and the second is waste processing in the form of sorting activities and manually re-stripping the raw material in the compounding process. As for the improvements suggested by the researchers, the first is to improve the packing area layout and use conveyors to move the cans to be packed and the second suggestion is to standardize Rpm and the appropriate amount of release rubber to produce optimal fresh raw material peels.


Industrial Engineering


Herman S. Soegoto

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Corresponding Author
Bobi Kurniawan Soegoto

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The objective of this research is to analyse necessities that faced to build integrated information system for a higher education institution, obstacles that encounter when building a system by utilising consultant service from external and internal, and benefits that perceived by a higher institution after owning the integrated information system according to the needs of the higher institution. The method that used for the research is quantitative analysis towards information system application which is owned and the development that undertake related to the integration of university information system. The analysis result shows that integrated executives information system would make easier to search for a data and taking decisions based on authorisation level and their respective interest. Build information system by utilising consultant service or by an internal team highly depends on the level of necessities from each higher institution regarding the information access that needed, internal team capacities and the budget owned. Building information system internally needs longer time but it possesses the ease if requiring an addition or changing the content in the future

necessities, Integrated, executives information system

Informatic and Information System


The Application of Variance-based Structural Equation Modeling for Predicting the Intermediation Margin of Islamic Banking Industry
Nadia Silmi Kamila (a*) Dwi Suhartanto (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nadia Silmi Kamila

Post Graduate Program
Department of islamic banking and finance
Bandung State Polytechnic
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung

The purpose of this paper is to predict the determinants of bank margins (bank-specific as well as macroeconomic condition) in Islamic banks by applying SEM-PLS. Data were collected through financial statements of 11 Islamic banks in Indonesia obtained in each website of bank, covering bank quarter observations for the period of 2013 to the second quarter of 2018. The results show that bank-specific condition has significant effect to the intermediation margin of Islamic banking in Indonesia, while the macroeconomic condition is not significant. This finding improves our understanding on the usage of SEM-PLS to predict the margin intermediation of Islamic banks. This study provides a guidance and strategy for Islamic bank managers to manage their intermediation margin which can affect their customers interest to use Islamic banking services.

SEM, Islamic Banking, Bank performance, Intermediation Margin

Industrial Engineering


The Benefits Of Using Bar Charts In Companies Websites
Kankan Kasmana, F M Adipraja

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Corresponding Author
Oktama Briantono

Departemen of Magister Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen of Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This article discusses the use of bar charts on companies sites. The purpose of the research is to find the benefits of using the bar chart so that it becomes a consideration for institutions and companies that need informative data. With a qualitative approach the data is analyzed descriptively. The results show that the use of bar charts speeds up the users reading of the data presented. In addition, bar charts are an aesthetic element that facilitates and motivates users to want to read data / information compared to text data or tables

bar charts, benefits, companies sites

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


The Benefits Of Using Bar Charts In Companies Websites
Kankan Kasmana(a), F M Adipraja(b)*

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Corresponding Author
Fina Novyawati

a. Departemen Magister Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


This article discusses the use of bar charts on companies sites. The purpose of the research is to find the benefits of using the bar chart so that it becomes a consideration for institutions and companies that need informative data. With a qualitative approach the data is analyzed descriptively. The results show that the use of bar charts speeds up the users reading of the data presented. In addition, bar charts are an aesthetic element that facilitates and motivates users to want to read data / information compared to text data or tables

website design, using barchart

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


The Comparison of Machine Learning Model to Predict Bankruptcy: Indonesian Stock Exchange Data
Ednawati Rainarli, M.Si.

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Corresponding Author
Ednawati Rainarli

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This research focused on determining the machine learning model that used to predict bankruptcy. It got the data from the financial statements of public companies; reported by the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2009 until 2015. The predictions of the bankruptcy used the training model of machine learning method. The analyzer features were the accounting ratios; used in a statistical analyzing of the financial statement. Handling missing values, choosing correlation features that related to classes, and dealing with imbalanced dataset were some problems have been solved at the beginning of the preprocessing phase. The training process used the preprocessing result to fit the data with the prediction model. Accuracy is used to measure the performance of the models in predicting bankruptcy. The results are Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) with Linear kernel functions works the best to predict 1-year before bankruptcy with the accuracy of 91.57% and SMO with Radial Basis Function (RBF) works well to predict 2-years before bankruptcy; the accuracy is 93.8%. This study has shown the influence of feature selection and normalization processes in making precise predictions and has shown SMO as a potential method to make predictions.

prediction, bankruptcy, accounting ratio, machine learning, missing value, feature selection, imbalanced dataset

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The Designing Of Asset Management Information System At Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung

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Corresponding Author
Rauf Fauzan


Universities cannot be separated from the existence of assets owned, by seeing so many assets and development opportunities, there are often mistakes in planning, procurement, and inventory of data relating to assets. Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata National Hotel Institute (NHI) Bandung is a College that organizes professional education programs in the field of tourism. In implementing its business processes, STP involves supporting assets owned by the State managed by the State Property section(BMN). In managing assets which include the process of registration, request, acceptance, and maintenance of BMN goods still use the written recording process in the paper, as well as the process of making reports still using Microsoft Excel applications taken from the data written on the paper. From these problems, BMN requires a computerized information system design. System analysis methods use Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), and Unified Modeling Language (UML). The results of this study are to design an asset management information system in the form of desktop-based application design. So that it can be used as a reference in implementing it into the application. With the application, it can facilitate BMN in making reporting related to asset control and management

Information System, Asset Management, OOAD, UML

Informatic and Information System


The Effect of Consumer Interest on Islamic Bank and Conventional Bank Mobile Banking: An Analysis Using Google Trends
Asep Rahmat Sudrajat, Sumiyati

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Corresponding Author
Asep Rahmat Sudrajat

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

This study aims to analyze the factors that can influence peoples perceptions of intention to search for mobile banking information to support daily activities, as well as the influence of mobile banking on public interest or Depositors Islamic banking and conventional banking. We use the Google Search Volume Index from one of the popular Islamic banking and conventional banking "Mobile banking" keywords in Google Trends to estimate the relationship between individual interest in Islamic banks and Conventional banks, and Islamic bank deposits and Conventional banks. This study shows that the keyword "mobile banking" coefficient has a non-significant correlation with Islamic bank deposits and conventional banks, which cannot be concluded. Although the number of deposits of Islamic banks and conventional banks is determined by many determinants. This investigation proves that the factors that have not been exploited to date, such as variables that cannot be quantified or not measurable (eg, popularity and curiosity), can be examined with the help of Google Trends.

Islamic Banking, Conventional Banking, Mobile Banking, Google Trends

Informatic and Information System


The Effect of Corporate Risk Disclosure toward Firm Value in Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI)
Maulida Dewi Firdaus Abdullah

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Corresponding Author
Maulida Dewi Firdaus Abdullah

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

This study aims to examine the factors that influence corporate risk disclosure consisting of the type of company, company size and profitability and the impact of corporate risk disclosure on the firm value. Every company has a different risk. Investors need to know the risks faced by the company and what strategies are used to deal with these risks. Companies listed on the ISSI are required to conduct their business based on sharia principles. Risk disclosure is a form of applying sharia principles in business ethics. The population was 265 non financial companies listed on ISSI and published the annual report for 2015 to 2017. The sample of 73 companies was taken by applying Slovin formula. Data analysis techniques used was path analysis and multiple group analysis. The results show that type of company, company size, and profitability have significant impact on corporate risk disclosure, and corporate risk disclosure has a positive and significant impact on firm value. The results of this research can be used as a consideration for the company management to increase corporate risk disclosures in the annual report as corporate risk disclosures can be a positive signal to encourage the increase in corporate value.

type of company, company size, profitability, corporate risk disclosure, firm value

Industrial Engineering


The effect of electronic service quality on customers satisfaction and loyalty in online shopping
Lusianus Kusdibyo

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Corresponding Author
Lusianus Kusdibyo

Bandung State Polytechnic
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir
Bandung - 400123

The purpose of this study is to measure the influence of electronic service quality on customers satisfaction and loyalty in online shopping setting. The questionnaires were distributed online. Of the 305 returned questionnaires, 282 were valid for further data analysis. SEM PLS was used to test the hypothetical analysis. The results reveal that electronic service quality has a positive and significant influence on satisfaction. Also, consumer satisfaction influences positively and significantly on loyalty. The indirect effect of electronic service quality on loyalty is higher compared to its direct effect. This means that satisfaction is an important variable in shaping customers loyalty. In addition, the dimensionality of electronic service quality needs to be further tested. Theoretically, this study provides a better understanding of the relationship between electronic service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty in an online shopping context. Practically this study contributes to the online shop businesses by providing evidence on the importance of electronic services quality dimensions and the need to satisfy customers to get their loyalty. Online shop businesses need to determine and focus on relevant electronic service quality dimensions to build their online shop competitiveness and to set their online shop apart from the crowd.

electronic service quality, satisfaction, loyalty, online shopping

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


L Puspitawati (a) R N Taufik (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rizki Nur Taufik

(a) Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
(b) Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This study aims to find out how much the influence of accounting in the field of online business. In this modern age, the influence of accounting is growing rapidly both in ordinary trade and online trading. My goal of making research on the influence of accounting in online business is to find out how important accounting is in the field of online business or electronic buying and selling transactions through internet media. Method For this study using qualitative research methods. Research with data collection techniques, namely interviews and observations. The results of the research that I obtained later are the influence of any accounting obtained by a company, the impact of accounting is that it is easier to control. the chance that I take that accounting in this world of technology will remain one of the controllers of all transactions. And so that we are not wrong in making decisions.

Online Business, Accounting

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


The Effect of Online-based Sales on Hotel Accomodation
I D Sumitra1, Sonni Utama2*

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Corresponding Author
Sonni Utama

1Departemen Magister Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This study intends to find out the effect of online-based sales on hotel accommodation services in the panorama of lembang, especially in west Java. The method used in this study is qualitative. The results of the research obtained were whether it was effective or not for the lodging services that were scrutinized so that lodging service providers could further develop their products through advertisements advertised in the mass media to attract consumers. The results of this study also assume that product sales are very helpful and makes it easy for customers to order without coming and spending their time, and for service providers it is also not difficult to find prospective customers in the field, they just make advertisements on social media. The conclusion of this study proved that online-based sales at the hotel panorama of lembang through traveloka and pegi-pegi applications are very helpful for their services to attract consumers. Keywords: : online-based, sales, panorama hotel.

Online; Sales; Installation Service;

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


The effect of overlap ratio and silicon carbide wheel grinder on vibration amplitude and surface roughness for material OCR12VM
Fachrizal Cesar Putra1, a), Suhardjono 2,b) and Sampurno 3,c)

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Corresponding Author
Fachrizal Cesar Putra

1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya 60111, Indonesia


This research aims to find out how big the effect of the overlap ratio and grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder to the vibration amplitude and surface roughness when grinding process and the correlation between the vibration amplitude and surface roughness. This research uses the material hardened tool steel OCR12VM. This research using the surface grinding machine KGS818AH model and this research using a variation of process parameters namely 5 variations on the overlap ratio, 4 variations on grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder, 2 variations in the depth of the cut and this research using constant parameters namely constant spindle speed and constant longitudinal feed. The selection the type of abrasive and the selection process parameters (overlap ratio and grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder) can give a great impact on the increased vibration amplitude and surface roughness on material OCR12VM. The conclusion of this study is with increasing overlap ratio, the vibration amplitude and surface roughness will decrease and the finer the grit size silicon carbide wheel grinder, the vibration amplitude and surface roughness will be lower.

Grit size wheel grinder, Overlap Ratio, Vibration amplitude, Surface roughness,

Industrial Engineering


Maria Ulfa (a*), Reni Alfi Ardini (a), and Didik Prasetyoko (b)

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Corresponding Author
Reni Alfi Ardini

a) Study Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java Indonesia
b) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jl. Keputih, Surabaya, East Java Indonesia

In this study, we synthesized mesoporous carbon using SBA-15 as template and sucrose as carbon precursor. Mesoporous carbon produced by using hard template method in this study are labeled MNbC were then characterized using Instrument Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), Small-angle X-Ray Diffraction (SAXRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). In this study, mesoporous carbon is used to adsorb Ibuprofen using hexan solvent and the temperature variation experiment at 0°C, 37°C, and 45°C as the innovation of the drug delivery system. The drug delivery system is evaluated in a simulated body fluid after ibuprofen loading process. The results of the experiments showed that the optimum adsorption capacity of the trial temperature is 45°C it was due to a relationship between temperature and surface tension.

drug delivery system, mesoporous carbon, ibuprofen, temperature



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