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1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.16 for 1 days in Magelang |

Page 10 (data 271 to 300 of 470) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Perception of Craftwomen toward Stagen-Based Innovation Products
Dian Retnaningdiah (a*), Retno Ika Sundari (b), Djandjang Purwo Sedjati(c), Titiana Irawani(c)

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Corresponding Author
Dian Retnaningdiah

a)Management Department, Economic, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty, Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Jl Siliwangi (Ringroad Barat) No 63, Gamping Sleman, Yogyakarta 55292, Indonesia
b)Accounting Department,Economic Faculty, Universitas Widya Mataram Yogyakarta, Ndalem Mangkubumen KT III/237 Yogyakarta 55132, Indonesia
c) Textile and Metal Craft Departement, Faculty of Fine Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Jl Parangtritis Km 6,5 Sewon Bantul 55188, Indonesia

This study is aimed at investigate to what extent the awareness or willingness of artisans in the village Argosari toward 9 innovation products made of stagen. Descriptive analysis is employed to reflect the data obtained from the process of identifying HR and products. Chi-square analysis was used in this study to find out that innovative products from stagen materials were favored / favored evenly or not by artisans. The findings of this study indicate that the proportion of respondents answers to the 9 innovation products: food pads, purses, multipurpose boxes, room dividers, curtains, tissue boxes, pillowcases and the place where the questionnaires around the average result showing Agree (S) and Strongly Agree ( SS). The total score obtained by each factor is still close to the perfect value, so in general it can be concluded that respondents tend to have a good perception on the products. The results of the chi-square calculation of each factor indicate that the proportion of respondents answers is not evenly distributed, so the results support the conclusion that respondents tend to have a good perception of the 9 products. This shows that the hypothesis is proven, in the sense that the 9 products are in demand by artisans

Craftwomen; Stagen; Innovation Products



Eko Kurniasih Pratiwi*, Fahmi Medias, Nasitotul Janah

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
*Email coresponding author: ekokurniasihpratiwi[at]

Islamic Financial Institutions have emerged using Islamic values ​​as the basis for institutional development. Meanwhile, the existence of faith-based institutions both for social purposes and profits is often seen as an exclusive institution and is considered a threat to followers of other religions. This study aims to determine the perception of religious leaders about the existence of Islamic financial institutions. This research uses descriptive exploration method through interviews with religious leaders (Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian) related to their knowledge and perceptions about Islamic financial institutions. The results showed that 60% of religious leaders did not know of Islamic financial institutions, while another 40% held that Islamic financial institutions were institutions that were only intended for Muslims (exclusive institutions). the type of institution known by the majority of religious leaders is only an Islamic bank and its institutional form is the same as a savings and credit cooperative or conventional bank. Although considered an exclusive financial institution, Islamic financial institutions are not considered a theological threat to other religious communities. The results showed that socialization efforts regarding the existence of Islamic financial institutions to the religious community were still needed so that the actualization of the concept of Islam through inclusive financial institutions could be realized.

Perception; religious leaders; Islamic financial institutions

Religious Studies


Muhammad Hazmi, Habib Waliyuddin, and Hudaini Hasbi

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Corresponding Author
Nurul Qomariah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Ciherang rice production, grown expansively in East Java, declines due to soil fertility aspect, especially Nitrogen intake. It could be a result of intensive use of inorganic fertilizer. Restoring soil fertility is necessary using Azolla as nutrient natural source, known for its Nitrogen supplement content to counterbalance the Urea fertilizer. The study aimed to investigate performance argonomy of Ciherang rice in Nitrogen balancing from Azolla and Urea fertilizer. The study began in March and completed in June 2019 in Sulek, Tlogosari, Bondowoso ±510 masl. The experiment used one-factor treatment RCBD; balancing Nitrogen nutrient intake using Azolla compost (A) and Urea fertilizer (U), 10 combinations, three replications. Duncan multiple-range test indicates the crop at its high performance at 68 DAP, total tillers, and productive tillers were influenced by AU 6 (Azolla balancing 12 g/m2:Urea 18 g/m2). Weigh performance of wet stover was affected by AU 8 (6 g/m2:24 g/m2), whereas that of dry stover was influenced by AU 7 (9 g/m2:21 g/m2). Grain weigh performance per hill was influenced by AU 4 (21 g/m2:9 g/m2), while per plot was influenced by AU 5 (18 g/m2:12 g/m2). Nitrogen intake balancing from Azolla and Urea fertilizer could restore the performance agronomy of Ciherang rice.

Performance agronomy, Ciherang rice, nitrogen, Azolla compost, and Urea



Performance and Emission Characteristics of LPG in a spark-ignition engine
IHA Nagoro1, a), Edy Suryono1, b)

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Corresponding Author
Ignatius Henry Adi Nagoro

1 Mechanical Engineering Departement, Akademi Teknologi Warga Surakarta, Indonesia
Jl. Raya Solo-Baki Km. 2. Kwarasan, Grogol Sukoharjo, Indonesia. Tel: 62-27-162-1178

a)Corresponding author: henryadinagoro[at]
b) qwedys[at]

Abstract. This experimental study was carried out to understand the characteristics of a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) compared to pertamina fuel product such as pertamax and pertamax turbo in spark ignition engine. In our project, liquid fuel delivery system was conducted by the carburetor and convertion into LPG fuel supply system was controlled by Arduino uno. The experimental result showed that liquid fuel was reach more better motor performance than the LPG, the highest power was reach by pertamax turbo of 7,5 HP at engine rpm 5.750 rpm, followed by pertamax of 6,05 HP at engine rpm 6.050 rpm, and the lowest power was 2,61 HP was reach by LPG at 11.650 rpm. On the otherhand, HC, and CO of LPG fueled engine resulted in the lowest emissions benefit over a wide range of engine operating condition.

performance, emissions, LPG, LPG convertion

Mechanical Engineering


Performance and soot emissions from direct injection diesel engines fueled with diesel-jatropha-butanol-blended diesel fuel
Syarifudin1, Syaiful2

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Corresponding Author
syarifudin syarifudin

1Harapan Bersama Polytechnic, Indonesia
2Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Jatropha renewable energy is widely used as diesel engine fuel due to the improving dependence on fossil diesel fuel and the volume of motor vehicles. Jatropha was chosen because it is non-edible energy and it is easily produced. However, high viscosity and low heating value become performance and emissions of diesel engine problems. Butanol is a low viscosity alcohol group and it contains oxygen in high volume. The addition of butanol is proven to improve performance and reduce diesel engine emissions. This research observed the performance and soot emissions of a 4JB1 direct injection diesel engine fueled with a blended of diesel-jatropha-butanol fuel. The test was operated at 2500 rpm with a loading rate of 0 to 100% at an interval of 25%. The volume of the biodiesel mixture are 85/10/5, 80/10/10, 75/10/15, 75/20/5, 70/20/10, 65/20/15, 65/30/5, 60/30 / 10, 55/30/15 based on volume. Test results show the use of fuel with jatropha which is contains 10% and 15% butanol having results in a higher performance increase and lower smoke opacity than the D100.

butanol, jatropha, performa, soot emission

Mechanical Engineering


Permanent Establishment (PE) Revisited: Shaping a Developing Definition of PE In Digital Business
Faqiatul Mariya Waharini(*), Nia Kurniati Bachtiar, Betari Maharani

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Corresponding Author
Faqiatul Mariya Waharini

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Jalan Tidar 21, Kota Magelang, Indonesia

BUT (Badan Usaha Tetap) or so called as PE (Permanent Establishment) has been applied for decades as a basic regulation for tax withdrawal to multinational companies who operate in Indonesia. The definition itself has been written down in Indonesia-s constitution law -UUD 1945. However, due to technology disruption that allow global companies not to present physically in a home country, the definition of PE is questionable. Even though, PE has been redefined couple months ago by Indonesian government, the issue of Base Erosion and Profit Sharing (BEPS) has not been completely stated. In fact, BEPS is utilized globally for tax avoidance. This study will focus to Over The Top (OTT) companies which grow systematically rapid these days, operate and gain income globally. Among all OTT companies, this study will dig deeper to the most present company among all OTTs which is Google Asia Pacific. This qualitative research results a develop model to PE regulation in Indonesia and re-redefine PE to be able to cover and limit BEPS practice and in the end increasing Indonesia-s tax admission.

Permanent Establishment (PE); Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS); Over the Top (OTT)



Pertamax Quality: Study of Customer Satisfactions using Importance Performance Analysis Method in Gas Station under MOR IV Semarang
Hanifa Azzahro, Andian Ari Istiningrum (*)

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Corresponding Author
Astrie Kusuma Dewi

Hanifa Azzahro
Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas
Jalan Gajah Mada no. 38 Cepu, Kabupaten Blora, Jawa Tengah

Andian Ari Istiningrum (*)
Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas
Jalan Gajah Mada no. 38 Cepu, Kabupaten Blora, Jawa Tengah

Pertamax is one of the fuels sold by Pertamina with Research Octanne Number 92. Pertamax is claimed as the fuel having higher quality than Premium and Pertalite because of its good performance and environmentally friendly. However, the sales of Pertamax in Semarang has been stagnant for the last five years. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the way to improve Pertamax quality in order to enhance the sales of Pertamax. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of Pertamax based on customer satisfactions using Importance Performance Analysis method. This study was a descriptive study with quantitative approach. The populations in this study were customers of Pertamax in Semarang with a sample of 100 respondents taken using incidental sampling method. The result showed that Pertamax customers in Semarang are very satisfied toward its quality with the level of satisfaction arrives at 87%. Then, it is advisable that Pertamax quality should be improved due the important aspects perceived by Pertamax customers. These quality include: (1) the performance of Pertamax should be felt by customers since the first use of Pertamax; (2) Pertamina should have a way to convince customers that Pertamax is more efficient than Premium and Pertalite; (3) Gas station operators should be more friendly, polite, and responsive in serving customers.

Pertamax; quality; customer satisfactions; importance performance analysis



Perubahan Sikap, Perilaku Memilih Jajanan Sehat Melalui Pendidikan Kesehatan Dengan Media Permainan Edukatif Monopoli Jajan Sehat Pada Anak Usia Sekolah
Eni Sumarliyah (a*), Aries Chandra Anandita(b), Dede Nasrullah (c), Rizaldi Heru Susanto (d)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c,d) Faculty of Health Science University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Memilih makanan yang tidak sehat pada adalah merupakan salah satu masalah yang banyak terajadi pada anak. Pemilihan jajanan yang kurang memenuhi standar kesehatan akan dapat menyebabkan masalah pada kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi perubahan sikap, perilaku memilih jajanan sehat melalui pendidikan kesehatan dengan media permainan edukatif monopoli jajanan sehat pada anak usia sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasy Experimental Design (Pretest-Posttest With Control Group Design) dengan 140 sampel pada sekolah dasar di Surabaya. Data dianalisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test dan Mann Whitney U Test dengan tingkat signifikasi ≤ 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan sikap positif 86% dengan p=0,000, sedangkan perilaku yaitu 69 % berperilaku baik dan hasil uji statistik p=0,000. Hal ini karena mereka mendapat pengalaman yang baik melalui permainan yang dirasa menyenangkan, juga dukungan guru dan fasilitas yang ada. Dengan demikian pengalaman melalui pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan media monopoli jajanan sehat dapat merubah perilaku memilih jajanan sehat pada anak usia sekolah sehingga dapat mengurangi dan mencegah terjadinya penyakit.

Monopoli, Jajanan Sehat, Sikap, Perilaku Memilih Jajanan, Anak Usia Sekolah

Health Science


Physical quality of Native Chicken (Gallus gallus Domesticus) sold in traditional markets in Purworejo sub-district
Roisu Eny Mudawaroch and Zulfanita

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Corresponding Author
Roisu Eny Mudawaroch

Muhammadiyah Purworejo University

Abstract.This research was conducted to find out the physical quality marketed in Purworejo Sub-district of Central Java. Egg samples are obtained from the three largest traditional markets that sell the village in Purworejo district. The physical qualities measured are the length of the egg, the width of the egg, the Egg Index, the volume of eggs, the weight of the egg, the density, the height of the egg whites, the width of the egg whites, the egg white Index, the Haugh unit, the egg yolk, the high egg yolks, the egg yolks, heavy egg yolks percentage of high egg yolks, thick shell, and weight of the Shell. All physical qualities do not show significant differences between market origins. Chicken eggs for sale in the traditional market in Purworejo subdistrict are still worthy to be consumed according to the provisions of SNI 3926-2008 (Indonesian national standard for egg consumption).

Native Chicken eggs, traditional market



Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity Test From The Extract Of Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L.)
Israwati Harahap*, Riska Selviani, Elsie

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Corresponding Author
Siti Samsiah

Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai Ujung, Pekanbaru.

Plants used for traditional medicine can be used as an alternative search for new antimicrobial substances. One of the medicinal plants that is utilized optimally by the Indonesian people and has the potential to produce antimicrobial compounds is the vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides L.). This study aims to carry out phytochemical screening of vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.), test the antimicrobial activity of vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.) on the growth of pathogenic microbia Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Nigrospora oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani and Curvularia sp., and find out the best concentration of vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.) in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbial S. aureus, E. coli, N. oryzae, R. solani and Curvularia sp.. The results reveal that the vetiver (V. zizanioides L.) contains flavonoid, tannin/phenolic chemicals, saponins, steroids, triterpenoids, and alkaloids. In antimicrobial testing, vetiver extract (V. zizanioides L.) showed maximum activity againts N. oryzae, producing the maximum zone of inhibition 19,8 mm at a concentration of 50 mg/ml .

Vetiveria zizanioides L.; Phytochemical analysis; Antimicrobial; Pathogenic microorganisms

Health Science


Bambang Sugiarto (a*), Aditya Kurniawan (a), Andri Perdana (a)

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Corresponding Author
Andri Perdana

a) UChemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

Population growth will increase human population in a particular urban area. Indonesia as a developing country has a significant population growth. The population projection in 2035 predicted by BPS redeems more than 300 million people. A significant increase in population has the potential to cause problems caused by waste due to community activities. Plastic is a type of waste that has a negative impact on the environment because it cannot be decomposed directly. Therefore, it requires technology to reduce plastic waste into liquid fuel by the pyrolysis process, so the conversion of products from waste in the form of plastics has economic value and can be utilized as an energy requirement of the community. In addition, Indonesia as an agrarian country, has abundant biomass potential that can be utilized as an energy source used to supply heat energy in pyrolysis reactors to convert plastics into liquid fuels. This research is an application of applied sciences that can be utilized by the general public. Plastic waste is classified according to type ; LDPE, PET and PP. Then plastic waste with LDPE type in the form of plastic bottle waste is reduced in size to 4-9 cm2 so that the pyrolysis process runs optimally. The plastic waste variables to be tested are: 0.5 kg, 0.75 kg, 1 kg, 1.25 kg, 1.5 kg, 2 kg. This amount of plastic is put into the pyrolysis reactor for 3-5 hours given the heating by biomass stove derived from biomass waste. In the pyrolysis reactor, decomposition of plastics into chemical compounds in the form of a gas phase then enters a cooler to convert the gas phase into liquid. The product of the pyrolysis process is then measured by volume to calculate the yield of each process variable. The application of this applicable technology shows that the process of converting plastic waste into liquid fuel with sequential results, namely: 142 ml, 156 ml, 165 ml, 216 ml, 236 ml, and 258 ml. Optimum results are shown in the 0.5 kg pyrolysis feed process with a yield of 28,4%. The average yield of the pyrolysis process is 18.6%.

plastic, waste, biomass, energy

Chemical Engineering


Police Efforts in Preventing Narcotics Abuse
Heni Hendrawati, Johny Krisnan

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Corresponding Author
Heni Hendrawati

Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

This study aims to identify the factors causing narcotics abuse and prevention efforts made by the Police. The study was conducted by examining the laws and regulations on narcotics and conducting in-depth interviews with members of the Police in the City of Magelang, Indonesia. The results showed that in 2019, there was a tendency for an increase in drug abuse caused by an individual, family, and environmental factors. The efforts made by the Police in handling narcotics abuse include 1) Establishment of Narcotics free villages in Magelang City in collaboration with the National Unity, Politics and Community Protection Agency (Kesbangpolimas) Magelang City; 2) Implementation of counseling on Prevention, Eradication, and Abuse of Narcotics Dark Circulation (P4GN) which is carried out twice a month at the District level; 3) Socialization in several government agencies and schools in Magelang City about the dangers of drug abuse; 4) Conducting urine test inspections of bus drivers or at entertainment venues or boarding houses and hotels in the city of Magelang which are often used for narcotics abuse and illicit trafficking; 5) Rehabilitation of narcotics addicts in the Mental Hospital.

Narcotics Abuse; Police Efforts; Preventing Efforts



Policy and Economy on the Application of the Smart On Grid Actuator to Public Road Lighting in the City of Magelang
Andjar Prasetyo1, Hotnier Sipahutar2, Asrori2, Catur Wibowo Budi S2, Deden Nuryadin2, Gunawan2

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Corresponding Author
Andjar Prasetyo

1 Research and Development Agency of City of Magelang
Magelang City, Indonesia
2 Research And Development Agency, Ministry Of Internal Affairs, Jakarta, Indonesia

Magelang City with limited natural resources encourages its regional government to be able to develop its existing potential from renewable energy. One of the works that has been produced, namely Smart On Grid Actuator (SOGA) is the result of the development of the Research and Development Agency for renewable energy. Meanwhile Public Street Lighting in the City of Magelang still uses electricity from the National Electricity Company. This study aims to analyze the policy and economy due to the application of SOGA on public street lighting in the city of Magelang. The primary data source was obtained from SOGA, while the secondary source was the amount of Public Street Lighting in Magelang City. The analysis was carried out with qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results obtained from SOGA data are predicted to be 10-20% for the efficiency of electricity use. If it is applied to public street lighting in the city of Magelang, the efficiency of the economy is significant, but the implementation of SOGA is very conducive to regional policies.

Policy, Economy, SOGA Model, Public Road Lighting Renewable Energy



Policy Study on Literacy Movement Reading in Southeast Sulawesi
Azaz Akbar (a), A M Ali (a), Kamaruddin (a)

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Corresponding Author
Azaz Akbar

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jl. betoambari No.36 Kota Baubau, Indonesia

Abstract. Building a true culture requires a mature approach. Reading culture through the School Literacy Movement in its implementation has not run as expected. Reading 15 minutes of textbooks is not a solution in building a culture of reading and writing, because students are generally interested in reading as they wish, not based on material determined by the teacher. One of the UN s sustainable development agendas is to build quality education, so that the maximum and effective realization of the Literacy Movement Program is able to realize the development agenda for the benefit of people and planet earth. This research aims to create innovation in literacy culture in schools. The research method is descriptive qualitative with case study design. The results show that the First Availability of books is not able to accommodate the development of reading culture in Southeast Sulawesi, the Second Orientation of School Literacy Movement which is fixated on reading books is also an obstacle to building student literacy skills, and Third Emphasis on the portion of time does not build awareness of literacy. Based on the results, it is concluded that the school literacy movement has not run in accordance with the expected goals.

reading culture, literacy, school



Policy Study on the 2013 Curriculum of the Hegemony of the Authorities in Southeast Sulawesi
A M Ali (a), Azaz Akbar (a), Madi (b)

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Corresponding Author

(a) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93721, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Islamic Religion, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93721, Indonesia

Domination Excessive power will always lead education away from the needs of the people and national culture. Excessive power also changes the direction of education from liberation to stunt. For example the 2013 curriculum which aims to create people of faith and character has not been able to be realized. In the authors view, the 2013 curriculum is driven by the needs of certain parties. One of the UNs sustainable development agendas is to build quality education, so that the maximum and effective realization of the 2013 curriculum is able to realize the development agenda for the benefit of humans and planet earth. This study aims to reconstruct the implementation of policies that are already running. The research method is descriptive qualitative with case studies. The results showed that first the teaching and learning process was intimidated by the practice of nepotism, secondly the educational output was only used as a tool to benefit the owners of capital. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in Southeast Sulawesi has not yet led to the expected goals.

Policy, Curriculum 2013, Hegemony



Political information media exposure as predictor of political trust and political participation of young people in Indonesian presidential election in 2019
Muhammad Wahyu Kuncoro (a), Koentjoro (b), Arie Sujito (c)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Wahyu Kuncoro

a) Faculty of Psychology, Mercu Buana Yogyakarta University , Jl. Wates Km 10, 55753, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, *wahyu.kuncoro.m[at]
b) Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta University , Jl. Sosio Humaniora Bulaksumur, 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Departement of Sociology, Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta University, Jl. Sosio Yustisia Bulaksumur, 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,

In a democratic country, participation in the general elections can be interpreted as a form of citizens responsibility towards sustainability for their country. This study examines the role of political information exposure, political trust and political participation of young people in the presidential election in 2019. The data were collected by questionnaires that were given to 466 students from different places in Indonesia, then the data were processed using structural model analysis (PLS). The results showed that the political information media exposure contributed directly to the political trust and political participation. The results of the study also indicated an indirect effect of political information media exposure to political participation through political trust. The political information media including television, internet news, social media, radio, and newspaper that transmit information about presidential candidate, election and political advertising. The result of the research also found that age and sex were importance demographic aspects that influenced political participation of young people. The conclusion of this study is that there is an influence of political information exposure from the media on political trust and political participation of young people

Political information exposure, political trust, political participation

Political Studies


Political Theology of Muhammadiyah In The Moeration of Religiosity In Indonesia
Isa Anshori

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

Faculty of Islamic Studies
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

Muhammadiyah is one of a social-religious movement in Indonesia. A lot of activities that has been carry out by Muhammadiyah base on tauhi>d (Aqi>dah Isla>miyah) throught Islamic purification (tajri>d) and the other side throught modernity (tajdi>d). The biggest challanges is that, how Muhammadiyah can maintain his existences which is based on theological with the range of local and global challeges; relation between Islam and democration, pluralism, humans rights and liberalization of economic. Secondly how it-s transform by Muhammadiyah from his theological bases to the global citizenship. To get the aims of that-s questions, this article will be analysis with the philosophical approach that is the model of theological and socio-cultural approach in Muhammadiyah. Through tajdi>d and tajri>d in Muhammadiyah that will be interprate use Thomas Kuhn, Michel Foucault, and Antonio Gramsci approuch. And the transformation of theology with Hasan Hanafi-s. and the various issues on religious and politics will be analysis with the perspective of intelectual history Muhammadiyah from 90-s era until 2019. As a results there are shifting paradigm in Muhammadiyah-s political theology than before, ahl al-Aqdi wa as-Syaha>dah is the compatible answer for Islam and domoocrtion in Indonesia, and progressive theology for issues in social and humanities problems

Political Theology, Modernity, Religious Movement, Pluralism.

Religious Studies


Anna uswatun Qoyyimah1, sri wahyuni 2,lilik hartati3,dyah susanti4

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Corresponding Author
Anna Uswatun Qoyyimah


Post sectio caesaria pain can be overcome by non- pharmacological therapy, one of them isendhorpin massage combination and jasmine aroma therapy, combination of both can stimulate the body to release endhorphins for relaxation and deliver electrochemical messages to the central nervous system to block pain receptors. This research is a quantitative study using quantitative Quasi experimental design of non equivalent pre test and post test with two control groups. The technique is non probality sampling with a purposive sampling method of 45 respondents. Data collection using demographic data and NRS assessment scale. Data analysis using paired T-test, then one way ANOVA test is perfomed to determine the effect of the intervention given. Research shows pain intensity before administration. The results showed that the intensity of pain before the intervention was given an average pre-test value of 5.533 and an average post-test score of 3,000. The result of data analysis obtained a significant P-value of 0,000; p value < 0.05.

endhorphin massage, jasmine aroma therapy,sectio caesaria, pain intensity

Health Science


Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu, Nasrudin, Kartika Wijayanti, Puspita Septie Dianita*, Prasojo Pribadi

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Corresponding author : puspitaseptie[at]

Background. Mangrove leaf is one of the plants that live in the waters of Java which has many benefitas but has not been used optimally. Mangrove leaves contain several chemical compounds that can be used for health. On of the contents of Mangrove leaves can be used as an antibacterial. Objective. This study aims to determine the activity of Mangrove leaf extract on the bacterial inhibition process which can later be used as an antibacterial. Methode. This research is an experimental study. This study used tree concentration of extract. The extract is made with a concentration variation of 5%, 10%, and 20% to see the inhibitory activity of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and Eschericia coli bacteria. Bacterial identification test was carried out using agar media. Result. The results of this study indicate that the most effective antibacterial extract is the mangrove leaf extract in concentration 20%. Conclusion. effective dose for antibacteria effect of Mangrove leaf extract (Achantus illcifolius) is 200 mg.

Antibacteria; Eschericia Colli; Mangrove Leaves (Acanthus Illicifolius); Staphylococcus aureus



Yeeri Badrun*, Sri Fitria Retnawaty, Muhammad Hidayat

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Corresponding Author
Siti Samsiah

Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
*corresponding email: yeeri.badrun[at]

UMRI has a lot of workers who have the potential as Muzakki for LazisMu as a zakat collection agency. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of zakat from muzakki at UMRI that can be explored by the Zakat Institute of Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah (LazisMu). The study was conducted in September 2019. The research method uses a questionnaire that was randomly distributed (simple random sample). The number of respondent samples was calculated based on the Slovin Equation of the total lecturer and staff population (243 people) at UMRI. The results showed that 83% of respondents made zakat payments. Of this amount, 95.9% paid for zakat fitrah. In addition to paying zakat fitrah, they also paid zakat al-mal (32.7%) or zakat income (40.8%). Of all those who paid zakat (al-mal, income, and fitrah), only 20.4% paid to zakat collection institutions (the rest goes to various other places). Of this amount, 80% of respondents paid to LazisMu (the remainder paid to the institutions of other zakat collectors). Based on the average zakat payment over the past 3 years, 65.3% of respondents paid zakat

Zakat al-Mal; Zakat income; LazisMu



Sri Sundari (a), Supandi Halim(a)

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Corresponding Author
Sri sundari

a)Universitas Pertahanan
Kawasan IPSC, Bogor, Indonesia.

The fruit trade deficit is seen as a form of non-military threat in the perspective of a defense economy. If not addressed, this threat will have an impact on economic sovereignty. In order to stem the massive entry of imported fruit by protecting local fruit products, increasing productivity and increasing the competitiveness of local fruit products in both the domestic and export markets. One of the mainstays of the export fruit is bananas. The geographical condition of Bogor Regency has the potential as a banana production center. This study illustrates the extent to which the potential of large bananas can be utilized optimally. It is expected to contribute to peoples welfare, regional income and also foreign exchange income from exports. With descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection techniques through interviews, participatory observation and documentation. The results showed the potential of bananas in Bogor Regency was high but not optimal so that production, productivity and contribution to national production tended to be low and export market opportunities were not utilized. Inhibiting factors to develop the potential of bananas include: the application of banana cultivation that is not in accordance with the SOP, the limited area of ​​land for gardening, lack of training and banana assistance; Indonesian banana stock guarantee is not stable, sometimes the product does not pass the SPS test. While supporting factors include: suitability of agro-climate, resistance to hot climate and dry soil; many banana / germplasm varieties; large market opportunities; the willingness of farmers to plant; budget allocation for developing bananas. Efforts to increase production by increasing commercial gardens and implementing partnerships, farmers land inventory; and open export market share. In order to increase the potential of bananas as a trade commodity both in production and increased productivity so as to meet the demands of the domestic and export markets. In the end it can improve economic security as a pillar of economic defense.

potential, banana trading commodities, market demand, defense economy



Sri Fitria Retnawaty*, Shabri Putra Wirman, Ficky Dara Nababan, Aifat Zahiroh, Yeeri Badrun

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Corresponding Author
Siti Samsiah

Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
*corresponding email: fitriretno[at]

Research has been carried out on measuring metal content and predicting the volume of leachate produced from Muara Fajar Landfill in Pekanbaru from 2019 to 2024. Measurement of metal content was carried out to determine the amount of metal concentrations contained in the leachate at this time, whereas the prediction of leachate was carried out to determine the growth of leachate volume every year until 2024. Metal content was measured using the Atomic Adsorption Spectrometer (AAS) and leachate volume prediction was done by using a dynamic system model using powersim. Based on the measurement of metal content, it is known that there is a leachate pond that has a metal content value exceeding the threshold of 6.4517 mg/l. While based on the results of the predicted growth in the volume of leachate, it shows that each year the volume of leachate increases by 35.44% or an average increase of 5,467.5 mg/l until 2024. A scenario was made as an effort to control metal content in the leachate collection pond, namely by photoremediation using Cyperus papyrus and Echinodorus palaefolius plants. Scenarios were performed to calculate the number of plants needed so that the metal content is reduced and does not exceed the quality standard threshold. The calculation results reveal that 12,173 Cyperus papyrus plants or 10,348 stems of Echinodorus palaefolius plants are needed to reduce metal content by 30%.

Leachate; Dynamic System Model; Powersim; Muara Fajar Landfill

Environmental Engineering


Predisposing Factors that Influence the Islamic Behavior of Nurses at Aisyiyah Muntilan Hospital in Magelang in the Year of 2019
Siti sangadatul Wahidah Alqudsiyah, Puguh Widiyanto, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu

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Corresponding Author
Siti Sangadatul Wahidah Alqudsiyah

University of Muhammadiyah Magelang

Background: The quality of hospital services continues experiencing competition that requires new innovations to nurses. Nurses as providers of nursing care are not only required to achieve physical healing of patients, but also psychological, spiritual, and social aspects, by applying Islamic behavior in every action. In Islamic behavior is influenced by several factors including knowledge of Islamic behavior and attitudes towards Islamic behavior. Objective: This research was conducted to determine the predisposing factors (knowledge and attitudes) that influence the Islamic behavior of nurses. Methods: The research was an analytical survey with a cross-sectional study approach (cross section). The study was conducted in February-August 2019. The population in this study were all inpatient nurses in Aisyiyah Muntilan Hospital, Magelang Regency, with 57 people using purposive sampling, a sample of 49 nurses who were in accordance with the inclusion criteria. The data obtained from the questionnaire measuring instrument with the checklist method. Bivariate analysis using the Spearman test Rank α = 0.05 significance level 95%. Results: The results of the correlation analysis of predisposing factors produced data on the relationship between knowledge about Islamic behavior with Islamic behavior, it was found that the p value = 0,001 and r = 0.537. The relationship between attitudes towards Islamic behavior with Islamic behavior obtained propability p value = 0.092 and r = 0.246. There was a relationship between knowledge about Islamic behavior with Islamic behavior of nurses. There was no relationship between attitudes towards Islamic behavior and Islamic behavior of nurses. So it can be concluded that of the two predisposing factors, which influence nurses Islamic behavior is the knowledge factor about Islamic behavior. Suggestion: From the results of this study, it was necessary to make policies to improve and maintain nurses knowledge and attitudes so that the Islamic behavior of nurses can increase in the provision of nursing care.

knowledge of Islamic behavior, attitudes towards Islamic behavior, Islamic behavior

Health Science


Preliminary Design and Soil Moisture sensor YL 69 Calibration For Implementation of Smart Irrigation
Ika Setyowati(a), Dwi Novianto (b), Johan Pamungkas (c), Erry Purnomo (d)

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Corresponding Author
Ika Setyowati

a) Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tidar.
Jl. Kapten Suparman No. 39 Magelang. Indonesia

b) Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tidar.
Jl. Kapten Suparman No. 39 Magelang. Indonesia

c) Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tidar.
Jl. Kapten Suparman No. 39 Magelang. Indonesia

d) Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tidar.
Jl. Kapten Suparman No. 39 Magelang. Indonesia

Smart Irrigation as one of the implementations of the Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture aims to control and monitor water supply in accordance to crop needs. The control system is designed using the Arduino Nano platform and the soil moisture sensor YL 69. The accuracy of the sensor is very influential on the performance of the control system, so that sensor calibration is done before it is applied to smart irrigation. The calibration method used in this research is the Grafimetric Water Content method. The media used in calibration is a mixture of soil and sand as much as 5% of the soil. Water weighed 4,71% from soil weight added to increase soil moisture level in callibration process. Based on the calibration results obtained from the sensor reading 201 shows 18.31% of soil moisture in dry soil. With nine times of water addition to soil obtained soil saturation point to water with sensor reading 633 which shows result 61,91% of soil moisture. The experimental results show the polynomial curve of order 3.

Internet Of Things, Smart Irrigation, Soil Moisture Sensor, Grafimetric Water Content.

Electrical Engineering


Preliminary Sandstone Reservoir Depth Prediction with Pre-Processing Data Using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Square (PLS) Based On Well Logging Data Attribute
Utami E (a*), Purnomo M. H (b), R.F. Rizki (c), Totok R.Biyanto (c)

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Corresponding Author
Erna Utami

a) Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Cepu 58315, Indonesia
b) Dept of Computer Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
c) Dept of Physics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

Sandstones containing 60% of oil or gas because of porosity and permeability. Conventional method required sandstones predicted with complete data. This study used neural networks to determine the depth of sandstones and predict incomplete variables well site at Sunda Strait-south area. Data preprocessing used PCA-PLS to find the most important variables that affect the output thus improving the prediction results. Multicollinearity analysis is used to determine the data compression needed. Raw data multicollinearity result showed that the multicollinearity occurs indicated with VIF over 10 and tolerance under 0.1 at CALI and SP variables. PCA-PLS analysis use to reduce data from 13 variables into six important variables namely DEPT GR RHOB NPHI ILD Peff, these results do not experience multicollinearity. Variable that predicted is ILD with best ANN multilayer perceptron showed small standard deviation and standard error results 2.85 and 0.03. Best ANN model to predict the depth of radial basis sandstone is due to produce a regression test of 0.8 based on the results of the validation of the log image.

Sandstone; Depth Prediction; Well logging; Principle Component Analysis; Partial Least Square



Prevalence and the Level of Knowledge Towards Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Male in Rural Area
Yelvi Levani (a*), Annisa Nurida (b), Sukadiono (c), Muhammad Thoriq Hakam (d)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c,d) Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of non-communicable diseases such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke, and many more. In USA, the prevalence smokers in rural area were higher than in urban or metropolitan area. But there was still no data in Indonesia. The level of knowledge may influence health behavior, including smoking. This study aimed to know the prevalence of cigarette smokers among adult male in rural areas and to investigate the level of their knowledge about smoking. This study used a cross-sectional design and a consecutive sampling technique. This study used a closed questionnaire to sixty adult males who were attending a meeting in Mojodawu village meeting hall, East Java, Indonesia. Fifty adult males confessed as a smoker (83,3%) and only ten (16,7%) respondents who were not. The level of knowledge among smokers was mostly not good (64%). Only 46% of respondents stated that smoking was dangerous to their health, and only 38% of respondents stated cigarettes harmed people around.This study showed a high prevalence of smokers among adult male in the rural area. Most of the smokers had a lack of knowledge about smoking hazards.

smoking, knowledge, rural area



Pro-Public Policy Prospects: The Study of campaign attribute for the Ternate Legislative election in 2019.
Agusmawanda(a), Saiful Deni(b)

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Corresponding Author
Faujia Umasugi

(a) Department of Political Science, Univesitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara, email: agusmawanda[at] , agusmawanda79[at]
(b)Department of Public Administration, Univesitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara, email: saifuldeni[at], saiful.deni[at],

A visual aid or attribute of a campaign is an object or media to convey a vision, mission, program or other information as an effort to influence voters tendencies. So each attribute must represent all candidate information that differ from other candidates to get support trends. The aim of this paper is to project the prospects of a policy pro-public by analyzing the campaign attribute of elected legislative members of Ternate on Period 2019-2024. The result of this study are that most of the campaign attributes of elected legislators have not displayed information on potential pro-public policies.

prospect, pro public policy, campaign attributes

Political Studies


Probabilistic Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Rock Slope Subjected to Seismic Loading
Himatul Farichah (a*), Dio Alif Hutama (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Being located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia has to cope with the constant risk of earthquakes which often trigger landslides in mountainous area, causing significant and even catastrophic damage. This paper presents probabilistic stability and sensitivity analysis of rock slope subjected to seismic loading based on Generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Two approaches namely Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) and Finite Element Method (FEM) were utilized using computer programs of Rocscience Slide and Phase2, respectively. The Generalized Hoek-Brown parameters such as, σci, GSI and mi were distributed normally with their coefficients of variation (COVs) of 0.25, 0.125 and 0.1, respectively. The different seismic loadings were then subjected to the rock slopes and the probability of failure (Pf) was evaluated for each slope. Eventually, the results of Pf obtaining from LEM and FEM were compared and the most decisive parameter in slope stability were evaluated in sensitivity analysis.

Probability of Failure, Rock Slope Stability, Seismic Loading, Generalized Hoek-Brown.

Civil Engineering


Producer Behaviour in Halal Food Marketing at Laziza and Waroeng Steak & Shake Surabaya
Arin Setiyowati (a*), Kholifatu Az (b), Umriyah (c)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c)Islamic Banking Department of FAI Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

Halal products become a global Issue. Indonesia is a big market for halal products, and the legalization of regulations in Halal product. The atractionbetween tha behaviour of consumers and producers on the awareness of making halal productsas a lifestyle in their economy further strengthens the position of halal products in goods, especially food in Halalan Thoyyiban as a trend amongthe millennial generation. The case studies were conducted at LAZIZA and Waroeng Steak and Shake (WSS) Surabaya. By Using field research, a qualitative approach to the type of case study was expected to be able to explore data in depth on the producers behavior, especially the process of producing and marketing of halal food, thereby attracting consumers by marketing halal food chicken and steak.

Producer Behaviour, Halal Food, LAZIZA, Waroeng Steak and Shake.



Proteus as a virtual simulation to improve readiness and process skills in laboratory experiment
Firdaus(a*), Fatiatun(a), Sri Jumini(a), Eli Trisnowati(b), Dodi Dahnuss(c)

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a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teaching and Learning Education, Universitas Sains Al-Quran
b) Department of Science Education, Faculty of Teaching and Learning Education, Universitas Tidar
c) Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teaching and Learning Education, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

This study aimed to determine the effect of using proteus as a simulation model to improve students- readiness and process skills in digital electronics experiment. The research design is experimental research using pretest-posttest group design. The sample is 40 students who were divided in experiment class and control class. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaires and observation sheets. The instrument is used to determine the readiness and process skills in laboratory experiment. Hypothesis testing is using MANOVA statistical analysis techniques. The results showed that the use of proteus as a practical simulation model was quite effective to increase the readiness and process skills of students in conducting digital electronics experiment. The gain value is 0.59 for readiness and 0.57 for student-s process skills. The results of this study have implications for practical activities and learning in the classroom. Experiment activities can be carried out properly and smoothly. Students can understand well various problems about digital electronics.

proteus, virtual simulation, readiness, process skills

Learning Technology


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