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1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.16 for 1 days in Magelang |

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Anwar Sadat

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Anwar Sadat

Department of Governace Science, Faculty of Soscial Science and Politic Science
University of Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36,
Baubau City, Indonesia

Collaborative Governance in sustainable economic development has close relationship with people participation and the government itself. The problem that occurs in this context is viewed from the concept of Collaborative Governance that is the lack of contextual system inspected from the changing conditions of the legislation, the drive of leadership elements that greatly affect to the economic development, and the dynamics of collaboration which are unfavorable to all parties that makes sectoral egos still occur. The concept of Collaborative Governance as an alternative basis is considered capable to realize acceleration and implementation as a model to increase economic development in Buton by continuing to prioritize conservation efforts and program sustainability through institutional strengthening by establishing Regional-Owned Enterprises, MSMEs and cooperatives organized by local communities. To achieve economic development success, all program planning, implementation and development evaluation must involve the community, because the need to develop their territory will utilize and assess the success or failure of sustainable economic development in the region. The method in this study used qualitative methods by combining primary and secondary data. In the Development of Economic Development in Buton Regency, there is still a very low level of community participation that still occurs the differences perception in strengthening sustainable economic development and regional development.

Collaborative Governance, Development, Sustainable

Government Studies


Collaborative Governance to increase the Village Build Index in Economy through by the Village-Owned Enterprises in Ngroto Village, Malang Regency
Laeli Nur Khanifah, Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi, Krishno Hadi

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Laeli Nur Khanifah

Muhammadiyah University of Malang

The Law 6 of 2014 cites Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) as Business Entities, whose capital is owned by the Village and is obtained from Village assets to facilitate the welfare of the Village community. The government must understand the potential in its territory and manage it together with the community, the private sector, and the Village Government for its sustainability. The success of Ngroto Village in establishing and running BUMDes Ageng made Ngroto one of the independent villages with IDM 94. Further research is to answer how the collaboration patterns between the government and various stakeholders in achieving economic empowerment in Ngroto Village. This research method uses descriptive qualitative and data collection interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study indicate the success of the government in achieving an increase in IDM over the past four years because it encourages public confidence in local government. In the economic field, cooperation to realized by the role of Ageng Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES), which has three units, namely savings and loans, partners, and users of drinking water. Savings and loan units with low interest and coupled with training/business assistance have been proven to contribute to reducing the number of poor people from 477 in 2015 to 297 in 2018. The above facts prove that collaborative collaboration is strengthened and proven to support development in villages and needs to be a model for development models in rural areas in Indonesia.

Collaborative Governance, Independent Village, village development index

Government Studies


Collaborative Urban Governance in the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
Tri Sulistyaningsih (1), Asep Nurjaman (2).Mukhammad Yusuf Putra Pamungkas (3)

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Tri Sulistyaningsih

1. Government Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia, sulis226[at]
2. Government Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia, asepip[at]
3. Government Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia, putrayusuf123[at]

This paper aims to explain and create a model of Collaborative Urban Governance in the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU). This study uses a mixed, quantitative and qualitative research method. This study revealed that the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU) has not shown collaboration between stakeholders. The implementation of the KOTAKU Program was not well implemented, this was indicated by the existence of urban slums which tended to increase, there was no involvement of working groups (POKJA), who served as program implementers, the lack of community involvement in the KOTAKU Program, the absence of community leaders, program implementers are not flexible to the community, and the lack of communication between stakeholder. Therefore, by using data analysis sourced from interviews and questionnaires, this paper formulates the Collaborative Urban Governance model. The model emphasizes the integration of stakeholders, strengthening norms, local government institutional structures, community awareness, and culture to create a city without slums.

Collaborative Urban Governance, Cityless Slums Program, and Community Development

Government Studies


Communicating Climate Change in Indonesia : The Challenges Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Tria Patrianti1, Atwar Bajari2, Herlina Agustin3, Iriana Bakti4

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Tria Patrianti

FISIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta1, Universitas Padjadjaran2,3,4

Indonesia is very committed to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indonesias high commitment to implement the SDGs is determined by the enactment of Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2017 concerning Implementation of Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Of the 17 Goals set in the SDGs, the 13th target on climate change control is an important target for the world and Indonesia. As an archipelagic country with extensive coastal areas and small islands, Indonesia has experienced extreme climate events such as floods, droughts, as well as long-term impacts from rising sea levels. In line with the increase in population, natural disasters caused by climate change have a wider impact on people and their assets, making it difficult for them to get out of the poverty line. Communication plays important role in disseminating the climate change messages for the people nationwide. Climate Change Communication in Indonesia is characterized by the involvement of Government Agency in spreading the messages of climate change mitigation and adaptation. This study aims to explore the process of stakeholder relations in communicating climate change in Indonesia and its challenges towards Sustainable Development Goals. Using the qualitative approach with semi-structure interviews conducted with informants in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as Indonesia-s leading sector for communicating the Climate Change Communication. The findings show that internal and external communication face challenges such as communicator, messaging development, and the evaluation of communicating for climate change respectively.

Climate Change Communication, Mitigation, Adaptation, SDGs



Community Based Management Model for Friendly and Tolerant School Mosques: Analysis of Strategy and Empowerment System
Imam Mawardi*, Akhmad Baihaqi, Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Subur

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DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The phenomenon of community-based school mosque (CBSM) becomes very interesting when it can contribute to community empowerment, both in the religious and social fields. The study aims to analyze an CBSM management model in Magelang City to spread the values of peace and tolerance for the school and the surrounding community. This research was carried out through a survey with the objects of the SMPN 2 and SMAN 3 mosques. The social phenomenology is used in this study which is combined with observation and in-depth interviews. The results show that the CBSM management model is based on the concepts of idarah, imarah, and ruayah, and it creates an inclusive school for community development. The programs of congregational prayers, recitation, zakat distribution, and sacrificial meat are used as the strategies in presenting a friendly and tolerant of Islam. Thus, CBSM management can contribute to emphasizes the social function of the school through the mosque and the peace of Islam, rahmatan lil alamin.

Model; Management; School Mosques; Friendly; Tolerant; Community

Religious Studies


Mohamad Zaenal Arifin, ST1);Mohammad Khoir, S.IKom, S.Hum2); Balau Eko Purwanto, ST3) , Didin Saepudin,S.Pd, MT4)

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Mohammad Zaenal Arifin

1), 4) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kota Magelang
2) Pascasarjana Institut Teknologi Yogyakarta
3) Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan DIY

Very rapid population growth, with the expansion of the industrial sector leds to increased energy demand and decreased environmental quality. One alternative to meet energy needs is to use renewable energy sources, namely biogas. Aside from being a source of energy, biogas that utilizes animal manure is also able to improve the quality of the surrounding environment to be cleaner and healthier. District of Sawangan, Magelang Regency has potential sources of biogas raw materials derived from animal manure. Recorded in the Livestock Population Report According to the Type of Livestock in Magelang Regency in 2017 by the Livestock and Fisheries Service, the number of dairy cows is 200, beef cattle are 12,633 and buffaloes are 375. With this considerable potential, researchers are trying to find out and explore information about peoples perceptions of biogas and their desire to develop and utilize biogas in their daily activities. With quantitative descriptive research methods and using Likert scale data analysis on 50 respondents, resulting that as many as 46% of respondents agreed that biogas as an alternative energy and want to have it as much as 54%. But in the statement about building biogas, most of them answered doubtfully, which is 70%. The doubts in building biogas are caused by, among others: the lack of sufficient information related to biogas, the high investment costs at the beginning of the biogas reactor construction, the useful life and function of the biogas reactor, and the availability of land as a place for biogas reactors. As a solution to these problems, IEC (Communication, Information and Education) programs can be carried out to the community especially breeders about biogas as a whole, program synergies among the government, academics and biogas developers to encourage biogas development as an alternative energy while enhancing environmental quality.

people-s perception, biogas, alternative energy, environmental quality

Environmental Engineering


Harry Fajar maulana (a*), Hastuti (b), Wa Ode Riniati (c)

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Harry Fajar Maulana Harry Fajar

universitas Muhammadiyah Buton

Social media is now a phenomenon in the community. Media opinions in society can change due to information that is managed in part from the world of social media. the media currently plays its role as a media that controls digital information, changing media opinions depending on the needs of the community and media policy itself. The characteristics of social media that are virtual often produce a booming phenomenon among its users and even a wide audience. This research is qualitative with the study of virtual ethnography. The informant in this research is Instagram Idntimes Netizen who does the idntimes Comments column. The results showed that there were five motives behind Instagram users in doing the idntimes news comment column on Instagram, which was curious motives, entertaining motives, expressive motives in opinion, and criticism motives. Also, in interpreting idntimes news posting activities conducted by Instagram users, researchers found three main points, namely wanting their opinions to be heard, feeling giving information to idntime followers, and getting information about other netizen opinions. Thus, it can be said that Instagram social media through idntimes news is one of the phenomena of delivering messages in a new form by combining verbal language with nonverbal communication (simile expression).

Social Phenomena, Social Media, Instagram.



Comparative Analysis of Object-Based and Pixel-Based Classification of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images for Mapping Coral Reef Geomorphic Zones : A Case Study in Karimunjawa
M LUTFI MA (a), Gatot Winarso (b)

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(a) Informatic Management Department,
STMIK Bina Patria

(b) Remote Sensing Application Center, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space

Coral reefs ecosystem have great value in terms of economy, culture, and biology for the global society and the most productive and diverse biological ecosystem in the world (Wilkinson, 2001). Earth observation from space so called remote sensing technology by using high-resolution Satellite, offers powerful capabilities for understanding, forecasting, managing, monitoring and decision making about coral reefs ecosystem. This study focuses on the comparison analisys between Object Base and Pixel Base image classifications of remote sensing imagery for Mapping Coral Reef Geomorphic Zones in the Karimunjawa National Park. The accuracy of each method was assessed using reference data sets derived from high-resolution satellite images, aerial photograph and field investigation. The accuracy of geomorphology zone mapping used Object Base Classification technique indicates that the overall accuracy (OA) was 88,62%. while the pixel-based classification produce the low overall accuracy was 73%. This research suggest that the object-based technique could be a promise approach for mapping coral reef geomorphic zones, where the information obtained from this research was more accurate. In paper, we observed that the object-based technique shows higher accuracy in classification process than the pixel-based technique because pixel based can-t satisfy the high resolution satellite data properties and it produced data redundancy.

Remote Sensing, OBIA, Pixel Base Classification, Object Base Classification, Karimunjawa, Coral Reefs, World View-2 Satellite

Information Engineering


Comparative Study of Indirect Space Vector and Venturini Modulation for Matrix Converter fed Induction Motor
Mentari Putri Jati (a*), Era Purwanto (a), Bambang Sumantri (a)

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Mentari Putri Jati

(a) Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya

This paper discusses the comparison method between two type modulation of direct ac - ac matrix converter system with induction motor load. Matrix converter has received considerable interest as a viable alternative to the conventional back-to-back Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) converter in the ac - ac conversion, especially for no load induction motor drive. However, it is not convenient to control the matrix converter. The important point of matrix converter is the modulation technique that has two different technique in Venturini and indirect space vector modulation (ISVM). These methods are compared and analyzed in the total harmonic distortion of output and input to find better performance for induction motor drive. Simulated input and output parameters of matrix converter are presented using Matlab/Simulink software for both modulation techniques. The result reveal smaller total harmonic distortion in ISVM than Venturini modulation for matrix converter.

Matrix converter; Induction motor; Venturini modulation; Indirect space vector modulation

Electrical Engineering


Comparative Study of the Use of FWD and LWD for Flexible Pavement Evaluation
Siegfried and Fauzia Mulyawati

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Siegfried Siegfried

Institute of Road Engineering
Civil Engineering Department, Univ of Langlangbuana

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is the standard equipment used for the analysis and evaluation of flexible pavement. The number of this equipment is very limited in Indonesia. For a country owned 48,000 kms of road it is quite important to have an alternate equipment of FWD. Institute of Road Engineering (IRE) has performed the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) for the use in low to medium traffic roads for both evaluation and design of overlay. The study has done to compare these two equipment focusing on three parameters i.e Effective Structural Number (SNeff), Surface Modulus (Sm) and prediction of Subgrade Modulus (Esg). There are 30 points tested using FWD and LWD nearly in the same time on the IRE campus that is classified as low traffic volume road. Each point is then analysed to calculate SNeff, Sm, and Esg using the deflections derived from both of FWD and LWD tests. It is found that the differences of these parameters are not too significant and falls below 10%. This findings go to the conclusion that the use of LWD of IRE version is acceptable to be used for the analysis of the flexible pavement especially for low to medium traffic roads.

FWD, LWD, low to medium traffic roads, SNeff, Surface modulus.

Civil Engineering


Comparison of Effect of Chitosan and Chitosan Nano Emulsion on Growth Performance, Water Quality and Protein Retention of Koi Fish (Cyprinus Caprio Koi)
Alvika Meta Sari (a*), Tri Yuni Hendrawati (a), Erdawati (b), and Anwar Ilmar Ramadhan (c)

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Alvika Meta Sari

(a) Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty , Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Jl. Cempaka Putih Tengah 27, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat, 10510. Indonesia
* alvika.metasari[at]
(b) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
(c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur, 13220, Indonesia

Koi fish is one of high economic value fish because of its beautiful body shape and colour. Its colour is influenced by the protein and carotenoid-rich feed. The sources of protein and carotenoid used as supplement were chitosan and chlorella. The purpose of this study to evaluate the effect of protein and carotenoid-rich feed using chitosan, Nanochitosan emulsion and chlorella on growth performance, water quality and protein retention of Koi Fish. Experiment was conducted by preparing the nanochitosan emulsion and formulated as Koi fish feed. The growth performance and protein retention of Koi fish and water quality were evaluate using ANAVA. In the experiment, Koi fish (mean initial wet weight 1.49 g) were fed with three diets (control, chitosan and nanochitosan emulsion) in triplicate for 60 days. The result shows that growth performance of Koi fish fed nanochitosan emulsion diet was higher (P<0.05) than other diets. Koi fish in chitosan diet group was higher (P<0.05) than of Koi in control but no statistical difference was found in Koi in nanochitosan emulsion diet groups with protein retention 57.03 ± 1.76 and the water quality showed Ph 7.32, DO = 6.23, NH3 = 0.03, NO2 = 0.0075 and NO3 = 0.03 mg/L.

growth performance, nanochitosan emulsion, protein carotenoid rich fish feed, protein retension, water quality

Chemical Engineering


Comparison of Radiograph Image Information on Lumbar Vertebrae Examination Using the Application of the Anode Heel Effect Theory
Efita Pratiwi Adi, Muhammad Iqbal

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Efita Pratiwi Adi

STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta

Heel effect is a consequence of the focus line principle that the intensity of X ray radiation on the cathode side will be greater than the anode side. Related to the phenomenon of X ray emission, namely heel effect, the lumbar vertebrae object which is anatomically from cranial shrinks and enlarges until it reaches its maximum in the sacrum bone then shrinks to the apex of the coxygeus bone, on this examination it is necessary to consider the application of the anode heel effect theory. This study aims to determine whether or not there are differences in radiographic image information on the examination of lumbar vertebrae by applying and not applying the anode heel effect theory. Retrieving radiograph data is carried out with 5 research objects in the form of probands. The results of the radiograph are then measured using a densitometer to obtain a density value. To support the research data, questionnaires were conducted on 5 radiology specialists. Examination of the lumbar vertebra with the application of the anode heel effect theory produces different information on density, contrast, detail, and sharpness by not applying the anode heel effect theory.

anode heel effect theory; density; lumbar vertebrae

Health Science


Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
Firdaus, Hardianto Rahman, Umar, Harmilawati, Siar Nimah

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Umar Umar

Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Sinjai

The importance of becoming a teacher in the Bugis Makassar community has increased from year to year. Teacher expectations are increasingly shifting from the ideal paradigm as educators to the pragmatic orientation of high salaries. The Bugis Makassar local culture value has a relation in the developing professionalism aspect of teachers not in a comprehensive approach. This paper aims to describe the perceptions of the Khonjo community and Sinjai Coast about the context of religious teachers through a socio-anthropological approach. The explorative descriptive qualitative paradigm was used in this study to get perspective, philosophical meanings, characteristics and values that could be nurtured at first. The decision of this study shows that if religious teachers are high ranking professional entities with their intrinsic value and religious literacy, their duties and roles are indispensable in the life of the community as religious and social educators, instructors (transfer of knowledge) and role models and even spiritual fathers. Religious teachers known as “tuangguru”, “Tanggurua”, “gurutta”, “to acca”, “anreguru”, “anrong guru”, and “to panrita” are community heritage that is relevant in the context of the teachers life which all contain intelligence and intellectual meaning in the community version Promoting the role and function of religious teachers is important to make the concept of teachers and Bugis Makassar cultural values as a tool to shape self-professionalism in social life.

Religious Teachers, Bugis Makassar Culture, Revitalizing values

Religious Studies


Rima Elya Dasuki ,Endang Wahyuningsih ,Yenny Wipartini

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Rima Elya Dasuki


Cooperatives has developed rapidly throughout Indonesia and has a strategic position in supporting the real economic productive activities of the real sector. Considering that business activities involve members and the community, the sustainability of the cooperative business must be maintained Purpose of the research :To improve the welfare of cooperative members, and to realize the independence of cooperatives as community-based economic institutions, to maintain and protect the level of public trust in cooperatives. Research Metodology is case study,with assessment on management cooperative business involve marketing,production,human resourses management,financial ,facility and the impact on the environment Results :Analysis of the study shows the cooperative performance has only reached 66,6 % of the expected target Conclusion:Cooperative performance from the business aspect shows that cooperatives have weaknesses in the human resources development aspect, while financial and marketing aspects are relatively good because they are supported by one of the private companies in the area. Keyword : Microfinance,Cooperative,Performance,Business





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Sugiyanto -

Institut Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia

Potential of government revenue from taxpayers is expected to come not only from estate enterprises (BUMN), private enterprises (BUMS) but also Cooperatives. Cooperative as taxpayers and cooperative also as tax collectors, who have taxation rights and obligations in accordance with applicable regulations. The number of active cooperatives in Indonesia is around 154,000 units, but the contribution of cooperatives as taxpayers is considered to be still limited, it is not because the business scale is still relatively small, but most cooperative managers still think that cooperatives do not need to pay taxes. This study aims to examine the regulations, implementation, and expectations of managers of cooperatives as taxpayers. This study was conducted using descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods. The object of this study was conducted on a number of sample cooperatives that determined purposively based on turnover of up to Rp. 4.8 billion, between Rp. 4.8 billion to Rp. 50 billion and above Rp. 50 billion. The results of studies on various regulations show that cooperatives as a corporate that is a group of people who do joint ventures are taxpayers both as taxpayers such as corporate income tax, land and building tax, stamp duty, regional retribution, with holding income tax on salaries and value added tax collector. The understanding of the cooperative manager that a cooperative organization as a union between a cooperative company and its member households, in developing their business, they are prioritized to serve members, members as service user and cooperative owner. If there is excess capacity, the cooperative can transact with non-members. Thus the report of cooperative business success is separated between member services and non-member transactions. The consequence of this understanding is that there are still many cooperatives that have not paid corporate tax, especially those originating from the results of the service of members. Other conditions are not all cooperatives carry out functions as holding income tax on salaries and value added tax collector. But cooperatives are relatively compliant as land and building tax payers, Stamp Duty, Regional Tax. The cooperative manager expects that the results of operations originating from member services are not subject to corporate income tax.

Tax regulations, taxpayers, tax collectors, and cooperative expectation



Copyright As Productive Waqf Asset
Dakum, Puji Sulistyaningsih, Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja*

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Dakum Dakum

Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The issuance of the Waqf Law in Indonesia changes the assets paradigm from immovable to movable objects. This change was followed by the development of the waqf management model, namely, productive waqf. As a movable asset, Copyright has a high economic potential as a means of prospering the community. This study aims to identify Copyright criteria that can be used as productive waqf assets. This research was conducted by examining Government Laws and Regulations on Waqf, Copyright Law, Fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI). The results show that Copyright can be used as a productive waqf asset provided that (1) the assets are obtained in a halal manner (2) has a long-lasting (3) has economic value as measured by a valuator (4) the object of Copyright can be developed the economy. In order to be managed optimally, Nadzir has a role in developing the object of Copyright. Thus, the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) needs to foster Nadzir to have competence in the development of copyright waqf asset.

Copyright; productive waqf assets; social welfare



Correlation of Modulus Elasticity between Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) for Subgrade of Pavement
Ignatius Sudarsono(a*); Linda Aisyah(a); Rio Nendra Purwa Prakoso(a)

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Ignatius Sudarsono

(a)Civil Engineering Department, Langlangbuana University
Jl. Karapitan 116, Bandung 40261, Indonesia

Pusjatan-s LWD is a equipment that is purposed to measure the structural strength of a pavement system especially unpaved roads. When the load of LWD falls, it generates vibration recorded by geophones. By using the principles of vibration theory then resulting deflection can be calculated. The deflection value is used for the calculation of modulus elasticity of soil using Boussinesq formula. The LWD is applied to Pusjatan-s yard in Bandung for sample of subgrade, where in each location we have taken ten data using LWD and DCP on the same tested points. The reason of comparing between LWD and DCP is that the former equipment used to measure the subgrade structural strength. The test results are a modulus elasticity then correlated with each other. The test results obtained the determination coefficient r2 = 0.7558, this means that the correlation value is 75.58% determined by the modulus of elasticity value of the DCP measurement, whereas on hard soil the correlation between modulus of elasticity of LWD with DCP Index, with the results r2 = 0.9684 or 96.84%. This indicates a strong correlation. This finding comes to the conclusion that Pusjatan-s LWD can be used to test structural strength of subgrade

Pusjatan-s LWD, DCP, Soil strength

Civil Engineering


Counselling Interests through e-counselling application to Self Disclosure
Nofi Nur Yuhenita*, Paramita Nuraini, Tawil

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DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between interest in counseling through the application of e-counseling to self disclosure in SMP Muhammadiyah Pujotomo Magelang students. Self disclosure is a communication behavior carried out by individuals to make themselves known by other parties. In self-disclosure, individuals will reveal information about themselves that are usually hidden. This research is a type of correlation research, to see the relationship between counseling interest through the application of e counseling to students self disclosure. The instruments in this study used counseling and self disclosure interest scales distributed to research subjects as many as 40 students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pujotomo Magelang who conducted counseling through the application of e counseling. The results showed that the variable counseling interest through the application of e-counseling had a significant relationship with the variable self disclosure in students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pujotomo Magelang. Students self-disclosure on e-counseling applications makes students more comfortable to be open about themselves, this is because students do not deal directly with counselors. Through this e-counseling application, students become more open about their personal lives, students become more free to express them faced problem.

e-counselling; self disclosure; counselling interest

Information Engineering


Criticism of Racism in the "Waktu Indonesia Timur" Program on NET TV
Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti and Rani Dwi Lestari

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Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti

Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

Intolerance, conflict, cultural disorientation and racial discrimination are trends in socio-cultural pathology which are relatively easy to find today. These events are recorded in Indonesian territory and are an actual reference to raise the problem. Indonesia, which consists of various races, ethnicities, religions and groups, has the potential to create tension and discriminatory treatment. The rise of ethnicity culminates in demands for recognition of cultural identity and self-esteem. What happens on a daily basis also surfaces in the television media, the issue of SARA being a commodity that is becoming public consumption. One of the highlights when there was criticism about racism through humor. This study aims to understand how criticism of racism is constructed in humor stand-up comedy. The method used is the analysis of Ruth Wodaks historical discourse, with a four-level triangulation approach, namely internal texts, intertextual and interdisciplinary relationships, contextual contextual contexts and sociopolitical-historical contests. The results of this study, the existence of stereotypes about the backward and temperamental East Indonesian people, the existence of language, culture and accent typical of Eastern Indonesia, racism criticism comes through satirical humor to prosperity and infrastructure that is still minimal

racism, historical discourse analysis, humor, Eastern Indonesia



Crowdfunding platform as waqf land financing model: A Case of Muhammadiyah Waqf Institution
Fahmi Medias, Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko, Emilya Ully Artha

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Fahmi Medias

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Muhammadiyah waqf institutions in Indonesia face various problems in developing their waqf land. One of the challenges most often encountered is the financial sources in developing waqf land from waqif. This paper aims to propose an alternative financing model in the form of your Waqf crowdfunding platform for Muhammadiyah waqf institutions in tackling these financial problems. Based on this, this research proposes a crowdfunding platform model that will be used by Muhammadiyah waqf institutions, especially in Central Java, in financing waqf projects. This study analyzes the inefficiency of Muhammadiyah waqf management in Central Java due to the problem of financing waqf projects. The authors have developed a waqf crowdfunding platform model as a source of funds for Muhammadiyah waqf institutions in Central Java. This crowdfunding model is expected to be a solution for the empowerment of Muhammadiyah non-productive waqf land. Muhammadiyah waqf institutions in Central Java will find alternative solutions for the development of waqf for the people. The findings of this study will provide input for Muhammadiyah Waqf Institutions in the form of crowdfunding platforms. Through this model, Muhammadiyah endowments become more useful in solving economic and social problems for the Ummah, especially in Central Java.

Muhammadiyah Waqf Land, Crowdfunding Waqf Platform, Muhammadiyah Waqf Institusion

Religious Studies


Da-wah In Forming Ukhuwah Islamiyah
Suriati, Burhanuddin, Makmur Jaya Nur

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Suriati Suriati

Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Sinjai

The aims of this study is to determine the effectiveness of dawah in forming ukhuwah Islamiyah.Dawah is not only in the form of lectures and sermons, but all forms of activities that lead to solicitation, vocation, and appeals so that madu remains in the frame of ukhuwah islamiyah, so as to create harmony in society even with different backgrounds. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to describe the various conditions and situations of the community at the location where the research conducted. Sources of data obtained through observation of community behavior and in-depth interviews. Based on the results of the study, it was found that dawahwas very effective in building ukhuwah islamiyah(Islamic brotherhood). Therefore, the dawah movement should not only be focused on lectures and sermons, but also in more varied forms and dimensions to internalize the spirit of taaruf, tafahum, taawun, andtakaful as the key to the formation of ukhuwahislamiyah in the midst of the public.

Dawah and UkhuwahIslamiyah (Islamic Brotherhood )

Religious Studies


Darrieus Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) Design
Sekar Wahyu Wasiati, Fahmi Adam Augusta, Vira Riza Putri Purwanto, Putri Wulandari, Ary Syahrirar.

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Putri Wulandari

University of Al Azhar Indonesia

The potential of wind energy in Indonesia is generally relatively less compared to other countries in the subtropical region. With the Darrieus VAWT Type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, the turbine does not have to be directed to the wind to be effective. Mill with vertical axis, generator and gearbox can be placed near the ground, so the tower does not need to support it and is more accessible for maintenance purposes. Gearbox is one of the main components of the motor which is referred to as a power transfer system, the transmission functions to move and change the power of the rotating motor. To get a large turbine torque, a gearbox design (large size on the turbine and a smaller size on the rotor generator) is needed. The number of blades used will also affect the effectiveness of the turbine in capturing the wind. With the number of 3 blades, get torque above 40 rpm, at wind speeds of 4.5 to 5 m/s.

Power plant, VAWT, Turbine, Wind, Darrieus Type

Electrical Engineering


Decision Strategy for Landslide Event Based on 4 Parameters
Pramudhito Herlambang (a), Amin Suharjono (a), Muhammad Mukhlisin (b)

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Pramudhito Herlambang

(a) Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Jln. Prof. Soedharto, Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia, 50272
(b) Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Jln. Prof. Soedharto, Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia, 50272

Landslides is typically caused by heavy rain in some locations that have a certain slope of land compounded by deforestation or earthquakes. For instance, in 2018 there were 148 reported landslides in the Banjarnegara highlands, Indonesia. By using that fact, some research has been done. The research is about the indicator parameters of landslides by combining rain gauge sensors, soil moisture sensors, ground shift sensors and groundwater pressure sensors using Arduino Promini. The data from sensor is sent through LoRa Bee to the database server using NodeMCU ESP8266 which is connected to the Internet in realtime through access points. The data that has been sent to the server will be processed and displayed on the website. In this paper, the author devise an algorithm for analyzing the data from each sensor to a decision-making strategy. The decision-making method for an early warning of landslides uses a decision tree that compares the measured parameters with a predetermined threshold of each sensor. After analysis and testing, this system is expected to provide early warning of the landslides quickly and accurately.

Landslides, LoRa Bee, NodeMCU, Early Warning System, WSN, Decision

Electrical Engineering


Enny Fitriahadi and Istri Utami

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enny fitriahadi

Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta Indonesia

Abstract- In developing countries, 36 countries found that only 15% of births take place without pain or mild pain, 35% of deliveries with moderate pain, 30% of births with severe pain and 20% of births accompanied by extreme pain. Massage techniques that can be done is deep back massage. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of deep back massage on labor pain intensity reduction and the acceleration of the opening of cervix in women giving birth. The samples were 15 samples of intervention group. The method used quantitative research methods with quasy experimental design and a non-randomized pretest-posttest group design. Paired sample of pre-test and post-test in the experimental group used analysis of T test. The results showed sig. value was less than 0.05 (p = 0.000 <0.05); so that it can be stated that there is a significant difference in pain reduction intensity and the opening of cervix in the experimental group. The conclusion of this study that the method of deep back massage has an influence on the intensity of pain and opening of cervix in pregnant women, in which pregnant women who do this intervention, pain intensity will decrease and the cervical opening will quickly so the women will feel more comfortable in labor.

deep back massage, pain, opening of cervix

Health Science


Heni Lutfiyati a*, Setiyo Budi Santoso b, Prasojo Pribadi a, Shellyta Ratna Furi b

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Heni Lutfiyati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

National HIV patient participation in receiving antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is 33%. HIV patients undergoing ARV therapy complain of the emergence of therapeutic toxicity. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of HIV patients, immunodeficiency stage (CD4 cell count) and degree of toxicity (haematological and clinical chemistry values) This type of research is descriptive research. Data collection was carried out using the cross-sectional method. Data collection involved 32 HIV patients who received ARV therapy services in KRT Setjonegoro Regional Hospital. The study subjects were determined non-randomly with the criteria: having undergone controlled therapy> 6 months and aged ≥ 15 years. The exclusion criteria for this study were patients referred out of care during the study. The results of this study for the characteristics of patients as many as 19 people (59.40%) are male and 13 people (40.60%) are female. Age of HIV patients 18-44 years as many as 29 people (90.60%) and 45-59 years as many as 3 people (9.40%). Education of elementary school patients as many as 13 people (40.60%), secondary schools 14 people (43.80%) and colleges 5 people (15.60%). Clinical stage of the patient, stage 1 were 14 people (43.80%), stage 2 were 4 people (12.50%), stage 3 were 2 people (37.50%) and stage 4 were 2 people (6.30%). The conclusion of this study is the efficacy of patients with CD4 parameters showed 17 patients (53.00%) patients did not experience immunodeficiency and mild toxicity experienced by 2 patients (6.30%).

antiretroviral therapy, HIV, toxicity



Design and Build a Web-Based Payment Data Administration Management System
Nugroho Agung Prabowo, Bambang Pujiarto, Vivi Septiani

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DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Management of school payment data administration is a routine activity carried out by administrative officers in an educational institution. Even though it is done routinely but errors still often occur due to human error factors or repeated recording (redundant). Administrative errors such as these cause losses and inefficiencies for the management of these institutions. For that we need a solution in the form of payment data administration management system to minimize errors and improve data accuracy. The purpose of this study is to create a web-based data management system design that can improve the effectiveness of the performance of TU officers so that it is more efficient in time and resources and can improve services for students. The overall system design using DFD (Data Flow Diagrams) as a picture of the system flow and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) as a database designer. The system was built using the PHP programming language, and Mysql as a database. The contribution of this research is a concept of the design of the administration of payment data administration systems that can be applied in schools or educational institutions that need it.

Management System, payment, effectiveness

Information Engineering


Design and Consideration of Off-Board Lithium-Ion Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle
Muhammad Rizani Rusli (1), Agus Mukhlisin (1), Juniono Raharjo (1), Muhammad Nur Yuniarto (1), Alief Wikarta (1), and Heri Haerudin (2)

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Juniono Raharjo

(1) Center of Excellence for Automotive Control and System
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
(2) Research and Technology Center, PT. Pertamina (Persero)

Nowadays, the development and population of electric vehicles (EV) have increased significantly in line with the issue of reducing air pollution and fuel dependence. EV uses a battery pack as the main energy source, and lithium-ion batteries are more widely used with consideration of having high energy, life cycle, and power density. Likewise, with the ITS electric scooter which uses lithium-ion battery packs with an operating voltage of 96 V. A battery charger has a crucial role in charging a battery pack. In this article, the design, consideration, and implementation of a battery charger have been described in detail. Chargers that have been developed have several features, such as programmable settings, constant current constant voltage (CCCV) algorithm, wide range voltage output, temperature cut-off, high efficiency, low-cost component, power quality improved by power factor correction (PFC), and be able to be integrated with battery management system via CAN communication. The charger is expected to be used reliably for EV lithium-ion battery charger by using those features

Electric Vehicle, Lithium-Ion Battery Charger, Design and Consideration

Electrical Engineering


Design and development of vehicle braking test equipment using MyRio and LabVIEW graphical user interface
Riky Maulana Firdaus (a*), Bambang Supriyo (a), Amin Suharjono (a), Ida Udlhiya (a)

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Riky Maulana Firdaus

a) Politeknik Negeri Semarang

A vehicle braking test equipment is used to test the vehicle braking force for each axis and braking force efficiency This paper discusses the development of electronic system and Graphical User Interface (GUI) for axle load and brake tester platform using myRio and labVIEW Software. The new electronic system is developed consisting of instrument amplifier INA121 for load cell ampilfiers, NI myRIO, relay driver and contactor. The GUI program is implemented using labVIEW for process monitoring. Based on the calibration tests, it was found that the results are very good with maximum percentage error of 1.25% for axle load meter, 1.2% for right brake force and 1.3% for left brake force

Brake force, Axle Load, labVIEW, myRIO

Electrical Engineering


(a)KhoirulAnam*, (b)La Ode Mohammad Firman

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Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah

(a) Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Pekajangan Pekalongan Muhammadiyah University, Pekalongan – Indonesia
(b) Magister of Machine Engineering, Faculty of Enginering, Pancasila University


The exhaust gas from the boiler in the laundry industry can reach more than 300 °C. It is the potential energy that can be converted to increase the temperature of feed water through a heat exchanger. In this study, a shell and tube heat exchanger was chosen to increase the feed water temperature with the flow rate of 0.55 kg/s to reach the target of 80 °C. Meanwhile, the mass flow rate of the exhaust gas is 0.9 kg/s with a temperature estimated at 300 - 310 °C. The basic design of the heat exchanger is created to get the main dimensions such as the cross-sectional area (A), the length of the tube (L), the outer diameter of the tube (do) and the total of tube (N). Finally, the main dimensions are optimized by the Taguchi experimental method to obtain the most optimal design.

Heat Exchanger, Taguchi Experimental Methode

Mechanical Engineering


Design and Simulation of Mixer Insulators to Improve Turbolence in Intake Manifolds
Sunaryo, Akhmad Irfan, Nur Amin

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Universitas Sains Al Quran

This article presents an analysis of mixer insulators on the gasoline engine to find the most optimal design. A standard insulator has been redesigned by adding a scrambler of air flow placed in the intake manifold. Simulations are carried out on 10 variations, which include standard insulators, 5 and 7 angled insulators which have slopes of 30o, 45o and 60o, and have a thickness of 5 mm. Each model was analyzed using Computing Fluid Dynamic (CFD), with parameters of air velocity 10 m/sec and air pressure 101325 Pa. Simulation results show that mixer insulators with a thickness of 5 mm, 5 blades with a 45o slope angle produce the best turbolence intensity. Meanwhile, another design with a thickness of 5 mm, 9 blades with an angle of 60o slope angle produce the best effect to increase air velocity.

Mixer Insulator, Computing Fluid Dynamic, Turbulence

Mechanical Engineering


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