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Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) Media Conformation Alkanes Cycloalkanes to Improve Spatial Ability
Julaeha Kodiyah (a), Ferli Septi Irwansyah (a*), Neneng Windayani (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ferli Septi Irwansyah

a) Department of Chemical Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to apply to learn using Augmented Reality (AR) to improve the spatial ability of alkane and cycloalkane conformation. The method of this study quasi-experimental control group pretest-posttest design for the second-semester students of the Chemical Education at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Data obtained by instruments to measure student activity during learning, completion of students on student worksheets, and pretest-posttest results for spatial abilities. Data collection techniques were carried out with tests, while data analysis was carried out with statistical methods with the help of SPSS version 23. The results obtained in student activities were categorized as very good (mean 86.3%), while the results obtained from the completion of LK were categorized very well ( mean 84.53), the results of the spatial ability test show an increase in spatial ability with N-gain results classified as moderate (mean 0.58). This study shows that the application of alkane and cycloalkane AR conformation can visualize the movement of an object that is abstract, thus increasing spatial ability. Therefore the implementation of alkane and cycloalkane AR conformation can improve the spatial ability of students.

augmented reality; spatial ability; conformation, learning.



Implementation of Dubido Based on Contextual in Improving Students- Achievement on The Topic of Rate Reaction
Angeline Viska Ayu Rosalia(1), Saronom Silaban(2), Zainuddin Muchtar (2)

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Corresponding Author
Angeline Viska Ayu Rosalia

Magister of Chemistry Education Study Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia(1)
Departement of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia (2)

The aim of this research was to know the gain of students achievement that taught by using dubido. The research has been done in Chemistry Educational Study Program in Unimed. The experimental class was given treatment with teaching by using dubido media based on contextual. The experimental class has fulfilled the requirement for normality and homogenity test. The mean of pretest results and posttest results were 42.240 and 84.480. The increase of posttest results indicated that learning by using dubido based on contextual can improve students achievement. The increase of students achievement signed by gain percent with the percent of gain value was 73.3. The result of t test was obtained from tcount is more than t table (2.590 is more than 1.677) at alpha is 0.05, it means that the implementation of dubido based on contextual was given positive effect to increase students achievement.

Contextual, Dubido, Rate reaction, Students Achievement

Chemistry Education


Implementation of E-Module Flip PDF Professional to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skill Through Problem Based Learning
Rara Seruni, Siti Munawaroh, Fera Kurniadewi Muktiningsih Nurjayadi*

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Corresponding Author
Rara Seruni

Magister Pendidikan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Critical thinking is one of the skills that must be possessed in the 21st century. These skills can be improved by using the right media in learning. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Flip PDF Professionals electronic module (e-module) lipid metabolism in problem-based learning to improve students critical thinking skills. E-module to be used has been previously made by the researcher and published. The research method used is T-test with research instruments test critical thinking skills in the form of pre-test and post-test. Tests are made based on the achievement of subject learning and critical thinking indicators that have been tested for content validation by lecturers. The subjects in this study were third-level students in Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The results of the study show that the use of e-modules in problem based learning is effective for improving students critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking, E-module, Problem based learning

Chemistry Education


Rafidah Almira Samosir(a), Jecky Bukit(b), Manihar Situmorang(b)* and Murniaty Simorangkir(a)

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Corresponding Author
Rafidah Almira Samosir

a)Department of Chemistry Education, Graduate Study Program, Universitas Negeri Medan (State University of Medan), Medan, North Sumatera, INDONESIA, 20221, E-mail : rafidahalmira7[at]
b)Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan (State University of Medan), , 20221, E-mail: msitumorang[at]
*Correspondence: Manihar Situmorang, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Medan, North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20221, Phone: 062-61-6613365, Faximile: 062-61-6613319, E-mail: msitumorang[at]

An afford to chose the right teaching and learning strategy in the teaching of chemistry topic is very crusial as it is known that chemistry knowledge and skills are involveed. The teaching and learning paradigm have to be ajusted to support the enactment of competence curriculum suited to Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI). The policy has been stated in Universitas Negeri Medan to adopt KKNI curiculum, including in Analytrical Chemistry. Therefore, innovation in the teaching and learning have to be made for all subjects in the implementation of a competence-based curriculum suited to KKNI. The aim of the research is to implement an innovative learning material with project to improve students- performance in the teaching of complexometric titration topic of Analytrical Chemistry. The research steps are consisted of providing sets of mini project on complexometric titration topic, innovation of a learning package with multimedia, and implementation of innovative learning material as learning media in the class. Research results showed that a standard and innovative learning package containing of mini projects for complexometric titration topic have been developed suited to the KKNI curriculum. The project example and the video to do the projects that are provided in the learning package are found effective to guide the students to do the desire project. Integration of multimedia in the learning package has motivated the students to learn the topic and make chemistry easy to learn. An innovative learning material with project has been proved to be able to improve students performance in analytical chemistry procedures. The facility available in a learning package adequate to guide the student to learn chemistry independently and students centre learning style was achieved.

Innovative, Learning Material, Contextual Learning, Multimedia, General Chemistry

Chemistry Education


Implementation of Interactive Multimedia and Kit with Writing-to-Learn Strategy on the Chemistry in Daily Life Topic for Junior High School with Disabilities
Sukarmin, Sri Poedjiastoeti, Achmad Lutfi, Dian Novita, Moniqsa Purbo Syahrani,Luky Biyan Susanti

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Sukarmin Sukarmin

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

This study goals to describe the implementation of interactive multimedia and kit with Writing to Learn (WTL) strategies for hearing impairment students on the chemistry in daily life topic for junior high school. Interactive Multimedia and kit were implemented to 12 students junior high school with one group pretest-posttest design. The research instruments used was the observation on the use of interactive multimedia and the kit and test sheets. Data collection techniques are observation and tests analyzed descriptively. The Writing to Learn strategy component trained in this study is guided free writing, creative piece, and the end of class reflection. The results of the study showed that (1) interactive multimedia and kit implementation were good and very good category, (2) the students learning outcomes were increased after the learning, and (3) students responses indicate that the interactive multimedia and kit response were positive

Interactive Multimedia, kit, Writing to Learn Strategy, Hearing Impairment Student

Chemistry Education


Improving critical thinking skills of pre-service chemistry teachers through integrated biochemistry course
A. Wahyudi(a*), S. Liliasari(b), F.M.T. Supriyanti(b), Nahadi(b)

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Corresponding Author
Andi Wahyudi

1) Mahasiswa pendidikan IPA program doktor sekolah pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
* andywahyudy23[at]
2) Departemen pendidikan kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Integrated biochemistry course is learning pattern that combines biochemistry course (theory) and biochemistry laboratory course (practice). The purpose of this study was to find learning pattern (practice to theory or theory to practise) in improving students- critical thinking skills (CTs). Pre- and post-test non-equivalent group design was employed in this study. A total of 40 pre-service chemistry teachers with divided 20 students in experimental class 1 and 20 students in experimental class 2. Test of CTs was developed to measure student CTs before and after intervention. The result showed that integrated biochemistry course can improve students- CTs. Independent sample t-test was employed and the result showed significant difference between experimental class 1 and 2 (p=0.018). This indicates that the pattern of developing CTs from practice to theory is better than theory to practice.

critical thinking skills, pre-service chemistry teachers, integrated biochemistry course

Chemistry Education


Internalization Islamic values in Teaching Materials Buffer Solutions in Islamic Schools: A Process Analysis
U Sundari, L Heliawati, and A Permanasari

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Corresponding Author
Uun Sundari

Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pakuan

This research is motivated by concerns about the low achievement of students spiritual competencies, even in Islamic schools. One of the reasons is the limited availability of teaching materials that can help teachers to associate science subject towards Islamic values. Even though, teaching materials are an important part to determine the success of the learning process. In Islamic schools, teachers are required to internalize Islamic values into the subject, including in chemistry. Unfortunately, not all teachers understand the process of internalization in any chemical material taught. One of them is the buffer solution material. The aim of this research is to examine the process of internalization of Islam into buffer solutions teaching materials. The analytical method in this paper is based on scientific integration between general science and religious science (non-dichotomic). Internalization of Islam in buffer solution teaching materials conducted by including the verses of Quran and hadith that are related and strengthening the material in the form of case studies of the phenomenon of buffer solutions in everyday life and doing exercise. Based on the research, teachers and students gave a positive response to the procurement of teaching materials which internalized in Islamic values.

Islamic values; Teaching Materials; Buffer Solution;



Inventory in Research Results of Using Secondary Metabolites for Chemistry Lab Module Development
Hasby Hasby (a*), Elfrida Elfrida (b), Nurhafidhah Nurhafidhah (c), dan Ratih Permana Sari (d)

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Corresponding Author
Hasby Hasby

(a*, c, d) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Samudra, Jl. Kampus Meurandeh No.1, Kota Langsa 24416, Aceh-Indonesia
(b) Departement Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Samudra, Jl. Kampus Meurandeh No.1, Kota Langsa 24416, Aceh-Indonesia

The purpose of this study is (1) conduct an inventory of research results using secondary metabolites that have been carried out by researchers, (2) develop a chemistry-based chemical lab module based on the results of the inventory. The research uses research and development (R&D) and survey methods. The research data was obtained through documentary studies, questionnaires, and experiments. The technique of analyzing documentation data and experiments was carried out by the process of data reduction, presentation, conclusion drawing and data verification. The results obtained after the data reduction process, there are 30 references to the results of research on the utilization of secondary metabolites used in the study. This is done on the consideration that the results of the research can be carried out on a practicum scale, the tools and materials used are cheap and easy to find, and are a source of local natural materials. The percentage of the content and material design validation results in the modules are 80.2% and 86.2%, respectively, which are valid and feasible. Meanwhile, the results of the module practicality test on a small scale on 10 students as module users obtained a percentage of 80.8% and included in the good category.

Inventory, secondary metabolites, lab modules

Chemistry Education


Investigating pre-service chemistry teachers- views of the nature of science and technology for organic light-emitting diodes learning
Rini Fath Marsya (a*), Ahmad Mudzakir (b), Fitri Khoerunnisa (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rini Fath Marsya

a) Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Kimia, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia

b) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia.

This study aims to investigate the pre-service chemistry teachers- (PCTs-) views of the nature of science and technology (VNOST) for organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) learning. OLED technology contains aspects of VNOST and could be integrated into chemistry learning in the classroom. It was recognized that the exploration of views held by PCTs- on the nature of science and technology (NOST) is an essential step forward towards documenting views and beliefs held by these teachers. Adequate PCTs- VNOST will bring critical to effective classroom learning. The investigation of VNOST used a questionnaire from Aikenhead. The NOST questionnaire consisted of eight multiple-choice items with four aspects. These four aspects are the definition of science and technology, the epistemology of science, the internal sociology of science, and the external sociology of science. The VNOST were classified into three categories. These three categories are realistic (R), has merit (HM), and naïve (N). The results show that the PCTs were classified into R category in three NOST sub-aspects, into HM category in four NOST sub-aspects, and into N category in one NOST sub-aspect.

Pre-service chemistry teacher; Nature of science and technology; Organic light-emitting diodes

Chemistry Education


Metacognitive Skills and External Representations Patterns of Students in Chemistry Problem Solving
Ijirana and J Mansyur

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ijirana ijirana

Universitas Tadulako

This research aims to examines the pattern of external representation and metacognitive skills in chemistry problem solving for students of chemistry education Tadulako University. This picture will enrich the treasures of thinking skills in the field of science, namely how students/prospective teachers think in the context of metacognitive skills and how these students display an external representation system on chemistry concepts. The subject of this qualitative study was obtained through purposive random sampling of 97 students who have been programmed Basic Chemistry course 2017/2018 academic year. Subjects were selected based on the results of the screening using metacognitive skills assessment questionnaire (MCAI). Two problems solved by the subject with setting a one-on-one thinking aloud. Subjects who complete the issue with setting further interviewed at different times. Problem solving activity was recorded using a video camera. This type of representation and metacognitive skills aspects used by the subject, and how to use the sequence analyzed in detail. The results showed that chemistry education students who used metacognitive skills and external representations completely and complex manner in chemistry problem solving, would have the ability to increase the retention of related knowledge, connect new knowledge with prior knowledge, create ideas, organize and even synthesize knowledge so that productivity in finding a problem solving solution will show good results.

Metacognitive Skills, External Representation, Problem Solving, MCAI, dan one-on-one thinking-aloud



Pedagogical reasoning ability: is it necessary for preservice chemistry teachers?
Yuli Hartati (a)*

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Yuli Hartati

a) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Mulawarman, Jl. Muara Pahu Kampus Gn. Kelua Samarinda 75123, Indonesia

Teachers need to develop their teaching competencies, such as content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, and basic teaching skills. An alternative approach for improving the ability of preservice chemistry teachers to teach is by develop their pedagogical reasoning ability. This research using a mixed method methodology. Preservice chemistry teachers initially demonstrated limited pedagogical reasoning ability, especially in transformation stage. The results show that the profile of preservice chemistry teachers- pedagogical reasoning development continues to increase in the course of reseach.

Pedagogical reasoning; Pedagogical content knowledge; Teaching skills; Preservice chemistry teachers

Chemistry Education


Performance assessment rubric to assess students analytical thinking skills in chemistry lesson
Budi Utami, Sulistyo Saputro, Ashadi, Mohammad Masykuri

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Budi Utami

Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

21st century skills are very important for students, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Creativity and Innovation (known as 4 C). Faciones critical thinking skills include interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and selfregulation. This study is to determine the ability of students analytical thinking skills in chemistry lessons in Chemical Equilibrium material and to determine the suitability of the items of performance assessment rubric on the assessment of students analytical thinking skills. The study used a quantitative descriptive method and was analyzed using the RASCH model. The research subjects were XI gradeof science students in one of the high schools in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The results of the study revealed that there were still students with low analytical skills so that appropriate learning models were needed that could improve students analytical skills. Based on the results of the analysis of the RASCH model it is known that item measurement for each item in the rubric of performance assessment is a good category and can be used to measure students analytical skills.

performance assessment rubric, analytical thinking skills, chemistry lesson

Chemistry Education


Potential of Interactive Simulation of Ionic Liquids as Redox Electrolytes in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells in Building Understanding of Nature of Science and Technology of Pre-service Chemistry Teachers
Gali Eko Prasetyo (a*), Ahmad Mudzakir (b), Hernani (b)

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Corresponding Author
Gali Eko Prasetyo

(a) Chemistry Education Program, Post Graduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr.
Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
(b) Chemistry Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229,
Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the potential of interactive simulations of ionic liquids as electrolyte redox in dye-sensitized solar cells in building the understanding of pre-service chemistry teacher students on nature of science and technology (NOST), with aspects: (1) characteristics of science and technology; (2) the purpose of scientific and scientific research; (3) characteristics of scientific knowledge and scientific theory; (4) how to acquire scientific knowledge and scientific theory; and (5) the relationship between science and technology. This study used a descriptive method, which involved 20 students from a population of 70 students from one of the State Universities in Mataram City, Indonesia. This study used the NOST questionnaire instrument. The views on aspects of NOST are classified into Realistic, Has Merit and Naive. The result shows that the number of students with Realistic views increased and the views of has merit and naive decreased in every aspect of NOST after using interactive simulations. This shows that this interactive simulation has the potential to build an understanding of pre-service chemistry teachers about NOST. The implications of the results of this study can be used to support the learning process in NOST oriented pre-service chemistry teacher education.

Interactive Simulation, Nature of Science and Technology, Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

Chemistry Education


Pre-service Chemistry Teachers- Conceptions of Ionic Liquids as Ionic Solvents on the Cellulose Dissolution Process
Latifah Adelina Damayanti (a*), Soja Siti Fatimah (b), Tuszie Widhiyanti (b)

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Latifah Adelina Damayanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study examines pre-service chemistry teachers- understanding of concepts related to ionic liquids as cellulose solvents which include knowledge of cellulose, ionic compounds, and ionic liquids. This study used a descriptive method and involved 35 pre-service chemistry teachers from 6th semester who enrolled in the High School Chemistry unit. The research instruments of an open-ended questions which related to the concepts of ionic compounds, ionic liquids and cellulose. The results show that pre-service chemistry teachers have limited conceptions about of the concepts related to the dissolution of cellulose in ionic liquids. Based on the analysis of student answers to open-ended questions, students- conceptions about definition of cellulose are quite good, but student have no sufficient knowledge about the structure and benefits of cellulose. Furthermore, students- conceptions related to ionic compounds and ionic liquids are not good enough because student have not been able to mention the differences between ionic compounds and ionic liquids based on the structure, properties, and the constituent particles. This is because ionic liquids as cellulose solvents and the concepts related are not taught directly in the classroom so that it becomes an unfamiliar concept to student.

Pre-service chemistry teacher; Cellulose solvents; Ionic Liquids

Chemistry Education


Pre-service Chemistry Teachers- view of The Nature of Science and Technology
F Anggraini1*, A Mudzakir2, and H S Halimatul3

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Feradita Anggraini

1Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Kimia, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


2,3Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This research aims to investigate the views of pre-service chemistry teachers about the nature of science and technology. The research was conducted using a descriptive method with the participants consisted of 28 students on sixth semester and 23 students on eighth semester of Lampung University. Data were collected using the views on the nature of science and technology (VNOST) questionnaire consisting of 4 aspects: Definition of science and technology, Epistemology of science, Sociology of Internal science, and external sociology of science. The results of this study showed that pre-service teachers define science as a concepts and technology as the application of science. In the epistemological of science, they view scientific models as original objects and there are many ways to calcify. In the internal sociology of science, scientific decisions based on previous theories and technological decisions based on their impact on society. For the external sociology of science, pre-sevice teachers- being in agreement with science-technology-society affect each other and are affected by each other. In general, the results also revealed that a vast majority of them have has merit views. The results will be used as a basis for developing VNOST-oriented chemistry teacher education.

VNOST; Definition of science and technology; epistemology of science; sociology of internal science; external sociology of science

Chemistry Education


Profile of Misconception in Senior High School Students on the Concept of Acid Base Strength
Wiwi Siswaningsih, Nahadi, Vina Chandratika

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Wiwi Siswaningsih

Departement of Chemistry Education, FPMIPA UPI

This research aimed to find out the profile of misconception in senior high school students on the concept of acid base strength and the factors caused it. The research design used was qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique was carried out by two tier pictorial multiple choice diagnostic tests on the concept of acid base strength modified by researcher from previous developer, which consist of seven items and had been valid and reliable. In addition, the data was collected by using questionnaire, interview with students identified as having misconceptions and the chemistry teachers who taught the students, and documentation of chemistry textbook. The findings showed that: (1) students were identified as having misconceptions on the concept of acid base strength; (2) the biggest misconception was the target concept of the relationship between acid strength and pH with a percentage of 51.52%; (3) student misconception was caused by various factors, namely the condition of students, experiences, teachers, and textbooks.

acid base strength, diagnostic test, misconception, profile, two tier multiple choice test

Chemistry Education


Project Based Learning to develop Students- Creativities and Characters in Designing Experiments
S Sari, S Rohmah, O Sobandi and D Nasrudin

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Dindin Nasrudin

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

This study aims to analyze creativities and characters of students through project-based learning in designing experiments. Through the quasi-experimental method this research was conducted on 20 students who took experimental design courses. Through worksheets, product assessment sheets and attitude observation sheets the creativities and characters of students can be analyzed. The results showed that students- creativities in making experimental designs in the form of flowcharts had an average of 78.45 with good category, the abilities to create storyboards had an average of 75.81 with good category, the abilities to present products had an average of 77.65 with good category, the abilities to develop products from designing experiments had an average of 78 with good category. Meanwhile the characters developed were discipline with observable behavior that always came to the class punctually, spoke honestly, and remained confident even though the task that was doing was not satisfactory, the characters of responsibility with observable behavior was able to do the task without the help of others and diligently working on the task until it was finished.

Character education, Creativity, PBL

Chemistry Education


Revealing Students Problems in Learning Organic Synthesis
LN Amsad, Liliasari S, A Kadarohman, RE Sardjono

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Lusia Narsia Amsad

1) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung - Indonesia
2) Departemen pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung – Indonesia

Students always show problems when learning about synthesis organic. Therefore, purposed of this research is want to reveal all students- problems in synthesis organic chemistry. The participants of this research are 16 students of chemistry education in one state university in Papua, Indonesia. The type of this research is descriptive research where the students are given learning concerning to the concepts of the synthesis of organic compounds. The result shows students having a highest problems in concepts product stereochemistry of organic compound and the lowest in concepts about the functionality groups. Therefore, based on this study the lecturer have to give a clearly explanations about the concepts of reagent, required condition and related to the stereochemistry product in learning synthesis organic.

Revealing, Students- problems, Organic synthesis

Chemistry Education


Specialty Dihydrobenzoxanthone-s Artocarpus
Aliefman Hakim, Eka Junaidi, Dwi Laksmiwati

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Aliefman Hakim

University of Mataram

One family of plants that are source of bioactive chemicals is the Moraceae. Artocarpus is the main genus of the Moraceae. Several species of the genus Artocarpus have been isolated their secondary metabolites. Flavonoid is the most found from Artocarpus plant. Dihydrobenzoxanthone is one of flavonoid derivatives which is successfully isolated from Artocarpus. Dihydrobenzoxanthone is only formed from the flavone with ring B which is oxygenated with pattern of 2, 4 and 5. Students can be learned dihydrobenzoxanthone-s Artocarpus by laboratory activities

Artocarpus, dihydrobenzoxanthone, students

Chemistry Education


Stoichiometry Using Guided Inquiry Model for Enhancing creative thinking skills
Nadia Amida (a*), Nurhamidah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nadia Amida

(a*) Chemistry Education, Universitas Bengkulu
Jalan WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Muara Bangkahulu, Bengkulu, 38122, Indonesia
(b) Chemistry Education, Universitas Bengkulu

This study aims to enhance creative thinking skills of students using guided inquiry model trough of Stoichiometry. This study used quasi-experimental methods, with pretest-postest non equivalent control group design. Subjects of this study were biology students enrolled in basic chemistry, consist of 35 students in experimental class and 35 students in control class. Instrument in this study were essay test that involves 3 indicators of creative thinking skills (i.e. fluency, flexibility, and elaboration) and also student worksheets. The results showe that Stoichiometry using guided inquiry model have been enhance for creative thinking skills in high category for all indicators.

creative thinking skills, guided inquiry, stoichiometry

Chemistry Education


Students Collaborative Skills on Acid-Base using Sharing and Jumping Task
D Novi (a)*, S Hendayana (a), F M T Supriyanti (a) , and B Setiaji (b)

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Corresponding Author
Novi Daniyanti

a) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) SMA BPI 1, Yayasan Badan Perguruan Indonesia, Jl. Burangrang No. 8, Bandung 40262, Indonesia

Collaborative skills are the ability to cooperate, share tasks, and discuss by exchanging knowledge to solve problems. The research purposes is to identify collaborative skills using sharing and jumping task for acid-base topics. The research method is descriptive with research subjects students of class XI MIPA 4 in one of the high schools in the Bandung. The instrument uses observation sheet of the seven collaborative skills indicators and recording of learning transcripts analyzed using Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA). The result is the first sharing task, the first collaborative indicator, that is asking friends / teachers when student do not understand, is the most frequently identified indicator, while the seventh indicator that uses problem solving skills for goal resolution is the least identified indicator. The second sharing task, the first collaborative indicator, that is asking friends / teachers when student do not understand, is the most frequently identified indicator, while the fourth indicator, which is collaborating or sharing assignments to complete tasks, is the least identified indicator. In jumping task there are two student "jumping" who experience changes in attitudes during the learning process. The conclusions is sharing and jumping task learning can develop collaborative skills.

Collaborative skills, sharing and jumping task, acid-base.

Chemistry Education


Students Conceptions of Chemical Bonds in the Context of Graphene
V Seftari, A Supriatna, and T Widhiyanti

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Corresponding Author
Vivi Seftari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study aims to determine students understanding of the concepts related chemical bonds in the context of graphene. Data collection of this qualitative study were conducted using open-ended test and interview methods. The participants consisted of 30 students in 2nd grade high school who had studied chemical bonds. This study is related to students understanding of the formation of bonds between C atoms in graphene, the relationship of chemical bonds to graphene material strength, the movement of electrons that can conduct electricity to graphene. This research obtained that most students were unable to apply the concept of chemical bonds in the context of graphene. This is because the context of graphene has never been used as an example in the concept of chemical bonds in chemical learning. So the context of grafena is unfamiliar to students.

Learning Obstacles, Graphene, Chemical Bonds

Chemistry Education


Students Empowerment in Chemistry Learning through the Integration Dilemma Teaching Pedagogy in Plastic Waste
Yuli Rahmawati, Mega Ayu Agustin, Himaniyatul Rizqol Baeti (a*), Elisabeth Taylor (b), Peter C. Taylor (c), Rekha Koul (d)

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Corresponding Author
Yuli Rahmawati

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
b) Edith Cowan University
c) Murdoch University
d) Curtin University

The research aimed to engage students in reflecting their values through the integration dilemma teaching pedagogy in chemistry classroom. Dilemmas stories have been engaged students in values awareness through critical and dilemma thinking in the issues of plastic waste. The research was conducted in four secondary schools in Indonesia with 459 students, with depth case study in one classroom in year 12. The mixed method study as a methodology provided different perspectives to understand the participants. The Constructivist Values Learning Environment Survey (CVLES), semi-structured interviews, and classroom observations were applied as methods of data collection. The CVLES obtained perceptions of student engagement with the story, the teacher-s supportive role, critical thinking skill development, and students- learning to listen actively and think about the chemistry learning. The results show that the students and the researcher engaged in critical reflection on their values, collaboration with others, on their roles in participating in environmental education, social issues, and in deep chemistry learning. In addition to the dilemmas stories play important roles in developing character education which is relevant to new Indonesia curricula.

Dilemma teaching pedagogy, dilemma story, chemistry learning, CVLES

Chemistry Education


Students Mental Models in Acid-Base Topic
I Wayan Redhana, Ida Bagus Nyoman Sudria, I Nyoman Suardana, I Wayan Suja, Vina Dwi Putriani

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Corresponding Author
I Wayan Redhana

Chemistry Education Study Program, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Ganesha University of Education
Jalan Udayana No. 11 Singaraja Bali Indonesia
Email: redhana.undiksha[at]

This study aimed to describe the profile of students- mental models of SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja on the topic of acid-base. The study was survey research. The population consisted of 279 people of 11th-grade students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Classes of SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja in Buleleng Bali at an academic year of 2018/2019. In this study, all members of the population became members of the sample. The data needed in this study were the students mental model scores. Data were collected by a diagnostic test. Data were analyzed descriptively by grouping students mental models into three types, including scientific, synthetic, and initial mental models. The results showed that students had scientific, synthetic, and initial mental models of 2.69%, 61.766%, and 35.56% respectively.

diagnostic test; initial; mental model; scientific, synthetic



Students- Chemical Literacy Development through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) Integrated with Dilemmas Stories on Acid and Base Topics
Yuli Rahmawati (a*), Achmad Ridwan (a), Alin Mardiah (a), and Afrizal (a)

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Alin Mardiah

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

This study aims to develop students chemical literacy through the STEAM learning approach integrated with dilemmas stories on acid and base topics. The study was conducted in the 2018/2019 academic year and involved the thirty-six year 11 students. The research employed qualitative method to explore students- chemical literacy through classroom observation, reflective journals, student interviews, researcher notes, and chemical literacy tests. This study used four chemical literacy components according to Shwartz et. al., namely scientific and chemical content knowledge, chemistry in context, high order learning skills and affective aspect. The STEAM integrated with dilemmas stories implemented through five stages, namely value reflection, problem solving, project development, monitoring and evaluation, and transformation. The overall results of the study showed that students 8,33% at very good levels, 86,11% at good levels, 5,56% at fair levels, and there were no more students who were at poor level and very poor level. The challenges faced in this study are time management, engaging student, and public issues related to chemistry that in accordance with the topic of learning. STEAM integrated with dilemmas stories provides opportunities for students to develop chemical literacy through value reflection, problem solving, and STEAM project creation

Chemistry Learning; Acid-Base; Dilemmas Stories; STEAM; Chemical Literacy

Chemistry Education


Students- Critical Thinking Skills Comparison in Discovery Learning Based on Constructing Concept Mapping and Mind Mapping
I Nyoman Suardana (a*), I Wayan Redhana (a) and Ni Putu Merry Yunithasari (a)

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I Nyoman Suardana

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Ganesha University of Education
Jalan Udayana 11, Singaraja Bali 81116, Indonesia

This research aimed at analyzing the differences students- critical thinking skills that learning Basic Chemistry II through discovery learning based on constructing concept mapping and mind mapping. It was a quasi-experimental research with nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The research subject was students who programmed Basic Chemistry II in Science Education Study Program, the Ganesha University of Education on even semester in academic year 2018/2019. The subject consists of 34 students that were divided into two classes, those were class A and class B that consisting of 17 students respectively. Class A as the experiment-1 group learned through discovery learning based on constructing concept mapping and class B as the experiment-2 group learned through discovery learning based on constructing mind mapping. The research object was students- critical thinking skills that collecting by a critical thinking skills test. Data of students- critical thinking skills were analyzed through descriptively and inferential analysis, namely the Mann-Withney U-test with 5% significance level. The results showed that there is no significant differences in students- critical thinking skills that learning through discovery learning based on constructing concept mapping and mind mapping with the average score are 56.7 and 54.1 respectively. However, there are differences in each indicator of students- critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills profile of students who constructing concept mapping and mind mapping are 71.8 and 57.7 for interpretation, 54.1 and 34.1 for analysis, 47.1 and 28.2 for evaluation, 71.6 and 82.4 for inference, 69.1 and 64.7 for explanation respectively.

critical thinking skills; discovery; concept mapping; mind mapping



Students- Preconceptions of the Context of Magnetic Media Lubricants and the Related Chemistry Contents
Atep Rian Nurhadi (a*), Hernani (b), Iqbal Musthapa (b)

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Atep Rian

(a*) Magister Pendidikan Kimia, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
(b) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

TThis study aims to analyze students preconceptions regarding the context of magnetic media lubricants and chemical content related to the context as the basis for didactic design development that can teach technological aspects in high school chemistry learning. Descriptive research methods are used in explaining the results of the research obtained. This study involved 40 students from one of the high schools in the city of Bandung. The preconception test questions are based on the magnetic media lubrication enrichment book used to gather information about students conceptions regarding the context of magnetic media lubricants and their understanding of context-related chemical content. The preconception questions consist of 17 questions. Student answers are analyzed using a frequency distribution to categorize the criteria of conceptual understanding of each question and the answers are analyzed for errors to show learning obstacles that might arise in learning. In general, the results show that students still have a limited understanding. Therefore, it is necessary for educators to develop a didactic design based on the findings of student learning obstacles so as to be able to integrate technology in science learning comprehensively and optimally.

Preconceptions, magnetic media lubricants, MB, M, MSK, TM

Chemistry Education


Supplement Module Based on Laboratory Research on Thrombocyte Enhancement Test by Kebiul Seed (Caesalpinia bonduc) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability in Learning Organic Chemistry
Agus Sundaryono 1,2*, Arsela Ekolistiono11, Anissa Puji Astuti1, Feny Andriyani1, M. Lutfi Firdaus, Aceng Ruyani and Dewi Handayani2

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Agus Sundaryono

1Graduate School of Science Education, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu Indonesia
2 Undergraduate School of Chemistry Educations, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu

The purpose of this study is to develop a learning module based on laboratory research on Kebiul seed extract test to increase platelet count in mice. Twenty-five mice were grouped into five, group K- , mice were given sesame oil orally, K +, mice were given aspirin, and group P1, P2 and P3, mice were given Kebiul seed extract at a dose of 0.028 g / kgbw, 0.056 g / kgbw and 0.084g / kgbw. This laboratory research is then packaged as a supplementary module that was developed using the 4D model. The quality of the module can be identified by validation of expert judgment. The ability to think critically is measured using indicators focusing questions, considering whether the source is reliable or not, the indicators conclude by induction thinking and considering the results of induction, and identifying assumptions. Kebiul seeds with a dose of 0.056 g / kg bw are the most effective way to increase platelet counts in mice and have the potential to be used as a medicine to increase platelet count in DHF patients. Based on the results of expert validation, media experts gave a value of 91.9%, material experts amounted to 86.8% and module experts amounted to 86.4%, the modules were categorized as very feasible to use, student responses to the modules amounted to 85.80% (very good and effective) and feasible to use.

Biji Kebiul (Caesalpinia bonduc); DHF; Critical Thinking; Traditional medicine; Learning module

Chemistry Education


Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Case Study on Prospective Chemistry Teacher Through Lesson Study
Maria Paristiowati (a*), Yusmaniar (a), M Fazar Nurhadi (b), Anisa Imansari (a)

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M Fazar Nurhadi

a) Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
b)Magister of Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aims to analyze the profile of technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) abilities of prospective chemistry teachers in the practice of teaching skills in schools through lesson study activities. The study was conducted at the Chemistry Education Study Program, Jakarta State University and school in Jakarta. The method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive research method. The stages of the study are in accordance with the modified lesson study stages, namely training in the preparation of lesson plan that links the suitability of the TPACK components, observes the learning process and reflects. Data collection techniques through TPACK questionnaire, lesson plan assessment, observation of the learning process, and reflective prospective teacher journals. The data of the research results were analyzed according to TPACK criteria. The results of the observation show that prospective chemistry teachers can make or use videos, interactive power points in learning chemical equilibrium and acid-base material. Varying methods such as demonstrations, discussions, games in the delivery of material and evaluating through games. The results of the study concluded that the TPACK ability of prospective chemistry teachers developed during the learning process from the category of PN-Perception level to the category of CN-Conception level.

Technological pedagogical and content knowledge, prospective chemistry teacher, lesson study

Chemistry Education


The Application of Problem Solving Learning Model for Chemistry Food Materials Course by Using Video Media
Dewi Handayani(a*) , Muzanip Alperi(b)

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Dewi Handayani

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia
b LPMP Bengkulu, Jl. Zainul Arifin No. 2 Nusa Indah Singaran Pati, Bengkulu 38229, Indonesia

This research aims to improve the student activities and learning outcomes in the course of chemistry food materials. The type of this research is a classroom action research, which consists of 3 cycles. The research subjects were students of the chemistry education study program who took chemistry food materials courses in the odd semester of academic year 2017/2018, totaling 35 people. The data analysis technique is by calculating the average value, absorptive capacity, and classical learning completeness. As for the observation data, it is done descriptively, by calculating the total score obtained by the category of less, sufficient, and good. The results showed that there was an increase in the average value of student tests per cycle, namely 78.81: 80.18: and 85.69. The activities of lecturers and students, it was increasing in good categories. The use of problem solving learning models with video media as a source of independent learning turns out to be able to improve learning outcomes and student activities in the course of chemistry food materials when it compared to the initial of previous student-s knowledge, it is because students can be involved in the learning process by listening and seeing, so they have a high absorption ability to remember information, objects and events.

Problem solving, learning videos, chemistry food materials

Chemistry Education


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