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Andi Kristanto, Setya Chendra Wibawa

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Andi Kristanto

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

The purpose of developing computer learning media is learning problem solving efforts, so that they can improve student learning outcomes. This study uses the ADDIE development model. The trial was carried out in several stages, namely the validation of material experts, media experts, and student trials. Methods of data collection using interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Based on the results of the material expert questionnaire calculation is 90%, the results of the calculation of the media expert questionnaire are 92%. The results of individual trials scored 94.4%, the results of small group trials scored 95%, and the results of large group trials scored 97.5%. Based on the criteria for the media that are developed suitable for use in learning. Data obtained from the t test from the pretest and post test are = 5,730> = 2,039, it can be concluded that computer learning media is effectively used in learning

development; media; computer learning

Computer and Communication Engineering


Development of Digital Media for Wushu Training
Suyitno Muslim

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Suyitno Muslim

Universitas Negeri Jakarts

Abstract. This study aims to develop digital media that are effective in improving wushu training. Digital media are tested with one to one evaluations, small group evaluations, and field trials. The results of interviews with instructors, and training participants show a positive response that in improving digital media skills are needed as a guide to the exercise e-module. In this study, at the evaluation stage 3 instruments were used to collect data. Pretests are designed to identify the trainees initial abilities, questionnaires with instructors, media experts and instructional design experts, to validate the content of digital media, and posttest to see the effectiveness of the media in improving learning. The results of the large group evaluation and field tests involving 30 training participants suggested that the media was very effective. as instructional for wushu training. The results of this study indicate that digital media is very effective and efficient as a guide for wushu training in improving skills.

Development Instructional Media, Digital Media, e-Module, Wushu Training.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Yuliatri Sastrawijaya ,Prasetyo Wibowo Y and Korina Jami-s

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Yuliatri Sastrawijaya

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Evaluation of learning outcames is an evaluation conducte to see how well an assessment can measure the succes of the learning process. SIP-Eval is a system development to help teachers in evaluating learning outcomes at school.SIP-Eval uses the concept of a decision support system and is developed with a SDLC model by designing using UML. SIP-Eval uses three tests that is assessment testing, usabillity testing and user accepted testing. Testing do to determine the quality of the items product by SIP-Eval and to know the usefulness of the SIPEval and to know SIP-Eval can function property. SIP-Eval involves server administration subject teachers and students as respondents testing from Vocational High School 7 Jakarta and Vocational High School 26 Jakarta. The test results conducted at Vocational High School 7 Jakarta and Vocational High School 26 Jakarta involving 3 Server Administration subject teachers and 27 class XI students of the Computer Network Engineering expertise program show that SIP-Eval has a good ability in assisting users in completing the evaluation of learning outcames process and can function very well for educators and students in the implementation evaluation of learning outcames in schools with 73.75% obtained in usability testing and 94.70% in UAT testing. So that SIPEval greatly facilitates teachers in the implementation evaluation of learning outcames process and is very efficient. SIP-Eval produces 40 items that are declared valid with the highest validity value of 0.91 and the lowest validity value of 0.86. Difficulty analysis states that 5 items are too difficult, 34 items are moderate and 1 item is too easy. Differentiating power analysis states that 2 items have a very good discriminating power, 19 items have good dissemination power, 7 items are good enough for their power, 3 items are not good for their power and 9 items are not very good at their power. Test equipment (assessment) used in the test subjects of server administration class XI even semester has a very high reliability scale with reliability test results obtained at 0.896.

sipeval, evaluation, education, learning outcomes

Computer and Communication Engineering


Development Of Generator Set Operation Monitoring System For Performance Analysis And Periodic Maintenance Based On IoT Technology
Hartono BS*, Bambang PM, Wahyu BM and A Pudin

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Hartono Budi Santoso

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Abstract. The use of generator sets or genset, both fueled by diesel and gasoline, has been widely used both as a main power plant and a backup power plant. If the generator is used in the field and as a primary source to support field operations, it must be ensured that the generator is in good condition. If the generator set is problematic when it is already in the field it will certainly greatly hamper the work. In this research an online monitoring system of genset operation has been developed based on the ThingSpeak IoT platform technology, which can record the history of genset operation, starting from measuring fuel level and total energy (kWh) generated from each operating hour. In addition, the engine temperature is also measured when operating. The measurement results are used to off line analyze the performance of genset to find out whether the performance is still good enough or whether it is time for maintenance. The results of the development of the Genset Operation Monitoring System show the system has worked well by sending measurement data to the ThingSpeak IoT platform as a data logger. The data stored on ThingSpeak is equipped with the time the data was received so that it can be used to determine the duration of operation, fuel consumption, average operating temperature and total energy (kWh) produced. The measurement results are used to perform performance analysis and determine periodic maintenance time.

Performance Monitoring, Periodic Maintenance, IoT, ThingSpeak, Genset

Computer and Communication Engineering


Yuliatri Sastrawijaya, Ivan Hanafi and Elnova Feralisa Wulan Sari

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Yuliatri Sastrawijaya

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The goal of this research is for designing and making an instructional media based on animation which suitable for computer systems lesson with the theme is material structure and CPU functions as well as the characteristics of the instruction set. The target of research grade XI grade Multimedia SMK Sejahtera Jakarta. This reasearch uses R&D (Research &Development) methode and MDLC ((Multimedia Development Life Cycle) development style. Software that I used for this research is Adobe Flash CS6. The media that has been created then tested uses validated instrument. The instrument is given to material experts,media experts, and respondents. The results of validation from material expert are this instructional media based on animation is valid. The result of tested by media expert are this instructional media is worthy. And the result by respondents are overall got a very good criteria with percentage value is 94,33%. Instructional media based on animation which suitable for computer systems lesson with the theme is structure and function of CPU and characteristic of instruction set can categorized very well for used by students in gradeXI Multimedia SMK Sejahtera.

Instructional Media, Computer Systems, Structure and Function of CPU, Characteristic and Instruction Set, Based on Animation

Computer and Communication Engineering


Yuliatri Sastrawijaya , Vina Oktaviani and Rozan Hilmy Abdul Hanif

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Yuliatri Sastrawijaya

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This study aims to develop learning media for 3-dimensional object modeling video tutorials that will be used in 3-dimensional animated learning on graphic design extracurricular activities at Al-Azhar Bumi Serpong Damai Islamic High School, as well as to find out the feasibility of learning video tutorial media. The 3-dimensional object that will be created is the Iron Man mask. Making 3-dimensional objects using Blender software version 2.79b, while for making tutorial videos use Camtasia software version 8.6.0. The concept of developing video tutorials uses the R & D (Research and Development) method with a development model from the Ministry of Education (2004) in Andi Prastowos book. The stages of development are: (1) making a title, (2) making a synopsis, (3) making a script, (4) taking pictures, (5) editing videos, (6) expert testing, (7) distribution and (8) evaluation. After the media video tutorial is complete, the next is to test the tutorial video for respondents, namely class X and class XI participants of graphic design extracurricular activities at Al-Azhar Bumi Serpong Damai Islamic High School. The results of the respondents trials were scored 84.86%. With details of the aspect of display quality / impressions 86.5%, aspects of interest and attention 74% and aspects of accuracy of material content 87%. Based on the results of these tests, it can be concluded that the learning media (tutorial video) makes Iron Man characters worthy of being used in learning 3-dimensional modeling material on graphic design extracurricular Al-Azhar Islamic High School Bumi Serpong Damai.

Media, tutorial videos, modeling, Ministry of Education (2004), Blender, Camtasia

Computer and Communication Engineering


Development of Virtual Reading Room (VRR Digi_Litikon) for Learning Batik
Isma Widiaty, Lala Septem Riza, Ana, Sugeng Rifqi Mubaroq, Dadang Hidayat Martawijaya, Suciati, Cep Ubad Abdullah

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Isma Widiaty

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The development of industrial revolution 4.0 in education has influenced students- learning styles, thinking patterns, and behaviors. One of which is related to the use of learning media. VRR Digi-Litikon, which is a part of Digi-Litikon Batik digital library, is an application used as Batik learning media. It is a platform of digitalized books, scientific works, and articles related to West Java Batik. It aims to enables students to acquire resources and literature on West Java Batik easily. It is also desgined to use Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with waterfall approach. The results of the development of the application showed that the application has worked well on multiplatforms such as computers, desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets using internet connection. This application can display books, scientific works, and articles on Batik in the form of real books so that it gives interesting experiences to the students.

Development; Virtual Reading Room (VRR Digi_Litikon); Learning; Batik

Computer and Communication Engineering


Development of Web-Virtual Laboratory to Improve the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Remedial Learning
S Sriadhi (a*), R Restu (b), Harun Sitompul (a), Juaksa Manurung (a)

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S Sriadhi

a) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

The industrial revolution 4.0 demands universities to improve the quality of the graduates, while the competency standards have not yet been fully achieved. This study aims to build a virtual laboratory (V-Lab) as an independent practicum media through remedial learning. The development of V-Lab used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model with the software Code Codeigniter and PHP 7.2, while the database used MySQL and PosgreSQL. The testing was done with Stub Testing, Unit Testing and inspection with Integration Testing for interactions between modules. The test results showed high feasibility in design, representation of user needs, reliability, security system, and the ease of the usage. The V-Lab is also able to increase the learning motivation of the students and have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes. While efficiency can be improved on the aspects of time flexibility, place of learning, facilities and cost savings because the learning is virtual. This study recommends V-Lab as an effective and efficient remedial learning through a virtual laboratory.

virtual laboratory, remedial learning

Computer and Communication Engineering


Rahmat Ilahi, Isma Widiaty, Didin Wahyudin, Ade Gafar Abdullah

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Rahmat ilahi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Information and Communications technology (ICT) has been widely applied in digital library services to improve the knowledge and the public interest. Researchers can easily obtain the information of interest through internet surfing. Digital libraries seek to provide prospective readership with alternative materials for reading. They also preserve the culture, customs that could be learnt by future generations. The utilization of digital libraries as learning resources include educational and community aspects. The purpose of this paper was to review and analyze the impact of a digital library system in education on potential readership.

Learning resources, Digital Library, Education

Computer and Communication Engineering


Digitalisation Trend in Education During Industry 4.0
Muktiarni (a*), Isma Widiaty (a), Ade Gafar Abdullah (a)

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Muktiarni Muktiarni

Study Program of Technological and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 40154


This study synthesizes the findings of a study on the trend of digitalization of education in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0. Journal studied from 2015 to 2019. This paper focuses on the challenges and opportunities problem4.0 industry, industrial development 4.0 characterized by the development of big data and artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence). Skill is needed in this era or called big data and artificial intelligence, including advanced analytics, Internet of Things, and digital security. All areas of both education and industry in the world will be affected by the development of the industrial revolution 4.0,new patterns when disruptive technology (disruptive technology) are present so fast that all people, particularly education should be immediately adapt to industry developments 4.0.Education and industry should be able to develop the industry by considering the transformation starategi sector human resource competency in their field. It is a challenge for education in preparing human resources in order to adapt to the industry 4.0. Of the few studies that have been done Trend digitalization in education as one of the dominant solutions carried out in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0, it is in line with a new pattern that is found in industry 4.0 iedisruptive technology (disruptive technology).

digitalisation, industry 4.0, technology, education

Computer and Communication Engineering


E-Job sheets as a Practical Guidance in Industrial Revolution 4.0
R O Firmansyah (1*), I Widiaty (1), A G Abdullah (1), R A Hamdani (2), D Kuswardhana (2)

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Rian Oktariana Firmansyah

(1) Post-Graduate Studies School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(2) Technology and Vocational Education Faculty, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This article aims to design e-job sheet based an android as a learning media for Competency-based training in line with the demands of the industrial revolution 4.0. The focus of this article is on the challenges of learning in the industrial revolution 4.0, the character of students, and the framework of the e job sheet model. The method used in this e-Worksheet study is Research-Based Design which consists of four main stages, are identifying problems to be examined, designing solutions to problems, repetitive cycles, and reflections. The results of the study show that the learning media must keep up with current technological developments and are easy to use according to the target character of the user. The e-jobsheet application is considered appropriate to be used as a practical guidance in competency-based training that can be operated online and offline. E-job sheet consists of simulation videos that are packaged per segment based on practical stages, are interactive and all activities in the application can be documented.

E-job sheet, practical guidance, android, industrial revolution, design based research

Computer and Communication Engineering


Effects of Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty on New Media Literacy Society
Heri Fathurahman (1), Saparuddin Mukhtar (2), KYS Putri (3)

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Kinkin Y Subarsa Putri

(1) Department of Business Administration, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
(2) Department of Economic, State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
(3) Departemet of Comunication, State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. New media helps all aspects of society well. The formulation of the problem of this research is how the influence of electronic word of mouth, brand trust, brand loyalty towards the new media literacy of the community. The concept is new media in electronic word of mouth, brand trust, brand loyalty and new media literacy. Method used quantitative with multivariate analysis. Research respondents are Youtube users on a product. Validity and reliability of the research is good, it can proceed to the next stage. Reflections are from the descriptive results of all the variables that have a positive dominant value. Multivariate in this study went positive. Alternative hypothesis of all independent variables on new media literacy has a positive effect. This means that this research is consistent with previous research toward positive influences. There is the influence of electronic word of mouth, brand trust, brand loyalty towards the publics new media literacy in using Youtube. Conclusion is positive. Suggestion is to use new media in subsequent research and reflect on the concept of research in technological development to make new contributions in the development of technology and the social side of society.

electronic word of mouth, media literacy, new media.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Electronic Service Quality, Perceived Value, and Loyalty Intention on Online Ticket Customers
Dr. Aceng Gima Sugiama, SE., MP.

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Aceng Gima Sugiama

Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Polban)

The customer of online tickets continues to increase including for the millennial segment in Indonesia, but how the causality of electronic service quality, perceived value, and loyalty intention variables on online ticket customers. The aim of this research is to examine the causality of electronic service quality, perceived value and loyalty intention on ticket online customer service. The research theory of this study is the use of E-S-QUAL (Electronic-Service Quality). This descriptive research utilizes the ticket online service in Indonesia as a case, with the e-commerce user population for online shop ticket services in Indonesia, a sample size of 514 respondents, and data were analyzed using the regression model. The results show that online ticket customers consider that the higher level of electronic service quality (efficiency, fulfillment, system availability, and privacy) can increase the perceived value of the customer concerned. Better customer perception of perceived value will increase the customers loyalty intention. In addition, the higher the quality of electronic sales services, can increase customer loyalty of online ticket shops.

E-S-QUAL (Electronic-Service Quality), perceived value, loyalty intention

Computer and Communication Engineering


Fuzzy Rule-Based Method for Determining The Educational Curriculum for Terrorism Convicts In The Penitentiary
Wenly R.J. Lolong, Irene R.H.T. Tangkawarow

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Wenly RJ Lolong

Universitas Negeri Manado

Penitentiary in Indonesia becomes a place to foster and educate the convict to be able to return to a good life. The deradicalization program is run by the government against terrorism convict while in the penitentiary. One of the scope of the material in the deradicalization program for convict is the education program that should be carried out by convicted individuals. To be able to achieve the results optimally, the substance of the educational curriculum applied to terrorism. Ideally, the curriculum is different for each individual. The basis for its consideration based on particular criteria that give attention to the background of the convicted person. These specific criteria include the Courts Verdict, Education Level, Age, and Gender. The intended education curriculum covers life skills education, nationalism education and multiculturalism, and religious education. The purpose of the study is to determine the right curriculum for convict based on the existing criteria. We determine the curriculum using the fuzzy logic approach. The use of fuzzy rule-based methods facilitates the resolution of the right curriculum. The aim of this research insistence improves performance in the best decision making for terrorism convicts- educational curriculum.

Penitentiary, deradicalization, educational curriculum, terrorism convict, fuzzy rule-based

Computer and Communication Engineering


Game Puzzle Wayang Kamasan Bagi Edukasi Anak Dengan Algoritma Fisher-Yates Shuffle
I Gede Dhiyo Nugraha Putra, A.A.Ayu Putri Ardyanti, I Gede Juliana Eka Putra

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Dhiyo Nugraha

Teknik Informatika, STMIK PRIMAKARA

Abstract This game was designed because of the lack of supporting media to introduce or educate children to get to know the culture in the area, especially in the Kamasan Puppet Art. Therefore, an interesting means is needed and can introduce Kamasan Puppet Art culture by designing a Puzzle Game. Randomization method is important in designing a Game Puzzle, one of which is the Fisher-yates shuffle randomization algorithm. This algorithm can be used in randomizing Puzzle Games to produce good randomization. And to test the effectiveness of the Kamasan Puppet Puzzle Game, the validity and reliability tests are used. In this test, it was found that the Kamasan Puppet Puzzle Game can be used as a means of educating character recognition on Kamasan Puppet art. Keywords: Puppets, Kamasan, Fisher-Yates Shuffle, Validity, Reability

Puppets, Kamasan, Fisher-Yates Shuffle, Validity, Reability

Computer and Communication Engineering


Irwan Setiawan(a), Suprihanto(b), Ade Chandra Nugraha(c), Jonner Hutahaean(d)

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Irwan Setiawan

(a),(b),(c),(d) Department of Computer and Informatics Engineering / Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia

Employee attrition can become a serious issue because of the impacts on organization-s competitive advantage. It can become costly for organization. The cost of employee attrition would be the cost related to human resources life cycle, lost knowledge, employee morale, and organizational culture. The aim of this study was to analyze employee attrition using logistic regression. The result obtained can be used by the management to understand what changes they should make to their workplace, in order to get most of their employee to stay. The data for study were around four thousand employees covering a period of 261 days (one year working days), during 2015. The data were organized between January and December. R was used for data integration, exploratory data analysis, data preparation, logistic regression, model evaluation, and visualization. The study was divided into five steps: (1) data collection and business understanding, (2) data pre-processing, (3) exploratory data analysis, (4) model selection and training, and (5) test and evaluation of the model. The result of the study found eleven variables as key driving factors for employee attrition. It also showed that the model has 75 percent accuracy with 73 percent sensitivity and 75 percent specificity.

employee attrition; logistic regression; classification problem; analytic human resource

Computer and Communication Engineering


Hypertext Preprocessor Framework in the Development of Web Applications
M I N Saroni*, B Mulyani and I Widiaty

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M Iqbal Nursyahid Saroni

School Post Graduates Vocaltional and Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jalan Dr. Setia Budi No.229, Bandung City 40154,
West Java. Indonesia

The writing of this paper aims to determine the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) framework that is widely used and analyze the benefits of the framework in making a web application. A systematic review through a review of articles about the PHP framework. Article search is accessed from an internet database search. Articles taken from 2014-2019. The PHP framework can simplify the process of developing web applications because the concept has already been determined. Whereas if you use regular PHP, a programmer makes coding, folder structure or configuration is made as he wishes. Usually, the PHP framework uses the concept of Model-View-Controller (MVC), its function model is for database queries, its View function is for displaying HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the controller functions for calculations or logic. The result is that PHP Laravel and CodeIgniter frameworks are the most widely used in building a web application. The PHP framework makes web application development faster and more stable. The selection of the right PHP framework for the project making a web application can also affect the performance results obtained after the web application is completed.

Framework PHP; Web Application; MVC

Computer and Communication Engineering


ICMLS Version 3.0 as a Prototyfe of Bio-communication Model for Revolutionary Human Numerical Competences on Vocational Education Practices
Deni Darmawan and Alain Kiyindou

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deni darmawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Bordeaux Montaigne University-France

The research focusing on the development of "ICMLS version 3.0 (Integrated Communication Mobile Laboratory Simulator)" is a study that aims to produce human learning innovations that have shifted from Human Communication to Human Numerical. Prototype ICMLS 3.0 has integrated artificial intelligence with aspects of creativity supported by a model of findings of Bio-communication. Through R & D research and development methods, ICMLS version 3.0 products are produced through the support of industrial partners so that the quality and quantity can be felt by all SMKs in the world. This Prototype can accommodate practicum and student competency test. The results of the experimental results of Vocational students from 8 Vocational Schools have been shown to increase the average student competency test in 10 competency tests from 75.13 to 85.53.

ICMLS; Mobile Laboratory; Vocational High School; Computer network Engineering.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Product Sales Prediction at Rice Milling Unit (RMU)
Mendarissan Aritonang (a*) Denny Jean Cross Sihombing (b)

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Mendarissan Aritonang

a) Informatics Management Department
Methodist University of Indonesia Medan, Indonesia.
b) Information System Department Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia.

In North Sumatra, there are many rice fields and rice milling factories (Rice Milling Units). Rice Milling Units (RMU) are still many who have not applied the prediction method for the sale of rice so that it can affect the availability of raw materials. The purpose of this research is forecasting product sales (rice) at RMU so that it can know the number of raw materials needed so that will avoid idle time. To obtain optimal forecasting, it will be compared 2 (two) forecasting method, Linear Regression and Artificial Neural network with Backpropagation algorithm. The results showed the value of MSE on linear regression method of 214, while at the time using Artificial Neural Network obtained MSE value of 0.00099713. Based on the value of the MSE, it is seen that the smallest MSE is forecasting by Artificial Neural Network method. The results of forecasting sales of rice starting from June 2019 to May 2020 (in tonnes) are 98, 82, 85, 85,123, 91, 95, 98, 84, 124, 101, 75 Keywords— Artificial Neural Network, Sales Forecasting, Backpropagation, Linear Regression

Artificial Neural Network, Sales Forecasting, Backpropagation, Linear Regression

Computer and Communication Engineering


Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) Android Based in Learning
Aprinaldi (a*), Yulia Rahmawati (a), Mumu Komaro (a)

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Aprinaldi Aprinaldi

Study Program of Technological and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


Augmented reality is a technology that offers the ability to combine the virtual world with the real world. During its development, augmented reality is divided into two, which is desktop based and mobile (android) based is now being used as a media in learning in terms of science. The presence of augmented reality provides a solution for learning that is abstract and complex. We collect several journals related to augmented reality from a variety of sources, and acquired as many as 57 articles in the span of eight years between 2010 and 2018, and 28 of them in accordance with this research topic. We found a variety of research methods used to obtain the data for the implementation of augmented reality as a learning media, methods used include observation, questionnaires, surveys, pre-test and post-test, interview, video recording, and documentation. The resulting impact also varied, ranging from student motivation, student performance, student understanding, and also the effectiveness of AR in learning.

Augmented Reality, Android, Learning

Computer and Communication Engineering


implementation of blended learning model assisted of as an effort to face industrial revolution 4.0
1)Firman Aziz, 2)Diki Wahyudi, 3)Kemal Musthafa, 4)Aghnia Fadila

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Firman Aziz

1)Department of Communications, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

2)Department of Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

3)Department of Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

4)Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the application of the assisted blended learning learning model of the application at UPI and to know the mastery of blended learning learning assisted by the application at UPI. The research method uses quasi experiments with quantitative approaches. The study population was all students who contracted the general course of Indonesian Language Education in odd semester 2018/2019, while the study sample was 80 students or two classes (control and experiment). The research instrument used in-depth observations and open questionnaires. The study was conducted for one month starting 1-29 December 2018. The results showed: 1) the implementation of the blended learning learning model assisted by the application proved to provide positive results as much as 91% of students liked blended learning and 2) as many as 86% of students were able master the assisted blended learning learning application at UPI. Assisted learning of blended learning in the application is proven to be able to be applied to students so that this learning is a solution in facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0.

Learning, Model of Learning, Blended Learning, SPOT.UPI.EDU, Industrial Revolution

Computer and Communication Engineering


Improving Student Learning Achievement in the Block of Nervous System and Special Senses through Application of Blended Learning Strategy
Dewa Putu Widjana

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Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas Warmadewa

Since its establishment in 2009, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa has implemented a competency-based curriculum, in which teaching materials are grouped into block based on systems or themes. By this way, learning is expected to be more meaningful because clinical sciences can be introduced to student earlier. The study design was cross-sectional analytic where all students of the years 2016 and 2017 who underwent block 1.6 (Nervous System and Special Senses) were involved. From the present study we concluded that E-learning in combination with conventional learning method (blended learning) increased student achievement in final students assessment of the block Nervous System and Special Senses, hence E-learning can be applied as a supporting tool for conventional learning method.

Learning Achievement; Block of Nervous System; Special Senses; Blended Learning

Computer and Communication Engineering


Indoor Localization Based WiFi Signal Strength Using Support Vector Machine
Hani Rubiani (a*), Sulidar Fitri (b), Muhammad Taufiq (b), Mujiarto (c*)

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Mujiarto Mujiarto

a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
b) Department of Information Technology Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
c) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, Jl. Tamansari Km. 2,5, Mulyasari, Tamansari, Tasikmalaya 46196, Indonesia

Estimating the location of Object in an indoor environment poses a fundamental challenge in ubiquitous computing. Indoor localization based on signal strength by utilizing devices in buildings such as WiFi signals is increasingly being done. To determine the user-s position using the algorithm of the received signal strength. This paper shows that contrary to popular belief an indoor localization system based on WiFi fingerprints using Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. The performed experiments using 14480 datasets and 302 classes, collected from real world environments in building, and the comparison with Naïve Bayes confirm the effectiveness of SVM-based localization proposal. Experimental results show that the system achieves a correct classification rate of around 88% and minimum average error distance 4.61 meters compared to Naïve Bayes for correct classification rate of around 67% and minimum average error distance 6.21 meters.

Support vector machine; SVM; Naive bayes; Indoor localization

Computer and Communication Engineering


HD Hutahaean, TTA Putri, RD Sari, R Rahmadani, MD Mendoza, S Sriadhi

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Corresponding Author
Harvei Desmon Hutahaean

PTIK-FT, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar/ Pasar V, Medan 20221, Indonesia

Nowadays, the development of science and technology is quite fast. Where this also affect hotel facilities that are developing as well as those which are used daily for staying, meetings, wedding party or just visiting. The better services and facilities provided, the more people will come and stay and use the facilities at the hotel, whether it is room facilities, meeting room facilities, facilities for an event and many others are provided in each hotel. Each of this hotel wants to give satisfaction to guests who come to use the hotels facilities and services. Every hotel has a grade or class. Therefore opinions and complaints given by guests will be very useful to improve the hotel-s service quality. To find out about the level of service quality it is necessary to measure the satisfaction level of each guest. To measure the customer satisfaction level, an information system is required by applying the servqual method to measure the service quality from attributes of each dimensions, this information system will be used by the hotel management to analyze the satisfaction level of hotel guests and can be used to assist in decision making.

Service, Facilities, Satisfaction Level, Servqual Method, Information System

Computer and Communication Engineering


Integrated Application Design to Facilitate Effective and Safe Student Pick-Up Process by Utilizing Microcontrollers, Socket TCP and Client Server Database
Dodit Suprianto (a*), Dimas Wahyu Wibowo (a), Awan Setiawan (b), Rini Agustina (c)

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Corresponding Author
Dodit Suprianto Suprianto

(a) Information Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang
(b) Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang,
(c) Science & Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Long queues during student pick-up are a major problem in some elementary schools and kindergartens. Sometimess parents dont find their children in school because they may be buying food, being in class or playing in a large school area, so their parents have to wait for a long time for their children to go out to the gate. Conversely, sometimes parents are late in picking up their children, which causes the school to keep students from leaving school without the permission of the teacher or officer, and they also have to ensure that all students have returned to their homes. Parents complaints about this pick-up problem are a serious concern for the school. Moreover, the news of the kidnapping of children aged 4-12 years (the crime of trafficking) will worry all parties. This study aims to design integrated applications by utilizing RFID, Microcontroller, Socket TCP, Text To Speech, Client Server and Database as a student pickup model by parents as registered RFID cardholders. Based on the identification of the parent RFID card that is read by the RFID reader sensor and matched with the data in the database, then the application will automatically call the name of the student according to his RFID through the technique of text to the speech voice synthesizer. The method of developing applications using Waterfall. The results of implementing this application system show that the performance accuracy of 90% can be used properly.

RFID, Mircrocontroller, Arduino, Socket TCP, Text To Speech, Voice Synthesizer, Client Server Database

Computer and Communication Engineering


Integrated Service Oriented Architecture Modeling and Unified Software Development Process To Alter The Services Into Object Utilities (Case Study: Supervised of Teacher-s Lesson Plan Process)
A C Djamen (a), D R Kaparang (a*), V R Palilingan (a)

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Daniel Riano Kaparang

a) Department of Engineering
Universitas Negeri Manado
Jalan Kampus Unima Tondano, Minahasa, Indonesia.

Changing patterns in the use of industry 4.0 technology requires an automation system that supports the use of accurate data validity and system functionality which is the effectiveness and efficiency of its use. Service Oriented Architecture Modeling (SOMA) supports enterprise-scale software development with service-oriented. This service supports system automation to simplify the business processes of a company or organization. This study aims to analyze changes in functions and data from service oriented to object oriented using the Unified Software Development Process (USDP). All processes made based on the stages of USDP method. The results were obtained from trials in the process of supervision of teacher learning planning in schools. The code was built into functional testing of the list of existing supervision services and converted into objects through XML and WSDL documents.

Softaware Oriented, Object Oriented, Software Development, XML, WSDL

Computer and Communication Engineering


Yuri Ariyanto, Budi Harijanto, Awan Setiawan, Supriatna Adhisuwignjo, Erfan Rohadi

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Yuri Ariyanto

State Polytechnic Of Malang

With the advancement of computer virtualization technology, the use of cloud computing technology began to be scrutinized by researchers. With the existence of cloud computing technology can make computer virtualization on a server that is running. This can save the cost of providing information technology and operational infrastructure independently for each service that will be served. With this technology one physical machine is made into a shared resource that can be shared and used by several services at once. In this study made 4 servers using SLIMS7, digital libraries are virtual machines implemented in cloud computing servers with proxmox servers. Database server digital library integration uses Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), by connecting to 4 virtual machine servers. Integration is carried out on the book data search system by entering keywords as book data searches that exist in each digital library server, with the results of displaying all book data on each digital library server according to the keywords. The conclusions of this study obtained after testing the system include the acquisition of a new model in the use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to integrate the search for data books that exist in 4 digital library servers.

Database Integration, SOA, Digital Library, Proxmox. SLIMS7

Computer and Communication Engineering


Intelligence Chatbot For Indonesian Law on Electronic Information and Transaction
Vipkas Al Hadid Firdaus(a*), Pramana Yoga Saputra(a), Dodit Suprianto(a)

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Corresponding Author
Vipkas Al Hadid Firdaus

a) Information Technology, State Polytechnic Of Malang
Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.9, Kota Malang 65141, Indonesia

In the Law Fiction Theory, it is assumed that once the government enforces legal norms at that time, everyone is considered to know the law. So that someones ignorance of the law cannot free him from lawsuits. This condition led to the emergence of legal cases caused by a lack of public understanding of the law. This paper introduces a potential solution by providing chatbots platforms performed in the legal field to be able to help overcoming such issues. We propose a chatbot using Natural Language Processing which is designed to provide information, for those who need information regarding applicable laws. Users can ask questions related to the contents of existing legal documents through bots, then bots will search according to user requests related to ITE law. Artificial Intelligence is applied to bots so that bots can behave like humans and provide information needed by the user. The experimental results have shown that chatbot could recognize all of the questions from user and could answer correctly.

Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Telegram, Natural Language Processing

Computer and Communication Engineering


Mario Tulenan Parinsi (a*), Verry Ronny Palilingan (b), Olivia Kembuan (b), Keith Francis Ratumbuisang (b)

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Mario Tulenan Parinsi

Department of Information Technology and Communication Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia

Abstract. In this 21st century, information technology is essential in the need for accurate, precise and fast information in presenting complete data. By this reason, information technology plays an active role in all fields, especially in presenting data about Minahasa Regency unemployment who are lookinh for a job and all information related. The development of internet technology, society is increasingly facilitated in doing several processes, one example is registration of prospective This study uses a Prototype development model that has 3 Stages, namely Listening to Customers, Building to improve prototypes, Customers testing prototypes. Application trials are conducted using Black Box Testing where there are 3 types of trials conducted by the author, namely Developer Test, User admin test, User community test workers who can done by opening the companys website or job vacancy provider services. Primary data collection is done by in-depth interviews using open-ended questions and observation with critical incident techniques. In this study it was concluded that, Web-based Information System Design, is actually very necessary to find out various kinds of unemployment data and activities around Minahasa Regent. This process made easier because of registrants do not have to come directly to the company or service the provider of the vacancy in question to do the registration process so will automatically save time and costs issued by the registrant. This research will developing a software design and manufacturing web-based process that can do registration and selection of recruitment of prospective workers work online. Also provided information services for prospective workers, among other things, look at the announcement of vacancies work, see the results of the selection of admission of candidate-s online workforce. Therefore, the recruitment process of prospective workers by companies that concerned can be held more transparent, and able to increase interest from prospective workers because of the ease of the registration process.

Information System, Web-based, Mobile, Minahasa Ragency.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Learning Object Virtual Reality Use in Online Learning
Cecep Kustandi, Nurdin Ibrahim, Hartati Muchtar

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Cecep Kustandi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This study aims to describe the application of learning object virtual reality use in online learning for educational Technology students- in Higher Education at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia. The study focus on learning theories, learning method and learning model use in technology to improving learning outcomes in the classroom. The method use explanatory sequential mixed method research. The first phase, data collected by quantitative approach through distributing instruments to 300 respondents. The second phase, analyze of the result through qualitative approach. The data conducted by observation in the class, collaboration with 30 students- in academic year 2016 and 6 lecture of Learning Theories and Learning for interview. The results shows indicate that using virtual reality can be foster motivation to learn, develop students- skill in learning model simulation and learning can be efficient and effective. Learning object virtual reality also can be improve students- to teaching practice and exercise students- to create innovation learning model use in technology.

learning object; virtual reality; online learning; simulation

Computer and Communication Engineering


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