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A Building with Teen Spirit: The Design of Banda Aceh City Youth Center
Lena Hanida, Tutin Aryanti, Trias Megayanti

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Tutin Aryanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Banda Aceh City has been titled as a youth-friendly city in 2017; however this city has not had centralized facilities for youth interaction and youth talent development. Banda Aceh City needs to have a youth center as a youth facility that has various youth infrastructures in it. The youth center is designed using a dynamic theme that is adjusted to the character of youth which is full of enthusiasm and spirit. The dynamic theme is applied through the concept of building façade (color and texture), building shape, and landscape. The use of the dynamic theme is expected to be able to attract youth to use the facility and to develop talents according to their interests and doing other various positive activities. Youth Center of Banda Aceh City with the dynamic theme is expected to be a facility of character building, capacity building, and improvement of youth competitiveness so that it can support the success of regional development maximally following the city-s 2017-2025 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan.

youth center; dynamic architecture; interaction facility; talent development



A Conceptual Framework of Positive Design With Cyber Technology In Interior Architecture
Hartini, S.Sn., M.A. (a) Prof. Dr. Basuki Wibawa, (b). Dr. Robinson Situmorang, M.Pd.(c)

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Hartini Laswandi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Pemuda No. 10 Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur

A B S T R A C TThe development of computer technology or cyber technology has also influenced the development of science and industry. Interior design and architecture in both the professional and educational fields are not immune from the influence of cyber technology. Cyber ​​Technology has shifted traditional methods in architectural interior design even though there are still designers who use traditional methods. This paper aims to look at the role of cyber technology in the world of architectural interior design. Also to produce a conceptual design framework in the design process, develop programmatic concepts, design concepts and design implementations from positive design aspects. The method used in the form of Systematic Review as a research method to synthesize the results of research on several related studies. It can be concluded that cyber technology makes the process of architectural interior design more efficient and easy. Cyber ​​technology allows designers and architects to explore with a high level of complexity. Computers are not only used as media to produce image products or speed up the design process, but computers have played an active role and part in the architectural interior design process. The involvement of computer media both software, hardware, sofeware, can be used as an important tool for developing creative designs and positive designs. The application of cyber technology supports the design process that can produce innovative design concepts, creative and Sustainable Value (Design For Pleasure, Design For Personal Significance, Design For Virtue).

Conceptual Framework, Cyber Technology, Aspect positive design, architectural interiors



Adi Sumarmo Airport Train Station: Transit and Connectivity
Muhammad Luthfi Fajrillah, Tutin Aryanti, Suhandy Siswoyo

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Tutin Aryanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Indonesian people-s mobility has grown massive during the past three decades. The quantity of various transportation facilities were also grown in some areas to accommodate people-s need. This phenomena has influenced the emerging of new need for certain space that can accommodate, facilitate, and contain people-s fast and massive movements. Adi Sumarmo International Airport in Surakarta is currently developing its facility with an airport train station, which connects the airport complex to Solo-s Balapan Train Station, from which visitors access the city. Employing behavioral approach and transit-oriented development principles, this design project applies the concepts of walkability, inclusivity, and accessibility.

transit-oriented development, connectivity, transit, walkability



Adoption of Sundanesse Traditional Architecture for Design Development of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Regional Campuses
M. Syaom Barliana, Diah Cahyani P., Riskha Mardiana,

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M Syaom Barliana

KBK Sejarah, Teori Arsitektur, dan Budaya Bermukim; Departemen Pendidikan Arsitektur,
Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The development of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) regional campuses are essential and urgent. In connection with that, the development and architectural design should consider the context and potential of the region. The wealth of local and traditional Sundanese architecture can be an inspiration for the design of the campuses development in the regions. Each region, of course, has its local wealth and uniqueness, which must explore. The methods used were historical descriptive research, ethno-architecture, and architectural transformation. This initial research explores the content, patterns, and characteristics of traditional Sundanese architecture then adopted and adapted to the principles of UPI regional campus architecture design in Cibiru, Sumedang, and Tasikmalaya

Keywords: Adoption and adaptation of architecture, Sundanese architecture, UPI regional campuses



Analysis of Green Open Space on Nagrikaler Village, Purwakarta Regency.
Trias Megayanti, Lilis Widaningsih, Dian Fitria

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Trias Megayanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Green open space performs an important role to enhance the quality of community living as well as being beneficial in maintaining the ecosystem. It is also having a prominent role in disaster risk management applied to densely populated settlements. Nevertheless, social awareness about the essential role and utilization of green open space is still a concern. The aim of this paper is to deliberate the result of the river banks potential analysis that serves as a green open space and communal space. This study is conducted by the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods, which was carried out in collaboration with the local community group, to asses the potency of green open space at Negeri kaler Village, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia. The result shows that community empowerment in optimizing public space, requires a critical awareness process for the local community to maintain environmental sustainability and social interaction. It is also shows the mapping of green open space at the village. The results from this study is being used as guidelines for designing green open spaces with community architecture methods based on the needs of the local community.

green open space, community architecture, communal space



Architecture that Heals: The Design of Women Drug Abusers- Rehabilitation Center
Dhia Rafiqah Isnaini, Tutin Aryanti, Trias Megayanti

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Tutin Aryanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Despite the almost equal number of women and men drug abusers, rehabilitation facilities for women are still lacking. Such a facility is critical to release drug abusers from bondage of drugs and to return to social life in their community. During the rehabilitation process, the patients, especially women, will experience periods of emotional instability so that a separate treatment is required. Located in Langkat, North Sumatera Province, this rehabilitation center was designed using behavioral approach. It integrates buildings with nature through the arrangement of green spaces, spatial fluidity, and the horizontal building appearance, to create an environment that supports healing process. The complex accommodates medical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation (therapeutic community), and moral rehabilitation (religious coping).

rehabilitation center; women drug abuser; womens rehabilitation center



Community Architecture: Synergy of Public Space and Community Education
Lilis Widaningsih

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Lilis Widaningsih

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Architecture is not just about physical entities of buildings, it is also about the space of human life and all its activities. This paper is a lesson learned gathered from field experience in assisting rural communities in building physical facilities and initiating various community activities. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR) which is oriented to the needs of the community, the research is conducted in Cibeureum Wetan Village, Cimalaka District, Sumedang Regency. Mentoring begins with the planning process, design and construction of public spaces i.e. buildings for childrens learning activities, which gradually being developed into various community activities from all age groups, especially women and adolescents. The participatory concept developed shows an increase in types of activities, strengthening social capital, productive economic activities and the growth of collective awareness to optimize public space as a joint activity space. The value of architecture in a broader meaning is indicated by the positive connectivity between space and its users.

Community Architecture, Public Space, Community Education



Comparative Space of the Kanoman Palace and Kacirebonan Palace, Indonesia
Ina Helena Agustina; Astri Mutia Ekasari; Irland Fardani;Hilwati Hindersah; M. Alfan Alfan Syahzidan

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Ina Helena Agustina

Department Of Urban and Regional Planning – Faculty Of Engineering, UNISBA

Kanoman Palace and Kacirebonan Palace still show their existence. The form of existence is demonstrated through the existence of palace building, the king, and all of its activities. Although both are palace space, but there are differences in the composition of the space. This difference needs to be shown as a knowledge of a palace space. The purpose of this paper is to describe the arrangement of spaces and patterns of micro and meso spaces for the Kanoman Palace and Kacirebonan Palace. Approach methods used is a comparative techniques for or the two palace maps. The map was obtained from aerial photographs using drones, then became a two-dimensional map. The spatial arrangement and the spatial patterns were obtained from the results of field research and previous research reports. Furthermore, the similarities and differences within the spaces were grouped and interpreted. The result of this research can be the findings of knowledge about the micro and meso spatial arrangement and pattern of a palace, thus it can be an input for policy of the heritage of the palaces in Cirebon.

Comparative; Meso-space; Micro-space; Kanoman-Palace; Kacirebonan-Palace



Salma Astarina., M. Syaom Barliana., Diah Cahyani P.

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M Syaom Barliana

Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Arsitektur
Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Instead of reducing the unemployment rate, Center Berau of Statistic (BPS) 2018 data shows that Vocational High School (SMK) graduates contribute high to the number of unemployed in Indonesia. The high number of unemployed is partly due to the low technical skills and transferable skills of students. Transferable skills are considered very important to strengthen and complement technical skills, amid the disruption of the world of work in the industrial era 4.0. In order to strengthen transferable skills, innovative learning methods are needed, which involve active student participation. The One Group Pretest-Posttest experimental research was conducted to find out the increase in transferable skills of SMK X students in the Building Design and Information Design Study Program (DPIB), through the implementation of project-based learning methods. The results of the gain index analysis, hypothesis testing, and observation results indicate that the application of project-based learning methods can improve the transferable skills of vocational students.

Project based learning methods, transferable skills, experimental research



Hafiz Nurrahman, Asep Yudi Permana, Indah Susanti

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Hafiz Nurrahman

Department of Architectural Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

The design of Parahyangan Office Rental Space and Apartment is intended to create offices and residential areas that accommodate business and residential functions with the concept of smart building applied to various aspects of architectural design. Parahyangan Office Rental Space and Apartment is the offices and residential areas that accommodate the needs of the community in Kota Baru Parahyangan, not only in business activities but also in residence. In this area, the offices become a place for business and economic activities for the people of Kota Baru Parahyangan and its surroundings. Moreover, the offices also become the biggest business center and office center in Kota Baru Parahyangan and/or Bandung Regency and its surroundings. Meanwhile, the residential areas are the place for the emergence of vertical residential needs in Kota Baru Parahyangan. The Smart building concept is chosen because of the need for efficiency in activities. Living in urban areas requires a high level of mobility and movement, which can be supported using the smart building concept. The system of buildings, in which the occupants live and do their activities, can be set through the intelligent building so that residents can allocate their time and energy to other things. A smart building can also generate a comfortable, productive, and simpler life for residents of the building

Smart building, Rental office, Residence, architectural design



Landscape Architectural Design of Girimekar Village as A Mean to Social Change
Runik Machfiroh, Donny Trihanondo

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Donny Trihanondo

Telkom University

This paper tries to explain the architectural landscape of Girimekar village, within a Corporate Social Responsibility project of Country Owned Corporation and a Higher Education institution located in Bandung. This Research is aimed to examine the social behavior and the role of architectural design in its part in social change. The methodology used in this research is Participation Rural Apraisal (PRA) method. The preliminary findings are that social behavior has a role within architectural space. The research is still ongoing, and further research data are needed to proof consistency in other villages.

Landscape Architectural Design, Social Behaviour, Social Change, Social Responsibility



Kalih Trumansyahjaya

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Kalih Trumansyahjaya

Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

This research was conducted to influence the philosophy of "Langga" to Gorontalo architecture in Gorontalo community settlement which aims to reveal the relationship between "Langga" philosophy with Gorontalo architecture in Gorontalo society. The main problem that exists in this research is how to draw the red thread between the contents of meaning that exist in the philosophy of "Langga" with Gorontalo architecture. The review of the relation between the content of meaning in the "Langga" philosophy with Gorontalo architecture in the community settlement on some architectural elements, such as the mass structure of each building, shape, structure, organization space, color, ornament and orientation. The lack of written reference, supporting documentation and knowledge of the origin of "Langga" which became an obstacle to this research. Some of the obstacles encountered in this study led to the disclosure and tracing of the relationship between the "Langga" philosophy with Gorontalo architecture using a qualitative research paradigm so that the discussion of the philosophical problems of "Langga" and Gorontalos architecture can be understood. The holistic analysis is needed in this study to view objects within a cultural framework as well as a manifestation of a cultural system that includes the philosophy of "Langga".

Gorontalo Architecture, "Langga" Philosophy, Settlement on Gorontalo Community



Measurement of Cultural and Spiritual Ecosystem Services to Support Tourism Sector in the Tanjung Pinang City, Indonesia
I Indratno*, M Bilqis, S Nuraini

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Imam Indratno

*) Departement of Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Tanjungpinang City is known as a city and tourism because of its rich historical and cultural potential. However, community in Tanjungpinang City feel that the values of ecosystem services, especially cultural and spiritual ones, have been lost. Based on previous research, cultural and spiritual ecosystem services have never been done by center of ecoregion development control. It means there were two new ecosystem service maps to produce after 18 maps of ecosystem services had been made on a smaller scale (map scale of 1: 50,000 for each island). The research methodology used was the DELPHI method. The research aims to make cultural and spiritual ecosystem services in Tanjungpinang City and to develop cultural and spiritual ecosystem services for cultural tourism areas in Tanjungpinang City. The results of the study on cultural ecosystem services was the indication on service of high category (22.2%), moderate (44.4%), and low (38.8%), while study on the spiritual ecosystem services resulted the indication of high category (22.2%), moderate (55.5%), and low (27.7%).

cultural ecosystem services, spiritual ecosystem services, cultural tourism



Modular panel house design with prefabricated production technology
E S Soegoto, R Subarjat and T Valentina

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Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The aims of this study to acknowledge the needs of an efficient home of a modular panel house with a low cost and has a comfort factor. This research method uses descriptive quantitative method, with research subjects describing the modular panel house design with its criteria. With the modular panel house building method will be easier with low costs compared to conventional because the industrial process is carried out with prefabrication, and pay attention to ecological factors in the building. This fabrication house is designed with a low cost but on the other hand the lack of attention to thermal comfort factors thus influences the lack of interest of the community in this production house. The modular panel house design with manufacturing methods that takes into account the thermal comfort aspects and ecoarchitectural values will increase the interest of the community towards homes that are efficient and effective in supporting housing needs.

Modular Panel House, Thermal Comfort, Prefabricated, Ecoarchitecture.



OUR SIGN(AGE) : a semiotics study of campus visual identity
Restu Minggra (a*), Tutin Aryanti (a), Trias Megayanti (a), Indah Susanti (a)

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Restu Minggra

a) Department of Architectural Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207 Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Various types of buildings and several additional facilities and other elements in the landscape of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) campuses are constantly diversified growth, which derived a lot of problems in the visual environment and create all sorts of visual confusion. The right application of signage as an architectural solution that offered to solve that problem, must also well designed and reflect the visual identity of UPI that should be meaningful and recognizable. This study focuses on perceptions of academic communities toward the significance of the visual identity of UPI as an academics institution. A survey questionnaire was administered to all academic communities at the UPI, and the data were analyzed using the theory of Semiotics. The result of this study is used as a foundation for signage designs- decision that carried more than communicative, but also part of brand-identity development that strengthens the definition of UPI as the modern and future-minded educational institution.

signage; semiotics; visual identity; brand identity



Promoting Tropical Architecture by Implementing Design Control in Zoning Regulation
Fachmy Sugih Pradifta, Ishma Umni Afiya

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Fachmy Sugih Pradifta

Universitas Islam Bandung

The Age of Globalization has led to uniformity on the image of the city. The ubiquitous “modern” glass and steel building with air conditioning has dissociated the local climate and cultural context. Kenneth Frampton, with his postulate of Critical Regionalism, saw this phenomenon as the destruction of the creative nucleus of a great civilization and great culture. Postcolonial countries, like Indonesia which inherit colonial cities, facing issues to define their identity, namely in terms of performing Tropical Architecture principles and how to enforce it institutionally. The architectural design of the private building has been seen as a private domain that cannot be regulated, thus the owner needs to present themselves through their building as a "modern and progressive" company cannot be restricted. This paper tries to examine how urban planning can help to actualize modern tropical city images by implement supporting regulations. A qualitative approach with stakeholder analysis is conducted to seek the opportunity to implement design control by a municipal government that met with the building owner-s interest. A case study of Landscaping for Urban Spaces and High-Rises (LUSH) Programme from Singapore-s Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) also studied to learn the success story. The result is that a design control, to achieve a more contextual approach in architecture design practice, could be performed in the building permit application process by zoning regulations technique with incentive and bonus schemes.

Tropical architecture, critical regionalism, urban design control, zoning regulation



Ernady Syaodih, Louxy Putri Aprilesti

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Ernady Syaodih

Universitas Islam Bandung

Sustainable development goals no. 10 mentioned the need for reduced inequalities in disability. However, this equality in urban public spaces is not yet optimal. Public space is not yet sufficient in providing facilities for persons with disabilities. The purpose of this research is to measure the performance of public spaces based on perceptions of persons with disabilities. The approach method uses Importance performance analysis (IPA). Based on the results of surveys and IPA calculations, the performance of public spaces according to disabilities is generally not in accordance with their expectations. The performance components of public space ranged from 41.28% to 95% of the expectations of people with disabilities. Based on these results, better efforts from the city government and the community are needed to develop more disability-friendly public spaces.

Disability, Performance, Public Spaces



Re-Design Technical Drawing Studio 2 Lightning System to Increase Students Drawing Concentration
F N Riyani (a), J Maknun (a), L Yosita (a)

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Farhan Nur Farid Riyani

a) Department of Architectural Education
Indonesia University of Education

Class X DPIB 2 SMK N 2 Tasikmalaya is first grade student that needs a drawing skills. One of the drawing skill product for basic level is one level house shop drawing. The more detail drawing the more drawing concentration is needed. One of supporting drawing concentration factors is lightning quality, because of that human pupil very responsive to emitting light. This research is intended to Re-Design technical drawing studio 2 SMK N 2 Tasikmalaya lightning system to be suitable from lightning standard. The result from lightning analysis in technical drawing studio 2 was showing poor lightning quality because lack of lightning intensity, differences lightning distribution, and high glare potential. The condition of drawing concentration class X DPIB 2 SMKN 2 Tasikmalaya was different each work table. The work table which has high glare potential and inconsistency lightning involve poor concentration. The result from Re-Design lightning system both natural and artificial in technical drawing studio 2 SMK N 2 Tasikmalaya was made by adding opening in the southside, installing a double-skin façade, changing wall interior color, and changing luminaire type will increase technical drawing studio 2 lightning quality from lightning standard so does drawing concentration. The result simulation of Re-Design was showing better lightning quality such as the increasing of lightning intensity from 269 lux to 937 lux and minimize glare potential in 11 work tables.

Re Design, Studio Lightning System, Students Concentration



Sri Hidayati Djoeffan Tezza Hasan Hidayati

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Sri Hidayati

Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, Faculty of Engineering,
Bandung Islamic University

In the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) 2015 - 2035 Indonesia prioritizes industrial development in the sector of small & medium industrial centers (SIKIM). Indonesia in its economic proportion can be categorized as an industrial country. which is the largest contributor to the national economy with its contribution reaching more than 20 percent, so that Indonesia is included in the ranks of the worlds elite. In the category of manufacturing value added, Indonesia is in the top 10 in the world. This rank is in line with Brazil and the UK and is bigger than Russia, "said the Minister of Industry when delivering a scientific speech at the 86th Graduation Ceremony of the 86th University of Malang in the IV Period 2017 in Malang, Saturday (11/25). Binong Jati area as one of the small & medium industrial centers (SIKIM) which in the city of Bandung, which has the power has made an important contribution to the Original Regional Revenue of the City. This industrial activity has been hereditary since birth in 1960 where the peak of its glory occurred in 1998. Industrial activity shows good prospects because it has been able to absorb the workforce of the local population. In addition the tourism function carried by the city of Bandung will support the importance of the development of the knitting industry center area as a prospect that supports the development of economic activities that are important for a city. This area has a strategic potential location that connects regional and local access that is important for the aspects of marketing and importing raw materials. However, with the entry of AFTA in 2012, the competitiveness of the Binong Jati knitting industry has decreased due to the difference in selling prices. The decline in competitiveness is accompanied by a variety of problems faced in the area described among others by poor open space, poor accessibility, lack of sanitation, under-standard building conditions, poor visual aspects. Based on the occurrence of various degradations, the purpose of this study is to restore the competitiveness of the knitting industry centers and strengthen the Indonesian national industry which is safe, comfortable, and sustainable. To achieve this goal various Revitalization approaches have been designed which include the Rejuvenation Strategy, Hamid Shirvanis Theory, the concept of Green City, the concept of the Neighborhood Unit so that the creation of the Binong Jati knitting industry centers that produce a variety of designs: Land Use, circulation, open space, building period Activities, preservation and conservation. This research is useful as an effort to build a city without poverty, without hunger, creating good health and well-being, the fulfillment of clean water and sanitation as well as economic growth with insudtrial development to ensure the sustainability of cities and communities. This aims is in accordance with 2014 SDGS directives.

industry, revitalization, design, urban renewal, sdgs,



Spatial Study On Luan And Teben Orientation In Traditional Settlement Of Pengotan Village
I Kadek Merta Wijaya (a*)

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I Kadek Merta Wijaya

a) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Planning, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia

The orientation of luan and teben in traditional settlement layouts in Bali is characterized by directions of sacred (luan) and profane (teben) values. The orientation of luan is generally towards kaja (Mount Agung/the place of Gods) and kangin (direction of the sun rising) which is signified by sacred spaces namely the holy place (pura). While the orientation of the teben is towards kelod the direction of the sea or graveyard (setra). The traditional settlements in Pengotan Village which have settlement patterns are linear with sacred (luan) orientation towards Mount Batur (Kaja) and Gunung Abang (Kangin). The orientation towards Mount Batur and Gunung Abang is background by the history and origins of the Indigenous Village of Pengotan which is a resident who lives at the foot of Mount Abang in the Kintamani area. The pattern of Pengotan Village is extended from the kaja to the kelod which consists of three zones, namely the Utama (zone of sacred) as the space intended for shrines (pura), Madya as the space for residential housing units and the Nista zone (zone of profane) intended for the graveyard (setra). This pattern is repeats in clusters of residential housing units. This study aims to spatial study of luan and teben orientations in Indigenous Village Pengotan through an approach: (1) history of the Traditional Village Pengotan, (2) conception of the mountain as a sacred direction, (3) conception luan and teben on settlements in mountainous area, (4) general concepts of sacred and profane space and (5) conception of signifier and signified spaces in architecture. The method used is naturalistic interpretive in studying space in a conceptual (intangible) and concreate (tangible) context through empirical studies on sensual (observation), natives viewpoint, logic viewpoint (researcher-s viewpoint) and transcendental aspects. The results of this study are (1) spatial patterns based on luan and teben conception; (2) the signifier and signified system in space of luan and teben orientation and (3) the relationship between Mount Batur and Mount Abang as luan (sacred) orientation in the Pengotan Village.

kaja and kangin, luan and teben, Mount Batur and Mount Abang, signifier and signified system, spatial patterns



Study of the Significance of Signage in Transportation Buildings
Restu Minggra (a*), Tutin Aryanti (a), Adam Sapta Maulida (a)

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Restu Minggra

(a) Architecture Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207, Bandung.

Maintaining the quality of transportation buildings is necessary, refer to the number of passengers that escalating every year. Effective movement management is essential to assist the passengers direction and determine the orientation at the transportation building. Signage, as part of the wayfinding system, plays a vital role in managing the passengers movements. The appearance of signage that dominates the visuals in the building intensifies the value of the signage itself. Furthermore, the signages transformed into a significant element that creates another quality for the building. This research aimed to found the role of the signage as part of the building component in the several terminals of MRT and KRL in Jakarta. Observation and data collection related to architecture and signage have been carried out. The result shows that signage has a role in how users experiencing the building and the transportation system itself.

signage; transportation; Wayfinding System;



The Behavior of The Child with Special Needed on the Vocational Class at SLB D YPAC Bandung
Yunidar, M. S. Barliana, Fauzi Rahmanullah

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yuni dar

Indonesia University of Education

Behavior is a human response to the environment, all behavior is determined by personalities and individual experiences. Special needs children (SNC) in Indonesia still receive less attention from the government, many facilities have not been in accordance with the needs of SNC especially skills support facilities. The purpose of this study is to find out the behavior of SNC in the skills room which includes territorial behavior, privacy, and personal space. This study uses the behavior mapping method with a qualitative descriptive approach, because it is aimed at describing all of the SNCs activities in the vocational skills room. These activities include the use of supporting facilities to practice in the skills room. The results of this study are that each child shows different behaviors in adapting depending on the constraints that he has. Students who have multiple barriers (involuntary and mental retardation) are more difficult to regulate and disorderly and disciplined in the skills room. Students who have motoric retardation who do not use a wheelchair are more adaptable and active in cooking practices. Unlike the case with students who have motoric constraints that use wheelchairs, students find it difficult to adapt with available facilities and tend to be passive during the practice. The equation of the three behaviors is that students are able to interact well with the teacher and the guest. The facilities contained in this skills room are not yet in line with SNC, especially those who are physically disabled. This is due to the relatively narrow circulation of space and is difficult to access as a whole by wheelchair users.

Behavior, SNC, Skills room



The Changes in Understanding Of Urban Attitudes Through Urban Cultural Education in Lingga Regency, Riau Islands Province
Faridl Muhammad Husain, M. Syaom Barliana, Trias Megayanti

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Faridl Muhammad Husain

Indonesian University of Education, Architectural Engineering Education Study Program, Department of Architectural Engineering Education, FPTK

Public understanding of the governments regional development planning program is important these days. This understanding includes the attitude of urban. Urban attitude understanding occurs through the process of urban cultural education. Urban cultural education itself is important because the publics unpreparedness and ignorance of the cultural essence of the city can cause social problems in society life. By maintaining the local wisdom of Bunde Tanah Melayu, the direction of the urban attitude of the Lingga Regency society will be in accordance with the regional identity. This study aims to find out: (1) Information of urban cultural education implementation, (2) Results of the level of change in understanding of urban attitudes. With pre-test post-test group design, this quantitative research carried out to 20 samples of students at SDN 003 Singkep Pesisir, Lingga Regency. The findings of this study are: (1) Students experience an increased understanding of excellent urban attitudes. However, (2) Calculation of the pre-test post-test scores of students showed an insignificant interpretation of the attitude of students urban attitudes. Then, with the research, the importance of the application of city cultural education to increase understanding of urban attitudes is increasingly apparent. However, a much better literature study is needed.

Urban Attitude Understanding, Urban Cultural Education



The Impact of Classroom Condition to Learning Comfort in Student Design Model and Information Building Department Vocational High School 6 Bandung
Rositha Mujica, S.Pd(a), Adi Ardiansyah, S.Pd, M.T (b), Dra. RR. Tjahyani Busono, M.T(c)

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Rositha Mujica

Department of Architecture Education
Faculty of Vocational and Engineering Education,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This research based by Engineering Drawing subjects which carried out in two different rooms so that have different learning comfort. Manual drawing studio was once a room for chemical laboratorium, judging from the physical condition of this drawing studio has less natural lighting so it requires additional or artificial lighting that comes from the lamps in the room. General classroom that should not be a place for practical learning such as engineering drawing subject is an option because the number of drawing studio is less. The study uses a quantitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Respondents from this study were class X Design Model and Information Building (DPIB) 3 and X DPIB 5 SMK 6 Bandung, amounting to 60 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observation instruments. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that condition of the classroom can explain learning convenience by 63.9% in DPIB 3. The details of the class condition variables are 73.3%, mostly students feel good. Variable convenience of learning is 46.67%, mostly students feel comfortable. In DPIB 5, 34.6% of class conditions can affect learning comfort. The details of 43.3% of the mostly students in class condition variables feel bad. 46.67% of mostly students on comfort variable in learning feel uncomfortable.

architecture; education; thermal comfort; high school; learning



Saraswati 1), Saepul Rohman 2)

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Saraswati Saraswati

Magister of Regional and City Planning, Faculty of Postgraduate, Bandung Islamic University

The number of urban population in Indonesia increased about 0.7% per year (2015-2019). Likewise Bandung City, it grows around 0.43% per year. This population growth requires a lot of land for new settlements where the 2017 backlog of 5,000 units. Simple flats for rent (then call rusunawa) are alternatives to providing housing to save land. At the beginning, the people were not interested in living in the rusunawa, but till now all rusunawa is already full and the number of waiting-lists who want to live in rusunawa is as many as 3,300 households. This study aims to determine what socioeconomic factors most influence the preferences of rusunawa and their correlation with other factors as an opportunities for redevelop by government. The method used is mixed methods, and path analysis. The location of this research is the entire rusunawa in Bandung City, namely Rancacili, Cingised and Sadangserang, with 146 samples. The results of this study, the variable that most strongly influences occupant preferences with rental rates of 0.439 and income of 0.362. While the most influential socioeconomic factors are rental price of 23.31% and income of 10.04%. This shows that the development of rusunawa has the opportunity by considering influential factors.

socio-economic factors, occupant preferences, rusunawa



The Relations Between Social Interaction with School Architectural Qualities Toward Social Capital
Nevi Rahmawati, M.Syaom Barliana, Nuryanto

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Nevi Rahmawati

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between the quality of social interaction and the quality of school architectural facilities towards social capital. The technique used to analyze the data is regression. In this study used 238 students in SMK Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya for measuring social interaction quality and social capital. Purposive random sampling is used for school architecture quality. The result for this study shows that the quality of social capital, social interaction and school architectural facilities in SMK Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya is categorized excellent. The quality of social interaction has a significant effect on social capital. The quality of architectural facilities in SMK Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya moderated the relation of social interaction towards social capital categorized excellent.

Social interaction, school architectural facilities, social capital.



The Tourist Village Potential: A case Study of Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro Cirebon
Nitih Indra Komala Dewi (a), Lilis Widaningsih (b), Tutin Aryanti (c), Trias Megayanti (d), Restu Minggra (e), Indah Susanti (f)

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Nitih Indra Komala Dewi

Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan (FPTK), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Rattan handicrafts are the Featured product of Cirebon City. In the heyday, Cirebon rattan industry has dominated 90% of the world rattan market, the value of rattan exports reached hundreds of millions of USD (, 2012). In 1998, there was an economic crisis, the rattan industry began to collapse. The government policy regarding the export of rattan raw materials caused a surge in rattan raw material prices. On the other hand, the potential of Human Resources and government support is not optimal. This paper aims to review the potential of Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro as a tourist village developed in accordance with regional characteristics. The methods used are comparative studies and literature studies about tourist villages. The results obtained in the form of physical mapping area (landscape) of Tourist Village, a grouping of rattan craftsmen, and digital marketing strategy.

Tourist Village, Rattan, Craftsmen, Digital Marketing



The Tourist Village Potential: A Case Study of Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro Cirebon
Nitih Indra Komala Dewi (a*), Lilis Widaningsih (a), Tutin Aryanti (a), Trias Megayanti (a), Restu Minggra (a), Wahyu Buana Putra (b)

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Nitih Indra Komala Dewi

*(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

*(b) Institut Teknologi Nasional

Rattan handicrafts are the Featured product of Cirebon City. In the heyday, the Cirebon rattan industry has dominated 90% of the world rattan market, the value of rattan exports reached hundreds of millions of USD. In 1998, there was an economic crisis, the rattan industry began to collapse affecting the production of the craftsmen. The government policy regarding the export of rattan raw materials caused a surge in rattan raw material prices. On the other hand, the potential of Human Resources and government support is not optimal and lost passion in the rattan industry. This paper aims to explore the potential of Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro as a tourist village developed by regional characteristics to revive the business of craftsmen. The methods used are descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques utilizing field observations, visiting sites, focus group discussions (FGD), in-depth interviews with informants of Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro, and literature studies about tourist villages. The results of the study indicate the potential development in the quality craftsmen in the villages of production centers, the production of various handicrafts with the latest designs, the design of the physical arrangement of integrated areas according to the needs and potential of each village or business group/craftsman.

Tourist Village; Rattan Industry; Craftsmen; Physical Mapping; Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro



I Wayan Parwata1, Mirsa Umiyati Widjana2

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Mirsa Umiyati

1Architecture Study Program, Department of Engineering, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar
2Faculty of Letters, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar

Traditional architecture is an architecture built based upon the rules of tradition adopted. Balinese traditional architecture is conctructed following the layout, spatial and building layout in line with on the concept of Asta Kosala Kosali and Asta Bumi. The Balinese traditional architecture of dwelling houses is one of the Indonesias architectural works that needs to be preserved and developed without eliminating the rules of local wisdom prevailing in Bali. The order of Balinese traditional residences, in general, involves several building periods including: Holy place, Bale meten (Bale Daje), Bale Dangin, Bale Dauh, Kitchen (Paon), and Jineng / klumpu (place to store unhulled rice). The concept of Balinese traditional architecture is one of the concepts used in the structuring techniques for dwelling houses based on the anatomy of the human body (anthropometry) of its owner. This study makes use of the design of quasi-experiment. At this stage the modeling of the "Sakenem" buildings in the village of Singapadu Tengah is created. In this year, the measurements made for modeling the building of the bale sakenem have been adjusted to the users antopometry to obtain the size of the saka, bale-bale, and bataran that meet the cosiness of the user-s antopometry. After the modeling and the assessment of cosiness applied, the results of a positive and significant comfort assessment on all aspects are obtained, namely those involving the height of the saka, the height of the bale-bale, and the height of the bataran in the Bale Sakenem building in the village of Singapadu Tengah.

anthropometry, architecture, building cosiness



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