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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

Page 32 (data 931 to 960 of 1038) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Influence of Digital Payments on Public Spending Patterns
B Kurniawan, S F Wahyuni, and T Valentina

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Bobi Kurniawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of writing this paper is to analyze the effect of developing digital payments on current patterns of public spending. The method used in the writing of this paper is a descriptive method, where this method is intended to describe events related to digital payments and public spending patterns, and supported by theoretical foundations both from abroad and domestically. Digital payment is a payment system that uses internet facilities as an intermediary. The results of this study indicate that digital payments have an effect on public spending patterns. Many people feel helped by the existence of this digital payment because with the existence of digital payments the public feels easier in making transactions. This can be seen from the number of people who make transactions using e-money every day. Therefore, many patterns of public spending change, from those who initially shop at direct retail stores (offline), now shop through applications (online stores) or what we often know as e-commerce.

Digital Payments, Public Spending, and Transactions

Computer Science


The Influence of Engineering Students Numerical Reasoning on the Academic Achievement of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Course
Agus Dudung (a), Diat Nurhidayat (b), Pitoyo Yuliatmojo (c)

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Agus Dudung

(a) Mechanical Engineering Departement, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(b) Information Technology Departement, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(c) Electrical Engineering Departement, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The research aimed to examine the relationship between numerical reasoning abilities and academic achievement in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) course and the contribution of numerical reasoning of CNC course. This study employed a survey method with correlational causal relationships. The stratified random sampling proportional technique is employed with 30 engineering students . The results of the study show the significant relationship between numerical reasoning and academic achievement of CNC course with r count = 0.76. The two coefficients are terminated by independent variables (predictors of X) for changes in the dependent variable (Y criterion) of R square = 57.8%. The results show that there is a positive relationship between the two variables. Therefore the learning experiences should provide the opportunities for students to develop their numerical reasoning.

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Practice, Numerical Reasoning, Engineering Students

Mechanical Engineering


The Influence of Game Usage Intensity on Violence Behavior Between Siblings
Uswatun Hasanah, Prastiti Laras Nugraheni, Prima Aprilyana, Maya Oktaviani

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Maya Oktaviani

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This research aims to analyze the influence of game usage intensity on violence behaviour between siblings. This research method used the survey method. The population in this study were early adolescents who had siblings with a sample size of 90 respondents. The method used to sample the data is simple random sampling. Based on the data analysis obtained the correlation value r count 0,443 means that the relationship is in the medium category. The coefficient of determination is 20% means that the game usage intensity contributes effectively to violent behavior between siblings by 20%. From the results of the hypothesis test shows that t count 3,396 > t table 1,987 means that there is a positive correlation between game usage intensity against violent behavior. By using regression test, it was obtained that F count 21,55 > F table 3,95 means that there is significant influence of game usage intensity on violent behavior between siblings.

Game Media; Intensity; Sibling; Violence Behavior

Sample Topic


The Influence of Good Corporate Governance and Local Cultural Values on LPD Performance (Case Study of LPD in Denpasar City)
Ida Ayu Agung Idawati1, Ade Ruly Sumartini2, Ni Nyoman Suriani3

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Corresponding Author
Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas Warmadewa

Abstract LPD is one of the elements of village institutions that performs the functions of traditional village finance to manage the potential of traditional village finance. LPD has the potential and proven capable of advancing the welfare of the village community as well as meeting the needs of the village concerned. The number of LPDs currently in Bali is 1433 LPDs. LPD is a financial institution adapted to the concept of community in Bali. The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance and local culture can have an influence on the performance of Village Credit Institutions (LPD). The study population is LPD in Denpasar.The data in this study were collected using questionnaires that were distributed directly to the object of research. The technical analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression and t (t-test) for partial analysis. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the regression equation Y = 20,783 + 0,157X1 + 0,516X2 is obtained. T-test testing from the regression results obtained that the Good Corporate Governance and Tri Hita Karana have a significant effect on LPD performances. Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Tri Hita Karana, LPD Performances

Good Corporate Governance, Tri Hita Karana, LPD Performances

Environmental Engineering


The Influence Of Industry Criteria 4.0 In Increasing The Competitiveness Of Brands Bottled Water In Indonesia
Ribangun Bamban Jakaria; wiwik sulistiyowatiParamitha ;Amelia Kusumawardani

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Ribangun Bamban Jakaria

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

The digital era provides easy access for users of smart phones in conducting transactions, this will provide challenges for pioneering business actors in conventional ways. This study aims to study the current system that can improve the competitiveness and growth of the Indonesian Bottled Drinking Water industry in the industrial era 4.0, namely by making product design changes aimed at increasing brand value. The method used is a quantitative method by deciphering product variables, increasing brand value, and several industry criteria 4.0. The expected results are industry 4.0 criteria that are able to answer the challenges of current transactions with a significant contribution to improving design to increase sales of bottled water products

Product description, brand value, digital

Industry Engineering


DFL Hamdah* , CH Pansuri, M Romdhon, L Nurlaela, R Rustanti

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Dida Farida Latipatul Hamdah

Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics,
Universitas Garut
Jl. Raya Samarang 52 A Garut

Inventory is a very important asset, especially for trading companies. Therefore accounting information system must be applied so that inventory is avoided by things that are not expected by he company. The purpose of this research is to find how the influence of information system accounting an inventory of goods to internal control an inventory of goods in Retail Company. Methods used in research this is the method descriptive quantitative. Technique data collection use research literature (library research), interview, the questionnaire and documentation, while technique data processing was conducted using correlation analysis, simple regression analysis and coefficients determination.The research results show that the use of information system inventory accounting of goods in Retail Company are good and influential in significant impact on internal control an inventory of good. The appliation of a good accounting information system is able accurate inventory data at any time so that it can improve control of inventory.

accounting information system, inventory

Information Engineering


Ellis Salsabila, Suyono, Burhanuddin Tolla

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Ellis Salsabila

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This study aims to obtain information regarding the influence of prerequisite concepts understanding and mathematical communication skills on the mathematical proving ability of Mathematics Education Program Students in Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Jakarta (FMIPA UNJ). The method used in this study was survey and correlational techniques. The study population was all students of the Mathematics Education Program FMIPA UNJ in 2018. The study sample was taken with a simple random sampling technique, there was 50 students in total. In this study, the dependent variable was mathematical proving ability and the independent variables were the prerequisite concepts understanding and mathematical communication skills. Study based on the inferential statistical analysis of research data by using multiple regression analysis to test the effect of independent variables on the dependent variables. The results obtained were: 1) the prerequisite concepts understanding had a positive effect on mathematical proving ability, and there was significant correlation by controlling mathematical communication skills; 2) mathematical communication skills had a positive effect on mathematical proving ability, and there was significant correlation by controlling the prerequisite concepts understanding; 3) there was a correlation of simultaneous prerequisite concepts understanding and mathematical communication skills toward mathematical proving ability.

mathematical proving ability, prerequisite concepts understanding, mathematical communication skills



The Influence of Teaching Skills And Effective Communication on The Profesional Competencies of Phyical Education Teachers
Heni Widyaningsih, Moch. Asmawi, James AP. Tangkudung

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Corresponding Author
Heni widyaningsih

Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Email : heniwidyaningsih[at]

Each teacher has to have four competencies, namely pedagogic competence, social competence, personality competency and professional competence. This study aims to determine the influence of teaching skills and effective communication on performance of physical education teachers.The methodology in this study is associative quantitative by using multiple correlation models.The population and sample are physical education teachers who took the program of PLPG on Universitas Negeri Jakarta.The results of this study are (1) there is significant influence between teaching skills to performance of physical education teachers as professional competencies.(2) there is significant influence between effective communication to performance of physical education teachers as professional competencies. (3) there is significant influence between teaching skill and effective communication to performance of physical education teachers as professional competencies.

Keywords: Teaching Skills, Effectif Communication, Physical Education Teacher

Sport Science and Technology


Ni Ketut Mardewi, Ni Ketut Sri Rukmini, I Gusti Ayu Dewi Seri Rejeki

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Corresponding Author
Ni Ketut Mardewi

Animal Husbandry Departement, Faculty Of Agriculture
Warmadewa University

One of the maintenance management on broiler chickens is setting the density number of hens in the cage (cage density). Cage density effect on the comfort of the enclosure in the tropics, temperatures and high humidity can be a major cause of stress in chickens. The space of the cage with a level of density that does not negatively affect the performance of appropriate production and meat quality. This research aims to identify the density of the enclosure temperature and moisture origin as well as its influence on the quality of the meat. A complete Random design are used on research with 3 (three) treatment namely 8, 10 and 12 tail density per m2 of space enclosure. Each treatment was repeated 3 (three times). The results showed the difference in density of cage on maintenance of chicken broiler until the age of 5 weeks, no influence on the quality of the meat. Be advised, with a density of broiler chicken research 12 tails per m2 can be done without affecting the quality of the meat and can save space enclosure used.

Broiler Chickens, Meat Quality, Cage Density



Mesianna Simbolon,Berliana,Mulyana,Ghery Priscylio,Alimin Hamzah,Desmi Sartika,Puji Astuti,Grace Novryan

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Mesianna Simbolon

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to know the the influence of variation exercise to the shooting ability of basketball on Junior High School Dharma Loka Pekanbaru. The research method used pre-experimental with one group pretest posttest design. The research variables that are variation exercise (X) to the shooting ability of basketball on Junior High School Dharma Loka Pekanbaru. Population amounted to 30 people by using purposive sampling technique so that obtained 12 samples. Research Instruments using repeated tests shooting during 30 seconds.Data analysis techniques obtained with program SPSS version 17. To answer normality by testing reliability at a significant level of α (0.05). The hypothesis proposed is the influence of variation exercise to the shooting ability of basketball. Based on the analysis of statistical data, there are an average pre test 7,50 and an average post test 12,80, then the data is normal with an increase of 5.30 . Based on t test analysis produces t count = 6.184 > t table= 1.833.It means that t count> t table. Can be concluded that variation exercise on the male team of the Junior High School Dharma Loka Pekanbaru in influences to the shooting ability.

Basketball, Experimental Research, Shooting Ability, Sport Coaching Education, Variation Exercise, ,

Sport Science and Technology


The Influence of Vowel Reduction Dubbing on the Accuracy of Speech Recognation Transcript
A Kurnia, M Saleh, M Djauhari, A Hasim, L Asy ari

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Corresponding Author
Ateng Kurnia

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut; Universitas Negeri Semarang;

The purpose of this paper is investigating the effect of dubbing vowel reduction on the accuracy of transcripting of speech recognation software. Originally dubbing is voiceover translations in film but in this case, it means technique of training vowel reduction to help freshmen attain the level of intelligible pronunciation by imitating though group pronounced by actors and voiceovers mirroring native like pronunciation synchronizing as closely as possible with native speakers lips. The participants are twenty freshmen as control class and the other twenty as experiment. Praat analysis is used to see the accuracy of students utterance pronouncing the reduced vowel extracted from segmentation of though chunk and to analyze its effect on the transcript made by speech recognation software.

dubbing vowel reduction, intelligible pronunciation, Praat analysis and transcript of speech recognation

Computer and Communication Engineering


The Introduction of Solar System Using Augmented Reality Technology
Dewi Tresnawati, Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah, Sri Rahayu

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Dewi Tresnawati

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Current technological developments have had a huge impact on education, one of which is Augmented Reality technology. In this study, innovative and alternative media learning was made to understand the types of planets in the solar system. The solar system is one of the material in natural science subjects in elementary schools. This media learning combines picture cards and virtual reality. Markers found on the card will be captured by the camera of the mobile device, processed and animated pieces will appear on the mobile screen in realtime. By using the concept of combining the real world, real images on the card and virtual, the application can stimulate imagination and a sense of desire and motivation to learn more and more. Planet estimates are made using the 3D Blender application, and the Augmented Reader process is created using Unity and Vuforia Software Development Kit. Based on the results of testing betha using the Likert scale, 86% of the 30 respondents stated that the application developed was very effective as a medium for the introduction of the planet.

Augmented Reality, Learning Media, Planet, Solar System

Computer Science


The level of knowledge and behavior of mothers in the handling of early diarrhea in infants in Tegallalang District, Gianyar Regency
A A Sagung Istri Agung Previyanti Kisnaningdiyah, I Gusti Rai Tirta

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Corresponding Author
Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas Warmadewa

Abstract Diarrhea is one of the most common diseases affecting children around the world. According to the Health Service Data of Gianyar Regency, there are 214 diarrhea morbidities per 1000 population with the most diarrhea cases found in Tegalalang District. The role of mothers in giving treatment of diarrhea is important so that children do not fall into worse conditions. Mothers knowledge and behavior is one of the crucial determinants in giving treatment to children suffering from diarrhea. Mothers should know what steps to do first when the child has diarrhea in order to prevent the occurrence of dehydration. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge and behavior of mothers in the early treatment of diarrhea in Tegalalang District Gianyar regency. This research is a descriptive research by using questionnaire instrument which previously has been validated. The samples of this research are mothers who have children suffered from diarrhea six months prior to the research; the number of respondents is 37 which are determined by consecutive sampling. The data were analyzed using univariat analysis test. The results show that mothers with good knowledge level are 22 respondents (59.5%), mother behaviour with enough knowledge in giving treatment are 18 respondents (48.6%), and those who are still lack in providing zinc and how to give good nutrition. The conclusions of this study indicate that mothers with good level knowledge and mothers behavior with enough knowledge and those are still lack of knowledge in some early treatment of diarrhea on children in Tegalalang Gianyar in 2017. Based on this research, the researcher suggests to the related parties specifically to the Puskesmas (Primary Health Care) to conduct counseling on how to give initial treatment of Diarrhea, which can be done at home continuously and sustainably

Diarrhea, children, early treatment of diarrhea on children, mothers behaviour, mothers level of knowledge



The Level of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of the Head of the Family towards Diarrheal Diseases in Banjar Dauh Uma Bitera Village, Gianyar Regency
Pande Ayu Catherina Trieani Subrata, dr. I Wayan Kandera

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Corresponding Author
Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas Warmadewa

Abstract Diarrhea is still a health problem in developing countries including Indonesia according to the health department, the problem is evident from the high morbidity and mortality due to diarrhea. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors from head of household about diarrhea in, Banjar Dauh Uma, Bitera Village Gianyar. This research design use descriptive with cross sectional approach, the number of samples are 70 respondents which is selected by simple random sampling. Data that used in this study is primary data that collected by doing an interview and observation directly to the respondents by using questionnaire and checklist as the instruments. The result of this research suggest that the level of knowledge from respondents is classified good category which is 60 respondents (85,7%). Attitudes from the respondents classified as good category which is 48 respondents (68,6%), and the behavior from the respondents classified sufficient category which is 36 respondents (51,4%). Respondents are less aware about prevention of diarrhea such as having clean water and early handling of diarrhea using oralit. As a conclusions, this research showed that the level of knowledge and attitudes of respondents is classified as good category and the behaviors is classified sufficient category. Therefore expected that paramedics can provide information and health promotion to increase public knowledge about diarrhea.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors, Diarrhea



The Level of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour of the Community towards Alcoholic Beverages in Abiansemal Village, Badung
Igam Aditya Prasada1, I Wayan Darwata2

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Corresponding Author
Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas Warmadewa

Abstract Alcoholic beverages are beverages containing alcohol (C2H5OH) which fermented or distilled from carbohydrates. Alcohol can trigger disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, neuropsychiatry, gastrointestinal tract, infection, injury, and neonatal abnormalities. About 38.3% world population aged 15 years and above consumed alcohol, while in Indonesia 4.6%. A quarter of the consumption (24.8%) is illegal, which is homemade alcohols that are produced or sold out of government control. Therefore, the research was conducted with the aim to know the level of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of people against alcoholic beverages. This research was designed as a quantitative descriptive research with cross sectional approach. Sampling used was multistage random sampling technique, the number of samples were 96 obtained by the formula. The results of this study indicate that the respondents knowledge level is mostly good (67.7%), response attitude is mostly good (63.5%), and the behavior of alcoholic drinkers is more than half (56,1%). Active role of health workers is needed to provide information on alcoholic beverages and the government needs to provide oversight and firm action in the circulation of alcoholic beverages.

Keywords: Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages, Level of Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior.



The Life Cycle of Great Mormom Butterfly (Papilio memnon memnon) in Captivity
Ratna Komala (a*), Ade Suryanda (a), Sri Yuliasih Wiyati (b)

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Ratna Komala

a) Department of Biology , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta , Indonesia
b) Student of Magister Degree, Departement Biology, Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor Indonesia

Papilio memnon memnon is one of the butterflies groups of the Papilio clan in West Java, Indonesia. This study aims were to determine the morphology, behavior, and life cycle of the P. m memnon butterfly. The research method used is descriptive with survey techniques and literature studies. This study aims to determine the morphology, behavior, and life cycle of the P. m memnon butterfly. The research method used was descriptive with survey techniques and literature studies. Data about morphology, duration of life, and behavior at each development phase during the P. m memnon butterfly life cycle were analyzed descriptively based on direct observation. The results showed the egg phase of P. m. memnon takes about 7-8 days to the phase instar1 of the larvae. The average total time needed in the larval phase is around 23 - 45 days to the pupa phase. The Pre-pupa phase lasts 1-2 days, while the pupa phase lasts 2-3 weeks. P. m. memnon performs the larval phase as many as 5 stages of instar. Food eaten by first phase instar 1 of larvae is the eggshell, which is useful for insect growth and helps eliminate evidence of eggs from parasitic attacks. At each phase of development, the larvae eat the outer skin to obtain additional energy to support growth.

Life cycle; larvae; pre-pupae; imago; Papilio memnon



The Making Augmented Reality (AR) technology-based learning media in molecular hybridization concept
Efa Nur Asyiah(a), F S Irwansyah(a*), Ida Farida(a)

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Ferli Septi Irwansyah

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Augmented reality is one of the technologies that is increasingly being developed as a learning media in the field of chemistry. This study aims to describe the appearance of AR technology-based learning media on the concept of molecular hybridization. Design based research has produced products in the form of AR technology-based learning media on the concept of molecular hybridization. Research shows completing media creation, design development, and application creation and analyzing the results of limited trials. This study shows the making of AR technology-based learning media has the potential to be applied to chemical learning in accordance with the concept of molecular hybridization.

augmented reality, chemistry learning media, molecular hybridization



The Making Electronic Visualization Modules Chemical Equilibrium Process Based on POE (Predict-Observe-Explain)
Rita Sahara (a), Cucu Zenab Subarkah (a*), Saepudin Rahmatullah (a)

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Rita Sahara

Department of Chemical Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A. H. Nasution No. 105 Cibiru Bandung 40614 Indonesia

The limitation in connecting the three levels of chemical representation is a major factor in the difficulty of learning the concept of chemical equilibrium. Computer-based molecular visualization and integrated three-dimensional animation can help students have representational capabilities by providing opportunities to present several levels simultaneously in various formats such as video, animation, and simulation. This study aims to create an e-module visualization of POE-based chemical equilibrium processes (Predict-Observe-Explain) which includes sub-concepts of dynamic equilibrium, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium, and factors that influence chemical equilibrium. The three main activities in this e-module are predicting, observing and explaining. The e-module was created using the Design Based Research method with ADD design (Analysis, Design, Development) which was validated by two material expert lecturers and two multimedia expert lecturers producing an overall average calculation of 0.87 while the results of the feasibility test conducted at ten students show a percentage of 98.11%. This shows that this e-module is very suitable to be used as teaching material.

e-module visualization; chemical equilibrium; POE learning model (Predict-Observe-Explain)



The Making KIT Micro Scale Electrolysis Experiments using Lithium Batteries based on Green Chemistry
Devi Ratnasari(a), F S Irwansyah(a*), C Z Subarkah(a)

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Corresponding Author
Ferli Septi Irwansyah

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Electrolysis material is one of the materials presented in a practical manner. Learning that must be carried out with practicum being an obstacle for teachers to prepare the tools and materials while for schools that are still developing are constrained by the high cost of tools and materials needed. Based on these problems, an alternative learning media is needed which aims to assist and help teachers or students for studying electrolysis material. This research used method of research and development with the stages of analysis, design and development to produce Micro scale electrolysis KIT by using coin type lithium batteries. The results showed that the stages of the manufacture of micro-scale electrolysis KIT includes the step of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation has been well done. The results of the feasibility test of micro-scale electrolysis KIT were declared valid with an average value of r count of 0.91. This shows that the micro-scale electrolysis KIT media that is made has a quite enough interesting, economical and practical appearance. Media presented with guided inquiry stages can help students learn electrolysis material.

electrolysis; Micro scale; lithium



The Making Of E-Module Based In Inquiry On Chemical Bonding Concept With Representation Abillity Oriented
H Fauzi(a*), F S Irwansyah(a), Y Sukmawardani(a), I Farida(a)

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Corresponding Author
Hazmi Fauzi

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia, Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A. H. Nasution No. 105, Bandung, 40614, Indonesia

Learning on the concept of chemical bonds should be supported by all three levels of representation as a whole, including macroscopic, sub-microscopic, and symbolic. However, teaching materials that are widely used are still centered on symbolic aspects only. Based on these problems, technology-based teaching materials are needed to overcome this problem. This study aims to produce teaching materials in the form of electronic modules. This research used method of Design Based Research (DBR) which consists of the stages of analysis, design and development to be able to produce products in the form of electronic modules that have the characteristics of material presentation in inquiry by connecting three levels of chemical representation which displayed in the form of text, images, animations, flash and video. In general, the results of the average value of the validation test in the form of r count are between 0.77-0.81. Furthermore, the product was tested to 15 student respondents using a feasibility test instrument. The results of the feasibility test show that the percentage of feasibility in each aspect is in the range of 90-98% which agrees to all criteria. This shows an electronic module that has been made feasible to use.

e-module; inquiry; chemical bond; chemical representation



The Making of Electronic Modules on Alternative Fuels Material Based on Green Chemistry
Auliya Afifah (a), Cucu Zenab Subarkah (a*), Riri Aisyah (a)

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Corresponding Author
Auliya Afifah

Department of Chemical Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati bandung, Jalan A.H. Nasution No. 105 Cibiru Bandung 40614 Indonesia

This research was conducted to produce teaching materials in the form of e-modules on alternative fuels material based on green chemistry. The presentation of material and visualization that used in this e-module based on green chemistry includes the losses caused by the use of fuel oil and the solutions offered to overcome them by the presence of alternative fuels based on green chemistry. This research uses the Design Based Research method with the ADDIE model. The e-module is tested for its feasibility. The results of the feasibility test show 94-100% of the respondents agreed to all the criteria in the e-module. These results indicate that the green chemistry-based alternative fuel e-module that has been made is feasible to use.

e-module; alternative fuels; green chemistry



The making of metal coating props oriented chemical representation
Dian Mayangsari(a), F S Irwansyah(a*), Ida Farida(a)

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Corresponding Author
Ferli Septi Irwansyah

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

This research used research and development method with stages of analysis, design and development to produce props of metal coating plates oriented chemical representation. This research is driven by the importance of a chemical learning medium that can present macroscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic representations on metallic coating materials so that material can be delivered well to students. Based on the results of the research, the product is obtained in the form of metal coating props with the characteristics of combining macroscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic representations with guidebooks and worksheets. Validation results indicate that the product is valid with the acquisition of the value of r-count on props of 0.92.

props; chemical representation; metal coating



The Most Optimal Performance of the Levenberg Marquarth Algorithm Based on the Number of Neurons in the Hidden Layer
Hindayati Mustafidah, Chintia Permata Putri, Harjono, Suwarsito

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

The training algorithm is the main driver in artificial neural networks. The performance of the training algorithm is influenced by several parameters including the number of neurons in the input and hidden layers, epoch maximum, and the size of the learning rate (lr). One of the benchmarks for optimizing the performance of training algorithms can be viewed from the error or MSE (mean square error) produced. The smaller the error, the more optimal the performance. The test conducted in the previous study obtained information that the most optimal training algorithm based on the smallest error produced was Levenberg Marquardt (LM) with an average MSE of 0.001 and using 10 neurons in the hidden layer. In this study, the LM algorithm was tested using variations in the number of neurons in hidden layers, namely 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 neurons, and used the same parameters as previous study. This study uses a mixed method that is developing computer programs and quantitative testing of program output data using statistical test. The results showed that the LM algorithm had the most optimal performance using 9 neurons in the hidden layer at the level of lr 0.5 with the smallest error of 0.000137501.

neuron, hidden layer, learning rate, Levenberg Marquardt, error

Computer Science


The optimal solution of transportation problem using interval point method with production cost and non production constraint
Elis Ratna Wulan, Camelia Anggunsari

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Elis Ratna Wulan

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

In an industry of a company must experience transportation problems. This transportation problem is required to schedule a delivery of goods with the objective to minimize transportation costs. The objective of the transportation model is to plan the delivery of something from the source of the destination in such way as to minimize the total transportation cost. There are several cost constraints that occur in this transportation one of which is a budget constraint in which there are constraints of production costs and non-production.In transportation it is said to be unbalanced if the total number between source and destination is not the same. In this thesis there are methods to solve the problem of transportation is not balanced with the constraints of production costs and non-production is by using the Interval-Point method. In this skripsi there are methods to solve unbalanced transportation with the constraints of production cost and non-production use an interval-point method. This method is used to find the optimal solution.

unbalanced transportation, production cost, non production, Interval Point Method, optimal solution



T Kusmayadi1, M Hasan2, U H Tanuwiria2, E Herawati1

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Tendy Kusmayadi

1Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Garut, Indonesia
2Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia

Corespondence author: Email : tendy84[at]

This research was about the performance of growth, body weight and milk production of Friesian Holland dairy cow in different agricural ecosystems inIndonesia.The objective of research was to study growth performance data, body weight and FH dairy cow milk production in Indonesia. The research was carried out in the three agroecosystems, Lebakjaya Village (rainfed rice field and dry land/AES DL-Rainfed), Karangpawitan District; Cintanagara village (irrigated rice field and dry lands/AES DL-IRF), Cigedug District; and Pamalayan village (dryland and tropical forest/AES DL-Forest), Bayongbong District.The method of the research was survey method, with the technique of determining farmers proportionally, and sampling farmers and their livestock by random sampling method. The data was processed using SPSS 22.0 for the simple descriptive analysis, and then tested statistically used T-Test.The results it was concluded that growth, body weight and milk yield of dairy cows were influenced by agroecosystems, in the dry land agroecosystems and located on or adjacent to forests (AES DL-Forest), productivity of dairy cows was better than irrigated and dry land with wide balanced rice agroecosystems (DL-IRF) and rainfed and dry land agroecosystems (AES DL-Rainfed).

FH Dairy cow, body weight, milk yield, agroecosystem



Ratu Amilia Avianti* and Nugroho Gama Yoga

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Ratu Amilia Avianti

Departement of Mechanical Engineering Education, Engineering Faculty, State University of Jakarta
*email : avianti.raa[at]gmail,com

The development of increasingly sophisticated technology will have positive and negative impact, some equipment will result in greater heat compensation. This heat dissipation must be removed immediately to keep the device working properly. Therefore, equipment is needed that can move this heat quickly and large capacity. In addition to be discarded, heat from potential sources can also be utilized. One heat transfer device that does not require energy as a driver is a heat pipe. This tool is very potential for the application, but not yet widely used especially in Indonesia, then in this paper will be described the process from planning to testing. The heat pipe in the material selection is strongly influenced by the plan of its use, both its physical components on the form of pipes, axis structures, and working fluids as well as the operating range of the heat pipe. Some types of heat pipe and the use of materials will be different to the manufacturing process. One of the heat pipe tests applied to the solar collector showed a positive result.

heat transfer; fast; pipe

Mechanical Engineering


The Potency of Seagrass community to Support the Development of Ecotourism in South Coastal of Lombok Island Indonesia
Abdul Syukur, Lalu Zulkifli and Agil Al Idrus

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Abdul Syukur

1)Postgraduate Program of Science Education, Mataram University
2)Department of Sciences Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mataram University
12*Correspondent Author: Abdul Syukur, syukurbiologi[at]

Coastal ecosystems consisting of mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds and coral reefs have the potential to be developed as ecotourism. Seagrass ecosystems located in the intertidal zone are an integral part of coastal tourism in the area of study. However, its existence has not received serious attention as a component of coastal ecotourism that can contribute to ecological services. This article aims to start an effort towards empowering this potential through the study seagrasses ecology to formulate the potential of ecological services in supporting the development of ecotourism. Data collection were done through observation, survey and questionnaire methods, and data analysis were done descriptively. The analysis showed that the potential of seagrass community tourism services can be grouped into three parts, namely: (1) seagrass community that form seagrass beds in each tourist location, (2) the diversity of species of biota associated with seagrass can be enjoyed by tourists and (3) seagrass community area can be the location of snorkeling at the time of high tide. The conclusion of the study is that the existence of seagrass ecosystems can provide added value from aspects of environmental services in the development of ecotourism in the southern coastal region of Lombok Island.

Seagrass ecosystem, Development of coastal ecotourism, Ecologycal services



The potential of Moringa oleifera seeds to improve the effluents from constructed wetland for landfill leachate treatment
Erina Rahmadyanti*1, Titiek Winanti1, Mas Suryanto H.S1, Aries Dwi Indriyanti2.

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Erina Rahmadyanti

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Wastewater is commonly reused in agriculture in many agricultural countries such as Indonesia. However, this condition leads to various health and environmental issues. In previous studies, Moringa oleifera seeds provably found to be a strong natural coagulant and disinfectant. Yet, its ability to improve the effluents for the leachate treatment in constructed wetland is still unknown. This study aims to investigate the effect of Moringa oleifera seeds in reducing several effluent parameters of landfill leachate from constructed wetland. There was no prior treatment before discharging landfill leachate into subsurface flow constructed wetlands and flew it into flocculation coagulation process using Moringa oleifera seeds. The parameters studied were organic substances (BOD and COD), heavy metals (Cr and Pb) and coliform to determine the efficiency. Result indicated that using Canna indica in constructed wetland followed by Moringa oleifera seeds as flocculation coagulation had more than 85% removal efficiency in all parameters. Although it showed adequately high in the efficiency, the standard sets for bacteriological substance for effluent parameters are yet fulfilled. Therefore, further researches especially by combining Moringa oleifera seeds with other coagulants are necessarily conducted in order to meet the expected requirements.

Moringa oleifera seeds, leachate, constructed wetland, flocculation coagulation

Environmental Engineering


Purnawan and Musliadi

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Purnawan Purnawan

University of Andalas

Since Grab bike and Go-jek operate using smart phone application in 2015, now this mode of transport is very popular in Indonesia. This mode of transport serves many features that most of them are needed by people. Because of the popularity, this mode of transport has spread in more 100 cities in Indonesia. Although, this transport mode is not regulated in UU No.22 Year 2009 but government can not avoid the reality that people like using this services. This research explores the potential problems on operational Grab bike and Go-jek. Survey was conducted by interviewed 100 drivers in Padang. Characteristic of drivers were explored, and operational characteristic of Go-jek and Grab Bike were identified. From the analysis it can be concluded that the driver work in Go-jek and Grab Bike because of low degree of education and could not work to good job, and other drivers are already work to other job but has low income. The potential problems that could arise is from internal and external factors. From internal factor, it is caused by the characteristic drivers it self, and from external factors, it is caused by the operational system and competition with other mode of transport. Recommendation has been developed to reduce the potential problems that could arise.

potential problems, operational, go-jek and grab bike

Civil Engineering


The Practice of Observing Tyndall Effects in Everyday Life for Deaf Students in Junior High School of Special Education
Santi Komaladini

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Santi Komaladini

Indonesia Education University

Deafness is a hearing barrier that causes people who experience it to have limited auditory feedback so that their vocabulary is limited. Deaf students at the junior level get Natural Sciences learning material about light refraction. This is used as a basis for developing their skills in communicating one event based on simple scientific observations. The vocabulary baseline of deaf students related to light refraction was measured, then used as a basis for developing their language of understanding through a simple experiment of refraction of light in a coffee solution with three types of coffee size (0.5 mm, 1 mm and 2 mm). During the experiment 5 deaf students with different IQ classifications (high, average, below average, and low) were asked to observe and write the light refraction process that occurred. The researcher observes and records all activities that occur. At the baseline session all students seemed amazed to observe the effects of the observed events. But they did not write or say anything during the experiment. In the intervention session students began to be stimulated with a number of scientific questions, the results of their ability to analyze the effects of light refraction, the ability to write reports, and their verbal abilities seemed to increase.

Deafness, general intelligence level, light refraction, tyndall effects, coffee solution, analytical ability, writing ability, verbal ability.



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