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Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.22 for 2 days in Bandung |

Page 5 (data 121 to 150 of 162) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Determinants of Cultural Tourism Attractions Based on Tourist Satisfaction in the Sundapolis Area Bandung City
Verry Damayanti (a), Astri Mutia Ekasari (b), Ernady Syaodih (c)

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Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University,

In Local Regulation of Detailed Spatial Plans and Zoning Regulation for Bandung City, Ujungberung and Cibiru Sub-District are planned as The Sundapolis Area. The Sundapolis area focuses on the development of Sundanese Community-based Cultural Arts. Several cultural attractions have operated. However, these attractions have not yet developed, marked by a small number of visitors and cannot compete with other attractions in the city of Bandung. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that were the main attraction of cultural tourism in the Sundapolis area and its influence on tourist satisfaction. This type of research is quantitative research using regression analysis. The results of the study were the identification of cultural tourism attraction factors and their correlation to tourist satisfaction, so they can be a input in efforts to develop and organize cultural tourism attractions that accommodate tourist satisfaction.

Sundapolis, cultural tourism, Spatial Plans and Zoning Regulation

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The Determinants of Spiritual Poverty in Bandung
Ade Yunita Mafruhat (a*), Westi Riani (b), Meidy Haviz (c)

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Ade Yunita Mafruhat

a) Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic and Business, Jalan Tamansari 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic and Business, Jalan Tamansari 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
c) Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic and Business, Jalan Tamansari 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia

The total population of poor society in Indonesia have been increasing continuously. West Java is one of the provinces that giving high contribution to that poverty level, especially Bandung. Although the poverty contribution of Bandung shows decreasing number in every year, its contribution is still become the highest in West Java. The issue arise was, how is the spiritual condition of poor society in Bandung? What are the determinants of spiritual poverty in Bandung? This paper attempts to answer those problems. Based on the quantitative analysis and literature review process, the result shows that spiritual poverty in Bandung has been determined by three factors; first, the understanding of aqidah; second, the understanding of sharia; third, the understanding of akhlaq.

Poverty; Poor Society; Spiritual

Development Studies


Didi Mashudi1,a), Mohamad Andri Ibrahim2,b), Fadilah Ilahi3)

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Didi Mashudi

1)Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
2)Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA), Bandung, Indonesia
3)Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia

a)email: didimashudi.uinsgd[at]
b) email: andri.ibrahim[at]

The capital market has a very important role in the current global economy as a place to raise funds, and as an attractive investment media to invest capital for investors. At present, the capital market is an indicator of a countrys economic stability. However, volatile and unpredictable stock prices are one of the obstacles of investors, so the capital market is one type of risky investment. The data shows that investment in Indonesia is currently showing fairly good development. This can be seen from the improved performance of the National Stock Price Index such as the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG), LQ45, the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) and the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Especially the performance of the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) experienced the biggest increase, reaching 28.1% in the period June 2016 - June 2017. Meanwhile, the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index of Malaysia (DJIM) only recorded an increase of 16.4%, FTSE Global Sharia 15, 8% and Islamic MSCI only 13.1% and over a period of 5 years, the value of the sharia stock market capitalization also increased by 42% or Rp.3,473 Trillion. Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) is one of the shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) based on sharia principles. This index was introduced on July 3, 2000, by the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The methodology of JII calculation is the same as that used by the JCI which is based on the Market Value Weight Average Index using the Lapeyres formula. This study aims to examine the effect of macroeconomic variables and the National Stock Price Index on Sharia Share Prices in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The research data was obtained from IDX Monthly Statistics, Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank of Indonesia (BI). The analysis technique uses the vector auto regression / vector error correction model (VAR / VECM) analysis to determine the causality relationship between variables and the long-term and short-term relationships between variables.

Jakarta Islamic Index, sharia macroeconomic, VAR, VECM

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The Effect of Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning and Creativity On Employee-s Performance
Halid Hasan, Endang Siti Astuti, Tri Wulida A, Mohammad Iqbal

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Abstract— This research is conducted to see the direct and indirect relationship among organizational culture, organizational learning and creativity as well as employees performance. With the assumption is that employee-s performance can be affected by a conducive organizational culture, a sustainable learning process, and creativity awareness of the employees. This study applied the quantitative method with the total samples are 96 employees consisting of BNI-s employees in 14 branch offices, East Java, Indonesia. The data was analized by using PLS method in order to measure both the indirect and direct relationship between organizational cukture, learning organization, creativity, and the employees performance.. The result shows that there is relationships between the organizational culture, organizational learning, and creativity with the employee-s performance. The relationship among the tested variables shows that the indirect relationship between organizational cultures with the employee-s performance through organizational learning and creativity is stronger than the direct relationship among them. It is important to measure employee-s performance in order to know the organizational performance. Organizational culture, organizational learning and creativity are some variables among other variables that affect the employee-s performance. Employee-s performance itself is important in order to anticipate the fast changing of the society both related to the habit and technology. The further study is needed to know that other variables affect the employee-s performance in relation with the changing demand.

organizational culture, organizational learning, creativity, employees performance



The Effect of the Anti-Corruption Campaign to the Exposure Aspects on Social Media
Neni Yulianita (a*), Nurrahmawati (b), Anne Maryani (b)

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Neni Yulianita

a) Communication Faculty, Bandung Islamic University
b) Communication Faculty, Bandung Islamic University

Corruption has existed throughout human history and continues to transform over time. Corruption is increasingly rooted in various joints of human life. The problem of corruption experienced by the Indonesian people is at an alarming point. Corruption still occurs frequently, for example in fairly complicated public service procedures, licensing, procurement of goods and services, etc., triggering opportunities for corruption. This condition proves that the problem of corruption must be sought the latest solution, so that this corruption problem has the best solution. The object of research is the anti-corruption campaign carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through Instagram and Facebook. The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze, and discuss about: aspects of influencing anti-corruption campaigns on social media Facebook and Instagram. The research uses survey methods through descriptive comparative in social media Instagram and Facebook. The results showed that anti-corruption campaigns on social media Instagram and Facebook can be influenced by several factors such as: messages, words, sentences, images, videos, message usage, use of words, use of sentences, use of images, use of videos, use of colors, Fonts, Fonts, and Information on the KPK page.

letters and words, sentences and messages, pictures, videos, colors



Haryadi Mujianto

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Haryadi Mujianto

Faculty of Communications, Universitas Garut
Jl. Raya Samarang No. 52A, Hampor-Tarogong, Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of online learning communication using website in Contemporary Media Public Relations lectures. The course material used is on the material portal website. The website was created independently by lecturers as supporting media for lectures. The research methods used are qualitative and quantitative. The study population was all students who took the Contemporary Media Public Relations course in the 2018-2019 school year. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires. Data were processed using SPSS 22.0 software with descriptive analysis. Based on the test results of 30 respondents, it was concluded that: (1) Lecture material can be more easily understood by students because the material to be discussed in class can be downloaded first on the website, (2) Lecture material consists of text, images and sound in the form of video and Microsoft PowerPoint can be well received and clear and helps students better understand the material presented, (3) Lecture material increases student knowledge, (4) The e-Learning method through the website provides a means for students to receive lecture material and carry out the instructed tasks. (5) The e-learning method as a means of self-presentation since the instructed task can be seen by many people in general via the website. In general, the results of the study indicate that the delivery of material in Contemporary Media Public Relations courses using website media is very effective. So it can be concluded that online learning communication using website media in lectures using website media is very effective.

learning communication, online learning, Contemporary Media Public Relations.



The Effectiveness of Using iPad as Communication Technology in Delivering Message for Secondary School Students in Malaysia
Rosninawati Hussin and Mazny Abdullah

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Rosninawati Hussin

Faculty of Leadership and Management, USIM

iPads are a device designed through the combination of computers and tablets. The use of the iPad is widespread and it can cover all aspects of use regardless of whether it is in the office for official tasks or for casual activities such as playing video games and surfing the internet. As a form of communication technology, the iPad is designed to facilitate communication through browsing the internet, receiving and sending emails, connecting to social media and for anything else on the go. This device is also a medium to gain knowledge in schools; as early as 2010, the iPad was used as a learning and teaching tool in select schools in Malaysia. This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of iPad use among high school students. The qualitative method of semi-structural interviews was selected for this study. The researcher interviewed five teachers from secondary school who were using iPads as part of their learning and teaching. This method of data collection continued to interview ten students, face-to-face to ensure the flexibility of using an iPad in the learning environment. The results of this study are to achieve the objective, which is to determine if the iPad, as a communication technology device, has a positive impact in terms of helping to acquire knowledge amongst the students. As the conclusion, the article is about the efficacy of iPad use in schools, and the challenges of acquiring knowledge of the latest communication technology devices.

iPad, communication technology, education technology, secondary school, Malaysia



The Graduates Competence of Islamic Higher Education in Stakeholder Societies Perfective in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Alhamuddin, Adang M.Tsaury, Eko Surbiyantoro

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Alhamuddin Alhamuddin

Universitas Islam Bandung

This study aimed to determine the competence of graduates of Islamic Education Study Program in the perspective of user society. The study used a quantitative approach with survey method. Data collection techniques were conducted by questionnaire, interview, and documentation. Data analysis was utilized with descriptive statistics. The results showed that graduates had to have integrity (ethics and morals) in addition to other competencies. Ethics and morals should be the foundation and priority of higher education in structuring and compiling the existing curriculum. Therefore, learning does not only focus on knowledge, but attitude must be the main goal to print superior human resources who believe and are fear to God Almighty. Attitude needs to be integrated in the ongoing learning process. In addition to these competencies, graduates need to have the ability in the field of technology and communication of foreign languages both Arabic and English. The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is marked by digitalization in all aspects of human life. Thus, curriculum development in university needs to harmonize between the needs, demands and guidance in the community

Competencies, Graduation, Core, Curriculum Development

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The Impact of Gratitude and Self Control to impulsive Buying Behavior of UNISBA Students
Anna Rozana, Eni N. Nugrahawati, Dinda Dwarawati,,

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AnnaAnna Rozana Syamsoul Ridzal

Fakultas Psikologi
Universitas Islam Bandung

ABSTRACT The background to this problem started from the discovery of the behavior of Unisba female students who make excessive purchases of cosmetic products without planning and consideration of the need for these products. Whereas they have received 7 (seven) semesters of Islamic Education, which contain Islamic values, which are expected to be able to receive anything God has given and are selective in buying cosmetics products according to their needs. The research method used is quantitative which aims to see the effect between gratitude and self control on impulsive buying behavior on cosmetic products. The characteristics of the sample are Unisba students who like to buy cosmetics. The result is the effect between gratitude and impulsive buying of 0.187 and the effect of self control with impulsive buying of -0.267. This means that the effect of each variable is low. Gratitude and self control have little effect on impulsive buying behavior at Unisba female students.

Self Control, Gratitude, Impulsive Buying



The Impact of Total Physical Response towards Private Islamic Junior High Students- Vocabulary Mastery
Lukmanul Khakim; Choiril Anwar

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Choiril Anwar

English Education Department, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

The study was aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using total physical response in improving vocabulary mastery of private Islamic junior high school students in Semarang. In this study, the researchers used quasi experimental research design which included pre-test, treatments and post-test. Population in this research choosen by the researchers was 129 seventh grade students of an Islamic private junior high school in Semarang. Meanwhile, two classes of that grade were taken as the sample. In collecting data, the researchers used test of vocabulary. SPSS measurement system was used to analyze the collected data. The result of the study showed that the pretest mean score of experimental group was 51.54 while the pretest mean score of the control group was 50.46. After the treatments, the posttest mean score of experimental group was 76.31 while the posttest mean score of the control group was 63.85. It can be said that there was a significant difference between experimental class and control class in the result of postest. It was supported by the Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.000 (< 0.05). So Ha was accepted meaning that there was a significant difference in the mean score of students-s vocabulary test achievement between experimental group and control group. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of total physical response was effective to improve private Islamic junior high school students-vocabulary mastery.

Total Physical Response; vocabulary mastery; private Islamic junior high school students

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The Implementation of SAK EMKM On UMKM Financial Reports
Nopi Hernawati, Ririn Sri Kuntorini, Irena Paramita Pramono

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Nopi Hernawati

The Accounting Study Program, FEB
Universitas Islam Bandung

Industry in Indonesia is developing quite rapidly, especially home industries that support peoples lives; one of which is tofu industry. In reality, this tofu industry is not yet developing due to the absence of good management and financial administration system caused by the lack of knowledge of SMEs (hereby called UMKM) about the importance of making financial reports. Accordingly, UMKM have difficulties in knowing and understanding their business financial condition. This research aims to help UMKM owners implement SAK EMKM (Financial Accounting Standard for UMKM) in preparing standardized, relevant, and reliable financial reports. The method of implementing research is a case study of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM in Warung Muncang Village, Bandung Kulon District, Bandung City. The research presentation approach is descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques for research activities are observation, interviews, and documentation. The result of this study is financial statements of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM in the form of financial position reports, income statements, and notes to financial statements. Keywords: UMKM Tofu Industry, Financial Statement, SAK EMKM

UMKM Tofu Industry, Financial Statement, SAK EMKM

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The Implementation of Sharia Compliance in the Murabaha Contract
Mohammad Ghozali, Abdul Hafidz Zeid, Ika Prastyaningsih, Roifatus Syauqoti

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Roifatus Syauqoti

University of Darussalam Gontor

Murabaha contract is a contract that dominates all financing in Islamic banking. The precautionary principle of risk and loss is the backgroud of Islamic banks in choosing murabaha contract as a superior contract. Murabaha contract applied by Islamic banks has been modified and adapted so that it can be adjusted to the current situation. But this modification that sometimes leads to disobedience of Islamic banks to Islamic principles. This research is a library research with inductive analysis which can than be concluded. From the research it can be concluded that the factors that cause noncompliance of Islamic banking include the different definition of murabaha from the regulators so that it causes different understanding, as well as the presence in the purchase of goods.

Murabaha, Islamic banks, Sharia compliance



The Implementation of the Health Care BPJS Connected to Balance Principle in Economic Law and Sharia Principles
Neni Sri Imaniyati, Law Faculty, Unisba Neneng Nurhasanah, Syaria Faculty, Unisba, Aneu Maryani , Communication Faculty, Ihsana Sabriani Barualogo, Psicology Faculty, Unisba,

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Neni Sri Imaniyati

Universitas Islam Bandung

Article 28 H of the 1945 Constitution stipulates that everyone has the right to obtain health services. To conduct this mandate, the government formed the Health Care and Social Security Agency (the Health Care BPJS) on January 1, 2014. Article 29 (2) of the 1945 Constitution provides a mandate that the state guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their religions and worship according to their religion and beliefs. For Muslims, all aspects of life are worship and therefore must comply with religious provisions. Likewise, in its implementation, the Health Care BPJS conducts the governing function in the field of public services. For this reason, this study was conducted to find the implementation of the Health Care BPJS based on balance principle in Economic Law and the implementation of the Health Care BPJS connected to sharia principles. The study used a normative juridical approach with descriptive analytic research, secondary data, and qualitative data analysis techniques through legal interpretation. The results can be concluded that in the implementation of the Health Care BPJS, the balance principle between the interests of the parties in the agreement was not fulfilled. Besides that, related to sharia principles, there are elements of usury (additional), maisir (speculative/chance), and gharar (the unclear things) that are prohibited in Islam in its implementation.

BPJS, Balance Principle, Economic Law, Sharia Principles

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The influence between the implementation of e-government policies, the commitment of leaders and the development of apparatus resources on the performance of public services in Lahat Regency
Hardiyansyah [1], Koesharijadi [2], Muhamad Akbar [3]

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Hardiyansyah Hardiyansyah

1. STIE Serelo Lahat/Universitas Bina Darma
2. STIE Mitra Indonesia Yogyakarta/Universitas Bina Darma
3. Universitas Bina Darma

The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the influence between the implementation of e-government policies, the commitment of leaders and the development of apparatus resources on the performance of public services in Lahat Regency. The method used is a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to respondents from the state civil apparatus in the area of Lahat Regency. The number of questionnaires returning from the 150 questionnaires distributed was 71. The results showed that there was a moderate influence between Public Service Performance and E-Government Policy, Commitment of Leader and Development of Apparatus Resources. Statistically shows a significant influence between Public Service Performance with E-Government Policy, Commitment of Leader and Development of Apparatus Resources because the obtained p-value Is less than 5% . Judging by the influence between independent variables also showed a significant influence but statistically these effects have not shown any deviation from the multicollinearity assumption. The result of simultaneous testing was obtained the F-test statistic value of 61.078 with a p-value Of 0.000 which was less than 5%. This shows that there is a significant influence between the three independent variables simultaneously on the dependent variable.

E-government policy, leadership commitment, apparatus resource development, public service performance

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The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Performance with Islamic Work Ethics as Moderating
Dr. Kania Nurcholisah, Dr. Nurleli, Dr. Nurfahmiyati

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Kania Nurcholisah

Universitas Islam Bandung

Abstract This study aims to find out for: 1). How Influence of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance. 2) How Intellectual Capital that implements Islamic work ethics can improve performance. This research method uses descriptive verification method. Data collection techniques used are financial documentation and questionnaires relating to Islamic Work ethics that are applied , so that research uses two quantitative and qualitative approaches. This research was conducted on Islamic Banking totaling 11 locations with a time of observation for 3 years 2016-2018 . In fulfilling the requirements of multiple regression, classical assumptions testing consisting of Normality, Herokedasticity, and t test with a significance level of 0.05 was performed. Data Processing uses IBM SPSS version 24. The results of the study indicate Capital Intellectual no effect on the performance of finance , but the ethics of the work of Islam associated with the nature of the nature of the Prophet able to strengthen the influenceof Capital intellectual of the performance of finance .

Intellectual Capital, Performance Finance and Islamic Work Ethics

Development Studies


Arif Hakim (a)*, Dinar Nur Inten (b), Dewi Mulyani (b)

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Arif Hakim

Prodi PG PAUD, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl, Ranggagading No. 8 Bandung Indonesia

The development of the literation program of the disaster mitigation at the early childhood education is necessary remembering it is getting a lot of disaster around us. Therefore, it is necessary to develop soon and include into the learning, even become one of the themes in education curriculum of early childhood education. Specially in this research aims to develop the learning program of the disaster mitigation at early childhood education. To obtain the research result is used the research method of development. The result of preliminary research produces the introduction study on the implementation of learning about the disasters in early childhood education through a focus group discussion recommending the importance of children is introduced about the wider and deeper disaster themes, because during this time the introduction of disaster is only limited to the aspect of knowledge itself, it does not reach yet how efforts to overcome if the disaster occurs Furthermore, it has formulated a special learning plan which made in a theme about fire natural disasters with detailed and comprehensive by touching of cognitive, attitude and psychomotor aspects of children in facing of the fire disaster

Literation, Mitigation, Disaster, Early Childhood Children, Kindergarten

Early Childhood Education


The Model Of Development Of Islamic Teaching In Islamic Higher Education
EdiSetiadi (a*), Rachmat Effendi (b), Riza Hernawati(c)

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Edi Setiadi

a) Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Ranggagading No.8 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Dakwah, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Ranggagading No.8 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
c) Fakultas Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No.1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia

This study examines the development of the quality of Islamic spirituality and the improvement of religiousity especially for lecturers and education personnel at University Islam Bandung. The aim is to explore and analyze the level of bound of lecturers and educational personnel to the development of Islamic spirituality as meaning systems that are seen through individual behavior based on religious motivation. This study used a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods through the cycle process identified in three phases repeatedly. Data collection techniques were carried out through participant observation, literature review, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussion which were followed by UNISBA leaders from the foundation leadership, Chancellor and Vice Chancellors, Deans and Chairpersons to the level of Chair of the Study Program and Head of Division.. To complete this study also used historical analysis, comparison, and heuristics. The results achieved were the formulation of a model for increasing the religiousity and development of the Islamic spirit, and in turn it was expected to be used as a model by other Islamic universities. This study becomes very important, because the Islamic spirit can move the direction of education, the foundation of all activities, supporting knowledge and soft skills. The development of Islamic spirituality and the improvement of religiosity have an interdependence relationship. Islamic spirit will develop if the level of religiousity is relatively high. Conversely, the level of religiousity will be even higher if the Islamic spirit continues to be developed

Religiosity, Islamic Value (Ruhul Islam).



The model of the application of criminal sanctions in tackling acts of corruption through criminal money replacement
Ade Mahmud (a*), Dian Alan Setiawan (b), Eka Juarsa (b)

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Dian Alan Setiawan

Faculty of Law, Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Ranggagading No. 8 Bandung 40116

The implementation of sanctions against criminal offenses related to the protection of the convicted person and his contribution to recovering state losses which must be returned to the necessary model of corruption, which requires deterrent power and restoring the country. This research is intended (1) (2) To find an ideal model of imprisonment in dealing with corruption. This study uses a normative juridical approach that examines the principles of law, rules / norms, institutions and legal processes. The type of data used in this study is secondary data relating to primary legal materials such as the Criminal Law Act (KUHP), Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes Jo Law No. 20 of 2001, Government Regulations, Supreme Court Regulation No. 5 of 2014 concerning Criminal Payment of Replacement Money in Corruption, Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, International Conventions such as the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. The technique of collecting data in this study uses a literature study that is analyzing reading sources that analyze scientifically such as books, accredited Dikti scientific journals and Reputable International Journals. The analytical method used is qualitative. The results show that this research proves that this study proves that this study discusses financial problems related to financial problems related to financial problems relating to the state and an assessment of the state. 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crime that provides an opportunity for convicted individuals to choose to pay money to support the court. In reality, the convicted person prefers prison sentences rather than paying the sum insured, as a result the state continues to suffer losses. The ideal model for applying money sanctions is to carry out a confiscation from the beginning if it needs money one month after the courts decision is legally binding (inckracht van bewisjde), to be implemented since the investigation is set up. This confiscation is an act in violation of the rules to break through rigidity in written law and anticipate that the money intended for money is not diverted to others and facilitates the prosecutor to request a guarantee for the settlement of the proceeds.

Keywords: Criminal Sanctions, Corruption, Replacement Money



The Outer Space Exploration Under International Space Law: An Islamic Point of View
Neni Ruhaeni (First and Co-Author); Fariz Farikh Izadi (Second Author).

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Neni Ruhaeni

Faculty of Law, Bandung Islamic University

The success of the Soviet Union in launching the Sputnik I Satellite in 1957 marked the start of space exploration. The advancement of the outer space science and technology has made it possible and opened up considerable opportunities for states and certain parties to carry out activities in outer space. Hence, in its development, outer space activities will continue to increase. This has paved the way for the formation of space law. At present, exploration of outer space activities is dominated by developed countries which have the power of space technology. This article will discuss the Islamic perspective regarding outer space exploration which has been implicitly stated through several verses in the Quran. The results of this study would provide spirit especially for Muslims to be able to answer the challenges of Allah SWT to explore the outer space with the power of knowledge.

Exploration, Outer Space, Islamic Point of View



The Prospect of Cooperatives in Secondary Education Graduates
Hendrikus Pedro(a),(b), Koentjoro(a), Sito Meiyanto(a)

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Hendrikus Pedro

a) Gadjah Mada University
b) Nusa Nipa University

Structural empowerment has been studied in various organizations, but has not been studied in cooperative organizations, whereas empowerment is an important issue in cooperatives. Cooperative Structural empowerment is the ability of individuals to use cooperative structures to achieve their goals. The cooperative structure referred to is the opportunity, information, support and organizational resources that can be utilized by members to develop themselves. The cooperative is a movement that lasts more than one hundred years and has succeeded in increasing the welfare of the poor and uneducated. The purpose of this study is to see the extent to which the role of education influences the structural empowerment of cooperative members. The research method used was a survey by collecting structural empowerment scale from 290 cooperative members. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA technique. The results showed that there were differences in the structural empowerment of cooperative members in terms of education level (F = 3812., P = 0.02). Secondary education level has the highest mean = 90.09 followed by Higher level education = 84.98 and basic education 79.35. Therefore cooperatives have good prospects for middle school graduates. The future of cooperatives lies with the graduates of secondary education

structural empowerment, cooperatives, education level



The Readiness of Hotel in Bandung Towards Sharia-Compliant Hotel
Abdul Kudus (a*), Fadya Jati Matrika (a), Alifah Pupuh Pujiawaty (a)

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Abdul Kudus

a) Department of Statistics, Bandung Islamic University, Jl. Ranggamalela No. 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia

Halal tourism became a new trend in business tourism, especially for international tourist from middle east and muslim countries. The hotel was an important component of business tourism. Hence, for establishing halal tourism, it needs all supporting components including hotel which were sharia-compliant. The Indonesian Ulama Council has stipulated fatwa on the implementation of halal tourism in Indonesia which included the implementation of sharia-compliant hotel. It consists of seven clauses on the implementation of the sharia-compliant hotel. This paper aims to identify the readiness level of hotel in Bandung towards sharia-compliant hotel. The survey was conducted involving sample consist of 33 hotels. The hotel representative was asked to state the agreement of his hotel with seven clauses of sharia-complaint. If the response was "Agree" or "Strongly Agree" then the hotel was defined as ready towards sharia-compliant hotel. The result of research showed that more than 50% hotels in Bandung were ready towards sharia-compliant hotel. All hotels have already fulfilled the requirement of no facility for pornography and indecent action. Even though only 53% hotels which comply with the requirement of association with sharia-compliant financial institutions, but the compliance of five rest clauses were on the range from 62% up to 97%. Overall, there are 88% of hotels ready towards sharia-compliant hotels with at least four clauses already fulfilled.

Halal tourism; Sharia-compliant hotel readiness; Bandung; Indonesian Ulama Council fatwa



The Readiness of Padang City Government in Facing ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
Deswita Rosra

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Deswita Rosra

Faculty of Law, Bung Hatta University
By Pass Aie Pacah, Padang 25586, Indonesia

The purpose of this paper is to discover the readiness of Padang City Government in facing ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The execution of AEC drives the ASEAN countries to improve their economic situation in dealing with global competition stream. This research uses sociological approach to law, which uses data from interview and literature study analyzed qualitatively. The research result shows that Padang City Government developing all region potentials to face AEC, by preparing the self-quality and improving the economic capacity in order to being able to compete with other ASEAN countries. AEC is a great opportunity, which also a challenge and an obstacle to be faced by Padang City Government in specific and Indonesian Government in general.

Readiness; Challenge; Implementation; AEC



Jejen Hendar, Fariz Farrih Izadi, Abdul Rohman, Mutiara Azura Mulyawan, Zuhrian Taruna Deniswara, Raden Moch. Waldan A. Thasya Nazira, Dinda Arba Fauzia

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Jejen Hendar

Bandung Islamic University

Indonesia is not only the worlds largest archipelago country but a country with a Muslim population in the world. With the number of the majority Muslim population in Indonesia, all activities that are conducted will intersect with Un-Islamic activities. Social activities of any heavy emphasis on activities that are Islamic. Islamic philanthropy is one of the social events in Islam that includes Zakah, infak, shodaqoh and communal ownership. The goals of this research are expected to be aware of the problem and the prospect of Islamic philanthropy setting in Indonesia. This research uses the juridical normative method. Indonesia is a unitary State instead of Islamic countries has been philanthropy which is accommodating Islam through legislation, of which the first is Act No. 23-year 2011 about the management of Zakat, in the Act is described with regard to the provisions in the exercise of charity, given also the provisions on the implementation of the infak and the like, and shodaqoh where management and distribution. Both Act No. 41 of the 2004 year Waqf, in this Act, explain about the management of endowments as well as provisions regarding the Waqf. With this setting, the many social activities that norm into positive law, for some businessmen make it burdensome, with a large number of regulations concerning the social activity. On the other hand with these settings become opportunities for Muslim entrepreneurs in conducting social activities of his company, not only will get social values alone but get the value of worship.

Islamic Philanthropy, regulation, Problems and Prospects.



The Role And Duties 0f The Indonesian National Army In Combating Terrorism In Military Operations Other Than War
Dr. Dini Dewi Heniarti, Dr. Oentoeng Wahjoe, Husni Syawali, Liya Sukma Muliya

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Dini Dewi Heniarti

Bandung Islamic University

Related to the Indonesian National Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/TNI) in combating terrorism in Indonesia must be based on operational reasons. Throughout the history of combating terrorism in Indonesia. The role and invitation of the TNI is also regulated in statutory regulations, including TNI Law No. 34 of 2004, as part of the main task of military operations other than war (OMSP). In its development, the modus operandi of terrorism is increasingly diverse, including hostage taking, large-scale terror attacks or acts of terrorism as part of a rebellion campaign involving territorial control and the use of force complemented by arrangements conducted in the Middle East and the Philippines. In these scenarios, the state can utilize the anti-terror qualifications required by units in accordance with military command and other units required. TNI Operations in the context of overcoming acts of terrorism are needed to initiate, take action and improve. Monitoring, prevent early, early detection to action. So everything will be done in one Military Operations Activity Other Than War. The involvement of the TNI in combating terrorism depends on the scale or level of danger arising from every act of terror. That is, Joint special operations command (Koopsusgab) will only be held through special operations to carry out high-level terrorist acts. This engagement is understood based on an understanding of terrorism cannot be accepted only as a follow-up to freedom. The threat of terrorism must also be seen as a threat to the defense of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesian National Army, terrorism, scale of danger, military operations other than war



The Role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs)
Bedjo Santoso

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Bedjo Santoso

Uiversitas Islam Sultan Agung

Research regarding the relation between MSMEs, IFIs and SDGs is interesting topic, many studies have been done. However, there are very scare that involved comprehensive approach. It is therefore aim of the study can be categories in two side. First side from demand perspective: to assess the perceptions and knowledge of MSMEs on their own capacities to access Islamic Finance Institutions and to identify factors why they use or do not use IFIs as source of financing. From supply side: to what extend the role IFIs to support MSMEs toward SDGs, and what are the possible strategies to deal with the problem related this issues. This research basically descriptive research by using mix method. From demand side used quantitative method by involving 384 respondents and semi structures interview to select the importants person. The finding revealed that IFIs support MSMEs towards SDGs achievement in terms of poverty alleviation, industrial innovation, infrastructure, financial stability, economic growth, and income distribution. Currently, from demand side, the intention to use and access MSMEs to IFIs is still very low, but in the future could be better, if strategy is implemented such financial literacy that improve MSMEs understand the advantages and features of Islamic financial products. Besides that, the role of government concern to support the regulations and policies. From supply side, support IFIs to strengthen the role MSMEs toward SDGs also very weak, it is because the number of IFIs financing available to support MSMEs is quite enough in average just 50% from total financing. However, Islamic microfinance has good chance to support MSMEs financing needed by increasing their capacity, hence, the role of government very urgent. This study recommend for future research to explore important factor influenced the two sides supply side and demand side as well.

MSMEs, IFIs, Development, SDGs, Financing Acces



Rodliyah Khuza-i, Irfan Safrudin, Hendi Suhendi

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Rodliyah Khuzai

Universitas Islam Bandung

Abstract, Ismail Raji al-Faruqi is well known as a pioneer of the Islamization of Knowledge with ideas that are brilliant enough to make the religious sciences and modern sciences integrated. This is done to overcome the stagnation of Muslims in various problems. The article with the title "The Thought of Ismail Rajis al-Faruqi and its influence on Western Civilization and Islam" aims to explore the extent The Thought of Ismails Raji al-Faruqis and the influence on Western and Islamic civilizations. This scientific work is a Literature Study using descriptive-analytic-critical method with the theory of Phenomenology and History. The results of this research are: First, the birth of religious studies in the West as an interfaith dialogue; Second, the birth of integrative Islamic studies according to the demands of the times in the fields of education, economics and art; Affirmation of the meaning of Tawhid which is the essence of Islamic civilization.

Tawhid, Dialogue, Religious Studies, Integrative

Communication of Islamic Broadcasting


The Views of Online Media Journalists about Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
Arbaiyah Satriani, Andalusia Neneng Permatasari, Tia Muthiah, , Fadhila Nur Rizky Islami, Kireina Dwi Faraumina

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Arbaiyah Satriani

Universitas Islam Bandung

In journalistic practice, the meaning of the truth is debatable. It is something absurd because it can be interpreted differently depending on the needs. According to Harsono (2001), in the book of Elements of Journalism that is written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, the meaning of the truth is in the functional level, not in the level of philosophical. For example, in the daily lives people need information about traffic jam, weather forecasts, currency rates or football match. This article explores the views of three online media journalists about the implementation of the first principle of the nine element of journalism which is the first obligation of the journalist is to the truth when they were covering the event of reunion of 212 on December 2nd, 2018.This research implements a qualitative method by interviewing the journalists from, and They were journalists who were assigned by their offices to cover the event. The result shows that as journalists who were on the spot of event, they would only publish news articles based on the facts they gather from the place of coverage.

Online media journalists, the truth principle, 212 Reunion



The Welfare of Slum Areas in Bandung City Based on Consumption Expenditures Patterns (Case Study: Slum Areas Babakan Surabaya, Kiaracondong, Bandung City
Ria Haryatiningsih, Fatimah Zahrah

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Ria Haryatiningsih

Economics Departemen, Universitas Islam Bandung

The purpose of this study was to get a picture of the level of welfare of the slum areas of Bandung through its consumption spending patterns. The study was conducted in Babakan Surabaya in the District of Kiara Condong. Babakan Surabaya is one of the villages in the District of Kiara Condong and is a densely populated area. Most residents occupy houses whose buildings are prone to fire, not far from each other, lack of quality waste disposal facilities, drainage, and existing clean water networks. This condition shows that this area is included in the slum area. So that low income people tend to choose to live in this region (Zahra, 2019). Our Observation show that The people can buy luxury goods such as handphone. Babakan Surabaya, which is located close to a shopping center, makes it easy for people to do their consumption expenses and follow the consumption patterns of higher-income people. According to Samuelson (2004), consumption patterns are also influenced by environmental factors. Household consumption patterns are one indicator of household / family welfare. It is therefore important to discuss how peoples consumption patterns in Babakan Surabaya describe their level of welfare. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method using the Lingkert Scale in its measurement. The Lingkert scale is used because it can assess a problem based on the opinions / perceptions of respondents who are then given a score. The results of the study showed that the people of Babakan Village in Surabaya had a low level of welfare. This condition is based on consumption patterns where the biggest allocation of income is to buy food, such as rice and vegetables. Purchase of durable goods is only to replace the old one and generally buy not in cash but in installments. For education and health, they still use government facilities so spending on education and health is still low. While the amount of savings is very small and not fixed. They also do not specifically allocate their income to recreation and even use their free time to work to increase their income. Purchasing some luxury goods does not reflect a better level of welfare. But it shows the process of demonstration effect because of its location in the city center.

consumption patterns welfare

Development Studies


Total Communication Learning Model to Support the Effectiveness of Social Interaction for Deaf Children
Nur Kholis , Purwowibowo , Muhammad Arief Ibra

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Nur Kholis

Departement of Social Welfare, University of Jember, Indonesia

This study aims to describe the use of a total communication learning model for deaf children to support the effectiveness of social interaction. Learning for deaf children is still dominated by the use of sign language. Consequently only deaf children can understand, but others find it very difficult to understand and interact with them. Though deaf children as an integral part of society. These conditions encourage the design of a total communication learning model using the media of pictures, writing, and reading. This study uses a qualitative method. The data as collected through an observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The data collected was verified through the use of source triangulation. The results showed that the total communication learning model can support deaf children understand language better, so they are able to interact socially and adapt to the times. Even, they can use apllications and features on smartphone as communication media. The benefit of deaf children can live independently an carry out social functioning.

Deaf Children, Learning, Social Interaction, Total Communication.

Early Childhood Education


Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
Evi Novianti, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha, Lukiati Komala, Kokom Komariah

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Evi Novianti

Universitas Padjadjaran

The current digital era or known as the 4.0 era, makes it easy for humans to communicate and interact indirectly in meeting their needs, one of them through browsing in the digital world. The digital world presents a variety of human needs about information, one of which is tourism information. Tourism information opportunities in digital media are utilized by the Purwakarta Regency Government through the Sampurasun Pariwisata Purwakarta application, it displays information about tourism attractions in several destinations in Purwakarta, the application combines modern and traditional elements. This research uses a qualitative method approach with descriptive research type. The results showed that the application of Sampurasun Pariwisata Purwakarta become a tourism communication strategy in the industrial era 4.0 that utilizes technology and values of local wisdom in optimally developing the potential of regional tourism. The existence of a technology-based local cultural identity, Purwakarta is expected to become a regency that has strong characteristics because regions that do not have a regional identity backrest will be easily eroded by a stronger foreign cultural civilization.

Digital era, local wisdom, tourism communication strategy



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