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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

Page 38 (data 1111 to 1140 of 1365) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Effect of Quality Service and Customer Satisfaction on Patient Loyalty at the PKU Primary Clinic Muhammadiyah Cangkringan, promoted
Muhammad Iqbal

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Muhammad Iqbal

Hospital Management

The purpose of this study are: (1) Knowing and analyzing the influence of quality service and customer satisfaction on patient loyalty; (2) Knowing and analyzing the influence of customer quality on patient loyalty; (3) Knowing and analyzing the effect of customer satisfaction on patient loyalty at the PKU Primary Clinic Muhammadiyah Cangkringan. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research variables included quality service and patient satisfaction as independent variables, and patient loyalty as the dependent variable. Population of this study was visitors in all service units of the Pratama Clinic PKU Muhammadiyah Cangkringan in 2016 amounting to 5,283. About 100 people were obtained as samples used the Slovin technique and 4 informants were interviewed to complete quantitative data. The type of data used is primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques consist of questionnaires supported by interviews. Validity and reliability test used the Correlation Product Moment test, and Crobench Alpha. Descriptive data analysis techniques used SPSS for windows version 15.0 and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The results of the study indicate that Quality of service consisting of five dimensions, namely; trustworthy (responsiveness), guarantee of service quality (asurance), customer empathy (empathy) and physical evidence (tangible) and patient satisfaction that cover three dimensions: product quality meets expectations; quality of service meets expectations ; the price is as expected, simultaneously has a positive effect significantly on patient loyalty. Simultaneous and positive effects of both service quality variables and Customer Satisfaction (0.689); Quality Service (X1) has a positive effect significantly (0,928) to patient loyalty at the PKU Pratama Clinic Muhamadiyah Cangkringan; Customer satisfaction which includes dimensions: product quality meets expectations, service quality meets expectations, and prices according to expectations also provide a positive effect significantly (1,167).

Quality Service, Patient Satisfaction, and Patient Loyalty

International Conference on Nursing


The effect of roughness surface on bending properties of the sandwich structure
Pratama Yuli Arianto (a*), Achmad Zubaydi (a), Agung Budipriyanto (b)

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Pratama Yuli Arianto

(a) Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

(b) Department of Civil Insfrastructure Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

The sandwich structure as a substitute for the conventional structure in the ship was an interesting topic in this recent era. Various innovation of type and shape of the core was studied with many researchers. Resin-talk-catalyst combination is one of cores type that has a high opportunity to research deeply and to applicate massively. The effect of roughness surface on the bending properties and failure mechanism of sandwich structure by using resin-talk-catalyst as the core and steel as the face was investigated in this paper. The four-point bending test of the sandwich structure was performed at three variations resin-talk-catalyst composition and two variations of with and without roughness surface in order to understand the deformation and failure mechanism. The effect of roughness on deformation modes, failure mechanism, and bending failure load was studied and analyzed. The result showed that the roughness surface and various type of core combination has a visible impact on the deformation modes, failure mechanism, and bending failure load. The roughness surface sandwich structure was stiffer and stronger than non-roughness surface sandwich structure.

Bending Properties, Failure Mechanism, Roughness Surface, Sandwich Structure, Ship Structure.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Effect of Saddle Contact Angle to Pressure Vessel Stress Distribution

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Krisdiyanto Krisdiyanto

Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Pressure vessel has a complex structure. Pressure vessel structure is designed to hold internal pressure, temperature, external load, etc. There are two types of pressure vessel, those that vertical and horizontal pressure vessel. Horizontal pressure vessel is supported by saddle that is used to hold pressure vessel weight. Pressure vessel stress distribution is affected by saddle contact angle variations. Pressure vessel maximum stress values should be considered so the failure of structure can be decreased. This research aims to review the effect of saddle contact angle variations to stress distribution.

Pressure vessel, saddle, contact angle, stress distribution

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Insana Maria (1), Asni Hasaini (1), Agianto (2)

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Insana Maria Maria

(1) Akper Intan Martapura
Jalan Samadi No 1 Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia

(2) Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Jl. A. Yani KM 36 Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan

The case of asthma in South Kalimantan exceeds the national number(3.6% of 2.4%). The increasing of this case certainly requires rapid treatment so that airway obstruction does not occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Giving a semi fowler position, as one of the independent nursing interventions can reduce tightness because it can reduce the pressure on the abdomen and optimize the lung function. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving semi-fowler position to the stability of the breath patterns of asthma patients at RatuZalecha Hospital Martapura. This study used a pre-experimental study design with 30 respondents, using simple random sampling technique. The intervention of semi-fowler position was given to the respondents when they were having shortness of breath, and observation sheets was used to assess the stability of the breath pattern before and after the intervention was given. The Wilcoxon test was used for analysis with &

semi fowler, stability of breathing pattern, asma

International Conference on Nursing


The Effect of Space Arrangement on Competitive Ratio, Component and Yield in Intercropping Sweet Corn and Peanuts
Noertjahyani (a), Elly Roosma Ria (a), Evia Rahayu (a)

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Elly Roosma Ria

(a) Departement of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture,
Winaya Mukti University

Objective of the research was to study the effect of space arrangement on competitive ratio, yield component and yield of intercropping sweet corn and peanut. The research was carried out at Sukasirnarasa village, Rancakalong sub-district, Sumedang district with the altitude is 900 m above sea level. Research methods was experimental with six treatments. Space arrangement as treatments of the experiment were 25/2; 25/3; 20/2; 20/3; 15/3 and 15/4. Plant distance of sweet corn was 75 cm inter-rows and 25 cm intra-rows. While peanut was planted between rows of sweet corn with space arrange corresponding treatments. The experiment was used simple Randomized Block Design and the treatment was repeated four times. Result of the experiment showed that space arrangement affected plant height and diameter of cob of sweet corn; pods number/plant, seed size and weight per plot of peanut. Space arrangement 20/3 gave yield component more, but competitive ratio between sweet corn and peanut relatively balance at 20/3 space arrange.

Competitive Ratio, Intercropping, Space Arrangement

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


The Effect of Support of the Support Group in Improvement of Self Efficacy Breast Cancer Patients Taking Chemoteraphy for Coping with Cancer
Hanik Rohmah Irawati, Yati Afiyati, Mondastri Korib Sudaryo

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Hanik Rohmah Irawati

STIKes Pertamedika

Self efficacy for coping with cancer in breast cancer patients can improve the adaptive coping, welfare dan quality of life of the patients. This study examines the effect of support of the support group to improvement self efficacy breast cancer patients taking chemoteraphy for coping with cancer. The study design uses quasi experiment with pre-post test within control group, involving 76 breast cancer patients with intervention (38 respondents) and control (38 respondents) using concecutive sampling method. Retrieving data using instruments Cancer Behavior Inventory Version 2. Statistical test results with chi square showed no significance difference proportion self efficacy for coping with cancer between in intervention group and the control group (RR 1,4 with 95% CI 0,8-2,4). The support of support group with appropriate methods needs to be given to cancer patients as part of nursing care in order to increase self-efficacy for coping with cancer.

breast cancer, self efficacy, the support of support group

International Conference on Nursing


The Effect of Sustainability Reporting on Financial Performance, A Case of Listed Companies in Jakarta Islamic Index
Ahmad Reza Hariyadi (1), Muji Astuti (2)

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Muji Astuti

(1)Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, reza_hariyadi[at]
(2) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen dan Ilmu Komputer (STIMIK ESQ), Jakarta, mujiastuti[at]

Disclosure of sustainability reporting can perceive accountability and increase company value for stakeholder decision making. The phenomenon of indifference to social, environmental and other non-financial elements requires that governments and international institutions form additional standards and regulations as guidelines for reporting company performance. Sustainability reporting is an additional standard for representing a companys overall performance by incorporating the companys environmental, social and economic aspects. This study aims to examine the effect of continuous reporting on financial performance applying quantitative methods with multiple linear regression which tests several independent variables on one dependent variable. This study uses secondary data in the form of financial statements of 17 companies listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index 2014-2016. The sampling technique was determined by the purposive sampling method. The research hypothesis is whether sustainable reporting influences financial performance as measured by asset management ratios, profitability ratios, liquidity ratios and market ratios. The normality test explains that all variables meet the assumption of normality. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance value is greater than 0.05. There is no autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity in all variables. The statistical t-test and determination test show different percentages for each variable. The conclusion of this study concludes that sustainability reporting has no effect on asset management ratios, due to the limited reporting of intangible assets in Indonesia. In addition, sustainability reporting affects six variables of profitability ratios, liquidity ratios and market ratios. These results indicate that companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and regularly reported in the Jakarta Islamic Index have adopted sustainability reporting properly.

sustainability reporting, asset management ratio, profitability ratio, liquidity ratio, market ratio

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The effect of the aromatherapy massage on the patients sleep quality with cancer
Wasijati Herman

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Wasijati Wasijati

STIKes Pertamedika Jakarta

The inability to have a sleep quality can increase the risk of having cancer to be more aggressive. This condition occurs because the immune body system is disturbed so that the ability of the immune to restrain or to control the cancer cells is decreasing. This research is aimed at knowing the effect of the aromatherapy massage on the patients sleep quality with cancer. This research is a quantitative research with quasi experimental design by using pre- and post-test method without control group. The sample of this research is 15 respondents and the sample taking is by using consecutive sampling technique. The sleep quality is measured by using PSQI questionnaires (The Pittsburgh sleep quality index). The research result shows that there is a decreasing score of sleep quality after the aromatherapy massage with the probability value of 0,0001 (p value < 0,05). The decreasing score of sleep quality shows that there is an increase in the sleep quality, so it can be concluded that there was an effect of aromatherapy massage on sleep quality of patients with cancer. Based on the research results it is expected that aromatherapy massage is recommended as a self intervention of nurses in healthcare services to improve the sleep quality of the patients with cancer.

cancer, sleep quality, aromatherapy massage

International Conference on Nursing


The Effect of Urea Fertilizer Dosage and Biofertilizer Source on Physiological and Agronomic Characteristic of Aloe vera L. Plant in Coastal Sandy Soil
Maria Theresia Darini(a*), Endang Sulistyaningsih(b)

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Maria Theresia Darini

(a) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia

The research was aim to determine the effect of urea fertilizer and biofertilizer sources on the physiological and agronomic characteristics of Aloe vera L. plants in coastal sandy soil. The research was arranged in a factorial Randomized Complete Block Design three replications. The first factor was the dosage of urea fertilizer which is 300 and 450 kg per ha. The second factor was the source of the biofertiliser, namely Rhizobacteria of bamboo, Rhizobacteria of gamal, Rhizobacteria of scrubs, Rhizobacteria of peanuts, Rhizobacteria of bamboo/PGPR, PGPR, Rhizobacteria of bamboo/Mycorhiza and Mycorhiza. Observation variables include index, density, length of porous stomata, width of porous stomata, total chlorophyll concentration, ANR, proline concentration, growth and yield of leaf. Analysis of results using variance, followed by DMRT at a significant level of 5%. The results showed that there was an interaction between the urea fertilizer and the biofertilizer source on all observation variables. The combination of 300 kg urea fertilizer and bamboo rhizobacteria has an effect on physiological characteristics, while the combination with PGPR or mycorhiza increases the growth and yield of aloe vera leaves.

Biofertilizer, chlorophyll, growth, porous of stomata, sandy soil

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Diah Ratnawati

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Diah Ratnawati

Surabaya State University

Writing, one of the means of language communication, is used most widely in our daily lives. Writing is a productive skill which someone shows his thought through written words. Writing becomes an essential skill in this globalization era. In the modern world, written language serves a range of functions in everyday life such as for action, information, and entertainment. Coop Coop places teams in cooperation with one another to study a class topic. Coop Coop allows students to work together in small groups, first to advance their understanding of themselves and the world, and then provide them with the opportunity to share that new understanding with their peers. The Coop Coop lesson design touches every aspect of the writing process. In conducting this study, the researcher used an Experimental Quantitative Research design. It was done to find out whether teaching writing narrative text by using Coop Coop technique was effective to improve the writing ability of students. Thus, the researcher chose two groups for this research; they were experimental and control groups. The population chosen was all of the tenth graders in a state senior high school in Sidoarjo. The samples were X1 as the experimental group and X5 as the control group. Both groups were given pretest and posttest. The scores from pretest and posttest were used to collect the data. From the data, the researcher made statistical calculation by using t test and analysis to answer research questions. From the t test calculation, the t value was 3.37, while the t table was 2.00 in .05 level of significant with the degree of freedom 58. Moreover, the t test calculation was also conducted in each writing component. The t value for content was 3.26, organization was 3.27, vocabulary was 3.62, language use was minus 0.16 and for mechanics was 1.05. Furthermore, the result shows that there is significant improvement in the terms of content, organization, and vocabulary between the students who are taught writing narrative text by using Coop Coop technique and those who are not. On the other side, there is no difference in terms of language use and mechanics scores between the students who are taught by using Coop Coop technique and those who are not.


International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The effectiveness of Addition of Infilled Wall Against Earthquake Load in Building Models
Fanny Monika (a*) ; Muhammad Ibnu Syamsi (a, b)

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Hakas Prayuda

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Jl. Lingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55183
Email : fanny.monika.2007[at]

(b) Ph.D Student in Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, 32001 Jongli City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan

The Yogyakarta region is an area that has quite a high earthquake activity. Meanwhile, the usual earthquake resistant building design ignores the influence of wall stiffness. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the structural behavior of earthquake loads, if the infill wall is included in the analysis. This research was conducted at the Postgraduate Building of the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University. The purpose of this study is to look for the effect of displacement and interstory drift with additional infill walls. The research was conducted with ETABS software to make the model according to the actual conditions. The earthquake load simulated using equivalent static load and spectrum response. The structure model of the open frame structure building and the infill frame structure are modeled to compare the results. Result analysis shows that interstory drift in the open frame structure model is not safe because it exceeds the permit limit. While the infill frame structure of each floor is still within the range of permit values so that the structure deviation is still in the safe category as required by SNI 1726-2012.

Infilled Wall, SNI 1726-2012, open frame structure

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Effectiveness of Durian Skin Extract as a Natural Anti-Bacterial
Nina Arlofa, Ismiyati, Moh. Kosasih

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Nina Arlofa

Chemical Engineering Masters Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

Durian (durio zibertinus) is a native tropical fruit from Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. Durian skin is the highest composition of durian fruit (60-75%), but still considered as waste that caused environmental problems. Durian skin was extracted with ethanol to obtain the extract which is then separated from the solvent as an ingredient for the hand sanitizer formula. This study aims to analyze the content of secondary metabolites of durian skin extract, analyze the anti-bacterial activity of durian skin extract against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and calculate the effectiveness of durian skin extract as a natural anti-bacterial ingredient in hand sanitizer products by using the paper disc method. The results showed that durian skin extract contained triterpenoids, alkaloids, and saponins, which are phytochemical compounds that have anti-bacterial function. The concentration of 1% durian skin extract inhibited the growth of Escersia coli, Salmonela thyposa and Sthapylococcus aureus with a clear zone of 8.2 mm, 7.4 mm and 8.6 mm, respectively. In the anti-septic test, the hand sanitizer showed that the interaction between the concentration of durian skin extract and the time interval of sampling at the same time (simultaneously) gave a significant effect in reducing the number of microorganism colonies

natural anti-bacterial, Durian skin, hand sanitizer

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The effectiveness of Education of Needlestick and Sharp Injuries to increase knowledge and attitude of Health Worker
kusbaryanto and Listiowati

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Kusbaryanto Kusbaryanto

Department of public health Faculty of medicine and health Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

The effectiveness of Education of Needlestick and Sharp Injuries to increase knowledge and attitude of Health Worker Kusbaryanto1 , Listiowati2 1 Department of public health Faculty of medicine and health Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta 2 Department of public health Faculty of medicine and health Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Abstract Background: Nosocomial infection appears in a patient under medical care in the hospital. It is a worldwide problem that always increases significantly. It is necessary to apply standard precautions to minimize the risk of infection in hospitals. One of which is the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries. Objective: This study aims to find out the effectiveness of education about needlestick and sharp injuries module to increase knowledge and attitude of the health workers in hospital. Method: This study used quasi-experiments with pre-test and post-test control group design. To explore the knowledge about the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, this study used purposive sampling with 29 respondents of control group and 103 respondents of treatment group. To explore the attitude of the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, this study used purposive sampling with 28 respondents of control group and 98 respondents of treatment group. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon and Independent sample T test. This study used questionnaire as an instrument to collect the data. Result: The result showed that knowledge about the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries in control group is p = 0,578 (p > 0,05), which is not significant. The result from treatment group is p = 0,001, which is significant. There is a significant difference between control and treatment group in comparison. The result showed that attitude of the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries in control group is p = 0,277 (p > 0,05), which is not significant. The result of treatment group is p = 0,001, which is significant. There is a significant difference between control and treatment group in comparison. Conclusion: The education is effective to increase knowledge and attitude of the health workers about the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries in hospital. Keywords: Effectiveness, Education of risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, knowledge, attitude, health worker

Keywords: Effectiveness, Education of risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, knowledge, attitude, health worker

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Dinasti Pudang Binoriang

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Dinasti Pudang Binoriang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background : Aging is a natural process characterized by a decrease in the function of various organs of the body. This natural process is slowly causing the older people to risk various health problems. One of the health problems experienced by the older people is body balance disorders. Body balance is influenced by complex and coordinated interactions between sensory components (visual, vestibular and proprioceptive input) and motor or musculoskeletal responses. Objective : To provide an overview of the implementation of nursing intervention and services for older adults with balance impairment in Padukahan Kalirandu, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Research Method : Use quasi experiment, it aims to determine the effectiveness of giving older people balance excercise interventions. The sample in this study 46 respondents. Location this research in Posyandu Wreda Pratama Padukahan Kalirandu, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Results : There is a decrease in the average results of body balance before and after the intervention. Before intervening 13.93 seconds and after intervention it decreased to 12.13 seconds. Conclusion : there is a relationship between the provision of balance training with a reduced risk of falls older people in Posyandu Wreda Pratama Padukahan Kalirandu, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

older people, balance exercise

International Conference on Nursing


Syarif Asad

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Syarif Asad

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Islamic bank marketing communications in an effort to increase the awareness of Islamic banks as a brand in Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative which explores the scope of marketing communication of Islamic banks, information media, promotion methods, and brand awareness. Techniques for collecting data through questionnaires and interviews were given to 62 respondents using convenience sampling. The effectiveness analysis used is the goal optimization concept in the customers perspective. The results of the study show that people in Yogyakarta have generally known and recognized Islamic banks five years ago, while the most widely accessed products were 82 percent savings. The most memorable advertising message for customers is that Islamic banks are more Islamic, more lawful, easier, fairer, and more attractive. However, the interaction with ad access is still low. The level of customer brand awareness towards a particular brand or product shows that each Islamic bank has a different level of brand image depending on the ease of access and facilities provided. Therefore, the effectiveness of marketing communications in each Islamic bank depends on the intensity of communication and brand strength.

Effectiveness, Marketing Communication, Islamic Banks, Brand Awareness

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era



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Dian Ari Widyastuti


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of jigsaw to improve students interpersonal communication skill in guidance and counseling department. This research uses quantitative research with experimental type and one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of the study were 19 students of Guidance and Counseling Program of Ahmad Dahlan University which was determined by purposive sampling technique. The data collection instrument used Interpersonal Communication Skill (ICS) scale. Data analysis using paired sample t-test with SPSS 20.0 for windows. The result showed that the significance value of 0.000 (less than 0.05) so that null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and it can be concluded that there is difference of pretest and posttest score. The difference of prestest and posttest score and the increase of interpersonal communication skill level after obtaining treatment, it can be concluded that cooperative learning type jigsaw is effective to improve interpersonal communication skill of counselor candidate students. The results of this study can be used as a reference to help develop interpersonal communication skills for prospective counselors.

cooperative learning, jigsaw, interpersonal communication skill, counselor

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Wicaksono, RC. Endarto,O.

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Rudi Cahyo Wicaksono

Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute

Apple has high economic value and contains high vitamins. One of the causes of the decline in apple production is plant disturbing organisms. Red scales (Aonidiella aurantii) is one of the most important pests in apple. The losses caused by the scales are causing disruption of production and growth processes, even leading to plant death. The effectiveness of limestone in controlling red scales (Aonidiella aurantii) on apple trees was carried out in the experimental garden of the Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute Jl. Raya Tlekung No.1, Junrejo-Batu City, from March to June 2017. The treatments tested are the limestone concentration of A. 10%, B. 20%, C. 30%, D. 40%, E. 50 %, F. Control. The treatments were arranged using a Randomized Block Design and repeated three times. The test results showed that limestone of E. 50% concentration applied by spraying on the stems of apple trees effectively suppressed the development of red scales population with an average population of 3/10 cm

apple, limestone, red scales

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


The Effectiveness of SEFT Therapy (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) on the Smoking Intensity of 7th Cavalry Battalion Soldiers / Special Assault Force of Kodam Jaya East Jakarta in 2019.
Dwi Septian Wijaya

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Dwi Septian Wijaya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA

Smoking is one of the habits carried out by most people, including teenagers. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2018) the prevalence of smokers in Indonesia has increased from 27% in 1995 to 33.80% in 2018 at the age of> 15 years. Then for male smokers it was 53.4% and women 1.70% in 1995. Later smokers in 2018 in men were 62.90% and women were 4.80%. Stopping smoking is not an easy effort, one of which is due to a lack of motivation for someone to stop smoking and also because of the influence of friends and the environment. SEFT therapy can form an anticipatory and preventive state of smoking. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of SEFT therapy on the intensity of smoking prajurti 7 cavalry battalion / special assault troop-s jaya Kodam East Jakarta. The design of the study used Quasi Experiments with the pretest - posttest design with control group design approach. The samples in the study were soldiers from the headquarters company with 36 people who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria consisting of 18 intervention groups and 18 control groups. Data analysis using Repeated Anova test if it is normally distributed and if it is not normally distributed then uses the Friedman test. Based on the results of the analysis with the Friedman test shows the p-value of 0,000 in the intervention group, so it can be said that there is a very significant difference. Then in the control group the p-value is 0.201, so that it can be said that there is no significant difference. The conclusion of this study is that SEFT therapy proved effective in reducing the intensity of smoking in 7 cavalry battalion soldiers / assault troops specifically in the East Jakarta Jaya Kodam

SEFT Therapy, Smoking Intensity, Soldiers

International Conference on Nursing


Ana Zumrotun Nisak, Atun Wigati

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Ana Zumrotun Nisak

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus

Cervical cancer caused by infection with Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) is one type of cancer which has high prevalence and belongs the second leading cause of death for women in the world after breast cancer. It is estimated that every day 40-45 new cases appear and around 20-25 people die due to cervical cancer. To prevent pre-cancerous lesions gradually and develop into invasive cancer, primary prevention needs to be done through the provision of health promotion and guidebook on early detection of cervical cancer. This detection can use the easiest, cheapest and affordable method, namely of Visual Acetate Inspection (IVA). In Kudus district the coverage of early detection of cervical cancer by the IVA method is only 2% of the number of women aged 30-50 years. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of health promotion and guidebook on the early detection of cervical cancer as an effort to participate in womens IVA examination. This study was quasi-experimental with the design of the pretest posttest non equivalent control group, with a sample of 66 respondents divided into two groups taken using consecutive sampling technique. Later on, the data were analyzed using McNemar and Chi Square tests. The results showed the results of the McNemar test on knowledge in the intervention group had p value of 0.003 while in the control group had p value of 0.630. In the intervention group the participation of women doing IVA examination had a p value of 0.004 and in the control group participation of women conducting IVA examinations had p value of 0.500. Chi Square test results for comparison between the intervention group and the control group had p value of 0.003. Providing health promotion and guidebook for early detection of cervical cancer is very effective on increasing the participation of women in Payaman village in Kudus Regency of IVA examination. There were differences in womens participation in IVA examinations between the intervention group and the control group after being given health promotion and standard books on early detection of cervical cancer.

Guidebook, IVA Participation

International Conference on Nursing


The Effectiveness of Total Physical Response Method on students vocabulary mastery in speaking and writing ability (A true experimental research at MTsN Pandeglang)
Susana Nuraena, Dr. H. Masrupi, M.Pd., Dr. Siti Hikmah, M.Pd

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Susana Nuraena

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

This current research was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of Total Physical Response on students vocabulary mastery in speaking and writing ability. this paper uses an experimental research. Two classes of students from MTs Negeri 5 Pandeglang are selected as the experimental subject. Both of the experimental and control class consisted 58 students. In the process of experiment, one class of students are taught by Total Physical Response method, another class of students are taught by Present Practice and Product. To find out the effectiveness of Total Physical Response method on students vocabulary mastery, the vocabulary data pretest and post test were analyzed using paired simple t-test. Meanwhile, the data vocabulary mastery (X) to speaking (Y1) and the data of vocabulary mastery (X) to writing ability (Y2) were analyzed using regression linear. The research reveals that Total Physical Response method was an effective method for teaching vocabulary based on the mean score pretest to post test (57,06-71,20). Total Physical Response method was an effective on vocabulary mastery in speaking ability 66,5% .Total Physical Response method was also an effective method on vocabulary mastery in writing ability 66,5% especially in labeling objects or pictures as cues of writing activities.

Total Physical Response method, vocabulary mastery, speaking ability, writing ability

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Effects of Agricultural Land Conversion on Food Availability (A Case Study in Bangunjiwo Village, Kasihan Sub-District, Bantul District)
Widodo, Oki Wijaya, Nur Rahmawati, Pujastuti Sulistyaning Dyah

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Widodo Widodo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This research aims to find out: 1) the rate of land conversion; 2) the condition of food resilience based on the availability aspect; 3) the analysis of agricultural land conversion on food availability. This research was conducted in Bangunjiwo village, Kasihan Sub-district, Bantul district. The data was a secondary data since 2007 to 2016 which was collected from Bantul Regency Statistics Center, Agricultural Extension Center, and Bantul Regency Population and Civil Registration Service. The results were as the following: 1) the rate of land conversion in Bangunjiwo was 20.3% or it can be said that agricultural conversion was decreased around 69.72 hectares. 2) the condition of food resilience based on the daily food availability per capita in Bangunjiwo was still in category of “food insecurity”. The trend of food security condition on the availability aspect since 2007 to 2016 was also decreased from “quite insecurity” in 2007 to “insecurity” in 2016. 3) the effect of agricultural conversion on food security ratio which was implemented a simple linear regression approach in Bangunjiwo, was found that the activity of agricultural conversion to non-agricultural was affected significantly toward food availability in Bangunjiwo village.

Land Conversion, Food Availability, Food Security

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Effects of Legume Fortification on Physicochemical Characteristics of Purple Sweet Potato Flour
Indrie Ambarsari, S. Dewi Anomsari, Sri Catur B. Setyaningrum

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Indrie Ambarsari

Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology Central Java, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture

The popularity of purple sweet potato continues to increase from year to year. Natural sweetness, attractive color, and high antioxidant were alleged as the main allurement of its products. Unfortunately, there are some lacks on the nutritional properties of purple sweet potatoes, such as low in protein and lipid. This shortcoming could lead to a serious malnutrition problem if there is no nutritional complement from another source. In this condition, fortification could serve as a strategy that addressed to improve the nutritional value of sweet potato products. As a source of protein and several bioactive compounds, legumes are suitable to be a carrier on the fortification process. This study was aimed to determine the physicochemical characteristics of sweet potato flour fortified with legumes. This study used a completely randomized design with four variation treatments, i.e. without fortification as a control treatment, soybean fortification, mungbean fortification, and cowpea fortification. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with a significance level at 5% and if there were a significant difference between treatments then it will continue with Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that among other legumes, soybean is the most effective carrier on fortification of sweet potato flour. Purple sweet potato flours that were fortified with 10% soybean have the highest nutritional properties, specifically protein (8.65%), lipid (3.02%), and amylose (32.09%). Furthermore, the increasing of protein fraction due to fortification in purple sweet potato, not only reduced the carbohydrate fraction but also generated sweet potato flours becomes darker.

fortification, purple sweet potato, legumes, physicochemical

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


The Effects of Principal Leadership and Teacher Competency on Performance mediated by Work Motivationn: An Evidence from Public Intermediate School in the City of Palembang, South Sumatera Province
Siswoyo Haryono R.A. Zubaidah

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Siswoyo Haryono

Doktor Manajemen, Pascasarjana, UMY
Magister Manajemen, Pascasarjana, Universitas Tridinanti Palembang

The purpose of this research is to empirically study the effects of principal leadership and teacher competency on teacher performance, mediated by motivation. The research design used was a Structural Equation Modelling with AMOS 22. The unit of analysis in this study was 2,668 Public Intermediate School Teachers in the city of Palembang, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The data were gathered through face to face distribution by the researcher. The data collection method was purposive sampling. The total respondents under this study were 340 teachers. This research revealed that all exogenous variables: Principal Leadership, Teacher Competency, and Work Motivation have a positive effect on public intermediate school teacher performance. Teacher work motivation is not a mediating variable in this model. This research has also given a theoretical contribution towards Fishbein and Ajzen theory which is also known as a reasoned-action theory. This research has also provided an academic input towards David Mc Cleland Need Achievement theory which is also known as the need for achievement, affiliation, and power.

Principal Leadership, Teacher Competence, Work Motivation, Performance

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Effects of STPP (Sodium Tripolyphosphate) Addition towards the Sensory, Chemical, Physical, and Rendement Characteristics of Borax-free Karak Production in Small and Medium Enterprises Scale of 80 Kgs Capacity per Day
Bara Yudhistira, Siswanti, Dian Rachmawanti Affandi, Rinda Marsita

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Bara Yudhistira

Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta

Rice has high productivity and is widely utilized by local food producers as raw material for making the fruit. Karak is a dry food product made from rice which is generally processed conventionally with the addition of salt and chemicals in the form of borax as an ingredient. However, given the prohibited use of borax, there are several manufacturers that produce non-conventional, free-of-borax Karak that require high investment and production costs. In order to produce Karak that is safe to be consumed and can be produced in a conventional way, research on the production of borax-free Karak using additional ingredients in the form of STPP (Sodium Tripolyphosphate) as an ingredient is conducted. The purpose of this research is to identify the effects of STPP addition towards the sensory, chemical, physical, and yield characteristics. This study used Complete Randomized Design of one factor, namely the concentration of STPP consisting of 0.5% (K1), 0.6% (K2), and 0.7% (K3) with the comparator in the form of baking soda (Control). The data obtained were analyzed using one way ANOVA method and if there is a real difference, it was followed by Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test with significance α = 0.05. The results show that the addition of STPP has several effects on the sensory, chemical, physical, and yield characteristics of the Karak produced. The best formula produced by the weighted test is 0.5% STPP (K1) formula. The K1 formula has the most preferred taste, texture, and overalls by the panelists, the lowest moisture content, the highest development power, and also the lowest hardness and the highest yield result.

Rice, Karak, STPP, Hygroscopicity, Hardness, Swelling power

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


The efficacy of chlorhexidine bathing to prevent multidrug-resistant infection in the Intensive care Unit: a literature review
Mutik Sri Pitajeng

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Mutik Sri Pitajeng

Joint Degree Program for Master of Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia and University of Tasmania, Australia

Lack of antibiotic prescription could cause the bacteria mutated into organisms that led to multidrug-resistant infection. Preventing this infection at patient in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) should be a priority for health care provider because the treatment is difficult and costly. Chlorhexidine that has been widely known as antiseptic in health care setting shows promising protector effect from infection. This review will identify the efficacy of daily bathing with chlorhexidine to prevent multidrug-resistant infection in the ICU. Five online databases were searched for the articles that meet with the criteria. Seventeen articles were included in this review. Daily bathing with chlorhexidine had a different effect for preventing infections caused by the multidrug-resistant organisms including methicillin-resistant straphylococcus aureus (MRSA), voncomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), fluoroquinolone-resistant gram-negative bacilli (FQRGNB), carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB), and highly resistant Enterobacteriaceae (HRE). To enhance the protector effect in ICU, chlorhexidine bathing must be combined with the other approaches such as antimicrobial prescription and hand hygiene program. The future research related to bacteria resistant to chlorhexidine is needed to monitor whether this approach will effective following trend of infection disease in ICU.

chlorhexidine bathing, multidrug-resistant organism, infection, ICU

International Conference on Nursing


The Emergence of Maute Group in Marawi City
Aquisah Salima Ismael Panda

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Aquisah Salima Ismael Panda

Mindanao State University, Philippines

Terrorism is a reality that always isolates peace in a place. Whether or not it is brought by the armed group or provoked by the tyranny of the government. The former depict the case of Marawi in 2017 when Maute Group, inspired from a prominent single-family in Lanao del Sur, spread terror in the entire city. Hence, this study aims to determine the possible underlying factors that led to its emergence and to identify its effect to its people. The researcher adopted a cross-sectional survey research design to the 100 respondents in MSU Main Campus and made used of the qualitative descriptive methods in the analysis of data. Further, this study used multi-dimensional theories of terrorism such as operant conditioning by Burrhus Fredric Skinner, self-determination by Deci and Ryan and Anarchism theories by Pierre-Joseph Produhn. Results of the study show the rise of Maute group was instigated by interrelated factors such as religion, leadership crisis, family feud, power struggle as well as economic factor. To realize all of these, they resorted into defiance and eventually engaged war with the AFP (Armed force of the Philippines). The war has far-reaching effects in politics, livelihood, peace and order, wellbeing, and education.

Maute Group, Marawi Siege, Terrorism, Religion, Causes and Effects

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Emergence of New Capitalism in Nglepen Teletubbies Village
Sannya Pestari Dewi (a*), Anjani Tri Fatharini (b), Bella Rosaily Hajarputri (c), Dyah Ayu Pitaloka (d)

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Sannya Pestari Dewi

a) International Relation, Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta,
Jalan Ringroad Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
b) International Relation, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jalan Sosio Yustisia 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
c) International Relation, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jalan Sosio Yustisia 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
d) International Relation, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jalan Sosio Yustisia 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Bantul faced high damage when the earthquake strike on May 27, 2006 and one village that totally destroyed is Nglepen Village. Then, 72 house-families obtained house-living aid in unique shape. The construction of the house is a dome shaped, that turned out to be look like a Teletubbies house (cartoon movie in early 2000). Its uniqueness then make Nglepen villager transform their house-living as tourism village. The debate that occur is how the humanitarian assistance or house aid for victims to live-in after disaster happen then turn into one commodity for economy oriented goals in capitalism system. The research method for this paper are interview and field observation. The result shows there is the new formation of power relations among village government, POKDARWIS, and villager in the circle of Teletubbies Village. This power relations very closely with profit-oriented in economy aspect. Moreover, the initial situation in disaster and after that turn out into capitalism after disaster.

New Capitalism, Disaster Commodity, Teletubbies Village.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Dr. Chairiawaty.MSi , Maya Amalia.,MSi

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Chairiawaty Hendar

Universitas Islam Bandung

There were 347.256 divorce cases in Indonesia in 2015 (BPS). The cases tend to increase every year. The major factor causing the divorce is the communication disharmony. In fact, communication is the main essence in establishing a family. The Indonesian society, based on the culture and religiosity, still firmly believes that husbands are the decision makers, and wives need to obey. The deeply rooted patriarchal culture makes some Indonesian women have lack opportunity to speak up. It seems that there is an inequality between husbands and wives in expressing opinions or arguments. How does Islam view empowerment? This paper will explore how Islam sees empowerment in communication between husband and wives. The study used a qualitative approach, and a case study method. Whereas the data were collected through in depth interview, focus group discussion, and documentary study. The study was placed in Desa Cilame for a group of female headed household that were given empowerment programs from some Moslem scholars. The results of the study show that : The concept of Islam on the women empowerment is that women are the open gate of the heaven for their parents, as the religion complement for their husbands, and as the heaven for their children; Islam gives freedom for women to actualize themselves by taking part in some activities to make them knowledgeable and skilled; Islam perceives that husband-wife is not boss-subordinate relationship, yet relationships with love and affection where the basic convention is peace and tranquility (QS Ar-Rum [30]:21). In communication, Islam has guided through the Hadits that when speaking wives and husband must use Heart (slowly, clearly, and well arranged) "(HR Abu Dawud).

Inequality, empowerment, Islamic View, Communication

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The End of American Democracy and Its Impacts of U.S. Foreign Policy
Bambang Cipto

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Yeni Rosilawati


A new and emerging phenomena has been growing for the last few years in America. It is a surprise for every one because it is common now to talk about the decline of American democracy especially since Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States in 2016 presidential election. The question that is arising is what doest its impact of the U.S. foreign policy? This paper is an effort to explain the causes and and the consequences of the decline of American democracy on the US foreign policy.

United States of America, Democracy, Foreign Policy, Trump

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Noni Marlianingsih (a), Emzir (b), Ratna Dewanti (c) Saifur Rohman

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Noni Marlianingsih

(a) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI and Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(c) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(d) Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The film Si Doel the Movie is a reflection of Betawi culture which is one of Indonesias diverse cultures. The language in this film mostly uses the term of Betawi, there are many cultural terms include ecology, material culture, religion, social and language. The term can be found in the words such as mengkeret, bujug buset, disamber geledek, and so on. This study analyzes the equality in translation with informants as a benchmark to find out whether the message in the target text is equivalent to the source text. This method is based on the concept of dynamic equality. Based on the informants, the methods and techniques used by the translator in maintaining the equality of messages were analyzed. The theory used is the translation method for cultural terms and translation techniques. Research shows that two equivalent translation characteristics that can be achieved through several methods, language understanding and the culture of the source language and target language; the use of appropriate translation procedures and techniques (transfer, cultural equality, descriptive translation, position transfer, modulation, additional explanations, and standard translations). The right words choices are based on the intention of the screenwriter of this film.

Equivalence, culture, translation, subtitles

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


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