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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

Page 45 (data 1321 to 1350 of 1365) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Transparency and Accountability Public Sector Procurement for Infrastructure: A Literature review on criteria and methods.
Dewi Yustiarini, Biemo W. Soemardi

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Dewi Yustiarini

Bandung Institute of Technology

Transparency and Accountability are two principles of good governance and need to be prioritized in applying the concept of good governance. Both of these principles have a close and mutually supportive relationship. Without transparency, there will be no accountability and without accountability, transparency means nothing. This study aims to discuss the relationship and position of these two principles through criteria and methods based on literature review. According to the Construction Services Act, the selection of service providers as referred to in Article 41 which uses funding sources from state finances is carried out through tendering or selection, electronic procurement, direct appointment, and direct procurement in accordance with statutory provisions. Electronic procurement as referred to in paragraph (1) is the method of selecting Service Providers listed in the catalog. Data collection is sourced from Indonesian legislation related to the procurement of Government goods / services. Equipped with 50 national and international articles that discuss transparency and accountability in the procurement of goods / services. However, from a number of articles that have been analyzed, few have specifically addressed infrastructure. The results of the study are presented in the form of a model of transparency and accountability in the infrastructure public sector.

transparency, accoutability, procurement, infrastructur, public

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Trends, variations and determinants of non-lending income in Islamic and conventional banking: The Case of Indonesia
Akhmad Akbar Susamto *

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Akhmad Akbar Susamto

Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Sosio Humaniora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta

This paper analyzes the trends and cross-sectional variations of non-lending income in Islamic and conventional banking. Using unbalanced panel data from 112 banks in Indonesia, this paper further analyzes if the trends and cross-sectional variations of non-lending income in Islamic and conventional banking depend on the same factors. The analyses are based on dynamic panel data regression estimations, in which heteroscedasticity robust standard errors are used. The results indicate that the trends and cross-sectional variations of non-lending income in Islamic banking tend to respond differently to several bank characteristics than to those in conventional banking.

Income diversification; Non-lending income; Islamic banks; Conventional banks

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Understanding Factors Influencing Motorcycle Ownership in Yogyakarta Urban Area
Dewi Prathita Rachmi (a*), Dr. Eng. M. Zudhy Irawan, ST., MT. (b), Dr. Ir. Dewanti, MS. (b)

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Dewi Prathita Rachmi

(a) Master of Transportation System and Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

(b) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Urban communities have a tendency to have high movement activities. To carry out their daily activities, the community is assisted by a variety of transportation modes. Most people in Yogyakarta urban area use private vehicles, such as motorcycles. The excessive use of motorcycle certainly has negative impacts like traffic congestion and increases travel time and air pollution. Government policies are needed to reduce motorcycle ownership and promote the use of public transportation. The policies issued must be pushed and pulled, which means that the policies issued should be able to not only improve public transports but also suppress the ownership and movement of private vehicles. The purpose of this paper is to understand the factors that influence motorcycle ownership. First understand about travel characteristics, household characteristics, and travel movements. Sources of data were collected from the survey by conducting interviews with household interview surveys in Yogyakarta Province. Data collection was carried out at the end of 2015

Motorcycle Ownership, Factors Influencing, Yogyakarta Urban Area

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering



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Indardi Indardi

Department of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

This study aims to describe the meaning of mushroom farmers on the concept of community empowerment. The study was conducted in the Lestari Makmur farmer group using a qualitative paradigm approach, with qualitative descriptive methods. Information is obtained through in-depth interviews used a question guide. Eight informants, the leader and members of the farmer group involved in the cultivation of the mushroom were interviewed. The finding showed that there was a diversity the meaning of the concept of community empowerment among the mushroom farmers. Farmers understand community empowerment concept with their perceptions. The group leader tends to interpret community empowerment comprehensively, and group members interpret the communitys participation partially. It is suggested, to conduct socialization about the concept of empowerment by competent parties (especially the government) at the beginning of the community empowerment activities in a farmer group.

Meaning, Community Empowerment, Mushroom Farmer, Farmer Group

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Understanding teachers Knowledge, Skills, and Principles of Language Assessment: A Survey on Teachers Language Assessment Literacy
Indah Puspawati

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Indah Puspawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Language Assessment Literacy (LAL) refers to the knowledge, skills and principles of language assessment and evaluation of teachers. This research investigated the language assessment literacy of teachers in a higher education context in Indonesia. To conduct the study and gather the required data, the researcher employs a self-rated survey adapted from descriptors of LAL for language teachers developed by Giraldo (2018) and semi-structured interviews to language teachers. The survey was distributed to 30 (N=30) teachers in a language faculty in a university in Indonesia, and interview was carried out to some participants. The result reports knowledge on language assessment of teachers that includes awareness of applied linguistics and theory, own language assessment concepts, and concepts of language assessment. Then, their instructional skills, design skills for language assessments, skills in educational measurement, and technological skills will be explained. Finally, the awareness of and actions towards critical issues in language assessment owned by the teachers will also be explored.

Language Assessment; Language assessment literacy

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Noor Hamidah1, Mahdi Santoso2

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Noor Hamidah

1Lecturer in department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Palangka Raya
2Lecturer in department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Palangka Raya

Urban poverty in Indonesia is very complex. Poverty has varying meanings or perceptions or assumptions vary according to outsiders. If we want to offer the right assistance to the poor who struggle against the crisis, we must first build a good understanding of the lives of the people we want to help. The study of poverty is related to the problems of urban communities. The aim of poverty studies is to better understand how poor people respond when income decreases, jobs are increasingly scarce, and spending on food and services increases. An overview of the three poverty studies in Palangka Raya to provide a complete picture of the situation on the ground, specifically about how the urban poor respond to crises. The urban poverty study presents various coping mechanisms and strategies developed by poor people in the face of crises.

urban, strategy, poor, people, Kampung, Palangka Raya City

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Use of Failure Mode Effect Analysis Method to Reduce Medication Error in Hospitalized Patients: Literature Review
Nur Laela, Arlina Dewi

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Nur Laela

Master of Hospital Management, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

BACKGROUD: medication error is a preventable event can cause inaccurate use of the drug so that it endangers patient when the drug is in the control of health personnel and patients. Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a prospective method of analysis used to identify potential risks and can be implemented to improve patient safety. OBJECTIVE: to identify potential and risk of failure in medication error by using Failure Mode Effect Analysis as a method of preventing and evaluating medication errors in hospitalization. METHODS: literature review regarding the journal about Failure Mode Effect Analysis Method and medication error. Journal searches are accessed from Pubmed database. All journals are from abroad and in English. The results of literature review from 2009-2018 found 15 journals related to FMEA method with medication errors. From literature review on medication errors in 2006-2018, 17 journals were found. RESULT: this review shows that medication errors that often occur are medication administration, dispensing, prescribing, preparation, transcription, reconciliation errors. Failure Mode Effect Anlysis Method used to identify potential risks and can be implemented to improve patient safety. The FMEA method is based on teamwork to identify, evaluate, prevent, control the effects on risks before they have an effect on patients. From 15 journals the FMEA method can improve patient safety in terms of intravenous nutrition administration, treatment processes, laboratory results, blood transfusions and transplants. CONCLUSION: this review explains that FMEA method is useful and efficient of reducing number of risks and improving the quality of services in hospitalization.

Failure Mode Effect Anlysis, medication error, hospitalized patient, potential risk, patient safety

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Use of ICT in agricultural extension services, Gedarif State, Sudan
Prof. Ahmed M. Abdel Rahman (1) and Hamed Elamin Esmail Bashir (2)

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Ahmed Mirghani Bereir

1. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan.
2. Ministry of Agriculture, Gedarif State, Sudan.

This study investigates the use of ICT in agricultural extension services in Gedarif State, Sudan. A field survey was used to collect data from 94 extension officers in the State in 2016/2017 growing season using the full count method. The collected data were statistically analyzed and interpreted using percentage, frequency distribution and chi-square test. The descriptive statistics showed that the majority of the respondents 72.3% used the ICTs in their extension services given to farmers and the majority of them 93.6% reported that there are many constraints facing the use of ICTs in agricultural extension services in the State. Chi-square test revealed a significant association between ICTs and constraints facing the use of them in the delivery of agriculture extension services to the targeted audience in the State. Thus, the authors recommend that the extension officers and farmers should be trained in the use of ICTs and the constraints facing the use of ICTs in the agricultural extension services in the State should be solved in collaboration with all partner organizations.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Extension Services, Gedarif State

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


User Behavioural Analysis of Educational Game I-COLLSEQ For Student Performance in Collocation
Muhammad Hasbi, Ahmad Afif Supianto, Dr.Eng., S.Si, M.Kom

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Muhammad Hasbi

University of Brawijaya

Collocation is a provision in English that requires a word to be paired or matched with another word. Such provisions are often overlooked in English implementation because students only focus on the meaning of the sentences. Educational games are basically aimed at giving the feeling of fun when learning is clearly very different from class conditions is the purpose of this game is created. In addition, user behaviour analysis is the main focus of this game. The behaviour is stored in a data log. The stored data log will represent 3 categories, for instance, Adjective + Problem (Noun), (Noun) + Verb and Verb + Problem (Noun). The method of analysis in this study that each player will be faced several questions where each question will save the special configuration of answers from the three categories tested. The configuration shows the users behaviour toward the game that leads to the level of understanding of each category. The results of this study show that from 34 participants who play this game there is a tendency players have a level of understanding about the category Adjective + Problem (Noun) is still low. It means that they have to focus on this section.

Collocation, Educational Game, Users Behaviour

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Users Acceptance in Using The Primary Health Care Management Information System: Literature Review
Fauzan Kurniawan, Arlina Dewi

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Fauzan Kurniawan

Program Pasca Sarjana, Program Studi Magister Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Health information system users have an influence on the efficiency of a system in providing health services so that it can increase the value of patient safety. We conducted a literature review in knowing how the user acceptancre in using a health information system. Method: Literature review is conducted by looking for articles from 2008 to 2018 using a database from PubMed. Articles are accepted in this study if they examine the influence of user attitudes on the running of health information systems in hospitals and primary services. Sorting articles through abstracts and free full text articles. Results: A total of 148 articles on the influence of user acceptance towards health information systems, 25 articles included inclusion criteria. Various user acceptance assessment models such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) are used in a number of these articles. Most articles explain that cooperative users can make health information system become efficient, but several environmental and personal factors can influence the system. Conclusion: Making an efficient health information system, a cooperative user attitude and acceptance is needed. The existence of environmental and personal factors is an obstacle in the system, so it needs an effort from the hospital management and primary services to improve the quality of existing resources in order to achieve the main goal of improving patient safety. Future research is needed to examine how the hospital or primary care management can increase existing resources.

Health Information System, Primary Health Care, user attitude, patient safety

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Ikin Syamsudin Adeani, R. Bunga Febriani

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Ikin Syamsudin Adeani

Universitas Galuh Ciamis

In English as Foreign Language (EFL) classroom context, it is compulsory for the students to make reflections of literary works. Through the reflection, the students are able to acknowledge what they have learned and interpreted of the literary works they are assigned to. Through reflection the teacher is able to examine the students progress in comprehending the literary works, monitor if the students are able to interpret the authors intention, and anticipate when the students happen to misunderstand the stories of the literary works. The purpose of the study is to examine the effectiveness of using Gibbs reflective cycle for the students in writing their reflections. The qualitative study employed a document analysis upon the students reflection artefacts. The students reflections are responses to a literary work, entitled Two Kinds written by Amy Tan. The findings of the study revealed that Gibbs reflective cycle is effective to be used by the students in writing reflections upon literary works they are working on. The well structured framework of writing reflection helped the students explore the literary work deeply, not merely from the surface, since the reflective cycle accommodates important aspects that can be explored from the literary work by the students

Reflection, Literary Analysis

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Utilization of Mnemonic Techniques in Grammar Learning
Wisnu Candrawati (a), Mukminan (b)

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Wisnu Candrawati

a) Instructional Technology, Yogyakarta States University
b) Geography Education, Yogyakarta States University

This study aims to (1) describe the condition of grammar learning in tuition center (2) the use of mnemonic techniques to increase learning outcomes and retention of grammar of the tuition center students, (2) factors that influence student learning outcomes and retention of grammar in the learning process in tuition center. The research was conducted on Nusantara Training Center (NTC) tuition center. This research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this study consisted of students and educators of the NTC tuition center. Data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study revealed 3 findings, namely (1) the learning objectives were in accordance with the students needs, namely to increase grammar knowledge and understanding (2) the grammar learning process had not used the mnemonic technique to the maximum because it used only one technique namely keywords technique and (3) influential in grammar learning, namely the characteristics of grammar material, students have difficulty in learning grammar material, and the maximum use of techniques that help to increase learning outcomes and retention of students.

Keywords: mnemonic techniques, grammar learning, learning outcomes, retention

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Utilization of RAPD Markers to Analyze Genetic Diversity Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) DxP 540 NG Variety
Sri Mekar Melati(a), Eva Sartini Bayu(b*), Khairunnisa Lubis(b), Lollie Agustina P. Putri(b), Asni(c)

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Sri Mekar Melati

(a)Student of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan 20155, Indonesia
(b)Lectures of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan 20155, Indonesia
* evagirsang61[at]
(c)Laboratory Staff of Laboratory Plant Biotechnology Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan 20155, Indonesia

Genetically, each individual in one variety of oil palm is varies, both from the level of relationship and the level of diversity. Genetic diversity can be determined used one of the molecular markers, that is RAPD. The study aims to determine genetic diversity of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) DxP 540 NG variety which is moderate variety of resistant ganoderma based using 3 RAPD markers. The study is conducted at the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. The genetic materials analyzed came from 20 of oil palm D x P 540 NG variety. Genetic bands size measured using UVITEC Cambridge FireReader, genetic distances calculations obtained Principal Coordinates Analysis (PcoA) and Neighbor-Joining Tree (NJTree) analysis using software DARwin 6.0. The results showed that the 20 plants had genetic distances ranging from 0 - 0.60 and were divided into 3 main groups with unquilified molecular diversity of 54.31%.

Keywords: oil palm, genetic diversity, D x P 540 NG, RAPD

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Utilization of Rose Flower Extract as An Antioxidant-Rich Drink
Elfi Anis Saati (a), Alfian Huda Ramadhan (a), Muh. Lutfi A. (b), Vritta Amroini Wahyudi (a), Hanif Alamudin Manshur (a*)

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Elfi Anis Saati

a) Study Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Raya Tlogomas Street No.246, Malang, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author at: hanifalamudin[at]

b) Program of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi , Telaga Warna Street, Malang 65144, Indonesia

Rose flower extract contains high levels of anthocyanin pigment, vitamin C and antioxidants so that it has the potential to be further processed into a healthy functional drinks. The addition of natural flavoring to the production process is expected to improve the taste and functional aspects of this rose extract-based drink. The research was aimed to study the effect of natural flavoring addition at various concentration on pH, total dissolved solids, color intensity, organoleptic quality, total anthocyanin levels, and antioxidant activity of rose extract-based drink. Rose filtrate was obtained by maceration method using water solvent. The added natural flavorings were mint leaves, ginger and lemon juice, with concentration levels of 1.5% (b/v), 3% and 4% (v/v). Antioxidant activity and anthocyanin levels were determined using the DPPH and pH difference methods, respectively. Organoleptic quality was determined using hedonic rating test with test parameters of taste and flavour. The results showed that the interaction between different types and concentrations of natural flavorings significantly affected the pH of rose extract-based drink. The addition of natural flavorings significantly enhanced its antioxidant activity. The different types of natural flavoring and its concentration significantly affected the redness and yellowish level of rose extract-based drink. While the concentration of natural flavoring only affected its total dissolved solids and its taste. The increase in total anthocyanin content of rose juice extract due to the addition of mint leaves is 46.48%, ginger is 34.50% and lemon is 16.70%. Based on the results, the best treatment was shown by rose extract-based drink with the addition of 3% of mint leaves given the antioxidant activity of 84.44%, brightness (L) of 35.30, redness (a) of 8.00, yellowness (b) of 4.60, pH value of 3.45, total dissolved solids of 21.17 Brix, total anthocyanin level of 12.14 mg/L, taste score of 3.20 (quite tasty) and flavor score of 3.27 (quite like).

Anthocyanin; Antioxidant; Drink; Natural Flavoring; Rose Extract;

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Utilization Of SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) Markers To Assess Molecular Diversity Of Germ Plasm Origin Of Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq. )
Rini Anggreini (a), Eva Sartini Bayu (a*), Hot Setiado (a), Lollie Agustina P. Putri (a), Asni (b)

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Rini Anggreini

(a) Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Prof. A. Sofyan no.3 Kampus USU Padang Bulan, Medan 20155 Indonesia
(b) The Laboratory staff of Plant Biotechnology of Faculty Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Oil palm is the largest source of vegetable oil producers in the world. Indonesia needs rich and diverse oil palm genetic resources as raw material for assembling new superior varieties. Molecular marking applications can be used to improve efficiency in analyzing kinship, gene mapping, and marker-assisted selection (MAS) in oil palm plants. this study aim is to analyze the genetic diversity of the origin of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Germplasm of PT. Socfindo used marker SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats). The material analyzed was 14 oil palm origin stocks originating. The results showed that the DNA band size varied between 138 bp to 308 bp and the polymorphic percentage was 60%. The analysis was carried out using DARwin 6.0 software. Which showed that 14 samples divided into three main groups, namely the first group consisted of 8 samples (2 Lame, 4 Cameroon, 2 Yangambi), the second group consisted of 5 samples (4 Lame, 1 Cameroon) and one individual (Yangambi) in the group third. The resulting molecular diversity is 72.73% with distance coefficients ranging from 0.0-0.6.

oil palm; genetic diversity; SSR markers

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Heni Purwaningsih1, Ayu Ningsih2 dan Siti Nuryanti3

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Siti Nur Aisyah

1Yogyakarta Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology
2University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta
3University of Tadulako Central Sulawesi

The increasing public awareness of the importance consuming healthy food, encourage the development food of biotechnology. Yogurt is a biotechnology processed food made from milk which has been fermented by Lactobacillus and Streptococcus lactic acid bacteria which have antioxidant activity. The weakness of yogurt products is that in the manufacturing process there is a decrease in water holding capacity (whey off), this is caused by a decrease in the pH of yogurt in the range of the casein isoelectric point which affects the quality of the yogurt end product. The purpose of this study is to maintain the final quality of yogurt with the addition of natural taro flour stabilizers. The method used in this study is comparing the concentration of natural stabilizer 2.5%, 1.25%, 0.165%, 0.1% and incubation time 9 hours, 18 hours, 24 hours, 34 hours. Parameters of observation are the analysis of the physico-chemical properties of yogurt. The results showed the best yogurt with fat content (0.51%), potassium (2354.64 mg / kg), nutrient content (612.8 kcal energy; protein 12.7; carbohydrate 9.85 g; calcium 120.29 g; phosphorus 223 , 5g; Iron 20.3g; Vitamin A 484mg; vitamin B 0.387mg; vitamin C 1.81 mg)), and organoleptics showed that panelists preferred yogurt variants (sweet taste). The best yogurt is that there is no decrease in the binding capacity of the water with the addition of a natural stabilizer with an incubation period of 24 hours with a 0.1% stabilizer.

Yogurt, stabilizer, taro tuber flour, fermentation

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Validation of Static Equivalent Method on Earthquake Load Design of Multi-Story Structure
Restu Faizah (a)*, Bagus Soebandono (a), Nur Muhammad Iskandar Sugeha (b)

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Restu Faizah

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
* Corresponding Email: restu.faizah[at]
(b) The Student of Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

A static equivalent is an approach method to design earthquake loads that must be calculated in the structural design. This method is practical and easy to apply, but only appropriate for low structures with high rigidity. This paper aims to investigate how high structures are still allowed to be designed using static equivalent earthquake loads. Validation is done by comparing the results of the static equivalent analysis with the results of time history analysis representing the reality. The structural models are four open resisting concrete frame 2D, with 7, 9, 10 and 15 stories. The Analysis use the SAP2000 program resulting in a structural response, include a base shear, story shear, and displacement. The result of the analysis shows that the static equivalent method is not recommended to design earthquake loads of more than nine stories structures. The potential damage of structures designed using static equivalent methods is in the basic story.

Static equivalent, time history, earthquake load, structural response

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Validation of the Linear Method in the Cascade Reservoir System for Energy Production Predictions, for Suply and Demand Optimization (Case study: Saguling Reservoir, Cirata, Jatiluhur Indonesia)
Empung (a*), I Nyoman Norken (b), Mawitri Infantri Yekti (c), I Gusti Agung Adnyana Putera (d)

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Empung -

a*Departemen Of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Siliwangi University
b,c,d Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, INDONESIA

In Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia, there are three serial reservoirs successively spreading out from upstream to downstream, namely Saguling Reservoir with the volume of 875 million m3and electrical energy production of 700 MW, Cirata Reservoir with the volume of 2,156 million m3 and electrical energy production of 500 MW, and Jatiluhur Reservoir, the most downstream, with the volume of 2,451 million m3 and electrical energy production of 150 MW. Jatiluhur Reservoir also provides supply for irrigation of 260,000 ha areas and drinking water industry with average inflow of 100m3/s. Those reservoirs have highly fluctuated with maximum water level 5 m per month. This condition occurs as sharing-non-sharing system is applied. Although this fluctuation is still in a normal condition, it affects the stability of reservoir slope. This study discusses about the validation of linear method to reach an optimal value of reservoir production in terms of electrical energy. The primary reservoir inflow data used was from 1988-2000, while the demand data was taken from 1992-2000, Cascade reservoir technique data was based on the existing data in 2000, Stochastic analysis was used to determine the inflow of 2000-2005 generation, while demand analysis was carried out using regression analysis. Multi-reservoir optimization analysis is carried out with linear simulation programs to obtain energy or fulfillment of demand every month, while demand for irrigation in the Jatiluhur reservoir is needed as a top priority supported by Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur reservoirs as the next priority. The result of optimizing cascade reservoir from 2001-2005, with initial period of operation on April obtained an average electrical production of 4,996.5 GWh, shows that the realization of average electrical production is 4,141.96 GWh. Besides, the average of demand is 4,996.8 MCm while the average supply is 5,806.2 MCm.

Optimization, Multi Reservoir Operation, Purpose Function, Predictions.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Variation of Seed Vigour in New UNPAD Sweetcorn Lines after storage
Kadapi Muhamad (a*), Anne Nuraini (a), Dedi Ruswandi (a)

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Kadapi Muhamad

(a) faculty of agriculture at Universitas Padjadjaran

Seed vigour is more sensitive compared to the germination test and usually it is used to observe the ability of seed germination at a sub-optimum area and seed longevity. The variation among cultivar in seed vigour could be useful for the breeding program to develop a new cultivar. In this study, we used thirteen of new UNPAD sweetcorn lines and three SR lines to evaluate variation of seed vigour after storage among these lines. The results showed that these lines differentiated into two major groups using clustering analysis based on seed vigour (vigour index, electrical conductivity and normal dry weight seedling) parameters. The first group consisted of eight new UNPAD sweetcorn lines and the second groups consisted of five new UNPAD sweetcorn line and three SR lines. These result indicated that the new UNPAD sweetcorn line have a new genetic constituent. Besides, the result revealed that the new line which grouped with SR lines was higher on the vigour index and normal dry weight seedling parameter after 4 months storage than the other group by Students test. These result suggested that these lines could be useful for the breeding program to develop new cultivar with high seed vigour

differentiation; seed vigour; diversity

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Susanawati and Hilmi Priliadi

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Susanawati Susanawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Kulonprogo Regency is one of the districts producing red curly chili in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. In 2015 most of the production of red curly chili in the Special Region of Yogyakarta was produced by Kulonprogo Regency, which amounted to 168,280 quintals, equivalent to 71.95% of total production. This study aims to find the development of red curly chili in Kulonprogo Regency, how is the behavior of prices at the producer market level in Kulon Progo Regency and consumers in Kramatjati Central Market jakarta (KCMJ), and how the vertical integration of curly red chili at the producer level in Kulonprogo Regency and consumers in the KCMJ. The data used are secondary data in the form of monthly production data and monthly prices in the producer market in Kulonprogo and consumer markets in KCMJ. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis using the Index of Market Connection (IMC). The results showed that the production of curly red chili was fluctuated every month. The second result, the behavior of red chili prices in the consumer market and consumer markets shows the same pattern, namely prices in the consumer market rise, so prices in the consumer market also rise. As a result, the IMC value is smaller than one, which is 0.89 and the value of b2 is greater than 0.5, which is equal to 0.795348. These conditions indicate that the consumer market has transmitted strategies and prices more quickly.

Market integration, IMC, Red curly chili.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Vibration Analysis of Ti6Al4V Down Milling Process
M. yanis, Bekti Khona ah, Irsyadi Yani, Amrifan S. Mohruni

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Muhammad Yanis

Sriwijaya University

The impact of machining vibrations that appear in the milling process is very influential. Machining vibrations have an impact on the product surface roughness produced, tool wear, and engine life. In this study, vibration is analyzed by varying the parameter values of the depth of cut and the feed rate. The analysis is done by simulating the milling process using Autodesk Simulation Mechanical software which is integrated with the finite element method. The material in this study uses Titanium Ti6Al4V and tungsten carbide as a tool. Vibration analysis using variations of frequency 0, 20, 40, 50, amplitude 75, 250, 200, 100, and frequency natural values obtained random vibrations with a frequency of 0.000350173 cycle/s in the first step and 0.000628503 cycles/s in the second step. Thus, changes in vibration can occur due to changes in parameters performed.

Vibration, Deformation, Down Milling, Ti6A14V, Finite Element Method

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Village Funds Efforts to Build Democracy and Independence of Villages in Kubu Raya District Welcoming Industrial Revolution 4.0
Djoko Wahjoeharjanto, Saiful Umam, Ari Alfian Pratama

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Saiful Umam


Village autonomy should be interpreted as the way the state provides guarantees for the realization of justice as well as negotiation of the democratic spaces that have been negated. The issuance of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on villages is a state regulation to build democracy and to render village in realizing prosperity. Meaning the birth of Village Law as a pragmatic solution to solve village problems in facing industrial revolution 4.0. The real condition of villages in Indonesia is not the same, each village has shortcomings and advantages, both from the scope of human or natural resources, as well as the resources of the budget. The village is a miniature state, which is expected to be able to build its citizens prosperous in a democratic framework and have independence by not ignoring the culture. The birth of Law Number 6 Year 2014 about the village proves no more neglect of the existence of the village as a unity of indigenous peoples. The existence of the village, as well as all the rights that the village possesses should be the new powers in the upsurge of the industrial revolution era 4.0.

Village Fund, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Democratization, Independence of the Village

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Ilham Yuli Isdiyanto

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Ilham Yuli Isdiyanto

Faculty of Law Ahmad Dahlan University

This research is one of the efforts to rediscover conceptual village sovereignty, which had faded and tended to disappear after the Republic of Indonesia era. The most significant indicator to see the existence of village sovereignty was village authority in dispute resolution, or enforcement of existing norms and developing naturally in those area. This research was conducted using a descriptive-qualitative approach, one of a kind of normative research which using juridical analysis as the basis for forming prescriptive aspects. This study reviews the historical aspects related to village sovereignty and dialectics to this day based on a multidisciplinary perspective and legal studies as the main base to determine its prescriptive aspects. As the results, history proves that since the royalty era until the colonial era the village was authorized to solve the problems of its people independently. Yet, entering the Republic of Indonesia era this authority was gradually amputated. The government finally began to realize the importance of being a village as an autonomous and self-sufficient area as before through Act No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Through these regulations the village head has the authority and obligation to resolve community problems. The village head position becomes an Authoritative Mediator. Through this basis, the village head can actually form an alternative dispute resolution institution that has the authority to call, examine, mediate and resolve problems from the parties. Here later the alternative dispute resolution can be done by a mediation model and the position of the village head can be as an authoritative mediator. Henceforth, as a suggestion, it needs support from the government to prepare implementing regulations and also provide mediation training to the village heads and village officials who get delegations from the village head.

village sovereignty; dispute resolution; mediation; village law

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Eko Prasetyo(a*,d), Prayitno(c,d), Jing-Doo Wang(d), Karisma Trinanda Putra(b,d)

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Eko Prasetyo

(a) Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia
(b) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia
(c) Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
(d) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Asia University, Taichung 41354, Taiwan

Recently, extracting some information as a knowledge from big data is very challenging activity. The size of data is very huge and it requires some special techniques and adequate processing hardware. It is also apply in vehicles transportation data at Taiwan National Freeway from the Traffic Data Collection System (TDCS). The results of this extraction will be very useful if it can be used by the community. So that the delivery of information extracted from large data that is easily understood becomes a necessary thing. Presentation of results using images / visuals will make it easier for people to interpret the information provided. In this project, an interactive visualization of the results of extracting statistical information is attempted to be provided. The results can be used by users to support the decision making of road users in determining the appropriate time when going through the road pieces around the Taichung City. This visualization of the statistics will help people who want to predict the travel time around Taichung City.

big data; Map Reduce; interactive visualization; travel time

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Volatile Compound And Antioxidant Capacity Of Piper Crocatum Leaf
Kun Tanti Dewandari1, Sri Yuliani1 and Sedarnawati Yasni2

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Siti Nur Aisyah

1Indonesian Center for Postharvest Research and Development

2Food Science Department, Agriculture Technology Faculty, Bogor Agriculture University

The research of volatile compound of Piper crocatum leaf extract has been done. The aim of research is to know the volatile compound of Piper crocatum leaf extract. The research was started by extraction of Piper crocatum leaf. This extraction method used maceration and reflux with etanol 96%. Component in the extract were identified using of GC-MS method. DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1picrylhydrazyl) method was used on activity test of antioxidant. The result showed that volatile compound of Piper crocatum leaf extract were dominated by the monoterpenes, which were sabinene and myrcene. Antioxidant activity test with DPPH method to leaf extract faction of Piper crocatum, known that extract by maceration and reflux have potency as antioxidant with value of IC50 of 46,51 ± 0.05 (AAEµg/ml) and 49,57 ± 0.27 (AAEµg/ml) respectively. Antioxidant capacity of Piper crocatum leaf extract by maceration and reflux were 10892,86 ± 6,06 (AAEµg/ml) and 9971,43 ± 6,06 (AAEµg/ml).

antioxidant capacity, piper crocatum leaf, extraction and volatile compound

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Vulnerability Study on Non-Engineered Buildings in Earthquake Prone Areas, Case Study: Klaten District, Central Java, Indonesia
Muhammad Heri Zulfiar (a*), Hakas Prayuda (a), and Krishna Suryanto Pribadi (b)

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Hakas Prayuda

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55183.
Email: zulfiarheri[at]

(b) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 40116, Tamansari, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Most of the houses in Indonesia are still categorized as non-engineered buildings which do not use good structural analysis in the manufacturing process. The level of education and knowledge about the construction of simple houses is certainly the main cause. The geographical conditions of Indonesia which are quite prone to disasters such as earthquakes, eruptions and cause this condition is one of the real threats to the population of Indonesia. This study discusses the level of vulnerability of buildings in the Klaten area to earthquake hazards. This area is one of the areas affected by the earthquake in 2006, and the community living was rebuilt with funds from the Indonesian government. The results showed that at the time of the initial construction 95% of this building had been calculated to withstand earthquake loads, this was seen from the main building which had a fairly strong structural component and was equipped with a fairly good structural drawing. Along with the growth of the population, most of the buildings have undergone a change of shape, many people have added their own buildings without considering the strength of the construction to withstand earthquake loads. so that buildings that were initially categorized as resistant to earthquake forces are very dangerous if an earthquake occurs.

Building Assessment, Non-Engineered Building, Klaten

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin, Yunus Shamad

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Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin


Disputes are one of the things that can appear at any time in human life. The best method of legal disputes resolution is through the court. However, settlement of disputes in court is known to take a long time and is expensive. So that several alternatives appear, one of which is mediation. Land dispute resolution is an effort to resolve disputes between parties who feel their rights to the land have been harmed. One settlement of disputes outside the court is by means of "mediation". Mediation itself is part of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which in Indonesian is called Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa (APS). The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of disputes and to describe the dispute resolution process through non-litigation mediation in Islamic and Bugis Norm Perspective. The type of research that compilers use is field research, namely by obtaining data from interviews, observations, and related file searches. Furthermore, this research is supported by library research as a complement. The approach in this study is a juridical-empirical approach. The results of the study concluded that 1. The dispute that occurred was related to the status of the land that was built on top of the Madrasah DDI Labukkang. There are parties who want land status to be the property of the Madrasah, while others want the status of the land to belong to the Nurul Huda Labukkang Mosque. The cause of the dispute is based on two theories. The first theory is the Principle Negotiation Theory. In this theory, the cause of conflict is the difference in perceptions and desires related to ownership rights. The second theory is the theory of human needs. In this case, the madrasas need for land status is very urgent and this is not fulfilled because it is blocked by other parties. 2. This mediation is carried out by someone who has been agreed by both parties, namely the RT head in Labukkang neighborhood. The mediation process is carried out through 3 stages. First is pre-mediation. Mediation conducts the plans related to the preparation of mediation. Second is the implementation of mediation. The mediator presents the disputing parties, gives an opportunity to all parties to provide information and provides options. Third is implementation. The legal impact that must be agreed upon by both parties is a peace agreement and certainty regarding the status of the land. From the Islamic perspective, the mediation complies with the 12 basic principle in Islamic Mediation. From the Bugis Norms, it complies with the five norms called pangngadereng.

Pangngadereng, Dispute, Waqf, Mediation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Evi Aninatin Nimatul Choiriyah, Abdul Kafi, Irma Faikhotul Hikmah

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Amanda Amanda

Department of Sharia Economic, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

This paper aims to initiate the concept of funding for fishermen through waqf crowdfunding models as a solution to the limited capital of fishing for fisherman. This is in line with the government program by the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 50 of 2015 on the empowerment of small fisherman and farmers small fish to achieve independence, improve their business, capabilities, capacity, and ensuring access to fishing resources. Supported by the fourth longest coastline in the world, which is 97.000 km2 and the and the area of water that reaches two thirds of Indonesias territory, which is 5.8 km2, indicates that Indonesia has a large potential of fisheries resources. However, this potential has not been able to contribute significantly to the economic growth of Indonesia (KPP, 2013). From the 6.1 million tons of potential fish marine resources, only 9.952 tons have been managed, either through fish catct production and for cultivation.The low catches of fishermen due to the limited funds to buy fishing equipment. It caused by the difficulty to access capital through financial institutions.

Crowdfunding, fisherman, waqf

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Waqf Index: A Benchmark for Measuring the Achievement of The Waqf Development
Khalifah Muhamad Ali (a*), Salina Kassim (b), Miftahul Jannah (c)

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(a*) Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Indonesia
(b) Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University, Malaysia
(c) Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Indonesia

Previous studies revealed that waqf institution (nadzir) is considered as the main problem causing many issues in waqf management in Indonesia. The improvement of nadzir performance, therefore, is the major priority in optimizing waqf potential in this country. To enhance the performance of waqf institutions, a performance measurement is crucial because it can promote a good governance and ethical management. However, the current practice of performance measurement in waqf institutions is less standardized and does not cover entire aspects of performance. Moreover, most of the related studies merely relied on financial aspect of the waqf institutions. Present study aims to develop waqf index as a comprehensive tool for measuring waqf institution performance which is not only considered the financial aspect, but also the non-financial aspect. Literature review and in-depth interview are employed to determine the dimensions, variables, and indicators for constructing the index and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods is used for weighting those index components.

Waqf index, performance measurement

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Water Quality and Function Feasibility of Babon River in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
R. Sarah Wahyudi1, S. Imam Wahyudi2 , P. Hary Subagya3

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Slamet Imam Wahyudi

1Environment Eng. Dept., Diponegoro University, Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia
2Civil Eng., Dept, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Jl. Raya Kaligawe KM 4, Semarang, Indonesia
3Studi Teknik Consultant, Jl. Badak V-22, Semarang, Indonesia

The Central Java Province has many river watershed that are not known water quality, water class and its function. Babon Watershed is one of watershed where located at north slope of Ungaran Mounth. Babon Watershed consist of three rivers basin, i.e. Gung (8,372 Ha ), Pengkol (7,009 Ha), and Babon downstream (9,202 Ha). The main river is about 33,76 km length. Base on its function, from upstream to downstream of Babon Watershed can be divided into 8 segments. The research aims to measure water quality and water class, to know each function and to predict its pollutant load capacity. Data collecting method use sampling for each segment. Meanwhile, the parameters measured are Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Natrium (Na), dan Phosphat (PO4). There are 17 sampling locations that consist of 9 location points in the main river, 5 points in the tributary, and 3 points random withdrawal. Data analysis was carried out based on Government Regulation No.82 of 2001. According to the analysis results obtained that in segment number I, II, III of Babon Watershed is recommended to function in class II, while segments number IV, V, VI, VII, VIII are recommended to function in class III, for 2.17 m3/s flow-rate can be COD 50 mg/l.

river, water quality, class function

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


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