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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2019)

Event starts on 2019.06.29 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 6 (data 151 to 180 of 470) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Do Understanding Nature of Science (NOS) Play Role to Students Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skill?
Yusran Khery, Bq. Asma Nufida, and Suryati

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Corresponding Author
Yusran Khery

*IKIP Mataram,Jalan Pemuda 59 A, Mataram, Indonesia

The aim of this research was to evaluate how Understanding Nature of Science (NOS) play role to students Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skills on Chemistry Classroom. This descriptive research was carried out by Ex-post Facto method at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education of IKIP Mataram. The research subjects were 75 students participating in the General Chemistry course for the academic year 2018-2019 that taken by the saturated sampling method. Data were collected by understanding NOS questionnaire, Concept Understanding Test, and Science Process Skills observation sheet. The data is described and analyzed by product moment correlation test and One Way Anova test for uncorrelated samples. The results showed that there was a significant and very strong correlation between Understanding NOS and Conceptual Understanding and between Understanding NOS and Science Process Skills. One Way Anova test result showed that there was difference on Students Conceptual Understanding and Science Processes Skills on different Understanding NOS

Understanding NOS, Conceptual Understanding, and Science Process Skill

Chemistry Education


Education for Industry Revolution 4.0 : Using Flipped Classroom in Mathematics Learning as Alternative
Rahmadani (a*), Tatang Herman (b), Sri Yunita Dareng (c), and Zainal Bakri (d)

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Corresponding Author
Rahmadani -

(a) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(b) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(c) Faculty of Art, School of Education, The University of Adelaide, Australia
(d) Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar

The industrial revolution 4.0 that we have faced nowadays has triggered the development of digital and cyber technology which will affect all aspects of human life, including educational aspect teaching of mathematics. Therefore, a new learning model that can be a reference for teachers in facing the industrial revolution 4.0 is needed. This article would review the flipped learning model as a form of Blended Learning (BL) in the teaching of mathematics. The flipped learning model was a learning model that conveys learning information remotely through video or text in an online context, and then the learning material would be further learnt through face-to-face learning. The implementation of this model was supported by a variety of technologies so that it was suitable to be used in the current 4.0 industrial era. In addition, this article would explain the example of implementing flipped learning in teaching mathematics that could be used as a reference for teachers. The overall description was expected to be an inspiration for researchers, teachers, or prospective mathematics teachers in conducting further research and in the process of learning mathematics.

Industrial revolution 4.0; Blended Learning; Flipped Learning; Mathematics Learning

Mathematics Education


Education for Sustainable Development: System Thinking for Sustainable Chemistry Education Curriculum
Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Anna Permanasari, and Hernani

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Science Education Department, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Education must be able to connect technology advances, the industry and learning in the classroom. These include advances in the fields of chemistry and chemical education to teach students to be able to contribute to solving problems and sustainable development in the future. Chemical education is considered to have a central role in education for sustainable development. For this reason, we need a concept in a chemical education curriculum that can support sustainability. System thinking in chemistry education is relevant to sustainability. Through system thinking, students are challenged to holistically understand the scientific process. This study aims to review the literature on systems thinking and sustainability in chemical education. A total of 9 articles from reputed international journals were the main sources for review. The results of the literature study conducted were the implementation of the system thinking in a chemical education curriculum was a potential thing. The relationship between sustainability and systems thinking were discussed

Education for sustainable development, System thinking, Chemistry education curriculum

Chemistry Education


Effect of lesson study with problem based learning on students- mathematical disposition
D Suhaedi*, M Y Fajar, I sukarsih, and Y Permanasari

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Corresponding Author
Didi Suhaedi

Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No. 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


The glory of a nation is influenced by the quality of its human resources. Human resources depend on the quality of their nations education. Teachers are an important part of developing the quality of education. Reliability of teacher competence contributes positively to the development of quality education. In fact, the results of the Teacher Competency Test (UKG) in Indonesia are still relatively low. The low quality of teachers results in low graduates, especially SMK graduates. In Bandung District unemployment is dominated by SMK graduates. Therefore, professional development of SMK teachers is needed, so that they have adequate competence, including being able to develop learning innovations. Lesson Study is one of the learning innovations that can improve cognitive, didactic, and pedagogical knowledge. Lesson Study can improve the mathematical disposition of teachers and students. This article discusses the description of the lesson study process and the mathematical disposition of students after learning through lesson study with a problem based learning approach.

teacher professionals, lesson study, mathematical disposition

Mathematics Education


Effect of Popular Scientific Article Writing Workshop based on Practical Investigation of Marine Resources on Students Writing Skills
Rahayu Puspa Hadiyati, Sri Anggraeni, and Amprasto

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Corresponding Author
Rahayu Puspa Hadiyati

Faculty of Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. DR. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This present study investigated the effects of writing workshop based on practical investigation on students writing skill of popular scientific article. Students were asked to write popular reports of science about marine resources. A quasi experimental design was used with two 10th-grade classes at the department of Fisheries Product Processing Agribusiness at Marine Vocational High School, Indramayu, each consists of 20 students. The experimental group of students assigned into the writing workshop based on practical investigation, while the control group assigned into the writing workshop based on conventional practicum. The learning stages of experimental group are divided into four stages, namely the introduction stage, the investigative practicum stage, the workshop stage by experts, and the presentation stage. The scientific stages in an investigative practicum can provide actual knowledge that can be the initial capital for students writing popular scientific articles. Factual knowledge and daily experience will motivate students to start writing. Before the treatment, a pre-test was administered to both groups in order to investigate the writing performance and sub skills of focus, sources, style, and vocabulary of students. Popular scientific article assessment results indicated that the experimental group performed significantly better quality and quantity of writing popular scientific article than the control group.

Writing Workshop; Practical Investigation; Popular Scientific Articles; Marine Resource

Biology Education


Effect of Schema Use in Solving Word Problems: Emphasis on Linguistic Difficulties
Namirah Fatmanissa

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Corresponding Author
Namirah Fatmanissa

Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, Sampoerna University.
LAvenue Building, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.Kav. 16, RT.7/RW.9, Pancoran, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. 12780

Students- ability in solving mathematics word problems has been considered low, especially caused by obstacles in understanding information provided by the problem. Schema can be a helpful tool for students to face such obstacles. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of schema in resolving obstacles based on linguistic aspects constructing word problem (multiple representation systems, vocabulary, and grammar and syntax). A mixed method study of embedded experimental model was conducted with 69 participants of 11th grade students. Quantitative analysis to determine the effectiveness of schema was done by testing whether postest score of experiment students was significantly higher and whether mathematical linguistic obstacles of them was significantly lower than control students. Mathematical linguistic obstacles in each aspect were analyzed from the indicator-based coding of students- work on word problem test. Qualitative analysis was conducted by comparing experiment and control students- work on posttest, and by comparing experiment students- work on pretest and posttest. Experiment students showed significantly higher posttest score and lower mathematical linguistic obstacles in each aspect compared to control ones. In general, schema is proven to be effective in helping students solve word problems. Schema is also effective in resolving mathematical linguistic obstacles in each aspect. Qualitatively, students being taught schema showed more attention and application upon the whole information provided by the problem and were more self-directing in determining solving steps towards problem goal.

mathematics, schema, mathematical linguistic obstacles, word problem.

Mathematics Education


Effect of Science Teachers- Leadership and Organizational Culture on Teacher Performance and it-s Implication on Student Achievement
Ketut Gunawan, and Kadek Dwi Hendratma Gunawan

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Ketut Gunawan

Universitas Panji Sakti, Politeknik Ganesha Guru

The essence of leadership in the classroom is the ability to influence and move students to achieve the goals of learning especially in science classroom. This study aims to analysis the effect of science teacher leadership organizational culture on Teacher performance, and also that implication on student achievement. Quantitative analysis was used to analyze data from science teacher in several public school in Singaraja, Bali. The results show that science teacher performance directly affected by teacher leadership and organizational culture. For student-s achievement implication was enhanced due to that affect. These findings support the necessary of developing teacher competencies especially for science teacher.

science teacher leadership, organization culture, teacher performance, student achievement

Science Education


Effectiveness of fussion science writing heuristic approach with multiple representation in improving the critical thinking skills of junior high school students Abstract Review Result on hearing material
Mulyadi1*, P Sinaga2, and T Rahman3

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Corresponding Author
Mulyadi Mulyadi

1Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to improve the critical thinking skills of junior high school students through the application of a science writing heuristic approach with multiple representations of hearing. The method used was the quasi-experimental method with Pretest-Posttest Control Group design with 24 samples in the experimental and control classes. The research instrument used was an essay test. The average value of the experimental class pretest 11.8 increased at posttest to 80.5 with an N-Gain value of 0.8. In the control class the average value of pretest 12.0 increased when the posttest became 71.8 with an N-Gain value of 0.7. Based on the Paired Sample T Test, it is known that the significance value is 0.001 <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the improvement of critical thinking skills between students who have applied the science writing heurastic approach and the multiple representative hearing with students who apply the science writing heurastic approach without multiple representation. Based on these results, the Science Writing Heuristic approach with Multi Representation on Hearing material can be used as an alternative learning strategy to improve students critical thinking skills.

Heuristic Science Writing Approach, Multi Hearing Representation, Critical Thinking Skills, Quasi-Experiment, Science Education

Science Education


Effectiveness of Mathematical Modules with Guided Discovery Approach Viewed from PGSD UAD Student Motivation and Achievement
Asih Mardati

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Asih Mardati

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of product development in the form of mathematical modules with a guided discovery approach in terms of motivation and learning achievement of UAD PGSD students. Guided discovery approach is a method that involves students in an optimum way to find formulas and theorems, while educators provide guidance to students who have difficulty. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest nonequivalent comparison-group design. The group used in this study consisted of two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. Based on the calculation in the attachment, the value of t count is 5.37. The calculated t value obtained is greater than ttable = t0.05; 28 = 1.701 so Ho is rejected. Thus it can be concluded that at the 5% significance level, approach is the guided discovery effective in terms of student learning achievement. Based on the calculation in the attachment, the value of t count is -1.805. The calculated t value obtained is smaller than ttable = 1.701 so Ho is not rejected. Thus it can be concluded that at the 5% significance level, approach is the guided discovery not effective in terms of student learning motivation. It can be concluded that mathematics learning with a guided discovery approach is effective in terms of student learning achievement, but is not effective in terms of student learning motivation.

Effectiveness, Mathematical Modules, Guided Discovery Approach, Motivation, Achievement

Mathematics Education


Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Devices Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approaches to Mathematical Communication Capabilities of Class VII students
Yulia Utami Putri (a*), Edwin Musdi (b)

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Corresponding Author

a) Faculty of Math and Science, Padang State University
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, West Sumatera 25171, Indonesia
Email: yuliautamiputri18[at]
b) Faculty of Math and Science, Padang State University
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, West Sumatera 25171, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of the use of mathematical learning devices based on the contextual teaching and learning approach in terms of students mathematical communication skills. The subjects of this study are seventh grade students of SMPN 26 Padang with a total of 30 students. This research includes the type of development research. The development model used in this study is the Plomp model. The Plomp model consists of three phases namely preliminary research, development or prototyping stage and assessment phase. Data on the effectiveness of learning devices are taken from the results of tests of students mathematical communication skills. From the test results, it is found that the average test scores of mathematical communication skills of class VII students are effective. The percentage of the results of the mathematical communication skills test reaches 80% of the minimum completeness criteria. Based on the results of these studies indicate that the learning device developed has been able to meet the effectiveness criteria, namely the percentage of completeness in classical more than 75%.

learning tools, contextual teaching and learning, mathematical communication skills.

Mathematics Education


Effectiveness of Student Worksheets of Environmental Project- Based E-learning Model in Building Student Character
Sarah Inayah; Rani Sugiarni

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Sarah Inayah

Suryakancana University

This study aims to develop student worksheets and their effectiveness in the context of student character. This type of research is research with design and development (R & D design). This research consists of three stages, namely Self Evaluation, Prototyping (validation, evaluation and revision), and Field Test. The initial step of the research is to use various sources in the field and literature review. Product design is done by preparing student worksheets and student character observation sheets. Products that have been designed are then developed by means of judgment, trials and revisions. From the results of the development then a student worksheets hypothetical product is obtained and will be tested for its effectiveness. Effectiveness testing is carried out in the use of trial activities through the implementation of student worksheets hypothetical product. The results showed that the hypothetical student worksheets was effective in establishing honest, maos, mamaos, tanginas, someah, sauyunan, and discipline characters.

Student Worksheets of Environmental Project-Based E-learning Models, Research and Development design, Characters

Mathematics Education


Rifa Kurnia Agriyana (a*), Wahyu Sopandi (b)

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Rifa Kurnia Agriyana

1) Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

2)Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of the Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-and Create (RADEC) learning model and Inquiry learning model on science process skills (SPS) of elementary school students. This quasi-experimental study used the matching pretest-posttest design. The research subjects consisted of 2 experimental classes, namely the experimental class 1 which obtained the RADEC learning model and the experimental class 2 which received the inquiry learning model. The two classes came from one of the public elementary schools in the city of Bandung. The research instrument used was the Science Process Skill test on the theme "Ecosystem" with multiple choice questions. The results showed that both learning models could increase SPS significantly (p <0.05). However, the RADEC learning model can increase SPS higher (0.37) than the inquiry learning model (0.11) significantly (p <0.05). Thus it can be concluded that the RADEC learning model can increase SPS more than the inquiry learning model.

RADEC learning model, inquiry, science process skills

Science Education


Empowering students Engagement in Organic Chemistry Learning through Integration of Dillemma stories with Number Head Together
Yuli Rahmawati, Fera Kurniadewi, Istianah

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Istianah Nusorudin

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Abstract: This paper portrays research into an innovative curriculum project of dilemma stories which was conducted at a secondary school in Indonesia, 10 graders with 60 students. The research focused on the integration of Number Head Together in dilemma stories approach for students engagement in Organic Chemistry learning. Dilemma stories on the topics of formaldehida, alcoholic drinks, paracetamol drugs, and butter and margarine were developed in this research study. A qualitative approach was implemented with multiple methods including interviews, reflective journals, and classroom observations. The results of the research showed the effects of this innovative approach on students- development of their critical thinking, creative thinking, emphatic communication skills, problem-solving skills, sense of responsibility, communication skills, religious attitude, argumentation skills, and confidence. Students learnt to solve the dilemma problems in real situations. The teacher became involved in this innovative approach for engaging students and improving their learning quality. In conclusion, the dilemmas stories approach has engaged the teacher and students in meaningful chemistry learning experiences. Keywords: Dilemma stories, Organic chemistry, Numbered heads together

Dilemma stories, Organic chemistry, Numbered heads together

Chemistry Education


Enhaching Creative Thinking Skills using CBL Model Implemented in STEM Education for 21st Century Physics in Vocational School
N Putri, D Rusdiana, and I R Suwarma

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Corresponding Author
Noviana Putri

Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The main goal of this study is to present examples and results of the implementation of the Challenge Based Learning (CBL) model implemented STEM education in Indonesia. This study integrates the steps of the CBL model and the dimensions of STEM education. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method with a type of quasi-experimental research design. The research design used was a single group pre-test / post-test design. The research subjects consisted of 23 first-grade students in vocational schools. The instrument used in this study is an essay test consisting of 4 questions creative thinking skills with indicators according to Torrance namely fluency, flexibility and originality. After performing the pretest, treatment and posttest, the scores of students creative thinking skills were analyzed using normalized gain values (), Shapiro-Wilk Test, non-parametric and Cohen tests with SPSS 20.00 at a significant level of 0.05. As a result of the study, it was found that there were differences in students creative thinking skills after being treated by the CBL model which was implemented with STEM education. The level of achievement of students creative thinking skills in the post-test is higher than the pre-test. This research shows that the application of the CBL model implemented STEM education is effective in enhacing creative thinking skills and in the most significant order in improving indicators of flexibility, fluency and originality.

STEM education, Challenge Based Learning, Creative thinking skill

STEM Education


Enhanced Visuospatial Reasoning of Students with Hybrid Learning Models
Cut Latifah Zahari, Y S Kusumah, Darhim

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Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Visuospatial reasoning is a process of thinking about geometric objects that many people use to solve problems encountered in everyday life. Visuospatial reasoning not only deals with an essential role in the world of mathematics, but also can solve problems in the fields of engineering, architecture, medicine, physics, and other areas. This study aims to describe and compare the increase in visuospatial reasoning through a hybrid learning model. The hybrid learning model in this research is the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills (student-centered) based on instructional design that integrates digital (internet and mobile), printed, recorded and traditional face-to-face classroom activities that are organized in the teaching plan. Furthermore, the students are guided to decide their learning process by choosing the available learning methods and materials that best suit their characteristics and individual needs that are oriented towards achieving the objectives of the lecture. Based on data analysis, it was found that visuospatial reasoning improved better in students of moderate mathematical abilities group but did not increase the low group.

Visuospatial Reasoning, Hybrid Learning

Mathematics Education


Enhancement of mathematical creative thinking ability through open-ended approach based on metacognitive
N Nurkaeti1*, Turmudi2, Karso2, V Pratiwi1, S Aryanto1, and Y Gumala1

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Corresponding Author
Nunuy Nurkaeti

1Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jl. Perjuangan No.81, Bekasi 17121, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to describe enhancement of mathematical creative thinking abilities in fifth grade elementary school student through open-ended approach based on metacognitive, open-ended, and direct instruction. The method of this study is quasi experiment with pretest posttest design. Enhancement of mathematical creative thinking ability students that learning with open-ended approach based on metacognitive better than students that learning with open-ended and direct instruction. It is because, in the open-ended approach based on metacognitive students encourage to think divergent. So they could find various alternative solution to solve the problem. In the other hand, using metacognitive strategy in the open-ended approach could make student to think conscious and deeply about how to solve the problem. Therefore students could know their known and made meaningful learning.

creative thinking, open-ended approach, open-ended based on metacognitive

Mathematics Education


Enhancement of STEM Literacy on Knowledge Aspect after Implementing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-based Instructional Module
Amaira Utami1,a), Diana Rochintaniawati2), Irma Rahma Suwarma3)

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Corresponding Author
Amaira Utami

1) Science Education Program on Graduate School of Education, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
2) International Program on Science Education, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
3) Department of Physics Education, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
a) Corresponding author: amairautami[at]
b) rochintaniawati[at]

The scenario of 21st century relies heavily on the computer and digital system. Many scholars argued that it is important to implement and evolve the integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in school system which will give direct advantages for students, teachers and educational institutions. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine the enhancement of student-s STEM literacy on knowledge aspect after implementing STEM based module in learning earth-s structure and its dynamics topic. The method of this study is weak experiment pretest posttest one group only. The subject of this research is one class of 7th grade students that consist of 39 students in one junior high school in Bandung, Indonesia. Developed STEM based module on earth-s structure and its dynamics topic is delivered to students in their learning activity. Moreover, to measure students- knowledge enhancement of STEM literacy, a pre-test and a post-test were given to students which consist of 20 multiple choice questions. Specifically, there are 11 questions of science literacy, four questions of technology-engineering literacy and five questions of mathematics literacy. Student-s pre-test and post-test result is analysed by calculating normalized gain and its effect size. The results of this research showed that students- science literacy enhanced satisfactory (n-gain = 0,35) with 1,10 of effect size (strong effect), technology-engineering literacy shows the highest enhancement of (n-gain = 0,56) means that it also enhanced satisfactory with effect size score is 1,24 (strong effect), and mathematics literacy is the lowest enhancement of (n-gain = 0,32) and is categorized as satisfactory enhancement with effect size of 1,13 (strong effect). To sum up, student-s STEM literacy enhanced satisfactory with strong effect size after the implementation of STEM based module in their learning activity.

STEM Education, STEM based Module

STEM Education


Enhancement Problem Solving Ability in Mathematics Using Active Learning Strategy Type Learning Starts With a Question
M Handayani (1*) , E Herlina (2), K Rahmi (2), K Yulianti (2)

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Corresponding Author
Mike Handayani

1) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, IAIN Batusangkar, Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 137, Limo Kaum, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat, 27217, Indonesia
2) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, IAIN Batusangkar, Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 137, Limo Kaum, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat, 27217, Indonesia
2) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to look at improvements and investigate the difference between students- mathematics problem solving ability using Active Learning Strategy Type Learning Starts With a Question (LSQ) and using direct learning. This research was a quasi experiment by randomized pretest-posttest control group design to 48 students of junior high school in Sumatra Barat in the even semester of 2017. Methods of data collection in this study observation, documentation and test. N-Gain and T test was used to analyzed the data. Results showed that there was an increase in students mathematics problem solving abilitiy with high categories and mathematics problem solving ability of students using LSQ strategy were better than students mathematics problem solving ability using direct learning.

Problem Solving Ability; Active Learning Strategy Type Learning Starts With a Question

Mathematics Education


Enhancing Learning Experience of Turbine Engineering using Finite Element Method Software
Ade NugrohoDewantoro*, Indah Widiastuti, Nugroho Agung Pambudi

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Corresponding Author
Ade Nugroho Dewantoro

Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jalan A. Yani No. 200, Surakarta 57169, Indonesia

The call for providing practical learning opportunities to students is prominent in engineering education. To address this requirement, an experiential learning approach was applied in a turbine engineering course emphasizing on practice-based learning. It is expected that after completing this course, the students will capable to undertake design calculation of specified turbine for assessing and predicting its performance. The Finite Element Method (FEM), a numeric procedure for analysing a wide variety of engineering problems was incorporated within the Kolb-s experiential learning cycle to give visualization of physical behaviour of a turbine. The ADDIE method consists of a series of activities (analysis, design, develop, and evaluation) was employed in this study to develop a lesson plan of turbine engineering. This research is to supposed to establish a new learning options for turbine engineering courses which increases student understanding of basic turbine engineering concept as well as provides opportunities for students to have experience in designing a wind turbine with FEM.

Turbine engineering, Engineering education, Experiential Learning, FEM, KolbCycle

STEM Education


Enhancing Metacognitive Abilities through the Biology Project
Nur Rokhmani Tri Siswi(a*), Yayan Sanjaya(b), and Mimin Nurjhani(b)

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Corresponding Author
Nur Rokhmani Tri Siswi

(a)Biology Education, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(b)Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract Metacognitive ability is assessed to have an effect on how the students can learn independently to obtain academic achievement. Learning that can support the development of metacognitive abilities are needed, so students can be directly involved in developing their learning strategies. For this reason, the study applies project-based learning to biology subjects to develop student metacognitive learning. In this study, the effect of project-based learning on students ability to solve metacognitive test questions on biology subjects was shown. This study aims to measure how project-based learning can improve students metacognitive abilities and identify students metacognitive awareness in learning. The data in this study were collected through pretest, posttest and metacognitive awareness questionnaires. These data were analyzed quantitatively to produce a better understanding of the problem and the results of the study. As a result, students ability to solve metacognitive problems has increased by 19,4 points. The Gain Index obtained from the average student yield is 0.7. It was also explained that students metacognitive awareness after project-based learning began to appear in several aspects including aspects of search strategy and planning with an average response of 36 and 34 points, respectively.

Metacognitive ability; Project Based Learning; Biology Project;

Biology Education


Enhancing Scientific Literacy by using Ethnomovtale Book
Izzah Muyassaroh, Siti Partini Suadiman

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Izzah Muyassaroh

Yogyakarta State University

Facing 21st century, scientific literacy is one of the important skills that must be possessed. Introducing scientific literacy in elementary school is increasingly interesting to be studied because of the great challenges. This is why teaching science in elementary school has to be designed on using innovative media, models, approaches, and learning materials. One of these innovations is ethnomovtale book. Ethnomovtale book is a learning materials developed through 10 stages of R&D model based on Borg & Gall (2003). This research showed that ethnomovtale book was very effective to use as a supportive learning materials to improve scientific literacy in elementary schools. Based on the student and teacher-s responses, ethnomovtale book was so interesting and helpful to students in learning science.

Ethnomovtale Book, Scientific Literacy, Science Learning, Elementary School

Science Education


Enhancing students- learning outcome using augmented reality: A pre-experimental research
A Ismail1,2,*, A Setiawan1 , A Suhandi1,, And A Rusli3

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Corresponding Author
Ali Ismail

1Science education program, Prosgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Department of physics education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
3Department of physics, Faculty of science and information technology, Catholic Parahyangan University , Bandung 40141 Indonesia

There are extensive researches related to using of augmented reality as a learning environment to support learning science activities (Yoon et al., 2012). To continue the research, this present study investigated of using augmented reality to enhance students- learning outcome in physics learning context. Through a pre-experimental design, this study aimed to reveal how the students- learning outcome dealing with electricity concepts has been investigated. There were 32 participants who were college students contributing to do physics learning in an augmented reality environment. Results indicated that students depicted the great cognitive gains when using augmented reality to support their learning process. By using the digital augmentations, this present study also provided about how such technologies affect students- interest in physics learning.

augmented reality, electricity concepts, learning outcomes.

Physics Education


Epidemic in the Gompertz population model with Allee effect and uncertainty in parameters
Z Amarti*, N Anggriani, and A K Supriatna

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Zenia Amarti

Universitas Padjadjaran

The deterministic model is a mathematical model in which symptoms can be measured with a high degree of certainty. In the deterministic model it is assumed that the event has 2 opportunity to occur, i.e. whether it happened or not. In particular, we investigate the possibility of epidemics in the Gompertz population model having critical density dependent growth and allow uncertainty in parameters. We perform fuzzy approach. We found that, in some cases modeling was found to be uncertain in determining initial values and model parameters. In this case, the epidemic can be disrupted when the initial value is below the Allee threshold. The results confirm that the solution to the Gompertz epidemic model with the Allee effect uses a crisp and fuzzy approach, quantitatively giving different results, but qualitatively give the same long-term results.

Epidemic model, Critical value, Fuzzy theory

Mathematics Education


Epistemological Obstacles: An Overview of Thinking Process on Derivative Concepts by APOS Theory and Clinical Interview
Aditya Prihandhika (a*), S Prabawanto (b), T Turmudi (b), D Suryadi (b)

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Corresponding Author

a) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to identify the learning obstacle of students on the basic concept of derivatives. The research used descriptive qualitative. Data of the research was obtained from the results of tests and interviews given to six participants as the pre-service mathematics teachers from two different institutions in West Java. The test is given consists of seven questions related to basic concept of the derivative. Then the answers to the questions were confirmed again by clinical interviews. These data are then analyzed by the framework of APOS theory (Action-Process-Object-Schema) with the aim to overview the thinking of processes who experienced by participants in answering the questions given. The results of the study show that there is still some learning obstacles experienced by partisipants in understanding the basic concepts of derivatives. Constraints experienced include the lack of mathematical connection skills regarding the basic concept of derivatives, the operation of a function that is still wrong, and the lack of a meaningful process for the concepts learned so that problem-solving processes are still limited to procedural problems. Based on this research, it is recommended that pre-service mathematics teachers can internalize derivative concepts learned so that the knowledge scheme formed can be better.

Epistemological Obstacle; Concept of Derivatives; Thinking of Process; APOS Theory; Clinical Interview

Mathematics Education


Equipping Students- Research Skills and Logical Thinking through Practical Work on Algae Topic
A Sanjayanti 1, N Y Rustaman 2, T Hidayat 2

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Arum Sanjayanti

1Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Biologi, SPs., Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

A research using pre-experimental method was conducted to equip research skills and improve students- logical thinking in the Cryptogamae botanical practicum. The initial development of the practicum program was based on a preliminary study at one of state university in Bandung, West Java. This study involved 38 second semester biology students. The study was conducted from February to April 2019. Data were collected through several instruments in the form of: tasks and rubrics for reviewing articles, proposal outlines, pre-proposals, final proposals, and test of logical thinking (TOLT). Research skills used at the scaffolded research level in facets of research which consist of: embark and clarify, find and generate, evaluate and reflect, organize and manage, analyze and synthesize, communicate and apply. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the Cryptogamae botany practicum program could improve students- medium research skills and logical thinking. In addition, it was also found that student who have a formal score of TOLT category tend to increase their research skills higher compared to those of the transitional and concrete score categories.

Algae, Research Skills, students- Logical Thinking skills

Biology Education


Error analysis in solving prism and pyramid problems
A N Hasanah (a*), K Yulianti (b)

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Annisa Nur Hasanah

a) Magister Pendidikan Matematika,Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This research was descriptive qualitative research. This study aims to analyze the errors of students in the problems of surface area and volume on the prism and pyramid then to expose causal factors. The subject of this research was 29 students 9th of SMP Negeri 40 Bandung, that was chosen by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected from students through validated essay tests and interviews. The data was analyzed by descriptive method. The results show that some of students (1) did not understand the problems, (2) cannot represent the prism and pyramid in other form, (3) did some error in using formula of surface area and volume of prism and pyramid, (4) did some error in calculations and (5) did misconceptions. The causal factors were students did not accustomed to identify and write what known and asked when solve a mathematical problem, difficulty in reading information, did not understand concept of the prism and pyramid, carelessness in calculation, haste in answering questions, and lack of effort.

Error Analysis; Prism and Pyramid Problems; Misconceptions

Mathematics Education


Ethnomatematics Application in Designing Web-Based Learning Media
Adi Rahman1, Bayu Setiawan2

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Adi Rahman

1Computer Science, Faculty of Math and Science, State University of Jakarta Rawamangun Muka Street No 1, Jakarta 13220
2 Tourism, Faculty of Social Science, State University of Jakarta Rawamangun Muka Street No 1, Jakarta 13220

Mathematics taught in school is known as school mathematics where the study of material has been adjusted to the needs of students. Nonetheless, Mathematics is actually indirectly known in the community. Indirectly the community has known mathematics in their daily activities such as counting, measuring and even producing products such as woven. This habit is a culture that can be associated with mathematical concepts better known as ethnomatematics. One example is the concept of the roof of the kebaya house which is a traditional house of Jakarta. The roof of the house consists of a triangle and a trapezoid. This can indirectly introduce the concept of flat wake to students. This study aims to design learning media applications with mathematical concepts that exist in several cultures in Indonesia that can be used as learning resources for mathematics. The research method used is research and development (RnD). To get a proper application, testing is done using blackbox testing. This application is expected to make ethnomatematics a basis for learning mathematics in the modern era.

Applications, Culture, Ethnomatematics

STEM Education


Ethnomathematics Study: Formalizing Mathematical Representation in The Marosok Trading Tradition in Minangkabau
Isra Mardia, Turmudi, Nurjanah

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Isra Mardia

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Ethnomathematics as a field of study in mathematics education examines and studies mathematical ideas in various cultural activities practiced by ethnic, social or professional groups. This research was carried out as part of the exploration and inventory of ethnomathematics to reveal mathematical representations and formulate a system of calculations used in the Marosok trading tradition by the Minangkabau tribe in West Sumatra. The Marosok buying and selling tradition is the tradition of shaking hands with "marosok" or touching fingers covered with cloth (cover), between sellers and buyers with the aim of obtaining price agreements in buying and selling livestock using nonverbal communication. Qualitative approaches and ethnographic methods through the principles of data collection such as field notes, unstructured interviews, and documentation studies were used in this study. The findings of this study show that mathematical representations of finger and gesture symbols in the Marosok Tradition contain basic numbers one, two, three, four, five and two and a half as well as two types of operations, namely addition and subtraction. This mathematical representation is used to obtain other numbers needed in livestock buying and selling transactions using a certain formula.

Ethnomathematics, Mathematical Representation, Marosok Tradition, Minangkabau

Mathematics Education


Ethnomathematics: Exploration of a Mosque Buildings and Ornaments
Tia Purniati (a*), Turmudi (a), Didi Suhaedi (b)

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Tia Purniati

a) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No. 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia

Ethnomathematics is a program that studies the cultural aspects of mathematics. This program presents mathematical concepts in a way related to the cultural background of students. This study aims to explore ethnomathematics aspects of mosque buildings and ornaments. This study used a qualitative approach to exploration methods. The techniques of collecting data were observation, documentation, and literature reviews. The research location was the Great Mosque of Cimahi which was determined using purposive sampling. The results of the study show that there are ethnomathematics aspects of the mosque building and ornaments. The mathematical concepts of the mosque building and ornaments are related to the concepts of geometry and algebra. Mathematical presentations related to mosque buildings and ornaments are expected to help students to connect mathematics with the surrounding culture so that mathematics becomes more meaningful.

ethnomathematics, mosque building, mosque ornament

Mathematics Education


Evaluasi Kurikulum Sekolah Sepakbola (SSB) di Kota Bandung Menggunakan Model CIPP
Een Sumarni (a*), Eka Nugraha (b), Dian Budiana (b)

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Een Sumarni

Departemen of Sport Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the soccer school curriculum (SSB) in the city of Bandung. This research method is evaluative research using the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product). Context consists of: guidelines for implementing the SSB curriculum, SSB legality, the purpose SSB. Input consists of: availability of management, availability of infrastructure, suitability of human resources, suitability of funding. Proccess consists of: the implementation of the training method, the implementation of the training process, the implementation of the training schedule and time, the trainers role during the exercise, the suitability of the assessment. Product consists of: suitability of achievement, absorption of graduates, availability of student reports. This research was conducted in the SSB of Bandung City, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The research instrument used questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. Questionnaires and interviews were given to school principals, teachers and students. Quantitative data analysis using T-scores and interpreted into the Glickmann quadrant

Curriculum Evaluation, Soccer School, CIPP Model

Science Education


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