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International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology (ICONBEAT 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.07 for 1 days in Malang |

Page 4 (data 91 to 120 of 144) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Potential Analysis of Low Economic Value Fish in Lamongan Regency Indonesia
Choirul Anam1), Noor Harini2), Damat2), Ahmad Wahyudi 2), Yuli Witono3), Nita Kuswardhani3), Moh. Azus Shony Azar4)

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Choirul Anam

University of Muhamadiyah Malang, Indonesia1) 2); University of Jember 3); Darul Ulum Islamic University, Lamongan 4)

Abstract. Lamongan Regency as one of the minapolitan areas in East Java. Marine sector fisheries production has increased every year. In fishing operations carried out by fishermen not only fish with high economic value but many fishermen who accidentally catch fish with low economic value commonly referred to as trash fish. Identification of trash fish potential is done by location quotient (LQ) method. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of low commercial value fish species in Lamongan Regency. The processed data included primary and secondary data. Data were processed using the LQ method and analyzed descriptively by way of compiling data into tables. The survey results showed that there are 10 types of low commercial value fish in Lamongan Regency, namely Juwi, Peperek, Puso, Lemuru, Beloso, Kapasan, Tembang, and Lidah fish. The results of the LQ method showe that there are three types of fish that have the potential to be made of high economic value products, namely Peperek fish (11.36), Juwi fish (2.35), and Tembang fish (2.32). TPI that has the potential in terms of fish productivity to be developed is TPI Weru. The typology of fishermen in TPI Weru has less experience working as a fisherman than other TPI but the level of education is higher and the age of fishermen is younger so that it affects the productivity of fish catches. The highest amount of income is found in the fishermen of TPI Brondong. The fishing gear used in catching fish are payang, net, purse seine, fishing line, dogol.

low economic, trash fish, method of location quotient

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Potential of Aloe Vera for Treatment of infection with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria on Koi Fry
rosidah AnggaNugraha Yuli Andriani Kiki Haetami

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rosidah -

Departement of Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Padjadjaran Indonesia

Potential of Aloe Vera for Treatment of infection with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria on Koi Fry Rosidah1, Angga Nugraha 2, Yuli Andriani3 and Kiki Haetami 4 1,3,4Departement of Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Padjadjaran Indonesia (Email :,, 2Fisheries Student, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Padjadjaran; Indonesia (E-mail : ABSTRACT Alternative medicine to treat Motile Aeromonas Septicemia is one of them is aloe vera extract. This research has been carried out at Aquaculture laboratory and Biotechnology Laboratory of the faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University. Research began from March 2019 to April 2019.This study aims to study the ability of aloe vera extract to treat koi fry which is attacked by A. hydrophila bacteria. The method used is the experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and three replications. The treatment used was immersion with aloe vera extract with a concentration of treatment A (0 ppm), B (150 ppm), C (300 ppm), D (450 ppm) and E (600 ppm). The parameters observed were clinical symptoms which included damage to fish body, fish feeding response and fish response to surprises which were analyzed descriptively comparatively. The results showed that the use of aloe vera extract with a concentration of 300 ppm for 48 hours was effective to treat koi fry infected with Aeromonas hydrophila by healing relatively fast body damage, response to feed and fast and normal fast shock.

Aloe vera extract, Aeromonas hydrophila, Koi, Clinical Symptoms



Waode Munaeni12, Widanarni1*, Munti Yuhana1, Mia Setiawati1, Aris T. Wahyudi3

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Waode Munaeni

1Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)

The purpose of this study was to analyze the potential of Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb. extract as prebiotics for aquaculture organisms by in vitro. The bulbs of E. bulbosa was extracted using 96% ethanol by maceration method. The ability of extract of E. bulbosa as a prebiotic were analyzed the activity to stimulating the growth of Pseudoalteromonas piscicida 1Ub and Bacillus sp. NP5, hydrolysis activity of artificial gastric acid and α-amylase. The results showed the oligosaccharides content included inulin, fructooligosaccharide (FOS), galaktooligosaccharide (GOS) and rafinose of 2.1%, 10%, 1% and 7.5%, respectively. The mixed oligosaccharides were found capable to stimulating the growth of Pseudoalteromonas piscicida 1Ub and Bacillus sp. NP5. The optimum extract of E. bulbosa concentration to stimulate the growth of probiotic was 1.25 mg/mL with score of 0.17 ± 0.02 and 0.21 ± 0.00, respectively. The mixed oligosaccharides were also resistant to hydrolysis by artificial gastrice acid and α-amylase, giving maximum hydrolysis of 8.25 ± 0.25% and 27.52 ± 1.68%, respectively. The results of this study showed that extract of E. bulbosa has potential as prebiotics for aquaculture organisms.

Eleutherine bulbosa, extract, prebiotic, probiotic

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Potential of Moringa oleifera Leaf Flour to Increase the Nutritional Value of Breakfast Cereals Made from MOCAF Flour
Novian Wely Asmoro (1), A.I. Niken Tari (2) & Retno Widyastuti (3)

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Novian Wely Asmoro

Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Agricultural Faculty, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara, Sukoharjo

Jl. Letjen Sudjono Humardhani, No.1, Jombor, Sukoharjo, Indonesia. E-mail: novianwelyasmoro[at]

Abstract More than 50% of Indonesian children have a habit of not eating breakfast or not eating breakfast according to balanced nutritional needs. Though breakfast provides a third of daily nutritional needs. This study aims to see the potential and determine the formulation product of breakfast cereals using Mocaf flour enriched using moringa leaf flour to add nutritional value. The study design used the RAL method with one treatment parameter, namely the addition of dry Moringa leaf flour as much as 0% as a control, 5%, 10% and 15% (w/w). Each treatment used 4 experimental units. Product analysis includes testing the nutritional value and organoleptic testing. The data obtained were analyzed using statistics on the SPSS 17 program with the Anova program and if there were significant differences between the treatments continued with the DMRT test. The results indicated that cereal formulations can be made from a mixture of mocaf flour and moringa leaf flour. Moisture content is 7.02% and ash content is 1.97%. The addition of moringa leaves increases the nutritional value of cereal products made from mocaf flour.

breakfast, cereal, moringa leaves, nutrition, organoleptic.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Ibrahim T. Jabal1, Mazwan Z. M.2, Fadlan A. M. Wahyu3

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Muhammad Zul Mazwan

Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University Malang, Indonesia

ABSTRACT Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L) is one of the leading horticultural commodities that has been intensively cultivated by the farmers. This vegetable commodity belongs to the group of non-substituted herbs that serve as food seasoning and traditional medicine. The demand for shallot continues to increase as the population increases In Indonesia, most of its territories own or produce shallot. Based on the average production in 2011-2015, shallot production were centralized in Central Java Province, East Java, West Java and West Nusa Tenggara. These four provinces contributed to 85.33% of the total production of Indonesia-s shallot. The increase in production was related to an increase in harvested area by 7.16% per year and productivity up to 1.05% per year (Kementerian Pertanian, 2016). Increasing consumption, needs, and demand of shallot encourages farmers to produce shallot. However, the production still cannot cover the demand for shallot intensively causing relatively fluctuating prices. In addition, shallot is also a seasonal commodity and is susceptible to pest and disease. It is known that shallot is one of the commodities that can generate high income but is accompanied by production risks and high price risk (Lawalata, Darwanto, & Hartono, 2017). This study aims to determine the risk of production of shallot farming in Ngantang, Malang Regency. The research was conducted in Purworejo Village, Ngantang District. The selection of research site was determined purposively. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. Research was conducted on September – November 2018. The sample in this study was 80 farmers determined by purposive sampling method. The risk of shallot production was determined by the analysis of the coefficient variations (CV). Method to calculate the coefficient variations (CV) is presented as follows: CV = = where: CV = coefficient variations = standard deviation of yield = average of yield (kg) n = total of sample The value of coefficient variation showed the level of production risk on shallot farming. The low variation coefficient value indicated that the average value variability in the distribution was low. This illustrates the risk that will be faced to obtain such low-level production. In contrast, the value of the large variation coefficient indicated that the average value variability in shallot farming was high and illustrated the risk faced by large average farmers. The result of risk analysis can be seen in Table 1, the coefficient of variation was 37,54 indicating that the risk of shallot production in Ngantang, Malang Regency had the variation value of 37,54%. Table 1. Production Risk of Shallot Farming Variable Production Risk Mean of Production 5321.25 Standard deviation 1997.604 Coefficient Variation 0.3754 CV (%) 37.54 Source: Primary Data Analysis, 2018 The results showed that the coefficient of variation was 37.54, indicating that the produ

coefficient variation, production risk, shallot

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Pyrolysis of Water Hyacinth for Liquid Smoke Production
Rita Dwi Ratnani, Hadiyanto, Widiyanto

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Rita Dwi Ratnani

Wahid Hasyim University

INTRODUCTION Environmental sustainability around Rawa pening has changed due to the density of water hyacinth weeds. Water hyacinth experiences very rapid growth due to eutrophication. Eutrophication is the presence of excess nutrients in the form of nitrate and phosphate which are sourced from agricultural activities, fisheries, settlements and livestock from the land around the lake. This is what causes the growth of water hyacinth very quickly, in a short time to multiply1. To control and utilize water hyacinth, one of them is by using pyrolysis technology. Biomass pyrolysis is carried out at high temperatures. Pyrolysis comes from two words namely pyro and lysis, which means decomposition. Biomass pyrolysis is usually carried out at temperatures above 150 °C. Pyrolysis is divided into two based on the level of the process, namely primary and secondary. Primary pyrolysis takes place at temperatures less than 600 °C. The main result is carbon or charcoal. Primary pyrolysis is further divided into two namely fast and slow pyrolysis primary. Slow primary pyrolysis occurs at 150-300 °C heating. The results obtained in this condition are carbon, water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Rapid primary pyrolysis that occurs at temperatures over 300 °C will produce gas, carbon and steam2. Secondary pyrolysis is that occurs at temperatures above 600 °C. at this temperature the result is carbon monoxide, hydrogen, hydrocarbons and Tar around 1-6% 3.4. The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition of Rawapenings water hyacinth and study the effect of pyrolysis time on the volume of liquid smoke products. The stages of the research carried out are as follows: Water hyacinth is cut into pieces with a size of about 2-3 cm and then a pyrolisator is added. A total of 700 g of water hyacinth sample into the pyrolysator is stainless steel. The dependent variable in this study is the type of water hyacinth that has been dried in the sun. Water hyacinth is taken from Rawapening. In testing the chemical composition observed is the content of hemicellulose, cellullose and lignin. The independent variables are at temperatures of 117 °C, 400 °C and 683 °C. The volume of liquid smoke that comes out after passing through the condenser is recorded in volume. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of observations of the chemical composition of the water hyacinth Rawapening can be seen in Figure (a). The chemical composition of the water hyacinth that was observed to have hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin content respectively was 36, 21 and 7 percent dry weight. In the picture also explained the chemical composition of other materials, namely wood kers, soft wood, coconut shell and cassava stems. So it can be believed that the results obtained from observations made in the integrated laboratory Undip show that water hyacinth can be used as raw material for liquid smoke. Biomass containing lignocellullose when undergoing pyrolysis p

Liquid smoke, lignocellulose, pyrolysis, water hyacinth

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Recombine growth hormone supplemented on feed to growth performance of puntius binotatus
Ganjar Adhywirawan S, Muhammad Refki*, Anis Zubaidah, Soni Andriawan

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Ganjar Adhywirawan Sutarjo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Recombinant growth hormone (rGH) is a product produced by combining genes that are desired artificially (clones) outside the body with the help of cell transformers, in this case growth genes from target fish are isolated and transformed with the help of microbes, such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus, Streptomyces, and Saccharomyces. Utilization of the hormone RGH is to accelerate growth and increase endurance of fish seed. The increase in growth acceleration is triggered by where the hormone rGH will trigger organs associated with growth to increase its growth. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications with the volume of water used 30 liters of water and aquarium size 40x30x25 cm ^ 3 each treatment, at a dose of 0 ml / kg (control), 1 mg / kg, 2 mg / kg kg, 3 mg / kg, and 4 mg / kg. The administration of 1 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg, and 4 mg/kg of rGH hormone to commercial feed can affect the growth rate of the discolored wader seed growth. The study is seen in terms of SGR (Specific Growth Rate), Daily Length Growth, SR (Survival Rate) and FCR (Food Convention Rate). The optimal dose for the growth performance of the cakul wader fish seeds. in the treatment of P3 (2 mg/kg), it can be concluded that the higher dose does not necessarily have the effect of increasing high growth. Therefore, the administration of the hormone RGH must be in accordance with the right dose.

Wader (Puntius binotatus), Hormon rGH, SGR, Growth

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Relationship Between The Dynamic Group of Fishermen Independence in Capture Fisheries Agribusiness in Lamongan
Hamdi Rosyidi

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Hamdi Rosyidi

Department of Postgraduate Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

The success of various development programs can be done by utilizing the group approach strategy. The group approach at the fishermen level is done through a group of fishermen or commonly referred to as a pillars of fishermen. The fishermen group has a strategic position in realizing the independence of the members in the continuation of capture fisheries agribusiness activities. Therefore fishing groups must have the ability to determine and influence the behavior of groups and their members. In this case independence can be grown through the existence of group dynamics. This study aims to examine the influence of group dynamics on the independence of farmer group members in capture fisheries agribusiness, examine the factors that influence group dynamics and the independence of fishing group members in capture fisheries agribusiness activities. This research has been carried out in Blimbing Fisherman Association in Paciran Subdistrict, Lamongan Regency, East Java Province from February to March 2019. This type of research is a survey research with a population of Blimbing Fisherman Association members who are one of the fishermen groups with the most number of 17 fishermen groups in Lamongan Regency. The sample of the study was determined as many as 45 respondents by random sampling method. Research variables include age (X1), level of formal education (X2), length of work (X3), availability of capital assistance (X4), role of extension workers (X5), availability of information (X6), group dynamics (Y1) and fishermens independence. in capture fisheries agribusiness activities (Y2). Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis using class intervals and path analysis to determine the significant and insignificant influence between variables. The results showed that group dynamics did not significantly influence the independence of fishermen in capture fisheries agribusiness. Factors that significantly influence group dynamics are the level of formal education and capital availability. Then the factors that significantly influence the independence of the group are fisheries facilitators. The correlation between independent variables that significantly influence the age of the level of formal education, age to length of work, level of formal education to length of work and level of formal education to the availability of capital.

group dynamics, fishermen independence

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Remote Sensing and GIS for Analysis of The Suitability of Proboscis Monkey Habitat (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) at IUPHHK-RE PT. Ekosistem Khatulistiwa Lestari West Kalimantan
Agus Firmansyah; Dennis Aswara

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Agus Firmansyah

Forestry Department, Unibversity of Muhammadiyah Malang
PT. Ekosistem Khatulistiwa Lestari

Proboscis Monkey Habitat (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb) in the area of IUPHHK-RE PT. Ekosistem Khatulistiwa Lestari experiences pressure and disruption due to human activities, resulting in a decrease in habitat quality and quantity. Seeing these conditions, it is necessary to take action to protect the habitat of proboscis monkeys and their populations. To support efforts to save and protect the proboscis monkey habitat and its population, information is needed on the area chosen by proboscis monkey as its suitable habitat in the IUPHHK-RE PT. Ekosistem Khatulistiwa Lestari through Geography Information System (GIS). The study was conducted using a field observation method and analyzed the thematic maps of each variable used, such as river thematic maps, plantation thematic maps, and canopy cover thematic maps (NDVI). The data analysis method used in estimating the suitability of Proboscis monkey habitat in this study was logistic regression analysis. This logistic regression analysis is basically built in order to predict the dependent variable or response, which is a binary variable and categorical, using independent variables that are categorical or of a continuous size scale which are known in magnitude. The logistic regression formula obtained is P = 1 / (1 + e ^ (- (3,9- (0,003 * JPE) - (12,690 * NDVI))) The spatial model built from the opportunity value of the logistic regression calculation using SPSS 23 software obtained the opportunity data distribution value in the lowest pixel (X1) 0 and the highest (Xn) 1, with an average of 0.537 and standard deviation (sd) 0.439. Based on the values of Xn and X1, the intervals of each class are determined using the formula c = (Xn - X1) / k, so that 3 classes of suitability are obtained, namely low compatibility with an area of 664.83 ha (27.26%), medium suitability class with 124 , 28 ha (5.1%) and high suitability class with an area of 1,649.32 ha (67.64%). The habitat component favored by proboscis monkeys is high canopy cover which is used as a playground and also a bed, close to water sources to meet water needs and away from plantations where there is high community activity.

Proboscis monkeys, Habitat suitability, Logistic Regression

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Removal of Heavy Metals Using Advanced Oxidation Process Technology
Jono Suhartono, Junico Rismawan, Mochamad Ilham Fachrizal and Dyah Setyo Pertiwi

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Jono Suhartono

Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Heavy metals are metallic elements with high molecular weight and these substituents are toxic to living things even at low levels. Heavy metal pollution is very harmful to environment, especially for water-rich areas. These heavy metal pollutions originate from the industrial wastes that are dumped into the river. In this study, the concentration of heavy metals is decreased by using ozonation which uses the addition of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) to produce hydroxyl radicals (OH ● ) as a strong oxidizing agent. This method is known as Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP). The purpose of this research is to study the effects of the types of heavy metals and the process variables that are used such as the addition of H 2 O 2 temperature operation and pH condition. The study, show that iron, copper and manganese can be removed with AOP technology, the addition of H 2 O 2 , operating temperature and pH condition is able to accelerate the metals reduction. Background: Heavy metal pollutions are very dangerous to the environment especially on water body area. The heavy metal pollutants may harm either to human or to the ecosystem of the water itself (Supriharyono, 2000; Soemirat, 2005). Sastrawijaya, 2000 wrote that environment pollutions occur due to the addition of either living things, substances, energy or any other components to the environment which change the environment balance and decrease the quality of the environmental function. Many methods have been introduced to minimize the heavy metal pollutions such as sedimentation, filtration, adsorption and elimination using microbiology. Another promising technology in reducing heavy metal pollutions is using oxidation to get precipitated heavy metal then combined with filtration. Chlorine commonly used as the oxidation agent, however the present of other chlorination products in the water have also become another concern for human health. Nowadays, ozone has become a popular oxidation agent for removal impurities in water since ozone has strong oxidation ability either to organic or inorganic compounds. Ozone reactions are selective thus elimination of impurities may take longer times. The presence of ozone in water can produce stronger oxidant than ozone itself which is called as hydroxyl radical (OH • ). The reactions of hydroxyl radical or often called as Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) are unselective and will provide faster reaction for heavy metal eliminations. Aims: In this research, the effect of hydrogen peroxide addition, pH and temperature operation of AOP were studied to obtain optimum operation condition for ferrous (Fe), cuprous (Cu) and manganese (Mn) heavy metal elimination. Materials and Methods: The standard ferrous, cuprous and manganese were purchased from Merck, Indonesia whilst hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydroxide, and nitric acid were purchased from Sakura Chemical, Indonesia. The ozone was generated from ozone generator (Ozontech, South Korea) whilst the

AOP, Heavy metals, Hydrogen Peroxide, Temperature, Water Treatment.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Renewable Energy Development Prospect in The La pago Customary Region of Papua, Indonesia
Numberi Johni Jonatan*1, Korinus N Waimbo2, Samuel P Siregar3, 4 Julius Ary Mollet

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Corresponding Author
Johni Jonatan Numberi Numberi

1, 3, Department Mechanical Engineering, Cenderawasih University, Indonesia.
(E-mail: johni.j.numberi[at]; samuel.srg[at]
2Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.
(E-mail: kw387[at]
4Economic and Business Cenderawasih University
(E-mail: Julius.mollet[at]

A field survey on the energy condition in the customary region of La pago, Papua province has been carried out. The aim of this survey is to provide an insight into the actual condition of the energy availability and accessibility in the region to the governments and related stakeholders. The survey results show that, there are at least four renewable energy sources in the region that have potential to be utilized in the region. These are solar, hydro, wind, and biomass (i.e., biofuels and biogas). Installed capacity of hydropower plant in this region is about 149 kW which further from the available potential. These sources of energy have not been fully utilized, and hence lack of clean energy in the region is still a main problem that require attention from the government and stakeholders.

Renewable energy, Customary region, Field survey



Rind Micro Composter House Model : A Case of Kampung Durian Ngrogung, Ponorogo
Haris Setyaningrum*1, Atika R. Masrifah2, Adib Susilo3 and Imam Haryadi4

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Corresponding Author
Haris Setyaningrum

*1Department of Agrotechnology, University of Darussalam Gontor, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: haris. setyaningrum[at]
2, 3, 4 Department of Islamic Economic, University of Darussalam Gontor, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: atikamasrifah[at]; adibsusilo[at]; haryadi[at]

The case of waste from rind durian in Ngrogung, Ngebel, Ponorogo increased significantly per year. Agglomerations and decomposition of rind durian surrounding agropark caused several loss including air pollution and bad view in parka areas. Decomposition of rind durian is very important to reduce the impact. Local government as responsible component so far no having special composter to overcome this rising issue. Design and build a composter is very important to overcome waste problem in Ngebel and surrounding areas. Kampung Durian is an integrated agropark with Ngebel which become new destination of tour. It-s located 1,5 km from Ngebel lake and potential to develop as agropartk including with rind composter. The Micro composter house of Kampung durian consisted three main components. First component is drying area with cemented ground. drying area are setting to accommodated one tone wet and fresh rind durian per day from surrounding areas of agropark. Second is Machine house with one tone material capacity per day. Thirds is composter house consisted with composter tube and packing area (Fig. 1). The micro composter house result showed cleaning agglomeration of rind from Ngebel lake and surrounding areas besides the liquid organic fertilizer and compost. Single cyle of composter are run for 30 days effectively in dry season. The 100 liters liquid organic fertilizer are resulted in a cycle of composter. While, ± 50 kg compact compost are resulted during a cycle of composter. The result of composter so far give an direct impact for controlling waste problems in Ngebel and surrounding areas with limitation in capacity.

Rind, Durian, Micro composter, Kampung Durian, Ngebel, Ponorogo

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Mulatmi, S. N. W., Anggraini, A. D., Pratami, F. S.

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Septi Nur Wulan Mulatmi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Contract farming is a form of business cooperation between two or more parties (core companies with farmers) in a certain period of time to help farmers provide production facilities in the form of seeds, feed, medicines, vaccines, vitamins and marketing of livestock products to gain mutual benefits. The superiority of the partnership pattern is as a partner to share the risk burden of production between core companies and small farmers. The risk of production in broiler chicken farming includes DOC quality, feed, and disease. Therefore, production risk management must be able to manage these factors well so they cannot cause losses. The material in this research is thirty partnership farmers in Blitar Regency. The method used is a survey by observation and interview. The sources of data used are primary and secondary data sources from the results of interviews and observations. The analysis used is production risk analysis to determine the level of production risk in Blitar Regency and descriptive analysis to find out the production risk management used by partnership farmers in Blitar Regency. The results of this study can be concluded that the risk of production in Blitar Regency is categorized as high risk caused by death. Meanwhile, production risk management carried out by farmers in Blitar Regency to reduce mortality is spraying disinfectants.

Contract Farming, Broiler, Production Risk, Production Risk Management

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Study Comparison of Reducing Weight Seaweed using Natural and Cabinet Drying
Suwati1, Erni Romansyah*2

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Suwati Suwati

Department Agriculture Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, INDONESIA

Background: In Indonesia, seaweed has a very important role in improving the welfare of coastal communities. As a source of nutrition, seaweed consist of carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and ash, vitamin, and beta-carotene. Good drying methods is needed to preserve the quality of dried seaweed. Aims: The aim of this study is to determine the trend of weight reduce during seaweed drying using natural and cabinet drying Materials and Methods: The method used is experimental in field and laboratory. The result of the study were analyzed using simple linear regression to formulate a trend of reducing weight seaweed while drying Results: The result showed that the weight reduce seaweed by natural method can be illustrated by the regression linear equation Y = -2,3853X + 943,65 with R2 = 0,9859 which mean a reduce seaweed i.e. 2,3853 gram per minutes during 6 hour. While the weight reduce seaweed by cabinet dryer method can be illustrated by the regression linear equation Y = Y = -0,8588X + 913,55 with R2 = 0,9315 which mean a reduce seaweed i.e. 0,8588 gram per minutes during 6 hour. Conclusion: Reduction of seaweed weight per minute by natural drying method is higher than cabinet drying method, but cabinet drying method is more stable because does not depend on the weather while drying process.

cabinet dryer, natural, rate, seaweed, weight reduce

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Study Homogeneity Ethanol Solution under High G-Force
Salafudin, Ronny Kurniawan and Yulianti Pratama

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salafudin salafudin

Chemical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia.

Distilation is still mayor unit operation used to produce bio-ethanol. Energy intensive used in distilation make high production cost of fuel grade bio-ethanol. In low concentration solution, they are much amount of free water which do not have interaction with ethanol. The condition make study homogeneity ethanol solution under high G-force is needed in order to know probability using centrifuge as pretreatment to increase concentration of ethanol solution. The study was done in laboratorium scale with batch centrifuge, and binary water-ethanol solution. The ethanol concentration was varied from 5% mol to 20% mol. The Centrifuge was run from 1918 to 2655 G-force with duration 3 to 30 minute. The result show that the homoginity of ethanol solution under high G-force could not be mantained. Along with increase radius the concentration of ethanol was decrease. Higher G-force, longer centrifugation time, lower concentration gave more effect of gradient concentration. Based on the result, centrifuge could be one of promising methode to increase ethanol concretration specially for low concentration ethanol. Background: Bioethanol is one of renewable energy with produced from fermentation process. Bioethanol concentration from fermentation process is around 5-10%, and Fuel grade bioethanol has concentration of at least 99,5 %. Distillation coulomb is still dominated unit operation used to increase bioethanol concentration from 5-10% until azeotrope point. Distillation coulomb is one of unit operation whose high operation cost. The Alternative unit operation which can replace of reduce the operation cost of distillation is very needed in order to make bioethanol has competitiveness compare with conventional gasoline. Aims: The aims of this study is to know the homogeneity of ethanol solution under high G-force and to know opportunity to used centrifugal force to separate ethanol from water. Materials and Methods: - Material used in this research is technical bioethanol solution and aquadest. - Batch laboratorial centrifuge was used. Bioethanol solution was put in centrifuge then turn on centrifuge at certain time and speed (rpm). Results and Discussion: Centrifuge was turn of and solution sample from bottom, middle and top of viral tube was taken and analysed the concentration. The homogeneity of low concentration of bioethanol solution under high G-force was study by comparation the concentration origin bioethanol solution and concentration bioethanol solution at bottom, middle and top viral tube witch has been under gone high G force from centrifuge. Conclusion: The result show that the homoginity of ethanol solution under high G-force could not be mantained. Along with increase radius the concentration of ethanol was decrease. Higher G-force, longer centrifugation time, lower concentration gave more effect of gradient concentration.

low Concentration, Bio-ethanol Solution, homoginity, high G-force, Upgrading



Study of agronomic characteristics of Robusta coffee in land conditions at the peoples coffee plantations in Temanggung
Yohana Theresia Maria Astuti*1, Enny Rahayu2, Tri Nugraha Budi Santosa3, Dian Pratama Putra4, and Agus Solifudin5

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Corresponding Author
Yohana Theresia Maria Astuti

Institutions Faculty, Institut Pertanian Stiper, INDONESIA
(E-mail: astuti_maria2000[at], ennyrahayu000[at], nugrahatri[at], dianswn93[at]
5coffee enterpreuner, Temanggung, INDONESIA
(E-mail: agussolifudin18[at]

Background: Coffee is one of the main agriculture comodity in Indonesia. The area of coffee in Indonesia reaches 1,227,787 ha which includes smallholder plantations covering 1,179,769 ha (96%) with production of 599,902 tons (94%), state plantations covering 22,525 ha (2.0%) with production of 19,922 tons (3.2%), and private plantations covering an area of 25,493 ha (2.0%) with a production of 17,715 tons (2.8%), bringing the total production to 637,539 tons (Anonymous, 2018), which is spread throughout the provinces in Indonesia. Temanggung is one of the peoples coffee plantation centers in Central Java, with an area of 9,262.02 owned by around 36,222 farmers. However, the condition of the land and the relationship with agronomic characteristics of Robusta coffee in Sucen village are unknown. Aims This research aims to study the condition of the land, its relation to the character of the coffee plant in the people coffee plantation in the Sucen Village, Gemawang District, Temanggung. Materials and Methods The research was carried out at a community coffee plantation in Mandang, Sucen Village, Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia. Research was conducted using descriptive methods. Observation of performance with 30 samples was conducted by random sampling technique in 3 clones. Land suitability analysis was carried out at 3 observation points. Conclusion:The result showed that vegetative character of BP 409 clones is better than BP 288 and BP 358. However, the highest production was obtained at BP 288. Land suitability in Temandang Mandang Village remains in the inappropriate criteria, which can be improved through land conservation and balanced fertilization. Acknowledgement: Thank you for students of Agriculture Faculty of Instiper students namely Bobby Rifkia Putra, Regan Ophelia, Surya Nugroho, Muhammad Ferly, Dani Syahputra, Deni Wahyu Anggara, Lambang Tri Wibowo, Gusfian, Arifin, Akhyar, for contributions in this research as technical team. References Anonymous. (2018). ‘Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia (Tree Crop Estate Statistics Of Indonesia) 2015 – 2017-. Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan. Jakarta.

Robusta Coffee, Temanggung, vegetative and generative characteristics

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Study of Biodiversity in Submontana of Kamojang Nature Reserve
Afrisal Isfan Abdillah (a*), Silva Eka Putra (a)

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Afrisal Isfan Abdillah

a) Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism, IPB University, Jl. Raya Dramaga Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor 16680 West Java, Indonesia

The low mountain forest area is known as a source of biodiversity because it has an area with natural ecosystems that are relatively still intact and has a rich biodiversity and a high level of endemism. The study was conducted to determine the biodiversity found in the mountain forests under Kamojang. The methods used are qualitative and quantitative data collection, vegetation data collection using plot paths, fauna data with exploration (renaissance survey), edafis and climatic data by purposive sampling. Research shows as many as 10 species of vegetation at pole and tree level, 15 species of seedlings and understorey, and 10 species of sapling level. Lower mountain forest shows as many as 18 species of animals with a composition of 14 species of aves, 2 species of mammals, 2 species of reptiles. The land in the Kamojang lower mountain forest includes andosols with 3 horizons namely O, A, and B which tend to be fertile. Temperatures in the lower mountain forests range from 18.5oc-21oc with 93% relative humidity.

biodiversity, wildlife, vegetation, submontana

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Study The Use of Medicinal Plants in Petir Village Communities, Dramaga Sub-District, Bogor, West Java
Primadhika Al Manar*1

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Primadhika Al Manar

Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

E-mail: primadhikaa[at]

The potential of medicinal plants in Indonesia is huge and can be further managed to improve the nations economy through the promotion of Indonesian herbal medicines. One of the distribution of medicinal plants that are useful is in the Darmaga Campus of IPB including villages around the campus. The purpose of this study was to identify the diversity of medicinal plant species and how to use medicinal plants by the community around the Darmaga campus of IPB. The research was conducted in Petir Village using the method of literature study, interviews, field surveys, as well as documentation and herbarium. Study of the utilization of medicinal plants in Petir Village was obtained by 30 respondents with different backgrounds. 32 medicinal plants are used by the Petir Village community. The use of medicinal plants by the people of Petir Village is very diverse. The most used medicinal plants come from the Zingiberaceae family. Utilization of medicinal plants by the Village of Petir people most by boiling. Medicinal plants are found in the garden, so the action of environmental conservation must continue to be done in order to maintain the preservation of medicinal plants from land conversion.

ethnobotany, exploration, traditional communities

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Substitution of Soybean Meal with Black Soldier Fly Larvae in Rabbit Blood Profile
Ardi Prasetio, Christina Maria Sri Lestari, Sutaryo Sutaryo

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Ardi Prasetio

Magister of Animal Science Diponogoro University

Intensive farms in Indonesia feed the rabbit with pellet mainly contained soybean meal as protein source that is fully imported from abroad. This study aim to find the alternative protein source that can be mass produced and substitute the soybean meal. Insect ougtht to substitute soybean meal for having equal amount of protein and better amino acid profile but it has chittin that can cause allergy or phisiology disorder in some animal. Twenty weaned (8 weeks old) male New Zealand White Rabbits with homogenous live weight (1359 ± 154 gr, cv = 11,37%) were randomly divided into 4 treatment group T0, T1, T2, T3 which respectively substituted 0, 10%, 20%, and 30% soybean meal with BSFL and reared for 10 weeks. The blood profile parameter showed no significant except for Neutrophyl and Lymphocyte value that indicate there was alergic reaction to the rabbits after fed by BSLF.

Blood profile, Rabbit, Substitution, Soybean meal, Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Supplementation of nucleotides to enhance performance and immune responses of Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer)
Sri D. Hastuti1,2*, James L. Munro1, Stephen B. Pyecroft1, Mary D. Barton3, Maurizio Costabilec3,4, Brett Glencross5

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Sri Dwi Hastuti

1School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Australia
2Department of Aquaculture, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
3School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, Australia
4Centre for Cancer Biology, University of South Australia and SA Pathology, Frome Road, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
5Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, United Kingdom
*Corresponding author: sri.hastuti[at]

Abstract Growth performance and immune responses of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) was assessed after being fed diet containing different levels of a commercial nucleotide (Optimun®) and a purified mixture of nucleotides containing AMP (Adenosine monophosphate), IMP (Inosine monophosphate), UMP (Uridine monophosphate), GMP (Guanidine monophosphate) and CMP (Cytidine monophosphate) at equal amounts. Six nucleotide supplemented diets and a control diet were used in this study namely O1 (Optimun 0.25%), O2 (Optimun 0.5%), O3 (Optimun 0.75%), P1 (0.25% nucleotides), P2 (0.5% nucleotides), P3 (0.75% nucleotide) and C (control/no supplemented nucleotides). Juvenile Asian seabass with an average weight of 13.19 ± 0.58 g (mean ± SD) were fed the treatment diet at 3% body weight per day for six weeks. The study revealed that the different inclusion level of nucleotide did not significantly affect the growth and immune responses of Asian seabass. However, diet P2 with supplementation of 0.5% nucleotide gave higher growth performance, serum total protein, albumin and globulin compare to other diet groups.

Asian seabass, Growth performance, Immune responses, Nucleotides diet

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Supplementation of snakehead fish (Channa striata) extracts into Tris egg-yolk preservative diluents toward the mortality and motility of Limousin bull sperm
Haris Setiawan, Herwintono, Aris Winaya, Mulyoto Pangestu and Yayuk Kholifah

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Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

1. Background The Artificial Insemination (AI) technology has been proven to improve the genetic quality of livestock through animal reproduction engineering. The one of factors that could affect in AI implementation is sperm quality. To maintain of sperm quality during storage and freezing can be done by adding of sperm diluents solution. The Tris buffer mix with egg yolk is one of the diluents that commonly used in dilution of spermatozoa. The Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) is one of protein source diluent that widely used since has abundant protein content in plasma with concentration of 5 gr 500 ml-1 by contains 20 kinds of amino acid. Also, the acting of extracellular cryo-protectants of BSA can also supply reserve energy during the preservation and cryopreservation of semen. But, BSA is still imported product and the price is expensive and difficult to obtain as well. Various studies reported that BSA can substitution with other compounds, like Snakehead fish (Channa striata) extract (Chasanah, 2015) that rich on minerals, essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids that closed to BSA contents. Hence, this study was aim to assay the using of Snakehead fish (Chana striata) extract as an supplement component of the extender compounds on the spermatozoa freezing processes toward the motility and mortality of Limousin bull sperms. 2. Materials and Methods This study was using Limousin bull sperms that was get from ejaculated sperms. Then, the sperms was diluted on Tris egg-yolk and supplemented with Snakehead fish extract (SFE). The supplementation of Snakehead Fish Extract (SFE) was applied for the treatments. The treatments were consist of four treatments; i.e. G0 = 0% SFE; G1 = 2% SFE; G2 = 4% SFE; G3 = 6% SFE and G4 = 8% SSFE. Each treatment was repeated by three times. Observation of mortality and motility of sperms were done by macroscopic observations (volume, pH, consistency, color and smell) and microscopic observations (mortality and motility before and after freezing). Data analysis was done by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed by Least Significant Difference (LSD) test if the ANOVA has any significance or very significance effect. 3. Results Table 1 showed the ANOVA results of spermatozoa mortality treatments with SFE. Table 1. The ANOVA of SFE treatments on sperms mortality Source Degree of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Sum of Squares F-ststistic P-Value 0,05 0,01 Treatments 4 191,60 47,9 1,12ns 3,48 5,99 Error 10 425,33 42,53 Total 14 616,93 Notes: ns = not significance effect (P>0,05) of the treatments The ANOVA showed that supplementation of SFE in egg yolk tris diluent had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the spermatozoa mortality of frozen semen in the post thawing test. This was suspected that the supplementation of SFE to Tris-egg yolk diluents until 8% was not able to protect the plasma membrane of spermatozoa in the cryo-preservation process. Table 2

Artificial Insemination (AI); Chana striata; cryo-preservation; Limousin bull; sperm

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Sweet Potatoes: Development and Potential-s as Alternative Food Ingredients
Yoesti Silvana Arianti, Yos Wahyu Harinta

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Yoesti Silvana Arianti

Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo, Indonesia

Sweet potato is a local food that can help reduce dependence on rice and flour consumption. This commodity is the main source of carbohydrates, after rice, cassava, flour and corn. The usefulness and potential of sweet potatoes as alternative food needs to be developed, especially in rural areas. However, sweet potato commodity has not been considered as an important and high economic value commodity in Indonesia. This is in contrast to developed countries, where sweet potatoes have been used as food and non-food raw materials, among others, used to make noodles, sweet potatoes, desserts, confectionery, soy sauce, flour, wine, vinegar, nata de coco, bioethanol and others. Sweet potato cultivated in Indonesia around 89% is used for food to meet the food needs of rural communities, the rest is for industrial raw materials and animal feed. The content of sweet potatoes includes carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Yellow / orange sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene and purple sweet potato contains anthocyanin compounds (antioxidants). Sweet potato processing is still limited to traditional types of food whose products are considered less attractive when compared to processed flour products. Meanwhile, intermediate products that have been developed include flour, instant flour, and starch that can be used as a substitute for flour (10-100%) in pastry products, wet cakes, breads, and noodles.

Sweet Potatoes, Local Food, Potential and Development Materials, Karanganyar Regency

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


SWOT Analysis and Strategy Formulation for Cocoa Small and Medium Enterprise Development in Nglanggeran area, Gunung Kidul regency-Indonesia: The Case of Taman Teknologi Pertanian
Aulia Adzkia Fauzi (a*), Mohammad Affan Fajar Falah (b), Endy Suwondo (c)

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Aulia Adzkia Fauzi

Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jalan Agro No 1, Yogyakarta

Cocoa is one of the potential agricultural resources in Indonesia but still lacks the attention of stakeholders to get the best economic value. It is important to encourage the cocoa business industry to capture opportunities in the cocoa processing business in the future. Taman Teknologi Pertanian in Nglanggeran is an SME which is also a business incubator that has produced various chocolate products. The design used in this research was explanatory research with the process of data collection through interviews, observation, and questionnaires. This analysis consists of two steps of weighting and prioritizing. The weighted score of the IFE and EFE matrix is (2.5671; 3.1132). SWOT diagram is used to determine the current position of the company which is on the second quadrant (1.1895;-0.0460) which refers to the S-T strategy. The chosen strategy triggered to do diversification strategy as doing product innovation gradually according to the consumer needs. Concentric diversification for internal can be done by utilizing cocoa peel waste as scrubs, whereas, concentric diversification for external can be done by developing agro-tourism. These strategies support sustainability in the area.

cocoa, internal factors, external factors, strategic planning, SWOT analysis, Taman Teknologi Pertanian

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


SWOT Identification of Priority Plantation Plant Development in Sukoharjo Districts
Irma Wardani (a*), Tria Rosana Dewi (b)

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Irma Wardani

a) Agribusiness Islam Batik Surakarta University
Jalan KH Agus Salim no 10 Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
b) Agribusiness Islam Batik Surakarta University
Jalan KH Agus Salim no 10 Surakarta, Jawa Tengah

Development of identical plantations with large industrial components and sources of state revenue to make plantation products for export. The selection of priority commodities to be developed can contribute to regional development. This research aims to determine priority plantation crops to be developed in Sukoharjo districts. The data analysis technique used is the AHP method The results indicate the direction of the development of plantation crops, namely productivity. The priority plantation crops developed in Sukoharjo districts are Sugar Cane (0.2929), Coconut (0.2017), Tobacco (0,1650), Medicinal Plants (0.1283), Cashew (0,1259), Cattonwood (0.0085). Identification on the development of estate crops as follows internal factors: 1) strengths: available land, farmer the asosiasion, social culture, availability of human resources, 2) weaknesses: low farmer education, lack of farmer coaching, expensive labor. External factors: 1) opportunities: availability of seeds from the government, mechanization assistance for land, market demand, expansion of land, the presence of sugarcane processing factories 2) threats: land use change, sugarcane farmers competition, pest and disease attacks, farmers moving to other sectors .

Plantation crops, AHP, sugar cane

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica from Rice Husk Ash and Corn Cobs Ash Using Alkaline Extraction
Donanta Dhaneswawa (a*), Alfina Nurul Haqoh(a), Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah (a)

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Alfina Nurul Haqoh

a) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Universitas Indonesia

Mesoporous silica has been successfully synthesized from rice husk ash (RHA) and corn cobs ash (CCA) using alkaline extraction followed by acid precipitation. In this work, rice husk and corn cobs were combusted inside a furnace at 700°C to produce rice husk ash (RHA) and corn cobs ash (CCA). These ashes were treated by using NaOH aqueous and acid solutions, such as HCl or CH3COOH, to produced high purity silica. Thermal devolatilization of rice husk and corn cobs were studied by TGA analysis. The composition and morphology of the silica have been confirmed with FTIR analysis shows that the silica obtained has a group of silanol (Si-OH) and a group of siloxane (Si-O-Si), also the morphology was confirmed with SEM-EDX and x-ray diffraction (XRD) which stated that the obtained products were amorphous and also mesoporous silica. The pore volume and surface area of silica obtained have been done using Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) method. Silica from corn cobs with CH3COOH acidification has a higher surface area 360.5 m2/g and an average pore diameter 8.04 nm, while silica from rice husk with HCl acidification has a surface area 236 m2/g and an average pore diameter 9 nm.

Rice husk ash; corn cobs; Reflux; Acidification; Silica gel; Xerogel



Techno-economic Analysis of Methanol Plant Based on Gasification of Palm Empty Fruit Bunch
Rudy Heryadi

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Rudy Heryadi

Soegijapranata Catholic University

Biomass from palm empty fruit bunch is considered as potential renewable energy sources to be developed in Indonesia. Palm empty fruit bunch can be efficiently converted into valuable and useful Methanol product through gasification. Research about Methanol synthesis from various biomass has been done, however little research about Methanol production based on palm empty fruit bunch gasification have been found, and no research yet on techno-economic analysis of Methanol plant construction based on palm empty fruit bunch gasification. The purpose of this research is to find early stage feasibility of small scale Methanol Plant Model based on gasification of palm EFB. Method Methanol plant design, investment cost estimation, operating cost estimation, and calculation to estimate profitability in term of economic feasibility parameters. Economic analysis calculated that the total investment to build Methanol plant in this study was USD 87,508,479 with manufacturing cost per annum USD 6,127,014. NPV calculated was USD -51,721,064 and IRR at 1.1 %. Based on NPV and IRR value, the construction of Methanol plant is not feasible. Feasibility predicted to be obtained when the capacity of the plant increased fivefold.

EFB, feasibility, methanol, profitability, simulation



Testing for Reducing Cholesterol Absorption Due to Consumption of Porang Flour Through Reverse Colon Test
Idiek Donowarti

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Dr. Ir. Idiek Donowarti, MP

University of Wisnuwardhana Malang

Glucomannan is soluble fiber polysaccharide compound and it has functional characteristic on food processing and health. Powder from the root of porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) has high level of glucomannan so it has big potential to be developed as a new additional food ingredient. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumption of porang flour on cholesterol absorption in the small intestine. The study was designed in a complete one-way random design and was carried out through a test of reverse intestine of the small intestine of the Wistar strain white rat. Porang flour consumption consists of three levels, 300,400,and 500 respectively measured in mg / kg body weight. The results showed that on reserve intestine experiment especially for the cholesterol, the increasing of the dosage can lower the absorption of cholesterol within small intestine. 0mg/kgBB dosage gives absorption level up to 642.28ppm, whereas 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5g/kg BB can lower the absorption of cholesterol into 273.28 ppm; 253.58 ppm and 219.23 ppm.

Cholesterol Absorption, Flour person, Test Colon Reversed

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Wahyu Widodo (a*), Imbang Dwi Rahayu (a), Adi Sutanto (a), Apriliana Devi Anggraini(a), Harum Sahara (a), Sari Safitri (a)

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Wahyu Widodo

a) University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl Raya Tlogomas no 246 Malang 65144, Indonesia
*) wahyu[at]

The purpose was to analyze the effect of curcuma as feed additive toward the effectiveness of feed in the super kampong chicken and toward determine the best level of curcuma as feed additive toward the effectiveness of feed in the super kampong chicken. This research was taking place at the Closed House and Laboratory of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Tegalgondo Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency at January 2019. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this research through the experimental design. The treatments in this research were: P0: curcuma as feed additive 0.0% (as a control), P1: curcuma as feed additive 0.33%, P2: curcuma as feed additive 0.67% and P3: curcuma as feed additive 1.00%, with 5 replications. Variance Analysis (ANAVA) was used to analyzed the data, if the results were significantly, followed by the LSD test. The conclusion in this research was curcuma as feed additive had a very significant effect on income over feed cost and carcass weight percentage but it had no significant effect on abdominal fat weight percentage, feed efficiency, meat dry matter content, meat organic matter content, meat ash content, dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility in the super kampong chicken. The best treatment level was curcuma by 1% as feed additive due to increase the percentage of carcass weight.

“jamu temulawak” curcuma herbal, super kampong chicken

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


The Ability of Eichhornia crasipes and Pistia stratiotes to reduce pollutans in waste water batik
Bunyamin Muchtasjar*1, H. Hadiyanto*2, and Munifatul Izzati*3

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Bunyamin Muchtasjar

1 Departement of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto 53181, Indonesia, (E-mail: beben_ump[at]
2 Departement of Chemical Enginering, Diponegoro University, SH-Tembalang , Semarang 50239, Indonesia, (E-mail : hadiyanto[at]
3 Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Diponegoro University, SH-Tembalang , Semarang 50239, Indonesia, (E-mail : Munifatul_Izzati[at]

Batik production is mostly done by craftsman who belong to small and medium industrial groups. They are in the middle of a residential area. Low education is often the reason for not caring about the environment. With limited capital, none of these industries has wastewater treatment plants. So that they dispose of their waste directly into the river. Environmental pollution is certain to occur. In the batik production process, the wastewater produced reaches 95%. The volume of clean water used in the batik production process is 61.9 liters per piece of cloth. You can imagine the amount of wastewater that will occur. In this study using a phytoremediation model with 3 tanks made of multilevel arranged glass. The phytoremediation model becomes his choice, simple technology, inexpensive, and even ordinary people can easily carry out its operations. Phytoremediation is the processing of pollutants using plants that are able to live in polluted environments with high concentrations of pollutants. The use of Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes plants are choice in phytoremediation. The research have been made on Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes in reducing pollutants in batik wastewater. The parameters observed were ammonia and chromium (Cr). The results showed that plants can reduced ammonia levels by 78.36% with Eichhornia crassipes, and by 73.13% with Pistia stratiotes. The Eichhornia crassipes can reduce Cr by 63.76% and Pistia stratiotes plants can reduce by 83.39%. In connection with the results of the study, it can be concluded that Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes plants can reduce pollutants in batik wastewater.

phytoremediation, batik, wastewater

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


The cutting propagation experiment of ‘South East Asia Sakura- tree (Cratoxylum formosum)
Hanifa Marisa and Dhea Ramadhani Putri

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Hanifa Marisa

Biology Dept of Sriwijaya Universiity

The cutting propagation experiment of ‘South East Asia Sakura- tree (Cratoxylum formosum) Hanifa Marisa1 and Dhea Ramadhani Putri2 1, 2 Biology Department, Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Sriwijaya University (E-mail: This research began about two months ago, after a student of Biology Deaprtment contact the main author, about a kind of small treegrowth around Sriwijaya University campus area is blooming its flowers. The flowers were so amazing pinky beautiful and made the student remember on Sakura flower from Japan. Background: Identification of those flowers tree, found that the species is Cratoxylum formosum, a member of family Hypericaceae. Its growth wild in South East Asia, include Indralaya, South Sumatra. Some questions emerged in the mind about those trees, wether it could be propagated via cutting and what kind of growth medium good for cutting reproductive type; black garden soil or sandy soil. To answer above questions, the experiment was done at Biology Deaprtment Green House, Indralaya, during August 2019 until early November 2019. Aims: the aims of study were to know wether Cratoxylum formosum stems could be growth for reproductive goal and what kind of soil type that good for its bud growth. Materials and Methods: 36 sticks of Cratoxylum formosum stem about 1-2 cm diameter size and 25 cm lenght, were planted in three kind of growth medium; garden soil, sandy soil and clay soil in polybags. All of cutted stem were watering systematically everyday, and the existency of bud were noted every week during three weeks. Number of budded stems percentage were counted and the long of bud were measured. Results: Two weeks experiment done, two of 12 sticks / stems were budded. Three of them were budded after three weeks. All of budded stems came from garden soil treatment. Three weeks after planting, emerging bud has five leaves and 2,5 cm lenght. Conclusion: Cratoxylum formosum tree coud be propagated by cutting system, used garden soil medium growth, and bud were emerged since two weeks after planting. Figure 1. Budded stem and the size (week-2) Figure2. Budded week-3

Ceratoxylum formosum, bud, medium, sandy soil, garden soil and hypericaceae

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


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