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The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.23 for 2 days in Medan |

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a) Nurul Hasanah b)Prof. Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum c)Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum

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a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
State University of Medan, Indonesia

b)English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
State University of Medan, Indonesia

c)English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
State University of Medan, Indonesia

Language is a reflection of speakers. A person can guess the identity such as the origin, character, or behavior of the interlocutor of the language he uses. Gender affect the use of language, both oral and written language. As Lakoff said that male and female groups have different linguistic characteristics. As an essential skill in learning English, writing involves the application of grammar and sentence pattern, vocabulary, or diction and cross cultural understanding. It can be said that writing ability is someone capability to express their idea in the form of written representasion. Narrative is a fundamental language process for learning how to give an opinion of a story, write about a story and imagine thinking of student. By writing narrative text, they know how to express their opinion. The question is do male and female students also use language differently in writing. In line with this idea, the objective of this study is to investigate the linguistic form of narrative text written by male and female students. The use of language features proposed by Lakoff 1975, such as, empty adjectives, hedge, intensifier, hypercorrect grammar super polite form, tag question and emphatic stress, even though the characteristics of color words and question intonation have not been found in the characters utterances. The data of this study will be gathered by sentences in narrative text written male and female students. They are students in Senior High School to write a topic given about their experience .

linguistic characteristics, gender, writing, narrative

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Literacy Ability of Student Information at the Faculty of Sport Sciences Universitas Negeri Medan
Nur Kholilah Harahap, Nurhayati Simatupang, Albadi Sinulingga

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Nur Kholilah Harahap

Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan , Pendidikan Olahraga

The purpose of this study was to find out the students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences, Medan State University in terms of information literacy. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Sport Sciences, Medan State University, having its address at Jalan Williem Iskandar, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra Province. The sampling technique, using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The reason for using this technique is because the population in this study is only Unimed FIK students in semester IV of the KKNI-based curriculum which is divided into 9 classes, so that 152 people can be sampled. The total speakers in this study were 4 people consisting of 1 chairman of the PJKR study program, 1 chairman of the PKO study program, 1 chair of the IKOR study program and 1 Head of the Unimed digital library library. Results of the study 1) Overall literacy skills of the Faculty of Sports Sciences were obtained 76% in the good category. Where many indicators have become better in terms of literacy abilities of the Faculty of Sports Sciences with previous abilities. 2) The 24% obstacle in the literacy skills of the Faculty of Sports Sciences is that some students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences, Medan State University are not used to finding information sources either from books or internet media and avoid plagiarism in completing tasks. 3) The solution in this study is that a manual is needed in writing assignments, not just a thesis so as to avoid errors in the execution of the task. As well as public lectures / seminars that discuss literacy in students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences.

Information Literacy, Student Literacy, Literacy , Faculty of Sport Sciences Students.

Curriculum, Research and Development


Literation Instruments Learning Physical Student Education Through Student Worksheet (SW)
Akbar Zahriali, Tarsyad Nugraha, Hariadi

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Akbar Zahriali

Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia

This study aims to determine literacy skills in reading students by using Student Worksheets (SW); to find out the learning outcomes of students through SW on physical education subjects in school education; to find out the difference in literacy skills of reading students at junior high school level. This study uses mixed methods (mixed methods) with convergent design. The population in the study was all junior high school level in Bandung. The subjects in this study were students of Junior High School 1 in Bandung and Junior High School 1 in Bandung. While the object or phenomenon is analyzed by the level of literacy of students in physical education subjects. The instrument used to analyze the relationship of physical education learning of students with literacy reading through the SW. SW is one of the means to help and facilitate teaching and learning activities so that effective interactions between students and educators will be formed, so as to improve the activities of students in improving learning achievement. The description of the data presented in this study comes from the data collected during the study, namely literacy reading abilities of students using SW in physical education subjects. The making of the SW practice instrument for this study refers to the making of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) literacy survey. The research data were in the form of the average scores of SW from Practice Questions 1, 2 and 3 in Junior High School 1 in Bandung to 86 and Junior High School 6 in Bandung at 88. On the results of the average score of workmanship of the superior SW was Junior High School 6 in Bandung.

Instrument, Learning Literacy, Physical Education, Student Worksheet (SW)

Education and Research Global Issue



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Adrian Rasyki


This research was aimed to investigate the loss and gain in translation process based on the equivalence in bilingual online news text. The objective of the research is to find out the kinds of loss and gain that found in the news text. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. Ten online news articles taken from from june to july 2019 will be used as sources of data. The data of this study are text from both Source and Target Text consists of loss and gain elements based on equivalence found in 10 bilingual news articles. The text will be identified whether Loss and Gain information found based on equivalence theory. The results showed that there are different kinds of loss and gain that found in the texts in any level, such as word, phrase, and clause level. The paper notes that the use of Loss and Gain in news text is to achieve naturalness in translation. Since the translator can make the readers misunderstood of the original content of the source text, thus in translating news text the translator should have vast knowledge in both ST and TT to make the news text readable.

loss and gain, bilingual news, equivalence

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Management Models of Educators and Educational Staff in Improving the Quality of Education (Case Study at SMAN 3 Medan, SMAN 2 Lubuk Pakam, SMA Unggul CT Foundation Deli Serdang, and SMAN 1 Perbaungan)
Astri Novia Siregar (a*), Benyamin Situmorang (b), Zainuddin (b).

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Astri Novia Siregar

Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED)

The purpose of this study is to determine the management models of educators and educational staff in improving the quality of education in senior high school. The study is based on qualitative research method. The data is obtained based on observations, interviews, and documentation. The research has drawn the following result; this study consisted of 264 senior high school teachers, and 219 teachers (89%) had assessment characteristics in either category, teachers taught using learning tools (lesson plans, syllabus, annual programs, semiannual programs) that were complete and taught based on each others expertise. From the result, it was concluded that improving the education quality in senior high schoolof Medan hadfulfilled the standards of educators and educational staff.

Educators, Educational Staff, Education Quality

Economics, Business and Management Education


Meaning Equivalence in Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation of Surah al Waqiah into Indonesian
Wirdatul Mardhiah, Dr. Hj. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd, Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum

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Wirdatul Mardhiah

Universitas Negeri Medan

WIRDATUL MARDHIAH. Meaning Equivalence in Abdullah Yusuf Ali Traslation of Surah al Waqiah From English into Indonesian. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2019. The aims of this study were to find out the kinds of meaning equivalence in Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation of Surah al Waqiah from English into Indonesian, and to describe the rules of Abdullah Yusuf Ali traslated in contextual meaning equivalence of Surah al Waqiah from English into Indonesian, and to describe the ways Abdullah Yusuf Ali translated Surah al Waqiah from English into Indonesian. The research was conducted by using qualitative descriotive design. Al Quran is the guide of life of human beings in the world and has many features that contained in the Quran. The Quran is Kalam Illahi, so as not to damage the contents of messages that contained in the Quran and can be easily understood by the reader. Translation is very important, because language and translation cannot be separed. Abdullah Yusuf Ali has succeeded to translate the Quran perfectly, especially in traslating surah al Waqiah Besides that, informants were needed to validate data. The data was analyzed by using Modification of Accuracy Rating Instrument (Kurnianingtyas, 2008). The result of this study were There werethree kinds of meaning equivalence in the translation of Surah al Waqiah from English into Indonesian namely equivalence (62,5%), almost equivalence (26%) and non equivalence (11,5%).

meaning Equivalence, surah al Waqiah, Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Men Participation in the Use of Vasectomy Contraceptive Method And Its Implication on Family Education
Ilham Syahputra (a), Hidayat (b), Ratih Baiduri (b)

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Ilham Syahputra

a) Social Anthropologi, University State of Medan
Jl. Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan 20221, Indonesia
b) Supervisor of Social Anthropologi, University State of Medan

This study aims to determine the men participation in the use of vasectomy contraceptive method and its implication on family education in Tanjung Morawa Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency. This is a descriptive research that was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observations and library studies. The results show that male participation in the use of vasectomy contraceptive method in the area is very high. This condition is affected by the implementation of a strategy to increase men participation through personal selling by recruiting vasectomy participants to become family planning motivators. Men participation in the use of vasectomy contraceptive method has implications on family education, where parents play a role in teaching reproductive health and gender education to their children through the process of giving examples from which the children can understand that reproductive health is not only the responsibility of women but also men.

Men Participation, Vasectomy, Family Education

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Metadiscourse of Political Texts with Different Genres
Ayu Widyaningtyas, S.Pd; Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S; Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Hum

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Ayu Widyaningtyas

State University of Medan (UNIMED), Medan, Indonesia

This study was aimed at examining the Metadiscourse of Political Texts with Different Genres. The objectives of this study were to find out the types of metadiscourse occurred in political texts with different genres and to explain the reasons of metadiscourse is used in Political texts with different genres. This study was conducted by descriptive qualitative method. the source of the data was political texts with different genres; they were Academic genres (textbook and journal) and Pure Polical Genre (Report of Political Development). There were two writers that wrote both of genres. The first writer wrote political text book and journal, while the second writer wrote political text book, journal and pure political report. The technique of data collection was documentary technique. The technique of data analysis was interactive model by Miles and Huberman (2014). The findings of the study showed that:1) all types of metadiscourse occurred in Political texts with different genres namely textual metadiscourse (text connectives, code glosses, validity markers, and narrators) and interpersonal metadiscourse (illocution markers, attitude markers, and commentaries). 2) The reasons for using metadiscourse of Political texts with different genres were writing style and communicative needs of social context.

Metadiscourse, Political texts, Genre

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Uswatun Hasanah

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Uswatun Hasanah

English Applied Linguistic, State University of Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Post Graduate, Medan, Indonesia

One of the messages which need to have the right understanding is the Moslem Holy Scripture, the Quran. It is the final divine revelation provides mankind guidelines in every part of life. The message in the Quran sometimes is stated explicitly, but sometimes implicitly by using figurative language. The most figurative language that occurs in the Quran is a metaphor. This study used descriptive qualitative approach because this analysis had done something with language research. The data were collected from the English and Indonesia translation of surah Ali Imran. The result of this study showed that there are ten metaphor expressions in Surah Ali Imran. There are two metaphor translation strategies applied in English and three strategies in Indonesian.


Social,Language and Cultural Education


Sactica Oktavyani Sagala, Sumarsih, Amrin Saragih

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Sactica Octavyani Sagala

English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
State University of Medan, Indonesia

Goatly, 2005, emphasizes that metaphor is an essential topic in linguistics to be discussed. Metaphor also find in cultural language. Marriage is one of the big tradition in Toba Batak tradition. In wedding ceremony they use formal utterances between bridegroom side to the bride side. As we know that there is umpasa in Bataknese tradition. In Bataknese tradition, umpasa has strong meaning as symbol of blessing, suggestion, and pray. Related to the topic in this study, the researcher found there have been a number of researcher dealing with application the metaphors. The aim in this research is to elaborate the types of metaphor in Toba Batak wedding ceremony. The researcher found a gap in this study. It can be seen in Carles theory Toba Batak people speak, they should speak based on the place, context, and should be polite butit is too danger if the utterances of speakers in wedding ceremony break the norms, principles and even the rules in society and it can be received by people. The research problem in this study, what kinds of metaphors are used categories is the Toba Batak wedding ceremony. The source of data in this research were informations or called Tetua Adat through direct interviews and direct observations in Toba Batak wedding ceremony, while the data of this research were the utterances gathered from parhata that are delivered of Toba Batak wedding ceremony.

metaphor, umpasa, culture, Batak wedding ceremony

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Annisa Puspasari S.Pd

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This study explores modality employed in the presidential debate of Indonesia 2019. Modality is either expressed as the speakers judgement of the probabilities or the obligation involved what is saying.In political setting, language has fundamental role in conveyance of political factors stage managed and pre planed goals the audience in order to provoke, revail, and persuade the audience toward the intended goals and meaning, Woods 2006 The aim of presidential debate to express their vission and mission and also persuade the audience to vote them.The presidential election candidates will have argument battle among Mr Jokowi and Mr Prabowo subianto to express their opinion, idea and and thought in topic being discussed. There are three problems in this study, namely types of modality in Indonesian Presidential debate, the dominant modality and the explanation on the modality context. The speech transcription were analyzed by applying the theory of Systematic Functional Linguistic.The occurance of modality were qualitatively analyzad by changing them into percentage to determine the portion namely modalization and modulation.This can be a way election to show the some vision as the president of Indonesia.

modality presidential debates speech

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Model of management training kindergarten teacher in medan city
Musdhalifah zebua (1), Paningkat Siburian (2), Biner Ambarita (3)

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Musdhalifah Zebua

(1) University State Medan
Jl William Iskandar Pasar V Medan
(2) Paningkat Siburian
Jl. William Iskandar Pasar V Medan
(3) Biner Ambarita
Jl. William ISkandar Pasar V Medan

Abstract - Kindergarten education teachers are educators who have duties and functions in Kindergarten education with students being early childhood. The training aims to increase the knowledge, skills and improve the morale of teachers in dealing with kindergarten children. This study aims to identify and analyze the models of management education for kindergarten teacher training in Medan. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods that describe phenomena by conducting analyzes that refer to data and theories that support to produce a theory. Data collection techniques in this qualitative research by conducting observations and interviews and study documentation. The results show that there are still Kindergarten teachers who have never attended training, and not all Kindergarten teachers have graduated from Kindergarten education or Early Childhood Education graduates. The conclusion is that training for Kindergarten education teachers must be considered. Training management is carried out through training planning, conducting training and evaluating training as well as following up on training, Keyword - Management; Training; Training Management

Manajement,Training, Training MAnagement

Educational Policy and Administration Education



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School of Postgraduate, Educational Administration Department
State University of Medan

Needs analysis is the formal process to determine the gap between the ideal form and the current condition. This research aimed to analyze the needs of developing student training management models in Diploma III mechanical engineering department. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method. The data is collected by interview, observation and documentation. The subjects of this research are lecturers, instructors, students and the stakeholders. The results shows that: 1) training courses at Diploma mechanical engineering is using guided inquiry models, the training schedule has been set, the competence of the students is already fit to mechanical engineering vision and mission, 2) graduates are currently working in factories based on their Department during college term, and 3) priority needs in the development of training model of management was started from the organization level, i.e by developing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that is in accordance with the vision and mission of mechanical engineering. The implications of this research are: establishment of cooperation with the industry, the improvement of SOP in accordance with the competence needed, and also the improvement of students competence.

needs analysis, training management model

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


Needs Assessment of Biology Learning Materials for Integration Curriculum in Chandra Kumala School
Silvia Sabatini (a), Binari Manurung (b), Mufti Sudibyo (c)

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Silvia Sabatini

a) Biology Department
Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia

b) Biology Department
Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia

c) Biology Department
Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia

The impact of globalization is multidimensional; the impact is also felt in the field of education, especially higher education that directly interacts with the international community. Specifically, globalization is driving the changing role of higher education institutions. Higher education institutions are challenged to change the curriculum in total. The integration curriculum is a blend of the current national curriculum in Indonesia (Kurikulum 2013) and foreign curriculum (some schools usually use CIE as awarding bodies from England). So far, the implementation of integration curriculum in national plus schools has been going well and has a positive impact for all parties, but it also has many shortcomings. The main problem is the unavailability of appropriate learning material for both of the curriculums. The research has the aim to investigate the learning needs of teachers and students by needs assessment. The research aspects were investigated and evaluated through a needs analysis conducted by doing interview, administering questionnaire and analyzing documents.

integration curriculum, learning materials, biology, needs assessment

Curriculum, Research and Development


Participant Structure in Learning English: Linguistic Anthropology Approach
Tasnim Lubis

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Tasnim Lubis

LP3I Polytechnic Medan
Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Studying about participant structure in learning English has important role in evaluating their character toward implementing a method or technique further. To figure out their participant structure, the researcher used linguistic anthropology approach. It is able to provide information about participation verbally and non-verbally. The objective of the study was to describe participant structure in learning English. Participant structure theory which is proposed by Philip (1972) was applied in this study. Qualitative method was implemented in this study. The location of study was in LP3I Polytechnic Medan at Sei Serayu street number 48D. The data were recordings of participant in classroom during studying English by using handycam Panasonic FULL HD. Besides, interview and observation also used to support recording. They were analyzed by using interactive model analysis that consist of data selection, data display, and verifying/conclusion. Data selection noticed the performance, indexes, and participation which refer to participation during learning in classroom. Data display described the participant structure during learning in the classroom. Verifying/conclusion explained about the dominant participant structure in the classroom during learning English. The result of the study showed that participant structure of student in LP3I Polytechnic Medan was involving the entire classroom interaction or type I. It is occured because all students need to be involved and to be given attention by lecturer to overcome their problem in learning English such as lack of confidence and afraid to make mistake in their speech.

participation structure; learning English; anthropolinguistics; LP3I Polytechnic Medan

Social,Language and Cultural Education


wuri dwiyati

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Wuri Dwiyati


WURI DWIYATI, 8176121007, Development of Learning E-Module for body care Based on Discovery Learning in Makeup Student Education Studies Program, State University of Medan. This study aims to: (1) study the feasibility of e-module body care learning based on learning discovery, and (2) learn the effectiveness of e-module body learning based on learning discovery. This type of research is development research using Borg and Gall products combined with the Dick and Carey learning development model. This model contains six stages, namely: literature study, planning and design development, product development, expert validation, trials, revisions, and final products. The trial subjects consisted of two material experts, two learning design experts, two video learning media experts, three students for individual testing, nine students for small group trials, and forty students for field trials. The results of the study show; (1) expert study material test based on excellent qualifications (93.75%), (2) learning design expert test in accordance with good qualifications (80.08%), (3) test video learning media experts in accordance with very good qualifications ( 89, 99%). The results of the hypothesis submission prove that: (1) the e-module learning media is appropriate to be used in the learning of nursing bodies in educational study programs in Medan state universities, (2)Students who are taught by using body care learning e-modules with student learning outcomes are learned by using textbook learning media. This discusses the results of data processing t count = 3.285 at the significance level &

pengembangan e-modul pembelajaran; perawatan badan berbasis discovery learning

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


Roiman Dolok Tarsisius Situmorang, Albadi Sinulingga, Nurhayati Simatupang

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Roiman Dolok Tarsisius Situmorang

Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to analyze the performance of Primary School PJOK teachers in Sibolga who received 2015 Teacher Competency Test scores below the national minimum completeness score of 41 people and the performance of Primary School PJOK teachers in Sibolga who received 2015 Teacher Competency Test scores above the value of minimum national completeness totaling 16 people. This research is a quantitative study using a descriptive approach. The data collection method used is a survey method. The instruments used were observation sheets, and document reviews. Based on the results of data analysis, it is found that the average performance of PJOK teachers both those who obtained the Teacher Competency Test 2015 below the minimum national completeness score and those who scored above the national minimum completeness score was in the unfavorable category. Therefore, concrete efforts need to be made to improve the performance of elementary school PJOK teachers in Sibolga

physical education, teacher competence, teacher performance

Education and Research Global Issue


Asaaro Laia(*a), Eka Daryanto(b),Restu(c)

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STKIP Nias Selatan Sumatera Utara (*a)
Dosen di Universitas Negeri Medan(b)
Dosen di Universitas Negeri Medan(c)

This study aims to reveal the application of communication, resources, and bureaucratic implementation in the New Students Adminsions (NSA) zoning system policy. In SMA Negeri 1 Sunggal, Deli Serdang Regency. Data obtained by interview techniques in stages, namely the Education Office of North Sumatra Province, Principals, Teachers, Parents of students, and Students. Researchers use interview guidelines. Furthermore, it is processed and discussed with narrative techniques. The data obtained, the policy regarding the zoning system has been communicated to the organizers and the community, but there are people who are still not aware that this policy will equalize the quality of education and eliminate the label of superior schools, vaforit schools, but there are people who are not fully aware that some falsify Certificate of Poor; The available resources are trained and understand what is done with supporting facilities, but are constrained by electricity and internet networks and are troublesome with many registrants. Disposition relating to the characteristics of the organizer who is honest and takes the interests of the community, the funds needed from School Operational Aid Found . Constrained by the bureaucracy, there is support from the center to the regions, but there are still interpretations in the regions in the implementation of zoning.

education policy, zonation

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Policy Analysis Implementation of 2013 Thematic Learning Curriculum (Case Study in Primary School St. Thomas Medan)
Johannes Sohirimon Lumbanbatu (a*), Eka Daryanto(b), Zainuddin (c)

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(a) Lecturer at STP St. Bonaventura Keuskupan Angung Medan
(b) Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan
(c) Profesor at Universitas Negeri Medan

The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of students in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in thematic learning at St. Thomas Elementary School in Medan in 2018/2019 academic year, to know the condition of teachers in the implementation of thematic learning 2013 curriculum, to know the conditions of the implementation of the 2013 thematic learning curriculum, and to understand teacher understanding Elementary school Thomas Medan on the 2013 curriculum. This type of research is qualitative. The evaluation model used by Models Stake Countenance. This model emphasizes two main things, namely describing and judging. The main thing is obtained through the stages of evaluation, namely the stage of Final Implementation (Antecedent), Process Stage (Transaction) and Stage results (Outcomes). Population and sample of 4 student classes (parallel classes 4 and 5) with 1 headmaster, 30 teachers. From the results of the study the theory found several conclusions that; a) The antecedent stage, namely: the condition of the student is not fully in accordance with the standard with a percentage of 55.9% and sufficient category; the condition of the teacher is not fully in accordance with the standard with a percentage of 56.8%, and is categorized sufficient; the teachers understanding of the curriculum is not fully in accordance with the standard with a percentage of 63.2%, but has been categorized well; the condition of learning planning is not yet fully in accordance with the standards of 85%, but has been categorized very well; b) Transaction stage; the implementation of scientific based integrative thematic learning has been categorized very well with a percentage of 91%; the implementation of thematic assessments is not yet fully in accordance with the standards with a percentage of 54.3% and sufficiently categorized, and c) outcomes sta

Policy, curriculum, learning, thematic, evaluation

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Policy Analysis of Internal Quality Assurance System at Midwifery Major of Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan (Applies to George C. Edwards theory)
Rismahara Lubis(a*), Eka Daryanto(b), Restu(c)

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Rismahara Lubis

a) Lecture at Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan
b) Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan
c) Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan

The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System in the Ministry of Healths Midwifery Department in Medan using the theory of G.Edward C.III. The research method used is using a policy analysis model according to George C. Edward. The procedure of this study contains steps: instrument preparation, data collection, data analysis, and report collection. The research subjects were informants whose activities were directly related to quality assurance in the Medan Midwifery Department Midwifery Department. The method of data collection is done by interview. From the results of the study found: a) the form of communication in the implementation of the Quality Assurance System policy has been running effectively support, c) The disposition of assistance has gone well, d) Bureaucracy to support implementation has provided a clear SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).

policy, implementation, quality, assurance

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Policy Analysis of Lecturer Performance in Participation in Research And Scientific Publication in D-III Study Program and Midwifery D-IV Study Program Medan Ministry of Health Health Polytechnic
Efendi Sianturi(a*), Eka Daryanto(b), Restu(c)

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a) lecturer at Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan
b) Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan
c) Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan

Elementary lecturer who plays an important role in Tri darma higher education. Lecturers are professional educators with the main task of transforming, developing, and disseminating science, technology and art through education, research, and community service. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of participation of lecturer performance and how to improve it at Midwifery Polytechnic Ministry of Health in Medan. Medan Ministry of Health Polytechnic applied to aspects of research and publication. This research involved lecturers. Data obtained through in-depth interviews and analyzed. The results of this study indicate that the participation of lecturers in research increased but in terms of publication decreased in the Medan Ministry of Health Polytechnic majoring in Midwifery. For this reason, this research can motivate and increase the interest of all Medan Ministry of Health Polytechnic lecturers in midwifery routinely holding proposal workshops, call of papers and conferences as a result of published research in the form of books, proceedings, and scientific journals. In addition, the research activities and publications carried out can increase the participation of lecturers in the fields of research and publications and become an academic culture inherent in every Medan Ministry of Health Polytechnic lecturer in the Department of Animal Science DIII and DIV study programs.

policy, education, implementation, health

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Policy Analysis of the Free Education Program Implementation in Medan 1 Public School 2017/2018 Academic Year
Ilyas S. Sitorus (a*), Eka Daryanto (b), Restu(c)

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a)Student of Doctoral Education Management atUniversitas Negeri Medan
b)Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan
c)Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to find, and obtain data that can provide information about the implementation of free education policies in Medan 1 Public Middle School using the theory of public policy by Syaiful Sagala, and find out the obstacles faced in implementing the Education Policy Free 2017/2018 school year. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. The main data sources are words and actions. Sampling in this research is Purposive Sampling and data collection using is observation, interview, and documentation. Using informant triangulation and review techniques to ensure data validity. Based on the data analysis and the discussion that has been conducted, the results of the study show that it has taken; the implementation of free education policies in Medan 1 Public Middle School has gone well where, 1) BOS funds received by schools have been used properly, namely for funding education, especially school operational costs. All students, especially those who are less able to carry out their learning activities cheaply and easily, that is, they do not have to pay fees managed by the school, for example tuition fees, development money, registration fees, and book money or can be said free of charge. While for non-operational costs it is still the responsibility of the parents of students. 2) Constraints faced in the Implementation of the Free Education Policy at Medan State Middle School I of the 2017/2018 Academic Year are; the complexity in preparing the accountability report, the delay in disbursing funds is the lack of certainty on the date or time of disbursing funds, decreasing education services especially extracurricular activities, assuming that the public with the free education policy is completely free.

Keywords - Policy, Implementation, Free Education, BOS Funds

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Politeness Strategies in Mata Najwa Talk Show
Ilham Dodi Trisna

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Ilham dodi Trisna

Universitas Negeri Medan, Fakultas Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris (LTBI)

The paper discusses the politeness strategies conducted in Mata Najwa TV Talk Show. The objectives of this study were to find out the types of politeness strategies used by Anies Baswedan as the interviewee in Mata Najwa talk show program, and to investigate the reasons of the types of politeness strategies were used. The result of the research shown that all types of politeness strategies used in Mata Najwa talk show program. Based on the analysis, there are 37 utterances containing politeness strategies used by Anies Baswedan. In detail, he uses the strategy of bald on record 7 times or 18.9%, positive politeness 20 times or 54%, negative politeness 9 times or 24.4%, and off record once or 2.7%. The most frequent politeness strategy used by Anies Baswedan is offer and promise which belong to positive politeness strategy. In general, he uses politeness strategies to maintain and build good relationship and to avoid a deep evaluation because of the show broadcasted on television station.

politeness strategies, bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, off record, face threatening act (FTA), mata najwa, talk show.

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Political Education Through The Application Of The Abstentions Countermeasure Model By KPUD ( Regional Election Commission) Deli Serdang
Muhammad Yusri Isfa, Dedi Amrizal, Yusriati

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU)

The implementation of the abstentions countermeasure model conducted by KPUD Deli Serdang can be an effective means of political education for the success of the general election in Deli Serdang. The objectives of this research are: 1) to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of the new model carried out by KPUD Deli Serdang ; 2) to formulate the lack of application of model of abstentions countermeasure in Deli Serdang; 3) to prove that the new model of abstentions countermeasure can increase voter participation in general elections this year in Deli Serdang. This research is a descriptive study with a case study approach to prove the effectiveness of using abstentions countermeasure model. The results showed that the application of abstentions countermeasure model conducted by KPUD Deli Serdang was proven to be able to reduce the number of abstentions in the region. In addition, it was found that the implementation of the model was carried out in conjunction with the election smart home program. Political education is done naturally by involving community leaders and religious leaders. The application of this new model shows good results where public participation in elections is increasing and the number of abstentions is decreasing in Deli Serdang Distric However, the role of political parties has not been seen in the implementation of this abstentions countermeasure model.

political education, local election, abstentions countermeasure

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Preparing An ICT Innovation Using Lectora Inspire As Teaching Media For Buffer Solutions For High School
Erika Siska Yolanda Siagian(1), Ramlan Silaban(2), Mahmud(2)

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Erika Siska Yolanda Siagian

(1) Magister of Chemistry Education Study Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia
drrsilabanmsi[at], Vetpur Raya III Street, Medan 70312, +628115570790

(2) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

This study aims to obtained ICT based Lectora Inspire media as learning media for buffer solution in high school class XI and to determine the feasibility of ICT based Lectora Inspire media according to national education standards board. This study uses research development method with Borg&Gall modified model. The feasibility of media was assessed descriptively based on assessment score from expert validators consist of lectures and chemistry teachers. The results show that (1) ICT based lectora inspire learning media has been obtained as learning media for buffer solution in high school class XI, (2) The approval results from expert validator shows content feasibility score 3.87, language feasibility 3.78, and presentation feasibility 3.73, thus ICT based lectora inspire learning media is feasible to be used as learning media in accordance with national education standards board.

Buffer Solutions, ICT, Lectora Inspire

Curriculum, Research and Development


Preparing An ICT Innovation With Lectora Inspire As Teaching Media For Electrolyte And Non-Electrolyte Solutions For High School Class X
Widya Irfani(1), Erika Siska Yolanda Siagian(1), Nurfajriani (2), Ramlan Silaban(2)

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(1) Magister of Chemistry Education Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, State University of Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia
Corresponding Author : Nurfajriani[at]

This study aims to determine ICT based Lectora Inspire media as learning media for electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions in high schools according to national education standards board. To achieve the objectives, research development was conducted referring to ADDIE modified model. The feasibility of the media was assessed using non-test instrument with likert scale 1-4 by expert validators consist of chemistry lecturers and teachers, and data was processed using descriptive statistics. The results show that an innovative ICT learning media based on lectora inspire can be used for teaching electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution material in high school class X and Innovative ICT based on lectora inspire media for electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions obtained, had been very feasible score referring to the national education standards board, which indicated by content feasibility 3.66, language feasibilty 3.89 and presentation feasibility 3.94.

Lectora Inspire, ICT, Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions

Curriculum, Research and Development


Project-Based Learning Innovation to Support Blended Learning in The Teaching of Destillation Topic of Analytical Separation
Marudut Sinaga1, Manihar Situmorang1*, and Wesly Hutabarat1

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Manihar Situmorang

1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr V Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera, INDONESIA, 20221

*Corresponding author, E-mail: msitumorang[at]

A massive change in the progress of information technology becomes a challenge in the learning strategy. Teaching and learning chemistry required to adaptat with the latest technology in maximizing learning activities. Thus the learning process must be improved through the application of innovative learning material that can encourage the students to learn actively, be more meaningful, and motivate the learner to learn optimally to achieve their competencies according to the national curriculum oriented towards the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI). This study aims to innovate project-based learning to support blended learning in accordance with the demands of an KKNI-oriented curriculum for in Analytical Chemistry. The research was conducted at Universitas Negeri Medan at accademic year 2019/2020. The study are consisted of (1) the development of project-based learning package on Distillation topic, (2) integration of information technology, multimedia and the web into the learning learning package for delivering the subject face-to-face learning, independent learning and blended learning, (3) standardizing and evaluating of learning packages, and (4) implementation of an innovative learning material in the teaching of Distillation topic. The results show that innovative project-based learning integrated with blended learning has been successfully developed to be used to improve academic activities in the teaching of Distillation topic. The implementation of innovative project-based has been used for face-to-face teaching and blended learning in the experimental group compared to the control group using conventional learning. The results has convinced that an increase in student competence has been achieved in experimental class because an innovative learning model can attract students attention to learn independently. The learning facilities provided in the learning package has been proven to guide the students for active learning to studey analytical separation. The students that are treated with project-based learning in experimental class are having optimun in their learning potential, and results in achieving their competence as required by KKNI curriculum.

Project-based learning, Learning innovation, Students competence, Distillation topic, Analytical Chemistry

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Qualitative Analysis of Metacognition Ability and Creativity Thinking with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model.
Ratu Natalia Perangin-angin, Bornok Sinaga, Edi Syahputra

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Ratu Natalia Perangin-angin

postgraduated program of state university of medan

This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research is a type of research that aims to describe the quality of metacognition abilities and the crative thinking ability of students who get a jigsaw type cooperative learning model. This research was conducted in Grade VIII An Pancur Batu Middle School Methodist, amounting to 38 people. Based on the results of the test of metacognition ability and creative thinking ability tested to students the subject will be taken to be interviewed. The criteria for taking the subject is to use 3 criteria, namely based on indicators of student ability, answer errors, and unique answers. Through the indicator glasses the student answer sheets are grouped into three categories of answers, namely (1) answer sheets of highly capable students; (2) answer sheets for students with moderate abilities; (3) answer sheets for low-ability students. Based on the results of the students mathematical creative thinking ability test, it was found that the very low category was 15.79%, the low category was 50.00%, the moderate category was 18.42%, the high category was 10.53%, the very high category was 5.26 %. While the results of the metacognitive ability test were obtained that the category was very low at 13.16%, as low as 71.05%, medium as much as 10.53%, high as much as 5.26%, and very high as 0.00%.

qualitative descriptive, metacognitive ability, creativity thinking, cooperative learning model, cooperative Jigsaw type.

Transformative Learning and EducationalLeadership


Relationship between Biology Teacher Teaching Style with Students Learning Outcome
Winda Zuwanna Zufri, Herbert Sipahutar2, Syahmi Edi

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winda zuwanna zufri

Universitas Negeri Medan

Teaching style was very varied and required in learning. Teaching style considered important in improving students learning outcome. A teacher should be creative and critical in teaching style to produce conducive classroom situation. Monotonous learning environment could reduce students interest in doing learning in classroom that later could affect in reducing students learning outcome. Further, teaching style also could affect in improving learning outcome. This research was correlational descriptive research to find out relationship between teachers teaching styles with second grader students biology learning outcome in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan. Quantitative method was used as approach, data of students daily test scores was collected and analyzed, teaching style data was collected through questionnaire. Research result found out teachers teaching style in biology lesson was good with interval distribution was 80-90 ( 70). Distribution of Biology learning outcomes of second grader students MAN 1 Medan academic year is classified as good, with a general score distribution 70. There is a significant and strong relationship between biology teacher teaching style with students Biology learning outcomes (r = 0.690; p = 0.000).

Teaching style, Learning outcome, Correlasional

Curriculum, Research and Development


Rituals at the Tomb of Datuk Darah Putih as a Media for Non-Formal Education to Respect Ancestors (Chinese Ethnic Case Study in Aur Village, Medan Maimun District, Medan City)
Gadis Anastasia (a*), Usman Pelly (b), Ichwan Azhari, (b)

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Gadis Anastasia

Sosial Anthropology at State University of Medan

This study aims to find out 1) Chinese Ethnic background performing rituals at the tomb; 2) Patterns carried out during the ritual process take place; and 3) Linkages between rituals and non-formal education to respect ancestors. This study itself uses qualitative methods with a case study approach that uses several techniques: 1) Determination of informants; 2) Data collection; and 3) Data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that Chinese ethnicities who performed the rituals at the tomb are convinced that all their requests will be granted by ancestors who inhabit this tomb, such as requests relating to the smooth running of all kinds of world affairs, health, success, and those related to marriage. The pattern that is carried out during the ritual process starts from the preparation stage. Which continued with the implementation stage where this was the culmination of the ritual by bringing offerings. Then after implementation, do activities by sharing a little fortune. The ritual in this tomb is used as an educational medium that is very useful to continue the next generation through non-formal education to respect ancestors because there are cultural, psychological, and religious values in its implementation.

Trust, Rituals, Non-formal Education

Social,Language and Cultural Education


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