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The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.23 for 2 days in Medan |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 357) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Development of Colored Shuttlecocks as a Badminton Learning Media
Devi Fitriyanti, Nurhayati Simatupang, Agung Sunarno

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Devi Fitriyanti


The main objective of this research is the development of colored shuttlecocks as a medium for learning badminton. The type of research used is research and development, with a sample of learning experts / PJOK teachers testing small groups of 6 teachers, and a large group trial of 8 teachers, reaching 82.43% with valid criteria can be used. Expert media product shuttlecock (Badminton Trainer) of 97.65% with valid criteria can be used. The trial sample of a small group of 10 students from Medans Sinar Husni Private Middle School reached 70.3% with an effective level, and a sample of a large group of 20 students from Medans Sinar Husni Private Middle School reached 70.4% with an effective level. Then the feasibility test reaches an average number of 84.39% with valid criteria to be used. On the basis of the data obtained, the development of colored Shuttlecock products was deemed feasible to be developed as one of the learning media in badminton game material on Physical Education and Health subjects in Junior High Schools.

Colored Shuttlecocks, Learning Media, Badminton

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Conceptual Knowledge Test on Temperature and Heat In Senior High School
Januarita Br Ginting(a*), Sahyar Sah(a), Nurdin Bukit(a)

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Januarita Ginting

(a) Physics Education Program Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan Indonesia

This research aims to develop the objective test of conceptual knowledge on physics topic heat and temperature in Senior High School which fulfills the required qualifications (standard test) consisting of validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discrimination power, and distractor effectiveness. This research is developmental research using Borg and Gall research method development. In analyzing the data, the research used qualitative and quantitative techniques. The research result considered from qualitative analysis, the questions quality of the conceptual knowledge test is very good with 93% ideality. While from the quantitative analysis, the questions quality of the conceptual knowledge test is good. By analyzing the 75 items of the conceptual knowledge test, it was found that there were 72 approved items and 3 rejected questions. On the large group test, there were (1) 68 valid items (94.4%) and 4 invalid items (5.6%); (2) 0.950 as the good reliability of items; (3) based on the difficulty level, 3 easy items (4.2%), 63 average items (87.5%), and 6 difficult items (8.3%); (4) based on the discrimination power, 39 excellent items (54.2%), 28 good items (38.8%), 3 average items (4.2%), and 2 bad items (2.8%); 5) based on the distractor effectiveness, 68 effective items (94.4%) and 4 ineffective items (5.6%). Therefore, for the good quality items of conceptual knowledge, it was achieved that there were 65 approved items (90.2%), 3 revised items (4.2%), and 4 rejected items (5.6%).

Conceptual Knowledge Test, Temperature and Heat, Validity, Reliability

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Development of E-Module Based on Discovery Learning on Carbohydrate Material
Eika Abigail Munthe (a*), Saronom Silaban (b), Zainuddin Muchtar(b)

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Eika Abigail Munthe

a) Magister of Chemistry Education Study Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the eligibility of biomolecular e-module that have been developed with discovery learning models on carbohydrate material. The study was conducted at the Chemical Education Study Program, Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan. This study uses the ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation). E-module that have been developed are validated by 3 expert lecturers consisting of material expert lecturer, model expert lecturer and expert media lecturer. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire on Standar Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (SNPT) consisting of content, language, presentation and graphic eligibility. The questionnaire used was validated by an expert validator. The results showed that the biomolecular e-module that had been developed with the discovery learning model on carbohydrate material was valid for college students to use.

Carbohydrates, Discovery Learning, E-Module, Eligibility SNPT

Curriculum, Research and Development



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Elisa Anggraini


Reading material development is an activity that designs innovative learning resources. Reading material is also usually equipped with various kinds of illustrations. Reading material developed with the right strategy will foster a creative effort to find the contents of the students own reading. The development of reading material is very necessary for seventh grade students to build and strengthen their interest in reading and understanding the meaning of reading material. The development of environmental love-themed reading material in the form of hand-out in the description text material is needed to facilitate learning in the classroom. Handouts are teaching materials that contain a summary of material from several sources that are relevant to basic competencies ". The teacher needs to develop reading material that supports the learning of the description text. The development of reading materials on the theme of environmental love in the description text material was chosen based on students awareness of the environment is still low.

development; reading material; description; love of the environment

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development Of Field Guide Book To Insect Pollinator Of Herbaceous Plants In City And Residential Area In Medan City
Emy Hariati, Syarifuddin, Mufti Sudibyo

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Emy Hariati

Biology Department
Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Medan

This research was conducted to develop field guide of herbaceous plants insect pollinators in city and residential area in Medan City for entomology course. This book was developed according to Thiagarajan 4D (define, design, development, dissemination) model, minus dissemination steps. This book was validated according to quality of its content/materials, learning design and layout design. Validation result of content aspects (suitability, accuracy and strength, systematics of learning, book efficiency in learning and language feasibility) assessed by content expert had an average score of 83.59% (very good). Learning design aspects (content feasibility and display feasibility) validation result by expert had an average score of 88.73% (very good). Result of layout design aspects (book size, cover design, and content layout design) assessed by content expert had an average score of 79.72% (good). Several revisions were made until those final scores obtained and the book feasible to use.

entomology, city, insect pollinators, development of field guide

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Field Guidebooks Dragonfly Diversity Material (Odonata) Based on Research in Entomology Courses
Nurul Sallia Mairiella Lubis 1) a) , Syarifuddin 2) , Ashar Hasairin 2)

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Nurul Sallia Mairiella Lubis


This research is aimed to develop research-based field guideline book for dragonfly variety (odonata) material in this entomology course. This research was conducted on Biology Education students, State University of Medan in September - November 2019, based on Thiagarajans development Model they are: define, design, development and dissemination this research is limited only on development level. This field guideline book have been validated by content validity, the quality of learning design and the quality of layout design. The data about the quality of the product were taken from the questionnaire and were analized by qualitative descriptive. The content validation results were assessed by two material experts based on material suitability, accuracy and strength of the material, systematic learning, the efficiency of field guidelines book in learning and language having an average value of 81.35% with very good criteria. The results of the learning design validation were assessed by one learning expert based on the feasibility aspects of the contents and presentation of contents having an average value of 96.12% with very good criteria. The results of layout design validation were assessed by 2 layout design experts with several aspects, namely the size of the field guidebook, the design of the field guide cover and the design of the contents of the field guidebook having an average value of 80.50% with good criteriaThe results of the validation were obtained after making several revisions until the research-based field guideline book for dragonfly variety (odonata) material in this entomology course is worth to use.

Keywords: Book development, Research-based , Entomology

Education and Research Global Issue


Ekin Dwi Arif Kurniawan (a*), Nurfajriani (b), Ramlan Silaban (b)

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Ekin Dwi Arif Kurniawan

a) Chemistry Education of Post graduate, Medan State University, Indonesia, *ekindwinike[at]
b) Lecturer in Chemistry Education of Post graduate, Medan State University, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the feasibility of guided inquiry green chemistry practicum developed based on the results of standardization and the opinion of expert validators. This research used the Development Research method with the development of the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations). The sample in this study were 3 chemical practicum guides of class XI that have been circulating. The validator in this study were 6 chemistry teachers, and 2 chemistry lecturers at Medan State University using developed BSNP-based validation questionnaire. From the results of the teacher and lecturer validation of the chemistry practicum guide developed showed that the guided inquiry green chemistry practicum guide is very feasible to use as a practicum guidebook, which the result of the analysis to four practical guiding components is in average value of 4.78

Chemistry practicum guide, green chemistry, guided inquiry, Feasibility Test, BSNP

Curriculum, Research and Development



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Siti Hazizah Siregar


Research is research into the development of vocabulary assessment instruments. Development of vocabulary assessment instruments in the education field is very much needed. Because with the development of vocabulary assessment instruments in learning, will help the assessment process in learning in schools. Developing instruments must pay attention to the indicators that have been set. In developing an assessment instrument, each basic competency must be translated into indicators. The indicator can be further developed into a bill that can measure student performance. Language acquisition requires a lot of vocabulary and adequate forms of grammar. Vocabulary as one of the Indonesian language learning materials in schools occupies a very important role as the basis of student mastery of mastery in Indonesian language subject matter and mastery of other subjects. The development of information-based vocabulary assessment instruments is packaged in the form of assessment guidelines. Development of information-based vocabulary assessment instruments aimed at writing explanatory text material. Explanation text is a type of text that explains the logical relationship of several events. Explanation texts explain or explain the natural and social phenomena. In the explanatory text there is a text structure, the structure includes, general statements, explanatory sequence, and interpretation.

development; instruments; assessment; information; explanation

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Instruments for Creative Thinking Skills Tests on Momentum and Impulse for High School Students
Mawarni Saputri; Togi Tampubolon; Eva Marlina Ginting; Rajo Hasim Lubis

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Mawarni Saputri

Universitas Negeri Medan

The purpose of this study is to find out the steps for developing instruments and characteristics of creative thinking skills test on momentum material and impulses. The research subjects were students of class X IPA 1 Cut Nyak Superior High School Dhien Langsa who had received momentum and impulse material. The type of research used is research and development (R&D). The research conducted refers to the development of a product in the form of a creative thinking skills test instrument. Before the test instrument for creative thinking skills was tested on students, expert validation tests were carried out first. The subject of product development consists of content or material experts, instrument experts, and linguists. The data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive analysis techniques. The conclusions obtained after the research are the process of developing creative thinking skills test instruments for physics lessons at Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa High School through several stages, namely the analysis of requirements and characteristics, stages of designing or designing grids and questions, product validation stage, and trial stage product; The characteristics of the test instruments for creative thinking skills developed were declared valid with high interpretations, reliable with very high interpretations, and the level of difficulty and differentiation were classified as good; The creative thinking skills of Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa High School students in class X are classified as good (creative).

Development, Creative Thinking Skills Test

Education and Research Global Issue


Development Of Integrated Mobile Learning Media Problem Based Learning In Chemical Equilibrium Materials at UNIMED Chemical Education Study Program
Nora Santi(1), Zainuddin Muchtar(2), Ajat Sudrajat(3)

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Nora Santi

a) Magister of Chemistry Education Study Program, postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan North Sumatra, Indonesia, Corresponding email: Nora Santi.ns[at]
b) Department of Educational Chemistry, State University of Medan, Medan 20221, indonesia

ABSTRAK This study aimed to understand level of feasibility of learning media mobile learning for special topic of chemical equilibrium; and to know the differences of the improvement learning outcomes of students is problem based learning in learning chemical equilibrium studied by using media of Mobile Learning developed with power -point. It used R & D method (Development Research) with model ADDIE. Sample selection using purposive sampling technique. The population in this study were college student S-1 of semester II of chemistry education study program taking elementary chemistry courses even semester 2018/2019 at State University of Medan. The sample in this research are two classes in the basic course chemistry of FMIPA UNIMED department semester 2 which have 25 students for each class. The research instruments are motivation questionnaire and objective test. Data were analyzed using descriptive method and statistical analysis with independent sample t-test. The result showed that: (1) the developed learning media of Mobile Learning was categorized with feasible to used but still needs to be revised and developed, (2) there was the difference improvement learning outcomes of students (N-gain of students) for special topic of chemical equilibrium that learned using media of Mobile Learning which had been developed in experimental class I was found higher than that in experimental class IIwith power-point media (74% > 63%).

Mobile Learning, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Chemical Equilibrium, students Achievement

Curriculum, Research and Development


Mardimpu Sihombing, Julaga Situmorang, Harun Sitompul

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Mardimpu Sihombing

Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine: (1) the feasibility of interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash CS6, (2) the effectiveness of the use of interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash CS6. This research is a development study developed with the Dick and Carey Development Model combined with Borg and Gall. The analysis requirements with the lilliefors test are fulfilled. The results showed (1) the geography material expert test was very good (97.05%), (2) the learning media expert test was very good qualification (89.18%), (3) the learning design test was very good (94%) , (4) Individual tests are in very good qualifications (94.81%), (5) Small group tests are in very good qualifications (96.10%), (6) Field tests are in very good qualifications (94.81%) . The results of learning geography prove that there is a significant difference between using interactive multimedia based on Adobe Flash CS6 and power point. Shown with the results 31.08> 26.58, &

Learning Outcomes, Interactive Multimedia Adobe Flash CS6

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Interactive Media on subjects of Arabic Language at Mts Darul Hikmah Desa Teluk Meku Langkat
Nurul Amri, R. Mursid, Ibrahim Gultom

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Postgraduate Program
state University of Medan
Medan, Indonesia

This research aims to know (1) the development of adobe flash-based interactive media quality in Arabic as well as subjects worthy of use in learning (2) the effectiveness of the use of the adobe flash-based interactive media in the process of learning the Arabic language (3) knowing the results of learning Arabic grade VIII material read using interactive media. This research was conducted at MTs Darul Hikmah Desa Teluk Meku Pangkalan Berandan Langkat. Research on the development model used is the Dick and Carey model. For sample research trials of individuals as much as 3 students, small groups of trials as much as 9 students and a sample test as many as 32 students. Trial results are obtained from the learning design expert 2 people, 2 people, media expert and 2 expert material. The results showed (1) adobe flash-based interactive media quality on subjects of Arabic and decent used in learning with a value of Fvalue = Ftabel > 4.43 = 4.02, (2) use effective interactive media used in the process learning Arabic with a value of Fvalue = Ftabel > = 4.42 4.56, (3) the results of learning Arabic grade VIII with the material read using interactive adobe flash media is higher than the results of student learning using media powerpoint learning.

Adobe Flash-based Interactive Media, Power point

Education and Research Global Issue


Development of Interactive Multimedia Digital Storytelling in English Subjects
Juanda, Abdul Muin Sibuea, R Mursid

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Juanda Juanda

Postgraduate State University of Medan

This study aimed to determine the feasibility of digital interactive Digital Storytelling and to know the effectiveness of multimedia interactive Digital Storytelling on student English learning outcomes. Type of this research used development research from Borg and Galls product development model that combined with Dick and Carey learning development model. The stages of this study are divided in to stages of needs analysis. Digital Storytelling (design) learning media planning stage. Develop and test phase. The results of this study indicated (1) the test of English language material experts is very well qualified (87.50). (2) the learning media expert test is in very good qualification (81.07 ). (3) the learning design test is very good qualified (88). (4) individual trials are in very good qualifications (94.81). (5) small group tests are very good qualifications (96.09). (6) field trials are very good qualifications (98.57). The results of hypothesis testing prove that there are significant differences between student learning outcomes that do not use Interactive Multimedia Digital Storytelling with those using Interactive Multimedia Digital Storytelling. This is indicated by the results of processing data t count = 5.84. at the significance level = 0.05 t table = 2.75. It was concluded that Interactive Digital Multimedia Storytelling was developed to be feasible and effective to improve learning outcomes in English.

Results of Learning English, Interactive Multimedia Digital Storytelling

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Interactive Multimedia in Learning to Read Genre Text with Local Wisdom for Students Junior High School Silangkitang
Nurhapni Handayani Optapia Siregar (a*), Abdurahman Adisaputera (b), Amrin Saragih (b)

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Nurhapni Handayani Optapia Siregar

Universitas Negeri Medan

Interactive multimedia is a collection of several media such as text, images, audio, video, and animation that are interactive that are used to convey information. Multimedia is the use of several media to present information. This combination can contain text, graphics, animations, images, videos and sounds. Current technology, however, allows educators and students to integrate, combine and interact with media that goes far beyond what was before. Students understanding of a text in learning is very important in the learning outcomes that will be generated in the learning process. The relevance of reading the description text is closely related to local wisdom. The use of local wisdom themes in reading material means raising local values in students understanding. This local value will show the identity and identity of the Indonesian people. The development of interactive multimedia is focused on reading material based on local wisdom genres. research that will be conducted by researchers reading the genre of text based on local wisdom will be raised on instructional media in the form of interactive multimedia as an independent teaching medium for students so that the basis of local skills can be raised through teaching media and can be applied in learning activities both through interactive multimedia that is developed or by the teacher.

development; multimedia; local wisdom; reading

Curriculum, Research and Development


Fadhilah Latief (a*) Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S. (b) Dr. Ir. Nurfajriani, M.Si (b)

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Fadhilah Latief

a) Department of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia

The aim of this study are to find out whether the chemical teaching materials used in school have met the BNSP standard, to know the level of eligibility of development of interactive web-based teaching materials using eXe-Learning media on Hydrocarbon material, to know the influence of interactive web-based instructional materials application using eXe-Learning media on Hydrocarbon material to students interest, activity, and learning result. This research is a development research referring to ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data collection techniques consist of four stages, namely introduction, product planning and design, product validation, and testing. Data analysis techniques are qualitative and quantitative descriptive using t-test.

interactive web-based teaching materials, eXe-Learning media, research and development, hydrocarbon

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Interctive Multimedia on Understanding The danger of Drugs Abuse to Students in Langsa
Al Azharsyah (a*), Budi Valianti (a), Novita (a)

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Al Azharsyah

a) Sport Education, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan
* coklatmaroon[at]

Adolescence is a period of increasing curiosity about something. This great curiosity makes teenagers want to try new things without knowing the positive and negative impact. The rapid development of technology also does not limit a person in interacting with anyone and does not rule out the possibility of falling into promiscuity and then getting interested and trying drugs. The impact of drugs for adolescents includes being irritable, mental disorders, reducing discipline, also lacking passion. These impacts can hinder students understanding of learning even interfere with other students. Based on the results of the National Anti Narcotics Agency (BNN) survey in 2018, drug addicts in Aceh reached 73,201 people, including teenagers. For this reason, it is necessary for teachers to provide an understanding the dangers of drugs to students so those students avoid the dangers of drugs and the learning process becomes effective and conducive. A key to achieve understanding in students is through the use of interactive multimedia. Interactive multimedia is a multimedia that is equipped with a controller that can be operated by the user, so users can choose what they want for the next process. Examples of interactive multimedia such as robots, games and others. Interactive multimedia learning can facilitate the teacher in explaining and facilitating students in understanding learning to be in tune with the times of technology-based.

Interactive Multimedia, Drug.

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Knowledge Based Water Play Activity Model to Train Fine Motorics Children Aged 3-4 Years
Riska Putri Pengarapenta 1), Anita Yus2), Naeklan Simbolon3)

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Corresponding Author
Riska Putri Pengarapenta

State University of Medan

This study aims to: (1) determine the effectiveness of knowledge-based water play activities models in fine motor training for children aged 3-4 years based on indicators of childrens fine motor skills and (2) to measure the feasibility of knowledge-based water play activities models in training fine motor skills children aged 3-4 years are measured based on childrens play activities and the childs response to water play activities. This research method is the research and development (research and development) Borg and Gall (1987) which has the aim to develop and validate the product. Through research and development, a product of a proper and effective water play activity model was used to train fine motoric children aged 3-4 years. The results showed that children who were categorized as having fine motor skills were 21 people (84%) while those who did not have fine motor skills were 4 people (16%). Based on the results of this acquisition, the group (classical) can be said that the child has fine motor skills. The results of research on childrens activities obtained an average percentage of childrens activity at the interval of effectiveness limitation criteria, thus it can be concluded that water-based activities based on proper knowledge are used to train fine motoric children in terms of childrens activities in play. The results of the research on childrens responses to play activities showed that all indicators of childrens response effectiveness were above 80% and thus it could be said that all aspects received positive responses from children. This means, if viewed from the childs response, the implementation of water play activities is said to be feasible to train the fine motor skills of children aged 3-4 years.

Model Playing With The Water By Based Science, Smooth Motor

Teachers Education Model in Future


Development of Learning Devices Based on PBM Models to Improve Students Communication Ability and Disposition of Mathematics in the Tritech Informatics Field School of Medan.
fitriani sitopu1, Sahat Saragih2, Hasratuddin3

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fitri ani sitopu

Pascasarjana UNIMED

This study aims to: 1) Find effective devices in mathematics learning developed based on the PBM model; 2) Finding improvement in students mathematical communication ability using learning tools based on PBM model; 3) Finding an increase in students mathematical dispositions using learning tools based on the PBM model; 4) Finding student responses to learning devices developed based on the PBM model; 5) Finding the process of answers made by students in solving students mathematical communication questions. This research is a development research using the development model of Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel (4D). The first trial was conducted in class XI TKJ-1 and the second trial was conducted in class XI TKJ-2 SMK Tritech Informatika Medan. The results of the first trial and trial II were obtained: 1) learning devices fulfilled effectiveness, effective in terms of a) classical learning completeness of students; b) achievement of learning objectives; and c) learning time; 2) improvement of students mathematical communication ability using learning tools based on the PBM model, in the first trial 73.83, and increased in the second trial 86.67; 3) achievement in the position of students in trial I 69.5 increased 74.17; 4) student responses to the components of the learning device and learning activities are positive; 5) the process of answering students in trial II is better than trial I.

Problem based learning (PBM) model, mathematical communication ability, mathematical disposition, development of learning devices, and 4-D model.

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Development of Learning Devices Based on Realistic Approaches to Increase Students Mathematical Reasoning in SMP Negeri 6 Medan
Melisa; Hasratuddin; Sahat Saragih

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melisa melisa

universitas negeri medan

This study aims to: (1) To describe validity devices at learning developed using realistic approach on subject ratio, (2) To describe practical devices at learning developed using realistic approach on subject ratio, (3) To describe effective devices learning that was developed using a realistic approach on subject ratio, (4) To describe enhancing students mathematical reasoning skills using learning tools developed by the realistic approach to the material ratio (5) To describe the process of solving the answers made by students in solving questions of ability of punishment. The type of research used in this study was to use a modified 4-D development model . In this study compiled learning devices and instruments, lesson plan, work sheet, teacher book, student book, tests the ability of reasoning and Self efficacy . Tests performed on a class VII-1 as many as 30 people and VII-k as many as 30 people in SMP Negeri 6 Medan. Data analysis techniques in the development of learning devices used descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The results showed that: (1) The validity of the learning device according to a team of experts is valid (2) Genuine learning meet practical criteria that assessment of experts and practitioners devices based learning realistic approach developed in general and can be used with little revision and The ability of teachers to manage learning is an average of 3.70 in good category (3) Learning capabilities meet the effective criteria, namely to classical completion reaching 86.6 % , achievement of objectives namely 80%, 75.8%, and 75% , resp on students to the defenders obtained an average of 90,59 %, and learning time does not exceed the usual learning time. (4) Improvement of mathematical reasoning skills using problem-based learning tools that have been developed seen from the N-gain value which is 0.44 in the category of "moderate", (5) the process of student answers in completing tests of mathematical reasoning ability in trial II is better than the trial I.

Development of Learning Devices, Learning Based on Realistic Approaches, Mathematical Reasoning , Self-efficacy of students

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Development of Learning Devices Based on Realistic Mathematic Education to Improve Mathematical Communication of Students at Senior High School
Karina Hajar Hutasuhut, Hasratuddin, E. Elvis Napitupulu

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karina hajar hutasuhut

State University of Medan

This research is intended to describe: 1. validity, practically and effectivity of devices which is developed by using RME; 2. Enhancement of students mathematical communication which used teaching and learning devices developed. It used 4-D model which consists of four stages: defining, designing, development and disseminate. The subject is grade XI of Senior High School 1 Barumun Tengah. The result of test I and II showed that (1) Teaching and learning devices developed is valid both in terms of content and construct; (2) Teaching and learning Devices developed was easily used seen by students dan teachers response; (3) Teaching and learning Devices developed is effective, seen by students mathematical communication; (4) an increase of students mathematical communication is 5,25

Learning Devices, Realistic Mathematic Education, Communication

Teachers Education Model in Future


Development of Learning Materials Based on Problem Based Learning to Improve Students Problem Solving Ability of SMK Swasta Ar-Rahman Medan
Poppy Amalia (a*), Asrin Lubis (b), Hasratuddin (b)

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a) Mathematics Education, State University of Medan
Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan 20221, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Mathematics Education, State University of Medan
Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan 20221, Indonesia

This study aims to: 1) Produce qualified learning materials which is developed based on Problem Based Learning for class XI SMK Swasta Ar-Rahman Medan; 2) Analyze the improvement of students mathematic problem solving ability which is learned using Problem Based Learning materials. This research is a development research using the Thiagarajan 4-D development model. Trials of learning materials based on Problem Based Learning were conducted three times to obtain quality devices. The first trial was conducted in class XI TKJ 1, the second trial was conducted in class XI TKJ 2 and the disseminate stage in class XI AK. From the results of the study obtained: 1) Problem Based Learning based learning materials that are taught have good quality at the stage of dissemination; 2) The ability to solve mathematical problems learned by using Problem Based Learning devices is increased during the disseminate stage.

Problem Based Learning; Mathematical problem solving ability; Development of learning materials; 4-D models

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education



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Corresponding Author
Ahmad Dahlan Siregar

1Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, Nort Sumatera, Indonesia
2State University of Medan
*Corresponding Author: ahmaddahlan26[at]

This study aims to: (1) produce appropriate Compact Disc (CD) learning products according to material experts, media experts, design experts and users, (2) find out the usefulness of products through the completeness of student learning outcomes. This research is research and development that uses the Dick and Carey model. The development procedure includes the analysis, design, validation, final product stages. In the analysis and design phase, a survey was conducted in the field to analyze student needs. The design stage is tailored to the needs of learning activities. The development stage, the validation of material, media, design and user experts then revised the product. The implementation phase in class VII of SMP Negeri 35 Medan in 32 students. The results of this study are as follows. (1) Learning CDs are declared feasible based on the results of material expert validation with a score of 91.83, media experts with a score of 91.69, design experts with a score of 90.24, with very good categories and users declaring 100% with criteria strongly agree (3) Effectiveness of Learning CD proven by improvement student learning outcomes from 59.58 to 69.06. Student responses generally respond positively.

Compact Disc, problem based learning, Craft

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Learning Modules Writing Fable Story contain the value of Character using Electronic Newspapers ( E-Paper Analisa Daily) in Class VIII YPI Middle School Amir Hamzah Learning Year 2018/2019
Sisi Rosida

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Corresponding Author
Sisi Rosida

Postgraduate Program, Medan State University

This study aims to obtain the Learning Module Writing Character Fable Story Texts Containing Character using Electronic Newspapers (Daily Analysis E-Paper) and also to find out: (1) How to compile learning modules writing story texts with characters using electronic newspapers (e-paper analysis daily ), (2) How is the feasibility of the learning module writing fable text stories with character, (3) How is the effectiveness of the learning module in writing story texts with character-filled fables. The results showed that: (1) the validation of material experts included the feasibility of filling 93.38%, the feasibility of presentation 97.12%, the feasibility of character loading 96.87%, the feasibility of language 94.23%, (2) validation of design experts with an average average of 91.25%. (3) Trial of individual groups of 85.00% (4) Small group trials 91.44%, (5) Tests of field groups are limited to 94.99%, (6) Effectiveness of modules improves student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes based on pretest and posttest showed a difference of 24.25% with an average pretest of 66.75% and an average posttest of 91.00%. Thus, the Learning Module Writing Character Fable Story Texts using Developed Electronic E-Paper (Daily Analysis E-Paper) is feasible to use in the learning process as a learning resource.

Development, Module, Writing, Character, Electronic Newspaper

Curriculum, Research and Development


Janri Mahasan Sihotang (a), Sanusi Hasibuan (b), Albadi Sinulingga (b)

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Janri Mahasan Sihotang

Postgraduate Students in Physical Education Medan State University

The purpose of this study to produce a product in the form of a game module containing Ludo games with text-based media for elementary school children, so that it can complement the existing learning at this time. This research was conducted in several Private Primary Schools in Medan Johor Subdistrict, with a number of small groups in this study were second grade students at W.R. Supratman 2 and Sriwijaya with 12 students who have the characteristics of the age range of 8-9 years. The subjects in the large group in this study were W.R. Supratman Primary School Medan with the number of students in each school totaling 24 students. This study used the Research & Development (R & D) development model. The final result of this development research is to produce a product in the form of a game module that contains ludo games with text-based media for elementary school children. In conclusion, this development research can complement existing learning, so that students can be more effective in learning, meaning completeness in increasing effectiveness or convenience for students in mastering the basic locomotor material, efficiency, meaning the completeness of learning assistance, where with minimal cost and time so that maximum results can be obtained in mastering locomotor basic material, interesting, meaning it is a completeness of learning that has an attraction so students can be motivated to use it.

R & D Development, Locomotor Base Motion, Ludo Games

Curriculum, Research and Development


Rizka Putri Rahayu (a*), Ani Minarni (b), Zul Amry (b)

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Rizka Putri Rahayu

(a) Faculty of Mathematic Education, State University of Medan
Jl. Williem Iskandar, Medan, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Mathematic Education, State University of Medan
Jl. Williem Iskandar, Medan, Indonesia

The purpos study are to produce mathematical learning tools that are valid, practical and effective through Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model to improve mathematical communication skills of VII grade students of Jabal Noor IT Middle School. Specific objectives in this study are to: 1) produce mathematical learning devices that are valid, practical and effective to be used in the teaching and learning process. 2) to improve students mathematical communication skills using learning tools developed based on the PBL model. This research is a development research developed with a 4-D model, namely defining, designing, developing, disseminating. Learning devices. Learning models developed in this study include the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Student Book (BS), Student Activity Sheet (LKPD). In addition, researchers have also developed research instruments that consist of tests of students mathematical communication learning abilities. After being analyzed using learning tools it can be concluded that there is an increase in students mathematical communication skills, where the average increase in mathematical communication skills of students from trial I and trial II in the trial I is 0.48 points with an increase in mastery of learning in 23% classics

Development of Learning Devices, Problem Based Learning Model (PBM), Mathematical Communication Ability

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Development of Mathematical Learning Devices Through Geogebra-Assisted Problem Based Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of High School Students
Nurmillah Br Sembiring, Asmin , Edy Surya

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Nurmillah Br Sembiring

Postgraduated program of state universty of Unimed

This research is a study of the development of learning devices. This study aims to analyze how the validity, practicality and effectiveness of mathematics learning tools through Geogebra-assisted problem-based learning are developed and analyze how to improve students mathematical problem-solving abilities after being taught using the developed learning tools. The products produced in this study are learning implementation plans, teacher books, student books, and student activity sheets. The development of this learning device uses a 4D development model developed by Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel which consists of four stages, namely, define, design, develop, and disseminate. This research was conducted in two trials in two different classes, namely class XI MS 1 and XI MS 2 in SMA 1 Kabanjahe. Data from the results of this study were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study show that: (1) learning devices developed meet all validity criteria, both content validity and construct validity; (2) learning devices developed meet all practicality criteria, seen from: a) validator assessment and b) implementation of learning devices; (3) learning devices developed meet all effectiveness criteria, viewed from: a) completeness of student learning outcomes, b) student activities, and c) student positive responses; (4) students mathematical problem solving abilities increase using the learning tools developed. Increased students mathematical problem solving abilities seen from the results of the post-test trial I and trial II.

Development of Learning Device, Problem Based Learning, Problem Solving Ability, Geogebra

Transformative Learning and EducationalLeadership


Development of Mathematical Learning Tools to Improve Representation Ability Based on Think Pair Share Models Assisted Virtual Manipulative
Faradilla Bafaqih; Dian Armanto; Elvis Napitupulu

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Faradilla Bafaqih

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to: (1) Determine whether Think Pair Share (TPS) learning tools developed in grade VII of SMP Negeri 11 Medan are valid, practical, and effective. (2) Knowing whether students mathematical representation ability through the use of learning tools can be improved. This type of research is a research development using the 4D model. The subject in this study was a learning kit that was developed consisting of student books, lesson plans, student activity sheets, mathematical representation tests. The research subject is class VII. Data was collected in the form of instruments, namely validity sheets, questionnaire sheets, and tests. The results of the study obtained a valid, practical and effective learning device. (1) Validity is shown from 5 validators, the average for student book is 4.30; lesson plans is 4.13; LAS 4.03; The results of this validation indicate that the device developed is suitable for use (fulfilling the criteria of 3 &

Learning Tools, 4D Development Model, Representation Ability

Education and Research Global Issue



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Aisyah Aisyah

Physics Education, Postgraduate State University of Medan

The study aimed to determine the valid, practical, and effective levels of the media based Augmented Reality learning to Blended Learning on the physics lesson. Research conducted is a type of research and development or Research and Development (R & D). This Learning Media development Model uses ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation, Evaluation) adapted from Branch. The Penleitian population is all students of Lubuk Pakam subdistrict. The subject of this study is the subject of the validity and subject of learning media implemation. The data collection techniques in this study are observations, interviews, and polls, while the data analysis techniques used in this study are quantitative data analysis and qualitative descriptive. The results of the analysis stated that the learning media of Augmented Reality for Blended Learning was valid, practical, and effective in good category.

ADDIE Development research, Media of Learning, Augmented Reality, Blended Learning

Education and Research Global Issue


Development of Moodle E-Learning Media in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Nur Aulia Khairani; Juniastel Rajagukguk; Derlina

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Nur Aulia Khairani

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to produce moodle e-learning media that is feasible to use as a medium for learning the physics of geometric optical matter. The main problem is in the current era of industrial revolution 4.0, teachers as the front guard in the world of education are able to improve competence in facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0. One of the demands is that the teacher must be able to develop learning media according to the industrial revolution 4.0 as developed in this research, namely moodle e-learning media. This type of research is Research and Development and the development model used is the model of the development of 4-D. The instruments used in this study include learning device instruments and data collection instruments. The results of the study are that it has moodle e-learning media that is suitable for use as a medium for learning the physics of geometric optical matter

Development, Moodle, E-Learning Media

Education and Research Global Issue


Development of Multimedia Lectora Inspire Integrated Problem Based Learning On Carbohydrate Topic for Program Study Agrotechnology Students
Nuraini(1), Murniaty Simorangkir(2), Saronom Silaban(2), Erwin Pane(3)

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Nuraini Nuraini

(1) Department of Chemistry Education on Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, Indonesia.
(2) Lecturer in Department of Chemistry Education on Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan,
(3) Lecturer in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Medan Area,

A standard learning material can be designed as a learning media to facilitate the learners with complete information from the right sources and can be accessed anytime and be able to facilitate the learner to learn independently. This research was aimed to provide a multimedia Lectora Inspire integrated Problem Based Learning (PBL) on carbohydrate topic to be used as a learning media in the teaching and learning activities for Program Study Agrotechnology Students in UMA. This research type was Research and Development method that used ADDIE. Development of multimedia lectora inspire integrated PBL in the experimental class I while the learning media that used in Program Study Agrotechnology was used in the experimental class II. Data were analyzed using descriptive method and statistical analysis with independent sample t test. The experimental class has fulfilled the requirement for normality and homogenity test. The results showed that: (1) learning media by used in Program Study Agrotechnology on carbohydrate topic is feasible to used but needs to be developed; (2) multimedia that have been developed by using Lecora Inspire integrated PBL on carbohydrate topic is very feasible to used and appropriate to the standard SNPT integrated feasibility of media computer interactive and PBL (3,75; 3,48; and 3,38); (3) students achievement in experimental class I was found higher than that in experimental class II (0,74 > 0,64).

agrotechnology, carbohydrate, lectora inspire, multimedia, problem based learning.

Curriculum, Research and Development


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