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1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.16 for 1 days in Magelang |

Page 11 (data 301 to 330 of 470) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Prototype Design of Automatic Plant Watering Equipment with Soil Moisture Detection System Based on Arduino Uno Microcontroller "Case Study of Chili Plant"
Aswin Rosadi (a*), Ahmad Fauzan (b), Winarno(c)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

Computer Engineering Lecturer, Engineering Faculty, Muhammadiyah of University Surabaya

Indonesia is an agrarian country, and most of the populations livelihood is in the agricultural sector. One of the results of agricultural commodities is chilli. The chili is a vegetable commodity that cannot be separated from the daily needs of the community. In the process of planting chili plants, water requirements greatly affect the growth of chili plants. However, along it was with the occurrence of delays in watering, especially in the dry or hot season. Watering chili plants based on soil moisture was one way to treat chili plants properly. Using the arduino uno microcontroller was as the main controller for the automatic chilli watering program. The program received input from the sensor soil moisture. The soil moistures were a sensor that worked to determine soil moisture, so when the soil was under certain humidity conditions it can water the chilli plants automatically.

Automatic watering plants, soil moisture, arduino uno, chili

Electrical Engineering


Psychological Impact of Child Development on Conflicts between Gunung Jaya and Sampoabalo Village, Buton of Regency
M Ulfa (a); R S Sadif (b); W O Husniah (c); Unhaluddin K (d); L.M.H. Adan (e); Isra Miranti Aim (f);

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Corresponding Author
Maria Ulfa

(a-c) Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jalan Betoambari No. 36, Baubau, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton
(d) Department of Accounting, Faculty of economy Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jalan Betoambari No. 36, Baubau, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton
(e) Student in Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jalan Betoambari No. 36, Baubau, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton

The environment is one of the factors that influence the establisment of behaviour. This study aims to determine and describe the psychological impact of childrens development on conflict areas. This study uses a phenomenological approach with qualitative descriptive methods. The research sites are in two villages, Sampoabalo and Gunung Jaya, Siontapina District, Buton of Regency. Data collection using triangulation techniques. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the conflict between the villages of Gunung Jaya and Sampoabalo is very bad, not only felt by children, but also affects adolescents, adults and the elderly (elderly). The effects of this conflict deeply traumatized the trauma of all residents in the two villages. If there is no sustained trauma recovery assistance, it will create feelings of resentment, both for children and adults who have not been treated with a sense of trauma.

Child Development; Conflicts



Psychological Well Being Description of Working Student in Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
Dewi Kamaratih (a*), Sri Wahyuni Jamal (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dewi Kamaratih

a) Psychology Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, no. 15, Kota Samarinda, 77111, Indonesia
b) Management Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, no. 15, Kota Samarinda, 77111, Indonesia

Individuals who work then continue their education in college not only workers who go to college to get a high position in the company, but among them there are also some students who work to finance their education. For some students, adjusting to campus life can cause unpleasant feelings. The result is negative reactions such as shame, boredom, loneliness, and depression. This situation can have an impact on individual assessment of psychological well-being while participating in activities on campus. This study aims to look at the description of psychological well being in working students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach. The data collection uses an adapted Ryffs Scale of Psychological Well Being measurement tool. Participants involved in this research were 120 students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur who attended lectures while working. The results of this study indicate that the majority of respondents (70%) have low psychological well being scores. Difficulties faced by students who work often make these students easily stressed, causing a decrease in academic achievement due to difficulty dividing time between lectures and work, lack of rest time, and having limited time to engage in campus activities.

Psychological Well Being; Working Student; College Student



Public Services in the Borobudur Temple Area Village: An Asymmetrical Standard
Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi*, Fatma Fauziah, Suharso, Habib Muhsin Syafingi

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Corresponding Author
Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi

a) Faculty of Law, Magelang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Jalan Mayjend Bambang Soegeng km.5, Magelang 56172, Indonesia

Village Government in the Borobudur Temple area is demanded to implement good governance as a form of support for the Government of Indonesias nawacita program. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the principles of good governance in administrative services in the Borobudur Temple area. The approach used in this study is the socio legal research approach by examining the principles of good governance and their application in society. The results showed that there were no service standards in every village in the Borobudur Temple area. In addition, the principles of participation, accountability, and transparency in Good Governance have not yet been applied in the region. Borobudur District Government must strive for standardization of public services in order to prioritize services for tourists visiting the Borobudur Temple area.

Public Services; Borobudur Temple; Good Governance in Indonesia



Luluk Rosida and Intan Mutiara Putri and Dewi Kurniasari

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Corresponding Author
Luluk Rosida

Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta Indonesia

Based on the results of the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas), in 2016 the Labor Force Participation Rate recorded 2.1 million people or 72.2% and women who worked as much as 57-67%, thus many women became career women (Statistics Center, 2016). Working women has their own dilemma because besides working women also must continue to perform their duties and responsibilities as a mother, one of which is to continue to provide exclusive breastfeeding. Public Support or work environment support is one of the determining factors for the success of exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers, this is because the Government and many companies in Indonesia have not provided full leave allowance but only for up to 3 months. Many companies do not provide special time for their employees to breastfeed or express milk at their workplaces, flexibility in working time and duration of leave affect the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Besides providing space and tools three times better influence in supporting exclusive breastfeeding. The Government has regulated Public Support in Government Regulation No.33 of 2012 paragraph (2) concerning provisions regarding exclusive breastfeeding program support at work carried out in accordance with company regulations between employers and workers / laborers, or through a joint work agreement between trade unions / unions laborer with businessman. In paragraph (3) the management of the workplace is explained and, the organizer of the public facilities must provide special facilities for breastfeeding and / or milking in accordance with the conditions of the companys capabilities. The purpose of this study is to look at how public support for the success of exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers, especially in Yogyakarta City Government. The results of the study show that public support is highly related to the success of exclusive breastfeeding.


Health Science


Bakar Djibat / Faujia Umasugi

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Corresponding Author
Faujia Umasugi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

This study aims to analyze the management of quality schools in the city of Ternate with the application of TQM, which is to maintain the quality of schools maintained and the process of quality improvement remains controlled. That is why there must be an agreed school management standard. This condition has encouraged the emergence of new approaches in managing schools, namely improving quality by empowering all available resources so that school goals can be achieved. Problems that occur in the centralized system, the center is very dominating the educational decision making process (school). Regions and schools only carry out various policies that are not necessarily in accordance with students learning needs, school conditions, and even parents expectations. Through the eight parts of TQM, namely ethics, integrity, trust, leadership, teamwork, training, appreciation and communication, it is hoped that success will be obtained in its activities. The role of the principal is very decisive because he must be able to develop, train and apply the eight parts of the TQM into the implementation of the program in schools. The application of TQM without an ethical foundation, integrity, and moreover trust is futile. The correct application of TQM in schools in the city of Ternate is expected to obtain good quality work, create a comfortable atmosphere, share mutually beneficial knowledge, and get awards according to its performance.

school management; total quality management



Quick of Blood relationship with Intradialisis Hypertension
Fitri Suciana (a)*,Daryani (a),Cahyo Pramono (a),Fahrudin(b)

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Corresponding Author
Fitri Suciana

a) andhikazka[at]
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Klaten
b) Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten

Quick of Blood (Qb) is one of the factors that has a relationship with the incidence of intradialisis hypertension and other hemodynamic changes. Quick of blood is the amount of blood flowed in units of minutes (ml / minute) that can be adjusted to the patients condition. Giving Qb which is getting higher will have an impact on the occurrence of intra and post HD complications. This paper want to know what is Quick of Blood (Qb) cause Intradialysis Hypertension in intradialisis patient? This type of research is quantitative with analytical survey design. The research used was cross sectional design. The population was paients who had two times haemodialisis for a week. The result is Quick of Blood (Qb) Haemodialysis patiens in Rumah Sakit Islam Klaten mean result 230,8050±31,77 ,Intradialysis Hypertension haemodialisis patients mean result 3,5000±3,50.There is a relationship between Quick of Blood (Qb) with intradialysis hypertension.The Conclusion is there are relationship between the Quick of Blood (Qb) with Intradialysis Hypertension in hemodialysis patients at Klaten Islamic Hospital.

Quick of Blood (Qb), Intradialysis Hypertension, Haemodialysis Patient

Health Science


Rabbani Characters Building in Pesantren Al-Islam Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia
Muhammad Hambal Shafwan (a*), Din Muhammad Zakariya (b)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Fazlurrahman Hadi

a) Department of Isalmic Education, Post Graduate, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Jalan Sutorejo 59, Surabaya 60113, Indonesia
b) Department of Isalmic Education, Post Graduate, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Jalan Sutorejo 59, Surabaya 60113, Indonesia

This research aims to reveal the character building in the Pesantren al-Islam Lamongan, The method used in this reseach was qualitative. The results of this research are as follows. Firstly, the character building in the Pesantren al-Islam Lamongan was based on the ideas presented by the kyais and the management as formulized in the khiththah of the pesantren namely to have a rabbani generation with faith and sincerity, good morals, high spirituality, wide knowledge insights, healthy and strong physical condition, and readiness to make some propaganda about Islam. Secondly, the implementation of ẖalaqah in Pesantren al-Islam may be classified into two categories. (1) ẖalaqah taklim, intended to give some insights to the santries on the right aqidah and the correct worship. The employed techniques of the halaqah implementation were bandongan, sorogan or the combination of the two. (2) ẖalaqah tarbiyah, intended to build santries to become muslims with noble morals and with some awareness and spirits of teaching and of struggling Islam. The technique of the ẖalaqah implementation is to give materials of tazkiyat al-nafs accompanied with amaliah ibadah sunnah, and teaching and harakah materials and also guidance in reciting the Holy Quran and in guiding the characters.

Rabbani, Characters Building, and Pesantren.



Readiness Analysis of Higher Education Accreditation Data
Ardhin Primadewi(a); Mukhtar Hanafi(b); Dimas Sasongko(c); Agus Setiawan(d); Endah Ratna Arumi(e); Sunarni Sunarni(f); Setiya Nugroho(g); Emilya Ully Artha(h)

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Corresponding Author
Ardhin Primadewi

Engineering Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Jl. Mayjend Bambang Soegeng
Mertoyudan, Magelang

The globalization era of Industry 4.0 makes e-business a benchmark for the development of higher education governance. Higher education as one of the educational products prioritizes convenience, speed, safety and comfort in service. The implementation of e-business planned systematically and directed can increase the capacity and competitiveness of universities. Accreditation of Higher Education is one of the parameters of university success in increasing capacity and competitiveness. University Accreditation is also a mechanism to ensure quality and quality assurance in higher education. This research using comparative functions, mapping and hamonization functions to be able to know the depth of information. These three concepts can look for gap analysis related to university accreditation data. This study confirms the availability of data on university information systems as a major factor in university accreditation. In particular, this research ensures what data is not yet available, while data is the top priority. The standard used in this study is 9 standards BAN-PT. Furthermore, mapping is carried out according to business processes and data entities that are mapped vertically and horizontally. The data used in this study are data on the universitys information system OLTP database (as many as 40 tables from 368 tables). The results of this study are the certainty of data that still does not exist and must be pursued immediately to complement university accreditation. From the results of horizontal and vertical mapping, it can be seen that data is not available if the data is not directly connected to the service.

Accreditation Higher Education, BAN-PT, Readiness analysis

Information Engineering


Real Time Optimization of Low Temperature Shift Converter of Carbon Monoxide in an Industrial Ammonia Plant
Silvya Yusnica Agnesty*, Hilman Hasrun Niam, M. Agung Wahyudi, Meli Yulyana, Tun Sriana

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Corresponding Author
Silvya Yusnica Agnesty

Polytechnic of Energy and Mineral Akamigas

The main goal of this work is optimize low temperature shift converter (LTS) of Carbon Monoxide (CO) in an Industrial Ammonia Plant considering life time of the catalyst in that converter. Shift converter is a reactor to convert CO into carbon dioxide. CO in ammonia plant comes from steam reforming process that convert natural gas into hydrogen gas. This process will also produce CO gas, where CO gas is toxic to the catalyst in ammonia syntesis reactor and also able to oxidize Fe in ammonia synthesis, that is the reason why CO is one of component that can interfere the ammonia gas manufacturing process. To prevent this, the CO gas purification process needs to be done, one of the method is using shift converter process. From the optimization of several operating conditions in low temperature shift converter, a relatively strong correlation is found between flow rate feed and average temperature bed catalyst with the lifetime of the catalyst. The optimization result show that the optimum flow rate feed in LTS is 2754,49 m3/day and average temperature bed catalyst is 224°C. Operating at the proposed optimal condition increases life time of the catalyst about 8,02% per year.

Shift Converter; Life Time Catalyst; Catalyst; Ammonia Plant

Chemical Engineering


Achmad Hariri

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Corresponding Author
Zulhilmi Rizki Filhaj

Faculty of Law Universit of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

The Role of Local Government for realizing prosperous state is very important, it-s because Indonesia has the concept of a unitary state and chose the principle of decentralization, which the central government entrusts the government arrangement to the regional government known as autonomy of regions, but in the implementation of regional autonomy it is very difficult to avoid the corrupt practices by unscrupulous local officials, even the practice of corruption has become a scourge for local governments. The main factor that causes is the role of the internal supervisors of government it has not strength, even in their existence as a subordinate regional governance. The problem in this case is how about the strategic method to reconstruct the governance supervision system in the regions. The results in this study are to reduce the occurrence of corruption in local government carried out by strengthening the local government supervision system, several strategic steps include; First, the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus must be strengthened by law. Second, The role of Regional House of Representative (DPRD) must be returned as the concept of the tries politica by Montesque, namely as controlling the local government in order to realize Check and Balance. Third, Public Participation must be involved because it has an important role to prevent corruption in local government, because in a democratic state without public participation it will be difficult to realize good local governance.

Supervisory Law, Local Government, Good Local Governance



Reduction of Hyperlipidaemia using Combination of Mimba Leave (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss), Curcuma Zedoria, and Curcuma Mangga Val.van Zip.
Mirah Rejeki (a*)

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Corresponding Author
Agus Ulinuha

a) The Department of Hospital Administration
STIKes Kusuma Husada Surakarta
Jaya Wijaya ST No. 11 Kadipiro, Banjarsari, Surakarta 57136 Indonesia
* miraulin[at]

The trend of current life style has lead people to have unhealthy eating habbit. This may cause medical problem such as hyperlipidimia that is the main reason of heart disease. Heart disaese is the main cause of dead and the trend of its prevalence indicates an increment rate. The high level of cholesterol and triglyceride are the major cause of heart disaese and the pragmatic solution of this problem is consuming some medicines. Long term consumption of medicine may result in another medical problems. Due to this reason, herbal medicines will be prospective choice. It gives fundamental recovery since it restores cells to again normally work. Therefore it may give permanent recovery. In addition, the negative effect of herbal medicine is minimum. This paper discusses use of herbal combination of Mimba Leave, Curcuma Zedoria, and Curcuma Mangga Val.van Zip. for reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The herbs are prepared in its original materials in a precision dosage by boiling with pure water. Application of this herbs in a patient indicates a significant reduction of triglyceride from 679 mg/dL to 120 mg/dL in 3 months. Combination these herbs with nutraceutical will simultaneously recover the problems.

Herbs; Hyperlipidaemia; Heart Disease; Triglyceride



Regional Cooperation: Selfishness and Necessity
Ardhana Januar Mahardhani (a), Sri Suwitri (b), Soesilo Zauhar (c), Hartuti Purnaweni (d)

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Corresponding Author
Ardhana Januar Mahardhani

(a) Doctoral Programme of Public Administration, Diponegoro University
(*)e-mail: ardhana[at]
(b,d) Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponegoro University
(c) Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University

Regional cooperation among local government is a must for the efficient management of public administration. The state has been implementing regulations on such cooperation. However, there are regions which reluctant to cooperate, especially with the adjacent areas. This paper is a literature review study that aims to reaffirm the importance of cooperation among regions, focused on the Selingkar Wilis region in East Java Province. Selingkar Wilis consists of 6 regencies (Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Madiun, Nganjuk, and Kediri). These areas are provincial strategic areas which will be developed into a new tourism destination. Moreover, according to the preliminary study there are some problems hampering such cooperation, due mainly to regional selfishness. Therefore, this paper shows various regional cooperation models that aims to illustrate the cooperation among regions. These efforts are a must for the better development management among Selingkar Wilis areas.

regional cooperation, cooperation models, regional selfishness

Government Studies


Relationship between Linguistic Intelligence and Students- Attitudes toward IT Usage with Writing Ability
Agrissto Bintang AJi Pradana*, Athia Fidian

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Nowadays people cannot be separated from IT use. For academic purposes, IT devices and services provide flexibility in accessing information. However, in writing activities, students- linguistics intelligence type may become a predictor which influences their ability. This prior research aimed to investigate the relationship between students- linguistics intelligence and their attitude toward IT usage in the learning process with their writing ability. It was conducted in the writing classes in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. It assigned 26 students as respondents. Questionnaires and test were administered to gather the data. They were analyzed using Multiple Regression Test. The results showed that value of sig. was 0.303>0.05. Then, F count stated 1.257<3.408. Hence, There was no relationship between Linguistics Intelligence and students- attitudes toward IT with their writing ability.

Attitudes toward IT, linguistics intelligence, writing ability

Learning Technology


Religiosity, Status Consumption, and Materialism in Hijab Fashion Consumption. A Study: Millenial Hijab Women in Indonesia
Erina Citra Ilmy (a), Sri Daryant(b)*, Ira Iriyanty(c)

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Corresponding Author
Sri Daryanti

(a) Islamic Business, Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia.
(b) Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia.
(c) Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia.

Email: sri.daryanti[at], erina.ilmy6[at], i.iriyanty[at]

Fashion has become a lifestyle in appearance that can reflect self-identity. Nowadays, Muslim women having more conscious of their self-image and social identity, which affects their consumption, one of which is hijab fashion. Hijab fashion represents the image of Muslim women who carry a message obedient as religious orders but also looks fashionable. On the other hand, consumption of fashion clothing also has an implied purpose to show someones social status because it is considered as a public consumption good. Thus, hijab fashion has a potential relationship with materialism and status consumption. The purpose of this study is to determine factors that influence fashion consciousness on hijab fashion consumption and it-s relationship to religiosity, status consumption, and materialism. The sample of this study consist of millennial hijab women in Indonesia. This study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for data processing methods. The results show that dressing style, fashion motivation, sources of fashion knowledge, fashion uniqueness, materialism, and status consumption positively influence fashion consciousness. While religiosity significantly moderating the influence of a whole factor that effects fashion consciousness against fashion consciousness, except for materialism and the source of fashion knowledge factors. Meanwhile, fashion consciousness has positively affects the hijab fashion consumption.

Hijab Fashion, Status Consumption, Materialism, Religiosity, Hijab Fashion Consumption

Religious Studies


Achmad Husaen Sastra Negara, M.Pd

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Achmad Husaen Sastra Negara

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Indonesias educational goals are still limited in emphasizing the academic aspect. This paper tries to provide a conceptual idea to offer a paradigm of religious character as the main base of education in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to find out the strategy of a plan on how to a play religious character. The research used analytic descriptive, which use the theories of experts on character education. Then, an analysis is carried out in order to find the point of effectiveness of the strategies of planting religious characters that are necessary to be used in education. Until the research was condactied, it was obtained that the strategy for a plan religious characters could use several strategies; (1) Moral knowing / learning to know, (2) Moral loving / moral feeling, (3) Moral doing / learning to do.

Education, Religious character, Indonesia

Religious Studies


Religious-Socialistic of Land Ownership in Muslim Countries
Ridwan and Muhammad Fuad Zain

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Corresponding Author
Ridwan Ridwan

Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto
Email: ridwan[at]

This paper aims is to analyze the land ownership in Muslim Countries by religious socialism, that is fair and equitable based on religious, spiritual ethics value. The religious dimension of land ownership is used to distinguish the system of ownership of the socialistic school based on the philosophy of materialistic law. The data of this article is referring to the source of the Islamic literature as the basic concept of land ownership law in Islam and the practice of land law in several Islamic countries. The results of this study show three arguments; first, juridical-normative argumentation by proposing a theory of trusteeship and inheritance, stating that the earth and its contents belong to God who controlled by the state as the representation of the public interest. Second, historical argumentation by proposing historical evidence on the policy of legal reform of land ownership which is reflected in various state policies to regulate the procedures for acquisition, designation, land use and legal relations between people and their land to represent the principle of land social function. Third, the framework and practice of land law in various Muslim countries is based on two legal values, namely socialistic and religious.

religious socialism; land ownership; Islamic law; regulation; land reform

Religious Studies


Residual Velocity and Kinetic Energy of the Ballistic Simulations Test on Hardened Medium Carbon Steel Plate
Helmy Purwanto (a*), Muhammad Dzulfikar (a), Mohammad Tauviqirrahman (b), Imam Syafaat (a), Muhammad Arifin (a)

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Corresponding Author
Helmy Purwanto

(a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang – Indonesia
(b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang – Indonesia
* helmypurwanto[at]

Ballistics testing is the study of collision phenomena between projectiles and target material. Simulation with finite element is one alternative to ballistic testing that can provide detailed numerical data and specific. Validated simulations can be used as a reference for improving projectile resistant material in addition to the results of experiments test. These papers presents the effect of austenization temperature and quench media in the S45C steel plate on the residual velocity of the projectile and kinetic energy after being fired blunt projectile at a speed of 303.5 m / s with simulation base on finite element. Material data was obtained from the results of an experimental test of S45C steel plate thickness 8 mm which was austenization at 700, 800, 900oC which was quenched in water and oil media. Validation of simulations is carried out with past research. The simulation results show that the steel plate is austenization 900oC with treatment on the quench oil media can withstand the projectile better, with a projectile residual velocity of 234.46 m / s, with projectile kinetic energy of 1346.8 Joule.

Ballistic simulation, steel plate armor, austenization, quench media, hardening

Mechanical Engineering


Reverse innovative design and manufacturing strategy for optimizing production time of customized orthotic insoles with CNC milling
P.W. Anggoro, A.A.Anthony, M. Tauviqirrahman, J. Jamari, A.P. Bayuseno

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Corresponding Author
paulus wisnu Anggoro

Department of Industrial Engineering
Faculty of Industrial Technology
University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Jl. Babarsari 44, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia.

Reverse innovative design (RID) of insole shoe orthotics for patients with diabetes and the manufacturing strategy in optimizing the production time of the insole were examined in the present work. The plantar surface of the feet from two female patients was scanned using a 3D scanner yielding a 3D mesh foot for each patient resulting in an STL file format. The geometric shapes of the 3D models of the feet were fitted very well using curve based surface modeling (CBS-modeling) for insole orthotics design and integrated with CAM (computer-aided manufacturing). Optimization of the manufacturing time was simulated in CNC milling with the Taguchi approach. The manufacture of the optimal insole design was achieved at the optimum machining parameters such as tool path strategy with raster machining, spindle speed of 15000 rpm, feed rate of 900 mm/minutes, and step over about 0.30 mm. The optimal design of the orthotic insole has the geometric tolerance of 0.75 mm for patient 1 and 1.50 mm for patient 2. The optimal machining time for the insole of patient 1 is 227.48 minutes and 241.65 minutes for patient 2. These valuable data are needed for the real manufacturing process in CNC milling

CNC milling; Insole shoe orthotics; RID; CBS-modeling; Taguchi methods



Rhythmic Gymnastic Development as Media Learning to Increase Basic Movement in Elementary School Student
Jeane Betty Kurnia Jusuf (a*), Nanda Alfian Mahardhika (b), Andri Tria Raharja (c), Julianur (d), Januar Abdilah Santoso (e), Galih Priyambada

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Corresponding Author
Jeane Betty Kurnia Jusuf

a, b, c, d, e, f) Department of Physical Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
Jl. Juanda No.15, Sidodadi, Kec. Samarinda Ulu, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75243

This study was conducted in Islamic Centre Elementary School of Samarinda that the childs rough motor skills were not optimal based on the preliminary observation. The purpose of this research was to identify the rough motor skills of students before and after the rhythmic gymnastics activities, and the application of it to improve rough motor of the students. The sample was from the upper class of Islamic Centre Elementary school. The method was Classroom action research (CAR) which consisted of two cycles. Classroom Action Research methods included: Planning, acting and reflecting. The data collection techniques were used observations and performances. The results revealed that the rough motor skills of children after applied two cycles used rhythmic gymnastics activities obtained the value from 51% -75% of the number of children entering in the BSH. Thus alternative hypothesis was accepted, it means that rhythmic gymnastics activities can improve the students- rough motor skills.

rough motor skills, classroom action research, rhythmic gymnastics.



Risk Control Analysis of Distribution Operations in LPG Storage Using FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) Method
Agus Sutanto (a*), Eva Faza Rif-ati (b), Nabila Indira Indrianti (a)

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Corresponding Author
Astrie Kusuma Dewi

Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Cepu 58315, Indonesia

Risk is a probability of occurrence beyond the unexpected events in any human activities and could become a disadvantage. Distribution operational in LPG storage, various activities will cause danger and hazard that can inhibit the distribution operational. These hazards can have an impact on productivity, the risk of cost, time, and damage to the system. To decrease that impacts, a risk management system is required, including the identification, assessment, analysis, and control of possible risks. Risk management makes an effort to manage risk by using a combination of two tools, the risk assessment method, and the FTA. All risk potential from distribution operation is identified and analyzed by using the risk assessment matrix, whereas the resulting risk prioritized outcomes have identified the source of the cause using the FTA method and described structurally. From the results of the analysis, 21 risk variables were classified into 1 type of activities with 5 sub- items of equipment used in the distribution activities. The most critical level of risk is the potential for fire, LPG leakage, pump components damage, and distribution obstructed.

risk assessment; FTA; hazard; LPG storage

Mechanical Engineering


Risk Management in the Local Government of Indonesia: drivers, conditions, and strategies
Oktaviani Ari Wardhaningrum, Kartika, Hendrawan Santosa Putra

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Corresponding Author
Hendrawan Santosa Putra

University of Jember

Risk management is an emerging issue in the Indonesia government. This study seeks to reveal why and how risk management applied in local government. A case study conducted at the Banyuwangi Regency Government, which was one of the initiators of risk management in Indonesia. In-depth interviews conducted with 19 participants from three work units, namely the Public Works Agency, the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency, and the Inspectorate. Data analysis uses the constant comparative method with NVivo. The results show that the development of risk management triggered by regulations, preventing corruption, and synchronizing with risk-based audits. There are obstacles such as no specific teams to handle it, the risk of knowledge and awareness not evenly distributed in all work units, and there are no coercion rules for work units. Implementation of risk management in local governments requires the right strategy.

risk management; local government; risk-based audit; prevent corruption

Government Studies


Rock Slope Stability Analysis Using Slope Stability Rating (SSR) Method in Landslides Prone Area of Nupabomba Village Donggala
Muslimin U. Botjing(a*), Nunik Rezkiarti Janat(a), Teguh Hilmansyah(a), Asrafil(a), Zubair Saing(b)

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Corresponding Author
Faujia Umasugi

(a)Faculty of Engineering Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia

(b)Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara, Ternate, Indonesia
E-mail: muslimin[at], zubairsaing[at]

Nupabomba village roads frequently undergo landslides, so that detain transportation access flow pattern as a result of rock slope stability problem which has become the landslides trigger. Furthermore, to find out landslides prone area slope stability level, an analytical study using scientific approach is required to reveal this question in the study area. The slope elevation in this area is ± 75 meters, with an average slope angle of 60o, where its lithology consists of Schist, Greenschist, Filite, and Granite. Some of these rocks have different weathering levels (e.g., slightly - high weathering) and there are lots of discontinuity. Moreover, its geological strength index (GSI) value showed around 15-75 with the surface shape of blocky and disturbed. Besides, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) value was obtained based on the compressive strength carried out in the field, and slope stability rating (SSR) values have gained the range of 9-81.

Rock Slope Stability Analysis; Slope Stability Rating

Civil Engineering


Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir as a Model of a Colportage that Improves the Prosperity of the Community Based on the Religious Literacy
Naqiyah Naqiyah, Abdul Wachid Bambang Suharto, and Supriyanto

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Corresponding Author
Naqiyah Naqiyah

The Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Humanities,
Purwokerto State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Purwkerto), Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

The Faculty of Dakwah
Purwokerto State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Purwkerto), Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

Taman Baca (Colportages) in Indonesia, are institutions that are designed to enhance the reading tradition for Indonesians. According to UNESCO, the reading enthusiasm of Indonesian is ranked the second lowest of the 61 countries studied in 2016. Rrecently, there have been increasing number of Colportages in Indonesia for example the Kandang Jurang Doank Library (West Java), on boat library (in South Kalimantan), and the Library for Blind people (Medan). In additon, there is the Wadas Kelir Creative House (Purwokerto) that not only focus on reading services and improving creativity, but also empowering the community through creative industry based on religious literac The purpose of this study is to understand the empowerment achievements and their implications. This is a qualitative research with a snowball sampling method and with triangulation data collection techniques (observation, documentation, and interviews). Finally, I concluded that the Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir has succeeded in increasing the welfare of the community and has broad implications not only for volunteers and the surrounding community, but also to the wider community to various regions in Indonesia. So, that it can be used as a model of a colportage that can improve the prosperity of the community.

Community empowerment, Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir, Volunteers, and literacy

Religious Studies


Fety Khosianah

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Corresponding Author
Fety Khosianah

Fakultas Psikologi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

According to recent Indonesian statistics based on report from Ministry of Women-s Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia at Juli 2019, over 1.500 cases of child sexual abuse are reported. There are a lot children are becoming a victims of child sexual abuse. Experiencing child sexual abuse is frequently associated with negative effects on children. Many people agree that schools are at capacity in terms of taking on initiatives, so determining how to protect children and keep them safe. Within this context, school became a key location for the delivery of primary and secondary prevention as they were become centres for education, included the whole child population and were places where children were at risk. This paper describes research conducted with child sexual abuse prevention program operating in the school. Data are based on survey administered to identified child sexual abuse prevention program at some elementary school at Surabaya Indonesia.

child sexual abuse; sexual abuse prevention program; personal safety skills; child protection; school based prevention program



Science Process Skills and Teacher Professionalism in Elementary Schools
Irham Nugroho1*, Akhmad Baihaqi1, Muis Sad Iman1, Tohirin1

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

1 PGMI Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
*email: irham_nugroho[at]

Classroom teachers have the essential roles for the success of the teaching and learning process in elementary schools (SD/MI). One of it is reflected by the quality of science process skills to construct students understanding, and it has a strong relationship with teacher professionalism. The study aims to analyze the relationship between science process skills and teacher professionalism. The descriptive quantitative method is used in this study with observation, group discussions, and questionnaire for the data collection. The results indicate that the science process skills have a positive correlation with teacher professionalism. It can be measured by four indicators, namely pedagogic, personal, social, and professional competence. Furthermore, the association of science process skills is demonstrated by observing, inferencing, classifying, interpreting, predicting, and communicating. Therefore, the good of science process skills will boost teacher professionalism.

Process Skills; Science; Teacher Professionalism



Science Technology Integration With Islamic Values: Empowering Education Model
Moch. Charis Hidayat, Sokhibul Arifin, Asrori, Rusman

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Moch Charis Hidayat

Islamic Education Department, Faculty Of Islamic Studies, Muhammadiyah Surabaya University, Indonesia

Dichotomous view of science and technology with the religious consequences on ambivalence in the Islamic education system. On one side considers the issue of Islamic educational institutions muamalah not the main areas to be assessed; while on the other hand, the modernization of Islamic education system will need to enter the general education curriculum. This resulted in a shift in meaning that religious subjects only a legitimacy to achieve the goal of a modern education system as well as a gap between the Islamic educational system with the teachings of Islam. Therefore, the integration of Islamic values into science and technology in the learning process is a necessity to improve the quality of Islamic education are still lagging behind. Through this integration, the universality of Islamic values will underlie the development of science and technology and also the continuity of the educational process. Integration efforts are expected existence of Islamic educational institutions more effectively implement transformation of Islamic values into science and technology so that the implementation of the educational process can bring benefits to the welfare of mankind as a whole as well to eliminate the negative effects of science and technology as the basis for the modernization which is sometimes contrary to the values humanitarian, cultural and religious.

Islamic Education System, Islamic Value and Integration, empowering education model

Learning Technology


Scientific approach based textbooks evaluation: a content analysis of English Textbooks on reflective teaching
Umi Rachmawati

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The implementation of scientific approach on English language teaching faces its challenges due to the nature of English language teaching as a foreign language. The use of Textbooks prepared by the education ministry is expected to be able to provide effectiveness and flexibility of the teaching to achieve the learning goals. The principles of reflective teaching cannot be seperated from the process of English language teaching. This study is aimed at evaluating the Textbooks freely provided by the ministry of education, so called BSE. A content analysis study was done to see the implentation of reflective teaching in the textbooks. The principles of reflective teaching and the foreign language teaching and learning are considered on the Textbooks. The Textbooks evaluated were English Textbooks for grade 7, 8, and 9. The findings present the surface level of reflective teaching. The reflective process are both in the middle of the book and the end of the book. The reflection is move on the students evaluation of their learning materials achievement and less on their character building aspect. The results of the study are expected to be the Textbooks evaluation for the betterment of the books and so with the English teaching and learning process.

EFL, reflective teaching, textbooks



Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-A Condition of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) Catching Area in Ternate Island Marine Waters
Umar Tangke(a), Frentje Dusyan Silooy(b), Rochmady(c), Zubair Saing(a*)

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Corresponding Author
Faujia Umasugi

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara, Ternate, Indonesia
(b) University of Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(c) Wuna Agricultural Science University, Raha, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
E-mail: zubairsaing[at]

Skipjack tuna is one pelagic fish that always migrates for a condition with relevant oceanographic factors for their survival, particularly for optimum sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a. This study conducted with the experimental fishing method from June - November 2018 in the waters of Ternate Island in observation of the optimal condition of oceanographic factors, mainly SST and Chlorophyll-a in the distribution of skipjack tuna. Employing a polynomial regression analysis, the research results show that the sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a parameters are strictly related to the distribution of the amount of skipjack tuna caught with correlation coefficient value (r) respectively of 0.646 for sea surface temperature and 0.565 for chlorophyll-a. The optimum temperature for the skipjack tuna in the waters of Ternate Island according to the research results ranges from 27.0oC - 30.9oC, while the optimum condition of chlorophyll-a is higher than 0.2 mg/m3-0.35mg/m3, and it seems that every increment of chlorophyll-a content in water indicates an increase of the amount of skipjack tuna catch.

Sea Surface Temperature; Chlorophyll-A Condition ; Skipjack Tuna

Environmental Engineering


Searching for Meaningfulness: How Islamic Education Impact Personal Life Student of Senior High Schools
Istania Widayati Hidayati, Subur, Akhmad Baihaqi, Afga Sidiq Rifa-I, M. Tohirin, Mujahidun

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Senior high school students have diverse backgrounds; some of them have a strong base in the religious field; some do not. Besides, the learning of Islamic Education (IE) in SMAN uses the 2013 curriculum in contrast to IE learning in Islamic boarding schools. This study aims to explore the meaningfulness of IE learning for senior high school students broadly. This study uses a qualitative approach with deep interview as a method of collecting data. The subjects of the study were students of class XII of SMAN IV, Magelang city. The results indicate that IE in SMAN IV of students life comes from an understanding of affective religious material, not merely cognitive, family support and teacher exemplary. The students life enjoyment has challenges in the millennial era, where visual information impacts the internalization of values and ideology.

Meaningfulness, Islamic Religious Education, Teenager



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