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Abstract Topic: Biology Education

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Problem-Based Learning (PBM) and Blended Learning in Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Student Learning Activities in Biochemistry Courses
Yennita, Alif Yanuar Zukmadini

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Yennita Yennita

S-1 Pendidikan Biologi
FKIP Universitas Bengkulu

This study aims at improving students critical thinking skills and student learning activities in biochemical courses. The efforts in improving critical thinking skills are carried out by applying the problem-based learning model using “blended learning” method. Blended learning method is implemented by integrating the face-to-face learning with online learning into the syntax of problem base learning. Face-to-face learning is done in the classroom, while the form of online learning is done by utilizing internet facilities and online discussion forums. This type of research is categorized as a classroom action research with quantitative descriptive research methods. The instrument used to collect data was a critical thinking test sheet and an observation sheet. The data of test results is done by calculating the percentage of critical thinking and determining the criteria. Data from observations of learning activities are also calculated using a range of values that appear and determine the criteria. The results showed that the percentage of students critical thinking skills in the first cycle was 52.29% (quite critical), while in the second cycle it increased to 64.43% (critical). The teaching activities of lecturers in the first cycle and the second cycle were 36 (good category). Student learning activities in the first cycle is 35 (good category) and in the second cycle is 34 (good category). The conclusion of this study is the application of problem-based learning (PBM) using the blended learning method can improve critical thinking skills and student learning activities in biochemical courses.

Problem Based Learning, Blended Learning, Biochemistry Courses, Critical Thinking Skills

Biology Education


Profile of Academic Competency of Biological Teachers Certified in Teacher Certification Program on North Maluku Province
Abubakar Abdullah (a*), Maruf Akbar (b), Suryadi (b), Sundari (c)

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Corresponding Author
Abubakar Abdullah

a) Postgraduate student, State University of Jakarta, Street Rawamangun Advance East Jakarta 13220. Indonesia. Email; *akidaabdullah73[at]
b) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Jakarta, Street Rawamangun Advance East Jakarta 13220. Indonesia. Email; maruf.akbar[at] Email; email: suryadi[at]
c) Faculty of Teacher and Training Education of Khairun University on Ternate, North Maluku, Babullah Airport St, Akehuda North Ternate city 19770. Email sundari[at]

The effectiveness of the teacher certification program in position can be evaluated using several indicators. One indicator that can be used as a measure of the effectiveness of teacher certification policies is the Academic competence of teachers. Descriptive research has been conducted which aims to describe the competency profile of Biology teachers who participated in teacher certification positions at PSG 130 Rayon Khairun University in 2014. The data are collected through documentation studies, namely the results of the UKA and UTN documents from the PLPG participants in the field of Biology. Data analysis techniques were conducted in quantitative descriptive. The results of this study indicate; 1) the competency profile of Biology teachers before participating PLPG in the 2014 is categorized as low (34.3); 2) the competency profile of Biology teachers after participating in the PLPG is categorized sufficient (57.1); 3) In general, there is an increase in the competency of Biology study teachers after attending the PLPG in 2014 with N-Gain 22.8. At present the average Biology teacher who has been certified has academic competencies that are able to adapt to the development of education in the 21st century.

competency, academic, certification, PLPG

Biology Education


Profile of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) skills prospective teachers
Yuyun Maryuningsih, T. Hidayat, Riandi, N.Y. Rustaman

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Yuyun Maryuningsih

SPS UPI, Tadris Biologi IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

ICT skills are skills that prospective teachers must possess. Smartphones owned by all prospective teachers allow smartphones to be applied in ICT-based bleended learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of ICT skills of prospective teachers through ICT-based learning on the concept of cell communication. ICT skills using the ETS framework ((Binkey et all, 2012) are measured in two ways, namely observation and self assessment on teacher candidates with the assignment of review articles. The results of the study show that prospective teachers are at the level of mastering independently for all ICT skill indicators, are basic, download, search, navigate, classify, integrate, evaluate, cooperate and create. This study can be concluded that prospective teachers have ICT skills as pedagogical skills.

nformation and Communication Technologies (ICT) skills , Student teacher candidates

Biology Education


Project-Based Learning to Enhance Students Awareness towards The Environment
R. Masdiana (a*), K. Kusnadi (a), A. Munandar (a)

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Rizki Masdiana

a) Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The research aims to enhance student-s awareness about the environment through project-based learning. In learning process students are expected to solve school environment problems of waste management . The study was conducted on the students of grade X, in one of the Vocational Schools in Bogor for 3 meetings. Students are given worksheet as a guide for designing waste treatment projects. The researcher used six stages according to Doppelt (2004), namely: 1) Design purpose; 2) Inquiry field; 3) Solution; 4) Choosing the preferred solutions; 5) Operation step; 6) Evaluation. Indicators of awareness for the environment used Dunlap and Liere (2000) instruments, including: 1) fragility of natural balance in the school environment; 2) ecological crisis in the school environment; 3) the reality of limited natural resources in the school environment; 4) Anti-anthropocentrism of students in the school environment; 5) rejection of exceptionalism.The results showed an increase of awareness towards the school environment with N-gain score category is medium (N gain= 0,41). Students also appreciate and maintain the school environment.

Awareness; Environment; Project based learning

Biology Education


Promoting connectedness with nature through environmental education in field trips framework
Ikmanda Nugraha, Lilit Rusyati

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Ikmanda Nugraha

International Program on Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

It has been noted that a positive human–nature relationship is important to prevent and counter environmental problems. Ecology and Environmental Sciences is one of the courses provided by science education program in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The course focused on knowledge and attitudinal outcomes to promote students connectedness with nature. The objective of this study to investigate whether environmental education provided by this course can help promote and sustain students connectedness with nature. With a pre- and post-test design, we assessed a comprehensive in two-day modules in a field trip framework, which included hands-on indoor (classroom) and outdoor (mangrove and marine ecosystem) using -Inclusion of Nature in Self- scale (INS) to monitor shifts in reported connectedness with nature. Twenty-three students (prospective teacher students) participated in this study. We found that participating in the course resulted in a robust short-term increase in connectedness with nature scale. Therefore, strengthening connectedness to nature is an essential factor to sustain an environmental education in the schools by providing science teachers who have a strong connectedness to nature.

connectedness with nature, environmental education, field trips



Prospective Biology Teacher- Pedagogical Content Knowledge On Respiratory System Material For Sustainable Development
E Hartadiyati 1,a), Wiyanto2, A Rusilowati2 and A Priyono3

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Eny Hartadiyati

1Department of Biology Education ,Universitas PGRI Semarang, Jl. SidodadiTimur No. 24, Semarang 50125, Indonesia
2Department of Science Education, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Petompon, Gajahmungkur, Semarang 50237, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to find out the concept of sustainability in the frame work of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) from prospective biology teacher in teaching the respiratory system. Data is collected qualitatively through documents of learning tools and observation video during the learning process. This study uses two prospective female biology teachers who were in their final year at the undergraduate level of Biology Education. The results reveal that candidates have the same knowledge about sustainable concepts, but their representation of understanding the concept of sustainability in PCK frame work is very different. This can be seen in terms of context, learning strategies, learning models, evaluations and out comes.

Frame work PCK, sustainability concept, respiratory system

Biology Education


Refining students-creative thinking through problem-oriented project-based learning and student team achievement division
Supratman 1.2*, S Zubaidah 1, AD Corebima 1 and Ibrohim 1

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Corresponding Author
Supratman Supratman

1 Biologi Education Study Program, Post-Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang No 5, Sumbersari, Lowokwaru, Malang 65145, Indonesia
2 Biologi Education Study Program, Universitas Samawa Sumbawa Besar, Jl. Bay Pass Sering, Kerato, Unter iwes, Kabupaten Sumbawa 84316, Indonesia

Abstract. One of the biggest calls for educators to take part in the 21st century learning is to make sure students equipped with creative thinking. To empower these skills, a variety of effective learning models can be implemented. The current study aimed to develop a learning model that has the potential to improve students- creative thinking by integrating Problem-Oriented Project-Based Learning (POPBL) and Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), hence called POPBLSTAD. Plomp design was used as the procedures for developing this product. It consisted of a preliminary investigation, design, realization/construction, test, evaluation, and revision. The model was examined through a quasi-experiment. The participants- creative thinking was evaluated based on five indicators: fluency, originality, elaboration, flexibility, and metaphorical thinking, using an essay test. The POPBLSTAD learning model was confirmed valid with a score of 3.47. The results of the ANACOVA analysis showed that the implementation of POPBLSTAD improved student creative thinking significantly. This finding suggests that POPBLSTAD can be used as an alternative learning model that is effective to refine student creative thinking.

Creative thinking, Problem-Oriented Project-Based Learning (POPBL), Student Team Achievement Division (STAD, Biologi learning

Biology Education


A Sukri1*, M A Rizka2, H G Sakti3 B S Wahyuni4, L M I H M Nasir5

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Akhmad Sukri

1) Department of Biology Education, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
2) Department of Non-Formal Education, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
3) Department of Educational Technology, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
4)SDN 1 Malaka, North Lombok, Indonesia
5)SDN Teratak, Central Lombok, Indonesia
*corresponding author : akhmadsukri[at]

The use of media in learning process is very important because the media not only serves as a messenger, but the media also influence thoughts, feelings, students willingness to learn, and students understanding. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of comics as a learning media based on green education on the learning outcomes of elementary school students in West Nusa Tenggara. This study was a quasi-experimental study using a 2 x 2 factorial design. Two sample schools come from Central Lombok and North Lombok are taken randomly with a total of 86 students from grades 4 and 5. The experimental class is given treatment by using green education-based comic media, while the control class uses conventional methods. The data of learning outcomes were collected through concept understanding test instruments then it is analyzed by using One Way Anova with the help of SPSS Version 21 software for Windows. The results showed that (1) student learning outcomes in the experimental class are higher than the control class (p = 0.001 <0.05), and (2) there were no differences in learning outcomes between grade IV students and grade V elementary school (p 0.06> 0.05). Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that the implementation of green education-based comic media can improve student learning outcomes and can be used for all grade levels, especially high-class in elementary school.

learning outcomes, green education-based comic media



Student discussion skill activities through lesson study
N Murniati (a*), Irwandi (2)

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Neni Murniati

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Jl. Bali, PO Box 118, Bengkulu 38119, Indonesia

Lesson study is an educator professional development program through collaborative and continuous learning based on the principles of collegiality and mutual learning. This lesson study activity aims to increase student discussion activities in the Microblogy course at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty Biology Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. This research was a classroom action research using 4 cycles. It used a qualitative design with a problem-based approach. The lesson study implementation phase were planning (Plan), implementing learning (Do) and Reflection (See). The topics chosen in the lesson study activities were (1) Bacteria (2) Fungi, (3) Protozoa, and (4) Viruses. The data collection used observation sheet observation of student discussion activities through lesson study activities. The data collected were then analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results of lesson study activities showed the increasing in skills activity to student discussions in microbiology courses at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. Continuous implementation of lesson study in the lecture process improved the professionalism of lecturers. Along with the increase in lecturer professionalism, it had an impact on the effectiveness of learning activities and improving the quality of education as a whole.

lesson study, discussion skill

Biology Education


Student Perception Of Biological Learning Activities Based On Information And Communication Technology
Deni Cendrianto (a*), Bambang Supriatno (b), and Amprasto (b)

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Deni Cendrianto

a) Student of Biology Study Program, Graduate School, Indonesia Education University, St. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b)Department of Biology Education, Indonesia Education University, St. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This preliminary research aim to give description about students perception towards biology learning activities based on information and communication technology. This research used quantitative survey research method with deep explanation. The data collection used questionnaire and interview. The statements in the questionnaire were open and close statements, which showed positive and negative perception with 4 point Likert scales. Numeric indices of appreciation of biology learning activities based on information and communication technology were determined using questionnaire information from 58 students in tenth grade. The result show that out of 58 respondents, most of the express positive perception towards biology learning activities based on information and communication technology. The students positive perception towards biology learning activities based on information and communication technology activity implies can made them become more active in learning, most students said they didnt like learning that only listened to lectures from teachers, they preferred learning activities that involved them actively in learning and that the use of gadgets in learning made them more active in learning. Based on the survey results (56.9%) students do not feel difficulties in using ICT when learning biology, this is because they are digital natives who are used to using digital equipment.

students; information and communication technology; biology education

Biology Education


Students Perception Towards Field Study Activity
Ari Permana (a*), Saefudin (b), Amprasto (b)

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Ari Permana

a) Student of Biology Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This preliminary research aim to give description about students- perception towards field study or about the reasons for students like or dislike field study activity which has been occured at schools and the potency to conduct field trip learning. This research used quantitative survey research method with deep explanation. The data collection used questionnaire and interview. The statements in the questionnaire were open and close statements, which showed positive and negative perception with 5 point-Likert scales. Numeric indices of appreciation of field study were determined using questionnaire information from 19 students in 12th grade. The result show that out of 19 respondents, most of them express positive perception towards field study with average indices = 57.06 (range 45.45 – 81.82; with standard deviation = 8.48). The students- positive perception towards field study activity implies can give impact toward field skills acquisition such as identification or classification skills, monitoring or sampling or survey skills, teamwork skill, and problem-solving skills in the field.

students- field study, fieldwork, field trip, biology education

Biology Education


Students- Achievement and Teachers- Perception on The Implementation of Lesson Study-based Cooperative Learning
Rusdi Hasan(a*), Marheny Lukitasari(b), Yani Ernawati(a)

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Rusdi Hasan

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
b) Universitas PGRI Madiun

Enhancing Students- Activeness and Concept Comprehension and Teachers- Perception on Teacher Quality Improvement through Lesson Study Rusdi Hasan, Nasral Tanjung and Yani Ernawati Dept. Biology Education, University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Indonesia Corresponding author: Abstract Lesson study (LS) originally developed in Japan with over a century is a form of teacher inquiry in which teachers in small groups undertake collectively a cycle of “plan-do-review/see” activities to improve pedagogy and so pupil learning and progress. LS has been practiced in many countries worldwide as well as developing countries in South East Asia region. This paper reported the implementation of LS on enhancement students- activeness in classroom and concept comprehension in biological class as well as teacher-s perception on improving their quality as LS applied. The study was employed in Senior High School Muhammadiyah 4 in Bengkulu located in Southern Sumatra of Indonesia. We used cooperative learning model in three cycles of LS practice of this study. Each cycle consisted of three steps i.e. Plan, Do and See. The results showed that students- activeness during LS in cycle I were 1.9% of excellent, 46.3% of good, 50.6% of fair and 1.2% of poor. The students- activeness were better in cycle II become 7.4% of excellent, 56.2% of good, 36,4% of fair and 0% of poor. In cycle III students- activeness rise to 11.7% of excellent, 71.6% of good, 16.7% of fair and 0% of poor. Students who had excellent and good categories collectively increases from 48% to 64% and 83 % in cycle I, II and III, respectively. In contrast, students who had poor activity decrease from 1% to nil in cycle I to the next cycle. LS made lesson process better and better and enjoyable by students. It was mirrored by student-s comprehension on biological concept in term of Reproduction in human in this study was increased from 64.2 to 75.8 and 82.7 in cycle I, II and III of LS, respectively. Those results reflected that LS implementation improved students- activeness on biology lesson and concept comprehension in biology. On the other hand, all teachers evolved in this study perceived that LS implementation can improve teachers- professional quality and promote teachers professional development. They strongly agreed that LS to be beneficial for them to become a better quality biological teacher.

biology, concept comprehension, lesson study, perception

Biology Education


Suci Siti Lathifah1, Siti Alpiah Ulfah2

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suci siti lathifah

Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi
Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pakuan

Quasi experiment method with pre- experimental, one group pretest-posttest design is used in this research. The research was conducted from March to June 2019 and aimed at finding out students- cognitive achievement on vertebrate learning material before and after using mind mapping. Population in this research is students of tenth grade MIPA in SMA Negeri 1 Cigombong academic year 2018/2019, with 32 students as experimental group. Data collection techniques used is multiple choice questions to find out students- achievement and questionnaire to measure response towards teaching learning process. The N-gain score for pretest and postest shows medium criteria of 56%. The average result of Pretest before using mind mapping learning material is 47 with cognitive achievement category considers as low. The average result of posttest after using mind mapping learning material is 77 with cognitive achievement category listed as good. On the other hands, teachers- response towards mind mapping learning material is positive, it can be seen from the result of the questionnaire score 94,3%. While students- response is 78% like the teaching learning process using picture media and 63% students like the use of group work, 66% students felt bored with identical learning source. It can be concluded that mind mapping learning material is effective in improving students- cognitive achievement.

Learning Material, Cognitive Learning Achievement, Mind Mapping, Vertebrate

Biology Education


Students- scientific articles writing ability based on lacertilia inventory results in the conservation area Bengkulu University
Bhakti Karyadi*, Annisa Puji Astuti**, Arsela Eko Listiono, Agus Sundaryono, Aceng Ruyani

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Corresponding Author
Annisa Puji Astuti

Program Studi Pascasarjana Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia

This study aimed to determine student ability to write scientific articles based on the results of an inventory of animal species from the Lacertilia suborder scattered in the conservation area of the University of Bengkulu campus. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research while the research method used is exploratory research method. Data collection techniques using VES (Visual Encounter Survey) modified with puposive sampling technique. The results of the inventory that carried out in the area have been found in seven types of reptiles (Sauria Sub Order) and were classified into four familli namely Gekkonidae (Gekko monarchus, Hemidactylus frenatus, and Hemidactylus platyurus), Scincidae (Eutropis multifasatae), Agamidae (Bronchocela cristatella, Draco volans), Varanidae (Varanus salvator) . The scientific article produced from research on the reptile inventory in the Lacertilia suborder was used as a source of learning in the course of Environmental Biology. From the writing of this scientific article, there are 7 indicators that indicate in good score, including the ability to write the basic framework of the article such as the title, identity, article components, abstracts, introduction, results and discussion, and conclusions with an average score of 3.08. Meanwhile, the ability to write in terms of writing procedures, writing research methods, and writing a bibliography has an average score of sufficient with an average score of 2.3.

scientific; articles; writing; ability.

Biology Education


Baiq Fatmawati

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Baiq Fatmawati

Universitas Hamzanwadi

The learning process has characteristics that reflect the interactive, holistic, integrative, scientific, contextual, thematic, effective, collaborative, and student-centered. This type of learning usually uses constructivist learning, one of them is Inquiry. Inquiry is a process to obtain and to get information by conducting observations or experiments to find answers or solve problems for questions or formulation a problems by using critical and logical thinking skills. The focus of this study aimed at knowing the new prospective teachers- inquiry ability. The Respondents were new prospective teachers of Hamzanwadi University. The research instrument was a student worksheet with the topic given "fotosintesis". Data analysis used descriptive statistical methods by calculating the score of each indicator of inquiry. The results of data analysis for each indicator were (1) problem formulation; 66. (2) Hypothesis; 50. (3) Design; 40. (4) Findings; 12. (5) Conclusions; 10. It can be concluded that the new prospective teachers- in their involvement still needed to be trained, guidance, and continues to be explored. Therefore, the students used inquiry to the next learning.

student-centered, konstruktivis, inquiry, new prospective teacher, fotosintensis



The achievement of 21st century students plant literacy through field trip implementation
Sariwulan Diana, Anna Nurul Alfiah, Febby Rizkamariana, Amprasto and Ana Ratna Wulan

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Corresponding Author
Sariwulan Diana

Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

A research about the achievement of 21st century students- plant literacy by field trip implementation has carried out, in which it aims to improve students- plant literacy. This study used an quasi-experimental method, non-equivalent control group design. This design includes a group of students observed in the pretest phase which is then followed by treatment with field trip implementation and ends with posttest. The same applied to the control group, which only did conventional lab. The 21st century plant literacy is critical thinking and problem solving regarding the concept of plant diversity. Field trip includes determining the aspects to be observed, carrying out observations and collecting data and discussion of results and reporting. Research instruments include a set of plant literacy questions and its rubric, worksheet for field trip students and its rubric, and questionnaire about student response to the implementation of field trip. There was a slight increase (N-gain 0.16) of students- plant literacy in the experimental class and the control class (N-gain 0.23). Although not significantly different from the control class, but the achievement of 21st century students- plant literacy have potential to develop through field trip implementation. All students respond positively to the field trip implementation.

Field trip, 21th century plant literacy, critical thinking and problem solving

Biology Education


The application of MBVI to identify students- biological - mathematical attitude in quantitative literacy- based ecosystem instruction
E Nuraeni, S A Soesilawaty, I Permana, S Rahmania

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Corresponding Author
Eni Nuraeni


This study aims to obtain information and to analyze the biological - mathematical attitudes of students in quantitative literacy- based ecosystem instruction. The research used a quasi-experimental design with 131 six grade students in two high school.. The Biological - mathematical attitude was obtained with the Math-Biology Values Instrument (MBVI) questionnaire and quantitative literacy was asses with multiple choice questions. The results shows that majority of students feel interested, feel the benefits and feel the importance of mathematical abilities in solving biological problems, and almost all students do not feel difficulties with mathematics in ecosystems instruction. Student very high interpretation and calculation abilities as well as high representation and analysis skills.

MBVI, biological-mathematical attitude, quantitative literacy, ecosystem

Biology Education


The consistency of the students arguments in the socioscientific issue about cloning on extinct animals, animal for sacrifice (Qurban) purposes and human
AL Alindra1*, A Widodo2, and T Rahman 2

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Corresponding Author
Afridha Laily Alindra

1Proram Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

2Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Argumentation plays an important role in the development of science which is not just finding and presenting facts, but building arguments and considering them, and debating various explanations about phenomena. The research aimed to capture the consistency of argument by students on socioscientific issues of cloning. Students have chosen purposively with the subject of 170 high school students from three high schools in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. This research uses a case study approach with a descriptive analysis to analyze student test results of argumentation. The consistency of argument consists of claims and reasons itself. The result shows the pattern of agreeing and disagree about cloning in 3 topics; 1) human, 2) animal for Qurban purposes, 3) extinct animals. The higher consistency showed disagree in topics 1&2 about 56,47% and consistency of reason for each topic are 1)religion 40%, 2) religion 57,6% and 3) science 83,5%. Then, the consistency of agreeing for all topics is 2,35% and disagree is 14,71%. This provides that, consistency in argumentation between topics of cloning is based on the context of phenomena, which is greatly influenced by science, religion, and social norms. It needs to be implemented to improved students argumentation in schools.

Consistency, Argument, Socioscientific, Cloning

Biology Education


The Course of Biology Learning Methodology: Are concept-based learning and drill method effective in enhancing higher-order thinking skills of students?
Lufri Lufri (a), Relsas Yogica (a), Arief Muttaqiin (b*), Rahmadhani Fitri (a)

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Corresponding Author

a) Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang 25131, Indonesia
b) Department of Science Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang 25131, Indonesia

Research in education is based primarily on the problems that have found in the field. The habit of memorizing the concept make the students- thinking skill is not developed. This research aimed to enhance the students‘ higher-order thinking skills through the Concept-Based Learning and Drill Method in The Course of Biology Learning. The concept-based learning leads students to know the basic concept and avoiding misconceptions, while the drill method is unique due to its characteristics, which make students think higher than before. Therefore, the combination of concept-based learning and drill method were applied in the course of Biology Learning Methodology as an attempt to obtain the positive effect of the strategy. A set of higher-order thinking skills questions were given at the end of the course. The implementation of concept-based learning and drill method in this course made students obtained a high score which the average classroom score was 77.87, classified as B+. Implementing the concept-based learning and drill method can be used as an alternative to help students in improving their higher-order thinking skills in Biology Learning Methodology course.

concept, drill, higher-order thinking

Biology Education


The Development Of Biology Instructional Media Based On Macromedia Flash From The Invertebrates Inventory Results On The Rats Island
N Anggraini (a*), D Jumiarni (b), and R Z Ekaputri (c)

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Corresponding Author
Nike Anggraini Anggraini

(a*)Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Srijaya Negara, Bukit Lama, Palembang 30128, Sumatera Selatan Palembang
(b)Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia
(c) Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia

This research aims to : 1) knows and inventory the types of invertebrates which is in the rats island; 2) development of biology instructional media based on macromedia flash for student high school to matter in the second semester class X for animalia subjek, 3) Know the quality of learning based media invertebrates macromedia on the assessment of the and teachers biology. This methods for invertebrates inventory on the rat island, withh a survey method, interview, and dexplorative description to another biota on the island. The development of product learning based macromedia flash, is R and D research ( Research and Development) with used the ADDIE Model ( Analysis, Design, Development and Production, Implementation, Evaluation). Based on the Research, there was any 18 Species from 6 phylum invertebrates. This is Porifera, Coelenterata, Mollusca, Vermes, Echinoderms and Arthropods. The results from analysis data with the survey, based on the validation of linguistic expert (86,4%), validation subject matter experts (483,9 %), validation of media expert (87,8%) the validator eligibility by teachers (84,5%) and the test of the students (86,04%) the result is very good criteria. Based on this percentage , it can be concluded that media biology media based on macromedia flash from the invertebrates inventory on the island of mice it is very appropriate used by teachers and students.

Invertebrata, Macromedia Flash, R and D, ADDIE

Biology Education


The Development of Ethnobotany Based Local Wisdom Learning Materials in Temedak Traditional Forest in Jambi Province to Improve Environmental Literacy and Creative Thinking Skills
Defita Permata Sari (a*), Siti Sriyati (b), Rini Solihat (b)

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Corresponding Author
Defita Permata Sari

Indonesia University of Education
Jl. DR. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154

Local wisdom of Keluru Village community for managing plant diversity in Temedak traditional forest could be internalized well through learning activity by using meaningful teaching materials in learning biology, especially those which related to biodiversity utilization and strategies in biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to develop teaching materials based on ethnobotany local wisdom in Temedak forest. The method in this study was descriptive qualitative. The design of teaching materials development used for ADDIE approach. The subjects in this study were the community and traditional leaders of Keluru Village. The instruments that used by the researcher for collecting the data were interview guides, field notes of observations, and the feasibility of teaching materials consist of content, graphics, presentation, and language based on the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). The results indicated that the development of teaching materials which included local wisdom showed good and feasible in terms of material with a value of 85.13% (valid) and also feasible in terms of graphics with a value of 88.98% (valid). The conclusion was ethnobotany based local wisdom teaching materials in Temedak forest could be applied in biology learning.

Ethnobotany, Learning material, Local wisdom, Temedak-s customary forest.

Biology Education


The Effect of Inquiry-based Science Learning on Students Level of Thinking
Insar Damopolii, Elya Nusantari, Daniel Dian Kristianto, Jan Hendriek Nunaki, Novri Youla Kandowangko

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Corresponding Author
insar damopolii

1Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Papua, Jl. Gunung Salju Amban, Manokwari 98314, Indonesia
2Departemen Biologi, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No 6, Gorontalo 96128, Indonesia

Student thinking in biology lessons has become the main focus of several recent studies. The research aims to reveal: (1) Differences in student level of thinking before and after the implementation of inquiry-based science learning; (2) Differences in student level of thinking before and after the application of conventional learning; and (3) differences in student level of thinking between students taught by inquiry science learning and conventional learning. Samples were 60 students in class X IPA SMA Negeri 2 Fakfak, West Papua. A total of 30 students in the experimental group, and 30 students in the control group. Data were collected using 9 items of students thinking ability test. To measure the thinking level of students, rubric 5 levels of SOLO Taxonomy are used. Data analysis were used Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney Test. The results of the analysis show that 29 students experienced an increase and 1 student remained at the level of thinking in inquiry-based science learning class (p <0.05), 13 students experienced an increase and 17 students remained at the level of thinking in the conventional learning class (p <0.05), and students who taught inquiry science learning has a better level of thinking compared to students in conventional learning (p, 0.05). We conclude that inquiry science learning has a better effect on the level of thinking of students than conventional learning. going forward, to improve students thinking skills, teachers can use inquiry science learning

Inquiry science learning, level of thinking, SOLO Taxonomy, Learning



The Effect of Local Primacy-Based Comic Media on Students- Conservation Attitudes
Akhmad Sukri(a*), Muhammad Arief Rizka (b), Hadi Gunawan Sakti (c), Baiq Muli Harisanti (d) Aulia Muti-ah (e)

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Akhmad Sukri

(a) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia.
(b) Department of Non-formal Education, Faculty of Education, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
(c) Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
(d) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
(e) Student Majoring in Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the implementation of local primacy-based comic media on students conservation attitudes. This research was a quasi-experimental that adopted and modified the design of separate sample pretest-postest designs. Two experimental schools, namely SDN 1 Gili Indah and SDN Teratak, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia were taken purposively with a total of 52 students. Data on student conservation attitudes was collected through questionnaires. The data were converted into percentages then analyzed using the paired and independent sample t-test. The results of this research showed that there was an effect of the implementation of local primacy-based comic media to students-conservation attitudes. However, the geographical location of the school did not have an impact on students- conservation attitudes.

Local primacy-based comic, conservation attitude

Biology Education


The Effectiveness of Atlas Media Based On Contructivist Approach in College to Improve Learning Outcome in Plant Anatomy
Mulyati, Lince Meriko

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Corresponding Author
Mulyati Rasyid

Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi. STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25137. Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Altas media based on constructivist approach towards improving student learning outcomes in Plant Anatomy. This study used a pretest and posttest pre-experimental design. Data were analyzed descriptively and statistically, namely analyzing observations of the ability of lecturers to manage learning, student activities during learning using atlas media based on constructivist approach abilities before and after using atlas media. The results showed that the atlas media was effectively used in learning with the ability of lecturers to manage 80.5 learning included in the excellent category and during collage activities 80.3 students studied included in the very active category. These results indicate that learning using atlas media is more effective in improving learning outcomes in plant anatomy.

Atlas Media, Activities, Plant Anatomy

Biology Education


The effectiveness of modified free inquiry strategies to enhance mastery of molecular biology concepts
Evi Suryanti(a,b*), Any Fitriani(a), Sri Redjeki(a), Riandi(a)

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Evi Suryanti

a) Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

This study aims to test the effectiveness of the modified free inquiry strategy in Molecular Biology. The quasi-experimental method used involves one experiment and one control group. Topics covered are DNA Isolation, Electrophoresis, and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Multiple choice objective tests have been used as data collection instruments. Statistical differences test shows that no significant difference in mean scores between the two groups on all topics, so it was concluded that modified free inquiry strategy was not effective in Molecular Biology especially on the topic of DNA Isolation, Electrophoresis, and PCR. The implication of this research is that the use of the modified free inquiry strategies can be supplemented with computer-based technologies such as virtual laboratories, and portfolio instruments can be used as alternative assessments to assess students mastery of concepts.

Free inquiry strategies; DNA isolation; Molecular biology, Mastery of concepts, Effectiveness

Biology Education


Yusuf Ibrahim, Cita Tresnawati, Mia Nurkanti

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Yusuf Ibrahim

Universitas Pasundan

The current study is a part of a three-year research aiming at developing student worksheets which are based on scientific project approach, which consists of inquiry, problem-based learning, and project-based learning models. This study is at dissemination phase, in which it attempts to investigate the effectiveness of the scientific project-based worksheets that were developed in the second year of the research. This study employed educational research and development (R & D). The instrument used to collect the data were scientific project-based worksheet, assessment sheets to assess the participants- cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects, questionnaires for teachers, practitioners and students. The dissemination involves 29 students taking internship program from 2013 to 2014, at several schools in Bandung. The results show that scientific project-based worksheets, with N-gain average of between 0.55-0.82 is categorized as medium and high, and significantly different at significance level α = 0.05. It means the use of the worksheets significantly improves learners- concept understanding as a whole. Feedbacks gained also suggest that the developed worksheet models have positive effects on the students attitude towards science, with the average score from 81.33 to 88.37. The rate for psychomotor aspect, with its mean value 80.73-91.67 has proven to be effective to encourage students to be more active during lab activities.

cognitive, affective, psychomotor aspects, inquiry, problem-based learning, project-based learning

Biology Education


The Implementation of Course Review Horay in Boosting students- interest and outcome in the subject of General Biology
R Z Ekaputri, A Primairyani, B Karyadi, D Parlindungan

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Rendi Zulni Ekaputri


Abstract. This study aims at investigating whether the implementation of “course system horay” is able to boost the students- outcome and their interest in the subject of general biology, odd semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. The type of this study is categorized as classroom action research with 50 students as the subject research. The data collection was conducted using observation, questionnaires, paper-based test and documentation. Meanwhile, the technique of analysis was done using descriptive study. By implementing course system horay, we report that there is a significant increase in the students- outcome in the general biology course. The analysis also reveals that the mean scores of students- interest is higher on average.

Course Review Horay, Study Interest, Study Outcome

Biology Education


The Implementation of Learning Materials Based on Local Wisdom of Agricultural in Binjai to Improve the Students Problem Solving Abilities
Findi Septiani, Siti Sriyati, Amprasto

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Findi Septiani


Teaching materials by integrating local culture makes easier for students to understand the subject matter in the learning process. The aims of the study is to measure the effectiveness of teaching materials based on local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai in improving the students problem solving abilities. The research method was a quasi experimental which use non equivalent control group in the pretest posttest design. The sample of study were students of Senior High School grade X in Binjai that consisted of experiment group which used teaching materials based on local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai and control group that used student handbooks. Teaching materials are tested by material experts and technology experts to ensure the quality of teaching materials. Data collection was conducted through test. The results showed that the teaching materials based on local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai effective in improving students problem solving abilities in the experimental group students based on the results of N gain value was 0.67 which has medium criteria. It means teaching materials based on agricultural local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai can be used as one of the teaching materials in learning activities.

Local wisdom, teaching materials, effectiveness, problem solving abilities.

Biology Education


The Profile of General Biology Course in Chemical Education in Sriwijaya University
Safira Permata Dewi (a*), Djunaidah Zen (a), Maefa Eka Haryani (b)

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Corresponding Author
Safira Permata Dewi

a) Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Raya Palembang-Prabumulih Km. 32 Ogan Ilir, Indonesia

b)Pendidikan Kimia, FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Raya Palembang-Prabumulih Km. 32 Ogan Ilir, Indonesia

This study aims to get an overview of the implementation of lectures in General Biology in the Chemistry Education FKIP Unsri. The sample of this study was Chemistry Education students in the 2018/2019 academic year (n = 43). The instruments used were documentation studies to find out the achievements of students in general Biology courses and survey questionnaires to find out the concepts that were considered the most difficult, the causes of difficulties understanding the concepts, and the interest of students in the quiz held before learning. The data shows that the achievement of student learning results shows 57.45% of students are still in the "C" and "D" assessment categories. Meanwhile, the concept of human physiology (41.86%) and cells (structure, metabolism, and reproduction) (39.53%) is the most difficult concept for students to understand. The difficulty of understanding this concept is due to the large number of uses of terminology (72.1%) and the weakness of students initial knowledge from previous levels of education (51.2%). These findings indicate the importance of diagnostic tests before the lecture is done so that the lecturer knows more about the weaknesses and strengths possessed by students so that the lectures that take place become more directed.

course profile, general biology, chemistry education, sriwijaya university

Biology Education


The Relation of Cognitive Activities and Students Comprehension to Spatial Isomorphism Diagram of Plant Anatomy in Senior High School
Syefia A Malik1*, Adi Rahmat2, and Eni Nuraeni2

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Syefia Azizia Malik

1Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Abstrak. Studying complex and abstract plant anatomy, the use of isomorphism diagram is one way to help students to understand the concepts. When studying diagram, students surely involve complex cognitive activities. One of The students- successes in understanding the various concepts contained in the diagram, can be determined by cognitive activities that occur in working memory. This research is a descriptive study which includes 10 senior high school students in Bandung. The research aims to analyze the relation between cognitive activities and students- comprehension towards spatial isomorphism diagrams of plant anatomy. The students are asked to analyze the spatial isomorphism diagrams of plant anatomical structures. Then, the students will be given questions to measure the level of comprehension after learning spatial isomorphism diagrams. The result shows that there are five kinds of cognitive activities when students study spatial isomorphism diagram. Those are activating prior knowledge, identifying images, comparing images, interpreting symbols, and drawing conclusion. Hence, there are several students who have low abilities, they only have two kinds of cognitive activities. This is in accordance with the level of students- understanding of plant anatomy in the medium to low categories. The result shows that the type of cognitive activities that students have contributes the students- conprehension of plant anatomy.

Cognitive Activities, Spatial Isomorphism Diagram, Plant Anatomy

Biology Education


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