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The Implication of Elaboration Likelihood Model on Social Media Usage for Travel Planning
Harryanto Suhardjo(*); Hapsari Setyowardhani; Ira Iriyanty

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Hapsari Setyowardhani

Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Indonesia

Millennials tends to use social media as the source of information for their travelling decision making. The study aims to identify the factors that influence travel planning on millennials using the elaboration likelihood approach. The samples that the author uses are Indonesian Millennials that actively using social media and have been using social media to plan a travel experience. This research is using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to process the data. The result showing that during the initial process of planning, the peripheral route which consists of source credibility and social media reputation plays a huge role. Meanwhile during the later process of planning the central route is the main route that influences the users when they start to dig in more information and getting more interested in the information they searched for. This concludes that during the buying decision process, the later route plays a huge role, but the initial route plays a significant role to pull the attention of a potential customer before they decide which products or services that they like to focus on.

Elaboration Likelihood Model; Social Media; Informational Fit-to-task; Focus Immersion; Travel Planning Process



The influence of Online Consumer Products on a product Review by Beauty Vlogger Tasya Farasya Against purchasing decision (survey on Subscriber Tasya Farasya).
Amelia Dika Anjani

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Amelia Dika Anjani

Universitas Gunadarma

This study looked at the influence of Online Consumer Review on Youtube social media against influence on their Subscriber. Social media enables its users to produce media content in the form of text, video, and music using web technologies and pass it on to other users. An Online Consumer Review is identical to the Youtube social media. This phenomenon can also be seen in the context of the digital media industry. Currently some of the cosmetics industry trust its products for review by influencers via social media. This research uses the Elaboration Likelihood Model. The purpose of this research is to find out how big the Online Consumer reviews can influence in the decision-making process of the purchase as well as to find out how big the Attractiveness, Trustworthiness, Expertise. The methods used in this study with the study of quantitative descriptive technique of collecting data obtained through the dissemination of questionnaires to 300 subscriber. The results can be concluded that influencers have considerable impact on subscriber them. Subscriber see that influencers is a reliable source so that followers are willing to try the product being promoted.

Online Consumer Reviews, Purchase Decisions.



Linda Islami M.Si, Safaruddin Husada M.Si, Mira Herlina M.I.Kom

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Mira Herlina

Universitas Budi Luhur
Jalan Ciledug Raya Petukangan Jakarta Selatan

This research is motivated by the use of social media that is rife in Indonesia so that the impact of social media itself significantly influences aspects of Indonesian peoples lives, especially adolescents, so this study considers that social media use, teen motivation and teen communication behavior on social media are considered necessary for research. So the purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the use of social media variables on the motivation and communication behavior of adolescents on social media. This study uses the concept of an application theory by using the concept of using social media, the concept of motivation and the concept of communication behavior. This research methodology uses a quantitative research methodology with survey research methods where the selected population is students and students of the middle coral high school, the city of South Tangerang with the sampling technique using a quota technique like 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the research hypotheses namely H1 are accepted and H0 is rejected where there is a strong influence between the variables of social media use on teenagers motivation.

Use of social media, motivation, adolescence



Mira Herlina M.I.Kom, Rocky Prasetyo Jati M.Si

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Mira Herlina

Universitas Budi Luhur
Jalan Ciledug Raya Petukangan Jakarta Selatan

Indonesia is a country of cybercrime because of the current growth of the internet and its use very rapidly in Indonesia. In addition to cybercrime, growing in online media information is also part of the impact of the development of communication technology. Cybercrime and information in online media will of course lead to anxiety in the community especially the youth, because according to the APJII years 2018 almost 49.52% of active users of the internet at this time was a teenager at the age of 16 to 35 years old. Anxiety caused by cybercrime in online media. These studies use quantitative methods with the sampling quota totaling 100 respondents in SMAN 65 West Jakarta. The results of this research show that there is a weak relationship between teenage angst against cybercrime in online media, so Ho in decline and H1 are accepted.

Crime, Cyber, Media, Social, Behavior



Ruslin a. Heni Gusfa b

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Ruslin Ruslin

Pasca Sarjana Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta

Communication is an action, in political practice politicians action of coordinative activity have values to gain power. Maja Labo Dahu philosphy is a communication concept of young politicians in Bima with value, to get position of power, the essence of Maja Labo Dahu is to fortify from every aspect of national politics right now, more likely to be dirty political action, for example: corruption, libel, blashphemy, spreading hoax, bring into conflict, money laundry and self enrich. The purpose of this research is to study the experience of young political actors with positive rational oriented, the concept itself applied honeesty in competition or political power that related with the prespective of Weber Theory of Social Action, Jurger Hebermas Action, Hafied Cangara Political Communication Theory and Deddy Mulyanas Culture as Social System. This research analyize the experience of Bimas young political actors social action that is based on Maja Labo Dahu values Ashamed and Afraid. The method used in this study is Etnography Qualitative with constructivist paradigm of values, meaning, and messages. The result shows two categories of rational political action based on maja labo dahu, they are real action and rationalization of pseudo-actions.

Rationalization, Maja Labo Dahus Philosophy Value, Experience of actor politicians, and Actions of real politicians



The Regulation (ITE Law) Socialization and Implementation Model by Kominfo to Mitigate Negative Content on Social Media
Erwin Mulyadi, Henni Gusfa

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Erwin Mulyadi

Mercu Buana University Jakarta

The aims of this research are to understand the forms and model of socialization held by Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) and to understand the implementation of regulation (Electronic Information and Transaction Law - ITE Law). In general, ITE Law is divided into two major parts, namely control regarding information and electronic transactions and control for any actions that are prohibited regarding internet usage. The role of the Kemkominfo through socialization is to provide digital education and literacy to users of social media, while the implementation of regulations means that the government becomes an apparatus that carries out law enforcement actions against social media users who are proven to spread negative content. But still there are still many hoaxes spreaded, hatespeeches and SARA that hide behind the principle of freedom of speech, even though it clearly violates the articles in ITE Law. The method used in this research is case study with qualitative approach and the purpose is about to find out how the socialization model in the context of implementing regulations made by the government in mitigate negative content in social media. It is found that digital literacy and socialization is more suitable for holistic long-term needs while the implementation of regulations combined with serious law enforcement is still needed to anticipate the implications caused by the use of information technology. This research recommend to government to put more effort at digital literacy and socialization to further raise the awareness of self regulation among social media users rather than law enforcement.

socialization, implementation, regulation, digital literacy, social media, hoaxes



The Role of PT CBT Nusantara Management in the Development of The Touristm Sub-System in Borobudur
Lintang Muliawanti, Moch. Imron Rosyidi, Prihatin Dwihantoro, Annis Azhar Suryaningtyas

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Lintang Muliawanti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Borobudur Temple is one of the 10 priority tourism destinations in Indonesia. Borobudur ranks 1st in performance analysis and projections, but the existence of Borobudur Temple has not had a major influence on the economy in the surrounding area. As an illustration, the length of stay or tourist visit to Borobudur is less than 3 hours, it causes on the minimal income of the Borobudur District community. Following up on these problems, the Ministry of BUMN established the Balkondes (Village Economic Center) program which aims to improve the economy of the Borobudur District community. The existence of Balkondes under the auspices of PT. CBT Nusantaras management as a program implementer from the Kementrian Pariwisata (Ministry of SOEs) collaborates with state-owned companies as partners who foster each village as a storefront and tourist-aware driving room. Currently there are 20 villages that have Balkondes with development programs tailored to the potential of each village in Borobudur District. This study aims to see how the role of PT. CBT Nusantara Management as the program implementer in maximizing the potential of villages as a tourism sub-system of Borobudur. The methodological approach used is qualitative explanatory with purposive sampling. The theory used to analize this study is the theory of the Role of Community Based Tourism. The results showed that during the three years formed, the existence of Balkondes was still constrained in several aspects, especially in the process of making the program, because it had to be adjusted to the potential of each village that had not been managed, both natural resources and the human resources. Changing the mindset of rural communities related to the tourism potential development program in Borobudur District is a major challenge for PT. CBT Nusantara Management. The role that can not be maximized given the problems in the village are very complex. The Pentahelix synergy strategy launched by the Ministry of Tourism is expected to further maximize the role of PT. CBT Nusantara Management because tourism development is not only the responsibility of one party but all parties ranging from academics, the private sector, the community, the government and the media.

Role of CBT, Community Based Tourism, Community Development, Tourism Communication



The Views of Online Media Journalists about Implementation of the Truth Principle in Covering Event of 212 Reunion
Arbaiyah Satriani, Andalusia Neneng Permatasari, Tia Muthiah, , Fadhila Nur Rizky Islami, Kireina Dwi Faraumina

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Arbaiyah Satriani

Universitas Islam Bandung

In journalistic practice, the meaning of the truth is debatable. It is something absurd because it can be interpreted differently depending on the needs. According to Harsono (2001), in the book of Elements of Journalism that is written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, the meaning of the truth is in the functional level, not in the level of philosophical. For example, in the daily lives people need information about traffic jam, weather forecasts, currency rates or football match. This article explores the views of three online media journalists about the implementation of the first principle of the nine element of journalism which is the first obligation of the journalist is to the truth when they were covering the event of reunion of 212 on December 2nd, 2018.This research implements a qualitative method by interviewing the journalists from, and They were journalists who were assigned by their offices to cover the event. The result shows that as journalists who were on the spot of event, they would only publish news articles based on the facts they gather from the place of coverage.

Online media journalists, the truth principle, 212 Reunion



Tourism Communication 4.0 in Purwakarta Regency
Evi Novianti, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha, Lukiati Komala, Kokom Komariah

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Evi Novianti

Universitas Padjadjaran

The current digital era or known as the 4.0 era, makes it easy for humans to communicate and interact indirectly in meeting their needs, one of them through browsing in the digital world. The digital world presents a variety of human needs about information, one of which is tourism information. Tourism information opportunities in digital media are utilized by the Purwakarta Regency Government through the Sampurasun Pariwisata Purwakarta application, it displays information about tourism attractions in several destinations in Purwakarta, the application combines modern and traditional elements. This research uses a qualitative method approach with descriptive research type. The results showed that the application of Sampurasun Pariwisata Purwakarta become a tourism communication strategy in the industrial era 4.0 that utilizes technology and values of local wisdom in optimally developing the potential of regional tourism. The existence of a technology-based local cultural identity, Purwakarta is expected to become a regency that has strong characteristics because regions that do not have a regional identity backrest will be easily eroded by a stronger foreign cultural civilization.

Digital era, local wisdom, tourism communication strategy



Tourism Industries and Earthquake Issues in Lombok
Shinta Desiyana Fajarica; Novita Maulida

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Shinta Desiyana Fajarica

Communication Department
Universitas Mataram
Jl. Majapahit No. 62, Gomong, Selaparang, Kota Mataram - Nusa Tenggara Barat

Lombok is a beautiful island, which has many tourist attractions. The beauty of Lombok island is known by public through local and international media. Many tourists has come to enjoy the beauty of this island, both local and foreign. However, in an instant all changed when the earthquake occurred in 2018. The tourism industries was suddenly empty of visitors. This is certainly worrying, the government and related parties are currently actively pursuing various strategies to turn in the condition of Lombok as before, especially in the tourism sector. However, this cannot provide maximum results if the earthquake issues remain the main discourse in publications. Social media is certainly one of the media that has a direct impact on publications. This research analyze on how social media construction, especially those engaged in the tourism sector in rebuilding positive publications in Lombok tourism industries. The method used in this research is critical discourse analysis of Van Dijk that focuses on the text production process in constructing the message to be conveyed, by taking concern on three accounts of social media Instagram, namely insidelombok, lombokfriendly and lombokhit.

Tourism; Social Media; Critical Discourse Analysis



Understanding the Concept of Trust-Attachment between Airbnb Hosts and Airbnb in the Sharing Economy
Linda Dwi Putri; Hapsari Setyowardhani ; Ira Iriyanty

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Hapsari Setyowardhani

Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Indonesia

Internet and Social Media enable customer to use new form of accommodation such as sharing economy accommodation platform. This study aims to determine the effect of Trust-Attachment on the Intention to Use in sharing economy specifically for Airbnb case studies in Indonesia. Based on the theory of Trust Building models this research is strengthened to examine the bonds that exist between users and Airbnb and users with hosts. The sample used in this study are users who have made an order through an Airbnb application or website. Data was obtained using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results of the study indicate that IT Quality does not have a positive influence on Trust in Airbnb. Similarly, Familiarity does not show a positive influence on Trust in Hosts. Thus, resulting in Attachment to Hosts did not have a positive influence on Continuous Intention to Use Airbnb.

trust building model; attachment; continuous intention to use; airbnb



Ferry Darmawan*, Dedeh Fardiah, Rini Rinawati

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Ferry Darmawan

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari No.1, Bandung, Indonesia

Todays technological sophistication is able to change the structure of interpersonal communication that was originally from face to face to mediated communication interpersonal. Community-based internet development shows that in the process of information dissemination internet development is carried out by utilizing social media. Various social media are used with the aim to get support from the government and the community. This study uses a qualitative approach using a case study with a single case study. Data collection techniques carried out by observation, study documentation, interviews, and focus group discussions. The object of research is the community internet manager in 12 regencies in West Java. The results showed that the communication media used by community internet managers in developing community-based internet is through new media. Social media as a new communication media due to technological developments can benefit the lives of people who are far from technology such as rural communities. In developing community-based internet, community internet managers use social media as a means to coordinate and interact with various parties.

pinter village; community internet manager; utilizing; social media;



Value Proposition of Instagrammable Digital Tourism of Orchid Forest Lembang in Forming Brand Identity
Raditya Pratama Putra (a*), Aria Ar Razi (b)

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Raditya Pratama Putra

a) Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Tamansari No. 1 Bandung

b) Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Tamansari No. 1 Bandung

Brand identity will determine the purpose and meaning of a business that encourages people to identify and take that brand as their choices. The brand identity formed needs to pay attention to the value propositions presented such as Functional Benefits, Emotional Benefits, and Self Expressive Benefits. Orchid Forest Cikole, Lembang is a tourism business that builds its brand identity as a digital tourist destination. The purpose of this study is to determine the value proposition built by Orchid Forest in shaping its brand identity. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The subject of this research is Orchid Forest management and the object of this research is the value proposition in shaping the brand identity of Orchid Forest digital tourism. This study found that the establishment of Orchid Forest brand identity as an instagrammable digital tourist destination was carried out by organizing pine forests into attractive photo spots and presenting rides with attractive lighting concepts in order to look instagrammable. Thus, what is offered to the public is in accordance with reality and meets their needs for photo tours in Orchid Forest.

Brand Identity; Digital Tourism; Digital Media; Tourism



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