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Level of Knowledge on Maple Syrup Urine Disease and Its Management among Nursing Students of MSU-IIT and Pregnant Women in Selected Barangays in Iligan City
Madjus, Leah May P., Galinato, Jan Igor T., Orias, Jessica B., Estalilla, Xela Micah P., Pau-tin, Sittie Asia P.

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Maple syrup urine disease or MSUD is the most common inborn error of metabolism in the Philippines (Lee et al., 2008). Testing for MSUD was not included in the newborn screening package of the Philippines, until the approval of the Advisory Committee on Newborn Screening by 2012 (Tayag, 2012). This study assesses the level of knowledge of MSUD and its management among the 60 nursing students of Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU IIT) and 60 pregnant women of selected barangays in Iligan City, a total of 120 respondents. The researchers used a descriptive correlational comparative research design and a modified standardized questionnaire. Chi squared test and Pearson correlational coefficient were used as a statistical tool to analyze the data. The results showed that half of the majority of the respondents has an average level of knowledge and the other half has a high level of knowledge. Furthermore, the respondents gender and civil status has a significant relationship with the level of knowledge, a moderate direct relationship between the respondents age and the level of knowledge, and a low inverse relationship between the respondents highest educational attainment and level of knowledge. In other words, the higher the age and the educational attainment of the respondents, the level of knowledge is higher. This may be because MSUD is more of a technical concept and not such a common one. This indicates the need for increased health education, regardless of age, gender, civil status, and educational attainment, on MSUD and its management.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease, MSUD, newborn screening, qualitative

International Conference on Nursing


Muhammad Chaidar

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Muhammad Chaidar

Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

The use of traditional medicine as an alternative treatment for various diseases is not a new practice. Traditional healing is an inseparable part of the beliefs held by the community. The WHO estimates that more than 80% of the African population visits traditional doctors for health reasons, while 40% -60% of them have some kind of mental disorder. Nowadays, many debates about mental health globally are increasingly in need and consider collaboration between biomedical and traditional medicine. Although at the moment there is not much research that writes variables that will affect the collaboration. The purpose on patients with mental disorders. This journal writing uses a literature study approach from several databases, namely PubMed, Clinical key and Google Scholar. In total, the literature review consists of 5 journals; 5 studies reported effective results related to collaboration between traditional healers and medical treatment in dealing with patients with mental disorders. Based on this study, traditional healers can be used as a reference for treatment for patients with mental disorders. Collaboration between health and traditional practitioners can provide more comprehensive and effective treatment, improve access to care and potentially reduce the burden of mental illness experienced by patients

traditional healer, mental disorder, and traditional medicine

International Conference on Nursing


Literature Review : The Effect Of Balloon Blowing Therapy Against To Oxygen Saturation In The Patient With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Mohamad Jihad Faturrahman

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Mohamad Jihad Faturrahman

Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Background; Physiological disorders of the lungs can caused by decreasing oxygen supply which can be indicated by a decrease in oxygen saturation (SpO²) in patients with COPD. Oxygen saturation in patients with COPD can decreased by up to 85% which leads the patients to experience hypoxemia, cyanosis, decreased concentration to change in level of consciousness. Oxygen saturation of patients with COPD can be increased by applying non-pharmacological therapies such as breathing relaxation techniques by blowing balloons that can help expand the lungs so that they can supply the oxygen and release carbodioxide which is trapped in the lungs. Objective; This literature review aims to analyze the results of studies related to the effect of balloon blowing therapy on oxygen saturation in patients with COPD. Methods; The method of writing this journal used a literature review approaches from several databases, namely Google Scholar, PubMEd, EBSCO and NCBI. Totally, this literature review consists of 5 journals by using keywords for balloon blowing therapy, oxygen saturation and COPD. Results; The results of the study explained that there was a change in oxygen saturation in the patients with COPSD after applied a balloon blowing therapy. Conclusion; In this study, balloon blowing therapy has a significant effect on increasing oxygen saturation.

Breathing Relaxation Techniques, Balloon blowing therapy, Saturation Oxygen, COPD

International Conference on Nursing



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Warjiman S.Kep., Ners., MSN

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Suaka Insan Banjarmasin

The purpose of this study is to compare the roles perceived by physicians and nurses regarding medical information delivered to patients and to set this against patients opinions on the quality of the medical information delivered to them. Using the questionnaire method given to 100 physicians and 150 nurses and inpatient satisfaction surveys administered of 750 patients a day before discharged as a part of a quality improving program on patient information in Banjarmasin hospitals. This research resulted in a diagnosis and prognosis made by physicians only. Regarding the explanation of the diagnosis, information about treatment and care, nurses assume that they provide information other than information from the physician. Physicians considered that it was generally they alone who delivered the information. Patients were generally very satisfied with information delivered, but more than 20% were not satisfied with information on benefits and risks of investigations and treatment. The most important problem, underline nurses was they lacked knowledge of medical information delivered to patients by physicians (55%). Conclusions from the research perceived roles in the transmission of medical information to patients were very different between physicians and nurses. This lack of physicians and nurses collaboration affects the quality of patient care. A better definition of the specific roles of physicians and nurses, their training in effective methods of asserting opinions and knowledge and in conducting collaborative ward rounds would be of benefit to patients.

Patient information, collaboration between physicians - nurses, roles, and patients.

International Conference on Nursing


Siti Raihanah(a), Masrifan Djamil(b), Sutopo Patria Jati(c)

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(a)Pasca Sarjana Poltekkes Semarang, (b)Pasca Sarjana Poltekkes Semarang
(c)Diponegoro University

Background: Nausea-vomiting were a common symptom that occurs in 70-80% of pregnant women. The alternative treatments such as herbal medicine, acupressure and moxibustion have been suggested to control pregnancy-induced nausea-vomiting. Object: This study explained the effect of moxibustion at P6 and ST36 on nausea-vomiting in pregnancy. Method: The method used queasy experimental study pretest-posttest with two group design. Moxibustion was a heat stimulation technique at P6 and ST36 points for 5 days, 7 minutes per day. P6 point located on the inner wrist, 2-3 fingers above the wrist between the tendons and ST36 point is located 4 fingers below the lower limit of the patella. The sampling technique used a random sampling of 30 pregnant women with gestational age<16 weeks of pregnancy that randomly divided into two groups; 15 each group. The instrument used to measure nausea-vomiting used PUQE (Pregnancy Unique-Quantification of Emesis) and B-endorphin level. Result: Moxibustion at point P6 can reduce symptoms of nausea and vomit (P<0.05). Moxibustion at the ST36 point was less effective in reducing symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (P>0.05). Conclusion: Moxibustion at P6 point was more effective than at ST36 point in reducing symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

Moxibustion, P6, ST36, nausea and vomiting

International Conference on Nursing


Needlestick and Sharps Injuries among Healthcare Workers
Dwi Prihatiningsih

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Dwi Prihatiningsih

Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta

Health care workers (HCWs) are at high risk of acquiring infections caused by needlestick and sharp injuries. The aim of this study was to examine the incidence and causes of needlestick or sharp injuries among HCWs in a type D hospital at Bantul District. A cross sectional study was conducted on 34 HCWs (nurses, doctors, midwives and medical lab technicians) from 23 to 30 August 2014. Data was collected through self administered questionnaires. Of the total 34 HCWs, 38,20% had needlestick/sharp injuries in the last one year. Nurses were most prone to needlestick and sharp injury among HCWs (54%). Syringe needle were the commonest sourse of HCWs needlestick/sharp object injury at work. The study revealed that a significant amount of needlestick injuries occurs among HCWs and risks of contracting blood-borne infectious diseases as a result are very high.

Needlestick injury, Sharp object, Incidence

International Conference on Nursing


Nursing Clinical Skills Taught in English in a Non English Speaking Country
Maria Dolors Bernabeu-Tamayo (a*), Nina Granel (a), Rebeca Gomez (a), Mariela Aguayo (a), Carolina Watson (a,b), Juan Manuel Leyva (a)

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Maria Dolors Bernabeu-Tamayo


a) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Avda Can Domenech, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
b) Hospital Universitari Vall Hebron 119, 08035 Barcelona, Spain

Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is an evidenced approach focused on the teaching content in which the foreign language is learnt implicitly. The aim of this study was to determine nursing student satisfaction with a clinical skills course taught in English in a non-English speaking country applying CLIL approach. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using a self-reported anonymous questionnaire administered to students who had completed the course in the 2016/17 academic year (n=76). It included 42 questions, of which 35 were closed-ended 5 point Likert scale and the remainder open-ended. Open-ended questions were analysed using thematic analysis and closed-ended questions using SPSS 21.0 software. Students did not perceive the lessons in English as a barrier to acquisition of knowledge and clinical skills (mean 1.33; SD 1.90), and they were satisfied with the lessons received (mean 3.88; SD 1.76). Just a few students (4; 3.04%) had difficulties following the content. Most students considered receiving lessons in English to add value to their training process (mean 4.04; SD 2.35), and almost all agreed it would benefit them in the future (mean 4.39; SD 1.90). CLIL approach should be maintained in future courses due to the evidenced benefits.

CLIL, Nursing, Clinical Skills, English

International Conference on Nursing


Sri Yulian Hunowu (a*), Fitri Arofiati (b)

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Sri Yulian Hunowu


Background: The role of intructor is a crucial factor in determining the success of nursing students. The students understand that their instructors caring behaviour can make them more confident. Caring behavior always provides assistance to others holistically. Objective: To determine the perception of nursing students on caring behavior of clinical instructor. Method: This literature review uses search engine of Google Scholar database, Science Direct and EBSCO. At the initial stage of the searching keyword: Caring Instructor AND Nursing Students Perceptions results 8 international articles published in 2014 until 2019 that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Based on the results of the literature review of 8 articles, found that caring behavior of clinical instructor could be an indicator of how care students are when they enter the profession. The caring behavior of the clinical instructor has a positive impact on students and instructor. Students become more compotent, feel helpful when experiencing difficulties, are more open, and have high learning motivation. Conclusion: Nursing students always view their instructor as a role model in demonstrating professionalism in nursing, which can improve the caring behavior of their students, for caring behavior is a vital component in nursing education. Therefore, caring behavior is an element that the instructor needs to consider towards his students.

Nursing student perception, caring behavior, clinical instructor

International Conference on Nursing


Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for evaluate Psychiatric Nursing Performance in Nursing Students
Kesorn Saithanu(a*), Somchit Luprasong(a), Sanguan Thani(a)

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Kesorn Saithanu

a) Faculty of Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani University
85 Sathollmark Rd. Warinchamrap Ubonratchathani 34190 ,Thailand

The purpose of this study were to descriptive the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for evaluate psychiatric nursing performance in nursing students . The participants were 62 the 4th nursing students in Faculty of Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani University academic year 2017, selected by a purposive sampling. Data were collected by 4 components; namely, 1) scenario 2)checklist for psychiatric nursing performance evaluate 3)the perceive of nursing students in psychiatric nursing performance questionnaires and 4) the satisfaction towards using the OSCE questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results were that the majority of nursing students could pass in evaluate as follows therapeutic relationship skills was 80.65% and screening mental health problems skills was 91.94%. The mean score the perceive of psychiatric nursing performance in nursing students was a good level ( =3.80 S.D.= .62). The majority of the participants reported high level of the overall satisfaction towards using the OSCE ( =3.87 S.D.= .55) From the research results, the OSCE could evaluate and differentiate psychiatric nursing performance among students individually. Educational institution should apply the OSCE l in practicum subjects and assist the students in their self-improvement in nursing performance.

Objective Structured Clinical Examination; Psychiatric Nursing Performance ; Nursing student

International Conference on Nursing


Anna Rosdiana R. Samsudin (a), Elsye Maria Rosa (b)

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Anna Rosdiana R Samsuddin

(a) Student Master of Nursing in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b) Nursing and Health Sciences Lecturers in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world. Mhealth has the potential to increase disease recurrence by being given post-hospital protection. MHealth is designed to monitor activities carried out by patients and nurses who can carry out the patients health status remotely during the recovery process. Therefore, there is a need for awareness of the health team in relapsing cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this paper is to analyze articles that discuss the application of MHealth in an effort to test patients with cardiovascular disease. Method: The preparation of this literature review using various databases used is EBSCO, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and Sage Journal that have been conducted form December 2018 until January 2019. In total, this paper consists of seven journals reviewed with keywords. approved: Four journals, with quantitative methods (experimental research designs), one journal with qualitative methods (qualitative exploration), one journal on mixed methods feasibility studies, and one journal with a systematic review method. Then screening is done based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria Results: Nine articles reviewed found an important component affecting mhealth in an effort to resist the recurrence of orders was content on Mhealth features (health education, diet, physical activity, alcohol, and smoking) and health effects for costs and distance. from patients. Conclusion: The effect of mhealth can change healthy life after hospital treatment and prevention of recurrence in patients with cardiovascular disease, with long-distance health services health workers can easily contact the patients health status

MHealth, behavior changes, lifestyle changes, quality of live cardiovascular disease, cardiac rehabilitation

International Conference on Nursing


Organizational Justice, Nurses Engagement and Turnover Intention
Ninda Frymonalitza, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The turnover rate of nurses in Prima Hospital reaches 10% in 2018. Career procedural justice and career distributive justice applied in hospitals affect nurses perceptions of hospital management. Good justice is expected to be able to strengthen nurses work engagement and reduce turnover intention. This is a quantitative research with analytical cross-sectional research method. Questionnaire contain 33 item with the Likert-s Scale (Scale 1-5) was completed by 143 nurses with response rate of 84.6%. The effect of career procedural justice and career distributive justice that is directly and indirectly mediated by work engagement could reduce turnover intention of nurses significantly. Overall SEM model is a good-fit. Career procedural justice and career distributive justice in hospital affect nurses perception towards intention to leave hospital. Work engagement could also strengthen the effect to reduce turnover intention.

Career Procedural Justice; Career Distributive Justice; Work Engagement; Turnover Intention

International Conference on Nursing


Patient Safety Culture Assessment in Spanish Hospitals: Strengths and Weaknesses
Nina Granel (a*), Maria Dolors Bernabeu-Tamayo (a), Xenia Sist (a,b), David Gimenez (a,c), Mariela Aguayo (a)

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Nina Granel

a) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Avda Can Domenech, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
b) Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Sant Quinti 89, 08026 Belletarra, Spain
c) CPB Seiveis Salut Mental, Mare de Deu del Coll 20, 08023 Barcelona, Spain

Background: The establishment of a positive patient safety culture in healthcare has a crucial impact on the quality service provided to patients. Aim: This study describes the attitudes and perceptions of patient safety culture as perceived by the nursing staff from two public hospitals in Spain. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using a self-reported anonymous questionnaire administered to the nursing staff of the Surgical, the Internal Medicine and the Emergency departments in 2017. The Spanish validated version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) was used for data collection. A total of 109 valid responses were received. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 21.0 software. Results: Patient safety was rated as (Acceptable) for the 62 percentage of the participants. The dimension (Teamwork within units) had the highest percentage of positive responses (67.4) and the dimension (Staffing) had the lowest percentage (14.2). The Emergency units showed more negative results than the other two units. Conclusion: Incidents are not always reported for fear of punishment pointing out a lack of positive safety culture. The quantitative results come close to other studies carried out in Spain, and differ from other studies in Europe.

Patient Safety Culture, nursing, HSOPSC, Spain

International Conference on Nursing


Perceptions- of Hospital Administrators or management toward Factors contributing to the Continuing Professional Development of Nurses in Indonesia
Fitri Arofiati (a*), Khanitta Nuntaboot (a)

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Fitri Arofiati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Background: Nurses are required to work in a professional manner, including to maintain and improve their competency periodically through continuing professional development (CPD). However, it is not easy for Indonesia nurses because Indonesia does not have a Nursing Council which impacts to the different regulation implemented in the hospital. These differences involve the updating competency of nurses in the hospital who give nursing services in different areas of practice. Aims: This study aims to explore a deep understanding of the factors contributing to continuing professional development from the perception of hospital administrators in Indonesia. Methods: This study was a qualitative design, the data for which were gathered from 10 hospital administration of one hospital in east Java, Indonesia. The measurements included 10 in-depth interviews and focused group discussion (FGD). Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Result: Three themes emerged as follows: 1) Nursing professional careers with two subthemes: Speciality and Scientist; 2) In-depth recognition by society, comprised two subthemes: as requirement and improving confidence and 3) selecting prospective program, derived into two subthemes: department needed and selective person. Conclusion: The findings provided factors contributing to CPD of nurses in the hospital to provide better nursing services to patients offering a basis for developing a greater principle of continuing professional development

Continuing professional development, perception, qualitative study

International Conference on Nursing


Prevalence and Risk Factors of Stunting Among Children in Rural Area: Case Control Study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Titih Huriah (a*), Elfiza Fitriami (b), Erviana (b), Arif Rahman (b)

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Titih Huriah

a) Community Nursing Department, Master of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jalan Brawijaya, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Students of Master of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jalan Brawijaya, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Stunting in Indonesia was higher and still a serious problem in poor rural areas. The aims of the current study were to assess the prevalence of and risk factors associated with stunting among children aged 6 to 59 months in rural areas of Yogyakarta province of Indonesia. The study based on case control design. The cases were stunted children and controls were the children without stunting from October to December 2018. Data was collected by interviewing children mothers and measured length or height of 23 children as cases and 91 children as controls. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the best model of factors leading of stunting in rural area. Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were used as a measure of association. The mean age of the children was 30,3 and standard deviation was 16,08 months, and 65 (57%) are males. Twenty three (20,2%) children were stunted. Of the stunted children, eight (34,8%) were severely stunted. Education of mother (OR was 5,23, 95% CI 1,97 to 13,90), diarrhea (OR was 6,67, 95% CI 2,37 to 18,73), acute respiratory infection (OR was 9,95, 95% CI 3,54 to 27,95) were factors of stunted children. Acute respiratory infection was found significantly as determinant factors of stunted children in rural area (OR was 9,95, 95% CI 3,54 to 27,95). Understanding of the risk factors for stunting among children aged less than five years in rural area is important to guide Indonesian government public health planners to develop nutrition programs and interventions for stunting.

Stunting; rural area; children; risk factors; case-control study

International Conference on Nursing


Process for preventing and solving teenage pregnancy problems: A case study in Nakhon Phanom Province, Thailand
1Sirirat Sripola, RN. Ph.D 2Somsaowanuch Chamusri, RN. Ph.D

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Amanda Amanda

School of Nursing
Mahasarakam University, Thailand

This research is part of the mixed methods research to evaluate an integrated operations to prevent and solve teenage pregnancy problems in provincial level. This article is part of qualitative research to explain the operation process to prevent and solve the problems of pregnancy in teenagers in Nakhon Phanom Province, Thailand. The research was conducted in 2 phases during December 2015-May 2017 in 3 districts. In Phase 1, the key informant is the operator at the provincial, district and sub-district levels using a purposive sampling method. The data were saturated at 22 persons. Phase 2, the key person are project manager, teenagers, parents, community leaders, teachers and health care personnel. The data were saturated at 80 persons. Both phases were collected by group discussion, in-depth interviews, field notes and documentary analysis. The data was analyzed using the thematic analysis method. The research findings were: 1) after first year of operation, it focuses on the management of sexuality education in schools and coordinated in a horizontal manner with other related sectors in the "joint meeting - separated responsibility" 2) In the third year of operation, there are 4 steps of operation, which have expanded the results of teaching sexuality education in schools and integrated support for pregnant students in the school. It can be concluded that the province operation process, that took the school as a centered, can be achieved by the education personnel adjusting their ideas about sex in teenagers, focus on sexual health in adolescents and working closely with relevant agencies. However, there are suggestions for those involved to transfer this lesson to educational agencies throughout the country.

Teenage pregnancy, Operation process, Sexual education in school

International Conference on Nursing


Saiful Umam, Irma Dian Permata, Ari Alfian Pratama, DjokoWahjoeharjanto

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Saiful Umam

Univeristas Airlangga

Non-communicable diseases (PTM) in Indonesia are a crucial issue. Every year, the prevalence and trend of PTM continues to increase. In 1990, the trend of death from PTM was 37%, up to 57% in 2015. Data shows that of the 10 major causes of death in all age groups, based on system registration samples (SRS) six of them were PTM, stroke was in first place , the second position is coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus with the third complication, while the next sequence is hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and traffic accidents. The political system succeeded in producing a decision that was responded to by the output structure called feedback. Feedback whose impact is felt at the input, what is meant here is whether the decision and action are in accordance with the demands and support that come from the input. Posbindu PTM program can be a solution to overcome the tendency of PTM in Indonesia which continues to increase over time such as stroke, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and so on. The Posbindu PTM program is the result of the political struggle as an effort to fulfill the right to health for the Indonesian population and a global commitment to fight PTM in the context of achieving the SDGs in 2030, namely the reduction of early deaths due to PTM to 1/3 in 2030

Posbindu, Non-communicable Disease, Easton Theory

International Conference on Nursing


Progress Test Significantly Increase the Score of the Nursing Exam Try Out
Yanuar Primanda, Ferika Indarwati, Erna Rochmawati

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Yanuar Primanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Nursing exam is one of the strategies to assess competency and quality of graduated nursing students. Only those who passed the Nursing Exam can be registered as a nurse to ensure that the patients will receive nursing care from the competent nurses. Preparing for the National Nursing Exam is a challenging process both for education institutions and students. It requires creative strategies to ensure that students are familiar with the examination system and questions. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of progress test, a program tailored to familiarize students with the National Exam test system and questions, on the students performance in the Nursing Exam Try Out. This study is preexperimental study with one group pre and posttest design. Of the total 143 eligible internship nursing students, 139 participated in the pretest and 128 finished the post test. Duration of the study was 2 months. During the study, the students were practicing online through the progress test program in their homebased hospital in 6 different hospitals in Yogyakarta and Central Java. The students finished 2 different examination packages of the Try Out for their pretest and posttest through E Learning system. The 180 multiple choice questions for progress test were developed based on the National Nursing Exam Blue Print and have been reviewed by internal reviewers. The result of the study showed that there was a statistically significant increase of exam score from M 43.75, SD 9.59 to M 48.49, SD 7.83 (p 0.000). With passing grade of 47, only 57.6 percent students passed the exam in the pretest while 62.5 percent passed the exam in posttest. The progress test can be used as an effective strategy to prepare National Nursing Exam as well as the possibility to pass the exam.

progress test, national nursing exam, nursing student, e-learning

International Conference on Nursing


Project DiabEHT: an Approach to Improve Diabetic Self-care Management
Geraldine S. Ridad, Val Clinton S. Maybituin, Carlito Y. Bella Jr., Karla Mae R. Canete, Ommar Khayyam Usman, Erik Louwe Sala

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Geraldine Sabate Ridad

Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology

Diabetes is considered global epidemic. It is the mother of many diseases as it causes various cardiovascular complications such as hypertension and stroke, kidney damage, blindness and amputation. However, these can be prevented through compliance to treatment regimen. Hence, the researchers conducted the project DiabEHT that included weekly support group activities and lecture series, installation of DiabEHT app, and diabooth in the health center, to facilitate compliance and improve self-care management of 30 diabetic participants in barangay Sta. Felomina, Philippines. The app was tested for usability. The mean system usability scale score of 83.67 indicated that the mobile application generally has good design and very useful. Results showed significant improvement of participants- level of compliance ranging from moderate to high and low to moderate, 6 weeks after the project implementation for the following diabetes self-care activities: general diet (T-test=-5.162), physical activities (T-test=-2.933), blood glucose monitoring (T-test=-4.482), and foot-care (T-test=-4.072). Furthermore, their blood glucose levels had significantly reduced (T-test=3.051). Indeed, the project had improved the diabetic participants- self-care management and compliance, and glycemic control. Nurses can take advantage of this innovation and consider integration into patient care. However, further studies are recommended to ensure sustainable incorporation and application into various settings.

Diabetes, Self-care management, Android application, Support Group Activity

International Conference on Nursing


Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Virgianti Nur Farida (a*), Isni Lailatul Maghfiroh (a), Trijati Puspita Lestari (a), Lora Permata Ariyastuti (a)

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Virgianti Nur Farida

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan
Jalan Raya Plalangan KM 03 Plosowahyu, Lamongan 62212, Indonesia

Chronic kidney disease and the treatment have an important part in shaping the QoL of patients receiving hemodialysis. As a result CKD affects the quality of life from the physical, psychological, social and environmental dimensions. A descriprtive analytic study was conducted in the hemodialysis unit of the RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan. A total of 88 patients CKD with hemodialysis were studied. Patients QOL was rated by WHOQOL BREF questionnaires. The results showed that in the domain of quality of life, the low domain was physical with an average of 20 and the high domain was social with an average of 10. While most respondents with high quality of life as many as 78 people (88.6%) and a small respondents with medium quality of life as many as 10 people (11.4%). The results of this study can be concluded that most respondents have a high quality of life. However, the physical condition of CKD patients have significant problems. Thus, given the information by the hospital to overcome the physical disturbances that occur in CKD patients, so that his quality of life improved.

Chronic Kidney Disease; Quality of Life; Hemodialysis

International Conference on Nursing


Reflective Learning: How it could be implemented in Emergency Nursing Practice
Kurnia Putri Yuliandari

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Kurnia Putri Yuliandari

Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing,
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing,
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Background: Emergency nurses often find themselves doing practice at fast changing situations routinely and repetitively, therefore they might miss some important aspects in practice that could affect patient safety and might miss the opportunity to learn from their experience. To deal with this challenge, a life-long learning strategy is needed. Researchers suggest that a habitual reflection can be beneficial, since a potential mistake can be identified and prevented by analysis and reflection upon what has gone previously. Objective: This study is aimed to look at how reflective learning could be implemented in emergency nursing practice, including what aspects that should be considered when implementing this learning strategy. Method: A general literature review was conducted, employing CINAHL, Science Direct, and PubMed to find relevant articles using search terms: reflection, reflective learning, reflective practice, combined with emergency nurses. The articles used in this study are published within 2005 - 2017. Two outdated literature had also been used in this study in order to build arguments and analysis. Result: At least four strategies are needed to integrate reflective learning into emergency practice. First, emergency nurses should thoroughly understand the core of nursing as a profession. Second, they must know the essential process in reflection in order to reflect appropriately. Third, since emergency nurses have to deal with time constraint, uncertainty, and high workload, they must find appropriate reflection approaches and analysing their strengths and weaknesses. Fourth, emergency nurses must be aware of over-reflecting and uncertainty, since they can compromise them to act immediately when delivering care to the patients. Conclusion: Reflective learning can be beneficial when assisting emergency nurses in learning and dealing with challenges in emergency department. Literature suggests at least four strategies to implement this learning method. Further research is required to find appropriate reflective learning approaches and models which most fit with emergency nursing practice.

reflection, reflective learning, reflective practice, emergency nurses, reflective learning in emergency nursing

International Conference on Nursing


Relationship between the Implementation of Patient-Centered Care Dimensions and Patient Satisfaction in Adult Inpatient Unit at Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Hospital Banjarmasin.
Yunina Elasari (a), Elly Nurachmah (b), Yustan Azidin (c)

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Yunina Elasari

a) Master of Science in Nursing Study Program
University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
b) Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia
c) Nursing Study Program University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

The implementation of patient-centered care dimensions which consists of respect for patients values, preferences and expressed needs; coordination and integration of care; information communication, and education; physical comfort, emotional support and alleviation of fear and anxiety, involvement of family and friends, continuity care and its transitions, and access to care can improve patient satisfaction and quality of health services. This study aimed to identify the relationship between implementation of patient-centered care dimensions and patients satisfaction. The research method used a descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach involving 100 patients in adult inpatient units who were selected with proportionally stratified random sampling. The data were analyzed employing pearson and linear regression tests. The results showed there is relationship between implementation of patient-centered care dimensions and patients satisfaction at the adult inpatient unit (p <0.05; CI 95%). The most associated patient-centered care dimensions with patients satisfaction is continuity care and its transitions (coeff. B 0,312). The results suggested that the nursing management can improve the dimensions of patient-centered care through training, periodic supervision, and performance assessment. In addition, motivating nurses is recommended also to increase patient satisfaction and improve quality of care to become more effective, and efficient.

patient-centered care, patient preference, patient involvement, patient satisfaction, nursing care

International Conference on Nursing


Anggi Anggriani, Heni Marliany, Endrian Mulyady

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Amanda Amanda

STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Background: Violations of the principle of nursing ethics have occurred in several countries in the world. The application of nursing ethics in the form of nurse ethical attitude toward the client is also determined by the characteristics of the nurses concerned one of them the level of education. Purpose: To know the relationship of education levels With Ethical Attitude of Nurse To Patients In Installation General Hospital Of Ciamis Region 2018 The Method : Quantitative analytical research method with cross sectional approach. Sampling with proportional random sampling as many as 69 people. The result : The education level of the nurses, mostly categorized as S.1 Kep., Ners as many as 37 people (53.6%), the ethical attitude of nurses to the patients, mostly categorized as ethics as many as 43 people (62,3%) and there is a significant correlation between level of education with ethical attitude of nurse executor to patient at Inpatient Room of District General Hospital of Ciamis Regency with p value 0.000. Conclution : Related between level of education with ethical attitude of nurse executor to patient at Inpatient Room of District General Hospital of Ciamis Regency in 2018.

education, ethical attitude, nurse

International Conference on Nursing


Andan Firmansyah1, Alya Andriani2, Nur Isriani Najamuddin3, Suhanda4, Henri Setiawan5

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Andan Firmansyah

1,4,5 STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis,
2,3 STIKes Bina Generasi Polewali Mandar

Background : Mental retardation is a condition characterized by low intelligence that causes the individual-s inability to learn and adapt to the demands of society for a perceived abnormality. Individuals of mental retirement certainly will not make the wrong adjustments if parents can accept their presence as well as guide them in the face of environmental demands because in essence they need the attention and support from families, especially parents. Purpose : The reseach was aimed to find out the relationship of parents role and social skills of mental retardation childrens. The method : The method used is croos-sectional, Method of sampling in this research using total sampling with sample amount 30 respondents. The research : The result of this research by using Chi-Square test it has been obtained ρ value = 0,023 (ρ< α or ρ < 0,05) and OR=7,46 it suggested that there was relation between parents role and social skills of mental retardation childrens. Conclusion : Availability of good role of parents could increase social skills of childrens was mental retardation. Parents as the closest person in child life could help mental retardation childrens to adapt with enviroment.

Parent-s role, Social skills, Mental retardation

International Conference on Nursing


Relationship of Religiosity and Social Support with The Anxiety of Mothers Who Have Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin
Umi Hanik Fetriyah (a*), Rifaatul Mahmudah (b), Alsia Kristi Damayanti (a), Syamsul Firdaus (c)

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Umi Hanik Fetriyah

a) Nurse Profession Program, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University
Jl. Pramuka No. 2, Banjarmasin, South Borneo 70249, Indonesia
b) Bachelor of Nursing Program, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University
Jl. Pramuka No. 2, Banjarmasin, South Borneo 70249, Indonesia
c) Nursing Diploma Program, Health of Polytechnic Banjarbaru
Jl. Mistar Cokrokusumo No. 1A, Banjar Baru, South Borneo 70714, Indonesia

Background:The incidence rate of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cancer continues to increase every year. Child diagnosed with cancer cause anxiety for parents. Impact of anxiety experienced such as sleep disorder, fatigue, inability to make decisions. Factors that are needed in anxiety are religiosity and social support. Objective: To Analyze the relationship of religiosity and social support with the anxiety of mothers who have children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia Method: This research uses cross sectional design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. The sample is used 30 mothers who had children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin. Then analyzed by using Spearman Rank test with significant value p <0,05. Result: The result showed that mothers with high religiosity were 21 people (70%), mothers with high social support of 21 people (70%), and while mothers who have moderate anxiety of 12 people (40%). The Result of analysis test of correlation of religiosity with mothers anxiety with significance level 0,05 got p value= 0,001; r= -0,555. Result of analysis test of relationship of social support with mother anxiety which have child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia got p value = 0,003; r = -0,480. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between religiosity with mothers anxiety. There is a significant correlation between social support with mothers anxiety. The importance of health workers in improving the religiosity and social support of mothers who care for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia since their child diagnose acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; Anxiety; Children; Mother; Religiosity; Social Support

International Conference on Nursing


Fadma Aji Pramudita (a*), Iman Permana (b)

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Fadma Aji Pramudita

(a) Master of Nursing, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b) Lecturer, Master of Nursing, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: A natural disaster is a natural event that can cause environmental damage, human casualties, property losses, and psychological impacts. This psychological impact is important for us to discuss, especially for children. Children need the ability to rise from the difficulties that they experience a post natural disaster. Purpose: This review paper to analyze the level of resilience in children affected by natural disaster. Methods: This article searches used to study the literature approach from several ProQuest, PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar databases using keywords Resilience OR resiliency OR resilient AND youth OR Adolescent OR Child AND natural disasters. Based on the screening process of 3,369,259 journals, ten articles were obtained with the selection of inclusion criteria. Results: Find 3 themes, namely the important to confirm the resilience and early recognition about mental disorder post disaster, factors that influence the resilience of children after natural disasters (including mental, spiritual, physical, ecological, environmental, psychological, emotional factors and external factors involving social, both family support and safe community), and provision of Youth Leadership Program (YLP) and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF CBT) interventions to increase resilience. Conclusion: Factors of social support that are good from family, community, and school are the important elements in the formation of resilience in children post natural disaster.

resilience, children, natural disaster

International Conference on Nursing


Erlina Hermawati (a*), Iman Permana (b)

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Erlina Hermawati

(a) Master of Nursing Student at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b) Master of Nursing Lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jl. Brawijaya, Geblagan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 55183

Background: Bullying behavior in adolescents in schools is increasing. Forms of bullying behavior are verbal, physical or through social media or cyberbullying. Resilience is the ability of individuals to be able to survive in an unfavorable situation so they can rise again. Purpose: This article aims to identify, criticize and analyze research articles on the resilience of adolescent victims of bullying. Method: Search articles through databases such as Google Scholar, Ebsco, Pubmed, Proquest, Clinical Key and JSTOR with keywords "adolescence" OR "adolescent" OR "children" OR "student" AND "resilience" OR "resiliency" OR "resilient" AND "bullying" OR "bully". The first phase of the search obtained 2,670,870 articles. The second phase is by selecting full-text articles and published in 2016 until 2018. The third phase is by selecting articles based on inclusion criteria. The fourth phase obtained 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Critical assessment of articles using CASP (Critical Appraisal System Program). Results: Adolescents who have low resilience are at high risk of experiencing bullying victims and adolescents who have high resilience are at low risk of experiencing bullying victims. Conclusion: Adolescent resilience can be improved through family relationships, social relations, knowledge of resilience, individual empowerment and anti-bullying interventions at school.

resilience, adolescent, bullying

International Conference on Nursing


Satisfaction of stakeholders on National Health Security system in Health region 10, Thailand.
Nitchanun Suwannakoot* M.N.S. Suvapat Nakrukamphonphatn* M.Sc. Ruengsin Thuennade**M.D.

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Amanda Amanda

*Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand.
**Research consultant, Director of national health security office, Health region 10, Thailand.

This research were study satisfaction of stakeholders on National security system in Health region 10, Thailand. The data were collected by questionnaire. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistic. The results of this study indicated following among 304 service providers group were age between 22-59 years old and 294 client aged between 15-77 years old, Perception of the national health insurance rights among service providers group and client group were averaged 90.67%, 76.13%, Medical care among service providers group and client group were averaged 79.42%, 73.35% and district health promotion fund among service providers group and service group were average 85.38%, 77.10% respectively. And satisfactions on national health system were revealed among providers group was average 81.05% and client group was 79.60%, the least of satisfaction among provider group was reduce inequality in health care services, disadvantaged be able to access health care service and universal coverage, and client group was help the most people got health care services, reduce inequality in health care services, universal coverage and disadvantaged be able to access health care service.

This research were study satisfaction of stakeholders on National security system in Health region 10, Thailand. The data were collected by questionnaire. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistic. The results of this study indicated following among 304 service providers group were age between 22-59 years old and 294 client aged between 15-77 years old, Perception of the national health insurance rights among service providers group and client group were averaged 90.67%, 76.13%, Medical care among service providers group and client group were averaged 79.42%, 73.35% and district health promotion fund among service providers group and service group were average 85.38%, 77.10% respectively. And satisfactions on national health system were revealed among providers group was average 81.05% and client group was 79.60%, the least of satisfaction among provider group was reduce inequality in health care services, disadvantaged be able to access health care service and universal coverage, and client group was help the most people got health care services, reduce inequality in health care services, universal coverage and disadvantaged be able to access health care service.

International Conference on Nursing


Nur Azizah Indriastuti1 Rahmi Fahmawinda2

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Nur Azizah Indriastuti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The marriage rate of women who get married at a young age in Indonesia is still high. The high rate of marriage at a young age can cause various problems in marriage, this is due to the lack of preparation before women decide to get married. One of the readiness of women before deciding to get married is readiness in carrying out roles. More important role readiness is prepared by women because it deals with wifes duties which are more in the domestic sector such as doing housework, accompanying husbands and caring for children. The purpose of this study was to describe the readiness of women who were married at a young age in carrying out new roles after marriage in the Bantul Regency area of Yogyakarta. This research uses qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Data collection is done by interview and observation. Participants totaling five people were determined by purposive sampling. The validity of the data uses source triangulation and checks the data back to the participants. Analysis of data by comparing between categories, marked, and described descriptively. The results showed that not all participants had readiness to carry out new roles after marriage. There are things that prevent participants from carrying out roles.

Keywords: Readiness, Marriage, Women, Young Age, Roles

International Conference on Nursing


Sistematic Review Relationship between Pregnant Women Weight Fetal Weight Age at Pregnancy Gravida Status with Birth Weight
liliek pratiwi

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Liliek Pratiwi

Muhammadiyah Cirebon University, faculty of health science

Abstract Background A persons nutritional condition is influenced by her nutritional status during the womb. In other words, the nutritional status of pregnant women is very influential on their own health and as a predictor of pregnancy outcomes for mothers and nutritional status of newborns (Senbanjo et al, 2013). This is due to fetal food intake can be through the umbilical cord that is connected to the mothers body (Indreswari et al, 2008). Various maternal and child health efforts are carried out to reduce mortality. One of them is obstructed fetal growth which must be known while still in utero so that the clinician can be more stringent in monitoring and planning the delivery method to reduce the risk of perinatal death. The increase in maternal weight during pregnancy is directly related to the weight of the baby and the risk of giving birth to low birth weight increases with a lack of weight gain during pregnancy. This shows a significant relationship between the increase in body weight of pregnant women and the weight of the baby born. (handayani, 2013). From several studies, it is still not known what factors most influence the birth weight of the baby, so in this study sistematic review was carried out as a strong first step for other researchers in developing this research. Method A systematic review through journal reviews of the relationship between maternal weight, fetal weight, age at pregnancy, status of Gravida with birth weight Result and Discussion Based on the analysis of the article it was found that the relationship between maternal weight, fetal weight, gestational age, gravida status and birth weight. Several studies have reported an increased risk of low birth weight (LBW) among offspring (generally defined as women <20 years). The number of births for women 35 years and over is increasing in both high-income countries and middle-income countries. Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain this. Biological mechanisms for increasing infant birth Low birth weight (LBW) in teenage mothers <20 years can be explained as follows. Blood circulation to the cervix and also to the uterus in adolescents is still not perfect so this can interfere with the process of channeling nutrients from the mother to the fetus she contains. Nutrition of pregnant adolescents also plays a role because adolescents still need nutrients to be shared with the fetus they contain compared to adult pregnant women who do not need nutrients for growth (Johanes, 2009 in Rahardjo et al, 2011). Teenage mothers are inherently at risk for birth outcomes that are compromised because biological factors are considered. A large US sample shows that unfavorable birth outcomes for adolescent mothers compared to older mothers occur at several levels due to biological factors (Fraser, Brockert, & Ward, 1995; Chen, et al., 2007). However, additional research shows that this difference does not exist among African-American women because of higher average exposure to social and environmental losses compared to whites (Geronimus, 1987; 1996). This explanation shows that unfavorable birth outcomes among teens compared to older mothers are the norm, from which African American mothers deviate as a result of lower socioeconomic status (SES). The role of social loss in understanding the risks of compromised young mothers from birth outcomes is examined, especially those related to the selection of disadvantaged teenagers to give birth to children. Thus, the way the age of young mothers is associated with unfavorable birth outcomes is considered, both cross and in racial / ethnic groups Conclusion This study has not been able to find a relationship between the weight gain of pregnant women on the weight of the baby born. According to assumptions, this happens because there are still other factors that are not yet known exactly where these factors can affect the weight of the baby born.

Pregnant Womans Weight Fetal Weight Age at Pregnancy Babys Birth Weight

International Conference on Nursing


Spiritual Reminiscence Group Therapy for Depression of Indonesian Elderly Living in Social Institution – An Analytical Review
Ema Dessy Naediwati (a*), Etty Rekawati (b)

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Ema Dessy Naediwati

a) Master-s Programme in Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
b) Community Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

Impact caused by the aging process is the existence of health-related problems. Health-related problems experienced by the older people are not only related to physical health but also mental health. Mental disorders occur in the older people population with depression as the most common disorder. One of nursing intervention that can be conducted in older people with depression is spiritual reminiscence group therapy. This article aims to explore how spiritual reminiscence group therapy can be performed on Indonesian older people with depression. This article used an analytical review method. The review themes are about definition, reasons, benefits, principles, and procedure of spiritual reminiscence group therapy. Furthermore, the results are also explanation about spiritual reminiscence group therapy that is included in community nursing intervention and roles of community nurse in the older people with depression. In the end, spiritual reminiscence group therapy has proven effective in overcoming depression. This therapy is very possible to conduct for older people in Indonesia due to a simple and easy therapy process. However, the research on spiritual reminiscence is still limited, especially in Indonesia. This analytical review suggests to conduct future research about spiritual reminiscence group therapy in the Indonesian older people with depression.

Depression, Group Therapy, Older People, Spiritual Reminiscence

International Conference on Nursing


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