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Growth and Production of Shallots (Allium ascolanicum L.) by Application of Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer and Liquid Organic Fertilizer Leaves of Lamtoro
Wan Arfiani Barus ; Hadriman Khair ; Muhammad Wira Ifandi

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Wan Arfiani Barus

University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Support for sustainable agriculture is to utilize organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers which are currently widely used are organic fertilizers from organism faeces and plant materials as well as in this study. The aim of this research was to determine the response of the vermicompost organic fertilizer and Liquid Organic Fertilizer leaves of Lamtoro to the growth and production of Shallot. This research used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of two factors. The application of vermicompost (K) consisted of four levels, 100, 200 and 300 g/polybag. The second factor is the Application of Lamtoro leaf liquid organic fertilizer (P) consists of four dosage levels; 0, 100 200 and 300 ml/polybag. The results showed that the application of vermicompost organic fertilizer showed a significant effect on all parameters studied except for the parameters of the number of tillers. Whereas, the application of Lamtoro leaf Liquid Organic Fertilizer showed no significant effect on all parameters observed. Furthermore, there was no interaction of the application of vermicompost organic fertilizer and Liquid Organic Fertilizer of Lamtoro leaf on the growth and production of shallots.

Lamtoro, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Shallots, Vermicompost

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Growth and Yield of Various Local Rice Varieties with Irrigation System of Rice Intensification
Isnawan B.H. (a*), Samanhudi (b), Supriyono (b), and Supriyadi (b)

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Bambang Heri Isnawan

(a) Student Doctoral Program Agricultural Science Universitas Sebelas Maret Solo and Lecturer of Department Agrotecknology Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
* bambang_hi[at]
(b) Lecturer Doctoral Program Agricultural Science Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo

An Intermittent irrigation in the SRI method of rice cultivation, among others, aims to reduce water requirements. In Indonesia it is well known and has been released by various rice varieties, both superior rice and local rice, but which local rice varieties have the potential to produce high-yielding rice with the SRI method to meet food needs in Indonesia have not been carried out much research. The study about Growth and Yield of Various Local Rice Varieties with Irrigation System of Rice Intensification aims to determine the suitability of intermittent and continuous flooding irrigation techniques on local rice variety and to study the response of various local rice varieties to the growth and yield of rice crop. Research has been conducted on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, UMY, which aims to determine how the responses of various local rice varieties with intermittent irrigation. The method used was the experimental experimental method carried out with pot research with an 8 x 2 factorial design of the treatment arranged in a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The first Factor was Rice varieties consist of 8 varieties, i.e. Mentik Susu (V1), Pandanwangi (V2), Mentik Wangi (V3), Rojolele gepyok (V4), Rojolele genjah (V5), Sintanur (V6), IR-64 (V7) and Ciherang (V8). The second factor was the method of irrigation consisting of 2 levels, i.e. intermittent irrigation SRI (A1), and continuous flooding (A2). Data analysis was performed with analysis of variance at &

Intermittent irrigation, aromatic rice, convensional irrigation

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Titiek Widyastuti and Bambang Heri Isnawan

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Titiek Widyastuti

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

9 tidak ada pilihan untuk poster presntation)

Planting Medium, Sirih Merah, Cuttings

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Impact of Wild Cicer Species on Production under Climate Change
Amar Maruf (a, b), Duygu Sari (b), Hatice Sari (b), Tuba Eker (b), Cengiz Toker (b*)

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Amar Maruf

a) University of Asahan, Faculty of Agriculture, North Sumatra, Indonesia
b) Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Antalya, Turkey

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the first rank among cool season legumes on the basis sowing area, and the crop is mostly grown in marginal areas under rainfed conditions in the world. Therefore, chickpea is exposed to high temperature and drought stresses. Extreme temperature in the near future has been predicted to increase due to climate change that caused to take place high temperature and drought stresses. Therefore, it is necessary to release cultivars to be resistant to high temperature and drought stresses to maintain stable production of chickpea. C. judaicum, C. bijugum, C. pinnatifidum and C. reticulatum have been shown to be tolerant to drought stress. Perennial wild Cicer species including C. anatolicum, C. microphyllum, C. montbretti, C. oxydon and C. songaricum were found to be tolerant drought. Wild Cicer species are considered to be superior to drought and heat stresses. Although perennial wild Cicer species have been shown to be significantly tolerant to drought stress, only two Cicer species can be crossed with the cultivated chickpea. To overcome these stresses, all Cicer species should be used in a long-term breeding program to produce chickpea cultivars that are tolerant to high temperature and drought stresses.

chickpea, wild Cicer species, breeding, climate change

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Indirect Interaction Between Soil Organisms and Aboveground Arthropods in Organic Paddy Fields
Dina Wahyu Trisnawati

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Organic farming is most promising way to overcome negative effects of modern farming on ecosystem. To understand effect of different histories of organic paddy field on the interaction between soil organisms and biodiversity of aboveground arthropods, we carried out researches in organic paddy field with 5 and 20 years old. The aims of the study are to reveal the effects of soil organisms on the abundance of aboveground arthropods by measuring the soil organism activity, nutrient availability, and abundance of the arthropods. We predict that subsidies of organic input in the organic paddy fields should increase microbial N immobilization and denitrification, effectively increase the N available for arthropod abundance. The results showed that long histories of organic paddy fields improved the abundance of soil organisms, soil microbial biomass C and N, soil nutrition, and these effects indirectly improved the abundance of aboveground arthropods. This study suggested that organic paddy fields improved the biotic interactions within and between soil organisms and aboveground ecosystem thereby might achieve sustainability of the paddy field system.

aboveground arthropods, indirect interaction, soil organism, organic farming, paddy

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Dian Indratmi 1) and C.T. Nora Octavia 2)

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Dian Indratmi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Postharvest strawberries have a fruit quality that declines rapidly and has relatively short shelf life, especially with a history of high gray mold attacks during cultivation in the garden. The intensity of gray mold is high in the field, causing investment in pathogenic inoculum on the surface of the strawberry skin, which results in strawberries easily attacked by pathogenic postharvest disease. One of the main diseases of postharvest strawberries is the gray mold rot. This disease is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Coating of fruit with antifungal yeast is one of the innovations used to extend shelf life and maintain the quality of fruit stored at room temperature. Coating of fruit with natural ingredients is still little researched, especially based on antifungal yeast. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of coating postharvest strawberries with antifungal yeast ingredients at various levels of maturity on the quality and shelf life of strawberries. The results showed fruit coating with yeast Debaryomyces hansenii were able to maintain fruit quality, increase the shelf life of strawberries fruits, and protect the fruit from the attack of postharvest pathogens without reducing fruit quality, so that they can be applied after harvesting strawberries.

yeast, Debaryomyces hansenii, Aureobasidium pullulans, Botrytis cinerea, strawberries, edible coating,

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Lis Noer Aini, Mahmud Fadil Mappiasse, Mulyono

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Lis Noer Aini

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Gantarang Subdistrict is one of the largest cocoa land areas in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. However, the production of cocoa plants in Gantarang District is not optimal. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics of cocoa land to establish the basis for determining the suitability of land for cocoa plants in the District Gantarang. The study was conducted using purposive sampling survey method through the collection of primary data and secondary data. Data obtained were analyzed using the matching method between land quality and land characteristics as parameters with the criteria of land suitability class. The results showed that the characteristics of land in Gantarang sub-district varied greatly. The current suitability for cocoa plants in Gantarang Subdistrict at the subclasses level based on FAO criteria varies greatly. Based on the sub-class level there are 5 actual land suitability classes namely S3rc, S3nr, S3na, S3eh, and Nrc. Improvements that can be made are add organic matter, fertilizers, creating terrace and conservation. After improvement, the potential suitability class that can be achieved are S2, S3, dan N, which means that it is Moderately Suitable, Marginally Suitable, and Not Suitable with the most limiting factor is rooting condition, others by erosion hazard and land preparation.

Cocoa Plants, Gantarang District, Land suitability

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Land suitability for soybean (glycine max (l.) Merill) in Sandy Coastal Land of Parangtritis Bantul Regency
Gunawan Budiyanto, Lis Noer Aini, Sandri Agustri Sari

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This research was conducted using observation method by collecting the primary and secondary data. Primary data were soil characteristics which determined using the laboratory analysis procedures, while secondary data were supporting information obtained from local government agencies. The results showed that the sandy beaches of Parangtritis beach had a sandy texture, very fast soil drainage, effective depth of low to moderate soils, low salinity, low cation exchange capacity, percentage saturation of medium to high bases. Based on the results of the analysis of primary and secondary data, actually the sandy land of Parangtritis beach is categorized into land suitability class S3r-1; r-2 for soybean plants, with soil drainage and texture as a limiting factor. Potentially, to reduce the negative effects of existing limiting factors, the addition of large amounts of organic matter, in-organic amendments, and NPK fertilizer is highly recommended.

Sandy coastal land, Land suitability, Limiting factors, Combination of organic matter, In-organic amendment and in-organic fertilizer

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Evan Purnama Ramdan (a*), Efi Toding Tondok (b), Suryo Wiyono (b), Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat (b), Widodo (b)

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Evan Purnama Ramdan

a) Agrotechnology Departement, Gunadarma University, Jalan Margonda Raya 100 Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok 16421
*) evan_ramdan[at]
b) Plant Protection Departement, IPB University, Kampus Dramaga, Jalan Kamper, Bogor 16680

The interaction between endophytic fungi and their hosts is specific, both as biological agents controlling plant diseases and plant growth promoting agents. Eight endophytics fungi was isolated from chili plants (Capsicum annum), selected based on pathogenicity tests, and were known to stimulate the growth of chili seedlings would be tested for ability to colonize the roots and stems of chili seedlings. The endophytic fungi suspension was tested with concentration of 2.8 x 106 cfu mL-1 by soaking 100 seeds in 100 mL of each endophytic fungi suspension. The application then repeated by watering 10 mL suspension of endophytic fungi on the roots seedlings area. Isolation of endophytic fungi was carried out for 4 weeks after sowing from the seedlings root and stem. The colonization rate of endophytic fungi was calculated based on the infected part of the plant and the distribution pattern of endophytic fungi on the stem was observed. The results showed that the endophytic fungus that was applied had the ability to colonize chili seeds, not only in the roots (20 - 60%), but also in the stem (20 - 40%) with the distribution pattern of colonization detected up to 3 cm from the soil surface.

Biocontrol agent, Capsicum annum, plant growth promoting agent

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Macronutrients Content of Organic Fertilizer Made From A Combination of Cow Blood and Bone with Coconut Fiber Ash
Anisa Puji Andani, Alda Ramadhani, Ihza Dinoel Salam, Lis Noer Aini

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Bantul 55183, Special Region of Yogyakarta

Long term application of anorganic fertilizers had damaged the soil physically and chemically, thus reducing the soil support capacity toward the plants growth. It also suppressed the population of beneficial microbes in the soil. The use of organic fertilizers made from cow blood and bones in combination with coconut fiber ash might improve the plant productivity without causing severe damage towards the soil. Aim of this study was to analyze the macronutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) content resulted from various combination ratios of cow blood, cow bones and coconut fiber ash. This study consisted of two main steps, including the making of organic fertilizer and analysis of macronutrients content. Organic fertilizer was composed using five different ratios in the combination of cow blood (4.0-6.0 g), cow bone (1.75-2.75 g) and coconut fiber ash (4.0-6.0 g). Results showed that each combination (cow blood, bone and coconut fiber ash) produced various level of macronutrients content. The highest nitrogen content (1.74%) was achieved from the combination of 5.5 g blood, 2.5 g bone and 5.5 g coconut fiber ash. The highest content of available phosphorus (P) (41.469 ppm) was produced by the combination of 5.0 g blood, 2.25 g bone and 5.0 g coconut fiber ash. The highest content of available potassium (154.25 Cmol/kg) was obtained from the combination of 4.0 g blood, 1.75 g bone and 4.0 g coconut fiber ash.

nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, soil, animal waste

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Morphological Response Of Some Brown Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) Using Polyethylene Glycol 6000 at Vegetative Phase
Siti Fadhilah(a), Eva Sartini Bayu(b*), Hot Setiado(b), Asni(c)

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Siti Fadhilah

a) Student of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155 Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan 20155, Indonesia
b) Lecture of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155 Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan 20155, Indonesia
c) The Laboratory staff of Laboratory Biotechnology Plant Faculty of Agriculture,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155 Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Medan 20155, Indonesia

Rice is a food crop that generally planted in rainfed land that utilizes rainwater as its primary supplier so that testing of several drought-tolerant rice varieties is needed. The research examined the morphological response of brown rice to drought in the vegetative phase by treating the addition of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 6000 with a level of 20 g / l water. The research conducted at the Faculty of Agricultures Greenhouse, University of Sumatera Utara, held in October 2018 until January 2019 using a randomized block design consisting of two factors with three replications. The results showed that the treatment of watering intervals of 14 days and 21 days on average plant height (75.14 - 67.71 cm), number of leaves (20.33 - 19.42 strands), number of tillers (4.11 - 3.67 tillers) and root volume (5.44 - 3.67 ml) were not significantly different compared to the control treatment, the highest average root length found in the watering interval of 21 days (29.13 cm). Of the several tested varieties obtained genotypes that were most resistant to drought stress based on their morphological responses were Inpago 7 varieties compared to Inpara 7 and Inpari 24 Gabusan varieties.

rice, varieties, peg 6000, morphological response, drought stress

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Putri Mustika Sari (a*), Darma Bakti (b), Lisdayani (c), Henny Wahyuni (d), Adriansyah Yoesoep (e)

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Putri Mustika Sari

a)Agrothechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al-Washliyah Medan
b)Agrothechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara
c)Agrothechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al-Washliyah Medan
d)Agribisnis Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al-Washliyah Medan
e)Agribisnis Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al-Washliyah Medan

Eight species of fruit flies were found in 5 locations of red guava plantations in District Deli Serdang. Fruit flies were identified morphologically at LIPI. Dendrogram results of Neighbor Joining analysis based on RAPD markers of DNA band characters show the genetic closeness of the eight species divided into 3 clusters. Cluster 1 is B. caudata (Kolam and Namoriam) and B. umbrosa (Kolam, Namoriam and Sei Mencirim); Cluster 2 is B. curcubitae (Sei Beras Sekata), B. caudata (Sei Mencirim and Sei Beras Sekata), B. umbrosa (Sei Beras Sekata), B. carambolae (Sei Mencirim and Sei Beras Sekata), and B. papayae (Kolam, Namoriam, Sei Mencirim and Sei Beras Sekata); and Cluster 3 is B. kinabalu (Kolam), B. carambolae (Sawit Rejo, Kolam and Namoriam), B. tau (Kolam), B. papayae (Sawit Rejo), B. curcubitae (Sawit Rejo, Kolam, Namoriam and Sei Mencirim), B. caudata (Sawit Rejo), B.umbrosa (Sawit Rejo) and B. albistrigata (Kolam).

Bactrocera spp., morphology, molecular, PCR-RAPD

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Performance of Three Varieties on True Shallot Seed (TSS) Seedling in Sand Soil Area
Sutardi, Joko Promono, and Sugeng Widodo

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology Yogyakarta,
Jl. Stadion Maguwoharjo No. 22, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The quality or quality of seeds is the beginning of the success of planting shallots from seeds (TSS). The study aimed to determine the growth of shallot seed from the seeds of the direct seed sowing system (Tabela) in sand soil. The study uses of on farm research approach with farmers as cooperators. The research was conducted in two different locations of beach sand, namely the Manunggal Farmer Group, Srigading, Sanden, Bantul and Sidodadi Farmer Group of Trisik, Banaran, Galur, Kulon Progo in April - July 2018. The study was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with the treatment of three shallot varieties namely Bima, Trisula and Lokananta. The study was repeated 4 times, on a land of 0.5 ha per variety. The results of the study showed that growth power, root length, seedling population were not significantly different, whereas plant height, leaf number and adaptability were significantly different for each variety. Seed weight produced for plant material was significantly different between varieties. The use of TSS was more efficient by 47-57% compared to the origin of the tuber as seeds. The cost of TSS seed was relatively small (29%), so it as feasible to develop it as a substitute for the source of seeds from tubers at a cost of 50% of the total cost of shallots farming. The implementation was shallots farming using TSS in sandy land was more beneficial than seeds from tubers.

varieties, True Shallot Seed, seedling, and sand soil.

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Phylogenetic Relationship among Taxa in the Genus Pisum L. based on Morphological Traits
Cengiz Toker (a*), Duygu Sari (a), Hatice Sari (a)

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Cengiz Toker

a) Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Antalya, Turkey

The number of species in the genus Pisum L. has been far from consensus since the species in the genus have been reported as two to five or as monotypic. The aim of the present study is therefore to bring to light phylogenetic relationship on morphological traits in five pea taxa including Pisum sativum subsp. sativum var. sativum L. (garden pea) and P. sativum subsp. sativum var. arvense L. (Poir.) (field pea), P. sativum subsp. abyssinicum A. Braun (Dekoko or Abyssinian pea), P. sativum subsp. elatius M. Bieb. and P. fulvum Sib. & Sm. using multivariate cluster analysis (MCA). According to MCA analysis, P. sativum subsp. sativum var. sativum and P. sativum subsp. sativum var. arvense were clustered in the same group, whereas P. sativum subsp. abyssinicum was closer to these two taxa. Although wild species including P. sativum subsp. elatius and P. fulvum were found to be different from the cultivated species, P. fulvum was distinctly different from the other taxa. Phylogenetic relationship among taxa in the genus Pisum was clearly brought to light as the useful findings in the present study.

pea; Pisum; phylogenetic relationship

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Edible Film Based of Gembili Starch (Dioscorea esculenta L. Burkill) with Addition of Glycerol and STPP
Warkoyo1,2), Devi Dwi Siskawardani2), Anggit Ayu Pradana Siwi2), Moch. Wachid2)

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Warkoyo Warkoyo

1) Food Engineering Laboratory, Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
2) Department of Food Science and Technology; Faculty of Agriculture Animal Science; University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Edible films are thin layers made from hydrocolloids, lipids, and their combinations, functioning as a barrier to mass transfer. The hydrocolloid source commonly used for edible film is starch. Tubers has the potential to be developed into food products, one of which is gembili tuber. Gembili tuber has a high starch yield of 21.4%. Natural starch has properties not resistant to high temperature heating. Natural starch produces a starch suspension with viscosity and ability to form a gel that is not uniform (consistent), cannot stand acidic conditions, does not resist stirring, limited solubility in water, and starch gel is easy to experience syneresis and brittle. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of glycerol and STPP with different concentrations on the physical characteristics and mechanical edible film produced. This study used a factorial randomized block design with two factors. The first factor used was the addition of glycerol (17.5, 22.5 and 27.5% v/b) and the second factor was the addition of STPP (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% b/v). The parameters tested included thickness, tensile strength, elongation, solubility, transparency, and water vapor transmission rate (WVTR). The results showed an interaction between the addition of glycerol and STPP to thickness, tensile strength, solubility, transparency, elongation, and WVTR. Addition of glycerol and STPP has an effect on the physical and mechanical characteristics of edible film. The best characteristics of edible film were produced by the addition of glycerol 17.5% and STPP 0.1% with a character thickness of 0.11 mm, tensile strength 2.03 MPa, elongation of 15.38%, solubility of 64.44%, transparency of 2.88 mm -1, WVTR 13.27 g/m2/24 hours.

Edible film, gembili, glycerol, STPP

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Physical And Milling Quality Of Several Rice New Superior Varieties
Siti Dewi Indrasari, Heni Purwaningsih, Titiek Farianti Djaafar and Kristamtini

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Siti Dewi Indrasari

Yogyakarta Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to examine the physical quality of grain and milling quality of the local varieties of Yogyakarta rice (Mentikgrompol) and several new superior varieties (Sembada Merah, Sembada Hitam and Inpari 43). The results showed that the percentage of empty grains of Mentikgrompol and Inpari 43 fulfilled the requirements of Indonesian National Standard (INS) of grain in 1993 in the first quality class. While the percentage of green / chalky grains of Mentikgrompol and Inpari 43 met the second quality class. Grain density and weight of 1000 grains of four rice samples ranged from 449.0 g/l (Sembada Hitam) to 531.5 g / l (Mentikgrompol) and 20.09 (Inpari 43) to 24.67 (Mentikgrompol) respectively. Based on the rice form, Mentikgrompol included as bold rice (1,1-2,0), Sembada Merah and Sembada Hitam included as medium rice (2,1-3,0), and Inpari 43 included as slender rice (> 3.0). The yield of broken rice ranged from 69.24% (Sembada Hitam) to 77.56% (Inpari 43) and the yield of milled rice ranged from 62.08% (Mentikgrompol) to 67.81% (Inpari 43). Inpari 43 has the best head rice percentage (94.04%) and almost fulfilled the premium quality class of INS of rice in 2015.

Grain physical quality; Rice milling quality; Local variety, New superior varieties

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Physico-Mechanical Properties of Edible Film Based of Taro Starch (Colocasia esculenta L. Schoott) with Glycerol Addition
Devi Dwi Siskawardani1), Warkoyo 1,2), Rahmat Hidayat 1), Sukardi 1)

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Devi Dwi Siskawardani

1) Department of Food Science and Technology; Faculty of Agriculture Animal Science; University of Muhammadiyah Malang
2) Food Engineering Laboratory, Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Environmental pollution caused by plastic packaging materials has been alarming, causing the researchers to make films that are easy to decompose. Edible film is a thin layer that serves as a protector of food and barriers to the transfer of mass, such as water vapor, and oxygen. Taro tuber is one of the raw materials in the manufacture of edible film which has great potential because it has high starch content. Most edible films made from starch have deficiencies that are fragile so plasticizers need to be added. Addition of glycerol is more efficient in improving physical and mechanical properties such as tensile strength and elongation because it can make edible film more flexible and strong against physical damage and can produce edible which has a high transparency. This study aims to determine the effect of concentrations of taro starch and glycerol on the physico-mechanical properties of the edible film produced. The study was conducted using factorial randomized block design with two factors. The first factor was the concentration of taro starch (2, 2.5, and 3%) and the second factor was the concentration of glycerol (25, 30, and 35%). The parameters tested were thickness, tensile strength, elasticity, solubility, transparency, and water vapor transmission rate (WVTR). The results of this study indicate that there is an interaction between the concentration of taro starch and glycerol to the parameters of tensile strength, elasticity, solubility, WVTR and transparency. The best results were produced by treatment of 3% starch and 25% glycerol with a character thickness of 0.15 mm, tensile strength of 10.63 MPa, elasticity of 60.21%, solubility of 23.48%, WVTR of 25.37 g/m2/24 hours and transparency 2.23 mm-1.

taro starch, glycerol, edible film

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Postharvest Quality Changes in Phu-Chawa Pineapple during Low Temperature Storage
Kamonwan Sangsoy, Kietsuda Luengwilai

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng-Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

‘Phu-Chawa- pineapple is a relatively new cultivar of a good fresh consumption quality. However, there is still a lack of information on quality change during low temperature storage of this new cultivar. Being a hybrid between resistant and susceptible cultivar, ‘Pattavia- and ‘Phuket-, respectively, a comparison study between the ‘Phu-Chawa- and its parents was conducted to investigate chemical compositions and internal browning of the fruit after 14 days of storage at 10±2°C, 95±5% RH followed by another three days at 25°C. It was found that ‘Phuket- showed browning symptom score of 4.3, while ‘Phu-Chawa- and ‘Pattavia- exhibited browning symptom score of 0.7 and 0.1, respectively. ‘Pattavia- and ‘Phuket- had similar ascorbic acid content (9.1 and 4.3 mg Ascrobic acid/100 ml juice, respectively), which was lower than that of ‘Phu-Chawa- (22.3 mg Ascrobic acid/100 ml juice). Similarly, ‘Phu-Chawa- and ‘Pattavia- had lower polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activities than that of ‘Phuket- cultivar. After storage, a decrease in gallic acid but increase in vanillic and caffeic acids were found in both ‘Pattavia and ‘Phu-Chawa- pineapple. In contrary, catechin and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid increased in ‘Phu-Chawa- but decreased in ‘Pattavia- pineapple.

phenolic compound, chilling injury, chemical composition

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Potency of biofertilizer to control damping off disease and stimulate plant growth on Japansche citroen seedling
Sri Widyaningsih, Mutia Erti Dwiastuti, Dina Agustina

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Sri Widyaningsih

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute). Jl. Raya Tlekung No. 1, Junrejo, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur

Damping off is one of the diseases caused by soil borne pathogens that cause the death of seedling in a short time due to decay in seeds or roots and stems. Control of this disease is quite difficult, so control measures must be taken before a pathogen attack occurs. One potential for controlling this disease is the use of biofertilizers. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of biofertilizers and the time of application to the intensity of damping off disease (Fusarium sp.) and plant growth on Japansche citroen seedling. This study used a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with 2 factors. The first factor was the type of biofertilizer namely Azozfor (P1), liquid biofertlizer (P2), secondary metabolite Trichoderma asperellum (P3), Mixtured of three biofertilizer (P4), and control (P5). The second factor was the time of application, namely the treatment of biofertilizers first then followed by the inoculation of Fusarium sp. (A1) and the treatment of Fusarium sp. first followed by treatment of biofertilizer (A2). Observation parameters were the intensity of the disease, seeds germinate and plant height. The results showed that the intensity of the lowest germination rate was found in A1P3 treatment (0%), while in the control of the intensity of shoot sprout disease reached 41.3%. The treatment of A1P2, A2P1, A2P2 and A2P4 showed the same disease intensity of 1.3%. The highest control effectiveness was found in A1P2, A1P3, A2P1, A2P2 and A2P4 treatments and this was not significantly different compared to A1P4, A2P4 and control treatments. The largest percentage of seeds germinate at 21 days after seedling (DAS) was shown in A1P1 treatment with a percentage of 26.7% and A2P3 treatment (25.3%), while after 28 DAS, the largest percentage of seed growth was in A2P4 treatment with percentage of 73.3%. The lowest plant height at 28 DAS was A1P4 treatment and control. Biofertilizer is effective for controlling damping off disease if applied separately.

Biofertilizer; citrus; damping off; Fusarium

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Potential Pest of High Amylopectin and Rich Anthocyanin Corn Varieties
Ihsan Nurkomar, Agus Nugroho Setiawan, Fathurahman Khomeri, Genesiska Genesiska

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

As part of agricultural cultivation practices, especially plant breeding activities, the resistance of cultivated plants to pest attacks is one of the characteristics that must be prioritized. This research was conducted to study the type of pest and their damage intensity as the first step in the breeding program of waxy corn and black corn. The study was carried out through field survey activity on a weekly observation starting from plants aged 1 to 12 weeks old after planting. The type of pest found was identified and the damage intensity was calculated. The type of pests found consisted of grasshoppers, thrips, stem borer, earworm, and rat as well. There was no difference in population size and damage intensity of all pests in two corn varieties. The population size and damage intensity of all pests were affected by the age of corn plant because each pest was attacked at different times either when the plants were in the vegetative or generative phase or both. Generally, the damage intensity of pest is still in the mild to moderate category. A monitoring activity needs to be conducted in the subsequent activity to obtain information on the development of these potential pest species and their populations size.

Black corn, corn, Helicoverpa armigera, Ostrinia furnacalis, potential pest, waxy corn

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Potential Use of Refugia in Controlling Oil Palm Pest on Peat Swamp Land
Agus Kurniawan and Sri Utami

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Agus Kurniawan

Environment and Forestry Research and Development Intitute of Palembang

One of the pillars of the peat restoration is the success in revitalizing peoples livelihoods. The welfare of the community on peat swamp can improved through the efforts to the intensive agricultural. One of the commodities that is widely cultivated on peatlands is an oil palm. To ensure successful harvest and prevent the crops damage, pest control on oil palm plantations is very necessary . Pest control is carried out with various considerations including effectiveness, efficiency and effects on the environment. For ecosystem safety, biological control is highly recommended in pest control efforts. The refugia plants have proven effective in controlling pests. Refugia can be developed at relatively low cost and are environmentally friendly. The refugia can play a role in providing habitat for parasitoid organisms and predators of agricultural and forestry pests. Several types of refugia have the potential to be developed on peat swamp land and it is expected that pest attacks in oil palm plants can be controlled in an environmentally friendly manner. This protection effort is easy to apply and effective to bringing in and providing a place of life for the natural enemies of the oil palm pest.

oil palm, pests, predator, peat swamp, refugia

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Atiek Iriany, Diana Rosyida, Agus Dwi Sulistyono, Budi Nurani Ruchjana

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Atiek Iriany

Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia

Neural network constitutes a non-linear model requiring no statistical assumption. Along the development of which, neural network model has been frequently combined with time series and spatio temporal models. This current research combined neural network and spatio temporal models. One of spatio temporal models is GSTAR-SUR model. The weight projected in this current research is cross covariance normalized weight. This sort of weight is deemed suitable for data with high variability. The significant variable in GSTAR-SUR model containing cross covariance normalized weight was used as input layer of neural network model. The hidden layer made use of 10 neurons fulfilling the criteria of the lowest RMSE value and there was 1 neuron used as output. The data were in the form of 10-day precipitations in Junggo, Pujon, Tinjumoyo, and Ngujung, during the period of 2005 to 2014. This research has found out that NN-GSTAR-SUR model yielded better and more accurate forecasting, showing R^2 value of 61.77%.

GSTAR, SUR, Neural Network, Cross Covariance Normalization

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Profile of Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) DNA Band DxP 540 NG Variety Based on RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorphism DNA) Marker
Rumata Yohana Diantoro (a), Eva Sartini Bayu (a*), Diana Sofia Hanafiah (a), Lollie A.P. Putri (a), Asni (b)

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a) Agroteknologi Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No. 3, Medan 20155, Indonesia
b) Laboratory Plant Biotechnology Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No. 3, Medan 20155, Indonesia

RAPD marker is an informative molecular marker, could enhance the efficiency of early selection stage and reduce selection time in oil palm breeding. The aim of this study was to look at the percentage of polymorphic bands of genetic diversity in the DxP 540 NG Variety based on three random amplified polimorphism DNA marker. A total of 20 oil palm leaf samples of the DxP 540 NG variety were isolated. The size of the bands ranged from 446-1574 bp measured using UVITEC Cambridge FireReader software. The absorbance values of DNA stocks at A260 / 280 ranged from 1.37-2.50. The DNA concentration (μg / ml) ranged from 95.1-1036. The total banding pattern produced 14 bands with 100% polymorphic bands.

oil palm, polymorphism, RAPD.

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Quantity and Quality Test of DNA Soybean Mutant Lines (Glycine max L. Merril) Resistant Athelia rolfsii Curzi
Anggria Lestami(a), Diana Sofia Hanafiah(b*), Revandy I. M. Damanik(b)

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Anggria Lestami

a) Student of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Indonesia.
b) Lecture of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Indonesia.

Soybean is one of the important commodities in Indonesia, but its production is still low due to the attack of the fungus Athelia rolfsii Curzi. Mutagenesis is one of breeding technique for creating gene variability for resistant of disease in soybean. The study aims to examine quantity and quality DNA of soybean mutant lines resistant Athelia rolfsii Curzi. The study was conducted at Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. DNA of 7 soybean mutant lines and variety of Anjasmoro was isolated using CTAB extraction method, quantity test using spectrophotometer and quality test using UVITEC Cambridge Fire Reader. The results showed lines that had bright and thick band pattern found in Anjasmoro, M100-25(2/7), M100-A25(3/4), M200-A11(39/7), M300-A8(35/7), while thin and less bright band found in M200-A11(32/3), M200-A12(6/5), M300-A6(33/3). The purity of DNA produced range from 1.84 – 2.00 and the concentration of DNA produced range from 72.9 – 847.3 µg/ml.

soybean, mutant lines, quantity test, quality test, DNA

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Rainfall Forecasting in Agricultural Areas Using GSTAR-SUR-NN Model
Agus Dwi Sulistyono, Hartawati, Ni Wayan Suryawardhani, Atiek Iriany, Aniek Iriany

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Agus Dwi Sulistyono

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Brawijaya University
Department of Statistics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

The use of location weights on the formation of the spatio-temporal model contributes to the accuracy of the model formed. The location weights that are often used include uniform location weight, inverse distance, and normalization of cross-correlation. The weight of the location considers the proximity between locations. For data that has a high level of variability, the use of the location weights mentioned above is less relevant. This research was conducted with the aim of obtaining a weighting method that is more suitable for data with high variability. This research was conducted using secondary data derived from 10 daily rainfall data obtained from BMKG Karangploso. The data period used was January 2005 to December 2015. The points of the rain posts studied included the rain post of the Blimbing, Karangploso, Singosari, Dau, and Wagir regions. Based on the results of the research forecasting model obtained is the GSTAR ((1), 1,2,3,12,36) -SUR model. The cross-covariance model produces a better level of accuracy in terms of lower RMSE values and higher R2 values, especially for Karangploso, Dau, and Wagir areas.

cross-covariance, GSTAR Model, precipitation, spatio-temporal

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Rapid and Non-Destructive Prediction of Total Soluble Solids of Guava Fruit at Various Storage Periods Using Handheld Near-Infrared Instrument
Kusumiyati*, Yuda Hadiwijaya, Ine Elisa Putri

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Kusumiyati Kusumiyati

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia

Guava fruit is one of the most popular horticulture products because it has various health benefits. Once fruit is harvested, the fruit is still carrying out the respiration process during storage which results in changes in physical and chemical properties. One of chemical properties that is concerned by consumers is the total soluble solids, which explain the rough sugar content. This study examined the use of handheld near-infrared instruments to predict the total soluble solids of guava fruit at various storage periods rapidly and non-destructively. The research method used in this study was multivariate data analysis. Spectral pre-treatments were applied to correct the spectra and increase the accuracy of prediction. Calibration model was done by partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). The results showed that the use of handheld near-infrared instrument was able to predict the total soluble solids of guava fruit with high accuracy. The best calibration model was produced on the model that was pre-treated by orthogonal signal correction (OSC) and calibrated using the PLSR. Coefficient of determination (R2) of calibration and validation were 0.848 and 0.722, respectively, while the root mean squares error of calibration (RMSEC) and root mean squares error of prediction (RMSEP) were 0.389 and 0.480, respectively.

Fruit quality, intact fruit, non-destructive sensing, rapid prediction, spectroscopy

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Redevelopment Strategy of Sambas Orange Agribusiness
Rahmatullah Rizieq, Agus Dianto, Sri Widarti, Ekawati

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Ekawati Ekawati

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Panca Bhakti

This research aimed to investigate the best culture strategy of Sambas Orange. The fruit was the icon of Kabupaten Sambas. The damaged Sambas orange plants were caused by some factors such as its trade system. There are many farmers who are growing the orange. They are expecting that the fruit become the icon of the place so that it can increase their welfare. This research was conducted in 2018 in Kecamatan Tebas, Kabupaten Sambas, the center of Siam orange plantation. The sampling was through two stages. The first stage was determining the sample of village through purposive sampling; Segarau Parit was chosen for its large area and high production number. The second stage was determining the sample of farmers through random sampling. SWOT analysis was implemented. The result of research revealed that the required strategy was aggressive Growth-Oriented Strategy or SO that is optimizing the field usage and seasonal arrangement. The proposed actions involved: 1) mapping field that is appropriate for orange plantation, 2) using the field for only growing orange, 3) improving post-harvest for fresh fruit to deliver, and 4) improving the trade system for equal benefits.

SWOT, Siam, Marketing, Citrus Centre, agriculture

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Revealing the Proteomic Profiles of Antianthracnose-Related Proteins in Serratia plymuthica UBCR_12
Siti Nur Aisyah, Hafid Harnas, Jamsari Jamsari

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, 25163 Padang – West Sumatera, Indonesia

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 55183 Bantul – Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The capacity of Serratia plymuthica UBCR_12 in suppressing anthracnose causal agent, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is regulated molecularly through protein expression. Regarding its suppression, the efficacy of this antianthracnose bacteria is greatly affected by various environmental factors, particularly the presence of bacterial main nutrients (carbon and nitrogen). This study was aimed to investigate the expression profile of antianthracnose-related proteins in S. plymuthica UBCR_12 under different modified medium. Antagonistic activity of this bacteria against C. gloeosporioides was assessed using agar spot method in PDA medium supplemented with several concentrations of peptone or glucose. Pathogenic fungi-bacteria co-culture was performed under the same condition as an antagonistic assay to induce the extracellular proteomes expression related to this antianthracnose trait. Proteome profiles were visualized using SDS-PAGE and 2-DE, then a highly differential protein spot was further analyzed using MALDI-TOF-MS. Prediction of protein classification and possible hypothetical pathway were performed in-silico. The highest suppression (42.3% at 9th-day post application) resulted in 2% glucose-supplemented medium, however 2% peptone-supplemented medium conferred a quicker suppression (at 5th-day post application) with quite lower inhibition efficacy (40%). Differential expression of 42 kDa protein band recorded during peptone addition was predicted to be flagellin protein, which might correlate with a rapid stimulus of suppression activity. This protein involved in the quorum-sensing mechanism by triggering the greater rate of cell division resulting in bacterial colonization and motility approaching the fungal pathogen.

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, carbon, nitrogen, antifungal, quorum-sensing

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Ganies Riza Aristya1*), Febri Yuda Kurniawan1), Heri Prabowo2), and Rina Sri Kasiamdari3)

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Febri Yuda Kurniawan

1)Genetics and Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
2)Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute, Malang, East Java.
3)Plant Systematics Laboratory, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is among the important commodities of the commercial sector since it accounts for 65% of the worlds sugar production. Indonesia is the worlds eighth largest country in terms of productivity, planting area and yield of sugarcane. Environmental stresses due to climate change are among factors that may cause negative impacts on the production of sugarcane. The purpose of the present study was to determine sugarcane cultivars tolerant to environmental stress based on a multiplex analysis of SCDR 1 and P5CS, as well as sugarcane defense mechanisms against environmental stress conditions. The methods used in this study were quantitative test with spectrophotometry, qualitative test with electrophoresis, DNA amplification of the target SCDR 1 and P5CS by the PCR method. SCDR 1 is a gene involved in the responses to drought, salinity and oxidative stresses in sugarcane, while P5CS is involved in the responses to drought stress and shows a negative correlation to sucrose productivity under drought stress conditions. The presence of these two genes in the tested sugarcane cultivars indicates a tolerant trait of environmental stress. The study found that 24 tested sugarcane cultivars are tolerant to environmental stress due to the presence of those two genes.

Environmental-stresses, multiplex, P5CS, SCDR 1, sugarcane

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Seed priming alleviates crop growth inhibition by salinity
Budiastuti Kurniasih, Chalida Noornadia, Mohamad Nur Eko Aji Prakoso, Tohari

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Budiastuti Kurniasih

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Salinity has become one main obstacle in increasing marginal land crop productivity. Several attempts have been made to deal with salinity. This study aimed at alleviating rice and soybean growth inhibition as caused by salinity, using seed priming during pre-sowing. The factorial Randomized Completely Block Design was used in both experiments. The first experiment examined the effects of seed priming using four levels of NaCl concentrations, i.e. 0.2, 150, 300 and 450 mM NaCl on the growth and yield of two rice varieties (Dendang and IR 64) in salinity. Whereas in the second experiment, the effects of seed priming using three levels NaCl concentrations, i.e. 0, 40 and 80 mM were tested on three soybean varieties (Anjasmoro, Dering and Grobogan) under salinity. The results from the first experiment showed that the two rice varieties responded differently to seed priming treatments. Although seed priming using 150 mM NaCl significantly increased fresh and dry weight at early seedling growth in both varieties, however at generative stage Dendang (the salt tolerant variety), was less responsive to seed priming compared to IR 64. Similar results were also found from the second experiment. Among three soybean cultivars, only Dering (the salt sensitive variety) which showed a positive responses to seed priming up to 80 mM NaCl.

rice, soybean, seed priming, salinity

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


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