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Media Discourse of Disability Community in National Media Online
Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah

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Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Inclusive development or policy is development that involves and have benefit and impact for all citizens including disability groups. In national regulation number 8/2016 government has guaranteed rights of disability groups to have same position and human rights as citizens to be able to live progressively and develop in a just and beneficial manner; although in reality the fulfillment of the rights of disability groups is still far from expectations. In terms of facilities and infrastructure, many public facilities and buildings have not been convenience for disability groups including rights to obtain employment and right to obtain social security. Even some community groups have not positive attitudes and have negative stigma to disability groups.In midst of efforts and various challenges from various social organizations to realize inclusiveness in development including fulfillment of rights of disability groups, media as one of the social systems constructs and builds discourse on disability groups. Media discourse on disability groups through symbols in texts shows power relations that exist. The purpose of this study is to analyze disability discourse in mass media and how power relations existing of various parties to disability groups. This study uses Norman Fairclough model discourse analysis method; by analyzing text and how it socio cultural practices. The objects of this study are 3 national scale online media namely, and in 2017-2018. The results of the study show that the disability group is constructed as a weak group, unequal as a citizen and still marginalized as fulfilling their rights.

Keywords: disability groups, discourse analysis, national online media.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Mediated Family Communication : Conversation of children to parents does not provide a solution
Tri Mahrunnisa (*), Sastiya Fairus Qorira, Eliffa Ashria, Rizki Fadila, Maulana Rezi Ramadhana

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Tri Mahrunnisa

Communication Science, Telkom University, Jalan Telekomunikasi 1 Bandung, Indonesia *trimahrunnisaa[at]

Since changes caused by digital technology in everyday life, the pattern of family communication has become more complicated. With the presence of digital communication media (chat / texting) now it also provides an opportunity for children and parents in the family to exchange messages and have communication conversations, namely through computer mediation, this applies to any existing family communication pattern. The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes and digital conversation experiences between children to parents for each consensual, pluralistic, protective and laissez-faire family communication pattern. Two hundred and thirteen teenagers aged seventeen were involved in responding to surveys about digital conversation attitudes and family communication patterns. Childrens attitudes related to conversational experiences with parents are investigated by choices that have been formulated and analyzed quantitatively. The research findings reveal that all children who have all four family communication patterns address chat / texting conversations with parents do not provide solutions to childrens needs, but also found significant attitudinal differences from each type of family communication. The conclusion of the study shows that the family communication climate affects childrens attitudes in conducting digital conversations. Directions for the future are offered to explore the concept of mediated family communication patterns.

Computer-mediated communication; Understanding conversation; Family Communication Pattern; Teenagers; Parents

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Lutfia Nurul Hidayati, Antun Mardiyanta, Susi Hardjati

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Lutfia Nurul Hidayati

1Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
2Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
3UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, Indonesia

East Java Province ranks first in the number of cases of inclusion of people with psychiatric disorders or can be called psychotic. The Ministry of Social Affairs noted that there were 1,200 people in Pasung in 2016. 459 had been released from income and as many as 741. Patients with mental disorders were installed in East Java which was spread over 38 regencies / cities. Then in 2017 there were 757 cases and up to 2018 there were 888 cases. Thus the government strives to reduce cases of mental disorder sufferers through E-Pasung and District Social Welfare Personnel. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of government efforts through E-Pasung and mentoring. This study uses a qualitative research methodology. Techniques for collecting data by interviewing the Social Service and Health Service. To strengthen the argument, the study of documentation and literature was also used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the innovation of public services in the form of E-pasung initially decreased but in the following year it increased to 2018. The Social Service also involved 110 pasung assistants, among them from TKSK (District Social Welfare Workers). Assistance to the Pasung family in terms of monitoring the availability of drugs, family education to take patients to the hospital and to rehabilitation centers

Strategy, Free Pasung at JATIM

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Millennial Choice of University Marketing Media as Source of Information in Selecting Higher Education Institutions: An Exploratory Analysis
Andriani Kusumawati (a*)

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Andriani Kusumawati

a) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
Jalan MT. Haryono 163, Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Higher education institutions (HEIs) in Indonesia are facing challenge due to tight regulatory environments, and decrease state funding. University managers have an opportunity to leverage targeted marketing strategies in order to increase their institutions market share in student segment. The purpose of this study was to explore the choice of university marketing strategies by millennial to increase student enrollment in higher education programs. The traditional marketing mix and the Ps of marketing theory as well as digital marketing strategies comprised the study conceptual framework. Qualitative research approach by using semi structured interviews were conducted with two currently enrolled students and two prospective students combined with two university marketing administrator from the higher education sector, who were selected by purposive sampling. Data were audio recorded, transcribed, member checked, and then coded for themes. Emergent themes describe the critical elements considered when choosing a university marketing media as source of information in HEIs. A significant finding of the study was that appropriate use of digital media including social media as favored source of information about university to study. The article also suggests strategies for the implementation of university marketing media in ways that are likely to have a positive impact on attracting prospective students. Marketing managers and practitioners in higher education, organizational strategy leaders, and policy makers may use these findings to understand the preferred source of information by students, which may contribute to the growth of student enrollment.

University Marketing Media; Choice; Millennial; HEIs

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Millennials ASN: Disruptor of Bureaucracy Towards Humanocracy and Becoming Digitocracy
Herie Saksono

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Herie Saksono

Research and Development Agency (R&D) of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Jl. Kramat Raya No. 132 - Senen
DKI Jakarta

The existence of the millennial generation in the digital era today has disrupted various things. Millennials have changed everything. Millennials have penetrated the public sector, formed new work patterns, managed digital-based activities, and optimize digital media channels as a means of communication, work processions, and publicizing their performance. Government bureaucracy is increasingly dominated by millennial civil servants (ASN). Will its existence disrupt the bureaucracy, turn it into a humanocracy or directly adapt it as a digitocracy? This study aims to describe the existence of millennials ASN and its work in the government bureaucracy. The method used is descriptive-qualitative. Data analysis through stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. Studies show that the existence of massive millennials ASN in government organizations will disrupt bureaucracy by reforming management and work patterns becoming more human and digitally based. This situation created a humanocrats who shifted the role of bureaucrats and even adapted it to become a digitocrats. The study concluded that the development of digital technology would shift the working pattern of millennials ASN to be more humanistic through the utilization of digital devices. It is recommended that the Government should facilitate the transformation of bureaucracies and formulate adaptation strategies into digitocracy.

Millennial ASN, Disruption, Bureaucracy, Humanocracy, and Digitocracy.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Misuse of Projet Implementation Unit to corrupt Parliament Aspiration Funds. Case Study of Corruption on Road Construction in Maluku and North Maluku
Hadi Sadhono

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Hadi Sadhono


The National Road Implementation Units (BPJN) which were established by the Ministry of Public Works in 16 locations spread throughout Indonesia, have the tasks of carrying out planning, procurement, construction and maintenance of roads and bridges in accordance with statutory provisions. Those units get funding through the National Budget (APBN) or World Bank Loans. Corruption case study was carried out in the provinces of Maluku and North Maluku, using the unit to corrupt the Parliament (DPR) Aspiration Funds.

BPJN Corruption Aspiration DPR

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Wahyuni Kartikasari

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Wahyuni Kartikasari

University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Although large-scale migration has been a long history of human movement since the emergence of countries around 6,000 years ago, the issue of migration is still a very interesting topic. The most recent example of a border problem due to migration is President Trumps plan to build a border wall. Talks about migration are also very closely related to government policies at international, regional and national levels. The demand to understand the issue of migration for decision makers is driven by political, economic and social pressures in line with the increasing phenomenon of migration itself. This paper aims to see the impact caused by modern and contemporary migration events in Indonesia. The development of world politics which caused conflict and war in several countries gave rise to a wave of refugees as a new form of migration. The case of Indonesia illustrates that this country is a transit country from the invasion of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Myanmar, as a new phase of people moving space for political reasons. By looking at the phenomena of migration that occur, it is expected to be able to add scientific insight to the study of transnational migration and border studies with the discovery of symptoms, forms and characters of modern migration and its impact on the countries concerned.

migration, contemporary migration, migration policies, borders

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Moslem Women Participation in Sustainable Household Clean Water Management The Case Of Sekaran District
Annida Unnatiq Ulya (a*); Ardhi Ristiawan (a)

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Annida Unnatiq Ulya

a) Environmental Science Department, Center for Science and Technology, IAIN Surakarta
Jl. Pandawa Pucangan, Kartasura - Sukoharjo, Indonesia
* annida_ulya[at]

Environment is easily changing through urban development and people growth. In this situation, the availability of clean water would be threatened unless it has a good water management. The purpose of this research is to examine Moslem women-s participation in sustainable household clean water management. This descriptive research analyzed quantitative and qualitative data collected using questionnaire and interview toward 50 household women. The sampling methods employed accidental sampling in Moslem community. This research found that household clean water management has not optimally done yet so it could not perform the water use efficiency for environment and water sustainability although the women-s participation rates is high (75,40). In addition, the teaching of Islam has not emerged as the basic principle for water management by Moslem women in their household. This showed by the practice of water managements, such as water saving and water conservation, which were only done for saving the money and not related to their Islamic beliefs.

Moslem; Womens participation; Household water management

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Motivation Of Culinary Tourism Visitors In Pasar Santa Kebayoran Baru
Nurbaeti, Fifi Nofiyanti, R.W.M. Agie Pradhipta

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R.M.W. Agie Pradhipta

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti

Along with the times, culinary tourism is in great demand by the people, culinary tourism is growing rapidly because the ideas developed are very unique and varied, thus increasing peoples motivation to enjoy culinary trends in Jakarta, one of which is in Santa Market, Kebayoran Baru. This study aims to determine the characteristics and motivations of visitors to a culinary tour in Pasar Santa, Kebayoran Baru. The method used is quantitative descriptive method. The procedure of data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to 100 visitors who had a culinary tour at Pasar Santa on the weekend. Based on the results of the study, cultural motivation got the highest average value of 4.11, fantasy motivation got an average value of 3.98, and physical motivation got an average value of 3.74 and social / interpersonal motivation had value the lowest average is equal to 3.57. The results of the study with an average of 4.82 showed that visitors were motivated for a culinary tour in Santa Market.

Motivation, Santa Market, Culinary Tourism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Nurbaeti, Fifi Nofiyanti, R.M.W. Agie Pradhipta

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Nuerbaeti -

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti

Along with the times, culinary tourism is in great demand by the people, culinary tourism is growing rapidly because the ideas developed are very unique and varied, thus increasing peoples motivation to enjoy culinary trends in Jakarta, one of which is in Santa Market, Kebayoran Baru. This study aims to determine the characteristics and motivations of visitors to a culinary tour in Pasar Santa, Kebayoran Baru. The method used is descriptive method. The procedure of data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to 100 visitors who had a culinary tour at Pasar Santa on the weekend. Based on the results of the study, cultural motivation got the highest average value of 4.11, fantasy motivation got an average value of 3.98, and physical motivation got an average value of 3.74 and social / interpersonal motivation had value the lowest average is equal to 3.57. The results of the study with an average of 4.82 showed that visitors were motivated for a culinary tour in Santa Market.

Motivation, Santa Market, Culinary Tourism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Multiple Online Identity in The Era 4.0
Fajar Iqbal, Ravik Karsidi, Prahastiwi Utari, Sri Hastjarjo

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Fajar Iqbal

Sebelas Maret University Surakarta

Modern Indonesian society has entered the era of 4.0. This is indicated by the connection of society with communication and information technology that is connected to each other. City centers are no longer the only producers of information that are accessed because a number of regions far from big cities are also productive, generating messages in public spaces. The rapid adoption of 4.0 technology cannot be separated from the role of the young generation who are very adaptable to change. These are the ones who become the motor of change in the present era. Opportunity 4.0 of course does not only have an impact on one side. This technology also presents a digital society with diverse identities. Even one person can have a number of on line identities. This paper will raise how multiple on line identities are displayed in digital spaces among students, especially Jogjakarta students. The findings in the field show that multiple on line identities are indicated by the resource person in two main ways. First, an on line account with a diversity of account contents adjusted to the tendency to show identity on each issue raised. Second, more than one account with an on line identity that is different from one another.

Digital Identity, multiple online identity, adolescence, Yogyakarta

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Nashrul-Haqq: Its Origin and Faith Healing Practices in Binidayan, LDS, Philippines
Norjannah Batuampar Bao, Marwah Macabangkit Camama, Shahid Manalundong

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Norjannah Batuampar Bao

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
Mindanao State University

Nashrul-haqq is a group of Muslims who claimed to acquired divine powers after a long period of spiritual training in masajid, forest, water and other empty quarters. They are highly skilled in healing all types of illnesses, can perform extraordinary talents that goes beyond the imagination of an ordinary person such as transformation to animals, seeing and communication to unseen spirits, martial arts, etc. This study sought to introduce and present Nashrul-haqq unique contributions in the Meranaw society particularly in healing and other relevant circumstances that stimulate their skills for exploitation. Results of the study were retrieved from the seventy (70) key informants and respondents that consist of Nashrul-haqq, patients of Nashrul-haqq, observers and witnesses of Nashrul-haqq demonstration of skills and, the Ulama. This is a qualitative, descriptive type of research. Further, the researchers also had immersion with the so called amalan, where Nashrul-haqq gathered to perform faith healing and spiritual training. In depth interview as well as focus group discussion were employed as method for the oral interview. Respondents were reached thru snowball and purposive method. The concept of Sufism was used to understand the ideological concept adopted by the Nashrul-haqq. Findings show that Nashrul-haqq are commonly misunderstood by some Meranaw religious leaders for being associated to jinns or supernatural beings, a practice labelled as a form of innovation of religion. On a positive light, they are regarded as significant members of the Meranaw society that can be attributed to their list of successful records in faith healing.

Nashrul-haqq,Faith Healing, Islam, Binidayan

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Nationalism attitude of Indonesian citizen: A survey
Kunto Bagas Satrio (a*), Muhammad Solehuddin (b), Yusi Riksa Yustiana (b), Ilfiandra (b), Ipah Saripah (b)

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Kunto Bagas Satrio

a) Guidance and Counseling, School of Postgraduate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Nationalism is one of the fundamental things for the development of a country since it influenced the strength of the country. Over a few decades, the problems of nationalism have been experienced by several countries. This study aimed at investigating the attitudes of Indonesian nationalism by using the design survey method with the results of quantitative data. The researcher, distributed questionnaires. The questionnaires were about how Indonesian reflected their nationalism created based on 4 aspects of nationalism; love of the homeland, sacrifice willingness, unity and never give up. They have consisted of 12 statements that used a four-Likert scale to indicate Indonesian nationalism. This study involved 100 respondents; age between 18-40 years old. The study revealed that Indonesian citizens showed their attitude towards indicators of nationalism: proud to be Indonesian, learning Indonesia history, volunteering, donating alms, respecting differences, deliberation, caring for NKRI, sincerity, optimistic as well as endurance. Meanwhile, the non-nationalism attitudes were reflected from the indicators like using Indonesian products and serving in the remote area around Indonesia.

Attitude, Nationalism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Need Analysis The Development of English Vocabulary and Pronunciation E-book for SMA/MA Students
Nanda Chandra Nugraha (a*), Abdul Gafur Daniamiseno (b)

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Nanda Chandra Nugraha

a) Graduate School of Instructional Technology, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia *nandaunited26[at]
b) Graduate School of Instructional Technology, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

The aims of this research is to describe the need analysis of the development of English vocabulary and pronunciation e-book for SMA/MA students. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method and the research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Pengasih. Data was collected through observation and interviews involving teacher majoring in English education and students. The results of the research show that: (1) mostly students used an online translation (google translate) during the learning process, (2) teacher should used more English than Indonesian during the learning process which supported by an appropriate and interesting learning processes and resources, (3) students had difficulty when pronounce word that students rarely used dan had more than 3 syllables, (4) the learning processes dan resources which had less interesting and varied.

Need analysis; Vocabulary; Pronunciation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


One Single Submission Program: Government Innovation for Business Licenses Through Online
Yuanindra Istighfarin (a*), Desiderius Priyo Sudibyo (b), Rino Ardhian Nugroho (b)

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Yuanindra Istighfarin

a) Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University
Ir. Sutami 36A Street, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University
Ir. Sutami 36A Street, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

One of the factors increasing community welfare is the existence of good licensing services so the growth of independent community businesses also increases. Therefore, the government issued an Online Single Submission (OSS) program, an application that provides easy investment through the implementation of an integrated licensing system electronically. This research method uses a variety of literature including books, previous research, news and other literature. It was found from previous literatures that this program still had many obstacles including the limitations of the system, the absence of regulatory synchronization and lack of socialization in the community. Even so, the One Single Submission (OSS) program is a government innovation that is feasible to continue to be developed because it provides many benefits to the community and fosters economic development so there needs to be evaluation for this program so it can provide appropriate facilities for the community, especially business people and stakeholders.

Online Single Submission Program; Licensing System; Government Innovation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Open Auction Mechanism for Echelon II Officials (Comparative Study of Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta and Pekalongan Regency, Central Java)
Muhammad Eko Atmojo, Helen Dian Fridayani

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Muhammad Eko Atmojo

Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The administration of government is certainly very influenced by bureaucracy which is an instrument or an organization that helps in realizing or implementing a policy that has been previously set. The open auction is the process of filling in a position by opening a selection to all those who have the competency or ability determined to fill a certain position. This study is aims to analyze the mechanism of open auction for echelon II Officials both in Yogyakarta Province which is Sleman Regency, and Central Java, Pekalongan Regency. The method that used in this study is a qualitative approach which did the depth interview with several stakeholders that involved. The result of this study are the auction mechanism or better known as open selection conducted in Sleman Regency in 2017 lasts 2 times and all of them have referred to the applicable regulations and most importantly have implemented a merit system. In the auction implementation the position was carried out by a selection committee formed based on recommendations from KASN (Commission Of The State Civil Apparatus). The involvement of political officials in this case the Bupati in the open selection process only exists after the selection committee has issued 3 names that have passed. However, the involvement of political officials is positive because it considers the results of the selection. This is also because the Regent will cooperate with one of the 3 names to realize the vision and mission that has been set. Moreover, The selection mechanism carried out by the Regency Governmentin Pekalongan is in accordance with the existing rules which consist of managerial selection and field selection. However, in 2017 the Regency Government kept the instruments confidential in interviews because the instruments were confidential and only the selection committee could know, unlike the selection in 2018 where the instruments could be known by officials because the promotion process carried out in 2018 required uploading to the system Sijapti KASN. In the selection mechanism also explains the initial stages of the process in the open auction itself consists of: planning, announcements and selection.

Open auction, Echelon II, Promotion.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Open Government in Grassroot Level: An Analysis of E-Government Implementation in Pejambon Village, Bojonegoro
Kusnan (a*), Sulikah Asmorowati (b)

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Kusnan S.AP

(a) Magister Public Policy, Airlangga University
Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia
(b) Department of Administration, Airlangga University
Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia

The Government of Bojonegoro Regency was an Indonesia representative in Open Government Partnership (OGP) of Subnational Government Pilot Program. This achievement raised new energy to implement openness in rural government. This policy was also in line with Rural Law. Meanwhile, to implement government openness, the use of e-government was highly prioritized. By e-government, the governance would be effective and efficient. However, only one of 419 villages in Bojonegoro succesded in implementing government openness, that was Pejambon Village. This village won the best website in East Java in 2016 and 2017. Thereafter, it took the first place as the most informative and transparant village in national level in 2018. This study was aimed at acknowledging e-government stages using maturity model of evolutionary e-government and understanding e-government implementation strategy using the theory of Indrajit (2006). A qualitative method by the approach of interview and document analysis was used in this study. The result showed that e-government implementation in Pejambon Village reached the transactional stage. This stage was attained by the political will of the village authorities, financial availability, competent human resources, infrastructure, and e-government application. The achievement of Pejambon Village could be the finest practice in e-government implementation for other villages.

Open government, Implementation, E-government, Grass-root level

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Opportunistic Behavior in the Management of Zakat Case study of BAZNAS in Sragen Regency
Agus Wahyu Triatmo (a)*, Ravik Karsidi (b)**, Drajat Trikartono (c)**, Suwarto(d)**

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The potential of zakat to enforce a fair socio-economic order is very high. In 2018, the potential for zakat in Indonesia amounted to Rp 240 trillion, up from Rp 217 trillion in 2011. However, in 2011, the realization of zakat just reached Rp 1.7 trillion . There is a very long gap between potential and realization. Among the causes of the gap is the institutional management of zakat which is still problematic. This paper will discuss one of the problems in the governance of zakat institutions in Indonesia with the case study of BAZNAS in Sragen Regency. This research uses qualitative methods, with the viewpoint of institutional theory. As a result it was found that Sragen BAZNAS experienced a double structure, on one side BAZNAS was a muzakki agent, but at the same time it was under the local government structure. This position makes BAZNAS ambiguous in taking responsibility for its performance. BAZNAS Sragen is more directing its accountability to the government than the community (muzakki). As a result, the general public lacked a sense of bilonging with BAZNAS, and was reluctant to pay their zakat through BAZNAS

Zakat; Opportunistic behavior; Accountability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Optimization of Police Mobile Brigade Corps Sentiment Analysis Based on Post on Twitter Using Algorithm Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes with Particle Swarm Optimization
Endah Putri Purnamasari (a), Bryan Pratama (b), Windu Gata (c), Dedi Dwi Saputra (d), Deny Novianti (e), Ahmad Yusuf Malik (f)

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Jakarta, Indonesia

Depok, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Brimob is a special operating unit that is a paramilitary property of the indonesian national police. The Brimob Corps is also known as one of the oldest unit in the polri organization. Currntly, the national police corps brigade is busy being discussed in the ral world and cyberspace, especially on social media twitter. Many opinions about the national police corps brigade so that there are positive and negative opinions. Social media twitter is now one of the places to disseminate information about the national police coprs brigade. In the previous study, the maximum accuracy was still lacking. The case of this study uses text mining techniques with the support vector machine (SVM) and naive bayes (NB) methods with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with the addition of 150 data sheets, NB having an accuracy value of 85.67% with AUC 0.8188 while NB PSO obtaining 89,69 % accuracy with AUC 0.875. SVM has an accuracy value of 93.40% with AUC 0.981, while SVM PSO has accuracy value of 94,85% and AUC 0,978. the best optimization application in this model is the SVM PSO can provide solutions to classification problems in this case sentiment analysis. SVM PSO algotirthm provides a solution for analyzing sentiments from the content of various online media news optimally.

brimob; mako brimob; sentiment analys

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Organizational Development and Transformational Change: Organizational Innovation in Muhammadiyah Owned Enterprises
Ika Nurul Qamari, Gita Danupranata, Alni Rahmawati

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Knowledge and study of the effect of team work on organizational innovation is still developing and becoming a current issue. This paper aims to explain how Muhammadiyah is a movement of Islamic organizations in todays turbulent business environment, with the work teams efforts having undergone organizational development and transformation as a continuous and progressive organizational innovation. The existence of the organization from the beginning stood up to responding to the challenges of the current era, was explained by the implementation of its business unit to become a Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprises (MOE). This research used a qualitative approach by investigating 6 Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprises. The companies studied are presented and discussed with changes experienced by each organization.

Organizational development, Transformational change, Organizational Innovation, Service business, Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprises.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Jitzac Andrew Rafel Mandowen, Erna Setijaningrum, Lutfia Nurul Hidayati

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This research aimed to find out the innovation of the services of Pahlawan Ekonomi dan Pejuang Muda organized by the Government of Surabaya City. This innovation successfully listed in the Top 99 Public Service Innovations in Indonesia in 2018 and received Best Innovation from the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform. This innovation has had an impact on poverty reduction to 5.39 according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). This shows the success of the innovation so that it can be accepted by the community. This study used a qualitative approach. The research location was in Surabaya. The number of informants was 7 people. The results of this research study show that the innovation of the services of Pahlawan Ekonomi dan Pejuang Muda organized by the Government of Surabaya City has succeeded. This success is supported by the number of economic heroes and young fighters that have increased to grow to 9,148 members in 2018. The establishment degree of members continues to expand.

Pahlawan Ekonomi dan Pejuang Muda, Surabaya

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pancasila Moral Values Inspired By Quran Moral Codes
Djumadi M.Anwar

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Djumadi anwar

University Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta
email djumadimanwar[at] tilp 0274 387646
Jl.Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Bantul,Yogyakarta

There is misperception that implementing Quran moral codes in social life does not guarantee that implementator are Pancasila supporters.The opposed perception is that whoever implementing islamic values in social life they could be considered as they have already been Pancasila supporters. The purpose of this manuscript is to find evidence that every single moral value name derived from Pancasila has philosophical meaning correlationship with several verses in the Quran. The focus of manuscript will be seeking evidences wether every single moral name derived from every sila Pancasila has philosophical meaning relationship with Quran moral codes.The method to finding answer is by comparing list of 45 Pancasila moral names against 150 moral code of do it and dont do it from the Quran. Conclution saying that implementing moral value Pancasila identical implementing parts of Quran moral codes. The consequency is implementing parts of islamic values of do it or dont do it means that the implementator can be regarded as Pancasila supporter. The possible impact is for the Indonesian muslims to have no need idea to change the Pancasila as state idiology because by nature implementing moral value of Pancasila identical implementing Quranic moral codes. In another words Pancasila it-self already islam. This is important finding to deradicalization program.

pancasila, moral, verse of quran,

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Idham Badruzaman

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Idham Badruzaman

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Indonesia is a country with 633 differences in tribes and cultures (not to mention its sub-tribes), thus it has 633 reasons to be disintegrated both people and territory. However, there is a local wisdom in each region which ideally is functioned to be the fortress whenever conflict emerge in the surface. Unfortunately the local wisdom did not seem to work when the violent conflicts occurred in several regions in Indonesia during the transition of democracy which began in 1998, such as Christian-Muslim religion conflict in Ambon, Dayak-Madurese ethnical conflict in Sampit, and Aceh Free Movement-Indonesian military secessionist conflict in Aceh. The questions raised would be: 1) why the local wisdom could not be functioned well? 2) whether or not local wisdom had a role in resolving conflicts that occur during the transition period of democracy in Indonesia. This paper argues that the problem was because some local wisdoms were distorted during the dictator era of President Suharto, it did not work in the beginning of the transition of democracy, and it went back up again within the transition of democracy which enable them in peacebuilding and reconciliation.

peacebuilding, transition of democracy, Indonesia, local wisdom

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pengembangan Modul Biologi Berbasis Inquiry Terintegrasi Sains-Islam pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kartasura
Nila Masnuri Yunita, Maridi, Baskoro Adi Prayitno

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Nila Masnuri Yunita


Abstrac : This research aimed to: (1) Development of integrated Science-Islamic Inquiry Biology module to improve the religiosity behavior of high school class XI students. (2) Knowing the feasibility of Islamic Science-based Biology Inquiry modules in Islamic Schools. (3) Improving students critical thinking after using an integrated Science-Islamic Inquiry Biology module in class XI SMA. This of research is research and development using a modification of the Four-D Model (4-D Model) which consists of 4 stages, namely: define, design, develop, and spread ( disseminate). Qualitative data were obtained from observations and questionnaires, while quantitative data were obtained from the results of assessment of module validation, questionnaire assessment on product trials (limited trials and extensive trials), operational trials, and learning outcomes. Data analysis with quantitative descriptive techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the validation of religious material experts is in very good criteria (88%); (2) the validation of material experts Biology is in very good criteria (85%); (3) validation of design experts in good criteria (80%); (4) Assessment studies of biology teachers are in very helpful criteria (3.5); (5) individual testing in good criteria (80%); (6) Small test groups are in very good criteria (86%); (7) limited field trials in the group are very good criteria (89%), so it can be concluded that the Integrated Science-Islamic Digestive System-Based Module Class XI SMA is suitable to be used as a support for digestive system learning in an Islamic school environment.

module, Inquiry, Sains-Islam

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pengembangan Pembangunan Kawasan Transmigrasi Dilihat Dari Partisipasi Masyarakat Transmigrasi
Novita Wahyu Setyawati

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novita wahyu setyawati

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Bekasi

Pengembangan pembangunan KTM dapat dilihat dari salah satunya partisipasi dari masyarakatnya, akan tetapi masyarakat di KTM sering menghadapi banyak kendala dalam berpartisipasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bahwa pengembangan pembangunan kawasan transmigrasi sangat diperlukan dan merupakan bagian penting didalamnya. Analisis ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif dan memanfaatkan data sekunder. Berdasarkan hubungan antar kelompok variable, yaitu: tingkat pendidikan, tempat usaha, keterlibatan masyarakat, dan persepsi pengaruh KTM bagi social ekonomi masyarakat baik dengan tingkat partisipasi, masyarakat dalam pembangunan KTM, maupun dengan bidang partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan KTM, maupun dengan bidang partisipasi dalam pembangunan KTM menunjukkan adanya kaitan dalam kemajuan pembangunan KTM.

Pembangunan KTM dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Transmigrasi

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Candra Yudha Satriya, SE.M.I.Kom Prihatin Dwi Hantoro, M.I.Kom. Zahrotul Umami, M.I.Kom

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candra yudha satriya

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Warisan Budaya adalah salah satu penanda penting bagi eksistensi sebuah masyarakat. Oleh karena itu pengelolaan dan pelestariannya menjadi hal yang tak terelakkan. Baru-baru ini, industri kreatif berkembang pesat pada skala industri rintisan di Bali. Hal tersebut meningkatkan peluang untuk melestarikan warisan budaya melalui industri kreatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bagaimana industri kreatif digunakan sebagai media untuk melestarikan warisan budaya. Penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi (exploratory study) tentang dinamika klasterisasi industri kreatif di Bali terkait dengan anggapan secara umum bahwa warisan budaya lokal yang kuat di Bali sebagai penyebab, sedangkan aglomerasi adalah sebagai dampaknya. Metodologi dari penelitian ini adalah studi kasus di Rumah Sanur Bali, salah satu creative industry hubs yang memiliki catatan sukses dalam mendorong industri berbasis konten kreatif lokal yang dinamis dan berdaya saing internasional. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan informasi, dan selanjutnya akan digabungkan dengan beberapa data untuk membangun diskusi yang komprehensif. Selanjutnya, untuk lebih memperdalam hasil penelitian, peneliti juga mengeksplorasi bagaimana mekanisme preservasi warisan budaya melalui industri kreatif bisa secara nyata mengubah bentuk ruang urban dan citra kota melalui kegiatan ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya di Bali yang mempunyai positioning kuat sebagai tempat destinasi wisata paling populer di Indonesia.

Industri kreatif, Cultural Heritage, klaster kreatif, Rumah sanur

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Haryadi Arief Nuur Rasyid

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Haryadi Arief Nuur Rasyid


Use of instagram curently to communicate the promotional messages has an increasingly. At the end of the decade 2010 was lots of business that use instagram to communicate their product to the consumers in the market. This tendency is driven by the nature of social media instagram that can reach audience with a lowcost. By their very nature, currently more marketers are utilizing instagram to communicate with individual consumers from generation Y (1981-1994) and Z (1995-2010). Despite that not least also marketers who utilize instagram to reach individual consumers from generation X (1961-1980) which assessed could still compromise with presence of new media. Social background differences between generations X, Y and Z can be expected to affect the way the individual consumer in responding to social media instagram presence as sources of information to obtain marketing information they need. With reference to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis and coauthors (2007, Jogiyanto) then this article will compare how individual consumer perceptions of generation X, Y and Z regarding the usefulness and ease of use of social media instagram as a source of information to get marketing information they need.

consumer, perceptions, generations, Instagram

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Perception of Traders Toward the Use of Smartphones as a Marketing Communication Tool of Fruits in Yogyakarta
Heri Akhmadi

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Heri Akhmadi

Department of Agribusiness Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Smartphones are one of the information technology devices that are currently widely used by traders on their marketing activities. Aside from being a communication tools among traders, smartphones are also used by traders to get market information and communicate products and services to consumers. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of fruit traders in using smartphones as marketing communication tools. This study uses descriptive analytical methods and uses frequency distribution data analysis. The results showed that of the 43 fruit traders who were the samples of this study, the perception of traders in using smartphones for fruit marketing activities varied. Regarding the perception of ease of trading, majority of traders (97.7%) agree that smartphones provide convenience in marketing. This is in line with the perception of ease of use, which 88.4% of traders consider that smartphones are not complicated to use. In addition, regarding the security perceptions, as many as 83.7% of traders consider that smartphones are safe to use in trade transactions. This study concluded that smartphone is perceived as a marketing tool that provides convenience in fruit marketing activities. Moreover, traders also consider that the use of smartphones is safe and not complicated to use.

Perception, Smartphone, Marketing Communication, Fruit Marketing

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Wahyu Sapto Rini

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Wahyu Sapto Rini, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Banjarmasin

This research begins several studies of management practices and how antecedents affect the performance of public hospital. The research hypotheses were tested using the survey data from 13 public hospitals in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Pearson zero-order correlation was used to analyze hypothetical relationships. By using SPSS 23, the regression test is done by first the Classical Assumption test. The results of this study found that certain antecedents such as performance measuring and institutional culture have significant positive association with public hospital. Thus, this study provides an opportunity for public hospital to redesign, redefine, and formulate policies for improving their previously unheartening performance. This research is also a recommended that more performance management mechanisms are needed to complement and improve the public sector efficiency.

Performance management, Antecedents, Performance, Public hospital

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Dr. Yusni Khairul Amri, M.Hum.

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Yusni Khairul Amri

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Mangupa tradition in the context of ideology is as a system of public trust that must be accomplished for a pride although there are times the couple have to sell an existing property to support it. So this mangupa tradition tend to serve as a prestige to set an image for the haves in the community. When couples do not perform this traditional ceremonies they are considered to have a traditional debt that must be paid when they have the means. The analysis results of performance data of mangupa found the local knowledge values such as: a) the human relationship with God, b) the meaning of human life, c) the human relationship with the natural surroundings, d) the human relationship with time, e) the behavior to be industrious and enterprising, thrifty, and religious, to get along peacefully with each other; f) the aesthetic value of humility, customary of politesess, g) the expectation that the marriage will be the marriage of a lifetime; h) The value and philosophical significance of indigenous material derived pangupa animals, plants, and derived from nature; i) The bride and groom who have not through a traditional ceremonies (maradat) retains the customary effect throughout the traditional debt to be paid until they have the means.

mangupa, Performance, values

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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