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Abstract Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

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Evaluation Of Development Planning In The Field Of Government In Sleman Regency, DIY 2018
Isnaini Muallidin, Ane Permatasari

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Isnaini Muallidin

Department of Government Affairs and Administration,
Faculty of Politics and Social Science
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The purpose of this development planning evaluation is to provide evaluation documents about the results of development performance including supporting factors and barriers from an academic perspective. The scope of evaluation on development performance is in the field of government, namely: Inspectorate, National Unity and Politics, Civil Service Police Unit, BPBD and Sub-district. Motede used is qualitative research with primary data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and secondary data obtained from documents, regulations and related books and journals. The results of the study show that for the field of Inspectorate that has reached 100% is regular inspection activities. Whereas the activity with a low percentage is only evaluating 50%, and the case inspection activity reaches 53%. The realization of the achievements of the National Unity and Political Service was 131.9%, with very successful results. The results of the performance achievement of the Civil Service Police Unit in 2018 are good with a performance of 100% to 288%, or with a very successful predicate. BPBD reached the target of 108.28 Realization of Finance 14 Programs and 41 Activities that had an average of 87.35 %% and Physical Realization of 98.62%. The sub-districts performance achievements were not maximized as the spearhead of the services of the regional government bureaucracy. The conclusion of the results of the evaluation of development planning in the field of government in general has been going well. But there are still obstacles in terms of human resources who are competent in their fields

Evaluation, Development Planning, Field of Government

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Evaluation of Intangible Assets of Irrigation System in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Nugroho Tri Waskitho, Jabal Tarik Ibrahim, Dyah Erny Widyastuti

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Nugroho Tri Waskitho

University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Irrigation system management in Indonesia has prioritized infrastructure aspects (tangible assets), while intangible aspects such as human resources, institutional and management receive less attention. This situation causes intangible assets in the irrigation system in Indonesia is still weak so that the performance of the system is not as expected. The study was conducted in May - July in 2018 in the Water Resources Public Works Office of Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The variables studied were intangible assets consisting of moral intelligence, emotional intelligence, creative attitudes, institutional culture and knowledge management. Respondents were employees of the Water Resources Public Works Office of Malang Regency. Data collection was using a questionnaire. Data analysis was using quantitative descriptive. The results showed that (i) intangible assets consisting of moral intelligence, emotional intelligence, creative attitudes and institutional culture were in good categories, (ii) knowledge management as controlling the intangible assets were also in good category.

intangible assets, evaluation, irrigation system

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Expectations and Anxieties Relating to Short-Term Edutourism Exchange Program: Case Study of Indonesian-German Students Exchange
Ni Luh Christine P. S. Suyasa (a*), Dennis Weizenecker (b), Putu Chris Susanto (a)

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Ni Luh Christine Prawita Sari Suyasa

a. Faculty of Economic and Humanity, Universitas Dhyana Pura
Jl. Raya Padang Luwih, Br. Tegaljaya, Dalung, Kuta Utara, Badung, 80361, Bali
b. Heilbronn University of Applied Science
Max-Planck-Straße 39, 74081 Heilbronn, Jerman

Short-term exchange programs present great opportunities for students to gain international experience, while experiencing other countries and cultures. These programs are often coupled with excursion and touristic experience, which belongs to the realm of educational tourism or ‘edu-tourism-. This paper aims to discuss the expectations and anxieties experienced by the related stakeholders to short-term exchange programs prior to departure, namely the students themselves, the school teachers and administrators, as well as the parents. The study focuses on a two-week exchange program in which a group of eight Indonesians students from Bali will take part in an edutourism experience in Germany. Using both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, this study seeks to identify the involved Indonesian parties- expectations and anxieties towards the exchange and how international experience has an influence on their perception. The study found that the expectations of students, parents and teachers can be clustered into personal development, learning about the language and culture as well as the enjoyment of the trip. As for anxieties, major concerns were the ability to cope with the language and culture, problems in everyday life as well as personal health. In between the groups, differences regarding the importance of some expectations and anxieties were observed. Additionally, the groups- international experience played an important role relating to their perception and had an influence on their expectations and anxieties.

student exchange, edutourism, study abroad, expectations, anxiety

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Niken Larasati, Sri Budi Eko Wardani

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Niken Larasati Kusuma Hapsari

Department of Political Science, University of Indonesia

This study discusses the experience of female legislative candidates in the candidate selection process in Indonesian political parties in the 2019 legislative elections. The existence of different backgrounds starting from the electoral district (electoral district), social, political and economic capital of female candidates will affect the experience of In entering the political world, the female candidates especially the candidate selection process. This study argues that the rules held by political parties for the stages of candidate selection still do not favor women and gender bias, so they often harm female candidates. Based on these arguments, the experience of candidate selection against female candidates can be seen as an important stage that is also complex and needs to be seen with a deeper explanation. Using qualitative research methods with a feminist perspective, this study aims to explore the experiences of women in the candidate selection process, as well as analyze the motivation and background of female candidates who then become determinants of the success of the female candidates.

Women in Politics, Candidate Selection

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Exploring the Roles of the Heads of Departments as the Middle Level Managers in Higher Education Institution in the Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning
Abdul Rasyid Ghazali

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Abdul Rasyid Ghazali


This research is aimed at exploring the roles of the head of department as the middle level manager in higher education institution in the quality assurance of teaching and learning especially in the Indonesian context. This research is significance as research on the role of middle level manager in higher education are less found especially in quality assurance of teaching and learning. This research focuses on the management strand of quality assurance (c.f. Steinhardt et al. 2017). The role of the middle level managers are seen from the activities of the managers in the stages of quality assurance of teaching and learning (c.f. Elton, 1995) and the support to the presage and process dimension of quality teaching and learning (Gibbs, 2010). In addition, the concept of tactical/middle-level management is analysed from an organisation structure perspective (c.f. Turbino et al., 2013). Data were collected from documents analysis and interviews to seven heads of departments and a head of Centre for Teaching and Learning in the universitys. The findings show that the role of middle level managers in quality assurance of teaching and learning fell under seven categories such as (i) translating university vision into concrete benchmark, (ii) empowering subordinates and building partnership with other parties, (iii) monitoring and controlling quality teaching and learning, (iv) planning, managing, evaluating programs for quality assurance, (v) becoming hub between top and lower level management, (vi) leading academic convention, and (vii) fund tactician. This research, even though has described vividly the roles of the heads of departments as the middle level manager in higher education, is very context specific and other higher education in other countries may possess different mechanism. However, most universities especially in Indonesia or similar contexts may take the practical benefits of this research, which is to raise awareness and potential contribution of the middle level managers in quality assurance of teaching and learning.

Quality Assurance, Teaching and Learning, Higher Education Management

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Exploring The Untold Stories of Meranaws in Marawi City During Martial Law, 1972-1981
Norjannah Batuampar Bao, Husni B. Sarip

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Norjannah Batuampar Bao

Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT)

Human Rights Violations is one great dilemma which concerns every country. This phenomenon is cohered with the tyranny and incompetence of the government resulting to a society filled with atrocities. The case of Marawi City during Martial Law under Marcos regime in the Philippines is a microcosm of the greater picture of the violation of these rights which this study would like to unfold. In presenting the scope of this study, four objectives are outlined as follows, to explore the untold stories of Meranaw in Marawi city during Martial law, to examine and investigate the social condition of Marawi on how the people struggled within the martial rule, to discuss how the people of Marawi respond to the military aggression and human rights violations in Marawi city and, to know how the Meranaws look at Martial Law at present. The study is primarily conducted based on oral interviews and archival methods. Key informants who are eye witnesses and those other respondents that corroborated or give additional information for the fulfilment and development of this study were purposively chosen. Results of the study show that before Martial law, there was a mutual harmony in Marawi city among the Meranaw natives, the Bisayas and the Chinese settlers in Marawi. The deployment of Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Constabulary brought the community in a chaotic environment where abuses and injustices were experienced primarily by the Meranaws. To counter these aggressions, the people respond in a collective way of rebellion, some vacated Marawi, some evacuated while others chose to remain. Nevertheless, people of Marawi implied that the purpose of Martial law was not established but rather, it cause disarray, wide corruption and intensified rebellion that trigger large scale of problems that shaped the Mindanao problem.

Martial law, Meranaws, struggle, insurgencies, Human Rights Violation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors Affecting Breeders Behavior in the Ongole Breed Cattle Development Program in Gunungkidul Regency, Special Province of Yogyakarta
Diah Rina Kamardiani, Beti Nur Utami, Widodo

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Diah Rina Kamardiani

Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Abstract The development of Ongole cattle has been developed in Indonesia. The study aimed to determine the behavior of farmers in the development program of Ongole cattle, and the factors that influence it. Research locations in Wonosari District and Playen District. There were 40 farmer samples from 4 farmer groups who had implemented all Ongole cattle development programs in Gunungkidul Regency. Data is processed using multiple linear regression analysis. Research shows good behavior from farmers in technical guidance, development of forage fodder, implementation of integrated animal services, and the rescue of productive female cattle from farmers who receive or not receive assistance from Ongole breeds. However, its behavior is not good in making and using alternative animal feed. Partially, the age of the farmer and the frequency of joining the program have a positive effect on the behavior of farmers in the development program on Ongole cattle. In addition, the experience of Ongole cattle breeding and the cost of maintaining Ongole cattle breed have a negative influence on the behavior of farmers in the development program of Ongole cattle. Farmers income and education, the number of Ongole breeds that are maintained, and the frequency of attending group meetings do not affect the behavior of farmers in the development program of Ongole cattle. In order for the Ongole cattle breeding development program to develop better in Gunungkidul Regency, the related department motivates farmers to carry out alternative animal feed making and check the reproductive conditions of cattle.

breeders behavior, development program, factors, Ongole cattle.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors Affecting GPA of Accounting Students
Hamfri Djajadikerta; Samuel Wirawan; Amelia Setiawan

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Amelia Setiawan

Parahyangan Catholic University

At present, the accounting profession is being questioned, whether it will survive or be replaced by technology. Thus, accountants must demonstrate adequate competence in order to survive the 4.0th industrial revolution. Therefore, accounting students must show the best quality in order to become the best graduates who can compete and succeed. Many factors influence the success of accounting students including GPA. Many factors that affect GPA of Accounting Students. This study discussed the influence of majors at high school, interest in entry, preferences about lecturers, principle accounting scores on GPA of Accounting Students. This study uses the Hypothetic-Deductive Method in conducting research, and uses the questionnaire method in data collection and then performs regression tests in data analysis. The sample of this study was accounting students at several universities in Bandung. The result of the study was found that only principle accounting scores which has a significant effect on the GPA of Accounting Students. The limitations of this study are the number of samples so that the results cannot be generalized. Further research can be done with a larger number of samples and a wider coverage area to confirm the results of this study.

GPA of Accounting Students, majors at high school, preferences about lecturers, principle accounting scores

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors Affecting the Optimization of Sustainable Food House Programs in Accelerating Food Consumption Diversification in Bantul
Lestari Rahayu, Afina Nadida, Siti Yusi Rusimah

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Lestari Rahayu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Sustainable Food House (Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL)) is one of the programs to accelerate food consumption diversification (Percepatan Penganekaragaman Konsumsi Pangan (P2KP)) to fulfill food needs in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the implementation, analyze optimization, and determine the factors that influence the optimization of KRPL program in KWT Migunani. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The determination of respondents was done through census to 27 members of the Farmer Women Group (Kelompok Wanita Tani/KWT Migunani). The analysis was done using descriptive analytics to know the factors that influence the optimization. The results showed that the implementation of the program is quite accomplished, observed from KWT members activeness in group activities, farming training, and counseling which are quite high. The optimization of the program is also classified as quite accomplished, seen from the indicators of many commodity types and technology, more uses of the yard, and more additional food supplies for the family. The internal factors that affect the optimization are formal education, family income, cosmopolitan rate, and motivation; while the external factors are the intensity of extension, availability of production facilities, and member involvement in KWT.

KRPL, KWT, optimization of KRPL program

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors Affecting Voting Behaviour in Local Election of Tulungagung Regency in 2018
Tri Sulistyani (a), Dr.phil. Aditya Perdana, S.IP, M.Si (b)

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Tri Sulistyani

a) Magister Program of Political Science,
b) Lecture Department of Political Science, FISIP UI
Depok 16424, Indonesia

This article will explain factors that influence voting behavior in local election of Tulungagung Regency in 2018. One of the objectives of the election conducted is to look for a leader or regional head (regent) who is accountable, competitive, and understands the public interests. However, Local election of Tulungagung in 2018, a great phenomenon occurred where one of regent candidates became corruption suspect (Syahri Mulyo) was able to win the elections. The Syahri Mulyo-Maryoto Birowo was an incumbent supported by two political parties (PDIP and Nasdem), while the opponents called Margiono-Eko Prisdianto were supported by nine political parties. Although Syahri Mulyo has been declared a corruption suspect 19 days to the voting day, Syahri Mulyo-Maryoto Birowo (Sahto) became the winner in 17 sub-districts from 19 sub-districts with a vote of 59.97%. On the other hand, his opponent (Margiono-Eko Prisdianto) only got 40.03% of the vote. This research will use quantitative method with approximately 400 respondents with 95% of confident level and 5% of margin of error. The theory that will be used is voting behavior with psychological approach and rational choice. The temporary hypothesis is the candidates who affected by corruption cases do not affect the voting behavior of people in Tulungagung regency in the 2018 local elections.

Local Election, Corruption, Voting Behavior, Tulungagung

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Failure risk prediction model for Malaysian SMEs using automated machine learning pipelines
Fatin Zulaikha Basharin, Rahayu Abdul Rahman

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Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM), Malaysia

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of religiosity on failure risk of Small Medium size Enterprise (SME). This study uses 150 of SME-s companies from 2010 to 2016. The data are obtained from the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) website. The result indicates that religiosity has a negative and significant relationship with failure risk.

SME, SSM, religiosity, failure risk

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Feasibility Study Of Hybrid Corn And Sweet Corn Farming
Pujastuti Sulistyaning Dyah, Eni Istiyanti, Nur Kahfi

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Pujastuti Sulistyaning Dyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the cost, revenue, income, profitability, and feasibility of sweet corn and hybrid corn farming in the Plemahan district. The technique of determining the research area is done by purposive sampling with the consideration that the Plemahan district has the highest corn production. Determination of respondent samples was done by the census of 20 sweet corn farmers and 30 hybrid corn farmers. The method of analysis is carried out by describing the results of tabulations including income, R/C, capital productivity, land productivity, and labor productivity. The results showed that total farming costs were Rp8,438,496 for sweet corn and Rp9,473,266, - for hybrid corn with a land area of 4000 m. Income of sweet corn farmer is Rp7,915,054 during planting season (3 months). Then, income of hybrid corn is Rp7,611.5 during one planting season (4 months). The profit obtained from sweet corn is Rp4,473,588 while the profits of hybrid corn farmers amounted to Rp3,639,734. The feasibility of sweet corn is higher than hybrid corn.

Hybrid corn, Sweet corn, Feasibility farming

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas;Andrik Purwasito;Widodo Muktiyo; Andre Rahmanto

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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Digital has change in many sectors included in Education. The Digital Era has born digital native people and know they have entered the university. This research focuses on the first year student because there is a transformation with their previous study as the high school student. The Purpose of this research is to know the first impression of digital native students of thir lecturers personal branding through the instructional communication. This research used qualitative research with in depth interview and Focus Group Discussion. The research shows that the students is still comparing with the previous education system as high school student in the way of giving instructional communications.This condition becoming shock culture because of the transformation.The first impression of their lecturers come up with their opinion behind the lecturer. There will be a model of the process of the first year university student as digital native start from cognitive, affective and behavioural stage. The digital native students has imagine the personal branding of the lecturer based on the name of the university or the brand. The student shows their expectation of the lecturer. The way of giving instruction to their student is built personal branding of the lectures.

Personal Branding, Instructional Communication, Digital Native Students, Impression , Lecturer

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Funeraria and Modern Funeral Homes: Change, Modernity and Sustainability
Rohane M. Derogongan, Ph.D and Arnann Jay M. Agosto

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Rohane M. Derogongan

Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines

Some people make a living out of the dead as the case with workers and owners of funeral homes. Since the 1950-s, traditionally operated funeral homes or “funeraria” which are family-owned have been existing in Iligan City, Philippines. However, with the advent of technology and modernity, “funeraria” have to compete with modern funeral homes owned by corporations. The emergence of modern funeral homes created a competitive market on the business of dealing with the dead that includes funeral and burial services, wake preparations for the dead and the bereaved families. The collected narratives of “funeraria” owners revealed challenges on profitability of the business and sustainability of livelihood of families. Such challenges affect the city-s social system for political and economic growth since funeral homes bring in job opportunities, makes the community relations stronger and promote prominence of local politicians. To ensure the undying culture of “funeraria,” local government of Iligan must extend support in protecting the “funeraria” against corporate funeral homes, community must fight against excessive consumerism for small funeral businesses to continue and the academe to scholarly sustain the discussions on culture, identity and heritage preservation.

Funeraria, Corporate funeral homes, Iligan City, modernity,sustainability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Funeraria and Modern Funeral Homes: Change, Modernity and Sustainability
Rohane Derogongan, Arnann Jay Agosto, Russel Barinan

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Rohane Marohomsalic Derogongan

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology

Some people make a living out of the dead as the case with workers and owners of funeral homes. Since the 1950s, traditionally operated funeral homes or funeraria which are family-owned have been existing in Iligan City, Philippines. However, with the advent of technology and modernity, funeraria have to compete with modern funeral homes owned by corporations. The emergence of modern funeral homes created a competitive market on the business of dealing with the dead that includes funeral and burial services, wake preparations for the dead and the bereaved families. The collected narratives of funeraria owners revealed challenges on profitability of the business and sustainability of livelihood of families. Such challenges affect the citys social system for political and economic growth since funeral homes bring in job opportunities, makes the community relations stronger and promote prominence of local politicians. To ensure the undying culture of funeraria, local government of Iligan must extend support in protecting the funeraria against corporate funeral homes, community must fight against excessive consumerism for small funeral businesses to continue and the academe to scholarly sustain the discussions on culture, identity and heritage preservation.

Funeraria, Corporate funeral homes, Iligan City, modernity,sustainability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Globalization Perspective and Impact of Undergraduate Students in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Diah Setyawati Dewanti, M.Sc. Ph.D (1), Dr. Chuanchen BI, M.Sc (2)

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Diah Setyawati Dewanti

1. Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2. Khon Kaen University International College
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

This study is to compare the the globalization perspective concerning ecology, economy and social structure among undergraduate students in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Khon Kaen University International College (KKUIC). Three hundred sixty UMY students and one hundred sixty seven KKUIC were collected with self administered methods. This study focus on the comparison of two samples of students concerning their recent and future perspective on ecology, economy and social structure, therefore, T-test is applied to achieve the aim of this study. Crosstabulation is applied to describe further concerning the result of T-Test. Economics perspective has significantly different between UMY and KKUIC with future perspective concerning working in agriculture sector.

Globalization, Ecology, Economy, Social Structure

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Nur Kholik Afandi (a), Muh. Tajab (b), Wahyudi Setiawan (c)

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Wahyudi Setiawan

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

(b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

(c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

Gratitude is the parent of the character in Islamic education. As a parent character, gratitude contains the values of spirituality needed in Islamic education. Character values contained in the spirituality of gratitude, among others, amanah, qanaah, istiqamah, tawadu, tawakal, optimism, creative, hard work, and prosocial actions. These character values, in accordance with the four main pillars of character development in Islamic education, sidiq, tablig, amanah, and fatanah. Character values developed in Islamic education, aiming to create spiritual well-being in students. This well-being is oriented towards creating a harmonious relationship within students with God, themselves, others and the environment. Therefore, character development in Islamic education can be done by internalizing the values of gratitude spirituality in the lives of students.

Gratitude, Character, Islamic Education, Spiritual Well-Being

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Halal and the City: An Analysis on the Concept and Parameter
Rahmad Hakim, Muslikhati, Firdha Rahmiyanti

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Rahmad Hakim

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Halal has become a global issue today, not least in Indonesia. At the state level, Indonesia is planned to become the worlds halal center. This is clearly seen by the Ministry of Tourism trying to increase the number of tourists visiting Indonesia, especially visiting halal tourist destinations. Some regions are trying to compete to become areas that are friendly to halal tourism, including Lombok, Aceh and finally Malang City. Regarding the halal tourism trend, it is important to know about the concepts and parameters used in implementing halal tourism, especially for halal city. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the concept of halal cities and several parameters that are used so that a city can be declared that are friendly to halal tourism. The method of data collection uses documentary methods based on a review of both primary and secondary literature. The results of this study aim to find out some concepts and parameters used in implementing halal tourism, especially on halal city.

halal, halal city, halal tourism.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Health Communication To Support Non-Smoking Area Policy Advocacy (KTR) In the Regional Government
Adhianty Nurjanah, Dianita Sugiyo, Dyah Mutiarin

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Adhianty Nurjanah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)

As social beings, in every activity communication activities are important things to do. One of the most important communications in human life is health communication. According to the Health Act No.23 of 1992, health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being that allows every person to live productively socially and economically. This health includes 4 aspects, namely physical (body), mental (soul), social, and economic (Notoatmodjo, 2007: 3). The purpose of health communication is as a means of delivering information or messages about health to the community. Health communication is practically useful for health promotion, and preventing disease in a particular area. To achieve goals in health promotion, a strategy is needed before carrying out health promotion. The health promotion strategy consists of advocacy, social support, and also community empowerment. In this case to convey the message of health to the community a promotion mix (marketing mix) is needed so that the message in effective health communication is conveyed to the community as its communicant. In this study the health message in question is related to the dangers of smoking to people in the Non-Smoking Area (KTR). The Special Region of Yogyakarta, which consists of five regency and municipal regions, already has rules regarding the area without cigarettes (KTR). Some of the regencies have KTR rules in the form of regents regulation (Perbup), and the other three regions have rules in the form of Regional Regulations (Perda) KTR. In terms of implementing the policy, it is very important to pay attention to the strategies used and the media that will be used in enforcing the rules in each region. Media communication will be an important factor, especially related to how to design appropriate media and optimize the results of health campaigns in improving the degree of public health.

Health Communication, Smoking, Non-Smoking Area (KTR)

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Susi Widianti

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Susi Widianti

Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This research is a study of the development of cross-cultural understanding of Japanese-Indonesian by Japanese language education students at the Indonesian University of Education. It describes how students perceive communication values in Japanese culture and how CCU-learning can change the way they perceive Japanese culture. This research uses descriptive analysis method with role observation and questionnaires about understanding Japanese cultural values. Class observations were conducted on 30 students by observing student responses and activities during learning, and observing the development of students understanding of Japanese culture. From the results of the analysis, there are four main things. First, before participating in learning most students do not understand Japanese communication. Second, students recieve many new knowledge about invisible culture (norms) in Japanese society such as values (basabasi), ambiguity, differences in ways of thinking, customary daily habits, and so on. Third, students are aware of differences in Japanese habits of life, especially in communication. Fourth, students have the provision of a new understanding of Japanese communication before they entering the workforce.

communication, cross-cultural communication, Japanese culture, Japanese learner

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


How Urban Community Preserves the Environment and Development in Yogyakarta City
Rido Argo Mukti, David Efendi, Sakir

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David Efendi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper aims to investigate the problem of urban development and the local people initiative to support and evaluate the development in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in the last ten years in which there is growing number of economic developments. Environment movement is based on community as grassroots collective movement by employing social capital and collaborative works. By employing field works and series of interview, the findings of this study are (1) the existence of local-social capital can be mobilized to consolidate many resources and local creativities within the area—lead to the form of Kampung Hijau Gambiran (Green Village of Gambiran) in preserving environment security; (2) the role of this community is that it is able to sustain the ecological program in several years and able to empower people and protect local interest; and (3) by adopting stakeholder collaborative governance point of view, this Kampung Hijau succeed in building stakeholder partnership with different institution such as local NGO, city government, private sector, and individual in transforming local initiative, participation, and resources to protect environment.

environment movement, social capital, collaborative, Yogyakarta

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


HR Social Media Innovation: The HR Recruiter Motivation Use Instagram and Facebook As a Platform of Honesty of Millennial Employee Personality
Primadhany Kartana Putri

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Postgraduate Program of Communication Sciences, Department of Social and Politic Sciences, University of Sebelas Maret , Surakarta, Indonesia

Incompatibility of employee personality profiles causes adverse effects, including reputation threats and employee relationships between employees in the work environment of the organization. It needs special attention for recruiters to carefully recruit employees. They must be able to recognize the actual candidates personality through effective recruitment communication media information. Experience Job interviews and word of mouth information are recruitment methods that are considered effective. However, this method does not guarantee the honesty of the candidates personality. In developed countries like America, India and China believe social media candidates are able to support and strengthen the job interview process. Recruiters can easily screen candidates personality profiles by posting messages on their accounts. Social media is believed to be able to overcome the management of excessive impressions made by candidates during the interview process. Social media adoption is thought to be able to give recruiters access to the volume of information on honesty of candidates behavior who they have never known before. However, in Indonesia, especially in Semarang and Solo as the big cities in Central Java, organizations tend to still favor job fairs as media venues for interviews and tracking candidates personal profiles. By using survey quantitative method, the researcher will analyze the relationship between variable of motivational involved of HR Recruiters using Instagram and Facebook and variables of information on honesty of millennial candidates personality. The Elaboration Likelihood Models approach is expected to be able to identify how much information experiences persuade on recruiters using of Facebook and Instagram in the innovation of HR social media recruitment in the technological era.

Keywords: HR Social Media Innovation, Motivation, Using Instagram and Facebook, Millennial Employee, Honesty of Candidates Personality Information, Elaboration Likelihood Models

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Hybrid Learning Development to Improve Teacher Learning Management: Education 4.0
Disa Hediansah (a*), Herman Dwi Surjono (b)

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Disa Hediansah

a) Postgraduate of Educational Technology, Yogyakarta State University, DIY 55281
b) Department of Enginnering, Yogyakarta State University, DIY 55281

Teacher learning management is an important part of achieving the process and results within the scope of Education. In addition, the development towards technology optimization is called era 4.0 as globalization which is part of the sustainability of innovation in 21st Century Education. The importance of conventional elements and the optimization of technological devices are combined to be part of the focus of research. Therefore this study aims to develop and investigate hybrid learning methods for teacher learning management. This research and development has passed the feasibility validity test with a score of 43,5 in the excellent category by media experts and 53,5 in the good category by material experts. This study involved 41 of them 9 teachers and 32 students at the Community Learning Center (PKBM Paket-C) in Ciamis District. The results showed a positive response to teacher learning management with a score of 125,0 in the good category. Limitation and future research are discussed.

Hybrid Learning; Education 4.0; Learning Management; Sustainable Innovation Learning

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Idayda: The Contemporary Music among Meranaw Youth in the Philippines
Fatima Shaharah Benito Balangue, Aynah Khadijah Molok Salic, Hidaya Bangcola Bangcola

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Fatima Shaharah Benito Balangue

Department of Education

The influence of music in the Philippines especially in Lanao del Sur is evident; its tolerance to the Meranaw youth has been manifested through Music production. The growth of Artists is perceived to be a threat to the practice of Islam. This study is conducted which entitled, Idayda: The Contemporary Music among the Meranaw Youth in the Philippines. The Ulama have different viewpoints concerning its toleration or prohibition and it has been controversial. The objectives of the study are; to determine the role of contemporary Music; and to analyze the trend of interpretation of the Ulama to Music. Qualitative Descriptive and key-informant methods are used to have depth interview with the two categories of respondents, the selected Bands of Artists and the Ulama. Hence, it has concluded that the identified roles are, Music as Cultural system, Experience and Technology of Self. The types of music these youth are into were conferring to morals. Nevertheless, qualifications are considered with regards to its permissibility, which correspond to the growth of Music. On the perspectives of the Ulama, it is construed to be prohibited as it may decrease the Iman of Muslim Meranaw.

music, youth, meranao, islam

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Identity Politics of Muslims After Reunion 212 at Presidential Election 2019

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Government Science Departement,
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl.Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang, Indonesia

Identity Politics of Muslims After Reunion 212 at Presidential Election 2019 Saiman Department of Goverment Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang Jl.Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang, Indonesia Abstract The "212" event in 2016 showed that Muslims basically had extraordinary strength and unity in the socio-political field and this was reinforced by Reunion 212 on December 2, 2018. However, the political system of the power of Muslims was divided into several political parties, oriented and based on Muslims. What is the development and political direction of Muslims in the 2019 Presidential Election on 17 April 2019 later? Does it still show strength and unity? And what factors influence it? This research will be studied using the theory of identity politics and democracy to analyze the orientation, direction, strength and unity of Muslims This study uses qualitative research methods with the technique of collecting data by observation, reference study (documentation) on the phenomena and facts of strength and unity of Muslims. The results show that the political power of Islam is divided into 2 groups, pro to the government or supporting the presidential candidate 01 and supporting the presidential candidate 02 as the opposition of the government. Islamic political power supports 01 on PKB, PPP and PBB, while for supporters 02 on PKS and PAN, and spread to other political parties. So that the political power of Muslims has not become a major force which in majority leads to political support. Factors that influence are the struggle for honesty and truth and the struggle for justice, because every political process in the election must be carried out honestly and fairly according to the election law that the election must be Jurdil (honest and fair). Key words: Political identity, Islam, Presidential Election

Political identity, Muslim, Presidential Election

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Dessy Farantika

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dessy farantika

Postgraduate Early Childhood Education, State University Of Malang

This research was conducted to describe the implementation of the project method to foster critical thinking in children in group B in Al Muhajirin Kindergarten. The type of research used is qualitative research with a case study research method. The data analysis used in this study came from the Hubberman and Milles analysis techniques. Data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation techniques. This research was conducted at Al Muhajirin Malang Kindergarten. Based on the case study, it was found that the implementation of the project method could develop the child to think critically which could be known to pass through the childs work. through child project methods are required to solve problems based on what the child already knows.

Project Method, Critical Thinking, Early Childhood Education

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Implementation And Communication Models of CSR Program In Indonesia and Malaysia
Adhianty Nurjanah1, Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya2

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Adhianty Nurjanah


Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the implementation and the CSR communication model because nowdays the demands for corporate awareness increase significantly. Thus, every company should carrying out their business program with full of responsibility and ethically, including in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This study examines 2 cross-country companies, namely PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Cilacap Plant Indonesia and SSP Global Malaysia. This research using case study methods that belongs to qualitative descriptive research. The results show that the implementation motives between the two companies have similarities, namely Socially Responsibility Business Practices, support in community development tailored to the business or business activities of the community. While the communication models also have similarities because it uses dialectical communication so that it is able to solve the problem of rejection of CSR programs by the community at the beginning of its activities.

Implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Communication, Companies

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Faris Dzikrur Rahman, Leo J. Susilo

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Faris Dzikrur Rahman

SBM ITB Jakarta Campus
TK Low Center for Executive Education Gedung Graha Irama (Indorama), 12th floor, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.Kav. 1-2, RT.6/RW.4, Kuningan Tim., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950

The mining company cannot be separated from risk exposure, especially for the company that has various project, in this case PT ABC. In this journal, the particular project that is going to be examined is coal transportation infrastructure development project. The project is intended to enhance coal capacity to 10 million ton per year. From the previous infrastructure project, risks usually appears in an intense exposure, leads to harmful consequences for the completion of the project. The purpose of this research is to develop risk management plan that contains several steps that must be followed by project team in order to prevent and mitigate the risks. This study focused on identifying possible risks that might appear in infrastructure development project, particularly at the planning stage of the project, by using the framework of risk management plan that is associated with the analysis of the current issues faced by the company. The severity level of each risks is obtained by involving the employees and project team that have high experience in handling similar project through the usage of questionnaire as semi-quantitative method. From the analysis that is conducted, it is found that there are nine major risks that should be expected and prioritised by project team, namely (1) Community rejection, (2) long negotiation, (3) absence of licensing rule, (4)planning process delay, (5) excessive bureaucracy, (6) design doesn-t meet output requirements, (7) environmental damage, (8) planning results cannot be implemented, and (9) unexpected natural condition. This risks will be prioritised based on the high severity of impact and frequency of risk likelihood. The specific way of risk treatment, therefore, will be conducted thoroughly. The research concludes that there are benefit in knowing the major risks that might happen in the Project before the Project begin so that the Project leader could prepare the risk treatment plan that is in line with the capacity and context of the Project.

risk management, coal, railway track infrastructure, risk management plan, project management

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Yohana Febriana Tabun, Widha Sunarno, Sukarmin

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Yohana Febriana Tabun

Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

This study aimed to find out: (1) the level of Science learning outcomes of the students at class VIII Stella Maris Biudukfoho whom were taught using the integrated Science learning of the connected model (2) the completeness percentage of Science learning outcomes of the students whom were taught using the integrated Science learning of the connected model. This research type was pre-experiment. The research design used was One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The independent variable in this research was the integrated Science learning of the connected model, while the dependent variable was the students learning outcomes. The sample of this research was 30 students at class VIII. The data of the research results were obtained by giving a test of learning outcomes with the theme of vibration, wave and sound in the form of pretest and posttest. The instrument of this research was 20 multiple choice items that had been validated by the experts. The result of the descriptive analysis showed that the average value of N-gain of the students learning outcomes was 0.6 which was in the medium category with the percentage of 60% in the high category, 40% in the medium category, and 0% in the low category. From the aspect of the completeness of learning outcomes, it was found out that the percentage of the students whose grades above Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) was 80%. The result showed that the implementation of the connected model in learning integrated Science could improve the students learning outcomes.

Connected Model, Integrated Science Learning, Learning Outcomes.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Improving Analytical Skill Students of Geography Education Department, Siliwangi University using “The Power of Two Learning” Strategy
Ely Satiyasih Rosali; Revi Mainaki

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Ely Satiyasih Rosali

Siliwangi University

Analytical Skill for Students of Geography Education Department especially as a candidate for geography teachers are subtantial to expand sense of discovery in terms of content knowlledge, pedagogical content knowlledge dan technological pedagogical content knowlledge. Analytical Skill students of geography education departement, in Universitas Siliwangi according to the results in last semestre 2018 in a low classification (identification stage). Through a quantitative approach, the experimental method to 37 fourth semester students as a sample (50% from the population) was taken using the sample ramdom technique. To observe enhancement of analytical skills as an implication of the use of the power of two learning strategy, was used t test to analysis data from the results of previous studies and experiment test (pre dan post test). This strategy is carried out by the treatment stage are 1) giving a problem; 2) thinking and answer the problem, 3) make couple group, 4) couple discussion and answer dan 5) cross group couple discussion. The results of the t test show a significance of 0.437 with an error 0.05, meaning the hypothesis is accepted that the power of two learning strategies contribute to enhancement of student analysis skills.

Analytical Skill, The Power of Two

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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