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Abstract Topic: Pharmacology

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ACUTE TOXICITY TEST OF Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr & Perry on Swiss Webster FEMALE MICE
Hesti Renggana, Deden Winda Suwandi, Atun Qowiyyah,Doni Anshar Nuari, Shopi Fauziah

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Hesti Renggana

Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Garut, Garut, Indonesia

Obesity is a metabolic disease characterized by high levels of fat. Previous studies have reported that Jambu Bol leaves (Syzygium malaccense (L) Merr. & Perry) have the efficacy of Antiobesity. To ensure safety, acute toxicity testing is carried out. The test animals used were 24 female white mice, divided into 6 treatment groups. Group 1 as a control group was given aquades. Group 2-6 was given ethanol extract of guava leaves with doses of 300, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 5000 mg / KgBB. The test is carried out for 14 days where the preparation is only given once. The parameters of the study included behavioral tests on the first and 14th day, body weight every day, macropatology of vital organs and organ indexes on the 14th day. The results of all doses of extract did not show a decrease in body weight, behavior changes and macropatological changes but there were differences in organ indexes, so that Jambu Bol ethanol extract can be declared not toxic.

acute toxicity, Syzygium malaccense



Anti-inflammatory Pharmacology Test in Rats Induced by Carrageenan
Pande Ayu Naya Kasih Permatananda (a,b,*), Andi Alfia Muthmainnah Tanra (a,c), Maya Ganda Ratna (a), Chaerul Fadly Mochtar Luthfi Masiming (a), Aisyah Amirullah (a)

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Pande Ayu Naya Kasih Permatananda

(a). Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(b). Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Indonesia
(c). Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Tadaulako, Palu, Indonesia

Inflammation is a local reaction from living tissue or cells to a stimulation or injury. This anti-inflammatory test aims to determine the effect of anti-inflammatory treatment on changes in edema volume in rat-s feet after induced by carrageenan. Anti-inflammatory that is used in this research is celecoxib. Celecoxib is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent that works by inhibiting selective cyclooxigenase enzymes. In this pharmacological screening test, 2 wistar strains of white rats were tested, which were weighed before anti-inflammatory administration. The rats were divided into 2 groups, namely the negative and positive control group. As for the negative control, the treatment was given 0.9% NaCl as much as 4 mL per oral, while for positive control was given celecoxib 100 mg / 55.5 ml. the volume of edema in the rat-s feet was measured using pletismometer. We found that there was no significant difference in the volume of edema between the group given 0.9% NaCl and the group given celecoxib. Therefore, we conclude that celecoxib as an anti-inflammatory agent is not able to inhibit edema in rat-s feet.

anti-inflammatory, rats, celecoxib



Doni Anshar Nuari (a*), Cindra Tri Yuniar (b), Aditya Siswanto (a), Sitti Fatimah Putri Hasyul (a), Tita Puspita (a)

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Doni Anshar Nuari

a)Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Garut, Garut, Indonesia
* doni[at]
b) School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Hyperlipidemia is a heterogeneous disorder that is usually characterized by increased levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), triglycerides, and decreased levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Eleutherine palmifolia Merr. was used to treat hyperlipidemia so that this study was conducted to determine the antihyperlipidemic activity of ethanol extract of Eleutherine palmifolia Merr. Tests were carried out by exogenous and endogenous induction of Wistar strain white rats using high-fat foods and propylthiouracil. The parameters seen were total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. The results of research are at a dose of 100 mg/kgBW gave the best effect by reducing total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels significantly different from positive controls (p <0.05). So that from the ethanol extract of Eleutherine palmifolia Merr. Has an antihyperlipidemic effect.

Antihyperlipidemia, Cholesterol, Eleutherine palmifolia Merr, Triglycerides



Antihyperuricemia Activity Of Ethanol Extract And Fractions Of The A. Indica Leaves In Vivo And Mechanism Of Action Its As Inhibitory Of Xanthine Oxidase Enzyme
Deden Winda Suwandi (a*), Sri Adi Sumiwi (b), Anas Subarnas (b)

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Deden Winda Suwandi

a) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Garut, Garut, Indonesia
b) Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Sumedang, Indonesia

Azadirachta indica, A., Juss is a medicinal plant that is used traditionally for some disease, especially its leaves are used to treat a rheumatic diseases and lower blood uric acid levels. This study has been carried out to examine antihyperuricemia activity of ethanol extract, water fraction, ethyl acetat fraction and n-hexane fraction of the A. Indica leaves in male mice of Swiss-Webster strain. Extract and fraction doses used were 125, 250, and 500 mg/kg bw. The tests were conducted on mice suffering from hyperuricemia induced by potassium oxonat intraperitoneally and chicken liver juice orally. Measurement of blood uric acid levels were performed every hour for 4 hours after being given test preparations. The results showed that the ethanol extract and the fractions lowered blood uric acid levels. The n-hexane fractions at the three doses showed the highest activity. Then, the most active fraction, n-hexane fraction, was tested for its inhibitory activity on xanthine oxidase enzyme to determine its mechanism of action. The results showed that the n-hexane fraction inhibited uric acid biosynthesis by inhibiting the activity of xanthine oxidase enzyme with the IC50 value of 132 microgram/mL.

A. indica leaves, Antihyperuricemia, Potassium oxonat, Xanthine oxidase



Atun Qowiyyah, Setiadi Ihsan, Siva Hamdani, Laelatus Syifa

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Atun Qowiyyah

Department of Pharmacy,Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, UniversitasGarut

Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & Perry was the lipase inhibitor that capable of inhibiting lipid absorption, so it assumes have a potency to be antiobesity agent. The aim of this study was to investigated the antiobesity effect of ethanol extract and various fractions of jambu air samarang leaves. The ethanol extracts were prepared by maceration method while fractination process was carried out using liquid-liquid extraction method. This study was conducted on Wistar female rats induced by high carbohydrate food for 45 days and MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) subcutaneous injection 2 g/kg body weight for 5 consecutive days followed by 14 days treatment. Induction with high carbohydrate food was continue during the treatment. Results showed that MSG and high carbohydrate food could induce obesity. The ethanol extract at a dose of 50 mg/kg bw; n-hexane and ethyl acetate fraction have antiobesity effect by inhibit body weight gain significantly different to positive control group (p <0.05). The biggest activity was shown by the n-hexane fraction. The ethanol extract; n-hexane and ethyl acetate fraction of jambu air samarang leaves did not have laxative and anorexic effect, also could not decrease fat deposition in liver organ and abdominal fat tissue

Jambu air samarang, obesity, ethanol extract, n-hexane fraction



Antioxidant activity of water spinach and land spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) of Indonesia: A comparative study
Ria Mariani, Farid Perdana, Faizah Min Fadhlillah, Atun Qowiyyah, Hemma Triyana

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Ria Mariani

Department of Pharmacy, Garut University, Jati 42B, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Ipomoea aquatica is Convulvulaceae plant that is widely consumed in Southeast Asia as a vegetable. The plant contain various bioactive constituents, e.g. phenols and flavonoids. Water spinach and land spinach are two varieties of Ipomoea aquatica in Indoneaia. Both plants have been analyzed for their radical scavenging activity using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhidrazil). Total phenol was measured using Folin Ciocalteau and total flavonoid was measured using AlCl3. Water spinach has higher antioxidant activity than land spinach and there were correlation between antioxidant activity and total phenol/flavonoid content.

Antioxidant, Ipomoea aquatica, phenol, flavonoid



Comparison of Kidney Damage in Ischemic Reperfusion Injury (IRI) and Renal Ablasion
Putu Nita Cahyawati (a*)

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Putu Nita Cahyawati

a) Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia

The kidneys are organs that play an important role in maintaining the balance of body fluid and removing metabolic waste products. The incidence and prevalence of kidneys disease continue to increase throughout the world. Various conditions can cause failure of kidney function. Acute kidney failure (ARF) can increase the risk of chronic kidney failure. The severity of the disease, duration, and frequency of ARF are predictive factors that are important for the patients condition. This study aims to compare the degree of kidney damage based on tubular injury scores in acute and chronic renal failure conditions using an experimental model of ischemic reperfusion injury and renal ablation. Eighteen male Swiss mice will be grouped into 3 treatment groups: the sham operation group (SO, n=6), the ischemic reperfusion injury group (IRI, n=6), and the renal ablation group (RA, n=6). Kidney tissue was stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and tubular injury scores were assessed blindly. This study found that there were significant differences in tubular injury scores between the SO groups (0.43 pm 0.49) and RA (3.6 pm 0.70), but there were no significant differences between the SO groups (0.43 pm 0.49) vs IRI (2.23 pm 0.55) and IRI (2.23 pm 0.55) vs RA (3.6 pm 0.70). Based on the results it can be concluded that there are no differences in tubular injury scores between the ischemic reperfusion injury and renal ablation condition.

tubular injury, ischemic reperfusion injury, renal ablation



Siva Hamdani ; Chaidir ; Anas Subarnas; Doni Anshar Nuari

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Siva Hamdani

Universitas Garut ; Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi; Universitas Padjadjaran; Universitas Garut

Kiseueur (Antidesma tetrandrum blume) is an Indonesian native plant that is potential to developed to be an anticancer drug. This study aimed to determine the cytotoxic activities and apoptosis inducing mechanism of the extract and fraction of Kiseueur leaves and bark in breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7). Cytotoxic activity was carried out using the MTS assay. The expression of caspase 3 and caspase 9 pro-apoptotic proteins was observed by Western blot analysis.The results showed that the extract and fraction of Kiseueur leaves and bark had varied cytotoxic activities in breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7). Kiseueur bark extract had the strongest cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 cells with IC50 81.65 μg / mL. The extract of Kiseueur bark induced apoptotic mechanism through modulation of caspase 9 and caspase 3 protein expression.

Cytotoxic activity, Apoptosis, MCF-7, Antidesma tetrandrum



Aji Najihudin (a*), Nurhabibah (a), Ayustina Permata (a), Nurul Auliasari (a), Framesti Frisma Sriarumtias (a)

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aji najihudin

a) Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Garut (UNIGA), Garut, Indonesia

Gelatin is a biopolymer derived from collagen proteins extracted from the skin or animal bones.The aim of this research was to formulated paracetamol tablets by using chicken feet gelatin, evaluated tablets and dissolution test. The preparation of chicken feet gelatin was done by an acid method using 4% HCl solvent. Preparation of paracetamol tablets using chicken feet gelatin and commercial gelatin was done by wet granulation method with the variation of binder concentration of 1.5%, 3%, and 4.5%. The granules, tablets, and dissolution tests were evaluated. Testing of in vitro dissolution of paracetamol tablets was done by paddling method in phosphate buffer pH 5.8 as dissolution medium. The yield of chicken feet gelatin obtained was 5.06%. The results of evaluation paracetamol granules and tablets showed that six formulas are qualify except for the friability of F1 and F2. Paracetamol tablets using chicken feet gelatin as binder showed a faster dissolution profile and qualify compared to commercial gelatin binders. Paracetamol tablets using chicken feet gelatin as the binder with a concentration of 4.5% (formula 3) showed the best results of tablets evaluation and in the 30th minute dissolve as much as 81.55%, it showed the best dissolution profile.

Disolution, Paracetamol, chicken feet gelatin, wet granulation



Formulation and Evaluation Fast Dissolving Film Salbutamol Sulphate Using HPMC E15
Nurhabibah Nurhabibah*, Framesti Frisma Sriarumtias, Siti Fauziah, Nurul Auliasari, Siti Hindun

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Nurhabibah Nurhabibah

Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Garut, Jl. Raya Samarang No.52A, Garut, Indonesia

Fast Dissolving Film (FDF) have ability to releasing active pharmaceutical rapidly in oral mucosal with increasing bioavaibility of active pharmaceutical due to first passing hepatic metabolism. The aim of the research was formulated and evaluated FDF salbutamol sulfat with HPMC E15 polymer use solvent casting method. FDF salbutamol sulfat with variation of concentration HPMC E15 polymer was resulted film who flexible and semi transparent. The results of the evaluation of thickness, weight variation, folding endurance, surface pH, moisture loss, moisture uptake and disintegration time of film for all formulation was comply with a requested, except weight variation of F4, disintegration time of F1, F2, F3 and F4.

Fast Disintegrating Film, Formulation, Evaluation, Salbutamol Sulphate, HPMC E15.



Formulation And Evaluation Of Ibuprofen Tablets Using Sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) Starch as A Binder
Nurul Auliasari (a*), Akmal Akmal (b), Aji Najihudin (a), Annisa Fadhilah (a), Siti Hindun (a)

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Nurul Auliasari

a) Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA), Universitas Garut, Jl. Raya Samarang No. 52A, Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Lembaga Farmasi Direktorat Kesehatan Angkatan Darat, Jl. Gudang Utara No. 26, Merdeka, Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung 40113, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Sago is a staple food for most of the world population, its use is not only used in food products but also used in pharmaceutical products. Sago starch can be used as a binding material on tablets. This study aimed to develop formulation and evaluation of ibuprofen tablets using sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) starch as a binder in making ibuprofen tablet preparations. Tablets made using wet granulation method with sago starch as a binder at various concentration. The evaluation includes of the granules and tablets. The result from dissolution test of ibuprofen tablets showed that the highest dissolved percentage was obtained in formula 1 compared to formulas 2 and 3. The results showed that sago starch could be used as binders on tablets and fulfilled the requirements on the evaluation of the granules and tablets.

Ibuprofen; Metroxylon sagu Rottb; Binder; Tablets



Formulation and Evaluation Of Splash Body From Arabika Coffee Oil (Coffea arabica L.) Java Preanger
Retty Handayani, Nurul Auliasari,Tiara Krisvia Oktaviany, Siti Hindun

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Retty Handayani

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Garut
Jalan Jati No. 42B, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Java preanger arabica (Coffea arabica L.) coffee is a specialty coffee from Priangan, one of which is efficacious as a natural fragrance. The essential oil content in java preanger arabica (Coffea arabica L.) coffee beans includes Abhexon, Furaneol, Sotolon, Pentandion. The purpose of this study is to find out what percentage of the concentration of coffee extract gives a good aroma, how to formulate a safe and stable body splash preparation. The research methodology began with material collection, determination, making coffee roasting, soxletation with ether solvents, dosage formulations made with concentrations of one percent, three percent, six percent and evaluations including organoleptic testing, pH, viscosity, quality testing of body splash preparations (test spredibility, endurance test, spot test, adhesion test), irritation test, preference test, sharpness test and preference test. The evaluation results showed that the formula of body splash preparation with the concentration of three percent java preanger arabica (Coffea arabica L.) coffee oil was a safe, stable and preferred aroma because it was not too stinging and did not cause stains on clothes

Java preanger arabica coffee bean oil; body splash; natural fragrance



High Prevalence of Anemia Among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients Treated with Antiretroviral Therapy
Sri Agung Aryastuti (a*), Sri Ratna Dewi (a), Putu Nita Cahyawati (a), Dewa Gede Budiyasa (b), Ketut Suryana (c), Sri Masyeni (a)

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Sri Agung Aryastuti

a)Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Warmadewa University, Jl. Terompong No. 24 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia

b)Sanjiwani Hospital, Jl. Ciung Wanara No. 2 Gianyar, Bali-Indonesia
c)Wangaya Hospital, Jl. Kartini No. 133 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia

Anemia is a common condition found among Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected patients. T-cells that are infected with HIV virus can directly suppress the growth of progenitor cells in the bone marrow so that affecting the hemopoiesis resulted in anemia. These hematological abnormalities could potentially cause serious clinical implications. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of anemia in HIV-infected patients in Bali. A total of 243 medical record data from HIV-infected patients at Wangaya Hospital Denpasar Bali and Sanjiwani Hospital Gianyar Bali between 2009 -2017 were included in analysis. Prevalence of anemia in ART-naïve patients and in patients on ART were 60.8% and 40.3%, respectively. Leucopenia and thrombocytopenia were found 8.2% and 9.4%, respectively, in ART-naïve group. While in patients with ART group leucopenia and thrombocytopenia were accounted for 6.9% and 4.3%, respectively. There was a significant difference in prevalence of anemia between ART-naïve patients and patients on ART (60.8% vs 40.3%; p < 0.05). Although the prevalence of anemia was lower in patients on ART, but anemia continues to be common in a substantial portion of HIV-infected persons. Another studies are still needed to addressing the impact of anemia on HIV-infected individuals, as well as treatment strategies and future research directions.

anemia, HIV, antiretroviral therapy



Doni Anshar Nuari (a*), Cindra Tri Yuniar (b), Ahmad Jaidi (a), Siva Hamdani (a), Genialita Fadhila (a)

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Doni Anshar Nuari

a) Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Garut, Garut, Indonesia
b) School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknolonogi Bandung, Bandung40132

Stressful is the root from many problems sociological, medical, and economy. Stressful known is factor etiology from any diseases. Prostaglandin and fourth receptor big once the effect to the brain, and even influence behavior so that inactivation cyclooxygenase (COX) which causes decline prostaglandin levels to contribute on the development of stress, so suspected will give away decline effect work anxiolytic from Diazepam. Research when this test influence the administration of selective COX inhibitors and nonselective to effect Anxiolytic diazepam uses method EPM (Elevated Plus Maze) on mice white male. Group of animal Tragakan 2% , Diazepam 0.65 mg / kg BB, Diazepam 0.65 mg / kg BB one hours later Ketoprofen 6.5 mg / kg BB, Diazepam 0.65 mg / kg BW an hour later Selekoksib 6.5 mg / kg BB . Results showing happen decline duration on open arm group has given diazepam combination ketoprofen or celecoxib are different P value <0.05 than diazepam only. Decline duration highest showed by animals given celecoxib so that could be stated gift selective COX-2 inhibitors bring down effect anxiolytic diazepam bigger.

Anxiolytic, Cox Inhibitors, Diazepam, Elevated Plus Maze, Ketoprofen, Celecoxib



Mangrove Plant Leaf Potential Weeds (Acanthus Ilicifolius) As Antidiabetic
Elmiawati Latifah (a)*, Prasojo Pribadi (b), Dhuta Sukmarani (c)

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Elmiawati Latifah

(a*), (b) Department Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Magelang

(c) Department Elementary School Teacher Education, University of Muhammadiyah Magelang

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of diseases characterized by high glucose levels in the blood resulting from a failure in insulin production or insulin action, or both. The specialty of Acanthus ilicifolius compared with other species when used for antidiabetic drugs is A. ilicifolius contains other secondary metabolites that are also good for health. This study aims to determine the effect of Jeruju leaf extract (A. illficolius) on the decrease of fasting blood glucose levels of rats and to know the most effective dose of A. ilcifolius extract on the reduction of fasting blood glucose levels of rats.This type of research is an experimental study of biomedical research design. The stages of this study consisted of sample preparation, identification of A. ilcifolius plant, leaf extraction of A. ilcifolius, qualitative analysis of saponin and tannin using thin layer chromatography method. Ethanol extract of A. ilcifolius with various doses, antidiabetic test in rats induced streptozotocin with categorized 15 animal samples into two control groups and three treatment groups and measured blood glucose level, followed by data analysis using ANOVA.The lowest activity occurred in negative control group, increased at dose 500 mg/kg, positive control and dose 250 mg/kg while the highest occurred in dose group 125 mg/kg. The result of statistic test with the parameter of decrease of fasting blood glucose level of the male rat of Wistar strain, in a group of jeruju leaf extract with dose 125 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg showed the significantly different result with a negative control group. Jeruju leaf extract with dose 125 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg have antidiabetic activity.

Extract, Jeruju Leaf, Antidiabetic



Metformin Use and High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Level in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Sri Agung Aryastuti (a*), Asri Lestarini (a), Ni Putu Diah Witari (a)

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Sri Agung Aryastuti

a)Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Warmadewa University, Jl. Terompong No. 24 Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia

Metformin, a biguanide oral antidiabetic, is the initial treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metformin is recommended either as a monotherapy or combination with the other antidiabetic agents. Some studies suggest that metformin treatments have been shown to be associated with improved the high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) level in type 2 diabetes mellitus by interfering with AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway. Metformin activate AMPK that stimulates catabolic processes (glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation) and inhibits anabolic pathways (gluconeogenesis and fatty acid synthesis). This is a cross-sectional study aiming to compare HDL level in type 2 diabetic patients using metformin and non-metformin. A total of 138 patients were included in this study with mean age 59.93 (±9.49) years. In the metformin group, the median HDL-C level was 48 mg/dL, while in non-metformin group the median HDL-C level was 45 mg/dL. HDL-level in the metformin group was higher than non-metformin group but it is not statistically significant (p>0.05; Mann Whitney U test). Further studies are needed to investigate another oxidative stress parameter related to AMPK pathway.

metformin, HDL, type 2 diabetes mellitus



Microemulgel Formulation of Kepok Banana Skin Extract (Musa paradisiaca L) as an antioxidant
FF Sriarumtias1, A Akmal2, A Najihudin1, IR Putri1, , S Hamdani1

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Framesti Frisma Sriarumtias

1Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas MIPA Universitas Garut, Jl. Raya Samarang No. 52A Garut, Indonesia

2Lembaga Farmasi Direktorat Kesehatan Angkatan Darat, Jl. Gudang Utara No. 26 Merdeka, Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

Banana skin only becomes organic waste without being able to take advantage, so the purpose of this study is to utilize kepok banana skin into microemulgel which are stable and have antioxidant activity. The skin of kepok banana was extracted using maceration method with methanol solvent. The resulting extracts were then tested for antioxidant activity with the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidrazil) method, obtained IC50 values of 659,544 ppm. Concentration extract in microemulgel formulation is one IC50 (F1), twice IC50 (F2), three times IC50 (F3) and positive controls containing vitamin C (F4). All formulas were evaluated including organoleptic, pH, viscosity, centrifugation, dispersion, irritation test and freeze and thaw. The evaluation results show that only formula F3 changes organoleptically and decreases viscosity. The testing of antioxidant activity microemulgel containing banana skin extract showed that F2 was the best formula on pharmaceutical requirements with the the IC50 638 ppm and good stability. For all formulas after an irritation test, no erythema or udema were found, so the irritation index was zero. The benefits of this study can provide an alternative source of phytocosmetic preparations as antioxidants and utilizing organic waste into something useful.

antioxidant, banana skin extract, dpph, microemulgel



Molecular Docking Study of Antocyanidins to Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor as Anti Lung Cancer
Riska Prasetiawati, Rahmawati, Benny Permana, Shendi Suryana, Novriyanti Lubis

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Riska Prasetiawati

Universitas Garut

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among another types. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is a potential target in cancer cells thats belong to Tyrosin Kinase receptors, which responsible for the growth of various parts of the cell. Anthocyanidin is an aglycone of anthocyanin which has antiproliferative activity based on its antioxidant properties. The aim of this study was to find natural metabolites compound from anthocyanidins as a candidate for anti lung cancer through interaction with EGFR and obtain predictive activity, absorption, distribution and toxicity of anthocyanidin compounds. All compounds were optimized with Autodock Tools then simulated in molecular docking and predicted its absorption, distribution and toxicity. Gefitinib, a well known of EGFR inhibitor was taken as the standard for comparative analysis. Malvidins physicochemical properties qualified on Lipinskis Rule of Five, and show its good bioavailability. Molecular docking simulation showed the lowest binding energy of Malvidin to the receptor. Prediction of absorption and distribution showed Malvidin had Caco-2, HIA and Protein Plasma Binding in sequence is 1.7590 nm.sec-1; 83.1034% and 94.9441%. It is also mutagenic but non carcinogenic. Based on these data, Malvidin has the potential to be an anti-lung cancer candidate through EGFR inhibition.

molecular docking, malvidin, toxicity, ADME, lung cancer



Phytochemical Test on Herbal Drinks "Loloh Cemcem" at Panglipuran Village, Bali
Putu Nita Cahyawati (a*), Asri Lestarini (b), Tanjung Subrata (c), Ni Wayan Erly Sintya Dewi (d), I Gusti Putu Wiadnyana (e)

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Putu Nita Cahyawati

a) Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia
b,c,d) Department of Physiology & Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia
e) Department of IKK-IKP, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia

Loloh is a traditional Balinese drink that is believed to be able to overcome certain diseases. The Balinese people make "loloh" independently for self-consumption or trading in small-scale home industry. The making of "loloh" is usually passed down from generation to generation. So, the outstanding circulation has not been standardized and with different ingredients. "Loloh cemcem" is one of the traditional drinks from The Penglipuran Village, Bangli Regency, Bali. This study aims to conduct phytochemical tests on "loloh cemcem" in Bali, especially from Penglipuran Village. Phytochemical tests include levels of alkaloids, steroids, terpenoids, phenolics, saponins, flavonoids, and tannins. The results of this study indicate that "loloh cemcem" produced in Penglipuran Village contains moderate levels of flavonoids and terpenoids (642.88 mg/100g), containing tannins, phenols, and alkaloids. In conclusion, "loloh cemcem" has the potential to be an antibacterial, antioxidant and another benefit that still needs further investigation.

loloh cemcem, Bali, flavonoids, terpenoids, antioxidant



Scalp Dandruff Reduction Test Using Fresh Aloe vera Gel Mask
Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati*, Titin Supiani, Nilam Amelia Laksmi

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Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati

Department of Cosmetology, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, East Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220

Background: Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that has been used since 1500 BC in many countries as a local medicine that has thick leaves flesh from the Liliaceae family. There are 75 compounds in Aloe vera gel have been found including 20 minerals (copper, iron, calcium, zinc, manganese, sodium, potassium, etc), 20 amino acids, vitamins (vitamins A, B, C, E, B12, folic acid ), salicylic acid, and water. Aloe vera was widely used for its antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, the lack of itching, and help prevent skin ulcers. Purpose: This study intends to investigate the effect of fresh Aloe vera gel mask in the reduction of scalp dandruff. Methods: Sampling was done by purposive sampling method as many as 10 people suffering from dry dandruff divided into 2 groups, namely 5 were given care using Aloe vera gel mask and 5 were given control mask treatment. Each sample received 3 treatments a week for 4 weeks. Observations before and after treatment were carried out by experts using a research instrument sheet assisted by a skin and hair analyzer. Test requirements analysis using the normality test and homogeneity test, and data analysis using the T-test. Results: The test results show data are normally distributed and homogeneous, t-count (3.376) > t-table (1.86). This showed that there the influence the used of Aloe vera to reduce dandruff on scalp. Obtained the average value of reduction in dandruff with use fresh Aloe vera gel mask was 0.800 greater than using control (0.699). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that there influence of used Aloe vera gel mask on reduced dandruff on the scalp.

fresh Aloe vera gel mask, reduced dandruff



Study of Vaccines Vial Monitor Status and Potency at Eleven Province in Indonesia
Mukhlissul Faatih (a*), Yuyun Yuniar (a), Reni Herman (b)

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Mukhlissul Faatih

a) Center for Research and Development of Health Resources and Services, NIHRD Indonesia
Jl. Percetakan Negara 29 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia
* faatih44[at]
b) Center for Research and Development of Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health, NIHRD Indonesia

The Indonesian Ministry of Health responsible for the supply and distribution of logistics needed in the implementation of the Immunization Program at national, provincial, district, and health facility levels. This study discussed cold chain management of vaccines from Provincial Health Office to the health center facilities and tested the vaccine potency. We have used a cross-sectional study involving a multistage sampling. Primary health centers, clinics and hospitals were selected from each two districts of eleven provinces. The data were analyzed descriptively and analytically using Chi Square Test. Vaccine potency test was carried out by Kendrick test. This study confirmed that the cold chain management of vaccines at the provincial level was better than the districts and health center facilities. The quality of Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM) was in gradually decline from provinces to districts and health center facilities. Potency test results of DPT and polio vaccines suggested that all vaccines are still qualified in all study sample locations.

vaccine vial monitor; potency test



The Effect of Gynura procumbens Leaves Extract to Reduce Dandruff on The Scalp
Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati*, Rita Susesty, Devi Sulastiowati

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Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati

Department of Cosmetology, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, East Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220

Background: Gynura procumbens (Asteraceae family) is a medicinal plant commonly used in Asian countries such as China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. G. procumbens contain of flavonoids and glycosides and have bacterial activity and anti-fungal activity such as Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data about the effect of using the G. procumbens leaves extract on reducing dandruff on the scalp. Methods: Scalp observation by examiners by using observation sheets and grating instruments assisted by a skin and hair analyzer. Reduction of scalp dandruff was the difference between the results of the initial test and the final test (after treatment). The sample was selected using a purposive sampling technique totaling 10 people and divided into two groups (experimental group and control group). Results: The results showed that the calculation of hypothesis testing after analyzing the data obtained a value of t-count (5.817) > t-table (1.86). This showed that there was an effect of using the continued use of leaf extract as a shampoo for reducing dandruff on the scalp. Conclusion: The use of G. procumbens leaves extract as shampoo can reduce dandruff.

Gynura procumbens leaves extract, reduction of dandruff



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