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International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ISAMME 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.31 for 1 days in Cimahi |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 235) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Development of Students Worksheet Guided Discovery Trigonometry Materials
R Fauzana, V Anggraini, M Melisa dan A Jupri

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Corresponding Author
rahmi fauzana

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25172, Indonesia

Trigonometry is one of the materials learned in the high school curriculum.. This study aims to develop valid and practicality development of students worksheet guided discovery trigonometry materials at the tenth grade of the school in the city of Padang. This research is a development research with ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The subjects of this research were six students at the tenth grade (15-16 year olds). The instruments used in this research were student needs analysis, curriculum analysis, validation sheet and praticality questionnaires sheets. The results showed that students worksheet guided discovery trigonometry materials was very valid and very practical. Based on the results of the research, we recommend continuing the guided students worksheet guided discovery on trigonometry material for class tenth grade to see effectiveness.

students worksheet, guided discovery, trigonometry

Mathematics Education


Differences in Students Mathematical Understanding Abilities between Obtaining Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Project Based Learning (PjBL) Models
Taufik Nurrohman

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Corresponding Author
Taufik Nurrohman


The problem in this study is: "Is there a difference in mathematical understanding abilities of students who get the Problem Based Learning model with Project Based Learning models. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in mathematical comprehension abilities between students who learned using the Problem Based Learning model and those using the Project Based Learning model. The benefits of this research for students are expected to be able to provide additional mathematics learning and serve as one of the inputs to select and develop appropriate learning models, pig researchers themselves are expected to provide an original description in the field regarding the implementation of the model applied in research. In this study, the type of research used is class research with group design The Grouppretest-Postest Desing Statics. The population in this study were students of SMPN 1 Bayongbong and the samples in this study were students of class VII-A and VII-D SMP 1 Bayongbong .. the instruments used consisted of: tests of mathematical comprehension skills and attitude scale based on Likert scale. The instrument was declared to have fulfilled the criteria for a good instrument to meet validity, reliability, differentiation, and difficulty. Data analysis was performed using the normality test, the homogeneous test of two variances, t-test and t-test. The results of this study indicate that there is no difference in the ability of mathematical understanding between the Problem Based Learning model and Project Based Learning models. The attitude of students towards mathematics learning with Problem Based Learning shows a good attitude. The attitude of students towards learning mathematics with Project Based Learning shows a very good attitude

Mathematical Understanding, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Model Project Based Learning (PjBL)

Mathematics Education


Differential Item Function of Gender in the Mathematics Elementary School Tryout Test Academic Year 2017/2018
Martalia Ardiyaningrum1, Laelatul Badriah1, Trisniawati2 ,Suhartini1

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Corresponding Author
Martalia Ardiyaningrum

1Universitas Alma Ata, Jl. Brawijaya no 99 Tamantirto Bantul, Yogyakarta
2Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Jl. Batikan UH III/1043, Yogyakarta

The purpose of this paper is to describe: 1) number of items in the elementary school mathematics national examination tryout test containing DIF gender and pattern; 2) functionality of differential tests on elementary school mathematics national examination tryout test tool organized by the Pythagoras tutoring institute. This study is a quantitative explorative descriptive study with a type of case research, because it describes the characteristics of the elementary school mathematics national examination tryout tests device and is not generalizable. The amount of data used comes from the answer patterns of 919 students consisting of 431 female students and 488 male students. As for the results of this study are: 1) the elementary school mathematics national examination tryout test kit has a different power ranging from 0.282 to 1,129 and the level of grain difficulty ranges from -3,365 to 2,838; 2) Items in the elementary school mathematics national examination try out test containing 34 items or as much as 87.2%; 3) the elementary school mathematics national examination tryout test kit benefited the female group in theta > -3.06 which was seen from the DTF (differential test function) graph in the male and female groups.

differential item function, gender, mathematics

Mathematics Education


Difficulties of Middle School Students in Understanding Algebraic Concepts
Ani Cahyani(1) , Zahara Raharjo Putri (1)

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Corresponding Author
Ani Cahyani

1) IKIP Siliwangi Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi 40526, jawabarat, Indonesia
Email : ikipsiliwangi4212[at]

This study aims to determine the difficulties experienced by junior high school students on algebraic concepts and the factors that cause difficulties in understanding algebraic concepts. The approaches and methods used in this study are qualitative approaches and naturalistic methods. The study was conducted at one of the schools in the Karawang district with the subject of the teacher and 9 students of class VIII that fit the criteria. The instruments in this study used a description test of 7 questions related to the ability to understand concepts and non-test instruments in the form of interviews, observation sheets, and field notes. The results of the data analysis showed the most dominant difficulties experienced by students, namely the indicators applying and analyzing with very high difficulty categories. These difficulties are influenced by several factors, including poor physical health, impaired sensory function, low interest in learning and student motivation, not mastering basic and classroom abilities that are not conducive. Alternative learning that can be done to minimize the difficulty of students in understanding the algebraic concept is to be able to use media or teaching aids and create a pleasant learning atmosphere.

Difficulties, Understanding Algebraic Concepts

Mathematics Education


Digital mathematics tasks HOTS type: a review
Meryansumayeka (a*), Zulkardi (b), R I I Putri (b), and C Hiltrimartin (b)

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Corresponding Author
Meryansumayeka Meryansumayeka

a) Doctoral Student of Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

b) Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia


Mathematics instructional activities, regarding to Indonesia curriculum, are emphasized to High Order Thinking Skills and the use of ICT. This article describes the review of digital mathematics tasks HOTS type which was designed. The review itself is a part of a design research purposing to produce a valid and practical digital mathematics task, and having potential effect to train students high order thinking skills. Data were gathered through expert review document. The result showed that digital mathematics tasks designed were mostly suitable with content, context, mathematical thinking process, and level of High Order Thinking Skills. For all digital mathematics tasks that have been designed, expert reviews suggested to give explanations of HOTS level category of tasks given.

Digital Mathematics Tasks; HOTS; Design Research; Expert Review

Mathematics Education


Discovery Learning Model and Props of Statistical Kenik In Improving The Mathematical Communication Ability of Junior High School Students
Dini Sri Gustiani (a*), Ade Irman (b), Fika Muji Fadhillah (c*)

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Corresponding Author
Dini sri Gustiani

a) SMK Bela Nusantara
Jalan Sirnagalih, Cilaku, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat 43285 Indonesia
b) SDN Cibulakan
Jalan Gatot Mangkupraja Desa Cibulakan Kecamatan Cugenang Kabupaten Cianjur Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) SMP Negeri 2 Cilamaya Kulon
Jalan Pulo Putri Desa Sukamulya – Cilamaya Kulon, Karawang, Jawa Barat 41384, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to examine the achievement and improvement of junior high school students mathematical communication ability using discovery learning models and props of statistical kenik compared to students who use ordinary learning, and student activities during learning using discovery learning models and props of statistical kenik to take place. This study used a quasi-experimental design. The experimental group obtained learning with discovery learning models and props of statistical kenik and control groups obtained regular learning. The instrument used was a test of mathematical communication ability. The population in this study were all eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Cilamaya Kulon Karawang. With the sample subjects were eighth grade students as many as two classes from the five existing classes randomly selected. The results of this study are: (1) There is achievement and improvement of mathematical communication ability between students whose learning uses discovery learning models and props of statistical kenik compared to students who use ordinary learning; (2) Learning by using discovery learning models and visual aids shows that the learning process is more effective in mathematical problems solving and students can find statistical material concepts.

Discovery Learning Models, Props Statistical Kenik, Mathematical Communication Ability

Mathematics Education


Wita Ratna Puspita(a*), Afifah Latip Rasyid Jauhari(b)

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Corresponding Author
Wita Ratna puspita

a) Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. DR. Setiabudi No. 229, Isola, Sukasari, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
b) Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. DR. Setiabudi No. 229, Isola, Sukasari, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji keefektifan pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model learning cycle 5E dan model learning cycle 7E; serta membedakan pembelajaran yang lebih efektif di antara model learning cycle 5E dan 7E ditinjau dari self-efficacy siswa kelas VIII dalam belajar bangun ruang sisi datar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain pretest-posttest non-equivalent comparison-group design. Populasi penelitian mencakup seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri di Kota Yogyakarta yang terdiri dari sekolah level tinggi dan level sedang. Dengan teknik stratified random sampling, terpilih 2 sekolah sebagai sampel penelitian. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket self-efficacy siswa. Untuk menguji keefektifan model LC 5E dan model LC 7E, ada tidaknya interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan level sekolah, serta ada tidaknya perbedaan self-efficacy siswa di sekolah level tinggi dan sekolah level sedang, digunakan uji two way anova. Selanjutnya, untuk membandingkan self-efficacy siswa yang menggunakan model LC 5E dan model LC 7E di sekolah level tinggi maupun sekolah level sedang digunakan independent sample t test, sedangkan untuk menguji ada tidaknya perbedaan efektivitas antara model LC 5E dan model LC 7E terhadap self-efficacy siswa digunakan rumus efektivitas N-Gain. Setiap analisis dilakukan pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) tidak terdapat perbedaan self-efficacy antara siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model LC 5E dan siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model LC 7E; 2) self-efficacy siswa yang menggunakan model LC 5E tidak lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang menggunakan model LC 7E di sekolah level tinggi maupun sekolah level sedang; 3) tidak terdapat interaksi antara model learning cycle dengan level sekolah pada pembelajaran bangun ruang sisi datar; 5) tidak terdapat perbedaan self-efficacy antara siswa di sekolah level tinggi dan siswa di sekolah level sedang; serta 6) tidak terdapat perbedaan efektivitas antara model LC 5E dan model LC 7E terhadap self-efficacy siswa.

Learning Cycle, Self-efficacy

Mathematics Education


Effect of Knisleys Mathematical Model on Genders Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability
Veny Triyana Andika Sari (a*), Puji Nurfauziah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Veny Triyana Andika Sari

a), b) Pendidikan Matematika, IKIP Siliwangi. Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Knisleys mathematical model on students mathematical critical thinking skills based on gender. The research sample consisted of two classes in class 2018 in one of the PTS Cimahi. The research instrument was a test of mathematical critical thinking skills. The analysis technique uses ANAVA with IBM SPSS Statistics 24 application. Overall the results of this study are that there is no interaction seen between the learning model carried out with gender differences because there is still a mismatch between the interactions obtained by the significance value and the general average, especially those which indicate the average mathematical thinking ability of male students men who use the Knisley mathematical model are lower than male students who use the normal learning model and the average mathematical thinking ability of male students who use Knisleys mathematical model is lower than female students.

Knisleys Mathematical Model; Mathematical Critical Thinking; Gender

Mathematics Education


Effectiveness of Application of Learning Models Collaborative Problem Solving Against Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems in Middle School Students
Suhandri, Dadang Juandi, Yaya S Kusumah

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Corresponding Author
Suhandri suhandri

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung

Abstract This research is a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group design that aims to test the effectiveness of the application of collaborative problem-solving learning to students problem-solving abilities. The sample used in this study consisted of 75 students consisting of 37 students in the experimental class and 38 students in the control class in one of Pekanbaru Riau Middle School, Indonesia. The instrument in this study was the students initial ability test before being given treatment and tests after being given the Collaborative Problem Solving learning treatment. In this study found that problem-solving abilities, students who received Collaborative learning treatments Problem solving got better results than students who were taught with conventional learning.

Keywords: Collaborative Problem-Solving, Problem-solving ability, Conventional learning

Mathematics Education



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Corresponding Author
Rintari Rintari


The purpose of this Classroom Action Research (CAR) is to examine the problem of increasing students mathematical problem solving abilities through learning with realistic mathematical approaches, and get an overview of students attitudes towards learning with realistic mathematical approaches to mathematics learning. The object of action in this study is an increase in mathematical problem solving abilities of class VII A students in the 2018/2019 academic year. The instruments in this study were tests and non-tests. 5 test questions for mathematical problem solving skills, while non-test instruments are in the form of observation sheets. From this PTK activity it can be concluded that the Realistic Mathematics learning approach is very effective and efficient in learning Mathematics subjects to improve the ability to solve mathematical problems. So the authors suggest to Mathematics teachers to try to use the Realistic Mathematics learning approach in the learning process of mathematics in the classroom

mathematical model,their solutions

Mathematics Education



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Corresponding Author
Tita Susilawati


As is known, mathematics is a subject that is considered difficult for students to learn and difficult to teach by teachers. Some teachers recognize this, so mathematics becomes a scary lesson and makes students lose interest and lazy learning, for various reasons. One reason is that mathematics is difficult to understand because the object of the material is abstract. For that the real world in the student environment as a concrete object of the problems faced by students must be raised in mathematics learning, not just an abstract concept. To respond to the above, the researchers tried to find a solution by applying a cooperative type jigsaw method to Improve Learning Outcomes, Students interest and creativity in the Limit Subject Function. The problems that the researchers revealed were: 1) Can the Jigsaw method increase student activity and creativity in learning on the subject of Function Limit in class XI IPS-1 Garut 2 High School Academic Year 2018/2019? 2) Can the Jigsaw method improve student learning outcomes classically on the subject of Limit Functions in the XI IPS-1 class of Garut 2 Public High School Academic Year 2018/2019? 3) What is the impact of the Jigsaw method in increasing student learning interest on the subject of Limit Function in class XI IPS-1 Garut 2 High School Academic Year 2018/2019? The method used in this study is the test method, questionnaire, and observation with data analysis techniques, namely descriptive analysis. The results that the researchers got were: 1) The Jigsaw method can increase student activity by 20% and activity to record lessons increased by 21%. 2) The Jigsaw Method can improve student learning outcomes in a classical manner by 7.68%, and an increase of 38.26% from pre PTK to post PTK. 3) The Jigsaw Method can increase student interest by 4.16% from pre PTK to post PTK.

Understanding critical thinking, JIGSAW approach.

Mathematics Education


efforts to improve critical thinking skills through the Problem Based Learning approach in class X TKJ 4 SMKN 6 Garut 6l

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Corresponding Author
Reni Reni

Ikip Siliwangi

ABSTRACT In mathematics learning many teachers complain about the students low ability to apply mathematical concepts. This can be seen from the many mistakes students make in understanding mathematical concepts so that they ignore mistakes in working on problems that can result in low student learning achievement (scores) both in daily tests, semester tests, and final school exams, even though in the classroom learning process is usually the teacher gives the task (stabilization) continuously in the form of problem training. The real conditions in the implementation of the exercises provided are not fully able to improve students abilities in applying mathematical concepts. The low quality of learning can be interpreted as being less effective in the learning process. The cause can come from students, teachers and facilities and infrastructure. Based on the problem, the researchers tried to find a solution by examining the Improvement of Mathematics Learning Achievement with the Problem-Based Learning Method in the Linear Program Discussion. The problems that the researcher revealed were: 1) Can the Problem-Based Learning method improve students ability to work on practice questions on the subject of Linear Program in class X-TKJ4 SMK 6 6 Garut academic year 2018/2019? 2) Can the Problem-Based Learning method improve student learning achievement on the subject of Linear Program in class X-TKJ4 SMK 6 6 Garut academic year 2018/2019? 3) How can the impact of the Problem-Based Learning method improve student learning achievement on the subject of Linear Program in class X-TKJ4 SMK 6 6 Garut academic year 2018/2019? The method used in this study is the test method, questionnaire, and observation with data analysis techniques, namely descriptive analysis. The results that the researchers got were: 1) Problem-Based Learning Method can increase the activity and creativity of students in learning opportunities in class XI, for active discussion there was an increase of 7.69% and activeness in recording lessons increased by 8.40%. 2) Problem-Based Learning Method can improve student learning outcomes in a classical way this is seen during the study an increase of 6.19%, and an increase of 39.30% from pre PTK to post PTK. 3) Problem-Based Learning Method can increase interest This is evidenced by the increase of 16.53% from pre PTK to post PTK.

Crical thingkhing ,Problem Based Learning

Mathematics Education


Elis siti nurwadiah

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Corresponding Author
Elis Siti Nurwadiah

IKIP Siliwangi

Mathematical communication is one of the basic mathematical abilities that are very important for students to have. By having mathematical communication skills students can communicate ideas through symbols, tables, diagrams or mathematical expressions to clarify the situation or problem. In addition, it is in line which delivered in the standard content curriculum for elementary and secondary education units of mathematics subjects. In fact, students mathematical communication skills are still low. To improve communication skills students researchers seek improvement in learning in every cycle. The results of the study show that improving students communication skills can increase the number of students who reach a minimum standard of competence, especially mathematics

Mathematical communication

Mathematics Education


Efforts to Improve Mathematical Communication Capabilities of Class VIII Students of Tarogong Kaler 2 Junior High School in Material Building Flat-Side Space
Pitria Susanti

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Corresponding Author
Pitria Susanti

IKIP Siliwangi Bandung

This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is conducted in three cycles, each cycle is held 2 x meetings, and each cycle is carried out 5 x 40 minutes. The purpose of this study was to improve mathematical communication skills and learning activities of class VIII students of Tarogong Kaler 2 Junior High School in the material of Flat-Side Building through efforts to improve actions taken from cycle to cycle. The subjects in this study were eighth-grade students of Tarogong Kaler 2 Junior High School 2 semester of the academic year 2018 - 2019 which numbered 34 people. Data collection techniques in classroom action research are observations of students mathematics learning activities, the value of learning outcomes, obtained from the students final tests conducted at the end of each cycle, interviews, and documentation. The data in this study used a mathematical communication test each cycle and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative. For quantitative analysis, descriptive statistics are used to describe mathematical communication skills in solving mathematical communication problems after learning, which consist of mean, range, maximum value and minimum value and the percentage of mastery learning obtained students in each cycle. Data from observations of student mathematics learning activities and interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study reveal that mathematical communication skills and learning activities of class VIII students of Tarogong Kaler 2 Junior High School in the Flat-Build Space material experienced an increase from cycle to cycle through efforts to improve actions taken.

Mathematical Communication Ability, Student Learning Activities, Build Flat-Side Space.

Mathematics Education



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Corresponding Author
Resnawati Resnawati

Ikip Siliwangi Bandung

The purpose of this study was to improve the mathematical problem solving abilities of class VIII G students of Tarogong Kidul 3 Junior High School in the material of Building Flat-Side Space. This study was a Classroom Action Research (CAR), which was conducted in 3 cycles and each cycle was held twice. Each cycle follows the stages: planning, action, observation / evaluation and reflection. The instruments used in this study include tests of mathematical problem-solving abilities, observation sheets of student activities, field notes and interviews. The results showed that the mathematical problem solving ability had increased from cycle I to cycle III, the average percentage of mastery of students mathematical problem solving abilities reached more than 65%. Judging from the average learning outcomes also increased from cycle I to cycle III. In the first cycle an average of 62.33, the second cycle averaged 66.83 and the third cycle averaged 68.33, while the percentage of students who reached KKM was 40% in the first cycle, 56.67% in the second cycle and 83 , 33%.

Keywords: Mathematical Problem Solving, Building Flat-Side Space and Learning Outcomes

Mathematics Education


Imas Suwartini

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Corresponding Author
imas suwartini

IKIP Siliwangi

The low level of mathematical problem solving abilities of students, especially in the form of flat-side space due to lack of attention and involvement of students in the learning process, students difficulties in understanding the problems of constructing flat side spaces in the form of stories, less innovative learning and less active and creative students in constructing problem solving ideas. Therefore, a learning model is needed that can improve students mathematical problem solving abilities, namely through the Problem Based Learning model. This study aims to describe the activities of students while following learning, and improving students mathematical problem solving abilities. This research is a class action research. Data is collected through tests and observations. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the study, it was found that: (1) Student activities during the implementation of the problem-based learning model were active; (2) Demonstrating an increase in students abilities in solving mathematical problems, seen from the results of student tests increasing individually and classically after the application of problem-based learning models. So it can be concluded that to improve mathematical problem solving abilities students should use the Problem Based Learning model.

Problem Solving, Build Flat-Side Space, Problem Based Learning

Mathematics Education


Efforts to Improve Students Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Class VII of Junior High School 3 Tarogong Kidul in Quadrangle and Triangle Material
Yanti Yulianti

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Corresponding Author
Yanti Yulianti

IKIP Siliwangi Bandung

This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is conducted in three cycles, each cycle is held 2 x meetings, and each cycle is carried out 5 x 40 minutes. The purpose of this study was to improve mathematical reasoning abilities and learning activities of class VII students of Tarogong Kidul 3 Junior High School on Quadrangle and Triangle material through efforts to improve actions taken from cycle to cycle. The subjects in this study were seventh-grade students of Tarogong Kidul Junior High School 3 in even semester of the school year 2018 - 2019 which numbered 32 people. Data collection techniques in classroom action research are observations of students mathematics learning activities, the value of learning outcomes, obtained from the students final tests conducted at the end of each cycle, interviews, and documentation. The data in this study used mathematical reasoning tests for each cycle and were analyzed using qualitative. For analysis used descriptive statistics to describe mathematical communication skills in solving mathematical communication problems after learning, and the percentage of mastery learning obtained by students in each cycle. Data from observations of student mathematics learning activities and interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study reveal that mathematical reasoning abilities and learning activities of class VII students of Tarogong Kidul Junior High School 3 in Quadrangle and Triangle material have increased from cycle to cycle through efforts to improve actions taken.

Mathematical Reasoning Ability, Student Learning Activity, Quadrangle and Triangle

Mathematics Education


Efforts to Improve the Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems of Students of SMAN 8 Garut in Class X IPS on Trigonometry Material"

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Corresponding Author
Mellyana Mellyana

IKIP Siliwangi Bandung

This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is carried out with three cycles, each cycle is held 2 x meetings, and each cycle is carried out 4 x 45 minutes. The purpose of this study was to improve mathematical problem solving and learning activities of Social Sciences class X students of SMA 8 Garut on Trigonometry material through efforts to improve actions taken from cycle to cycle. The subjects in this study were students of class X IPS in SMA 8 Garut even semester of the school year 2018 - 2019 which numbered 32 people. Data collection techniques in classroom action research are observations of students mathematics learning activities, the value of learning outcomes, obtained from the students final tests conducted at the end of each cycle, interviews, and documentation. The data in this study used a mathematical problem-solving test for each cycle and analyzed using qualitative. Descriptive statistics are used for analysis to describe mathematical communication skills in solving mathematical problem-solving questions after learning, and the percentage of mastery learning obtained by students in each cycle. Data from observations of student mathematics learning activities and interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study reveal that mathematical problem solving and learning activities of Social Sciences class X students of SMA 8 Garut in Trigonometry material have increased from cycle to cycle through efforts to improve the actions taken.

Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, Student Learning Activities, Trigonometry.

Mathematics Education


Enhancing critical thinking disposition: effects of reading and writing learning strategies on mathematics preservice teachers
C D Rosita (1) Y S Kusumah, B G Kartasasmita (2)

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Corresponding Author
Cita Dwi Rosita

(1) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati
(2) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This experiment investigated the impact of reading and writing learning strategies on mathematics preservice teachers critical thinking dispositions. The sample in this study were 80 students in the mathematics education program who were purposively selected from 120 total populations reviewed based on: (1) students prior mathematical abilities; (2) learning model group. In this study also analyzed the interaction between the students prior mathematical abilities and learning strategies towards enhancing students mathematical critical thinking dispositions. The results showed that: (1) the average enhance in critical thinking dispositions of students who received a reading and writing learning strategy was better than those who received conventional learning as a whole; (2) there are differences in the average enhance in mathematical critical thinking dispositions between students who get reading and writing learning strategies and students who get conventional learning are reviewed based on their prior mathematical ability groups; (3) there is no interaction between learning and students prior mathematical abilities towards increasing students mathematical critical thinking dispositions.

mathematical critical thinking disposition; reading and writing learning strategy

Mathematics Education


Enhancing Mathematical Inductive Reasoning Ability and Self-Confidence Students through Realistic Mathematics Education Approach with GeoGebra
Citra Megiana Pertiwi

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Corresponding Author
Citra Megiana Pertiwi

Faculty of mathematics and science education, IKIP Siliwangi
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

This research aimed to analyze the role of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach with GeoGebra in enhancement, achievement, and phenomena of Mathematical Inductive Reasoning Ability (MIRA) and Mathematical Self-Confidence (MSC) of Junior High School students-, and due to no research on the dependent variable and independent variable together yet. The method used was experimental research with a pretest-posttest Control Group Design. In this research, the population was all 7th graders in Cimahi City. The research sample was 69 students consisted of two classes that were randomly selected and divided into experimental and control classes in a school. The instrument used an essay test on MIRA and MSC scale. The results showed that: (1) Significant enhancement and achievement of MIRA and MSC for students who learned through RME with GeoGebra were better than the Ordinary Learning, (2) Students- achievement of MIRA through RME with GeoGebra was at a strong level and for students with ordinary learning was at a sufficient level, (3) Students- achievement of MSC through RME with GeoGebra and students- with ordinary learning were at a good level, (4) Students- MIRA on the indicator explained that the model had not been achieved ideally.

Reasoning; Self-Confidence; Realistic; GeoGebra

Mathematics Education


Enhancing Students Mathematical Connection By Brain Based Learning Model
Vara Nina Yulian (a,b*), Neni Hayati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Vara Nina Yulian

a) Study Program of Mathematics Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia.
b) Study Program of Mathematics Education, Universitas Subang, Jl. RA Kartini Km 3 Subang, Subang, Indonesia.

Students mathematical connection is one of ability that students must have. However, one of the reasons that students mathematical connection is still poor is the lack of enthusiasm of students while learning mathematics, and learning that does not give flexibility to students to empower the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to have an alternative learning that can develop students mathematical connection. This study used a quasi-experimental method. The subject in this research was 49 students from 3 classes in one of junior high schools, in Subang, West Java, selected by applying purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were mathematical connection test and attitude scale. Based on the results it was concluded that that there is a significant difference between enhancing students mathematical connection who are learning by brain-based learning model with students who learn by expository learning model.

mathematical connection, brain-based learning.

Mathematics Education


Ethnomathematics: Mathematical Learning with Loce, Manggarai Traditional Mats
Maria F Hanim, Alberta P Makur, Polikarpus Raga, and K Viktor Pantaleon

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Corresponding Author
Alberta Parinters Makur

STKIP Santu Paulus

This study discussed the exploration of mathematical concepts in Traditional Mat, Loce, as a product of Manggarai culture. This study aimed to describe the mathematical ideas contained in the Traditional Mat, Loce, Manggarai and how the linkages between the concepts found in the traditional mats, Loce, Manggarai and the topic of learning in schools. This research was qualitative research with ethnographic methods. Data collections were carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects in this study consisted of 4 people, namely community leaders who could carry out Rojok Loce activities and the craftsmen. The results of this study indicated that there were several mathematical concepts found in the traditional mat, Loce, and had links in the topic of Mathematics learning in the School, namely the idea of fraction distribution, measurement, burial and measurement of the area of the flat building. The concept of fraction is when a craftsman mats a strand of pandanus leaves into several parts with an unequal size, the idea of measurement is still using traditional measurements of pagat and depa which are used to measure the length and width of the mat, the concept of mating during the mat making process the same form unit square to produce a mat and the concept of measuring the area of flat building when the mat is finished.

Ethnomathematics, Loce, Manggarai culture, Traditional Mat

Mathematics Education


Etnomathematics: Traditional House Architecture in Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi as Mathematical Learning Materials In Basic Education
Aritsya Imswatama (a*), Indra Zultiar (b)

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Corresponding Author
Aritsya Imswatama

(a) Mathematics Education Program, Muhammadiyah Sukabumi University. iaritsya[at]
(b) Early Childhood Teacher Education Program, Muhammadiyah Sukabumi University

The purpose of this research is to describe mathematical element in traditional house in Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi. The type of this research is qualitative research. This research is triggered by a such condition of the low knowledge of local cultures and wisdoms owned by the students. They need to increase their knowledge of cultures and local wishdoms to integrate into their school education. In this way, there will be an integration between culture and education in school. Data collection techniques used in this research are interview, observation and documentation, then the data obtained are analyzed by using data reduction, data presentation, verification and conclusion. The results of this study show that in the architecture of traditional house there are mathematical elements such as geometry and tessellation. The results of this study can be used as an innovation and learning materials in elementary school mathematics, so it will increase students knowledge related to the application of mathematics in everyday life. It is expected that etnomatematics may become an innovation of learning mathematics in school and motivate the students to learn math related to the cultures and local wishdoms.

ethnomathematics; traditional house architecture

Mathematics Education


Examining problem-solving ability and the strategies used high school students for context “tourist attractions in Palembang”
S Arifin (1), Zulkardi (2), R I I Putri (2), Y Hartono (2), E Susanti (2)

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(1) Mathematics Education Department of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang,
(2) Mathematics Education Department of Sriwijaya University

This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to describe and examine problem-solving ability and the strategies used high school students for context “tourists attractions in Palembang”. The subjects of this study were 6 high school students in Palembang that consisting of 2 high-ability students, 2 medium-ability students, and 2 low-ability students. Data obtained through written test and interview. Based on analysis of students- solution showed that differences problem-solving strategies used students. high-ability students used more than three problem-solving strategies. Medium-ability students used two problem-solving strategies, and low-ability students employed only one strategy. The most frequently used strategies were looking for patterns, logical reasoning, making a model or diagram, trial and error.

problem-solving ability, strategies, context, tourist attractions

Mathematics Education


Exploration of Attitude Students in Elementary School Teacher Education in Mathematics Learning
Trisniawati (1), Mahmudah Titi Muanifah (1), Nelly Rhosyida (1), Sri Adi Widodo (1), Martalia Ardiyaningrum (2)

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Sri Adi Widodo

(1) Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
(2) Universitas Alma Ata

The purpose of this paper is to know attitude of students of elementary school teacher education towards mathematics learning. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach. The sample is taken using cluster random sampling from second and fourth semester students of elementary school teacher education. Instrument used in this research is questionnaire. The results of the research show that the attitude of students of Elementary School Teacher Education, in one of the universities towards learning mathematics in the very high category.

attitude; mathematics; learning

Mathematics Education


Exploration of Ethnomathematics on Indigenous Peoples Kampung Naga
R Hermanto (a,b*), Wahyudin(b), E Nurlaelah(b)

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Redi Hermanto

(a) Universitas Siliwangi, Jl. Siliwangi No. 24, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
(b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia

Ethnomathematics is a study that observes how certain society groups understand, articulate, and use mathematical concepts or ideas in their lives. The indigenous people of Kampung Naga have a diversity of cultures, traditions, and value systems that are still well cared and maintained until to day. This cultural activity is patterned, structured, and has a form in daily life and has become a belief that is embedded in the form of local wisdom. This study aims to explore the concept of ethnomathematics that emerged and was pragmatically involved in the daily life activities of the Kampung Naga indigenous people based on a review of aspects of mathematics. This research is a qualitative study using ethnographic models.

Ethnomathematics, Lokal Wisdom, Kampung Naga

Mathematics Education


Exploration teacher performance in teaching understanding mathematical concepts of junior high school
I Gunawan, D Darhim, K Kusnandi

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Iwan Gunawan

Universitas Langlangbuana

Abstract. This study aims to explore the teacher performance in teaching understunding mathematical concepts of Junior High School. Three teachers were taken as participants. The method use in this researsh is qualitative with grounded theory design appoach. Data was obtained by analyzing the learning videos then confirmed by interviews to reveal the perceptions of the three teachers in teaching understanding of mathematical concepts. Based on data analysis, three categories of teacher performance appear, namely adequate performance, good performance and excellent performance. The three performance categories are seen from aspects of morality in teaching, reflection after teaching, effectiveness in teaching, and interaction with students. These aspects are contained in a performance rubric. Furthermore, the three categories will be described in this paper.

Teachers Performance, Teaching, Conceptual Understanding.

Mathematics Education


Flow Shop Scheduling To Minimize 3-Machine and n-Job Rental Costs by considering Job-block criteria
Muhammad Faudzi Bahari (a*), Sudradjat Supian (b), Eman Lesmana (b)

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Muhammad Faudzi Bahari

a) Master program in Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, INDONESIA
b) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, INDONESIA

This study discusses a method for flowshop scheduling on 3-machines with n jobs. The purpose of this study is to minimize the cost of leasing machines that must be issued by a company in the production process carried out. The several things considered are the existence of the job-block criteria in the production scheduling process.

Flowshop, Minimize Rental Cost

Applied Mathematics


Fractional Differential Equation and Its Solution as The Generalization of Ordinary Differential Equation
Endang Rusyaman, Kankan Parmikanti

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Endang Rusyaman

Department of Mathematics Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia

Fractional differential equation is an ordinary differential equation in which the order is fractional number. It can be said that fractional differential equation is a generalization of an ordinary differential equation where the order is natural number. In this paper, a fractional differential equation with the order α and β, where α and β are rational numbers, is introduced. Solution of this differential equation is found by using Laplace transformation and presented in the form the Mittag-Leffler function. Graph of solutions function are then described by using the Matlab software.

Differential equations, Fractional order, Laplace Transform, Mittag-Leffler

Applied Mathematics


Gender and Mathematical Abstraction on Geometry
Nelly Fitriani; Puji Nurfauziah

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Nelly Fitriani

IKIP Siliwangi

This research is conducted due to low mathematical abstraction ability of junior high school students, since that mathematical abstraction is an important skill for both male and female students so that it is considered important to study gender factors for mathematical abstraction abilities. The objective of this research is to find out whether there is a significant difference between male and female mathematical abstraction abilities after using scientific approach supported by Excel VBA. This research was conducted to 16 female students and 15 male students of 9th grade at one of the junior high schools in West Bandung, Indonesia. The method in this study is quasi experimental by comparing the abstraction abilities of male and female students after being through by scientific approach assisted by Excel VBA. The instrument of this research is 3 questions about mathematical abstraction questions. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in mathematical abstraction between male and female students for some indicators after using the Scientific approach assisted by VBA Excel, this means the Scientific approach which assisted by Excel VBA can show the differences of mathematical abstraction between male and female students.

mathematical abstraction; Gender

Mathematics Education


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