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Annual International Conference on Management Research (AICMAR 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.06 for 2 days in Jakarta |

Page 1 (data 1 to 30 of 65) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Analysing the Decoy Effect on Online Product Purchasing Preference: An Experimental Study
Intan Sherlin (a*), Ferry Siswadhi (b**), Elex Sarmigi (c***)

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Corresponding Author
Intan Sherlin

a) Economic Development Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sakti Alam Kerinci, Sungai Penuh, Indonesia
b) Management Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sakti Alam Kerinci, Sungai Penuh, Indonesia
c) Shariah Banking Department, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Sungai Penuh, Indonesia

Why would one want to buy expensive popcorn at the cinema, while they could get the same with much lower price in supermarket? Economically speaking, it is a rip off. However, there is an effective psychologycal technique called the decoy effect that could affect our economical thinking in a way that the targeted good will be purchased even if it is overpriced. Earlier research showed that consumers preference could be shifted when there are three options: the target, competitor, and decoy. In this IR 4.0, sellers market their products through digital marketplaces to reach more consumers worldwide. This research analyses whether the decoy effect exists in Indonesia-s digital marketplace, and what effect does customers- review has on it. Data are collected through online surveys by replicating an online shopping choice sets for a trash bin. We choose marketplace Shopee as it has some features enabling us to do the experiment. The control and treatment 1 choice-sets are used to test whether the decoy effect exists in digital market. Treatment 2 is used to measure the strength of a decoy with smaller/bigger amount of buyers, and Treatment 3 measures the strength of a decoy with positive/negative reviews. A total of 90 subjects are randomly given one choice-set. Results show that decoy effect exists in digital marketplace Shopee. Amount of buyers influences the strength of decoy effect; smaller amount weakened it, bigger amount strengthen it. Data also suggests that decoy with negative review reduces the strength of its effect, vice versa.

decoy effect, decoy marketing, marketing strategy, purchasing preference, customer preference



Ni Nyoman Juli Nuryani (a*)& A,A,NGR, Oka Suryadinatha Gorda (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ni Nyoman Juli Nuryani SE.,MM

a). Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Satya Dharma Singaraja, Jalan Yudistira No 11 Singaraja Bali, Indonesia
*) nijuli.nuryani07[at]
b).Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Denpasar, Jalan Bedugul No.39 Sidakarya, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Bali, Indonesia

ABSTRACT Financial Reports are one of the important elements in increasing Future Cash Flows in this research the issues raised regarding Cash Flow, Profit and Profit.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Cash Flow Capability Analysis and Profit on PT. Bank BPD Bali Cabang Singaraja in Predicting Future Cash Flows. The analysis technique used in this research is the validity and reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, multiple correlation analysis, determination analysis, T-Test and F test.Research results show that Cash Flow, Profit and Profit affect the Future Cash Flow at PT. Bank BPD Bali Cabang Singaraja. These results are proven by testing the hypothesis with the T-Test which each obtained that t-count> t-table or 3.007> 1.667 then the hypothesis is accepted with a partial correlation value of 0.453 means that X1 has a moderate relationship to Y, 2.079> 1.667 then the hypothesis accepted with a partial correlation value of 0.360 means that X2 has a strong relationship to Y. The influence of independent variables with bound is indicated by the value of determination of 27.5% and the correlation value of 0.525 which shows a low-proportional relationship between independent variables with the dependent variable. The results of this study indicate a positive influence on Cash Flow and Profit on Future Cash Flows at PT. Bank BPD Bali Cabang Singaraja. F-Test test found that F-count> F-table (8.543> 3.19) this means Cash Flow and Profit jointly influence the Future Cash Flow at PT. Bank BPD Bali Cabang Singaraja.

Cash Flow, Profit, Sustainability, Bank

Finance and Accounting


Ari Wibowo, Adi Mansah

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Adi Mansah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

The market is one of the places where buying and selling transactions occur between traders and consumers as well as between traders and other traders, which are often referred to as shopping centers, traditional markets, plazas and other designations. Deviant behavior is often found in traditional markets. Therefore, Islamic business ethics plays an important role in regulating the behavior of traders. In this connection, the researcher wanted to find out how the behavior of Muslim street vendors in Ciputat traditional market in the perspective of Islamic business ethics. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. That is, the data collected is not in the form of numerical data, but data derived from interview scripts, observations, documentation, researchers and other official documents that support, which then the data are described, analyzed and discussed to answer the problem. The implication of this research is that as Muslim traders in carrying out their activities, they always adhere to the rules set by the Islamic religion. Which will indirectly have an impact on the lives of the traders themselves.

behavior of street vendors, understanding traders, Islamic business ethics, traditional ciputat markets.



Analysis of Income Inequality and Its Effect on Poverty Through Economic Growth (Case of Talaud Islands District)
Robby Joan Kumaat (a*), Debby Ch. Rotinsulu, (a*), Vekie A. Rumate (a)

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Corresponding Author
Imelda Ogi

Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia *kumaatrobby007[at]; debby-rotinsulu[at]

Economic growth is a continuous process of increasing output per capita in the long run. Economic growth is one indicator of development success, the main source of which is improving peoples living standards. Therefore the higher economic growth is usually the higher the welfare of the community. The success or failure of development programs in developing countries is often judged by the high and low levels of growth in national output and income. (Todaro and Smith, 2004) High economic growth accompanied by income distribution is the goal of each region. The economy is considered to experience growth if all real service fees for the use of production factors in a certain year are greater than in the previous year. In other words the economy is said to experience growth if the real income of the community in a given year is greater than the real income of the community in the previous year (Basri, 2002). Economic growth shows the extent to which economic activity will generate additional community income in a given period. Because economic activity is basically a process of using factors of production to produce output, this process will in turn produce a flow of services to factors of production owned by the community (Basri, 2002), with economic growth, it is expected that peoples income as owners of factors of production will also increase.

Economic Growth, Poverty, Income

Corporate Finance


Analysis Of Indonesia Exports To Asean Countries And Their Effect On Economic Growth In The MEA Era
Debby Ch. Rotinsulu (a*), Jacline I. Sumual (a*), Robby Joan Kumaat (a)

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Corresponding Author
Imelda Ogi

Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia *debby-rotinsulut[at]; sumualjacline[at]

Foreign trade is one important aspect in the economy of each country. At present there is no country that does not have relations with foreign parties. The economy of each country is practically open and intertwined with the international world (Dumairy, 1997: 178). A countrys exports play an important role in promoting economic growth. Exports can supply the state budget through income and foreign currencies which can be used to improve infrastructure and create an attractive investment climate (Mohsen, 2015). In addition, exports also have an important role in developing domestic product markets. The role is to increase competition that drives a country to increase production and use new technology in its production process. Economic growth shows the extent to which economic activity will generate additional community income in a given period. The economy is considered to have experienced growth if all real service fees for the use of production factors in a particular year are greater than the real income of the community in the previous year. Kuznets (Jhingan, 2007) said that economic growth is an increase in capacity in the long term of a country to provide economic goods to the population. Economic growth means the development of activities in the economy which causes the goods and services produced to increase and the prosperity of the community to increase. Economic growth is also the rate of increase in real GDP or GNP in a given year when compared to the following year. The purpose of this study is to see how the influence of exports to ASEAN countries on Indonesias economic growth with the research method is regression analysis. The results of the study found that Indonesias exports to ASEAN countries had a positive and significant effect on Indonesias economic growth.

Exports; Economic Growth

Strategy and Business Economics


Analysis of Influence of Intellectual Capital and Capital Adequacy Ratio on Bank Performance in Indonesia
Sri Indrastuti, Amries rusli Tanjung, Hamdi Agustin

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Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Riau Pekanbaru

Abstract-The purporse of this research to analyze the influence of intellectual capital and capital edequacy ratio on financial performance in banking companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (ISX). The sample of this research is determined by purposive sampling method based on the criteria of banking industry listed in ISX and publish the financial report and present the data completely including data from the variables studied during the research period (2013-2017), so that the obtained sample of 20 banks. This research uses multiple linear regression models. The results of this study concluded that Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), Strutural Capital Value Added (STVA), Value Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) have influence to bank performance.

financial performance, intellectual capital, return on asset and banking

Finance and Accounting


Analysis Of Service And Customer Value Diferences That Influence Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Of Freight Forwarding Customer Services Pt. Atlantic Container Line
yusuf suhardi (a*), Zulkarnaini (b), Arya Darmawan (c), Anisa Nanda Novita (d)

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Corresponding Author
Yusuf Suhardi

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of service differentiation and customer value on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of freight forwarding services at PT. Atlantic Container Line. Independent variable service differentiation and customer value that influence the analysis of the dependent variable are customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of PT. Atlantic Container Line. The population is large and unknown, so the sampling in this study using MoE of 96.4 respondents rounded 97 with the analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that Service Differentiation has no significant effect on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Value has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction, Service Differentiation has a significant effect on Customer Loyalty, Customer Value has a significant effect on Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction has a significant effect on Customer Loyalty. And the indirect effect between service differentiation variables on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction has insignificant effect because it has an indirect effect, while the indirect effect between customer value variables on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction has a significant effect due to having (indirect effect).

service differentiation; customer value; customer satisfaction and customer loyalty



Application Of Risk Management Models In Managing The Risk Of Use Of Social Media In Highers Education
Erna Lovita, Gatot Prabantoro

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Gatot Prabantoro

STEI Indonesia

The use of social media in tertiary institutions is inseparable from the risks of social media. This study aims to understand the extent to which organizations take a reactive approach to managing social media risk, because failure to manage this risk adequately can have a detrimental effect on organizational sustainability, including organizational profitability. This research focuses on how organizations especially universities manage social media risk with the Social Media Risk Management Model (MMR-MS) approach. The MMR-MS approach used in this study includes four components, namely: (i) Social Media Use, (ii) Perceived Risk of Use, (iii) Policy Implementation, and (iv) Training and Technical Control. This research uses a descriptive quantitative research approach, which is measured using a method based on multiple linear regression with SPSS Version 25. The data used in this study are primary data. Data collection techniques using the method of distributing questionnaires using Google form. There were 93 respondents from 18 state and private universities in the DKI Jakarta area, namely employees and lecturers from each of these universities. The results in this study indicate that partially (1) Social Media Use and Perceived Risk of Use, affect Policy Implementation, (2) Social Media Use, Perceived Risk of Use and Policy Implementation affect Training and Technical Control. And there are intervening effects that occur on the influence of Social Media Use and Perceived Risk of Use on Training and Technical Control through Policy Implementation.

Social Media Use, Perceived Risk of Use, Policy Implementation, Training and Technical Control



Cash Compensation, Corporate Governance, Ownership, and Dividend Policy on Banking Performance
Tafdil Husni (a), Rida R (b*), Riyadi Aprayuda (c)

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Rida Rahim

Faculty of Economi, Andalas University

This study analyzes the behavior of cash compensation, corporate governance, dividend policy and the performance of the Banking Industry in Indonesia. This study uses 33 go-public banks that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with 165 observations in 2014-2018. The analytical method uses Panel data regression with the Random Effect Model (REM). The results of the regression data obtained by the executive compensation had a significant positive effect on company performance, the proportion of compensation received by executives tended to have a direct impact on firm value. The results also showed that dividend policy had a significant positive effect on firm value, the greater the number of dividends distributed gave a positive signal to the market

Cash Compensation, Corporate governance, dividends, and the performance of the Banking Industry

Corporate Finance


Companies Financial Performance as a Signal for Investor in Predicting Stock Price, with Macroeconomics Variable as Control Variable
Pristina Hermastuti Setianingrum, Doddi Prastuti

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Corresponding Author
Pristina Hermastuti Setianingrum

Department of Management
Sekolah Tinggi lmu Ekonomi Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to measure and to analyze the impact of financial ratios to companies- stock price, while using macroeconomics variable as control variable. The financial ratios used in this research are: price earnings ratio, price to book value, net profit margin and return on equity. The samples of this research are stock price of 25 companies in consumption and financial sectors in Indonesia stock market during period 2009 to 2016, therefore there are 200 panel balance observation. Using Fixed Effect Model, result of the research shows that companies financial ratios have strong influence on stock price. Test of hypotheses showed that together all financial ratios have significant impact on stock price. However, partially, only price earnings ratio and price to book value have significant impact on stock price.

stock price, price earnings ratio, price to book value, net profit margin, return on equity, Indonesia stock market

Corporate Finance



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Corresponding Author
Jatmiko jatmiko

a) Faculty of Economic and Businnes, Esa Unggul University JAKARTA-INDONESIA
*) jatmiko[at]
b) Faculty of Economic and Businnes, Esa Unggul University JAKARTA-INDONESIA
c) Faculty of Economic and Businnes, Esa Unggul University JAKARTA-INDONESIA

The research objective is to create a construction model for the formation of Customer Loyalty based on Customer Satisfaction in the E-Commerce-Based Transportation industry to improve the ability to compete in maintaining loyal customers and reaching new customers. Companies must know how the pattern of the formation of Customer Loyalty based on Customer Satisfaction in the E-commerce based transportation industry, based on brand image and service quality. The research design is quantitative and in the form of explanatory causality, testing the effect of brand image and service quality factors on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction with 380 respondents. Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis testing uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through AMOS. Brand image factors (X1) include the strength of brand associations, the uniqueness of brand associations, the uniqueness of brand associations; Service Quality Factors (X2) include tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability and assurance; to Customer Loyalty (Y) including making regular repurchase, purchasing across products and service lines, referring others, demonstrating an immunity to the full of the competition; and Customer Satisfaction (Z) includes buying again, buying other products, offering company ideas / products, saying good or recommending them. The results showed that Brand Image and Service Quality partially had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Brand Image and Service Quality have a significant positive effect on Loyalty through customer satisfaction. Brand Image, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction show that together affect Loyalty. Findings Overall transportation based on E-Commerce, customer satisfaction is a major factor in shaping customer loyalty from the aspects of Brand Image and Service Quality, in other words customer satisfaction is a factor that mediates brand image and service quality to customer loyalty. So in order for consumers to be loyal, elements of Brabd Image and Service Quality must be able to increase increasing customer satisfaction.

1.Brand Image, 2.Service Quality, 3.Customer Satisfaction, 4.Customer Loyalty, 5.Transportation Based on E-Commerce.



Debt Policy for Manufacturing Companies
Sri Murni (a*), Harijanto Sabijono (a), Irvan Trang (a)

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Corresponding Author
Christoffel Kojo

Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia *srimurnirustandi[at]

This study aims to determine the effect of liquidity, company size, profitability, and managerial ownership on debt policy in manufacturing companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research was conducted at the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The object of research in manufacturing companies financial statements in the form of the 2011-2017 financial statements published in the Indonesian Capital Market Directory and other data sourced from IDX. To test the hypothesis between variables X and Y simultaneously using the F test, while partially using the t test. The data used is secondary data. In this study using time series data and cross section (pooling data), and based on criteria. The number of samples that met the criteria were 46 companies. The results showed that simultaneous liquidity, company size, profitability, managerial ownership significantly influence debt policy. Partially, liquidity has a negative and significant effect on debt policy. Profitability and managerial ownership have a positive and significant effect on debt policy, while company size has no significant effect on debt policy.

Liquidity; Company Size; Profitability; Managerial Ownership; Debt Policy; Manufacturing Companies

Finance and Accounting


Determinant Factors of STEI Alumni Concern When First Entering the workforce [Case Study of STEI Alumni entry cohort 2012]
Syahrul Effendi (a*), Faris Faruqi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Syahrul Effendi

a,b) Department Of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia
Jalan Kayu Jati Raya 11A, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
a) arul.steijkt[at]
b) faris.faruqi[at]

This study of 2012 STEI entry cohort alumni survey report shows that the majority of alumni choose to work after graduation compared to entrepreneurship, continuing studies, or not working. There are several important aspects that need to be considered by alumni when applying to a company. This paper will discuss the aspects that are of concern to alumni when the company recruits new employees. These aspects can be useful to find out the perspective of STEI alumni in the world of work as an alumni preparation step and become an input for STEI or companies to enter the workforce. The data used in this paper came from the 2012 STEI Tracer Study database entry cohort. The research method used was factor analysis with the help of SPSS software. The results of the analysis show that of the 13 aspects that are assumed to be taken into consideration by companies in the recruitment of new employees, 7 aspects are obtained that can explain the interrelationships between aspects and can be grouped into four factors. The first factor is salary, the second factor is benefit, the third factor is the opportunity for self-development, and the last factor is closeness from home

Tracer Study;entry cohort;salary;benefit;opportunity for self development;closeness from home

Human Resources and Organisations


Berlian Karlina, Anita Wahyu Indrasti

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Berlian Karlina

Universitas Budi Luhur

The objective of this research is to develop specific factors that could influence customer-s spending with mobile payment as intervening variables to the conceptual perspectives. This paper examines the potential determinants to spending with concepetual persepectives: consumer features, business features, and technology features. Mobile transaction is the intervening variables that may affect the conceptual perspectives to spending. Survey questionnaires will be distributed to about 120 mobile payment users in DKI Jakarta using convenient sampling method. Data collected will be analyzed using regression technique to determine the significant levels of interactions between the dependent, intervening variables, and independent variables. The result of this study could help firms understand the consumer-s perspective to spend by using mobile payment as media of transaction. This could also be relevant for Indonesia to face Industry Revolution 4.0. This research would also provide useful data that could help the industry determine consumers- mobile payment needs in the context of Indonesia. The empirical insights from this study would also be useful for theory building.

Mobile Payment; Spending; Consumer Features; Business Features; Technology Features

Technology Management


Determinants Of Firm Value In Indonesia Stock Exchange
Dian Surya Sampurna (a*), Erni Rohmawati (a)

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Corresponding Author
Dian Surya Sampurna

a). Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia
Jl. Kayujati Raya 11 A Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia

This study seeks to examine the determinants of firm value of listed manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during a five-year period. The factors namely institutional ownership, firm size, profitability, leverage, and investment opportunity set. The sample was determined based on panel data, with a total sample of 144 manufacturing companies, so as many as 420 observations were obtained during the study period. The data analysis method used regression panel data. The results show size, return on assets, and market to book value of equity have a positive significant on firm value. The results also show debt to total assets have a negative significant on firm value. However, institutional ownership have a negative insignificant on firm value. The main value of this study is the identification of the factors that influence the firm value of listed manufacturing companies in Indonesia.

institutional ownership; firm size; profitability; leverage; investment opportunity set; firm value

Corporate Finance


Dr. Azwirman, SE. Ak, CA M.Acc, Dr. desy mardianty, SE. M.M dan Dr. Hamdi Agustin, SE.MM

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fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Riau Pekanbaru

Abstract-The purporse of this research to analyze the effects of inflation, Certificates of Indonesian Bank of Sharia (CIBS), deposit funds (DF) and Non Performing Financing (NPF) to murabahah lending. The population and sample consists of 22 Islamic business units, only 10 banks were selected to be the sample. The period of this study is from 2011to2015.This study using panel data and using pooled Ordinary Least Squares(OLS).The results showed that Certificates of Indonesian Bank of Sharia has a negative effect on murabahah lending. This suggests that banks have a greater Bank interest rate spread that has also been shown to affect to lending behavior. it is one of the instruments for placing funds at Bank Indonesia which is used to absorb the excess liquidity of Islamic banks in the context of open market operations to control the amount of money in circulation. Deposit funds have a positive effect on murabahah lending. This suggests that deposits what a bank accepts are demand forms which are repayable to depositors on demand. As a result banks may maintain a large amount of customer deposits as a reserve to meet customers demand instead of lending.NPF has a negative effect on ML These results illustrate that the higher Non performing finance is followed by a decrease in the distribution of funds made by the Bank to reduce the risk of bad credit.

lending, Islamic business units and Sharia

Finance and Accounting


Digital Platform Utilization for Indonesian Marine Products Marketing: A Study Case on Aruna Indonesia
Adrie Frans Assa, Gidion Putra Adirinekso

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Corresponding Author
Adrie Frans Assa

Krida Wacana Christian University
Faculty of Economy
Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya No.4, RT.12/RW.2, Tj. Duren Utara, Kec. Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470
+62 81294647842

Marine products is one of main contributors to maritime economy in Indonesia, but marine product industries- contribution to the GDP and coastal community welfare in Indonesia are considered low. Aruna Indonesia is a start-up that links fishermen as individual and cooperatives with the end buyers through the utilization of Information Technology (IT). Fishermen place their products on Aruna Indonesia website thus the end buyers can order the products online. Aruna Indonesia establishment is seen as one of mushrooming phenomenon of e-commerce in Indonesia, as well as the solution to marine products closed distribution chain problems. Fishermen as Aruna Indonesia partners require the engagement and support in e-commerce. The problem identification of this study is how significant is the digital platform towards marine products marketing to support fishermen welfare in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative method with interview and literature study data collection. Research result shows that the utilization of digital platform can ease and enlarge marine products marketing and increase the fishermen welfare as partners.

digital platform, marine products, marketing management



Does Indonesias economic growth reduce unemployment?
Dwi Windu Suryono (a*), Agustian Burda (b), Rama Chandra (c),

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Corresponding Author
Rama Chandra

a) Management Department
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

b) Management Department
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

c) Management Department
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

This study is aimed at examining the existence of Okuns law, the negative relationship between economic growth and unemployment using First Difference Model to secondary data on real Gross Domestic Product and the open unemployment rate of Indonesia during the period 1986 - 2018. Okuns law exist in the Indonesia-s economy. Economic growth during 1986-2018 was able to reduce the number of unemployed people in Indonesia

Okuns law, economic growth, unemployment, First Difference Model



Does inflation respond to interest rates changes ?
Rama Chandra (a*), Sumitro (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rama Chandra

a) Management Department
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

b) Management Department
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the response of inflation to changes in interest rates in Indonesia, thus analyzing the inter-relations between the two variables. The analysis uses the Granger Causality Test and Impulse Response Function approach to monthly time series data for the period January 2014 to June 2018, which includes Consumer Price Index, SBI Interest Rates, Interbank Money Market Interest Rates and Deposit Interest Rates. There is one-direction causality between the SBSBI and CPI. The government responded to the inflation rate by making SBSI adjustments this indicates the operation of monetary policy. The impact of changes in the SBSI to inflation rate lasted for six months. SBSI Adjustments are transmitted on the money market through deposits and credit. Changes in deposit and credit interest rates were responded to by inflation.

Inflation; interest rates;, Granger Causality Test; Vector Autoregression.



Joko Bagio Santoso (a), Yusuf Sidik (b)

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Corresponding Author
Joko Bagio Santoso

(a)Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia,
Jakarta, Indonesia
(b) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia

Career development of human resources in every organization become really important in increasing employee job satisfaction and organization performance in the future. Organization should endeavor to develop the level of job satisfaction by paying attention to their employee career. A supportive work environment and is supported by a good work discipline will help in increasing job satisfaction. The fact is, there are many employees with low levels of satisfaction and it has an impact on employee performance. This research aims to examine and find out the effect of career development, work discipline, and work environment to job satisfaction. The method of collecting data that is used for this research is using questionnaire and data analysis method using multiple correlation and determination coefficient. The results of research show that : (1) There is the effect of career development variable to job satisfaction. (2) There is the effect of work discipline variable to job satisfaction. (3) There is no effect of work environment variable to job satisfaction. (4) Simultaneously, career development, work discipline, and work environment affect to job satisfaction. The implication of this research is if the company want to increase the job satisfaction, then the company should develop career, increase work discipline, and create a supportive work environment.

career development; discipline work; environment work; job satisfaction

Human Resources and Organisations


Effect of Quality of Logistics Services and Consumer Safety on Purchasing Decisions in Bhinneka E-Commerce
Kus Tri Dianavera(a), Toto Aminoto(a)

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Corresponding Author
Kus Tri Dianavera

a) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jl. Kayu Jati 11 A, Rawamangun, Jakarta

This study aims to prove whether the quality of logistics services and consumer safety influence purchasing decisions on E-Commerce Bhinneka. The research method used is a quantitative method. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to residents in Jatisari, Bekasi City. The sampling method used was accidental and purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that the quality of logistics services had a significant effect on purchasing decisions, while consumer safety had no significant effect on purchasing decisions on Bhinneka E-commerce.

quality of logistics services, consumer safety, purchasing decisions on E-Commerce



Effect of Service Quality and Satisfaction Level on Consumer Loyalty of MRT trains (Case Study in Ciputat Area)
Djoko Hananto,S.T.,M.M, Sampor Ali, SE.,S.Hum.,M.M

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Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Research aiming for knowing influence quality service and level satisfaction in a manner partial or simultant to loyalty consumer, sample inresearch this is all consumer who use service the train MRT in Ciputat, sample taken with use purposive sampling technique are required. Criteria sample is consumer whouse services the train MRT, and data collection is done with spread questionnaire to 96 respondents. Met hod the analysis in research thi is with use analysis multiple and processed data with SPSS version22. Result this to show that quality service and satisfaction level take effect positif and significant to Loyalty Consumers. While the result others to show Quality service and Satisfaction Level in manner simultant and influence Loyalty Consumers.

Keywords: Quality Service , Level of Satisfaction , Loyalty Consumer



Effect of Service Quality, Product Quality and Price on Consumer Satisfaction and its impact on Customer Loyalty at Bekasi branch Superindo Supermarket
Imelda Aprileny (a), Nelli Novyarni (b).

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Corresponding Author
Imelda Aprileny

a) Economics of faculty, Indonesian College of Economics (STEI), Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Economics of faculty, Indonesian College of Economics (STEI), Jakarta, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality, product quality and price on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty. The research is now conducted at the Superindo Supermarket Bekasi Branch. The strategy used in this study is to use an associative / correlational strategy. Correlational / associative research is research conducted to find the relationship or influence of one or more independent variables with one or more dependent variables. The research method used in this study is a survey method that uses questionnaire data collected from questions with a total sample of 96 people. While the sampling method in this study is purposive aside. Based on the results of research quality service (X1) and product quality (X2) does not affect consumer satisfaction Superindo supermarkets, prices (X3) affect consumer satisfaction (Y) Superindo Supermarket, service quality (X1) affect customer loyalty (Y2) Supermarkat Superindo, product quality (X2) affect customer loyalty (Z) Superindo supermarkets, prices affect customer loyalty (Z) Superindo supermarkets, customer satisfaction (Y) affect customer loyalty (Z) Superindo supermarkets, service quality (X1), product quality (X2) and price ( X3) affect consumer satisfaction (Y) supermarket Superindo Bekasi branch.

service quality, product quality, price, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty.



Diah Pranitasari, Lilik Trianah

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Corresponding Author
Diah Pranitasari

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia

This study evaluates the counseling program of small traders in Pisangan Timur, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta, using the Kirkpatrick method, namely from the four level aspects, namely the reaction level, learning level, behavior level, and behavior level, and result level. This research uses quantitative analytic descriptive method. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to small traders in Pisangan Timur, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta. The results showed that in general the description of the evaluation of the extension program at the four levels of the Kirkpatrick model which included reaction rates, learning levels, behavior levels and outcome levels all gave excellent results for the extension program participants.

reaction, learning, behavior, results

Human Resources and Organisations


Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance In The Technology Era
Husain Nurisman; Dian Surya Sampurna

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Husain Nurisman

Husain Nurisman
Department of Management
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Dian Surya Sampurna
Department of Management
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract – Work-Life Balance developed in the twentieth century, especially in women who have difficulty balancing family responsibility and work duties. With the end of the 21st century, this problem is not limited to women but occurs to men and their partners, who work and have difficulty fulfilling both roles (family and work). One of the causes of disruption in fulfilling these roles is the existence of technology. Technology can make someone disturbed because when they are with their families they are still doing work mattres. It can cause conflict in the family or at work (work-family conflict) or it can also be caused by job stress (Job Stress). This research was conducted to determine the effect of work to family conflict and family to work conflict on work-life balance and job stress is used as a mediating factor affecting Work-Life Balance. This research also compares the effects that occur in men and women. By using 206 data of employees domiciled in JABODETABEK as the sample and applying a parsial least square - structural equation model (PLS-SEM) to analyze the data, this study tested five hypotheses. The results showed two important findings : [1] Work to family conflict can affect work-life balance even though job stress has no influence in mediating work-life balance. [2] Gender is not able to moderate the influence of Work to Family Conflict, Family to Work Conflict on Work-Life Balance through Job Stress. It implies that men and women have the same influence in achieving work-life balance.

work-life balance, work to family conflict, family to work conflict, job stress, rechnology Era, gender

Human Resources and Organisations


Factors Contributing to Employee Performance
Eka Winda Silitonga

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Eka Winda Silitonga

Magister Management, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, RW.5, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430

Abstract - Performance of civil servants describes public services of government institutions. To realize optimal public services, the government needs to improve the performance of the state civil apparatus. Based on the literature review, several factors that can affect the performance of civil servants are motivation, the role of leaders and work engagement. This study uses public service motivation variables to measure the motivation of civil servants, while the role of leaders is seen based on the authentic leadership style of leadership. This research is interesting because it was conducted in Indonesia, which was conducting a process of bureaucratic reform from 2010 to 2025 with a dynamic target of governance in 2025. Using a sample of 276 civil servants in one of the central government agencies, this study tried to explain what factors could be improve the performance of civil servants.

Employee performance, Public service motivation, Authentic leadership, Work engagement.

Human Resources and Organisations


Factors that Affecting the Intention to Establish Innovative Business Based on Local Resources in Young Generation on North Sulawesi
Christoffel Kojo (a*), Christoffel M. O. Mintardjo (a*), Djeini Maradesa (a), Wensy F. I. Rompas

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Christoffel Kojo

a) Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia *christoffelkojo[at]; christoffelmintardjo[at]

The problem in North Sulawesi is the lack of innovation and creativity of the younger generation, especially in establishing businesses and creating innovative and creative products and services. The importance of this problem is because young people who are able to set up businesses and create innovative products and services will drive the innovation economy in North Sulawesi. To be able to drive the innovation-based economy it is necessary to create many innovative entrepreneurs, especially those based on local resources such as marine affairs, fisheries, tourism. This study aims to investigate the factors that influence the intentions of young people to pursue innovative and creative entrepreneurs based on local resources. The model analyzed includes internal factors, attitude factors towards entrepreneurship and contextual factors. This study involved a sample of 200 young generation respondents in North Sulawesi obtained using a purposive sampling technique. The research method is quantitative with regression analysis and hypothesis testing t test and F test. The results of the study there are several factors that influence the intention of innovative entrepreneurship in the younger generation.

Intention; Innovative Business; Local Resources; Young Generation; North Sulawesi



Factors That Influence Tourists Buying Interest in Manado City Traditional SMEs
Imelda Ogi (a*), Merinda H. Ch. Pandowo (a*), Rita N. Taroreh (a)

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Imelda Ogi

Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia *ogi_imelda[at]; iinpan[at];

Small businesses in Manado are one of the pillars in supporting economic growth in this area. SMEs also support the development of innovation in supporting the tourism industry in this city. Problems faced by SMEs in Manado include how SMEs in Manado, especially traditional SMEs, in predicting consumer behavior, especially tourist behavior in Manado. The research objective is to analyze the factors that influence the buying interest of tourists in traditional SMEs in the city of Manado. The research method is quantitative with the object of research in traditional food and beverage based SMEs in the city of Manado. The number of samples is 100 respondents taken from 10 SMEs. The results obtained information related to variables affecting the buying interest of tourists in the city of Manado.

Tourist Buying Interest; Traditional SMEs, Manado City



Human Resource Developments Model in Islamic Banking
Alnisa Min Fadlillah, Krisno Septyan

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Alnisa Min Fadlillah

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta

In this era Islamic banking is growing rapidly. The development of products, services and infrastructure that support the optimization of Islamic banking to increases their market share. But unfortunately, this development is not supported by their human resources that should be the main movers in achieving business goals. Therefore, this research aims to provide information to Islamic banks in develop their human resources so that they can continue to increase their market share in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method using the spiritualism paradigm, the results of this study is recommendation for Islamic banking in term of developing of human resources model.

Human resource Development, Islamic banking, model of human resource development

Human Resources and Organisations


Identification of Market Operator and Marketing Chanels in Fish Landing Center A study case in Lhok Pawoh fish landing center
Asbahrul Amri; Bakruddin Anhar; Muhammad Ramaditya

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Muhammad Ramaditya

South Aceh Polytechnic

Marine and fisheries sectors are the important sector in Aceh Province where most of Acehnese depended on this sector for their livelihood. As the result, the existing big potential market on this sector need to be studied in order to know how the market being organize, especially fish that landed in PPI Lhok Pawoh. The study aims to identify the market operators and marketing channels that used to sell fish which landed in PPI Lhok Pawoh by fisherman. The study was conducted in PPI Lhok Pawoh, Sawang Sub-district, South Aceh District and followed qualitative and quantitative of data collection which are interview, focus group discussion and observation. It is found that there are 5 types of market operator and 5 marketing channels. Market operators consist of Toke bangku, Toke ikan, Muge besar, Muge lapak, and Muge motor. In addition, the five marketing channels indicates that all fish landed in PPI Lhok Pawoh is marketed within and outside of South Aceh District.

market operator; marketing channel; fish marketing; PPI Lhok Pawoh



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