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Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.22 for 2 days in Bandung |

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Halal Awareness of Young Muslim Generation towards Cosmetics and Skincare Decision in Bandung
Marizsa Herlina(a*), Nur Azizah Komara Rifai (a), N. Sausan Muhammad Sholeh (b), Nety Kurniaty (c)

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Corresponding Author
Marizsa Herlina

a. Statistics Department, Universitas Islam Bandung.
Jl. Ranggamalela No. 1 Bandung.
b. Dakwah Department, Universitas Islam Bandung.
c. Pharmacy Department, Universitas Islam Bandung.

Indonesia government has planned that all of the cosmetics distributed in Indonesia must have the halal certification in 2019. Therefore, it is important for muslims in Indonesia to have a halal awareness in consuming cosmetics and skincare products. This study explores what variables influence the halal awareness of young muslim generation towards their decision in choosing cosmetics/skincare based on the halal logos by MUI or halal ingredients. There are 143 university students samples across Bandung which consist of Islamic university and other university students. By using PLS structural equation modelling, the results show that the knowledge of Halal Products significantly influences the Islamic understanding which indirectly affect the Halal cosmetic adoption. This means that their knowledge about halal products makes their awareness of halal product increase as well. This study suggest that halal awareness can be promoted by increasing the halal product knowledge to the muslims community by using lecture, talks, or public service ads in order to accelerate the Halal certification policy.

Halal Awareness; PLS; SEM; Cosmetics; Skincare

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Halal Tourism Communication Strategy Comparative Study of Halal Hotel Implementation in Indonesia and Thailand
Atie Rachmiatie, RahmaFitria, Karim Suryadi, Rahmat Ceha

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Atie Rachmiatie

Universitas Islam Bandung

Indonesia currently ranks first in the top ten favorite destinations for holidays with an index of 78 in GMTI (Global Muslim Travel Index) 2019. Indonesia is considered capable of developing tourism in accordance with the needs of Muslim tourists who are known to be more specific than the needs of tourists in general. The Indonesian government is also intensively conducting various strategies for developing halal tourism. However, the development of Halal Hotels in Indonesia is not as vibrant as those in Malaysia, even Thailand. The response of hotel industry in particular is not comparable to the achievements of Indonesian government. Thus, it is suspected there are communication problems between the two. The purpose of this study, in general, is to formulate an effective communication strategy in socializing the concept of halal hotel, thereby increasing industrial interest. This concept was compiled through an analysis of industry perceptions towards halal hotel product value and industry interest to implement it. It is hoped this research will produce barriers in terms of information content and delivery techniques which will be the basis for determining effective communication strategies in spreading information about the concept of Islamic hotels and halal tourism in order to increase peoples interest. This study uses primary and secondary data with exploratory research models. The sample was selected using the purposive judgment sampling method due to the difficulty of getting detailed information from hotel-s decision-makers. This exploratory research applies interview method and FGD for halal tourism stakeholders, namely the government, MUI (Council of Indonesian Muslim Scholars), Hospitality Association, and mass media. The results showed that communication plays an important role in strengthening the halal tourism product value. Government as the main communicator has a role to socialize concretely the advantage and benefits of halal hotels implementation. In addition, the government needs to have a specific communication strategy in socializing the benefits of halal tourism to tourists since, basically, the response of industry is largely determined by tourist demand. Industry perception towards halal hotel product value, so far, not only influenced by communication factors carried out by the government, but strongly affected by 1) The main target of hotel establishment (intrinsic factor); and extrinsic factors consist of 2) Tourist demand; and 3) Costs that must be borne. The managers establish and manage halal hotels based on their ideology and understanding and also focus on the spread of religion, as well as the desire to do business. While conventional hotels are run and managed solely based on business. With the high interest of Muslim travelers/tourists in Bangkok, many tourism business managers, especially hotels, have taken an initiative to implement the halal principle in their hotels. Meanwhile in Indonesia, a country with a Muslim majority, the basic halal standards are considered to have been integrated into the lives of its people, including industry. This is why Indonesia has no urgency in applying halal standards and more focus on halal hotel branding instead.

Communication Strategy, Halal Tourism, Product Value, Hotel Industry



Harmonization of Investment Provisions in Indonesia within the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) Framework: Study in Riau Province
Evi Deliana, Emilda Firdaus, Nurahim Rasudin

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Evi Deliana

Universitas Riau

Riau is one of the provinces in Indonesia that borders directly with several ASEAN countries, besides that Riau has abundant natural resources and has the potential to manage to provide benefits for improving the welfare of the people of Riau, especially the local people. Almost all districts have the potential to find natural resources, such as coal, granite, kaolin and so forth, as well as plantation products such as oil palm, rubber and cocoa and various other investment potentials. After going through a long process, the implementation of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) cannot be resisted anymore and Indonesia must be prepared to face existing challenges, specifically in investment negotiations. The research method used is sociological legal research, and by using primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The Riau Provincial Government has issued regional regulations aimed at encouraging investment in Riau, however, government regulations regarding other investments must be harmonious with the provisions of the AEC while taking into account national regulations and the interests and potential of the Riau Province.

harmonization, investment, AEC, Riau Province



Ari Yulianti; Muhardi

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Ari Yulianti

Universitas Islam Bandung

The aim of this research is to analyze Hospital Management Information System (HMIS), and to Analyze Structure Design Life Cycle (SDLC) method utilization in Al-Mulk Regional Public Hospital in Sukabumi City. The method utilized in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The type of this research is a case study research, by using interview, observation and study data collection techniques. The samples of this research are 100 people, which are divided into 5 person of Al-Mulk Hospital Management Team and 95 outpatients. The sampling technique in this research is accidental sampling with SDLC as analysis tool. This research reveals that SDLC method is utilized to improve service quality of hospital information management system provision. Al-Mulk Regional Public Hospital information management system is already integrated with every service unit so that this have affected patient service quality and deprive patient-s buildup in outpatient registration center. The advantage of this research is the utilization of SDLC method, which is still rarely found in any other research.

Hospital management, information system, structured design life cycle.



HOSPITAL SERVICE QUALITY ANALYSIS WITH FISHBONE MODEL (A Case Study of Holistic Public Hospital in Purwakarta Regency)
Putri Fatima Adnantami Lubis; Muhardi; Albert Hendarta

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Putri Fatima Adnantami Lubis

Universitas Islam Bandung

Service quality is the main focus of modern healthcare; which purpose is to improve patient satisfaction. To improve service quality, it is essential to perform service quality evaluation. One of the most commonly used models for service quality is the SERVQUAL model. Nevertheless, SERVQUAL alone cannot identify specific problems that cause negative gap scores, and root cause analysis methods are required to identify such problems. This study aims to determine the level of service quality according to the SERVQUAL model, and to construct a fishbone model of service quality in Holistic Hospital, Purwakarta Regency. This study is a mixed-method study with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data is obtained through the standardized SERVQUAL questionnaire, and qualitative data is obtained through interviews with survey respondents on service quality in Holistic Hospital, Purwakarta Regency. The interview transcripts are analyzed with content analysis to identify issues in service quality. We identified several themes in the service quality model: facility quality, tools and instruments, staff appearance, facility weaknesses, access, and food for the tangibles dimension; problem-solving capability, service hours and scheduling, ineffectivity of treatment, and promise realization for the reliability dimension; communication, response to problems, rate of service in the responsiveness dimension; abiity to answer questions, atmosphere, and lack of trust in the assurance dimension; and staff care, staff hospitality, and service hours inconvenience for the empathy dimension. A fishbone model was constructed according to the problems identified within the five dimensions. The fishbone model can be used to identify factors that contribute to the service quality in Holistic Hospital, Purwakarta Regency.

service quality, SERVQUAL, fishbone



How does the good corporate governance prevent the internal fraud in banks?
Rudy Hartanto; Lasmanah; Pupung Purnamasari

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rudy Hartanto

Faculty Economic and Business, Bandung Islamic University

The purpose of this study is to examine whether banking governance in Indonesia could have a role in reducing the amount of internal fraud that occurs in banking. The data in this study used banking report in year 2014-2017, with a sample of 211 banks. Hypothesis testing techniques are carried out using multiple regression analysis. The dependent variable in this study is the amount of fraud committed by internal of the bank, while the independent variable is the score of banking governance, the level of complexity and the type of ownership. The results showed that banking governance and type of ownership showed no effect, while the level of complexity showed a positive effect. This shows that the higher the level of banking complexity, the higher the possibility of fraud committed by internal banks.

Banking internal fraud; banking governance; banking complexity; type of ownership

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I would like to ride in risk if… (Study in young motorcyclists at Bandung City, Indonesia)
Milda Yanuvianti (a); Siti Qodariah (b); Farida Coralia (c)

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Milda Yanuvianti

a), b), c) Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Taman Sari No. 1, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract - Risky driving behavior is one of the causes of road accidents, especially in adolescents. This study is aimed to get factors causing risky driving in teenage drivers in the city of Bandung, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) from Icek Azjen [1]. The method of this study is descriptive. The population of this study are motorcyclists who are classified as adolescents, have been ticketed for at least 6 months from the data was taken, and have lived in the city of Bandung, at least for 1 (one) year. The sampling technique used is random sampling. By using the instrument to measure intention of behavior from Ajzen [1], we collected data from 135 respondents. The finding of this research those are among the three determinants of intention to drive in risk, attitude toward behavior (ATB) is the most influencing factor for the behavior. It was followed by Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) factor that has influenced 22,1%, and interestingly the Subjective Norm (SN) only gave 4,8% as an influencing factor to the risky driving behavior. By believing that behavior will have positive consequences, the attitude towards risky driving behaviorbecomes positive. The limitations of the study are discussed.

risky driving, intention, young motorcyclists, attitude toward behavior (ATB), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC)



Mohamad Andri Ibrahim (a*), Nanik Eprianti (a), Akhmad Yusup (a)

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Mohamad Andri Ibrahim

(a) Faculty of Sharia, Uniiversitas Islam Bandung Jln Ranggagading No 8 Bandung, Indonesia

In 2019 which is full of challenges, many economic problems must be faced, one of which is the biggest challenge for the sharia financial industry is slowing growth and decreasing market share compared to conventional finance. Sharia financial practitioners and academics must be able to reformulate the strategy in the context of developing the sharia financial industry so that it continues to grow. One of the focuses of attention especially for academics is to produce Human Resources (HR) who are able to compete and create innovations for the development of the sharia financial industry in Indonesia. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) explained there are at least 4 (four) challenges facing the Islamic financial industry in Indonesia, one of which is the limited human resources (HR). OJK explained the limited human resources in the Islamic financial industry because only a few people understood about the principles of Islamic finance. In addition, some of the human resources in the Islamic financial industry come from the conventional financial industry. As many as 95 percent of human resources in Islamic financial institutions come from conventional financial institutions. This research will make a mapping of problems and priority solutions to HR problems, especially in Islamic Banking using the Analitical Networking Process (ANP) method. The ANP model is a method of solving problems that are not structured and require the dependence of relationships between elements. ANP is developed from AHP (Analitical Hierarchy Process), which is a relationship based on the interdependence of several components. The ANP research step has the fewest assumptions because the model in ANP is in accordance with the reality taken from the opinions and ideas of relevant experts and practitioners, so it is hoped that by doing this research it will be a reference for tertiary institutions especially the Sharia Economic Law Study Program (Muamalah) in determining the direction of the curriculum so that graduates produced are in accordance with the needs of Islamic Human Capital in Islamic Banking and can produce graduates who can answer economic challenges, especially Islamic banking

Analitical Networking Process, Human Resources, Islamic Financial Institutions

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Implementation of Anti-Corruption in Private Sector in Indonesia from GRC Perspective with Islamic Values
Ratna Januarita (a); Jejen Hendar (b)

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Ratna Januarita

(a) Faculty of Law
Universitas Islam Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia

(b) same as above

Good corporate governance practice is a prerequisite in doing business in modern world, especially in industry era 4.0. Competition and rapid changing are the unavoidable challenges faced by industries. In order to cope with that critical circumstances, companies should keep developing and improving its entity to be more resilient, robust and agile. In terms of that, there are some initiatives to integrate the aspects of governance, risk management and compliance as the integrated GRC approach. This practice is becoming a common business platform in many sectors as its benefits were being taken by companies in the private sector. The practices are endorsed through mandatory-based by regulators or even voluntary-driven from the company. However, practices that against anti-corruption regime were also still occurred in some companies, such as fraud dealing with other companies or institutions in public sector. The lack and lax of law and regulation regarding anti-corruption in private sector contributes the undesired circumstances, includes unfair business practices, market inefficiency, legal uncertainty, etc. Hence, this paper aims to analyse the sufficiency of available law and regulations concerning with the anti-corruption in private sector. Moreover, internal and external approach towards effective good corporate governance through GRC perspective will be discussed including Islamic values. Recommendation on framework solution will be offered finally. This paper methodology will use normative juridical approach with descriptive and comparative analysis as the research specification.

anti-corruption, GRC, governance, risk management, compliance, islamic values



Implementation of Islamic economic empowerment strategies in the development of Human Resources
Syamsuri,Syamsuddin Arif, Tryas Titi Sari, Hasna Nur faza

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Tryas Titi Sari

University of Darussalam Gontor

Human Resources is one of the most important parts in improving the welfare of a community or region. If human resources are fulfilled with the ability to utilize what is around them, it will have a positive impact not only for themselves, but also for their environment. And to achieve this, it is necessary to carry out a movement or step that is able to empower the community as human resources to be able to find their interests and potential. Especially in Islam, Allah commands His servants to always strive to be more empowered and be able to achieve prosperity in his life. Therefore, the strategy that was adopted should be in accordance with Islamic teachings, where economic empowerment does not only lead to how to achieve material welfare, but how to obtain material and non-material welfare to achieve world and hereafter happiness.

Economic Empowerment,Islamic Law, Human Resources



Implementation of Origami Construction to Improve Logical Thinking Ability on Early Age Children
Nurul Afrianti, Respitawulan, Atie Rachmiatie

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R. Respitawulan

Early Childhood Education, Universitas Islam Bandung;
Mathematics Study Program, Universitas Islam Bandung;
Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Islam Bandung

This study aims to gain a conception of the application of origami construction for escalating the logical thinking ability on early age children. The method used in this study is descriptive research with qualitative research approach. The subjects are 16 students of Class A in Kelompok Bermain (playgroup) Mutiara Ibu, Bandung, Indonesia. The result shows that the application of origami construction can improve the logical thinking of the students. It has been shown by their ability to 1) classify subject according its color, shape, and size (3 variations); 2) mention number symbols of 1-10; and 3) match the number with their symbols.

logical thinking, origami construction, early age children

Early Childhood Education


Villia Anggraini, Sofia Edriati, Ade Dewi Maharani, Liza Husnita

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Villia Anggraini

STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

This study aims to describe the implementation of thematic learning models in elementary schools. This research uses a qualitative approach. The study was conducted in three elementary schools located in the district of Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and study documentation. Data analysis techniques using the method of triangulation (data reduction, data presentation, and making conclusions). Based on the results of data analysis, it is found that the implementation of thematic learning has not been fully implemented well. Teachers need to get used to teaching using a thematic approach. Teachers are not guided by lesson plans when implementing thematic learning in class. Teachers need to be given training so that thematic learning can be implemented well in elementary schools.

Thematic Learning, Elementary School

Islamic Education


nunung nurhayati; Helliana; Yuni Rosdiana

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Nunung Nurhayati

Program Studi Akuntansi, Universitas Islam Bandung

This study aims to determine the implementation of zakat accounting information systems to the quality of financial reporting BAZNAS districts / cities in West Java Province. This research is motivated by the phenomenon that the quality of financial reporting in BAZNAS has not been integrated as a whole, this is due to the lack of adequate information systems used in Baznas specifically relating to system components used. The research method used is a survey. With a sample of 21 Baznas. The research respondents were users of the accounting information system at Baznas, with the validity and reliability research instrument and the statistical analysis used was simple regression. The results of the study prove that the quality of financial reporting information of National Police is strongly influenced by the system used by National Police, the better the system used, the better the quality of financial reporting that results.

Quality of Zakat accounting information systems, quality of financial statement reporting

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Implications of Women Education and Infrastructure of Health on Quality of Baby Births in Agricultural and Non Agricultural Regions
Nenny Hendajany (a*); Deden Rizal R (b)

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Nenny Hendajany

a, b) Economics, Universitas Sangga Buana, Jalan PHh Mustafa No 68 Bandung
* neni.hendajany[at]

Demographic bonus will be a demographic disaster if the quality of human resources is not well prepared. One of the problems that can hamper the preparation of quality human resources is the problem of stunting. One of the causes of stunting is a baby born with Low Birth Weight (LBW). Other dominant factors are environmental factors such as infection conditions related to cleanliness and lifestyle. Concern for this factor is certainly inseparable from the level of education of mothers and facilities that support a healthy lifestyle/quality. West Java was taken as the object of research because it is a large province but has a stunting rate approaching 30%. The data used are secondary data with the object district/city in West Java for three years. Panel data methods, fixed effects, random effects and pooling are performed to be compared with each other. The results of the study show that agricultural areas have a greater LBW than non-agricultural regions in the 2013-2015 period. The results of regression analysis with pooling showed a significant influence on the level of maternal education, coverage of medical services and access to clean water with the number of babies- birth with LBW in West Java.

Low Birth Weight, stunting, mother education, infrastructure of health

Development Studies


Improving Strategy the Zakat Infak Management of Baitul Maal Unisba
Parihat, Rodliyah Khuza-i, Hendi Suhendi, Muhamad Fauzi Arif

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Parihat M.Si

Prodi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, Fakultas Dakwah Unisba

Baitul Maal Unisba (BMU) has a strategic role in supporting the achievement of Unisbas vision and mission, by providing the scholarships and coaching program through the scholarship program calls “SDM Unggul”. To achieve that strategic role, first, BMU has to improve zakat infaq management. Through observations, we found several problems and obstacles. Target collection has not been reached properly, the impact of the program on the collection and problem in financial management. We need a study to solve these problems, to find strategy to improve the management of zakat infak the Baitul Maal Unisba. So, this research study is entitled "Improving Strategy the Zakat Infak Management of Unisba Baitul Maal ". This study uses a descriptive qualitative parsipatory analysis approach with data collection methods through interviews, documentation studies and field observations. The objectives of this study are: (i) Improvement of zakat infaq fund raising (ii) Improvement of financial management and (iii) Optimization of the impact of the distribution program on fund raising. The results of the study recommend a strategy for improving management through: (i) Human Resource Training for the Baitul Maal Unisba manager in collection, distribution of funds and financial (ii) Preparation of Program Plans and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). (iii) Institutional benchmarking and (iv) Management Assistance.

Keywords: Improvement, Management, Zakat and Infak

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Increasing knowledge and skill in preventing Children Sexual Abuse
Indri Utami Sumaryanti (a), Fanni Putri Diantina (b), Rizka Hadian (b), Miki Amrilya Wardati(b)

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Indri Utami Sumaryanti

faculty of Psychology
Universitas Islam Bandung

The absence of Children Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention in school and community in Indonesia, were encourage researcher to acknowledge the effectiveness of CSA prevention called Body safety training (BST). BST provided children the information and skill in preventing CSA by introduced them the safety of their body, acknowledge the situation that may lead to CSA and prepare them with assertiveness in reported to parent or teacher if they were in dangerous situation related to CSA. The BST delivered to children by Storytelling, modeling, rehearsal/role play, reinforcement and feedback methods. This research aimed to measure whether the methods were significant in increasing the knowledge and skill among children age 4-7 in preventing CSA. Experimental methodology approach were established using before after one group design. The research subjects were 72 children age 4-7 years old. The result shown the BST were significantly increasing children knowledge and skill in preventing CSA.

Body Safety Training, Children Sexual Abuse, Experimental Methodology.



Indonesia Lecturer Certification: Pedagogy, Personality, Social and Professional
Umi Rusilowati (*a), Wahyudi (a)

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Umi Rusilowati

a) School of Post Graduate Studies, Pamulang University
Jalan Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang Barat, Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417

Based on UNDP, UNESCO, and GTCI reports, the quality of Indonesian education was still low, so that a joint effort (government, educational institutions and community) is required to improve the quality of education, such as participating in a program educational certificate. This research was conducted to recognize and understand the competency indicators of pedagogy, personality, social, and professional relating to certified teachers. Moreover, this research employed a qualitative method using a triangulation analysis method. The objects of the research are private vocational schools in South Tangerang City with A-grade accreditation. And the respondents are certified teachers with the criteria of characteristics, educational background, status, experience, and readiness. The data were collected using verbal, written and structured interviews. The result revealed that teachers certified by regulations could not be considered as professional or competence teachers, which were indicated by the lack of knowledge of the certification regulations, innovation, linearity, contextual and character personality. The findings revealed the importance of supervision and evaluation, socialization and mentoring, education and training, and reciprocity.

Pedagogy, Personality, Social, Professional

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Yeti Sumiyati, Tatty A. Ramli, Fajar Awalia Yulianto, Jejen Hendar, Fariz Farrih Izadi, Nafisa Dwi Audyanty, Leady Nurawanda, Vivi Nur Azry, Ody Raedi Radifan, Reza Anggarabumi

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Yeti Sumiyati

Bandung Islamic University

Industrial safety and health are crucial in business activities. Almost all workers and employers, while this is still ignoring the problem of industrial safety and health. It is caused due to technical and economic factors. So, by ignoring it can lead to risks such as disability, financially even cause death. The forms of risk now suffered by the workers include shortness of breath, the danger in the eye, and complaints on the joints and bones. So how does create a risk that can be made of groups of craftsmen blacksmith, as well as how to support and awareness about the behavior of the safety and health of the industry from the Government and a group of craftsmen blacksmith? As for the method used is the sociological, juridical way down directly to the craftsmen of the blacksmith and the community to get the data and information. Thus the need for the support and awareness of the safety and health of the industry is very important both from the Government as well as the craftsmen of the blacksmith. In addition to reducing the risk of the safety and health of the industry required the existence of a Security Tool management Themselves

Risk Management, Security Tool Management Themselves, Health Risks



Influence of Islamic Service Behavior on Patient Loyalty (Case Study of Uninsured Patients in Midwifery Services at Sayang Hospital)
Mohammad Wahyu Ferdian; Muhardi; Dadang Kusnadi

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Muhammad Wahyu Ferdian

Universitas Islam Bandung

Patient loyalty is a patient attitude that reflects a loyalty to the service to take advantage of repeated health services in meeting the needs of medical services. This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic service behavior on the loyalty of uninsured patients in obstetrics and gynecology department at Sayang General Hospital Cianjur. This research is a descriptive and verification research. The study population was uninsured obstetrics and gynecology patients at Sayang General Hospital Cianjur, with a total sample of 289 people studied using accidental sampling techniques. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis with data tabulation and verification analysis with regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The results of the t test showed significance <0.001. The conclusion was found that the behavior of Islamic services had a significant influence on the loyalty of general patients in the Sayang General Hospital Cianjur.

Islamic Service Behavior, Patient loyalty, Sayang Hospital, Uninsured patients,



Rafika Rahmawati

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Rafika Rahmawati

Islamic University 45 of Bekasi (Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi)

This study aims to analyze the internal and external factors that determine the efficiency of sharia banking in Indonesia. The this research used Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis. In the first stage, this research ellaborated efficiency by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach and the second stage is regression analysis of Tobit Model. The results indicate (i) the efficiency level of Sharia Commercial Bank during the research period is categorized as less efficient, that is because assets and market share still small. And (ii) the internal factors that determine the efficiency are asset and ROA, they have significant negative effect. Meanwhile, the external factors determining the efficiency are GDP, inflation, and market share, they have significant positive effect. The important findings for Sharia Commercial Banks managers that assets unprofitable because assets have not been managed optimally, so that inefficiencies occur. Meanwhile stable external factors will improve bank efficiency.

Efficiency, Islamic Banking, Two-Stage DEA



Interpersonal Communication of Social Workers and Teacher Communication Climate as an Effort to Improve Human Resources
Anne Maryani, Nurrahmawati, Asep Ramdhan, Irfan Ahmad Nugraha

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Anne Maryani

Universitas Islam Bandung

The role of government agencies, namely junior high schools under the auspices of the Department of Education and social rehabilitation of street children carried out by the UPT Puskesos under the auspices of the Social Service in building community welfare is inseparable from the problems that are tried to be examined through aspects of interpersonal communication and organizational climate that can encourage activities more empowered human resources. The title of this research is "Interpersonal Communication of Social Workers and Teacher Communication Climate as an Effort to Improve Human Resources". The purpose of this study was to determine the interpersonal communication of social workers and the climate of the honorary teacher communication organization. The method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were taken by means of observation, in-depth interviews, document review and reference. The results showed interpersonal communication has a role in rehabilitating street children with an empathic and supportive approach, interpersonal communication also builds an organizational climate atmosphere, because through effective interpersonal communication the organizational communication climate could be develop, so that a healthy organizational climate contributes to the development of teacher performance.

interpersonal communication, social workers, communication climate, performance.



Islamic Service Climate Profile Analysis at Bandung Islamic University
Dewi Sartika, Lisa Widawati, Nandang HMZ, Riesty Indah Fauziani, Lina Faza Maulani

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Dewi Sartika Sartika

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Islam Bandung

UNISBA as one of the Islamic University in Bandung, has a vision “To Be an Independent, Prominent, and Leading Islamic University in Asia”. One of the problem that happen the most is the under performing administrative officer, that impact to less service to the student. One of the cause is lack of leadership from the section head that supervise the administration staff. Initial research result shows that 40% of the section head has a lack of Islamic leadership. The improvement effort has been done through a work counseling that generate insight of that weakness. In this regard, one of the leadership role is to build and create Islamic service climate. As an institution that embrace Islamic values, services given must also adopt Islamic values. In this regard, the research purpose is to analyze how the Islamic service climate that built in UNISBA by using a descriptive method. The measuring instrument that was used is Islamic service scale that given to every administration staffs as the research population of 184 people. With descriptive statistic technique, the result are 27% people already feel really high, 72% feel high and 1% feel less.

Profile, Islamic Service Climate, Administration Staff



Knowledge Chain as A System in Building Pesantren Entrepreneurial
Muhardi; Nurdin; Aminuddin Irfani

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Muhardi Muhardi

Universitas Islam Bandung

This research aims to analyze the role of knowledge chain as a system in developing pesantren entrepreneurship. In line with the objectives of this study, the analysis approach used is knowledge chain model. The study is conducted at the pesantren Dzkir Al-Fath in Sukabumi City, Indonesia. Data is collected through interviews and discussions with leaders of pesantren, mahasantri (santri at higher level), alumni, and also the entrepreneurial community fostered by the pesantren. The results of this study indicate that knowledge chain can be derived from internal knowledge with knowledge sources from pesantrens internal or external creativity. The practice of internal knowledge is then transformed into entrepreneurial practices of the external environment executed by alumni and jamaah community. This means that knowledge chain can be assessed as a system that can develop pesantren entrepreneurship in a sustainable manner.

Knowledge chain; system; pesantren entrepreneurial.



Knowledge Sharing through Majlis in Fostering the Economy of Jamaah
Muhardi; Nurdin; Aminuddin Irfani

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Muhardi Muhardi

Universitas Islam Bandung

This study aims to analyze the role of knowledge sharing through majlis in improving the economy of jamaah. It starts by identifying the field situation related to the existence of a knowledge majlis as a place of knowledge sharing and livestock business groups formed to strengthen the bargaining power of group members. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with the research target of members of animal husbandry business group fostered by the pesantren Dzikir Al-Fath in Sukabumi, Indonesia. To achieve the research objectives, primary data are obtained from focused group discussions. The research results show that knowledge sharing through majlis plays an important role in the economic improvement of jamaah. The business group considers that knowledge sharing through majlis has instilled the true economic principles in the right way, namely the principles of Siddiq, Amanah, Tabliq, and Fathonah. These principles are able to build trust from the stakeholders, which in turn can build on the economic success of the jamaah concerned.

Knowledge sharing, Majlis, Coaching, Economic of jamaah



Leadership and change management: making television relevant in the age of digital disruption
Nur Kareelawati Abd Karim and Rosidayu Sabran

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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Digital disruption is a transformation that is caused by emerging digital technologies and business models. It has changed how producers manage television production. At some point, it may affect the executive and creative decisions of a television channel. By drawing on Islamic strategic management and qualitative data analysis, this article addresses how Malay Muslim producers perceive their leadership role and the extent to which they negotiate with, and adapt to the changing culture of work and sociocultural norms. This study is essential in such a way it may aid television channels to manage change and lead. It may not only help these channels in restructuring their business model but also make television relevant in the age of digital disruption.

television, leadership, digital disruption, strategic management



Legal Protection of Plantation Independent Farmers in Determining The Price of Selling TBS (Fresh Fruit Park) in Siak District
Maryati Bachtiar (a), Riska Fitriani (a), Dasrol (a)

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Maryati Bachtiar

(a) Law Faculty, University of Riau
Jl. Pattimura No 9 Pekanbaru

Independent oil palm growers generally have various limitations both in terms of land availability, knowledge about cultivation and care, capital, including how to market their harvest or processing. With these limitations, it can be ascertained if the productivity of the garden is low. In addition, because it cannot process itself but must be sold to other parties, the small volume does not have a high bargaining power in front of traders / collectors. To avoid the negative effects of world change, the government issued a series of policies on the price of oil palm bunches which are expected to protect farmers. Government policy in determining the price of oil palm fruit bunches will affect the ability of oil palm farmers to produce.

Legal Protection, Plantation Independent Farmer, Fresh Fruit Park



Level of Understanding and Awareness of Street Vendors Around UNISBA in Providing Halal Food as The Preparation of Halal Certification
Hirawati Oemar, Eri Achiraeniwati, Yanti Sri Rejeki, Anis Septiani

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Anis Septiani


According to the research institute of the Halal Lifestyle and Consumer Studies (CHCS), 72.5% of Muslim communities are very concerned about halal food since it is an obligation as Muslims. UNISBA as one of the largest Islamic private institutions in Bandung has a role to help educate the surrounding community and all academicians about halal food, especially for the food suppliers around UNISBA, which is under the guidance of 3IKB. Based on the field survey, all street vendors (PKL) around UNISBA believe that the processed products they sell are halal. However, only 77% of sellers believe that the raw materials they use are labeled halal, yet they do not concern about the process of slaughtering animals they use. In addition, 20% of foot sellers do not buy from the same seller every time they buy raw materials. This shows that they still do not pay attention to the halal nature of the raw materials they buy, because they still have lack of understanding in halal products. Based on this, it can be seen that street vendors do not understand about halal products. Therefore, it is necessary to have socialization and assistance for all the street vendors in the 3IKB area to sell products that are guaranteed halal. Socialization and assistance are carried out by providing training on "Halal Food" which discuss a Muslim obligation in processing and consuming halal food. Other material delivered in the training is regarding "Guaranteed Halal Street Products" and "Training HAS 23000 MSMEs". Measuring the level of understanding and awareness of street vendors about the obligation to provide halal food is done using a pre / pre-training questionnaire and after / after training. The results showed that the level of participants knowledge about halal products increased from 96% to 100%; all participants stated that they needed to provide halal products. Contrary, participants- trust in products sold is halal decreased from 100% to 88%. Finally, the participants- knowledge of seeking halal certification, including the procedures, increased from Only 4% to 8%. All participants eventually agreed to get a Halal Guarantee Certificate (SJH). However, the participants face some constraints in filing halal certificates, namely the cost (68%), time (24%), procedures (28%) and others (4%).

Halal food, street vendors, training, SJH, constraints

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Fauziah, Eva; Yunus, Muhammad; Maryandi, Yandi

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eva fauziah


Islamic financial literacy index is still low, only reaching 8.11%. Islamic financial literacy index is still low, only reaching 8.11%. Religious institutions such as pesantren have the potential to influence and become a means of socializing financial literacy for the community. From several research results, literacy in pesantren is still low (less literate). This paper wishes to examine how the level of financial literacy of Persis Cipada 16 students on school-based Sharia Cooperatives. Data was collected based on a questionnaire that was distributed to students who participated in Sharia cooperative training. The results showed that the Santri literacy level for M1 was 2.5 (41.67%) with the Medium category, M2 was 3.79 (47.32%) with the Medium category, M3 was 2.36 (29.46%) with the category Low, M4 of 3.50 (43.75%) with the Medium category and M5 4.32 (54.02%) with the Medium category. Referring to the level of literacy formulated by the OJK, the average level of knowledge of students of Pesantren Persis Cipada is included in the category of sufficient literate. They already have knowledge and attitudes towards Sharia financial literacy related to school-based Sharia cooperatives as indicated by an average indicator of santri knowledge of 3,294 or 43,254%.

Literacyi, Santri, Sharia Cooperatives

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Local Economic Sustainability Issue: Lessons from Rotan Ketak Industry in Central Lombok Regency, Indonesia
Asnita Frida Sebayang, Imam Indratno, Lesta Karolina Sebayang

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Asnita Frida Sebayang

Universitas Islam Bandung, Universitas Islam Bandung, Universitas Negeri Semarang

The Rotan Ketak (local rattan) industry is an industry born as handicraft industry with strong local cultural capital. The strengths of this industrial value are; the involvement of women in the production process, environmentally friendly (zero waste), has a value-added network of raw materials, has a high local value from the design aspect, and has a strong network of markets both at domestic and abroad. This study uses a descriptive explanatory method by applying several approaches namely; canvas model business, industrial process analysis, and content analysis. Some important findings of this study describe the ability of the local industry to provide specific added value. Rotan Ketak Industry innovation system can be a source of local economic competitive advantage in facing the global market. The strong value proposition of product could compete to another product. The industry is also capable to expose the strength of the human side that cannot be completely replaced by the function of sophisticated technology because it combines local values, humanity, art, and local economy. The capacity of this industry to build partnerships between artisans with the local trading system is also a major finding. In the medium-long term, this industry has a potential contribution to achieving local sustainable economic growth.

community, local industry, the local economy

Development Studies


Rosidayu Sabran (PhD), Nur Kareelawati Abd Kareem (PhD)

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Rosidayu Sabran

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

Working in an eco-system that dominantly targetting at wealth creation often force workers to face many forms of sacrifice. The word eco-system is used to reflect the on-going work momentum in creative industries which at times can go beyond human ability. The constraints worsen in the private sector of media industry as media workers in creative industries work for long exhaustive hours and these conditions may lead to imbalance and unhealthy lifestyle including emotional wellbeing. Many worked in tension and in the long run involved in serious health issues. This paper therefore intends to find out the influence of eco-system of a workplace influencing Muslim media pratitioners- well-being. To what extend does the enviroment at a workplace influence Muslim media practioners- life and job performance? How does Muslim media practitioners manage the environment, their work and religious life at workplace? and ultimately be translated in good work and performance? Using the qualitative approach by interviewing Muslim media managers in Malaysia, this paper reveals that time management, work culture and leadership are keys to developing healthy eco-system that produces talent and workers of better quality in creative media industries.

Muslim media, wellbeing, creative industries, talent



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