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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Achmad Ridwan Ariyantoro (a*), Bambang Sigit Amanto (a), Asbari Nurpatria Kristin (b)

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Achmad Ridwan Ariyantoro

a) Food Science and Technology Department, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Jalan Ir Sutami, 36 A, Surakarta. Indonesia
*) ridwan030586[at]
b) Alumni of Food Science and Technology Department, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of jack bean acetylated flour on the physical, chemical and sensory of sweet bread properties. More concentration of jack bean modified flour caused higher beany flavour, aftertaste and lower of sweet bread colour, texture and baking expansion. The best results of sensory analysis is F2 with a ratio of 5% jack bean acetylated flour and 95% wheat flour. This sweet bread formula has a moisture 25.24 (% wb), ash 1.26 (% db), protein 9.64 (% db), fat 11.14 (% db), carbohydrates 55.66 (% db), and NaCl content 1.53 (% db). The baking expansion of sweet bread is 329.10 % but the protein content is higher than the control (F1).

chemical, jack bean modified flour, physical, sensory, sweet bread

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Sandy Pratama, Ibrahim, Sujadmi, Luna Febriani

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Sandy Pratama

University of Bangka Belitung

The Lom tribe is a unique community in Bangka Island. Known as SukuLom because they are considered as not havingknown religion (lom: not yet). This community is considered as one of the old tribes that has not developed like other communities in this area. However, as a unit of society which bounded by the population administration system, the Lom Tribe cannot be separated from legal and political norms. It is interesting to examine how the political behavior of the people in the Lom Tribe is in the General Election. The interesting question is whether the colors of their political choices are uniform or varied, then how electoral political elites play at the grass root level. In the end, this paper will examine on how the political behavior of the community is amidst the gusts of modernization that have slowly begun to come to this community. The fact that political behavior was originally very collective and homogeneous gradually begin to color. The Lom tribe, which has been known to be marginal, has begun to play a negotiable and heterogeneous political role. With its communality, the Lom Tribe builds a different face of electoral politics; the typical of indigenous communities.

Political behavior, Lum Tribe, Marginal

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Politics of Ownership in Policy-Making: Lessons from Healthcare Delivery in Post-Conflict Timor-Leste
Arie Kusuma Paksi

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Arie Kusuma Paksi

University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This article examines the political economy of national ownership, focussing on the reconstruction of the healthcare system in post-conflict Timor-Leste in relation to the shift from aid-dependence to oil-dependence. Considering three main approaches to development policy-making-patronage-based, populist and rationalist-it argues that, from 2002, the government generally used patronage-based strategies that benefitted elite political networks, increasing corruption. Based on empirical research, the study demonstrates that, in several areas, the government of the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (2002-2007) could exercise some autonomous decision-making despite being heavily aid-dependent. Later, under the National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction government (2007-2017), empowered by oil resources, elites had greater control over development. However, the creation of a modern healthcare system was central to the elites political ideology, involving populist rather than patronage-based politics. Analysis of this research indicates that ownership regarding healthcare has become concentrated among powerful groups (donors, elites, and the MoH) while health professionals, who advocate a neoliberal approach, lack a political voice. Thus, the paper problematises the Paris Declaration is focus on country ownership to ensure better aid delivery as unrealistic because ownership becomes subject to contestation.

Political economy, Healthcare, Post-conflict, Timor-Leste, Contestation, Ownership, Policy-making

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Politics of Tionghoa at Grassroots Level (A Study of The Village Head of Tionghoa in Bangka Islands)
Ibrahim Ibrahim, Sandy Pratama, Rendy Rendy, Putra Pratama Saputra

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Ibrahim Ibrahim

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Bangka Belitung University

In the long term, the Tionghoa have avoided electoral political dynamics. Even further, Tionghoa ethnic groups avoid social spaces that openly connote the political world. Marginalisation and discrimination are the two right words to describe the position of the ethnic Tionghoa until later the situation changes along with the fall of the New Order and the onset of reform. The emergence of Ahok with its various dynamics has at least become one of the momentum of the rise of ethnic Tionghoa in the political world. In smaller spaces, at the village level, the phenomenon of the election of village heads from Tionghoa ethnic groups illustrates political change at the grassroots level. This paper, through qualitative research methods, explores how the dynamics of power of the ethnic Tionghoa who become village heads on Bangka Island. Interestingly, the ethnic Tionghoa who have been known to be apolitical, then enter public spaces that come in direct contact with diversity. This paper finds that actually Tionghoa politics at the village level has its own dynamics. Democracy that develops, extends at the village level and increases the political participation of ethnic Tionghoa. Not because of the phenomenal influence of Ahok, but political elites at the village level actually pioneered careers from community social organizations. When serving as Village Heads, they generally played a dynamic role and carried out a politics of pluralism, an anomaly when the early reforms of their desires were dominated by long-lost identity claims.

Tionghoa, Electoral, Village Head

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Potential for Developing Organic and Non-Organic Rice in Bantul District, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Eni Istiyanti, Retno Wulandari

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Eni Istiyanti

Departement of Agribusiness Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Rising awareness toward the effects of chemical substance on public health and environment has led to the initiation and the development of organic farming system. This research aimed at analyzing the financial feasibility and technical efficiency of the development of organic and non-organic rice farming. The research was conducted in Imogiri Sub-district, Bantul District, which was purposively selected. The research utilized survey with 50 respondents which were selected using the method of simple random sampling. The analysis technique applied was descriptive and quantitative, using Cobb Douglass stochastic frontier production function. The result of the research visualizes that organic rice possesses higher level of income and profit than non-organic rice does. Financially, organic rice is feasible for further development with R/C value reaching 1.81 (>1). Furthermore, technically, organic rice shows promising efficiency with efficiency index reaching > 0.7. In conclusion, the development of organic rice in Bantul District shall be continued since it provides not only financial benefit but also environmental benefit.

development, financial feasibility, organic rice, technical efficiency

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Nurfa Anisa(a*)(b), Pratikto(b), Purnomo Budi Santoso(b), Ishardita Pambudi Tama(b)

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Nurfa Anisa

a*) Industrial Engineering Department, Wisnuwardhana University, Malang, East Java
b) Mechanical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java

Indonesia is ranked in 7th (2.81%) while leading producers of peanuts; China, India, and Nigeria own 64% of the world&

Peanut potentiality, Agroindustry, Peanut Butter

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Gek Wulan Novi Utami

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Gek Wulan Novi Utami

Dhyana Pura University
Faculty of Ekonomika and Humaniora

This research aims to find out the myths- power relating to environmental preservation in Bali. Myth is human creation that is rich of social and culture value within it to describe phenomena around them. Myth is still exist even it turns into behavioural reference in Bali, moreover, Balinese rites are very strong bounding people although modernization develops rapidly. It is assumed that myths ecology-related correlate to semiological system that covers signifier, signified, and sign which are potential influencing human perception and behaviour to preserve environment. This research uses descriptive-qualitative approach. The data is collected by depth-interview method and probing technique. Ecolinguistics- framework especially social praxis related that consists of three dimensions, namely a bio-logical, a socio-logical, and an ideo-logical dimension, and also culture approach contributing in analyzing data. It concludes that myths- existence is very strong; it is powerful relating its impact to human, but powerless toward environment preservation.

Myth; Ecolinguistics; Social; Environmental preservation; Bali

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Pragmatics of AINT within Academic and Social Context
Jumanto Jumanto

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Jumanto Jumanto

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia, Jl. Imam Bonjol 207 Semarang, 50131, Indonesia

This paper explores the forms as well as the functions of AINT as part of informal English, the target hearers referred to by the forms and functions, and its contribution to ELT and interpersonal or social verbal interactions. The research data are taken from URLs as sources of opinionated or objective accounts on AINT and its elaborations. The forms and functions of AINT expectedly provide a sufficient account for English verbal interactions between close people and a clear account for camaraderie contained within the utterance AINT. This research theoretically advocates the pragmatic aspects of positive face, positive politeness strategies, solidarity politeness, and camaraderie, with particular types of hearer in the context of power and solidarity. Empirically, this research is trying to provide accounts on AINT within academic English as well as social English learning within particular circumstances, hence encouraging learners to instill interpersonal and social harmony within English language use throughout the world.

pragmatics; politeness; camaraderie; informal English; AINT

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The preparation and characterization of super-hydrophobic surface on aluminum substrate
Aris Widyo Nugroho, Arif Eko Setiantoro, Harini Sosiati, Rela Adi Himarosa

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Aris Widyo Nugroho

Mechanical Enginnering Departement, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The development of a superhydrophobic surface on an aluminum substrate as a self- cleaning surface has been carried out. In the research, a superhydrophobic aluminum surface was fabricated using a combination of boiling and STA modification technique which is environmentally friendly. The specimens in circular shape with a diameter of 14 mm were cut from a 1 mm thick aluminum sheet and were then cleaned using ultrasonic cleaner. Afterward, the specimens were boiled for 10 minutes in water. Following this, the specimens were immersed in STA-ethanol-deionized water solution at a temperature of 60o for 5, 10, 15 and 20 hours. Surface morphology, roughness, and hardness of the superhydrophobic aluminum surface were examined. The surface morphology analysis presents the existence of rough microstructure on the coated aluminum surface. While the roughness value increase with the increase of immersion times, the surface hardness value does not appear to change significantly for immersion time up to 15 hours and slightly decrease for the longer immersion time. The water contact angle of 133o and rolling angle of 13o was achieved which indicates the superhydrophobicity of aluminum surface has been obtained.

hydrophobic, hardness, roughness, aluminum, morphology

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Dewi Rokhmah1, Imas Imama2, Nita Indah Lestari3, Ahmad Aviv Mahda4, Icha Rohmah D. A.5

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Dewi Rokhmah

1Department of Health Promotion and Behaviour Science, Public Health Faculty University of Jember
2,3,4,5Magister of Public Health Science, Post Graduate University of Jember

Based on data from the results of existing studies and references indicate that incidents of GTS incidence in tobacco farmers is quite high. On the other hand, research related to GTS disease is still minimal. In addition, tobacco farmers are also not many who know very well about GTS. Whereas according to Soemitro (2014), good knowledge and sufficient income can be associated with a good health literacy as well. The purpose of this study was to conduct research on the relationship between duration of work, smoking status, knowledge of GTS, and personal hygiene with GTS status of tobacco farmers, as well as education, knowledge of GTS, income and GTS status of tobacco farmers with health literacy. This research used analytic observational method with cross sectional approach design. The research was conducted in Mayang Sub-district of Jember Regency in October 2017. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method with 30 samples of tobacco farmers. Data analysis used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using Chi-square test with SPSS 22 software. The results showed that the radio became the most source of information by 53.3%. While the source of health information from the internet was never reached by all respondents. Health literacy identification showed that 83.3% had poor Health literacy, 16.7% others had sufficient health literacy and no respondents had a good health literacy. The statistical results show that there is a significant relationship between the length of work, knowledge of GTS, personal hygiene with GTS status. While smoking status (p = 0,273) there is no significant relationship with GTS status. The level of education (p = 0.0001) and the knowledge of GTS (p = 0,000) have a significant relationship with health literacy. Health counseling and discussion to be held more frequently by health workers, farmers groups and cooperation both, the distribution of health information about GTS using interesting media more evently to all spaces of the village.

GTS (Green Tobacco Sickness), Health Literacy, Tobacco Farmers, Prevention Bihaviour

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Prevention Upon the Congenital Anomalies Effect Through the Child Protection Act: A Comparative Study with the United Kingdom
Andi Agus Salim, M. Arizka Wahyu, Wahyudi Umar

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Amanda Amanda

Asia University, Taiwan

Birth defects or congenital anomalies affect an estimated 1 in 33 infants, resulting in 3.2 million children with disabilities related to birth defects every year and 2.68 million infant mortality, 11.3% cause by birth defects. South-East Asia Region has the second highest prevalence of birth defects in the world, 9% of under-five deaths and 12% of newborn deaths in South-East Asia Region were due to congenital anomalies in 2015. Related to this phenomenon, since 1976 the United Kingdom was established the law which is strictly protect the children from the congenital anomalies. This law was established by considering the congenital anomalies in consequence of some persons fault since genetic is not the only causative factor of the congenital anomalies but could also be happened due to the someones act. By considering the condition of South-East Asia Region as the second highest occurrence of Birth defects, Indonesia have to take an action in order to prevent or reduce the number of Birth defects. The existence of the Child Protection Act in Indonesia currently does not cover the issue of the congenital anomalies. There should be a revision upon the law in order to handle the phenomena of congenital anomalies. Through this research, authors aim to show the urgency of the prevention upon the congenital anomalies effect through the law in order to provide the protection and clear responsibility upon the children with congenital anomalies.

Congenital Anomalies, Birth defects, Child Protection

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Nasrullah & Adis Putri Nelaniken

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Nasrullah Nasrullah


Indonesia is recognized as a country with high potential in maritime resources. However, Indonesia is also known as the second largest contributor of plastic waste into the ocean. It is estimated that Indonesia contributes around 200.000 tons of plastic disposals. The highest pollutant of the plastic product was found to be cigarette butts. The trillions of cigarette butts generate chemical contamination on the water. The various chemicals used as additives in cigarettes and the additional ones created when a cigarette is combusted. Chemicals that leach from the cigarette butts can be extremely toxic to the organisms in the ocean. Cigarette is not only dangerous for human health, but it is also environmentally hazardous. The marine pollution caused by the cigarette butts was never realized by humans, even though the huge number of cigarette butts were found in the sea. A grave concern should be put on the impacts of cigarette toward the ocean. The objective of this paper is to elaborate the Indonesian regulation dealing with the issue of cigarette butt pollution in the ocean. This paper is the result of normative research with the statute, analytical and case approaches on the protection of the marine ecosystem from the cigarette filter disposal. This research attempts to analyze the existing regulations in Indonesia on the protection of the marine ecosystem from toxic and hazardous waste, especially from cigarette butt waste disposal. The results of this study show that to date there is no specific regulation regulates about tobacco waste product disposals. Accordingly, the government is suggested to enact a specific and effective regulation about tobacco waste product, so that the law enforcement of marine pollution caused by cigarette butts can be prevented.

Cigarette butt, legal protection, marine pollution, toxic and hazardous waste

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Reciprocal Teaching Method in the Teaching of Reading
M. Sayid Wijaya

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M. Sayid Wijaya

UIN Raden Intan Lampung

This research is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the Reciprocal Teaching Method in teaching reading comprehension and the interaction between the Reciprocal Teaching Method and students learning styles. This research is quasi-factorial design with posttest-only design. The population in this research is 334 second semester students of English Education Study Program. The students reading comprehension achievement is obtained from a reading comprehension test while students learning style is identified using learning style questionnaires. The result of this research is in contrast with the result of other research which revealed the effectiveness of the Reciprocal Teaching Method. This is possibly caused by the slight visual different mean between the experimental group and the control group, the identical method implemented in control group, the dominant visual learners, and the stages in the procedure of the treatment. Further, the result of this research revealed that there is no interaction between the Reciprocal Teaching Method and the students with different learning styles.

the Reciprocal Teaching Method, reading comprehension, learning styles

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Relation between Nurses Spiritual Intelligence and Fulfilling Patients Spiritual Needsin PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital
Wawan Sugianto, Syahruramdhani Syahruramdhani*

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Syahruramdhani Syahruramdhani

School of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Nurses who have good spiritual intelligence are used to build awareness on the basis of worship and the help of human needs. Spirituality can help patients to understand the way of life and find their confidence. Therefore, they can be able to and find hope, inner harmony and composure. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nurses spiritual intelligence with fulfilling patients spiritual needs in the hospital ward PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping. Method: This research used quantitative method with cross sectional research design. The sample in the study were 91 nurses who worked and served in the wards of PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital and were willing to fill out the questionnaire which is determined by simple random sampling method. Result: Most of the nurses at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping have spiritual intelligence in good category (82.4%) and fulfilling patients spiritual needs with good category (62.6%). The result of statistical analysis showed that there is relation between nurses spiritual intelligence and fulfilling patients spiritual needs with value p = 0.002 (<0.05) shows there is relation between spiritual intelligence with spiritual fulfillment. Conclusion: The better the spiritual intelligence a nurse has, the better the act of spiritual care that will be done to meet the spiritual needs of the patient.

spiritual intelligence, spiritual needs, nurses

International Conference on Nursing


The Relationship Between Gestation Period with Maternal Age and The Case of Pathologic Neonatal Jaundice At Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin
Umi Hanik Fetriyah (a*), Anggrita Sari (b), Dini Rahmayani (c), Fitri Yuliana (b), Reni Jayanti Anggraini (b)

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Umi Hanik Fetriyah

a) Nurse Profession Program, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University
Jl. Pramuka No. 2, Banjarmasin, South Borneo 70249, Indonesia
b) Midwifery Program, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University
Jl. Pramuka No. 2, Banjarmasin, South Borneo 70249, Indonesia
c) Bachelor of Nursing Program, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University
Jl. Pramuka No. 2, Banjarmasin, South Borneo 70249, Indonesia

Background: Pathologic jaundice is one of the causes of neonatal death. The risk factor of jaundice is, among others, pre term pregnancy that causes prematurity. Furthermore, it affects the growth of the fetus due to the immaturity of the reproductive organs. Objective: To analyze the relationship between gestation and maternal age with pathologic neonatal jaundice. Method: The research used quantitative analytical method with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were the babies who were born in the maternity ward of Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin. The sample consisting of 297 babies was taken using systematic random sampling technique. Results: The results show there was a relationship between gestation and pathological jaundice (P value = 0.035), no relationship maternal age with pathologic jaundice (P value = 1.000). The findings in study were that most infants born at gestational age of pre term, post term do not experience neonatal jaundice, most babies born to a mother at the age of risky are not jaundiced. The majority of babies born in gestation pre term and post term births of mothers at no risk and the majority of babies born to mothers at the age of majority at the time of gestation period. Conclusion: Gestational age associated with pathologic jaundice and maternal age are not associated with pathologic jaundice. The importance of health workers must assess gestational age of the mother on antenatal and intranatal care to anticipate jaundice, mothers always check baby to health services if baby appears yellow skin.

Bilirubin; Gestation; Jaundice; Neonatal; Pathologic; Maternal Age

International Conference on Nursing


Yulisetyaningrum, Dewi Hartinah, Kuril Ayuni

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Yulisetyaningrum Yulisetyaningrum

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus

The Children generally have great potency which must be developed in their future. They are different from adult in certain characteristic for example they are more active, dynamic, inquiring and enthusiastic to what they see, listen, and feel. They also curious to explore and learn new thing. Cognitive growth is a way of children to use their thinking and intuition and Playing is the important thing to support growth of childrer including physical, cognitive, Ianguage, emotional social, and psychomotor growth. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between playing and cognitive development of pre school ages children at Mekarsari Kindergaten of Tanjung anyar, Gajah sub district, Demak in 2018. This study employed correlation study in the way that the Sample taken by total sampling technique consisting of 35 respondents. Furthermore, this study was analyzed and tested using Spearman Rank test. This study showed that respondents having ability of playing with good category was 27 respondents (77,1%). Meanwhile, respondents having cognitive development with good category was 30 respondents (85,7%). Therefore, there is relationship between playing and cognitive development of pre-school ages children at Mekarsari Kindergaten of Tanjung anyar, Gajah sub district, Demak in 2018 with p value of 0.033

Pre school children, playing, cognitive development

International Conference on Nursing


Muhammad Purnomo, Indanah, Tatik

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Muhammad Purnomo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus (RNA group Retroviruses Ribonucleic Acid ) which attacks the human immune system. During the period of the year 2016 new HIV-infected patients amounted to 1.8 million and with mortality by as much as 1.0 million (WHO, 2016). Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia ranked 13th in the world, and its development has always been on the rise since it was first found. Central Java province ranked 5th most HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia based on the number of komulatif according to the provinces based on reports from 1 October until 31 December 2016. HIV/AIDS is a disease that can affect the quality of live the quality of life of people living with HIV are influenced by several factors, namely the work on a physical domain and followed by physical therapy on domain compliance and independence, as well as the level of education. Social support is indispensable in order for HIV/AIDS patients can reduce the negative impact of this disease and the infection can be done by providing support and Treatment Compliance of the relationship of social support with quality of life of HIV/AIDS Patients in hospitals RAA Soewondo Pati. This study used analytic corelation with cross Sectional research approach. The samples was taken usiong random sampling with total samples of 90 participants. This study showed that there is relationship between treatment adherence and life quality of HIV/AIDS patients at RAA Soewondo hospitals of Pati with (p value of = 0.005, &

Social Support, Treatment Adherence, Life Quality of HIV/AIDS Patients.

International Conference on Nursing


The relationship between the accuracy of the antibiotic duration and length of stay in typhoid fever
Hidayatul Kurniawati Marianti

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Hidayatul Kurniawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Antibiotics are the main substances that used to treat infectious diseases such as typhoid fever. Evaluation of antibiotic use is needed to reduce the occurrence of resistance. Antibiotic resistance can be fatal. Failure respond to treatment can lead to prolonged illness, increased risk of death and extend the length of stay. Besides having an impact on morbidity and mortality, antibiotic resistance also made economic and social impact. This study is to examine the relationship between the accuracy of the duration of antibiotic administration in typhoid fever and the length of stay. Method: A Retrospective non-experimental study with cross-sectional design. Medical records were assessed the accuracy of antibiotic duration by Gyssens criteria. From 75 medical records that fulfill the inclusion criteria, 64 patients had the right duration of antibiotics. Length of stay varies from 2 days to 7 days. The most widely used single antibiotic was levofloxacin 27 (36%). The results of the chi square analysis obtained a value of p> 0.05. The conclusion: there is no relationship between the accuracy of the length of antibiotic administration and the length of hospital stay.

typhoid fever, duration of antibiotic administration, length of stay

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Meidya Laksmi Ariyanti, S.Hum and Dr. Sufriati Tanjung M.Pd (Advisor)

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Meidya LaksmI Ariyanti

Applied Linguistics Department, Yogyakarta State University

Translation competencies are knowledge and abilities owned by a translator to produce good quality translations. One of the translation competencies includes the educational background and / or translation training that have been taken by the translator. Nevertheless, there are many translators in Indonesia who do not have the educational and / or translation training backgrounds. With this in mind, this research analyzes the relationship between the translation competencies, especially the educational background and / or translation training, with the quality of the translation results. From the analysis of literature studies that have been done by several previous researchers regarding to the correlations between the translation competencies and the quality of translations, the writer found that the translation competencies affected the quality of translations produced by the translator.

Translation Competencies, Quality of Translations, Educational and / or Translation Training

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The relationship of self efficacy with self care of diabetes mellitus patient: Literature review
(a) Leya Indah Permatasari

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Leya Indah Permatasari

Lecturer faculty health science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, leya.indah[at]

ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus was a chronic illnes that it needs long term treatment. Self efficacy would help of satisfication and succes in doing self care. Self efficacy was a satisfication of ability in developing the action to avoid complication. The aim of this literature review was to analyze the relationship between self efficacy with diabetes mellitus self care. The author conducted a review qualitative or quantitative researchs literature that discused dealing with the relationship of self efficacy and diabetes mellitus self care. The author conducted a search of the research using PubMed, Proquest, Google schoolar. There were 10 articles related with the discusion of this literature review. The result of lierature showed that there were positive relationship between self efficacy and diabetes mellitus self care. Self care was one of the succes key for diabetes mellius patient in doing a self care. A community nurse had an important role as facilitatore and educator in improving self efficacy by giving encouragement and self confidence to diabetes mellitus patient to improve a self care.

self efficacy, self care, diabetes mellitus

International Conference on Nursing


The Representations of Informative Language Function in Handling Food Service at Restaurant
Denok Lestari

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Denok Lestari

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional

Tourism is the worldwide fast-growing industry which directly affects various fields of life. Tourism study does not stand by itself, but is supported by other social sciences, specifically language education. This paper, based on a research in language functions, aimed to identify the use of informative functions in handling food service at the restaurant. Categorized as a study of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), this paper described language variations to provide preliminary analysis of needs in tourism and hospitality context. The research methods were qualitative, using observation and recording technique. The data were in the form of transcribed utterances between guests and waiters at the restaurant. The result of the analysis showed that informative functions were represented through micro functions, namely asking, explaining, stating, and confirming.

English for Specific Purposes, Informative Function, Language Functions, Tourism

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Resistancy Status of Aedes spp. on Organophosphate Insecticides in Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta
Giyantolin, Titi Marsifah, Ilzam Shadik Maulidi, Dila Hening Windyarini, Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, Ahmad Suyoko

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Giyantolin Giyantolin

Universitas Gadjah Mada

A variety of tropical diseases become major problems in Indonesia, one of them is dengue fever. This disease is a serious one and needed attention from the national health teams, including in Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). This research aims to acknowledge the resistancy status of Aedes spp. on insecticides from organophosphate group in a dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)-endemic region in DIY. The research was done from June to October 2017. Samplings of mosquito eggs and larvae were done in Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta (a DHF-endemic region). Rearing was done in the Laboratory of Animal Systematics (Parasitology), Faculty of Biology until they reached maturity and resistancy tests of Aedes spp. on organophosphate insecticides by biochemical methods. The resistancy status of Aedes spp. in Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta in neighborhoods 4, 8, and 15 is 100% sensitive or vulnerable whereas in neighborhoods 3 and 13 is 87.5 % sensitive and 12.5 % mildly resistant. It is expected that attention should be gained from society, health agencies, or government in coping with rising resistancy of Aedes spp.

Aedes spp., DHF, resistancy status, organophosphate, Yogyakarta

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Ema Waliyanti1 Farhah Kamilah2

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Ema Waliyanti

School of Nursing Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55183

The phenomenon of bullying on teens in Indonesia requires a serious concern for the Government, schools or parents. A High number of incidents of bullying on teens give negative impact physically and psychologically for the perpetrator or the victim. The response is indicated when teenager bullying is self-defense victims against such behavior. This research aims to identify the response and impact of bullying on teens in Yogyakarta. This research used qualitative approach method of Phenomenology. Data retrieval was done through observation and in-depth interviews. Participants in the study amounted to 14 people which consist of parents, teens and teachers are determined by purposive sampling. The validity of the data is done using triangulation methods, sources, and peer debriefing. Thematic data analysis with the help of open code software 4.02. The results showed that the response given teens against bullying behavior among these teens, teen evasively against, teenagers, and teenagers afraid. The impact of bullying on a victim i.e. teenagers being unwilling to get together with his friend could even become perpetrators of bullying. As for the perpetrator gets punishment from the school and feared by his friend at school. Prevention of bullying behavior in teenagers is urgently needed to mitigate the effects posed for adolescents. The results of this research can be used as basic data for the development of prevention programs bullying in teenagers.

Response, Impact, Bullying, Teenage, Yogyakarta

International Conference on Nursing


The Role of Al Shatibi in The Arabic Grammar Improvement Based on His Book of Al Maqasid Ash Shafiyah in Arabic Education for non Arabs
Talqis Nurdianto

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Talqis Nurdianto

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Al Shatibi is one of Islamic scholars who stayed in Andalus or known as Spain. He is more famously known as an Usul Fiqh expert then a linguist, especially in Nahw. He tried to break through the scope of understanding in Nahw which monopolized by two stronghold groups; the people of Basrah and the people of Kufah. He took a different step from his seniors when discussing a methodology of Nahw sciences in Arabic language. The book entitled Al Maqasid Al Shafiyyah is a big design of his thoughts in Nahw sciences which was inspired the birth of Nahw sciences reformers after his time. Unsystematic method in Nahw, limited resources for discussing any arguments and fanatically fall to certain group made this science look old fashioned, stagnant and it was hard to teach it toward non-Arabs. This research is subjected to analyze those practical problems in teaching and learning Nahw which made Al Shatibi did such of change and suggested new methods. The book Al Maqasid Ash Shafiyah has different methods from both Basrah or Kufah methodology which made it easier to be taught and learnt to non-Arabs. One of Al Shatibi methods in this book called al-jamu wa al-tarjih, he collected all the opinions from previous scholars according to one case, he discussed all those opinions to find any if those are weakest or had a bold and strong reason. All the datas, the primer resources from book Al Maqasid Al Shafiyah and also the secondary resources from all sources related to the topic was analyzed using analytic and descriptive method which resulted (1). Al Satibi has his own opinion and it is considered neutral from all the previous scholars. (2). The best opinion in Nahw was determined by the best theorem stated. (3) Sometime Al Satibi took one side of two strongholds group of Nahw because he shared a similar opinion with them. (4) If not of both groups opinions are correct according to his thought, he will come with his own. (5) this book is easier to learnt by a non-Arabs in the process of learning and studying Nahw.

Al Shatibi, Arabic, Grammar, Improvement, Al Maqashid Ash Shafiyah

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Characteristic of Education Hospital in Achievement of Doctor Competency in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Siti Aminah Tri Susila Estri, Ana Majdawati, Wiwik Kusumawati

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Siti Aminah Tri Susila Estri

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Professional medical education requires a teaching hospital with a specific learning environment in order to be able to meet the competency achievement of students. This study aims to determine the role of hospitals in achieving competence. The cross-sectional study was carried out with the subjects of the medical profession Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta students who had completed the national board test in 2018. The characteristics of hospital were measured by DREEM quesioner, while the achievement of competencies was based on the scores of CBT and OSCE national board. The Spearman correlation analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the characteristics of the hospital and achievement of competence. The results showed a mean DREEM 134, CBT 80.12 and OSCE 79.76. The correlation analysis showed no relationship between the characteristics of hospitals with achievement of competence (p = 0.96). The value of the characteristic components of the hospital is the learning process 3.3 (more than expected), 3.3 lecturers (giving lectures that are very well structured), learning environment 3.2 (generally good), social environment 2.9 (not bad) and academic ability of students 3.3 (confident). The results of the study can be used by the study program leadership as a consideration to choose a hospital that is still used as a place of education. In addition, the results of the study can be used as material for the revision of the medical profession curriculum, by strengthening the role of students and lecturers in the education process. This research supports an evidence-based education process.

Medical competency, DREEM, education hospital

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Role of Civil Society in the making of General Election Commission Regulation Number 20 of 2018 about the Candidacy of Legislative Members
Aditya Kelana Dewantara

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Aditya Kelana Dewantara

FISIP - Universitas Indonesia

The demand for clean elections is getting stronger in many countries, no exception in Indonesia. One of the demands is the availability of candidates for legislative who have a clean track record.The entry of ex-corruptors as members of the legislature will certainly strengthen peoples distrust of parliament. To end all bad developments, the concept of electoral reform is very important. As an organization between state and society, it is very possible for civil society to make changes in the fight for the clean election demands. Civil Society in the context of Indonesia generally manifests itself in a non-governmental organization, namely an organization whose domain is separate from the State and business sector, which carries the mission of strengthening and empowering people outside the State and the private sector. Various civil society organizations formed a coalition network formed under the name of the Civil Society Coalition for clean elections, which then aimed to guard clean elections. The demand from the Civil Society Coalition is to reject ex-corruptors to run for legislative members candidate with a petition "koruptor kok nyaleg". In fighting for its demands, the coalition carries out an Advocacy role, influencing what should be a public policy in this case the KPU Regulation Number 20 Year 2018 about the candidacy of Legislative Members. Civil Society Coalitions convey aspirations to elements that can make direct decisions and actively play a role in advocating by building constructive relationships with policy makers in order to build solutions to problems or influence policies that will be decided. in terms of taking advantage of political opportunities, the challenges and responses of Civil Society in post-reform political structures are seen in two political arenas: policy making and electoral politics. To obtain data related to the political activities of civil society in the realm of regulation making and the political participation of civil society actors in elections, this research uses process tracking methods.

public policy, electoral reform, civil society, advocacy, ex-corruptors

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Dentists in Assisting Child Patients with Ameloblastoma
Laelia Dwi Anggraini

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Laelia Dwi Anggraini SpKGA


Ameloblastoma is a rare form of tumor that typically originates from the jaw bone. This tumor develops from the cells whose original purpose was to form teeth enamel, the outer surface that protects teeth. Ameloblastoma can cause pain and swelling as well as change the structure of the patients face. If left untreated for a long period of time, the tumor can become malignant and spread to the patients lymph glands. To this day, scientists remain undecided of the true cause of ameloblastoma or why certain people have a higher risk of developing this tumor. However, there are a few circumstances that could increase the risks of developing ameloblastoma such as if the patient had experienced a jaw injury or a mouth infection at one point in their life. A diagnosis should be made based on the results of radiological examination and tumor biopsy. A possible means of treatment for the patient is surgical action to remove the tumor. If the tumor has already spread to other body parts, then the patient must undergo radiation therapy once the surgery has been conducted. This case report explains what a dentist as a general practitioner can do if coming across a case such as this and what future steps they must undertake.

Assisting Child Patients, Ameloblastoma, Dentistry

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The role of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Facing the Disruptive Era
Dewi Mayangsari

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Dewi Mayangsari

PGPAUD Education Faculty Trunojoyo Madura University

The teacher is the figure who is the role model of his students. The role model is imitated starting from speech, actions and plays a role in shaping the character of students. The character of students in schools began to form when students entered early education in Early Childhood, so the role of Early Childhood teachers in preparing students to face the current disruptive era was enormous. The era where students prepare to face technological change, and the demands of the world to be more competitive, adaptive and smart. The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which teachers run and prepare roles in educating early childhood students in the disruptive era. The approach used is descriptive qualitative with semi structured interview data collection methods. Subjects from the study were Early Childhood teachers at Kamal who had taught at least twenty years in Kamal at the same school. The selection of subjects using purposive sampling technique.

Disruptive Era, Early Childhood Education, Role of teachers

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Electronic word-of-mouth on the Satisfaction of Social Media Use
Dwi Martiyanti

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Dwi Martiyanti

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Maintaining customer satisfaction is a key to be concerned by companies in the information technology era. The use of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) as a reference to influence their satisfaction in decision making process reflects the high growth of social media usage. Nonetheless, prior research reveals that eWOM role as a satisfaction driver has been ignored. This study uses relationship marketing in understanding eWOM effect on satisfaction of social media use. In particular, this study seeks to develop theoretical models regarding the effects of eWOM on satisfaction in the context of social media through a systematic literature review. The result of theoretical analysis shows that satisfactions influenced by eWOM trough trust and commitment. This study provides a theoretical ground for future empirical research into issues related to eWOM relation and satisfaction in the context of social media. The result also provides a practical guide for marketing managers in developing marketing strategies through social media.

eWOM, trust, commitment, satisfaction

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Siti Fadjryana Fitroh

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Siti fadjryana Fitroh

Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program
Faculty of Education, University of Trunojoyo Madura

In childhood, it still supports 0 to 6 years at an early age, a time that is very important for the future both growth and development. This age must have a lot of experience and learning through the right stimulus from the right people. Experience related to things that discuss things that can form good character. In this case the person closest to the child who can contribute is the offspring. The role of parents is important here, because it is not only guided by sufficient needs that are needed by children also must pay attention to whether given according to the development and needs of children. Parents in this case are father and mother. Connecting has the same duty in parenting, but here the mother is in focus, where she has more difficulty with the baby (child). Mothers (mothers) skills in parenting are no longer questionable, because many say that a child is born so mothers instincts are born. In this case, the mothers skills will be more maximal in parenting if based on proper media knowledge in shaping dogeng characters. The aim here is to support mothers who use their ability to nurture through storytelling skills to use their childrens character-making abilities. Fairy tales are used as a medium for character building in early childhood, because the storytelling can include moral values so that forming characters can be formed. (1) reading stories before going to bed or at leisure (2) provided fairytale readings at home to attract childrens reading interest (3) talking about understanding stories that have often been read, about moral messages that can be learned.

Empowerment of Mother Parents, Honesty Values, Early Childhood Entrepreneurship

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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