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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

Page 43 (data 1261 to 1290 of 1365) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Role of Habitus in Sustainability of Tourism Village, Case Study: Kampung Tourism in Jodipan, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Adinda Christina (a*), Joko Adianto (b)

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Corresponding Author
Adinda Christina

a) Faculty of Engineering,University of Indonesia
Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia
Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia

This paper contains the understanding on the beautification as a successful factor in transforming a slum dwelling into a sustainable tourism village. The beautification is one slum upgrading strategy applied in various regions in Indonesia, although many resulted in failure. However, Kampung Jodipan is a unique case where the beautification result has made to became tourism attractions, leading to the improvement of the economic condition of the villagers. The concept of sustainability emphasizes on the habitus as formation of responding agent in their living space. This research focuses on the change in villagers attitude towards domestic, social, and economical activities, social structure and spatial. To understand the changing, research was gathered through observation, collecting population data, structured interview, and mapping of Kampung Jodipan, with qualitative analysis method. The result of the research was used to understand the agent habitus and their living space. Sustainable tourism village will only happen if there is a change in the living concept, in which living is not only solely purposed for domestic activities, but also for economic activities. This research will give comprehension on how beautification as slum upgrading strategy can be applicable and sustainable.

Habitus; Beautification; Kampong Tourism; Sustainability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Information and Communication Technology on Service Trade: Case Study of Indonesia Export to ASEAN
Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani*, Hairunnas

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Hairunnas Hirunnas

Department of Development Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55183

This study aims to analyze the impact of ICT Development on bilateral trade in the service sector between Indonesia and its trading partners in ASEAN countries. The sample is 4 ASEAN member countries that conduct trade in services with Indonesia. This study uses the gravity model framework of data panel from 1997 to 2007 with a random effect model. This research is continued with robustness check by comparing between random effects and MLE models. To overcome zero trade in the service trade, this study employs PPML semi-log model. Based on the regression analysis, this study is intended to investigate whether ICT has a positive and significant impact on Indonesias service trade to ASEAN countries. Other variables of ASEAN countries as Indonesia trading partners, such as RGDP, distance, population, language, openness index and real exchange rate are also expected to have an influence on Indonesia trade service. In addition, these results are expected to be strong enough for the specifications of alternative models and estimation methods. Based on these results, some expected policy implications can be formulated.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT); Service trade; Gravity model

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The Role of Mother and Her Social Media on Childrens Education
Annisa Mulia, Devi Rukmana Bidari, Sunarya, Fajarudin Akbar

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Annisa Mulia

University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

Mother is the first school and ecuation for her children, mother is the role-play for her children, the smart mother will give birth to a smart generation, the level of motivation and success of the child is very dependent on the mother. Indeed, it cannot be denied that the role of mother is very important for childrens education. Then what about the phenomenon of education in Indonesia itself? According to a survey conducted in 2018 by the International Education Database, Indonesia ranked 62nd in the best education system in the world. According to UNESCO, Indonesia ranks 60th in the lowest literacy rate of 61 countries. Seeing this phenomenon with its relation to the role of the mother, without intending to blame the mother for the phenomenon, the researcher intends to invite the mother to take advantage of her role for it is not fair if researchers talk about past and present phenomena without talking about the future and innovation. This study aims to utilize social media as a forum for mothers to obtain many useful knowledge that is important for their childrens education as well as for their own interests as well as domestic life, such as montessori, parenting, ESQ, entrepreneurship and so on. Why is social media? Besides the world has entered the 21st century which the era of technology utilization, Indonesia ranks 5th for the country with the most internet usage in the world according to International World Status. It cannot be denied that mothers, especially young mothers, are very fond of playing social media. This study used descriptive qualitative methods to discuss problems that emphasized meanings and processes.

mother-s role, education, technology, social media

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Regional Government Expenditures on Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia
Agus Tri Basuki,Yunastiti Purwaningsih, AM Soesilo and Mulyanto

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Agus Tri Basuki

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

This research aims at empirically proving the composition of local government expenditure (education, health, marine and fisheries, agriculture, and general allocation fund) on economic growth in 18 provinces in Indonesia from 2010 to 2015. The model used in this research is panel data regression. The research results indicate: Firstly, the government expenditure component for marine and fisheries has the greatest contribution in driving economic growth in Indonesia, and this just suits the shape of its territory with 2/3 of it consisting of waters. Secondly; the government expenditure component for agriculture give the second greatest contribution after marine and fisheries expenditure, which suits the employment absorption in Indonesia, i.e. 35 percent of them is absorbed in agriculture sector. Thirdly; the Government expenditures for education and foreign investment have no influence on local economic growth.

economic growth, data panel, government expenditure, and fiscal policy.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The Role of Russian Government in Syrian Civil War
Mitha Shafraa S.IP (a) Drs. Husni Amriyanto Putra, M.Si (b)

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Mitha Shafraa

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

As the rising of Arab Spring in 2011, some countries in the Middle East started to do demonstration to pursue the better governmental system which adjusts Democracy into the system. In March 2011, Arab Spring influenced Pro-Democracy people in Syria who mostly Sunnis to overthrow its authoritarian president, Bashar Al-Assad by doing demonstration. Assad is also known as an authoritarian president because of his inheritance of governmental position and in military sector to his family who believes in Shia Alawite. In July 2011, the conflict escalated and made Assad responded by heavier forces against the protestors. However, United States and European countries criticized and strongly condemned toward Assad manner in facing the conflict with his citizen. Meanwhile, Iran and Russia stay supporting and appreciate the decision of Assad to preserve his position as a president. Especially Russia, they help Syria in fighting against the opposite of Syrian government in any kind of form such as military aid, troops, and medicine. This undergraduate thesis will analyze the external and internal factors of Russian decision on their Foreign Policy toward Syrian Civil War. Moreover, this undergraduate thesis will also show the needs of Russia in intervening Syrian Civil War.

Russia, Syria, Syrian Civil War, Separatism, Western, Interest.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Scrap Rubber Size against the Characteristics of Ballast Layer
Dian M Setiawan1, Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi1, Cahyo Budiyantoro2

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Dian M Setiawan

1Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl. Brawijaya, Bantul, 55183, Indonesia

2Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl. Brawijaya, Bantul, 55183, Indonesia

This research utilizes scrap rubber from motorcycle tires as a ballast layer mixture component. A compression test method was used with three test samples: ballast (sample I), ballast with 10% uniform graded scrap rubber (sample II) and ballast with 10% continuous graded scrap rubber (sample III). This research aims to analyze the elastic modulus, durability and vertical deformation of the ballast layer. It can be concluded that the elastic modulus of sample I, II, and III was 14.28 MPa, 8.53 MPa, and 3.10 MPa, respectively. Moreover, the abrasion of sample I, II, and III was 162.1 gr (3.24%), 54.2 gr (1.08%), and 50.1 gr (1%). Furthermore, at the same number of vertical deformation (5 mm), the sample I was able to receive the most considerable load that is 1980.9 Kg, followed by sample II by 1252.2 Kg and sample III by 443.7 Kg.

ballast durability, elastic modulus, rail track, scrap rubber, vertical deformation

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The role of simulation training in assisting general unit nurses to manage the deteriorating patients: A literature review
Purwadi Sujalmo (a,b)

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Corresponding Author
Purwadi Sujalmo

a) Univesitas Gadjah Mada Academic Hospital,
Jl. Kabupaten (Lingkar Utara), Kronggahan, Trihanggo, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55291 Indonesia
b) Master of Nursing FKKMK UGM Student,
Gedung Ismangoen FK UGM, Jl.Farmako Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia

Background: Simulation based training has been adopted in the clinical area to improve nurses knowledge and skill to recognize and respond to the deteriorating patients. However, the use of simulation training needs high-technology, professional trainer, funds, and simulation laboratory. Recently, innovation in conducting simulation-based training is increasing and is intended for clinical nurses. Method: This literature review searched relevant online database including CINAHL, Scopus, Science Direct, and PubMed to gather relevant studies. Results: Twelve articles demonstrated that simulation training could increase the clinical nurses competence to recognize and respond timely to the deteriorating patients, and it has a potential effect to increase patient outcome. Only one research demonstrated that simulation training is worth to conduct and could reduce the additional cost in the hospital. Conclusion: Simulation training provides value as an effective method to educate general unit nurses in managing the deteriorating patients and potentially has benefit for patient outcomes and saving the additional cost.

simulation, clinical nurses, deteriorating, outcomes, investments, benefits

International Conference on Nursing


Sugito and Sidiq Ahmadi

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Sugito Sugito

Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

ASEAN community as a goal of ASEAN regionalism, needs mutual understanding of social, economic, and political reality from the government and its citizen. In todays digital age, the social media is replacing mass media as a platform for people to do communication discourse. According to Hacker and Dick (2000), information and communication technologies provide space for people to discuss economic, social and political issues that feel and create a common awareness and social movement. People can conduct public discussions indefinitely, where, and whoever the actors in talking about an issue and make it as a common concern (Habermas, 1989). ASEAN became the worlds largest internet user. More than 320 million Internet users in January 2017. Total internet users in the largest six countries are of 315.46 million people and social media users of 284.4 million people where 253 million use gadget. (, 2017). Knowing this great potential drives great opportunity to utilize social media as a medium for discussing ASEAN among its citizens. The research question is how ASEAN and its people of member countries use social media in communication discourses on ASEAN and create a shared awareness. We will use qualitative approach with discourse analysis method to understand the patterns and contents of discourses in social media, especially on Facebook and Twitter since these two media are popularly used in ASEAN. The results of this study indicate that the use of Facebook and Twitter has not been optimal in the discourse of ASEAN. Number of Facebook residents who became follower of until 2017 only 646,000 people and visited by 10 638 people.

Social Media, ASEAN Community, Communication Discourses

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Social Network Sites in Developing English Language Skills: Students- Voices
Puput Arfiandhani

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Puput Arfiandhani

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The advance of technology has provided a third virtual space where people from various regions and linguistic background can interact with each other. Social network sites (SNS) such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, among others, are the examples of these spaces. As a lingua franca, English is often used to enable this cross-cultural interaction. Despite the plethora of articles on SNS use, not many empirical studies have investigated further on this topic. Therefore, this study aims at investigating the role of SNS in developing English language skills among university students. Qualitative research design is employed to answer the research questions. In-depth interview is used to explore participants experiences when using SNS. The participants of this study include 6 university students of a private university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia who were active users of SNS. All participants were enrolled in English language education department. The findings revealed that SNS played a significant role in developing participants- English language skills by intensifying their exposure to English, facilitating authentic interaction, providing linguistic knowledge, providing a comfortable place to learn and facilitating their need to express themselves.

social media, English language skills, Social Network Sites (SNS), outer circle

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Role of Zakat in Treatment Victims of Natural Disasters -Maqashid Review-
Harun Alrasyid

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Harun Alrasyid

Universitas Islam Malang

Zakat is a means of social solidarity established by Islamic law to prevent anyone from falling into the cycle of poverty, whether for prevention or treatment. The study aimed to know the possibility of improving the role of Zakat as a solution to the government in responding needs of the victims of natural disasters in accordance with Maqashid Shariah goals. We often face funding problems during disaster management, reconstruction and rehabilitation, then this study initially dealt with definition of natural disasters and geographical situation of Indonesia, which is vulnerable to any natural disasters, and then discussed the jurisprudence of scholars on the ruling on issues related to Zakat payment for victims of natural disasters in addition to the amount since they are not included in the eight categories mentioned in the Koranic text. The study concluded that Zakat can be used as a preventive tool to prevent natural disasters by applying it as one of the obligations for society and state income and then treating its victims during alleviation, rehabilitation and reconstruction phase, In line with the purposes of Koranic texts related to zakat, by allocating parts of Fuqara, Masakiin, Muallaf, Gharimin and Ibnu Sabil.

Zakat, Maqashid Shariah, Natural Disaster

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Inayah Swasti Ratih (1), Tamimah (2)

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Inayah Swasti Ratih


The tourism industry which continues to experience development now has new innovations in its fields, namely Halal Tourism. Halal tourism is a form of tourism based on Islamic ideology. Now several countries have begun to develop this industry. This study aims to explain the management characteristics of the halal tourism industry in several countries, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The three countries have their own characteristics which are adjusted to the culture and system of government of each country. At present, the three countries have a large role in the development of halal tourism in the world. In addition, the three countries have models and innovations to increase visitor interest in their country. The research method used is literature study, that whose data and information are obtained from library sources originating from books, research results, journals and other reading materials that still have relevance to the topic of this research. The halal tourism industry developed by the three countries will be taken into consideration in the selection of tourist destinations besides it will be an example of other countries to develop halal tourism models in their countries.

Halal Tourism, Halal Industry, Islamic Economic, Economic Development

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The Secret to Enhance innovativeness in Digital Industry

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Ardi Ardi

Doctorate Program of Research in Management,
University of Pelita Harapan

ABSTRACT THE SECRECT TO ENHANCE INNOVATIVENESS IN DIGITAL INDUSTRY The Effects of Leadership Styles on Organizational Performance are still arguable due to the inconsistencies. Many researchers analyzed the direct and indirect relationships with antecedents- variables of organizational performance, but organizations sometimes fail to achieve organizational innovativeness and enhance organizational performance due to their limited understanding of the relationships between these antecedents- variables. Current study constructed empowering knowledge sharing interaction capability to fill this research gap between leadership styles and organizational performance, and empowering knowledge sharing interaction capability as mediating. Through analyzing theoretically and empirically how the leader-s perceptions of different intermediate variables related to empowering knowledge sharing interaction capacity and organizational innovativeness influence the relation between transformational leadership and organizational performance. This research will deploy 300 digital firms- Manager in Indonesia as samples. Data gathering through online questionnaire of Likert-s Scales, data will be analyzing with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS‐SEM) and statistical software Amos version 18. The objective of this research is to answer research question: should firms consider the empowering knowledge sharing interaction capability to enhance Innovativeness in Digital Industry?

Empowering, Knowledge Sharing, Interaction Capability, Leadership Styles, Organizational innovatiness, Organizational Performance

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Semiotics Role in The Tourism Branding Trough Social Media of Wonderful Indonesia Bali Edition
Km Tri Sutrisna Agustia

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Km Tri Sutrisna Agustia

Universitas Dhyana Pura

This paper investigates the use of semiotics in the branding of Bali as a tourism destination through social media specifically via YouTube. Tourism Destination branding has assumed as an importance aspect over the past few years. Social media and semiotics have facilitated its rise. Semiotics corresponds to visible signs that, in this context, may be deployed as a means of attracting a customers attention and its effective utilization can make a difference to a destination choice. Moreover, the branding of a destination may be affected through social media. It is a relatively effective way to promote a destination and attempt to attract visitors. A conceptual framework was developed and content analysis was applied to promotional video of Indonesian Tourism Bali edition on its YouTube channel in order to identify the recurrent categories of attributes visible in imagery propagated. This paper employs the Semiology Analysis of Barthes (1974) to refine concepts like reconstruction of social reality, touristic representation and experience. Barthes agrees that the indicator becomes meaningful together with its environment and apart from its environment its meaning will turn out to be relative which was suggested by Saussure (1916). On the other hand, this paper also uses Peirce (2014) statement about defining the indicator as a triadic process. The finding stated as an attempt to decipher the Indonesian Tourism way of challenge the symbolic competition. That find out the tourism strategy is based on reconciling the Western values such as technology, comfort, and the values of the East: hospitality, timelessness, exotics, etc. The current tourism promotional videos highlight a local color which auto-Orientalized the tourism of Bali. This type of promotion, when considered the non-monolithic and differentiated structure of tourism, has some drawbacks in the era of symbolic competition.

tourism; semiotics; social media; meaning; Bali

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Significance of Islamic Financial Literacy Education among the Women Entrepreneur, an Analytical Study from Islamic Perspective
Raudlotul Firdaus binti Fatah Yasin, Salina Kassim, Mek Wok Mahmud, Aulia Arifatu Diniyya

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Twediana Budi Hapsari

Kuliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science

In Islam, women have an important role in promoting economic growth of a country including their involvement in entrepreneurship. It acknowledge the positive contribution of women entrepreneur to the sustainable economic development of a country. Nevertheless, there are limitations in mobility and enhancement for women entrepreneurs due to financial illiteracy especially during this modern era where Islamic Financial system is taking an important place in the economic growth. Some are found to be running their business with minimum knowledge on Islamic Finance, and merely rely on personal experience or informal management of entrepreneurship. This paper aims at discovering the significance of Islamic Financial Literacy Education among women entrepreneur, at its important in the economic development of Muslim society. Literature review on existing subjects and interview method will be employed to identify the Islamic perspective on the aspect, thus further improvement can be proposed for the development of formal Islamic Financial Literacy in the existing system of Education.

Islamic finance literacy education

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


The Spatial Distribution of Escherichia coli in Contaminating Well Water in Diarrhea Cases
Lilis Suryani

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lilis suryani

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Diarrhea is a serious problem in developing countries. Escherichia coli is one of the bacteria causing diarrhea. For private well, dug well water by contaminated Escherichia coli should not be used for drinking. The presence of Escherichia coli in well water indicates the contamination of water with fecal waste. The objective of this study is to determine the spatial distribution of Escherichia coli which contaminates well water in household diarrhea cases based on social environmental factors in Yogyakarta City. The design of this study is a cross-sectional survey. The total samples were 302 dug well water taken from the houses of patients with diarrhea in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. Most Probable Number methods were used to determine the bacteria of Escherichia coli contaminating well water. Geographical coordinate location of dug well water contaminated by Escherichia coli was determined using GPS. Spatial multi-buffer analysis is used to determine the distance of the well from river, landfills, and market. The results showed that 74% of Escherichia coli contaminating well water that is located less than 200 meters from the nearest river. The distance between of the well water from the temporary landfills were more than 500 meters. In addition, 61% well water was found further than 500 meters from the market. The conclusion is the majority of well water nearby the river had been contaminated by Escherichia coli.

Escherichia coli, River, Well water

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Status of Vocational Identity in terms of Career Exploration on First-year University Students
Agungbudiprabowo, Dian Ari Widyastuti, Siti Muyana

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Agungbudiprabowo Agungbudiprabowo

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jalan Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul
Email: agungbudiprabowo[at]

The current study is aimed at describing the status of vocational identity in terms of career exploration on university students. This study employed a quantitative approach with descriptive design. The study was conducted with 180 students of Guidance and Counseling Department of Ahmad Dahlan University. They were selected through random sampling technique. Career Exploration Scale emerged as the instrument of the study. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. The result of the study showed that 57% of first-year Guidance and Counseling Department (BK) students career exploration was categorized as low, and 43% of hem was categorized as high. The result of the study can be used as the preliminary study for developing students vocational identity, particularly with regard to career exploration through career guidance and counseling specified in developing students vocational identity.

vocational identity status; career exsploration; students

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Strategy of Education Waqf to Increase Quality of Basic Education in Central Java
Arif Pujiyono

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Arif Pujiyono

Islamic Economics Study, Economic Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang

Central Java is a province that has the largest number and percentage of poor on Java. One of the causes of the large number of poor people in Central Java is the amount and quality of education that is still low. This study aims to establish strategies for improving the quality of basic education through productive waqf in the field of education. This research used Analytical Network Process (ANP). The results of the study using ANP show that the strategy of improving the quality of basic education was : (1) supporting regulatory aspects and their application; (2) professional management and supervision aspects; (3) aspects of improving competency and quality of human resources in managing waqf (nazir); (4) cultural aspects that supporting the system and (5) aspects of socialization involving all relevant parties

poverty, waqf, basic education, strategy, ANP

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Arif Pujiyono(a), Ro-fah Setyowati (b), Idris (c)

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Corresponding Author
Arif Pujiyono

(a) Islamic Economics Study, Economic Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang
(b)Law Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang
(c)Management Department, Economic Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang

Halal Micro, Small and Medium Enterprices (MSMEs) have an important and strategic role in economic growth. Halal MSMEs of Indonesia have low competitiveness in global halal industry. Information and communication technology have disrupted produser and consumer behaviour. Islamic financial technology (fintech) have big potential to improve the role of halal MSMEs in global halal industry. This research aim to design the strategy to improve the role halal MSMEs in global competitiveness use islamic financial technology. The methodology of this research has SWOT analysis. Islamic fintech need to take steps respond to develop of halal MSMEs. The result of this research to improve the competitiveness of halal MSMEs has develop hybrid mode of halal MSMEs, develop creative and innovative digital ecosystem, and use application programing interface to collaborate with islamic fintech

halal MSMEs, islamic fintech, strategy, and SWOT

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya and Suriati Binti Saad

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Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya


The study of police public relations is not a new phenomenon because nowadays there have been many demands from the public along with the growth of modernity, increasing disputes, the need for convergence, and the environment of the community who tackles the police to make changes in actions and behavior when dealing with the community. This research will use qualitative methodology and since it will explore activities carried out by government agents, hence, the right method to custom is a case study because it has also been used for exploring local government and agency levels, especially within public policy and administration subfield and the latest literature that is a still relevant and related to this research. The result shows that a democratic society and a democratic police exist in symbiosis. Without a supporting democratic context, a supporting legal framework and a system of functioning criminal justice institutions, democratic police cannot be created.

Keywords: public relations strategy; police public relations; democratic society

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Strategy to Develop Semarang City Bicycle Lane Facilities
Carlina Nurul Fithria (a*), Bambang Riyanto (b), Ismiyati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Carlina Nurul Fithria

a) Infrastructure Engineering Management, Master of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, (Gedung D Lantai 2)
Tembalang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Kode Pos 50275

b) Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, (Gedung D Lantai 2)
Tembalang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Kode Pos 50275

Indonesia has committed to making a development transition in a low-carbon in the future. Increased use of private vehicles that are not controlled will lead to congestion and fuel consumption contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. One alternative mode of transportation that is environmentally friendly in sustainable transportation is cycling. This study aims to identify the factors that encourage and discourage the choice of modes of transportation by cycling, rank the choice of cycling facilities according to societys preferences and develop a strategy for developing bicycle facilities in Semarang City. From the results of factor analysis, factors that discourage the choice of cycling are discomfort, environment & safety, and daily activity. While the factors that encourage cycling choices is the pleasure factor. The assessment of cycling facilities was carried out by multiple attribute analysis with the highest rank results are bicycle lanes, bicycle parking, and signaling. One strategy for developing cycling facilities is in the form of bicycle lanes with continuous routes that are shady and connected to public transportation routes. These efforts are expected to reduce the factors that discourage the choice of cycling, and also for supporting tourism and the concept of Transit Oriented Development in Semarang City.

Cycling Perception, Cycling Facilities, Factor Analysis, Transportation Management.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Strength Comparison of the Square Column and the Round Column
Rahmani Kadarningsih1, , Rifadli Bahsuan1 , and Saiful Sutan Tanamas1

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Rahmani Kadarningsih

1Departement of Civil Engineering, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia

Abstract. The work of square column is felt easier than the work of round column, on the implementation. The work is both on reinforcement assembly and when making formwork. However, the comparison of the strength of the two cross sections of the column still has to be proven. The column cross-sectional area and the reinforcement area are made equal to compare the strengths both in terms of the nominal axial resistance nominal and the nominal moment resistance. The analysis was carried out in the short column and in the slender column, with reference to SNI 2847: 2013. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the round column produces the nominal moment resistance greater than the square column with the same compressive force. The graph interactions depictions of the round column greater than square columns.

square column, round column, The Strength Comparison

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Students Perceptions on A Test of English Proficiency as Graduation Requirement
Kacung Arif Rohman (a*), Haris Budiana (b), Nurani Hartini (c)

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Corresponding Author
Kacung Arif Rohman

a) Communication Sciences, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Jalan Pemuda No. 32 Cirebon 45132-Indonesia

b) English Educational Department, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Jalan Pemuda No. 32 Cirebon 45132-Indonesia

c) English Educational Department, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Jalan Pemuda No. 32 Cirebon 45132-Indonesia

TEP, Test of English Proficiency, is a type of English test which is held regularly by Language Center (LC) of Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (UGJ) Cirebon based on the Rector-s decree as policy. It becomes one of the requirements for the students who are going to graduate from higher education. This research intends to 1) explore the students- perception on a Test of English Proficiency and 2) find out about how is the implementation of TEP. The writers conducted a case study with 288 students as the respondents. They come from different majors and faculties. There are four techniques of collecting data: 1) interviews, 2) observation, 3) questionnaires, and 4) documents. To get the valid data, the writers used triangulation of sources to cross check and compare data. An interactive model (data collection, data display, data reduction, and conclusion) is used to analyze data. The research findings reveal that the students- perceptions on TEP can be classified into three aspects: TEP activity, test instrument, and preparation while the implementation of TEP such as a registration system, information system, proctoring, and facilities get satisfactory responses from the students.

students perception, a test of English proficiency, graduation requirement

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Sigit Prabawa, Bara Yudhistira, Fadlilah Arrosyid

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Bara Yudhistira

Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta

Diversification of food products one of which can be applied to snacks. One type of snack that is quite successful in the market is the chips. To improve the value of the nutritive value of these chips is by making simulation chips. Based on protein content of milkfish and mung beans are high then used as raw material for the manufacture of simulated chips.This study aims to determine the best simulation of milkfish and mung bean flour based on characteristics of chemical, physical, and sensory. Experimental design using in this research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, that was ratio variation of milkfish and mung bean flour. Based on the results of chemical, physical, and sensory analyzes obtained were analyzed statistically by using one way ANOVA method, if there was a difference, it was followed with significance test using Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at significance level of α = 0,05. Based on the results of the study showed the best formulation results on F3 (20% milled milkfish meat + 80% mung beans flour). Result of chemical analysis of simulation chips at F3 that is 3,53% wb of moisture content; 3,44% db of ash content; 25,78% db of fat content; 18,84% db of protein content; 51,93% db of carbohydrate content; 0.45% db of FFA content; 5,57% db of crude fiber content; and 527.17 kcal / 100 grams of total calories. Result of physical analysis of simulation chips on F3 that is 7,95 N of hardness and 92,97% of wholeness. While on the sensory analysis the highest F3 value on parameters of color, texture, and overall.

snack, simulation chips, milkfish, mung bean flour

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Sunarno, Purti Anggia

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Disruptive era triggers a complex proposes on the limited spatial zone of countries. Incorporating a harmonious nexus among economic missions and ecological requirements is a must. Policy holders are encouraged to invent the tools or due mechanisms of budgeting and tax system to harness a environmental degradation become supreme. This research is intended to design the theoretical and practical nexuses among the role of tax legal system, environmental legal system in tackling environmental damages. The type of research is a doctrinal based study to find out accurate principles and supported also by the approach of sociological legal study to make sure the invented principles have been examined. Thus, mix method approach is driven to accomplish the comprehensive proposes of study. The result of research found that strategic and interdependency nexuses among the tax legal system and environmental legal system in incorporating the workable principles and taxation governance to tackling the environmental degradation are necessary needed. The principles have roles for the cores to realise the functions: the budgeting functions in term of achieving the people prosperity and the regulating functions in term for performing the sustainable development. The existing taxation governance is still placed in the wide range of gap among the hopes and the practices. The hopes illustrate that the both tax functions are targeted to formulate many efforts to overcome the environmental damages and incorporate comprehensively in the taxation legal system. In fact, this principle has been considered as economic and politic burdens or it could be internalized for only the complement components. It is urgent to design an environmental principle based systemic legal taxation that supported by the visionary policy, responsive laws, well organized and coordinated institutions, effective functions of law enforcement, and high empowered civil societies

Supremacy, Green Tax, Surmount, Environmental Detriment

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Teachers- Belief towards English Learning Activities in the Early Childhood Education
Amalia Uswatun Khasanah (a), Evi Tri Setyaningsih (b), Faiz Rizki Muhammad (c)

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Amalia Uswatun Khasanah

State University of Yogyakarta

Abstract This article addresses the teachers- belief in teaching in early childhood education. It outlines their beliefs and the real problem that has been found in the real field, which the author sees as interactive and interesting teaching techniques for the children pedagogical practice especially in Montessori school. This research discusses the importance of the teachers- understanding of their beliefs and how they overcome the real problem in the classroom. The participants of this research are the teachers from one of Montessori school located in Yogyakarta. By using the questionnaire and doing the interview, the researchers gained some points that become a matter. The results shown that every teacher has their own way to overcome the problems whether the communication between teachers and students in using English as their one of the way to communicate or the problems due to lack of parents- awareness towards their children-s needs and some advice or suggestions that given by the researchers are really beneficial for their additional knowledge.

Teachers- belief, Childhood education, Montessori

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Laily Amin Fajariyah

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Laily Amin Fajariyah

SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The teaching of integrated skills of English to EFL students in Indonesia is needed to provide them with the balanced learning among the four skills, i.e reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is an ICT-based English instructions designed for the Z generations at Grade IX of SMPN 5 Panggang, Gunungkidul, Indonesia who have limited facilities for technologies. The infographic project adapted the process approach of formal speaking (Nation and Newton, 2009: 125-7), the process-based writing (Hyland, 2003: 10-14) and the multimedia-based instructional design (Lee and Owens, 2004). The project consists of some steps, they are: (1) topic selection; (2) design (organizing ideas); (3) development; (4) evaluation; and (5) publication. The products of the infographic project are five infographics of report texts about animals. They are: (1) “Green Turtles”, (2) “American Alligators”, (3) “Orangutans”, (4) “Chameleons”, and (5) “Gorillas”. They were uploaded in social media Instagram (IG) and Facebook. The finding shows that Infographic project is believed to: (1) make students happy during the English instructions; (2) improve students- participation in the English instructions; (3) improve students- comprehension of a report text, (4) improve students- speaking skills in giving information about animals; (5) improve students- ICT literacy especially in creating infograpic through

integrated skills, infographic, project.

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Threats of Cyber Crime form in National Defense Perspective
Gerald Theodorus L. Toruan, S.H.,M.H

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Gerald Theodorus L. Toruan

Research and Development Agency
Ministry of Defense Republic on Indonesia

Cyber crime threats is now considered to be a concern by all parties. This cyber crime arises due to the rapid development of technology and information today. There are certain parties who take advantage of this situation for bad purposes. The development of technology is like a double edged sword, one side has a positive goal and the other side a negative goal. Cyber crime has a variety of types, for example, hacking, defacing, spamming, online fraud, and can even hate speech and hoax. Cyber crime will threaten various line of life, one of which is in national defense. This study a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach, collecting data by library research. The purpose of this study is to provide policy recommendation to the chief, especially recommendation related to cyber crime. The expected result is a recommendation to be used to overcome cyber crime.

Cyber Crime Threats, National Defense Perspective

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Title is Suggested Changing: Mode Shift Analysis of Private Car to Public Transport in Minangkabau International Airport
Isria Miharti Maherni Putri (a*), Hera Widyastuti (b)

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a) Civil Engineering Departement, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia

Good, safe, and efficient transportation are factors should be considered by resident in urban areas. Together with increasing development of technology make rise to a variety of transportation tools that can make competition between transports. While the upper class resident is getting bigger the dependence on personal vehicle it will increase the volume of traffic. Damri bus and Tranex Mandiri are the mode of transportation at the Minangkabau International Airport which is currently the interested people in using buses are decrease and need long time before moving to carry the passengers because of waiting for full load capacity, therefore it is carried out the analysis of probability of movement mode from personal vehicle to Damri and Tranex Mandiri. The methods are used in this research include the distribution of questionnaire, interview and Stated Preference technique. The performance parameters of buses are stop time, headway and load factor. In this research carried out several scenarios binary logistic regression analysis to analyze the movement of mode. The probability of private car users who want to move with Damri buses and Tranex Mandiri are strongly influenced by variables: the purpose of the trip, probability of transferring private car mode transfer is 69.90%.

Damri bus and Tranex Mandiri; Probability Stated Preference; Logistic Regression; Performance

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Transfer of Knowledge on Islamic Finance of Islamic Microfinance Institutes in Southern Border Provinces of Thailand
Awang Lanui

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Department of Social Sciences
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
181 Chareon Pradit Rd. Rusamilae, Muang,
Pattani 94000. Thailand

This quantitative and qualitative research was aimed to study the process of knowledge transfer on Islamic finance and its utilization of Islamic microfinance institutes in southern border provinces of Thailand. The result shows Malaysia as source of transferring knowledge on Islamic finance is not only because of its convenient transportation but also its prototype and progressive model of Islamic finance innovation. The sources of knowledge transferred were from books, documents, researches and pamphlets on Islamic finance, Islamic financial cooperatives, Islamic banks, educational institutes. The process of transfer was from reading documents, seminar, training, educational fieldtrip, attending the lecture and furthering education of the staffs. Most of the contents transfer was about Islamic law (Shariah), financial products, system management, investment, information technology on data base and accounting. The knowledge received was used by the staffs practically to enhance the understanding on Islamic finance and improve their management better. Most of the Islamic microfinance institutes transferred the knowledge just only from Malaysia and less than 20 percents transferred from Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Cambodia, Brunei and Singapore respectively.

Transfer Knowledge, Islamic Finance, Islamic Microfinance Institutes, Southern Border Provinces of Thailand

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Dr. Nur Azizah, M.Si (a); Muhammad Ammar Hidayahtulloh, S.IP (b*)

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Muhammad Ammar Hidayahtulloh

a. Head of Department of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
b. Bachelor of Political Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The women in Myanmar have been underrepresented in all aspects, including in the parliament at the union and state/region level. However, the number of women in parliament at national and state/region level was significantly increasing from 3.7% in 2010 to 10.08% in 2015. The international pressure was signalled as the cause of the increasing number of the representation of women in parliament. This article is aimed to explain the transnational advocacy in increasing the number of women MPs in the parliament of Myanmar. In order to analyze the process of advocacy, the authors used the Boomerang Pattern from Keck and Sikkink in explaining the Transnational Advocacy Networks (TANs). Besides, in understanding the change of state behaviour, the authors reiterated the logic of appropriateness by March and Olsen. The data analyzed in this research was the secondary data using library research method. This research signified that the advocacy process for increasing the number of women in parliament of Myanmar is: 1) The local women movements establish the transnational network with the foreign NGOs due to a non-functioning channel to the government and; 2) The INGOs set the issue in international level and push some foreign states and the United Nations to pressure Myanmar. In return, the state changed its behaviour and began to increase the representation of women in the parliament.

Representation of Women, Local Women Movements, Myanmar, Boomerang Pattern, Logic of Appropriateness

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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