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The 2nd Iternational Conference of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.05 for 2 days in Makassar |

Page 5 (data 121 to 150 of 194) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Physicochemical quality and total flavonoid fermented milk with additional red dragon fruit skin (Hylocereus polyrhizus)
Ulva Dianasari1, Ratmawati Malaka2 and Fatma Maruddin2

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Fatma Maruddin

1Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, University of Muhammadiyah Bulumba, Indonesia
2Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi 90245, Indonesia

Physicochemical qualities and total flavonoids qualities of fermented milk can be enhanced by the utilization of natural ingredients of red dragon fruit skin (Hylocereus polyrhizus). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of red dragon fruit skin concentratrion and length of incubation as well as their interaction toward physicochemical characteristics and total flavonoid qualities of fermented milk with the addition of red dragon fruit skin. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Dairy Processing Biotechnology and Hasanuddin University-s Biopharmaca Laboratory. The research method used was experimental method by using complete randomaized design (RAL) with 2 (two) factors. The first factor (A) was the dragon fruit skin concentration 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% and the second factor was the incubation period ranging from12 hours, 14 hours, until 16 hours. The treatments were repeated three times each. The data were processed statistically with analysis of variance followed by the smallest real difference test. The research result showed that high concentration of red dragon fruit skin and long incubation could increase the activity of Lactid Acid Bacterial (BAL) during fermentation process, so it increased the total lactid acid, fat content and total flavonoid but decreased carbohydrate and protein content of fermented milk. The concentration of dragon fruit skin and long incubation in the manufacture of fermented milk will give interaction to protein and flavonoid of fermented milk. Therefore, it can be suggested that the concentration of dragon fruit skin used in producing fermented milk should be 60% and take 12 hours.

fermented milk, red dragon fruit skin, Physicochemical and total flavonoid

Animal production Technology


Marwah, Wahniyathi Hatta, Nahariah

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marwah marwah

Universitas Hasanuddin, Fakultas Peternakan

Biscuits is one of the processed food products based on wheat flour, which is an imported product by depending on overseas producers. This study was examined the possibility of using wheat flour with dangke flour and sago flour, in utilizing local ingredients in biscuit formulations. This research was aim to know the best level of wheat flour, dangke flour and sagu flour in making biscuit and to know the biscuit formulation to water content, rendement, protein solubility, fat content and organoleptic quality. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) of one factor, ie various composition of wheat flour, dangke flour, and sago flour in biscuit formulation, which was repeated three times. The results showed that the reduction of wheat flour and the addition of dangke flour and sago flour to biscuit formulation can decrease water content and increase protein solubility, fat content also on organoleptic test increase aroma of milk, crispness and biscuit favorite.

Biscuits, wheat flour, dangke, sago, physicochemical

Animal production Technology


Population Dynamic of Red Snapper (Lutjanus gibbus) at Alor Waters East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
Amap Pakro1, Achmar Mallawa2, Sudirman2, Faisal Amir2

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Irfan1 Said

1 Student of Doctoral Program of Fisheries Science Study Program Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University
2 Department of Fishery,Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery, Hasanuddin University
Corresponding letter: achmar_mallawa[at]

Abstract. This study aims to analyze the population dynamics of red snapper in Alor waters, conducted from March 2018 to March 2019. Fish total length data is collected from fishermen twice a week using a stratified random method. Size structure, cohort numbers and average length of fish per cohort using Bhattacharya method, asymptotic length and growth rate using Ford and Walford methods, total mortality, capture and natural using linearized length converted catch curve using Pauly methods, exploitation rate and Y/R by Beverton and Holt methods. The results show that red snapper measuring 180-555 mm, male 220 - 555 mm, females 180 - 330 mm, consisting of four cohort, L∞ 594.25 mm, K 0.69 per year, F, M, and E are 0.84, 0.63 and 0.56 per year respectively, the actual Y/R and Y/R are optimal at 0.0773 and 0.0989 grams per recruitment. The conclusion that catches are dominated by young and pre-adult fish, population consists of four cohort, fish in the population quickly reach L∞, the ratio of F and M rates are greater than one (F / M> 1), high F rates cause high rate of E and impact on the process of recruitment that is not optimal.

Lutjanus gibbus, Population, Dynamic, Alor Sea

Animal waste and environmental technology


Population dynamics of the white spotted rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus Park, 1797) in Makassar Strait and Gulf of Bone, Indonesia
Suwarni, Joeharnani Tresnati, Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar, Ambo Tuwo

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Muhammad Irfan2 Said

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Hasanuddin

Abstract.The white spotted rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus Park, 1797) is a locally important foodfish across much of Indonesia. This study aimed to support population dynamics-based fisheries management of white spotted rabbitfish stocks in the Makassar Strait and Gulf of Bone through providing data on age classes (cohorts), growth, mortality, and exploitation rate. Field data were collected over the year from February 2017 to January 2018. A total of 2248 white spotted rabbitfish (1810 males and 438 females) were collected from the Makassar Strait and 1686 (1277 males and 409 females) from the Gulf of Bone. The fish were measured (L = total length in mm), and all analyses were implemented in FISAT II. Cohorts were determined by sex based on monthly length-frequency data using the Bhattacharya method. The growth factor K and asymptotic length L∞ of white spotted rabbitfish in the Makassar Strait were K = 0.42/yr and L∞ = 211.98 mm with t0 = -0.250 yr for males and K = 0.43/yr, L∞ = 215.00 mm and t0 = -0.386 yr for females. In the Gulf of Bone the values were K = 0.42/yr, L∞ = 211.98 cm and t0 = -0.250 yr for males and K = 0.43 /yr, L∞ = 215.00 mm and t0 = -0.386 yr for females. Mortality parameters of white spotted rabbitfish in the Makassar Strait were total mortality Z = 1.70/yr, natural mortality M = 0.76/yr, F = 0.94/yr giving an exploitation rate of E = 0.55 for males, while for females Z = 1.77/yr, M = 0.84/yr, F = 0.93/yr and E = 0.53. In the Gulf of Bone, for male white spotted rabbitfish Z = 1.78/yr, M = 0.60/yr, F = 1.18 /yr and E = 0.67, while for females Z = 2.42/yr, M = 0.60/yr, F = 1.82/yr and E = 0.75/yr. These data indicate heavy fishing of both stocks, most likely at unsustainable levels.

Siganidae, cohorts, growth parameters, mortality, exploitation rate

Animal waste and environmental technology


Potential Development of Poultry Feather Waste Resources as Raw Material in Industry: A Review
Muhammad Irfan Said

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Muhammad Irfan Said

Laboratory of Animal By-products Processing Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10 Makassar 90245

Abstract. Feather waste is a type of livestock by-product which is quite abundant. Feather waste production is influenced by the amount of poultry slaughter. In Indonesia, the poultry population occupies the highest number compared to other livestock populations. The large amount of feather waste production will also trigger livestock waste production. Various attempts have been made by researchers and industry to process and utilize this waste. Increasing the added value of feather waste is expected to be able to contribute in reducing the rate of waste production. Feather waste has been widely used in the poultry industry as animal feed ingredients. In addition, Feather waste has also been used as a medium in sports activities and furniture raw materials through the production of home industries. Currently, the development of research by scientists related to alternatives to the use of feather waste has been growing rapidly. Various challenges to reduce the production of feather waste have been carried out to create environmentally friendly products. The purpose of this review was aims to evaluate the development of the latest research technology related to the potential and use of poultry feather waste as raw material in the industrial field.

Waste, Poultry, Feathers, Raw materials, Industry

Animal waste and environmental technology


Potential Legumes on the Quality and Nitrogen Economic Value of Setaria Grass (Setaria anceps stapf)
Rinduwati*, A. Mujnisa

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Rinduwati Rinduwati

Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University Makassar, 90245, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of several types of legume on biomass, protein content and nitrogen economic value of cetaria grass. This Study was arranged by Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisted of 5 groups with area of 408 m2 (17x24 m) and divided into 25 plots with each plot 3x4 meters. The treatments of the study consisted of L0: Setaria anceps stapf; L1: intercropping of Setaria anceps stapf and Centrosema pubescens; L2: intercropping of Setaria anceps stapf and Clitoria ternatea; L3: intercropping of Setaria anceps stapf and Dioclea quanensis; L4: Fertilizing Urea 20 kg N/ha. The results shows that the L2 gives the highest economic value of nitrogen compared to L1 and L3 treatment.

Legume, quality, economic value, nitrogen, Setaria

Animal Nutrition and feed technology


Potential replacement of grasses with legume trees in the Coconut-Beef Cattle Integrated Farming System (Coco-Beef IFS)
Richard E.M.F. Osak, Selvie D. Anis, Agnitje Rumambi

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University of Sam Ratulangi

In order to increase understanding of the contribution of fodder legumes to the development of sustainable cattle farming, we based technical and economic analysis on data gathered from experimental sites situated in Blongko, South Minahasa Regency. The study aims to determine the effect of substitution for indigofera sp. replacing pennisetum purpureum cv. dwarf forage to beef cattle body weight gain. The study used twelve experimental beef cattle aged between 18-24 months consisting of three treatments with five replications each. Cattle are grouped randomly into forage treatment, which is the ratio of the percentage of composition between grass pennisetum purpureum cv. dwarf with legume indigofera sp. as follows: (R1) 100:0%; (R2) 60:40% and (R3) 40:60%. Feeding as much as ten percent of body weight based on fresh ingredients, or the equivalent of three percent of dry matter. Feeding twice a day, while drinking water is given ad libitum. The research was carried out in which cattle were given grass pennisetum purpureum cv. dwarf and legume indigofera sp. according to the design composition percentage, with a two-week research adaptation period, then data collection for three full months. The results of the study showed that the treatment of R2 gave the highest body weight gain of 0.506 kg / head / day, then (R3) 0.478 kg / head / day and the lowest (R1) 0.402 kg / head / day. It was concluded that (1) The results showed that feeding legume indigofera sp. replacing some grass can increase cattle weight gain, rather than just using grass; and (2) the substitution from grass pennisetum purpureum cv. dwarf with legume indigofera sp. with a ratio of 60:40 percent in beef cattle feed increased the body weight of beef cattle the highest.

Potensial, forage, grass, legume, coco-beef

Socio-economic of animal science


Potential Study and Utilization of Red Fruit Peels (Pandanus Conoideus Lam) As Feed Additive for Native Chicken Production
Desni T.R. Saragih1, Jasmal A. Syamsu2, Sri Purwanti2, Wempie Pakiding2

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Corresponding Author
Sri Purwanti

1Ph.D. student of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University.
2Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University

Application of the use of red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) as a feed additive because it has antioxidant properties and as a preventive disease drug, so it needs to be developed. The purpose of this review is to examine the use of red fruit peels as feed additives for native chickens. Literature study conducted by reviewing several journals with the results of the study showed that the use of red fruit peels in poultry is still limited to broilers. Red fruit has known properties as a cancer-preventing drug, hypertension, diabetes, and even HIV. Red fruit contains beta-carotene, tocopherol, oleic acid, and linoleic acid. Also contains unsaturated fatty acids, namely oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, decanoic, omega 3 and omega 9. Parts used only in fruit juice, oil and red fruit pulp, while the skin has not been utilized. Thus, the use of red fruit peels in free-range chickens as feed additives will provide new treasures in science and prospects for local, regional, national and even international sluggish poultry fields.

feed additive, antioxidant, native chicken, red fruit

Animal Nutrition and feed technology


Preliminary study on birth weight performance of Bali Banteng cross in UPT-PTHPT Livestock and Animal Health Service of South Sulawesi Province
Muhammad Gassing1, Lellah Rahim1, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1*, Nurlina Saking2, Set Pasino2 dan Mayrawaty Arifin2

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Corresponding Author
Lellah Rahim

1 Animal Husbandry Study Programme, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University. Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 UPT-PTHPT Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Banteng is a wild ancestor of Bali cattle that currently exists and is a potential source of genes for improving the genetic quality of local cattle currently available, including Bali cattle. The aim of this study was to identify the performance of birth weight from Bali Banteng cross (F2 = 75% Bali: 25% Banteng) that were developed in the UPT-PTHPT of Livestock and Animal Health Service Office of South Sulawesi Province. This study used 12 of Bali Banteng cross calves (7 females and 5 males), these calves were the result of cross mating between Bali cows with Bali Banteng cross (F1 50% Banteng and 50% Bali) bull with AI technology. The parameters measured were birth weight and calf body dimensions at birth (birth weight). The results showed that the birth weight of male calves had a higher weight (15.80 vs. 15.29 kg), as well as the performance of body dimensions ie. body length, chest circumference, and height showed that male calves had higher performance. The conclusion of this preliminary study was the growth performance of male Bali Banteng cross calves have better growth performance than female calves, and this correspond with several report that shows the superior performance of male calves rather than female performances.

Bali cattle, Banteng cross, Birth weight performance, Genetic improvement

Breeding and livestock production


Prevalence of Brucella abortus Antibody in Serum of Bali Cattle in South Sulawesi
Kusumandari Indah Prahesti, Ratmawati Malaka, Farida Nur Yuliati

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Kusumandari Indah Prahesti

Animal Production Departmen, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Brucellosis in cattle is a zoonotic disease that causes abortion. This disease is highly contagious and difficult to control. Clinical symptoms Brucellosis is not pathognomonic and often asymptomatic thereof laboratory assessment is needed for serological detection of Brucellosis. A total of 235 blood samples were obtained from Bali cattle farms in three regencies, Enrekang, Barru, and Soppeng. Serological detection was carried out by the RBT method and further confirmed by CFT method. Results showed that Brucellosis seroprevalence was 12.76%. The highest incidence rate was in Enrekang Regency with the value of 15.60%, followed by Soppeng and Barru Regency, of 9.09% and 2.50%, respectively. These results indicated that Brucellosis is still enzootic in the South Sulawesi region.

Brucellosis, RBT, CFT, seroprevalence, Bali cattle

Animal welfare and health


Ita Puspitasari1, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar2, Syahdar Baba3

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1Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Study Program, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University Makassar, (itapuspitasari_ita[at]
2Department of Animal Husbandry Economic, Department of Animal Husbandry, Makassar Hasanuddin University, (ahmadramadhan_siregar[at]
3Social Economics of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University Makassar, (syahdarbaba[at]

One of the competitiveness of cattle breeding business is determined by the cost of cattle produced. In the life cycle of cattle, one of the determining factors in breeding business resulting from artificial insemination (IB) is the age of calf that is from the mother to pregnant calf aged 6 months. Determination of the cost of production (HPP) for calf cattle for the peoples livestock business in general has not been done. Farmers consider the calculation of the cost of calf production is not yet important because cattle products sold in general are only mature animals such as going to brood stock or males and fattened males. Sales of calves are very rare or even if they are sold together with their mothers. In fact, livestock competitiveness is determined by the success in maintenance from pregnancy until the animal is mature. Therefore, it is important to calculate the basic cost of calf production to improve the competitiveness of the peoples cattle breeding business and at the same time increase the income of farmers. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the Production Price (HPP) of Calf Cattle produced by Artificial Insemination (IB) of Bali Cattle Business in Peoples Livestock. This research was conducted in May - June 2019 in Lempang Village, Tanete Riaja District, Barru Regency with a population of 75 breeders. The sampling technique was conducted purposively by researchers based on the criteria of farmers who have calves to produce a sample of 20 calf cattle breeders from artificial insemination (IB).Data analysis in determining the cost of goods manufactured (HPP) based on using the full costing method. The results showed the calculation of the cost of calf production using the full costing method of Rp. 6,750,000

Cost of Production, Full Costing Method, Calf Cattle, Artificial Insemination, Natural Mating

Socio-economic of animal science


Production of black soldier flies (Hermetia illucen) maggot to the chicken faeces media level
ATBA Mahmud1,2, Santi2, DP Rahardja3, RRSRA Bugiwati3, DK Sari4

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Andi Tenri Bau Astuti Mahmud

1 Post Graduate Study Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
2 Animal Husbandry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al Asyariah Mandar University, Polewali Mandar, Indonesia.
3 Animal Husbandry Department, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
4 Veterinary Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.

In addition to having high nutrition, Hermetia illucens maggot also has fulfilling nutrients to be used as poultry feed ingredients. The aim of this research is to obtain high Hermetia illicens maggot production and as quality feed. This research was carried out in the Animal Husbandry Department of Unasman for the rearing and the nutrition analysis was carried out in the Feed Chemistry Lab, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, UNHAS. This study was designed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments of media type and 3 replications. In total, 12 treatment combinations were produced, namely 4 x 3 experimental units. P0: 100% tofu waste, P1: 50% tofu waste 50% chicken faeces, P2: 75% tofu waste 25% chicken faeces, P3: 25% tofu waste 50% chicken 50 faeces The results obtained were chicken faeces media at different levels significantly affected (P <0.05) the dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, and crude fibre level of black solider flies (Hermetia illucens) maggot. The highest dry matter and crude protein level were on P1 and lowest were on P3. Crude fat level of P0 was significantly higher than P2 and P3, but equal to P1. Crude fibre level of P0 was significantly lower than P2, and was not significantly different from P1, and P3. The conclusion is media that has high production is found in P1 with high dry matter, crude protein and crude fat levels, and low crude fibre level.

Black solider fly larvae, production, chicken faeces media

Poultry production and nutrition


Projection Of Rice Production And Consumption In Maros District, South Sulawesi
Aulia Nurul Hikmah (a*), Laode Asrul (b), Didi Rukmana (c)

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Corresponding Author
Aulia Nurul Hikmah

a. Department of Agribusiness, Graduate School Of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
*email : Aulianurulhikmah[at]
b. Department of Agronomy. Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.
c. Social-Economy of Agriculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture.
Hasanuddin University. Indonesia
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar,
South Sulawesi.

Rice is the main food source for most of the population in Maros District. Maros District is one of the rice producing district in South Sulawesi, but has experienced a very intensive conversion of agricultural land to infrastructure development compared to other District in the Province of South Sulawesi. This will lead to a decrease in production, which will have an impact on food security in the future. In addition to increasing the amount of rice production, an analysis of rice food requirements in Maros District is also needed. Therefore, research and projection on the production and consumption of rice in Maros District is needed in the future. With this projection, we can estimate the quantity of rice available in Maros District. This research aims to determine the estimated quantity of rice production and consumption in Maros district from 2019 to 2023. The data used in this research are secondary data, time series for the period 2007-2018. This research was a descriptive qualitative and quantitative research. Data processing in this research using software Minitab 17 and Microsoft Office Excel. The analysis showed that the development of production in Maros district from 2019 to 2023 has increased every year. The forecast result showed , maros district has a surplus of rice in 2019 as big as 247.395 ton up to 2020 as big as 284.168 ton. While rice consumption in Maros district in 2019 as big as 33.569 ton and 2023 as big as 32.106 ton.

Rice; Production; Consumption; Projection

Extension of agriculture


Provision of Indigofera zollingeriana and Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) in Quail Rations on In Vitro Value of Dry Matter and Protein Digestibility
Dwi Suprapto, Sri Purwanti* and Laily Agustina

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Corresponding Author
Sri Purwanti

Departement of Animal and Feed Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi, Indonesian Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Tamalanrea Makassar, Indonesia.
email: sripurwanti1392[at]

Animal husbandry development has an important role in the effort to meet the needs of animal protein in the community. Digestion of feed substances is one of the benchmarks in determining the quality of feed ingredients, in addition to their chemical composition. To study digestibility and fermentation in the digestive tract, a very successful and widely used method is In-vitro technique. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) is plant that pledged as additive feed group fitobiotik at poultry. Indigofera zollingeriana is a legume plant that has the potential as a feed ingredient for protein sources with high protein content along with relatively low fiber content and high digestibility rate. This plant is very good as a source of forage feed in poultry. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The composition of the research treatment was as follows: without TPDI and turmeric flour (P0), substituting 6% soybean meal protein with 10% TPDI and 2.5% turmeric flour (P1), substituting 9% soybean meal protein with 15% TPDI and 2, 5% turmeric flour (P2), 12% substitution of soybean meal protein with 20% TPDI and 2.5% turmeric flour (P3). Changes observed were dry matter digestibility and protein digestibility. The results showed that the substitution of soybean meal protein with Indigofera zollingeriana shoot flour at different levels and addition of turmeric significantly affected dry matter digestibility and protein digestibility (P <0.05). The average digestibility of dry matter P1 gave a significantly lower difference with P2 and P3 (P <0.05) and in P3 protein digestibility the difference was significantly lower with P0 and P1 (P <0.05). The conclusion of this study is that the administration of Indigofera zollingeriana at the level of 10% and 2.5% turmeric was able to improve dry matter digestibility by 84.96% and protein digestibility by 35.99%.

Indigofera zollingeriana, Turmeric, Dry matter digestibility, Protein digestibility

Animal Nutrition and feed technology


Lellah Rahim1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1* and Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati1

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Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University (Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, 90245. Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia)

Goats are one of the mainstay commodities for farmers in rural areas, especially in several development centers in the Sulawesi region, Indonesia. Generally the local goats that are kept are Kacang goats which are the type of broiler, but since the introduction of the Ettawa breed most of the goat population that is currently being kept is from the Peranakan Ettawa (PE) goat which is a cross between Kacang and Ettawa goats which later develop into dual-purpose goats (meat and milk). The purpose of this study was to characterize the phenotypic (qualitative and quantitative) properties of Ettawa crossbreed goats which were maintained by communities in the Sulawesi region, Indonesia. This study used a survey method by identifying the qualitative and quantitative performance of the Ettawa crossbreed goat population. Characterization activities carried out were to identify the performance criteria of qualitative traits which included the characteristics of horn color and shape and quantitative properties such as body weight, height, body length and chest circumference and chest width. A total of 113 goats (111 females and 2 male Ettawa breeds) were selected to be used as samples from the existing goat population. Peranakan Ettawa breeding performance based on morphometric data included the characteristics of shoulder height (67.98 ± 5.61 cm), back height (71.34 ± 5.73 cm), body length (71.70 ± 6.46 cm), chest circumference (72.19 ± 6.46 cm), chest width (15.41 ± 1.86 cm) and body weight (33.04 ± 6.09 kg). The qualitative and quantitative performance of Ettawa breeds in South Sulawesi is very diverse and does not meet national quality standards (SNI).

Peranakan Ettawa, Selection, Qualitative trait, Quantitative trait, Performance

Breeding and livestock production


Quality crude protein and crude fiber wafer complete feed based on rice straw fermented with Effective microorganism (EM-4)
Najmah Ali1*, Suhartina2, Anis Muktiani3, Eko Pangestu3 12Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fishery, Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Jl. Prof. Dr. Baharuddin Lopa, S.H., Baurung, Banggae Timur, Majene 91412, Indonesia. 3 Faculty of Animal and Agriculture Sciences, Diponegoro University, Tembalang Campus, Semarang 50275, Indonesia.

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Najmah Ali

Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Abstract. This study aims to determine the quality crude protein and crude fiber content of complete feed based on rice straw fermented with rations in Effective Microorganism (EM-4). This research has been carried out at the Laboratory of Feed Technology and Industry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, then proceed with proximate analysis at the Feed Nutrition Laboratory, lasting for 2 months. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 3 replications. with the following composition, T1 = 0% concentrate + (79% Fermented rice straw + 10% Bran + 10% Molasses + 1% Urea), T2 = 25% Concentrate + 75% T1, T3 = 50% Concentrate + 50% T1 and T4 = 75% Concentrate + 25% T1. The variables measured were dry matter, crude protein, and crude fiber. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and further tested by Duncans Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the quality of the complete proximate wafer content of rations could be improved by using rice straw as an effective Microorganism-4 fermented product. The quality of proximate content that is meant is dry matter, crude protein and reduction in crude fiber content.

dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, rice straw, fermented product

Animal Nutrition and feed technology


Quality of colors and flavor screen taste with additions of leaves and different long storage
Herly, M, Ningrum, E.M, dan N. Naharia

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Corresponding Author
endah ningrum

Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 8, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Pindang eggs are a type of processed egg that is boiled using certain herbal ingredients so that it has a distinctive taste and odor and makes eggs easier than regular boiled eggs. Teak seed leaves, teak leaves and their combination) with different storage duration of color quality and flavor of boiled eggs. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of two factors, namely the first factor (composition of guava leaves, teak leaves and all combinations) and the second factor (storage time 0, 7, 14 and 21 days). The results showed what was meant by the type of leaf and storage duration increased the color of the boiled egg whites. Taste of eggs Pindang eggs that have the best color and taste are combination leaf type pindang eggs (teak leaves and guava) with a storage time of 7 days.

boiled eggs, guava leaves, teak leaves

Animal production Technology


Quality of Compost Produced from Different Types of Decomposer Substrate and Composition of Straw
M I Said1, Hastang2, and V N Isra3

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Muhammad Irfan Said

1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin
University, Indonesia 90245
2Department of Socio-economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University,
Indonesia 90245
3Alumni of Animal Products and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Animal
Science, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia 90245

Compost is one of the processes of decomposing organic materials that involves the activity of microorganisms partially. The use of decomposers is very important to accelerate the rate of compost fermentation. The study was aims to evaluate the quality of compost produced from different types of decomposer substrates and straw compositions. This study uses feces from Bali cattle as main material which are maintained in a semi-intensive manner. Two types of decomposer substrate were used, namely (1) animal substrate and (2) vegetable substrate. The level of straw applied were (1) 0%, (2) 5% and (3) 10% (from the total of compost). The study was conducted based on a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern. The data were analyzed using ANOVA. The results showed that differences in the type of decomposer substrate and straw composition had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the pH value, levels of C-organic, N-organic and C/N ratio of compost. The pH value is in the range of 7.4-7.69. The value of C-organic content varies with a range of values 15.29-18.52%. N-organic content is in the range of 0.72 to 0.97% and C / N ratio of 19.00-25.66. The final results of the study showed that the use of animal substrate decomposer and using 10% straw from the from the total of compost showed better compost quality compared to other treatments.

Compost, Decomposer, Fermentation, Straw, Feces

Animal waste and environmental technology


Relationship between serum progesterone concentration on the day 6th after artificial insemination and conception rate in dairy cow
Su Thanh Long, Le Xuan Thuong, Ho Viet Nam, Le Tien Dam, Pham Xuan Bach

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Muhammad Yusuf

Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam

This study was carried out in Vinh Tuong district, Vinh Phuc province from February 20th 2019 to May 20th 2019 to evaluate the relationship between serum progesterone (P4) concentration and conception rate in dairy cows. In this experiment, 94 dairy cows were synchronized by Ovsynch plus progesterone-releasing intravaginal device and received fixed - time artificial insemination (FTAI). Blood samples were obtained to measure serum progesterone concentration on the 6th day after FTAI. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed on the 60th day later after AI by rectal palpation and divided into five groups according to the different P4 concentration threshold (Group 1: P4<1 ng/ml; Group2: 1≤P4<2 ng/ml; Group 3: 2≤P4<3 ng/ml; Group 4: 3≤P4<4 ng/ml and Group 5: P4≥4 ng/ml). The result showed that average progesterone concentration recorded 3.638 ± 0.233ng/ml (fluctuated from 0.0503 to 10.755 ng/ml), the higher P4 concentration, the more dairy cows get pregnancy (P<0.05). The conception rate of dairy cows of the group 5 was found to be the highest one among the chosen five groups, slightly higher than that of Group 4 and Group 3, with the rate of 64.52%, 60.87% and 42.11%, respectively. The figure given for Group 1 was the lowest, with only 22.22% and slightly lower than the corresponding figure of Group 2 (25%).

Progesterone, cow, pregnancy

Animal reproduction


Reproductive performance of dairy cows in a smallholder farm
Muhammad Yusuf1*, Abd. Latief Toleng1, Sahiruddin1

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Yusuf

1) Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

The aim of this study was to know the reproductive performance of dairy cows in a smallholder farm. The study was conducted in a dairy tie stall housing system farm with herd size of 30 dairy cattle in Enrekang Regency, Indonesia. A total of 25 dairy cows was observed during the study period. Reproductive parameters used in the present study were service per conception, interval from calving to conception, duration of pregnancy, and calving interval. The result of this study showed that out of 25 dairy cows observed, 20 of them become pregnant after one or more insemination. The average (± standard deviation; SD) duration of pregnancy was 273.40 ± 5.38 days after 1.55 ± 0.76 inseminations. After calving, 13 cows (65.0%) become pregnant after repeated inseminations (3.00 ± 2.24) with interval from calving to conception, duration of pregnancy, and calving interval were 254.31 ± 187.78 days, 275.54 ± 4.46 days, and 529.85 ± 189.32 days, respectively. For the third pregnancy, out of 13 dairy cows, only six cows (46%) become pregnant after repeated inseminations with service per conception was 2.00 ± 0.89 times. The interval from calving to conception, duration of pregnancy, and calving interval were 129.17 ± 46.24 days, 275.00 ± 4.98 days, and 404.17 ± 48.87 days, respectively. The overall service per conception times, interval from calving to conception, duration of pregnancy, and calving interval of dairy cows in a smallholder farm were 2.05 ± 1.49 times, 214.79 ± 166.35 days, 274.51 ± 5.10 days, and 490.16 ± 167.81 days, respectively. In conclusion, reproductive performance of dairy cows in a smallholder farm decreased after first calving as well as the number of cows become pregnant.

Dairy cows, reproductive performance, smallholder farm

Animal reproduction


Review: Enkapsulated liquid smoke
Andy1, Effendi Abustam2, Ratmawati Malaka2, Sri Purwanti2

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Corresponding Author
Sri Purwanti

1Doctoral Student of Animal Science Study Program, Faculty of Animal Science,
Hasanuddin University
2Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanudin University

Liquid smoke is the condensation result of wood pyrolysis. It contains lots of compounds formed by constituent pyrolysis process such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Lignin can be used to produce organic acids, phenols, carbonyl that become the compound of natural antibiotics, antioxidants, antibiotic, desinfectants, or as biopesticides and food preservation. Those compounds have different proportions such as type, wood moisture and pyrolysis temperature. Liquid smoke from wood can be used as natural antibiotics contains compounds that can be extracted such as phenol derivatives, which can inhibit microbes- growth. There is many studies about raw materials of liquid smoke such as: rice husk, coconut shell, Meranti sawdust, corncob and cinnamon. Based on literature study, Liquid smoke from coconut shell has percentage phenol 2,24%, total acid 15,7% highest than other material. Followed by the lowest pH 1.41. It can be conclued liquid smoke from coconut shell can be used natural antibiotics in animals. Coconut shell liquid smoke as a natural antibiotics has limitation in distribution and susceptible to physical and chemical changes during storage. Therefore, it was necessary to develope encapsulation of coconut shell liquid smoke. The functional properties of liquid smoke microcapsules can be maintained by using chitosan and maltodekstrin as encapsulant. The aims of this review is to understand coconut shell as the best raw material of liquid smoke, after being encapsulated that can be used as natural antibiotics in animals. Based on literature study, coconut shell liquid smoke encapslated using maltodextrin-chitosan has pH (2,70 ± 0,08), total acid (2,70 ± 0,08)% and total phenol (4,40 ± 0,05)%. The paper stresses the need for more studies on using of liquid smoke encapsulated of coconut shell as natural antibiotics in animals

antibiotics, encapsulate, liquid smoke, coconut shell

Animal production Technology


Role and Function of Gelatin in the Development of the Food and Non-Food Industry: A Review
Muhammad Irfan Said

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Irfan Said

Laboratory of Animal Waste Processing and By Product Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10 Makassar 90245
Corresponding author: irfanunhas[at]; irfan.said[at]

Gelatin is a product of the partial hydrolysis of collagen in livestock. Gelatin has been used extensively in the food and non-food industries. Gelatin has a hydrocolloid form and plays an important role in influencing the properties of industrial products. Global gelatin demands is increasing every year along with the increasing human need for food and non-food industrial products. The properties of gelatin are influenced by the properties of collagen. Collagen is a derivative of fibrous protein which has an enormous role and benefit in forming gelatin molecules. Collagen is a long polypeptide chain that makes up about 50 to 1000 amino acid chains. The amino acid chain is dominated by the amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. Various studies related to the properties of gelatin produced from livestock and fish tissues have developed rapidly. Currently researchers have developed livestock and fish waste as an alternative source of gelatin. Alternative sources of gelatin have been widely published as an effort to find halal and hygienic sources of gelatin.

Animal, Gelatin, Food, Industry, Collagen

Animal waste and environmental technology


Sanitary Hygiene Implementation at Salmonella sp. Critical Control Points in Layer Farms
Aminah Hajah Thaha (a*), Ratmawati Malaka (b), Wahniyathi Hatta (b), Dini Marmansari (c), Erdi Purwanto (c), Khaerani Kiramang (a), Hafsan (a)

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Corresponding Author
Aminah Hajah Thaha

(a) Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin State Islamic University
Jalan H. M. Yasin Limpo No. 36, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, 92111, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University,
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10 Tamalanrea, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, 90245, Indonesia
(c) Veterinay Public Health Laboratory, Disease Investigation Centre Maros
Jalan Dr. Ratulangi, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan, 90514, Indonesia

Contamination in food products can occur at any stages, from pre-production to producer, post-production to the product being distributed and presented to consumers. This study aims to determine the extent of the application of sanitation hygiene at the critical control points of Salmonella sp. so that the description of the conditions and the relationship between the presence in the chicken egg chain in farms until it is ready to be distributed. This research was conducted on 72 layer farms in the same area using a cross-sectional study design. Data collection methods are observations and interviews regarding sanitation hygiene practices that include the application of sanitation hygiene to eggs, feed, cages, and workers. Critical control points of Salmonella sp. the spread, which was observed consisted of poultry cages, egg collection process, egg evaluation, and chicken eggs ready for distribution. The results showed that sanitation hygiene practices in layer farms were mostly implemented in cages (67%) and eggs (56%), while the application of sanitation hygiene was not widely applied in the feed (20%) and workers (28%)

Salmonella sp.; sanitation hygiene; critical control point

Animal welfare and health


Selection of Endophytic Fungi from Sinjai Local Brown Rice as Producer of Hormone IAA (Indole Acetad Acid)
1)D. Yustisia, 2)K. Mustari, 3)T. Kuswinanti, 4)A. Yassi, 5)M. E. Kurniawan

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Corresponding Author
Dian Yustisia

1)Doktoral Program of Agriculture Science Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
2,3,4)Faculty of Agriculture Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
5)Study Program of Animal Science STIP Muhammadiyah Sinjai, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

South Sulawesi, especially the Sinjai area, is an aromatic rice development area that has the potential to be developed. Cultivation that is applied is still traditional and based on local wisdom that is without the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical drugs, so it is expected that there is a high diversity of microorganism biodiversity in plant tissues, especially Endophytic fungi that produce the hormone Indol Acetic Acid (IAA). The purpose of this study is studying the potential of IAA hormone-producing fungi isolates from the local brown rice plant from Sinjai. Stages of research include macroscopic and microscopic observations of endophytic fungi, and IAA hormone analysis. The fungus which has the potential to produce the highest IAA hormone is P31 BMB 16E isolate (15.17 ppm).

endophytic fungi, local brown rice, hormone

Extension of agriculture


Several factors affect the consumption of animal foods in the coastal areas in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi
Abdul Rahman, Veronica Sri Lestari and Siti Nurlaelah

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Corresponding Author
Veronica Sri Lestari

Faculty of Animal Husbandry - Hasanuddin University

The aim of this research was to know several factors affect the consumption of animal foods in the coastal areas in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi. The research was conducted in 2019. Data were collected from community surrounding the coastal areas tottaled 81 person. Data were collected through food recall for a month. Data were analyzed using linier regression model. Animal foods consumption was dependent variable, while independent variables consisted of age, level of education, number of family and income. The results of this research revealed that adjusted R square was 39.2, meaning that 39.2% of the independent variables contributed to the model, while 60.8% were contributed by ohter factors which were not included in the model. Simultaneously, all independent variables affect significantly to consumption of animal foods (P<0.05). Partially, only income affect significantly to consumption of animal foods (P<0.05).

Animal foods, consumption, coastal areas

Socio-economic of animal science


Toleng, A.L. and Yusuf, M

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Corresponding Author
Abdul Latief Toleng

Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia, Makassar 90245

Although Bali (native breed of Indonesia) cattle has a high adaptation ability to tropical conditions, but this breed of cattle was reported to be heat stressed under the high environmental temperature. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of shower on the physiological responses of Bali cattle under a high environmental condition. Two groups of 6 young Bali males were used in this study. The animlas were kept under invidual barns and fed with rice straw supplemented with rice bran and urea multinutrients molasses block. The first group (control group) was kept without shower and the second group (treatment group) was treated with an individual shower located about 0.6 m above of each animal. The application of shower was done for 30 minutes three times a day (9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 hr) for 6 consecutive days. The physiological responses (body temperature, respiration rate and pulse rate), water intake and ambiet temperature were measured at 05.00, 09.00, 13.00, 17.00, 21.00 and 01.00 hr. Mean anbient temperature at 05.00, 09.00, 13.00, 17.00, 21.00 and 01.00 hr were 20.50ºC, 32.17ºC, 37.33ºC, 30.00ºC, 21.67ºC, and 20.33ºC, respectively. Treatment group showed a significant (P<0.05) lower body temperature during day time (09.00, 13.00 and 17.00 hr) in compared to those in the control group (38.1ºC vs 38.5ºC). During the night (21.00, 01.00 and 05.00 hr), there were no significant different of body temperature between the two treatments (38.0 ºC vs 38.1ºC). Similar respon was detected for respiration rate which showed a significantly lower (P<0.01) during day time in the treatment group in compare to those in the control group (18.1 Vs 20.8 time/minute). The effect of shower on pulse rate was significantly lower (P<0.01) only at 13.00 and 17.00 hr. Mean pulse rate in the treatment and control groups during these times were 64.3 and 70.2 time/min, respectively. Mean daily water consumption was significandly (P<01) lower in the treatment group in compared to those in the control group (12.1 vs 19.3 litre/day). It can be concluded that the application of shower could reduce heat stress of Bali cattle during the hight ambient temperature.

Bali cattle, heat stress, physiological respons, ambient temperature

Animal reproduction


Some Factors Affecting to Demand for Horse Meat
Risma Amir, Veronica Sri Lestari and Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin

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Corresponding Author
Veronica Sri Lestari

Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Hasanuddin University

Meat horse was one of sources of animal protein. The aim of this research was to know some factors affecting to demand for horse meat. This research was conducted in 2018 in Bone regency. Total respondent was 50 person who purchased horse meat at Tanabatue market and Parigi market. Data were collected through observation and interview by using questionnaire. The quantity of horse meat was dependent variable, while income, number of family, age and level of education were independent variables. The linier regression result showed that adjusted R square was 0,913. Simultanueously, all independent variables significantly affected to demand for horse meat (P<0,05). Partially, only income affected significantly to demand for horse meat (P < 0,05).

Meat horse, demand, factors affecting

Socio-economic of animal science


Strategies to Increase growth Early Embryo Stages of Bovine in achieving Blastocysts In Vitro
E Damayanti 1, H Sonjaya 2, H Hasbi 2, S Baco 2

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Corresponding Author
Erni Damayanti

1Postgraduate Student of Agricultural Study Program of Hasanuddin University Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia.
2Departement of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia

The growth of bovine embryos in vitro begins with fertilization is the unification of male and female gametes in the fertilization medium into zygote. After unification, the embryo will cleavage from two cells until they reach a blastocyst which can be transferred to the recipient. One of indicator the success of bovine embryo culture in vitro is the ability of the embryo from an early stage of development to reach blastocyst. To achieve this aim an embryo enhancement strategy is needed to reach the Blastocyst stage. Various strategies that can be carried out for the improvement include the use of an appropriate maturation medium, removed cumulus cells and the addition of hormones to the culture medium. The use of CR1aa medium in culture medium can reach 27.0% of embryos that reach blastosis of total fertilized oocytes. removal of cumulus cells after 48 hours of fertilization can increase the development of embryos reaching the blastocyst stage. In addition, by increasing the TGFβ hormone 1 ng / ml plus bFGF 50 ng / ml can increase the levels of 2 cells by 314 reaching the blastocyst level of 30 embryos.

Bovine, Embryo, cleavage, Blastocyst

Animal reproduction


Muh Ikmal Saleh(1*),Didi Rukmana(2), Nurdjanah Hamid(3),

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Corresponding Author
Muh Ikmal Saleh

(1)Student in the Agribusiness Program Study at postgraduated Hasanuddin University, *muhikmasaleh[at]
(2)Departemen of Agribussines, Faculty of Agriculture. Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(3) Departemen of Managemen, Faculty of Economy. Hasanuddin University
Perintis kemerdekaan km. 10 Makassar 90245 South Sulawesi

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L) is one of the horticultural commodities that gets priority for the development of diversified food consumption, so that potatoes are one of the most important food commodities in the world. One type of potato cultivated by Indonesian people is granola potatoes. In terms of cultivation, potatoes are more resistant to the pests or diseases. Granola potato is the one of vegetable commodities that has a prospective business opportunity, potato commodity is one of the leading commodities in the District Tombolo Pao. The method in this research is a qualitative and quantitative methods which includes: descriptive analysis, farming analysis, IFE and EFE matrix analysis, SWOT analysis. The results of analysis show that the condition of the potato agribusiness system in the District of Tombolo Pao is still not optimally, which is caused by not functioning upstream subsystems, where the subject of production facilities is still done individually which causes the lack of production inputs, namely the problem of granola potato seeds. In the farming subsystem, potato cultivation has provided benefits to farmers, so this farming is feasible to be developed. In the marketing subsystem, potatoes have been marketed to Borneo and Southeast Sulawesi. The prices are determined by collectors. In the downstream (processing) subsystem, not all of the processed potato entrepreneurs use potatoes as their raw material, which causes new potatoes to be sold in fresh products. In the service and support subsystems, supported by agricultural extension workers who accompany and provide information related to potato cultivation, but from supporting capital, farmers have not utilized credit provided by financial institutions because they still use private capital. Based on the identification of internal and external factors, various desires are obtained to always go forward and learn from farmer groups and the government.

Agribusiness, Strategy development,

Extension of agriculture


Haidir (a)*, (b) Hamzah, (c) Jusni

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Corresponding Author
haidir haidir

a) Student at the Departement Of Agribusiness, Graduated School Of Hasanuddin University, *Email: Haidir[at]
b) Lecturer at the Departement Of Fisheries, Faculty Of Marine Science And Fissheries, Hasanuddin University
c) Lecturer at the Departement Science Of Economics, Faculty Of Economics And Business, Hasanuddin University

Seaweed is an important commodity for the Indonesian economy. The development of seaweed cultivation in South Sulawesi offers promising prospects. The length of the coastline reaches 1,937 Km. The area of marine aquaculture in South Sulawesi reaches 193,700 Ha and around 10% is utilized for the development of seaweed. Takalar Regency has the potential of marine fisheries natural resources. One of the potential marine resources that can improve the welfare of the Takalar district community is seaweed cultivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the cultivation business income, marketing includes (costs, margins, efficiency). Determination of the sample is done intentionally. This research uses a quantitative analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the seaweed cultivation business profits of Rp. 53,716,923 per year and Rp. 6,714,615 per cycle. The marketing institute consists of only 2 institutions namely Seaweed Farmers, Collector Traders. Marketing costs incurred in the amount of Rp. 221, - / Kg Marketing margin received by the collecting traders is Rp. 2275, - / kg. Marketing efficiency is considered efficient for collecting traders which is equal to 0.97.%.

Seaweed, Revenue, Marketing

Extension of agriculture


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