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The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.23 for 2 days in Medan |

Page 8 (data 211 to 240 of 357) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Evitamala Siregar, Juniastel Rajagukguk, and Karya Sinulingga

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Postgraduate, State University of Medan

This research aims to determine the improvement of science process skills of students using the Scientific Inquiry model with algodoo media and adversity quotient. This type of research is quasi experimental research using two group pretest-posttest design. The population in the research was all students of class X Muhammadiyah 2 High School Medan. The sample in this research was taken by cluster random sampling technique, that is as much as 2 classes. X-MIA 1 class as an experimental class taught using the scientifiq inquiry model with algodoo media consisting of 35 students, X-MIA 2 class as a control class taught with conventional learning consisting of 34 students. The instrument of this research uses essay test of science process skills and adversity quotient with a list of questionnaire statements. Data were analyzed using two ways anava. The results showed that the improvement of science process skills of students taught using the scientific inquiry model with algodoo media was better than the science process skills of students with conventional learning, improved science process skills that had higher adversity quotient type climbers better than students who have a lower adversity quotient type of campers, there is an interaction between the scientific inquiry model and algodoo media and adversity quotient students in improving students science process skills.

Scientific Inquiry Model, Algodoo, Adversity Quotient, Science Process Skills

Education and Research Global Issue



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kastam syamsi

Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program
Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

In general, the purpose of this study is to develop a self-evaluation model to assess teacher performance. This research includes research and development (R & D) which has been conducted in two years. A study was carried out on the evaluation of the performance of the teachers and developed a self-evaluation model based on the results of preliminary studies and literature studies, as well as Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The subjects of this study were 3 evaluation and management experts from UNY, 5 school principals, 5 school supervisors, and 7 teachers from Sleman Regency. The results of this first year study have been successfully developed by the Self Evaluation questionnaire instrument to measure teacher performance. The instrument was in the form of a questionnaire with four alternative statement choices with in the form of cases. The instrument consisted of four components, including pedagogical, personality, social and professional competence. The experts judgment from supervisors, principals, and teachers showed that the self-evaluation questionnaire instrument to measure the performance of teachers developed is in the category of decent or good with an average score of more than 3.

Self Evaluation, Performance, Teacher

Teachers Education Model in Future


Sentence Acquired by Children of 2-2.6 Years Old in Bilingual Language Environment
Laura Agustina Simamora , Prof.Dr.Berlin Sibarani ,M.Pd ,Prof.Amrin Saragih,M.A,Ph.D

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Laura Agustina Simamora

Universitas Negeri Medan

This reseach deals with Sentence acquired by children of 2 to 2.6 years old in bilingual environment . The objectives of the reseach were to find out the sentences are acquired by the children of 2 to 2.6 years old in bilingual environment . This reseach conducted by the qualitative reseach . The data were obtained by the observation by recorded the utterances of the children by the conversation with their mother and father . The data collected were analyzed by interactive models of Miles and Huberman dan Saldana . The location of the reseach was Jln. Agus Salim No.5B Kisaran . The Subject are children were 2 to 2.6 years old. The result of the study are children of 2 to 2.6 years old acquired sentences and show that are three types of sentences acquied , one word sentence with free morpheme , two word sentence with inflection and complete sentence stage as constituent. The survey reseach show that any relation between sentences and bilingual environment. The children can easier acquired sentence that is familiar in their lives than other sentences .

Sentence Acquired by Children of 2-2.6 Year Old

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Speech Act of The Oath Utterances of Doomsday in English Translation of The Al-Quran
Habib Faisal Nasution

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Habib Faisal Nasution

Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan - Indonesia

The aims of this study were to find out the types of speech act of oath utterances of doomsday of English translation of Al-Quran namely three surah namely At-Takhwir, Al-Infithar and Al-Insyiqaq.The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data of this study were oath utterances of English translation. Then the data of study was analyzed by using types of speech act based on (Searle, 1979) which used to answer the questions number one.The data of study was analyzed based on Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014).The results of this study were found that there was only one type of speech act in oath utterances namely illucutionary act.

Speech Act

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Lisna Rifkadiana sirait, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd, Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A

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ABSTRACT This study was concerned with the use of speech acts in ILC (Indonesia Lawyers Club) Talk show program. The objective of this study was to describe the types of speech acts used by the host and the guests of ILC. Qualitative content analysis method was applied in this study. The sources of data were the host and the guests in ILC. The data of the study were the sentences and the phrases gathered from the conversation in the episodes of ILC. The finding of this study showed that four types of speech acts, namely representative, directive, commissive, and expressive were used by the host and the guests of ILC, while declarative speech act was not found at all in the episodes of that talk show program. The dominant type of speech act used by the host was directive, while the guests dominantly used representative speech act. Key words: Speech Acts; Indonesia Lawyers Club; and Talk show program.


Social,Language and Cultural Education


Speech Fuction of Teachers and Students Utterances in Classroom Interaction at the Elementary School
Rafika Nur Rahman, Rahmad Husein, Meisuri

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Rafika Nur Rahman

English Applied Linguistic Study Program, Postgraduate School State University of Medan

Speech function is an exchange communication between speaker and listener where the speaker adopts a speech functional role and signs the addressee a complementary role . This research discusses a case study of speech functions are used by teachers and students in the classroom interaction and how the speech function are realized of Mood types. This study was conducted by using Descriptive Qualitative method by Bogdan and Biklen. The data in the research was taken from classroom in which participants were teachers and students of (Panca Budi) elementary school.The Instrument of collecting the data the researcher used audio recorder and observation sheet. In analyzing the data,the writer applied theory by Miles, Huberman and Saldana, namely: (1) data condensation, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing/verification. The findings in this study that firstly, there are found out 4 types of speech function in classroom interaction, such as offer, command, statement, and question. Secondly, speech function is realized by the predicted mood types.

Speech Function, Utterances, Mood, and Classroom Interaction

Social,Language and Cultural Education


speech function in e talk show program
Erni Wulandari, Berlin Sibarani, Didik Santoso

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erni wulandari

linguistics terapan bahasa inggris universitas negeri medan

ABSTRACT The choice of speech functions and the mood realization are part of the interpersonal functions which can influence the interpersonal relationship between the speakers in a conversation. The objectives of this study are to describe kinds of speech functions found in the guest utterances in E talk show. The research applies qualitative content analysis method. The sources of data are the host and the guests in E talk show program on TvOne. The data of the study are part of conversation utterances of from the guests in E Talk Show. As the result, the research found that, the speech functions occur in the guests utterances in both in the sensitive topics are statement, question, command, and coffer. However, Command was not found in opponent side. When talking about sensitive topics, interrogative mood is mostly used indirectly to give the information as statement of speech function. The guest also tended to command before giving some statement to avoid or to disclaim the host in pursuit more information related to the host assumption.

Speech Function, E Talk Show

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Speech Functions by Male and Female Tour Guides in Their Touring Interaction with Tourists at Bukit Lawang
Widya Ningsih, Sumarsih, Amrin Saragih

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Widya Ningsih

English Applied Linguistic Study Program, Postgraduate School State University of Medan

In todays world, tourism is considered the world largest and most diverse business sector. The interaction between tour guides and tourists constitutes the most important part in all their touring activities. Appropriate tour guides utterances can create harmonious atmosphere and at the same time promotes a more friendly relationship between tour guides and tourist. This study was aimed at investigating the differences of speech function used by male and female tour guides in their touring interaction with the tourists. This research was conducted in a qualitative research. The data were clauses consist of speech functions used by male and female tour guides in their interaction with tourists in Bukit Lawang. One male and female tour guides are selected by using purposive sampling. In order to identify the types of speech functions used by the tour guide, Hallidays theory of Interpersonal Function was used as well as Lakoffs theory about gender to find out the differences between male and female tour guide utterances. The findings showed that the types of speech functions found in male and female tour guides in their touring interaction with the tourists are statement, question, command, offer, and minor. In which statement is more often used by male tour guide in the interaction with the tourist, followed by question, command, offer and minor. While, the question is more often used by female tour guide, followed by statement, command, offer and minor. Therefore, male and female tour guide have different ways in communicating the language especially in their interaction with the tourists.

Speech Functions, Tour Guide, Interaction

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Speech Pauses Used by Male and Female Students in English Oral Examination
Lamia Deareni (a*), Sri Minda Murni (a), Siti Aisyah Ginting (a)

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Lamia Deareni

a) English Applied Linguistic, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

The objective of this descriptive qualitative study were to discover the types of speech pauses used by male and female students in English oral examination. The subject of the study was class XI of MAS Pesantren Arraudhatul Hasanah Medan which had been choosen randomly. The data were obtained from the recorded conversation of English oral examination and then were transcribed. The data were the male and female students utterances in English oral examination. The data were identified, analyzed and categorized based on theory of Rose (1998), Clack & Tree (2002) in relation to the theory of Tottie (2001) about the concept of gender and speech pauses. The finding of the study showed that there were 3 types of speech pause that could be found in both data of the utterances of male and female students, namely 1) silent pause, 2) unlexicalized filled pause, and 3) lexicalized filled pause. Silent pause was the most frequently type used by male and female students.

Speech Pauses, Oral Examination

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Student Worksheet Based On Problem Assisted Computer Simulation On Students Critical Thinking Skills
Mariati Purnama Simanjuntak, Berta Masrifa Panggabean, Chatarina M.S Purba, Juniar Hutahaean

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Universitas Negeri Medan

The purpose of this study is to find out the improvement of critical thinking skills of students using Student Worksheets (LKS) assisted by computer simulation in learning. LKS used problem based and contains questions that explore critical thinking skills. This type of research is a quasi experiment with the design of two group pretest posttest. The population of this study is all students in class X Semester I SMA Negeri 9 Medan which consisted of seven classes totaling 243 students. The research sample was taken two classes determined by cluster random sampling technique, namely class X MIA two totaling 36 students as the experimental class using problem based LKS assisted by computer simulation and class X MIA three totaling 32 students as a control class with conventional learning. The instrument used for critical thinking tests was 10 questions in the form of problem based descriptions. Based on the results of different tests obtained significant differences in students critical thinking skills using problem-based LKS assisted by computer simulation. The percentage increases in N-gain critical thinking experimental class was 64% and the control class was 43%, each category was moderate.

student worksheet, critical thinking, computer simulation

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Subtitling Strategies Used in The Meg Movie Texts
Devi Suci Nirwana (a*), Rahmad Husein (b*), Zainuddin (c*)

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a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
c) Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Subtitling strategies used by subtitler in translating, word, phrase or speakers utterances in audiovisual field. This research deals with subtitling strategies used in The Meg movie texts. The purpose of this study is to describe the types of subtitling strategies used in The Meg movie texts. The research methodology used in the research is qualitative research design. The object of the study is The Meg movie directed by Jon Turteltaub. The data were analyzed by using interactive model of qualitative data management and analysis namely data collection, data condensation, data display and verification and conlusion. Based on the data analysis, the findings of this study revealed that there were ten types of subtitling strategies based on Haryanto theory used in The Meg movie texts namely Expansion (2.1%), Paraphrase (21.3%), Transfer (40.6%), Imitation (8.7%), Transcrition (1.0%), Condensation (6.8%), Decimation (0.7%), Deletion (7.3%), Taming (0.2%), Resignation (1.5%) and the researcher found four other types of subtitling strategies namely Abreviation (0.7%), Dislocation (0.7%), Culturally (1.5%) and Peyoration (0.2%). This means that the subtitling strategies that analyzed in the form of the clauses as the research data mostly focused on Transfer.

movie; subtitles; subtitling strategies; translation

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Suci Handayani Nasution. NIM 8166173017. Developing the Mobile Learning-based Instructional Media of Excretion Systems in Increasing Students Concept Mastery at SMAN 1 Delitua. Thesis. Postgraduate Program in Universitas Negeri Medan. Field. 2019.
Suci Handayani (1),Martina Restuati(2), Hasruddin(2)

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Suci Handayani Nasution

Postgraduate Student Universitas Negeri Medan

Suci Handayani Nasution. NIM 8166173017. Developing the Mobile Learning-based Instructional Media of Excretion Systems in Increasing Students Concept Mastery at SMAN 1 Delitua. Thesis. Postgraduate Program in Universitas Negeri Medan. Field. 2019. This research was conducted on students in Delitua 1 Public High School whose purpose was to find out: (1) the feasibility of mobile learning based learning media; (2) Comparison of Learning Outcomes Mastery of Student Concepts. The research subjects were students and biology teachers. At the initial stage, a needs analysis was conducted in which the subjects consisted of 3 biology teachers and 117 XI grade students of Delitua 1 High School. Small group trials included 9 students. The medium group trial includes 1 class totaling 36 students and a large group trial covering 2 XI IPA classes in Delitua 1 Public High School is 72 students. For the test phase of the effectiveness of the mobile learning excretion system, namely the eleventh grade students of Delitua 1 Senior High School include the XI IPA-1 and XI IPA-5 classes. This type of research is Research and Development research. The design of this study uses the development model of Borg and Gall. The instruments in this study were the results of teacher and student interviews, assessment questionnaires on mobile learning media and tests of students mastery of concepts in excretory system material. The results of this study found that: (1) the development of mobile learning-based learning media in excretory system material for students of class XI IPA 1 Delitua High School in this study were obtained with very good categories, on aspects: material (95.95%), media design learning (86.89%), and learning media technology (92.92%). So that the development of mobile learning-based learning media on excretory system material is very feasible to use for class XI students; (2) Learning outcomes of mastery of students concepts in excretory system material taught by using mobile learning-based learning media (80.00 ;3.87) (; SD) are higher than learning outcomes mastery of students concepts taught without mobile-based learning media learning (68.47 ; 5.92) (t count = 9,772; P = 0,000). The results of this research imply that learning media based on mobile learning have the effect of mastering concepts becoming better. Keywords: Mobile Learning Learning Media, Mastery of Concepts.

Mobile Learning-based Instructional Media, Concept Mastery

Curriculum, Research and Development


Super Jabber game development in increasing of learning interest on kindergarten students in the city of Medan
Ernida Eva Saulina Tamba (a), Amir Supriadi (b), Suprayitno (b)

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eva saulina tamba

Postgraduate Students in physical Education Medan State University

Research and development of super Jabber games are applied to the interest in learning in kindergarten children, specifically there are several objectives, among others 1) To obtain in-depth information about the process of implementing basic motion learning in kindergarten. 2) Develop and apply super jabber games to the learning interests of kindergarten students. 3) Obtaining empirical data about effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness of the development of super jabber games in learning motion. The ultimate goal of this development research is to produce a product in the form of a game module that contains super jabber games with text-based media for kindergarten children, so as to complement the existing learning at this time. This research was conducted in several kindergartens in the city of Medan. The research treatment is carried out by adjusting the schedule or school hours. The time of this research was carried out for one month, namely when the proposal seminar was finished. Subjects or users who were targeted in the research development of super jabber games towards interest in learning in kindergarten children. Subjects in the small group in this study were TK Ar Raudah students with a total of 12 students who had a characteristic age range of 4-5 years. Subjects in the large group in this study were at Raudhatul Atfal Kindergarten with a total of 24 students.

Super Jabber, Games, Kindergarten children.

Curriculum, Research and Development


Talent Scouting of Sport in Junior High School Students at Kecamatan Silokahean Kabupaten Simalungun, 2019
Agus Edi Syahputra Siahaan, Novita, Albadi Sinulingga

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Agus Edi Syahputra Siahaan Siahaan

Pendidikan Olahraga
Program Pasca Sarjana
Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine the potential of students in sports through talent scouting. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using survey methods and data collection techniques using test and measurement techniques. The population and sample of this study involved eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Silou Kahean, SMP Negeri 2 Silou Kahean and SMP Orasi Indo Silou Kahean who were aged between 12-14 years in Kabupaten Simalungun. The data analysis techniques in the study by following the norm formula that has been prepared and validated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports namely Guiding and Sports Talent Development. The results of talent scouting for junior high school students in Desa Silou Kahean showed that there were no students who had high talent in sports. This is because the work of these students after returning from school is to help their parents farm so that they do not play activities according to the needs and development of children aged 12-14 years.

Telent Scouting, Sport, Junior High School

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


Teknologi Pendidikan
Nur Fadilah Hafni

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nur fadilah hafni

Teknologi Pendidikan
Program Pascasarjana

NUR FADILAH HAFNI. NIM: 8136121020. Influence of Instruction Strategies and Thinking Style on Students Social Science Learning Outcomes of Class VIII of Junior High School 3 Kisaran. Thesis. Education Technology Study Program. Graduate of Medan State University, 2019. The Purpose of this study to know: (1) The differences achievement of student on social studies taught by group investigation type cooperative learning strategy and STAD type cooperative learning strategy: (2) The differences achievement of student on social studies who have abstract sequential thinking styles and students who have concrete sequential thinking styles: (3) an Interaction between learning strategy and thinking styles toward the students social studies achievenment. The results of experiment show that: (1) The average social studies achievement of students taught with group investigation types cooperative learning strategy were higher than those students taught with STAD type cooperative learning strategy: (2) The average social studies achievement of students who have abstract sequential thinking styles are higher than students who have concrete sequential thinking styles; (3) There is an interaction between learning strategies and thinking styles towards students social studies achievement.

Learning Strategy, Thinking Style, Social Studies Achievement

Teachers Education Model in Future


Dita Sofiah Nur (a*), Berlin Sibarani (b), Rahmad Husein (b)

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a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
State University of Medan, Indonesia

b) State University of Medan, Indonesia

Sentence in the language acquisition context is the utterances of two or more words which has syntactical relation. Cattell (2002) states that it isnt until real two-word utterances begin so that we can say, syntactic (grammatical) constructions have started to form. According to Brown (1973) syntactical relation is the relation among constituent in a sentence. In line with this idea, the objective of this study is to describe the types of syntactical relations are acquired by Indonesian children. This study will use 12 types of syntactical relation. they are Agent Action, Agent Object, Agent Locative, Action Dative, Action Object, Action Locative, Agent Action Object, Agent Action Locative, Action-Dative-Object, Action-Object-Locative, Agent-Action-Object-Locative, Agent-Action-Dative-Object-Locative (Brown:1973). To get the data from this study, the researcher will use cross-sectional reserach design by taking 10 children with different group of ages and different parents background education as the source of data and their utterances which includes to the sentence as the data of this study.

sentence acquisition, syntactical relation.

Social,Language and Cultural Education


The Active Role of Fostering the Regional Indonesian National Sports Committee in Badminton
Fitrah Miko (a*), Albadi Sinulingga (a), Suprayitno (a)

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Fitrah Miko

a) Phisycal Education, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan

The research aims to find out the active role of KONI in Central Aceh Regency in the badminton sport in 2016. The study used a survey method with research subjects KONI management, PBSI management, club management, coaches and athletes. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use percentages. The results showed that the category was quite good. The conclusion is that the role of the coach of badminton in the Central Aceh District is quite active.

Active Role Coaching, KONI, Badminton

Economics, Business and Management Education


The Analysis of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism by Exchange Rate Channel in Influencing The Inflation in Indonesia
Putry Sari Rahmadyah Pulungan, Fitrawaty, Sri Fajar Ayu

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Putry Sari Rahmadyah Pulungan

State University of Medan

This study are aims to find out the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission on exchange rate passthrough in Indonesia for period 2004.1-2018.4. The variables consist of this sudy such as exchange rate, net exports, difference of BI rate and the fed rate, foreign exchange reserves and inflation. This study use secondary data through Bank Indonesia office and The Federal Reserve which analyzed by Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and eviews 10 program. The result during the period of this study shows that transmission direct exchange rate passthrough is more effective to affect the inflation. While transmission indirect exchange rate passthrough is less effective to affect the inflation which reflects the price stability as the ultimate objective of monetary policy in Indonesia.

Exchange Rate; Net Exports; Difference of BI Rate and The Fed Rate; Foreign Exchange

Economics, Business and Management Education


Surya Setiadi Tarigan (a*), I Wayan Dirgayasa (b), Rahmad Husein (b)

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Surya Setiadi Tarigan

a) English Applied Linguistic Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Jl. William Iskandar Ps V, Kenangan Baru, Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20221
b) State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia

The aims of this study were to know what cognitive process occurred in writing argumentative text based on different gender and the factors affect the cognitive process of students in writing argumentative text. The population of this study was grade XII of Free Methodist Senior High School Medan in 2019/2020 academic years and the sample was the big ten rank of XII science. The sample was taken by purposive technique. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research design of which data were the transcript of think aloud protocol and retrospective interview. In analyzing the data, this research used model of Miles and Huberman, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and data verification. The results of the data analysis showed that the cognitive processes of the different genders in writing argumentative text were different. The male cognitive process in writing argumentative text occurred in the two stages, they are (a) planning by organizing the ideas and (b) translating the text. While the female cognitive process occurred in three stages, they are (a) Planning by generating and organizing the ideas, (b) translating, and (c) reviewing by reading and editing the text. All of them were occurred because the first is their habitual on how they usually think and organize their writing. The second is because they have different ability in writing, and the last is also because they have a different language proficiency related to the second language.

Cognitive Process, Different Gender, Writing, Argumentative Text

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Remli Nelmian Simarmata and Ely Djulia

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Remli Nelmian Simarmata

State University Of Medan

This research aims to investigate the comparison of student learning achievement, critical thinking skill and activity between Predict Observe Explain and Think Pair Share learning model on the topic human circulatory system. This study was a quasi experimental research with equivalent post test control group design. The population of this study was all of grade XI IA students of SMA Negeri 2 Balige. There were 2 classes chosen as the sample by applying cluster random sampling technique. One class was taught by POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) model while another one class was taught by TPS (Think Pair Share) model. Instruments test used consist of cognitive test in the multiple choice (25 questions) and essay test (5 questions), critical thinking test in the essay form (5 questions) and observation sheet for activity. Based on data analysis, the average value of posttest in POE group higher than TPS group. While based on t-test analysis, tobs less than ttable with &

POE, TPS, critical thinking skill, students activity, learning achievement

Education and Research Global Issue


The Contribution of Multiple Intelligences Aspects on Science Process Skills of Senior High School Students in Ecology
Riyanti, Binari Manurung, Mufti Sudibyo

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Riyanti Riyanti


This research was conducted to determine the contribution of multiple intelligences aspects on science process skills of Senior High School students in ecology. This research is a descriptive research. The population in this study were the first grade students of Senior High School in Medan in academic year 2017/2018 which consist of 4.228 students in rotal. The sample in this study was taken using the Slovin technique, so that consisting of 365 students. To determine of the samples in each school was taken using the Proportionate Random Sampling technique and to determine who is be the sample for each school was taken using the Simple Random Sampling technique. The research instrument used the multiple intelligences questionnaire, and tests of science process skills in ecology topic. The contributions of the multiple intelligences aspects on science process skills of high school students in Medan were obtained by using the stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the aspects of the multiple intelligences that most contributed on the science process skills of Senior High School students in Medan were interpersonal intelligence, verbal linguistic intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, and logical mathematical intelligence with the contributions were 80,4%.

multiple intelligences aspects, science process skills, ecology

Education and Research Global Issue


The Developing Of Interactive Learning Media In Improving The Learning Creativity Of 4-6 Year-Old Playgroup Students In Paud Kenanga Raya Medan
Romi(a*) R.Mursid(b), Naeklan Simbolon(b)

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Romi Romi

Department of Education Technology
Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan

Based on the previous observation on Kenanga Raya PAUD students learning activity on animal, both teachers and students stated that they are unfamiliar and have not applied interactive learning media, where as, in reality, teachers now adays are in great needs of interactive learning media for they have adequate computer facilities. The result of the validators research shows that the appropriateness is 91.4% according to media expert, 90.6% from material expert and 87.9% from learning design expert. The individual students learning creativity resulted in 81.7% and 91.0% on small group, whereas, the on field experiment (large group) is 89.2%. The Normality test result is Lcount 0.10 < Ltable 0.140 on the significant stage of 5 % which means the students whose learning process involving the use of power-point learning media shows normal distribution concerning the students learning creativity result. Mean while, the homogeneity test is resulted in Fcount0.41< Ftable 1.69 within 5% significant range which means the result on the students creativity having applied interactive learning media on animal topic and those applying the power-point interactive learning media on animal topic is homogenous. The Hypothesis testing using t test is resulted in tcount 2.01> ttable 1.69 which means there is a significant difference and it also means that the 4-6 year-old students learning activity taught by using interactive learning media on animal topic and the average results of those using power-point learning media is acceptable and trustworthy. Referring to the research outcome, it is concluded that the developing product is appropriate and effective to be applied as the learning media on teaching animal for Playgroup students.

Interactive Learning Media To Enchance, ASSURE learning model and Creativity Learning of Early Child Students

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


the development model of learning the game of volleyball under the services for the students classes VII SMP 8 Medan
Eriska Amelia Hutagalung (1), Agung Sunarno (2), Sanusi Hasibuan (3)

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Eriska amelia


Abstract The purpose of this research is to generate service model a volleyball game down to suit the characteristics of students of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SEVENTH grade daughter N 8 MEDAN. find out the validity of the book Learning to model variations of the game of volleyball service down, knowing the effectiveness of book learning to model variations of the game of volleyball servicing under the knowing response product receivable textbook by teachers and experts experts for the target model of learning the game of volleyball under services. This research was conducted in schools or teachers with total sample 75 students. The process of research and development model of the earliest known learning volleyball services below, includes ten steps, namely:Research and information collecting,Planning Development of the preliminary from of product, Preliminary field testing,Main product revision,Main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, dissemination and implementation. Test model aims to find out whether the model developed is worthy or not used. Test model also saw the extent to which a product is made can achieve goals and objectives. models that meet two criteria, namely: (1) instructional criteria (instructional criteria); and (2) the representation criteria (presentation criteria). Tests performed three times, namely: (1) test experts; (2) a limited test of a small group as a user model; (3) field test for large groups (field testing). Keyword: volleyball service, physical education, Curriculum

volleyball service, physical education, curriculum

Curriculum, Research and Development


The development of a set of curriculum according to Discovery Learning method to improve the matematics communication ability and students possitive attitude
muhammad arif

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Muhammad Arif


Abstract MUHAMMAD ARIF. The development of a set of curriculum according to Discovery Learning method to improve the matematics communication ability and students possitive attitude. Thesis. Medan: Postgraduate Mathematics Education Study Program, UNIMED, 2019. This research aims to find out: (1) The validity of a set of curriculum according to Discovery Learning method to improve the matematics communication ability and students possitive attitude. (2) The achievement of a set of curriculum according to Discovery Learning method to improve the matematics communication ability and students possitive attitude. (3) The improvement of mathematics communication ability by using a set of curriculum according to Discovery Learning method to improve the matematics communication ability and students possitive attitude. (4) the improvement of students possitive attitide by using a set of curriculum according to Discovery Learning method to improve the matematics communication ability and students possitive attitude. This research is categorized into the type of research development by using the Thiagatajan development of curriculum method, and Semmel Four D Model. Therefore, the product of this research ia a valid and efective of problem solving method. The set of curriculum developed in this research include Lesson Plan (RPP), Student Books (BS), Student worksheets (LAS) and Learning Ability Test (TKB) in this case is a test of mathematics communication ability.

Discovery Learning Method, mathematics communication ability, Students possitive attitude

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Indriati Aulia(a*), Albinus Silalahi(b), Marham Sitorus(b)

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(a) State University of Medan
Medan, Indonesia
(b) State University of Medan
Medan, Indonesia

This research aims to determine the level of feasibility of Adobe Flash media integrated Problem Based Learning models on the subject of Salt Hydrolysis based on learning media feasibility criteria and to determine differences in learning outcomes of students. This research use the Development Research method with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The study a population was all students class of XI Senior High School of 9 Medan who used 2013s curriculum. The sample was taken with purposive sampling technique, from students class of XI consist of 60 people from 2 classes. The instruments used were learning media eligibility criteria sheets and Objective test. Learning outcomes data were analyzed using the T - test using SPSS 16.0 for Windows and Objective test analyzed according to instrument standardization. The results showed: (1) Learning media that use Adobe Flash Integrated Problem Based Learning models are very feasible to use and according to the learning media feasibility criteria with average 4.42 (2) There was difference between student learning outcomes using Adobe Flash media Integrated PBL models and student learning outcomes using Flash media which existing on internet sourced from Pustekkom.

Adobe Flash, Development, Learning outcomes

Education and Research Global Issue


The Development of an Introducing Book for Insect Pollinators of Mangrove Forest on The East Coast of North Sumatera Based on the Research Result
Rilly Andika, Syarifuddin, Mufti Sudibyo

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Rilly Andika

Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan

The aim of this study was to develop an introducing book of insect pollinators in mangrove forest on the east coast of North Sumatera based on research results. This book was aimed to be used in Animal Ecology course for undergraduates students of Biology Education in State University of Medan. The book was developed according to Thiagarajan model consisted of 4 stages: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate or better known as the 4-D model. However at this stage only up to development stage is reported. The introducing book draft was validated by one lecturer teaching Animal Ecology to check for the book quality content, one lecturer validated its instructional media and one lecturer validated for its suitabilty to be used as learning source. The validation results showed that the book content was scored 87.30%, which was considered very good,as a media the book was scored 86.33%,which means very good and as a learning source the book was scored 85.30%,which means very good, The introducing book draft was also read and scored by students and the result was 80.38% and was categorized as very good. The results from those validations will be used as a basis for revising the introducing book.

animal ecology; introducing book; book development; insect pollinators; mangrove forest; east coast of North Sumatera.

Curriculum, Research and Development


The Development of chemistry lab guide book for high school based on guided inquiry to measure Scientific Attitudes and Science Process Skills
(a*)Gorat Victor Sibuea,(b) Retno Dwi Suyanti,(c)Saronom Silaban.

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Gorat Victor Sibuea

a.State University of Medan,Medan,Indonesia

b.State Universuty of Medan,Medan ,Indonesia

c.State University Of Medan,Medan,Indonesia.

Abstract - Education is the process of gaining knowledge, skills and values both as individuals and socially, for the benefit of community life. Science as part of education aside from being a collection of knowledge (a body of knowledge), should also be related to ways of thinking. Students understanding of chemical concepts is very much related to process skills. Lack of student understanding of chemistry is inseparable from learning that is dominated by the delivery of information from the teacher to students, so students tend to memorize and lack students process skills.This Study aims to analyze teaching mataerial development in the form of a Chemistry practicum book use Quided inquiry Practicum for High School Grade XI to Measure Scientific Attitudes and Sains Process skills.Research method using Development Research by Stages Analysis,Design, Development,Implementation and Evaluation (ADDIE).The Search instrument are Questionnaire and objective test.The Feasibility of using Chemistry practium book is analyzed based on the standart data of content,apperance,materials and to Measure Scientific Attitudes and Science Process Skills.Data were obtained by using validation sheets that have been validated by team of expert. The Fisrt step in development is the analysis of teaching materials available in Senior High School Teladan Medan ( SMA Swasta Teladan Medan).The result of using Chemistry Practicum book uisng Quided inquiry method is the correlation of students who use inquiry-based pratikum guides to increase scientific attitudes and science process skills in learning but stiil needs to be revised and Developed

Development, Chemistry Pratical Quided Book,Skill,Quided Inquiry

Curriculum, Research and Development


The Development of E-Learning Based Instructional Model in Learning English
Lona Marlina (a*), Efendi Napitupulu (b)

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Lona Marlina

a) Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) State University of Medan

In the current era of globalization, the development of technology is very rapid. Basically the concept of educational technology is still focused on efforts to give solution of learning problems. In accordance with the development of education and learning at this time, one of them is learning in electronic form or commonly called as e-learning. The development of e-learning based instructional model is very helpful and facilitates the learning process. This study belongs to a research and development which uses the R&D model by Borg and Gall and combined with the instructional design model by Dick and Carey. With the concept of modern learning, it is expected to combine the software and hardware intelligence in the world of education. The existence of e-learning can not be separated from computer and internet. This concept backs the use of e-learning based instructional model which has been developed. The result of this study indicates that the instructional model is proper to use in learning English.

instructional model, e-learning, english

Education and Research Global Issue


The Development of Educational Games Ludo Word Game (LWG) Based on Literacy in German Learning
Khairani (1*), R. Mursid (2), Samsidar Tanjung (3)

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Khairani -

1) Educational Technology, Postgraduated Program, State University of Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
2) State University of Medan
*Corresponding author: armiskhairani[at]

Abstract This research and development aims to: (1) Produce learning games for educational games Ludo Word Game based on literacy that worthy to use (2) know the effectiveness educational game learning media Ludo Word Game based on literacy that developed on German learning in improving student learning result. This study belongs to a research and development which uses the R&D model by Borg and Gall. The result of this study shows that: (1) the assessment of German instructional material experts is in the criteria of very good, (2) the assessment of media experts is in the criteria of very good, (3) the assessment of individual trial is in the criteria of very good, (4) the assessment of small group trial is in the criteria of very good, and (5) the assessment of field trial is in the criteria of very good. The result of hypothesis testing proves that there is a significant difference between the students learning outcome who were taught with educational game learning media Ludo Word Game based on literacy in German learning and the students learning outcome who were taught with book. It is pointed by the result of data processing in which tcount = 3.03 while ttable = 1.99. The result is t count > t table. Then, it can be concluded that the students learning outcome who were taught with the interactive instructional media based on behavioral perspective to improve the German skills of the Senior High School Students grade X with the effectiveness of 88.73% is higher than the students learning outcome who were taught with book with the effectiveness of 81.63%.

educational games ludo word game based on literacy, german learning

Education and Research Global Issue


Ria Lestari(a*), Efendi Napitupulu(b)

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Ria Lestari

Postgraduate School. State University of Medan

The aim of this research and development was: Produce a proper English teaching material based on the HOTS which was used by the students and Finding out the effectiveness of the implementation results of English teaching material based on the HOTS which was used by the students. This study belongs to a research and development which used the R&D model by Borg and Gall which combined by instructional design of Dick and Carey. The result of the validation by Expert and trial process shows that the developed English teaching material was in the very good category and the English teaching material was proper to use. In the phase of effectiveness testing with quasi experimental method. The hypothesis result showed by the data obtained t count= 2.33 and t table = 1.68. This was obtained that t count > t table, it means that was significant differences between the students which were taught with English teaching material based on the HOTS and the students which were taught with a text books. So, it could be concluded that English teaching material based on the HOTS is proper and effective used in learning.

English teaching material;higher order thinking skills (HOTS)

Education and Research Global Issue


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