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Conference on Managing Digital Industry, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (CoMDITE 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.10 for 2 days in Bandung |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 119) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Indicators for Measuring Green Energy: A Bandung Perspective
Indrawati1a, Charysa Januarizka1b, Saravanan Muthaiyah2c, Dodie Tricahyono1d

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Indrawati Indrawati

1Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
2 Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
aIndrawati[at], bcharysa[at],
c saravanan.muthaiyah[at], ddodie.tricahyono[at]

Energy has a very important role in peoples lives because it is an important parameter for development and economic growth. In cities of Indonesia, the energy issue is becoming a very important issue, given the high levels of energy consumption and use of fossil fuels, also impact of using fossil fuel based energy on the environment, such as pollution. The concept of green energy is expected to be a solution to the problems also the creation of green environment, and sustainability in energy use. Green energy concept is considered able to handle issues around energy and the environment faced by the cities. Until now, there is still no standard variables and indicators that can be used to measure green energy, especially in urban areas. This research aims to identify variables and indicators for measuring green energy in a city, especially in the context of Bandung. This research uses an exploratory qualitative method. The steps taken to answer the research objectives are, first, by conducting literature studies, then interviewing 16 resource people with quadruple helix concepts from various backgrounds such as business people, government, experts / researchers and civil society. Based on literature studies, this research found 6 variables and 19 indicators to measure green energy. From the results of interviews and analytical sentiments there were 2 indicators that had average value of less than 60%, hence these indicators were not used in this research. This research also found 3 new indicators with an average value of more than 60%, thus, this research proposes a model for measuring green energy with 6 variables and 20 indicators. This research proposed a model containing green energy variables and indicators as part of the green city for the context of Bandung. However, this research has not tested the model and used it to measure green energy index. Further research is recommended to test and measure the green energy index using the model founded in this research. The variables and indicators can also be used as a reference to measure green energy in other cities in Indonesia.

City Sustainability, Renewable Energy, Green City, Green Energy, Environmental Issues

Smart City


Indicators for Measuring Green Waste: A Bandung Perspective
Indrawati1a, Fendi Andriawan1b, Saravanan Muthaiyah2c, Dodie Tricahyono1d

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Corresponding Author
Indrawati Indrawati

1Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
2 Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

aIndrawati[at], bfendi.andriawan[at],
c saravanan.muthaiyah[at], ddodie.tricahyono[at]

The influence of urbanization is population density in a city, with uncontrolled density will cause several problems including garbage problems. The waste problem must be resolved immediately by starting waste management with the concept of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R) which is commonly applied in a city that uses the green city concept. One of the dimensions of green city is green waste containing the determination of waste reduction targets, strategies to improve the quality and coverage of cleaning services. The purpose of this research is to find out variables and indicators to measure the level of green waste for the contact of Bandung. The method used in this research is an exploratory qualitative method. The steps taken to answer the research objectives are conducting literature studies and interviews with resource persons by applying the quadruple helix concept, namely Government, Academic, Business Player and Citizens with a total of 16 people. Based on the literature study, this research found 5 variables and 21 indicators to measure green waste. The variables and indicators are confirmed to the resource persons and the result shows there are 3 indicators that have an average value of less than 60%, hence, the indicators should be eliminated for this study. The confirmation process also found 4 new indicators with an average value of 87.5%. Thus, this research proposes a model for measuring green waste with 5 variables and 22 indicators. The five variables are environment control, financial sustainability, operational management, public participation and awareness and institutional and policy framework. Further research is recommended to test and measure the green waste index of Bandung by using the model produced in this research. The variables and indicators can also be used as reference to measure green waste in other cities in Indonesia.

Sustainability, Solid Waste Management, Green City, Green waste, Reduce Reuse, Recycle

Smart City


Influence of perceived quality of mobile payment application towards loyalty
Taufan Novembri Sandyopasana., M.Gunawan Alif

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Taufan Novembri Sandyopasana

Master of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Indonesia

This study analyzes the influence of perceived quality of mobile payment application towards customer loyalty. Cognition-affect-behavior model is used in this research where cognition stage includes perceived quality which divided into delivery quality and outcome quality. Customer trust, satisfaction and switching barriers included in affect stage and loyalty treated as a behavioral intention. All data in this research were collected from 342 respondents who is a mobile payment user in Indonesia. Then, a model has been estimated using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicate that delivery quality and outcome quality that formed through interaction with a mobile payment service positively affects customer trust and satisfaction, which in turn influence loyalty. However, customer trust does not positively influence to loyalty but has to be mediated by satisfaction. Loyalty itself has a positive effect on trust and negative effect on satisfaction. And lastly, switching barrier has a positive effect on loyalty. This developed model helps to improve the understanding of the creation of loyalty in a mobile payment context.

mobile payment; perceived quality; trust; satisfaction; switching barrier; loyalty

Financial Technology


Interpersonal skill in project management
Ahmad Said, Harjanto Prabowo, Mohammad Hamsal, Boto Simatupang

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Ahmad Said

Bina Nusantara University

Expeditious change is an accelerating problem for projects in most industries. There are phenomena for project leader is the key person to project success. The aim of this paper is to explore how the interpersonal skill of the project manager influences the project performance. This quantitative study was conducted to test the relationship between communications of and project performance. This paper also tested the leadership transformation to project performance. This article presented three different characterizations of project success (time, budget and customer satisfaction). An online questionnaire was used as a survey tool to obtain data from Project Managers/PMO/PD and Team Leaders projects in Indonesia. The dataset was then addressed using statistical analysis with SPSS software and continued by PLS-SEM. The results of our study indicate that interpersonal skill has an effect to project performance. The study outcome that interpersonal skill is an important thing to support project success because a project manages is ultimate responsibility to integration of some area to project closing.

Project Management; Interpersonal skill; Project Communication; Leadership Transformation

Strategic Management & Ecosystem Business


Investor Attention on Stock Return and Liquidity : Evidence on Emerging Market
Fitri Aprilina (a), Zaӓfri Ananto Husodo (b)

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Corresponding Author
Fitri Aprilina

a) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia

The research examines the evidence of search intensity toward stock return and liquidity in emerging market country. Search intensity is measured by Google Trends named Google Search Volume Index (SVI) as a direct proxy for individual investor-s attention and Abnormal Trading Volume (ATV) as proxied for liquidity. We use Fama-French Three Factor Model to explain stock return variability in emerging market. We obtain weekly data for the period from July 2014 – June 2018 and currency depreciation as attention-grabbing event. We classified the sample into 3 portfolio which are low currency depreciation, medium currency depreciation and sharp currency depreciation. The result showed that the SVI has tendency to explain stock return variability in certain portfolio even though in general SVI has no significant effect toward stock return and liquidity. Additionally, we find that in low and sharp currency depreciation, investor tend to invest in small stock with high book to market meanwhile in medium currency depreciation investor tend to invest in big stock with high book to market. Overall, we conclude that in emerging market investor apply on their rationality compared with behavioral aspects.

Fama-French Three Factor Model, Emerging Market, Investor Attention, Behavioural Finance, Asset Pricing

Strategic Management & Ecosystem Business


Made Ayu Savitri Ismiraini, Lia Yuldinawati, ST., MM

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Made Ayu Savitri Ismiraini

Faculty of Economic Business, Telkom University

The number of MSMEs organized by Cooperatives and MSMEs Department in Bandung continues to increase but some of business owners have problems due to lack of knowledge and competence in business as well as attitudes in running a business in certain business environment. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of entrepreneurial competency on business success and the moderating effect of business environment on the relationship between entrepreneurial competency and business success in MSMEs organized by Cooperatives and MSMEs Department in Bandung. This research is using a quantitative method. The data was collected using a questionnaire. Analysis technique which are being used in this research are descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with Partlial Least Sqare (SEM-PLS). The results show that entrepreneurial competencies have a significant effect on business success. Business environment does not have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between entrepreneurial competency and business success in MSMEs organized by Cooperatives and MSMEs Department in Bandung. Based on the results of the research, Cooperatives and MSMEs Department in Bandung should be able to understand the competencies that an entrepreneur must have, especially in identifying and utilizing opportunities.

Entrepreneurial Competency, Business Success, Business Environment, MSME



Ronny Arnaz, ST (a*), Dr. Gadang Ratmantoko (b)

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Ronny Arnaz

a) Graduate Study Program of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung

b) Lecturer of Schools of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung

Telkomsel is the largest mobile operator in Indonesia with 195 million customers serving its customers spread across Indonesia, including in remote areas, outer islands and border areas of the country. Telkomsel is currently transforming to digital company and one of its programs is to launch MyTelkomsel Apps as a digital channel and cooperate with other Ecommerce Apps to provide convenience to customers in conducting self-service online, such as prepaid credit purchase or Top Up. However, the conversion rate of Telkomsel subscribers who have done Top Up in Ecommerce Apps is still very low so the problem is how to increase the number of prepaid credit buyer in the Ecommerce Apps. The objective of research is to build insight for Telkomsel on predict customers who likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps by clustering and using Logistic Regression technique. Therefore it can be identified customer profile and significant variables of customers to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps based on the results of predictive analytics. Logistic regression used to predict customers who likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps using 17 numeric variables input. Analytics based table generated from total population of prepaid credit purchaser in Ecommerce Apps as of Aug 31st 2018 by 297.172 customers and create random sampling of non purchaser in Ecommerce Apps by 127.359 customers out of 15.055.473. Analytics based table divided into 2 data sets, 70% training data set and 30% testing data set represent of both prepaid credit purchaser and non-purchaser. Based on training data set and testing data set by 424.531 customers, 259.747 customers are predicted likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps with model accuracy reached 79%. Top 6 significant variables that affected customers to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps are total recharge transaction of non-Ecommerce, total recharge transaction, number transaction of Ecommerce Apps, data packet transaction of Ecommerce Apps, broadband revenue and volume usage of Ecommerce Apps. After building development model then applied into all population of Ecommerce Apps by 15.055.473 costumers. There were identified 3,089,120 customers who highly likelihood to purchase prepaid credit in Ecommerce Apps. To increase efficiency and effectively in marketing programs, it is need to choose the priority of costumer. The segmentation is conducted for non-purchaser with the K means clustering and it can be determined which cluster that give the greatest predictive gain. The result of K-Means clustering show that number cluster k=5 and cluster-5 give the best segmented costumers with gain 99.8%. The prediction results of highly prospect customers (345.965) will be divided in to 2 clusters with Two Step cluster techniques, namely low HVC customer ( 67.5% = 233.365) and medium HVC customer ( 32.5%=112.600). Based on the results of the prediction model and clustering, so behavioral targeting can be done to give the product or gimmick then the Champagne is more targeted.

Costumer Segmentation, Behavioural Targeting; Predictive Analytics

Digital Technology For Business


Nicky Fahd Sembung (a*), DR. Farida Titik Kristanti, SE., MSi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nicky Fahd Sembung

Magister Management, School of Economic & Business Telkom University
Jl. Geger Kalong Hilir, Bandung, Jawa Barat - Indonesia

Metal and Mineral Mining business in Indonesia is still having a good business projection, it is indicate by the growth of mining company revenue in Indonesia from 2012 to 2017 continue to show growth of improvement. Growth of the revenue is not accompanied by a strong financial ratio growth, indicating that the growth of Net Profit Margin, EBITDA and EBIT from 2012 to 2017 shows negative growth. Based on this phenomenon it is important for metal and mineral mining companies to maintain the efficiency of the company. In this research, 8 metal and mineral mining companies in Indonesia have been measured. The data used are balanced panel data with the period of 2012 until 2017. The mining sector itself is divided into 4 sub-sector, which are coal mining, crude petroleum and natural gas production, metal and mineral mining, and land / stone quarrying. This efficiency research was conducted using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) method which analyze input and output variables. Stochastic Frontier Analysis is expected to be more adequate than other method, because Stochastic Frontier Analysis does not specifically use one of the company as a benchmark.

Efficiency, Metal and Mineral Mining, Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), Parametric, Input, Output

Financial Technology


Motivation to become Agropreneurs among Youths in Malaysia
Mohd Fairuz Abd Rahim (a), Kok Wai Chew (a), Ahmad Safuan Bujang (b), & Muhammad Nizam Zainuddin (a)

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Mohd Fairuz Abd Rahim

a) Multimedia University (MMU)
b) Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)

Introduction While numerous government initiatives have been directed to encourage entrepreneurship activities amongst the Malaysian youths across all the economic sectors, however, agricultural-based entrepreneurship (agropreneurship) seems to be an unfavoured choice despite its strategic economic importance. Young entrepreneurs prefer to choose sectors that are trendier and happening, such as food and beverages, technology, and services. Therefore, the motivation to become agropreneurs seems to be rather exclusive and is influenced by unknown factors. Aim of the Study The study seeks to examine the factors that influence the motivation of Malaysian young agropreneurs. Method The study employed a quantitative survey method via self-administered questionnaires. Respondents were asked questions concerning their motivations to start a business in the agriculture sector. Data were collected from a sample population consists of young agropreneurs from various states in Malaysia. Data were then analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 21. Results Amongst the key motivators for the respondents to start their agro-based businesses include to pursue their dream, to elevate their socio-economic status and to challenge themselves. Conclusion This paper highlights the underlying factors that influence the motivation of becoming young agropreneurs.

Agropreneur, motivation, youth, entrepreneurship



Multi-Perspective Analysis On The Factors Influencing Consumer Behavioural Intention Of Mobile Payment Features Based On QR Code In Mobile Payment Indonesia Service Sector
Hananto Agung Baskoro

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Hananto Agung Baskoro

Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, Jakarta 10430

This study aims to identify the factors influencing consumer behavioural of mobile payment features (QR Code payment) intention in Indonesia. We proposed a conceptual framework based on technology acceptance model (TAM) consist of three technology factors (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and trust); one social context factor (social influence); and two individual user characteristics (perceived enjoyment and perceived behavioral control). The proposed research framework was empirically tested by data collected from 195 potential QR Code payment service users, through an online survey. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. The result shows a particularly significant positive impact of QR Code payment on perceived usefulness, social influence, perceived enjoyment, and perceived behavioral control. However, trust and perceived ease of use has an insignificant impact on QR Code payment intention. Findings of the study have important theoretical and practical implications, particularly to understand important user-centric factors affecting QR Code payment consumer intention.

Mobile Payment; QR Code Payment; TAM; Customer Acceptance

Financial Technology


Dini Turipanam Alamanda (a*), Abdullah Ramdhani (b), Grisna Anggadwita (c), Eka Yuliana (c), Anggraeni Permatasari (d)

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a*) Faculty of Economics, Garut University, Jl Samarang Garut, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Jl Cimanuk Garut, Indonesia
c) School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Jl Telekomunikasi No 1, Bandung, Indonesia
d) Faculty of Business, President University, Bekasi, Indonesia

Besides being known as mountains and beaches, Garut Regency is now known for its culinary diversity. The Garut regency government then identified any culinary that could be used as a tourist magnet in the future. The purpose of this study is to identify Garut culinary products that receive the attention of netizens while being able to be used as a new icon of Garuts typical culinary. The @jajanangarut Instagram account as centre of information and review of Garut snacks and culinary was chosen as the research object. By paying attention to the posts of 7,599 posts as of November 2018, the data is then filtered into 1,883 posts with the observation period January - November 2018. The results show that the types of culinary snacks are the most popular with 589 posts, followed by noodles & meatballs culinary as many as 415 posts, 225 posts of rice culinary, 139 posts of drink culinary and so on (cake, pastry, dessert, instant food). The implications of this study can be a reference for the Garut Regency government, especially the Garut tourism service, to echo Garut culinary tourism with the new tourism tagline Pesona Garut or Enchantment of Garut.

culinary; Instagram popular; tourism industry; pesona Garut

Digital Marketing


Optimizing the Use of Instagram as a Digital Marketing Channel to Increase Brand Exposure: A Qualitative Research Study at SME Larnis Hijab
Yasuko Shigeno (a*), Sisdjiatmo K Widhaningrat (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yasuko Shigeno

a) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia

Business opportunities are widely available in the Muslim clothing industry, especially hijab products, for the past few years. With the high demand for hijab, an effort is needed to support SMEs to take advantage of these opportunities. This study aims to optimize the use of Instagram as a digital marketing channel for Larnis. Larnis is one of the SMEs that sells hijab products made of knitting material, which is less popular in Indonesia. Through qualitative method, the data are obtained by in-depth interviews, observations, surveys and focus group discussions. Based on the data and analysis, there has been a lack of promotional activities and less optimal use of digital marketing channel owned by Larnis. This is unfortunate because nowadays, consumers are actively seeking through digital platform to find the product they are looking for. The results of this research is a set of correction steps to optimize the use of Larnis- Instagram account for business purpose which leads to the increased exposure for Larnis and its product.

Digital Marketing Channel, Instagram, Social Media, Exposure, Hijab

Digital Marketing


Overcoming Math Anxiety and Developing Mathematical Resilience in University Students through Interactive E-learning
Ruzanna Ab Razak

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Ruzanna Ab Razak

Faculty of Management, Multimedia University,
Persiaran Multimedia, 63100, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.

Math anxiety is one of the psychological factors that affect students- math skills and achievement. Math-anxious individuals often stay away from or skip mathematics classes, take up fewer mathematics courses, and have lower confidence in the subject compared to their non-anxious peers. These behaviours are often displayed by business and manage-ment students at the university. With the increasing demand for STEM-skilled graduates, math anxiety in business and management students should be overcome so that they can become relevant in the future industry. This paper discusses how interactive e-learning can reduce students- math anxiety and develops their mathematical resilience for effective learning.

e-learning, mathematics, anxiety, resilience

Digital and Innovative Education


Political Connection, Internal Audit and Audit Fees in Malaysia
Abby Ashraff Saprudin

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Abby Ashraff bin Saprudin

Multimedia University

Accounting firms are increasingly under a great deal of pressure to minimize audit costs and deliver services in more efficient ways while improving the quality of their audit services. This study examines the association between political connection (POLCON), internal audit (IA) investment and arrangement with audit fees in Malaysia. Multiple regression was used to test the models and different tests were employed to enhance the rigor of the results produced. The sample comprised of 2209 firms observations listed in the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia, encompassing three years of data from 2011 to 2013. Overall across all the models, the results show that the majority of the variables exhibit significant association with audit fees. For independent variables, POLCON displays positive significant association with audit fees while both IAs have negative significant association with audit fees. From the firms- and auditors- perspective, the result of this study contributes to the industry and existing literature by suggesting that the agency problems in POLCON firms can be minimized through effective internal control mechanisms. Higher IA investment is associated with higher audit fees in POLCON firms and their external audit fees can be reduced when the IA function is outsourced.

political connection, internal audit, audit fees

Strategic Management & Ecosystem Business


Post Acquisition Analysis and Evaluation with Diversification Motive of Acquisition
Kevin Rosby, Dony Abdul Chalid

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Kevin Rosby

Universitas Indonesia

In 2014, a company having an acquisition with the aim of diversifying the companys business portfolio. Some studies provide results that the acquirer company will usually experience a failure in the acquisition process, which results in a decrease in value for the acquiring company ("The Winner Curse"). Within 4 years after the acquisition, The acquired company was reassessed, whether it able to provide value to the acquiring company or not, and it was found that the acquired company cannot give an additional value to the acquirer company.

Free Cash Flow, Winner Curse, Corporate Portfolio Review, Post-Acquisition Valuation

Strategic Management & Ecosystem Business


Post-Adoptive Use of Collaboration Technology in Work Setting: The Role of Employees Job Crafting Behavior
Khaidar Rapiz Putra, Arviansyah

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Khaidar Rapiz Putra

Universitas Indonesia

The advent of the Internet has enabled information technologies (ITs) to facilitate work collaboration, social interaction, as well as knowledge sharing among employees within organizations. Such advancement has been implemented at enterprise-level scale and becomes essential components of daily job activities, both in and out of the workplace. Therefore, a better understanding of employees- acceptance and usage of collaboration technologies, specifically related to their proactive behavior in improving their person-job fit and work motivation, would help organizations to implement the system. This study extends the theoretical model of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) using seeking job resource dimensions as moderators, providing new insights into how job crafting affects individual behavioral intention in the post-adoption stage of technologies. We conduct a quantitative study in one of the largest national airlines in Indonesia, which has successfully implemented an online collaboration-based productivity system. We employ partial least squares to test our proposed model using data collected from 115 employees. Performance expectancy is found to be the only significant predictor of behavioral intention, while behavioral intention alongside facilitating conditions is significant in predicting the actual use of the technology. Consistent with prior literature in the context of technology post-adoption, effort expectancy and social influence are found to be insignificant to predict behavioral intention. Finally, the results show that job crafting behavior for seeking social job resources influence employees- behavioral intention to use the technology by moderating the effects of social influence.

collaboration technology, post-adoption, UTAUT, job crafting

Digital Technology For Business


Predicting Virtual Reality Adoption on E-Commerce Platform using Porter Five Forces and Technology Acceptance model
Chit Su Mon

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Chit Su Mon

UCSI University

Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology which has been widely used by many sectors such as education and entertainment. Online shopping or E-commerce platforms are one of the potential sectors to adopt virtual reality to convince more to shoppers to purchase online. However, there is a lacking in research and framework to explain how e-commerce can adopt virtual reality based on competitive analyses in related area. This research develops a conceptual framework to predict virtual reality adoption on E-Commerce platform using Porter Five Forces and Technology Acceptance Model. This paper is the initial phase of the research and literature review has been conducted. Research problem and objectives have been identified as well as conceptual framework and hypotheses have been developed. Research methodology has been constructed and conclusion which includes contribution and limitations are presented in this research.

Virtual Reality, E-commerce, Technology Acceptance Model, Porter Five Forces

Digital Technology For Business


Processing Management in Applying the Innovation of Motive Design Using J-Batik Software for Traditional Craftsmen (Case-study: Batik-s Craftsmen at Tuban, East Java)
Fajar Ciptandi

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Fajar Ciptandi

Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University

At a piece of cloth, motif is one of the elements that has important role in giving fascination and individuality from which region the cloth comes. This traditional batik is also headed to the condition where the market demands newness existence by its development in the motifs design without disappearing the individuality which it has. The main obstacle in this case is caused by the condition of the craftsmen that have the limit developing idea, where are they still tend to be conservative both in thought competency. As the solution in handling this limited idea of developing the motif can be done by the help of technology formed in design software j-Batik which is able to produce many of motif variations faster and easier. But, this alternate choice is still having other problem left, that is: how to make the craftsmen being ready to make batik cloth with new motifs which has never been made by them before. So, it means that a correct management is needed in arranging work process that comes from the craftsmen themselves. By the experimented approach which refers to diffusion innovation theory, there will be held a management system of work process for the craftsmen by dividing them into two groups those are innovators and beginner adopters in order that innovation which is offered will not shock them. So, there will be a result of a conclusion as a sort of processing management method that is correct to be applied to a group of traditional batik-s craftsmen in responding innovation formed new motifs- design. In addition, the craftsmen can have the dynamic thought and skill to move out of their own conventional custom habits.

batik, innovation, J-Batik, management process, motif

Design, Innovation, And Brand Management


Pulp and Paper Companies And Their Fair Value: Evidence From Indonesia Stock Exchange
Muhammad Iqbal Miala, Farida Titik Kristanti

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Muhammad Iqbal Miala

Magister Management, Telkom University

The purpose of this study is to conduct a fair price valuation of shares in pulp and paper sub-sector companies that are already listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Valuation was carried out comprehensively using the DCF Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) approach and the relative valuation method of Price to Earning Ratio (PER) and Price to Book Value (PBV) approaches. Each uses three scenarios; optimistic scenario, moderate scenario and pessimistic scenario. The companys historical data for the 2014-2017 period is used as a basis for projections 2018-2021. The results of this study indicate that the stock market price of January 1, 2018 when compared with the fair value of the stock valuation of the DCF-FCFF scenario is optimistic, INKP and TKIM are undervalued, FASW is overvalued. In moderate scenarios, INKP and TKIM are undervalued, FASW is overvalued. In the INKP, TKIM and FASW pessimistic scenarios, it is overvalued. While for relative valuation approaches PER all scenarios produce INKP, TKIM and FASW are overvalued. Finally for the relative valuation of the PBV approach all scenarios produce overvalued INKP, TKIM and FASW.

Free Cash Flow to Firm; Relative Valuation; Pulp and Paper Industry; Fair Value

Financial Technology


Relational Social Capital, Innovation Capability and SMEs Financial Performance
Rochmi Widayanti, Ratna Damayanti, Nuryakin, Susanto

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nuryakin NURYAKIN

Economics and Business Faculty. Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta
Economics and Business Faculty. Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta
Master of Management. Postgraduate Program. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Master of Management. Postgraduate Program. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This research aims to analyze the effect of relational social capital on SMEs performance with innovation capability as the mediating variables. The sample of this research was the cluster pattern SMEs in the export-based brass industry in the Central Java region. The unit of analysis that was carried out is the SME owners. Furthermore, the sample of this research was 200 respondents. The results of hypothesis testing were conducted by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach with the AMOS program. The result of this research showed that social relational capital affects SMEs performance and innovation capability significantly. This research also empirically found that innovation capability can mediate the relationship between social relational capital and SMEs performance.

social relational capital, innovation capability, SMEs performance

Digital Technology For Business


Runik Maghfiroh, Aris Rahmansyah, Teddy Ageng

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Aris Rahmansyah

Telkom University

Globalization has led to socio-cultural changes in society. However, globalization does not necessarily bring the existence of local cultural values. This article analyzes the process of revitalizing local cultural values through designing packaging and making charcoal soap of Giri Mekar. This research method uses rural appraisal participants to the community of RW 8 (Hamlet) Giri Mekar, especially to PKK (educate women on various aspects of family welfare, Karang Taruna (a Youth organization), and Males community. The results of this study indicate that the values of local culture can be revitalized through the potential of the region with a touch of design. Regional branding is one form of strategy for how the value of local culture can develop.

Packaging Design, Soap Design, Revitalizing local cultural values

Design, Innovation, And Brand Management


Self-regulated learning strategies amongst young adults for smart learning in a university at Cyberjaya
Lilian Anthonysamy(a*), Koo Ah Choo (b) and Hew Soon Hin(c)

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Corresponding Author
Lilian Anthonysamy

(a) Faculty of Management,
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya,
63100, Cyberjaya, Selangor,

b) and (c) Faculty of Creative Multimedia,
Multimedia University, Cyberjaya,
63100, Cyberjaya, Selangor,

Smart learning is an important part of smart city construction. However, limited studies are found on smart learning in smart cities. Relying on smart devices and intelligent technologies is not sufficient. A smart city must develop 21st century skills to promote quality learning. Self-regulation is evidently one of the vital 21st century competencies as it helps individuals master their own learning process. The purpose of this paper is to provide a descriptive analysis on the use of self-regulated learning strategies (SRLS) in online learning (E.g time management, critical thinking, self-monitoring, task value beliefs, etc..). A total of 107 young adults were purposively selected to examine their use of SRLS in online learning through a quantitative research design. Results revealed that level of SRLS among students are found to be generally in the middle range. It was also identified that, female students uses more learning strategies than male students. Since respondents are average and high achievers, results show high achievers use more SRLS. This paper is able to provide a clearer picture about conducting future studies on smart learning in a smart city which is a key contemporary learning method

self-regulated learning strategies , online learning, smart city, smart learning, 21st century skill

Smart City


Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Engagement to M-Commerce Purchase From The Consumers Perspectives in Indonesia
Andi Wiliam(a*), Sasmoko(b), Yasinta Indriyanti(c), Benny Wibowo(d)

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Corresponding Author
Andi Wiliam

(a) Graduate Program, Doctor of Research Management
Bina Nusantara University
* wiliam.andi[at]
(b) Primary Teacher Education Department & Research Interest Group in Educational Technology,
Bina Nusantara University
(c) Research Interest Group in Educational Technology &
Entrepreneurship Department
Podomoro University
(d) Doctor of Research Management
Bina Nusantara University

M-commerce is currently growing rapidly in Indonesia with the reinforcement of social media that encourages customers to be more involved in the products in the market. This research aims to construct a theoretical foundation through literature review which is then translated into the context of Indonesian community. This study is specifically referring to analogies of previous studies about the degree of customer involvement possible through social media in terms of m-commerce in Indonesia. The research method uses neuroresearch with qualitative research through exploratory studies. The result shows that the consumers in Indonesia consumers can be encouraged through social media movements in driving m-commerce in Indonesia. The meaning is that social media development has been able to significantly shape customer involvement with various formation factors and their implications for Indonesia consumers

customer engagement, neuro-research, sentiment analysis, m-commerce

Digital Social Innovation


Mohamad Tohir (a), Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen (b)

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Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen

School of Creative Industries – Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi, Terusan Buah Batu - Bandung

Islamic Boarding Schools are no longer educational institutions that only study religion, but education that has been integrated with primary and secondary education institutions with a curriculum that has been adapted to national standards along with significant additions to the science of religion. These educational institutions are usually owned by individuals who are usually religious leaders who set up learning facilities in their locations, so often the location of Islamic boarding schools is less strategic and even difficult to find. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to make a model of signage and wayfinding that can show the identity of Islamic boarding schools, starting from directions on the road to signage within the boarding school environment. Through field observations at two Islamic boarding schools in Bandung, literature studies and interviews with boarding school officials, data was obtained as a basis for designing boarding school signage models. This study aims to design a signage model of Islamic boarding schools so that identity problems and directions at Islamic boarding schools get a solution.

signage, wayfinding, boarding schools

Design, Innovation, And Brand Management


Smart City concept based on Nusantara Culture
Trihanondo, Donny; Endriawan, Didit

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Donny Trihanondo

Department of Creative Arts, Telkom University

This paper raises a concept of future urban planning that still maintains the local culture or culture of the archipelago. This article is the result of research conducted on a traditional village in the northern Bandung area. The method used in this study is a qualitative method that uses a visual cultural transformation theory approach. The results of this study are a new concept regarding smart city without losing the cultural characteristics of the archipelago. This research is still in its early stages, and requires more discussion and application in more detailed and specific case studies.

Landscape Architectural Design, Smart City, Social Change

Smart City


Social Network Analysis for Information Dissemination Pattern and Stakeholders- Role at Super Priority Tourism Destinations in Indonesia
Herry Irawan, Deacta Ayu Digpasari, and Andry Alamsyah

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Deacta Ayu Digpasari

School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Indonesia-s tourism is one of the leading sectors in economic, social, and cultural developments. In the increase of tourists, tourism stakeholders use social media to share the information as an online strategy to disseminate events, destination characteristics, and experiences in visiting tourism destinations. This can form some patterns of information dissemination with a complex network. This research aims to discover the patterns of dissemination information on Twitter and to uncover the role of tourism stakeholder of disseminating information at super priority tourism destinations in Indonesia. This research uses social network analysis to process data sources from Twitter features, namely reply, retweet, and mention using Python and visualize by Gephi and Tableau. This research finds new insight about a similar pattern at super priority tourism destinations. The visualization shows that most Twitter users have less contribution to social interaction, such as event, hotel, and business accounts, instead, the individual stakeholder has a more significant role in disseminating information of tourism activities in those destinations. The result of this study can be implemented as a strategy to carry out effective information dissemination in the tourism sector.

Social Network Analysis; Information Dissemination; Tourism Stakeholders- Role; Super Priority Tourism Destinations

Digital Technology For Business


Statement of Risk Management and Internal Control: The Compliance by Malaysian Listed Companies
Haslin Johari (a*), Nahariah Jaffar (a)

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Haslin Johari

a) Faculty of Management, Multimedia University,
Persiaran Multimedia, 63000, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

This study explores the compliance of the listed companies in Malaysia on the Statement of Risk Management and Internal Control (SRMIC). Risk management and internal control are vital for an effective corporate governance. Sustainability of a company is perceived to be correlated to its corporate governance effectiveness. An effective risk management helps companies to achieve targeted performance. Internal control system, conversely, should provide reasonable assurance that an adverse impact arising from future event is at an acceptable level. In 2015, SRMIC commissions the need to examine the compliance of its requirements. Annual reports of 746 companies listed on the Bursa Malaysia for 2015 and 2016 were examined. Findings show that only 2.5% companies disclose all the mandatory risk management items whereas 97.5% companies disclose only 88% of these items. Besides, 83.4% companies disclose information concerning assurance from CEO and CFO on whether the companies- risk management and internal control system is operating adequately and effectively. Finally, some of the companies voluntarily disclose information related to the external auditors, internal audit function, internal control opinion, risk appetite, soundness of risk management and internal control system. The findings evidence the companies- engagements towards the demands for a more effective corporate governance.

Risk Management, Internal Control, Compliance, Mandatory Disclosure, Voluntary Disclosure



Stock Market Prediction using Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation with Multivariate Regression.
Tendra Kristian, Farida Titik Kristianti

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Tendra Kristian

Telkom University

Finance is highly nonlinear and completely random, a trading strategy is a fixed plan that is designed to achieve a profitable return by going long or short in markets. Stock market prices are highly unpredictable and volatile. This means that there are no consistent patterns in the data to create model stock prices over time near-perfectly. As technical indicators play important roles in building a strategy, we will use technical indicators such as momentum, volume and volatility as a variables input in Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation with Multivariate Regression. The models are evaluated using three statistical performance evaluation measures, Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). We choose the daily data on Indonesia Stock Echange (IDX High Divident-20 Stock Index) in 10 years of trading days and try to predict the daily closing price. Experimental results show that Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation with Multivariate Regression using 4 layer, ReLu activation, Adam optimizer L2 Regularization and Dropout can get a promising performance in the closing price prediction on the real data compared with other models.

Stock Prediction, Multivariate Regression, Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation

Financial Technology


Strategic Initiative Planning Affiliate Marketing As Brand Awareness Improvement Efforts from BeeMan Products
Paula Yunike Aldyanti

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Paula Yunike Aldyanti

University of Indonesia
majoring: Marketing Management

Underwear is a daily necessity for every individual whose demand is increasing along with the rate of growth and the level of welfare of the population. The demand for underwear, especially mens underwear, is a request that does not depend on the season. BeeMan is the product produced by CV. Sahabat Sentosa where UMKM are engaged in the industry and trade in underwear for men, both adults and children, with a target of the lower middle-class market. This company has been established since 2004. The main problem is the low brand awareness of BeeMan products in the community. On this business coaching opportunity, we will discuss how Marketing Channel can help increase awareness of BeeMan products by emphasizing the formulation of the concept of Affiliate Marketing. In this study also will be explained how digital marketing can help promote products and carry out recruitment of agents to do marketing with affiliate systems.

Marketing Channel, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing


Tita Cardiah, Ratri Wulandari, Titihan Sarihati

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Tita Cardiah

Telkom University

Restaurants as a public space is one of the most popular choices for urban residents today, because restaurants are not only places to enjoy food but as a gathering place, both with family, friends and colleagues, and even some restaurants as tourist destinations. This condition requires restaurants to create a space atmosphere that is not only a place to eat but is able to present new choices as public space that has recreational and educational values to visit that make visitors interested, memorable and entertained. One of the attractions of the restaurant is by presenting the atmosphere and values ​​of Sundanese culture, through interior elements both physically and non-physically. Sundanese cultural values do not always appear as an architectural statement or expression but appear in the form of aesthetic values. The existence of Sundanese restaurants in the city of Bandung which are spread in various regions and have their own characteristics both architecturally and interior design, this makes the choices and alternatives for consumers. The theme and concept of the Sundanese restaurants interior design is one of the efforts to be able to compete both with similar restaurants and with other public space facilities. Sundanese restaurants targeting the middle and upper market are required to provide maximum service both from the type of menu and especially the quality of space, atmosphere and comfort. The quality of space can be realized through the implementation of elements and values of Sundanese culture in architectural and interior design provided by the designer (architect) at the request of the client (restaurant owner). Based on previous research, from the survey results it was found that cultural values such as the atmosphere of togetherness and how to eat together lesehan became one of the elements forming the atmosphere in Sundanese restaurants. The research method used is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to obtain measurable data, while data collection is through questionnaires and focus group discussion (FGD). This research is a continuation of previous research to confirm / seek / deepen findings related to cultural values ​​that can be transferred through restaurants. The study of Sundanese cultural values in this study will be focused on Sundanese (selected) restaurants in the center of Bandung, the results of the study are expected to give birth to guidance and review / evaluation of the implementation of aesthetic elements and Sundanese cultural values in the context of Sundanese culture education and preservation both for designers and the general public

Restaurants, Sundanese Cultural, Interior Design

Design, Innovation, And Brand Management


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