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Disseminate of Handout based on Guided Discovery Method in Terms of Student Learning Motivation
Siska Nerita (a), Yulia Sri Hartati (a), Annika Maizeli (a), Aulia Afza (a)

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Siska Nerita

Biology Education STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jalan GUnung Pangilun Nomor 4 Padang

The research team has developed handout based on guided disovery method in process evaluation and learning outcomes of biology subject. Development has resulted handout that valid, practical, effective, and disseminate stage will be carried out. The disseminate stage is done at Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat. This study aims to determine student learning motivation by using products that have been developed. This is a development research using a 4D model, which is in the disseminate stage. The instrument used is student learning motivation questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled out by students of Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi STKIP Ahlussunnah who have taken the course of process evaluation and learning outcomes of biology subject as many as 20 students, and the data is processed using a percentage formula. The results showed that the average student learning motivation after using the handout was 81,18% (very effective). It can be concluded that at the disseminate stage, handout based on guided discovery method in process evaluation and learning outcomes of biology subject have been effectively seen from student learning motivation.

disseminate, handout, student learning motivaton

Biology Education


Diversity and Biopotential of Neesia altissima Bl. in Indonesia
Rina Hidayati Pratiwi

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Rina Hidayati Pratiwi


The Neesia altissima (Blume) is an evergreen tree that may exceed the height of 40 m, in the old specimens in nature, with erect trunk, of up to more than 1.2 m of diameter, with slightly grooved bark of greyish brown colour. In this study, we identified diversity and biopotential of Neesia altissima Bl. in Indonesia. Neesia altissima Bl. is a large tree (grows up to + 40 m) and distributed primarily in the primary rainforests of Malaysia and Indonesia (Sumatera, Borneo, and Java islands). In Indonesia, this endemic plant is used medicinally for treatment of gonorrhea, diuretic and diarrhea. The fruits are locally utilized in the traditional medicine as diuretics and together with the leaves, in treating the gonorrhea. Because the plant having such an important medicinal value and having endangered status, so studies on microbial endophytes from N. altissima in relation to discovery of alternative secondary metabolites are very important. Therefore, it is important to explore endophytic bacteria from endemic medicinal plant such as N. altissima, and screened their potential in producing antimicrobial compounds. The pharmacological potential of Neesia altissima Bl. and the genus Neesia in general is as of yet unexplored.

endemic, Neesia altissima, medicinal, secondary metabolites

Biology Education


Effect of Popular Scientific Article Writing Workshop based on Practical Investigation of Marine Resources on Students Writing Skills
Rahayu Puspa Hadiyati, Sri Anggraeni, and Amprasto

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Rahayu Puspa Hadiyati

Faculty of Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. DR. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This present study investigated the effects of writing workshop based on practical investigation on students writing skill of popular scientific article. Students were asked to write popular reports of science about marine resources. A quasi experimental design was used with two 10th-grade classes at the department of Fisheries Product Processing Agribusiness at Marine Vocational High School, Indramayu, each consists of 20 students. The experimental group of students assigned into the writing workshop based on practical investigation, while the control group assigned into the writing workshop based on conventional practicum. The learning stages of experimental group are divided into four stages, namely the introduction stage, the investigative practicum stage, the workshop stage by experts, and the presentation stage. The scientific stages in an investigative practicum can provide actual knowledge that can be the initial capital for students writing popular scientific articles. Factual knowledge and daily experience will motivate students to start writing. Before the treatment, a pre-test was administered to both groups in order to investigate the writing performance and sub skills of focus, sources, style, and vocabulary of students. Popular scientific article assessment results indicated that the experimental group performed significantly better quality and quantity of writing popular scientific article than the control group.

Writing Workshop; Practical Investigation; Popular Scientific Articles; Marine Resource

Biology Education


Nining Riyanti (1), Taufik Rahman (2), Diah Kusumawaty (2)

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Nining Riyanti

1Biology Education, Postgraduate-s School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
2Department of Biology Education, FPMIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi Nomor 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study is aimed at digging information about the effect of project based learning entrepreneurship education oriented on Waste Recycling to the development of creative thinking skill and concep mastery in senior high scool. This study uses weak experiment method with one group pretest and posttest design. The subject of the study is 35 student in class X IPA of high school in Sumedang. The data is gained from the pretest and posstest about the concept mastery, test of creative thinking, and students entrepreneurship which are completed with observation sheet, questionaire, interview sheet, and performance assesment.

Project based learning, creative thinking skills, entrepreneur ship education



Effectiveness of Learning Material by ICT-Based Guided Inquiry Model to Train Critical Thinking Skill and Science Literacy of Student in SMPN 1 Atap Kenduruan
Sifak Indana (a*), Rudiana Agustini(a), Yuni Sri Rahayu(a)

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Sifak Indana

a) Science Education Study Program, Master Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

The purpose of this study was describing effectiveness rate of learning material by ICT-based Guided Inquiry Model in training critical thinking skill and science literacy junior high school student. Before being tested to junior high school students, the developed learning material was assessed by expert for the validity rate. It was known that the developed learning material was very valid. Then, the learning material was tested on 30 seventh-grade students of SMPN SATAP Kenduruan, Tuban, East Java, batch of 2017/2018. This data was obtained by critical thinking and science literacy test method. The result of this study showed that the average of pretest was 39.9 point (very less critical) and the average of posttest was 75.5 point (critical) by N-gain score was 0.7, categorized as high score. That result could explain us that critical thinking skill of students in SMPN Satap Kenduruan was increased, from very less critical to critical. So, it can be concluded that learning material by ICT-based guided inquiry model was effective for training critical thinking skill and junior high school students- science literacy.

learning material; Guided inquiry model; ICT; critical thinking; science literacy; junior high school

Biology Education


Rita Retnowati 1), Rita Istiana 1), Sutanto 1), Cut Dian Nuryanty 2)

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Rita Retnowati

1) Lecturer Of Pakuan University
2) Student of Environmental Management Department , Postgraduate, Pakuan University

The Low Behavior of the Pro environment of the Factory employees in the Citarum River is the focus of this research study. This study aims to describe the relationship between pro-environmental behavior and perceptions of environmental policies and understanding of environmental pollution. The unit of analysis of this research is factory employees around the Citarum river. The method used is the survey method with a correlational approach. The instrument used was a test instrument to measure understanding of environmental pollution and questionnaire / non-test to measure perceptions of environmental policy and pro-environment behavior variables that were previously tested for validity and reliability. The data obtained were analyzed using regression and correlation. Based on the results of the study, there is a significant positive relationship between perceptions of environmental policy and employee pro-environment behavior indicated by the coefficient of determination (ry12) of 0.2921 while the correlation coefficient (ry1) is 0.540 with the regression equation Ŷ1 = 29,599 + 0 , 4903 X1 and the relationship is significant. In addition, there is also a significant positive relationship between understanding of environmental pollution with employee pro-environment behavior indicated by the coefficient of determination (ry22) of 0.1679 while the correlation coefficient (ry2) is 0.409 with the regression equation Ŷ2 = 60.839 + 1 , 0639X2 and the relationship is significant. Meanwhile, the relationship between perceptions of environmental policy and understanding of environmental pollution together with employees pro-environment behavior coefficient of determination (ry122) is 0.289 while the correlation coefficient (ry12) is 0.537 with the regression equation Ŷ12 = 38.202 + 0.258 X1 + 0.799X2 and the relationship is significant. Based on these results it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between perceptions of environmental policy and understanding of environmental pollution with pro-environment behavior of factory employees in the Citarum river.

Pro-environment behavior, Perception of Environmental Policy, Understanding of environmental pollution, Factory employees, Citarum river



Enhancing Metacognitive Abilities through the Biology Project
Nur Rokhmani Tri Siswi(a*), Yayan Sanjaya(b), and Mimin Nurjhani(b)

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Nur Rokhmani Tri Siswi

(a)Biology Education, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(b)Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract Metacognitive ability is assessed to have an effect on how the students can learn independently to obtain academic achievement. Learning that can support the development of metacognitive abilities are needed, so students can be directly involved in developing their learning strategies. For this reason, the study applies project-based learning to biology subjects to develop student metacognitive learning. In this study, the effect of project-based learning on students ability to solve metacognitive test questions on biology subjects was shown. This study aims to measure how project-based learning can improve students metacognitive abilities and identify students metacognitive awareness in learning. The data in this study were collected through pretest, posttest and metacognitive awareness questionnaires. These data were analyzed quantitatively to produce a better understanding of the problem and the results of the study. As a result, students ability to solve metacognitive problems has increased by 19,4 points. The Gain Index obtained from the average student yield is 0.7. It was also explained that students metacognitive awareness after project-based learning began to appear in several aspects including aspects of search strategy and planning with an average response of 36 and 34 points, respectively.

Metacognitive ability; Project Based Learning; Biology Project;

Biology Education


Enhancing Prospective Teachers- 21st Century Thinking Skills on Climate Change Issues through Socioscientific-based Teaching Materials
Desti Herawati, Rita Istiana

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Desti Herawati

Universitas Pakuan

This study examined the 21st century thinking skills of prospective teachers on the climate change issues in Indonesia using socioscientific-based teaching materials. This study used Research and Development (R&D) method with 4D model. The research subject were second semester of prospective teachers who contracted the Environmental Study course. The 21st century thinking skills in this study were focused on the group of ways of thinking (critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making). The 21st century thinking skills were measured by essay instruments that contain climate change issue in Indonesia. The results of the study showed that there was significant difference between 21st century thinking skills of prospective teachers before and after using socioscientific-based teaching materials. This indicated that the existance of socioscientific issues in teaching materials used by prospective teachers was able to train them to think critically, solve the problems, and make a decision related to issues presented in national news media. Prospective teachers- content knowledge related to the socioscientific issues also determines the quality of their thinking skills. Therefore, a socioscientific-based teaching materials could be one of learning resources for training and developing 21st century skills of prospective teachers especially in responding to the debatable national issues.

21st century skills, socioscientific issue, socioscientific-based teaching materials



Enhancing Students- Problem Solving Ability through Teaching Material based on Tumpek Wariga as Local Wisdom in Bali
Kadek Sera Harlistya Udayani, Siti Sriyati, Amprasto

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Kadek Sera Harlistya Udayani


Teaching materials based on wisdom and local potential are needed in environmental education in order to produce learning resources that are appropriate to students cultural, geographical and social environment. The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of the impact or effect of the use of teaching materials based on local wisdom of Tumpek Wariga on achieving students problem solving abilities. The method used in this study is a quasi experiment with a research design that is non equivalent pretest-posttest design. The study was conducted at one of the high schools in Denpasar. The research sample consisted of 36 experimental class students who used teaching materials based on local wisdom Tumpek Wariga and 36 control class students who used national teaching materials. Teaching material based on local wisdom Tumpek Wariga has previously been validated by reviewers with results worth to using. Data about students problem solving abilities are measured by essay questions arranged according to indicators of problem solving. The research data did not meet the prerequisite test then analyzed through the nonparametric ¬Mann-whitney test. The analysis showed that there were significant differences in posttest results between the control and experimental classes with a significance level of 0.00. This shows that teaching materials based on local wisdom Tumpek Wariga can improve students problem solving abilities.

Teaching material, local wisdom, problem solving ability

Biology Education


Equipping Students- Research Skills and Logical Thinking through Practical Work on Algae Topic
A Sanjayanti 1, N Y Rustaman 2, T Hidayat 2

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Arum Sanjayanti

1Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Biologi, SPs., Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

A research using pre-experimental method was conducted to equip research skills and improve students- logical thinking in the Cryptogamae botanical practicum. The initial development of the practicum program was based on a preliminary study at one of state university in Bandung, West Java. This study involved 38 second semester biology students. The study was conducted from February to April 2019. Data were collected through several instruments in the form of: tasks and rubrics for reviewing articles, proposal outlines, pre-proposals, final proposals, and test of logical thinking (TOLT). Research skills used at the scaffolded research level in facets of research which consist of: embark and clarify, find and generate, evaluate and reflect, organize and manage, analyze and synthesize, communicate and apply. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the Cryptogamae botany practicum program could improve students- medium research skills and logical thinking. In addition, it was also found that student who have a formal score of TOLT category tend to increase their research skills higher compared to those of the transitional and concrete score categories.

Algae, Research Skills, students- Logical Thinking skills

Biology Education


Etnobotany study of medicinal plants of the Euphorbiaceae family in Bengkulu as media for student learning
Kasrina, Alif Yanuar Zukmadini

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1. Mahasiswa Program Pasca Sarjana FKIP Universitas Bengkulu Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia
2. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia

Abstract. Although Ethnobotany study research has been carried out in Bengkulu, there is still a lot of data that has not been revealed and the results have not been well documented in a media that contains a dictionary. For this reason, this case study was developed and developed. This research aims to inventory medicinal plants in Bengkulu and is developed as a learning medium that contains a dictionary of Bengkulu medicinal plants. Research methodology by conducting field surveys by means of exploration, observation, interviews with informants selected by purposive sampling and literature study. Data analysis was performed descriptively. From the results of studies on the family Euphorbiaceae found 10 types of medicinal plants, for examples: “Kemiri”/ Candlenut (Aleurites moluccina), “Anting-anting” (Acalypha australis), Patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli) and others. Tonsils, headaches, wound medicine, malaria, jaundice, magh, itching, colds, warts, heart disease and so on. From the survey results found differences in the use of plants between informants. In general, many of these plants are surrounded by our environment in the form of liar plants and cultivation plants. Relating to medicinal plants that are documented to contain a dictionary book will help in the learning process related to medicinal plants.


Biology Education


Experiencing Phylogenetics to Improve Higher Order Questions and Critical Thinking of Biology Undergraduate Student
Rhein Renata Khalisa (a*), Topik Hidayat (a), Amprasto (a)

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Rhein Renata Khalisa

a) Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

To fostering 21st century skills, lecturers must implement a lesson toward a high-level questioning skills as a target. Higher Order Questions (HOQs) emphasize on application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. However, unfortunately to date, HOQs have not received adequate attention from lecturers and researchers. This research was aimed to analyze the effect of use of phylogenetics approach in Angiosperm taxonomy learning on HOQs and critical thinking of undergraduate students. This research was conducted on the 4th semester Biology students which are consisted of 27 students. Research method was pre-experimental with one group pretest posttest design. The results indicated that there is improvement of students HOQs (N-Gain= 62.4%) as well as their critical thinking (N-Gain= 62.1%). In addition, qualitative data revealed of the increasing from LOQs to be HOQs. Good achievement of step by step of learning process using phylogenetic approach experienced by each student was well documented in this study.

Critical Thinking; HOQs; LOQs; Phylogenetic

Biology Education


exploring macro-argument complexity and rebuttal of genetics in students through socio-scientific issue using scientific writing heuristic (SWH)
A.Anisa (a) , A.Widodo (b), R.Riandi (b), M.Muslim (c)

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Anisa Anisa

a) Student of Sekolah Pascasarjana, Departement of Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl. Dr. Setiabudi Bandung, Indonesia
b) Departemen of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi Bandung, Indonesia
c) Departemen of Physic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi Bandung, Indonesia

This study aims to explore the complexity of macro arguments and the rebuttal of students in oral and written argumentation using socio-scientific issues regarding genetics (mutation and evolution) through the scientific writing heuristic (SWH) approach. The research method conducted was a mixed method with 38 subjects in a science class at one of the public schools in West Java, Indonesia. The socio-scientific issue raised is the use of genetically modified organisms (transgenic organisms). Oral argumentation categorized from level 1 (L1) to infinite level (Ln), and written argumentation level categorized from level 1 (which only contains claims) to level 5 (claim is accompanied by evidence in the form of correct data and relates to the context and content of mutation and evolution). The results showed that the students macro argument level improved on oral argumentation with achievement at level 5 of 45%. The opposite occurs in written arguments, which is a decrease in level after intervention from previously in the range of level 3 to level 2. This is due to the representation of the evidence needed to support the stand point through oral arguments, so that students no longer repeat writing the evidence is in the form of written arguments.

Genetics, Mutation, Argumentation, Rebuttal, Revised Toulmins Scheme

Biology Education


Fostering Students Process Skills through Inquiry Science Learning Implementation
J H Nunaki, S I R Siagian, E Nusantari, N Y Kandowangko and I Damopolii

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Insar Damopolii

1Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Papua, Jl. Gunung Salju Amban, Manokwari 98314, Indonesia
2Departemen Biologi, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No 6, Gorontalo 96128, Indonesia

Process skills are mostly researched in previous studies, but specifically for students in Papua, these skills have not become the main focus to be fostering. Inquiry learning is present as alternative learning to train students process skills. The research aims to foster the student process skill through inquiry science learning implementation. The research was a quasi-experimental method. Non-equivalent control group design was used. Data was collected using process skill tests. N-gain and independent t-test were used for data analysis. It was revealed that the skill of student processes in the inquiry learning class was better compared to students in the conventional class (p <0.05). Science inquiry learning is better fostering science process skills indicator, that is observing, problem formulations, hypothesis formulations, and communicating. It can be concluded that for fostering student process skills, inquiry science learning is the right choice. it is better compared with conventional learning.

Inquiry science learning, Process Skill, Biology Lesson, Papuan students

Biology Education


Household Waste Management in Ecovillage Wangun, Pasir Mulya Village, Bandung Regency
Pirman Supriatman, Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti

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Pirman Supriatman

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Household waste which is included in domestic waste can be a source of disease if it is not managed properly. Ecovillage is a West Java provincial government program to foster villages in managing the environment, one of which is waste management. The community is given an understanding to be able to sort and choose waste and make useful waste and economic value. Inorganic rubbish is sold to waste banks managed by the community itself, then sold, while organic waste is used as compost as fertilizer when growing vegetables in the yard. This descriptive study aims to explain the management of household waste in the ecovillage kampong wangun. The result of 34 houses in ecovillage on average household waste produced two weeks, inorganic waste consists of 20 kg mineral water packaging, 20 kg flavored glass drink, 8 kg screened plastic, 15 kg bucket, 25 kg carton, 8 kg duplex, 25 kg of shard, 13 kg of iron, 16 kg of shard bottle, 10 kg of crackle and 10 kg of aluminum, used sacks and styrofoam while organic waste consists of 14 kg of vegetable waste. Household waste management in the ecovillage building has been implemented but has not been optimally implemented by the community. Education level, income level, behavior towards environmental hygiene also influence the community in their role in managing the environment. Suggestions given include activating solid waste management groups, the government plays an active role in fostering and financing waste management as well as implementing disciplined solid waste regulations.

Ecovillage, Society, Manage, Household Waste

Biology Education


Implementation of DPDPE Learning Strategies Using Photosynthetic Kits to Enhance Students Quantitative Literacy
R S Khoerunnisa (a*), B Supriatno (b), E Nuraeni (b)

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Rani Siti Khoerunnisa

a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This research aims to analyze the effect of Demonstration - Practical work1 - Discuss - Practical Work2 - Explain (DPDPE) strategy on the quantitative literacy of biology students using photosynthetic kits. This research was carried out with the one group pretest-posttest research design involved 22 biology students at one of the State University in Bandung in the fourth semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. The research instrument used is 10 quantitative literacy test given to students, the indicators consist of interpretation, representation, analysis/application, calculation, assumption, and communication. Data analysis was carried out by recapitulating scores of the pretest and posttest. Analysis of the results in this research data was analyzed with scoring and normalize gain of the score. The results of this research showed increased students quantitative literacy. Based on these results highest enhance after implementation of DPDPE strategy is calculation ability. In general, the results of the study are indicated by the acquisition 0.86 of N-gain averages which is a high category. The application of DPDPE learning strategies using photosynthetic kits can enhance quantitative literacy in biology students.

Quantitative literacy; photosyntesis; DPDPE learning strategy; photosyntetic kit

Biology Education


Implementation of Formative Assessment Through Oral Feedback to Develop 21st Century Critical Thinking Skills of Student on Plantae Learning
Siti Sarah Nurhijah*, Ana Ratna Wulan, Sariwulan Diana

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Siti Sarah Nurhijah

Biology Department, Postgraduate School of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The challenges of 21st century globalization require students to have various skills needed in compete at the global level. One of the 21st century skills students need to have is critical thinking skills, but student-s critical thinking skills in Indonesia are still relatively low. To develop this skill, learning is needed along with appropriate assessment. The application of formative assessment in learning is one of the efforts in developing the skill. Through formative assessment, teacher can make appropriate learning strategies to facilitate student learning needs. However, the practice of assessment for learning rarely facilitates student learning needs. Thus, this study was needed for investigating the effect of formative assessment in develop critical thinking skill of students. The quasy experiment method is used in this study with the pretest posttest control group design. The experimental group was given the application of formative assessment through oral feedback during learning, while the control group was given the conventional assessment. The result showed that formative assessment through oral feedback can develop critical thinking skill of students, indicated by the experimental group has higher critical thinking skill improvement than control groups in Spermatophyta and Bryophyta chapter.

Formative assessment, oral feedback, 21st critical thinking skills, Plantae

Biology Education


Improving Creative Thinking Skill through Project-oriented Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-and Create (RADEC) Learning Model
Septinaningrum1,3*, W Sopandi1,2, Y Gumala1,4, P Anggraeni1,5, A H Rahayu1,5, Tursinawati1,6.

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Septinaningrum -

1Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, IAIN Tulungagung, Jl. Mayor Sujadi Timur No. 46 Tulungagung 66221, Indonesia
4Departemen Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jl. Darmawangsa 1 No 1 Jakarta 12140, Indonesia
5 Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, STKIP Sebelas April, Jl. Angkrek No. 19 Sumedang 45323, Indosesia
6 Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Syah Kuala, Jl. Tgk Hasan Krueng Kalee Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia

Abstract. This research was aimed at investigating the development of students- creative thinking skill through project-project oriented Read-Answer-Discuss-Explain-and Create (RADEC) learning model. The background of this research was the low students- creative thinking skill at the fourth semester of group G department of PGMI, IAIN Tulungagung in Subject of Biology for Elementary Education. Project-oriented RADEC learning model was considered effective to solve the problem. The excellences of this learning model is that its syntactic stage which is certain, easy to understand, and can be implemented based on the students- characteristics in Indonesia. Moreover, the create stage in this model can integrate knowledge and experience through project so that the students- stimulating and accommodating ability of the students- creative ideas. This research applied quantitative research method by using pre experiment one group pre test post test design. The instruments of data collection were test, observation sheet, interview, and field notes. The result of the research showed that there was a significant development of the students- creative thinking skill such as 40. 1%, flexibility 43. 81%, originality 37%, and elaboration 45. 04%. Therefore, it can be concluded that project-project oriented RADEC learning model can be used to develop the fourth students- creative thinking skill in Subject of Biology for Elementary School Department of PGMI at IAIN Tulung Agung 2018/2019.

RADEC learning model, Project-oriented, Creative Thinking Skill

Biology Education


Improving Students Science Process Skills Through Investigation Practicum by Utilizing Marine Resource in Indramayu High School Students
Agri Teguh Wibowo (a*), Sri Anggraeni (b), Amprasto (b)

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Agri Teguh Wibowo

a, b) Master in Biology Education, School of Postgraduates, Indonesia University of Education


Abstract. Science process skills are needed in 21st century learning, so that it must be developed in the learning process. The aims of this study was to determind the improvement of students science process skills through the development of investigation practicum by utilizing marine resources in Indramayu. The population in this study were all students of class X in Jatibarang 1 High School while the sample of this study was 40 students at X MIA. The research used a quasi experimental design with 15 essay items about science process skills as a research instrument. The experimental group was taught through the development of investigative practicum, while the control group was taught through a verification practicum. The results obtained from the t-test on normal and homogeneous data indicate that there are significant differences, the N-gain value of the experimental group is 0.43 and the control group is 0.26. Based on data analysis, science process skills between students who receive investigation practicum are better than students who receive verification practicum and science process skills students through investigation practicum learning are on the moderate category.

Science process skills; Investigation practicum; Marine resources

Biology Education


Inquiry based learning on the ability to write scientific material on plant physiology in pre-service biology teachers
Jumrodah, Nanik Lestariningsih

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Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Program Studi Tadris Biologi, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia

The aims this research are to determine the effect of the inquiry learning on the ability of scientific writing pre-services Biology teacher. This research used quasi experiment method. The subject was consists of 29 pre-service teacher on 5th semester in one of university in Palangkaraya. The results showed that the ability to write scientifically on student plant physiology material averaged 77.257% with good criteria. It is suggested to develop inquary-based learning toward to improve of scientific writing skills.

Project Based Learning, Sustainable Development

Biology Education


Integrated learning for environmental literacy in high schools
Fenny Roshayanti Azizul Ghofar Candra Wicaksono Ipah Budi Minarti Nurkolis

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Fenny Roshayanti

Universitas PGRI Semarang

The environmental issues that happened in the northern part of Central Java are getting worse. Human activity is believed as the main factor of environmental damage. The developing in infrastructure, changing the coastal area into harbor and industry and also habit in throwing waste material into the sea will contribute great damage in the environment. Then, preventive action is needed to overcome this problem. By changing the young generation-s perception, awareness, and action with the integration of environmental literacy in learning practice will become the best way to fix these challenges. This research is aimed to develop environmental literacy-integrated learning in high schools and measure student-s environmental literacy as a result of the implementation of this integrated learning. The environmental literacy-integrated learning combines environmental literacy aspects with problem-based learning model. In addition, a set of learning media and module based environmental literacy are used as supporting materials in this research. This research use mix method with a qualitative approach to examine the quality of the environmental literacy-integrated learning. The quantitative approach also used with quasi-experimental design to measure the effect of environmental literacy-integrated learning which involving 30 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. The score of environmental literacy is taken after the implementation of environmental-integrated learning using Middle schools environmental literacy surveys (MSELS) questionnaires. The data then analyze using ancova. The qualitative data is also used to evaluate the implementation of environmental literacy-integrated learning. The result shows that environmental literacy-integrated learning gives positive impact in student-s comprehension in all environmental literacy aspects. In addition, a statistical analysis also shows significant value as 0.000 (p< 0.05). This result indicates that environmental literacy-integrated learning can improve student-s environmental literacy.

Environmental literacy, Integrated learning, High School

Biology Education


Interpreting and validating performance assessment for student-s argumentation skills in inquiry-based scientific reading
Riezky Maya Probosari, Sajidan, Suranto, Baskoro Adi Prayitno

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Riezky Probosari

Sebelas Maret University

This research was conducted to validate and interpret 80-item tests of scientific argumentation skills. The tests tested covered some aspects of argumentation test based on Toulmin Argumentation Pattern (TAP). Fifty three students on their third semester in Biology Education Study Program in Central Java, Indonesia, have participated in this research. The Winsteps software program version 3.73 was used to conduct the Rasch analyses in this research. The results showed that (1) the majority of items displayed match the Rasch model, In the summary of the person response pattern, the infit value and mean square outfit are 1.0 or perfect, infit and z-std outfit are close to the ideal value of 0.0. Person reliability 0.73, means that the consistency of student responses is quite good and items reliability 0.83 means the quality of the items is good. Cronbach alpha value is 0.77, means that the interaction between person and item is good. It also showed the difficulty level of the items given: difficult, medium and easy. It can be said that the instrument can measure students argumentation abilities in every aspect.

Argumentation, TAP, Rasch model, assessment

Biology Education


Hernani1,*, Luthfi Lulul Ulum1and Ahmad Mudzakir1

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Hernani Hernani

1Department of Chemistry Education, Indonesia University of Education

Ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) is one type of artificial muscle technology. This demonstration IPMC based on ionic liquid has the potential to introduce four main aspects of VNOST, such as (1) the characteristics of science and technology, (2) the aim of science and scientific research, (3) the characteristics of scientific knowledge and scientific theories, and (4) the relationship between science and technology. Like the main purpose of VNOST, the introduction of this IPMC based on ionic liquid is not only introducing technology, but introducing the link between technology and science, especially chemistry content. Context-related chemistry content that is at the stage of making chitosan sulfonate membrane involves chemistry contents in the form of solution pH, Lewis base acid theory, sulfonation reaction, substitution reaction, and conductivity. In addition, the stages of the membrane actuation mechanism involve chemistry contents in the form of electrostatic forces, electrolytes, hydrolysis and the relationship of the melting point with the molecular weight.

Artificial muscle of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC), ionic liquids, demonstrations, pre-service teachers-, dan VNOST (View Nature of Science and Technology).

Biology Education


Lesson study at Bengkulu Iqro IT High School to improve learning outcomes and the role of teachers in supporting Biology learning
Alif Yanuar Zukmadini, Syaiful Rochman

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Alif Yanuar Zukmadini

Universitas Bengkulu

Iqro IT High School is one of the high school level schools based on Islam in the city of Bengkulu. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of class XI students and enhance the role of teachers in enhancing collaborative biology learning. This type of research is action research conducted using the lesson study method. Lesson studies are carried out collaboratively by involving the roles of teachers, peers, and lecturers. Lesson study activities carried out in two open lessons, where each open lesson consists of 3 sessions namely plan, do, and see. The instrument used in this study was the observation sheet of the implementation of lesson study and the test sheet of learning outcomes. The results showed an additional increase in the study of lessons from open lesson 1 to open lesson 2. In addition there was also an increase in learning outcomes from open lesson 1 to open lesson 2. The conclusion of this study is that lesson study can help teachers to enhance their role in teaching and learning and be able to improve student learning outcomes in biology subjects.

Lesson Study, Biology Learning, Role of Teacher

Biology Education


Lesson study to stimulate students critical thinking in cell biology courses
T Hidayat, S Santoso

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

The purpose of this study is a lesson study joint learning forum for mutual learning from experience in order to stimulate critical thinking of students in the Cell Biology course in the Biology Education Study Program FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. This research is an action research with a qualitative-descriptive approach carried out for 4 cycles. The stages of the lesson study are learning planning (plan), Implementation of learning (Do) and Reflection (See). The results showed that students critical thinking skills in learning Biology Cells through the implementation of lesson studies gained an average score of 85% in either category. The development of the ability to manage classes that have been done through the implementation of lesson studies to stimulate students critical thinking has increased.

Lesson Study, Critical Thinking, Cell Biology

Biology Education


Local Wisdom Integrated Biology Learning Program as an Alternative to Increase Generic Science Skills
A Ramdani, S D Utami, I Efendi, I N Dewi, and I S Rohyani

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Agus Ramdani

Mataram University

The integration of the local wisdom of the Mount Rinjani community provides an alternative solution for educational problems that can be tailored to the needs of both the supplements and substitutions in the learning process. The Local Wisdom Integrated Biology Learning Program (LWIBLP) is an innovative learning program designed to improve generic science skills and positive characters of students towards the environment. This study aims at developing and producing a quality LWIBLP Program (valid in content and construct, and reliable). The main products is the LWIBLP Program which is manifested in the form of the LWIBLP Program Book. The quality of the LWIBLP Program was obtained through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities using an instrument for assessing the quality of learning programs. The quality analysis of the LWIBLP Program emloyed average validity scores, single measure ICC, and Cronbachs alpha coefficient. The results show the LWIBLP Program, with the average content validity of 3.51, construct validity of 3.61, the validity of each aspect statistically (rɑ = 1.00) and reliability (ɑ = 1.00), meets the quality in good category. The research implication is that the LWIBLP Program is declared qualified by the assessor and can be used to improve generic science skills and positive character of students towards the environment.

Local Wisdom, Generic Science, Environmental Care Character



Local wisdom values of the Baduy tribe: the potential to develop biology teaching materials of high school grade X
Ade Faridah (a*), Yusuf Hilmi Adisendjaja (b), Siti Sriyati (b)

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Ade Faridah

a) Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
b) Pendidikan biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.

The Baduy have a set of customary rules (pikukuh) and habits that are passed on to their offspring through oral language that can fade over the times. Important local wisdom is introduced to students as part of the learning process because it is close to everyday life, one of them through teaching materials. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the values of the local wisdom of the Baduy tribe to develop biology teaching materials in class X (ten) of High Schools. Data collection by means of interviews, field observations and documentation is analyzed descriptively. The primary data in this study is the Pikukuh tribe in environmental management. The results showed there were eight pikukuh in environmental management that could be appointed to develop teaching materials. Pikukuh contains local wisdom values including conservation values, sustainability values, balance values of environmental care values, politeness values, discipline values, and cultural values. These values can be internalized into biology teaching materials in one of the basic competencies in class X of Senior High School, namely analyzing information/ data from various sources about the ecosystem and all interactions that take place in it and simulating interactions between components in an ecosystem.

Local wisdom values; Pikukuh; Teaching material

Biology Education


Misconception of The Biology Education Students on The Concepts of Fermentation
Hilarius Jago Duda (a), F Rahayu Esti Wahyuni (b), Antonius Edy Setyawan (b)

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Hilarius Jago Duda

STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa, Sintang, West Kalimantan
Jl. Pertamina-Sengkuang KM.04

Fermentation is one of the technologies in biotechnology to produce biotech products that are rich in nutritional content and have better quality. Survey data shows that students responding to biotechnology courses are one of the subjects that are difficult to understand and difficult to practice. Therefore, researchers tried to analyze the misconceptions that occured in students who had studied biotechnology courses on the concepts of fermentation technology and fermentation products. The research approach is qualitative with the research method used is decriptive. The study population was students of Biology Education STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang and the samples used were 36 students who has studied biotechnology. The technique of collecting data with diagnostic tests in the form of multiple choices and interviews. Analyze data using Certainty Of Response Index (CRI) and descriptive. The results of the research obtained are misconceptions on the concept of 34.44% fermentation technology and the concept of fermentation products by 34%. From these data it is known that quite a number of Biology Education students experience misconceptions.

misconception, fermentation, students, Indonesia

Biology Education


Needs Analysis of Disseminate Handbook Based on Guided Inquiry in Animal Physiology Subject
Rina Widiana (a*), Diana Susanti (a), Silvi Susanti (a), Ramadhan Sumarmin (b)

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Widiana Rina

a.Biology eduation , STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25111, Indonesia
b. Biology departement of FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang, 25131

The development of Guided Inquiry-based animal physiology guides has been developed with very valid, practical and effective results. For the handbook to be used by all universities, it is necessary to stage disseminate guided inquiry-based animal physiology handbooks. This is because the handbook of animal physiology developed is able to form concepts and theories and also breaks down, assembles, compares and modifies the physiological processes of body through practice activities. The purpose of this study is to guide and guide guided inquiry-based physiology. This research is development research, using a 4 D model. This stage of research is disseminated. Data was obtained using questionnaires given to lecturers, student, assistants involved in lectures on animal physiology. Data is processed with descriptive analysis. The results showed that disseminate analysis was needed for the development of guided inquiry-based physiology handbook with a value of 88.77%. It is necessary to conclude that the needs analysis of disseminate inquiry into physiology-based animal physiology is needed.

Disseminte, Handbook, guided inquiry, animal physiology

Biology Education


Possibilities of dynamic assessment to enhance students- understanding on abstract science concepts: a systematic review
D Puspitarini1*, Muzzazinah2, S Sudarisman3 and M Ramli2

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Dyah Puspitarini

1Magister of Biology Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
2Department of Biology Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
3Department of Science Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

Abstract. Dynamic assessments (DA) had been widely used in language and mathematics learning, but its use in science learning is still limited. One difficulty faced by students in science learning is the sheer number of abstract concepts. This literature review was aimed to find out the prospect of DA in science learning to improve students- understanding of abstract scientific concepts. This study analyzed various learning topics used with DA, the types of DA instruments, and procedures to train students- conceptual understanding. The PRISMA was used as the research method. The results showed the DA has been used in learning ecology, biology, atmosphere and water, evolution, and classification, photosynthesis, and weather and climate. It showed DA can improve students- conceptual understanding. Implementing DA in the learning process can be done by providing additional explanations or training to students. The types of instruments for DA were varied, such as tests, questionnaires, and interviews with semi-structural forms. We recommend the usage of DA to improve student understanding regarding abstract science concepts, especially biology.

assessment, concept, dynamic assessment.

Biology Education


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