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A New Form of Steel Base Isolation System for Seismic High-Rise Building
Taufiq Rochman, Nawir Rasidi, Sumardi, Fadjar Purnomo

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Taufiq Rochman

State Polytechnics of Malang

The higher story of a building then it will be more vulnerable to its earthquake or seismic responses. The use of seismic devices will reduce earthquake force. In this study, the steel base isolation material has been proposed. This paper aims to design a new steel base isolation system that have good resistance in both of seismic vibration and axial pull out. The building data are 3D mini three-story, six-story, nine-story steel frame structures. The shaking table is used to test with two types of vibration, medium and maximum. FEM analysis using STAAD. Pro V8i was implemented to find the seismic responses. From the calculation results, a reduced response was obtained in conditions of moderate damage to a three-story frame with an average acceleration of 88% reduction, a maximum acceleration of 22% reduction and a six-story frame in heavy damage with an average acceleration of 73% , the maximum acceleration is reduced into 43%.

Seismic devices, 3D steel frame, steel base isolation system

Civil Engineering


A Special Stop Space Needs Specifically For Motorbikes
Arbi P Lukman (*), Meassa M Sari, Syahrizal Azis

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arbi parianta lukman

Civil Engineering Study Program, Serang Raya University
Jalan raya serang-cilegon KM 5, Serang 42123, Indonesia

At grade intersection engaged two or more road section in one place. Low intersection performance will cause congestion. Two wheeled vehicles often stop anywhere among the red light period, because its small dimension and ability to maneuver, traffic flow gets disrupted. Special Stop Space (SSS) was taken as one solution for two-wheeled vehicles user to stop at certain area in intersection during red light period. According to Special Stop Space 2015 manual, there were only one side of intersection that didn-t qualify for SSS planning which was northern side. Meanwhile, eastern side qualified for SSS type P with 87.1 m^2 area. Southern side was qualify for SSS box-type with 70.4 m^2 area. Lastly, western side matched with SSS type P with 71.5m^2 area.

Special Stop Space; Intersection; Highway

Civil Engineering


A Study of Apartments Management in Taman Rasuna Apartments and Kalibata City Apartments, South Jakarta based on the DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 132 Year 2018 concerning in the Management of Owned Apartments
Yoshi Dessiani

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Yoshi Dessiani

School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia

The magnitude of profit turnover in commercial apartments market, frequently led to the asymmetrical relationship between private sector as real estate developer and apartments owner as citizen. This condition was marked by administrative violations that are often carried out by real estate developers. Throughout 2018, the DKI Jakarta Government received various complaints related to the apartments management and operation, including conflict of interest and transparancy issues in the Apartments Owners and Residents Association (PPPSRS). Following certain agenda that had been pushed by civil society organizations since 2006, the government attempted to formulate a particular public policy to protect each party involved in the vertical housing operation. Conducted with qualitative research methods, the objective of this study is to examine the implementation of the DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 132 Year 2018 concerning in the Management of Owned Apartments (Pergub 132/2018).

real estate, conflict of interest, transparancy, vertical housing, regulation, Jakarta

Civil Engineering


A Systematic Literature Review on Maritime Transportation Optimization Using Linear Programming
Muhammad Fakhruriza Pradana1, Prof. Dr.-ing. Bernd Noche2

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Muhammad Fakhruriza Pradana

1) University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
2) Universität Duisburg-Essen

Maritime transportation plays a very important role in world trade, more than 90% of world trade using this mode. Along with the development of science and technology, maritime transportation faced more complex and robust problems in term of their optimization. In this paper, we purpose a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on Maritime Transportation Optimization (MTO) in three-level decision making that is strategic level, tactical level, and operational level. We also have identified Linear Programming (LP) as a proper preference to study MTO. This SLR using a structured approach that involves bibliometric and network analytics from the articles published during 1976 – 2019. Some of the key findings in this study as follows, (i) research and citation in MTO using LP is growing rapidly and reached its peak in 2018; (ii) three countries with the highest number of articles are the United States, Norway, and China; (iii) shows a great opportunity for future research to combine strategic planning, tactical planning, and operational planning.

Linear Programming, Maritime Transportation, Optimization, Systematic Literature Review

Civil Engineering


Aging Effect Condition on Hot Asphalt Mixtures Marshall (AC-BC) Performance by Using Slag
Rindu Twidi B (1), Bambang Sugeng Subagio (2), Harmein Rahman (2), Nyoman Suaryana (3)

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Rindu Twidi Bethary

1) Doctoral Student, Faculty of Civil and Environment Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

2) Lecturer, Faculty of Civil and Environment Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

3) Research and Development Center of Road and Bridge, Ministry of Public Work and Public Housing, Indonesia

The technology of using waste for road construction by using slag as an aggregate substitute is able to reduce costs as well as environmentally friendly technology. Hot mix asphalt pavement (HMA) will experience aging both short and long term, this study was conducted to see how the effects of aging in hot asphalt mixtures by using slag. There were three types of mixtures in this study with different levels of slag, aging test specimens were conditioned by the AASHTO R30 testing method. The results of testing the slag characteristics with SEM that the slag surface is roughness than the natural aggregate, also the slag has porosity on its surface indicates that the slag has stronger adhesion properties with the asphalt. In hot asphalt mixtures with slags obtained by increasing the slag percentage, the optimum bitumen content will be smaller but if viewed from the optimum marshall stability value at a slag percentage of 20%. Then the mixture was conditioned for short-term aging with a higher marshall stability value compared to normal conditions with void in mixture (VIM) values, while for long-term aging the stability value decreased compared to normal conditions with VIM values approaching normal conditions without aging.

Slag, Aging, Stability, VIM

Civil Engineering


An Analysis of Characteristic of Asphalt Pen 60/70 Mixed with Gilsonite Additive
Yusmiati Kusuma(a), Husnul Fikri(a), Fenny Novita Meysabed Sianturi(a)

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Fenny Novita Meysabed Sianturi

(a) Civil Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Bandung,Bandung 40012, Indonesia

The increase of population growth in Indonesia causes an increase of traffic volume on the road. With the increase of traffic volume, it is necessary to improve the quality of road construction, especially from the pavement layer quality. On the road that have moderate traffic volume to high traffic volume, several problems in the pavement layer is often found. One way to decrease the road damage is by improving the quality of asphalt mixture, which means increasing the asphalt quality. The research design is conducted by testing the characteristic of Asphalt Pen 60/70 and also the Asphalt Pen 60/70 mixed with gilsonite additive at 4.5%, 5.5%, 6.5%, 7.5%, and 8.5% of the asphalt weight. Asphalt Pen 60/70 mixed with gilsonite additive is called as modified asphalt. Based on the testing result, it is obtained that the characteristic of modified asphalt have a better asphalt characteristic than the Asphalt Pen 60/70. The percentage of gilsonite level that still meet all the modified asphalt requirements is at the percentage of 6.5% with ductility value >140 cm, 336oC flash point, 54.5oC softening point, 1,037 gravity specific, and 41 penetrations. Besides, 7.5% and 8.5% gilsonite levels have better asphalt characteristic than Asphalt Pen 60/70.

Road Damage; Asphalt AC 60/70; Modified Asphalt; Gilsonite; Characteristic

Civil Engineering


An overview Structural Designs and Building Materials of Shell Structure for The Mosque and The Future Development
Fibria Conytin Nugrahini

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Fibria Conytin Nugrahini

Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

The development of technology in realizing contemporary designs becomes a hot issue for the development of the mosques appearance and shape. The development of the shell building in the mosque which is quite attractive to the public was construction of the Cologne Central Mosque in Germany in 2017. From the point of view of the shape of the building is a new era in the use of shell structures in the mosque. The shell structure commonly used as the dome of the mosque is used as a symbol of the mosque buildings in general use and continues to this day which Middle Eastern architecture where the development of Islam began. This paper will present a review of the structural designs and building materials on the shell structures of the mosque which has been developing from time to time. And can be used as a possible new references in the future development of mosque architecture.

structural designs, building materials, shell structures, the mosque

Civil Engineering


Analysis of Bridge Structure With Non-Linear Time History Method
Raden Fadli Kamal (a*), Riawan Gunadi (a)

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Raden Fadli Kamal

Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40559, Indonesia

The land area of Indonesia has a geographical form of mountains and valleys. This condition is a challenge in the field of infrastructure development and development, so long bridges and high pillars must be built and must be able to withstand the risk of earthquake design. The construction of bridges in Indonesia, especially those built before the last standard applies, namely SNI 2833: 2016, so the bridge must be reviewed on its structure so that its security and handling ascertained. Every ground motion caused by an earthquake recorded so that an earthquake recording in the form of acceleration ground motion obtained. In this study, analysis and evaluation of bridge structures were carried out due to the influence of earthquake loads. The structure tested by the seismic load from seven data scaled ground motion acceleration records. The structural analysis uses a nonlinear time history analysis method. From the results of the non-linear time history analysis, it is proven that by scale adjustment of seven earthquake recordings with target spectrum responses, the scheme of plastic joints and the magnitude of damage caused by each earthquake have a different impact.

Nonlinear time history analysis; Acceleration ground motion; Plastic joint

Civil Engineering


Analysis of Calculation of Rental Charges for Hall, Mess/Dormitory and Classroom Assets at Surabaya IV Region Construction Service Centers
Ratri Ayu Rahmayanti (a*), Tri Joko Wahyu Adi (b), Hitapriya Suprayitno (b)

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Ratri Ayu Rahmayanti

a) Students of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental & Geo Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Jalan Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
b) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental & Geo Engineering,
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya

The Surabaya IV Regional Construction Services Center (BJKW IV) is an Organizational Unit under the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. One of the main tasks is the management of Non-Tax State Revenues. BJKW IV Surabaya has the assets of the Hall, Mess/Dormitory and Classrooms which can be used for internal activities and leased to private institutions related to construction services. However, the rental rates of the above building assets that are still used Government Regulation Number 38 of 2012 cannot meet operational and maintenance needs. This study aims to establish the latest rental rates that are able to meet operational and maintenance needs. In this paper, the analysis of rental rate determination uses the method of Activity Based Costing (ABC). The results show that the tariff requirements to meet operational and maintenance requirements are as follows: Hall rental rates is 1.15 times the original rate, Mess/Dormitory Rooms rental rates is 2,75 times the original rates, Large Classes rental rate is 2,25 times the original rates and the Small Class Room rental rate is 1,85 times the original rate. Based on the results above, BJKW IV Surabaya needs to consider tariffs for commercialization to the private sector.

Calculation of Rental Charges, Non-Tax State Revenues Building, Activity Based Costing(ABC)

Civil Engineering


Dwi Novi Setiawati(1) Dwi Esti Intari(2) Riska Dwi Wulandari(3)

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Dwi Novi Setiawati

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department

Sudimara Station is one of the stations located in the city of South Tangerang. This station   belongs to the 3rd class train station, with the growth rate of passengers driving private vehicles   increasing by approximately 2.2 % to 3.2% every year. Most of passengers who drive their personal   vehicles choose to park in the parking area provided by the station. The aim of this study was to know the characteristics of parking activity on weekdays   and holidays, and also to know the parking needs at this time land the next five years. This study used   survey method with primary data obtained through direct survey that recorded the vehicles that come out   and enter the parking area, so it can be known the duration of the vehicles that were parked. The   secondary data obtained from PT. Reska Multi Usaha and PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. The data analysis   in this study was based on the planning and operating guidance of parking facility 1998. The results of the study showed that both the north and sout parking areas, with the highest  parking characteristics, occurred on weekdays, where the north parking area has an area of 3,538 m2 with  parking capacity for two-wheeled vechicles 314 SRP and four-wheeled vehicles 105 SRP and the south  parking area has an area of 3,617 m2 with parking capacity for two-wheeled vehicles 137 SRP andfour-wheeled vehicles 158 SRP. The current insufficient parking requirements are only two-wheeled vehicles   in the northern parking area, it is 29 SRP deficiencies, while for the next 5 years, parking requirements   based on the current parking characteristics for two-wheeled vehicles in the northern parking area still   lack of 68 SRP and on the southern parking area still lack of 17 SRP, but for the four-wheeled vehicles,   the avaibility of two parking areas are now still sufficient for parking needs for the next 5 years.

Parking Characteristics; Parking Needs; Station

Civil Engineering


Endo Petakasari (a*), Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro (b), Herry Budianto (c)

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Endo Petakasari

tudents of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental & Geo Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Jalan Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
* endo.petakasari[at]
b) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental & Geo Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Road preservation with a Long Segment Scheme is the handling of road maintenance within the boundary of one continuous segment (can be more than one segment) carried out by one contractor. The scope of outputs of the Long Segment Scheme is widening, reconstruction, rehabilitation and routine maintenance. The scheme certainly have advantages and disadvantages as well as influencing factors. The purpose of this study is to find out the dominant factors in the preservation of the Long Segment scheme. This research is a descriptive study, the research variable obtained from three stages of the implementation of road preservation, namely the procurement phase, handling phase and maintenance phase. This study used the interview method to experts who have been involved in the Long segment scheme. From the collected data, it is then analyzed using descriptive analysis. To find out the accuracy of the data, validity and reliability were tested using the SPSS program. To find out the dominant factors in the Long Segment scheme, mean analysis and factor analysis were carried out. The results of this study are to obtain the advantages and disadvantages of each stage of the implementation of the preservation of the Long Segment scheme.

Long Segment Scheme, Road Preservation, Satker PJN Wilayah I Jawa Timur

Civil Engineering


Eko Walujodjati, Melly Ayu Agesti

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Eko Walujodjati

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Jl. Mayor syamsu no 1 jayaraga Garut, eko.walujodjati[at]

Technoplex Living Apartment Bandung is one of the buildings using a shear wall that is built in earthquake-prone areas. This study analyzes the CW3 shear wall Type which aims to determine the seismic load plan using spectrum response analysis that is applied and analyzed on the structure of the building so that the horizontal deviation value that will be compared against the value of horizontal deviation that is permitted under SNI 1726 of 2012 is obtained. The results of this study can be concluded that the CW3 shear wall produces the highest horizontal deviation value in the direction of X of 0.032 m greater than the highest horizontal deviation value in the direction Y of 0.0042 m. Because it was analyzed in one direction, namely the X direction with the percentage of seismic load received using an orthogonal system where the X direction building structure received an earthquake load of 100% while the Y direction of 30% from the earthquake load was calculated by the spectrum response analysis method and the resulting horizontal deviation was below the allowable safety margin, the percentage of X direction is 56.7% while Y direction is 92.3%.

Earthquake Load Design, Horizontal Deviation Value, Shear Wall, Building Structures

Civil Engineering


Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Cost Structure in Infrastructure Project of Flyover Based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Alexander Muhammad Nicodemus (a*), Yusuf Latief (b*)

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Alexander Muhammad Nicodemus

a, b) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
a*) axl.civil10[at]
b*) yusuflatief73[at]

Abstract. OHS issues in Indonesia are still often overlooked. It appears that the number of work accidents are still high. Therefore, in early 2018 the government has decided to suspend all the elevated construction project in Indonesia including Flyover Project. It cause a negative impact such as casualties, material, time, cost etc. One of the factors that most hinders OHS implementation in the Project from the contractors point of view is the high cost of OHS implementation and the safety cost provided for OHS implementation by the owner are inadequate or even none at all. Safety cost planning can be done accurately if the activities based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) on the project can be well defined. The Activity-Based Costing method provides more accurate information especially on complex structures and can provide information on cost items that are ignored in traditional methods. The research methods used are archival analysis, case study, survey, and expert judgement. The research result the safety cost in flyover project that is expected to obtain a decent budget and specifically allocated for the implementation of OHS in flyover projects to improve working safety conditions.

Flyover, OHS, Safety cost, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Civil Engineering


Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Cost Structure in Road Infrastructure Construction Project Based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Ressa Adrian Bernessa (a*), Yusuf Latief (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Ressa Adrian Bernessa

a, b) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
a*) rabernessa[at]
b*) yusuflatief73[at]

Abstract. In the last five years in Indonesia, the toll road construction project has become one of the most massive developments, with 65 toll roads and 4 national roads included in the National Strategic Projects list (PSN). However, along with the increase in construction projects in Indonesia in general the number of work accidents has also increased. in the period of 2017 to 2019, 54.5% of the number of construction accidents came from toll road projects. This results in significant losses such as loss of life, time, cost and so on. Wirahadikusumah (2019), the aspect that can improve working safety conditions is the availability of a decent budget and specifically allocated for the implementation of SMK3 in construction projects. Rzvi and Elnathan (1999), Activity-Based Costing method can provide information on neglected cost items in the construction method. So that OHS cost information on road construction projects can be available accurately starting from defining work activities based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The research method used is archive analysis, surveys involving construction experts, and previous project case studies. This study produces a ratio of OHS costs to contract values in road construction projects so as to improve work safety.

Road, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Potential Hazard, Risk Control, Safety Plan, Safety Cost

Civil Engineering


Athaya Zhafirah (a*), Andri Krisnandi Somantri (b)

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Athaya Zhafirah

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40559, Indonesia

Consolidation settlement in clay soils can be predicted by analyzing the consolidation parameters. Consolidation parameters were obtained from the results of a laboratory consolidation test using an Oedometer and Rowe cell. The Rowe cell can measure pore water pressure, soil saturation, and back pressure as a simulation of field condition while the Oedometer cannot. However, there are significant differences between the results of the analysis with the consolidation settlement occurred in the field caused by drainage conditions, the micro characteristics of the soil structure, and the thickness of the soil layer. Therefore, it is necessary to validate the results of settlement in oedometer and Rowe cell consolidation analysis with the value of settlement of experimental results. The method used is a laboratory consolidation test using an Oedometer and Rowe cell as well as a laboratory-scale experimental consolidation test. The results obtain 79% of differences between experimental and Oedometer, while Rowe cell had a difference of 37% from experimental. Based on this, analysis using Rowe cell consolidation parameters can predict a settlement in consolidation in the field more accurately than Oedometer, because it has a smaller difference in value.

clay, consolidation, oedometer, rowe cell, experimental

Civil Engineering


Erlin Susanti (a*), Umboro Lasminto (b), Theresia Sri Sidharti (b)

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Erlin Susanti

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of
Civil, Environmental, and Geo Engineering,
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
(ITS) Surabaya

Reservoir is a water resource facility that has a function as a storage and water provider. The abundant water in the rainy season is accommodated, stored and used appropriately throughout the year. The fact that is happening now as time goes by is that many reservoirs in Indonesia have decreased function and performance. One of them occurs in the Bajulmati Reservoir located in Banyuwangi and Situbondo districts, East Java. The decrease was due to the planning of the reservoir that was not in accordance with the current conditions. This study aims to analyze the Operating Pattern of Bajulmati Reservoir so that the reservoir is expected to provide optimal performance in utilization for irrigation, raw water and Micro Hydro Power Plants. This research was conducted by analyzing data for the availability and utilization of Bajulmati Reservoir water, stretching the discharge of reservoir inflow in the future for 50 years, forming a model with Dynamic Programming and simulation. The first simulation was carried out according to the operation of the current reservoir, which is prioritized for irrigation (factor kT = 100% with differences in how to calculate irrigation water requirements), irrigation water is passed through a turbine (PLTMH). In the second simulation, the reservoir was operated with the fulfillment of irrigation and raw water, a factor of kT> 70% and the Micro Hydro Power was optimized considering the availability of water in the reservoir. The simulation results show the operation of the reservoir in producing electricity on average per year if the turbine must be fully operational and if a turbine with a 20% maximum power already operate with a percentage of the fulfillment of irrigation and raw water (factor kT). From the analysis of income (without taking into account the cost and assuming the provision of irrigation water and raw water are performed simultaneously) are known to be the highest income and lowest income.

Reservoir, optimization, dynamic programming

Civil Engineering


Analysis of Safety Cost Structure in Infrastructure Project of Cable Stayed Bridge Based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Anggara Satria Perdana Putra (a), Yusuf Latief (b)

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Anggara Satria Perdana Putra

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

The development of infrastructure in Indonesia is currently quite massive, in accordance with the Government of Indonesias policy in accelerating infrastructure developments. However, along with the increase in the construction sector, work accidents in the construction sector also increased. Cable Stayed Bridge is one of the excellent technologies in connecting islands but has a high potensial hazards and risks and it can cause fatal accidents. Accidents can be prevented through a good occupational safety and health management system (OHSMS). The application of OHSMS financing in Indonesian construction sector, especially in the cable stayed bridge has not been clearly and measurably regulated. In its implementation, the existing regulations have not yet been fully followed by the construction actors. This study aims is to develop the safety cost based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The research methode are survey research and descriptive analysis. The study results are the cable stayed bridge standardized WBS, potential hazard sources, the preventive action to each potential hazards in each activity, finding the safety cost components based on WBS and the calculation of safety cost percentage in order to improve the OHSMS quality and reducing work accidents in the cable stayed bridge projects.

Work Breakdown Structure; Risk Identification; Risk Prevention; Safety Cost, Cable Stayed Bridge Project

Civil Engineering


Analysis of Safety Cost Structure in Infrastructure Project of Precast Concrete Bridge Based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Pungky Dharma Saputra (a), Yusuf Latief (b)

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Pungky Dharma Saputra

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

The activities in the Indonesian construction industry have increased in recent years due to the government-s policy in the acceleration of infrastructure developments. Construction safety is one of the vital aspect on sites, which often times gets overlooked. One of the reasons is the lack of separate budget allocated for the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OHSMS) in precast bridge project. In effect, it creates higher rates of accidents, which in turns, project terminated, delay and cut down project profits. The aims of this study are to determine the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in precast bridge project, identify potensial hazards, develop safety plans, identify safety cost components, and generate a calculation of safety cost. This research is conducted as a survey research using respondents who are experts in construction safety and descriptive analysis to determines the variables used. A case study approach is used to generate safety cost calculation. This study results are the precast bridges standardized WBS, a safety plan to each hazards and activity, finding the safety costs components based on WBS, and the calculation of safety cost percentage which will improve the OHSMS and reduce the number of accidents in precast bridge projects.

Work Breakdown Structure; Risk Identification; Risk Prevention; Safety Cost, Precast Concrete Bridge Project

Civil Engineering


Analysis Of The Type Of Dominant Damage At The Drainage Pump, Case Study : Surabaya City Pump Station
Andi Candra Septaprasetya (a*), Umboro Lasminto (b), Vita Ratnasari (c)

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Andi Candra Septaprasetya

a) Students of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Enviromental & Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Sukolilo,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
b) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Enviromental & Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Sukolilo,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
c) Statistics Department, Faculty of Matematics, Computation, and Data Science, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Sukolilo,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

Most of Surabaya area is lowland, which is 80.72% with an altitude between 3-8 meter above sea level with a slope of less than 3%. Therefore, the city drainage system requires pump station operations to drain rainwater. One of the factors that can hinder the performance of pump stations in flood management is the damage to the drainage pump unit. This study has succeeded in finding motor damage as the type of dominant damage at drainage pump in Surabaya. The analysis of the types of dominant damage using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) by determining the type of dominant damage as the objective in the first level hierarchy, the dominant damage criteria are at the second level, and the types of damage are at the third level as an alternative decision. The types of damage are obtained by processing historical data of pump damage in 2017 to 2018, while the criteria for determining the dominant type of damage and the assessment in the AHP analysis are obtained from interviews and questionnaire with experts from the Surabaya city government and pump companies. The results of this study can be used to find the dominant causes of damage and forms of mitigation.

Drainage, Pump Station, Dominant Damage Type, Multi Criteria Decision, AHP

Civil Engineering


Dyah Okty Moerpratiwi

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Dyah Okty Moerpratiwi

Embassy of Canada

This paper gives analysis about the utilization of a new advanced technology namely the Building Information Modeling (BIM) in a real construction project. As a new technology in this industry, BIM is believed as a new tool that can help the construction project to be more economical, efficient, and effective. Mostly used in developed country like China, this technology is progressively being used by some contractors, consultants, and developers in Indonesia nowadays. In term of case study, the writer of this paper use Glodon TAS (Takeoff Architecture Structure), TRB (Takeoff Rebar), TRB (Takeoff Cost Estimating), and TME (Takeoff Mechanical Electrical) as the sample of this paper. The writer will give a brief analysis about the function and application of this software with their advantages as well as disadvantages. Keyword: Building Information Technnology, BIM, construction, building, software Dyah Okty Moerpratiwi, Property Assistant Manager at Embassy of Canada Master en Sciences, Technologies, et Santé from Université de Technologie de Compiègne Magister Teknik - Sarjana Teknik from Civil Engineering - Universitas Indonesia +62 813 14304360

Building Information Technnology, BIM, construction, building, software

Civil Engineering


Analysis Strategy of Workshop and Dormitory Building Utilization to Support Construction Training in Construction Services Unit IV Surabaya
Rizky Kurniasih (a*), I Putu Artama Wiguna (b), Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rizky Kurniasih

a) Students of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental & Geo Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Jalan Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
b) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Environmental & Geo Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya

Construction Service Unit IV Surabaya is one of the work units of Ministry of Public Works and Housing. This work unit has a workshop and dormitory building as assets, both of which function to support its duties in carrying out construction training. However, the building utilization rate is relatively low, so the building is rarely used (idle) and has not been used to its optimal potential in supporting the function (underutilized). The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategies for workshops and dormitories building utilization to support construction training. The method used in determining the strategy is internal environmental analysis with Resource-Based View (RBV) and external environment analysis with PESTLE analysis. The strategy formulation includes input stage with EFE and IFE Matrix, matching stage with SWOT Matrix, IE Matrix and Grand Strategy Matrix, and decision stage with QSPM. This research has succeeded in getting a strategy that is in accordance with the conditions of the work unit, namely market development strategy, market penetration, and product improvement.

Building Asset, Building Utilization, RBV, PESTLE Analysis, Strategy Formulation

Civil Engineering


Analytical Study of Steel Building Structure Response Under Thermal (Fire) and Wind Load Combination
Amatulhay Pribadi

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Amatulhay Pribadi

Institut Teknologi Nasional

Thermal load due to a fire along with wind load is one of the loads which may occur on the building structure. Meanwhile, the planning of buildings in Indonesia generally does not take the load into account. The presence of thermal load can lead into the degradation of structure especially for steel structure which has low resistance to fire. The result of this thermal load is failure which can lead into the collapse of the building. In this study, there will be studied the effect of thermal and wind loads on the response of steel building structure. The structure of the building that will be studied in this research is a fifteen stories building which serves as an office. In the preliminary design stage, there will be determined the dimensions and the profiles of steel which are used for structural elements based on the required codes. Thermal load along with wind load will be assigned on the building structure by considering the degradation of steel properties, the reduction of live load and super imposed dead load, and the speed of extinguishing process. This simulation is divided into three cases which are fast extinguishing, slow extinguishing, and the determination of the critical thermal load. At the stage of preliminary design and fire simulation, structural analysis will be done using the ETABS program. The result of fire simulation shows that the temperature level and the location of the fire will greatly affect the resistance of steel building structure. If the temperature is higher, the stress ratio of structural elements will expand too. In the determination of the critical thermal load, it is obtained that the minimum thermal loads which can cause failure in one major structural element are generally different at the bottom, middle, and top level of stories. In this case study, the highest critical temperature load is on the top level stories.

Thermal Load, Speed of Extinguishing Process, Load Reduction, Steel Properties Degradation, Structure Failure

Civil Engineering


Application Of Direct Method Cone Penetration Test In Jakarta
Erly Bahsan (a), Farah Ayu Ridhani (a), Samuel Henrina (a)

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Farah Ayu Ridhani

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia
Jalan Kampus UI, Kukusan, Beji, Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424

There are a lot of direct methods to estimate bearing capacity of pile foundation using cone penetration test (CPT). Hence, it is interesting to evaluate which method that suitable for a certain condition or specific locations. This paper tries to analyse the results of CPT direct method calculations for the pile foundations that were constructed in Jakarta, Indonesia. The pile capacities are determined using the following methods: Schmertmann, de Ruiter dan Beringen, LCPC, Aoki and De Alencar, Penpile, Price and Wardle, Philipponnat and Wesley. The pile capacities will be compared to the measured pile capacities from static pile load tests,which interpreted by Chin method and Decourt method, and the results from PDA testing. The statistical analyses used in this paper are the best fit line of the predicted pile capacities versus the measured pile capacities, and the mean and standard deviation of the ratio between the predicted pile capacities and the measured pile capacities. In general, the result of the CPT direct methods calculations are mainly underpredicted. Results showed that Philipponnat is the most appropriate method in the studied location with average value of ratio between the predicted pile capacities and the measured pile capacities is roughly 1.03.

direct method; cone penetration test; pile foundation

Civil Engineering


Bio-asphalt on Asphalt Mixture containing RAP
Atmy Verani Rouly Sihombing1 , Bambang Sugeng Subagio2, Eri Susanto3 and Anwar Yamin4

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Atmy Verani Rouly Sihombing

1,2,3 Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
4 Research and Development Center for Road and Bridge, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Indonesia

This study investigated the use of bio-asphalt, derived from coconut shell (BioCS) and straw (BioST) as an additive to determine its benefits in asphalt mixtures containing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). The study was conducted by determining and comparing the laboratory performance properties of four mixtures and the binders extracted from the mixes. The four mixtures evaluated in this study included 30% RAP mixtures with and without bio-asphalt (BioCS and BioST) and comparable virgin mix. The result showed that bio-asphalt was effective in improving mixture performance of 30% RAP mix close to those of the virgin mix.

Bio-asphalt, Asphalt Mixture, RAP

Civil Engineering


Riawan Gunadi (a*), Moeljono (a), Fisca Igustiany (a), Noval Hasan (a)

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Noval Hasan

Departement of Civil Engineering Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Fire events reduce the strength of the steel structure on the bridge and can cause collapse which results in losses, so it is necessary to consider the effects of fire when planning construction. Considering that the joints affect the performance of steel structures, the results of research on the performance of steel beams need to be augmented by testing the post-fire girder bridge bolt connection performance. Structural tests will be carried out on six specimens of bridge steel beam elements with high quality bolt connections in the center of the beam with sliding type bolt connections. Two control specimen beams were tested with shear loads without combustion. Two specimens with temperature of 700oC and 900oC with different torque bond variables. From the displacement control test using UTM on six specimens, it will be known the performance of each type of connection by evaluating changes in carrying capacity, stiffness, deflection capacity, ductility, and stress-strain capacity due to the influence of temperature acting during the fire process. The results can prove which type of bolt connection is better for use on bridges with fire risk.

Steel, bridges, bolt joints, temperatures, fire-protection

Civil Engineering


Capacity and Performance Evaluation of the Drainage System Jati Pinggir -Petamburan Central Jakarta
Restu Wigati (a*), Hamdan Akbar Notonegoro (b*)

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Restu Wigati

(a) Civil Engineering Dept.,Universitas Sultan AgengTirtayasa,Cilegon 42435, Indonesia
(b) Mechanical Engineering Dept.,Universitas Sultan AgengTirtayasa,Cilegon 42435, Indonesia

Flood problems become a crucial problem in the city of Jakarta. Jati Pinggir - Petamburan area is one of the affected floods. The density of the population and the narrower open land for water absorption causes the accumulation of standing water. The increased flow of water inundation affects channel capacity. For this reason, it is necessary to examine the ability to exist flood control buildings such as drainage canals, reservoirs and pump houses to deal with flooding with a 10-year return flood discharge in Jati Pinggir - Petamburan. Analysis of regional rainfall data, 10-year return period flood discharge, existing channel dimensions, the capacity of the pond and pump needs were used in this study.

Jakarta floods, drainage, ponds, pump houses

Civil Engineering


Causes of delays in construction project for developing Southeast Asia countries
(1) Hans Deni Wuala (2) Ayomi Dita Rarasati

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Hans Deni Wuala

Universitas Indonesia

Delay in construction industry impact the time and cost of project and mostly being the basis of dispute between stakeholders of the project. To reduce the impact, knowing the causal factors and lesson learned from past projects and studies is essential. Through this study, a literature review on the subject of construction delay factors studied in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam was undertaken to identify top factors and to determine whether there are special causes referring to this region. A comparison was made to a similar study on developed economies in Europe and North America. The result of the study revealed that the most significant factors causing delays in the Southeast Asia developing countries were related to contractor (material shortages, improper/ ineffective planning, poor site management and supervision, and equipment shortage and failure), and owner-related causes (financial/ payment issue and design change/ variation order). The results of the study support the view that contractors handling projects in developing countries are dealing with the shortages problems, inefficiency/ incompetence of the contractor, and problems caused by clients.

Causes of delays, delay factors, Southeast Asia, developing economy

Civil Engineering


Characteristic of Porous Asphalt Mixture Using Concrete Waste as Coarse Aggregate and Adding Gilsonite as an Additive
Fenny Novita Meysabed Sianturi (a), Suherman Sulaiman (a)

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Fenny Novita Meysabed Sianturi

(a)Civil Engineering Department, State Polytechnic of Bandung,Bandung 40012, Indonesia

Porous asphalt uses open-graded with a higher percentage of coarse aggregate than fine aggregate. Porous asphalt has low stability. One of the ways to used to improve the stability of porous asphalt mixture is adding gilsonite as an additive, which aims to improve the quality of asphalt. The use of concrete waste as coarse aggregate can also increase the stability of the mixture. In this study will use concrete waste as coarse aggregate and adding gilsonite as an additive. The proportions of regular coarse aggregates and concrete wastes are 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, and 100/0. The additive used is gilsonite, with gilsonite variations of 5.5%, 6.5%, 7.5%, and 8.5%. The goal of this step was to obtain the optimum asphalt content, optimum concrete waste proportion and optimum gilsonite content. Once the optimum asphalt content, optimum concrete waste and optimum gilsonite content are determined, the related Marshall characteristics could be determined. Based on the testing result, optimal asphalt content is 5.13%, the proportion of optimum concrete waste is 100%, and optimum gilsonite content is 8.5%. The use of 100% concrete waste and adding Gilsonite additive at ranges 8.5% improves the Marshall characteristic, particularly its stability.

Porous Asphalt; Concrete Waste; Gilsonite; Marshall

Civil Engineering


Angga Marditama Sultan Sufanir1), Yackob Astor2), Riza Aulia3)

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Riza Aulia


Filler is one of the ingredients functioning as a filler of ribs from a paved mixture.. In a flexible pavement structure, the surface layer is the most upper part of the pavement which acts to hold the wheel load and also as a dense layer of water to protect the required road body, with a minimum thickness of 4 cm. This research was conducted by experimental method aiming to know the highest stability value using volcanic ash deposits as a substitute for cement in the filler.The deposits of volcanic ash used are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the filler weight. The specimen material consists of several types, namely Marshall, PRD, IP, and GMM specimens. Concrete asphalt mixture is designed on the basis of the Marshall method. The results show that the volcanic deposit content is 0% with a stability value of 1133 kg, 15% with 1151 kg stability value, 30% with 1076 kg stability value, 50% with 1056 kg stability balue, 70% with 1048 kg stability value, 85% with 1047 kg stability value and 100% with 1121 kg stability value. From these variations, the highest stability value is found in 15% volcanic ash deposition with 1151kg.

Volcanic ash deposits, Filler, Stability

Civil Engineering


Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course (Ac-Wc) Mixing Using Concrete Waste as a Coarse Aggregate and Wetfix-Be Addition
R. Desutama Rachmat Bugi Prayogo*, Suherman, Nailil Khairini

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Nailil Khairini

Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ciwaruga, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559

The increasing availability of aggregates as road pavement materials and road pavement forming materials are increasingly limited in numbers shown by the dredging of rivers and cliffs in the mountains. Thus, other materials are used, namely concrete waste originating from the residual compressive strength test of concrete as a substitute for coarse aggregate that is obtained easily and cheaply to overcome the increasingly reduced availability of natural aggregates in Indonesia and one of environmental preservation system. The shortage of concrete waste has a high absorption, so to overcome it is needed additional substances in the form of Wetfix-Be. Laboratory-scale experimental testing method is testing Marshall characteristics using the proportion of concrete waste and crushed stone that is 0/100, 40/60, 80/20, 100/0. For Wetfix-Be levels used are 0%, 0.15%, 0.25%, 0.35%, of the weight of asphalt. The results of the study using concrete waste and Wetfix-Be as an aggregate and asphalt mixture can improve the quality of the flexible pavement layers in the AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete Wearing Coarse) mixture so as to reduce waste in the form of concrete residues in Indonesia.

Concrete Waste, Wetfix-Be, Asphalt Concrete Wearing Coarse.

Civil Engineering


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