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Dyah Estu Kurniawati (a*), Demeiati Nur Kusumaningrum (b)

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Dyah Estu Kurniawati

a) University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang, Indonesia, dyahestu[at]

b) University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang, Indonesia, demeiati.nk[at]

This paper offers a different explanation to the policy change process as a capillarity process. Open government partnership (OGP), is an idea of government openness with the aim of empowering, fighting corruption, and utilizing new technology to strengthen governance by involving multi-stakeholders. OGP was officially launched on September 20, 2011 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting where the Heads of State of the 8 founding governments, including Indonesia, supported the OGP Declaration and announced their countrys action plans together. At the local level, the Bojonegoro District Government is one of those who implemented OGP even though its success has been awarded, not only at the national level but also at the international level. In previous studies, the implementation OGP in Bojonegoro understood as a Suyoto matter, the regent who has idea of OGP in Bojonegoro, but in another study it seen as as a consequence for Indonesia as one of OGP inisiator to implement OGP at the national level up to the local level. However however, not all regions apply OGP and not all OGP ideas of Suyoto are immune from the influence of global OGP ideas. Global ideas influence can not be ignored as it can enter by capillarity process through academic forums and cooperation more massive well held by the epistemic community at the international, national, even in the local level. The notion of territorial isolation in the policy process is an illusion. Thus, the process of decentralization policy should be seen as an intermestic phenomenon. The author use advocacy coalition framework to understand the mapping of the pro-cons of the decentralization idea in the domestic and international sphere as the basis concept. The second is epistemic community that has main role to strengthen the ideas to influence the policy change process. The explanation will be managed in three parts; OGP initiation in Bojonegoro, the mainstreaming of OGP idea in the world, and the capillarity process of OGP implementation in Bojonegoro by intermestic learning.

policy change, capillarity process, intermestic learning, open government partnership (OGP).

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Capitalization of Hatred and Mass Mobilization; 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election Case
Mohammad Fahrizal

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Mohammad Fahrizal

Doctor candidate of Police Science
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian (Indonesian Police Science College)
Jakarta, Indonesia, 12160

This paper aims to describe how capitalization of hatred can be used effectively as a political commodity, particularly for mass mobilization. It is used to intervene in government policy. By utilizing a theoretical approach of Cherian George, the researcher analyzes how the campaign process and the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election capitalizing hateful interfaith tolerance issues raise a community particular negative views. This hatred capitalization is profoundly proved to mobilize the mass of people and suppress the group opposing voters. Therefore, a certain political party is able to achieve political benefits.

politics, hatred capitalization, hate spin, mass mobilization

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Capitalizing Intimacy: Muslimah Micro-celebrity in the Rise of Online Religion
Firly Annisa

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Firly Annisa

School of Humanities,
Media Communication and Culture
Keele University, United Kingdom

This research is altering of argumentations the discourse about obedient Muslimah is related to confidentiality, privacy and isolation. However, rather than being solitude and separateness, the Muslimah micro-celebrities presented of intimacy in the online media. Through YouTube, as an online channel, this article suggests the concept of Muslim micro-celebrity today has relations with privacy and intimacy. I intend that micro-celebrity offering new forms of religiosity and lived religious practices in online media and internet endorsed people to demonstrated religious practices online in the segmented audiences. Regarding online religion, this study aims to understand how micro-celebrities portrayal themselves as devoutness and sanctity to create their public, Islam — focusing on one of the famous Muslimah video bloggers who are representing ideal Muslim family namely The Sungkar-s Family. This article investigates new forms of online religion in Muslim vlogging that embrace with self-commodification in a degree of belief and piety. I suggest concisely upon how religiosity constructed through discourse, language and representation, and in the process provide sight of how religion as part of private life became a public issue. It also can be seen social media consider spatial, interactive and political in the imaging of the religious, contemporary society in Indonesia today.

micro-celebrity, intimacy, mediated intimacy, public Islam, Youtube

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Case Study of Remote Pair Self-Disclosure Through WhatsApp Application Services among Indonesian Crews Family on Holland America Line Inc Cruise Ship
Arief Nuryana(a*), Pawito(b), Prahastiwi Utari(b), Sudarmo(b)

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Arief Nuryana

Universitas Sebelas Maret

The improvement of technology has been creating digital transformation that gradually or radically changing couples behavior and habits in almost every aspect of daily life. As the result, the transformation gradually change the ways in how couples produce, consume, and interact with each other, not to mention the way they think. One thing that promotes such significant change is the innovation. Innovation has been affecting almost every corner of human life. This paper is a first contribution towards exploring the relationship between married couples who do not have physical closeness by covering aspects of marital satisfaction of Indonesian crews working for HAL. The communication carried out by the couple uses the WhatsApp application service, which supports the satisfaction of communicating with each other. The results of the study related to self-disclosure by different married couples, there are those who have a wide depth of self-openness because couples are able to run problems that occur at home to their partners, there are couples who do not have broad self-disclosure, because of problems regarding certain topics cannot be explained to their partners. Another finding from this study is that the use of the WhatsApp feature can support communication with one another.

disruptive era, self-disclosure, long distance relationships, Indonesian crews, communication technology

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Challenge and opportunity: Chinese Muslims in political contestation in Indonesia
Takdir Ali Mukti

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Takdir Ali Mukti

Department of International Relations, Faculty of Political and Social Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The position of China-Muslims as a minority, empirically experienced disruption of social relations among the Chinese themselves, as seen in the style of integration of social relations between Chinese-Muslims and Chinese-majority non-Muslims. Alienation also appears in more serious relationships such as economic ties where ethnic Chinese connectivity in Indonesia which massively controls the national economic network must be excluded for these Chinese Muslims. The phenomenon of the alienation of Chinese Muslims in the middle of the majority Chinese ethnicity is apparently inversely proportional to the socio-political acceptance they get from the majority of Muslim Indonesians from Javanese, Sundanese, Bugis and others. Chinese Muslims have more closeness with indigenous groups in the archipelago generally. From a democratic perspective, this article focuses on the question of how the political opportunities of Chinese Muslims in the democratic system in Indonesia today. By qualitative research, the findings show that in general elections 2009 and 2014, many elected candidates were chinese muslims both in local parliaments and regional executive positions. This paper argues that in its disadvantaged position, Chinese-Muslims in Indonesia have potential opportunities in the arena of democratic political contestation.

Chinese, muslim, opportunity, politic

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Challenge at Work: Innovative Work Behavior Among Teachers
Shafira Destami Annida (a*), Intaglia Harsanti (b)

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a*, b) Faculty of Psychology Gunadarma University
Jl. Margonda Raya No.100, Pondok Cina, Depok, 16424, Indonesia

Education is one of the biggest challenges for teachers in millennial era. Study nowadays is not just about transferring knowledge, which characterized by unidirectional learning. It-s more about how far teachers are able to provide an understanding to students that science is not to be memorized as a mere knowledge only, but to be implemented in every life aspect. Therefore, it becomes crucial for teacher to let go of traditional teaching method and get out of their comfort zone. They need to experiment -try new things- to make learning process more exciting in digital era. This study aimed to find out factors influencing teachers- innovative work behavior. Subject participated in this study were 106 teachers with minimum one-year teaching experience. Multiple regression technique was used to analyze the data. Results showed a significant and positive influence from happiness at work and self-efficacy on teachers- innovative work behavior, both partial and simultaneously.

Happiness at Work; Self-efficacy; Innovative Work Behavior

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Characteristics of the Muhammadiyah Education Movement; An Effort in Showing Authentic Islamic Style
Chusnul Azhar

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Chusnul Azhar Azhar

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Until now Muhammadiyah is considered by many to have distinctive characteristics. This organization succeeded in integrating the purification and the dynamic (renewal) movements which later Muhammadiyah is positioned as a moderate Islamic movement. This position is considered as the most suitable one by the leaders of reformation in understanding the teachings of Islam as it should be, as well as understood and practiced by the Prophet of Muhammad saw. and friends in Medina to achieve the glory of Islam as "civil society". Such achievement certainly starts from the implementation of the concept of understanding the true religion taught in Muhammadiyah educational institutions that combine verses of qauliyah (the Quran and as-Sunnah) and kauniyah (natural science) at the same time. Thus, Muhammadiyah must continue to move to respond to all the problems of peoples lives by continuing to stand on the morality values of the al Quran and al-Sunnah through its educational movement towards civil society.

Integration of science, Purification, and Dynamics.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Citizenship Dilemma for Indonesian Descent in Southern Mindanao
Bambang Wahyu Nugroho, M.A. & Hafidz Ridha Try Sjahputra

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Bambang Wahyu Nugroho

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

More than 8,000 persons of Indonesian descent (PIDs) have been living in Southern Mindanao, the Philippines, for generations. Their status was formally “stateless” along with its consequences: economically poor and socially marginalized. Indonesian government handles the situation by organizing them into Indonesian Diaspora, and then improving their status into RINs (Registered Indonesian Nationals). By 2018, Indonesian government has been beginning to issue Indonesian passport for them. Nevertheless, behind the legal accomplishment, many of them were worried about the economic and social consequences. So far, most of them are holder of the Philippines Alien Certificate Registration (ACR), so they can enjoy social facilities from the host government. By owning an Indonesian passport, consequently, they will lose those supports. This paper aims to reveal that a legal approach is not enough to overcome the problem of nationality. It is because in the next five years they will face decisive crossroad: Come back to Indonesia in uncertainty or remain living there as overseas Indonesian nationals with burdensome expenses. Regarding the dilemmatic situation, the Indonesian government needs to adopt more innovative and comprehensive approaches – legal, social, cultural, and economic as well – in an integrated social empowerment program.

Indonesian Diaspora, PIDs, RINs, social empowerment.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


City Branding of Yogyakarta in Halal Tourism Development
Aswad Ishak

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Aswad Ishak

Communication Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Tourism is one of the mainstay sectors that contribute to providing a large income. Therefore, the tourism industry is doing a lot of improvement and development in order to increase the number of tourist visits. Various existing tourist destinations are addressed and revitalized. In addition, exploration and creating new tourist destinations have also been intensified. Thus, there will be more alternative destination choices for tourists. One potential destination to be developed is halal tourism. Halal tourism is a concept of tourism that is being developed by the government. Some tourist destinations began to implement halal tourism, including Yogyakarta. Through halal tourism it is expected to be able to improve the performance of the tourism sector. The potential market in the form of the number of Muslims who travel makes this halal tourism an opportunity to obtain greater state revenues. Muslim tourists who have a great awareness in carrying out their Islamic values will consider looking for a friendly tourist destination for them to carry out their worship in all aspects when the tourist visit takes place. Another important issue that must be considered is the branding of tourist destinations. City branding will provide a marker identity for a city that is different from other cities. This is a sign for the city that is easily remembered and understood by tourists. Yogyakarta as a major tourist destination city in Indonesia is working to strengthen branding. Yogyakarta is currently developing halal tourism in order to meet existing market needs and opportunities. The cultural element as an identity that is firmly attached and has been known for a long time can be combined with Islamic values in developing halal tourism.

city branding, halal tourism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


City Branding Strategy and Local Government Readiness
Eli Jamilah Mihardja, B.P. Kusumo Bintoro, Rahmita Saleh, Yusmanizar

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Eli Jamilah Mihardja

Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta
B.P. Kusumo Bintoro, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta
Rahmita Saleh, Universitas Fajar, Makassar
Yusmanizar, Universitas Fajar, Makassar

City branding can be started from extracting the potential of regions in Indonesia which can fit as qualified for world qualifications. Indonesia Ministry of Tourisms policy also emphasizes that the regional government must also build a brand for the region, which is in accordance with the potential and positioning of the target area so that it can benefit from awareness, reputation, a good perception of a tourist destination, encourage an investment climate, and increase tourist visits tourist destination. This research is part of the 2018 Kemristekdikti PDUPT scheme research. Using FGD, in-depth interview and observation of government officer in Kabupaten Pinrang, South Sulawesi, during February to December 2018, it is known that the regional government generally does not have sufficient knowledge about the city branding formation strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize the importance of city branding for the region as well as training to form a city branding strategy.

city branding, local government, Pinrang

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Classroom Wall Color Selection at Public Elementary School in Salatiga
Ariza Chrisananda Nurendra (a), Christina Ismaniati (b)

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Ariza Chrisananda Nurendra

(a) Post Graduate Program, Yogyakarta State University
(b) Curriculum and Educational Technology Department, Faculty of education Science, Yogyakarta State University

Abstract. Indonesian elementary students spent 7-8 hours learning in school. Mostly they spent their time inside the classroom do their activities. Learning process needs an ideal condition. This condition provides an atmosphere that makes learners feel comfortable and happy to follow the learning and teaching process. Conditions where students can learn comfortably and happily. Learning is inevitably related to the environment. The intended environment is the class and social conditions (interactions) when the learning process happen. Classes have structures that can be manipulated to give students learning facilities in the classroom, namely the color of the wall. The color of the wall can be simulated according to the conditions of the students. Color has effects on visual and psychology for students. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the color of a suitable wall that can be applied to public elementary schools in Salatiga.

wall color, classroom, environment, elementary school

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Cold War, Reformasi, and Domestic Consequences in the post-Suharto Era in Indonesia
Ali Maksum

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Ali Maksum

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This article attempts to examine the impact of the changes of international politics especially after the end of the Cold War towards Indonesian domestic politics. The end of the Cold War followed by new international issues such as democracy, human rights, and good government as well as clash of civilizations influenced on Indonesian politics. At the same time, Indonesian government under Suharto and his military regime was under strong international scrutiny due to some allegations regarding human rights abuses during New Order administration especially in East Timor (Timor Leste). The international pressures that articulated through democracy campaign and economic crisis gave political consequences on Indonesian politics where the final goal is to oust Suharto from his office. The scenario was reached peak in 1998 when the Reformasi (reformation) outbreak and Suharto regime finally collapse following mass demonstration mainly in the hearth city of Jakarta. The failure of Suharto regime to survive basically due to the structure of Suharto administration was so fragile amid of the massive corruption and nepotism in the government. This situation probably different if the Cold War is sustaining until recently. Therefore, this is important topics divided into four sections namely introduction, Indonesia and geopolitics Post-Cold War period, Reformasi and its implications, and conclusion.

international politics, democracy, reformasi, Indonesian politics

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Collaboration between Social Values and Information-Communication Technology (ICT): A Strategy to Empower Startups in Indonesia
Maulana Pratama1, Widodo Muktiyo2, Joko Sutrisno3, Suwarto4, Sutanto5

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maulana pratama

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Indonesia is currently entering the knowledge economic era after the industrial sector lost its position as a driver of economic growth. In 2018, startups become the most potential economic sector in Indonesia after contribution 57,5% of the GDP. The low TFP growth rate and the small number of startups which utilize ICT indicate that ICT literacy education is necessary to empower Indonesian startups and accelerating economic growth. However, older and least educated people are not interested to utilize ICT for business purpose since they do not find the root of their cultural value within it. An empowering project is essential to increase the interest in using internet and further ICT to empower startups in Indonesia. This research create an appropriate strategy that collaborates the social values and ICT by improving the empowering project of digital startups and collaborate it with the social values of Indonesia in every stages of the empowering project.

Empowering strategy, Startups, Indonesia, Social Values, ICT

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Collaboration Development of Electronic Government Innovations in Pontianak City
Verdico Arief, Sri Syabanita Elida, Endang Wahyuni

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Verdico Arief

Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Pontianak city in Indonesia whose government cares about innovation in filed of electronic government. Pontianak is one of the regions that get appreciation from the institute public administration of Republic Indonesia on various creation innovation program policy in public administration sector. To develop electronic government, Pontianak city government collaborated with various parties, so that development could be carried out optimally. From the results of development electronic government, Pontianak city government received appreciation from President of Republic Indonesia, making this electronic government development process a model for regions and other regional governments in Indonesia. From this phenomenon it interesting to find out how the Pontianak city government collaborated to develop electronic government. To explore this phenomenon, researchers conduct research in a descriptive manner in order to be able directly explore information. From the results of research we will find various kinds of important information that will be useful for many parties as material to develop other innovations to support process bureaucratic reform in Indonesia.

E-Government, Collaboration, Innovation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Communication Management of “Happy Branding” in Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Sites
Astri Wulandari (a*), Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti (b)

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Astri Wulandari

a) Communication Science, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta Jalan Padjajaran, Ring Road Utara, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta
b) Communication Science, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta Jalan Padjajaran, Ring Road Utara, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Site is a program held by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in collaboration with Citi Indonesia (Citibank) to promote the strengthening of cultural and creative industry in Indonesia. The program aims to encourage the capacity and participation of youth who lives around the heritage sites of Prambanan and Borobudur temples to have a better income, as well as helping them in local economy. In its second year program, UNESCO made a collaboration with several Universities in Yogyakarta to contribute in “Happy Branding”, which trying to figure out problems of product identity and marketing strategy which is often faced by people of middle sector business, especially youth. Therefore, this research aims to understand and map the process of communication management of Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Sites through “Happy Branding”. This research uses the qualitative method with case study approach, accompanied by data collection through in-depth interviews with the Project Coordinator of UNESCO and Srengenge Culture Unit as the managing party. The result of this research is expected to be applied in an effective communication management of planning, organizing, and directing information.

Branding Bahagia; Communication Management; Creative Youth; Brand Identity

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Kharisma Nasionalita , Nissa Nurmauliddiana Abdullah , Catur Nugroho

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Kharisma Nasionalita

Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University
Telekomunikasi Street 1 Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 40257

Multiple years since Internet has been using in Indonesia, Cybercrime is being discussed in Indonesia especially Cyber Prostitution. Cyber Prostitution activities are very troubling Internet users and parents. This crime tends to make children and women objected as sexual commodity. After many places of street prostitution cleaned and localized, now the Players penetrated the place that is quite safe and efficient, they are moving into the social media. Information technology has changed the face of prostitution in Indonesia. In the practice of conventional prostitution or street prostitution there are three actors; prostitute, pimps and customers (client). They form a strong communication network and work together according to their respective roles. Their Communication Network is patterned with Pimps central actor to maintain the cohesiveness of relationships between actors. The structure and patterns of communication change the communication network in practice Cyber Prostitution. Using the method of Communication Network Analysis / CNA this study intends to dissect actors behavior, whether the actors establish a strategic contact in the practice of Cyber Prostitution in Microblog Twitter. This research is limited to 12 alter account Twitter communities : @ 69_Indonesia, @ AlterInfo69, @ CaptainAngel8, @dapurbecek, @Dj_paijo ", @Geje_Alter, @KupuKupuAlter, @Madu_Alter, @PremiumAngels, @Promot_Bisyar, @sukaCDwanita, and @tenderoffender. Then, Twitter chripstories restrictions inside November 2016-November 2017. Sampling is taken by purposive sampling, moving at supported account points as the beginning of the tracking process. This study found that relations that have a direction, the actor can be positioned as subjects and objects. It means to be able to exchange roles between roles, both as pimps and prostitutes, and clients in the context of exchanging information or promoting each other in the online prostitution business

New Media, Cyber Prostitution, Social media, Communication Network Analysis

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Communication of the Yogyakarta City Government in Arranging the Malioboro Area
Erinda Alfiani Fauzi, Dian Eka Rahmawati

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Dian Eka Rahmawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Malioboro is one of the leading tourist destinations in the city of Yogyakarta. The problem faced is the reduced comfort of tourists because of the limited pedestrian area used for motorized vehicle parking and street vendors. Therefore, the city of Yogyakarta government tried to arrange the Malioboro area by transferring parking locations and structuring street vendors. But in reality, it is not easy for the Yogyakarta city government to do so, because it is related to the economic interests of parking attendants and street vendors. Here government communication finds its relevance, how the government can convey and convince the public about development programs but also can receive aspirations and understand the interests of the community. Based on this background, this study aims to analyze the communication process carried out by the Yogyakarta City government in structuring the Malioboro area. This study uses qualitative methods, with documentation data collection techniques and interviews conducted with the Yogyakarta City Government, Parking Community, Street Vendors Community, and Malioboro visitors. Data analysis techniques use qualitative analysis techniques through the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This study found two cases of government communication processes in the arrangement of the Malioboro area in 2015-2017. First, a well-run case of government communication was found between the Yogyakarta City government and the Street Vendor Community. Communication runs two ways, feedback from street vendors gets a positive response from the Yogyakarta City government. Receiving and giving good information between the communicant and the communicator made the Malioboro area arrangement program in the street vendor area well done. Secondly, the case of government communications that went badly happened between the government of the City of Yogyakarta and the Parking Guards Community. Feedback provided is not as expected. The communication process was slightly hampered in the relocation of parking from Malioboro to the Abu Bakar Ali Parking Park. The obstacles found in this communication process made the implementation of the policy difficult, even though an agreement was finally reached. The results of the government communication process took UPT became the dominant communicator in the government communication process in structuring the Malioboro area.

Government Communication, Urban Area Arrangement

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Communication Pattern in Maintaining International Achievement ( A Study of The Group Administrator Nglanggeran Village Tourism)
Pusparini khoirunisa, Yenni Sri Utami, M.Si,Senja Yustitia, M.Si

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pusparini khoirunisa

communication science development
faculty of social and political science
UPN veteran Yogyakarta

Gunung Kidul is one of the districts in the Special Region of Yogyakarta that has many resources. One of the potentials of Gunung Kidul that is being developed is tourism potential. One example of a successful tourism potential is Nglanggeran Tourism Village which is capable of achieving many international achievements. Nglanggeran Tourism Village receives appreciation from ASEAN Community Based Tourism. Community Based Tourism itself is community-based tourism where community are involved in tourism activities. This research explains how the communication pattern of the group administrator Nglanggeran tourism in maintaining the achievements of the international standardized community based tourism. The method used in this research is an interpretive qualitative research method where the researcher not only describes the results of the research but also interprets the research that has been researched. This research was analyzed using the theory of analysis prosess interaction and the concept of communication patterns, communication of tourism and community based tourism. The results of this study indicate that the communication patterns that occur in the POKDARWIS tourism village Nglanggeran are primary, linear,secondary, and cyclical communication patterns. POKDARWIS Nglanggeran Village uses face-to-face communication patterns and provides feedback on communication that is usually done when conducting weekly evaluations. POKDARWIS Nglanggeran Tourism Village also uses secondary communication patterns that use media as a means of delivering messages, the media used is Whatsapp. the delivery of information is more effective because it is faster and able to cover many audiences.

Community based tourism, pattern of communication.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Reykha Octavione, Yenni Sri Utami, Kartika Ayu

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Reykha Octavione Rahmawati


Increased interest of domestic and foreign tourists on visits to tourist areas that present the beauty of nature and culture is now supported by the seriousness of each region in the Province of Yogyakarta in developing tourism potential in each of their regions. This study describes the communication pattern of managers of Batik Giriloyo Tourism Village in developing sustainable tourism village areas, and this study describes what efforts conducted by village tourism managers in developing sustainable tourism village areas. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. This study was analyzed using social system theory and using the concept of organizational communication patterns and sustainable tourism. The results of this study indicate that organizational communication patterns that occur in Giriloyo Batik Tourism Village in developing sustainable tourism are patterns of upward communication, downward communication, and horizontal communication. This tourist village is one of the tourist villages that inherited batik crafts since the 17th century, so the role of the manager here is very large in maintaining the sustainability of tourist villages to date. In addition to internal management, the village tourism also establishes upward communication with parties outside the organization, such as the government, starting from the district, provincial, to the ministry level. Communication with stakeholders is also intertwined with upward communication patterns. Maintaining communication with all these elements is an important key in developing sustainable tourism in the Giriloyo Batik Tourism Village.

Communication Pattern, Tourism Village, Sustainable Tourism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Suciati and Nur Sofyan

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Suciati Suciati


This study aims to describe the communication strategy model of the provincial government of Bali in resolving the Benoa Bay reclamation conflict in 2017-2018. The refusal of reclamation led by the Bali Community Forum (for Bali) made the project based on the 51st administrative law of 2014 stagnate. Although the position of the provincial government of Bali is not an execution party, several stages of planning and implementation are carried out for the success of this reclamation. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive types. The technique of collecting data uses in-depth interviews and documentation. Informants interviewed were Bali provincial government officials who were involved in communication with the Balinese people. The data analysis technique uses interactive analysis and data validity using source triangulation. The results of this study showed that the communication strategy implemented by the Bali Provincial Government used the tokenism participatory approach. As a planning step, the provincial government has conducted a feasibility study (Amdal) even though the amount is very minimal. The implementation steps are taken by conducting interactive communication with the community, the functioning of the customary "complaints" as opinion leaders, and still interacting with local wisdom.

communication strategy, opinion leader, local wisdom, feasibility study, participatory tokenism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Comparation of Development of Cluster and Non Cluster Model of Corn Farming
Triwara Buddhi S, Dindha TP, Lestari Rahayu.

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Triwara Budhi Satyarini

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corn is the main commodity of Grobogan Regency. Considering the potential of corn, Bank Indonesia in cooperation with the Government of Grobogan Regency creates the development program of corn cluster. The selected area as the object is Gapoktan Sido Murni in Tambakselo Village. However, there is an area with the same potential that does not have a cluster development program, that is Gapoktan Sido Manunggal in Dokoro Village, Therefore this research aims to know and compare the income, profit and feasibility of corn farming both. The number of respondents of 20 farmers in each village, determination by non random sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Corn farming was analyzed by cost analysis, income, profit, R / C, land productivity, labor productivity, and capital productivity. The results showed that the farmers of Gapoktan Sido Murni earned an average income of Rp11.724.722 and profit of Rp7.917.851. Meanwhile, farmers in Gapoktan Sido Manunggal earned an average income of Rp9.740.915 and profit Rp5.991.161. The ratio of (R-C) in Gapoktan Sido Murni was 1,9 while Gapoktan Sido Manunggal had 1,6 of R/C, land productivity in Gapoktan Sido Murni was Rp9.928.684/Ha/season and Gapoktan Sido Manunggal was Rp7.991.161/Ha/season, and capital productivity in Gapoktan Sido Murni 148% and Dokoro 104%. Based on the four feasibility analysis used, Gapoktan Sido Murni had higher feasibility value compared to that of Gapoktan Sido Manunggal, thus program of corn cluster is worth developing.

Cluster, Corn, Feasibility, Wirosari, Grobogan

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Comparative Study of Islamic Values Between Early and Final Semester Students
Ardi Pramono, Ezra Randa, Metika Cahya Rachmaningtyas, Azmi Naufal

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Ardi Pramono

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia

Abstract Islamic values are found in the Prophet Muhammad SAW as said by Allah in the Quran: "Indeed, the Messenger of Allah has been a good example for you, for those who hope for the mercy of Allah and the coming of the Day of Judgment, and he calls Allah . "[Al Ahzab 21]. The characteristics of Rasullullah are: Siddiq means true not lying, trust means that it can be trusted, fathonah means intelligent, and tabligh means to convey. These attitudes must be taught in medical education, so that they can make an Islamic doctor and have a noble character in helping patients. This study compares Islamic values as reflected in the mandate, fathonah, and ethical attitudes of Muslim students in semester III and VII. Islamic attitudes are calculated using a Likert scale and the results of the initial semester students (class of 2017) have a score of 82.03% (very good) and the 2015 class is 79.5% (good). There were significant differences (p <0.05) between two groups. It can be concluded that the values of the initial semester medical students are better than the final semester.

Islamic value, student

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Comparative Study of Japan Soft Skills-Characters and Culture; An Educational and Islamic Perspective
Dedi Suryadi, Suryanto , Mukhlis Rahmanto

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Dedi Suryadi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This research aims to explore:1) Development of character education in Japan; 2) model of Character education in Islam based on Qur an and Hadith; 3) How character education is practised in both Indonesia and Japan?; 4) What was similiar and different about the concept of character education in both Indonesia and Japan? The new finding is theoritical development of softskill, character and culture of Japan in terms of Islamic Perspective. It will benefits for Indonesia that makes Islam as one source in national education orientation. This research hope to take advantages in the development of Indonesia s national character education. The character of a community can not separate from the internal and external factors as shown in Japans character and culture that brings to a national progress. The internal and external factors are: 1) Developing excellent and Islamic values as main philosophical framework in Universitas Muhammadiyah Ygyakarta inspired by Japans character and cultural based on Rahmatan lil-alamin, the universal approach of Islamic teachings; 2) Strengthening education quality (e.g. curriculum, methodology, learning materials, evaluation and teaching technologies) as main strategic target (e.g. social economy, health, education) that operationalize the excellent research objectives of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Soft Skills, National Education of Character, Japan, Islam

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Comparison of Womens Recruitment and Selection of Legislative Candidates for Nasdem Party in Indonesia in 2013 and La Republique en Marche Party in France in 2016
Ahmad Hidayah, Dr. phil. Aditya Perdana S.IP, M.Si

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Ahmad Hidayah

Political Departement, Faculty of Political and Social Science, University of Indonesia

Recruitment and selection of women legislative candidates is the initial bridge for a woman to be actively involved in political parties. For this reason, this study will analyze the comparison of womens recruitment and selection of legislative candidate in two parties, La Republique En Marche in France in 2016 and the Nasdem Party in Indonesia in 2013. La Republique Party En Marche is a new party in France that has succeeded in becoming the party that has donated the most women in parliament. On the other hand, the Nasdem Party, which is also the same - a new party but the second least party that contributes its members to sit in parliament. This study will look at the recruitment and selection process of candidates who are more gender-friendly, who are the actors who influence the process, and what types of candidates in both parties.

Women Recruitment, Women Candidates, Political Party, Nasdem Party, La Republique En Marche Party

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Kurniawati (a*), Putu Sudira (b)

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a) Education of Electronic and Informatics Engineering
Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

b) Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Competency teachers are a key factor in the success of education. However, until now the competence of a teacher is still a particular problem in education in Indonesia, one of which is the competence of vocational education teachers. This is the background, namely the purpose of this study is to determine the competency profile of teachers in fulfilling work competencies to achieve education. This research is a quantitative study using a survey method with data collection techniques consisting of questionnaire instruments which were tested on Vocational Computer & Network Engineering (TKJ) teachers in Mataram City regarding the competence of Computer & Network Engineering (TKJ) which is a very interested field by students Competencies used are pedagogical, expertise, personality, and social competencies. In terms of competence, development, research, and evaluation of competencies are referred to from relevant theories and studies. The results of the study: (1) the competency profile of TKJ Vocational teachers in Mataram City; (2) the competency profile of vocational TKJ teachers in Mataram City has not met competency requirements; (3) the ability of teachers in the field of competence in the field of study of the lowest competencies that are mastered by the teacher.

Competency; Vocational High School teachers; Computer and Network Engineering teachers; competency profile of Vocational High School teachers in Mataram City

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Compliance Bargaining Mechanism as the Way to Ended Iran-Iraq War
Aditya Maulana Hasymi

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Aditya Maulana Hasymi

Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta

1.1 Introduction Conflictual issues can be about economy, culture and values, or even a border dispute. The class cannot be avoided because of several issues triggering the conflict and also several interests. One of the bigger wars that can be was the Iran-Iraq War at 1980-1988. This war brought the long history between both of those countries, which were related with border disputes, ideological influences, and economic war. Those of both countries is thinking that if the war is still being run, it is not giving any good advantage. The damage was so big. So, it required a process to bring the two states involved war into one meeting to talk about peace or end the war. The process is called a peace process. In this case, the peace process arranged by the involvement of third party. The United Nations take a role as the third party in Iran-Iraq War by formed a Resolution no 598. In the resolution the council expressed its concern that, despite its calls for ceasefire, the conflict between Iran and Iraq continued with heavy loss of life and material destruction. The Iran-Iraq war was ended through the resolution no 598 that was produced by the United Nations. Furthermore, this paper argue that the way of the United Nations ended the Iran-Iraq war through Resolution no 598 is implementing the theory of compliance bargaining in conflict resolution. Keywords: compliance bargaining, conflict resolution, regime, ceasefire 1.2 Research Question How did the mechanism of compliance bargaining in the UN Resolution no 598 regime end the Iran-Iraq War in 1988? 1.3 Analytical Framework In approaching the main research question, this paper employs an analytical framework with core arguments linked to literature on compliance bargaining in conflict resolution process. 1.4 Methodology This paper will use the qualitative method by make limitation with regard to the scope of term regime. This method makes it much easier to examine a range of primary and secondary sources because the approach is focused on exact scope. Also, this paper will use data collections method. The process will be collect the data through library research that related to the study case. 1.5 Conclusion Through tracing process from several literatures, it is revealed the two hypotheses on how compliance bargaining mechanism work to ended Iran-Iraq War 1988: 1. The mechanism of compliance bargaining in United Nation Resolution number 598 regime can work effectively because of the using of international post agreement negotiation process such as compregensive disarmament, road map of reconciliation, dispute settlement and comprehensive normalization; 2. The mechanism of bargaining in compliance bargaining in UN Resolution number 598 can work effectively because of the using of domestic post agreement negotiation process such as ratification negotiation, rule making negotiation, rule making negotiation and ending with negotiating concerning monitoring, enforcement, and reporting.

compliance bargaining, conflict resolution, regime, ceasefire

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Conceptual Framework Of Islamic Educational Leadership Based On Tawhidic Values
Fachrur Razi Amir, Berliana Kartakusumah

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Djuanda Bogor

This paper is part of the research conducted by the authors about the development model of instructional material on educational leadership courses based on Tawhidic values. This article attempt to develop a conceptual framework for Islamic educational leadership. The framework is grounded in tawhidic worldview and values that is explored from Alquran and some of hadis nabi. The approach method used for this exploration is tafsir tarbawi. Tawhidic values which are integrated into teaching materials framework of educational leadership course comprising of four fundamental values that are prophetic values, local wisdom values, Indonesian values, and universal values. Expected this conceptual framework will have significant and essential effect on the development of educational leadership and the character of teacher training students.

Islamic Educational Leadership, Tauhidic Value, Tafsir Tarbawi

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Constructed Identity of Papua Muslim
Musa Rumbaru, Suparto Iribaram

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Musa Rumbaru

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Fattahul Muluk Jayapura Papua

This study describes the identity construction of the Muslim Council of Papua (MPP) through the process of externalization, objectification and internalization. MPP has a significant role in socio-political life in Papua amid Christian domination. Muslims are considered to be an "unauthorized" group taking an important part in the process of life in Papua. "Muslim Council of Papua" was formed which aimed to gather Muslims the political and social dynamics after regional autonomy. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews and literature studies. The results showed that the social construction of the Papuan Muslim Council was passed based on 3 fundamental processes, the first was external construction through the spread of Muslims in Papua which was formed to fight for the interests of Muslim groups in Papua and the general publik. Second, objectification which shows that the role of MPP is not only limited to the interests of Muslims but also its involvement in the Papuan Peoples Assembly, especially its involvement in the local election in Papua. While in the internalization process, the role of the Papuan Muslim Council is able to provide an overview of the condition of Papua which is multi-religious and able to coexist with other religions.

Social Construction, Muslim Council of Papua, identity.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Contemporary Meaning and Function of Minaret : An Exploration of Grand Mosque KH Hasyim Asyari Jakarta
Muhammad Al Fatih, Herlily, KR Kurniawan

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Herlily Herlily

Universitas Indonesia
Kampus Baru UI Depok

This paper will investigate and interrogate the significance and existance of minaret in contemporary urban mosque in Jakarta. Etymologically speaking, minaret derives from the word manaras which means mercusuar. Throughout history, minaret was not built to amplify call prayer and its development in the Middle Eastern context were various among regions. Yet, in Indonesia minaret was only known during the modern Indonesian era following different cultural and historical contexts. In contemporary context, prominent Indonesian architects are still put minaret in their mosques design. Through an exploration of Jakarta Grand Mosque KH Hasyim Asyari, Jakarta and the lens of the architect and the ummah, we will analyse the meaning and function of the minaret and how it transform or not transform the ritual spatial practice of the ummah in contemporary urban context..

Ritual, Meaning, Mosque, Minaret

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Contested Religious Symbol in Public Sphere: Case study of Muslim and Christian Relation in Jayapura Papua
Hasse Jubba, Juhansar, Faisal

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Hasse Jubba

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Technology University of Yogyakarta
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This article aims at explaining the competition between Muslims and Christians in Jayapura, Papua. The competition between the two religious groups happens not only in the spread of religious teaching, but also in the struggle of public spaces in Jayapura, Papua, such as the installation of religious symbols and the construction of religious facilities massively. The struggle for public spaces creates both conflict tendency and opportunities for constructive dialogue. This study shows that (1) the competition between the two groups results the thickening of religious identity, and (2) the struggle for public spaces occurs along with the implementation of special autonomy policies for Papua. Religious identity gets stronger and creates contradictory relationships, while the policy provides a broad space for Papuan Christians politically. Papuans have more open access on the control of the political sector, thus indirectly marginalizing the role and the existence of Muslim migrants in Jayapura, Papua.

Religious symbol, Muslim-Christian relation, Identity, Contestation, Papua

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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