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The 3rd Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.13 for 3 days in Bali |

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a. Reshy Gavi, b. Satria Farizka

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Reshy Gavi

Widyarso Roswinanto, Jakarta, Indonesia

This study focuses on the Seven Dream Syariah Hotel in Jember which is engaged in hotel services. The Seven Dream Syariah Jember Hotel wants to increase sales which are still volatile and experience a significant decline in 2018. In addition to the problem of sales decline, the Seven Dream Syariah Jember Hotel does not yet have the right marketing strategy and can be a guideline and strategy in conducting its business. The author does research in the form of marketing strategies that can be done by the Seven Dream Syariah Hotel in Jember in increasing sales in the 2020-2022 period. The marketing strategy compilation also includes determining the target market, positioning, and creating a marketing program (7P) that can be carried out by the Seven Dream Syariah Hotel in Jember. The initial step taken to establish a marketing strategy is to look at the external environmental conditions in the micro industry of hospitality services, to see the extent to which issues and phenomena that occur affect the development of the hospitality service industry. Analyzing consumer behavior with consumer decision making process and awareness. Analyzing the existing marketing strategy and the existing brand image of the company and competitors. The results of the analysis of the external environment and awareness are used to determine marketing objectives as a reference in preparing marketing strategies. Point of difference and point of parity are obtained from the analysis of consumer decision making processes and existing marketing strategies from both companies and competitors. Brand image (decision) is obtained from the analysis of brand awareness from the side of consumers, companies and competitors, so that marketing strategies and marketing programs will be obtained. Marketing Objectives of the Seven Dream Syariah Jember Hotel include increasing brand awareness and determining the right target market. Segmenting and targeting are obtained from the analysis of the consumer decision making process and the existing marketing strategy. Positioning is obtained from the results of point of difference and point of parity analysis. In this study also includes marketing program plans (7P). The marketing program plan will explain the plan to implement the marketing mix (7P) that has been prepared, the marketing budget to carry out the specified marketing activities, and the timeline of marketing activities for the period 2020-2022.

Marketing Objectives, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Program, Seven Dream Syariah Jember Hotel, Hospitality Industry

Marketing Management


Social and Environmental Disclosure and Earning Persistence: Evidence Mining Sector in Indonesia
Meliyanti, Nora Sri Hendriyeni, Ph.D., CA

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Corresponding Author
Meliyanti -

PPM School of Management, Indonesia[at]
PPM School of Management, Indonesia

Introduction Earnings persistence occurs by several factors such as innate factors (company age, company size, competition) and discretionary factors (risk aversion, auditor quality) (Francis et al., 2004; Mahjoub & Khamoussi, 2012). Other factors that can influence earnings persistence are non-financial aspects such as social and environmental. Companies executes good social and environmental activities, have a tendency to provide higher quality earnings information to attract investors (Mahjoub & Khamoussi, 2012). On the other side, two of the financial factors are the level of sales volatility and debt levels. Volatility sales illustrates the quality of profits (Mahjoub & Khamoussi, 2012) because it has an effect on the level of profits that will cause a lot of changes (noise) (Fanani, 2010). On the other hand, if the companys profits are unable to pay the interest expense (due to debt) and its principal, then it will lead to failure and is believed to be unable to obtain a stable profit (Fanani, 2010). In previous studies explained that the quality of information available on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) can improve company performance, especially profitability (Bidhari, Salim, & Aisjah, 2013). Other studies explain that social and environmental policies have a positive relationship with earnings quality (Mahjoub & Khamoussi, 2012). According to Laksmana & Yang (2009), companies that disclose social and environmental information on the financial statements, have stable earnings that affect earnings persistence compared to other companies. This research is focused on social and environmental disclosure on CSR reports on earnings quality which is used as a proxy for earnings persistence with sales volatility and debt level as moderation variables. The research also focused on sectors that have direct social and environmental effects, evidence from the mining sector in Indonesia. This research was conducted in Indonesia from 2014 to 2018. Methodology This study uses simple and multiple linear regression with interaction term for determining moderating variables. We also do classic assumption test beforehand such as normality test, heterocedasticity test and multicollonierity test. This study uses 3 Models to determine its hypotheses. We use 210 data from mining sector in Indonesia which are processed with purposive sampling. Then we obtained 41 sample data. This study uses social and environmental disclosures with the GRI-G4 index (and only concern about social and environmental category), earnings persistence using a proxy earnings quality (this proxy is a negative coefficient value from the annual earnings regression model (AR1 model) with the following calculation (Fanani, 2010; Francis et al., 2004; Mahjoub & Khamoussi, 2012)), sales volatility with sales variation and debt levels with DTA (Debt to Asset Ratio). This study also uses control variables such as company size variables (log to total ass

Corporate Social Responsibility, Earning Persistence, Social and Environmental Disclosure

Cost Management and Accounting Management


Diatrhi Windrasari Hastono, Martdian Ratnasari S.E,., MSc.

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Diatrhi Windrasari Hastono

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia diatrhiwhastono[at]
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia, martdianratnasari[at]

PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND As the rising on the number of civil society organization (CSO) every year in Indonesia, the need to fulfill the financial resources is crucial and important. The CSO usually divided their financial capital into two usage, donation or event budget and operational cost (Rumah Dongeng Pelangi, 2019). To fulfill both, most of CSO have two sources of financial capital, internal and external sources. The existence of Social Return on Investment is crucial to be the indicator to justify the usage of the donation received from the donors. The SROI could be used to help the CSO to predict the social value will be created by the program they designed, also to help the donors to know the social value they are expecting when they donate their fund. However, the knowledge regarding the SROI concept in Indonesia generally, and the CSO specifically is still low. Many of the CSO still used faith-based relationship and undefined standard of value added (Rumah Dongeng Pelangi, 2019). The paper evaluates the social return on investment for an Indonesian CSO focusing itself on the early child education through storytelling method, Rumah Dongeng Pelangi (RDP), operates in Jabodetabek. In this particular paper, the programs will be observed and evaluate are the annual and continuous programs that have been continuing for more than 3 years in a row. Those programs are Ramadhan Bucket List, Christmas Bucket List, Satu Kakak Satu Adik (One Brother One Sister), and Panggung Boneka untuk 1000 Anak Indonesia (Puppet Stage for 1000 Indonesian Children). METHODELOGY This research was carried out by reference to methods, principles, and guidelines of SROI measurement promoted by The SROI Network UK (Social Value International). The evaluation takes place on August to September 2019 by evaluating the data within the last three years. The information needed was gathered by doing in-depth interviews to the key stakeholders for each evaluated programs. RESULTS The key finding of this research is that the SROI of four annual programs of Rumah Dongeng Pelangi is 3.95 This result shown that for every one rupiah donated through Rumah Dongeng Pelangi, the social impact given could be monetized as Rp3,95. The stakeholders for some programs are mainly similar like Ramadhan Bucket List, Christmas Bucket List and Satu Kakak Satu Adik (One Brother One Sister) since all these programs are focusing on the charity for foster children. The most difference stakeholders are Panggung Boneka untuk 1000 Anak Indonesia (Puppet Stage for 1000 Indonesian Children) program, because this program was design to give teaching session for low-budgetted early child schools. Both Satu Kakak Satu Adik (One Brother One Sister) and Panggung Boneka untuk 1000 Anak Indonesia (Puppet Stage for 1000 Indonesian Children) have the longest impact duration which is 5 years. The impact duration for other programs are 3 years. The impact of Satu Kakak Satu Adik (One Brother O

Social Return on Investment, CSO

Suistainable Business Development


Stakeholder-s Perception of Company and CSR Actions—Analysis of Website Media Richness
Dwi Narullia a, Muhammad b, Fitri Purnamasari c , Rahmatullah Attaufiqi d, Rizal Ardyatama e, Rheza Wahyu Utomo f

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Corresponding Author
Dwi Narullia

abc Universitas Negeri Malang

cde Universitas Negeri Malang

The management has an obligation to report all conditions and changes to stakeholders as a form of commitment and transparency in managing the company. This information will be used by stakeholders as a basis for decision making. Beside economic information, a company is currently required to submit information related to its activities including the social and environmental aspects too (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR). Such informations about a company are no longer disclosed through financial statements and annual reports, but also delivered on websites that contain financial and non-financial information (Cho, et al., 2009). With the internet, companies are facilitated to convey their latest information to stakeholders, without waiting for periodic reports. That is because the website is a potential tool for increasing company transparency and accountability (Elkington et al., 1999). Website pages that use a variety of media such as text, photos and videos can improve the quality of the delivery of company information (Lodhia, 2004). This study aims to elaborate on media richness theory, focusing on two things; (1) whether the content presentation on a website can change stakeholder perceptions of the company, and (2) the stakeholder perceptions of CSR actions taken by the company. This research contributes to media richness theory by explaining how much impact the completeness and attractiveness of the content on a website has on stakeholder behavior. To test the influence of website media richness on stakeholder perceptions of the company and CSR actions taken by the company, an experimental study was conducted. The experiment consisted of two conditions that showed two different media presentations: one website that displays information with text and static images, while the other website displays information with text, images, and interactive videos. This study uses the Mann-Whitney Test to see the effect of media use on websites on stakeholder perceptions of the company and stakeholder perceptions of the companys CSR actions. The results obtained in the form of Mann-Whitney Test significance values are below 0.05 for each variable. This shows that there are significant differences for the four variables between websites with low media and websites with high media. The average value of stakeholder perception on websites with high media richness is higher than websites with low media richness. This shows that the media richness used by a company can influence the level on perception of stakeholders towards the company. The high media richness can affects on the increase of stakeholder perceptions of the company. Moreover, there are more evidences about stakeholder perceptions of CSR in this study; there is a difference between those who receive information through a low media website and those who receive information through a rich media website. In addition, the average value of stakeholder perceptions of CSR actions of companies wi

Media Richness, Website, Corporate Social Responsibility

Suistainable Business Development


Strategi Bisnis PT Barokah Galangan Perkasa Periode 2020-2022 Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Daya Saing
Habib Mihdar Ali a, Hafizh Ansyahri b, Dr. Ningky Sasanti Munir, M.B.A. c

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Hafizh Ansyahri

a Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia
b Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia
c Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia

* Introduction: With changing times that increasingly provide challenges, PT. Barokah Galangan Perkasa needs to carry out a careful strategic planning with long-term implications, and can still be translated into a clear and measurable framework. PT. Barokah Galangan Perkasa should have a business strategy that is suitable with the current state of the environment so that it is able to compete in its industry. * Methods: The formulation starts from analyzing the companys vision & mission, external analysis, internal analysis, EFE and IFE analysis, Competitive Profile Matrix analysis, IE Matrix analysis, TOWS Matrix, and QSPM Analysis. Data were collected from interviews with board of directors and managers with suplementary data from secondary sources and document study * Results: Indonesias development agenda as the World Maritime Axis launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia since 2014 has become one of the countrys strategic foundations. This makes an excellent opportunity for the progress of the domestic shipyard industry. On the other hand the number of shipyard distribution in Indonesia is still uneven. Shipyards activity are still largely concentrated in central and western parts of Indonesia. These things become opportunities in the shipyard industry. On the other hand, challenges for domestic shipyards are government policies that regulates the import duty on raw materials and shipbuilding components subject to a tariff of 5-15% VAT, while import vessels are exempted from import duty, in other words 0% VAT PT. BGP is located in the Mahakam River which is a busy shipping lane in Indonesia with ship traffic activities that can reach up to 1000 ships per month, this geographical advantage makes a good market opportunity. PT. BGP has strengths in additional services such as fresh water and fuel refilling, PLN electricity and 500 KVA generators, indoor and outdoor warehouse facilities with complete equipment, and most importantly its competitive prices. CPM analysis shows that PT. BGP is still unable to compete with PT. Daya Yes and PT. Galangan Kapal Lancar. The reliability of the shipyards docking and undocking facilities and the availability of spare parts and materials on time, these points are some of the weaknesses of PT. BGP aside from the availability of experts, additional facilities for ship owners, and also the most crucial thing is their slow shipbuilding process. * Conclusions: From all of the opportunities and threats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, a right strategy is needed to increase the competitiveness of PT. BGP. From the analysis, the most appropriate strategy to implement is the Product Development strategies. It is a way to increase value added to featured products or services in an efficient way and not bearing too much impact on production costs. Development is directed at value added services for customers, such as work process improvement, component standardization, and

Business strategy, key success factors, shipyard

Strategic Management


Strategic CRM In Digital Business: Leveraging Profitability In Online Community
Citra Auliyaputri, Widyarso Roswinanto

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Citra Auliyaputri Wallad

Female Daily Network, Jakarta, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen, Jakarta, Indonesia

Online community business has been growing rapidly worldwide, including Indonesia. The users and businesses that employs internet as main resources keeps increasing and strat changing the behavior of consumers. It is important for business and organizations to tap the customers in digital ways by building close relationships and develop loyal online communities. Strategic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to an approach or business systems designed to manage interactions with current and potential customers. One of the most important aims of CRM is to maximize the value of each company-s interactions with customers and drive superior corporate performance (Buttle, 2009). Another important and practical aim is to help companies develop relationships with customers and increase customer loyalty. This study aims to formulate a customer relationship management (CRM) strategy, with the customer lifecycle model as the outcome, that is expected to be a tool to achieve its vision and mission in raising the market and empowering consumers. The approach used in this research is Buttles CRM Value Chain Model which becomes the main framework of research in formulating strategic CRM. The object of the study is Female Daily, the largest women online community in Indonesia with over 465,000 members. CRM strategy and the detailed customer life cycle management programs are then developed for Female Daily.

Customer Lifecycle, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Online Business, Online Community

Marketing Management


STRATEGIC KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Case Study at the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education)
Firdaus Rahmad Akbar, Renwi Noviantini

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Firdaus Rahmad Akbar

Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta Indonesia
Kemristekdikti, Jakarta Indonesia

Employees certainly need individuals who can complement each other with good cooperation between employees, subsystems and organizations to increase knowledge. Knowledge Sharing is a way to maintain the integration needs in the distribution of knowledge in organizations. This is in line with the vision and mission of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education namely in realizing a prosperous and fair society in every field of development, in realizing Knowledge Sharing in disseminating the vision and mission of the Inspectorate General so as to create integration among Inspectorate General staff general public. The data type of research used in this study is a descriptive study with a qualitative method that is in the form of interviews. The speakers in this study were four auditors in each inspector general and four subdivisions. Case study of this study at the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

Knowledge Management, Activity Based Knowledge Management, Core Knowledge, Knowledge Management Organization

Organizational Behavior


Strategy Digitizing Development Of Tourism Destinations East Coast In South Sulawesi Indonesia
Andi Cudai Nur1, Haedar Akib2, Risma Niswaty3

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Andi Cudai Nur

Universitas Negeri Makassar 1,2,3
Makassar Indonesia

According to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 by the World Economic Forum (WEF), in ASEAN, Indonesia is ranked fourth after Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. The tourism sector can be a Core Economy Indonesia, as one of the key factors in increasing revenue service exports, job creation, and the development of the tourism industry. Government efforts in the development of tourism potential in Indonesia, namely how stretched local governments to follow-up programs and activities in the area of tourism development, respectively.This method focuses on collecting and analyzing data and combining quantitative data and qualitative data both in a single study and a series of studies. The central premise on which this method is based is to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to find better research results than if only using one approach (Ujang Murana, downloaded 23 July 2016, 22:21). Whatever the level of the tourism destination of life cycle needs to be supported by technology and digitalization literacy on aspects: 1) Features cultural, historical conditions, cultural and social conditions affect the process and outcome. 2) The framework administrative, legal and political, with various administrative provisions, rules and regulations, and political conditions of tourism development. 3) The degree of integration is the level of integration of various parties, including the implementation of the tourism business models.

Strategy, Digitizing, Area Development, Tourism and Infrastructure

Hospitality and Tourism


Muhammad Roy Urich Kusumawardana

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Muhammad Roy Urich Kusumawardana


The threat of terrorism in Indonesia is quite a challenge nowadays due to the phenomenon that some terrorist actors are actually part of company employees. The process of selecting and recruiting new employees is very strategic in preventing the entry of terrorism networks into a business organization in Indonesia. PHENC as one of the largest oil and gas BUMN companies in Indonesia, namely PT Pertamina (Persero) which is being one of the operational targets of terrorists, this was obtained from the ex-combatants interviewed in this study. Terrorist teams have data and images of pipelines, wells and oil and gas refineries throughout Indonesia. The data obtained from the interviews with the combaants is their ability to recruit candidates from young people to older people from academia to religious and business circles. With the ability to recruit each year they can print 50 people with the ability to attack that can save larger victims and attacks on strategic objects with the ultimate goal of making the country improve the results of these attacks. Therefore PHENC as a national vital object (obvitnas) needs to have a strategy to prevent the defense terrorism network in the recruitment and selection of new employees. This research uses applied research using qualitative methods that do not use statistical data and narrative translations. Narrative means this research details about research on the object of research. Qualitative data in this study were collected by written interview method with several representatives of PHENC management. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The analysis result shows that currently PHENC has not conducted a Background Check (BC) in the recruitment and selection process of new employees. Beside that, recruitment and selection was found as security threat in risk register of PHENC. The design of strategy to prevent the terrorism network in the recruitment and selection of new employees, it is proposed to consist of three parts. The first part is for new permanent employees of PHENC. The second part is intended for new outsourcing employees and the last part is the implementation of an integrated security management system (SMP). The design of the strategy can be implemented through eight steps. Word limits The abstract text body is limited to 500 words.

terrorism, recruitment and selection, risk management, security management system

Human Resource or Capital


Study On The Development Of Natural Tourism Objects Umbul Tlatar Boyolali
Risky Dwi Afriadi (1), Supandi (2)

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Corresponding Author
Risky Dwi Afriadi

1,2 Indonesia Defense University, Bogor, Indonesia

1 riskyd.afriadi01102012[at]
2 pendi.supandi[at]

Tourism is a sector that provides a large enough contribution to the Indonesian economy. The development of tourism in Indonesia also experienced rapid progress like other developing countries in the world. The government is now promoting tourism into a commodity offered to domestic and foreign tourists. Artificial recreation places were built in several locations in various regions in Indonesia, much inspired by the state of natural recreation to reduce the carrying capacity of natural recreation. One of the artificial recreation places is Umbul Tlatar Tourism Object located in Boyolali Regency, Central Java. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of the Umbul Tlatar Tourism Object area to have an optimal attraction. The method used is qualitative. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. The result of the study is Umbul Tlatar Tourism Object is a potential place with natural elements and various existing facilities. The availability of very large water discharge in Boyolali makes Tlatar a center for the development of water attractions. Appropriate promotion and marketing and development of facilities in the Umbul Tlatar Tourism Object are also expected to increase the development of the Umbul Tlatar Tourism Project.

development, Umbul Tlatar, tourism

Hospitality and Tourism


Supplier Selection Criteria and Methods in Supply Chain – A Statistical Approach
Nandini Das

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Nandini Das


SQC&OR unit
Indian Statistical Institute
203 B T Road
Kolkata- 700108
nandini[at], nandinipd[at]

1. Introduction In today-s competitive environment, vendor selection is considered as a strategic issue in the effective management of a supply chain. In most industries, the cost of raw materials and component parts represents the largest percentage of the total product cost. Therefore, selecting the right suppliers is the key to procurement process For many years, the traditional approach to supplier selection has been to select suppliers solely on the basis of price. Keeping in view the strategic importance of the supplier-s role in the functioning of supply chains the researchers have developed number of criteria, methods and models for supplier selection. This study involves a comprehensive review of different methods of supplier selection available in the literature and suggests a new approach based on statistical analysis on different characteristics of the supplier. 2. Methods The present study was carried out in Indian ferro-alloys industry to evaluate the suppliers- performance with respect to different quality characteristics of the raw material i.e. chrome ore. Data was collected in a planned manner on different quality characteristics of different lots supplied by different suppliers. An assessment of the existing quality status of Chrome ore, supplied by various suppliers, was done by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Duncans Multiple Range Test was used to classify the suppliers into homogeneous groups. Vendor rating was done on the basis of the obtained score using desirability function. Based on desirability value suppliers were ranked. 3. Results Results of multivariate analysis of variance shows there exist a significant difference in the quality characteristics of the different suppliers. Since different quality characteristics are having different specifications and are measured in different scales it is needed to convert them in a single 0-1 scale which is done using desirability function. For each supplier each quality characteristic was converted to a desirability value in the same scale. Combining the desirability values of each characteristics a single desirability value was obtained using geometric mean. This gives an index of the performance status of a supplier. Comparing these performance index the suppliers were ranked and the best one was selected. 4. Conclusions This study presents a structured methodology for supplier selection and evaluation based on statistical analysis considering all quality characteristics of all suppliers. This methodology can be applied for vendor selection and vendor rating for any industry irrespective of its nature of products and its characteristics. The use of desirability function converge all characteristics of the supplier into a single point in a 0-1 scale and desirability value of each supplier indicates its performance index in a 0-1 scale. Hence it has a vast scope of application. After selecting a suitable supplier its performance can be

Vendor selection criteria, Multivariate ANOVA, desirability function

Operation and Supply Chain


Sustainability Accounting Model
Nurafni Eltivia a, Kurnia Ekasari b, Elvira Handayani Soedarso c , Atik Andhayani d, Ivana Larasati Putri Navalina e

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Nurafni Eltivia

a State Polytechnic of Malang, Malang Indonesia
b State Polytechnic of Malang, Malang Indonesia[at]
c State Polytechnic of Malang, Malang Indonesia
d State Polytechnic of Malang, Malang Indonesia
e State Polytechnic of Malang, Malang Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to criticize the sustainability model developed by Hawkes. The model includes cultural elements as one of the pillars. This research is a qualitative research, using a combination of questionnaires in the form of closed and open questions. The respondents of this study are 10 people who have sustainability reporting certification. The results of this study indicate that the model designed by Hawkes is appropriate to include cultural pillars, but there are changes in the model proposed by Hawkes. Culture needs to be integrated and uncocealed displayed in the sustainability accounting model.

Sustainability Accounting, Model, Hawkes

Suistainable Business Development


Elvyra Handayani Soedarso, Kurnia Ekasari, Nur Indah Riwajati, Apit Miharso, Galuh Kartiko

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Elvyra Handayani Soedarso

Elvyra Handayani Soedarso, Malang, Indonesia
Kurnia Ekasari, Malang, Indonesia[at]
Apit Miharso, Malang, Indonesia
Nur Indah Riwajati, Malang, Indonesia
Galuh Kartiko, Malang, Indonesia

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have proven able to withstand the economic crisis in Indonesia. SMEs in Indonesia strive to grow and develop so that they can compete with various pressures both from local and foreign products, including in this case SMEs engaged in cultivation and processing of oyster needles (pleurotus ostreatus). This case study focuses on the exploration of the challenges and strategies faced by oyster mushroom SMEs in business development. Case analysis and findings reveal that the challenges faced by oyster mushroom SMEs are: (1) problems in acquiring capital to develop businesses; (2) how to determine a structured marketing strategy; (3) determine the added value of oyster mushroom products; (4) hygienic processing of products. Furthermore, the results of this analysis reveal that the strategies that must be carried out by oyster mushroom entrepreneurs are: (1) need to learn to improve product quality and (2) calculate production costs so that competitive selling prices can be determined but still get a positive contribution margin.

Oyster Mushroom Entrepreneur, Non-Accounting, Accounting Prespective

Innovation and entrepreneurship


The Concept of Idealism in Organizing Economic Law in the World of Digital Markets (Critical Review of the Potential of Economic Crimes)
Putri Retnosari, Rizal Mustansyir, Hastanty Widi Nugroho

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Putri Retnosari

Putri Retnosari, IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya, Indonesia
Rizal Mustansyir, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Hastanti Widy Nugroho, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Digital markets are a social phenomenon faced by society today. This virtual world can replace conventional market concepts. Digital markets are forms of media that integrate relationships between people. As McQuail (2011: 51) says, workers can use the media to increase knowledge, while employers use the media to legitimize their position in the upper classes while controlling the working class as the lower classes. This shows the existence of human involvement with digital markets. The phenomenon of digital markets has also succeeded in presenting a new reality and if humans are not careful in facing this digital world, humans can be defeated by the acceleration of information and offers in the form of consumerism. Economic competition is also felt by business people in the era of digital markets. Unreasonable prices make market competition increasingly irrational. The impact is a product has no value so that it results in producers who experience massive losses. Digital market businesses always try to compete with other markets, by making offers that benefit users such as massive promos, discounts, free shipping and so on. Twisting by digital market players seems to benefit digital market consumers, but behind the benefits offered there is an unhealthy economic system that even tends to make the characters behind the scenes digital markets become victims because of an unbalanced economic system. This research, offers an ideal economic legal concept for businesses in the digital markets and their users to create a fair and equitable economic system. This research model is an actual theme research model about the crime of the semiosis process. In accordance with the type of research on the actual problem, the main task of this research is to identify a hidden philosophy, make a critical evaluation of economic law that is ideal for business people in the era of digital markets. This research is a qualitative research by taking literature sources derived from writings related to economic law and the concept of idealism. The stages of library research include compiling planning of research activities, data inventory, data classification, data processing and analysis exposure. The method used in this study is the hermeneutic method, the following are methodical steps from the hermeneutic method (Bakker, 1990: 41): verstehen, interpretation, and heuristics. The results of this study are the first is to find an ideal economy regulated nationally by considering conventional markets with digital markets. National economic law must be applied by all groups, both market participants and digital users. The findings of this study are a place of agreement between digital businesses and conventional markets in providing the price of a product. Second, to find forms of economic crime that have the potential to emerge in digital markets so that both digital actors and the government can avoid economic threats that may be present in digital markets. The concl

idealism, economy, crime

Human Resource or Capital


LD Gadi Djou a, Fitri Lukiastuti b,

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Fitri Lukiastuti Sawaloedjo

University of Flores, Ende, NTT, Indonesia
STIE Bank BPD Jateng, Semarang, Indonesia

The ability to enter the international market has become a competitive necessity for many firms, and one important for survival and growth in the era of globalization. At the same time, digitalization is transforming the locus of entrepreneurial opportunities and entrepreneurial practices, thus offering new perspectives on internationalization. When entering international market, SMEs will require innovativeness capability, proactiveness and risk taking. However, there is a gap in the literature exploring the interplay of digitalization and entrepreneurial orientation in the internationalization process. The objective of the present study aims at developing insights that explain how SMEs in Semarang in the batik industry can use the tactics and strategies associated with entrepreneurial orientation (EO) to achieve superior performance in the digitalization age. Results from a survey in 63 SMEs show that: 1) SMEs that display high levels of EO report a higher level of performance, 2) SMEs that display high levels of digitalization report a higher level of EO, 3) the relationship between EO and performance is moderated by digitalization and 4) the relationship between digitalization and performance is moderated by EO. These results indicate that for those firms, innovativeness capability, risk taking and proactiveness are crucial to their success in foreign markets. Instead, SMEs should develop a clear vision on digitalization that is characterized by innovation, being ahead of the competition, and a willingness to take risks. Word limits The abstract text body is limited to 500 words.

entrepreneurial orientation; digitalization; foreign markets; SMEs-performance

Innovation and entrepreneurship


The Corporate Commitment of Environment: Evidence from Indonesian Mining Companies Sustainability Report
Kurnia Ekasari a, Hesti Wahyuni b, Apit Miharso c

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Corresponding Author
Kurnia Ekasari

a State Polytechnic Of Malang, Malang, Indonesia[at]; kurnia.ekasari[at]
b State Polytechnic Of Malang, Malang, Indonesia
c State Polytechnic Of Malang, Malang, Indonesia

Sustainability report reflects the companies commitment to express the companies accountability in conducting business responsibly both to stakeholders and to the sustainability of the environment. The Companies should no longer think about how to obtain economic benefits from their activities but also think about sustainability. Mining companies run their business using natural mining products as the main raw material, where most of the raw materials are non-renewable, the mining companies have an obligation to carry out efforts to balance and preserve natural resources. For this reason, this study aims to examine the companies commitment to the environment, to ensure that they will operate their business in accordance with the rules of ethics without doing damage to nature. This article using content analysis as a research method. The content analysis in this study was conducted by discussing the content of information related to the environment, which was reported or printed in the sustainability report of 7 mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In this content analysis, an examination of the substances of the text was also carried out by identifying various specific characteristics of a message objectively, systematically, and generalized. The research results showed that from 45 mining companies in Indonesia only 7 companies had disclosed Sustainability Reporting. All the companies had an environmental commitment but with different stressing. As a mining company that uses a lot of natural resources as its raw material, the mining company should be more committed and concerned about the sustainability of nature and the environmental damage it causes. For the next research, it would be interesting to examine the environmental commitment of mining companies that do not report Sustainability Reporting. Future research could enlarge the research data for the mining companies in Asia or around the world for knowing the corporate commitment of a sustainability environment.

commitment, environment, sustainability

Cost Management and Accounting Management


The Design of Partnership Strategy at Logistics Startup of PT XYZ in 2019-2021
Muhamad Faiz Gunarwan a, Erlinda Yunus b

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Muhamad Faiz Gunarwan

ab PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia

PT XYZ is an e-Logistics startup company that provides an application system service in the form of a trucking platform technology that connects the shippers and the transporters in case of the assignment of shipping goods. To optimize the function of the application system, PT XYZ needs to build a collaborative environment with shippers and transporters in their service supply chain management. Based on the data, the COGS of MP increased drastically, and the number of Loss of Sales (LoS) for “MP not Available” is very high. This is due to the lack of collaborative relationships with MP transporters. Therefore, to overcome the issue requires a partnership strategy between PT XYZ and MP transporters. This research using the approach of interviewing, observing, and distributing questionnaires with the selected respondents. Using a descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis, it was found that at present the partnership which being undertaken has a type of 2 (Medium). Then, the type of partnership which they want is type 3 (High). From the gap analysis, it produced 3 new partnership targets in the form of the development of the existing target to overcome the issue of COGS and LoS. The new targets is the basis for the design of the partnership strategy implementation for period of 2019-2021.

Partnership Strategy, Service Supply Chain Management, Startup, Marketplace, Application Systems

Operation and Supply Chain


The Effect of Company-s External and Internal Factors to Firm-s Value with Capital Structure as Intervening Variable in Listed Construction-s Company in Indonesia
Arif Fajar Nugroho, Yanuar Andrianto

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Arif Fajar Nugroho

PPM School Of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia, ariffajar2[at]
PPM School Of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia, andrianto77[at]

This study focused on the effect of external company-s factor (inflation) and internal company-s factor (profitability, size of company, growth, tax shield, and company-s assets) to firm-s value with capital structure act as an intervening variable in listed construction-s company in Indonesia. Hypothesis which tested in this research contain two major hypothesis which are direct effects of company-s factor to firm-s value and indirect effects of company-s factor to firm-s value through capital structure. In order to support this research, research problems was constructed which are: • Are company-s internal factor s can effect company-s capital structure decision? • Is company-s external factor can effect company-s capital structure decision? • Is company-s capital structure decision effect company-s value? • Are company-s internal factors effect company-s value? This study use data from construction company which is listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) starting from 2014 until 2017. This study use a quantitative and causality research as the design of this study. Listed construction-s company act as the population of data used in this study. This study use Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Square approach as a method for conducting analysis in this study. The result of this study found out that company-s growth act as a factor that effect company-s capital structure decision in listed construction company in Indonesia. Other factor like inflation, profitability, company-s size, company-s assets and tax shield show no significant effect to capital structure decision. This study also found out that variable which is used like profitability, company-s size and company-s growth show no significant effect to firm-s value, capital structure decision also show the same effect to firm-s value. This study conclude that only company-s growth able to effect the company-s capital structure decision in listed construction companies in Indonesia. Further research regarding another factor should be consider. The result of this study is corresponding to related study conducted by another researcher as Moyo (2013), Komera (2015), Gill (2009), Shanmugasundaram (2008).

Capital Structure

Finance and Risk Management


Dr. Dimas Angga Negoro Prof. Firmanzah, PhD. Sari Wahyuni, Ph.D. Dr. Lily Sudhartio

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Dimas Negoro

University of Indonesia

The ups and down in commodity prices is arguably important challenges to deal with for commodity-based firms in order to strive and survive. The increasing volatility of this business cycle has increased the difficulties in responding strategically. An empirical study has been undertaken to build an organizational model for commodity-based firms to deal with this issue fundamentally. This study used the Structural Equation Modeling–Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) methodology to analyze 130 top management representing 99 different mining and Crude Palm Oil companies in Indonesia. It found that commodity-based firm can have better performance by being an ambidextrous organization. In order to achieve this, firms need to have orientation towards its business cycle and this orientation is determined by its top management foresight and environmental uncertainties. This study contributes to the existing literature on strategic management in relation to ambidextrous organization, managerial foresight, organizational orientation, environmental uncertainty, and its performance implications. The study provides managerial advice by proposing a model that could give valuable insights in the purpose of building business cycle ambidextrous company.

Ambidexterity, Business cycle orientation, Top management foresight, Business performance, Commodity based firms, Strategic management

Strategic Management


Lohana Juariyah, Abd.Rahman, Afwan Hariri, I Nyoman Suputra

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Lohana Juariyah

Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang Indonesia

Employees- commitment is an important issue in organization, especially in business, since employees who commit to the organization show better performance, lower in intention to leave and increase productivity. There are some antecedents found related with employees- commitment; job satisfaction and perceived organizational support (POS). This study tries to investigate the effect of POS to employees- performance through job satisfaction, since many studies found different research findings related with mediation effect of job satisfaction toward the effect of POS to employees- performance. By doing survey toward 98 employees of Gas Station with simple random sampling technique, only 66 returned the questionnaires. The collected data then analyzed with descriptive and path analysis technique. The results showed that job satisfaction is fully mediate the effect of POS to employees- commitment. Therefore, it is important for the organization to maintain job satisfaction condition of their employees and also organizational support programs, because those factors found to be direct or indirect influenced employees- commitment to the organization.

Perceived Organizational Support, Empoyee Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Mediation Effect, Path Analysis

Organizational Behavior


The Effect of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Self-efficacy and Affect on Behavioral Intention (Case study on DKI Jakarta residents in Using Digital Financial Services: Peer to Peer Lending Digital.
Zahramutya Nadapertiwi Putri, Yanuar Andrianto

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Zahramutya Nadapertiwi Putri

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia

1. Introduction and research problem The growth of Financial Technology (Fintech) services in Indonesia is a form of development of financial services in the digital era. Google and Temasek survey results (December 2018) showed that the digital economy in Indonesia could grow 100 billion US dollars in 2025. This makes Indonesia the largest market for digital economy penetration compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. The presence of Fintech is expected to increase financial inclusion which is considered to be able to reduce some socio-economic problems such as more equitable financial distribution so as to realize the financial independence of the community, reduce poverty and unemployment. Peer to Peer Lending (P2P) is a type of Fintech service that provides Information Technology-Based Money Lending and Borrowing services and has been officially regulated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) through OJK regulation number 77/POJK.01 / 016. As of January 2019, there are 99 digital platforms in the Peer to Peer Lending category that have been registered with the OJK. In this study, researchers used two theories that can explain the level of understanding and acceptance of individuals in studying the use of digital technology-based financial services. The first theory is The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposed by Venkatesh (2003) and the second theory is Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) put forward by Compeau & Higgins (1995). The variables used are Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Inflation, Facilitating Condition, Self-Efficacy, Affect, Trust, Reputation and Anxiety towards Behavioral Intention. Research subjects in DKI Jakarta have the population with the highest literacy and inclusion in Indonesia. 2. Methods The study was conducted in March-April 2019 by conducting a survey of 450 respondents. The determination of the sample is used based on a purposive sampling technique, based on the population of the population in DKI Jakarta of 10,467,600 people (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2018). The results of calculations based on Krejcie and Morgans table showed a minimum of 384 respondents. This survey uses a Likert scale which aims to measure peoples attitudes, opinions and perceptions about the use of P2P (Sekaran, 2013). Researchers conducted a preliminary test to 30 respondents aiming to measure whether the questions in the questionnaire were appropriate to measure the variables to be measured on a small scale first. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression to explain how much influence the independent variable has on a dependent variable. The SPSS application is used to process and analyze survey results. 3. Results and findings The results of the analysis show that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Self-efficacy, Affect, Reputation, Trust and Anxiety have simultaneous significant effects on Individual Behavi

Financial Technology, Peer to Peer Lending, UTAUT, SCT

Finance and Risk Management


The Effect of Sustainable Human Resource Management towards Employees Productiviy
Andasmara Rizky Pranata, Leli Deswindi

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Andasmara Rizky Pranata

ESQ Business School (STIMIK ESQ), Jakarta, Indonesia
ESQ Business School (STIMIK ESQ), Jakarta, Indonesia

The development of the world and globalization force businesses to always develop themselves, and one of the keys to develop the business is to develop the human inside it. And to develop human resources, one can utilize a theory of Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM). This research is made to find out whether there is an effect of SHRM towards the Employees productivity, and the variable chosen as SHRM programs are Training and Development, Corporate Culture, and Compensation. The research method is a quantitative descriptive approach analysis. The sample was 171 out of 300 employees of a private company in Indonesia as a study case. The number of samples in this study were determined using simple random sampling technique with slovin method. The data obtained are primary data through questionnaires and processed using statistical software. This study has fulfilled the instrument test and classic assumption test, namely: normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The result of this research is that independently, all the variables significantly affect the employees- productivity with the corporate culture as the biggest factor to affect employees- productivity. The final analysis done show that all of the variables in SHRM simultaneously affect the employee productivity significantly. Researcher-s recommendation is, mainly, for the organization to improve the employees- productivity by improving SHRM, especially corporate cultures that is according to the research, gave the biggest influence to increase the employees- productivity.

Sustainable Human Resource Management, Productivity, Corporate Culture

Suistainable Business Development


The Effect of Sustainable Human Resource Management towards Employees- Productivity
Andasmara Rizky Pranata, Leli Deswindi

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Leli Deswindi

ESQ Business School (STIMIK ESQ), Jakarta, Indonesia
ESQ Business School (STIMIK ESQ), Jakarta, Indonesia

The development of the world and globalization force businesses to always develop themselves, and one of the keys to develop the business is to develop the human inside it. And to develop human resources, one can utilize a theory of Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM). This research is made to find out whether there is an effect of SHRM towards the Employees productivity, and the variable chosen as SHRM programs are Training and Development, Corporate Culture, and Compensation. The research method is a quantitative descriptive research approach analysis. The sample was 171 out of 300 employees of a private company in Indonesia as a study case. The number of samples in this study were determined using simple random sampling technique with Slovin method. The data obtained are primary data through questionnaires and processed using statistical software. This study has fulfilled the instrument test and classic assumption test, namely: normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The result of this research is that independently, all the variables significantly affect the employees- productivity with the corporate culture as the biggest factor to affect employees- productivity. The final analysis done show that all of the variables in SHRM simultaneously affect the employee productivity significantly. Researcher-s recommendation is, mainly, for the organization to improve the employees- productivity by improving SHRM, especially corporate cultures that is according to the research, gave the biggest influence to increase the employees- productivity.

Sustainable Human Resource Management, Productivity, Corporate Culture

Suistainable Business Development


The Effect of Training and Compensation on Employee Performance
Putri Kartika Sari

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Putri Kartika Sari

PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia

PT Badak NGL is a liquefied natural gas producing company that has management and marketing activities for liquefied natural gas to LNG buyers. In an effort to improve employee performance, PT Badak NGL, especially those in Bontang, East Kalimantan, conduct training programs in accordance with employee needs, as well as provide compensation that is considered fair and appropriate in return for employee performance to the company. The formulation of the problem in this study is the extent of the effect of training and compensation on the performance of the employees of PT Badak NGL. Theories used in this research are the theories of human resources related to the theory of human resource training, and the theory of compensation, and the theory of employee performance. This research method uses a survey approach, and the type of research is quantitative descriptive. The nature of the study is the explanation. The number of samples used consisted of 100 employess of PT Badak NGL. The data analysis model used to answer the first and second hypotheses is multiple regression analysis, using a confidence level of 95 percent.

Training, Compensation and Performance

Human Resource or Capital


Dewi Sabita Wulandari

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Dewi Sabita Wulandari

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM

This study aims to determine the effect of training, work environment and work discipline on the performance of millennial generation employees. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire distributed to 208 millennial generation employees. This research is quantitative by using multiple linear regression analysis. Data analysis methods used in this study are validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, T test, F test, and R test using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that training has an influence on employee performance, this can be seen from the results of t arithmetic (8.872)> t table (2,353). In the work environment a positive effect on employee performance, this can be seen from the results of t arithmetic (9,981)> t table (2,353). Work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance, it can be seen from the results of t arithmetic (5.858)> t table (2,353). The results of data analysis show that simultaneous training, work environment and work discipline influence employee performance with a determination coefficient R2 of 0.822 meaning 82 percent of employee performance is affected by training, work environment and work discipline and the remaining 18 percent is influenced by other factors not included in the research model.

training, work environment, work discipline, job performance

Human Resource or Capital


Syihabudhinⁱ⁾ Elfia Nora²⁾ Ofan Dhika Dwi Kurniawanᶟ⁾ Universitas Negeri Malang

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Syihabudhin Syihabudhin

Email: syihabudhin.fe[at]

ABSTARCT : The problem that often arises in Ollino Garden Hotel Malang is high workload due high season. Therefore this study was conducted, where the purpose of this study was to find out. 1) the description of workload, work life balance and job performance at Ollino Garden Hotel malang; 2) wheter workload effect and significantly towards the work life balance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang; 3) wheter work life balance effect and significantly towards the job performance in Ollino Garden Hotel Malang; 4) wheter workload effect and significantly towards the job performance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang; 5) wheter workload bears indirectly effect towards job performance through work life balance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang. This study uses an instrument in the form of a questionnaire, the results of the data from the questionnaire will be analyzed using path analysis. The population used in this study were 48 employees of Ollino Garden Hotel Malang. While the technique used is Proportionate Random Sampling, resulting in a total sample of 43 employees of all Ollino Garden Hotel Malang employees. Based on the results of path analysis, it can be seen that: 1) Workload, work life balance and employee performance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang are categorized as good; 2) Workload has a positive and significant effect on work life balance; 3) Work life balance has a positive and significant effect on performance; 4) workload has a negative and significant effect on performance; 5) Indirect workload has a positive effect on performance through work life balance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang.

workload, work life balance, employee performance

Human Resource or Capital


The Effects of Customer Experience on Purchase Intention in the Shopping Centers in Jakarta
Anastasia Prisilla (first author); Pepey Riawati Kurnia (second author)

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Pepey Kurnia

Sekolah Tinggi PPM Manajemen, Jakarta, Indonesia

This study examines the factors that influence customer experience and the effect of customer experience on purchase intention. The objects of this research are shopping malls in Jakarta. The background and problems of this study arise from the presence of e-commerce, which disrupts the shopping mall industry as reflected in numerous retail spaces that have been closed in recent years. Verhoef et al. (2009) has revealed a new theory by holistically/ comprehensively examining the customer experience in the retail industry. Yang and He (2011) use the basic theory of Verhoef et al. (2009) in combination with Schmitt (1999), which is then associated with purchase intentions. In view of those theoretical descriptions, the researchers have found a gap that there is no research, especially in Indonesia, which has tested the theory of Verhoef et al. (2009) by simultaneously testing the factors influencing the customer experience as well as examining the relationship between customer experience and purchase intention. Researchers have found that service interface, assortment, price, retail brand, and social environment factors have a significant positive effect on customer experience at shopping malls in Jakarta. The atmosphere factor does not have a significant positive effect on customer experience in shopping malls in Jakarta. It is suspected that there are differences in terms of respondents profile, place, and time of respondent taking when testing the effect of atmosphere factor on the customer experience in a shopping mall. The retail brand is the factor that has the greatest influence on the customer experience in shopping malls in Jakarta. The customer experience factor has also a significant positive effect on the purchase intention in shopping malls in Jakarta.

Purchase Intention

Marketing Management


The Effects Of Resource Management to Firm-s Performance Through Exploratory And Exploitative Innovations
Joni Phangestu

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Joni Phangestu

SOM PPM. Jakarta Indonesia

1. Introduction and research problem Small firms are effective in exploring and recognizing new business opportunities, but are unable to build a strong foundation for exploiting future competitive advantage, whereas large firms are effective at exploiting competitive advantage but are less effective in exploring and recognizing new entrepreneurial opportunities (Ireland et Al., 2003). To be able effectively pursue exploratory & exploitative innovation simultaneously, a strong foundation of strategic resource must be managed, bundled and leveraged (Sirmon & Hitt, 2003; Sirmon et. al., 2007) also known as Strategic Entrepreneurship (SE.). SE. is firm-s capability to exploit current competitive advantage and explore new opportunity for future competitive advantage simultaneously (Hitt et. al., 2011). This research was conducted on real estate firms in Indonesia, which is a sector that makes an important contribution to Indonesias GDP (BPS, 2017). In the past, property industry experienced several severe crises which caused many real estate firms to go bankrupt. Nevertheless, some companies could survive the crisis and even revive. It was believed that the capability of Strategic Entrepreneurship that makes the real estate firms are able to survive. This research will try to find answers to the formulation of the problem of this research, namely how Resource Management affects explorative innovation and exploitative innovation, and whether explorative and exploitative innovation or their integration affect firm-s performance. 2. Methods This research is a quantitative research, with analysis unit is real estate firms in Indonesia. The respondent is individual who presents the firms. The time for the survey was approximately 4 months; June - September 2016. Four latent variables are used in this theoretical model. One dependent latent variable is firm-s performance and 3 independent latent variables are resource management, exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation. Six hyphotesis were constructed (H1 – H6). The questionnaires were then analysed as follow; first, factor analysis, which is the process of grouping latent variables formed by a number of operational questions, followed by bivariate correlation analysis to examine the relationship between latent variables (H1 – H4). The next stage will be inferential analysis in the form of multiple regression and overall model analysis using the seemingly causal model (SCM) method to examine the causal relationship of several variables according to the hypothesis developed (H5 – H6). All stages of the analysis above will use e-views software. 3. Results and findings From 250 questionnaires distributed, 56 proper questionnaires (24%) returned. Results of bivariate correlation analysis show that data support the hypothesis H1 – H4 at the significance level  : 0.01. Next, the result based on the statistical test F : F0 = 33,0603 with df = (3.50) and the val

Strategic Entrepreneurship, Resource management, explorative innovation, exploitative innovation.

Strategic Management


Kenny Ardillah

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Kenny Ardillah

Matana University, Tangerang, Indonesia

Companies in achieving sustainability status need to establish a sustainability strategy known as a trade off strategy because it can identify the relationship between the results obtained from improvement of environmental performance and financial performance. The sustainable value approach is built on the premise that companies need economic and environmental resources to create high economic performance. The measure of success in sustainable development is not solely based on growth in financial performance, but through efforts by companies to improve environmental performance through appropriate financing decisions. The purpose of this study is to prove empirically the influence of environmental performance, external financing decisions, external financing decisions through short-term debt, external financing decisions through long-term debt, and external financing decisions on sustainable financial development. The benefit of this research is that it can make a positive contribution to the company to apply the form of operational activity accountability in environmental aspects and emphasize the right financing decisions for the company in funding its long-term operating activities. This research samples focus on mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2015-2018 period with meeting certain criteria. The results obtained in this study are that environmental performance has a positive effect on sustainable financial development, external financing decisions do not affect sustainable financial development, external financing decisions through short-term debt do not affect sustainable financial development, external financing decisions through long-term debt have no effect towards sustainable financial development, and internal financing decisions do not affect sustainable financial development.

Environmental Performance, Financing Decisions, Sustainable Financial Development

Cost Management and Accounting Management


The Impact of Safety Climate, Social Capital on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in Water Body Management Unit Officer in Jakarta
Suryani Maryam

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Suryani Maryam

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of safety climate and social capital associated with organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Data were collected from 253 Water Body Management Unit officers in Jakarta using questionnaires. Data analysis was done using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. Three hypotheses were developed in order to determine the relationships between safety climate, social capital, and organizational citizenship behaviour. The results revealed that safety climate and social capital had significant positive impact on employees organizational citizenship behaviour. This study makes several contributions to Water Body Management Unit employer, including by creating positive safety climate and social capital, the organizational citizenship behaviour of officers can be elevated. Furthermore this study, for the first time, has measured the Water Body Management Unit Officer-s safety climate, social capital, and and organizational citizenship behaviour.

Safety climate, Social capital, Organizational citizenship behavior, Water Body Management Unit Officer

Human Resource or Capital


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