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The 3rd International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.27 for 3 days in Jakarta |

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Bambang Setiyo Pambudi, Suyono

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Bambang Setiyo Pambudi

Universitas Trunojoyo

The purpose of this study is how the marketing communication strategy through digital marketing is carried out by BUMDesa businesses as a driver of the village economy in order to prosper the Village Communities in East Java in marketing their products. This research is focused on the online media such as Instagram Business, Facebook Business and Whatshapp Business. This study used qualitative research methods to provide data and facts about the application of digital marketing in Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDesa). Interviews, documentation, and observation used as data collection techniques. Data is analyzed with a grounded theory approach that provides development of the field of research studies. The analysis techniques consisted of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The research findings show that in marketing BUMDesa products, marketing trends are shifting from conventional (offline) to digital (online). The concept of digital marketing for BUMDesa businesses is to be able to market their products from anywhere and anytime through the internet / online media. So the communication strategy is done through digital marketing are the submission of positioning statements in each post on online media (Instagram Bisnis Facebook Bisnis and Whatshap Bisnis) and the speed of response to online reviews of online media. Suggestions for BUMDesa in carrying out marketing activities, both conventional and especially digital marketing, can be developed for better management.

Digital Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy, Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDesa)



Eko Dwi Putra (a), Nanda(b); Fajri Adrianto (c)

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Eko Dwi Putra

a) Faculty of Economics, Magister Management, Andalas University, Unand limau manis campus, Padang 25163, Indonesia; putra.ekodwi[at]
b) Faculty of Economics, Magister Management, Andalas University, Unand limau manis campus, Padang 25163, Indonesia; danan_com[at]
c) Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, Unand limau manis campus, Padang 25163, Indonesia; fajriadrianto[at]

This study examines the effect of ESG/SRI label on profitability, value, and corporate governance, evidence from Indonesia-s top listed firms. Recent evidence shows that large firm with ESG/SRI label has RoE, value, better governance, and capacity to grow better. We use purposive sampling method and sample are listed firm in the SRI-KEHATI Index and outside the SRI-KEHATI index as a comparison, total is 38 companies in the 2014-2018 period, 190 observations. We use Multivariate analysis to determine the effect of all variables involved. We show that significant effect of ESG/SRI label from profitability, value, and corporate governance of SRI and NON-SRI firms. We find that SRI label adds about 8.5 percentage points of ROE and 2.2 percentage points of Sales Growth, SRI label adds about 1.1 percentage points of Tobin-s Q, however NON-SRI has better corporate governance but not effective. Finally, we find that effective corporate governance in accordance with governance principles will increase profitability and firm value.

ESG/SRI, effective governance, firm value (Tobin-s Q), RoE

Strategic Management


Does the Safety Leadership Style Encourage Safety Climate and Risk Perception in Perspective of Indonesian Safety Critical Organizations?
Nidya Ayu Arina, Ratri Amelia Aisyah, Muhammad Wildan Nurrahman Anjanarko, Luky Bagas Prakoso

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Universitas Airlangga

Managing risk perceptions of employees working at Safety Critical Organization (SCO) is important. One of the things that can be managed by the company is to assign a leader or agent who has the appropriate leadership style to reduce the level of stress to the risk of his subordinates so that a safe climate at work emerges. This study wants to see whether there is a relationship between transactional, transformational, and authentic leadership styles to risk perception through climate safety as an intervening variable in the sample of workers in the construction sector. Managerial implications on the results of this study are to manage risk perceptions and give rise to a safety culture in working with organizations of this type are expected to adopt a leadership style that is proven to be able to have the strongest influence on the safety climate and risk perception. the study was conducted on 238 construction workers in Surabaya Indonesia.

Leadership Style, Risk Perception, Safety Climate, Safety Culture, Safety Critical Organization (SCO)

Human Resource Management


Does Volatility of Oil Price Influence the Transportation Sector in ASEAN Countries?
Rofikoh Rokhim (a*), Febrio Giring Tolangga (a*), and Melia Retno Astrini (b*)

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Febrio Giring Tolangga

a) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
*rofikoh.rokhim[at]; febrio.giring[at]
b) Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University
* m.r.astrini[at]

This study investigates whether oil price has significant effect to the financial soundness of firms in transportation sector of 6 ASEAN countries, which are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In terms of operational activities, transportation sector is one of the most dependent sectors for oil usage. Therefore, oil price changes will create big impacts to the operational costs of transportation firms. Using panel data estimators, the researchers find that oil price change affects the financial soundness of transportation firms with return on equity as the mean of measurement. Furthermore, in addition to oil price change, researchers also find the effect of firm size and macroeconomic conditions to the financial soundness of transportation firms.

Oil price; oil price volatility; financial soundness; financial performance



Felyana Asali; Werner R. Murhadi; Bertha Silvia Sutejo

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werner Murhadi

University of Surabaya
Jl. Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya

This study aims to determine the factors that influence dividend payment policy. The review uses data from all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for five years and dividends for a minimum of 3 periods. This Research used panel data. The results showed that foreign ownership had a positive effect on dividend payment policy, domestic property, independent commissioners, and company growth harmed dividend payments. Meanwhile, the variable board size, profitability, firm age, debt policy, and firm size do not affect dividends.

dividend payment policy, domestic ownership, independent commissioners, company growth



Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Market Orientation on the Performance of Small Medium Enterprise in Automotive Industry
Mohamad Zaki Azizi , Dr Lily Sudhartio

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Mohamad Zaki Azizi

University of Indonesia - PPIM S2 UI

1006/5000 Small and medium businesses in Indonesia, especially in the automotive industry, have different characteristics from other countries. This study aims to analyze the influence between market orientation and business performance of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the Indonesian Automotive Industry The entrepreneurial orientation variable is used as an antecedent of the market orientation and SME business performance as a consequence of the variable. The study design used a sample survey and focus group discussions with SME owners as respondents. This research was conducted in Karawang, West Java, as one of the Automotive Industrial Estates in Indonesia. By using structural equation modeling analysis, it is found that entrepreneurial orientation directly influences business performance, but market orientation does not have a significant effect on business performance.

Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation , SME Performance , Automotive Industry

Strategic Management


Empirical Test of Fama-French Five Factor Model and Hou q5 Factor Model Under Transaction Cost in Indonesia Stock Market
Adityawan Pradipto (a*), Zuliani Dalimunthe (a)

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Adityawan Pradipto

(a) Universitas Indonesia
Gedung Dekanat FEB UI Kampus Widjojo Nitisastro, Jl. Prof. DR. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Kukusan, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424

This study aims to investigate and compare the performance of Fama-French Five Factor Model and Hou q5 factor model before and after the effect of transaction cost is taken into account in Indonesia Stock Market. To compare the performance of each factor before transaction cost, we use ordinary least square with monthly time-series data from 2002 to 2018. When comparing the performance of each factor after transaction cost, we use new performance metric from Novy-Marx and Velikov (2016) named generalized alpha. We find that Hou q5 factor model cannot explain Fama-French SMB and HML factor while Fama-French five factor model cannot explain ROE and IA factor of Hou q5 factor model. Except for SMB factor, this result is robust even when transaction cost is incorporated into the analysis. Our findings indicates that transaction cost is not a significant factor for comparing both model despite of monthly rebalancing of Hou q5 factor model.

asset pricing, fama-french 5 factor model, hou q^{5} factor model, transaction cost, indonesia stock market



Employment Relationship and Job Satisfaction in Garment Factories
Laksmi Damaryanti and Permata Wulandari

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Laksmi Damaryanti

Graduate School of Management
Faculty of Economic and Business
University of Indonesia

The revenue apparel from garment and textiles industry in Indonesia reaching almost USD 16 billion (2018). It offered employment to 4.2 million people in 2016, majority of them women. However, finding shows that the industry is plagued by poor working conditions, such as long hours, low wages and insufficient occupational safety and health standards and abusive practices such as the verbal and sexual harassment. From previous studies showed that high commitment HR practices were positively related with job satisfaction through mediating effect of psychological contract and job security. High commitment HR practices were positively related to employee performance through the mediating effect of perceived organizational support (Latorre et al., 2016). Resilience which known as phenomenon with positive psychological capacity to recover, to rise again from adversity, uncertainty, conflict, failure or even positive change, progress and increased responsibility, positively related with job satisfaction (Siu et al., 2009; Youssef & Luthans, 2007). Empowerment was positively related with job satisfaction (Kirkman & Rossen, 1999). Then, job satisfaction is negatively related to turnover intention and positively related to employee performance (Allen et al., 2003; Latorre et al., 2016). This study is conceptual paper which explore employment relationship and job satisfaction in garment factories.

Garment, Resilience, High Commitment HR Practices, Perceived Organizational Support, Empowerment, Job Security, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention, Employee Performance

Strategic Management


Enhancing firm performance through Total Quality Management practices
Nurullaily Kartika (a*) Faradilah Hanum (b)

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Nurullaily Kartika

a) b) Faculty of Economics and Business
Airlangga University


The need of performance improvement is required due to radical changes in the business competition. TQM has been recognized as a competitive advantage for an firm-s success. TQM and improved firm performance has been the subject in various literature. This paper focuses on gaining insight into the impact of TQM on the firm performance. Success of TQM implementations appears that TQM implementation improved firm performance. The objectives of this study are to investigate the relationship between TQM practice and firm performance. The study obtained 300 questionnaires and tested the model and hypotheses using structural equation modeling. Results of the study support the hypotheses that there is positive relationship between TQM and employee performance, and there is positive relationship between TQM and operational performance. The implications of the study for managers and researchers, as well as study limitations, are also discussed.

Total Quality Management, employee performance, operational performance, firm performance

Operation Management


Examining a Psychological Sense of Brand Community in iPhone Users
Ofalyn Octarya Sitepu

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University of Indonesia

Recent theory and research efforts have demonstrated the efficacy of brand communities at establishing long-term relationships with their customers (Carlson, Suter, & Brown, 2008). Therefore, marketers are becoming more aware and increasingly interested in creating brand communities. However, the psychological underpinnings of customer perceptions about the community with other brand users are less explored. The theory used in this study is social identity theory by examining new antecedents and consequences of psychological sense of brand community (PSBC) within the context of iPhone users. An online survey was conducted during 1 week in October 2019 with 160 usable responses collected. The measurements were adapted from previous related studies. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess the hypothesized relationships. The findings showed that PSBC positively contributes to iPhone users- commitment and loyalty regardless of the presence of their social interaction with one another.

Brand community; Psychological sense of brand community; Social identity theory; Brand commitment; Brand loyalty; iPhone users



Exploring the Big Data Adoption by Indonesian Start-up Companies
Dianadewi Riswantini, Utomo Sarjono Putro, Manahan Siallagan, Eka Yuliana, Brian Al Afwan Izwar

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Dianadewi Riswantini

School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Big data technology is being implemented with success in organizations and science. The benefit magnitude of the technology in business and management makes the companies should not be left behind in implementing it to overcome the competition. Companies do recognize the opportunities of big data analytics for their business, but it seems uncertain about whether they are ready for the adoption of the techniques, even though there are available facilities to implement the technology. The aim of the study is to investigate the adoption capability of big data analytics taking the context of Indonesian start-up companies. Applying research strategy of case study, in-depth interviews were designed to evaluate the adoption capability. The study revealed some novel insights and developed a model for assessing the technology adoption. The model mapped the adoption factors, including the awareness and the readiness towards the companies- business orientation. The study evaluated the relationship between adoption capability and sustainability strategies that are taken by start-up companies. The higher the adoption capability, the more possible companies choose the value-driven business. The start-up companies with a higher adoption capability of big data analytics tend to choose proactive innovation and diversification strategies.

Technology adoption; Big data; Start-up companies

Strategic Management


Factors Contributing to Employee Performance
Eka Winda Silitonga

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Eka Winda Silitonga

Universitas Indonesia

Abstract - Indonesia is conducting a process of bureaucratic reform with a target of dynamic governance in 2025 that stress high employee performances. To escalate public services, the government needs to improve the performance of the state civil apparatus. Several factors that can affect the performance of civil servants are motivation, the role of leaders and work engagement. This study uses public service motivation variables to measure the motivation of civil servants, while the role of leaders is seen based on the authentic leadership style of leadership. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. The survey instrument was a structured questionnaire of a 6-point Likert scale. The sample consist of 276 civil servants in one of the central government agencies. The results of this study found that public service motivation, authentic leadership and work engagement directly influence employee performance and work engagement mediates the relationship between public service motivation and authentic leadership with employee performance. It is concluded, to produce better employee performance, government institutions need to encourage the formation of employee motivation in work, improve leadership skills and build the work environment that enhance the work engagement.

Employee performance, Public service motivation, Authentic leadership, Work engagement.

Human Resource Management


Factors Influencing Customer-s Continued Mobile Apps Use Intention in The Broadband Internet Access Industry.
Yustine Pitasari, Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, SE, MSi, Ph.D

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Yustine Pitasari

University of Indonesia

Indonesia is a developing country market with the fastest growth of mobile applications at 17.6% at the end of 2018. With the rapid advancement of cellular technology and the innovations of service providers have led to an evolution in customer behavior in terms of how consumers interact with service providers service through the service delivery channel that can be utilized anytime and anywhere. Almost all broadband internet access service providers have branded mobile applications as part of the companys CRM. The challenge faced by service providers is how to maintain their cellular applications that can continue to be used daily by their users because the problems that occur are high mobile apps uninstall rate and low adoption rates of mobile applications use. This study takes the information adoption model (IAM) to examine the dual-routes of communication for continued use behaviors mobile apps user from internet access service providers, and investigate the relationship between argument quality, source credibility, perceive of usefulness, parasocial interaction, attitude certainty and continued use intention mobile applications from broadband internet service providers.

Information Adoption Model, Continued Use Intention, Mobile Application, Internet Service Provider.



Factors That Motivate Electric Motorcycle Consumers to Contribute in eWOM
Faisal Habibie(a*), M. Gunawan Alif (a)

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Faisal Habibie

a) Master of Management, Universitas Indonesia
Jalan Salemba raya 3, Jakarta 10440, Indonesia

Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) recognized as a highly influential aspect in online consumer behaviour, information transfer between customers is considered as a more relevant marketing communication than any company commercial advertising; consumers tend to seek information provided by experienced and credible informant in online platform especially for high involvement products like a vehicle. However, consumers tend to be less interested in participating in eWOM especially on experiential products. The goal of this research is to determine what factors from consumption value theory that motivates electric vehicle consumers to contribute in eWOM. Most consumers online are characterized as “lurkers” who read information and reviews but rarely or never participate (Heinonen, 2011 and Rau et al. 2008). For these reasons, understanding social/relational interactions in eWOM communication through the application of social relationship theories may no be entirely appropriate in the context of social media websites (Brown et al., 2007). A questionnaire is used to test the hypothesis using SPSS and Lisrel. This research aims to analyse what factors that attract online consumers and determine their motivation to contribute to Ewom.

Electric Motorcycle, EWOM, Consumption Value Theory. Consumers Motivation.



Forming a Standard Operational Procedure for Documenting Daily Transaction, and Producing Financial Statement of a Construction Company “PT. DMP”
Di-zenah Alifiah RACHMA(a*) ; Fahrul ISMAENI, S.E., M.H. (b)

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Di-zenah Alifiah Rachma

University of Indonesia

2018 has been an exciting year for contractor. The government is actively supporting and carrying out infrastructure development in Indonesia. On the other hand, GAPENSI record a sharp decreasing number of its member from 70.000 to 35.000 members in 2018. These numbers represent the small- and medium contractors in Indonesia. PT. DMP is a small contractor in the transection phase to be a medium contractor. Its issues are cash- and organizational management which impacts it-s capability to scale up into a medium contractor. Therefore, based on intensive interview with the business owner, and direct interaction with the company, the coach analyzes the company using internal and external business tools. Mapping the existing-, ideal-, and GAP conditions of the company. And formulating solutions for the problems. Business coaching process will last for 6-8months. The goal of this coaching activity is to form a SOP for documenting transaction, and to produce a financial statement for this company.

Standard Operational Procedure(SOP), Transaction, Financial Statement, Construction, Business coaching.



Halal Tourism Destination in Indonesians Moeslem Perscpective
Muhammad Fakhri (a*), Nurdin Sobari (b)

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Muhammad Fakhri

a) Magister Management, University of Indonesia, Jalan Salemba 3, RW.5, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430
b) Department of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi, Depok, West Java, Indonesia

Indonesia makes opportunities to meet their needs and desires also increase. One of his needs will be to visit tourist destinations. Indonesia is the number 1 halal tourist destination in Indonesia. There are ten leading destinations namely Lombok, Aceh, Jakarta, West Sumatra, Yogyakarta, West Java, Riau Islands, Malang, Central Java and Makassar. This large Muslim population has made the potential of halal tourism a good prospect for continued development. Especially the excellence of attractions such as beaches, culture, to basic infrastructure. The government as the owner and manager of the tourism needs to strive to improve the quality of halal tourist destinations both from the availability of halal food and drinks, the social environment in accordance with Islamic rules, halal facilities, local residents and employees who understand the concept of halal, information, and halal clothes. This study aims to determine the effect of halal tourism destinations on perceived value, destination satisfaction, and destination trust in creating destination image and destination satisfaction. The perspective of this study is from the perspective of local Muslim tourists. The model framework in this study was conducted by the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method with a sample size of 250 respondents who visited the halal tourist destination.

Halal Tourism Destination; Muslim Tourist; Trust; Satisfaction; Loyalty; Destination Image



How Personality can Improve The Performance of the Government Internal Oversight Apparatus (APIP)? Mediation Analysis Using Different Types of Competencies
Wilysa Mardani (a*), Lizar Alfansi (b), Slamet Widodo (c), Fahrudin JS Pareke (d), Gerry Suryosukmono (e).

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Gerry Suryosukmono

a.) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu
Jalan WR. Supratman Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia
b.) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu
Jalan WR. Supratman Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia
c.) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu
Jalan WR. Supratman Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia
d.) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu
Jalan WR. Supratman Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia
e.) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu
Jalan WR. Supratman Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia

During this time, the competency framework for the Government Internal Oversight Apparatus (APIP) has no clear theoretical foundation concerning supervisory performance or the personality of the officers. Holistic personality theory is seen to be able to build a competency and personality relationship framework so that it can be selected from the beginning in which personality is capable of producing the best performance for the implementation of the APIP task. Based on these considerations, the purpose of this study, in general, is to analyze the various relationships between personality and cognitive, emotional, and social competencies in predicting the performance of regional inspectorate APIP supervisors following holistic personality theory. The survey was conducted on 180 respondents in 11 inspectorates in Bengkulu province to examine the relationship between variables. Respondents consisted of 123 auditors and 57 local government supervisors. This study examines the variables of personality extroversion, neurotic, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, cognitive competence, emotional, social, generic, and supervisor performance. The relationship between these variables was examined using the structural equation model and the Sobel test. Model development is carried out by analyzing four new personality types: average personality, calm, selfish, and role models. This study found a significant relationship between personality and cognitive competence, between cognitive competence with generic competence, and between generic competence and supervisor performance. The results of the study also indicate that cognitive competence can mediate the relationship of personality to generic competencies, and generic competencies mediate the relationship between cognitive competence and supervisor performance. Furthermore, it was found that personality role model that has a positive effect on employee cognitive competence. The results of this study suggest that organizations improve generic competence. The organizations also need to carry out activities that can support cognitive competencies such as specialized training and plan training to improve the personality of the employee.

Cognitive competency; supervisor performance; extroversion personality; openness personality; emotional competency

Human Resource Management


How Small Businesses Increase Their Supply Chain Performance Based on Supply Chain Practices
Rr Rieka Febriyanti Hutami; Mutia Oktaviana Alexandra

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RR Rieka Febriyanti Hutami

Telkom University

One of the challenges faced by the footwear entrepreneurs in Cibaduyut is difficult to get raw materials. By looking at how the supply chain flows in Cibaduyut, it is expected to know the cause of the challenge. So the focus of this research is to find out how the implementation of Supply chain Management Practices (SCMP) and its effect toward Supply Chain Management Performance (SCP). This research uses five dimensions in SCMP namely lean retailing strategies, information sharing, information quality, strategic supplier partnership and customer relation practices and eight dimension of SCP, namely supply chain flexibility, supply chain integration, responsiveness to customers, efficiency, quality, product innovation, market performance, partnership quality. This research used mix method approach, by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collected by distributing questionnaires to 165 entrepreneurs in Cibaduyut. Meanwhile, qualitative data is obtained using interview techniques to selected respondents. The data was processed used Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result from the data known that the application of various dimensions in SCMP will lead to increased SCPM. This research also indicates a significant relationship in all the cases and when the SC measurement contraction combined with five components in SCMP can increase profit and competitive advantage.

Supply Chain Management Practise; Supply Chain Performance; SME

Operation Management


Improvement of Dredging Project Planning with Maturity Model of Lean Project Planning and Control Approach
Kennya Novya Putri Nugroho (a*), Moses L. Singgih (b)

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Kennya Novya Putri Nugroho

Department of Technology Management, Faculty of Business & Technology Management, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
Jalan Raya ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya

Project planning has a high level of uncertainty in execution so it needs to be controlled and good planning in every process. The Maturity Model (MM) approach is used to measure the level of development in project planning, and that level is measured by maturity level to determine project planning at which level of MM. In this research, the MM method is implemented together with waste identification of project activity at the executing stage which has not been done before by other researchers. Waste Identification is introduced to find out the reason why project planning is at that level. The purpose of this study is to eliminate waste and identifying the level of maturity will increase the maturity level of planning so the MM level will go up and project more developed. The dredging project was taken as a research object because it has an iterative process, so the lean method can be used. Researchers use MMLPPC to measure the maturity level of project planning. After that, identifying project activities waste during the execution stage using WAM and VALSAT methods. The results are to recognize the maturity level of project planning to go to the next level and make an improvement to develop the next project.

Project Management; Maturity Model; Lean; Waste; Dredging; VALSAT

Operation Management


Influence of Healthy Lifestyle, Health Concern, Environment Concern, Product Quality towards Intention Purchasing Organic Food
Rahmadian Puspitasari (a), Tengku Ezni Balqiah (b)

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Rahmadian Puspitasari

(a,b) Magister of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya, RW 5, Kenari, Central of Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: rahmadian.puspitasari[at] (a), tebalqiah[at] (b)

Food is the primary need which required by human. Human needs are keep increasing so that eco-friendly food is necessary for sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to determine how healthy lifestyle, health concern, environmental concern, and product quality are influencing the intention of purchasing organic food. The samples are obtained from 205 consumers who never bought organic food using judgmental sampling method and were collected on October 2019 in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling to examine the strength of relationship between constructs. The result of this research showed that the stronger healthy lifestyle and health concern, along with higher environment concern and product quality get more positive influence in the intention to purchase organic food. This study generates that the organic industry needs to implement various marketing strategies to bring positive changes in consumers intention to buy organic food. Also, as a basis for the development of organic food in the future. This study expands the theory of planned behavior (TPB) by including healthy lifestyle, health concern, environment concern, product quality for the purpose of intention to buy organic food.

Green Marketing, Organic Food, Healthy Lifestyle, Health Concern, Environment Concern, Product Quality, Theory of Planned Behavior, Intention to Purchase



Integration Value Chain, BPMN, SWOT And QSPM To Success in Accreditation and Certification at Universitas Ciputra
Lenny Rosita (a*), Moses L. Singgih (b)

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Lenny Rosita

Faculty of Business and Technology Management, ITS Surabaya

The quality assurance system is one of the keys to university success. Recognition of a quality management system can be proven from certification and accreditation from either a certification or accreditation body at the national or international level. Similarly, Universitas Ciputra (UC), which is one of the private universities that is committed to the implementation of sustainable quality assurance, has a long-term development plan that needs to be supported by national and international level certification and accreditation. On the third strategic term: Prepare to Go Global, period 2021/2022 until 2024/2025, UC is required to conduct university re-accreditation. The accreditation instrument of higher education, colleges ranking criteria for national and LLDikti VII level, encouraged UC to achieve international certification and accreditation. This research begins with a dimensions mapping of the 2 standards (APT 3.0 and AUN-QA institutional level) use a value chain framework and BPMN 2.0. Furthermore, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, a SWOT and QSPM analysis was conducted to formulate a strategy to get an optimum score on APT 3.0, and to achieve AUN-QA international certification.

Accreditation, Certification, Quality Assurance, Higher Education, APT

Strategic Management


Investment analysis for outlet expansion of masalalu cafe
Mangaraja Tua Sugiarto

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Mangaraja Tua Sugiarto

Master of Management Universitas Indonesia. Salemba 3, RW.5, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430

According to data in 2014 the number of sales from food service in Indonesia reached 36.81 billion dollars and is expected to continue to experience growth with a Compunded Annual Growth Rate of 9% so that in 2019 the number of sales will reach 56, 29 billion dollars. From the cafe or bar subsector, it accounted for 3.63 billion dollars in sales in 2014 and is expected to experience a CAGR growth of 9.7% so that it is expected to increase sales to 5.75 billion dollars in 2019. The cafe or bar subsector is the second largest contributor to the foodservice industry in Indonesia. Masalalu café is a cafe that operates in the foodservice industry with its mainstay product, Iced Coffee. With such a high growth rate, it is certainly an opportunity for masalalu cafes to add outlets. Masalalu café wants to know the analysis of the investment that will be carried out in the expansion plan in Bintaro area. In this study, researchers will analyze using Net Present Value (NPV), Pay Back Period (PBP), and Internal rate of return (IRR). To find out the estimated income from Masalalu, researchers will conduct a 7P marketing mix analysis of the Masalalu cafe. According to Booms and Bitner (1981) defines 7P to be product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence. The purpose of this study is to provide an investment analysis of the addition of Masalalu café outlets to be conducted in the Bintaro area. Investment analysis will provide input regarding the addition of outlets that will be conducted so that the past café can think of strategies that will be used to enter new markets in South Jakarta.

Business Coaching, Investment analysis



Japanese Cultural Festival Behavioral Intention based on Attendees Co-creation, Perceived Value, and Satisfaction
Meirna Larasati (a*), Dr. Ir. Tengku Ezni Balqiah, M.E (b**)

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Meirna Larasati

Master of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya 4 Jakarta
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 10430

Events or festival can be used by a brand or an institution to create experiences. This paper examines how attendees- satisfaction and future behavioral intentions affected based on customer-to-customer logic. An analytical framework was developed to analyze embedded relationships within festival attendees co-creation experience and perceived value. The paper analyzed the behavioral intentions of Japanese cultural festival attendees in Jakarta, employing a survey of 200 Indonesians who had participated in some Japanese cultural festival in the past year. The findings have statistically validated these attributes and explored the impact of each attribute on the perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions of festivalgoers.

Cultural festival; customer-dominant logic; co-creation; perceived value; satisfaction; behavioral intention



Liquidity and Credit Risk in Indonesian Islamic Banks
Anwar Salahuddin & Winalda Ajaniara Perdana

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Winalda Perdana

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah & Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia

This research investigates the impact of credit risk and liquidity risk on Islamic bank performance in Indonesia. Some previous studies have found that credit risk and liquidity risk have a significant impact on bank performance. Using data in Indonesia from 2008 to 2016, this study finds that credit risk has negative impact on Islamic bank performance while liquidity risk have negative impact on ROA and positive impact on ROE of Islamic bank in Indonesia. This result is in line to the previous studies done in developed and developing countries.

credit risk, liquidity risk,, Islamic bank, bank performance, Indonesia



Loyalty Program on Grabfood Services (Digital Payment OVO users)
Miftahul Jannah

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Miftahul Jannah

Trunojoyo Madura University
Jl. Raya Telang, Perumahan Telang Indah, Telang, Kamal, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Jawa Timur 69162

Customer loyalty is important to company, especially for e-commerce. Many marketplaces collaborated with digital payment to create customer loyalty through discount from digital payment. This study investigated how perceived benefit of e-loyalty program can enhance e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. This study used quantitative approach, with spread questionnaires by online survey. Simple and multiple regression was applied to analyze data. The results indicated that perceived of e-loyalty program, there are financial benefit and hedonic benefit have a significant effect on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty, but social benefit not related. This study also confirmed that e-satisfaction has positive significant effect on e-loyalty.

e-loyalty program, e-satisfaction, e-loyalty, online program loyalty.



Market Reaction Towards Mandatory Stock Splits in DSE
Bassem Kabouk (a) , Prof. Dr. Irwan Adi Ekaputra (b)

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Bassem Kabouk

a) Faculty of Economics and Business - University of Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business - University of Indonesia

In 2011, the Syrian regulator has issued article No. 91 of the Legislative Decree No. 29/ 14th Feb. 2011“The nominal value per share shall be set at 100 Syrian Pounds only for all public companies, including banks and insurance companies, shall adjust their status within two years from the date of the entry into force of this Legislative Decree”. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of this mandatory stock splits (regardless any split ratio) which is requested by regulators on market reaction in Damascus stock exchange market. According to official announcements, the main reason for this regulation is to set price range and increase the market liquidity. To examine the implications of the stock splits, all listed firms are included in our sample for the period 2011-2014. The methodology used is traditional event study for measuring the market reaction.

Damascus Exchange Market; Stock splits; Market reaction



Marketing Agility as Entrepreneur-s Capability SME-s in East Java Indonesia
A Yahya Surya Winata(a*), Yustina Chrismardani (b)

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A Yahya Surya winata

a) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Jalan Raya Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, 69162
b) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Trunojoyo
Jalan Raya Telang PO BOX 2 Kamal, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, 69162

The unit of analysis of this research is SMEs in East Java that involved in international business, at least exporting their products to different countries. Although there are several ways to export, this was not considered in this study. The international business environment is more dynamic, while SMEs involved in international business indicate their ability to adapt to the changes that occur. Robustness, responsiveness, and pro-activeness are three dimensions of research to measure marketing agility. The ability of SMEs to run all three dimensions is an indication of their ability in marketing agility. This ability indicates their entrepreneurship capability in conducting international business. Descriptive analysis with the hypothesis test uses the t test as a description of the results of the study. Based on testing the hypothesis indicates that SMEs in East Java have the ability in marketing agility. The results of this descriptive analysis are interpreted with various opinions of scholars. The results of studies on marketing agility is one of the capabilities that can be developed in entrepreneurship, especially in the current digital era

Marketing Agility, Capability, Entrepreneurship, SMEs



Lucky Mahadeva (a), Prof. Dr. Ir. Moses L. Singgih, M.Sc., M.Reg.Sc (b)

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Lucky Kristi Mahadeva

a)Technology Management, Institute Technology Sepuluh November
b)Technology Management, Institute Technology Sepuluh November

Research conducted on a profitable freight forwarder (PFF) company in logistics as a service for handling exports and imports. Currently the company as an official vendor of Association of Indonesian Coconut Charcoal Entrepreneurs (Perpaki), with the addition of new competitors and old competitors who are already engaged in the same field, then determining the right marketing strategy is important for company development and solving problems that arise in terms of internal or external. In analyzing the best strategy for the company, criteria are needed to be determined by the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) methods. The initial stage of this research is to analyze the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrices in the company as an input stage in determining the validation and reliability test factors that affect the company. Furthermore, to analyze the variables of the strategic factors which will produce weight in each sub-factor, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) will be used. After weighting the IFE and EFE values are obtained Internal External (IE) matrix and SWOT matrix will be obtained as the second stage, namely matching stage. As a decision stage to provide an objective basis for the selection of the most appropriate strategy, it will be implemented to the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method with input information from the first and second stages.

Marketing strategy; SWOT matrix; IFE matrix; EFE matrix; freight forwarding

Strategic Management


Priyo Susilo, Cahyani Kurniastuti, Dudung Hadiwijaya

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Cahyani Kurniastuti

Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan I/33 Cikokol Kota Tangerang

As an educational institution and realizing the importance of UMTs role in developing Tangerang City, made UMT to always improve the quality of its education by providing postgraduate programs that had a vision of making the Postgraduate Program Excellence in the development of Science, Technology and Arts (IPTEKS) at the National Level in 2035. So that UMT continues to exist in its role of improving human resources in the city of Tangerang, a strategy is needed in managing all educational, research and community service programs, including strategies in marketing development. Based on the EFAS matrix analysis, the IFAS Matrix IE compiling stage 2 obtained several alternative strategies to be chosen, namely Market Penetration Strategy and Market Development Strategy. The strategy priority was then selected by tabulating strategic priorities, then selected with a Total Attractiveness Score of 7.07 is Market Penetration Strategy. Key Words: Marketing Strategy, SWOTS, QSPM

Marketing Strategy, SWOTS, QSPM



Multi-Criteria Supplier Segmentation by Using ANP (Analytical Network Process) Method
Niki Etruly (a*) Bambang Syairudin (a)

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Niki Etruly

(a) Sepuluh Nopember Institute Technology
* nikietruly[at]

Manufacture industries spent more than 50% of budget to buy raw material from suppliers. Procurement and supply become concern of management. Furthermore, an effective management is needed in order to provide optimal results for the company. However, the company has tendency to be dependent on suppliers, hence, it caused some risks, such as limited control of the company on availability, delivery schedules and the quality of the products produced. Developing good relations is an idea to improve competitiveness to other companies. Supplier segmentation is grouping of some suppliers which are shared the common characteristics. It is important for companies that have many suppliers. Supplier segmentation leads to some segments which each requires a separate strategy for the management. The purpose of this study is to make supplier segmentation based on priority of the capability and willingness variables. Furthermore, the appropriate strategy for each segment will be determined. Supplier capabilities can be evaluated from product quality, price, monitoring technology, innovation and others. On the other hand, willingness can be evaluated from the criteria of communication openness, commitment to always make improvements to products and processes, long-term relationships and others. The Focus Group Discussion method will be used as the method to select the variable. Then the selected variables will be weighted using ANP (Analytical Network Process). This study will be conducted in a pipe company in which suppliers which will be segmented are raw material suppliers.From segmentation, there are 2 suppliers in segment 2, 2 suppliers in segment 3, and 10 suppliers in segment 4. The results of that segmentation are then used by company for supplier development in the different segment.

Analytical Network Process; Segmentation; Supplier.

Strategic Management


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