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The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2019)

Event starts on 2019.08.08 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 11 (data 301 to 330 of 342) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Influence of Management Support On Indonesia Journalists Job Performance
Reni Nuraeni1, Cheng-Ling Tan2, Azman Azwan Azmawati3

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Reni Nuraenu

1Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
2Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Pulau Pinang, Malaysia 3Communication Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

The growth of Indonesian mass media shows a significant number, the increasing number of journalists in Indonesia follows it. Journalists as the spearhead of the mass media must have a good performance in order to compete with other media. Journalist-s job performance is a significant determinant of mass media quality. Journalist-s job performance consists of task performance and contextual performance. The contextual factors of journalists such as management support is important factor in the competition of mass media in order to generate news and strategies in obtaining advertising and increase journalists job performance. This study using SmartPLS 3.0 to examine the importance of performance-matrix analysis (IPMA) from antecedents of external variable factors as endogenous variables. Search data using questionnaires to local newspaper journalists who gathering news in politics and government newsdesk. In conclusion, it is known that management support to improve Indonesian Journalist Job Performance.

Journalist, management support

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Anne Lasminingrat (a), Nandang Djunaedii (b*)

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Nandang Djunaedi

Universitas Winaya Mukti, Bandung. Indonesia

This report aims to understand the influance of motivation on Officer performance at PT Arsel Medical Technology, Know effects of climate work against on Officer performance at PT Arsel Medical Technology, Know the influance motivation and a work climate together against on Officer performance at PT Arsel Medical Technology. Research Methode used in this research are descriptive method and causality method, the investigation type is causality and the time horizont is cross-sectional. Based on the research , that the motivation work influences on officer performance at PT Arsel Medical Technology. There are a few things to be considered by the company, that the system compensation as transportation allowance, the holiday, allowance, overtime rewards and incentives in value does not satisfy the desires of employees. Is one of the compensation system to motivate employees to realize the purpose of a company that has been set. In general compensation given in return for behavior work or work performance a person or group. Compensation system connecting of the incentives and performance is not seniority or the number working hours. Climate work will have an influence on officer performance. Climate work was a sufficient consideration in order to increase the motivation work. Climate work associated with performance and compensation, be accepted that climate work and performance will interact. When working climate will step up their commitment of the company is a good performance, while the working poor will to behavior to the company. And the influence of motivation and performance, influences climate work but if viewed as partial, it turns out that the more dominant influence the employee performance, so the company is expected to be more repair work, motivation in order of the employee performance high

Motivation, Climate Work and Officer Performance

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Influence of Nostalgic Advertising on Viral Intention and Purchase Intention
ryan dharmasaputro and Adrian Achyar

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ryan dharmasaputro Vilda

Universitas Indonesia ( MM - MBA Program)

Nowadays, many companies attempt to combine an unique theme into their advertisement through social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. One of their purpose to attempt this strategy is to expecting become viral and increasing the intention to purchase of their products from their targeted viewers. A previous study found that nostalgic content in advertise has positive relationship with the attitude toward the ad. Thus, this present study builds a model to find the effect and relationship of the nostalgic advertisement to attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, purchase intention and viral Intention. The model was tested by collecting data from respondents, the criteria forrespondents are, who lives in Jakarta, has working age from ( 20- 54 years old), and they still not use the advertised product. Then the next process is guiding them to watch the selected nostalgic advertisement and the last process is filling the questionnaire form which the purpose is to observing the effect after watching the advertise. The findings demonstrate the nostalgic advertising have positively significant to attitude toward the ad. The study also found there is positive relationship between attitude toward ad, attitude toward brand, viral intentions and purchase intention. With this findings, it provide insightful implications for marketers and advertisers to help them for determining the content theme for their further advertising.

digital marketing, nostalgic advertising, attitude towards the ad, purchase intention, viral intention

Marketing Management


The Influence of Organizational Climate and Ability on Employee Performance
Ilham Gumelar (a*), Eeng Ahman (b)

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Ilham Gumelar

a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl.Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl.Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia

Employee Performance still become primary problem that can be researched in 2019, because many of firm still face employee performance problem, employee performance still become attention because performance is core of human resource management, in this research problem that faced by company many of employee who work together with other employee from the outside, the consequences make the job wasn,t finished on right time. Employee performance problem will be overcomed by the formula from Keith Davis Theory that become differences from another research, employee performance problem can-t be ignored because the problem will disturb the work system through destruction movement and the firm suppose to has concern and consistent to overcome employee performance problem. The Research has purpose to find, (1) describe of Organizational Climate, (2) describe of Ability, (3) Describe of Company Employee Performance. (4) Organizational Climate effect to Employee Performance (5) Ability effect to Employee Performance (6) organizational Climate and Ability effect to employee performance. The Research use descriptive and verificative method with explanatory survey. The result of research shows the describe of Organizational Climate is conducive and describe of Ability is good, and describe of Employee Performance is high Employee Performance is influeced by Organizational Climate and Ability. Based of the research is suggested to give support more real for the employee. For ability suggested to increase training intentition. and for employee performance suggested to increase the discipline for time and give punishment for employee who break the rules.

Organizational Climate, Ability, Employee Performance

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Influence of Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction: An Analysis of Employees Corporate and Commercial Division in Regional Bank X
M. Masharyono; Sumiyati; A. Lestari

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Employees satisfaction is considered as one of the most important elements of a successful organization. The organization must find out how to make their employees satisfied with their job. Problems regarding the achievement of job satisfaction that has not been optimal are experienced by employees in a corporate and commercial division at Regional Bank X. The lower job satisfaction of Regional Bank X employees is characterized by the increased employee-s turnover. One of the efforts to improve the job satisfaction of employees in a corporate and commercial division at Regional Bank X is to increase their organizational commitment. The study uses descriptive and verification analysis while the method of the study is an explanatory survey. The number of samples taken was 40 respondents, and the study uses a simple linear regression analysis study. The findings of the study show that the description of the organizational commitment is in a high category, the description of the job satisfaction is in a high category, especially in worker relationships dimension, and then, organizational commitment has an influence on job satisfaction by 57.4%. If an increase in organizational commitment to employees is carried out, then job satisfaction will increase.

Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Employee-s Turnover, Bank

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Influence of Perceived Service Quality and Perceived Price on Students- Satisfaction and Recommendation
N. Aziz Sugiharto, Ratih Hurriyati, Mokh. Adib Sultan

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Nur Aziz Sugiharto

School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesian University of Education, Bandung

This study examines the influence of perceived service quality and perceived price on students- satisfaction and recommendation in higher education institution. Sample consists of 155 students who majority has learning in Poltekpos and STIMLOG of Bandung, taken by convenience sampling. The data was collected by survey with questioner method. Path analysis with Amos technique is statistical method chosen to measure influence of perceived service quality and perceived price on students- satisfaction for recommendation to others. The results indicate that perceived service quality has a significantly positive influence on students- satisfaction, but perceived price has negative influence on students- satisfaction. The result also indicate that students satisfaction has significantly positive influence on recommendation to others.

Perceived service quality, perceived price, students- satisfaction, recommendation

Marketing Management


The influence of perceived value to purchase intention: Evidence from Moslem Fashion Indonesia
Adryan Rachman, Siti Sarah, Nunik Maulid

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Adryan Rachman

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Membangun (STIE INABA), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Fierce Competition forces company to pay attention to Consumer Perceived Value (CPV). Consumer Perceived Value is a key to compete with other business competitors. This research aims at proposing an integrating model by combining variables based on the previous research and test them with empirical data. This research employs descriptive and verification method. The empirical data were collected through questionnaire that administered to moslem fashion users. This study uses Confirmatory Factor Analysis as analytical tool in data processing. Moreover, in this study, the CPV determinant variables of previous studies is combined with innovation value on the model and then we name it “Integrated Model of CPV”. This study discovers that the integrated model of CPV consists of price value, social value, emotional value, quality value, perceived risk value, aesthetic value, and innovation value.

Consumer Preceived Value (CPV), Preceived Risk Value, Aesthetic Value, Innovation Value and Purchase Intention

Marketing Management


The Influence of Social Media on International Students Higher Education Choice
Olivia Intan, Tengku Ezni Balqiah

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Olivia Intan

Magister Manajemen, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

In today-s world, social media has been an integral part of people-s lives. It has greatly changed the way we communicate and receive information. This study tries to investigate the influence of social media on international students- higher education selection process. The aim of this study is to understand how social media can be used as a strategy for higher education institutions for international students- recruitment. This study was carried out through quantitative descriptive approach using nonprobability sampling method. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 144 international students from several higher education institutions in Indonesia. The findings demonstrated a certain level of engagement in social media during part of the students- search for higher education, while the primary information still come from traditional sources. Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube showed the highest ranks of social media platforms used among the international students. This study offers insights for practical implications of social media in higher education institutions- recruitment strategy.

social media, higher education, international students, decision making

Marketing Management


The Influence of Talent Management and Motivation on Performance of Batik Artisans in Trusmi Batik Centre Cirebon
Maryani, Herni Suryani*, Rakhmia Nalibratawati, Luthfi Setiadiwibawa, Dodi Tisna Amijaya

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Herni Suryani

Universitas Winaya Mukti

The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of talent management and motivation on the performance of batik artisans in Trusmi Batik Centre Cirebon. In the era of globalization where environmental conditions change rapidly and competition is high, the existence of machinery, capital, and other supporting facilities do not directly bring the organization to have a competitive advantage. Strong organizational excellence in the long term will be realized if the organization is able to produce the needed talent. Talent is a distinguishing factor in performance, meaning that people who have superior talent will contribute more to the organization. Therefore these talents must be managed properly so that the organization or company becomes an organization that has sustainable development and distinctive competence. The batik industry, especially handmade (written) batik, in the Trusmi Batik Center Cirebon is a very high value cultural property and needs to be preserved, especially after Indonesian batik is designated as a world heritage. The existence of handmade batik is very influenced by the craftsmen who are talented people in their fields. Therefore these talents must be managed because successful organization depends on their ability to steadily develop the talents without stopping. Managing the best people in the company is the key to winning competition in the future, because the real warfare will be on the quality of the talents from one organization to another organization. It will be started with identifying the existing problems in the Trusmi Batik Center. The method used is a library study and collecting secondary data through field surveys using interview techniques, and use 72 respondence. The results of the study which are in the form of data on the influence of talent management on motivation and its implications to the performance are expected to be an input for the development of Trusmi Batik especially related to the application of management. This research use the quantitative method by conducting a survey using questionnaires to decision makers in Batik Trusmi. The survey research data are processed using path analysis to elaborate the research hypothesis.

Talent management, motivation, performance

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Investigation of Brand Preference towards The Purchase Intention for Female Consumer through E-Commerce
Budi Prasetiyo(a*), Ratih Hurriyati (b), Heny Hendrayati (b)

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Budi Prasetiyo

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Indonesia which is the highest share of mobile traffic in Southeast Asia, has 87% of mobile traffic. On the other hand, based on the number of conversion rate, Indonesia only occupies the third position after Vietnam and Singapore. Female consumers in Indonesia are relatively fewer than male consumers in shopping through E-commerce. The purpose of this study is to examine more deeply about Brand preference towards Purchase Intention for female consumers in shopping through E-Commerce. The research method used is the verification method with a number of 36 female respondents who has shopped online. This research used purposive random sampling. The data has been analyzed by using simple linear regression. The results of this study indicated that there is an influence Brand Preference towards Purchase Intention for female consumers in shopping for E-Commerce. The implication is that E-Commerce companies must make the web more attractive, easy to use, and more secure in shopping

Brand Preference, Purchase Intention, E-Commerce, Conversion rate

Marketing Management


The Linkage of Migratory Culture and Entrepreneurship Through Information Acquisition
Pudjo Sugito & Kamaludin

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Pudjo Sugito

University of Merdeka Malang

This research intends to analyze the linkage of migratory culture and entrepreneurship through information acquisition. The research population are migrant Madura entrepreneurs in East Java, Indonesia, with a sampling technique using a proportional random sampling technique at three locations: Surabaya City, Malang City and Jember Regency. The number of respondent are 170 Madura migrant respondents. The consideration is that there are relatively many Madura migrants in those cities. This research was carried out by designing questionnaires first and then validity dan reability test of the research instrument. Further, the questionnaire was broadcasted to Madura migrant entreprenuers who were randomly selected. The primary data was analyzed by structural equation model with the Partial Least Square (PLS) data processing program. The research result demonstrate that migratory culture significantly effect entrepreneurship and information acquisition mediates the effect of migratory culture toward entrepreneurship. It means that information acquisition plays an important role to encourage entrepreneurship of madura migrants.

Migratory Culture, Information Acquisition, Entrepreneurship

Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues


The Passive and Active Optimal Portfolios
Dwi Fitrizal Salim; Disman; Ikaputera Waspada

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Dwi Fitrizal Salim

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The portfolio was introduced for the first time by Markowitz in 1952, where the journals that are used as a reference for almost all researchers who research about portfolio, portofolio slection. Then the mixing from various types of stocks can be done to eliminate the similar homogeneity. If the mixing practice is done then the risk that will arise from the investment will be accumulated Sharpe (1964). This study uses EVA and MVA ratios to form active and passive portfolios in order to obtain an optimal portfolio. The samples used were 24 stocks which entered consistently in the LQ 45 for 2014-2018 period. The conclusions of this study is to support the previous research by Hendrawan and Salim (2017) which states that the active strategy gives a higher return than the passive strategy. High EVA portfolio gets the highest return of 43.75 in the passive portfolio strategy, then Low EVA gets the highest return on the active portfolio of 45.95%.

Active Portfolio,EVA, MVA, Passive Portfolio

Financial Management and Accounting


The Power of eWOM for Online Bussines
citra savitri (a*) Prof.Ratih Hurriyati (b*) Heny Hendrayati (c*)

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citra savitri

Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan. DR. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154

The role of promotion is a key to successful companies in the business world. Technology development give opportunity for business to promote through various link such as social media and the electronic word of mouth ( e-wom ) and the role of family influence interest in buying goods or services. This research objectives empirically examines on the impact of social media and the family influence toward e-wom in influencing purchase intention in online shop “shopee”.This methods of the research is descriptive verifikatif by path analysis. Data collection techniques through the survey and interviews with 230 respondents. The result of this research proves that family influence having influence more than social media and e-wom toward to purchase intention influential in partial and social media and family influence simultan having influence.

Media Sosial ; Family Influence ;eWOM ;Purchase Intention

Marketing Management


The relationship User Satisfaction with the service website: An empirical study of STIE INABA Bandung
Adryan Rachman, Erna Herlinawati, Riyandi Nur Sumawidjaja

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Adryan Rachman

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Membangun (STIE INABA), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study discusses the importance of using the internet to improve competitiveness with other universities. School of Economics (STIE) INABA Bandung has a website that is that serves as a communication medium that can provide information for students, lecturers, and the general public. This research was made to analyze the effect of website design and the quality of information on user satisfaction over website service by distributing 39 questionnaires to postgraduate students of semester 1 academic year of Management Studies 2019 as respondents. This research uses a quantitative method. Using the structural equation method model - partial least square SEM - PLS. Research shows that website design and quality of information affect user satisfaction over website services.

User Satisfaction, Web Design, Information Quality, Innovation Value, Technology, SEM, PLS

Marketing Management


Winsa Dwi Utami

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Winsa Dwi Utami

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries with considerable human resources, but currently there are 7 million people who are unemployed. This unemployment rate is not spared from university graduates, which in 2018 the level of open unemployment (TPT) rose by 1.13 percent compared to February 2017. The narrow employment in the industrial era 4.0 was partly due to a number of sectors. Then it will not be counted again when industry 5.0 has entered Indonesia. One way to overcome this is to encourage students to become entrepreneurs. There are so many programs provided by the government but not evenly distributed throughout universities or even constrained due to the limited time, little human resources and small funds. With this, business incubation is needed for students who are able to provide solutions for every problem. The Entry of Industry 4.0 to Indonesia and the development of industry 5.0 in this world forced to digitize almost all sectors of life including entrepreneurship. Both in terms of entrepreneurship, systems, production, operations and other things related to entrepreneurship. Including in carrying out business incubation required digitization so that it will provide high efficiency and effectiveness with low costs, extensive time and a lot of human resources. This will add to the sustainability of the students business to open the widest possible employment opportunities.

Business Incubation, employment, industry 5.0, Industry 4.0, students business, entrepreneurs

Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues


The Role of Human Capital Management in Improving the Performance of Autonomous Public University (PTN-BH)
umi zuraida (a,b), Syamsul Hadi Senen (a)

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Umi Zuraida

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen, Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Indonesia
Email : umi.zuraida[at]

To improve the quality of the university in order to become a World Class University (WCU), Indonesia has changed several State Uni-versities to become autonomous public university (PTN-BH). Using the concept of human capital management that treats employees as assets rather than cost, it will be a revolutionary way of managing employees. This is because human capital is a concept related to the value added of people to organizations. This paper is a literature review that later will be followed up in empirical research. Using Ulrichs theory (1997 ) is expected to be known the role of HCM in increasing PTN-BH performance .

World Class University (WCU), Autonomous Public University (PTN-BH), Human Capital Management (HCM), Performance

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Role of Online Community In Maintaining Brand Image
Dini Salmiyah Fithrah Ali, Itca Istia Wahyuni

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Dini Salmiyah Fithrah Ali

School of Communication and Business
Telkom University
Bandung, West Java

Abstract - The new media era creates an online community that used to interact or communicate among its members through online media, especially social media. The advantages of online community widely used by business people to develop marketing communication strategies in addition to maintain brand image. The aim of this research is to investigate the role of online community in maintaining the brand image. This research used descriptive qualitative method by taking data through in-depth interviews with the management of biketoworkbandung and observation to their online members and communities. Based on the result of research revealed the role of online community in maintaining The Brand image are builder the perception, provider the communication, developer the experience

Keywords: biketoworkbandung, brand image, online community; marketing communication; role,

Marketing Management


The Role of Organizational Culture, Motivation, and Training, in Order to Increase Employee Performance at the Regional Development Planning Board of West Java Province
Tanto Sriyono Suhodo (a), Deden Komar Priatna(a*) Tunggul Harymurtie (a)

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Deden Komar Priatna

a) Universitas Winaya Mukti
a*) Universitas Winaya Mukti

The performance of members of an organization is needed to support organizational performance. The performance of employees at the Development Planning Board of West Java Province will affect the performance of this government agency. The purpose of this study was to find out how much the role of organizational culture, motivation, and training in order to improve the performance of employees in the Regional Development Planning Board of West Java Province, both simultaneously and partially. The method used in this study is descriptive and verification method. The source of data in this study were employees of the Bappeda of West Java Province. Primary data was collected by using questionnaires and interviews with BAPPEDA West Java Province employees. Secondary data is collected by tracing documents that are relevant to the problem under study. The results of descriptive data analysis on research variables, showed that organizational culture, motivation, training, and employee performance at the BAPPEDA of West Java Province were in the good category. Organizational culture, motivation, and training have a significant role in order to improve employee performance, which is equal to 72.2%. Motivational variables have a more dominant role in order to improve the performance of employees of the Bappeda in West Java Province because they have the highest beta value, 37.1%

Organizational Culture, Motivation, Training, Performance

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Role of Paternalistic Leadership on Employee Innovative Behavior in Indonesias Digital-Based Companies
Ryana Andari Purba, Yanki Hartijasti

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Ryana Andari Purba

Universitas Indonesia

Various studies have suggested that the most common factor forming employee innovative behavior is leadership style. However, studies that examine the influence of leadership styles on employee innovative behavior in diverse cultural contexts are still rarely discussed. Various studies suggested that Paternalistic Leadership is the most effective leadership style applied in countries with collectivist culture such as Indonesia. On the other hand, studies from Western culture criticize Paternalistic Leadership as a form of dictatorship wrapped in kindness and is believed to make employees depressed. Nevertheless, various studies from Asian countries have also denied this by suggesting that this kind of leadership will have a positive impact on employee innovative behavior. This study aims to examine the influence of Paternalistic Leadership on Innovative Behavior in Indonesia-s digital-based companies. Research data taken from 332 people who work in digital-based companies in Indonesia. Data analysis was performed using Linear Regression and General Linear Model (GLM). The results of the study indicate that Paternalistic Leadership has a significant impact on Employee Innovative Behavior.

Innovative Behavior, Paternalistic Leadership, Indonesia Digital-Based Companies

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Role of Socio-Economic Background, Family Economy Education and Financial Literacy on Student Decision Making
Tetep (*), Eldi Mulyana, Endang Dimyati, Maskur

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Tetep Tetep

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

The research aims to determine the role of socio-economic background, family economic education and fi-nancial literacy on student decision making. The research method uses a quantitative approach with the start of the theory and then by using deductive logic. The results of the deductive logic were then lowered into the research hypothesis with the measurement and operational concepts. The population in this study is a student of Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial Bahasa dan Sastra Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut. Sam-pling techniques use proportional random sampling. Research instruments using polls and tests. Data collec-tion techniques in the form of documentation and poll. The results showed that (1) the social economic background of the parents was instrumental and significant effect on student decision making. (2) The Fami-ly Economic education is instrumental and has significant effect on student decision making. (3) Financial literacy is not instrumental and has no effect on student decision making. (4) There are simultaneous roles and influences between socio-economic background, family economic education and financial literacy on student decision making.

Socio-economic, economic education, financial literacy, decision making

Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues


Muhammad Fadil (a*), Hady Siti Hadijah (b)

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Muhammad Fadil

a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia

Some previous studies have proposed the limitations and inability to provide support of women leadership by comparing it to men authority. Meanwhile, this study would like to show that women leadership allows support for the improvement of employees performance. This current research is a qualitative study. Literature review is implemented to collect and analyze the results of previous studies. Research is conducted by survey in a private high school in Bandung managed by a women principal. Literature review showed that women leadership in educational organization implies effective (honest, open, impressive advocacy skill) and flexible (informal approach, campaigning diversity and democracy) communication that develops the employees creativity and expression and leads to the formation of social harmony and unity among the employees, and also a conducive working environment. Hence, this study concludes that women have the ability to lead and women leadership may improve the employees performance in educational organization.

women leadership, employees performance

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


The Size of Asset of Private Company-s and it-s IPO-s Underpricing, A Study in Indonesia for Period 2010-2016.
Dwi Armaya (a*), Dr Buddi Wibowo (b*)

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Dwi Armaya

a) Graduate Student of Magister Management University of Indonesia
b) Economic Lecturer of University of Indonesia

This research empirically examines the influence of size of company (Assets) on IPO-s stock underpricing in Indonesia. The study was conducted on 111 data samples of private company which conduct initial public offering in 2010 - 2016. The used data is combine of time series and cross section data, so the analysis must be carried out by conducting data panel regression. The results of the research is there is no influence of size of company on underpricing.

size of company, assets and underpricing

Financial Management and Accounting


Asep Ghofir Ali; Agus Rahayu; LA Wibowo; M.Adieb Sultan

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Asep Ghofir Ali

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Nowadays, digital technology for banking cannot be ignored and has an important role in achieving business purpose. Digital technology brings up a big potential for product innovation and services which are difficult to control and predict. Therefore, the company needs dynamic tools to support their business by managing new kind of digital innovation process, so that strategy of innovation is necessary in providing services through giving fast response and simplicity solution for customers or prospective ones. Regarding that situation, sharia banking, needs business innovation strategy through digital services differentiation. The main purpose is to increase customers- satisfaction and the no ones as well, especially the customers who become retail third party funds. Meanwhile, the aim of this research is to assess, theoretically and empirically, the quality of relationship between the customers/prospective ones and the bank to analyze their satisfaction level at one of sharia banks in Indonesia towards its digital services.

relationship, differentiation, customers- satisfaction, bank

Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues


Theory of Planned Behavior and Financial Literacy to Analyze Intention in Mutual Fund Product Investment
Safira Amalia Hapsari

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Safira Amalia Hapsari

School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Mutual funds in Indonesia face rapid growth in terms of total asset under management (AUM), the number of products and the number of investors. The growth is supported by digital innovation which made people got easy access to information and also did mutual fund transaction by using internet. Besides that appearance of market place which offer mutual fund products make people get convenience in term of time and cost. This study aims to determine what factor that influence intention on investing in mutual fund product, by using approach from theory of planned behavior. Theory of planned behavior can be used to predict and understand factors that determine certain behavior. The theory identified that attitude, subjective norms and perceived control behavior will collectively lead to forming behavioral intention. In this study, variable that used consist of attitude, subjective norm, perceived control behavior and another variable that added to measure investment intention is level of financial literacy. The analysis technique in this study is multiple linear regression. The sampling method is using non probability sampling which involves Indonesian mutual fund investors. The result of this study indicate that in general, variable attitude had positive effect and strongest predictor on intention on invest in mutual funds product.

mutual funds, theory of planned behavior, financial literacy

Financial Management and Accounting


Eliana Wulandari, Ernah, Hepi Hapsari

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Eliana Wulandari

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran

Finance plays important role in managing agriculture. Farmers in Indonesia can access finance from different sources of finance including finance from government distributed through farmers- associations. The objective of this research was to explore the support of government in agricultural production in Indonesia, particularly in potato farms in Garut District as one of the centers of potato production in West Java. The data were collected from the agricultural office of Garut District and publication related to potato. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results show that, to support agricultural production in Garut District, the Indonesian government has provided the program of Rural Agribusiness Development and in-kind finance such as seeds, fertilizer and agricultural equipment.

Potato, finance, government, Garut

Financial Management and Accounting


Top Management Diversity and Risk-Taking Behavior
Yosua Samuel Ramli and Ancella Anitawati Hermawan

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Yosua Samuel Ramli

Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia

Risk-taking behavior is one of important thing in running the company. Risk-taking behavior is needed especially when the company faces difficult situation. However, excessive risk-taking behavior may negatively affect the company. Risk-taking behavior is based on risk preference which differs among companies as well as individuals. At management level, diversity may be one of important factor affects risk-taking behavior. Previous literature review studied about diversity in management such as diversity in gender, age, education, experience, etc shows inconsistent results towards risk-taking behavior. Based on inconsistency of previous researches, author is interested to analyze the association between top management diversity as decision maker in the company to risk taking behavior. This research is conducted to obtain empirical evidence whether top management diversity is associated with risk-taking behavior. This research uses regression on panel data from 333 Indonesian listed non-financial companies for 3 years period from 2015 to 2017. Dependent variable of this research is risk-taking behavior. Independent variables of this research are top management diversity in gender, age, nationality, education background, and experience. Control variables of this research are company size, profitability, and growth. The result of this research shows that top management diversity in gender, age, nationality, education background, and experience are not significantly associated with risk-taking behavior. However, company characteristic such as size, profitability, and growth are significantly associated with risk-taking behavior.

Risk-taking behavior, management diversity, management characteristic, company characteristic.

Financial Management and Accounting


Toward Co-creation Strategy and Organizational Agility based on Customer Experience Orientation to shape Transformational Performance
Leonardus WW Mihardjo, Sasmoko, Firdaus Alamsjah, Elidjen

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Leonardus Wahyu Wasono Mihardjo

School of Business, Bina Nusantara University, JWC Campus, Jalan Hang Lekir I No. 6. Senayan, 12710, Jakarta, Indonesia

Industry 5.0 is a step after digitalization and digitation has been accomplished. The collaboration, service orienta-tion, agility and customer experience become a critical in dynamic environment. Hence, the firm strategy has shifted from competition strategy to collaboration strategy Collaboration with customer through co-creation Strategy (CCS). It could enable the firms in accelerating the digital transformation. The study on development co-creation strategy focus on customer experience orientation (CXO) and organization agility (OA) to support transformational performance (TP) in term of relationship among variable and empirical study has not been re-veal. Hence, in this paper, we proposed the model of digital transformation for ICT Industry based on co-creation strategy focus on customer experience orientation and organization agility. The study based on empirical study of 35 Indonesian ICT firms. Smart PLS results the hypotheses, except that on the impact of CXO on Transformational Performance. The finding analysis revealed the concept of Service Development logic (S-D Logic) where the Co-creation capability and organizational agilities can sufficiently shape the performance on transformational stage. The theoretical and practical implications of such findings were also provided.

Customer experience, Organisational agility, co creation strategy, transformational performance

Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues


Trickle Down Effect Analysis on the Disclosure of Corruption Model Through Forensic Auditing and Its Impact on Potential Domestic Regional Bruto and Government Financial Efficiency
Deni Hamdani (1), Iqbal Alamsyah (2)

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Deni Hamdani, S.E., M. Ak

a) STIE Indonesia Membangun (STIE INABA)
b) Faculty of Economics, Soekarno Hatta No. 448, 40253 Bandung, Indonesia

Ministries and institutions still hold the first rank in the number of corruption in Indonesia, namely 154 cases with a trend that continues to increase over the last 10 years followed by district / city governments, this is reasoned because the ministrys control range is very large with the budget authority from the very large APBN, making it very possible Overlapping provides an opportunity to commit fraud from officials or technical implementers. Corruption is not only carried out by government officials, but is carried out by employers and related parties both at the central and regional levels. One positive response to prevent the rampant acts of fraud or fraud in the public sector and / or the business world, is early detection in the form of accounting and legal inspection procedures which have recently become more popular with the name of forensic accounting and investigative audits. In simple terms, forensic accounting and investigative auditing are a combination of three or more disciplines, namely accounting, audit science, legal science and IT-based information systems science, This research is quantitative research which is often referred to as traditional methods, positivistic, scientific, and non-experimental discovery. The method used in the study is descriptive and verification, namely research that aims to provide an overview and find verification or examine the existence of empirical theories of the relationship of variables formulated in the hypothesis. Therefore, the nature of this research is "hypothesis testing", which analyzes the influence or relationship between variables based on empirical data through hypothesis testing.

Trickle Down Effect, Forensic Auditing, Panel Data Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis

Financial Management and Accounting


Turnover Intention in Textile Organization: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Mitigating The Intention
Romat Saragih, Bachruddin Saleh Luturlean, Arif Partono Prasetio, Rahmawati Suci Hidaya4, Putu Nena Purwasasti

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Romat Saragih

School of Communication & Business, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
School of Economic & Business, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

This study analyzes the relationship between intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, and turnover intention in the textile organization. High employee turnover rates can harm the organization that they have to replace the departing employee. This replacement will need cost, time, and effort. In the end, it will impact on organization performance. The textile industry faces an enormous amount of turnover due to low entry and exit barriers for employees. We distributed 200 questionnaires to the human resources department and get 150 useable responses. We examined the mediation of job satisfaction in the relationship between intrinsic motivation and turnover intention using the Macro Process and SPSS. The results showed that intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction had a significant and negative effect on turnover intention. While intrinsic motivation positively affecting job satisfaction. The result from the mediation analysis found that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between the intrinsic motivation and turnover intention variables. Thus, an organization needs to improve motivation and job satisfaction levels. Another important thing is an organization also needs to watch the labor market to make sure that their offer can match the competitor so their employees will not be attracted by competitors.

Intrinsic Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Understanding Consumer Behavior with Celebrity Endorser and E- Wom on e-Commerce
Marheni Eka Saputri ; Farah Oktafani; Iis Kurnia Nurhayati; Nia Kurniasih;

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Marheni Eka Saputri


The development of the internet that has penetrated all aspects of human life, including economic matters, has led to the birth of e-business or e-commerce. This e-business or e-commerce was created for business transactions that utilize the internet and web, an ease for people to conduct business transactions due to less energy and shorter time required to search for items they need. These online transactions have allowed the buying and selling process to not be obstructed by distance and time. One of the factors that can affect the companys income and profits is Celebrity Endorser and Electronic Word of Mouth. Companies that have good Celebrity Endorser and Electronic Word of Mouth will increase consumers- Purchase Decision of a product. This study aims to determine the effect of Celebrity Endorser and Electronic Word of Mouth on Purchase Decision on Tokopedia customers. This research uses both quantitative and descriptive analytic methods. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of the study have indicated that the responses from respondents towards the Celebrity Endorser variable belong to the excellent category, the Electronic Word of Mouth variable to good category, and the variable purchase decision process to the excellent category. The conclusion of this study is that Celebrity Endorser and Electronic Word of Mouth affect the purchase decision on Tokopedia customers with a percentage of 52.6%, while the remaining 47.4% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Thus, it is deemed that the better the celebrity endorser and electronic word of mouth of Tokopedia, the better the purchase decision of consumers of Tokopedia. Keywords: Celebrity Endorser, Marketing, Electronic Word of Mouth dan Purchase Decision.

E- wom, celebrity endorser, Buying Decision, Tokopedia

Marketing Management


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