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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2019)

Event starts on 2019.06.29 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 14 (data 391 to 420 of 470) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Reynaldi Aditya Prakasa, Muhammad Akhyar, Ranto.

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Reynaldi Aditya Prakasa

Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta

The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the correlation between the learning achievement in Microteaching and the preparedness to become teachers of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Education of the Class of 2015; (2) the correlation between Softskill and the preparedness to become teachers of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Education of the Class of 2015; (3) the correlation of the learning achievements in Microteaching and Softskill to the preparedness to be teachers of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Education of the Class of 2015. The data of research were collected through documentation for the variables of learning achievements in Microteaching and questionnaire for variable of Softskill and the variable of reparedness to become teachers. The questionnaire items were validated by using Pearson-s Product Moment and the reliability of the instruments was tested by using the Alpha Cronbach formula.. The pre-requisite analysis consisted of normality test, linearity test, and multicolinearity test. The data of research were analyzed by using the partial correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis at the significance level of 5%. The results of research show that (1) there is a positive and significant correlation between the learning achievement in Microteaching and the preparedness to become teachers of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Education of the Class of 2015; (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between the learning achievement in Softskill and the preparedness to become teachers of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Education of the Class of 2015; and (3) there is a positive and significant correlation of the learning achievements in Microteaching and Softskill to the preparedness to become teachers of the students of the Study Program of Mechanical Engineering Education of the Class of 2015

Learning achievement in Microteaching, Softskill, Preparedness to become teacher

Science Education


The Development Augmented Reality (AR) Technology-based of Learning Media in The Concept of Hydrocarbons
Imam Ramdani (a*), Wahyu Sopandi (b), Wawan Wahyu (b)

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Imam Ramdani

a)Pendidikan Kimia,Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Abstract This research is motivated by the low interest in reading students towards concepts that are considered difficult because they are abstract, especially on the concept of hydrocarbons, so that the media needed can help students to understand the context with the help of simple, efficient and interesting tools. This study aims to describe the stages of making AR technology-based learning media on the concept of hydrocarbons, increasing students interest in reading, and analyzing the feasibility of the learning media. Research and development has produced products in the form of AR technology-based learning media on the concept of hydrocarbons. The stages of research are carried out by analyzing hydrocarbon concept development, design, validation, feasibility testing, and limited testing. Due diligence and limited testing are conducted to obtain feedback for improvement and assessment of learning aspects, conceptual substance, visual communication, and software engineering, as well as the feasibility of their use. In general, the test results obtained by the calculation of feasibility = 0.8-1.0 and the reading interest questionnaire indicate that students-reading interest has increased. This shows that the presentation of learning media is appropriate to be used as a learning resource for students to increase students-reading interest in learning.

Augmented Reality (AR) Technology, Learning Media, Hydrocarbons

Chemistry Education


The development of a Braille Geometry module based on visual impairment students synthetic touch skill with RMT approach
Andriyani (a*), Syariful Fahmi (a), Karim (b)

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andriyani andriyani

a) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Pramuka No. 42 Sidikan, Yogyakarta- Indonesia
b) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Banjarmasin, Indonesia

The aim of this research is to develop a Braille Geometry module based on visual impairment students synthetic touch skill with RMT approach that was valid dan practical using ADDIE development design. This module designed to optimize students synthetic touching skills and develop RMTs three cognitive functions i.e the cognitive function of qualitative thinking, quantitative thinking with precision, and abstract relational logic thinking. A module was validated by media experts and material experts. The practicality of the module is measured by the students response questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative. The results showed the validity of geometry Braille module from experts showed valid in 86,2%. Some revisions are needed especially on the representation of quadrilateral model which need appropriating to students physiological structural abnormalities. Based on data collected from seven students who have completely filled 10 statements in the questionnaire, about 87,5% of students stated they could understand the questions very well and they agreed that module enhanced their understanding of quadrilateral betweenness relations. Thus those result indicated a high level of practicality. This research concludes this module has good validity and practicality, especially for visual impairment students geometries object understanding that has limited visualization.

Braille, Geometry, Module, visual impairment, RMT

Mathematics Education


The development of chemistry learning devices based blended learning model to promote students critical thinking skills
Saprizal Hadisaputra (a), Muhammad Shohibul Ihsan (b), Gunawan (b), Agus Ramdani (b*)

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Muhammad Shohibul Ihsan

(a) Chemistry Education Study Program, University of Mataram, Indonesia
(b) Master Program of Science Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia
(b) Physics Education Study Program, University of Mataram, Indonesia
(b*) Biology Education Study Program, University of Mataram, Indonesia

The research aims to produce a valid, practical and effective chemistry learning devices based on a blended learning model to improve student critical thinking skills. The 4D development model was applied in this study. Testing of learning devices and tests of critical thinking skills are carried out on the tenth-grade students at high schools in the city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The one group pretest-posttest design was applied as a research design. The results showed that the validity of the developed chemical learning devices based on the blended learning model had an average value of syllabus, lesson plan, teaching materials, and critical thinking instruments were 82%, 86%, 72% and 70%, respectively. The practicality of the learning devices is tested through a blended learning processes. The chemistry learning devices have a practical criteria with a scoring percentage of 78%. Furthermore, the chemistry learning devices are effective in promoting critical thinking skills. The inprovement of students critical thinking can be seen from the increasing of their score from 55.3 to 82.2. In conclusion, the developed chemistry learning devices based on the blended learning model are valid, practical and effective criteria, and its applicable to promote students critical thinking skills.

learning devices, blended learning models, critical thinking skills

Chemistry Education


The Development of Five-Tier Diagnostic Test to Identify Misconceptions and Causes of Students- Misconceptions in Waves and Optics Materials
Andry S Utama Putra (a*), Ida Hamidah (b), Nahadi (c)

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Andry S. Utama Putra

a) Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to develop a five-tier diagnostic test that can that be used to identify misconceptions and causes of students- misconception on waves and optics materials. This type of research is development research using a 4-D model. The study was conducted in two junior high schools which in West Bandung, West Java with a sample of 193 students. Data analysis used is quantitative analysis by looking at the quality of the items. The results of the study showed that the content validity test obtained a CVI value of 0.833 which was included in the criteria as very appropriate. The empirical validity test obtained the value of MNSQ 0.98 outfit and ZSTD 0.3 outfit which means that the item corresponds to the measured construct. Item reliability 0.86 and Alpha cronbach 0.87 show good reliability. The differentiating problem showed it was not necessary to remove the question. While Point Measure Correlation shows that the level of difficulty of the questions varies greatly. Overall, it can be concluded that the five-tier diagnostic test developed has met the criteria and was declared feasible for identifying misconceptions and causes of students misconceptions in waves and optics materials.

Five-tier diagnostic test; Misconceptions; Waves and optics

Physics Education


The Development of Interactive Mathematics Learning Media based on Local Wisdom and 21st Century Skills: Social Arithmetic Concept
Heni Pujiastuti, Rifda Risydiani Utami

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Heni Pujiastuti

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Learning media is one of the supporting components in learning process. In this development research, learning media is packaged using aspects of local wisdom and 21st century skills. The aim of this research is to develop an alternative learning media in accordance with the competencies of 21st century skills without leaving the values of local wisdom in the form of knowledge about the culture, habits and characteristics of the region, especially in Banten Province. The development model used in this research is ADDIE with 5 stages; Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. As a result, this research has successfully developed the AndroMath application. AndroMath application contains a summary of the material, examples of questions, practice questions and quiz games with social arithmetic material for seventh grade students of junior high school. AndroMath application is developed in smartphones with the Android operating system. The feasibility test on this application is carried out by six experts, consisting of three media experts and three material experts and students. The percentage score from all expert were 92.48% for media assessment, 89.02% for content assessment and 80.76% from student responses. The result show that the AndroMath application is worthy to use for student in the learning process.

Interactive Learning Media, 21st Century Skills, Local Wisdom, AndroMath

Mathematics Education


The development of natural science textbook use research-based integrated learning for Junior High School
Usmeldi and Risda Amini

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Usmeldi Usmeldi

Universitas Negeri Padang

According to the 2013 curriculum, natural science subjects in Junior High School were developed as integrated science. Integrated science learning used themes to link subject material to the everyday life of students, so they can gain meaningful experiences. The results of the survey showed that the science textbooks material has not been integrated and has not involved student activities. This has an impact on the low competency of students. One effort to improve student competency is to develop natural science textbook use research-based integrated learning. The aim of the research was to develop natural science textbook use research-based integrated learning. The research used the Plomp model which consisted of three phase namely preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. The research instruments were observation sheets, questionnaires, interview guide, validation sheets, tests, attitudes and skills assessment sheets. The results showed that natural science textbook use research-based integrated learning was categorized as valid, practical, and effective. Validity of textbook based on expert judgment. Practicality of textbook based on teacher and student responses. The effectiveness of textbook in improving student competency based on the competency of most students was included the good category and the increase in student competency in the domain of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students.

textbook, natural science, research-based integrated learning.

Science Education


The Development of questions about High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Exponent
M. Zaki (a*), Rizki Amalia (b*), Sofiyan (c*)

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Muhammad Zaki

Universitas Samudra

Based on the results of the preliminary study in junior high school, it was found that there was no development of a test that developed students high-order thinking skills (HOTS). This study aims to develop HOTS-based test questions proposed by Bloom revision which includes C4 (analyzing), C5 (evaluating) and C6 (creating). This study aims to produce HOTS math tests on exponents that are valid and practical. This research is development research (R & D) with a development model based on Tessmer which consists of two stages, namely the preliminary and stage formative evaluations. The trial of the question was held in class IX of SMP Negeri 5 Langsa. The instruments of data collection include question grids, question sheets, validation sheets, and questionnaire sheets. The results of the development of HOTS questions are a set of questions consisting of grids and HOTS questions with 10 questions in the form of descriptions that valid and practical criteria. The set of questions is declared valid with an average score criterion of 85% in a very valid category and declared practical with a score criterion of 80% in a very practical category. The HOTS problem developed also had a good potential effect on students high-level thinking abilities with an average score of 64,2 which showed students high-level thinking skills in good categories.

high order thinking skills, Exponent

Mathematics Education


The development of science learning materials use an inductive-based 7E learning cycle in Elementary School
Risda Amini and Usmeldi

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Risda Amini

Universitas Negeri Padang

Learning materials in Elementary Schools not able to help the students understand the subject matter. Students cannot carry out activities that are on the student worksheet. Students cannot answer the factual questions given by the teacher to motivate students initial knowledge. The research aims to develop learning materials consisting of syllabus, lesson plan, module, student worksheet, and assessment using inductive-based 7E learning cycle. Research and development use the IDI model which consists of three stages, namely define, develop, and evaluate. At the define stage, material analysis and analysis of students were carried out. At the develop stage, a prototype syllabus, lesson plan, module, worksheet, and assessment using Inductive 7E learning cycle is designed. The subjects of the learning materials trial were fourth grade students in Elementary School. The research instruments were observation sheet, questionnaire, and learning outcomes test. The results showed that the validity of science learning materials using inductive-based 7E learning cycle was categorized as valid. The practicality of learning materials included very practical categories, based on teacher and student responses. Learning materials include effective categories based on student activities and learning outcomes. Student activities in learning include very high categories. Learning outcomes most students achieve minimum completeness criteria.

Science learning material, inductive, 7E learning cycle.

Science Education


The Development of Science Teachers in BPI Junior High School Bandung
Wiworo Retnadi Rias Hayu (a*), Anna Permanasari (b), Omay Sumarna (b), Sumar Hendayana (b)

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Wiworo Retnadi Rias Hayu

a) Science Education, Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, 40154 Bandung, Indonesia

b) Department of Science Education SPS UPI, Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, 40154 Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this article describes the steps to develop teacher professionalism at BPI Junior High School Bandung. Increasing the professionalism of science teachers, namely the ability to think critically, collaboratively, creativity and communication. This is interesting to be reviewed and formed into the skills of teachers in learning. This is very important because the teacher is a change agent for future generations. The success of children now and in the future depends on the success of the education carried out. Learning that with professional teachers will produce quality learning. The method used is a mix method which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative. The research results obtained with the existence of good planning activities, the implementation of learning runs better and better. In conclusion, the development of the professionalism of BPI Middle School science teachers in Bandung that is suitable to be applied is lesson study, the increase in teacher professionalism, readiness, confidence and willingness to accept criticism. Lesson plan that is done adjusts students, so they can learn. Lesson design is arranged at the planning stage which is arranged in a simple and systematic manner. Furthermore, implementing design lessons in learning that facilitate students to learn, teachers are more confident and ready for learning. The final stage is a joint reflection to improve and learn together through the learning done.

lesson study, design lesson, plan, do, see, professionalism, and science

Science Education


The Development of Student Worksheet based on Education for Sustainable Developement (ESD) on Function Derivative Material
Retno Dwi Putri*, Tatang Herman, Dadang Juandi

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Retno Dwi Putri

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study is aimed to develop student worksheet based on education for sustainable development on function derivative material for the eleventh of senior high school. This reseach is a design research using the Plomp model comprising preliminary, prototyping, and assessment research. The product of this study is a set of student worksheet based on Education for sustainable development on function derivative material. The student worksheet was validated by expert lecturer and teacher. After validation by expert, the students worksheet are given to students to find out students responses. The result of validation and try out indicate that the worksheet was very valid and got a good response.

Student worksheet; Education for Sustainable Development; Function Derivative material

Mathematics Education


The differences of mathematics students- entrepreneurship motivation in facing digital era viewed from gender and family background
Putik Rustika, Titi Rohaeti

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Titi Rohaeti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

This study is aimed at knowing and describing mathematics students- entrepreneurship motivation in facing digital era toward online business. The subjects of this study are Mathematics education students of Universitas muhammadiyah Cirebon, they are 37 students in the academic year of 2018/2019. This study uses explanatory research through survey method under a quantitative approach. Key words: Entrepreneurship motivation, Digital Era, Online Business, Social Media

Enterpreneur Motivation, Digital Era, Mathematics Education, Muhammadiyah Cirebon University

Mathematics Education


The Differences of Mathematics Students- Entrepreneurship Motivation in Facing the Digital Era between Students who have and have not taken Entrepreneurship Course
Titi Rohaeti, Putik Rustika

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Titi Rohaeti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

This study aims to knowing of mathematics education students- entrepreneurship in facing the digital era between students who have and have not taken Entrepreneurship courses. The subjects of this study are Mathematics education students of Universitas muhammadiyah Cirebon, they are 25 students who have not taken the entrepreneurship courses and 25 students who have taken the entrepreneurship courses in the academic year of 2018/2019. This study uses explanatory research through survey method under a quantitative approach.

Enterpreneur Motivation, Enterpreneurship, Digital Era,Mathematics Education

Mathematics Education


The Effect Of Collaborative Problem Solving Learning Model On Mathematical Literacy Abilities
S Morin (1)*, S Prabawanto (1)

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Shelly Morin

(1) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia budhi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to investigate the difference in mathematical literacy between students which use Collaborative Problem Solving with students which use expository learning. The research uses quasi experimental method with the design research for the Only Control Design. Subject in this study is the entire eighth grade high school students class VIII of Tangerang city. In this study, there are two groups, experimental group consist of 36 students and control grup consist of 36 students. Data collection techniques using purpose random sampling consist of instrument on test mathematical literacy which included essay. The result of the research are that there is a different in the matematical literacy skills of the students using collaborative problem solving it is better that when students whic use expository learning

collaborative problem solving, expository learning, mathematical literacy

Mathematics Education


the effect of habits of mind on mathematics creative thinking ability by using the ASSURE model
Nosep Sumiarto, Bambang Avip Priatna

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nosep sumiarto

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The low ability of students creative mathematical thinking is due to the lack of being given open-ended questions to students in the learning process so that the habit of having students creative thinking does not develop. Creative thinking mathematics is the ability to solve problems with various alternative ideas and solutions. One of the practical aspects of behavior that has creative thinking is the habits of mind. Habits of mind are as actions or behavior in solving problems intelligently. This study aims to analyze the effect of students habits of mind mathematics on creative thinking ability by using the ASSURE model. This research was conducted in the seventh grade of a junior high school in Bandung. This research uses the post-test experimental class design. The results show that there are significant effects of habits of mind on mathematics creative thinking abilities by using the ASSURE model with an influence of 16.2%.

Habit of mind, Creative thinking, ASSURE model

Mathematics Education


The Effect Of Learning Cycle 5E Model To The Critical Thinking Skills Of Science Students Class VII Mts Muhammadiyah 1 Natar
Fiska Aulia Rahmah, Agus Suyatna, Tri Jalmo

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Fiska Aulia Rahmah

Program Studi Magister Keguruan IPA, Universitas Lampung

Abstract – This research aims to determine the effect of learning cycle 5E model to the critical thinking skills of science students class VII MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Natar. This research is a quasi experiment research. The population in this study is all students of class VII MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Natar, and sampling technique using purposive sampling. There are two samples taken are class VII A as experiment class and VII B as control class. The data collection critical thinking skills using the technique to answer of 20 questions. Based on the result, it is found that the average posttest of experimental critical thinking skills is 81 and control class is 60. The hypothetical test of critical thinking ability was obtained by Sig (2-tailed) 0,00 < 0,05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The conclusion of this research, there is influence of learning cycle 5E model to the critical thinking skills of science learners VII MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Natar.

learning cycle 5E model, the critical thinking skills

Science Education


Yuvi Nuri Khoeriyah1, Dadang Juandi2, Resy Nirawati2

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Yuvi Nuri Khoeriyah

1 STIE Cipasung Tasikmalaya Jl. Ciawi Singaparna, Tasikmalaya 46417, Indonesia, 2 Indonesia Education University, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia, 2 STKIP Singkawang, Jl. STKIP Kelurahan Naram Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat 79251, Indonesia

This study aimed to know the influence of learning independence and self efficacy on mathematical critical thinking skills. The method used the correlational method. The sampling technique used simple random sampling. The study population was students from one of junior high schools boarding school in Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Data collection is done by using questionnaires and written tests. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: There is no significant positive effect of learning independence and self efficacy on students mathematical critical thinking skill.

Independence Learning, self efficacy, critical thinking mathematics

Mathematics Education


The Effect of Local Primacy-Based Comic Media on Students- Conservation Attitudes
Akhmad Sukri(a*), Muhammad Arief Rizka (b), Hadi Gunawan Sakti (c), Baiq Muli Harisanti (d) Aulia Muti-ah (e)

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Akhmad Sukri

(a) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia.
(b) Department of Non-formal Education, Faculty of Education, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
(c) Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
(d) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia
(e) Student Majoring in Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IKIP Mataram, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the implementation of local primacy-based comic media on students conservation attitudes. This research was a quasi-experimental that adopted and modified the design of separate sample pretest-postest designs. Two experimental schools, namely SDN 1 Gili Indah and SDN Teratak, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia were taken purposively with a total of 52 students. Data on student conservation attitudes was collected through questionnaires. The data were converted into percentages then analyzed using the paired and independent sample t-test. The results of this research showed that there was an effect of the implementation of local primacy-based comic media to students-conservation attitudes. However, the geographical location of the school did not have an impact on students- conservation attitudes.

Local primacy-based comic, conservation attitude

Biology Education


The Effect of Mental Action and Motoric Action to Students- Learning Motivation in Learning of the Area of Triangle
Findinilah Faraswati (1*), Endang Mulyana (2), Sufyani Prabawanto (2)

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Findinilah Faraswati

1) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The underlying problem of this research is the importance of learning motivation for students in construct knowledge to develop student competencies optimally in learning the area of quadrilateral. Students learning motivation can be through mental action and physical action (motoric action). The purpose of this research is to knowing the effect mental action and physical action (motoric action) in learning of the area of triangle to students learning motivation which had an impact on next learning, that are the area of quadrilateral. The used research method is a qualitative research in the form of the didactical design research through three phases of analysis i.e. didactical situation analysis, metapedadidactical analysis, and retrospective analysis, which conducted in students from 7th grade at one of public schools in West Bandung Regency. Based on the results of research and analysis, learning which involving physical or motoric actions is able to increase students learning motivation and quite capable to develop student competencies.

The Effect of Mental Action and Motoric Action; Motivation Learning; Learning of Triangle Area

Mathematics Education


The Effect of Project Based Learning-STEM on Students- Problem Solving Skill in the Topic of Electromagnetic Induction
Parno1,*, Lia Yuliati1, Nuril Munfaridah1, Marlina Ali2, Firda Ulya Nur Rosyidah3, and Nora Indrasari3

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Parno Parno

1Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl.Semarang No.5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
2Department of Educational Science, Mathematics and Critical Multimedia, Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai Johor, Malaysia
3Graduate School Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl.Semarang No.5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: parno.fmipa[at]

Problem solving skill is one of six topical areas of physics education research, whereas the research about implementation of Project Based Learning-Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (PjBL-STEM) to develope students- problem solving skills is still limited. This research aimed to reveal the effect of PjBL-STEM on students- problem solving skill in the topic of electromagnetic induction with a quasi experimental research with Pre- and Posttest Design. Grade XII students of Senior High School 2 Pasuruan Indonesia were distributed to Experiment class (PjBL-STEM) (N=36) and Comparison class (PjBL) (N=38). Students worked on two projects, which were light shake and transformator. Problem Solving Skills Test with 0.681 Cronbach-s alpha reliability was used as research intrument. Data analysis was done with t-test, N-gain and effect size. The result showed PjBL-STEM acquired significantly higher problem solving skill than the PjBL. Both classes had medium category in the skill-s improvement. With “Very Large” effect size, the practical implementation of PjBL-STEM model had very large impact than PjBL class in increasing students- problem solving skill. The final questionairre revealed students in both classes had positive response (Agree and Strongly Agree), which were quite similar towards the implementation of the learning model.

Electromagnetic Induction, Problem Solving Skills, STEM, Project Based Learning

Physics Education


The Effect of Think-Pair-Share Cooperative Learning on Student Mathematical Communication Skills
Ade Irma (a*), Dadang Juandi (b), Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan (c), Resy Nirawati (d)

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Ade Irma

a) UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Jl. HR. Soebrantas Panam Km. 15 No. 155 Panam, Pekanbaru 20293, Indonesia
a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
d) STKIP Singkawang, Jl. STKIP Kelurahan Naram Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat 79251

This research is motivated by the low mathematical communication skills of students and the implementation of Think-Pair-Share models in schools. This study aims to investigate whether there is a difference in mathematical communication skills between students who take Think-Pair-Share learning and students who take conventional learning. This research is a quasi-experimental study. Data analysis techniques used by researchers were descriptive statistics and the Mann Whitney U test. The instrument used was a descriptive test to measure students mathematical communication skills. Based on the results of the study concluded that (1) there are differences in mathematical communication skills between students using the Think-Pair-Share cooperative learning model with students using conventional learning models, (2) the communication skills of the experimental class students are better than the control class. Thus in general Think-Pair-Share learning model influences students mathematical communication skills.

Think-Pair-Share, Mathematical Communication Skills

Mathematics Education


The Effectiveness of Atlas Media Based On Contructivist Approach in College to Improve Learning Outcome in Plant Anatomy
Mulyati, Lince Meriko

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Mulyati Rasyid

Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi. STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25137. Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Altas media based on constructivist approach towards improving student learning outcomes in Plant Anatomy. This study used a pretest and posttest pre-experimental design. Data were analyzed descriptively and statistically, namely analyzing observations of the ability of lecturers to manage learning, student activities during learning using atlas media based on constructivist approach abilities before and after using atlas media. The results showed that the atlas media was effectively used in learning with the ability of lecturers to manage 80.5 learning included in the excellent category and during collage activities 80.3 students studied included in the very active category. These results indicate that learning using atlas media is more effective in improving learning outcomes in plant anatomy.

Atlas Media, Activities, Plant Anatomy

Biology Education


The effectiveness of Blended Learning to improve pre-service teacher TPACK in developing multimedia learning mathematics in elementary schools
Mukti Sintawati, Ginanjar Abdurrahman

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mukti sintawati

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of blended learning towards the improvement of pre-service teacher TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) in developing multimedia learning mathematics in elementary schools. This research was quasi-experimental. The research method used was the control group pretest-posttest design. The population is the sixth-semester students of the academic year 2018/2019 of the Study Program Elementary Teacher Education Universitas Ahmad Dahlan as many as 315 students grouped in 7 classes. The sample used is one experimental class and one control class taken randomly. The method of collecting data uses observations in multimedia learning mathematics that have been developed by elementary school pre-service teacher. The research instrument uses TPACK assessment sheets that have been validated by experts. The results of the study show that t value is greater than t table. This means that at a significance level of 5% blended learning was effective towards increasing the TPACK of pre-service teachers in developing multimedia learning mathematics in elementary schools.

TPACK, Elementary school, pre-service teacher, multimedia

Mathematics Education


The Effectiveness of Malcolm-s Modeling Based On KWL Thinking Strategy towards The Reasoning Skills at 7th Grade of Tainan Municipal Jincheng JHS
Arno Johan (a*), Amin Suyitno (b), Mashuri (b), Imam Sayekti (b)

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Corresponding Author
Arno Johan

a) SMA Negeri 1 Pekalongan
Jalan RA Kartini No. 39, Pekalongan, Indonesia
b) Universitas Negeri Semarang
Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, Indonesia

One of the skills that need to be implemented in learning is reasoning skills. The learning model that can be implemented to improve reasoning skills is Malcolm-s Modeling. The objectives of this research was to measure problem solving skill of the students who was taught by Malcolm-s modeling based on KWL thinking strategy towards the minimum criteria scores in the chapter of Scientific Notation. The population of this research were the students of seventh grade in Tainan Municipal Jincheng Junior High School Taiwan in the academic year of 2016/2017. Using cluster random sampling technique, class 705 was selected as the experiment class by giving treatment with KWL thinking strategy using Malcolms Modeling. The data were collected by using some instruments, they were test and documentation and were analyzed by using SPSS software and excel for t-test and proportion test. The results of the research showed that the reasoning skills of students by giving Malcom-s modeling based on KWL thinking strategy gained good result to the scores of the students.

Malcolm-s modeling, KWL thinking strategy, reasoning skills

Mathematics Education


Yusuf Ibrahim, Cita Tresnawati, Mia Nurkanti

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Yusuf Ibrahim

Universitas Pasundan

The current study is a part of a three-year research aiming at developing student worksheets which are based on scientific project approach, which consists of inquiry, problem-based learning, and project-based learning models. This study is at dissemination phase, in which it attempts to investigate the effectiveness of the scientific project-based worksheets that were developed in the second year of the research. This study employed educational research and development (R & D). The instrument used to collect the data were scientific project-based worksheet, assessment sheets to assess the participants- cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects, questionnaires for teachers, practitioners and students. The dissemination involves 29 students taking internship program from 2013 to 2014, at several schools in Bandung. The results show that scientific project-based worksheets, with N-gain average of between 0.55-0.82 is categorized as medium and high, and significantly different at significance level α = 0.05. It means the use of the worksheets significantly improves learners- concept understanding as a whole. Feedbacks gained also suggest that the developed worksheet models have positive effects on the students attitude towards science, with the average score from 81.33 to 88.37. The rate for psychomotor aspect, with its mean value 80.73-91.67 has proven to be effective to encourage students to be more active during lab activities.

cognitive, affective, psychomotor aspects, inquiry, problem-based learning, project-based learning

Biology Education


The Effects of Active Learning Model Guided Note Taking on Students Critical Thinking Ability in High School
I Made Astra(a)*, Esmar Budi(b), and Cindy Evita(b)

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Cindy Evita

Prodi Pendidikan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka No 1 RT 11 RW 14, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
Prodi Pendidikan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka No 1 RT 11 RW 14, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia

This study aim to know the effect of active learning model Guided Note Taking (GNT) on student-s critical thinking ability for work and energy subject in senior high school. This study was held in Senior High School 77 on March 2019. This research used a quasi experimental method with a nonrandomized pretest-posttest design. The sample used purposive sampling, so the experimental class and control class were obtained. Before the research started, a pretest was given to know both classes have the same condition. The results showed that the pretest average value of experimental class was 43,25 while the control class was 42,75. This research instrument was posttest essay-s type with 10 questions. Prerequirement test used normality test by Chi-quadrate formula, because X2hitung≤X2table (4,58≤11,070) on experimental class, and X2hitung≤X2table (4,72≤11,070) on control class, so data was normally distributed. Homogenity test on α=5% and n=36 got that Fhitung≤Ftable (1,427≤1,757), so data was homogen. Based on hypothesis test by t-test with α=0,05 and dk=n1+n2-2, got that thitung>ttable (4,278>1,667), So, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Then, the conclusion is student-s critical thinking ability who learn with Guided Note Taking model higher than direct instruction model and also Guided Note Taking has an effect on student-s critical thinking ability.

Active Learning Model, Guided Note Taking, Critical Thinking Ability

Physics Education


The Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Think Pair Share assited by Animation Media on Learning Outcomes of Physics in High School
I Made Astra(a*), Dwi Susanti (b), Sayyidah Sakinah (b)

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Sayyidah Sakinah

a*) Prodi Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka No 1 RT 11 RW 14, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta (13220)
b) Prodi Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka No 1 RT 11 RW 14, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta (13220)

This study aims to determine the effect of the cooperative learning model Think Pair Share assited by animation media on learning outcomes of physics in high school. This study was held in SMA Negeri 30 Jakarta. This study used a quasi experimental method with a nonrandomized pretest posttest design. The research sample was taken using purposive sampling, so that the experimental class and control class were obtained. The experimental class uses a cooperative learning model Think Pair Share assited by animation media, while the control class uses direct instruction. The results showed that the learning outcomes of experimental class student were higher than the learning outcomes of control class students. It can be seen from the posttest average value of experimental class = 83,17 and the control class = 78,75. This posttest resuls were tested using the t-test, resulting tcount = 5,429 and ttable = 1,667. Based on the results of t-test, the value of tcount > ttable, means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Then, the conclusion is cooperative learning model Think Pair Share assited by animation media has an effect on learning outcomes of physics in high school.

cooperative learning model, Think Pair Share, learning outcomes

Physics Education


The Effort to Improve English Ability for Early Childhood Through A Helpful Mathematical Learning Media VBA for Excel Game
Martin Bernard (a*), Syah Khalif Alam (b), Rosalina Rolina (a), Siti Chotimah (a)

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Martin Bernard

a) Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, 40526, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the implementation process and the results of the application of VBA-assisted mathematical learning media for excel games in an effort to improve the English language skills of early childhood. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether mathematical learning media assisted VBA for excel games can improve the English language skills of early childhood? As well as how the implementation process, the results of the implementation of research, advantages, and disadvantages after the implementation of mathematical learning media. The approach used in this study is the quasi-experimental research method. The population in this study was in group B which amounted to 20 samples of early childhood. Based on the results of the study that there was an increase in English language skills of early childhood through VBA-assisted mathematical learning media for excel games. While the learning media applied in early childhood is successfully implemented, early childhood shows an active, enthusiastic, and happy attitude when learning takes place. Then it can be concluded that the application of VBA-assisted mathematical learning media for excel games in an effort to improve English language skills in early childhood takes place well and smoothly. Early childhood looks more active, creative and confident in learning English, so they can digest the media well in an effort to improve their English language skills.

English Language Ability, Early Childhood, Mathematical Learning Media, VBA for Excel Games

Mathematics Education


The Enhancement Of Junior High School Students Mathematical Communication Ability and Interest Learn Through Song-based Talking Stick Models
Myti Sandri, Nanang Priatna, Dian Usdiyana

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Myti Sandri

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The low ability of mathematical communication and interest learn of junior high school students be a background of this research. This study aims to analyze the enhancement of junior high school student-s mathematical communication ability and interest learn through song-based talking stick models. A total of 23 experimental group students and 20 control group students in class VII in one of the junior high schools in Kota Bengkulu. The experimental group learned with song-based talking stick models and the control group learned with conventional learning. The instrument used in this research is a test of mathematical communication ability and questionnaire of interest learn. The data obtained were then analyzed using a test of normality, homogeneity, and two mean differences. The result of the research shows that: (1) Ehancement of mathematical communication ability of students who learned with the song-based talking stick models is higher than students who get conventional learning; (2) Enhancement of students mathematical communication ability in high and medium KAM categories who learned with song-based talking stick models is higher than students in the high and medium KAM categories who received conventional learning; (3) Enhancement of students mathematical communication ability in the low KAM categories who learned with song-based talking stick models is not higher than students in the low KAM category who learned with conventional learning; (4) Interest learn of students who learned with song-based talking stick models is higher than students who learned with conventional learning.

Mathematical Communication Ability, Interest Learn, Talking Stick

Mathematics Education


The exploration of character education contents in the physics textbooks about Newton-s Law
Triana Siska Dewi, Edi Suresman, Taufik Ramlan Ramalis

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Triana Siska Dewi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Character education is recommended to be integrated in all school subjects as an effort to solve the problem of moral degradation among the Indonesian students. Therefore, this study aims to explore the character education contents in the physics textbooks used by the teachers in the learning process. The findings demonstrated that there were 14 character values contained in the textbooks, which have had recommendations from the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia as the feasible learning sources.

character education, Newton-s law, physics

Physics Education


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