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Johan Pamungkas(a), Catur Wahyu Wijaya (b), Achmad Rafiud Darajat(c), Ali Murtopo (d)

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Johan Pamungkas

(a) Departement of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Tidar
Jalan Kapten Suparman No. 39 Potrobangsan, Magelang 56116
(b) MPM, Jalan Simpang Dukuh 42-44 Surabaya 60275
(c)(d) Departement of Civil Engineering
Universitas Tidar
Jalan Kapten Suparman No. 39 Potrobangsan, Magelang 56116

As the second-largest city after Jakarta, Surabaya City has the same problems as big cities in Indonesia. One thing that remains a significant concern is the issue of cleanliness, environmental governance, and urban waste management as one of the pilot cities in the development of Smart City-based cities. The city of Surabaya has developed various ways and technology implementation in waste management in urban areas to a lesser extent in the community environment. The current garbage transportation system in the city of Surabaya has not yet reached the optimal level, so we need a method that can make this garbage transport transportation system more optimal so that operational costs will minimize for development in other sectors. In this paper, we present one way to optimize the problem of transportation of garbage transport through fuzzy multi-criteria to optimize the transportation of waste in the city of Surabaya. The results of the study in this paper are the allocation of waste from each LPS to a certain LPA, taking into account the minimum distance and time taken. The problem with optimizing waste transportation is generally that it only pays attention to two objects. This research focuses on how to optimizing the waste transportation system, which is two objects of research optimization of the existing transportation system, and the transportation distance of the garbage transportation system to a minimum to reduce transportation costs and the time needed in the transportation system. By using the Fuzzy Multi-Criteria to perfect conventional linear programming, it is often complicated calculation because the limitations of linear programming cannot be satisfactory if they consist of two or more objectives. Based on this, transportation system problems The analysis obtained can provide an overview of waste allocation in each LPS to LPA with the provisions taking into account the objectives were achieved.

Multi-Criteria, Fuzzy, Transportation, Surabaya

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Promoting of Precipitation Technique using Bio-Chemical Grouting for Soil Liquefaction Prevention
Heriansyah Putra (a*), Hideaki Yasuhara (b), Muhammad Fauzan (a), Aiun Hayatu Rabinah (c)

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Heriansyah Putra

(a) Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
(b) Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan
(c) Dept. of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

The applicability of bio-chemical grouting as the environmentally friendly and economically method for soil liquefaction prevention was evaluated. Several combinations of organic and in-organic precipitations methods were conducted to obtain the optimum grouting solution. Organic precipitation method employs a bio-agent of urease enzyme to dissociate urea into ammonium and carbonate ions. The produced carbonate ions are precipitated as calcite crystals in the presence of calcium ions. Meanwhile, the in-organic methods were performed using chemical compounds only, without the bio-agent. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests were performed to evaluate the applicability of the grouting solutions for improving the soil strength. Grouting solution is injected into the prepared sand samples. The sand samples with a relative density of 50% were treated with one and two PV for 3-day curing times. The experimental results showed that the organic precipitation method produced the high precipitated amount and resulted in the significant improvement in the strength of the treated sand. The presence of the precipitated materials within the grains of soil generated the strength of 272 kPa. The results of this study have elucidated that the organic precipitation method composed of calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate, urea and enzyme of urease may be an alternative soil-improvement technique to prevent the liquefaction susceptibility.

biochemical, grouting, liquefaction, soil improvement, UCS

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Structure and Properties of Quenched and Tempered Armor Steel Metal Arc Gas Welded Joint
yurianto, Sumar Hadi Suryo, Yusuf Umardani, Padang Yanuar

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Yurianto Yurianto

yurianto, Sumar Hadi Suryo, Yusuf Umardani
Diponegoro University
Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Padang Yanuar
Semarang State Polytechnic
Mechanical Engineering Department

Generally, welding on quenched and tempered steel conducted using preheat and post-heat to avoid failure of the weldment. Some operators do not preheat before welding and post-heat after welding is complete. In this study, Q&T Steels welded using double-pass without preheating and post-weld heat treatment. Some operators do not use preheat and post-weld heat treatment, even welding is finished cooled by using water medium. Microstructural and mechanical evaluations of quenched and tempered steel welded joints investigated to reveal the effect of water quenching on the heat-affected zone in this study. Austenitization used for quenching are 750oC, 800oC 850oC and 900oC were selected. The specimens observed by spectrometer for observation in chemical element content; optical microscopy for observation in microstructure; microhardness Vickers tester for hardness observation in microstructure; impact testing machine for observation in impact energy. The aim of this study to obtain the characteristics of Quenched and Tempered Steel weld joints cooled by freshwater. The results indicate the hardness of the heat-affected zone increases with increasing austenitization temperature, but the hardness of the weld metal decreases.

austenitization, crack, hardness, softening, temper

Mechanical Engineering


Hybrid Power Plant Model : Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell Micro Scale
Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang (a), Totok Prasetyo (b), Anis Roihatin (b*), Yanuar Mahfudz Safaruddin (b)

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Corresponding Author
Anis Roihatin

(a)Energy Conversion Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang
(b)Energi Power Plant Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Hydrogen fuel cell is a fuel cell that uses a membrane as an electrolyte to exchange protons. The principle works is to convert electrochemical energy into electrical energy directly with hydrogen gas fuel. The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of hydrogen fuel cells against variations in fuel flow rate and concentration to get the optimum performance. First step is design a hydrogen fuel cell model, then simulated the cell performance of the hydrogen fuel flow rate of 6, 18, and 30 mL / min and the fuel concentration of 50 mol /m3 . Furthermore, the characteristics of the voltage-electric current and electric-current power per fuel cell stack are obtained. Hydrogen fuel cell research produces optimum power at 0.0471 mW / cm2 at a cell current 0135 mA /cm 2 and the cell voltage 0,35 V . The greater the load used, the time faster used by the battery to turn on the load. The highest time taken when a small load is 10 watts with a time of 240 hours and the fastest time taken when a large load is 400 watts with a time of 6 hours. Reduction of battery discharge time to the same load due to power losses in each equipment and circuit which results in the power generated by the battery not reaching the maximum load.

photovoltaic, electrolyzer, PEM Fuel Cell, hydrogen flow rate

Mechanical Engineering


The selectiion of turbulence models for numerical simulation of a motorcycle engine block heat transfer calculation
Nazaruddin Sinaga

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Nazaruddin Sinaga

Mechanical Engineering Department of Diponegoro University

The heat transfer on a motorcycle engine block is quite complicated but can be solved computationally. To simulate the calculation, an appropriate turbulence model is required. In this study, the effect of eleven turbulence models was analyzed in the simulation of a motorcycle engine block cooling using finite volume method. The turbulence models tested were Spalart-Allmaras (vorticity-based and strain/vorticity-based), k-e standard, k-e RNG, k-e realizable (all with standard wall functions and enhanced wall treatments), k-omega standards, transition k-kl-omega, and transition SST. The engine block was considered as a cylindrical finned tube with a specified size. In this work, several essential parameters were observed, such as the heat transfer coefficient, wake area, horseshoe vortex, and pressure drop. The calculation results were analyzed and compared with the results of previous studies. Based on the heat transfer coefficient results, it was found that all turbulence models agreed well with the experimental results, but there were significant differences in the pressure loss calculation. Based on the accuracy and computational cost, it can be concluded that the Spalart-Allmaras and the transition SST are the turbulence models which give optimum result for calculating the heat transfer in a motorcycle engine block.

engine block; heat transfer; numerical method; turbulence model

Mechanical Engineering


Analisis of The Factor Influence of the Cocoa Farming and community Perception on Agrotourism Cocoa Commodity Base Development in Melaya District
I Gusti Ayu Widari Upadani

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Ayu Widari Upadani

Politeknik Nasional Denpasar

The condition of cocoa farmers in Melaya Distric,Jembrana Regency,have generally not been able to fulfill of their life quality standard from the sale of cocoa because of small land ownership,disease attacks and also due the lack of development of other businesses.This study aimed to determine and analyzed the factor that affect of cocoa farming and to determine the level community perception of cocoa commodity-based agro-tourism development in Melaya District,Jembrana Regency.The study was conducted with a survey as respondents. In addition to collecting data through questioners,in-depth interviews were also conducted with key informants. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the factors affecting of cocoa farming in Melaya District were product quality, product prices, market accocoa land area, water availability, pest and disease and climate change. The level of community perception of agro-tourism development plans is very accepting with a score of 60.27 (very accepting) and 39.73 (accepting)


Tata Ruang Aspek Kepariwisataan


Inovasi Teknologi Pengolahan Kelapa Menjadi Minyak Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Yang Bernilai Ekonomis Dengan Metode Sentrifugal
I Gede Pasek Mangku, I Gst Bagus Udayana, I Nyoman Rudianta

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Gede Pasek Mangku

Universitas Warmadewa

Pembangunan di sektor pertanian yang kurang merata mengakibatkan terjadinya ketimpangan kondisi ekonomi diwilayah pedesaan. Tingkat pengetahuan dan penguasaan teknologi yang masih lemah juga menjadi penyebab pembangunan ekonomi di daerah pedesaan berjalan lambat. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan inovasi teknologi dan keterampilan kepada masyarakat desa Pangsan, meningkatkan rendemen dan kualitas minyak VCO yang dihasilkan, memfasilitasi akses pasar serta meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi kelompok peserta. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan di kelompok “Mekar Sari” dan “Sari Murni” Desa Pangsan, Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung-Bali. Jumlah peserta kegiatan yang dilibatkan 30 orang yang terdiri dari 15 orang dari kelompok “Mekar Sari” dan15 orang dari kelompok “Sari Murni”. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan adalah survey, wawancara, dokumentasi, teori dan diskusi serta praktek. Kegiatan dilakukan selama empat bulan mulai dari bulan Agustus sampai Nopember 2019. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa, kelompok “Mekar Sari” dan “Sari Murni” sangat antosias mengikuti program kegiatan yang diberikan. Dari kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok meningkat, rendemen minyak VCO yang dihasilkan meningkat dan memenuhi syarat mutu, akses pasar VCO lebih luas serta terjadi peningkatan pendapatan kelompok.

inovasi, vco, metode sentrifugal, Desa Pangsan

Kesejahteraan Masyarakat


Oil Palm Frond Oxydative Slow Pyrolysis Process: A Modelling Study Using Aspen Plus
Arif Rahman Saleh (a*), Bambang Sudarmanta (b), Sigit Mujiarto (a), Ali Murtopo (c)

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arif rahman saleh

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tidar, Magelang, Indonesia
b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
c) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tidar, Magelang, Indonesia

The main product of the slow pyrolysis process was char, while the additional products were volatile gas and bio-oil. Ideally, the pyrolysis process occurs in an inert condition or without air. in case there was air, the char will be oxidized and produce CO and CO2. In this study, the air addition with the amount under the stoichiometric was carried out in the slow pyrolysis process of oil palm frond. The influence on the distribution of pyrolysis products in the form of char, volatile-gas, and bio-oil was analyzed using the Aspen Plus model. Pyrolysis temperatures vary from 300 - 600oC with a heating rate of 10oC / minute. The modeling results show an increase in the volumetric percentage of CO and a decrease in the percentage of char because that was consumed by a partial oxidation reaction. in case the amount of air continues to be increased, the percentage of CO decreases and CO2 increases. The results of the study can be used as a reference to optimize the slow pyrolysis process when the increase of volatile gases was desired.

oil palm frond;slow pyrolysis;oxydative pyrolysis;aspen plus

Mechanical Engineering


Integrated Design of Drying and Grinding Machines Multi-sensors for Rice Quality Detection
Sidiq Syamsul Hidayat*), Ariawan WP, Liliek Triyono

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Sidiq Hidayat

Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Jl. Prof Soedarto SH, Semarang, Indonesia


Industrial revolution marked by cyber-physical systems, currently in the form of connectivity humans, machines and data. This term is known as the internet of things (IoT). IoT is a concept where an object has the ability to transfer data through network without requiring human-to-human interaction or human to computer or machine. IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless, sensor and internet network technologies. Utilization of wireless sensor networks (JSN) in rice drying and grinding machines is one form of industrial application 4.0 in the field of agricultural and food mechanization in general. This is because JSN can provide solutions to improve the accuracy of parameter measurements temperature and water content and the ability to monitor and control the whole system (automation) without requiring interaction with humans, to increase production. The problems that arise in the field are (1) the actual moisture content in the grain has not been able to precisely and quickly determined (real time), (2) separate drying and grinding systems has some disadvantages a.l. have to move the drained grain to the grinding machine, increase energy, time and cost. In addition, many grain is wasted due to material handling these causes losses. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an integrated system (integrated) and equipped with multisensors to determine the quality of grain and rice automatically generated. The long-term goal of this research is to produce appropriate technology in the form of a machine Integrated rice dryers and grinders use multisensors to determine quality rice automatically. The specific target to be achieved is the development of multisensors for know the grain moisture content and quality of rice.

rice quality; machine learning; sensor network

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Development of an intelligent monitoring system for a hencoop based on IoT Technology
Sidiq Syamsul Hidayat*); Muhammad Robby; Rachael Al Azhar Illioni Widi; Agus Rochadi; Sarono Widodo; Endro Wasito; Abu Hasan; Samuel Betha Kuntarjo; Eko Supriyanto;

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Corresponding Author
Sidiq Hidayat

Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Jl. Prof Soedarto SH, Semarang, Indonesia


Broiler chicken farms with a close house cage system have not been able to create the ideal temperature for chickens and cannot be monitored through an application on a smartphone. The implementation of a temperature monitoring and control system in a chicken coop has already been done but the system still uses the SMS Gateway as the notification provider and the temperature is set manually with a button. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to create a temperature-based monitoring and control system based on Internet of Things so that the temperature and humidity in the enclosure can be monitored via smartphone users and the temperature is automatically maintained to be always ideal and equipped with notifications. Then the system is tested with several temperature conditions namely heat, normal and cold. Based on the three temperature conditions, the system responds to heat by dimming the lights and turning the fan quickly. The system response left at normal temperature is that the lamp remains dim and the fan rotates slowly. The system responds to cold temperatures by illuminating the lamp and making the fan spin slowly.

Internet of Things, Broiler chicken, Blynk

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Development of a Non-destructive image processing System to Improve Rice Quality
Sidiq Syamsul Hidayat*); Jumi; Roihatin; Abdul Syukur Alfauzi

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Corresponding Author
Sidiq Hidayat

Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, Jl. Prof Soedarto SH, Semarang, Indonesia

*) corrosponding author e-mail: sidiqsh[at]

Post-harvest problems faced by farmers in the form of grain drying, have been overcome by previous studies using a Wireless Sensor Network (JSN) dryer. The use of JSN in dryers is able to provide solutions to improve the accuracy of temperature and water content measurements in the drying chamber. Problems that arise after field trials are (1) the actual moisture content in the grain cannot be determined precisely and quickly (real time), (2) the separate dryer and grinder system has some disadvantages a.l. have to move the dried grain to the grinding machine, adding power, time and cost. In addition, many grains are wasted due to material handling, causing losses. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an integrated system (two-in-one) and that is equipped with quality sensors to determine the quality of grain and rice produced automatically. Grain and rice have different colors at different humidity levels. The use of humidity sensors based on grain color and rice color allows the measurement of water content to be done accurately and faster (real time). Grain and rice quality level sensor in this study uses image recognition based on its features. To determine the level of grain moisture recognition in this study using color features with the method of preprocessing edge sharpening and histogram equalization. Whereas the rice quality level classification sensor uses a combination of shape, color and texture features using the Invariant moment extraction method for shape features, color moments for color features and GLCM for texture features and K-means as descriptor clustering.

rice quality; machine learning; sensor network

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


SU Handayani(a), ME Yulianto(b), Sutrisno(c), D Ariwibowo(d), R Amalia(e), I Hartati(f)

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Sri Utami Handayani

(a-e)Vocational School, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
(f) Chemical Engineering, Wahid Hasyim University, Semarang, Indonesia

The main problem of the green tea industry today is the low quality and the high need for electrical and fuel energy of withering process (0.48 kwh / kg dry tea or 50.1% of total energy). For this reason, the development of withering process is needed through the high-efficiency agitated inactivator microwave system for producing green tea as a functional fine powder. However the development of engineering technology is still constrained by the integration of upstream into downstream energy processes. In addition, the thermal degradation of the product, caused by heat ionic conduction, penetrates to the tonoplast membrane, thus a small portion of the catechin in the vacuole will turn into theaflavin and thearubigin. Therefore, we need to study the temperature control profiling before it will be applied commercially. The results shows that the continuous microwave-based drying machine speed can be varied from 0.23 cm / s to 2.3 cm/s. The residence time in the microwave can be varied from 0.9 minutes to 9.23 minutes. While the temperature can be varied between 50 C to 120 C. The equipment can be used for withering process of green tea in accordance with the desired time and temperature. While experiments carried out for drying tea leaves give the result of drying time of 14 minutes to reach a moisture content of 0.2%.

drying; green tea; microwave; withering

Mechanical Engineering


People Counter with Object Detection using Mobilenet-SSD Method
Eni Dwi Wardihani, Wimba Zainrona, Sarono Widodo, Amin Suharjono

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eni wardihani

Telecommunication Engineering, Semarang State Polytechnic, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Tembalang, Kec. Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah Indonesia 50275

Monitoring of a room is required to observe attendance of the visitor as well as to know the visitor-s behaviour. A surveillance camera is one of the solutions for the development of computer vision technology and IoT. This study aims to create people counter by implementing object detection using MobileNet-SSD method in which a webcam camera is connected to a laptop. The data will be sent to IoT platform Thingspeak. The system obtain outputs of object id, percentage of confidence, virtual boundary line and tuples information. The virtual line is a boundary for knowing which objects will enter or exit the room. The analysis was carried out to determine the factors that influence the people counter using statistical test of the binary logistic regression. The results show the most optimal performance are at a distance of 300 cm, an angle of 160 degre, light intensity of 300 lux, an accuracy of 100 %, sensitivity of 90 % and precision of 100 % in normal walking characteristics.

People Counter, Computer Vision, MobileNet-SSD, Internet of Things, Thingspeak

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Performance of 5G Under Semarang Channel Model
Eni Dwi Wardihani*, Hany Windri Astuti, Eddy Triyono, Ilham Sayekti , Amin Suharjono

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eni wardihani

Telecommunications Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Jl. Prof. H. Soedharto, S.H., Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

Industrial revolution 4.0 is the reason for 5G-NR network to support the Twenty-Twenty Society internet needs. However, the optimal parameters of 5G are not yet known for Indonesia. This research proposed 5G channel model under Semarang City, Indonesia weather parameters with data sources from Indonesia official department of Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical (BMKG Station) and through sensors measurement. The method used channel modelling experiments with OFDM numerology of 3, bandwidth of 100 MHz, frequency of 28 GHz and was performed un-coded with the value of Rate is 1. The experiment used three criteria, those are very heavy rain, moderate rain and no rain. The results of channel modelling generated the channel that can work. The performance of the channel resulted outage probability value which is validated using Frame Error Rate (FER). The results show outage probability upon the data from Indonesia official department of Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical (BMKG Station) for very heavy rain, moderate and no rain in 10^{-5} value with power of 18.3 dB, 18.2 dB and 18.27 dB respectively, while the results of the FER validation obtain 10^{-1} with power 22.2 dB, 22.2 dB and 22.1 dB respectively. The sensor data obtain outage probability of 10^{-3} with the power of 13.283 dB, 10-3 with power of 29.67 dB, 10^{-5} with the power of 19.88 dB, and their FER validation show a value of 10^{-1} with the power value of 22.1 dB, 22.5 dB and 22.1 dB respectively.

Channel model, 5G, OFDM numerology, Semarang, performance

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Analysis of Variables That Influence Formation of Waste Management in Kiangroke Village
Lely Syiddatul Akliyah*, Nia Kurniasari, Odah, Hani Burhanudin, Irfan Fachrudin , Ahmad Alhamd, Akhmad Fachmi, Cheptian Wibowo

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Lely Syiddatul Akliyah

Urban and Regional Planning Departmen, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung Jalan Tamansari No. 1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia

One of the Sustainable Development Goals main objective is clean water and sanitation. It can be implementated by applying the 3R concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in waste management. Kiangroke Village expected to be able to apply the 3R concept in waste management. The application of this concept has began 3 months ago by forming a garbage collector. The formation of waste management institutions was expected to be realized to provide economic value. Based on that, it is necessary to analyze the variables that affect formation of waste management institution in Kiangroke Village. The objectives of this study are identification of variables that affect formation of waste management institution and mapping the relationships between variables. The data collection method was carried out through a questionnaire. There were 10 variables concidered in the research based on the Focus Group Discussion. The analysis method is the Micmac analysis. Based on the the analysis, it was found that the most influential and most dependent variables included the role of the village government, environmental awareness group, facilities and infrastructure, and the budget availability. Based on this, it is necessary to have an institutional waste manager accompanied by the facilities and infrastructure, and budget availability.

Influence, Formation, Waste Management Institutions, Micmac Analysis

Urban and Regional Planning


Trisno (a*), Salahudin Robo (b), Sitti Nur Alam (c)

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Salahudin Robo

a) STIKOM Artha Buana Kupang, Jl. Samratulangi 3 Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara . 85111
b) Universitas Yapis Papua, Jl. Dr Samratulanggi Kota Jayapura, Papua, 99115
c) Universitas Yapis Papua, Jl. Dr Samratulanggi Kota Jayapura, Papua, 99115

Kasoami is a traditional food from Pemana village. This food mades from cassava and then processed in steaming. People who consume these foods are less aware of the values of the food content. Stabbing application stands for Calculating Food Content Value which aims to help the public in knowing the value nutrition of food content. The stabbing application development is an intelligent application that can help determine the value of food content developed by the NIR method and Artificial Neural Network Calibration. In addition to calculating the value of food content, the stabbing application can also provide a tutorial on the process of making food and provide a form for food sales. For the results obtained, namely determining the main composition of cassava taken twenty samples of sweet potatoes (whole seeds) scanned length of 20-30 cm. The calibration model for NIR measurements uses a three-layer Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique. As the input layer ANN is the first input 5, 10 second, and 15 main components (PC). The output is the simultaneous composition to be predicted. The contribution of the STIK application is to predict the value of food content that is not yet known to the public in consuming it with the help of existing methods.

Traditional food, Nondestructive Nir, artificial neural network, Nutrition value

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Arduino-Based Charity Box Safety, Tracing, and Counter System
Tri Raharjo Yudantoro, Liliek Triyono, Wahyu sulistyo, Dwi Desy Nur Hani-ah, Moudina Risma Slodia

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tri raharjo yudantoro

Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Abstract The charity box is a supporting facility that can be used by pilgrims to distribute their infaq. In this modern era, it turns out that the mosque still counts the contents of the charity box manually and uses the usual padlock key for the safety of the charity box. The purpose of this research is to build a system and tool that can simplify the performance of mosque administrators in counting money and maintaining the security of the charity box. Arduino-Based Charity Box Safety, Tracing, and Counter System is a charity box equipped with automatic counting and security features using RFID and GPS. The method used in making this system is the waterfall method. The features in this system are automatic counting and security features using RFID keys, GPS, buzzers, and infrared sensors. This system is also equipped with a notification to the mosque management regarding the amount of money in the charity box and the location of the charity box using GSM / GPRS. From the testing of the system, it was produced that the Arduino-Based Charity Box Safety, Tracing, and Counter System was able to detect banknotes and coins well. The SMS feature also works well where there will be an SMS message regarding the amount of money and location of the charity box. The safety of the charity box is enhanced by using RFID, GPS, buzzers, and infrared sensors. From the user satisfaction test results obtained by the percentage of user satisfaction by 85%, which means the Arduino-Based Charity Box Safety, Tracing, and Counter System is quite attractive to users. Keywords: Automatic money counter, Charity box, Color sensor, GPS, RFID, Load Cell sensor

Automatic money counter, Charity box, Color sensor, GPS, RFID, Load Cell sensor

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


The Ability of The Continuously Variable Transmission To Control The Engine at Maximum Power: A Literature Review.
S. Ariyono (a), B. Supriyo (b), B. Cahyono (a), B. Sumiyarso (a)

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Corresponding Author
Sugeng Ariyono

(a) Mechanical Engineering Dept., Politeknik Negeri Semarang.
(b) Electrical Engineering Dept., Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Good ride performance is one of the most important key attribute of a passenger vehicle. One of the methods to achieve this is by using continuously variable transmission (CVT). This is because a CVT has the capability of providing an almost infinite ratio within its limits smoothly and continuously. The flexibility of a CVT allows the driving shaft to maintain a constant angular velocity over a range of output velocities. Currently, new developments in gear reduction and manufacturing have led to ever more robust CVTs, which in turn allow them to be applied in more diverse automotive applications. As CVT development continues, costs will be reduced further and the performance will continue to improve, which in turn make further development and application of the CVT technology desirable. This cycle of improvement will offer CVT a solid foundation in the worlds automotive infrastructure. The purpose of this paper is to provide some background and relevant information that is necessary in this study. Specifically, a brief description of CVT, advantages and their brief history are presented. This paper also evaluates the current state of CVT, investigate the technology frontline of drivetrain control and the development of CVT. The step less Transmission is able to maintain the engine running in its maximum power.

CVT Control, Engine Power, Mechatronic CVT, Transmission

Mechanical Engineering


Tedjo Mulyono (a*), JUMI (b), AZIZAH (b)

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tedjo mulyono

a) Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri SemarangCentral Java, Indonesia
b) Bussiness Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, central Java, Indonesia

Flooding is a problem that often afflicts Grogol Subdistrict, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java Province, this is due to the lack of efficiency in drainage performance, it is necessary to make a rain flow model to control the performance of the drainage system. IPO Model (Input Process Output), a model for handling flow in drainage channels. The purpose of this study is to develop a model of rainfall flow to analyze the performance of the drainage system, to solve drainage problems in Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency. Calculations are made using daily rainfall data for the past 15 years from 2002 – 2017. The most appropriate Frequency Distribution is the Normal Method, used to look for plan rains with a return period of 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years in the Frequency Duration Intensity (IDF) curve. Based on the rainfall intensity, it is calculated using the Rational formula so that it gets a plan debit every return period, in this case a 10 year return period. Based on the results of the study, almost all drainage channels experienced overflow due to back water, pumping is needed. In this study the pump calculation is performed using the water jump formula. Some sub-systems require additional pumps, including; (1) Langenharjo 3 pumps capacity 1 m3 / sec, (2) Dlopo Barat 2 pumps capacity 0,63 m3 / sec, (3) Grogol 2 pumps capacity 0,63 m3 / sec, (4) Kadokan 2 pumps capacity 0, 63 m3 / sec, (5) North Pandeyan 2 pumps capacity of 0.63 m3 / sec, and (6) South Pandeyan 2 pumps capacity of 0.63 m3 / sec.

flood; IPO; drainage; rainfall; pumps

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Lisda Rahmasari ; Ariana Oktavia

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Lisda Rahmasari

Sekolah Tinggi Maritim dan Transpor "AMNI" Semarang

Student-s decision to pursue higher education is based on various criteria, such as study program accreditation, tuition fees and academic facilities. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of study program accreditation, tuition fees, and academic facilities to student-s decision making in selecting maritime college in Central Java. Sampling method uses purposive random sampling with 160 students as respondent. The research data is collected using questionnaire, which later is processed using multiple linear regression using SPSS 21. The research result shows that the variable of study program accreditation (X1) had a positive and significant influence to student-s decision with regression coefficient of 0.24 and significance rate of 0,000. The variable of tuition fee (X2) had a positive and significant influence to student-s decision with regression coefficient of 0.17 and significance rate of 0,000. The variable of academic facilities (X3) had a positive and significant influence to student-s decision with regression coefficient of 0.11 and significance rate of 0,002.

Decision Making, Study Program Accreditation, Tuition Fees, Academic Facilities

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Optimization of Maritime “Management” as the Foundation of Indonesia to Become the World-s Maritime Axis
Mariana Kristiyanti, Endah Fauziningrum

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Mariana Kristiyanti

Sekolah Tinggi Maritim dan Transpor “AMNI” Semarang

Indonesia-s most territory is ocean. So, it is not impossible to make Indonesia as the world-s maritime centre or even as world-s maritime axis, as we dreamed. In the history of Amanna Gappa stated that the world-s maritime laws came from Nusantara. It becomes a strong background for Indonesia to rise through maritime. In order to do that, it requires sea management. Without a structured and integrated sea management, the dream of rising Indonesia through maritime will only be a dream. It becomes a benefit as Indonesia-s greatest God gifts is ocean which it is two-third of Indonesia-s geographical location. In order to take the benefit of it, Indonesia should have a distinctive sea management. It includes the concepts of defense, security and safeness. It is a soveregnity concept on the limitation and regulation at sea. As there are differences on land and sea concepts. There are clear fences or boundaries on land. On the contrary, sea is a wide open water with no boundaries. The foundation of Indonesia as the world-s maritime axis is hopefully by optimizing the sea management.

Management, Maritime, Foundation, World Maritime Axis

Civil and Environmental Engineering


I Wayan Runa, Anak Agung Gede Raka, I Nyoman Warnata

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I Wayan Runa

Fakultas Teknik dan Perencanaan Universitas Warmadewa

Tujuan jangka panjang Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi tentang disain dan manual pelestarian rumah tinggal tradisional untuk melestarikan arsitektur permukiman perdesaan, studi kasus: Desa Jatiluwih - Tabanan Bali sebagai desa wisata. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat perdesaan dalam jangka panjang, yakni masalah pelestarian arsitektur permukiman khususnya rumah tinggal, karena permukiman perdesaan terus berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman (kebudayaan dan teknologi). Metode yang akan dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan adalah metode kualitatif yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan faktor-faktor kontekstual yang khas (unik), sehingga setiap konteks itu ditangani dari segi konteksnya sendiri. Penelitian ini banyak berkaitan dengan sistem nilai, konsep, persepsi, keberagaman, keunikan, kearifan lokal dan keyakinan masyarakat tentang sesuatu di luar dirinya. Selain itu, penelitian yang dilakukan juga banyak berhubungan dengan hal-hal transendental atau realitas ganda yang dirasakan dan sangat dipercaya oleh masyarakat setempat tetapi sulit untuk dijelaskan keberadaannya. Sesuai dengan karakteristik objek studi (masalah penelitian), maka paradigma yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah fenomenologi. Dalam penelitian ini, unit penelitian/area pengamatan berupa keseluruhan latar rumah tinggal. Unit penelitian skala rumah tinggal di Desa Jatiluwih diharapkan dapat menghasilkan identifikasi atau informasi nilai-nilai/ide/gagasan tentang kearifan lokal rumah tinggal tradisional. Nilai-nilai itu diharapkan dapat dikembangkan untuk model pelestarian rumah tinggal yang mendapat pengaruh modernisasi atau menjadi objek daya tarik wisata. ”Variabel” yang diamati pada skala desa adalah pola dan wujud rumah tinggal tradisional. Ketika meneliti rumah tinggal yang terletak di kebun maka ”variabel” yang diamati adalah bagian-bagian yang menerus (inti) dan bagian yang berubah baik yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas sosial budaya dan fisik rumah. Pada Tahun Ke-2 diharapkan dapat menghasilkan Publikasi tentang Prototip, kebijakan, cara penerapan (manual) pelestarian permukiman. Manfaat penelitian bagi pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) adalah sebagai pedoman dalam merevitalisasi pola dan wujud rumah tinggal sebagai akomodasi wisata sejalan dengan ditetapkannya Desa Jatiluwih sebagai desa wisata. Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi di Desa Jatiluwih dapat dikatakan berhasil jika memenuhi indikator capaian yaitu adanya: disain dan Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB), maket (prototip), manual pelestarian, serta dalam sosialisasi masyarakat merasakan bahwa pelestarian itu sebagai suatu kebutuhan yang mendesak. Disain unit rumah tinggal sebagai akomodasi wisata hendaknya memperhatikan salah satu prinsip tata letak yaitu tata nilai setempat (hulu-teben). Biaya pembangunan akomodasi wisata akan selalu meningkat sejalan dengan nilai inflasi. Dengan adanya maket (prototipe) akan mempermud

Rumah Tinggal; Rumah Tradisional; Arsitektur; Perdesaan; Desa Wisata

Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal


Techniques of Translation Applied In Promoting Tourism Destination Area
Made Susini, Ni Wayan Kasni, I Wayan Budiarta,

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I Wayan Budiarta

Universitas Warmadewa

This article is aimed to find out techniques of translation applied in Colours Magazine published By Garuda Indonesia Airlines. The data is taken from advertisement found in Colours Magazine particularly advertisement which promoting tourist destination area. This research is focusing on finding out the type of translation techniques and the dominance techniques applied in translating Indonesian into English text of promotion. This research used qualitative research. The data was collected by using documentary study method. The data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The analysis was done through qualitative analysis specifically in descriptive qualitative analysis based on theory of procedures proposed by Molina and Albir (2002) in their book entitled “Translation Techniques Revisited: A Dynamic and Functionalist Approach”. The result of analysis showed that there were only 11 techniques from 18 translation techniques applied in translating the text of promotion from Indonesian into English found in Colours Magazine. The techniques were 11 translation procedures that occurred: Adaptation, Amplification, Borrowing, Calque, Compensation, Generalization, Literal Translation, Modulation, Particularization, Reduction, and Transposition. Among those techniques, transposition was the dominant techniques applied.

translation techniques, text of promotion, Colours magazine

Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal


Design Models of Automatic Humidity Control System in Flash Off Painting Line Room to Reduce Defect Products at PT. Kubota Indonesia
Ampala Khoryanton *, Giyanto,Aryo Satito, Sriharmanto,Haryanto,Tegar

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Ampala Khoryanton

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Semarang State of Polytechnic
Jalan Prof Sudarto, SH Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia

The main challenge often faced by PT. Kubota Indonesia in connection with the quality of production is still a lot of level of disability in the production process, especially in the painting process. The process of painting is highly required according to the standard of both the process and condition of the room so that the results of the painting do not occur defects. Based on production data in the period from October 2018 to January 2019 there were 80% defective products with blistering defects of the total defective products, this needs a deeper analysis of the causes of product defects. Blistering defects in the form of bubbles on the surface of the painting result occur because the standard of air humidity is not achieved when the flash off process is caused because there is no tool to condition the air in the flash off chamber. The purpose of this research is to design an automatic humidity control system model that can be used as an alternative to PT. Kubota Indonesia as a method for reducing humidity so that it can reduce the potential causes of blistering defects. Research methods include problem identification, literature study, design, and manufacture of models and testing. Problem identification is done by using the 5M + 1E method to find the root of the problem. The process of designing and making models is divided into 3 important activities namely designing 3D design concepts using solidworks software, designing a control system software with Arduino Uno and designing hardware models. Tool testing is done by testing the automatic humidity control system model on the prepared test chamber model. The results obtained from this study are models of automatic humidity control systems that can condition the humidity in the test room and maintain the humidity according to the set point.

air humidity; automatic humidity control system; production quality; painting process.

Mechanical Engineering


Early Warning Model for Disaster Mitigation of Sediment Discharges in Watersheds

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tedjo mulyono

a)Department of civil engineering Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, b) Department of Bussisess Administration, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Erosion processes - sediment discharges at the watershed scale, occurring on sloped land and in channels or rivers. Starting with the occurrence of rain, the process of sediment discharge in sloped land is affected by rain and surface runoff, the process can be represented as sediment storage in sloped land, and the process of sediment discharge in channels or rivers supplied by sediment material from sloped land, bottom erosion and river banks, then the process can be represented as a sediment reservoir in a river or channel. Therefore prediction of sediment discharges in watersheds can be done with the concept of a storage model that is the model that is represented to respond to sediment discharges in watersheds. One model with the concept of storage is a tank model. The specific objective of this research is to develop a tank model for prediction of sediment discharges in the watershed at the recession limb when rain is complete. The method used in this study is to use a computational simulation method to obtain optimum tank model parameters including stages: Setting field experiments, Tank Model Analysis Settings namely formulating and analyzing tank models for prediction of sediment discharges in watersheds (hydrographs) at recession limbs when rain has finished. The analysis shows that 4 tank models can be developed for prediction of sediment discharge in the Watershed. Configuring a good tank model for prediction of sediment discharge in the watershed is a model composed of 1 (one) tank consisting of 2 (two) side holes, a representation of the amount of sediment discharge and 1 (one) bottom hole, a representation of the amount of sediment deposits, which applied in the Kreo Sub-watershed. The parameters values and constants for the 1 (one) tank model for the Kreo Sub-watershed are a1 = 0.473; a2 = 0.111; a0 = 0.053; ha1 = 50,608 mm; ha2 = 2.544 mm, Ha = 0.415 mm; Ch = 168.83 mg / liter. The values of the tank model parameters in the watershed have different values according to the condition of the watershed under review.

discharge; sediment; prediction; rain; tank

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Jumi (a*), Tedjo Mulyono (b) Eka Murtiasri (c), Agus Suwondo (c)

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Jumi Jumi

a) Bussiness Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
b) Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
c) Accounting Department , Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

The development of information technology in the era of digital data is increasing rapidly and has become one of the variables of success in competition in the business world. It has an impact on the weak growth of small and medium of enterprises as call as UKM due to limited capital and lack of network marketing. The design and implementation of information technology-based marketing media using the internet is a basic necessity in the global competition of information business. On-line magnification media that have attractive and informative appearance are the main requirements for customers and prospective customers to be interested in visiting on-line showrooms. The number of website marketing visitors is one measure that the product is in demand by the community in addition to the number of products that have been sold. The number of web-based application providers makes it easy to build web marketing media online. Magento is an online marketing media application that is quite reliable and easy to change the layout of the online showroom layout. Marketing media designs that have been implemented can also be edited at any time for changes or improvements to both the appearance and content.

media; layout;marketing; online; UKM

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Jumi (a*), Nur Maziya (b), Achmad Zaenuddin (a)

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Jumi Jumi

a) Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
b) Jurusan Akuntansi , Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Information technology is needed in almost all fields of industry, including the pharmaceutical industry, namely herbal medicines and herbs. That herbal medicine and herbal medicine is one of the leading commodities in the health sector in Indonesia which is produced using medicinal plants as the main ingredient. Many types of medicinal plants with various properties require a database and identification that is precise and consistent in documenting and classifying it. Determination of the type of plant and its properties can be done using visual data, namely the image of medicinal plant leaves. Each type of medicinal plant has relatively different physical characteristics, ranging from the physical characteristics of the leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, and roots up to the condition of the plants fertile growing environment. Through physical characteristics in the image that is shape, color and texture will be found the identity of medicinal plants with their properties. Characteristics or physical features of medicinal plant leaves stored in the leaf image database are strongly influenced by conditions when shooting leaf images such as lighting, the position of the camera and the distance of the camera to the object that will affect the results of identification. The test results show that the Identification Model of medicinal plant types and medicinal properties using the shape, color and texture features has a relatively high accuracy of more than 90% so this supports the recognition of medicinal plant types and their efficacy is more valid

Identification, features, plants, medicine, recognition

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Speed Control System In Mobile Robot Based On Bezier Curve Trajectory
Muhammad Faiz Alfatih, Munawar Agus Riyadi, ST., MT.,Ph.D, Dr. Iwan Setiawan, ST.,MT.

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Muhammad Faiz Alfatih

Program Magister Teknik Elektro, Departemen Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

The development of robot technology is currently growing rapidly, mobile robot is one of the robots with many applications in everyday life. One important thing in the field of cellular robots is the problem of trajectories or trajectories, in this case how the robot can track the approved path. In this study, the cellular robot control system has been tested to track tracks. The path used in this study is the third-order Bezier Order, with control points and end points of the predetermined pathway. Based on the results of simulation tests on the development of mobile robot trajectories, the reality is that the performance of the trajectory system based on the Bezier curve trajectory is highly dependent on the placement of the bezier curve control points or in other words the actual trajectory formed by the robot is greatly influenced by the shape of the bezier trajectory that was designed.

Mobile Robot, Trajectory, Bezier Curves.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Implementation of Smart Reader IoT for Analog Meter Reading with Raspberry using the Camera
Wahyu Sulistiyo (a), Tri Raharjo Yudantoro (b), Budi Suyanto (c), Parsumo Rahardjo (d), Slamet Handoko (e)

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Wahyu Sulistiyo

a) Departement of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

b) Departement of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

c) Departement of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

d) Departement of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

e) Departement of Electrical Engineering
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

Analog meter recording devices that have worked in the industry need to be optimized to be able to work in an integrated manner in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 in Indonesia. An intelligent device that can read analog data and convert it to digital data needs to be made to make system integration in the industry easier. In this paper, we propose an IoT system that is built using Raspberry, a single board computer, and a camera sensor. The camera used is a low resolution USB camera with a size of 640 * 480 pixels. Retrieval of analog meter image data is done in a closed environment with a light source from the LED. The analog meter object used is a square meter analog object with a red pointer. Analog meter scale values in position angles between 45 degrees to 135 degrees. The transformation of analog data values into digital data was successfully carried out by the red masking process, followed by the edge detection process with the Canny method, and continued with the line detection process using the Hough Transform method. This digital data was also successfully transmitted via the Raspberry WIFI network to Firebase cloud database storage. From the experimental results, the maximum absolute error from the device is 0.333 or 2 degrees different from the analog meter reading angle. From all experimental data, the standard error of device is 0.0347. With these results it can be concluded that an IoT device can be made using a Raspberry and a camera sensor to read analog meters with a fairly high degree of accuracy.

IoT, Raspberry, Digital Image Processing

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Jumi (a*), Achmad Zaenuddin (b), Tedjo Mulyono (b)

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Corresponding Author
Jumi Jumi

a)Bussiness Administration Departement, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
b)Bussiness Administration Departement, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
b)Civil Engineering Departement, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

The development of applied knowledge in the field of technology that advances industry in society is the master plan of Higher Education research, one of the areas of focus is the development of information technology. Information technology is needed in almost all fields of industry, including food industry, namely rice. That rice is one of the leading agricultural commodities in Indonesia which has various levels of quality and type. The many types and levels of quality of rice require a database and precise and consistent identification in classifying it. Determination of the level of quality and type of rice can be done using visual data, namely rice imagery. Each type of rice has relatively different physical characteristics, as well as each level of quality of rice has different physical characteristics. Through physical characteristics in the image that is shape, color and texture will be found in the level of quality and type of rice. Characteristics or physical features of rice stored in the image are strongly influenced by conditions when taking rice images such as lighting, the position of the camera and the distance of the camera to the object which will further affect the results of identification. This requires image processing methods to improve detection accuracy so that the identification of quality and type of rice has a high level of validation. This research has developed a model of identification of rice types using several image features including shape features, color features and a combination of the two features. The results of testing using this model are proven to produce more than 60% accuracy for the use of shape features only, while identification using only the color features has an accuracy of more than 55%. Identification using a combination of shape and color features has an accuracy of more than 75%.

Identification; shape; rice; color; accuracy

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


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