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The Third International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.26 for 1 days in Bandung Barat |

Page 2 (data 31 to 60 of 482) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Analysis of the competency needs of vocational education graduates in startups
A Musadat, Sumarto, A G Abdullah

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Aris Musadat

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract - The development of startups with the convenience offered has changed the lifestyle of people today. Ease of shopping that is facilitated by online shops, online transportation that offers convenience every time you travel to the convenience of ordering tickets that are sufficiently done in the application on each device. To support startups in providing this facility, skilled and innovative skilled workers are needed. Vocational education as a secondary education institution has graduates who are ready to become skilled workers in the startup company. This study aims to determine the competencies needed in startups. The method used is secondary data information by analyzing job information on three startup company websites. These three companies were chosen because they are the most widely used by the people of Indonesia. The results showed that startups need employees who have competency in mastering graphic design software, competence in building a web-based software application, competence in mastering computer network technology and portfolio writing competence as a benchmark for overall capabilities. The main conclusion in this study is the need for educational institutions to take steps to develop competence in vocational education that is adapted to the development of technology in startups.

vocational education, startups, competence

Technical and Vocational Education


Marniati, Setya Chendra Wibawa

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Marniati Marniati

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

The objective of this study to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of fieldwork in the industry in terms of the variables of entrepreneurship education, and practical industry activities. This research uses quantitative, research subjects are 80 undergraduate students in Fashion Management discussing Field Work Practice in Industry. The method of data collection uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale model of five alternative answers and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the T-Test and Explanation Factor Analysis. The instrument validity test uses the Product Moment contention coefficient from Pearson, while the instrument reliability test uses the Alpha Cronbach value. The findings of the study are (1) industrial work practices in individual business units (boutique, home mode, and fashion) are more effective, compared to institutionalized business units (institutions: special, design courses, and business confection) (2) entrepreneurship education has a very high effectiveness, proven to make students have to make an effort to make preparations, students become more creative and innovative in developing information technology in making designs with Computer-Aided Design (CAD), students who are more courageous in their work (trying to) deliver productive practice materials , students are more assertive in practicing Production (risk), (3) Study Programs, Industry, Lecturers, and students, benefiting from effective Field Work Practices in Industry

production, entrepreneurship education, fashion study program, cad

Research and Development in Engineering Education


Analysis of Vegetable Waste Degradation Effectiveness for Biogas Feed in Single Batch Reactor
Conny K. Wachjoe *; Tina Mulya Gantina; Annisa S. Kurniasetiawati

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Corresponding Author
Conny Kurniawan Wachjoe

Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ciwaruga, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559
* ck_wachjoe[at]

It is known that the optimal value in anaerobic microbial metabolism is best achieved at a C / N ratio range of 20 to 30. However, protein content use is also widely known for its significant impact in increasing the production of methane gas. Vegetables comparably contain higher amount of protein than cow dung waste, thus it is very potential to be used as the feed of biogas digester. The protein content of cow dung waste of 0.73 gr /100 gr is relatively very low compared to cauliflower, cabbage and mustard greens in which each of which are 5gr /100 gr, 6gr/100 gr, and 2.9gr /100 gr respectively. The method used in this study is the utilization of F2 -EM-4 microorganism activator and low concentration of NaOH mixture in the pretreatment process of vegetable waste feed which aim to increase the C / N ratio meanwhile maintain the protein content itself. The feed mixture of cabbage, cauliflower, and lettuce leftovers is mixed in an optimum C / N composition until it nearly resembles the propotion of the cow dung waste C / N composition. Finally, the addition of GP-7 microorganism activator during the methanogenesis process stage shows satisfying results. Regardless the retention time which takes 10% longer than the process without vegetables waste, the methane gas amount produced in this study is proportional to the one from cow dung waste only.

vegetable waste, feed pretreatment, biogas production, microorganism activator.

Chemical Engineering


Fitri Yasih (1), Ade Gafar Abdullah (1,2*), Rita Patriasih(1,3*)

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Corresponding Author
Fitri Yasih

1.Jurusan Pendidikan Tata Boga, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
2.Jurusan Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
3.Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat, Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertaian Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author, e-mail: ade_gaffar[at]

Western cuisine that enters Indonesia greatly affects the taste of the archipelago. Because western food is very different in terms of taste, this has an impact on the consumption of Indonesian people who like shopping to enjoy food, has made food sellers want to take overall control of what foods Indonesians want to eat and what foods they eat. This study evaluates the results of the analysis of student answers to culinary education regarding YouTube content related to how to make western cuisine. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, with a descriptive approach. This technique is very suitable to be used in this study, because the number of samples taken is only at the culinary education students of the Indonesian Education University (UPI) totaling ten people who have studied in the fourth semester of Catering Education. The results of this study found that the use of the YouTube platform is very supportive of the learning process in the practice of cooking western cuisine. Various YouTube accounts that are used as a reference for students in understanding the practice of making Western cuisine are very helpful for them in terms of processing Western cuisine.

Youtube, Western, Media

Technical and Vocational Education


Application of Activated Carbon for Treatment A Electroplating Wastewater
Agus Solehudin1*, Enda Permana1 and Haipan Salam1

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Corresponding Author
Johar Maknun

1Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, FPTK UPI

The number of electroplating industry in West Java in Indonesia has been increasing rapidly which influences the amount of pickling and degreasing solutions usage in the washing process. Generally the electroplating industries dump their wastewater directly to environment without any treatment. The ions of metals contained in pickling and degreasing solutions shall accumulate in the environment then finally would cause eutrofication where the water body becomes rich of dissolved ion metals which effects the dissolved oxygen contained in water body. One of wastewater treatment methods is adsorption. The activated carbon of adsorbents were applied in this investigation. Electroplating wastewater was used in order to control the ions metals concentration. The objective of this experiment was to study the removal of ion metals concentration of each adsorbent filled in adsorption column by using circulation method. The column has 2.5 inch of diameter, 100 cm of height, and 100 ml/minute of flowrate. The result of investigation showed the concentration of ions metals decrease from 745 to 521 ppm, decrease pH from 8.0 to 7.2, and decrease water conductivity from 1200 to 925.

electroplating, wastewater, activated carbon, resistivity, treatment

Environmental Engineering


Application of Animation Video to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Estimating Construction Costs
Rahmatunnida , R. R. Tjahyani Busono , Adi Ardiansyah

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Corresponding Author
Rahma tunnida

Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
Dr. Setiabudi street No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154

his research was conducted to improve student learning outcomes in Estimated Construction Costs at SMK Negeri 2 Garut which is still low. The low student learning outcomes may be caused by the learning process that always used static visual learning media. Thus, in this study dynamic visual application in the form of animated video is considered to be able to provide a more concrete understanding to students when compared to static visuals. The research method used in this study was the R&D method with quantitative approach, one group pretest-posttest pre-experiment. The results showed that the animation video was valid with a validation value of 88.33% by the content expert and 97.92% by the media expert that falls under very valid criteria and could be used without revision. In addition, the response of 6 students during a small-scale trial was 82.41% that falls under very good criteria. In the large-scale trial phase with 30 respondents, the animated videos application get an average score of 80.61% that falls under very good criteria. However, student- learning outcomes after the implementation of animated videos application have enhanced, which are classified as low criteria. This can be seen from the value of N-Gain produced which is equal to 0.1

Keywords: Instructional Media, Animated Video, Student Learning Outcome

Research and Development in Engineering Education


Application of Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis in Modeling the Unemployment Rate in West Java
Euis Sartika

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Euis Sartika

Department of Commerce Administration Bandung State Polytechnic

Abstract West Java in 2017 was the highest province with the highest number of unemployed people in Indonesia, amounting to 48 683.7 thousand people. This resulted in low income which triggered a low level of education and public health. Low education levels and high unemployment cause poverty. In this study information will be examined regarding what factors influence the unemployment rate in West Java for the period 2017. The various factors affecting Open Unemployment Warning include: population density, GRDP, Human Development Index (HDI), Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK), and Regional Minimum Wage (UMR). This study includes the location (spatial) element in modeling and taking the object of the location of cities / districts in West Java, because geographically the cities / districts in West Java are quite varied and the model formed illustrates the characteristics of each region in West Java. Analysis that accommodates location (spatial) aspects is Geographically Weighted Regression (local regression). Other analyzes used are descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis (global regression). Assumptions that must be met to model global regression, namely: normality of data, non-autocorrelation, homocedasticity, no multicollinearity, and the estimated parameters obtained are global in nature (Supranto, 2010). GWR regression analysis showed spatial heterogeneity (location). The dependent variable (Y) is the Open Unemployment Rate, the independent variables include: Population Density Level, GRDP, UMR), TPAK (Active Labor Participation Rate), and HDI (Human Development Index). The results showed that the unemployment model in West Java formed from the analysis of Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) or local regression gave a coefficient of determination (R2) of 89.20%, meaning that 89.20% of the Open Unemployment Rate in West Java was influenced by variables Population Density Level, GRDP, UMR (Regional Minimum Wage), TPAK (Active Participation Work Rate), and HDI (Human Development Index). The remaining 11.80% is influenced by other factors. While multiple linear regression analysis (global regression) provides a coefficient of determination (R2) of 61.51% and the remaining 38.49% is influenced by other factors. The AIC (akaike information criterion) value of the gwr model is 89.730766 smaller than the global regression model that is equal to 98.791017. this shows that the local regression model (GWR) gives a smaller error value than the global regression model. in other words, the local regression model is relatively better than the global regression model. The independent variables that have a significant effect on the model vary for each local regression model. There are 27 different combinations of local regression models according to the number of cities / districts in West Java. Research output is a scientific article and unemployment model that can be used as a guide for relevant parties to take policy in order to reduce unemployment in West Java.

GWR regression, Unemployment, Determination Coefficient, AIC

Basic Science in Engineering Education


P.W. Rusimamto, Munoto, M. Samani, E. Titik Winanti, Euis Ismayati, F.A. Isnanda

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Puput Wanarti Rusimamto

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

This research is a research development that aims to produce modules and ZEN Programmable Relay application trainers that are applied to students majoring in Electrical Engineering, State University of Surabaya. The method used is to use the development of the four D model. The development process carried out there are 4 stages namely define, design, develop, and assess, but in this study only reached stage D to 3. The subjects of this study were students of the 2016 Electrical Engineering Education Undergraduate Program in Surabaya State University who programed PLC courses. The results of this study are in the form of validator ratings of modules with an average value of 3.031, which means good value and proper use, and the results of student questionnaire responses about the format of 78.83%, 78.33% concept, 77.6% language, and picture 75%, and from the results of performance tests on each Learning Activity (KB) get a total score of 95 on KB 2 and KB 3, for KB 4 and KB 5 of 90. Based on these results it can be concluded that the Module and Trainer of PLC ZEN Programmable Relay Application categorized as good and can be used as a reference for PLC courses.

module, trainer, PLC application, ZEN programmable relay, Unesa Electrical Engineering students.

Research and Development in Engineering Education


Approach To The Contextual Learning Of Arabic Language Banking Multimedia Based
Beti Mulu(a*), Masdin (b),Wa Muna (c), Isna Humaera (d)

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a)IAIN Kendari
b)IAIN Kendari
c) IAIN Kendari
d) IAIN Kendari

Contextual learning is an innovative approach that changes teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning, to help the teacher associates the learning material with the real situation of the students. This study aimed to determine the motivation of the students to learn Arabic for banking field through multimedia-based contextual learning by using qualitative method. The participants of this study are students of second semester of Perbankan Syariah Department.The study used data collection technique with participatory observation, in-depth interviews and document study. The data analysis techniques of Miles and Huberman models namely data display, data reduction and data conclusions applied in this study. The result showed that contextual learning kept students motivated to learn, participated actively in arranging the concept of conversation according to the theme assigned to each group, students attention was focused on searching vocabulary, asking questions, and completing the manuscript according to a predetermined time, persevering, persistence and enthusiastic in composing conversation texts and practicing speaking and acting out using Arabic banking conversation scripts.

Contextual Teaching and Learning; Arabic for Banking; Multimedia

New Technologies in Education


Aquifer characteristic and groundwater hydrochemistry around South Cipete, DKI Jakarta Province
Suherman Dwi Nuryana (a*), Dwi Wisnu Andika N (a), Arini Dian (a), Anto Kadyanto (b)

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Corresponding Author
Suherman Dwi Nuryana

a) Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy, Universitas Trisakti.
Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 1, Jakarta 11440, Indonesia
* suhermandwi[at]
b) Department of Geological Science, Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran

South Cipete area is a highly populated area, where the extraction of groundwater is very intensive, so that the allocation of groundwater has decreased in term of quality and quantity. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of aquifer and groundwater hydrochemistry. Research methods are include field observations, groundwater sampling, physical properties measurement and chemical analysis of the main ions as well as description and correlation of drill log data. Based on the northwest-southeast cross section of lithology log, the aquifer types are: stressed aquifers composed of sandstones and silt; semi-stressed aquifers composed of clays and conglomerates at depths of 10 m to -15 m. From the southwest-northeastern cross section, the type of aquifer are: stressed aquifer composed of sandstones with clay; free aquifer buried by backfill materials and silt.soils; and semi-stressed aquifers, surrounded by silt and clay sandstones, at the depths of ± 23 m to ± 3 m. Groundwater hydrochemistry in the sample SG/02, SG/04, SG/08 the dominant cations and anions are Na+ + K+ with a value of 56.56%; 57.13%; 25.03% and HCO3- at 26.91%. While in sample SG/06, SG/07 the dominant cations and anions are Mg2+ at 25.81%; 24,52% and anions SO42- at 32.70%; 30.96%.

Hydrochemistry, Aquifer, Cipete, Cation, Anion

Environmental Engineering


Architecture that Heals: The Design of Women Drug Abusers- Rehabilitation Center
Dhia Rafiqah Isnaini, Tutin Aryanti, Trias Megayanti

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Corresponding Author
Tutin Aryanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Despite the almost equal number of women and men drug abusers, rehabilitation facilities for women are still lacking. Such a facility is critical to release drug abusers from bondage of drugs and to return to social life in their community. During the rehabilitation process, the patients, especially women, will experience periods of emotional instability so that a separate treatment is required. Located in Langkat, North Sumatera Province, this rehabilitation center was designed using behavioral approach. It integrates buildings with nature through the arrangement of green spaces, spatial fluidity, and the horizontal building appearance, to create an environment that supports healing process. The complex accommodates medical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation (therapeutic community), and moral rehabilitation (religious coping).

rehabilitation center; women drug abuser; womens rehabilitation center



Assessing of supply chain performance by adopting Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) Model
Endang Prasetyaningsih(1*), Chaznin R. Muhamad (1), Serli Amolina (1)

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Corresponding Author
Endang Prasetyaningsih

(1)Industrial Engineering Program Study, Universitas Islam Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia

This paper aim assessing of a supply chain performance by adopting the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) Model. The supply chain activities are devided into five core processes, i.e. plan, sourece, make, delivery and return. Each level of the SCOR model is weighted using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP). The mapping of SCOR Model consists of 5 core processes at level 1, 21 performance matrices at level 2, and 28 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) at level 3. The result shows that the supply chain performance is 67.51. Refer to the companys performance indicators, the performance achieved by the supply chain at this time is in the average category. Proposed improvement strategies are designed based on lean supply chain principles, through the implementation of Gemba Kaizen which consists of 17 proposed strategies.

Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, supply chain performance, lean supply chain, gemba

Industrial Engineering


Assimilate of Work Competencies Standard Into Learning Outcomes to Face The G-4.0 Era
Peni Handayani & Trisno Yuwono Putro

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Peni Handayani

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Abstract. Competencies of students which collected in the last three years from industries during they conducted internship showed that they have good basic technical knowledge and skills, but work ethic should be improved. This research aims to develop learning process and assessment model to assimilate the work competences standard into learning outcomes. It has taken case study in the Electronic Study Program in Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Polban). Data collected by qualitative approach to find the appropriate learning condition in the workplace that can adopted into learning process and assessment in the campus. This research reveal that work competences cannot be built only by introducing work knowledge at the laboratory, but the students must be directly involved in work situation included assessment of work product and their performed in the end of the work even though it is done in the laboratory. This model could shift “way of thinking and learning of students” so that they more ready to face the world of work than before. Works assignment plays the main role in this case.

assimilate, learning outcomes, work assignment

Technical and Vocational Education


Augmented Reality 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle): Understanding of Low Carbon Students
Muhammad Nur Hudha 1),2) *; Nuruddini Septi Anandha 1); Prihatin Sulistyowati 1); Anna Permanasari 2) and Ida Hamidah 2); Ade Gafar Abdullah 2)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Nur Hudha

1) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi no 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia
2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The lack of use of technology-based learning media especially for thematic learning has an impact on students poor understanding. The purpose of this study is to develop a learning media based on augmented reality animation that is valid and practical on low carbon 3R topics (reduce, reuse, recycle). The research method used in this study uses the ADDIE development research model using 5 stages namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Product validation is for material experts and media experts, while the test subjects are teachers and 20 students. Data collection instruments use a questionnaire for validity and practicality, while data analysis techniques use descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of the validation on the material experts and media experts are very valid, the results of the teacher questionnaire responses gained 84%, and the responses of class III students totaling 20 students gained 83% with very good categories. Thus, learning media based on augmented reality animation on the topic of low carbon 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) for understanding students concepts is feasible and practically used as a learning medium.

Augmented Reality; Low Carbon; 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

New Technologies in Education


A Mohammad Taufiq (a*), B Mulyati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Mohammad Taufiq Adnan

Post graduates vocasional and technology education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

Abstract. Making this paper aimed to create a learning process in the class which had interactive aspects, challenging, fun and motivated student to create their creative ideas. Augmented Reality is a combination of cyberspace and real-world to display in the form of 2D or 3D that uses for Entertainment, Engineering Design as learning media. Augmented Reality is expected to attract the attention of students compares with conventional learning method. The method of making paper used literature review with thirty papers related to augmented reality starting from 2014-2019. Augmented Reality was built by Blender 2.80, Vuforia software and Unity 3D. Research findings or developments Augmented Reality in 2014-2019 the most application used is Blender 2.80, Vuforia dan Unity 3D. Keyword: Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Engineering Education Research


1. Dede 2.Ade Gafar Abdullah 2. Budi Mulyanti 2. Dedi Rohendi

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Corresponding Author

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no 229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
b) Informatics Engineering Study Program, STMIK Pasim Sukabumi, Indonesia.

Requirements Vocational higher education laboratory equipment is absolutely necessary as a tool used to conduct vocational practice course experiments. Theory without practice is like a life without a body, in the early stages of learning students are required to be able to understand the theory and then master it in actual implementation through practicum. This research aims to design training modules in the form of digital practicum cards in the learning practice of the bodys electrical system courses. The application created is an Augmented Reality-based digital practicum tool that can be accessed via an android smartphone by reading the practicum card as markless. Practicum cards are first printed as media that is accessed through smartphone camera facilities. Practicum cards are accessed by students through the Android smartphone device application by pointing the camera at a card that already has a marker. The application development method uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method which begins with concept creation, design of the interface design, material collection, preparation and manufacture, testing and distribution. Digital practicum cards function to help students conduct experiments and observations on the bodys electrical system material without being limited by space and time, so practicum learning becomes fun and becomes an integrated part of improving the quality of learning.

Keyword: Augmented Reality; Virtual Laboratory; Smart practicum cards;body electrical system; mechanical Engineering; automotive.

Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education


Dzaky Satria, Mohamad Ramdhani, Cahyantari Ekaputri

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Dzaky Satria Rahman Djuanda

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Jl. Terusan Buah Batu No.01, Sukapura, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257, Indonesia

A smartphone needs a battery source to work well. During the battery charging process, the state of charge can be increased by up to 100%. One habit in charging batteries is to leave the smartphone connected to the charger all night long. Batteries that are already 100% but still connected to the charger will continue to receive an electric current even though a small value can cause a decrease in battery life and durability. This final project aims to create an automatic battery charging system based on the Android operating system. The result of this system is when the percentage limit that we have set is the same as the percentage of the battery on the smartphone, the system will automatically cut off the incoming current so that the charging process will stop. This system is designed using a microcontroller, Bluetooth module, relay module, Android apps, and smartphone with Android operating system. The tests carried out are the suitability of the apps with the smartphone, the charging and discharging conditions on the system, and automatic battery charging. From the results of tests conducted by the system can cut the current to a value of 0 amperes from the charger manually and automatically controlled through the apps, the apps can be used on smartphones that have Android version 2.1 or higher.

Smartphone, State of Charge, Android

Electrical Engineering


Barriers to ICT adoption by Small Business Entrepreneurs in Indonesia
Gundur Leo (a*) , Tjetjep Djatnika (b)

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Corresponding Author
Gundur Leo

a) Business Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Business Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung, Indonesia

Information and communication technology (ICT) is technology innovation that enables improvement of efficiency, productivity and competitiveness for business organization, however many small business have not adopted this technology to support their business activities. This study examines the barriers in adoption of ICT especially online stores by small business entrepreneur. Technology acceptance model (TAM) used as a theoretical basis for this quantitative study. Data were collected from 336 Indonesian small business entrepreneurs, this study integrates usefulness, easy of use, resource, and social as factors that effected entrepreneur to adopt this technology. The results show that easy of use and resource are the greatest barriers for the entrepreneurs to adopt the technology. This study extends our understanding about adoption technology. Furthermore, these results provided an insight for entrepreneurs, government and others stakeholder to develop strategy to decrease resistance of technology adoption by entrepreneurs.

small business; entrepreneur; ICT; barriers; TAM

Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education


Belgian Praline with Curcuma and Tamarind Filling as Functional Food
Nuri Fajrina, Yulia Rahmawati, Cica Yulia

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Nuri Fajrina Ramadhani

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract. Foods that are starting to have a high demand by consumers are food that not only have good appearance and taste, but also have a functional functions. One of Indonesian functional product is tumeric and tamarind extract, however, this product have low sensory reception. Dark chocolate is one of the functional foods that have a high sensory reception, these products can be combined to get functional food with good sensory reception, the author chose to made them into Belgian Praline. The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in the level of preference of Belgian Praline products with various concentrations of tumeric and tamarind filling. The study was conducted using the CRD (Complete Randomized Design) the number of treatments (t) was 3 with 2 repetitions (r). The procedures and formulas is done by prescribing the results of consultations with traditional panelists, consultation is carried out 3 times, making 3 basic formulas and procedures. ANOVA and Duncans test result show that the level of preference for the three research products showed different results. Products with the highest preverence level are products that containing 5% turmeric and tamarind extract in filling.

Functional Food, Tamarind, Tumeric

Basic Science in Engineering Education


Best Key Points Scenario for OLSR Implementation of Wireless Ad Hoc Network
Lipur Sugiyanta

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Corresponding Author
Lipur Sugiyanta

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This paper presents the assessment results and findings of the simulation infrastructure project using OPNET have been developed and implemented to cover the protocols and design issues of the wireless MANET architect with minimum overlaps. All the nodes (devices) are wireless, mobile and equal (no access points, base stations, or any other kind of infrastructure). The concept of the mobile ad-hoc network suggests the incorporation of routing functionality into mobile nodes, in other words all nodes should be able to act as routers for each other. This network is self-configuring and can have dynamically changing multi-hop topologies, composed of, likely, bandwidth constrained wireless links. Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for mobile and wireless ad hoc networks was integrated in a commercial routing stack suite. OLSR operation mainly consists of updating and maintaining information in routing tables. The data in these tables is based on received control traffic and the control traffic is generated based on information retrieved from the tables. The optimization is based on a technique called MultiPoint Relaying. The simulation model on OPNET was configured and simulated to address the challenges of OLSR implementation with various topologies, especially the environment to meet the following key points: a) planning of node movements, b) dynamic status of network topology and connectivity (map or canvas based), c) operational planning based on communication conditions, and d) planning of the communications infrastructure.. The project results in best settings for our network and can predict the cost, traffic behaviours, throughput and efficiency of the network beforehand.

wireless MANET, OLSR, topology, multi point relay

Computer and Communication Engineering


Bibliometric of Digital Cultural Heritage: Technology Curriculum Approach
I Widiaty, CU Abdullah, SR Mubaroq, MP Ningsih

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Corresponding Author
Isma Widiaty

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the mapping of technology applications in learning related to cultural heritage in the form of batik as part of a technology-based curriculum approach. The analysis focus is carried out on aspects of digital-based technology trends that is used in cultural heritage learning. The analytical method used is a bibliometric approach. This bibliometric method uses histcite software that can help analyze quantitative data related to journal bibliographies that discuss the topic of digital cultural heritage. The search results illustrate that the top five technological trends used in learning about cultural heritage are sequentially occupied by Augmented Reality technology, Virtual Reality, 3D Scanning, 4D, and automatic technical drawing. Search results relating to aspects of the curriculum illustrate that the future curriculum needs to adopt the latest technological developments as an effort to curriculum reform and curriculum change. Adoption of technology in the curriculum especially related to the curriculum based on local wisdom has become a necessity. The use of digital media makes learning more interesting and enjoyable. The process of transmitting and transforming local cultural values as a learning of national identity becomes more meaningful.

Bibliometric; Digital; Cultural Heritage; Technology; Curriculum

New Technologies in Education


Bilateral Relations of Vocational Education and Industry in Work Based Learning Model: effective or problematic?
Raden Rifqi Hafizhuddin Al Wafi (1), Ade Gaffar Abdullah (1,2,*)

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1Jurusan Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
2Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author, e-mail: radenalwafi[at]

Abstract. This study shows the background that occurs between industry and vocational schools. The purpose of this study is to uncover the problems that occur in bilateral relations between vocational and industrial secondary education institutions for work-based learning models that have existed before. Qualitative research with a descriptive approach was carried out in three state and industrial vocational high schools in Bandung. Semi-structured interviews, observation methods of data collection with teachers and related industry staff as subjects. The results found factors that inhibit learning do not run effectively because the industry in providing information about the latest technology used by the company is not distributed evenly so that the facilities available in each school are different, the character of student work is not in accordance with the mental needs of the industry , the lack of monitoring of the implementation of the Moment of Understanding that is overseen by a clear legal body / institution, the duration of time given is less effective in the industry because time constraints make students unable to apply the many theories obtained at school.

Work-Based Learning, industry, Vocational education, Bilateral relation

Technical and Vocational Education


Herawati Budiastuti, Sri Widarti, Tina Mulya Gantina

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Herawati Budiastuti

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

The price of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) is relatively cheap and its utilization does not compete with food needs. The availability of PFAD in Indonesia is considered sufficient as a supply of raw material for making biodiesel. This study aims to make biodiesel that is in accordance with SNI 7182-2015 with PFAD raw materials and to determine the Induction Period (IP) value of biodiesel made without and with the addition of antioxidant Z. The research stage begins from making biodiesel through etherification reaction and continues with the determination of each IP biodiesel using a modified Rancimat device. PFAD used as raw material is composed of free fatty acids, 88.35% mol of saturated fatty acids and 11.5% mol of unsaturated fatty acids, or the total free fatty acids of 99.85% mol. Biodiesel with PFAD raw material was successfully made with the value of viscosity, density, alkyl ester content and oxidative stability value are in accordance with SNI 7182-2015, but the value of water content and acid number values are out of range with SNI 7182-2015. The average IP of produced biodiesel without addition of antioxidant has reached the minimum standard of 6 hours, which is equal to 6.15 hours

antioxidant, biodiesel, Induction Period, PFAD

Chemical Engineering


Biogas Production Potential from Food Waste and Cow Manure through Dry Anaerobic Digestion System
Sinta Setyaningrum*; Nancy Siti Djenar

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Sinta Setyaningrum

Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung 40012

Anaerobic digestion is a biogas production process that can be used as a sustainable alternative energy. Anaerobic digestion utilized vary type of organic waste as substrate for reaction process. Conversion process of organic wastes into the energy could solved the environmental problems. Food waste is one of the high organic content waste which become global environmental issue. In this research, dry anaerobic digestion system used to determined biogas production potential from food waste with cow manure as the inoculum. Three variation total solid (TS) of substrate and inoculum were used to compare the biogas production performance. After 24 days incubation time on 25°C, result of biogas production from 1:1, 2:1, and 1:2 ratio of food waste and cow manure were 144 mL/gr TS, 73.46 mL/gr TS, and 110.27 mL/gr TS respectively. Based on those result, food waste and cow manure ratio 1:1 TS suggest to be used on improved dry anaerobic digestion system.

biogas; dry anaerobic digestion; food waste; cow manure

Chemical Engineering


Biosorption Of Pb2+ Ions From Aqueous Solution Using Immobilized Cells Of Bacillus Pseudomonas putida
Sri Rachmania Juliastuti, R.Darmawan, Khairunnisa, Vivi Alvionisa Sari

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Khairunnisa Khairunnisa

Department of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 60111 Surabaya, Indonesia

In present study immobilized cells of bacterial Pseudomonas putida was used as biosorbent for the removal of Pb2+ ions from aqueous solution. Pseudomonas putida was immobilized with 3% sodium alginate and 2% CaCl2. The adsorption studies of bacterium was investigated in batch mode. Optimum biosorption conditions were determined as a function of pH, different concentration of Pb2+ ions and contact time. The equilibrium adsorption data was analyzed by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The value of regression coefficient of the isotherm represented the best fit of R2 0,94 with the Langmuir isotherm. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity (qe) of the biosorbent, as obtained from the Langmuir adsorption isotherm was found 54,05 mg/g with Langmuir adsorption constant (k_L) 0,05 L/mg, respectively at 90 minutes contact time and pH 5. Kinetics of adsorption was analysed by pseudo first order and pseudo second order. Kinetics of adsorption followed pseudo second order with regression coefficient of pseudo second orde of R2 0,961 ,the coefficient of rate constant for pseudo second order (k_2) obtained 0,4 g/mg.min, pointing that the adsorption mechanism is chemical and physical adsorption process.

Adsorption kinetics, Biosorption, P.putida , Immobilized, ions Pb2+

Environmental Engineering


Muhamad Turmudi, Abdul Wahid Mongkito, Alfian Toar, Nurjannah

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Muhamad Turmudi

Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Islamic Institute State of Kendari

Investment is an activity to place capital in a certain period to benefit in the future. One investments that emerged during the revolution 4.0 in the form of bitcoinas one type of cryptocurrency which can be used as a medium of transactions in cyberspace and carried out online without involving other parties such as banks or other financial institutions. Every transaction using bitcoin will be stored in the bitcoin network database so buyers and sellers will automatically be recorded in the database. As befits money that can be saved as a form of investment, bitcoin which uses blockchain technology where every digital transaction is linked in one list so it looks more profitable. The decision to make sharia transactions and investments can not do something that contains incompetence as part of the universality of sharia values. In transactions and investments must be free from the elements of usury, maysir, gharar, and buying and selling illicit goods. Bitcoin as a medium of transaction and investment has the advantage because it can be done directly, faster, easier and can even cross countries. However, based on sharia values contain elements of gharar and maysir so it is not in accordance with the values contained in the sharia transaction and investment system.

Bitcoin, Sharia Transactions, Sharia Investment, Sharia Economic Values

Industrial Engineering


Blended Learning: Experimental Study for Drawing 2 Dimensional Objects
Yusep Sukrawan (a*), Dedi Rohendi (a), Aditia Rachman (a), Soemarto (b), Mumu Komaro (a)

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Yusep Sukrawan

(a) Department of Mechanical Engineering Education
Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(b) Departement of Electrical Engineering education
Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

CAD and Automotive Drawings are courses that utilize AutoCAD software technology to create object drawings in the automotive field. The learning process of CAD and Automotive Drawing courses is currently not as expected, where the learning process is less interactive, less collaborative, and is lecture centered. In this research, a blended learning model is used that combines the direct learning and e-learning models. This study aims to describe the application of the blended learning model, so that learning outcomes and student responses can be identified after learning is applied. This research method is Quasi Experimental Design with Equivalent Time Series. The research sample consisted of 29 students of Mechanical Engineering Education DPTM FPTK UPI 2017 Force taken with the Purposive Sampling approach. The results obtained showed that the average learning outcomes of students at each stage always increased. At stage 1 that is 75.17 (predicate C-), at stage 2 it is 80.07 (predicate B), and at stage 3 it is 91.17 (predicate A-). The improvement in learning outcomes is indicated by the maximum n-gain value in stage 3 which reaches 0.83 (high criteria). Overall response of students, students feel very happy with the application of the blended learning model and enjoy the learning process, where motivation, interest, and awareness of student learning also increases after the blended learning model is applied to CAD courses and Automotive Drawings.

CAD and Automotive Drawing, blended learning, learning outcomes

Research and Development in Engineering Education


Blended Learning: understanding teachers inclusion of online learning
Muhammad Nur Hudha1) 2), Ana Rafikayati3), Ida Hamidah1), Anna Permanasari1), and Ade Gafar Abdullah1)

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Muhammad Nur Hudha

1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi no 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia
3) Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Jl. Dukuh Menanggal XII, Surabaya 60234, Indonesia

This research is preliminary research to dig up information about the understanding of teachers in inclusive schools in online learning. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with questionnaire data and interviews with 100 teachers at inclusive schools in East Java. The instruments used were teacher understanding, teacher habits during teaching using technology, and teacher needs related to online learning. The conclusion obtained from this study is that some of the more inclusive teachers still do not understand the importance of online learning and really need e learning media that can facilitate all the needs of special needs students.

blended Learning; e learning media; inclusive teachers

New Technologies in Education


Riawan Gunadi (a*), Moeljono (a), Fisca Igustiany (a), Noval Hasan (a)

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Noval Hasan

Departement of Civil Engineering Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Fire events reduce the strength of the steel structure on the bridge and can cause collapse which results in losses, so it is necessary to consider the effects of fire when planning construction. Considering that the joints affect the performance of steel structures, the results of research on the performance of steel beams need to be augmented by testing the post-fire girder bridge bolt connection performance. Structural tests will be carried out on six specimens of bridge steel beam elements with high quality bolt connections in the center of the beam with sliding type bolt connections. Two control specimen beams were tested with shear loads without combustion. Two specimens with temperature of 700oC and 900oC with different torque bond variables. From the displacement control test using UTM on six specimens, it will be known the performance of each type of connection by evaluating changes in carrying capacity, stiffness, deflection capacity, ductility, and stress-strain capacity due to the influence of temperature acting during the fire process. The results can prove which type of bolt connection is better for use on bridges with fire risk.

Steel, bridges, bolt joints, temperatures, fire-protection

Civil Engineering


Booking Smart Parking System Using Microcontroller
Nopi Ramsari, Suharjanto Utomo

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Nopi Ramsari

Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics
Nurtanio University

Recently there are many vehicle users have difficulty to find a parking area because of the lack of availability of information full or empty parking slot so that it can cause congestion, pollution, and fuel inefficency. Microcontroller based Smart Parking System is an Internet of Things based system that is designed to make easier for parking users to get information on the availability of empty and filled parking slots, in addition to that parking users can also book for parking slots using web based applications.There are many phases to implement microcontroller based Smart Parking System i.e requirements systems, prototyping development, prototyping evaluation, coding system, testing and evaluation system. This system uses hardware such as Arduino Mega, Arduino Uno, Ethernet Shield, PN532 and NFC (Near Field Communication). The programming language used is C to configure Arduino and PHP which are used for the web interface while MySQL for its the database server. By this Smart Parking Application, it is expected to help parking service users to get information and find empty parking slots through booking in the application so that it will be more efficient in time, energy and parking management will be more controlled.

Parking, Internet of Things, microcontrollers, Arduino, Web

Computer and Communication Engineering


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