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The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.23 for 2 days in Medan |

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Corresponding Author
Fitri Rahma Handayani Situmorang

English Applied Linguistics of State University of Medan, Indonesia

Conversational implicature is the inference by assuming that speaker and addressee knows and accepts the communicational norms (maxims). The study attempts to explore the students awareness of conversational implicature and the reasons. The subjects of the study are the students of different Academic Year, English Department of Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan. The study will be conducted by applying qualitative descriptive design. The technique of elicitation will be applied to find out the students awareness of conversational implicature and a retrospective interview will be used to know the reason of students awareness of conversational implicature. Results of the study show that most students were aware enough of conversational implicature which proposed by Grices cooperative principlein conversational implicature. It can be inferred that the students tried to answer the questions with relevant answer with the reasons. Thus, students at university level Students at the university level, especially English Department are expected to be aware and understand the conversational implicature. Students awareness of conversational implicature is expected to be useful as of the process of gaining content knowledge, intention, not only in academic subjects, but also in daily life.

conversational implicature, awareness, retrospective interview

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Biology Teachers Readiness in the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 at Public Senior High School in Medan
Sheila Saza(1*), Herbert Sipahutar(2), Mufti Sudibyo(2)

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Corresponding Author
Sheila Saza

1) Postgraduate Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
2)Departemen of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan
*Contact Person: sheilasaza[at]

The aim of this study was to determine the readiness of Biology teachers in implementing the Curriculum 2013 in State High Schools throughout Medan in the Academic Year 2017/2018. The Readiness of Biology teachers was viewed from 3 dimensions, namely: 1 Biology Teachers Readiness In The Implementation Of Curriculum 2013; 2) Readiness of Biology teachers in implementing the Curriculum 2013 based on the Answer Category; 3) Readiness of Biology teachers in implementing the Curriculum 2013 based on the Amount of Teachers.This study was carried out using descriptive research methods. The population in this study was biology teachers who have implemented the Curriculum 2013 of six Public High Schools in Medan City. The research data was taken from the questionnaire filled by each teacher to find out the readiness of Biology teachers in implementing the Curriculum 2013. The results showed that the readiness of Biology teachers of Medan in implementing the Curriculum 2013 was cumulatively classified on the category of well ready of 75,25% and The answer category was very ready with the highest percentage found at the readyness of the teacher books use with a percentage of 35.42%

Teacher Readiness, Curriculum 2013, Scientific Approach

Education and Research Global Issue


Titim Eliawati (a*), Dina Irmayanti Harahap (b)

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Corresponding Author
Titim Eliawati

a) Universitas Potensi Utama Medan
Jl. K.L. Yos Sudarso Km. 6,5 No. 3A Medan
*titim.eliawati[at] / titim[at]
b) Universitas Potensi Utama Medan
Jl. K.L. Yos Sudarso Km. 6,5 No. 3A Medan

Integration of character education into language learning in class becomes important to be mastered by language teachers. On the other hand, the measurement of character values that have been absorbed by students is an important topic for attention by the teacher. There are many methods available for teachers when integrating character values into learning. The problem is which method provides maximum results in integrating character values into classroom learning. This study aims to emphasize the use and analysis of the implementation of classroom action research methods as one method in integrating character values. This study focuses on class action research used in integrating character education in language learning. This research is a continuation of research on previous character education relate to culture and teacher leadership. The research was conducted at a vocational high school where character values were used as culture in the school. The findings obtained were that classroom action research became the right method of finding classroom learning methods that were used to integrate character values into language learning.

character education; class action research

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Code Switching in The English Classroom Interaction of The University of Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah
Edi Zulfikar (a*), Amrin Saragih (b), Rahmad Husein (b)

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Edi Zulfikar

State University of MEdan

The aims of this study were to determine the reasons for code switching used by lecturers in teaching English in the English Language Education study program at the Muslim University of Nusantara in Al Washliyah. This research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive design. The Data of this study were utterances which are clause units and language sentences that contain code switching from English to Indonesian, Indonesian to English which is used by lecturers when teaching. Then the data was analyzed by using sociolinguistic theory. The reasons of code switching was analyzed by using Chaer and Leonies theory (2004). The data of study was analyzed based on Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014). The results of this study were found that the reason for doing code switching were Topic switch, affective function and repetitive function.

code switching, reasons, function

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Cognitive Consideration in Persuading Readers in Argumentative Writing
Betharia br. Sembiring Pandia; Berlin Sibarani; Sumarsih

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Corresponding Author
Betharia Sembiring Pandia

English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
State University of Medan

The aim of any genre of writing is an important aspect that needs to be considered by writers. However, keeping the aim of the writing is not enough. As writing is meant to be read by readers, a writer needs to consider who their intended readers are. In line with this idea, the objective of this study is to investigate the undergraduate students ways of persuading readers in their argumentative writing. This study uses three kinds of cognitive consideration in writing argumentative text (Connor, 1991) that involve (a) readers domain knowledge and text structure; (b) readers attitude toward the subject; (c) textual cues; and (d) reasoning. The data of this study is gathered by using elicitation technique asking the subjects, the 8th semester of undergraduate students, to write under predetermined topic Social media should be banned with three intended readers, they are: Junior High School, Senior High School, and Undergraduate students. This study reveals that the subjects in EFL context only have two kinds of cognitive consideration in writing argumentative text, they are: (a) readers domain knowledge and text structure; and (b) reasoning. These kinds of consideration are applied across all intended readers. It means that the subjects do not have specific cognitive considerations for specific readers. Keywords: cognitive, argumentative, writing, persuasive

cognitive, argumentative, writing, persuasive

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Sarah Monalisa Harahap, Anni Holila Pulungan, Siti Aisyah Ginting

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Sarah Monalisa Harahap

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study deals with the language communication strategies in conversation used by extrovert and introvert students at Politeknik LP3i Medan. It uses qualitative research design with a single case study to gain an understanding on this study. It is conducted descriptively. This study aims to find out the types of communication strategies in conversation used by extrovert and introvert students of Politeknik LP3i Medan. The subjects were 20 persons of introvert and extrovert students of Politeknik LP3I Medan. The use of instruments in this study were observation ,interview and documentation. The observation were the types of communication strategies in conversation used by extrovert and introvert students of Politeknik LP3i Medan. The interview was used to in depth the data. The theories of Celce-Murcia was used in this study. The data were analyzed by Spradley (1979) analysis.

Definition of Communication Strategies, The Types of Communication Strategies

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Widya Afriani Wiliskar (a*), Syarifuddin (b), Binari Manurung (b)

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Corresponding Author
Widya Afriani Wiliskar

a) Student in Biology Education Postgraduate Program, UNIMED
b) Lecturer in Biology Education Postgraduate Program, UNIMED
Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr. V, Medan, 20221, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to measure community participation in the environmental sustainability of city parks in Binjai City. To get the data needed in this study, researchers used data collection techniques by surveying. The researcher distributed questionnaires to visitors to the city park. The results of this study indicate that community participation is at the lowest level. In decision making, community participation is very low for everything related to the preservation of city parks, communities are still not directly involved. Community participation in the implementation of city park conservation is very low, in this case the community has not been involved. Community participation in taking benefits is rather high, city parks provide an opportunity for the community to trade around them so that they get financial benefits from the visitors of the city park. Community participation in evaluations is very low, in this case the community has not been involved. The form of community participation is still only in the form of energy and acceptance of benefits Keywords: Community Participation, Preservation, City Parks

Community Participation, Preservation, City Parks

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Comparison of the Effect of Scientific and Conventional Learning on Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Physical Education
Wicaksono; Albadi Sinulingga; Sabaruddin Yunis Bangun

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Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine and describe the Comparison of the Effects of Scientific and Conventional Learning on the Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Physical Education Students in Senior High School Classes. This research is an experiment through a test instrument technique for learning outcomes and a questionnaire for creativity, with anava 2 x 2 research design. The number of samples was 71 people for scientific learning groups and 57 people for conventional learning groups and sampling techniques using cluster random sampling. Before conducting the analysis of variance (anava), first conduct the analysis requirements, namely the normality test and homogeneity test. Furthermore, the two-way anava test was used at the experiment; significance level of 0.05 and continued with the Scheffe test at the significance level alfa = 0.05. The results showed that there was an interaction between the influence of conventional learning and scientific learning on creativity and physical education learning outcomes. Keywords: Conventional Learning, Scientific Learning, Creativity, and Learning outcomes

Conventional Learning, Scientific Learning, Creativity, and Results Learn

Teachers Education Model in Future


Competency Analysis of Science / Biology Junior High School Teachers that Have Passed Certification in Aceh Tamiang Regency
Nilawati (a), Ely Djulia (b), Syahmi Edi (c)

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Corresponding Author
Nilawati Nilawati

a) Biology Education
Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Medan

b) Biology Education
Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Medan

c) Biology Education
Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Medan

Descriptive of this study aimed to analyze the competencies of science / biology junior high school teachers who have passed certification in Aceh Tamiang Regency. The population and sample in this study were 58 science / biology junior high school teachers who had passed certification from all junior high schools in Aceh Tamiang Regency. The research instruments used consisted of learning observation sheets, tests and questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this study was conducted in quantitative descriptive. The results showed that the pedagogic competencies of science / biology teachers in Aceh Tamiang had a good category with the highest percentage of communication aspects with students (84.70%), while the lowest percentage was in the aspects of mastering learning theory and educational learning principles (79.86%). The results for the professional competence of teachers in the ability to solve the problem, the highest percentage in the aspect of understanding the nature of Science / Biology as a science and describing the object of the problem of Biology through the scientific method (65.3%). While the lowest percentage is in the aspect of explaining the principles of biotechnology, the application of biotechnology, the use of biotechnology in the application of food biotechnology for human life (52%).

Pedagogic Competence; Professional Competence; Science / Biology Teachers; Certification

Teachers Education Model in Future


Iskandar Fahmi, Novita, Albadi Sinulingga

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Iskandar Fahmi


The purpose of this study is to develop a computer-based exam on aspects of PJOK curriculum subjects 2013. This research was conducted at the Sinar Husni Helvetia Private High School by using the Research and Development (R&D) research method which consists of three steps, namely 1. Research and information collecting, 2. Planning, 3. Development of the preliminary from of product. Data collection techniques in this study using interview techniques. Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Wagimin Souldi, ST as a teacher in the field of Sports Physical Education and Health studies at Sinar Husni Helvetia Private High School, that Sinar Husni Helvetia Private Private High School is a school that has used the 2013 Curriculum. The manual begins with the teacher making the question scripts, then the questions are typed and reproduced in sheet form which has taken 2 days, then the exam results are manually checked until the teacher gets the test results taking a long time, for Class XI which consists of 4 classes with 36 students detailing each class, with a total of 144 students, takes up to 4 days to correct exam questions and marking. Events like this always result in errors and discrepancies in the results of work and require a relatively long time, so teachers feel the need for the latest findings in the form of computer-based exam applications to cover the obstacles that have been encountered by the teacher.

Application, Exam, PJOK

Curriculum, Research and Development


Hasnul haris (a*), Tarsyad Nugraha (a), Albadi Sinulingga (a)

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Corresponding Author
Hasnul Haris

a)Physical Education, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan

The aim of this research is to find out the contribution together with heavy bag stroke and horizontal swing training to increase the push ability of female athletes. The method used in this research is the experimental method. With the implementation of heavy bag stroke exercises and horizontal swing exercises. The population used in this study were all Unimed Hockey Club female athletes in 2012, totaling 18 people. The number of samples 8 people obtained by random sampling technique. Furthermore, he was given heavy bag stroke training and horizontal swing training. Research instruments for data collection were carried out by tests and measurements. Data analysis techniques using statistical procedures, then analyzed by regression tests. From the calculation of the data for the first, second and third hypotheses of push ability, the significance test of the multiple coefficients with dk (2: 1) at a significant level &

Push, Heavy Bag Stroke, Horizontal Swing

Curriculum, Research and Development


Conversational Strategies in All Male and All Female Conversation
Nurima Rizki Dongoran, Rahmad Husein, Anni Holila Pulungan

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Corresponding Author
Nurima Rizki Dongoran

Universitas Negeri Medan
English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Jalan Willem Iskandar Psr. V 20221
Medan, Indonesia

This research aimed to investigate the conversational strategies in all male and all female conversations. This research was conducted at a bakery involving four male speakers and three female speakers. This research applied descriptive qualitative design. The data of this research were speakers utterances which contain features of conversational strategies taken from recorded conversations. The results revealed that the differences of all male and all female conversational strategies are not very great in which conversational strategies in all male and all female conversations similarly performed in a collaborative way. The result showed that minimal response was the most dominant strategy used in both of all male and all female conversations.

conversational strategy, all male, all female

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Mangaradot Saur Anugerah Sinaga, Fitrawaty, Arwansyah

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Mangaradot Saur Anugerah Sinaga

Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), Consumer Price Index and Medan City Deposit Interest Rate on Deposit Amounts at PT Bank Sumut Medan Coordinating Branch. The scope of this research is to focus on analyzing the factors that affect the Deposit Amount in PT Bank Sumut Medan Coordinator for the period 1998 to 2016. The analysis model used in this study is the basic model of multiple linear regression equations using the VAR method, in estimate the short-term and long-term relationship between the variables Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Interest Rate of Medan City Deposit with Total Deposit at PT Bank Sumut Medan Coordinating Branch. The result of the interpretation of the VAR model, in general, obtained the most substantial VAR value is the Economic Growth variable while the smallest VAR value is the variable Growth of Deposits. Based on the results of the Impulse Response Function (IRF) test the most significant influence on deposit growth both in the short term and in the long term is the Consumer Price Index variable. Then the results of the Forecast Error Decomposition of Variance (FEDV) test showed that the most significant impact of error variance in both the short and long term which had the most impact was the Economic Growth variable.

Gross Regional Domestic Product; Consumer Price Index; Deposit Interest Rate

Economics, Business and Management Education


Design Development and Standard Operational Procedure for Training Model Management of Diploma 3 Mechanical Enginering University of Medan
Mindo Judica Pangaribuan

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University of Medan

Design Development and Standard Operational Procedure for Training Model Management of Diploma 3 Mechanical Enginering University of Medan Mindo Judica Pangaribuan Administration Education, University of Medan ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the design development and SOP Training Management Model in Student Diploma Mechanical Engineering, State University of Medan. The purpose of this study was to identify the aspects required for completion of training management model design, develop design models and develop SOPs training management training management in Mechanical Engineering Diploma students. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The analyzed data is the result of interviews, direct observation and documentation with Ka. Prodi, head of workshop, Students and Staff Diploma Mechanical Engineering, State University of Medan relating to management training in Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Vocational education has a very big role in the development of human resources. Human resources becomes very important for companies to be able to compete globally. Human resource development in order to work well is necessary education and training to improve the skills and productivity of labor in the work environment. Training is an activity designed through a learning process to improve the expertise and skills of a person in accordance expertise. The results showed that the design and SOP management model student training at Diploma Mechanical Engineering, State University of Medan is still not effective because inherent in the subject of product design. Management training should be oriented to the organization, tasks and individuals so as to improve the quality of graduates.

management training, design training management SOP

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Designing Big Book as Media for Learning English Vocabulary
Susanti, Amrin Saragih, Anni Holila Pulungan

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Corresponding Author
Susanti .

State university of Medan

This study aims to produce English learning media for elementary school students in the form of Big Book as a medium of learning English vocabulary for fourth grade students and determine the feasibility of the media produced based on the assessment of material experts, media experts, design experts, and student responses to produce media valid, effective, responsive, interesting, and fun. This type of research is research and development (R&D). This research is carried out in four stages, namely: the stage of data collection, the planning stage, the development stage, and the validation and trial phase. The subjects of this study were 22 fourth grade elementary school students at 028068 Public Elementary School in East Binjai District in the academic year 2018/2019. Data collection instruments using performance, observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis technique. The level of eligibility of this media based on the assessment of material experts obtained a percentage of 90.00% included in the excellent category, language eligibility experts obtained a percentage of 90.00% included in the excellent category, design experts obtained a percentage of 98.50%, included in the excellent category, Student responses conducted through the test reached a mean value of 95.00. The assessment results show that Big Book as a medium for learning English vocabulary is very suitable for use in learning English vocabulary for 4th grade students.

Big Book Development, Context Class, Vocabulary

Curriculum, Research and Development


Determinant Analysis of Islamic Banking Efficiency in Indonesia
Rahmat Putra Ahmad Hasibuan (a), Dr. Dede Ruslan, M.Si (b), Dr. Fitrawaty, M.Si (c)

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Corresponding Author
Rahmat Putra Ahmad Hasibuan

(a) State University of Medan
Economics Major Student, Master Degree Program

(b) State University of Medan
Lecturer in Faculty of Economics

(c) State University of Medan
Lecturer in Faculty of Economics

The objective of this study is to measure the efficiency rates of Sharia banks in Indonesia and know the determinant of such efficiency. The data are obtained by applying the library study, where internet sites are browsed followed by document analysis with the secondary sources from Indonesian bank sites, OJK, and financial statements of Sharia banks. The data are processed by applying DEA analysis dan data panel regression. The finding indicate that Sharia banks in Indonesia has not been fully efficient and NPF variable, Bopo negatively affect the efficiency of Sharia banks, while size, FDR and car positively affect

Efficiency Rates, Determinant Efficiency, DEA, Data Panel Regression

Economics, Business and Management Education


Developing A Theory of Reading in the Indonesian Context
Sugirin, Ashadi, Nurhidayanto PSP

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sugirin sugirin

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)

The theory of reading adhered by instructors is developed in the western world context. It points out that reading only happens when there is a text or visual information to be comprehended (Goswami, 2007), while the reality in the Indonesian context the meaning of reading can be narrower (e.g., merely pronouncing letters) or broader (e.g., reading the signs of the might of God, which are not represented by any written symbol). These narrow and broad meanings of reading are not commonly accepted in the West, while in the Islamic belief, even pronouncing a single letter of Quran is considered a service as it is a form of reading. Preliminary interviews with teachers in some traditional Islamic boarding schools reveal that, despite differences in their ways of expressing, the narrow and broad meanings of reading have been part of what they develop in teaching. More interviews with language teachers and lecturers and a focus group discussion with reading experts will help the completion of research data. The recorded data are to be condensed, presented and concluded to form a grounded theory. This differential issue is expected to gain responses in international forums to enable the establishment of a proper formula on these competing perspectives of reading theories, particularly in the Indonesian context.

reading theory, Indonesian context

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Utari, Sri Minda Murni, Rahmad Husein

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State University of Medan

This research aimed to develop thematic based big book as a media for teaching English at fourth grade students at SD Negeri 028068 Binjai, and find out the quality of thematic based big book developed. The subject of this research was thirty-eight students of fourth grade students of elementary school at SD Negeri 028068. The data of this research were obtained by using observation sheet, interview guide, item of questionnaire, rubric, and documentation. This research was R & D (research and development) by adopting the research steps of Borg & Gall which consisted of 10 steps in implementing research and development strategies, namely: (1) Potential and Problems, (2) Data Collection, (3) Product Design, (4) Design Validation, (5) Research Revision, (6) Product Testing, (7) Product Revision, (8) Usage Test, (9) Product Revision, and (10) Mass Production. Because of the limitation of time and funds the steps were simplified i to four steps, namely: data collection stage, the planning stage, the development stage, and validation and trial stage. The data analysis technique used in this study was qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The feasibility level of this media based on assessment of material expert obtained a percentage of 96,60 percent included in the category of very good, media expert obtained a percentage of 85,60 percent included of very good, design expert obtained a percentage of 95,75 percent include of very good, students response earned 85, 65 percent. The result of the assessment indicate that big book as a reading materials was very feasible to use for Teaching English at fourth grade students.

Developing Big Book, 4th grade, Thematic Approach

Curriculum, Research and Development


Developing Reading Material through Local based Needs at SDN 100107 Lobulayan, South Tapanuli North Sumatera
Ade Efrina Nasution, Prof. Dr. I Wy Dirgeyasa, M.Hum, Prof. Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum

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Ade efrina Nasution

Program Pascasarjana Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, UNIMED

Nowadays, the developing and appreciating material based on students local based needs is very attractive. The purposes of this study are: 1) To find out the existing English reading materials used for the students of sixth grade at SDN 100107 Lobulayan in South Tapanuli regency; 2) To find out English reading material are needed by the students of sixth grade at SDN 100107 Lobulayan in South Tapanuli regency. This study is employed by implementing Research and Development design by Borg and Gall, 1983 but in implementing the model is simplified and adapted to Dirgeyasa (2011) become four steps: 1) evaluation and need analysis, 2) developing new material, 3) validating material, 4) final revision. The target of clients of this research was 29 correspondents which consisted of 25 students of SDN 100107 Lobulayan, 1 English teacher they are taken by using total sampling technique, 2 lecturers and 1 stakeholder is taken by using random sampling technique. The data was collected by questionnaire, documentation, and interview. The result of the study showed that the existing reading material used was not relevant with the needs of students of SDN 100107 Lobulayan in terms of topics, basic competences, assessment, and learning activities. After gaining the data from the evaluation and need analysis, it was found that the relevant reading material needed by the students of SDN 100107 Lobulayan are the material which related to their local based needs of area tourism and contains various tourism reading text; Aek Sijornih baths, Silima-Lima waterfall, and Parsariran Baths.

R & D; reading material; local based needs

Curriculum, Research and Development


Developing the Guidebook of Insect Diversity at PTPN IV Sidamanik Tea Plantation. Thesis. Postgraduate Program in Universitas Negeri Medan. 2019
Winda Sari Gultom

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Postgraduate Program in Universitas Negeri Medan. 2019

ABSTRACT Winda Sari Gultom. Developing the Guidebook of Insect Diversity at PTPN IV Sidamanik Tea Plantation. Thesis. Postgraduate Program in Universitas Negeri Medan. 2019 The aims of this study were to: (1) create a guidebook of insect diversity; (2) find out the results of the validation from learning material and design experts towards the guidebook of insect diversity in the tea plantation; and (3) find out the types of insects in the tea plantation. This study was conducted at PTPN IV Sidamanik Tea Plantation. The method of collecting data through direct measurements in the field was by collecting insects with fly nets, a guidebook developed based on the theory of 4-D Thiagarajan (Four-D Models). The instruments were in the form of learning material assessment sheets, guidebook design assessment sheets as well as the student perceptual assessment sheets of the guidebook of insect diversity. The results have obtained the 8 orders (Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Neuroptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) and 956 species. And on coffee plantations get 5 ordo (Hymenoptera, coleopteran, Diptera, orthoptera, hemiptera) and 339 spesies The trial of this guidebook product was assessed by a learning material expert, a learning media expert and five students who have taken courses in animal ecology. The results of the overall assessment of the guidebook showed the assessment from learning media experts produced a value of 81.0 with the criteria "very feasible" while the assessment from learning material experts produced a value of 82.6 with the criteria "very feasible" and the value from student responses produced 93.3 with criteria "very feasible " It was concluded that the guidebook of insect diversity at PTPN IV Sidamanik Tea Plantation was feasible to be used as a learning resource to help students recognize the types of insects that exist in tea plantations.

Guidebook of insect diversity, material feasibility, design feasibility

Curriculum, Research and Development


Developing the Two-Tiers Multiple Choice Test Based on Content, Construct and Language Feasibility in Identifying Students High-Order Thinking Skills
Suyedi Hendra Yanto1 and Herbert Sipahutar2a Syahmi Edi2b

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Suyedi Hendra Yanto

1Student of Biology Education Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan
2aLecturer of Biology Education Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan
2bLecturer of Biology Education Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan

Abstract. The aims of this study were to find out the content, construct, and language feasibility of the two tiers multiple choice test that have been developed. The research has been conducted in May to June 2018. The trial test was carried out to the eleventh grade students of SMAN 15 Medan in Medan City, North Sumatera. This type of research is a Research and Development (R & D) referred to Borg & Gall model (1987). The data obtained was adjusted to the objectives and development models used so the type of data to be collected in this development is quantitative description data as the main data, collected through items or two tiers multiple choice instruments that students have answered using scoring guidelines from Bayrak (2013). The results showed that the validation of material/content feasibility indicators assessed by material/content validators indicated that the assessment score obtained was 10, the average score was is 3.33, with a very feasible category. The validation of construct feasibility indicators assessed by the construction validators indicated that the assessment score obtained was 33, the average score was 3.44, with a feasible category. The validation of language feasibility indicators assessed by language validators indicated that the assessment score obtained was 15, the average value was 3.75, with a very feasible category. Based on the average score of indicator assessed by the validator teams consisting of 3 indicators; material/content, construct and language feasibility obtained the average value of 4 with a very feasible category.

Two-Tiers Multiple Choice Test, High-Order Thinking Skill, Human Circulatory System

Education and Research Global Issue


Development E-Learning Based MOODLE in Maritime Subjects in Class XI SMK Bahari Hang Tuah Belawan
Ibrahim(a*), R.Mursid(b), Sriadhi(b)

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Corresponding Author
Ibrahim Boim

Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to find out about: 1) to find out the development of moodle-based e-learning on Maritime Subjects in class XI Hang Tuah Belawan Maritime Vocational School which was developed to be used as learning media, 3) to find out the development of moodle-based e-learning on maritime subjects in XI Hang Tuah Belawan Maritime Vocational School developed effectively used in improving student learning outcomes compared to powerpoint learning media. The development model used in e-learning learning media is the development model of Borg and Gall with the learning design of the Dick and Carey Models. The results of this study are 1) Moodle-based E-learning in maritime Subjects in Class XI Hang Tuah Belawan Maritime Vocational School is feasible to be used as learning media, 2) Learning outcomes of students using Moodle-based E-learning in maritime Subjects in Class XI SMK Bahari Hang Tuah Belawan is higher than student learning outcomes using powerpoint learning media.

E-learning based on Moodle, Maritime

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


Lenni Arta F. Sinaga(a*), Biner Ambarita(b), Sukarman Purba(c)

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a) Student of Doctoral Education Management at Universitas Negeri Medan
b) Profesor at Universitas Negeri Medan
c) Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the partnership model of parents through the vent in the corner box Binjai City Junior High School; found output partnership model parents through town and corner confide in SMP Negeri Binjai city; determine the responses of managers (principals, teacher / homeroom / teacher BK) as the Parent Partnership Model in SMP Negeri Binjai city; and know factors that influence childrens learning in the comfort of frame development partnership model parents in SMP Negeri Binjai city. The research method is a research and development approach. To determine the activeness level model was used t-test and process data analysis using SPSS application assistance. The result of the research found that: a) the partnership model parents in SMP Negeri Binjai city is categorized effective. From the analysis of the effectiveness of the model by using paired sample t-test that all variables have value change of significance (2-tailed) is 0.000 (below 0.05), which means all the variables change significantly after being given treatment, increase parent support for the implementation of family education both at home and at school;, d) and contention manager (principal, teacher / homeroom / teacher BK) as the Model Partnership Parents through the box and Corner Estella: very important to be applied, it is very useful to use, very practical implemented, is very interesting because it is a new thing.

parent, engagament, partnership,

Education and Research Global Issue


Development of Adobe Flash Learning Media Based on Cooperative Learning to Improve Students Spatial Ability at Chandra Kumala Secondary School
Fajar Sukma Harsa(1), Hermawan Syahputra(2), Elvis E. Napitupulu(3)

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Corresponding Author
Fajar Sukma Harsa

State University of Medan
Postgraduate, Mathematics Education Programme

Spatial ability supports the results of student mathematics learning especially on geometry topics related to shape and space. The purpose of this study was to look at the quality of the development of learning media assisted by Adobe Flash based on cooperative learning to improve spatial ability of students. This study is development research using 4-D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate) in two classes of 30 students at Secondary School at Chandra Kumala Deli Serdang and it has two trials for the developing step. The quality of development is assessed from several aspects, namely validity, practicality, effectiveness of media development and increasing the value of spatial abilities. The results showed that the media development validity score was 2.89 (criteria valid). Practicality has met the practical criteria reviewed by the teacher questionnaire with an average score of 2.65 in trials I and 2.98 in trial II, and responses of students with an average score of 2.75 in trials I and 2.85 in trial II which means good responses. Effectiveness fulfills the effective criteria, namely in terms of the completeness of student learning classically has reached 86.7% in the trial II (in the trial I only 76.7%) and the use of research time according to the implementation plan of learning. Whereas N-gain increases the spatial ability of students using learning media developed in trial I in the low category with a score of 0.13, but in the moderate category with a score of 0.34 in the trial II. Furthermore, the average value increased from the first trial of 71.32 to 77.13 in the second trial.

Spatial, Developments, Adobe Flash, Media

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Development of Adobe Flash-based Interactive Multimedia Learning Media in Sport Physical Education Subjects and Health Material for Basketball Games
Andes Martua Harahap, Imran Akhmad, Hariadi

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Andes Martua Harahap

Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, Pendidikan Olahraga

This study aims to produce learning media for Adobe Flash-based Basketball Games in Health Sports Physical Education Subjects in High Schools / Vocational / Islamic Senior High School/ Equivalent. This research is research and development which is analyzed using qualitative methods. Determination of subjects in this study was conducted purposively. The informants in this study were the teachers of Physical Sports Education in the State High School / Vocational School / equivalent in Percut Sei Tuan Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, which amounted to 7 (seven) people, and XI grade students from 3 (three) schools totaling 50 ( fifty) people. Data collection is done by examining all data collected from various sources, namely product design and validation, questionnaire, observation and documentation. Data analysis is done by collecting data needed in the development and use of Adobe Flash interactive multimedia-based learning media. The results of this study are the creation of Adobe Flash interactive multimedia-based learning media that can be used easily by teachers and students in understanding the material of Basketball games.

Research and Development (R & D), Interactive Multimedia, and Basketball

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Attitude Instruments Assessment in the Physical Education Learning in All the Islamic senior height School Tanjungbalai
Hasanul Fadhilah Marpaung (a*), Amir Supriadi(b), Tarsyad Nugraha (b)

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The Postgraduate Program State University Of Medan

This study aims to find out: (1) Describing the conditions and potential instruments of attitude assessment that exist and are used today. (2) Producing attitudinal assessment instruments on sports and health physical education learning. (3) Test the level of validity and reliability of attitude assessment instruments that will be developed in sports and health physical education learning. The subjects of this study were students who attended Islamic senior hight school in MAN, MAS YMPI, and MAS AW GADING. Then each school is represented by two classes consisting of 20 students. The selection of students who were the subjects of the study used the Random Sampling method. The type of research carried out by the researcher is R & D, where the aim is to produce a new product that can be used in the learning process of sports physical education and health in the form of an attitude assessment instrument for students. Then the validation is an expert validation that assesses the instrument in several aspects with values as follows: (1) Objectivity: 93.75 (2) Construction: 93.75% (3) Language: 75% (4) Clarity: 93, 75% (5) Practicality: 100%. Until the overall average is obtained: 91, 25% and the assessment criteria obtained are very valid. Then the empric validation process on the points of the attitude assessment instrument developed can also be concluded to have a good level of validation where out of the 21 indicators contained in the instrument have a t count higher than t table that is (0.3). And in terms of reliability obtained a value of 0, 960088. So it is feasible to be used as a tool to assess the attitude of students in school during the learning process of teaching

Development, Instrument, Assesment, Attitude

Curriculum, Research and Development


Ucia Mahya Dewi(a*), Marham Sitorus (b), Ajat Sudrajat (b)

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(a) Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia
(b) Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia

Practical guide is a learning resource that can minimize the role of lecturers, making students more active and have creative thinking and skills so that it is easier to carry out activities in the laboratory. This research was aimed to obtain Biochemistry practicum guides integrated discovery learning (DL) in the study program of Agrotechnology and to determine the feasibility of Biochemical practicum guides integrated discovery learning according to the national standards of higher education. The research design used the Research and Development (R & D) method with model of ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). This research is only done in the development stages of the practical guides. The feasibility of the Biochemical practicum guide was assessed descriptively based on assessment scores from expert validators as many as four chemistry lecturers. The results showed that Biochemical practicum guides integrated discovery learning in the study program of Agrotechnology in accordance with national standards of higher education with an average value from expert validators for feasibility of content 3.83, feasibility of language 3.81, feasibility of presentation 3.91 and feasibility of graphic 3.91.

Biochemical, Discovery learning, Practical guides

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Character-Based Thematic Student Worksheets
Nur Wahyuni, Wisman Hadi, Abdurrahman Adisaputera

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Nur Wahyuni


This study aims to: (1) produce character-based student worksheets that are suitable to be used for thematic learning in the sub-themes of singing and dancing for grade 1 elementary school; (2) knowing the large increase in students interest in learning by applying the participants worksheets in the class; and (3) knowing the increase in student learning outcomes through character-based student worksheets. This student worksheet is compiled using the 4D model of Research & Development. Data retrieval research was conducted at SDN 10187 Tanjung Morawa. The research phase is define, design, develop, and disseminate. The level of feasibility of student worksheets is obtained from expert validator and practitioner validator analyzed. After being validated and revised, the product is tested on a limited basis on students. The results of limited trials were then analyzed to determine the feasibility of student worksheets from the students point of view. Extensive tests are conducted after making improvements from the results of limited trials. The final results of the extensive test in the form of pretest and post test values were then analyzed and obtained standard gain values 0.85 with the high category.

Development, Worksheets, Thematics, Characters

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development of Chemistry Practical Guide Book Innovative on General Chemistry Integrated Problem Based Learning Models
Rhindra Pahlawan, Ramlan Silaban, Ida Duma Riris

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Rhindra Pahlawan

Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to obtain an innovative on general chemistry lab guide for agrotechnology study programs. The research was a development research referring to the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Practical guidebooks were arranged following the steps of the learning model based on Problem Based Learning. Research locations in the Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Agrotechnology Study Program, Medan Area University. The results showed that the validation of basic chemistry practicum guidebooks that had been developed in general showed an average value of 3.90 meaning very valid and did not need to be revised and was very feasible to use. The learning outcomes of the practitioner have an N-gain average of 0.65 was categorized as medium. The results of the practical skills average grade value of 93.52 which is categorized very well. The results of the practical guideline assessment conducted by the practitioner after using a chemical practicum guidebook that has been developed has a percentage of 88.10 percentage with a very good category.

practical guide book, research and development, problem based learning

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Development of Chemistry Practicum Guide Integrated Problem Based Learning Model to Increase Student Learning Outcome in Terms of Science Process Skills in Chemistry Material Class XI Odd Semester
Novita Sari (a*), Iis Siti Jahro (b), Retno Dwi Suyanti (b)

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Novita Sari

a) Postgraduate Program of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
b) Postgraduate Lecture Program of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia

This study is a developmental research of Chemistry Practicum Guidebook Integrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL). This study aims to obtain (1) The feasibility of Chemistry Practicum Guidebook Class SMA/MA published by two different publishers, (2) the validity of Chemistry Practicum GuidebookIntegrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL)which developed on Chemistry material Class XI in Odd semester, (3) the differences of increasing student learning outcomes using Chemistry Practicum Guidebook Integrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL)with student learning outcome using practicum guidebook in school, (4) the differences in improving student learning outcomes in terms of science process skills, and (5) the interaction between the implementation of Chemistry Practicum Guidebook Integrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) and conventional chemistry practicum guidebook with the level of science process skills in affecting student learning. The population in this study were all students of class XI MAN 2 Deli Serdang. The sample selection in this study used purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study were students of class XI MIA 2 as an experimental class and XI MIA 1 as a control class. Validator of Chemistry Practicum Guidebook Integrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL) that has been developed is two lecturers ofUnimed Postgraduate Chemistry Education and two teachers in MAN 2 Deli Serdang. The study results showed that: (1) the results of the chemistry practicum guiding validation obtained an average of 3.13 for publisher A and an average of 3.26 for publisher B; 2) the validation of chemistry practicum guidebook developed by integrating Problem Based Learning Model (PBL)obtained an average of 3.66 is very valid (very feasible) to be used; (3) the improvement of student learning outcome using Chemistry Practicum Guidebook Integrated Problem Based Learning Model (PBL)are different with student learning outcome using practicum guidebook in school with a significances level (sig.) <&

Development of Practicum Guidebook, Problem Based Learning, Science Process Skill

Curriculum, Research and Development


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