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The 1st International Conference on Women and Societal Perspective on Quality of Life (WOSQUAL 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.12 for 2 days in Makassar |

Page 4 (data 91 to 120 of 152) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Quality Life of PROLANIS Participants Using WHOQOL BREF Indonesian Version : A Community in Primary Health Care
Sitti Andriani Anwar1*, Dian Sidik Arsyad2, Indra Dwinata2, Jumriani Ansar2, Muhammad Rachmat3

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Corresponding Author
Sitti Andriani Anwar

1Graduated School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
2Department of Epidemiology Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
3Department of Health Promotions Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Objective: This study aimed to determine the quality of life experienced by prolanis participants using the WHOQOL-BREF Indonesian version. Prolanis is a program designed by Social Health Insurance Administration that is integrated with the management model of chronic diseases due to the high prevalence cases of chronic disease in the community. Methods: This research was analytic observational with a cross-sectional design by exhaustive sampling technique. These instruments use WHOQOL-BREF and prolanis guidance. The samples was 86 patient which divided into two locations, that was 37 respondents from Tamamaung Primary Health Care (Puskesmas) and 49 respondents from Dahlia Puskesmas. Data collected were analyzed by chi square statistical test to find out the association of the four domains quality of life between activeness participations and rest patterns. Results: Based on the analysis, the results of the general quality of life of prolanis participants in both Puskemas was not different (p-value = 0.276) While the health satisfaction variable has a difference with p-value = 0,000. Conclusion: Most of the prolanis participants have a high QoL scores in some facets of every domain in the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire but collectively results do not show an association between 4 domain quality of life to activeness participants and rest patterns.

Quality Life, Activeness Partcipations, Rest Patterns

Nutrition and Quality of life


Reasons for Choosing Traditional Birth Attendants as Childbirth Helpers: A Phenomenological Study at Borong Health Center
Fransiska Nova Nanur

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Corresponding Author
Fransiska Nova Nanur

Midwifery Diploma Three Study Program, STIKES Santu Paulus Ruteng

The East Nusa Tenggara Province has launched a KIA revolution program. The program emphasizes that all birth deliveries must be carried out in health facilities and assisted by skilled health workers. This program has not been implemented well on account of the fact that there are still pregnant women who deliver at home and choose a traditional birth attendant as their helper. This certainly has an impact on the occurrence of maternal death. This study aims to investigate the reasons as to why the mothers choose a traditional birth attendant as a birth delivery helper at Borong Health Center. A qualitative study with in depth interviews was conducted for the present study. The participants were selected purposely, consisting of eleven mothers who gave birth at home and were assisted by a traditional birth attendants, two midwives, and two active traditional birth attendants, one community leader and the head of the community health center. Open interview guidelines were used to explore the reasons why mothers still chose traditional birth attendants for their birth deliveries. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis approach. The results of the study showed that the unavailability of transportation facilities to health facilities, hereditary traditions, kinship with the traditional birth attendant, poor weather during delivery and poor road conditions made it difficult for mothers and families to go to health facilities. Henceforth, in order to increase the coverage of childbirth in health facilities, a village ambulance program is needed so that the mothers could give birth at health facilities, health education to increase public awareness about the importance of delivery in health facilities and infrastructure improvements.

Labor, traditional birth attendant, qualitative

Maternal, neonatal and child health


Relationship between characteristics and obstetric history with hypertension in pregnancy
Rumelia Lubina Sembiring, Nasruddin A.Mappaware, Andi Nilawati Usman

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Midwifery Department, Graduated School Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: This study aimed to assess the association of characteristics and history of obstetrics with hypertension in pregnancy. Methods: The study design was cross-sectional with total sample of 100 pregnant women, 50 normal tension and 50 hypertension in pregnancy. They were selected by purposive sampling. Inclusion criteria were gestational age of more than 20 weeks, and exclusion criteria were essential hypertension, pregnancy gemeli, pregnant mola, diabetes mellitus, and kidney pain. Data collected directly by the researcher include characteristics of age, work status, education, income and income of husband. The obstetric history consists of a history of preeclampsia/eclampsia, history of abortion, parity, pregnancy plan, and gestational distance. Bivariate analysis was used to measure the association of characteristic and obstetric history with hypertension in pregnancy. Results: There was no correlation between age, working status, education level, income, and husbands income with hypertension in pregnancy where p> 0,05 for each variable. There was a significant association between obstetric history of pre-eclampsia history with hypertension in pregnancy (OR 10,286; 95% IK 2,209-47,901; p = 0.001). Conclusion: Hypertension in pregnancy was associated with a history of pre-eclampsia.

pregnancy; hypertension; preeclampsia

Maternal, neonatal and child health


Sriyana Herman1, Budi Santoso2, Hermanto Tri Joewono3

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Corresponding Author
Sriyana Herman

1 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sinces, Institute of Technology and Avicenna Health, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia

Introduction: Early preterm birth and late preterm birth in preterm labor can be identified through the sociodemographic characteristics of the mother so that early intervention can be carried out earlier and very early preterm birth can be suppressed. Objective: To determine the relationship between early preterm birth (22-33 weeks) and late preterm birth (34-36 weeks) labor with sociodemographic characteristics in primiparous and multiparous mothers. Methods: Design of observational analysis on 134 mothers after preterm postpartum in East Java using frequency analysis and crosstabs 2x2 tables of categorical data. Results: Among 29 sociodemographic characteristic variables there were only 3 variables related to early preterm birth and late preterm birth with p<0.05, i.e education was (OR 2.54, CI95%;1.21-5.34, p<0.020) from 134 mother including 66 mothers (49.3%) who have higher education and 68 mothers (50.7%) have low education, smoked mother was (OR 0.63, CI95%;0.55-0.72, p<0.016) including 123 mothers (91.8%) who did not smoke and 11 mothers (8.2%) had smoking habits, and ANC visits during pregnancy (OR 0.37, CI95%: 0.16-0.89, p<0.043) of which there were 107 mothers (79.9%) who visited ANC >4 times and 27 mothers (20.1%) who visited ANC <4 times. Conclusions: There was a relationship between early preterm birth and late preterm birth with maternal sociodemographic characteristics, i.e education, smoking, and the number of ANC visits during pregnancy, this can be used as the basis for subsequent studies in the prevention of sociodemographic disorders in primiparous and multiparous mothers.

Early preterm birth, Late preterm birth, Sociodemographic characteristics, Primiparous and Multiparous

Maternal, neonatal and child health


*La Ode Alifariki1, Adius Kusnan2, Sri Susanty3, Sukurni4, Waode Syahrani Hajri5, Ida Mardhiah Afrini6

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Corresponding Author
La Ode Alifariki M.Kes

1Departement Of Epidemiologi Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia
2Departement Of Epidemiologi Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia
³Departement Of Nursing Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
4Departement Of Nursing Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
5Departement Of Nursing Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
6Departement Of Epidemiologi Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia

Nurses can have a risk when interacting with patients, one of which is contracting or transmitting an infection. Infection is the entry and development of microorganisms in the body that cause pain accompanied by clinical symptoms both locally and systemically. Injury from needle puncture to health workers is a significant problem in the institution of health services today it is estimated that more than one million needles are used annually by nurses. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the practice of safe injections and the incidence of needle stick injuries in Kendari City Hospital. This study used observational analytic with cross sectional approach with a sample of 45 people taken by proportional random sampling using the chi square test. The results showed that there was a relationship between the practice of safe injections (X2hit = 7.487, p value = 0.006) with the incidence of needle stick injuries in Kendari City Hospital. The conclusion of the study was that the lower the application of safe injecting practices, the higher the chance of the occurrence of needle puncture injuries. It is recommended that the Hospital can provide socialization about safe injections to the implementing nurses and take action according to the SPO and the existence of training and supervision from superiors on an ongoing basis.

Practical Safe Injecting, Needle Injured Events

Nursing Education and Practice


Risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM (male sex man) communities in province of Southeast Sulawesi
Adius Kusnan, La Ode Alifariki, Asriati, I Made Christian Binekada, Sri Susanty, Muhdard Yuliana Syam

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medical, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Department of Medical, Faculty of Medical, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Nursing Program Study, Sembilanbelas November University, Indonesia
Nursing Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: This study was to determine the risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM (Men Sex with Men) communities at the HIV / AIDS Advocacy Institute in Southeast Sulawesi. Methods: It was an analytic survey and case-control. Data collected includes age, education level, occupation, gender, and sexual behavior including (condom use, cleaning reproductive organs, using basic materials (lubricants, silicon, water), changing partners, buying sex from men, buying sex from women, sell sex to men, sell sex to women, oral and anal sex. Data used secondary and primary data and collected in two months with the team. The number of samples in this study was 40 respondents consisting of 24 cases and 24 controls. Results: The results showed that the risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM communities were sexual behavior (p = 0.009, OR 5.898 and 95% CI 1,609-20,479), while injecting drug use factors were not a risk factor for HIV incidence in MSM communities (p = 1.000, OR 1.571 and 95% CI 0.238-10,365). Conclusion: Risk factor for HIV incidence in MSM communities were sexual behavior.

Risk factors; Male Sex Man; HIV

Adolescent and reproductive health


Risk Factors for HIV Occurrence in MSM Communities (Male Sex Man) in Province of Southeast Sulawesi
Adius Kusnan1, *La Ode Alifariki2, Sri Susanty³, Sukurni⁴, Waode Syahrani Hajriᵍ, Ida Mardhiah Afrini⁶

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Corresponding Author
adius kusnan

ˡDepartement Of Epidemiologi Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
²Departement Of Epidemiologi Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
³Departement Of Nursing Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
⁴ Departement Of Nursing Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
⁵Departement Of Nursing Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia
⁶ Departement Of Hospital Manajement Halu Oleo University Faculty of Medical, Indonesia

Purpose: This study was to determine the risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM communities (Men Sex with Men) at the HIV / AIDS Advocacy Institute in Southeast Sulawesi. Methods: use analytic surveys and case control. Data collected includes age, education level, occupation, gender, and sexual behavior including (condom use, cleaning reproductive organs, using basic materials (lubricants, silicon, water), changing partners, buying sex from men, buying sex from women, sell sex to men, sell sex to women, oral and anal sex. Instrument used secondary data and primary data. The number of samples in this study were 40 respondents consisting of 24 cases and 24 controls. Data is collected in two months with the team. Results: The results showed that the risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM communities were sexual behavior (p = 0.009, OR 5.898 and 95% CI 1,609-20,479), while injecting drug use factors were not a risk factor for HIV incidence in MSM communities (p = 1,000, OR 1.571 and 95% CI 0.238-10,365). Conclusion: The Southeast Sulawesi HIV/AIDS Advocacy Agency is increasing information and education (IEC) to MSM communities, developing and finding HIV cases, especially in key populations.

Risk factors, Men Like Men, HIV

Communicable disease related to women


Risk factors of falls among hospitalized stroke patients
Anggi Arindi Purnamasari, Rosyidah Arafat, Wa Ode Nur Isnah Sabriyati, and Erfina Erfina

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: To explore the risk factors of falls among stroke patient within hospitalized. Methods: A quantitative descriptive design was adopted in this study. There were 48 stroke patients selected using consecutive sampling method. Results: According to the scoring of risk factors of falls, patients were categorized into three levels, namely not risk (10.4 %), low risk (33.3 %), and high risk (56.2 %). This result revealed that dominant patients had a high risk of falls. Conclusion: Risk factors of falls among inpatient of stroke patients were remains high. Therefore, imperative to identify the risk of falls using screening tools and to provide nursing intervention to prevent the incidence of falls among stroke patient during hospitalized.

Ischemic stroke; Hospitalized; Risk factors of falls

Nursing Education and Practice


Musni, St.Malka

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Corresponding Author
Musni Musni

Akademi Kebidanan Batari Toja watampone

Abstract Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem in infants with a height index according to age (TB / U) below minus two standard deviations (-2 SD) based on WHO standards. Indonesia is the third country with the highest prevalence of stunting in the southeast ASIA region (South-East Asia Regional (SEAR) after Timor Leste and India. This occurs due to long-term manifestations of low nutrition diets, infectious diseases and environmental sanitation. It necessary needed an observational research to determine various external and internal risk factors of stunting. This study is a preliminary study that aims to identify stunting risk factors in children aged 12-60 months using a cross-sectional to 61 children selected purposively. Variables Independent are socio demographic background of parents, history of exclusive breastfeeding, body weight and height, diet, and personal hygiene. Based on bivariate analysis, the prevalence of stunting was 47.5%, chi square test results showed a significant association between personal hygiene (p <0.025) and Exclusive breastfeeding history (p <0.015) towards stunting. Based on the results of this study, it is important to further detect the causes of stunting in infants requiring deeper observation regarding metabolic factors, such as nutrition intake and how the process of providing complementary breastfeeding in infants over six months as a form of prevention for stunting cases in infants.

stunting, risk factors, exclusive breastfeeding, personal hygiene, toddlers

Nutrition and Quality of life


Safe injection practices and the incident of Needle Stick Injuries (NSIs)
La Ode Alifariki, Adius Kusnan,Asriatia, I Made Christian Binekadab, Sri Susantyc, Sukurni, Waode Syahrani Hajri, Ida Mardhiah Afrini, Yuliana Syam

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University Indonesia
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the practice of safe injections and the incidence of NSIs. Method: This study used observational analytic with a cross-sectional approach with a sample of 45 people taken by proportional random sampling using, data analysis used the chi-square test. The population in this study were all nurses in the inpatient ward of the hospital with a total sample of 45 respondents taken by proportional random sampling. Processing and data analysis techniques were carried out by the chi-square test. Result: The results showed that there was a relationship between safe injections practices with the incidence of NSIs. Conclusion: The study concluded that the lower the application of safe injecting practices, the higher the chance of the occurrence of needle puncture injuries. It is recommended that the Hospital can provide socialization about safe injections to the implementing nurses and take action according to the SPO and the existence of training and supervision from superiors on an ongoing basis.

Injection; NSIs; Nurse; Hospital

Nursing Education and Practice


Self-Care Management and Health Outcomes among Indonesian Pregnant Women
Kusrini S. Kadar, Nurul Fadhilah Gani, Erfina Erfina , and Suni Hariati

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Nursing School Nani Hasanuddin Makassar

Abstract Objective: The aim of the study is to explore the correlation between self-care management and health outcomes among pregnant women in Makassar City, Indonesia. Method: This study used a quantitative method with longitudinal design study. There were 37 pregnant women with more than 28 weeks gestation participated in this study selected using purposive sampling technique. Result: Result from this study show that more pregnant women had low self-care management only self-care management only correlate with breastfeeding (OR: 95%CI) 5.556 and p-value 0.022). Other variables such as types of birth and baby-s weight have no correlation with self-care management. Conclusion: Self-care management is one indicator to see someone can reach health outcome. This study revealed that pregnant women with good self-care management would five times higher to have a good understanding of breastfeeding and will breastfeed their babies fully

Self-care management; Health outcome; Pregnant women; Indonesia

Gender and Fertility


Sero-epidemiology and risk factors of syphilis in Makassar, Indonesia
Maryam Kusumawatya, Khairuddin Djawada, Muh Nasrum Massib,*, A M Adama, Siswanto Wahaba, Burhanuddin Baharc

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.

Abstract Objectives: To assess the epidemiology and risk factors for syphilis in Makassar, Indonesia, as well as its correlation with a coinfection of other sexually transmitted infections (STI). Methods: This research is a cross-sectional descriptive multi-center research with consecutive sampling. We established the diagnosis based on the serological result using RPR, TPHA, and HIV screening kit. The cases were analyzed based on epidemiological features, risk factors and clinical findings, co-infection with other STI, and stadium of the disease. Results: A total of 79 cases confirmed serologically were diagnosed with syphilis collected among January 2017 and December 2018 in Makassar, the capital city of South Sulawesi province in Indonesia. Of the 63 male subjects (79.7%), 38 (48.1%) were homosexual/ MSM, and in 41 cases of HIV-infected subjects, 25 (60.9%) of them also MSM. Conclusion: Our study showed that there were among syphilis and an enhancement risk of HIV spread in MSM groups; there is a significant correlation. Enhancement cases of syphilis and HIV co-infection between MSM can increase transmission of both infections and should be considered the leading risk factor for syphilis in Makassar.

HIV infection; MSM; RPR; Syphilis; TPHA

Communicable disease related to women


Serum interleukin-17 (IL-17) level in breast carcinoma before and after chemotherapy
Ariyana, Prihantono Prihantono,*, Irfan Idris, Mardiana Ahmad

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Department of Midwifery, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Department of Oncology, Hasanuddin University Hospital, Makassar, Indonesia
Department of Physiology, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract: Objectives: Breast cancer is a cellular disease which occurs from breast tissue with manifestation that failing to control the cellular proliferation and mutation. The purpose of this study is to identify the IL-17 level in breast carcinoma before and after chemotherapy. Methods: This research was a cross-sectional study with comparative analysis. Sampling was conducted using accidental sampling method. Interleukin-17 was analyzed using the Elisa method. Data were analyzed using paired T-test with an error tolerance of 0.05. Results: The characteristics that showed significant differences before and after chemotherapy were cancer duration > 1.5 years, with an increase in IL-17 levels of 46.36 pg/ml. Nonetheless, all the characteristics of good age, stage of cancer, and menopausal status, all experienced an increase in IL-17 levels after chemotherapy Patients with stage 2 cancer stages had the highest increase in IL-17 levels compared to the others, which was 62.09 pg/ml. Conclusion: IL-17 is a potential therapy for cancer and early detection of breast cancer severity

Breast carcinoma; Cancer therapy; Interleukin-17

Maternal, neonatal and child health


Strategy on family communication and the extent of environmental health awareness in coastal area
Alimuddin Unde, Arianto, Tuti Bahfiartia Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, Muhammad Arsyad

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Department of Communication, Faculty Social and Political Science, Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia
Faculty Social and Political Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Department of Agricultural Socio-economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze and correlate family communication strategies and the level of community health awareness that is particularly vulnerable in coastal areas in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Method: The study used the correlation and regression methods. The study was conducted in Watang Soreang Village, Parepare City, Indonesia. This study used data collection techniques in two ways, namely secondary data and primary data from the results of the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using imperative statistics to analyze and correlate family communication strategies and the level of community health awareness that is particularly vulnerable in coastal areas. Results: This study showed that the level of public awareness in coastal areas towards environmental health is good enough and understandable. This is evident from the results of tests that are significant and positively influence the family communication strategy and level of public awareness. Testing of family communication strategies and the level of awareness of the community indicates that there are an influence and significance of the family communication strategy together on the level of public awareness (Y). with the coefficient of determination produced = 0.604, indicating there are 60.4% of family communication strategies influenced by variable levels of public awareness, while the remaining 39.6% is explained by other causes not disclosed in this study. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is a significant influence between family communication strategies on environmental health community awareness level with the magnitude of the communication strategy influence on the health level of Watang Soreang Village, Soreang Sub-District, Parepare City of 39.6% not influenced by the family communication strategy applied by the head family.

Family Communication; Strategy; Environmental Health; Coastal Areas

Occupational and women


I Wayan Weta*, Wayan P. Sutirtayasa*, Safarina G. Malik**

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Corresponding Author
I Wayan Weta

* Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

** Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Background and Objectives: Obese Indonesians, including Balinese, are at higher risk of co-morbidities like, CVD, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Urban Balinese are changing their diet from traditional to fast foods and the like that are high in saturated fats. Nutritional modification, such as increasing n-3 PUFA content in the diet, may aid in managing body fat accumulation-related diseases. This study investigated the effects of supplementation of n-6:n-3 PUFA with ratio of 2:1 on body fat reduction in young obese Balinese women. Methods and Study Design: Sixty-six young obese Balinese women, aged 18-25, were randomly assigned equally into Intervention and Control groups, supplemented with 2100 mg:1100 mg and 240 mg:100 mg of n-6:n-3 PUFAs, respectively. Data were collected at baseline, 6, and 12 weeks of intervention. BMI, waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), conicity index (CI), triglyceride concentrations, and Lipid Accumulation Product (LAP) were measured. The participants were advised to maintain <1500-Kcal daily energy intake and participate in a guided low-impact aerobics once a week. Results: After 12-weeks supplementation, all body fat indices (BMI, WC, WHtR, CI, and LAP), decreased significantly weather were unadjusted or adjusted by the reduced of energy intake in the Intervention group. Otherwise, in the Control group only some of WC indices (WC, WHtR, and CI) decreased stasticically. BMI and WC of the Intervention group decreased significantly more than the Control group. Conclusion: Twelve-week intervention with high-dose of low n-6:n-3 PUFAs ratio and restriction energy intake, reduced body fatness selectively in young obese Balinese women

low n-6:n-3 PUFA ratio, young obese Balines women, body fat

Nutrition and Quality of life


The Analysis of Reducing blood glucose levels of diabetics with diabetes Mellitus by giving a secang wood stew (Caesalpinia Sappan L.) to menopausal women in Makassar city
Jumrah(a)*, Hj. Sumarni(b),Nurqalbi SR(c), Rosita(d),

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Corresponding Author
Jumrah S

a. Doctoral Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University
b. Midwifery Departemen, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Megarezky University
c. Midwife Proffesion, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Megarezky University
d. Midwifery Departemen, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Megarezky University

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of kinds of degenerative disease that get increasing every years in countries in whole world. Main symptoms of diabetes mellitus are signified by increasing of blood glucose so that it is needed the effort to reduce it by natural ingredient. The increasing of diabetes mellitus risk to the menopouse women because of metabolic changes that happen when they are menopouse period. This research aimed to prove that natural ingredient of sappan wood decoction can reduce blood sugar level to diabetes mellitus suffers especially menopouse women who had high risk. This research used quantitative research method with pre post test design planning in one treatment group. It was obtained the result of suffers- blood glucose level before and after giving threatment (decoction of sappan wood) by using this method. The number of sample was 30 respondents (suffers- diabetes mellitus). Result of paired sample t test was obtained p = 0.005 < α = 0.05. it meant that Ho was rejected or there is effectivity decoction of sappan wood towards reducing blood glucose level to menopouse women with diabetes mellitus in 2018 of Makassar city.

blood glucose level, decoction of sappan wood, menopouse women

Herbal medicine


The Antenatal Care parameter becomes the Risk factor on preeclampsia incident in primigravida
ST. Rahmawati Hamzah, Aminuddin, Irfan Idris

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Corresponding Author
St. Rahmawati Hamzah

university of Hasanuddin

research aimed at analyzing the antenatal care parameter which became the risk factor on the preeclampsia incident in the primigravida at kolaka Regency. This was the case control research namely the observational research namely the observational research using the retrospective approach. The research population was all primigravida pregnant women recorded in the medical record BLUD of H. M. Djafar Harun Hopital comprising 5,796 women and BLUD Benyamin Guluh Hospital comprising 5,065 women. The sampels in the case group were the primigravida women suffering from the preeclampsia from January 2014 to September 2018, and the control grup samples were the primigravida women who did not suffer from the preeclampsia in the same period. The research result indicates that the primigravida women of 14-28 years old have 1.581 times bigger risk to undergo the preeclampsia than 29-49 years old group. The hypertension incident in trimester 1 in the primigravida women have 3,405 times bigger risk to under go preeclampsia than the women who do not have the hypertension incident history in trimester 1. The irregular antenatal visits have 1,095 times bigger risk to under go the preeclampsia than the regular antenatal visits. The weight gain of 1-10 kg of the primigravida women have 1,540 times bigger to undergo the preeclampsia than the weight gain of 10-20 kg. the non-obedient primigravida women to undergo the pregnancy examination in accordance with the antenatal care service standard have 1,333 times bigger risk to undergo the preeclampsia than the obedient primigravida women to conduct the antenatal care examination. The most risky variable with the preeclampsia incident in the primigravida women based on the multivariate analysis is the variable of the hypertension incident 1 trimester 1 with the value of OR : 3.363 with the value of CI lower value of 3.363 and upper value of 5.318.

Key words: Parameter, antenatal care, risk factor, preeclampsia

Maternal, neonatal and child health


The association between obesity and Dyslipidemia among Indonesian woman base on demographic factors
Danial (a), Astuti P(b), Asad S(c), Bahar B(d)

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Corresponding Author
danial danial

a. Medical Faculty of Mulawarman University
b,c,d. Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University

Background : Obesity has become a major worldwide health problem. Therefore, the associated morbidity, mortality and both medical and economical costs are expected to increase as well. the prevalence of obesity vary by social determinants and gender. Purposes : to investigate the association between obesity and dyslipidemia among Indonesian adult women base on demographic factors Methods:. A Biomedical data of Basic Health Research collected in urban area in Indonesia 2007 was used. A total 7248 women (aged 18-97) was analyzed. Obesity was expressed as Body mass index (BMI ≥ 25 kg/㎡ ) and waist circumference (≥ 80 cm). High total cholesterol ( ≥ 200 mg/dl), low HDL cholesterol (< 40 mg/dl), high LDL cholesterol (≥ 100 mg/dl) and high apolipoprotein B (≥ 101 mg/dl) Result : there are significant association between obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/㎡ ) and waist circumference (≥ 80 cm) and dyslipidemia (p <0.05) on demographic factors, except to the age group ≥ 40 years, high total cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol and obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg / ㎡) on the level of education ≤ SD which is not significant (p> 0.05). Conclusion : it is a current recommendation strongly for women obesity

obesity, dyslipidemia, woman, demografic factors

Uncommunicable disease related to women


The Combination from Ethanol Extract of Moringa Leves (Moringa oleifera L.) and Ethanol Extract of Papaya Leaves (Carica Papaya L.) Slows the Tumor Growth in Sprague Dawley Rats induced 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene.
Mutmainah Arif1, Padlianah1, Ika Yustisia2*

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Corresponding Author
Mutmainah Arif

1Graduated School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
2Departement of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Objective: This study aims to see the development of tumor tissue in rats given the combination of ethanol extract of Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera L.) and ethanol extract of papaya leaves (Carica papaya L.) as an alternative to increasing nutrition in slowing tumor tissue which will be used for further studies on phytotherapy as an alternative medicine for cancer. Methods: This study was conducted experimentally using a laboratory Complete Random Design (CRD) method. Results: The results show that there are different changes in body weight between groups for 12 weeks. However, based on the results of the one way ANOVA test, there is no significant differences between groups (p> 0.05). The appearance of tumor tissue was detected at week 7 in the comparison group (DMBA). Whereas in the positive control group and the combination extract group, the solid period began to be felt at the 10th week. Based on the results of histopathological tests in rat organs show that the growth of cancer tissue in all test animals in the treatment group given by DMBA. Conclusion: The combination from ethanol extract of Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera L.) and ethanol extract of papaya leaves (Carica papaya L.) at a dose of 150 mg/kgBB has activity in slowing the formation of cancer tissue.

Moringa leaves; papaya leaves; breast cancer; DMBA.

Herbal medicine


The Comparison of Good Corporate Governance on Human Resources Performance in RSUD Labuang Baji and Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar, South Sulawesi.
Arni Rizqiani Rusydi (a), Sukri Palutturi (b*), Noer Bahry Noor (c), Syahrir A. Pasinringi (c)

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Corresponding Author
Arni Rizqiani Rusydi

a. Doctoral Program Student of Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia
b. Professor, Department of Health Policy and Administration Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia
c. Senior Lecturer in Department of Hospital Management Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia

Objective: To analyze the comparison of the principles of hospital governance on the performance of human resources at RSUD Labuang Baji and Ibnu Sina Hospital. Methods: The type of research used is explanatory research. The population in this study were all employees in the general section of RSUD Labuang Baji and Ibnu Sina Hospital. The number of samples was 76 employees. The sampling technique used exhaustive sampling. Results: Transparency (t: 0.833; Sig: 0.412), Accountability (t: -0.680; Sig: 0.502), and Independence (t: -0.889; Sig: 0.376) were not significant effect but Responsibility (t: 2,676; Sig: 0,012) and Fairness (t: 2,412; Sig: 0,022) were significant on performance in RSUD Labuang Baji. In Ibnu Sina Hospital, Transparency (t: -0.539; Sig: 0.594), responsibility (t: 1,545; Sig: 0,131) and Independency (t: -0.522; Sig: 0.605) were not significant effect , but accountability (t: 1.919; Sig: 0.063) and Fairness (t: 1,755; Sig: 0,088) fairness were influence but not significant on performance. Conclusion: Responsibility and fairness were variable that influences hospital governance on performance in RSUD Labuang Baji, while accountability and fairness were influence but not significant variables in Ibnu Sina Hospital.

Hospital, Good Corporate Governance, Performance.

Information, technology, and women


The Corelation of Consumption Pattern of Pokea Clam and Protein with Low Density Lipoprotein and High Density Lipoprotein Levels
1I Putu Sudayasa, 2Noviana Suko Betteng, 3Refi Faradilah, 4Suryani As-ad, 5Rosdiana Natsir, 6Veni Hadju

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Corresponding Author
I Putu Sudayasa

1,4,5,6Doctoral Postgraduate of Medical Studies Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University
2.3 Medical Studies Program, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University

Pokea clam (Batissa violacea var. Celebensis von Martens, 1897), consists of protein 50.48%, fat 6.86%, carbohydrate 29.13%, fiber 5.53%, and water 2.70%. Based on dry weight, pokea clam includes high protein (>50%), moderate fat (> 5%), and high carbohydrate (> 20%). Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol which is about 45% of all types of lipoproteins so that it can be said that LDL cholesterol is the main cholesterol carrier in the blood. Protein, cholesterol, triglycerides, are the basic ingredients of lipoprotein formation. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol functions as a carrier behind cholesterol from peripheral tissue to the liver. This study aims to determine the relationship between the consumption pattern of pokea clam and protein with LDL and HDL levels in patients with hypertension in the coastal area of Sampara District. This study used an observational analysis method with a case control study design. Research location in the area of the Sampara District. The number of samples was 60 people consisting of 30 case samples and 30 control samples using purposive sampling technique. The data was taken using a questionnaire pokea clam consumption pattern, Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ-SQ) questionnaire and blood pressure data using mercury sphygmomanometer. Result of the data obtained were processed by analysis of Chi-Square test data with a value of p<0.05 accompanied by an Odd Ratio value. Statistical analysis showed that the relationship between pokea clam consumption patterns (ρ=0,604; OR=1,408) and protein consumption patterns (ρ=0,218; OR=2,051) with LDL levels. The consumption patterns of pokea (OR= 1.259, p=0.704) and protein consumption patterns (OR=0.889, p=0.839) with HDL levels. There were no correlation between pokea clam consumption pattern and protein with LDL and HDL levels in hypertensive patients of Sampara District.

Batissa violacea celebencis, LDL, HDL, Hypertension, Pokea clam, Protein

Nutrition and Quality of life


The Correlation between Gadget Usage and Cervical Muscle Tension among the Community of Gamers
Rijal*, Ita Rini, Rabia, and Nuridha Tri Lestar

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: This study aimed to determine the correlation between gadget usage and the tension of cervical muscles in the gamers community. Methods: This study is an analytical study using a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted at the Game Play Unknown Battleground (PUBG) Community in Makassar. Forty people (n=40) were included in the present study. Data including age, gender, and intensity (duration) of gadget usage, were collected using a questionnaire. Cervical muscle tension was assessed by palpation test and using goniometer. Results: The relationship between the intensity of gadget usage in-game players and cervical muscle tension were found statistically significant (p<0.05). In addition, we assume that age plays a role in the development of cervical muscle tension (p<0.05). Conclusion: The intensity of gadget usage and age have a positive correlation with the development of cervical muscle tension in-game players.

Gadget usage; cervical muscle tension; game player

Information, technology, and women


The difference between C-reactive protein (CRP) level in mother with preterm rupture membranes (PROM) and mothers with prolonged labor
Fony, Nasrum Massi, Werna Nontji

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Midwifery Study Program, Graduated School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: This study aimed to compare CRP between mother with PROM and mother with prolonged labor. Methods: It was a Cross-Sectional Study and sampling technique used was consecutive sampling, sample size was 50 mothers, consist of 25 PROM mothers and 25 prolonged labor mothers. Inclusion criteria were pregnant women over 37 weeks with PROM or prolonged labor, not suffering from HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, preeclampsia, eclampsia, kidney and diabetes mellitus. Blood was collected in both groups through vein. The blood was centrifuged to obtain serum and CRP was examined by the ELISA method in the laboratory of the Hasanuddin University Makassar. Data analyzed using Chi-square and independent T-test. Results: The mean CRP level of maternal with PROM was 11.00 mg/l while the mean CRP protein level in prolonged labor was 16.00 mg/l. Maternal CRP levels with prolonged labor are higher at 5.00 mg/l compared to CRP PROM levels and it is statistically significant (p = 0.002, p <0.05). Conclusion: CRP levels of prolonged labor is higher compared to CRP PROM levels.

CRP; PROM; Prolonged Labor

Occupational and women


The Difference of Corossion Resistance between NiTi Archwires and NiTi with Additional Cooper Archwires in Artificial Saliva
Eddy Heriyanto Habar,*, Fransiske Tatengkeng, Ike Damayanti Habar ,Prema Hapsari Hidayati

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Orthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Internal Medicine Department, Indonesian Moslem University, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: The aim of this experiment showed the difference of corrosion resistance between Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) archwire and NiTi archwire with additional cooper (NiTi-Cu) in artificial saliva. Materials and methods: In these laboratory experiments, immersed the NiTi archwires and NiTi-Cu archwires on artificial saliva at pH= 7 and incubated on 37oC, with the ratio of the archwire and the saliva was 0.02 gr: 1 ml during 1 day, 33 days and 66 days. Results: Corrosion resistances reviewed by average saliva artificial contained ion Ni after immersed 1 day of NiTi archwires and NiTi-Cu were 0.033 ± 0.000, and after immersed 33 days were 0.053 ± 0.022 and 0.101 ± 0.050, and after 66 days immersed were 0.101 ± 0.050 and 8.052 ± 3.4667. Conclusions: NiTi archwire more resistant to corrosion than NiTi-Cu, ion Ni released shown higher concentration in NiTi-Cu than NiTi.

Archwire; Nickel Titanium; Nickel Titanium with additional cooper; Corrosion resistance.

Information, technology, and women


Tenri Ajeng (1), Mardiana Ahmad (2), Andi Nilawati Usman (2)

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Corresponding Author
Tenri Ajeng

(1) Postgraduate Program Department of Midwifery, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia.
(2) Department of Midwifery, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi Indonesia.

Object: The study aimed to determine whether there is an effect of back massage on the decrease in height of uterine fundus, type and amount of lochia in primiparous normal postpartum mothers. Design: The Quasi Experiment Study (Post-test only design with a control group). Methods: a sample of 80 primiparous postpartum respondents using accidental sampling technique. Respondents were divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The intervention was carried out namely back massage 2 times a day for 15 minutes. Height of uterine fundus, types, and amount lochea was evaluated on day 1,4,7 using an observation sheet. Results: Mann Whitney statistical test obtained a P-Value <0.05, there is the effect of back massage to decrease height of uterine fundus, type, and amount of lochia. Conclusion: Back massage significantly accelerates a decrease in height of the fundus of uterus and reduces the amount of lochia. It is expected that all postpartum mothers are given a back massage action at least 6 hours postpartum to accelerate uterine involution.

Back Massage, Height of Uterine Fundus, Lochia

Maternal, neonatal and child health


The Effect of Binahong (Anredera Coliforlia (Ten.) Steenis) Leaf Extract on the Growth of Candida Albicans in Patients Using Removable Orthodontic Appliances
Donald R. Nahusona*, Rika Damayanti Syarif, Renate Vania De Leilus Homans

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: To determine the effect of Binahong leaf extract in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans in patients using removable orthodontic appliances. Method: Laboratory based experiment was conducted with the design of the Post-test Only Control Group Design involving 5 samples of removable orthodontic appliances which were swabbed to obtain Candida albicans, then each tested with binahong leaf extract concentrations of 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and the control group. The antifungal properties were measured through the diameter of inhibition zone formed. Results: Binahong leaf extract with a concentration of 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70% has the effect of inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. Conclusion: Binahong leaf extract effects on inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans in patients using removable orthodontic appliances.

Orthodontic appliances; Candida albicans; Binahong leaf extract; Flavonoid; Saponin.

Herbal medicine


The Effect of Culture-Based Education in Improving Knowledge of Hypertension Patients in Makassarese Community in Indonesia
Andi Pramesti Ning, Nurhaya Nurdin*, Arnis Puspitha R, and Silvia Malasari

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: This research aimed to determine the effect of culture-based education in improving knowledge of hypertension patients in the Makassarese Community, Indonesia. Method: This study used a quasi-experiment with two groups pretest-posttest control group design. The sample was 36 respondents, which were divided into two groups, which were given culture-based education and control group is given ordinary education. Each group was given a pretest and posttest. Result: This study shows that there was an increasing knowledge of the intervention group after receiving cultural-based education. The research results showed t-value 1.92 with significant p-value > 0.005 with the mean values in the intervention group 27.78 and 11.67 in the control group. Conclusion: Education of culture-based hypertension affects increasing knowledge of people with hypertension in the community. Therefore, it is expected that culture-based education can be used as a health education program to increase the knowledge of hypertension patients effectively.

Hypertension; culture-based education; knowledge; health literacy

Nursing Education and Practice


The effect of listening to the recitation of Qur-an (Murottal Ar-Rahman surah) on the level of anxiety of pregnant women in Siti Fatimah maternal and child hospital
Irmawati, Veni Hadju, Saidah Syamsuddin, Andi Imam Arundhana

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Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami

Midwifery Department, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Nutrition Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Psychiatry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of listening to the recitation of Qur-an, specifically Ar-Rahman surah, on the level of anxiety and the time of the first stage of labor in pregnant women. Method: This study was a quasi-experiment using non-randomized pre- and post-test with control design. The study was conducted in Siti Fatimah Maternal and Child Hospital, a public hospital in Makassar City, Indonesia. Total 40 samples were selected purposively, and they were divided into two groups, 20 respondents in the intervention group and 20 respondents in the control group. Chi-square test was performed for data analysis. Results: This study shows that there were significant changes in the level of anxiety after listening to Ar-Rahman surah (p<0.001). Meanwhile, no changes in the level of anxiety in the control group (p=0.50). The result of this study also showed that the score of anxiety, cortisol level and time of labor were significantly lower in the intervention group than in the control group (p<0.001, p=0.001, and p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion: Listening to the recitation of Qur-an, especially Ar-Rahman surah, could reduce the anxiety burden of pregnant women in facing the labor process. This treatment may also give benefit to the cortisol level and reduced time for labor. A further study with a randomized controlled trial in a large-scale sample can robust the findings of this study.

Pregnant women; Anxiety; Cortisol hormone; Labor time; Ar-Rahman surah

Maternal, neonatal and child health


The Effect of Supplementary Food and Anchovy Biscuits (Stolephorus sp) provision to the Ferritin Levels in Pregnant Women with Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) at the Second Trimester
Endah Saraswati, Suryani As-ad, Deviana Soraya Riu.

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Corresponding Author
Endah Saraswati

Midwifery Study Program Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of supplementary biscuit and anchovy biscuits to the ferritin concentrations in pregnant women with CED at the second trimester II, after 12 weeks of intervention. Methods: This study is a quantitative research using experimental methods with pre-post controlled design. The number of samples in this study were 40 pregnant women with CED at second trimester whom were selected using purposive sampling. Data includes Biscuit Consumption that obtained from observation sheets, while ferritin results obtained from serum extraction during laboratory examinations. Data were analyzed using statistic analysis of paired "T" test. Result: The results using regression test showed that there was no effect of supplementary biscuits and anchovy biscuits provision to ferritin level, with P> 0.05 (0.71). Bivariate analysis showed that consumption of supplementary biscuits and anchovy biscuits had no effect on upper arm circumference, with P> 0.05 (0.416) and no effect on body mass index (BMI), with P> 0.05 (0.817). Conclusion: It was concluded that there was no effect of the provision of supplementary biscuits and anchovy biscuits to the ferritin concentration in pregnant women with CED at the second trimester. Supplementary biscuits and anchovy biscuits is not enough to increase the ferritin levels in pregnant women with CED at the second trimester

Pregnant women with CED, supplementary Food, Anchovy biscuits, Ferritin.

Nutrition and Quality of life


Ade Sriwahyuningsih¹, Elizabet C.J², SultanBuraena³

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Corresponding Author
Ade Sriwahyuningsih

¹Departement of Midwifery, Graduate School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
²Departement of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Siloam Hospital , Makassar, Indonesia
³ Director of IbnuSina Hospital, Makassar, Indonesia

Objective: This study aims to see the effect of yoga exercises on a cortisol hormone level and an infant outcome. Methods: This study used a cross sectional study design. The sample was 80 third-trimester-pregnant women. The sample was divided into two groups, 40 women were given yoga exercises and 40 women were not given yoga exercises. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test, independent T test and Mann Whitney U test. Results: The result of this study shows that there is an effect of yoga exercises on a cortisol hormone level with a value of ρ 0.0001 <0.05, there is no effect of yoga exercises on birth weight with a value of ρ 0.67> 0.05, and there is no effect on yoga exercises on gestational age with a value of ρ 0.68> 0.05. In the control group,a high cortisol hormone level does not affect the normal birth weight and LBW with a value of ρ 0.72> 0.05.At NBW control group and LBW intervention group,a low cortisol hormone level does not affect the birth weight with a value of ρ 0.23> 0.05.In the intervention NBW group and LBW intervention, a low cortisol hormone level affects the normal birth weight and LBW with p values = 0.018 <0.05.In the mature control and preterm control group, ahigh cortisol hormone levelhas no effect on the age of mature or premature gestation with a value of ρ 0.17> 0.05.And at the control mature group and maturity of the intervention group, a low cortisol hormone level affects the gestational age with a value of ρ 0.001 <0.05. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is an effect of yoga exercises on a cortisol hormone level but it does not affect the outcome of an infant.

yoga exercises, cortisol hormone, baby weight, gestational age

Maternal, neonatal and child health


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