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The 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)

Event starts on 2019.08.14 for 2 days in Manado |

Page 1 (data 1 to 30 of 130) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

“I feel like I have somebody to talk to”: Exploring students- voices through journaling
Rojab SIti Rodliyah

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Rojab Siti Rodliyah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Journaling is believed to have many benefits, yet it is not widely used in EFL classrooms. This paper aims to explore the students- voices regarding the implementation of regular journaling in their writing class. The data were obtained from their written reflection after they wrote weekly journals for one semester. The qualitative analysis of the students- reflection revealed that the students- perceived journaling as something worth doing because it offers some advantages, both psychologically and academically. Psychologically, they think journaling is a good means of epressing their feelings and ideas especially when they do not have enough courage and confidence to speak up in the class. Journaling can make them feel ‘heard- without feeling ashamed and fearing of being evaluated. Academically, they believe that journaling can develop their writing habit and improve their writing skills. They further recommend that journaling should be done more frequently.

journaling, voices, rapport

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


“The verse of “Career Women” in Qur-an and Their Impact on Family Harmony
Hadri Hasan, A.A Mussyafa

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Hadri Hasan

Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha saifuddin Jambi

The purpose of this research was to described the perception of Education women career of the Al-Qur-an of surah An-Nisa verse 34 and the impact of harmony in families. Being a career woman, has its own problems because of two demands at the same time, namely the demands of career and demands in the family. This study has been previously started to 30 women career. The data has been evaluated by quantitatively and qualitatively approach (mixed methods). A qualitative approach is practice to explicate the woman officers career opinion to Surah An-Nisa verse 34, even though the quantitative approach is used to designate the grade of harmony of women family. For quantitative data, we use the interview. Based on the study and discussion, it can be concluded that: (1) the career woman (Muslim) perceives or believes that the Quran, surah An-Nisa verse 34 which is only related to male leadership in the context of worship, especially worship and in the house stairs. Therefore, womens career officials see that their position in public office is not contradictory to the verse, (2) the harmony of women household career officers in general including the harmonious family. This level of harmony is in the "moderate" category, which means there are some indicators of family harmony that are not attained in female career female officials. Nevertheless, given the career women officers have big responsibilities, both related to their work and with their household, career women need to do strategic things in order to increase family harmonization.

Education career women, surah An-Nisa verse 34, harmony in families

Global Issues in Education and Research


A Reflective Model of Akhlaq Values Teaching Based on the Theory of Moral Behavior Equilibrium
Nunung Nursyamsiah

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Nunung Nursyamsiah Nursyamsiah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study aims at developing a reflective model on moral values learning. This qualitative research is related to the learning process of moral values which includes the development of understanding and internalization of moral values and efforts to create conditions that can bring about changes in students moral feelings until they are motivated to change their moral behavior according to the values studied. The main participants of this study were the undergraduate students of Arabic Language Education Study Program attending Akhlaq course. The phenomenon studied was related to the context and meaning of real live problems. The context of the problems (teaching material) presented in the study were taken from the live examples of the prophets or his friends and real live examples experienced by a person or group of people currently. While the meanings to be focus of attention were certain moral values related to moral subjects in the Department of Arabic Language Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The results of the study indicate that reflective tasks related to certain students live experiences are appropriate in triggering the emergence of students- moral-feeling conflicts. A reflective strategy which include reflection for, in, and of action are appropriate to facilitate the process of moral values internalization. The reflective strategy implemented in this study could facilitate the students to actualize the values in their real live.

reflective model, moral values, live experience

Other Areas of Education


A Study on the Relationship between Professionalism, Mastery of Information, and Coordination of the Work Productivity
Shelty D.M. Sumual

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Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado

This article discusses the relationship between professionalism, mastery of information and coordination of the work productivity. Through a quantitative research approach, 40 respondents from administrative staff in the South Minahasa District Education Office participated in the questionnaires. Correlational analysis (bivariate correlation and partial correlation) was employed. The results of this study showed positive correlations among the variables. It could be concluded that professionalism has become the demand of every employee and organization to improve the organizational quality and work of each employee, so that professional employees will be able to carry out their work such as informing matters relating to their duties and responsibilities. The professionalism of employees in particular coordination with other work units greatly influences work relationships. Employees who master information contribute more positively to the coordination of work between work units in their institutions. A persons professionalism guarantees work productivity in his work unit. Managing staff who master information will influence efforts to increase work productivity in the organization where it works. Good coordination in an organization will facilitate work productivity. Thus, the leadership needs to pay attention to the accuracy of data and information, and the importance of coordination between work units, without ignoring aspects of professionalism.

professionalism, information, coordination, work productivity

Course Management


Academic Lecture: The Learning of Social Media in Youth
Fahruddin (a)*, Hasanuddin Chaer (b)*

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Fahruddin Fahruddin

a) School of Postgraduate Program Educational Administration, and Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Mataram Lombok- West Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia
b). Department of language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Mataram, Indonesia

Motivation is the most important factor to increase teenage learning interest through social media. Intrinsic motivation and curiosity are assets for those who are very valuable for increasing the value and quality of learning outcomes and teaching youth. This essay uses analysis of actor-network theory or social-material theory. This theory focuses on two aspects, namely on human agency and material agency. The purpose of this essay is to explain information about the positive and negative effects of social media on adolescents. General exposure to the negative and positive sides of social media. Some positive results, for example: Socialization and communication; increase learning opportunities and access health information such as treatment schedules, because of the emergence of disease and how to prevent it. Negative effects such as: Depression, anxiety, and criminal activity.

Motivation, Youth, and Social Media

Educational Foundations


Eka Sakti Yudha(a*), Nandang Budiman(b)

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a) Guidance and Counseling Department
Setiabudhi Street no 141 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) Guidance and Counseling Department
Setiabudhi Street no 141 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study aims to describe empirically the profile of the academic success of students in high school. This research is motivated by the assumption that academic success of students is only influenced by cognitive abilities possessed so that it can be said that achievement is a realization of cognitive abilities but it turns out that a persons cognitive aspects do not always guarantee individual academic success. The qualitative approach involved respondent of 786 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The data analysis used descriptive statistics with SPSS ver 14.0. The study shows the general academic success of students in Bandung in the category of moderate. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of academic success based on sex indicate that there are no significant differences. Research recommendations, namely for counseling teachers can design guidance and counseling programs that are able to direct the achievement of academic success using classical guidance services or group guidance.

Success academic; career; guidance and counseling

Global Issues in Education and Research


Accountability of Madrasah Supervisors in Fostering the Professionalism of the Heads of Public Madrasas in Jambi Province
Edy Kusnadi

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Edy Kusnadi

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the Head of Madrasah Tsanawiyah to increase their Professionalism in carrying out their duties as madrasa leaders. This situation is inseparable from the guidance and responsibility of the madrasa supervisor. This study aims to determine how the accountability of Madrasah supervisors in increasing the professionalism of the head of the madrasa tsanawiyah in Jambi Province. The research approach used is a descriptive qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study found that the accountability of madrasah supervisors can be seen from the existence of transparency, liability, controllability, responsibility, and responsiveness. The professionalism of the madrasah head can be seen from the implementation of the stages of planning, managing, leading and controlling the program, as well as the components of implementing education in madrasas based on the National Education Standards. The conclusion is that the accountability of madrasah supervisors can increase the professionalism of the Head of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri in Jambi Province. The implication of this study is that the accountability of madrasah supervisors is able to develop the professionalism of the Head of Islamic Education in Jambi Province.

Accountability; Madrasa Supervisors; Human Resources.

Business Education


Actual Moral Learning Method in Islamic Boarding School in the Challenges of the Disruption Era
Syahraini Tambak (a); Ahmad Husein Ritonga (b); Amril Mansur (c); & Desi Sukenti (d)

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Corresponding Author
Syahraini Tambak

(a) Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Islam Riau,
Kota Pekanbaru, Provinsi Riau, Indonesia

(b) Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi Indonesia. ahmadhusein[at]

(c)Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Pekanbaru, Indonesia. amril[at]

(d) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Riau,
Pekanbaru, Provinsi Riau, Indonesia

Research on Islamic boarding schools has been carried out by many other researchers, but the actual moral development method in Islamic boarding schools is still very neglected. This study explores actual moral learning methods in Islamic boarding schools in Pekanbaru City in the face of the challenges of the disruption era in Indonesia. Using a multiple-case study approach, this research selected five Islamic boarding schools in Pekanbaru, selecting their principals, teachers, and students as informants. The findings suggest that the developing of the actual morals of students in the challenges of the disruption era found four learning methods, namely; the qawlan sadidan method is used when students in daily interactions take actions that are not in accordance with Islamic norms; Qawlan balighan method is used when teaching students pesrta material must be able to directly absorb learning material and be practiced in life; the qisah wa al-tarikh method is used in making students aware of violating pesantren rules; and the dialogue method is used to invite students to talk about behavior that is done to provide self-awareness.

actual morals, learning methods, boarding schools

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Ratu Yustika Rini (a), Sri Margorini (b)

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Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This research is motivated by the claim that children must be able to "calistung" (read, write, count) in PAUD institutions. Jarimatika is a tool or media for children to explore with the fingers of their hands. Jarimatika techniques emphasize the mastery of the concept of numbers and fast ways to count. The focus of this research is to analyze mathematics learning to introduce initial arithmetic through fingerprinting techniques, including planning, implementation, and the ability profile that is apparent from children. The approach used is a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results of this study indicate that the planning of mathematics learning through Jarimatika technique has three components, namely the first component of mathematics learning planning to introduce the initial arithmetic in TK Ulil Albab, Serang City; prepared together with school principals, teachers and education personnel, designed in an integrated manner with the Standards for the Achievement of Child Development; the second implementation of mathematics learning is packed with Jarimatika Technique. Therefore, in the introduction of preliminary arithmetic through the fingerprinting technique is continued and used as a recommendation and reference for schools in the development of early arithmetic in early childhood.

counting beginning, jarimatika, mathematics

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Agus Satory, Lasmin Alfies Sihombing, Yeni Nuraeni, Mustaqim

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Agus Satory

Universitas Pakuan

There are two main factors that have triggered a low level of Consumer Empowerment Index (IKK) in Indonesia, namely the lack of public knowledge about regulations and institutions related to consumer protection, and complaints that are not common among consumers. Improved education can take advantage of the involvement of many Consumer Protection NGOs in various regions by prioritizing strengthening consumer empowerment in eight sectors, namely clean water, energy, health, medicine and food, housing and property, transportation, financial services and e-commerce. This study aims to analyze the implementation of consumer protection education programs in improving the IKK. The method of approach taken in this research is a normative juridical approach and is supported by empirical research. The results of the study show that on average consumers in Indonesia are still helpless with an IKK score of 40.41 ("capable" level) in 2018. This means that Indonesian consumers are only limited to being able to use their rights and obligations as consumers to determine the best choice and to use domestic products. IKK is an index that measures the level of consumer empowerment in Indonesia. The higher the value of the IKK shows that consumers in Indonesia are increasingly empowered.

consumer protection education, consumer empowerment index

Global Issues in Education and Research


I Nyoman Kanca , I Ketut Swadesi

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I Nyoman Kanca

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

This study aims to determine the level of student satisfaction and academic service quality of the FOK Undiksha which includes five dimensions, namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The population is all FOK Undiksha students. The research sample was 268 people, taken randomly (simple random sampling). Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results of the study indicate that: (1). Students are quite satisfied with the academic services at the FOK Undiksha. (2). The quality of academic services of FOK Undiksha is quite good. (3) The level of student satisfaction is divided into five dimensions, namely the level of satisfaction of the tangible dimension in the category is quite satisfied, the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empiricism are in the satisfied category. (4) The academic service quality of the FOK Undiksha for the tangible dimension is quite good, the reliability dimension is good, the dimensions of responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are quite good. (5) The level of student satisfaction with lecturer education services with a three-level education qualification is better than the lecturer with a two-level education qualification. (6). The quality of lecturer education services with a three-level education qualification is better than lecturers with a two-level education qualification. Suggested to: (1). Lecturers who are still qualified for the Undergraduate education in order to improve their competence and educational qualifications. (2). The leadership must provide the widest possible facilities and infrastructure to the lecturers to be able to improve their competence and educational qualifications.

quality, service, academic

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Sudirman Wilian, Dadi Setiadi, Nyoman Sridana

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Sudirman Wilian

Post Graduate Program of Educational Administration Mataram University
Jl. Pendidikan No. 37 Mataram 83125

The internal quality assurance system (SPMI) of the secondary education unit is a quality assurance system that all components in the education unit should implement. SPMI in private Islamic high schools needs to be studied and resolved so that the quality of the process as well as the learning outcomes of students can be equivalent to other schools. This research is aimed to figure out the understanding of Islamic schoool staffs concernng internal quality assurance system, the programs implemented, and the constraints faced. The subjects of this research are teachers, principals, and administration staffs. This research implemented a qualitative approach as its research design. Data were collected through document analysis, questionnaires, and interviews with participants such as, teachers, principals, and administration staffs. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach, employng the stages of data collection, data analysis preparation, thorough reading, encoding data, encoding text for descriptions and themes used in research reports. The results of the study claimed that the teaching staffs and administration staffs as a whole did not fully understand the SPMI of the secondary education unit. Equally important, the quality assurance programs have not been well organized regarding SPMI to be able to meet the education standards. The main issue occurred in private Islamic high schools was that all school members did neither have a good understanding of SPMI nor a good quality assurance team. Consequently, school programs did not lead to gradual quality improvement to achieve and exceed national education standards. Both sampling schools were in urgent necessity to be given understanding and guidance related to the stages of improving school quality in accordance with the schools vision and mission as well as national education standards. As an initial step, private Islamic high schools need to establish SPMI that is in accordance with the requirements in order to improve the quality of administrative and learning processes.

quality assurance system, eduation quality assurance, internal quality assurance, secondary education unit

Other Areas of Education


Analysis the Implementation of Waste Bank Policies in the City of Manado
F F Warouw, T K. Londa, H. Sumual, A.L.G Katuuk

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Felly Ferol Warouw

Universitas Negeri Manado

This research is to analyze the implementation of the waste bank policies in Manado City. The method used is descriptive by discussing qualitatively and approved by three research focuses, namely first collecting waste management programs in Manado city, secondly analyzing community participation in waste bank development programs and studying the factors that become obstacles and supporters in developing waste banks in Manado City . The first research results related to waste management programs containing various programs. For waste banks, it is one of the alternative solutions to waste problems in the city of Manado. Both developing community participation are still in consultation not yet in community control. Community participation consists of sorting household waste containing organic inorganic waste. The third is a supporting factor in the development of waste banks in the city of Manado, namely the role of local government as well as state-owned private companies as supporters of the implementation of the waste bank program. As for inhibiting factors such as low society, the development of waste banks requires high investment, low value of waste, and the culture of manado who pay attention to waste as a dirty thing.

Analysis, Implementation, Waste Bank, Manado City

Other Areas of Education


Analysis the Quality of Level of Inquiry (LoI)-based Lesson Design through Lesson Study
Setia Rahmawan1,a), S Hendayana2, P Siahaan3, D S Rahayu1 and S Sendi4

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Setia Rahmawan

1Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
4SMP BPI 1 Bandung, Jl. Burangrang No.8, 40262 Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to investigate the quality of Level of Inquiry (LoI)-based lesson design, which is developed and implemented on science learning in Junior High School through lesson study. The LoI learning model is a further development of inquiry learning with the purpose that teachers and students are more directed in conducting inquiry learning, the higher level in LoI, the less role of teacher and the students are more dominant in the learning process. The methode of this research use qualitative descriptive. The data collected is lesson design that developed by science teacher who is used to following lesson study activities and was analyzed using rubric. Based on the assessment of lesson design rubric with 19 criteria in four domains (instruction, organization, assessment, and learning of inquiry), the results reveal that the strengths consist learning objectives, opening instructions, and instructions that differentiate between groups and individuals as well as organizational aspects, consist defining rules, setting classrooms, group composition is also a clear. The weakness lies in the teacher developing LoI learning, namely at the stage of manipulation and verification.) This finding helps teachers to gain insight into the characteristics of level of inquiry-based lesson design.

Level of Inquiry, Lesson design, Lesson Study

Other Areas of Education


Deisi Natalia Maapanawang, Santje Salajang, Wayan Damai

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Treesje Londa

Universitas Negeri Manado

Senior High Schools are in charge of education and teaching for human resource development. High schools in Manado are 57 high schools. Even though there are quite a lot of SMA in Manado, there are still more and more new private high schools, this causes more intense competition among SMA in Manado to win over consumers (students). Based on these considerations, this research was conducted with the aim to find out the competitive position map among high schools in Manado. The method in this research is a survey research. The sample of this study was 303 students who were in 8 high schools, namely Eben Haezar Christian High School, Don Bosco Catholic High School, Rex Mundi Catholic High School, State High School 9, Prisma Pioneer High School, State High School 1, MAN Model 1, and MAS Al Muhajirin. The results of the study were reviewed from 9 variables including: the cost of education, location, teacher, school management, religion, facilities or infrastructure, graduates, reputation and promotion, it turns out that the closest competitors are SMA Negeri 1 Manado are MAN Model 1 Manado and SMA Prisma Pioneer Manado. While the closest competitor of Manado 9 Public High School is MAS Al Muhajirin Manado. Meanwhile, private schools that compete closely with each other are Eben Haezar Manado Christian High School and Don Bosco Manado Catholic High School. While the Rex Mundi Catholic High School in Manado is considered to have no competitors.

Multidimensional Scaling, Competition Between Schools

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


I Wayan Damai, Aaltje Pangemanan

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Treesje Londa

Universitas Negeri Manado

Teaching and learning strategies with the help of concept maps are expected to be an alternative to help in improving student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are differences in student learning outcomes between learning using the help of concept maps with learning without using the help of concept maps. The method in this research is quasi-experimental research. The results of the study based on the results of data analysis showed that the group of values taught by learning concept maps obtained the highest score of 10 and the lowest of 6.8 while the group of values taught with learning without concept maps obtained the highest values of 9 and the lowest of 4.4. The average learning outcomes with learning using concept maps is 8.97 while learning without concept maps is 6.84. The standard deviation for learning by learning to use concept maps is 1.25 and learning without concept maps is 1.75. The results of research based on the results of data analysis in this study can be concluded that student learning outcomes in learning using the help of concept maps are better than student learning outcomes without using the help of concept maps. The results of this study, can be seen from the results of student learning in learning using a concept map of 10% with high mastery, amounting to 67.5% moderate mastery, and of 22.5% low mastery. While student learning outcomes without using a concept map are 1% high mastery, 11.5% moderate mastery, and 87.5% low mastery.

Concept Map, Sequence and Series, Math Induction

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Bring Back The Nature of Transdisciplinarity in Social Studies Learning 4.0
Sari Pratiwi & Nana Supriatna

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Sari Pratiwi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This paper aims to conceptualize the basic value of transdisciplinary learning in social studies to prepare students with the skills they need to face the industrial revolution 4.0, which has been largely forgotten by educators in developing Social Studies learning in the classroom. Referring to the results of the literature study conducted, this research will answer about how the application of learning and learning outcomes resulting from social studies in transdisciplinary learning. This study shows that the concept of transdisciplinary learning that is meaningful and close to real-life experiences provides wholeness in students understanding of the concept of learning, where learning outcomes will benefit students in contributing themselves in the community as social studies learning ideals.

Transdisciplinary Learning, Social studies

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Calculating the Unit Costs by the Learning Activity Based Costing in Technology and Engineering Vocational School
Yayat*, Nanang Fattah, Danny Meirawan

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Yayat Yayat

Technology and Vocational Education, School of postgraduates, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Learning Activity Based Costing (LABC) is a new method in calculating costs in the education sector. This observational descriptive study uses a single case study method to determine the operational unit costs of the student in the Mechanical Engineering Expertise Program in the State Vocational Technology and Engineering Expertise Group in Bandung using the LABC approach. The aims this study are to obtain information about the amount of operational costs needed by a student to complete vocational education in a Vocational High School. Calculation the education costs currently used are traditional financing methods with the number of students as a driver to allocate costs. The results showed that the use of LABC was able to show more detailed and comprehensive cost information. Calculation of costs using LABC results in higher operational unit costs per student compared to existing operational unit costs.

learning activity based costing, vocational education, and unit costs

Other Areas of Education


Changing Teachers- Mindset in Designing Lesson Study Based Learning Through Metacognitive Strategy
Eri Sarimanah 1, Roy Efendi,2 Figiati Indra Dewi3

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Eri Sarimanah

1,2 Indonesian Language Education, Pakuan University
3 Indonesian Language Education, Kuningan University

Qualified learning will be achieved if the teacher is able to design the learning process well. The indicator of good learning design is if it is able to acomodate the students- different learning style, to give the opportunity for the students to be active, creative, innovative and to dig up students- potency. Thus, it is important to change the teachers- mindset in designing the learning process. Through lesson study based metacognitive strategy, learning is organized through plan, do, see steps. In the plan step, the teacher makes chapter design and lesson design that applies metacognitive strategy. In the do step the students identify basic competence that should be achieved and the steps of the learning process or students activity that should be written in the learning design (self-planning). Then the students recheck the relevance between the basic competence and and the learning steps that should be available (self monitoring). The last step in do is evaluating the process and result of learning organization that the make (self evaluation). The last step is see or reflection where the lecturer together with the observers evaluate the learning process and learning result to revise the future learning. The observation result shows that designing the lesson study based learning activity through metacognitive strategy has changed their view point in making the students learn. They are careful in analyzing the need, relating the relevance between basic competence and the learning steps that should be available. They also get used to recheck the design they have made. From this point they get used to be careful, sistematic, selective, comprehensive, logic, and try to dig up their potency in designing learning activity. Through this effort, it is expected that qualified learning can be achieved.

metacognitive strategy, learning design, lesson study

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Cognitive Ability: Games Based Aquatic Learning in Early Childhood
Anne Hafina (a), Lutfi Nur (a*), Nandang Rusmana (a), Arief Abdul Malik (b)

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Corresponding Author
Lutfi Nur

a)Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
b)Universitas Siliwangi
Jalan Siliwangi 24, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of providing aquatic learning on cognitive abilities in early childhood. 10 children from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Pilot Laboratory Kindergarten, Tasikmalaya Campus, Indonesia, aged 5-6 years, were involved in this study. The instruments used in this study were structured observation, field notes and documentation regarding childrens cognitive abilities in aquatic learning which included class procedures, pool rules, play rules, instructional language, and movement mechanics. the results showed that cognitive abilities of early childhood increased after giving aquatic learning with a gain score of 13. This study concluded that aquatic learning has a positive impact on early childhood.

Game-based aquatic learning, Cognitive ability, Early Childhood

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Contextual Teaching and Learning in The Disruptive Era
Mariana L. M. Lausan (a*), Jeane Marie Tulung (a), Melissa MF Waturandang (b), Aljuanika Ertamaya Ering (a), Shanti N. Ch. Ruata (b)

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Corresponding Author
Mariana Lusye Marlyn Lausan

a) FIPK, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville Tateli Satu, Minahasa, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Teologi, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville Tateli Satu, Minahasa, Indonesia

Contextual Teaching and Learning is one of alternative learning that can help lecturer as an educator for make a link between learning material and experience or real condition of all education participant so they can do that in daily activity. The purpose of this research is to describe Contextual Teaching and learning in disruptive era. Method that use in this research is qualitative with descriptive phenomenological. For getting some data research technique that use is with observation, interview and documentation. Result of this research that Contextual Teaching and Learning is can make education participant more active, more creative, more independent and more innovative. For the conclusion, contextual teaching and learning is very good for use in education world.

Contextual, Teaching, Learning, Education

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Anak Agung Gede Agung & Ni Made Sugihartini

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Anak Agung Gede Agung

Program Studi Administrasi Pendidikan, Pascasarjana
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Singaraja, Indonesia

Symptoms of the low organizational commitment of teachers at Singaraja-Bali City Middle School encouraged this research. Therefore this study aims to determine the contribution of school management implementation based on local wisdom values tri hita karana and servant leadership on teacher organizational commitment. This research is ex-post facto. The study population was 428 people and with the sampling technique using the formula Morgan and Krejcie (1970) obtained a sample of 235 teachers. The method of collecting data using a Likert scale model questionnaire. The results of the study data were analyzed by the double regression statistical technique 2 predictors. Based on the analysis of data obtained conclusions (1) there is a significant contribution to the implementation of school management based on tri hita karana local wisdom values on teacher organizational commitment with a contribution of 16.89%, (2) there is a significant contribution of servant leadership to organizational commitment with contribution of 27.39%, (3) there is a significant contribution to the implementation of school management based on local wisdom values tri hita karana and servant leadership on teacher organizational commitment with a contribution of 44.30%.

tri hita karana, servant leadership, organizational commitment

Global Issues in Education and Research


Curriculum Management Based on Information And Communication Technologies (ICT) At Vocational High School
Devika Putri Kistiani

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Devika Putri Kistiani

Educational Administration Department Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Curriculum management is a system of managing a curriculum that is cooperative, comprehensive, systemic, in order to realize the achievement of curriculum objectives. The use of ICT in education is an innovation and an answer to the challenges of changing era. School management systems, especially good curriculum fields, will have a large impact in improving the quality of schools. The objective of this research is to describe the planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up of curriculum management based ICT at vocational high school. Method in this research used qualitative descriptive method with case study as a design research. Data collection techniques in this research used interviews, observation, and document review. The results of this research show that curriculum planning based ICT is based on the needs of the business and industrial world, also the Ministry of Education and Cultures Perdirjen Dikdasmen Number: 07/D.D5/KK/2018. For the implementation curriculum based ICT carried out by teachers conducting learning activities that are based on the use of ICT. Evaluation curriculum based ICT shows that there is still a lack integration of delivered material by teachers with program expertise. Whereas for the follow-up implementation of the curriculum based ICT, school needs to increase the pedagogical competence of the teachers.

Curriculum management, ICT, Vocational High School

Curriculum, Research and Development


Cyclic Reflective Model for Promoting Prospective English Teachers- Creativity in Instructional Designing
Luh Putu Artini, Ni Nyoman Padmadewi

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Luh Putu Artini

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Creativity is one of the 21st century learning skills that need major concern in educational institutions in Indonesia. Changes from the practice of route leaning to student active learning should be started from teacher education, where prospective teachers should be trained to be creative in designing a lesson. This article is written based on a continuous classroom research on the pre-service trainings that prepare prospective teachers to become creative instructional designer through Strategy and Design Course. 2 classes of second year students undertaking first degree in English Education were involved in this study. One class comprising 30 students were treated with Cyclic Reflective Model, while another class comprising the same number of students were treated with conventional teaching model where they worked on their own and got feedback from the instructor at the end of their project. At the end of the semester, they had to create a lesson plan to be assessed on the bases of Strenberg-s five components of creativity. Comparisons were made between the two groups. Student group treated with Cyclic Reflective Model were found to be more creative than that treated with conventional teaching. The former demonstrated consistent higher scores in all the five components of creativity

cyclic reflective model, prospective English teacher, creativity, instructional designing

Adult Education


Decrease or increase: Analysis the existence of local wisdom as the core of education in the era of technology
Siti Komariah, Fajar Nugraha Asyahidda

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Siti Komariah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Local wisdom is an element that is very important for human life which contains values, norms, and customs that are valid and have been around for a long time. The existence of local wisdom is a necessity because it was born and developed Along with the birth of life and culture and is used as one of the main points in the development of Education. However, in this technological era local wisdom is at a point where it continues to exist and is able to face technological challenges or turn into a global culture. Through research with qualitative design and using participatory observation strategies conducted in the Kampung Dukuh of West Java, Indonesia for 3 years, it was concluded that the existence of local wisdom could be lost due to massive use of technology in all fields, especially in the social aspects where human interaction was guided by technology. However, on the other hand this research has proven that technology combined with local wisdom that aims to maintain the existence of both succeeded in increasing peoples understanding of the values of local wisdom and the importance of this as the core of Education that emphasizes values and norms. The implications of these brilliant results are expected to be able to motivate the next generation to be able to become good citizens of the world by prioritizing local wisdom values as one of the cores of Education.

local wisdom, technological challenge, global culture

Other Areas of Education


Determinants of Active Instruction at Junior Secondary Schools in Indonesian Central Zone
L. Kaluge(1*) and P.M Handoko (2)

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Laurens Kaluge

(1) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.
(2) STFT Widya Sasana Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to explore some selected constructs as explanatory factors for improving instructional activities at Junior Secondary Schools (JSS). Teachers from 34 JSS at four provinces in Central Indonesia provided data by filling out questionnaires. The modeling of regression analysis affirmed that training benefits, remedial teaching, teaching evaluation, and school climate were effective independent factors. However, the teacher professionalism, teaching plan, and classroom climate were not significant. Motivation for doing remedial teaching had the highest 12.1% contribution for the successful active instruction. The study attempted to enhance quality assurance of the teaching practices at schools in Indonesia.

teacher professionalism, instructional effectiveness, school climate, junior secondary school

Other Areas of Education


Alfrits Roul Sinadia (a*), Surya Jatmika (b)

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Alfrits Roul Sinadia

(a) Universitas Klabat Airmadidi Manado, Airmadidi 95371, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,
Surakarta 57162, Indonesia

This study aimed to develop an academic achievement test to measure undergraduate students- achievement. It was a developmental study which used quantitative descriptive approach and analysis to analyze the quality of the test. The test that consisted of 48 items were tried out on 54 undergraduate students. Next, the items were analyzed in terms of validity, item difficulty indexes, discrimination indexes, distracter effectiveness, and reliability. The validity analysis showed that all items (48 items) at least had the Aiken-s V value of 0.92. Then based on the difficulty index analysis, it was found that 62.50% were moderate, 25.00% were easy, and 12.50 items were difficult. Another analysis showed that the discrimination power of 66.67% items were very good, 14.58% were good, 6.25% were good enough, and 12.50% were poor. In terms of distracter effectiveness of 19 multiple choice items which passed the screening process of item difficulty and discrimination, it was found that 31.57% of items had all well-functioning distracters. However, 42.11% items had three nonfunctioning distracters and the rest 26.32% had two nonfunctioning distracters. Finally, the reliability estimation analysis showed that the consistency index was 0.71.

academic achievement test; item difficulty; item discrimination; distracter effectiveness

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Developing inquiry-based learning materials through integrated lesson study with 4-D model to enhance student critical thinking skill at junior high school
Agus Ramdani

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Agus Ramdani

Universitas Mataram

Critical thinking ability is an important thing that needs to be developed for the future of students. However, this has not been facilitated properly in the learning process of science. This study aims to develop inquiry-based science learning devices that are valid, practical, effective to improve students critical thinking skills. This R and D study adapted the 4D model (define, design, develop, disseminate) which was integrated with lesson study activities. The trial subjects in this study were students of class VIII SMPN in the city of Mataram. The development of learning devices uses lesson study activities (plan, do, see) that involve SMPN science teachers in the city of Mataram. . Product feasibility testing is carried out by experts using the validation instrument prepared by the researcher. Testing the practicality of the learning process using the implementation observation sheet, teacher response questionnaire, student response questionnaire and observation sheet of students critical thinking abilities. The results of data analysis show that learning devices are in the category of high validity, high practicality and effective for improving students critical thinking skills. In conclusion, the device of inquiry-based learning model developed through lesson study activities can be used to improve students critical thinking skills

4-D Model, lesson study, inquiry-based learning, critical thinking skill

Curriculum, Research and Development


Developing Learning Devices Using Discovery Learning Model with a Scientific Approach to Sequence and Sequence Material
Vica Defie Marlis Sinolungan, John Robby Wenas, Wayan Damai

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Treesje Londa

Universitas Negeri Manado

This study aims to (1) find out how to develop learning devices using the Discovery Learning model with a scientific approach to sequence and sequence material, (2) produce learning devices using the Discovery Learning model with a scientific approach to valid, practical sequence and sequence material effective. Research methods The development model that will be used to develop learning devices in this study is a modification of the Thiagarajan model known as Four-D Models (4D Model) namely defining, designing, developing, and dissemination. The researcher modifies the development model by simplifying the model, which is limited to the development stage by considering the limited time and cost. The results of this study state that the product developed meets the criteria of valid, practical and effective. Learning devices with an average score of 3.56 with valid criteria. The results of practicality of learning devices are obtained from the average results of the ability of teachers to manage learning, which is 3.46 which is categorized as well located in intervals of 3 ≤ P <4 and student response questionnaires that are above 80% positive responses of students. The effectiveness of learning devices is obtained from the analysis of student activities that are categorized as good as well as evaluating student learning outcomes that show the value of student mastery over 70.

Discovery Learning, Scientific Approach, Sequence and Series

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Development of Campus Model with Disaster Mitigation in the Framework of Disaster Mitigation Education at Indonesia University of Education
Iwan Setiawan, Dede Rohmat, Enok Maryani, Lies Wahyuni

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Iwan Setiawan

Magister of Geography Education
School of Post Graduate Study
Indonesia University of Education (UPI Bandung)
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhy 229 Bandung

Campus has a strategic role in preparing the community to face possible disasters. To achieve this role, a commitment is needed to make the campus a disaster mitigation perspective, so that it becomes a medium for disaster mitigation education. The purpose of this study is to review the extent of campus commitment, especially the University of Education Indonesia (UPI) in making its campus disaster mitigation-minded. The research method used is a survey method for campus residents. The results of the study indicate that UPI has made a number of efforts to make its campus insight into disaster mitigation, but there is still a lot that needs to be improved. These efforts are generally still limited to the provision of physical facilities, not yet on the aspect of empowering campus residents. A number of weaknesses were identified in the form of the absence of a Disaster Risk Assessment Document, Campus Action Plan and Early Warning System, there were no massive socialization of disaster mitigation, and the absence of resource mobilization efforts.

disaster mitigation, education, disaster risk, campus action plans, early warning systems, resource mobilization

Global Issues in Education and Research


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