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International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology (ICONBEAT 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.07 for 1 days in Malang |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 144) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Identifying Pro-Environmental Producer Behavior on Food SMEs (Small and Micro Enterprises) in Malang
Rahayu Relawati, Harpowo

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Rahayu Relawati

Department of Agribusiness, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Background: Pro-environmental producer behavior are increasingly urgent to implement an environmentally friendly industry. Aims: To identify the knowledge, attitudes, religiosity, and behavior of the food SME producers towards the environment. Materials and Methods: The research objects are SMEs of “tempe chips” in Malang City, East Java Province. The descriptive analysis is used to explain the findings of producer behavior related to the environment. Results: The study results show that the majority of producers already have knowledge of raw materials and production processes that are environmentally friendly, but only few of them know about the environmentally friendly product packaging. The producers- attitude supports environmentally friendly production processes, although is still at lower level than religiosity. The environmentally friendly producer behavior has not ideal in raw materials usage, production process, and packaging. They have implemented water and energy saving, but have not been able to avoid plastic packaging usage. Generally, the “tempe chips” SME-s performance are healthy. The majority of them are being increased in terms of production, profits, and sustainability of the production process. A small number of producers are declining in terms of production, profits, and face production discontinuity. Conclusion: Further research needs to analyze the effect of religiosity on the behavior of pro-environment producers. The recommendation given is to socialize the use of environmentally friendly product packaging to sell at a premium price. The premium price products are targeted to the middle to upper consumer segments. If it has been socialized, the use of environmentally friendly packaging is expected to become a general implementation of the food packaging.

SME, producer behavior, pro-environment.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Implementation Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 32/2016 On The Sustainability Economic Dimension of Floating Net Cage of Grouper Fish Farmers (Case Studies at Klatakan Village, Kendit Sub-District, Situbondo District)
David Hermawan1, Afan Arfandia1, Ganjar Adhywirawan Sutarjo1

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David Hermawan

Department of Fisheries
Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science
University of Muhammadiyah Malang

This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation Minister of Marine and Fisheries Regulation No. 32 of 2016 on the sustainability index value of the economic dimension of KJA grouper fish farmers and policy recommendations that are in line with the economic dimension aspects of KJA grouper fish farmers. The research case study was conducted in Klatakan Village, Kendit District, Situbondo Regency. This study uses the Rapfish method to find out the index value of the sustainability of the economic dimension by using eight attributes of the economic dimension, namely Profit, Price, Trends Production, Buyers, Subsidy Levels, PAD Contributions, Labor Absorption and Worker Income. Then determine the score and assessment of each attribute so that it can be analyzed using Rapfish to find out the sustainability index from the economic dimension of KJA grouper fish farmers and to know the lever attributes used in making policy. The results showed that the economic dimension sustainability index of KJA grouper cultivator after the implementation of Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 32 of 2016 was in the category of "Poor Sustainability" with an index value of 45.67% with three attributes that exceeded the average value which can be used as a principle that must be considered in making decisions to develop policy strategies namely Production Trends (7.31), Buyers (5.61) and Prices (4.58). This gives the conclusion that the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries regulation number 32 of 2016 gives less sustainable impacts and needs the responsibility of the relevant government to review the policy and requires good cooperation between the government, farmers and Fisheries BUMN to increase national grouper production.

Grouper, Economic Dimension, Sustainability Index, Rapfish.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Improvement Generative Growth of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) using PGR Application and Prunning in IPB Gunung Gede Teaching Farm
Ade Astri Muliasari*1, Ratih Kemala Dewi2 ,Hidayati Fatchur Rochmah3

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Ade Astri Muliasari

College of Vocational Studies, Bogor Agricultural University

The availability of technologies such as pruning and plant growth regulators are important, because it may increase crop yield. Pruning coffee plants is intended to stimulate generative growth that increases productivity to reach optimal and continuous production all year. PGR makes it possible to exploit the production potential of plants. Pruning management combined with the PGR in coffee plants is expected to improve flowering and berry growth. The research was conducted for 7 months since October 2017-April 2018 at Gunung Gede. A split-plot design with 2 treatment factors, pruning was placed as the main plot consisting of 2 levels, namely without (P0) and with pruning (P1). The PGR application was placed as a subplot, consisting of 3 doses, namely without PGR (Z0), and concentrations of 0.3 ml/l (Z1) and 0.4 ml/l (Z2). The results showed, the pruning treatment significantly influenced microclimate, number of branches, B0, B1 and B2, number of berry sets, and berries. Pruning treatment has a very significant effect on microclimate, plant height, number of branches, number of coffee fruits, yields/crops, and productivity. Interaction between pruning and PGR significantly affected plant height and B0. The best dosage for PGR treatment has not yet been found.

Arabica coffee, branches, pruning, PGR, yield

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Gumoyo Mumpuni Ningsih and Harun Rasyid

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Gumoyo Mumpuni Ningsih

University of Muhammadiyah Malang

ABSTRACT Utilization of the yard is very beneficial, especially for the weak economic community, namely as a food producer in improving family nutrition. One of the uses of the yard is by way of cultivation of vegetable crops by velticulture The purpose of this study is 1. Analyze the increase in knowledge of housewives about the cultivation of vegetable plants by Velticulture 2. To find out the number of mothers who implement the application of vegetable cultivation in velticulture after giving knowledge 3. To find out the constraints faced by housewives in the cultivation of vegetable plants through velticulture The study was conducted at pkk RT 04 / RW 02 Tlogomas Subdistrict, Lowok Waru Subdistrict, Malang City, the study was conducted in a census. The number of respondents 36. Retrieval of data by means of interviews and documentation, to find out an increase in knowledge of housewives about cultivation of plants in velticulture using a paired t-test. The results showed that 1. There is an increase in knowledge of housewives about the cultivation of vegetable plants in a velticultural manner 2. There are 30, 56% of mothers who apply veltikutur cultivation of plants 3. The constraints faced in the cultivation of plants in the Velticulture are the lack of capital to make a place or media for planting in a velvet culture, and after harvesting they find it difficult to obtain seeds in the market

Keywords: Yard, Vegetable Cultivation, Verticulture

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Improving Margins of the Indonesian Seaweed Supply Chain Upstream Players: the Application of the Kaizen Approach
Agus H. Purnomo, R. Kusumawati, A. Pratitis, I. Alimin, S. Wibowo, M. Rimmer and Nicholas Paul

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Agus Heri Purnomo

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

Background: Indonesia has a great opportunity to create huge revenue through seaweed hydrocolloid trades. With the production of carrageenophyte, especially Euchema sp, and agarophyte, especially Gracillaria sp, Indonesia succeeded in becoming an important player in the trade raw materials. However, success in raw material market did not occur in the hydrocolloid market; in this context of Indonesia caught only less than 4% of world market share, far behind China, Chile, Spain and the Philippines. From our previous research, problems have been identified as occurring at upstream nodes in the commodity supply chain. Among the outputs of this research is a finding the margin obtained by the players at the upstream node in the Indonesian commercial seaweed supply chain is generally small and makes the motivation for business development low. Problems found in our previous research, however, are still global in nature and need to be explored further. Aims: The research aims to identify opportunities to overcome problems facing seaweed upstream players, focusing on the identification of problem locus, root cause analysis, priority problem selection, and determination of intervention form. Materials and Methods: This research is conducted following the Kaizen Approach. Seven upstream business nodes were chosen in the commercial seaweed supply chain at three locations: two Gracilaria farmers in Brebes, one Gracilaria trader in Brebes, one Eucheumatoid farmer in Serang, one intermediary trader in Serang, and two Eucheumatoid farmers in Sumenep. Through the Kaizen technique, the productivity analysis was applied to identify the leverage actions needed to improve efficiency. The Kaizen approach itself can be briefly described as a change towards a better which is done continuously. In industries, Kaizen are normally applied to formulate strategies to increase production, increase product quality, reduce operational costs, reduce waste, and increase job security. Results: The results show there are inefficiencies in a number of loci in the business lines of intermediate farmers and traders. These include a gap (actual vs. standard value) on Gracilaria moisture content of 2%, on Eucheumatoid moisture content of 4 %, on Gracilaria pond productivity of 0.6 tons / ha / year, on productivity of by-products Gracilaria is 50%, the productivity of Eucheumatoids are 10%, on the quality of dry Gracilaria is one grade, all of which results in a loss of potential profit (margin). Root problem analysis found a number of external factors outside the Kaizen domain and other internal aspects that can be corrected through intervention. The internal aspects include: objective measurement of water content and good drying method for the inter-trade business and the implementation of Gracilaria cultivation pond maintenance techniques and spacing on Eucheumatoid. The results of the analysis, which were then communicated with each entrepreneur, determined a numb

commercial seaweed, Eucheuma, Kappaphycus, Gracilaria, Kaizen, margins, supply chain

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Improving The Capability of Corn Processing into Tortillas by Family Welfare Programme in Gedong Ngadirojo Wonogiri
Afriyanti, Novian Wely Asmoro, Retno Widyastuti, Catur Budi Handayani, Ira Liana Sari

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Afriyanti Afriyanti

Agricultural Product Technology, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo, Indonesia

Corn is one of the main agricultural commodities in Wonogiri Regency, especially in Ngadirojo District. Utilization of corn was not optimal. Community just sold it after harvesting. Community capability, especially Family Welfare Programme, in processing food products are very important and can encourage the food diversification programme. Processing of corn into tortillas is an alternative effort to increase the added value of agricultural commodities. The activities methods was carried out through several stages: first, the socialization and inventory the potentially of corn; second, counseling about corn processing and its benefits; third, training and practice of making tortillas; fourth, evaluation of all the activities. The results showed that 100% of partners have corn land but have not utilized it for processing. In addition, 100% of partners have never processed corn into tortillas. The test results showed that there is an increasing of partner understanding, in the amount of 20.71%. At the end of the activities, the partners were able to process their own tortilla products.

capability, corn, increase, tortilla

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Improving the Color Quality of the Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) through the Addition of Butterfly Pea Leaf Meal (Clitoria ternatea) to the Feed
Yuli Andriani1, Rintan Octaviana Julia2, Lintang P. S. Yuliadi1, Iskandar1

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Yuli Andriani

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
Universitas Padjadjaran

Color is one of the indicators of quality in ornamental fish. This study aims to test the carotenoid content in butterfly pea leaves as a source of natural pigment and its effect on the tail color quality of green swordfish. Research was carried out using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The four treatments were carried out by adding 0, 1, 6 and 12% of butterfly pea leaf flour in the feed. The parameters observed in this study were including carotenoid content of dried butterfly pea leaves, changes in color quality of the green swordfish tail, survival, and water quality. The color observations data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis analysis, if there were differences between treatments, a multiple comparison was performed using the Z test with a 95% confidence level. Survival data were analyzed using analysis of variance using the F test with a 95% confidence level, if there were differences between treatments, the test then followed by the Duncan test with a 95% confidence level. The results showed that there were 9067 mg / kg of carotenoid contained in dried butterfly pea leaves. The addition of 12% butterfly pea leaf flour to commercial feed was able to improve the color quality on the tail of the green swordfish with an average color score of 5 and a color value of 87.3. Addition of carotenoids in feed does not significantly affect survival, and water quality. These results indicated that the use of butterfly pea leaves is safe to use as a source of natural pigment for ornamental fishes, such as swordfish.

swordfish, carotenoids, color quality, feed, butterfly pea leaf meal

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


In Vitro Studies on The Inhibition of α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase by fruit and seed Extracts of White Jamun (Syzygium Cumini L. Skeels)
Erny Ishartati*1, Sukardi2, Sudiadi3, and Devi Dwi Siskawardani2

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Corresponding Author
Erny Ishartati

1Authors- Department of Argonomic, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: ishartati.erny[at]

2Authors- Department of Food Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: sukardiitp[at], devi[at]

3Authors- Researcher, INDONESIA.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) prevalence in Indonesia was significantly increased. Based on the data of Health Research and Development Ministry, in 2013 was 6.9%, and it enhanced up to 8.5 % in 2018. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorders group, which is characterized by high blood sugar along to carbohydrate, protein, and lipid interference as the consequence insulin function insufficiency. This condition could be controlled by enzyme activity inhibition (-amylase and -glucosidase) from the material comprised to phenol and flavonoid. Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels is well known as medical plant, this commodity is rich in compounds containing phenol and flavonoid that able to medicate a lot of disease, especially diabetes mellitus (anti-diabetic plant). The research aimed to investigate the anti-diabetic potential of white jamun (Syzigium cumini (L) Skell fruit and seed extract by in vitro. The main material white jamun taken from Kersikan Vilages, Godang Wetan, Pasuruan. White jamun fruit and seed extracts were prepared using binary solvent i.e. aqueous ethanol (50% v/v). About 50 g sample added in volumetric flasks followed by solvent addition. Afterward, the volumetric flasks placed in orbital shaker operating at 280 rpm and 500C for 45 min, then extracts filtered. The filtrate evaporated using rotary evaporator at 400C under reduced pressure for the removal of solvent. Later on, the extracts were stored in sealed bottles. The antioxidant activity were analyzed used DPPH, while anti-diabetic activity analyzed - glucoside enzyme inhibition activity by measuring the p-nitrofenol as enzymatic reaction product at wavelength 400 nm. The -Amylase enzyme activity inhibition determined used wavelength 540 nm. Statistical analysis performed with three replications and the data reported as the mean standard deviation. The result of total phenolic content at fruit was about 0,208-0,907 g GAE/mg, while at seed was 0,259-1,537 g GAE/mg. Phenolic compounds are important plant constituents with redox properties responsible for antioxidant activity, and the hydroxyl groups in plant extracts are responsible for facilitating free radical scavenging (Aryal et al., 2019). The total flavonoids content (TFC) at fruit was 0,605-6,189 g GAE/mg, and at seed was 5,385-7,240 g GAE/mg. Flavonoids are secondary metabolites with antioxidant activity, the potency of which depends on the number and position of free OH groups (Panche, 2016). The antioxidant activity at fruit was 313,65-492,17, and at seed was 351,16-408,42. DPPH is a stable organic free radical, which loses its absorption spectrum band at 515–528 nm when it accepts an electron or a free radical species. Accrording Chithiraikumar (2017) the DPPH assay is a simple, acceptable and most widely used technique to evaluate the radical scavenging potency of plant extracts, and the antioxidants are the components of the plants which are capable of enacting the visually noticea

Jamun (Syzygium Cumini (S. Cumini), Diabetes, α-Amylase, α-Glucosidase

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Inhibition of Karika (Carica pubescens) Solid Soap to The Growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis Bacteria
Roisatul Ainiyah*1 and Cahyaning Rini Utami2

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Roisatul Ainiyah

Faculty Of Agriculture
University Of Yudharta Pasuruan

INTRODUCTION Karika (Carica pubescens) have a kinship related to papaya (Carica papaya). Karika contains various nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and active substances that can be used for skin care, such as papaya. That karika content can be applied to bath soap products. The purpose of this research was to determine the inhibition of karika soap to the growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria. The method used in this study was agar diffusion. Samples in this research were 12 karika soaps with different formulation (variations in karika concentration and NaOH concentration). A positive control using papaya soap that has been circulating on the market. The results of the study were analyzed using ANOVA with a confidence interval of 5%. The results showed that the significance value was 0.472> 0.05 so there was no significant difference between the soap formulations on the inhibition zone of the Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the study were analyzed using ANOVA with a confidence interval of 5%. The results showed that the significance value was 0.472> 0.05 so there was no significant difference between the soap formulations on the inhibition zone of the Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria. The highest inhibitory zone is in soap with formula 1 (1.38 cm), the lowest inhibitory zone is in soap with formula 7 (1.1 cm), while the papaya soap inhibition zone (positive control) is 1.7 cm. Suggestion from this research is to reformulate karika soap to improve its quality. Keywords: Karika, Soap, Staphylococcus epidermidis. References 1. Betsy, K. J., Mary Jilu, Reshma Fathima and Jaya T. Varkey. 2013. Determination of Alkali Content & Total Fatty Matter in Cleansing Agents. Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology ISSN 2249 - 0698 Vol. 2 No. 1, 2013, pp.8-12. © The Research Publication, 2. Budi, Eko M. 2015. Skrining Fitokimia Dan Kandungan Total Flavanoid Pada Buah Carica Pubescens Lenne & k. Koch di Kawasan Bromo, Cangar, dan Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Skrining Fitokimia (73-82), Jurnal El-Hayah Vol. 5, No.2 Maret 2015. 3. Domingues, Gabriel., & Matt Schul. 2014. Soap Lab. ADM Biorenewables Education Laboratory Soap Lab Summer Academy. (online) (, diakses pada 15 September 2019. 4. Dunn, Kevin M. 2010. Scientific Soapmaking (The ChemistryOf The Cold Process). Farmville, VA: Clavicula Press. 5. Hidayat S. 2000. Potensi dan prospek pepaya gunung (Carica pubescens Lanne & K. Koch) dari Sikunang, Pegunungan Dieng, Wonosobo. Di dalam Seminar Sehari Menggali Potensi dan Meningkatkan Prospek Tanaman Hortikultura Menjadi Ketahanan Pangan dalam rangka Hari Cinta Puspa dan Satwa Nasional. Prosiding seminar; Bogor, 5 November 2000. Bogor: UPT Balai Pengembangan Kebun Raya LIPI Bogor. hlm 89-95. 6. Kenna. 2016. Understanding Water Discounts And Lye Solution In Soapmaking. (online)(

Karika, Soap, Staphylococcus epidermidis.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Atikah Nurhayati, Isni Nurruhwati, Indah Riyantini, Titin Herawati, Ayi Yustiati, Asep Agus Handaka

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Atikah Nurhayati

(1) Faculty Of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University

Tuna production potential of Palabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi District, is very high but the fishery is not supported by a good supply chain. In this location, there are two existing chains namely fresh and derivative-product chains; both are influenced significantly by seasonal variables. This research is aimed at identifying factors that influence tuna supply and demand situation, analyzing supply chain, and proposing an alternative chain. Data for this research comprises both primary and secondary ones. Primary data were collected through interviews with 20 respondents representing fishers, 10 representing wholesellers, 10 representing retailers, 10 representing consumers, all of wich were drawn from following the snowball sampling technique. Meanwhile, secondary data were time series tuna production statistics made available from the printed report of the Sukabumi District Fishery Office. This research employed the factor analysis and fisheries supply chain management model as the main methodological tools. The result shows that among others, the most influential factors for tuna demand in the study location are price of fish, tuna product diversity, and distribution of tuna catch. On the other hand, in the suppy side the most influential factors are fishing season and tuna species. It as identified from the research that with regard to the existing chains, this research identified that there are varians of both the fresh fish and derivative product chains, each of which have some particular drawbacks related to influentional factors observed in the other part of this research. It is worth noting here that varians of the fresh tuna chain are: (i) fishers, auction place, wholeseller, retailer, consumer, (ii) fishers, auction place, consumer, (iii) fishers, consumer. Varians of the derivative-product chain are: (i) fishers, auction place, wholeseller, processors, processed fish wholesellers, processed fish retailers, consumers, (ii) fishers, auction place, processors, processed fish wholesellers, processed fish retailers, consumers, (iii) fishers, auction place, processors, processed fish retailers, consumers. In general, this research suggest in any chain, improvement should be made through integrative approach to incorporate tools necessary to mitigate negative influential factors and to take advantage the positive ones.

integrated, Palabuhan Ratu, supply chain management, tuna fishery.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Interaction of Tubers Seed Weight and Fertilizer Composition in Growth and Yield of Yam (Dioscorea alata L.) (A Study of the Potential of Yams Tuber for Bioethanol)
Wuryantoro , Praptiningsih GA , Ratna Mustika W and Bagus DW

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Wuryantoro Wuryantoro

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Merdeka Madiun, Indonesia

The tubers plant of the Dioscorea family is a carbohydrate-producing plant suitable for growing in Indonesia and has the potential to be developed to support diversification of food and energy which is increasingly important due to the reduced fossil energy. The Yam (Dioscorea alata L.) are easy to growth, and has a broad adaptability in terms of altitude and astronomical boundaries. In Indonesia, where the main food ingredients are rice, corn and cassava, making the yam potencial plant an alternative carbohydrate producer that will not compete with rice and cassava to support alternative energy. The research aims to obtain optimal cultivation techniques through efficient use of seeds and fertilizing, to provide sufficient carbohydrates for bioethanol raw materials from yam. The research was carried out in the Station Research of the Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka Madiun University, done in the rainy season of November 2018 until July 2019. Tuber seed size and Fertilizer combination be tested by RCBD and analysis by F-test and DMRT. No interaction between fertilizer combination and size of tuber seed. Combination of organic fertilizer and addition of NPK inorganic fertilizers showed a significant response to the increase in tuber weight and biomass dry matter. While the size of seed tubers, the difference in size / weight does not significantly affect the tuber yield, although there is a tendency to increase with increasing tuber weight

efficiency, organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, tuber-s seed siz



Isolation and characterization of gene encoding α-amylase from amylolytic bacteria associated with green algae in the coast side of Southern Sea, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Almatin Puspa Dewi1, Endah Retnaningrum1, Langkah Sembiring1, Yekti Asih Purwestri1*

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Yekti Asih Purwestri

Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 55281

Gene encoding α-amylase from amylolytic bacteria HS32 associated with green algae has been isolated and cloned into E.coli DH5α. Amylase gene was amplified using Ami-F and Ami-R primers resulting in 1.6 kb length. The PCR product was cloned into zero blunt TOPO cloning vector, followed by transformation to E.coli DH5α competent cell. The selection of positive transformants were performed using Kanamycin selection medium. Analysis of positive transformed cells by colony PCR method using primer Ami-F and Ami-R produced 1.6 kb and using M13 universal primers produced 1.8 kb length. Restriction analysis of plasmid transformants by using restriction enzymes NotI and BamHI produced two bands, they were 3.5 kb (cloning vector) and 1.6 kb (insert gene). The BLAST sequence indicated that Bacillus sp. HS32 had 96% similarity with amylase gene of Bacillus cereus NC7401. This result open the possibility to characterize the properties of this α-amylase. Further research in genetic engineering for amylase production in E.coli expression vector need to be done.

α-amylase, algae, cloning, BLAST, Bacillus cereus NC7401

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Isolation of Cellulose-Degrading Bacteria and Evaluation of Their Cellulolytic Potential
Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam (a*), Nyoman Semadi Antara (a), I Made Mahaputra Wijaya (a), Yohanes Setiyo (b), Anak Agung Made Dewi Anggreni (a), I Wayan Wisma Pradnyana Putra (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam

a) Agroindustrial Technology Dept. Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University, Badung, Bali 80361, INDONESIA
* ibwgunam[at]

b) Agricultural Engineering Dept. Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University, Badung, Bali 80361, INDONESIA.

The purpose of this study was to obtain a new strain of cellulolytic bacteria that could degrade lignocellulose waste as one of the abundant biomass into simple sugars such as glucose. Soil samples were taken from several locations in Bali and isolated using carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-enriched media. Screening was carried out with Congo red-polysaccharide interactions test, degradation of filter paper test and cellulase activity test. One hundred and twenty-three isolates of cellulose-degrading bacteria were isolated, able to grow and utilize cellulose as a carbon source. However, only 45 isolates produced clear zones with the Congo red test and the cellulolytic index ranging from 1.43 to 7.76 mm. Three isolates from the seven potential isolates that have the largest clear zone were proceed to the next stage of testing. The Isolates of B2S8, G14 and G22 have the highest activity of CMCase and FPase. B2S8 bacterial isolate has the highest ability to degrade cellulose on Whatman paper no. 1 was 9.82%, followed by G14, and G22 isolates which were 7.03%, and 2.94% respectively. Those with the highest CMCase activity were isolates B2S8 followed by G22 and G14, namely: 0.075, 0,074, 0.072 IU/mL respectively. While the highest exoglucanase activity was G1-4 isolate (0.112 IU/mL), followed by B2S8 and G-22, namely: 0.072 IU/mL and 0.072 IU/mL, respectively.

Lignocellulose; Isolation; Cellulolytic bacteria; Cellulase activity



Kinetics Study on Production of Multi-feedstock Biodiesel
Hertanto, Melynda Christiana Rarasati, Apsari Puspita Aini, Hadiyanto

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Hertanto Hertanto

1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
2 Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Biodiesel can be produced from various vegetable oils, and animal fat. The abundant sources of vegetable oil in Indonesia such as calophyllum inophyllum, ricinus communis, soybean oil, corn oil, palm oil, and waste cooking oil were used as raw materials. Multi-feedstock biodiesel were used in this study to increase the flexibility operation of biodiesel production. This study was conducted to determine the effect of combination vegetable oils in the characteristic of biodiesel, and to determine the kinetic rate of the variables. Proses of esterification were applied for high free fatty acid feedstock before trans-esterification process which combine with other vegetable oils. Potassium hydroxide was used as homogenous catalyst, and methanol as another raw material. Acid value of calophyllum inophyllum can decrease from 54 mg KOH/gr oil to 2.15 mg KOH/gr oil after two steps of esterification. Biodiesel yield from multi-feedstock was obtained 71.42% with molar ratio methanol to oil 6:1, temperature 60°C, and 1%wt catalyst for 2 hr reaction time.

multi-feedstock biodiesel, trans-esterification, calophyllum inophyllum, palm oil, waste cooking oil.



D Roeswitawati*, Ali Ikhwan , Dian Indratmi, and Davit Hudin

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Dyah Roeswitawati

Muhammadiyah University of Malang

Mimosa invisa plant is a weed that is able to grow quickly in large numbers in the area of sugar cane plantations, which can cause a decrease in the quantity and quality of the harvest and the difficulty of the harvesting process. Mimosa invisa plants are class A weeds, where their effects on plantation crops are very significant. Mimosa invisa has great competitiveness with main plants, which is able to increase population efficiency by 14.08% in the first year to 38.55% in the third year. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L) is a shrub that is used as a source of sweeteners. The study was conducted to determine secondary metabolite compounds as allelochemicals in the Mimosa invisa rhizosphere and sugar cane plants. The study was conducted using a qualitative descriptive design through the identification of secondary metabolite compounds and Mimosa invisa allelochemistry and sugar cane. Samples were analyzed in the rhizosphere of monoculture weed, monoculture sugarcane, polyculture weed. Compound analysis using the Gass Cromatografy Mass Spectrophotometry (GCMS) Tool. The results showed that some allelochemical compounds in the rhizosphere of weeds and sugar cane could inhibit growth as well as potentially being developed as bioherbicides because they have inhibitory properties in certain environments.

allelopaty, allelochemichal, secondary metabolite compound

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Metabolite Profiling of Black Rice (Oryza sativa L.) following Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Infection
Ema Nur Hidayah1, Febri Adi Susanto3, Tri Joko2, Yekti Asih Purwestri1,3, Tri Rini Nuringtyas 1,3

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Corresponding Author
Tri Rini Nuringtyas

1 Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3 Research Center for Biotechnology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Black rice is usually consumed as a functional food owing to its high anthocyanin content, which functions as an antioxidant. However, bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) has resulted in reduction in yield. Black rice has been reported to have a higher resistance to BLB than other local black rice cultivars. Here, we aimed to determine the metabolite responses of several black rice cultivars following Xoo infection. Two local black rice cultivars, Melik and Pari Ireng, and two white rice cultivars, IR64 and Java14, were treated with Xoo pathotype IV and a mock negative control (physical damage). GC-MS was used for the metabolite profiling analysis, followed by the quantification of total phenolic concentration (TPC) and total flavonoid concentration (TFC). Across all cultivars, the results revealed that following Xoo infection, there were significantly higher concentrations of primary metabolites including sugars, sugar alcohols, fatty acids, glycerol, and some organic acids. In Pari Ireng and Melik, sugars including fructose, mannose, and gluco-hexodialdose were present in a significantly higher concentration following the infection than before it. The infection significantly increased the TPC as follows: Java14 (0.841 % ± 0.005 %), followed by Pari Ireng (0.809 % ± 0.005%), Melik (0.771 % ± 0.003%), and IR64 (0.514 % ± 0.006%). Regarding TFC, the incerease following the infection was greater for Pari Ireng (0.517 ± 0.005 μm/g) than for Melik (0.465 ± 0.001 μm/g).

Bacterial leaf blight, pigmented rice, GC-MS, metabolomics, Xoo infection

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Microalgae Microbial Fuel Cell (MMFC) using Chlorella vulgaris and Batik Wastewater as Bioelectricity
Nadiyah Faizi Polontalo (a,b), Falvocha Alifsmara Joelyna (a,b), Abdullah Malik Islam Filardli (a,b), Hadiyanto (a,b,*)

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Corresponding Author
Nadiyah Faizi Polontalo

a) Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
b) Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy (C-BIORE) Diponegoro University, Indonesia
*) corresponding author: hadiyanto[at]

The increasing of human growth in Indonesia every year might cause the increasing demand for electricity. Electricity demand in Indonesia is estimated to continue to grow by 4.6% per year. Fossil fuel especially coal, plays an important role in electric steam power plant in Indonesia, which reaches 48% of total domestic capacity. However, the availability of coal as raw material will continue to decline because it requires a long time to be renewed. Other alternative energy is needed to fulfill the energy supply. One of the environmentally alternative energies that can be solved this problem is the microbial fuel cell (MFC) which utilizes organic matter (substrate) as an energy source of bacteria in carrying out its metabolic activities to produce electricity. This system utilizes waste water as a substrate so that it can be used as an ideal tool for electricity production. In this study, we investigated the electrical energy produced by MMFC (Microalgae Microbial Fuell Cell) using microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and batik waste (Figa Batik Collection) in Semarang. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the MMFC system based on the influence of yeast variations (8 gr/l and 2 gr/l), the concentration of batik waste (50% and 100%), and the number of graphite electrodes (1:1 and 2:2). The experiment starts from culturing Chlorella vulgaris until it has an absorbance closer to one. Then, a series of MMFC systems is carried out where the anode chamber is filled with 1 litre of batik waste and the cathode chamber is filled with 1 litre of Chlorella vulgaris. MMFC simulation is operated for 7 days, then every 24 hours the next voltage and current are measured to be processed into power density. The absorbance analysis and COD level were carried out with a spectrophotometer. The results of this study showed that the concentration of 100% batik wastewater and 2:2 bars graphite electrode was the best results in MMFC process with the highest voltage and the highest current of the run was found to be 0.108 V and 0.039 A. Besides, the addition of yeast to batik wastewater has a major influence on the results of the MMFC process. Because, yeast became a catalyst in oxidizing waste which made electron transfer more frequent.

Batik Wastewater, Bioelectricity, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Chlorella vulgaris, Microbial Fuel Cell, Power Density



Modeling The Sustainability of Apple Fruit Production
Bambang Yudi Ariadi, Rahayu Relawati

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Bambang Yudi Ariadi

Departement of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA

Background: Apple has long been known as a typical product in Malang. The sustainability of apple production is threatened, because the area of land and productivity of apples are decreasing, and the cost of producing apples is increasing. As a result, apple farming income has declined Aims: to analyze the sustainability of apple production in the future, simulate dynamic models of several scenarios, and provide alternative policies for decision makers Materials and Methods: The method used is modeling with a dynamic system approach followed by a simulation based on a predetermined scenario. Dynamic system modeling is done by means of a causal loop diagram (loops) that produces dynamic model structures and dynamic system behavior. The main data of the study are secondary data, including apple planting data, apple production and productivity. Primary data as a supporter is financial data on apple cultivation in Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. The research data was analyzed using a dynamic system using Vensim software Results: The results showed that the sustainability of apple production consisted of 3 sub-models, namely sub-models; land ownership, productivity and production costs. In each sub model there is an input variable which functions to input data in each scenario that is made according to real conditions. This dynamic system model has five scenarios, namely (1) without policy; (2) policies for utilizing land resources; (3) productivity improvement policies; (4) policies for utilizing land resources and increasing productivity; (5) policies for substituting chemical pesticides. Conclusion: This dynamic system model has five scenarios, namely (1) without policy; (2) policies for utilizing land resources; (3) productivity improvement policies; (4) policies for utilizing land resources and increasing productivity; (5) policies for substituting chemical pesticides

apple fruit, sustainability, system dynamics

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Modelling Biodiesel Supply Chain: Current State and Opportunities for Future Research
Fitriani Tupa R. Silalahi , Togar M. Simatupang and Manahan P. Siallagan

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Fitriani Tupa R. Silalahi

School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology

The use of renewable energy is an important issue that is being promoted internationally at this time considering the supply of fossil energy is increasingly depleting and requires a very long time to be renewed. One of the uses of renewable energy that is being promoted is the use of biodiesel as a substitute for diesel fuel. This utilization is carried out by mixing biodiesel with diesel with quantity in accordance with the rules that have been applied in each country. That is why the biodiesel supply chain must be described in detail to obtain minimum economic costs and environmental costs. This paper presents a comprehensive review on current biodiesel supply chain models. A review on current state of biodiesel supply chain concludes by highlighting the unaddressed area or the gaps existing in the current literature by suggesting future research in biodiesel supply chain specifically in area case study in Indonesia.

biodiesel, supply chain, model, biodiesel, supply chain, model, renewable energy, environment impact.



Syarif Husen*1, Erny Ishartati1 , Muhidin1, Devi Dwi Siskawardani2, Anjar Rizky1, Akhmad Syaifudin1, and OktafianusWawan 1

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Corresponding Author
Syarif Husen

1Authors- Department of Argonomic, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: syarifhusen.hasan[at]; ishartati.erny[at]
2Authors- Department of Food Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: devi[at]

INTRODUCTION Arumanis Mango is one of the national superior mango cultivars that has potential to meet domestic and export market consumption. However it is still constrained by the low yield and fruit quality, which is caused by the application of traditional cultivation techniques by farmers. To solve this problem innovative cultivation technology is needed. The purpose was to study the technology of mango fruit production at off-season used growth regulators namely paklobutrazol, ethepon and paclobutrazol with organic fertilizer application on the Arumanis mango plant. The study was conducted in the mango farm owned by PT.Friga in Jarangan Village, Rejoso District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province. The research was conducted from March to October. Mango plant material used was 25 years old. The research was carried out with three treatment namely: I. Paklobutrazol dosage was control (0 ml l-1 / tree, 5 ml l-1 / tree, 10 ml l-1 / tree and 15 ml l-1 / tree). II. Ethepon dosages (0 ppm / tree, 400 ppm / tree, 600 ppm / tree and 800 ppm / tree) that applied 1 month after paklobutrazol addition. III Paklobutrazol and organic fertilizer application in combination as follows: 1) Control, 2) Paklobutrazol 5ml + fertilizer 10kg, 3) Paklobutrazol 10ml + 15kg fertilizer and 4) 15ml Paklobutrazol + 20kg fertilizer. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 5 replications was used for this research. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results showed that off-season technology treatment with paklobutrazol, ethepon and packlobutrazol + organic fertilizer were significant (Table 1). The results indicated that (1) Paklobutrazol application accelerated the flowering age, shortens the panicle length, and increased fruit yield of tree. Moreover there wasn-t difference among doses of Paklobutrazol, (2) Giving ethepon accelerated the flowering period, enhanced the panicles number and yields of trees compared to controls. The treatment of ethephones 600 ppm produced the highest fruit weight, 182.60 kg, respectively (3 ) The Paklobutrazol and organic fertilizer application indicated that the panicles number and the fruit weight yield of tree is higher than the control, but there wasn-t difference between application of paklobutrazol with the addition of organic fertilizer. The results were consistent with the study of Husen et al. (2012) that application of paklobutrazol 5 ml / l on a 5-year-old hybrid mango could accelerate the flowering time and increased the number of fruits. Moreover, Tandel and Patel (2011) reported that application of paklobutrazol increased fruit number and total production per tree for Alphonso cultivars. Paklobutrazol doses also significantly accelerated flowering and yield in Lechi Ankit et al. (2017).

Off-Season, Paklobutrazol, Ethepon, Organic Fertilizer

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Morphological and Molecular Identification of Some Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)
Irza Guari Syah Fitri1,2, Netty Ermawati4, and Tri Handoyo1,2,3*

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Corresponding Author
Irza Guari Syah Fitri

1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jember, INDONESIA.
2Graduate School of Biotechnology, University of Jember, INDONESIA
3Center for Development of Advanced Science and Technology, University of Jember, INDONESIA.
4State Polytechnic of Jember, INDONESIA
(*E-mail: trihandoyo.faperta[at]

Background: Aromatic rice is one type of variance rice that had fragrant and delicious taste. The content of compound 2-acetyl-1-pyrrolin (2AP) caused the fragrant, which the compound has a higher concentration than non-aromatic rice. to development new variety of rice requires information of genetic distance that describe its character of each variety [1]. Phylogenetic analysis described genetic distance between individuals in a species. Phylogenetic analysis expressed morphological, physiological and molecular characteristics. Morphological characteristic is observation based on the planting approach in taxonomy which determinate its character. Molecular identification use RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) based on DNA sequences that are homologous with a single short (10-12 base) oligonucleotide sequence. Molecular marker based on PCR amplification such as RAPD is an efficient tools for plant breeding programs [2]. RAPD used to determine the kinship level between aromatic rice. The comparison of both identifications is needed to varieties development or plant breeding of aromatic rice. Aims: To determine the level of kinship and diversity in 10 varieties of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) based on morphological and molecular identification. Materials and Methods: In this study, we determinated the level of kindship of 10 varieties of aromatic rice included Pendok, Pandan Wangi, Rojolele Delanggu, Genjah Arum, Kurik Kusut, Gilirang, Mentik Wangi, Inpari 7, Inpari 23, and Mentik Susu based on morphological and molecular identification. Morphological identification uses 8 variables i.e plant height, number of productive tillers, weight of 100 seeds, age of flowering, age of harvest, shape of grain, colour of grain and colour of rice. The analysis results realized in the form of a dendogram. Molecular identification using RAPD marker with 5 primers included OPB-01, OPB-04, OPB-06, OPB-7 and OPB-17. The DNA band profile translated into binary data with the provision of a value of 0 for no band and 1 for the presence of DNA bands in certain fragments. Both of data analysed into cluster using NTSYSpc software with DIST coefficient for morphological data and Jaccard-s Index for molecular data. The analysis results are realized in the form of dendogram and genetic similarity values. Results: Dendrogram of morphological data showed in 2 clusters, 2 sub-clusters and 2 groups. Cluster I was accopied by Rojolele Delanggu and Pandan Wangi. Cluster II devided into 2 groups. First group include Mentik Susu, Kurik Kusut, Inpari 23, Gilirang, Mentik Wangi, Pendok, Genjah Arum and second group include Inpari 7. Molecular kinship analysis used to determine the level of genetic similarity of 10 aromatic rice varieties based on RAPD-PCR. RAPD uses oligonucleotide primers that will bind to the complement site in the template DNA. The number of DNA bands has been amplified by each primer ranging from 4 to 8 DNA bands or an average 6 bands per pri

Aromatic Rice, Genetic Diversity, Morphological Characteristics, and RAPD

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Morphological and Physiological Responses of Indigofera tinctoria L. from Light Intensity
Desy Setyaningrum1) , Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti2*), Bambang Pujiasmanto2), Djoko Purnomo2), Supriyono2)

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Corresponding Author
Desy Setyaningrum Setyningrum

1) Magister Student of Agronomy, Graduated School, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
2) Staff Lecturer in Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia

Synthetic dyes can cause health and environmental impacts, thus, there are opportunities to develop natural dyes, one of which is produced by Indigofera tinctoria plants. This plant is from fabaceae that has the potential to produce a natural blue color. Natural dyes are extracted from the leaves of plants that contain indigo compounds. Indigo growth and precursors are very dependent on environmental conditions, one of which is light intensity. This study aimed to study the morphological and physiological plant responses in Indigofera tinctoria to several levels of light intensity. The research was conducted in Puron Village, Sukoharjo with a complete randomized block design (RCBD) one factor namely the level of light intensity (100%, 50% and 25%) with 9 replications. Light intensity affected the morphology and physiology of Indigofera tinctoria. Plants responded to low light intensity by increasing the leaf area index, specific leaf area and plant height. Leaf area, specific leaf area and plant height were highest at 25% intensity. However, the number of leaves and nodes got greater at full light intensity. Higher light intensity increased the chlorophyll content a, b and total, thus, higher biomass yield which was 18.86 g at the age of 8 weeks.

plant height, number of nodes, leaf area, specific leaf area, chlorophyll

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Choirul Ainiyati1,Bambang Sugiharto1, Sudiarso2, Soemarno2*

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choirul ainiyati

1 Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Jalan Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia
1Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Center for Development of Advanced Sciences and Technology (CDAST), University of Jember, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia, 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Jalan Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia

Background: SCMV (sugarcane mosaic virus) is one of the important pathogens in sugarcane, it-s can reduce sugar production around 30-50% (Dewanti et al., 2015). Genetic engineering is one way to develop virus-resistant plants, and the SCMV-resistant sugarcane has been obtained using PDR (Pathogen Derived Resistance) techniques through genetic transformation (Apriasti et al., 2018). It has been proven that the transgenic sugarcane shows resistance to SCMV infection, but growth performance and sugar production has never been characterized. This study aims to characterize the morphological and sugar production of transgenic sugarcane and comparing to non-transgenic sugarcane. Aims : To characterize of growth performance and sugar content of transgenic sugarcane resistance against mosaic virus. Materials and Methods: This study uses bululawang as a non-transgenic sugarcane, transgenic sugarcane (SCMV-resistant sugarcane by overexpression of the gene encoding the coat protein (CP) of SCMV), and Variety of PS.864 and Ps.881 (sugarcane infected by ScMV as a source of disease). The Sugarcane plants were grown for nine months, naturally-infection of mosaic virus by grown of infected plants between transgenic plant plot. The sugarcane leaves at the age of 3 months were collected for analysis of resistance to mosaic virus using RT-PCR and Western Blot. Morphological traits of transgenic sugarcane were observed for three time at the age three, six, and nine months after planting, whereas brix on stem was measure only at the age nine months after planting Results: The morphological traits include the number of plants, plant height, stem diameter and length of internodes did not show significant difference between sugarcane transgenic compared by Non-transgenic. However, the brix in transgenic sugarcane exhibited enhance compared to non-transgenic sugarcane. Conclusion: The SCMV-resistant sugarcane have not difference of the morphological traits compared to non transgenic sugarcane, whereas the brix on stem enhanced in transgenic sugarcane. References 1. Apriasti R., Widyaningrum, S., Hidayati, W.N., Sawitri, W.D., Darsono, N., Hase, T., Sugiharto, B. 2018. Full Sequence of TheCoatProtein Gene isRequiredforTheInduction of Pathogen-DerivedResistanceAgainstSugarcaneMosaic Virus in TransgenicSugarcane, Molecular BiologyReport. Vol 45:2749-2758. 2. Dewanti, P., Widuri, L.I., Ainiyati,C., Okviandari, P., Maisaro, Sugiharto, B. 2016. Elimination of SCMV (SugarcaneMozaik Virus) and Rapid Propagation of Virus-free Sugarcane (SaccharumofficinarumL) UsingSomaticEmbryogenesis, ProcediaChemistry, Vol 18: 96-102

PDR (Pathogen Derived Resistance), Sugarcane Mosaic Virus, SCMV-resistant sugarcane.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture



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Sukmawati Sukmawati

Faculty of Agriculture at Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram University

This study examines the multiplication of isolate FMA indegenus in corn plants with the culture in pots in the greenhouse. Research will be conducted from August to October 2019 in Greenhouse, laboratory of microbiology of Mataram University and the building of agricultural technology development. This research aims to determine the influence of isolates FMA of dry land and the concentration of application of fertilizer Johnson solution. This research uses isolates of exploration results in the district of Pujut central Lombok which was taken in 4 villages namely Mertak village, Sukadana Village, Kuta Village and Sengkol village. This research is an experimental study with a complete randomized design of factorial with 2 factors, namely the FMA isolate type factor and the concentration of Johnsons nutrient solution with 3 repeats. The first factor with the level without isolate, isolate 1, isolate 2 and isolate 3. While the second factor is the concentration of Johnson 50% nutrient solution and the concentration of Johnson nutrient solution 75%. The results showed that there were differences in crop growth such as crop height and the number of leaves on inter-isolate treatment where isolate 1 gave the highest growth and number of leaves. In the process of identification will be obtained the highest spore-s density on the spores from isolate 1 with spherical shape. The percentage of root infections also showed the highest results in treatment with isolate 1.

Dry land; FMA isolate indegenus; spore density; root infection; spore multiplication

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Myrmecodia pendens bulb extract in the Clarias gariepinus feed: Effects on the growth performance, visceral indices, and survival
Rudianto, Rudy Agung Nugroho, Yanti Puspita Sari, Esti Handayani Hardi, Retno Aryani, Hetty Manurung, Annisa Mukarramah, Ayuliandha Rahdantya Putri

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Corresponding Author
Rudianto Rudianto

1, 2, 5, 7, 8 Animal Physiology, Development, and Molecular Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, INDONESIA.
(rudi_rsc[at], rudysatriana[at], retno_ar[at], annisamukarramah26[at],
6Plant Physiology and Development Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, INDONESIA
3Tissue Culture Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, INDONESIA
4Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Mulawarman University. East Kalimantan, INDONESIA

INTRODUCTION Ant nest plant (Myrmecodia sp) is a medicinal plant that contains bioactive compounds such as glycoside, vitamin, mineral, flavonoid, tocopherol, polyphenol and tannin1 which are useful as antioxidant and anticancer. The ant-nest plant also has a high antioxidant activity and medical property2. Previous report stated that the ant-nest plant enhanced growth and blood profiles of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus3, boosted lymphocytes proliferation and macrophage phagocytosis activity 4. Thus, the extract of this ant-nest plant might be potential to be applied as growth enhancer in fish such as Clarias gariepinus. Current research aimed to evaluate the effects of Myrmecodia sp bulb extract (MBE) in the feed of Clarias gariepinus on the growth, visceral índices (hepatosomatic indices/HSI and intestinal somatic índice/ISI), and survival. A group of fish was fed with 0.25; 0.50; 1; 2% MBE (test diet groups) and compared with the control group without MBE supplementation. Five groups including control of three replications (tanks) of fifteen fish (initial weight 27.48±0.16 g) per tank were fed the test and control diets for 75 days. In the end of feeding trial, growth parameters, visceral indices such as intestinosomatic and hepatosomatic índices of the fish were measured. Survival of the all fish was counted every two weeks. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Present findings stated that supplementation MBE higher than 0.25% resulted significantly higher Final weight, biomass weight, BWG, DWG, and AWG. Fish fed 1% of MBE in the diet showed better value of FCR (1.13±0.03) compare to others group. Significantly highest HIS found in the fish fed 0.25% MBE in the diet. However. ISI was found not significantly in any groups of fish fed MBE. Survival rate of all groups was not affected by any concentration of MBE supplementation in the diet of fish. The application of plant extracts in aquaculture to enhance growth has been gaining momentum 5. Plant extracts have several important biologically active compounds such as a flavonoid, alkaloid, triterpenoid, phenolic and tannin 6. The results showed that the MBE supplemented in the diet of C. gariepinus affected their growth status. This might be due to the presence of phytochemical compounds such as flavonoid which is an important secondary metabolite. Table 1. Means±SE of growth parameters and visceral somatic index of Clarias gariepinus fed Myrmecodia pendens bulb ethanolic extract in the diet for 75 days Parameters MBE Supplementation Control 0.25% 0.5% 1% 2% IW (g) 27.38±0.44a 27.24±0.47a 27.68±0.42a 27.53±0.61a 27.54±0.47a FW (g) 85.09±1.23a 86.81±1.90a 142.26±1.62b 138.99±1.81b 137.38±1.10b IBW (g) 412.46±0.27a 411.40±0.24a 394.10±1.67a 413.42±1.71a 413.16±1.14a FBW (g) 1242.38±33.14a 1281.85±21.81a 2021.35±91.71b 2024.38±40.34b 1987.48±26.05b BWG 57.59±1.23a 59.39±1.90a 114.75±1.53b 111.42±3.92b 109.84±1.11b DWG 0.76±0.01a 0.79±0.02a 1.53±0.02b 1.4

Keywords: Myrmecodia pendens, bulb, Clarias gariepinus, growth, visceral, survival.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Myrmecodia pendens Ethanolic Bulb Extract Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Its Characteristics
Rudy Agung Nugroho1, Retno Aryani2, Hetty Manurung3, Diana Diah Nurti4, Rudianto5

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Corresponding Author
Rudy Agung Nugroho

(1,2,4,5) Animal Physiology, Development, and Molecular Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, INDONESIA

(rudysatriana[at], retno_ar[at], dianadiahnurti[at], rudi_rsc[at]

(3P) lant Physiology and Development Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mulawarman University. Samarinda, East Kalimantan, INDONESIA.

Myrmecodia or known as ant nest plant is a phytomedicine plant that traditionally used as a health supplement because of its phytochemical1. The phytochemical content such as flavonoid, phenolic, alkaloid, and triterpenoid2 might be a potential bioactive agent for synthesizing nanoparticles. Synthesizing nanoparticle using biological procedure has more advantages such as affordable, cost effective, and free of hazardous components on their surface which is safe to be used for medical purpose. Several studies investigating green synthesize different types of nanoparticles have been carried out by using leaves of the plant such as Garcinia imberti3 and Tinospora cordifolia 4. However, far too little attention has been paid in the ethanolic extract of Myrmecodia sp bulb as capping agent for biosynthesize silver nanoparticle (AgNPs). Thus, the aims of this present work was to characterize the AgNPs, synthesize using ethanolic extract of Myrmecodia sp bulb. Characterization of AgNPs was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), and Fourier transforming infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to identify possible biomolecules responsible in bioreduction of silver ions. The TEM imaging showed that the average size of resulted AgNPs was approximately 43 nm and has a crystalline spherical form as defined in SEM image. Meanwhile, the XRD analyses also revealed the average size of resulting AgNPs around 43 nm. Further, FTIR analysis green synthesized of AgNPs indicated a strong band at 2167.99 cm−1. In addition, the bands around 3873.06 cm−1, 1612.49 cm−1, and 2337.72 cm−1 indicating –OH, C–C and C=O stretching of hydroxyl groups, alkenes and alkanes, respectively. Present research provides is beneficial in the green biosynthesis of AgNPs using Myrmecodia sp bulb ethanolic extracts, having their AgNPs physical-chemical properties which might useful as antibacteria and other medical purposes.

Myrmecodia pendens, silver nanoparticle, characteristics.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Overexpression of the Sucrose Phosphate Synthase Gene to Increase Supply of Organic Carbon on Indica Rice
Reza Anugrah Mulyatama1,2, Intan Ria Neliana1, and Bambang Sugiharto1,2,3,*

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Corresponding Author
Reza Anugrah Mulyatama

1Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Center for Development of Advanced Science and Technology (CDAST), Jember University, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia
2Postgraduate Programe in Biotechnology, Jember University, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia
3Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University,
Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia

Background: Sucrose is the end product of photosyntetic carbon asimilation, that exported from source to sink tissue. There are many enzymes involved in sucrose synthesis and accumulation in plant, but sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) is believed to be key enzyme for sucrose synthesis. Elevation of SPS activity by the overexpression gene for SPS have been reported increase sucrose content and growth of transgenic plants. The increase sucrose is then used to increase cellular metabolism and stored in plant storage organs (Park et al., 2008). The overexpression of SoSPS1 has been succesfully introduced in several plants such as tomatoes (Dewanti, 2010) and sugarcane (Miswar et al., 2007), resulted in increase of sucrose contain and growth of the transgenic plants. Overexspresion SoSPS1 gene in indica rice plants is expected to increase the synthesis of sucrose and carbon flow to increase the rice growth. Aims: Indica rice overexpression gene SoSPS1 is expected to have a higher sucrose synthesis and has an effect on increasing of growth and production of indica rice plant. Materials and Methods: The materials in using this study Ciherang rice seeds, Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV 3101, SoSPS1 gene construct in plasmid pCL4. Agrobacterium used as a transformation vector carries the SPS gene that has been inserted in the plasmid. The introduction of SoSPS1 gene in rice plant was conducted using Agrobacterium tumefaciens through several steps that are infection, cultivation, selection, and acclimatization of selected plants. Genomic PCR analysis was conducted to ensure that SoSPS1 gene has been integrated into the rice genome. Results: Agrobacterium mediated transformation resulted in 11 putative transgenic rice. The DNA genome was isolated from 11 putative transgenic riceaclimated in green house and used for PCR analysis. The results showed that among 11 transfroman plants, 10 transgenic rice indicate the insertion of SoSPS1 gene in the genome. Transgenic rice that inserted by SoSPS1 gene showed higher growth compared to wild type plants. These results suggest that increasing sucrose in transgenic rice provide carbon and energy for rice growth. Conclusion: From the transformation 10 transgenic rice plants were obtained. Transformation of the sucrose phosphate synthase gene can increase plant growth in indica rice. However detailed analysis is needed to determine the effect of the overexpression of the sucrose phosphate synthase gene.

Sucrose, Indica rice, Sucrose phosphate synthase Gene.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Ade Trisna, Nuraini, Yose Rizal and Mirzah

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Ade Trisna

Universitas Andalas (Andalas University)

Palm oil sludge is a by-product of palm oil processing which contains nutritional value for use as a poultry feed supplement. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of palm oil sludge fermented with Pleurotus ostreatus (POSF) on cholesterol and fat content, and egg yolk index of quails feed this supplement . Two hundred 20 week old quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were used in this study which used completely randomized design (RAL) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Treatment was the FPS content of the feed which varied from 0% FPS for treatment A, 6% for B, 12% for C, 18% for D, and 24% for treatment E. The parameters measured were egg yolk cholesterol (mg / 100g), egg yolk lipid content(%) and yolk index. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the use of fermented palm sludge with Pleurotus ostreatus had a highly significant effect (P <0.01) on egg yolk cholesterol but no significant effect (P> 0.05) on egg yolk fat content or yolk index . Quails fed higher levels of POSF (D,E) produced eggs with highly significantly lower (P <0.01) cholesterol levels than the control. The results of the study suggest quail feed could be supplemented with 24% POSF to effectively reduce egg yolk cholesterol up to 21% but such supplementation is unlikely to have an effect on yolk fat content or yolk index.

Palm oil sludge, Pleurotus ostreatus, Cholesterol, Fat, Yolk Index, Quail

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Nuraini Nuraini; Ade Djulardi: Dwi Yuzaria

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Nuraini Nuraini

Universitas Andalas

Improving the quality of palm oil waste through fermentation with Phanerochaete chrysosporium (ligninolityc fungi) and Neurospora crassa (carotenogenic fungi) reduced its crude fiber content, especially lignin and cellulose and produced β carotene. Fermented palm oil waste (palm oil sludge and palm kernel cake, 1:1) products was increased their utilization in poultry rations. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding pal oil waste fermented by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa on laying performances and egg quality of laying quail. This experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with fife dietary treatments: 0%, 5%, 10%,15% and 20% palm oil waste fermented in the diets and five replications. 200 laying quail Coturnix coturnix japonica (11 week of age) were randomly allocated into 5 treatments (10 birds per treatment) and 4 replications. Diets designed iso nitrogen 20% and iso metabolism energy 2800 kcal/kg. Results of the experiment indicated that feed intake, quail day production, egg weight, egg mass production, feed conversion were not affected (p>0.05) but egg cholesterol was affected (p<0.01) by increasing palm oil waste fermented products in the diet. Conclusion of the experiment that utilization 20% palm oil waste by using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa maintained laying performance of quail and reduced egg cholesterol 20.15%.

Palm oil waste, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Neurospora crassa, quail laying performances, egg quality

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Bram Brahmantiyo1, Henny Nuraini2 and Astari Wibiayu Putri2

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Bram Brahmantiyo

1Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Nort Maluku, Indonesia
2Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680 Indonesia

HyCole and HyLa rabbits were imported by the Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) in 2012 and 2013. Importation were done to overcome raising demmand on broiler rabbit. HyCole and HyLa rabbits were known as best broiler rabbit and had potentiality as genetic resources to develop Indonesian broiler rabbit like new zealand white that already adapted in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to characterize phenotype of HyCole and HyLa rabbits, in order to evaluate their adaptability in tropical environments, and as genetic resources to develop Indonesian broiler rabbit like new zealand white that were already adapted in Indonesia. Research were held at Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production using 79 heads of adult rabbits (20 heads doe and 20 heads buck of HyCole, 14 heads doe and 12 heads buck of HyLa, and 5 heads of doe and 8 heads buck of new zealand white). A complete randomized design with unbalanced data analysis was used for quantitative traits and descriptive analysis for qualitative traits. Phenotype characterization were done qualitative and quantitative traits. Qualitative characteristics of hair color variation of HyLa rabbit was different than other with 7.7% pointed on their white hair color, and hip type compact of HyCole, HyLa and new zealand white were 90%, 84.6% and 76.9% respectively. Quantitative characteristics of chest size (circumference, depth and width) of HyCole and HyLa rabbits were higher than new zealand white. HyCole and HyLa rabbits had high productivity, therefore they were suitable for broiler rabbit. Crossing of these rabbits with new zealand white rabbit have potential to develop broiler rabbits that adapted in tropical climate.

phenotype, HyCole, HyLa, new zealand white

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


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