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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo, Nurwanto, Rizki Listyono Putro

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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

The purpose of the service "Dynamics of UMKM Intellectual Property Readiness in Ponorogo Regency" is to provide training for MSMEs in describing the profile of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), evaluating and measuring the level of UMKM technology readiness (TK2T) capability in Ponorogo Regency. The analyzer used is a teknometer that functions to measure the level of technological readiness used for SME production which is divided into three stages, basic (level 1 to level 3), intermediate (level 4 to level 6) and ready (Level 7 to with Level 9). Using a teknometer is expected to provide basic information about mapping the potential needs and use of appropriate technology (TTG) both tools, processes and production results in Ponorogo Regency.

Intellectual Property; Level of Technology Readiness Capabilities; Teknometer; SMEs.

Information Engineering


Enterprise Architecture Design Strategies for UGK Using TOGAF ADM
Julius Galih Prima Negara(a*), Andi Wahju Rahardjo Emanuel (b)

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Corresponding Author
Julius Galih Prima Negara

(a) Master of Informatics Engineering
University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
(b) Master of Informatics Engineering
University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Jl. Babarsari 44 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

The application of Enterprise Architecture (EA) in university is a long endeavor that must be carried out by higher education institutions. In the development of EA, challenges will be encountered even from the beginning when the initiative is raised. The solution to dealing with these challenges is good EA planning in accordance with the guiding model and making it a comprehensive view of the completion of an enterprise framework initiative. The harmony between the organizations business processes and information technology, and selection of the right EA framework will improve performance and will quickly make simple architectural development in future development in accordance with institutional needs. TOGAF ADM offers a comprehensive framework and is able to meet organizational needs related to information management needs. EA modeling in the academic process at Gunung Kidul University produced blueprints of business architecture, data, applications, and technology. In this paper several stages are written in accordance with the TOGAF ADM starting from preliminary, gap analysis at each architectural stage.

Enterprise Architecture; Information Technology; Framework; TOGAF ADM

Information Engineering


Essay Exam Assessment System Using the Plagiarism Checker system
P Hendradi, Chusniyati, E U Artha

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Purwono Hendradi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

E-learning systems have evolved with the rise of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) model and also the influence of Industry 4.0 in the world of education with the term era education 4.0. Both students and teachers/lecturers can organize and manage the learning process independently according to their needs. In the learning cycle in the e-learning system requires an assessment process to ensure learning achievement. Currently there are many assessment systems, but no one has used the essay model, because it is usually difficult to make corrections to score. In this research, an examination system with an essay model is proposed that can later be used to complement the e-learning system in the era of education 4.0, which is to adopt a plagiarism checker system by using the fuzzy method approach in automating score gives.

essay exam, e-learning, plagiarism checker, fuzzy, scoring

Information Engineering


Evaluation and Efficient Measurement I-Canang Digital Startup in Bali with Questionnaire User Experience and Lean Startup Machine Validation Board
AAA Putri Ardyanti (*), IP Pande Satria Wibawa, IG Juliana Eka Putra

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Anak Agung Ayu Putri Ardyanti

STMIK Primakara
Jalan Tukad Badung No 135 Denpasar Bali

The rapid increase from the industrial revolution 4.0, affected changes in business patterns in Indonesia, including Bali. This research aims about how to create digital business with Lean Startup Machines and Questionnaire User Experience method (UEQ). This business originated from the fact that women workers in Bali had difficulty to buy traditional ceremonial equipment. We had to research almost one year from the customer and market before built the application. First at all, we must concept design of website. Lean startup model is designed to minimize the risk of returns from products made for market needs. One of tools in this method for customer validation is the validation board. From the research obtained from the core assumptions to survey directly prospective customers for the minimum success criteria that are required. This research had 70% of success required which up to 3 times for the pivot. While the results of the Questionnaire User Experience method (UEQ) the opinion of the community about the system that had made get the overall average impression of Attractiveness (1.71), Persicuity (1.35), Efficiensy (2.66), Dependability (0.92), Stimulation (1.28) dan Novelty (0.69).

Startup, Bali, I-Canang, UEQ, Lean Startup Machine

Information Engineering


Evaluation of The Accuracy of Winnowing, Rabin Karp, and Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithms in The Plagiarism Detection Applications
Ida Widaningrum (*), Dyah Mustikasari, Rizal Arifin, Husna Ahilla Pratiwi

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Ida Widaningrum

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

The unethical behavior of plagiarism acts has been a disgrace in the educational realm. Using the internet, people can easily find articles or documents that are fitted with their current works, and simply duplicate the sentences or paragraphs without doing the paraphrasing and giving the citation correctly. This action falls into the plagiarism. In order to minimize plagiarism act especially in the educational realm, it is necessary to develop the plagiarism detection application. The algorithm employed in the application plays an important role in obtaining the accurate result of plagiarism detection. To the best of our knowledge, there are three algorithms commonly used in the plagiarism detection applications, viz. Winnowing, Rabin Karp, and Knuth Morris Pratt algorithms which are used in our application. To specify the accuracy of each algorithm, the percentages of the plagiarism detection results are then compared to the result from the examination by a human expert. From our results, we found that the Winnowing algorithm exhibit the highest accuracy with only 1.19% difference to the examination by a human expert.

Winnowing Algorithm, Rabin Karp Algorithm, Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm, Plagiarism

Information Engineering


Emilya Ully Artha, Fahmi Medias, Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko

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Emilya Ully Artha

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Muhammadiyah as one of the social organizations engaged in religious, social, education and health has a very strategic and important role in society. One of the assets managed by Muhammadiyah is waqf, the existence of waqf has become very strategic because besides being an Islamic philanthropic institution, waqf also plays an important role in providing endowment for the Ummah. Waqf which is managed by Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PDM) Magelang also has constraints that cause the power of the role of waqf to be limited. One of them is the majority of waqf is consumptive and in the form of land with minimal financial resources in its development. The main problem is the lack of fundraising of endowment funds. Currently only fundraising information system models have been made but it has not been investigated whether this information system can obtain economic value so that productivity can be increased in the management of waqf assets. The method used in this research is to use the HOT-FIT method which aims to see the relationship between Human, Organization and Technology of the Net Benefit (benefits or benefits) from the application of waqf fundraising information systems obtained from quantitative data collection in PDM Magelang.

fundrising, waqf, information system, hot-fit, Muhammadiyah

Information Engineering


Expert System Implementation For As A Tool Of Brain Capability Identification In Children Basic School
Arif Hidayat

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Arif Hidayat

Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

This study aims to determine the ability of the brain in elementary school children. This type of research is experimental research. This application user is a class teacher once a primary school student facilitator. It is very natural for teachers to want their students to grow up to be healthy, intelligent, clear-minded, and noble children. Classroom learning by the teacher is like a thought process or in other words, is the process of using and using the brain optimally. The human brain consists of two parts, the right brain, and the left brain. Each hemisphere has specialized in certain abilities. The thinking process of the left brain is logical, sequential, linear, and rational. This side is very regular. Although based on reality, the left brain is able to carry out abstract and symbolic interpretations. The way of thinking is appropriate for regular tasks of verbal expression, writing, reading, auditory associations, placing details and facts, phonetics, and symbolic

Expert System,Brain Capability Identification

Information Engineering


expert system to analyze the professional competencies of vocational Teachers
Kebri Kein Moudy Pajung, Soemarto, Agus Setiawan, Yusep Sukrawan

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Kebri Kein Moudy Pajung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia

Expert system To analyze the professional competency standards of vocational teachers for national education quality based on industry standards and professional competence, it is necessary to evaluate each time or based on a certain period. With the existence of a system that will measure teacher competency skills with the fuzzy logic analysis method will describe the ability of the knowledge and skills of the teacher and will provide training recommendations based on the teachers weak points.

professional competence, expert systems, high school teachers, fuzzy logic

Information Engineering


Factors Affecting Readiness and Success in Implementing Information Systems (IS) Using Mixed Method among Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia: A Systematic Review
Cecep Nurul Alam (a*), Beki Subaeki (b), Khaerul Manaf (c), Faiz M. Kaffah (d), Syopiansyah Jaya Putra (e), Nasihudin (f)

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Corresponding Author
Cecep Nurul Alam

Department of Informatic,
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung,

The Information System Implementation Stage (IS) in higher education institutions is in line with the afordibility, accessibility, and quality of education, specifically guaranteeing management performance and academic functions of the higher education institutions. On the other hand, even though the Implementation of SI brings great benefits to every educational institution, they must first plan it well. Researchers found that since the 2000s, SI in higher education has been trying to plan its implementation well. Its just that, the good implementation design for more than a dozen years of development is still seen not yet realized. Related to that, this study is interesting. In addition to exploring the status of IS implementation and identifying the factors that influence it for decision makers, the results of this study are also expected to be one of the references in the area of IS development and management research, related to aspects of system readiness and success. The researcher developed this research model by adopting the technology readiness model and the IS success model coupled with the expansion of its organizational side, combining and adapting it according to the IS research context. This research use mixed method that involves a sample of parties related to the IS implementation in the institution about a new model about expanding the IS readiness and success model.

Readiness; Success; IS Implementation; Mixed Method

Information Engineering


Geographic Information System for Mapping Public Service Location
Dede Kurniadi (a*), Asri Mulyani (a), Yosep Septiana (a), Ridwan Setiawan (a), Gugun Geusan Akbar (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Kurniadi

a) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia
b) Department of Public Administration, Universitas Garut, Jalan Raya Samarang 52A, Garut, Indonesia

This article aims to analyze, design, and development public service location mapping system based on Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS technology is a useful information system used in making information systems for mapping areas and locations accurately so that it can make it easier for people to obtain information on the distribution of places of public services and facilitate the path to the site. Data used is sourced from external data and observational data in the field. The software development model uses the Rapid Application Development approach which consists of four phases namely, planning requirements, user design, construction, and cutover. The results of this study are applications for mapping the location of public services that have features of fast search, geomap, know the nearest public service, add data by users with the login feature via social media, and features easy access via android smartphone.

GIS; public service location; mapping system; rapid application development

Information Engineering


Maimunah(1*), Sunarni(1), Seta Samsiana(2)

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

(1)Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
(2) Universitas Islam 45
Email: maimunah[at]

The quality of herbal ingredients can be well recognized by the public by inhaling the aroma of herbal plants directly. By knowing the aroma, it can be known the types of herbal ingredients. Based on this, it can be detected according to the aroma of herbs. The herbal ingredients used in this study were temulawak, temumangga and temuireng. Data retrieval of herbal ingredients is done by using an electronic nose. Samples in the form of scents that are captured by the electronic nose system will be processed to form a pattern of changes in the voltage of each sensor used. The electronic nose system used consists of raspberries and sensors TGS2600 and MQ5 which produce data output in the form of voltage data. The output is then classified using support vector machine. The results showed that the support vector machine can classify types of herbal ingredients based on their aroma with an accuracy of 90%.

Detection; herbal; e-nose; svm

Information Engineering


Identification of Bamboo Image as an Environmentally Friendly Material
Khoiriya Latifah, Abdul Rochim, Joko Siswanto, Bambang Supriyadi

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Khoiriya Latifah

Universitas PGRI Semarang

Bamboo is an environmentally friendly material. Many types of bamboo that thrive in Indonesia. To differentiate good types of bamboo, this study uses the area shape measurement. Bamboo has fiber content and fiber adhesive. Then the research uses measurement parameters of area and perimeter. Analysis was carried out on 45 bamboo images each of 15 Wulung bamboo images, 15 Petung bamboo images and 15 Ori bamboo images. Based on the test results obtained that as many as 0.6 accurate images. Testing uses 15 types of bamboo imagery. The bamboo which has the largest fiber size is bamboo Wulung and then followed by bamboo Petung and the smallest among the 3 types of bamboo the object of research is bamboo Ori.

Shape Ekatraktion, Bamboo, Identification

Information Engineering


Implementation of AES Cryptography and Twofish Hybrid Algorithms for Cloud
Kartika Imam Santoso (a*), Muhamad Abdul Muin (b), Moch Ali Mahmudi (c)

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Kartika Imam Santoso

STMIK Bina Patria

Data exchange is a inevitable issue in this digital age. Especially data in cloud system. The data must be secured so as not to be abused by people who are not entitled to. Algorithms to secure data is already widely known. It would be more secure if data security combines at least two algorithms for Cryptography. The goal is to strengthen the results of the data encryption in case will be hacked unauthorized people. This research will incorporate two Cryptographic Algorithms, namely AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and Twofish with 256 bit key generated by the HASH function SHA 256. This new algorithm will give more security to the data uploaded or downloaded in Cloud system.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Cloud , Cryptography, SHA 256, Twofish

Information Engineering


Implementation of Content Business Process Reengineering Framework in an Information System
yoyok seby Dwanoko(a), Rini Agustina(b)

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Yoyok Seby Dwanoko

(a)Information System Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Jl.S.Suproadi no. 48,Malang 65148, indonesia

(b)Information System Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Jl.S.Suproadi no. 48,Malang 65148, indonesia

The Accounting Information System at the Drinking Water Users Association (HIPPAM) is a system that manages the financial flow of the organization. In general, this information system manages customer data, water usage transactions, reports that are needed on a web-based system. This system has been running for 3 years. The development of information systems is currently growing rapidly, where mobile applications can manage data on an information system that allows application developers to switch to mobile platforms. The purpose of this study is to produce a re-engineering data document at each stage of the Reengineering Software framework. This study uses the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) method that focuses on the reengineering framework of accounting information systems at HIPPAM. In general, previous research was only carried out at the BPR stages, namely business definition, process identification, process evaluation, process specification and design, Prototyping, Refinement and Instantiation. In addition to implementing the framework, the results of this study also produce standard document content produced at each stage in the BPR. The results of this study are the implementation of the content of the BPR framework that is expected to be used as a reference in similar research going forward.

business process reengineering, framework, information system, BPR

Information Engineering


Implementation of The Level of Detail Method on Augmented Reality Android-based Applications
Reno Ardian Syaputra (a), Andi Widiyanto (b*)

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Andi Widiyanto

a) Computer Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, India
b) Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia

Many 3D games and applications using Augmented Reality technology on smartphones. When an application or game is used will increase The Workload of The Processor which is marked by the heat of The Smartphone. The increase in processor and battery temperatures is due to heavy workload of processor. This study uses the Level of Detail method to reduce the detail of 3D objects from the Augmented Reality application. 3D objects that appear on the smartphone screen are adjusted to the distance the camera to the marker. The distance of the camera to the marker triggers the change of details so that the processor has decreased workload.The test results show that the average Workload Processor is reduced by 10% and the temperature decreases by 0.9 C

android, augmented reality, level of detail, workload, rendering

Information Engineering


Implementation of TOPSIS Method on Selection of New Employees Acceptance of Public Hospital
Diena Rauda Ramdania(a*), Khaerul Manaf(b), Fikri Rahmat Junaedi(c), Nur Lukman(d), Yogi Saputra(e)

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Corresponding Author
Diena Rauda Ramdania

a-e) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Jl. A.H. Nasution No.105 Cibiru, Bandung, West Java, 40614, Indonesia

A hospital is a labor-intensive organization that requires many personnel and professions from various disciplines. Employees are one of the determinants of the success of a company. One way that agencies use to obtain qualified employees is by making a selection at the time of employee recruitment. The problem that is often encountered is that part-time employee selection is done manually so that it is less efficient and accurate in the selection process. Decision support systems with the TOPSIS method are considered suitable to assist the personnel section of the public hospital in selecting prospective part-time employees. TOPSIS is a multicriteria decision-making method based on a concept where the chosen alternative has the closest distance from a positive ideal solution and also has the farthest distance from a negative ideal solution. The completion criteria applied to the selection of employees include the results of written tests, psychological tests, health tests, and interviews. The results of the tests show that the TOPSIS method can be used well in selecting and sorting from the largest to the smallest value with an accuracy rate of 85% in the amount of 20 data.

hospital, employee selection, TOPSIS, decision support system

Information Engineering


Information Systems Strategic Planning for Healthcare Organizations using Ward and Peppard Model
Yosep Septiana (*), Asri Mulyani, Dede Kurniadi

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Corresponding Author
Yosep Septiana

Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Healthcare organizations can use differentiation and cost reduction strategies to gain a competitive advantage and can survive in fierce competition by implementing information system strategies. The research aims to build an information system for strategic planning in healthcare organizations. The information system strategic planning method used is the Ward and Peppard Model with a formulation framework and strategic planning process covering the stages of input, output, and evaluation of information system interpretation. The input stage includes an analysis of the business and information systems environment. Output stages include business information system, information system management strategies and information system strategies. The evaluation phase of information system interpretation is modified by the use of Balance Scorecard Information Technology, and the evaluation stages are carried out after the information system planning and application mapping so that the application portfolio is aligned with the corporate contribution perspective, user orientation, operational excellence, and future orientation. The result of this research produced a recommendation for healthcare organizations in the form of development priorities which include the establishment of an information system unit and the development of an application portfolio that will support the business processes sustainability

Balance Scorecard; Healthcare; Information System; Strategic Plan; Ward and Peppard

Information Engineering


MERA (Motorcycle Emergency Ride Assistance): Plug-In For Accident Detection And Notification
Sabri Balafif (a*), Dwi Purnomo (b), Tining Haryanti (c)

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Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c) Department of Computer Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia

The condition to trigger the Automatic crash detection for motorcycles is more complex. Since the real life collisions are usually different than those in the lab, so in order to boost the accuracy and effectivity, the researchers must reduce inconsequential deployments, the occupant weight, and riding condition, as well as re-calculate the speed to crash conditions. In this paper was present a continuously evaluates and innovate for crash detection with automated notification to motorcycles. The accident detection system communicates the accelerometer, vibration, speed and lean values to the determine accident status and level. In this concept, three different variable measurement are attached to head of the motorist and motorcycle body, Crash dummy tests are done for trial particular systems in helmet by throwing the helmet with different altitudes to simulate the effect of crash to the motorist, and for capture the location of accident, real data is collected by driving the motorcycle. The implemented prototype system shows promising results for automatic crash detection, and the system also shows its success for deliver real-time notifications when an accident is happening

Internet of Thing, MERA, Accident Detection System

Information Engineering


Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Trello: which is the best for collaboration tools?
Dimas Sasongko, Setiya Nugroho

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Dimas Sasongko

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Excellent team collaboration in organizations is an effort to improve the quality of work to improved efficiency and increased productivity. There are many collaboration tools available now which allow communicating with friends on one team to accomplish a common goal. Recent studies have shown that the most popular collaboration tools used by public and enterprise are Slack, Trello, and Microsoft Teams. This research will discuss the comparison of feature and performance of those collaboration tools. The benchmarking method is used to find a performance comparison between those collaboration tools. Trello has excellent website performance. Microsoft Teams, of course, most user-friendly with Microsoft office product. Also, slack has most install and use than others. As a result, this paper can be a consideration when choosing collaboration tools for implementation in organizations.

Collaboration Tools, Cloud Computing, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Trello

Information Engineering


Mobile E-Commerce Developing Using Model User Centered Design Base on Android for UMKM partnership
Farida Yunita (a); Kapti (b)

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Corresponding Author
Farida Yunita

a) STMIK BINA PATRIA, Jl. Raden Saleh No 02 Magelang
b) STMIK BINA PATRIA, Jl. Raden Saleh No 02 Magelang

Institute in the field of “Ketauhidan” which its name PPA Learning Centre was established in 2014 is an institute designed in private classes. One of the private classes opened is class for business. From all alumni of Institute PPA, 80 % are agents of business in Small Medium Enterprise (SME). This research aimed to promote SMEs as marketplace designed in the form of e-commerce which can be accessed through mobile instruments such as smartphone, tablet, or others. Transactions can be done through the internet or wireless. The development of mobile e-commerce in this research used model of User Centered Design with design process focused on emphasizing the need and demand of end-user toward the usage of mobile e-commerce. The result of mobile e-commerce indirectly help the agents of SMEs reaching the larger market space and deliver information of product to consumers quickly. The output of the research can be useful for the agents of SMEs such as the agents of food and beverage, furniture, wood and rattan processing, blacksmith, agriculture and fishery around Indonesia in general and especially in Central Java. Finally the agents of SMEs can compete in domestic and global markets and increase their income

PPA Learning centre, SME, Market Place, Mobile e-commerce, User Centred Design, Behaviour

Information Engineering


Neighborhoods Geographic Information System to Prevent Home Robbery
Muhammad Ihsan (a*), Dede Sugandi (a), Asri Ria Affriani (a), Shafira Himayah (a)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Ihsan

(a) Departement of Geography Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi No.229,Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to apply a geographic information system to analyze the vulnerability of home robbery in neighborhoods. To support the research, we use the Scoring Method with a two parameter overlay using the Geographic Information System. The results showed that the Geographic Information System in the neighborhoods can visualize the neighborhood map, based on the analysis conducted, there are 10 houses that have the potential for home robbery, because based on the Vulnerability analysis, the 10 houses belong to the category of vulnerable categories (categories 4-5) . Based on these results, the information from this study can be used as a reference and study material in maintaining the security in neighborhoods.

Geographic Information System, Neighborhoods, Home Robbery

Information Engineering


Next Generation E-Dawah: Perceptions, Trends and New Concepts for Muhammadiyah
Nugroho Agung Prabowo, Ahmad Naim Bin Che Hanapi, Ibrahim Bin Ahmad, Purwono Hendradi, Bambang Pujiarto

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, *naprabowo[at]

The development of the dawah method has changed significantly over the past decade. Conventional Da-wah beginning starts to be shifted by information technology based Da-wah in the form of web sites or those based on social media. The development of communication technology has been responded proactively by Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah has modernized the dawah method by utilizing information technology in each of its activities but the propaganda media in Muhammadiyah is currently still very limited, partial and has not been distributed effectively and efficiently to its members and the public. This research presents a critical review of Muhammadiyahs perception of the phenomena of propagation through information technology, the concept of the implementation of E-dakwah as propaganda media and the challenges of the existence of dawah in the midst of the development of the industrial revolution era 4.0. Finally, the contribution of this research is a road map of the challenges that need to be addressed to realize the potential of the next generation of E-Dawah

E-Dawah, Perception, Concept

Information Engineering


Preliminary Design of CIPP-SAW Evaluation Model in Measuring ICT-based Learning Effectiveness in Health Colleges
I Putu Wisna Ariawan (a), Made Kurnia Widiastuti Giri (b), Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana (c*)

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Corresponding Author
Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana

a) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
b) Department of Medical, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
c) Department of Information Technology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia

Evaluation activities are essential to be conducted to measure the effectiveness level of the ICT-based learning process in colleges, including also specifically for health colleges. Evaluation models that are often used to measure ICT-based learning effectiveness in health colleges are formative-summative models. However, reality shows that the evaluation model is not effective. The problems solving to overcome that problem is to develop a new evaluation model in the form of CIPP (Context-Input-Process-Product) model based on SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) so that it can show the assessment accuracy level to ICT-based learning quality aspects. This study purpose was to know the initial design of the CIPP model based on SAW. This research uses the Borg & Gall development method, which focuses on the model design phase. Subjects involved in designing this evaluation model were three peoples with academic classifications in the fields of information technology, educational evaluation, and health. The research results showed that there was a clear evaluation model design using CIPP evaluation components and SAW methods in conducting learning evaluation.

Model; Evaluation; CIPP; SAW; Effectiveness

Information Engineering


Problem Arising from New Technology on E-Government, the Use of Hay.U Application in Bandung, Indonesia
Ai Miman Nurdiaman (a), Dini Turipanam Alamanda (b)*, Abdullah Ramdhani (a), Muhammad Arief (c)

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Corresponding Author
Dini Turipanam Alamanda

a) Faculty of Social and Politic Sciences, Garut University Samarang 52, Garut, 44151, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics, Garut University, Samarang 52, Garut, 44151, Indonesia
c) School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Telekomunikasi 1, Bandung, 40257, Indonesia

This study aims to discover what has been done by BPPT Bandung in making the implementation the strategy of Integrated Licensing Services Agency to make Hay.U application Bandung to be effective. The factors used to analyze it is PIECES consisting of performance, information, efficiency, control, economy, and service. Using a qualitative approach, interviews with a number of stakeholders were conducted to get a comprehensive overview of the application which presently becomes the mainstay of Bandung city government. The results of this study reveal that Hay.U can overall support the performance of users and employees. In addition, Hay. U is also able to improve the accuracy of information which can make online licensing system in Bandung effective. However, the Integrated Licensing Service Agency (BPPT) needs to consider the convenience factor for the users when inputting data. Users still have problems with the new technology and the amount of data needing to be attached.

e-Government; New Technology; website application

Information Engineering


Readiness Analysis of Higher Education Accreditation Data
Ardhin Primadewi(a); Mukhtar Hanafi(b); Dimas Sasongko(c); Agus Setiawan(d); Endah Ratna Arumi(e); Sunarni Sunarni(f); Setiya Nugroho(g); Emilya Ully Artha(h)

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Corresponding Author
Ardhin Primadewi

Engineering Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Jl. Mayjend Bambang Soegeng
Mertoyudan, Magelang

The globalization era of Industry 4.0 makes e-business a benchmark for the development of higher education governance. Higher education as one of the educational products prioritizes convenience, speed, safety and comfort in service. The implementation of e-business planned systematically and directed can increase the capacity and competitiveness of universities. Accreditation of Higher Education is one of the parameters of university success in increasing capacity and competitiveness. University Accreditation is also a mechanism to ensure quality and quality assurance in higher education. This research using comparative functions, mapping and hamonization functions to be able to know the depth of information. These three concepts can look for gap analysis related to university accreditation data. This study confirms the availability of data on university information systems as a major factor in university accreditation. In particular, this research ensures what data is not yet available, while data is the top priority. The standard used in this study is 9 standards BAN-PT. Furthermore, mapping is carried out according to business processes and data entities that are mapped vertically and horizontally. The data used in this study are data on the universitys information system OLTP database (as many as 40 tables from 368 tables). The results of this study are the certainty of data that still does not exist and must be pursued immediately to complement university accreditation. From the results of horizontal and vertical mapping, it can be seen that data is not available if the data is not directly connected to the service.

Accreditation Higher Education, BAN-PT, Readiness analysis

Information Engineering


Reconceptualizing Strategic Management of Information Technology for Organizational Performance
Cepy Slamet [1]; Aedah bt Abdul Rahman [2]; Muhammad Ali Ramdhani [3]

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Corresponding Author
Cepy Slamet

[1,2] School of ICT, Asia e-University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[1,3] Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

Theoretically, the process of improving organizational performance can be accelerated by information technology (IT). This paper aims to discuss a sharpened concept for improving the performance of an organization. Researchers use different perspectives in formulating the relationships of variables based on the levels of significances towards the value-added creations. These variables include the model and strategy of business, and innovation and deployment of technology. Since the organizational capability parameters change dynamically driven by the rapid of advancing technology, hence the previous paradigms regarding the mapping of variables to organizational performance need to be sharpened. In this paper, we expand presumption for analyzing that other variables such as competitive environment, competitive strategy, and competitive factors influence organizational performance. This study is conducted using an in-depth comparative investigation of existing literature involving some discussion of both Strategic Management of Information Technology (SMIT) framework and model as a piece of literature review in research work. Overall, this initiative is resulting in a proposed formulation of the business model, technological innovation, and strategic alignment as a conceptual framework of SMIT for organizational performance improvement.

organizational performance; business model, technological innovation, strategic alignment, SMIT

Information Engineering


Meme Susilowati (a*), Moh Ahsan (b), Yudhi Kurniawan (a)

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Meme Susilowati

(a) Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Ma Chung, Villa Puncak Tidar Blok N-1, Malang Jawa Timur
(b) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Kanjuruan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi, No. 48 Malang Jawa Timur

The management citizen database is Improper and not up-to-date will results decisions that are not strategic for the village development process. Inappropriate citizen data also results in long-term ineffective local government planning processes. Such as the problem of forecasting or predicting the level of growth of citizens as well as the need for development services which are part of the medium-term long-term plans of local governments. Because it requires a citizen database information system. In connection with the needs of citizen database information systems, this study provides a solution of analyzing documents, namely the requirement specification software for citizen database information systems using the ISO / IEC / IEEE 29148 edition of 2011. The study was conducted with case studies of 6781 management data of residents of the village of Sumbersekar, Malang Regency, East Java. The method to execute the research consisted of data gathering stages, data flow and decision analysis, and the last is create software requirement specification. the specific requirements of the SRS documents ISO / IEC / IEEE 29148 2011 edition are external interfaces, functions, usabilit requirements, performance requirements, logical database requirements, design contraints, software system attributes, supporting information and verification.

local governance, software requirement specifications, database information system, sumbersekar, ISO / IEC / IEEE 29148-2011

Information Engineering


Strategic Planning for The Implementation of Tourism Information Systems
Asri Mulyani (a*), Yosep Septiana (a), Dede Kurniadi (a), Teguh Wahyono (b)

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Asri Mulyani

a) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia
b) Department of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia

This research aims to plan a tourism information system implementation strategy to increase the number of visitors, with a case study on animal park tourism. Based on the evaluation of the organizations business processes with information systems that are running is considered not effective, the strategic planning of information systems is needed to help leaders and managers in carrying out their duties to improve work efficiency by automating the information management process, increasing management effectiveness by satisfying information needs for decision making, and improve competitiveness to improve the organizations competitive advantage by changing the style and manner of doing business. The methodology used by Ward and Peppard strategic planning model with the stages of analysis of Political Social Economy Technology, Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat, Mission Objective Strategy Tactics, Critical Success Factors, Balance Score Card, Value Chain, and Information System Strategy. The results of the research are in the form of a strategic framework and information system implementation plan and technology that is in line with the organizations business strategy plan.

strategic plan; information system; tourism; ward and peppard

Information Engineering


The Design and Evaluation of An Automatic Watering System by Using Fuzzy Mamdani
Erfan Rohadi, Amalia Amalia, Afifah Nidianingsih, Sofyan Noor Arief, Rudy Aryanto, Dimas Wahyu Wibowo

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Amalia Amalia

State Polytechnic of Malang.
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Malang 65141

The Fruits and vegetables are commercial commodities that are high in demand, recently. However, pest attacks are the main cause of crop failure. The common activity of farmers is that they spend their time just to filter vegetables that are still using manual systems. By using an automatic watering system with a soil moisture sensor and a temperature sensor based on Fuzzy Logic can provide water to vegetables according to their needs. In the practical, the Chinese Greens Cabbage have been watered with automatic systems. The results show that automatic watering systems have better production than manual watering systems. The soil moisture sensor output produces a low or high output. When heating the soil 80%, it shows moist soil conditions and when soil moisture is 40%, the soil conditions produce dry output. Based on the testing that has been done, it is obtained that the ideal temperature that allows vegetables to grow is 24 Celsius, soil moisture level of 27%, with a duration of 30 seconds watering. As a result, the automation systems promises for the cultivation of vegetable plants around the home living.

Soil Moisture Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Mamdani

Information Engineering


Nisa Rahmaniyah Utami, Elly Lasmanawati

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Nisa Rahmaniyah Utami

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The background of this research is students who are less interested in the theory of making cakes, gateuxes, and tortenes. Students prefer and understand practice. The students feel bored in the theory of making cakes, gateux and torten, because there are many things students have to learn and memorize, as well as the teaching methods carried out by educators still using the old learning model so the students in the class become boring and tense. To overcome these problems, we need a learning model that is appropriate and relevant to the conditions of the students. This study aims to: (1) obtain information on differences in learning outcomes between students who use the ARIAS learning model and students taught by using a direct learning model in making cakes, gateux and torten at 3 Vocational Highschool, Bogor. This research is an experimental research with a quantitative approach, in which the research sample is divided into two classes, namely: (1) class XII Patiseri 1 which is taught using the ARIAS learning model; and (2) class XII Patiseri 2 which is taught using the direct learning model. The study found: (1) The average score of cognitive learning outcomes, students using the ARIAS learning model were 80, significantly higher than using the direct learning model was 75, in making cake, gateux and torten at 3 Vocational Highschool, Bogor. Researchers suggest: (1) the ARIAS learning model can be used as an alternative in creating an interesting learning in explaining material.

ARIAS Learning Model, Direct Learning Model, Learning Outcomes, Cake, Gateaux and Torten,

Information Engineering


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