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The 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)

Event starts on 2019.08.14 for 2 days in Manado |

Page 2 (data 31 to 60 of 130) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

A. Doyan, A. Wahab Jufri, Susilawati, A. Ardyansyah, K. Auliya, S. Hakim

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Corresponding Author
Aris Doyan

Master of Science Education Program, University of Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

This study aims to develop learning media in the form of digital portable auto design microscopes that are effective for improving students problem-solving abilities. This research includes research and development by adopting the Dick and Carey development model which has 10 stages of development. The subjects of this study were class VIII Islamic Junior High School Putri Abu Hurairoh Mataram. The main products developed are portable digital auto design microscopes and supporting devices in the form of syllabus, lesson plan, Worksheet, and instruments of problem-solving abilities developed with learning models of Problem Based Learning. To find out the effectiveness of the product used the problem-solving ability instrument which was then analyzed using the N-Gain equation to determine its increase. The instrument consists of 5 items about the essay. Based on the results of calculations with the formula N-Gain portable digital microscope auto design is very effective for problem-solving capabilities with a gain value of 0.71.

microscope digital portable auto design, problem-solving skills

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Krisnawati Ugu, Santje Salajang, John Robby Wenas

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Corresponding Author
Treesje Londa

Universities Negeri Manado

The research aims to produce mathematics learning tools in the form of lesson plans, worksheets, and THB on social arithmetic material using Cooperative Script learning models that have valid, practical, and effective qualifications. This research method is categorized as development research. In this research the RPP, LKPD, and EHB developed using the Problem based learning Model on the number pattern material. The results of this study state that the mathematics learning tool developed in this study is limited to the Learning Implementation Plan, Student Activity Sheets, and Learning Outcomes Tests on social arithmetic material for class VII SMP Negeri 22 Halmahera Barat. The trial was only conducted in one class, which consisted of 39 students. Based on the research data, it can be concluded that a mathematics learning tool has been produced with ADDIE design model which includes five stages, namely: the analysis phase (analysis), the design phase (desind), the development stage (development), the implementation phase (implementation), and evaluation ( modified evaluation results obtained: (1) Learning tools have been developed using Cooperative Script learning models on social arithmetic material for Grade VII students of SMP Negeri 22 West Halmahera and meet valid, practical, and effective criteria, (2) Validity of devices based on learning models Cooperative Script is shown from the validation results of the validators against the device, (3) Practicality of the device based on Cooperative Script learning models is shown from the results of observations.

Cooperative Script, development, learning tools, social arithmetic

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Felni Gemma Nucifera Womboiang, Santje Salajang, Aaltje Pangemanan

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Corresponding Author
Treesje Londa

Universitas Negeri Manado

The purpose of this research is to produce a Mathematical Learning Tool Model Problem based learning to Teach Numbers Pattern Material, which fulfills valid, practical, and effective criteria. This research method is categorized as development research. The sample in this study was taken by eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Tondano. In this research the RPP, LKPD, and EHB developed using the Problem based learning Model on the number pattern material. The results of this study stated that the products developed met valid, practical, and effective criteria. Learning devices are feasible to use based on the evaluation of learning tools by the validator with an average score of 3.9 with valid criteria. The practicality results of the learning kit were obtained from the Student response questionnaire which showed a score of 23 included in the practical criteria. The effectiveness of the learning device is obtained from the evaluation of student learning outcomes that indicate mastery learning Students above 70 so that it can be concluded that the learning device is effectively used in learning.

Problem based learning, development, learning tools, Number Patterns

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Development of Motion-Theme Teaching Materials for Science Learning in Junior High School
Indarini Dwi Pursitasari (a*), Eka Suhardi (b), Didit Ardianto (a), Vera Yulistiani (c)

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Corresponding Author
Indarini Dwi Pursitasari

a) Science Education Study Program, Program of Postgraduate Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia
b) Education Management, Program of Postgraduate Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia
c) SMP IT Rahmaniyah Cilodong, Kabupaten Bogor

*email: indarini.dp[at]

This study aims to produce motion theme teaching materials with webbed integration using the 4STMD method (Four-Step Teaching Materials Development). This development research involved 29 class VII junior high school students to implememtation. Data collection used tests of validation, text comprehension, feasibility, concept understanding; and student response questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and inferential. The results of the development of teaching materials showed validation of selection and structuring is highly structured, understanding of texts are easy categories and independent levels and having a feasibility of 97%. The value of understanding on average students rate 68% and students provide very good responses to the subject matter of motion.

teaching materials, science learning, theme of motion, understanding concepts

Curriculum, Research and Development


Tiene M.B. Turangan, Ferny M. Tumbel, Meytij J. Rampe

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Meitij Rampe

Postgraduate Program, Manado State University, Indonesia

This study aims to produce teaching materials using a scientific approach to improve student learning outcomes in static electricity material. This study refers to Research and Development research following the stages of implementation according to Borg and Gall. The trial subjects consisted of theoretical trials and empirical trials. Theoretical trials consist of expert design teaching materials and experts in learning materials in the field of science. The empirical trial consisted of 10 small groups and 30 large groups. The instruments used were interviews, questionnaires, and test results. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and used the Analyze Compare Means analysis with α = 0.05. The results of the validation of teaching materials expert products are included in the very strong category with a value of 91% and the results of the validation of learning materials are included in the very strong category with a value of 93%. The results of the field test analysis show that teaching material products with a scientific approach are well used in the learning process in the classroom that can improve student learning outcomes.

teaching materials, scientific approach, learning outcomes

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Yusmarni, Hendra Bestari, M Kukuh

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Yusmarni Yusmarni

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Abstract. This study aims to develop constructivism-based trigonometric modules that the aspects of validity, practicality and effectiveness. The product of this development is a constructivism-based trigonometric module. This module contains aspects related to constructivism-based trigonometric material for students. This type of research is development research. This study uses the Plomp model which consists of three phases, the preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. The preliminary research phase needs analysis, analysis of student characteristics, curriculum analysis, concept analysis, and analysis of existing modules. The prototype phase, constructivism based trigonometric modules are designed, then formative evaluations are carried out to determine validity, and the practicality of the product in the form of modules. The assessment phase an assessment was carried out with practicality and effectiveness tests. Data effectiveness is obtained from problem solving abilities. The results showed that the trigonometric module developed was valid and practical. As well as mathematical problem solving capabilities are classified as effective based on KKM.

Keywords: Plomp model, constructivism, trigonometric modules

Curriculum, Research and Development


Development prospect of Education-Based Maritime Tourism in North Minahasa.
Olivia J Lalamentik

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Corresponding Author
Olivia Lalamentik

Universitas Negeri Manado

The research aims to find out the prospect of marine tourism development based on education. It investigate the community-s development program of human resources in supporting the development of marine tourism, to analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of marine tourism, and to explain the development strategy of marine tourism object which is regional potency-based. The study was conducted at maritime tourism locations: Paal Beach Likupang, Pulisan Beach Likupang, Surabaya Beach Likupang, Firdaus Beach Kema, all is located in North Minahasa regency. The methods used were descriptive qualitative with survey technique. The sample consisted of 70 households selected using purposive sampling method. The data were analyzed descriptively implementing SWOT analyses. The result show that the four marine tourism objects in North Minahasa Regency have a very good prospect viewed from product, market and marketing, investment, landscape, institution and human resources aspects. The development program of human resources in supporting the development of marine tourism is generally “very low and low", the factors affecting the development of the marine tourism are product , market and marketing, investment, landscape , institution, and human resources. The development strategies of marine tourism based on regional potency is done by developing integrated tourism product which is marine and coastal based, improving the role of private sector and community in tourism management, and improving the quality of community- education on tourism and ability to catch business opportunities in tourism aspect.

Development, Education, Tourism

Other Areas of Education


Education on Religious Moderation: Courses and Discourses among Islamic Student Organization Activists
S. Sagap; Syaroni; Arfan

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Corresponding Author
Sayid Sagap

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

One of transmission vehicle in religious thought among Islamic student organizations activists was cadre education and inter-forum discussions between fellow activists. Anxiety in the occurrence of a deviant religious understanding among youth is made possible by the increasing demographic of young people which accompanied by the transformation and transmission of radicalism movements, open political structures, and the narrow of job opportunities. This paper aims to examine the religious thought and activism of Islamic student organizations activists through cadre education, courses and debates on contextual religious situations in Indonesia, and in Jambi where this research was specifically conducted on activists of three Islamic student organizations, PMII, HMI and KAMMI. The results of the study so far show religious moderation among activists. They differ in thought and opinion, both with among activists from the same organization, as well as with other activists outside the organization, in looking at Indonesias current socio-religious situation.

religious moderation education; Islamic student activists

Global Issues in Education and Research


Yossa Istiadi , Indra Nusantoro Hatasura

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Magister Program of Environmental Management, Post-Graduate Program, Pakuan University

Implementation the national curriuculum brought taken to reducing the excelent-s of local knowledge. Objective of research is to develop an educational board game as well the learning iniciative in environmental education approach. Research and development method used to applied in the traditional community of Kasepuhan surrounding Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java from January – April 2019. Phases of method through the need assessment phase, validation phase, and taken recommendation. The board game consists of a paper board with drawing content knowledge, and some character pictures that describe about philosophy, value, norm, behaviour, roles, institution, regional and existing living environment of their community. Each board game could be played by 4 students with 1-3 hours as well by using discussion cards. Based on validation phase with three cycles test, about n = 24 samples and analyzing by t-test, there are significantly different of knowledge about local-s wisdom between 1st cycle and 2nd cycle (t test = 3,025; n=24; p < 0,01), and between 2nd cycle and 3rd cycle (t test = 5,017; n=24; p < 0,01). This mention that showed there are better knowledge of local-s wisdom by improvement board game each cycles.

educational board game, local-s wisdom, traditional community

Curriculum, Research and Development


Effect of Cooperative Learning Model of STAD toward Learning Outcomes Viewed from Learning Interest
Deiby Neltje Fransiska Tiwow, Santje Salajang, Wayan Damai

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Corresponding Author
Treesje Londa

Universitas Negeri Manado

This study aims to determine: (a) differences in learning outcomes of groups of students taught using STAD and conventional learning models, (b) the effect of interactions between learning models on learning outcomes if viewed from learning interests, c) differences in learning outcomes between groups taught with STAD and conventional learning models for groups of students who have high interest, (d) differences in learning outcomes between groups taught with STAD and conventional learning models for groups of students who have low interest. This research method includes the type of quasi-experimental research using Treatment by level design. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: (a) there are differences in learning outcomes in groups of students taught using STAD and conventional learning models, (b) there is an interaction effect between learning models and learning interests on student learning outcomes, (c) group learning outcomes taught with STAD learning model better than conventionally taught groups for groups of students who have high learning interest, (d) group learning outcomes taught with STAD learning models are better than conventionally taught groups for groups of students who have low learning interest.

Influence, STAD, Learning Outcomes, Learning Interest

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


heny Hendrayati, Kurjono, Arief Yulianto, Nurhanani Romli, Iwan Kustiawan, M. Achyarsyah

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Corresponding Author
Heny Hendrayati

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (1,2,5,6)
Universitas Negeri Semarang (3)
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (4)

The problem that becomes the study of this study is about the low motivation of entrepreneurship in vocational students. The importance of reviewing this motivation is because vocational students in addition to internalizing knowledge and skills to apply it in community life also prepare to work. The theoretical approach to discussing this research consists of the grand theory of motivation from the Mc Clelland process motivation theory. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the description of the family environment towards the entrepreneurial motivation of vocational students throughout the city of Bandung. The research subjects were vocational school students in Bandung city with 345 respondents, the research instrument was a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. Descriptive data analysis by describing each variable, inferential analysis by testing the hypothesis by using linear regression and t test. The results of the study show that family entrepreneurship learning and chemistry and work ethic education have a positive effect on entrepreneurial motivation. There is a difference in entrepreneurial motivation seen from gender. Based on the results of the study it is suggested that increasing some indicators from variables that are still low.

Entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial values

Business Education


Mamat Supriatna*, and Dina Ervina

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Mamat Supriatna

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This emotional development has developed since children. The ability to react emotionally already in infants, the first symptom of emotional behavior is general stimulation of a strong stimulus. However, with age, a persons emotional reaction will become less extensive. Emotional intelligence is the ability to regulate life and understand other peoples emotions or emotions, motivation and social-personal abilities. The purpose of this study is to examine whether effective personal-social guidance can develop students emotional intelligence. Students who have good emotional abilities can feel, accept, understand and build emotions well, and can motivate themselves and others. This study uses a quantitative approach. The results of the study showed a significant development based on the pretest score and Posttest score. With a result of 0.001. Thus it can be concluded that through personal-social guidance can develop emotional intelligence of junior high school students.

Emotional Intelligence, Social-Personal Guidance

Educational Foundations


Effort to assure students graduate on time: case study at Postgraduate Program, Udayana University, Bali
I Putu Gede Adiatmika, Ida Ayu Astarini*, Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika

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Corresponding Author
Ida Ayu Astarini

Postgraduate Program, Udayana University

The most important performance of a study program in higher education is the ability of students to graduate in assigned time. At Postgraduate Program, Udayana University, students have to complete their study in 4 semesters for master degree and 6 semesters for doctoral degree. However, data in 2018 shows less than 70% students were graduated timely. Various problem has been identified, i.e. student taking postgraduate study at Udayana University are mature students who are mostly pursue their study while working, causing study become less priority. Other problems are lack of academic atmosfer, study plan, social life and student support. Efforts need to be taken by the postgraduate program to overcome this problem. This paper explained effort that has been taken by Postgraduate Program, Udayana University, to help students graduating in time. A number of program and action include: scheduled examination, monthly group discussion, end of year student conference, student meeting and progress report to the Director, and warning letter for students who do not show any progress after third semester. It is hope that with those effort, increased number of students graduate timely can be achieved in the near future.

study time, graduate students, master-s degree, doctoral degree

Curriculum, Research and Development


Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy: Trainning, Observation, Internships, and the Business Plans
Endah Andayani, Nurul A-in, Lilik Sri Hariani

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Master of Social Science Education Study Program,
Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Malang, Indonesia

A persons confidence to succeed in running a business that will be carried out is called Entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy is not an innate ability, but can be generated by motivating students to become entrepreneurs. The effort to grow self-efficacy for entrepreneurship was carried out to 35 Kanjuruhan University Malang students. The activity is entrepreneurship training, visits / observations in MSMEs, internship activities in MSMEs, and training in preparing a business plan. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence ESE. Data is collected through observation, questionnaires, and tests. Data were analysed using multiple regression using the SPSS 20 program. The results showed that entrepreneurship training and internships in MSMEs had a positive effect on ESE, while the visits to MSMEs and training in business plan preparation had no effect on ESE.

Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy, entrepreneurship training, industry visits, industry internships, business plan.

Business Education


T K Londa, F Warouw, J G N Nusa

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Treesje Londa

Universitas Negeri Manado

Learning Environment by using the Inquiry method can bring students into problems directly, so they can develop capabilities in terms of solving environmental problems that will be faced. In addition, the Inquiry method will train students to communicate well between fellow students and teachers (lecturers). This research is intended to describe the presence or absence of a treatment given to the subject of the studyThe application of inquiry methods is effective in increasing students competency of the environment and would be skilled in solving problems. By investigations conducted at Tondano Lake, students will be able to prove the truth of a theory by themselves. This type of research is an experiment using descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques by one group pretest-posttest design. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it was concluded that environmental learning using the inqury method at Tondano Lake had a significant effect on students competency. This is evidenced by the average gain score reaching 92.4769 or 94.5% and the implementation of learning which is in the effective category.

Learning, Environment, Inquiry Method, Tondano Lake

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Evaluating the Criterion-Related Validity of Assessment of STEM Literacy in Earthquake Issues
Didit Ardianto1)2), Anna Permanasari 2), Harry Firman 2), Taufik Ramlan Ramalis 2), Bibin Rubini 1)

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Corresponding Author
Didit Ardianto

1) Department of Science Education, School of Postgraduate, Pakuan University
2) Department of Science Education, School of Postgraduate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Earth science education is the right way to train STEM literacy. These multi literacy are needed by students in understanding the nature of complex earth systems. However, there is no standard test which used to measure STEM literacy in earth science education currently. The aim of this study was to develop a standardized to measure prospective elementary teachers- STEM literacy and to initially evaluate its psychometric properties. We constructed 7 multiple-choice items and 5 essay items regarding earthquake issue. We using 90 students- conceptions to evaluate item tests. In an item response theory-based validation study (N = 2,247), we applied multiple regression analyses to test hypotheses based on groups with known attributes. The RASCH Model was used to validate the instrument on the aspects of validity, reliability, and the level of difficulty. The results indicate that prospective teachers- STEM literacy in earthquake issue is still low, especially in identifying problem and designing model relates STEM criterion.

Assessment, STEM literacy, Earth Science

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Evaluation on State Junior High School Principal Performance in Increasing Islamic Teachers Professionalism
Risnita; Rulitawati; Ifa Pohan

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Risnita Risnita

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
STAI Yasni Muara Bungo

The research was conducted with the aim to find out the evaluation the performance of school principals in improving the professionalism of education teachers of Junior High School in Jambi. The evaluation on principal performance aims to provide an assessment of work results, work performance obtained by a religious teacher of Islam. Performance evaluation can provide feedback on goals Performance, targets of planning, and implementation processes of religious teachers work. One of the duties and obligations of the principal is to improve professionalism of Islamic teachers, both in the field of pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence and professional competence, so that produce quality student participants. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach, with in-case case study design the meaning of research is to focus on only one phenomenon that is chosen and wanted understood deeply. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews and observation. Results of this study are expected that through the performance evaluation of the principal it can improve pedagogic, personality, social, professional teacher and should produce quality students.

Performance Evaluation; School Principal; Islamic Teacher Professionalism

Business Education


Everyday life of Suku Anak Dalam Young Educator in the Digital Age
Arfan Aziz; Pahmi SY; Asad Isma

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Arfan Aziz

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Suku Anak Dalam, an indigenous tribe in Jambi, has been targeted to be involved in formal and informal education, both by the state or by non-governmental organizations. In addition to teaching-learning activities by government apparatus, educators from non-governmental organizations were sent to the community. Some of the educators are coming from Z generation. They left their digital circumstances then come and work as educators in the forest area where the Suku Anak Dalam lived. This article aims to examine the daily lives of young educators of Suku Anak Dalam, and how they adjust with the community and social situations which is different from the citys comfortable and digital life. The method used is virtual observation on the educators social account and in-depth interviews with them to get a broader description of their daily activities as digital generation and at the same times as educators of the Suku Anak Dalam in Jambi.

Indigenous People Educators; Suku Anak Dalam

Other Areas of Education


Exploring of Lesson Study (Review of Education, Religion, Culture)
Idarianty; Minnah Elwiddah

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Corresponding Author
Sayid Sagap

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Lesson Study is an approach to improving the quality of learning carried out by the teacher collaboratively, with the main steps of designing learning to achieve goals, implementing learning, observing the implementation of learning, and reflecting to discuss the learning being studied for improvement material in the next learning plan. The main focus of the implementation of lesson study is the activity of students in the classroom, assuming that the activities of the students are related to the activities of the teacher while teaching in the classroom. Lesson Study is a major form of improving the quality of learning and development of teacher professionalism chosen by Japanese teachers. Lesson study is not only done in the classroom but can also be empowered to use for student students, namely in the UIN STS Jambi students who study education, religion, social and culture in Jambi Province. The essence of lesson study is both global and local. Educationally, students carry out teaching and learning activities for school students, carry out skills (entrepreneurship) in making gelatu, religious activities (PAMI) mahgrib and isya in mosques, social and cultural activities carry out anti-drug socialization and explore art and dance culture area implemented by student students. The previous curriculum was carried out in a simple field, the existence of more detailed and programmed lesson study, namely designing learning activities to achieve goals, carrying out learning, observing the implementation of learning and reflecting on the lessons learned for improvement in the next learning plan. Therefore lesson study is an approach to increasing learning at school and in college. The lesson study also took place at the US STS Jambi campus. Programmatically and organized from the side of education, religion and social culture in Jambi Province.

Lesson Study; Education; Religion; Social Culture

Other Areas of Education


Zakir Hussain*, Nenden Sri Lengkanawati

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Zakir hussain

Indonesia University of Education
department of English Education

Motivation is an essential part of learning process especially learning a language to achieve the desired goals. This study aims to examine the English major first year students- motivation about learning English. The participants were 50 students from the English Department at Indonesia University of Education. The questionnaire was used as the instrument to collect the data. The findings revealed that including having significant differences between integrative and instrumental motivation, students- motivation in learning English is high. Besides, students are more instrumentally motivated than integrative motivation. Hence, teachers should increase the students- integrative motivation through raising their interests in the culture of the target language, such as giving information about people and lifestyle, geography, literature of the English countries through visual and even organizing group sharing for learners who have been to English speaking countries.

Integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, English learning

Other Areas of Education


From Religious Ritual to Social Education: A Study on Khutbah Gulung in Tanjung Pauh Hilir Village, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province
Wahyudi Buska (a*), Yogia Prihartini (b), Muhamad Yusuf (c), Muhammad Ridha DS (d) Syamsarina Nasution (e)

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Corresponding Author
Wahyudi Buska

a),b) Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University of Jambi 36361,Indonesia

c), d), e) Faculty of Syariah and Law, IAIN Kerinci Jambi, Indonesia

This research aims to reveal one of the traditions of people in Tanjung Hilir Kerinci, the recitation of the Khutbah Gulung (lit: speech roll) every Idul Fitri and Idul Adha. This tradition have lasted for decades. The text was written in Arab Melayu using connected pieces of paper and then rolled on a piece of log. The text was made in two themes, one for Idul Fitri and another for Idul Adha. These texts have not changed since the first time it was written decades ago. This research is considered as field research with qualitative approach using ethnographic, historic, and content analysis method. After analyzing the content of the texts, it was found out that the recitation of Khutbah Gulung was not only part of a religious ritual, but also contain academic importance by educating the listeners on how to become a better individual. The contents of Khutbah Gulung is always connected to the aim of humanism education in order to make the members of the society a better individual who realize his rose as God-s highest order of creation, sent to earth to nurture, protect, and improve our nature. Researcher would like to conclude that the practice of Khutbah Gulung among the people in Tanjung Pauh Hilir have become part of their life and tradition, inherited from earlier generation and will be inherited by the next. It will be continued and become an icon of people in Tanjung Pauh Hilir Kerinci Regency.

Tradition, Khutbah Gulung, Religious Ritual, Humanist Education.

Other Areas of Education


Ipah Saripah, Siti Novia Lestari, Tati Kustiawati

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Ipah Saripah

Guidance and Counseling Departement
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Jawa Barat

The disruptive era brings very fast and fundamental changes to the order of individual life including students. Hardiness is a characteristic of students who are able to be positively oriented and configure stressful experiences so students can survive and develop. The many demands faced by boarding school students in a disruptive era, students required to hardiness. This study aims to describe the hardiness of students in one school in West Java empirically based on three aspects of hardiness, namely commitment, control, and challenge (3C). Research used quantitative approaches and survey methods. Sample collection was carried out with simple random sampling techniques for 61 students. The instrument that is used in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis used Rasch Model with Winstep application. The results showed the hardiness of students in all three aspects was in the high category. Among the three hardiness aspects, the control aspect has a lower percentage which is more than the commitment and challenge aspects. Based on the results of the study is assumed that boarding school students have readiness in commitment and face challenges, but need to improve control in the face of the disruptive era.

hardiness, commitment, control, challenge, disruptive era

Global Issues in Education and Research


How Students Understand the Material of Animal Kingdom?
Susanti Wulandari (a*), Ari Widodo (b)

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Corresponding Author
Susanti Wulandari

a) Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, West Java, Indonesia, Phone. (022) 2001937
b) Department of Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, Phone. (022) 2001937

Learning the materials about Animal Kingdom tends to be memorizing activities. Students assume that the materials are difficult to understand because the characteristics of this materials are descriptive and terms of complex anatomy and morphological structures. In order to eliminate the students- negative paradigm regarding the material about the Animal Kingdom, this research on instructional materials has been carried out to support 21st century skills. This research aimed to obtain relevant instructional materials, which was prepared based on students- prior knowledge. Research and Development method was used to develop this learning materials. This learning material is made based on students- prior knowledge and developed in accordance with propositions from the main references. The trial was conducted on 30 tenth-grade students. The result showed that students as the user of these learning materials were interested in invertebrate topic and also the exercises. The integration of learning materials and computer-based quiz are important to facilitate students- meaningful learning in 21st century.

Invertebrates; 21st century skills; prior knowledge; learning materials



How Teacher-s TPACK affect student-s activity? : A descriptive case study
Meili Yanti(a*), Riandi(a), A Suhandi(b)

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Corresponding Author
Meili Yanti

(a) Prodi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
(b) Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The rapid growth of technology allows the learning process to become more effective and efficient as better results can be obtained. The ability of teachers to integrate technology into learning is quite important in facing the rapid technological progress in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. These technological advances need to be followed by the development of learning that can support these changes. Therefore, science teacher need to accompanied by an excellent competency, namely TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge). The purpose of this study was to see the impact of the implementation of TPACK design in teaching and learning activities carried out by the teacher to students learning activities. Descriptive methods are applied to get data on teacher TPACK abilities and their implementation using TPACK instruments, and student activity observation sheets. Participant of this study is three science teachers. The results of the study show that the characteristics of TPACK science teachers in teaching material Global warming vary. The difference between each teachers TPACK characteristics makes TPACK unique for further research. What influences this difference is the teachers teaching experience. Student learning activities show that the class taught by teacher A is more active than the other two classes.

Descriptive study, Teacher competencies, TPACK, Student Learning Activity



How the Profil of Student-s Views on the Nature of Science and Technology (VNoST)?
Atep Rian Nurhadi (a), Hernani (b*), Iqbal Musthapa (b), Raden Devita Feliyanthi Somadipraja (c)

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Corresponding Author
Atep Rian

a) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

b) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

c) Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to provide a profile of students VNOST as a basis for the development of didactic designs that can teach aspects of technology in high school chemistry learning. This study involved 196 students who were randomly selected from grades XI from one of the secondary schools in Bandung. The modified VNOST questionnaire was used as a research instrument consisting of four aspects, namely: 1) the view of science, the purpose of science, the purpose of scientific research, 2) the view of technology, 3) the view of scientific knowledge and scientific theory, and 4) the view of the relationship between science, technology, and society. Each statement in the questionnaire was classified as "Realist", "Has Merit", and "Naïve". The data obtained were analyzed on each item using a frequency distribution to the students VNOST group. "Realist" VNOST is used as a good indicator of VNOST views. The results revealed that most students have VNOST at the "Has Merit" level, which means that students views on the nature of science and technology are still lacking and need to be improved. For this reason, educators need to integrate science and technology in science learning in schools.

VNOST, NTSQ, realistic, has merit, naïve

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Implementation of science writing heuristic (SWH) approach to develop chemistry students- argumentation skill
Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Siti Aisyah, Galuh Yuliani

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Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh

Department of Chemistry Education,
Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The important challenge in science education is improving students- scientific literacy, including argumentation skill. Argumentation skill was crucial to address the problem related to scientific issues that occurs in every aspect of lives. The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach has been used succesfully created an environment that forces students to construct their knowledge through argumentation process. The purpose of this current study was to implement the SWH approach to develop chemistry students- argumentation skill in general chemistry laboratory class. The students in the experiment class were required to construct argument using writing as tool for scientific investigation process. In contrast, students in the control groups learned science in traditional scientific approach setting. The results show that students who recevided traditiona scientific approach laboratory instruction approach scored lower on various aspect of argumentation aspects, suggesting the SWH-based laboratory instruction is valuable in promoting students- argumentation skill.

Inquiry strategy, Student-centered, Science Writing Heuristic, Argumentation skill

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Hari Muharam, Widodo Sunaryo,Arwan Gunawan

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Henny Suharyati

Universitas Pakuan

This study aims to find an effort to improve Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) through research on the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction with OCB. The method used in this study is a descriptive correlational method using a quantitative approach. The population in this study is the Permanent Teacher Foundation in 9 Private Vocational Schools in Cibungbulang District, Bogor Regency with a total of 117 teachers. The sampling technique uses proportional random sampling with the Slovin formula with a 5% margin error with a total sample of 91 teachers. This study concludes that there is a positive relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The strength of the relationship between Transformational Leadership (X1) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y). There is a positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The strength of the relationship between Job Satisfaction (X2) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y). There is a positive relationship between Transformational Leadership (X1) and Job Satisfaction (X2) together with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y) which is indicated by the ry12 correlation coefficient = 0.685 and Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction together have a contribution of 46,9% of Organizational Citizenship Behavior.

Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Adult Education


Dadang Jaenudin, Surti Kurniasih, Galuh Rizky Amalia

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Dadang Jaenudin Jaenudin

Universitas Pakuan

The aim of this research is to improve students- ability in problem solving and creativity through project based learning under biotechnology material. This research is conducted to twelfth grade of SMA Yapida Gunung Putri Bogor. Quasi experiment with non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design is used. Test instrument is used for measuring problem solving ability and creative thinking. The result shows that there is an improvement in problem solving and creative thinking ability in experimental class after applying project based learning. The score of n-gain for problem solving ability in experimental group is 0,73 (high) and control group is 0,53 (medium). The n-gain score for creative thinking ability in experimental group is 0,73 (high) and in control group is 0,53 (medium). Hypothesis testing of n-gain score for problem solving and creative thinking skill is 0,001 (significant). Project based learning gives students learning experience which initiated with authentic and factual problem; therefore it can help students in finding appropriate solution. In conclusion, project based learning can be applied as alternative for improving students- ability in problem solving and creative thinking in high school students.

project based learning, problem solving ability, creativity

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Improving Students Reflective Thinking Skills Through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach
Yusup Junaedi, Wahyudin

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Yusup Junaedi

Mathematics Education Departement, Postgraduate School,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

This research is motivated by the importance of reflective thinking skills by applying the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach. The purpose of this research to improve reflective thinking skills through the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach and determine students mistakes in reflective thinking skills. The method used is Mixed Methods with the incorporation of quantitative-qualitative design. The sample in this research was grade VIII SMP Negeri 4 Serang City involving two classes, namely the experimental class, and the control class. The instruments used in the form of reflective thinking skills test instruments, non-test instruments in the form of observation sheets, documentation and researchers. The conclusion from this study that the reflective thinking skills of the experimental class are better than the control class. Student mistakes in taking reflective thinking tests include errors in making mathematical modeling, concept errors, systematic errors, and miscalculations.

Reflective Thinking Skills, Realistic Mathematics Education

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Inclusive Education: How A Student With Special Needs Learn Science
Zulqifli Alqadri (a*), Munawwarah (b)

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Zulqifli Alqadri

a) Department of Science Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia

This descriptive study aims to describe a student with special needs in science class in one of the inclusive junior high school of Bandung which investigated from preparation stage, learning process, and evaluation stage. Observation was carried out during science learning on heat transfer topic to a grade VII special needs student as the subject (hereinafter referred to as X) who diagnosed with moderate-type of autism and ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Interview was conducted with science teacher, helper and orthopedagogue, while documentation was carried out through analysis of practice and final test questions. The results of the study revealed that on preparation stage which focused on the admission process, every applicant of inclusive school is selected by the school selection committee and internal psychologist by evaluating their results of therapy and psychology test. Learning objectives, material, process, and evaluation of science learning for inclusive students are adjusted based on student-s needs, condition, and ability and always be accompanied by a helper during science learning. The evaluation process of science learning for inclusive students generally uses maximum 10 questions on cognitive level of C1 (remember) and must be equipped with pictures and colors.

Inclusive Education; Special Needs Student; Science

Other Areas of Education


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