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The Role of Al Shatibi in The Arabic Grammar Improvement Based on His Book of Al Maqasid Ash Shafiyah in Arabic Education for non Arabs
Talqis Nurdianto

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Talqis Nurdianto

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Al Shatibi is one of Islamic scholars who stayed in Andalus or known as Spain. He is more famously known as an Usul Fiqh expert then a linguist, especially in Nahw. He tried to break through the scope of understanding in Nahw which monopolized by two stronghold groups; the people of Basrah and the people of Kufah. He took a different step from his seniors when discussing a methodology of Nahw sciences in Arabic language. The book entitled Al Maqasid Al Shafiyyah is a big design of his thoughts in Nahw sciences which was inspired the birth of Nahw sciences reformers after his time. Unsystematic method in Nahw, limited resources for discussing any arguments and fanatically fall to certain group made this science look old fashioned, stagnant and it was hard to teach it toward non-Arabs. This research is subjected to analyze those practical problems in teaching and learning Nahw which made Al Shatibi did such of change and suggested new methods. The book Al Maqasid Ash Shafiyah has different methods from both Basrah or Kufah methodology which made it easier to be taught and learnt to non-Arabs. One of Al Shatibi methods in this book called al-jamu wa al-tarjih, he collected all the opinions from previous scholars according to one case, he discussed all those opinions to find any if those are weakest or had a bold and strong reason. All the datas, the primer resources from book Al Maqasid Al Shafiyah and also the secondary resources from all sources related to the topic was analyzed using analytic and descriptive method which resulted (1). Al Satibi has his own opinion and it is considered neutral from all the previous scholars. (2). The best opinion in Nahw was determined by the best theorem stated. (3) Sometime Al Satibi took one side of two strongholds group of Nahw because he shared a similar opinion with them. (4) If not of both groups opinions are correct according to his thought, he will come with his own. (5) this book is easier to learnt by a non-Arabs in the process of learning and studying Nahw.

Al Shatibi, Arabic, Grammar, Improvement, Al Maqashid Ash Shafiyah

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Civil Society in the making of General Election Commission Regulation Number 20 of 2018 about the Candidacy of Legislative Members
Aditya Kelana Dewantara

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Aditya Kelana Dewantara

FISIP - Universitas Indonesia

The demand for clean elections is getting stronger in many countries, no exception in Indonesia. One of the demands is the availability of candidates for legislative who have a clean track record.The entry of ex-corruptors as members of the legislature will certainly strengthen peoples distrust of parliament. To end all bad developments, the concept of electoral reform is very important. As an organization between state and society, it is very possible for civil society to make changes in the fight for the clean election demands. Civil Society in the context of Indonesia generally manifests itself in a non-governmental organization, namely an organization whose domain is separate from the State and business sector, which carries the mission of strengthening and empowering people outside the State and the private sector. Various civil society organizations formed a coalition network formed under the name of the Civil Society Coalition for clean elections, which then aimed to guard clean elections. The demand from the Civil Society Coalition is to reject ex-corruptors to run for legislative members candidate with a petition "koruptor kok nyaleg". In fighting for its demands, the coalition carries out an Advocacy role, influencing what should be a public policy in this case the KPU Regulation Number 20 Year 2018 about the candidacy of Legislative Members. Civil Society Coalitions convey aspirations to elements that can make direct decisions and actively play a role in advocating by building constructive relationships with policy makers in order to build solutions to problems or influence policies that will be decided. in terms of taking advantage of political opportunities, the challenges and responses of Civil Society in post-reform political structures are seen in two political arenas: policy making and electoral politics. To obtain data related to the political activities of civil society in the realm of regulation making and the political participation of civil society actors in elections, this research uses process tracking methods.

public policy, electoral reform, civil society, advocacy, ex-corruptors

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The role of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Facing the Disruptive Era
Dewi Mayangsari

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Dewi Mayangsari

PGPAUD Education Faculty Trunojoyo Madura University

The teacher is the figure who is the role model of his students. The role model is imitated starting from speech, actions and plays a role in shaping the character of students. The character of students in schools began to form when students entered early education in Early Childhood, so the role of Early Childhood teachers in preparing students to face the current disruptive era was enormous. The era where students prepare to face technological change, and the demands of the world to be more competitive, adaptive and smart. The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which teachers run and prepare roles in educating early childhood students in the disruptive era. The approach used is descriptive qualitative with semi structured interview data collection methods. Subjects from the study were Early Childhood teachers at Kamal who had taught at least twenty years in Kamal at the same school. The selection of subjects using purposive sampling technique.

Disruptive Era, Early Childhood Education, Role of teachers

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Electronic word-of-mouth on the Satisfaction of Social Media Use
Dwi Martiyanti

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Dwi Martiyanti

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Maintaining customer satisfaction is a key to be concerned by companies in the information technology era. The use of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) as a reference to influence their satisfaction in decision making process reflects the high growth of social media usage. Nonetheless, prior research reveals that eWOM role as a satisfaction driver has been ignored. This study uses relationship marketing in understanding eWOM effect on satisfaction of social media use. In particular, this study seeks to develop theoretical models regarding the effects of eWOM on satisfaction in the context of social media through a systematic literature review. The result of theoretical analysis shows that satisfactions influenced by eWOM trough trust and commitment. This study provides a theoretical ground for future empirical research into issues related to eWOM relation and satisfaction in the context of social media. The result also provides a practical guide for marketing managers in developing marketing strategies through social media.

eWOM, trust, commitment, satisfaction

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Siti Fadjryana Fitroh

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Siti fadjryana Fitroh

Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program
Faculty of Education, University of Trunojoyo Madura

In childhood, it still supports 0 to 6 years at an early age, a time that is very important for the future both growth and development. This age must have a lot of experience and learning through the right stimulus from the right people. Experience related to things that discuss things that can form good character. In this case the person closest to the child who can contribute is the offspring. The role of parents is important here, because it is not only guided by sufficient needs that are needed by children also must pay attention to whether given according to the development and needs of children. Parents in this case are father and mother. Connecting has the same duty in parenting, but here the mother is in focus, where she has more difficulty with the baby (child). Mothers (mothers) skills in parenting are no longer questionable, because many say that a child is born so mothers instincts are born. In this case, the mothers skills will be more maximal in parenting if based on proper media knowledge in shaping dogeng characters. The aim here is to support mothers who use their ability to nurture through storytelling skills to use their childrens character-making abilities. Fairy tales are used as a medium for character building in early childhood, because the storytelling can include moral values so that forming characters can be formed. (1) reading stories before going to bed or at leisure (2) provided fairytale readings at home to attract childrens reading interest (3) talking about understanding stories that have often been read, about moral messages that can be learned.

Empowerment of Mother Parents, Honesty Values, Early Childhood Entrepreneurship

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Habitus in Sustainability of Tourism Village, Case Study: Kampung Tourism in Jodipan, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Adinda Christina (a*), Joko Adianto (b)

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Adinda Christina

a) Faculty of Engineering,University of Indonesia
Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia
Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia

This paper contains the understanding on the beautification as a successful factor in transforming a slum dwelling into a sustainable tourism village. The beautification is one slum upgrading strategy applied in various regions in Indonesia, although many resulted in failure. However, Kampung Jodipan is a unique case where the beautification result has made to became tourism attractions, leading to the improvement of the economic condition of the villagers. The concept of sustainability emphasizes on the habitus as formation of responding agent in their living space. This research focuses on the change in villagers attitude towards domestic, social, and economical activities, social structure and spatial. To understand the changing, research was gathered through observation, collecting population data, structured interview, and mapping of Kampung Jodipan, with qualitative analysis method. The result of the research was used to understand the agent habitus and their living space. Sustainable tourism village will only happen if there is a change in the living concept, in which living is not only solely purposed for domestic activities, but also for economic activities. This research will give comprehension on how beautification as slum upgrading strategy can be applicable and sustainable.

Habitus; Beautification; Kampong Tourism; Sustainability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Mother and Her Social Media on Childrens Education
Annisa Mulia, Devi Rukmana Bidari, Sunarya, Fajarudin Akbar

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Annisa Mulia

University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

Mother is the first school and ecuation for her children, mother is the role-play for her children, the smart mother will give birth to a smart generation, the level of motivation and success of the child is very dependent on the mother. Indeed, it cannot be denied that the role of mother is very important for childrens education. Then what about the phenomenon of education in Indonesia itself? According to a survey conducted in 2018 by the International Education Database, Indonesia ranked 62nd in the best education system in the world. According to UNESCO, Indonesia ranks 60th in the lowest literacy rate of 61 countries. Seeing this phenomenon with its relation to the role of the mother, without intending to blame the mother for the phenomenon, the researcher intends to invite the mother to take advantage of her role for it is not fair if researchers talk about past and present phenomena without talking about the future and innovation. This study aims to utilize social media as a forum for mothers to obtain many useful knowledge that is important for their childrens education as well as for their own interests as well as domestic life, such as montessori, parenting, ESQ, entrepreneurship and so on. Why is social media? Besides the world has entered the 21st century which the era of technology utilization, Indonesia ranks 5th for the country with the most internet usage in the world according to International World Status. It cannot be denied that mothers, especially young mothers, are very fond of playing social media. This study used descriptive qualitative methods to discuss problems that emphasized meanings and processes.

mother-s role, education, technology, social media

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Role of Russian Government in Syrian Civil War
Mitha Shafraa S.IP (a) Drs. Husni Amriyanto Putra, M.Si (b)

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Mitha Shafraa

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

As the rising of Arab Spring in 2011, some countries in the Middle East started to do demonstration to pursue the better governmental system which adjusts Democracy into the system. In March 2011, Arab Spring influenced Pro-Democracy people in Syria who mostly Sunnis to overthrow its authoritarian president, Bashar Al-Assad by doing demonstration. Assad is also known as an authoritarian president because of his inheritance of governmental position and in military sector to his family who believes in Shia Alawite. In July 2011, the conflict escalated and made Assad responded by heavier forces against the protestors. However, United States and European countries criticized and strongly condemned toward Assad manner in facing the conflict with his citizen. Meanwhile, Iran and Russia stay supporting and appreciate the decision of Assad to preserve his position as a president. Especially Russia, they help Syria in fighting against the opposite of Syrian government in any kind of form such as military aid, troops, and medicine. This undergraduate thesis will analyze the external and internal factors of Russian decision on their Foreign Policy toward Syrian Civil War. Moreover, this undergraduate thesis will also show the needs of Russia in intervening Syrian Civil War.

Russia, Syria, Syrian Civil War, Separatism, Western, Interest.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Sugito and Sidiq Ahmadi

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Sugito Sugito

Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

ASEAN community as a goal of ASEAN regionalism, needs mutual understanding of social, economic, and political reality from the government and its citizen. In todays digital age, the social media is replacing mass media as a platform for people to do communication discourse. According to Hacker and Dick (2000), information and communication technologies provide space for people to discuss economic, social and political issues that feel and create a common awareness and social movement. People can conduct public discussions indefinitely, where, and whoever the actors in talking about an issue and make it as a common concern (Habermas, 1989). ASEAN became the worlds largest internet user. More than 320 million Internet users in January 2017. Total internet users in the largest six countries are of 315.46 million people and social media users of 284.4 million people where 253 million use gadget. (, 2017). Knowing this great potential drives great opportunity to utilize social media as a medium for discussing ASEAN among its citizens. The research question is how ASEAN and its people of member countries use social media in communication discourses on ASEAN and create a shared awareness. We will use qualitative approach with discourse analysis method to understand the patterns and contents of discourses in social media, especially on Facebook and Twitter since these two media are popularly used in ASEAN. The results of this study indicate that the use of Facebook and Twitter has not been optimal in the discourse of ASEAN. Number of Facebook residents who became follower of until 2017 only 646,000 people and visited by 10 638 people.

Social Media, ASEAN Community, Communication Discourses

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Secret to Enhance innovativeness in Digital Industry

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Ardi Ardi

Doctorate Program of Research in Management,
University of Pelita Harapan

ABSTRACT THE SECRECT TO ENHANCE INNOVATIVENESS IN DIGITAL INDUSTRY The Effects of Leadership Styles on Organizational Performance are still arguable due to the inconsistencies. Many researchers analyzed the direct and indirect relationships with antecedents- variables of organizational performance, but organizations sometimes fail to achieve organizational innovativeness and enhance organizational performance due to their limited understanding of the relationships between these antecedents- variables. Current study constructed empowering knowledge sharing interaction capability to fill this research gap between leadership styles and organizational performance, and empowering knowledge sharing interaction capability as mediating. Through analyzing theoretically and empirically how the leader-s perceptions of different intermediate variables related to empowering knowledge sharing interaction capacity and organizational innovativeness influence the relation between transformational leadership and organizational performance. This research will deploy 300 digital firms- Manager in Indonesia as samples. Data gathering through online questionnaire of Likert-s Scales, data will be analyzing with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS‐SEM) and statistical software Amos version 18. The objective of this research is to answer research question: should firms consider the empowering knowledge sharing interaction capability to enhance Innovativeness in Digital Industry?

Empowering, Knowledge Sharing, Interaction Capability, Leadership Styles, Organizational innovatiness, Organizational Performance

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Status of Vocational Identity in terms of Career Exploration on First-year University Students
Agungbudiprabowo, Dian Ari Widyastuti, Siti Muyana

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Agungbudiprabowo Agungbudiprabowo

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jalan Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul
Email: agungbudiprabowo[at]

The current study is aimed at describing the status of vocational identity in terms of career exploration on university students. This study employed a quantitative approach with descriptive design. The study was conducted with 180 students of Guidance and Counseling Department of Ahmad Dahlan University. They were selected through random sampling technique. Career Exploration Scale emerged as the instrument of the study. The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. The result of the study showed that 57% of first-year Guidance and Counseling Department (BK) students career exploration was categorized as low, and 43% of hem was categorized as high. The result of the study can be used as the preliminary study for developing students vocational identity, particularly with regard to career exploration through career guidance and counseling specified in developing students vocational identity.

vocational identity status; career exsploration; students

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Strategy of Education Waqf to Increase Quality of Basic Education in Central Java
Arif Pujiyono

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Arif Pujiyono

Islamic Economics Study, Economic Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang

Central Java is a province that has the largest number and percentage of poor on Java. One of the causes of the large number of poor people in Central Java is the amount and quality of education that is still low. This study aims to establish strategies for improving the quality of basic education through productive waqf in the field of education. This research used Analytical Network Process (ANP). The results of the study using ANP show that the strategy of improving the quality of basic education was : (1) supporting regulatory aspects and their application; (2) professional management and supervision aspects; (3) aspects of improving competency and quality of human resources in managing waqf (nazir); (4) cultural aspects that supporting the system and (5) aspects of socialization involving all relevant parties

poverty, waqf, basic education, strategy, ANP

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya and Suriati Binti Saad

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Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya


The study of police public relations is not a new phenomenon because nowadays there have been many demands from the public along with the growth of modernity, increasing disputes, the need for convergence, and the environment of the community who tackles the police to make changes in actions and behavior when dealing with the community. This research will use qualitative methodology and since it will explore activities carried out by government agents, hence, the right method to custom is a case study because it has also been used for exploring local government and agency levels, especially within public policy and administration subfield and the latest literature that is a still relevant and related to this research. The result shows that a democratic society and a democratic police exist in symbiosis. Without a supporting democratic context, a supporting legal framework and a system of functioning criminal justice institutions, democratic police cannot be created.

Keywords: public relations strategy; police public relations; democratic society

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Dr. Nur Azizah, M.Si (a); Muhammad Ammar Hidayahtulloh, S.IP (b*)

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Muhammad Ammar Hidayahtulloh

a. Head of Department of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
b. Bachelor of Political Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The women in Myanmar have been underrepresented in all aspects, including in the parliament at the union and state/region level. However, the number of women in parliament at national and state/region level was significantly increasing from 3.7% in 2010 to 10.08% in 2015. The international pressure was signalled as the cause of the increasing number of the representation of women in parliament. This article is aimed to explain the transnational advocacy in increasing the number of women MPs in the parliament of Myanmar. In order to analyze the process of advocacy, the authors used the Boomerang Pattern from Keck and Sikkink in explaining the Transnational Advocacy Networks (TANs). Besides, in understanding the change of state behaviour, the authors reiterated the logic of appropriateness by March and Olsen. The data analyzed in this research was the secondary data using library research method. This research signified that the advocacy process for increasing the number of women in parliament of Myanmar is: 1) The local women movements establish the transnational network with the foreign NGOs due to a non-functioning channel to the government and; 2) The INGOs set the issue in international level and push some foreign states and the United Nations to pressure Myanmar. In return, the state changed its behaviour and began to increase the representation of women in the parliament.

Representation of Women, Local Women Movements, Myanmar, Boomerang Pattern, Logic of Appropriateness

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Urgency of Draft Bill on Creative Economy in Developing the Creative Economy
Ari Mulianta Ginting; Rasbin

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Ari Mulianta

Research Center, Secretary General and Expertise Body of Parliament

The creative economy in various developed countries has shown a significant contribution to the economy. The same thing also happened in Indonesia, the creative economy has shown an increasing contribution to the Indonesia Economy. The creative economy is even to be the backbone of Indonesia economics in the future. This research used descriptive qualitative analysis trying to analyze the urgency of the draft law on creative economics in developing an economy in Indonesia. The results of this research are expected to be an input for policy making for the stakeholder of the creative economy in Indonesia. The regulation that conducive for the ecosystem of a creative economy is expected to be tools to increase the development of the creative economy in Indonesia.

creative economy, regulation, qualitative analyze

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Used Strategies of Compliment Responses by Japanese Learners Comparative Study With Native Speaker
Rosi Rosiah

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Rosi Rosiah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This Study is investigates about differences between Japanese Learner and native speaker. The subjects of this study were 20 Japanese Learner in advance level and 20 Japanese Native speakers and used DTC as an instrument with 18 situation. Based on a result of 360 sentences of semantic formula by Konsatinwon Saayan (2003) based on 15 strategis of compliment respons, such as: Apreciation taken, Agreement, Praise upgrade, Delight remark, Disagreement, doubt to the aim, Comment Acceptance、Reassigment, humble Remark、Return、Question、change topic、Scale down、laught dan shy or surprised. Japanese Learner are using disagree strategy of compliment responses, therefore Japanese native speaker are using greatfull strategy of compliment responses.

Strategies, Compliment Responses, Japanese Learners

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Value Chain Holistic Model of Industrial Ulos Weaving Fabric
Dameria Naibaho

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Dameria Naibaho

Politeknik Negeri Medan
Jalan Almamater 1 Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia

The research objective is to create a holistic model of value chains that can enhance tangible and intangible benefits for stakeholders in Ulos Woven Fabric Industry (Kain Tenun Ulos) in Simalungun regency, Pematang Siantar City, Samosir Regency and Tapanuli utara Regency. The specific target to be achieved in this study is to inventory all activities that occur in all parties involved in the series of ulos woven fabric industry activities in North Sumatra, as well as evaluate existing activities whether added value or not value added. Data collected were inventoried came from informants such as weavers, entrepreneurs, sellers, consumers and KOPERINDAG (Koperasi,The personal in the industry and trade), with observations and submitting open questions related to activities, problems and solutions to the problems faced, as well as their advantages related to the ulos woven fabric industry in Simalungun Regency, Pematang Siantar City, Samosir Regency and North Tapanuli Regency. SWOT analysis is used to analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, the Ulos woven fabric industry has produced Strength-Opportunities strategies because External-Internal factors show score numbers > 2. The proposed holistic value chain model is to increase quality production capacity with strong capital by forming cooperative producers it will provide quality and inexpensive yarn, new product development designs that are creative and skilled by weavers. The implementation of the strategy is accompanied by coaching and training from the cooperative, industry and trade services, as well as the role of the development plan deliberation (the village government cooperates with residents and other stakeholders).

Value chain; Holistic; SWOT analysis; Ulos woven fabric

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Website Content Strategy For Dian Nuswantoro University
Amida Yusriana(a*), Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi(b), Lisa Mardiana(b)

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Amida Yusriana

(a* b) Dian Nuswantoro University
Jalan Imam Bonjol Np. 207

Dian Nuswantoro University is famous because of its technology information. It becomes the unique selling point. Nevertheless, in maitaining its website, Dian Nuswantoro University is still in the rank number 31 based on the July 2018 Webometrics. Meanwhile University of Indonesia is presented as the highest rank. The Webometrics bases its rank scoring on the presence, impact, openness, and excellence. Eventhough the information and display management are not the main point for scoring, but the content strategy pattern of the highest rank university can be a good sample for Dian Nuswantoro University to fix its rank in the near future. This is the second research that relate to the previous research about the strategy of University of Indonesia. After the anlysis was formulated, it can be applied as the result of this research by adapting it on the Dian Nuswantoro University. The aim of this research is to produce the content strategy development for Dian Nuswantoro University. This is a descriptive qualitative research by using the content analysis method. While the theory is The Positioning Strategy. The unit analysis of this research is the websites of Dian Nuswantoro University and the website of University of Indonesia.

University of Indonesia, Website, Content Strategy, Dian Nuswantoro University

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Tobacco Cessation Campaign and Community Coalition Action in Klungkung Province, Bali- Indonesia
Yeni Rosilawati, Adhianty Nurjanah

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Yeni Rosilawati


Smoking cigarettes has become widely acknowledged as a behavior that entails many serious health risks. Numerous bylaws, retail protocols, and public health initiatives have attempted to prevent the initiation of smoking in adolescents specifically. The Bali Provincial Government effectively applied local regulations (Perda) Number 10 of 2011 concerning Smoke Control Area (Kawasan Tanpa Rokok) or called KTR since June 1, 2012. The KTR regulates that smokers do not smoke anywhere, therefore exposure to cigarette smoke does not affect vulnerable groups, namely children, adolescents and pregnant women. Public communication campaigns are used to improve awareness, knowledge, and understanding of an issue, in an attempt to influence individual behavior, build support for, and contribute to policy and social change. A comprehensive public communication campaign will include multiple components and demand extensive resources, particularly for media production and placement. This research method uses case study methods and belongs to the type of qualitative descriptive research.

Tobacco Cessation, Community, Coalition Action, Bali

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Tobacco Farming Productivity Chain in Temanggung as to Improve the Farmers Welfare
Diah Setyawati Dewanti, M.Sc., PhD, Tania Dwi Krisnawatingsih

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Diah Setyawati Dewanti

Department of Development Economic
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Tobacco is one of the leading commodities in Temanggung Regency because of its high contribution to the income of farmers in Temanggung Regency. Tobacco has become part of the arteries of life that make tobacco a culture of the people of Temanggung which has been carried out for generations. The management of tobacco commodities in Temanggung Regency from reality upstream to downstream has contributed to job creation which has an impact on the creation of community welfare. However, on the other hand, the life of tobacco farmers, which actually contributed greatly to the growth of the tobacco industry, did not enjoy the benefits comparable to the benefits of the tobacco farming chain in Temanggung Regency. This study aims to identify and analyze the chain of tobacco farming for the welfare of tobacco farming in Temanggung Regency. This paper is presented descriptively supported by some literature that is relevant to the problems studied. Data obtained by direct observation (In-Dept Interview) face to face (Face to Face Relationship) to the object of study. Data management is done by content analysis and fishbone analysis. The results obtained in the identification of tobacco farming chains show that the tobacco market is dominated by two or more business actors who control or become sole buyers of tobacco, while the tobacco market pattern is composed of many actors such as farmers, intermediaries or collectors, baskets or traders and warehouse representatives or grader. In addition, there is no transparency and standard of tobacco prices from sellers to tobacco farmers, causing exploitation. This is what causes the welfare of farmers in Temanggung Regency.

tobacco, welfare, Temanggung Regency, Fishbone Analysis

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


TOUR GUIDE AS A STORY TELLER FOR PLACE BRANDING (A Qualitative Study at Jatilewih Agriculture Tourism Destination)
Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas

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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas

Telkom University, Bandung

Tourism industry has increased rapidly because of the needs of people to release from their daily activities. People choose Bali as the one of the tourism destinations. Jatilewih as an agriculture tourism destination with cultural heritage and story behind its agriculture destination.This is a tourist guide assignment to inform the heritage to the tourist. They need to be explained about the place and also the story behind the place.There will be a mediation needed as the bridge to meet the tourist expectation and it must be interpreted by the tour guide This research also discuss about the story telling that used by the tourist guide for understanding and mapping intangible culture with the purpose of branding through the story telling. Tourist as human instinctively employ processes of narrative-building to create stories that make sense of the world around them.This research used qualitative research by using interview methods and use tour guides as informants and the researcher do the field observation.This research shows the message that used by tour guide in the shape of storytelling in the model of message of communication of the tourist guide as a story teller with the purpose of a place branding.

Story Telling, Place Branding , Tour Guide Communications

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Traditional Medicine in the Modern World: A Comparative Study of Indonesia-s Jamu and the Philippines- Tambal Binisaya
Lourd Greggory D. Crisol; Nurul Maziyyah; Imaniar Ranti; Puguh Novi Arsito; Muhammad Fariez Kurniawan

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Lourd Greggory Dizon Crisol

English Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences,
Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines


Historical findings reveal that the Filipino-s lineage could be traced partly from Indonesians. And even to the present, such ancestral relations are observable in both countries through their language, facial features, and other cultural aspects like values and practices. One cultural practice in particular is the use of traditional medicines which are still alive and thriving in both countries. This qualitative study was thus crafted to investigate the connections in the use of traditional medicines in the Philippines and Indonesia, particularly in Iligan City, and the territory of Jogjakarta. Anchored on Migration theories and cultural diffusionism theories, this study attempts to answer the following questions: 1. What are the different Jamu medicines and tambal binisaya medicines and how do they draw their efficacy? 2. What are the strategies of these traditional medicine vendors to cope with the modernizing world? 3. How similar/ different are the reasons as to why Jamu and Tambal Binisaya are continually being patronized in the present day? Through the Data analysis, it was revealed that even though there are more varieties of tambal binisaya, most of the medicines there heal due to spiritual/ faith-based reasons as compared to Jamu-s scientifically backed discoveries. It was also found that to ensure business survival, the vendors from both tambal binisaya and Jamu have learned to adapt and employ marketing strategies which would best cater their patrons. Finally, it was discovered that both tambal binisaya and Jamu are still thriving in the modern world because of socioeconomic reasons. Both customers and vendors, see the use of the traditional medicines as more practical since these cost less but can still provide vitality or healing.

traditional medicine, Filipino culture, Indonesian Culture, Folk Practices, Diffused cultures

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies



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Indardi Indardi

Department of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

This study aims to describe the meaning of mushroom farmers on the concept of community empowerment. The study was conducted in the Lestari Makmur farmer group using a qualitative paradigm approach, with qualitative descriptive methods. Information is obtained through in-depth interviews used a question guide. Eight informants, the leader and members of the farmer group involved in the cultivation of the mushroom were interviewed. The finding showed that there was a diversity the meaning of the concept of community empowerment among the mushroom farmers. Farmers understand community empowerment concept with their perceptions. The group leader tends to interpret community empowerment comprehensively, and group members interpret the communitys participation partially. It is suggested, to conduct socialization about the concept of empowerment by competent parties (especially the government) at the beginning of the community empowerment activities in a farmer group.

Meaning, Community Empowerment, Mushroom Farmer, Farmer Group

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Noor Hamidah1, Mahdi Santoso2

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Noor Hamidah

1Lecturer in department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Palangka Raya
2Lecturer in department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Palangka Raya

Urban poverty in Indonesia is very complex. Poverty has varying meanings or perceptions or assumptions vary according to outsiders. If we want to offer the right assistance to the poor who struggle against the crisis, we must first build a good understanding of the lives of the people we want to help. The study of poverty is related to the problems of urban communities. The aim of poverty studies is to better understand how poor people respond when income decreases, jobs are increasingly scarce, and spending on food and services increases. An overview of the three poverty studies in Palangka Raya to provide a complete picture of the situation on the ground, specifically about how the urban poor respond to crises. The urban poverty study presents various coping mechanisms and strategies developed by poor people in the face of crises.

urban, strategy, poor, people, Kampung, Palangka Raya City

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Village Funds Efforts to Build Democracy and Independence of Villages in Kubu Raya District Welcoming Industrial Revolution 4.0
Djoko Wahjoeharjanto, Saiful Umam, Ari Alfian Pratama

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Saiful Umam


Village autonomy should be interpreted as the way the state provides guarantees for the realization of justice as well as negotiation of the democratic spaces that have been negated. The issuance of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on villages is a state regulation to build democracy and to render village in realizing prosperity. Meaning the birth of Village Law as a pragmatic solution to solve village problems in facing industrial revolution 4.0. The real condition of villages in Indonesia is not the same, each village has shortcomings and advantages, both from the scope of human or natural resources, as well as the resources of the budget. The village is a miniature state, which is expected to be able to build its citizens prosperous in a democratic framework and have independence by not ignoring the culture. The birth of Law Number 6 Year 2014 about the village proves no more neglect of the existence of the village as a unity of indigenous peoples. The existence of the village, as well as all the rights that the village possesses should be the new powers in the upsurge of the industrial revolution era 4.0.

Village Fund, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Democratization, Independence of the Village

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin, Yunus Shamad

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Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin


Disputes are one of the things that can appear at any time in human life. The best method of legal disputes resolution is through the court. However, settlement of disputes in court is known to take a long time and is expensive. So that several alternatives appear, one of which is mediation. Land dispute resolution is an effort to resolve disputes between parties who feel their rights to the land have been harmed. One settlement of disputes outside the court is by means of "mediation". Mediation itself is part of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which in Indonesian is called Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa (APS). The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of disputes and to describe the dispute resolution process through non-litigation mediation in Islamic and Bugis Norm Perspective. The type of research that compilers use is field research, namely by obtaining data from interviews, observations, and related file searches. Furthermore, this research is supported by library research as a complement. The approach in this study is a juridical-empirical approach. The results of the study concluded that 1. The dispute that occurred was related to the status of the land that was built on top of the Madrasah DDI Labukkang. There are parties who want land status to be the property of the Madrasah, while others want the status of the land to belong to the Nurul Huda Labukkang Mosque. The cause of the dispute is based on two theories. The first theory is the Principle Negotiation Theory. In this theory, the cause of conflict is the difference in perceptions and desires related to ownership rights. The second theory is the theory of human needs. In this case, the madrasas need for land status is very urgent and this is not fulfilled because it is blocked by other parties. 2. This mediation is carried out by someone who has been agreed by both parties, namely the RT head in Labukkang neighborhood. The mediation process is carried out through 3 stages. First is pre-mediation. Mediation conducts the plans related to the preparation of mediation. Second is the implementation of mediation. The mediator presents the disputing parties, gives an opportunity to all parties to provide information and provides options. Third is implementation. The legal impact that must be agreed upon by both parties is a peace agreement and certainty regarding the status of the land. From the Islamic perspective, the mediation complies with the 12 basic principle in Islamic Mediation. From the Bugis Norms, it complies with the five norms called pangngadereng.

Pangngadereng, Dispute, Waqf, Mediation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Why companies are not always adopting sustainable innovation?
(a) Achmad Hidayat Sutawidjaya, (b) Lenny C Nawangsari

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achmad hidayat sutawidjaya

(a) Doctoral Manajemen, Universitas Mercubuana, Jakarta
(b) Magister management, Universitas Mercubuana, Jakarta

In reality, that technology adoption is very complex. Currently manufacturing companies have passed the four main phases, referred to as the industrial revolution. The first is called the 1.0 industrial revolution, while the second and third industrial revolutions are known as Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0. And the fourth is called the Industrial Revolution 4.0, and this is a new vector of industrial development, which means that in the future industrial revolution 4.0 can lead to gradual modernization of the industrial sector and has the potential for changes in technological modes that exist in the country itself. This study is a discussion of the understanding of why companies are not always successful in adopting sustainable technology in the field of hospital services in Indonesia from the aspect of managing supplier relations to ensure sustainability in the perspective of state-owned companies. Descriptive research model with a case study approach that is focused intensively on the object of service. While the population and samples are conducted at Pertamina group hospitals, in Jakarta, Indonesia. The results in this study that companies need the right strategy, and continue to experiment as well as invest in who is in it, because sustainable innovation (technology) cannot always be adopted by the company, there needs to be a changing mindset to empathize with issues and problems which is centered on the source that is owned by the company.

Sustainability; Technology Transfer; Sustainability Supply Chain, Design Thinking.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Women in Politics: The (un)power of Emak-emak during 2019 Election Campaign
Ni Luh Ayu Sukmawati

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Universitas Airlangga

Cyberfeminists are considered as new media to promote womens opinions. There is one community that determines itself as a cyberfeminist that promotes gender equality, especially for mothers, this community is called the Emak-Emak Community (the Community of Emak-Emak). This community is interesting because its presence is at the time of election contestation in Indonesia 2019. By using cyberfeminist theory, this study analyzes the existence of patriarchal wrappings that exist in the community of Emak-emak. As a result, there is some patriarchal dominance that exists in the community of Emak-emak. The author finds that women in this community are still guided by a man who gives or directs his vision and mission; in the end, this becomes a contradiction with the meaning of cyberfeminist. Afterward, there is a power of dominance from one of the presidential candidates campaign teams to increase the power of their voters.

Komunitas Emak-emak, Cyber Sphere, Cyberfeminist, Patriarchy,

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Women Representation in The Political Parties Officer in Indonesia
Titin Purwaningsih,Dian Eka Rahmawati

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Titin Purwaningsih

Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Various policies have been carried out to increase women political representation, but currently the quota 30% has not been reached yet. This study analyzes the factors that influence the lack of women political representation from the perspective of women representation in the political parties- management as one of the obstacles in the achievements of 30% of women in politics. This is a qualitative research that was conducted with primary data from interviews and secondary data regarding the management of political parties at national and local levels. The results of this study indicate that the regulation that obligate to political parties to accommodate 30% of women in national level of party management is very effective. All the political parties in the national level meet this rule. This regulation also has impact in the tendency to accommodate 30% of women in political party management at the local level, both at the province and district level. However, the higher the level of party management, the lower the percentage of women in the position of top management of political party. The position of women in political party officer is still dominated by the position as treasurer, which is in line with the stereotype of women who are more thorough and diligent. The lower the level of party management, the higher the percentage of women position as party treasurers.

Women Representation, Political Parties, Quota 30%, Political Party Officer

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Worksheet through Problem Based Learning Approach as a Learning Media
Dena Anugrah (a), Sri Waluyanti (b)

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Dena Anugrah

a) Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia, dena.anugrah[at]
b) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia, waluyanti[at]

This research was aimed at gaining a worksheet learning media with the steps of Problem Based Learning approaches for the learning of Medical Electronic Practice. This research adapted the development model of Alessi and Trollip consisting three steps, namely planning, design, and development. Product test design used was alpha testing. The data collection technique used was interview, documentation, observation, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used was qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this research showed that, in general, the worksheet of Medical Electronic Practice developed in this research got the average score 2,97 which was in the suitable category. This worksheet assessment was identified from five assessment indicators, namely graphics, material presentation, Problem Based Learning characteristics, suitability, and usage. Thus, the worksheet of suitable category was able to be applied in the learning of Medical Electronic Practice.

worksheet; problem based learning; learning media; medical electronic practice

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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