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The 4th International Conference of Hospital Administration (ICHA 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.07 for 2 days in Makassar |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 94) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Prospective Universal Health Coverage Towards the SDG-s 2025 in Selayar Islands Regency: A Qualitative Study
Amran Razak (a*), Sukri Palutturi (a), Alwy Arifin (a), Ratno Adrianto (b), Alfiah Ramadhani Amran (c)

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Corresponding Author
Amran Razak

a) Department of Administration and Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health, University Hasanuddin, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
c) Postgraduate Magister Program, Postgraduate School of Hasanuddin University, Makasssar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Introduction: Since January 1, 2019, Indonesia has entered into an ongoing era of Universal Health Coverage. This success is considered an innovation in coverage, almost all people can now access available health services. In several districts/cities JKN/KIS membership has included 100 percent, as well as the Selayar Islands Regency which has received the 2018 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Award for successfully covering 100% of the populations health insurance. The coverage of 100% of the population in the JKN/KIS membership is an encouraging thing. However, it cannot be interpreted that the basic rights of the population have been fulfilled in accessing quality health services, and financially protected. There are three dimensions of UHC that must be fulfilled; population coverage; service coverage; and financial protection. This means that the UHC award only meets one dimension, namely population coverage. Objectics : To study the prospective implementation of Universal Health Coverage, especially coastal communities in the Selayar Islands Regency to support the achievement of SDGs 2025. Mehtods: There are two focus groups (FGD) each of 12 participants, based on the geographical categories of their villages, namely coastal villages and island villages. FGD participants are generally fishermen or fishermens wives. In addition, in-depth interviews included 4 key informants and 10 other informants. Content analysis was used to analyze the phenomena found in this study. Findings: Demands for special transportation for emergency patients from island villages are the main issue to get adequate health care facilities. The availability of marine ambulances in the form of medium capacity boats, managed by the community, and easy to use is expected to increase access to quality health services. The complexity of the utilization and claims of ambulance services for patients who are less capable referrals, creates its own economic difficulties. The efforts to prevent disease at the district level have been in line with the goals of SDGs 2025. Likewise with promotive efforts such as Non-Smoking Areas (KTR), car-free days, mass sports, and morning gymnastics in schools, have been running well. The development of disease prevention efforts and village-based health promotion has not been initiated. Conclusions: Marine ambulance with moderate capacity and managed by local communities will make it easier to access health services, especially emergency patients. There has not yet been the development of innovative creative efforts in village-based prevention and health promotion.

universal health coverage dimension, selayar islands regency, marine ambulance.

Social Health Insurance


Readiness to Fulfill Infection Prevention and Control Standards in SNARS 1st Edition in Mitra Jambi Hospital in 2018
Peter Rusli, Dumilah Ayuningtyas

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Corresponding Author
Peter Rusli

Hospital Administration Programme, Public Health Faculty, Universitas Indonesia; Health Administration and Policy, Public Health Faculty, Universitas Indonesia

Objective: The hospital as an advanced health facility is expected to provide complete services. In the process it is in line with the objectives of Hospital Accreditation in order to get quality recognition and prioritize Patient Safety. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness to fulfill Infection Prevention and Control standards according to SNARS first edition in Mitra Jambi Hospital in terms of problem solving cycle. Method: The research method used is qualitative research where the data collection is done by in-depth interviews and document review. Results: The research results show that in terms of input to human resources, facilities and infrastructure, budgeting and instruments have been maximized despite various limitations and conditions of hospitals that are still operating. In terms of the process for fulfilling human resources qualifications, it is sufficient even though training on training is still minimal and limited to internal training or comparative studies to other hospitals. Procurement of infrastructure is also still using priority directly related to services such as the procurement of hand rubs and hand soap hand washing programs and Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) units, laundry and nutrition for equipment and rooms that comply with Infection Prevention and Control standards. Financing is still constrained due to the limited availability of funds but can be optimized. The implementation of the instrument which includes monitoring evaluation is considered to be still not maximal but has gone well. As an output, the achievement of meeting Infection Prevention and Control standards through self-assessment from all parts of the input is considered sufficient and able to deal with the hospital accreditation process. Conclusion: the readiness of human resources, infrastructure, policies/ regulations, budgeting as well as the PPI Standard instruments have been largely fulfilled and are ready to face hospital accreditation surveys. Suggestion to Infection Prevention and Control Committee and Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN), Nurse Department, Hospital Management and also Accreditation Team to continuous coordination each other to achieve feedback, regularly socialization for educational of Infection Prevention and Control standard to staff and also patient with their family, goals to maintain and increasing hospital quality thorough Infection Prevention and Control.

Infection Prevention and Control, Standard, Hospital Acreditation

Quality, Safety and Service


Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Syamsiar S. Russeng

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Corresponding Author
Lalu Muhammad Saleh

Occupational Health and safety, Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University

Airplane accidents still occur frequently in Indonesia. This event can be caused by unsafe acts from humans or unsafe conditions. Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) are stressful. The amount of responsibility carried out in controlling the aircraft becomes a heavy workload for employees. The work pressure is given that there is no room to make mistakes when controlling so that the physical and psychological conditions of the employee must always be ensured well before duty. This research to find out how the effects of relaxation on ATC occupational health after relaxation for 1 (one) month. The research was conducted at AirNav Makassar. Primary data is obtained from the results of interviews and observations, while secondary data is obtained from document review. Informants in this study were the Chairman of the Indonesian Air Traffic Controller Association (IATCA) Makassar and seven ATC employees. The results showed that there was a relaxation effect felt by informants both physically and mentally. It is recommended that this relaxation technique can continue to be carried out and familiarized with each day.

Effect of Relaxation, AirNav, ATC, Occupational Health and Safety

Quality, Safety and Service


Remuneration as a Strategy to improve Service quality, Cost Effective, and outcomes of Private Hospitals
Nur Hidayah (a)* , Arlina Dewi (b), Ekorini Listiowati (c)

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Corresponding Author
Nur Hidayah

(a) (b) Master of Hospital Management, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(c)School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Kampus Terpadu UMY
Jl. Brawijaya,
Kasihan, Bantul
Yogyakarta 55183

Abstract Objective: The study was to prove the affect of remuneration on health service quality, cost-effective, and human resource outcomes. Method: The design of the research was a quantative method with a cross-sectional Survey by delivering questioners to the population target, namely all Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Hospitals in Indonesia. The samples were 163 people came from 58 hospitals. Data analyses used Partial Least Square (PLS) as a Structural Equation Model alternative. Result: Three of the hypothesis were supported by the data, those were the remuneration effected on quality health service; the remuneration effected the cost-effective, and the remuneration affected the human resource outcomes. Conclusion: The hospital should utilize the remuneration strategy to improve the health service, cost-effective and human resource outcomes.

remuneration, health services, cost, outcomes

Human Resources Management


Stop Smoking at Hospitals in Indonesia: A Systematic Review
Sukri Palutturi, Irwandy, Hamzah

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Corresponding Author
Sukri Palutturi

1 Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia
2 Department of Hospital Management, Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia
3 Faculty of Law Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia

Abstract Objective: Hospitals are quite complex workplaces. Health workers, patients and families of patients interact with various backgrounds and often ignore health and environmental aspects, including smoking behavior. This paper aimed to discuss effective strategies for implementing non-smoking areas in hospitals, Indonesia. Method: This research used a systematic literature review. Various references were gathered from online databases including ProQuest and journals. 5,598 dokumen yang berkaitan dengan non semoking area di rumah sakit dalam lima tahun terakhir. Jika difilter terdapat 459 artikel terutama yang berkaitan dengan scholarly journals. The articles were screened according to research objectives. Some relevant articles published by using Indonesia were added. The keywords used are non smoking area, hospital, Indonesia. Results: This study found that creating healthy behavior in the hospital is important, besides the hospital functions as a health care provider. The application of Ottawa Charter strategies consistently and sustainably is an effective way to control how the hospital community does not smoke in the hospital. Strengthening the strategy is on building Healthy Public Policy; Createing Supportive Environments; Strengthening Community Actions; Developing Personal Skills; and Reorienting Health Services. Conclusion: This paper suggests that some global strategy indicators can be adapted to local needs in hospitals in Indonesia. The evidence-based research on the challenges of applying non-smoking areas in hospitals needs to be examined further.

Stop Smoking, Hospitals, Systematic Review, Indonesia

Public Health Issue


Substainability in Citra Harapan Hospital
Ferry, MF. Arrozi Adhikara, Supriyantoro ,,,

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Corresponding Author
dr. Ferry


Going concern issues indicate the circumstances in which the hospital must continue to operate in the future. The aim of the study is to obtain empirical evidence of the simultaneous influence of physician compliance in filling medical records, factoring, and credit maturity as an intervening variable on hospital performance. The research quantitative method with the type of research is hypothesis testing. This type of research is causality. Data source is secondary. The unit of analysis is the company. The time horizon is a one shot study. Data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that the compliance of doctors in filling medical records for credit maturity was rejected; the effect of accounts receivable maturity on hospital performance received; the effect of accounts receivable maturity on factoring is rejected; the effect of credit maturity on hospital performance was rejected; the effect of factoring on hospital performance was accepted; and Doctors compliance in filling medical records on hospital performance is accepted. The reseaerch findings that hospitals must make factoring in order to get around uncollectible receivables into cash in the company. So going going concern in overcoming cash flow problems due to late payment from BPJS Health.

Doctor compliance in filling out medical records, factoring, accounts receivable maturity, hospital performance

Financial Management


Heriyati1*, Syahrir A.Pasinringi2, Abd.Rahman Kadir 3, Masniati1, Muh Fauzar Al Hijrah1, Nurgadima Djalaluddin 1 Indrawati1

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Corresponding Author
Heriyati Heriyati

1Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Sulawesi Barat
2Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Hasanuddin
3Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hasanuddin

Dynamic capability is a companys ability to integrate, build and Rearrange internal and external competencies for a rapidly changing environment. This study aims to Determine the correlation of dynamic capability on sustainable competitive advantage at Dr. Sudirohusodo Wahidin Hospital and Hasanuddin University Hospital. This research use analytic survey with design cross sectional study approach. This research was conducted at Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital and Hasanuddin University Hospital. Sample as many as 51 heads of service / room / installation at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital and 31 heads of service / room / installation at Hasanuddin University Hospital. Data were Analyzed using Spearman correlation to see the relation of independent variable to dependent variable. The results show that there is a correlation of sensing capabilities to sustainable competitive advantage in Dr. Sudirohusodo Wahidin Hospital (p = 0.000) and Hasanuddin University Hospital (p = 0.000); there is a correlation of seizing capabilities to sustainable competitive advantage in Dr. Sudirohusodo Wahidin Hospital (p = 0.000) and Hasanuddin University Hospital (p = 0.001); there is a correlation of reconfiguration to a sustainable competitive advantage in Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital (p = 0.000); no correlation reconfiguration of sustainable competitive advantage at Hasanuddin University Hospital (p = 0.075)

Dynamic capability, sustainable competitive advantage

Marketing Management


Fuad Husain Akbar(*a), Fridawaty Rivai(b), Abd Hair Awang(c)

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Fuad Husain Akbar

a,b Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
b Department of Hospital Management, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
c Abdul Hair Awang, Faculty of Sosial Sciences and Humanities, Selangor, National University of Malaysia

Objective: To know the difference of patients satisfaction level in dental department of public hospital and private hospital in Makassar Methods: This study was conducted in December 2017 - February 2018 in dental department of Labuang Baji which is a government hospital and Ibnu Sina Hospital which is a private hospital. The samples were all patients who received dental treatment. Patient satisfaction was measured using a Patient Satisfaction Questionaire (PSQ-18). Data were tested by using Independent T-Test and ANOVA. The data is processed using SPSS version 24. Results: There were significant differences in the general satisfaction, accessibility, convenience, and communication domain between public and private hospitals (p <0.05), where the mean value of patient satisfaction was higher in private hospitals Conclusion: Patients in private hospitals are more satisfied with the health services provided by health care providers, compared to patients in public hospitals.

Keyword: Satisfaction; Government; Private; Quality; Accessibility; Indonesia

Quality, Safety and Service


The Effectiveness of Education of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) with Directive Discourse to Improve Handwashing Compliance

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Kusbaryanto Kusbaryanto

Department of Public Health an Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

*Corresponding author
E-mail address: koesbary[at]

Abstract Objective: The insidence rate of microbial exposure remains high among nurses. Paramedics play a vital role in transmitting the nosocomial infection in the hospital. This research aims to analyze the education effectivity of MRSA IPC with directive discourse to improve handwashing compliance among nurses. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental research using pretest-posttest non-control design and has obtained an ethical approval certificate issued by the hospital ethical committee. The research subject is a group of 25 nurses. Results: The data test uses Wilxocon test to determine the measuring result of handwashing compliance before and after the treatment. The value of p = 0.018 (p < 0.05) means there is a difference before and after the treatment. As the handwashing awareness increases, so does the compliance. Conclusions: The education of MRSA IPC with directive discourse is effective to improve the handwashing compliance among nurses in the hospitals.

KEYWORDS: Effectiveness of education, Infection control, Directive discourse, Handwashing, Compliance

Public Health Issue


The Effectiveness of Education of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection Prevention and Control Using Directive Discourse with Improve Compliance of hand washing

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Kusbaryanto Kusbaryanto

Medical and health science faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

Background: The rate of the microbial exposure incidence among nurses through a variety of ways remains high. Paramedics play a vital role as a medium of nosocomial infection transmission in hospitals, especially the spread through direct contact. The purpose of this research was to analize of the effectiveness of education of MRSA infection prevention and control using directive discourse with improve compliance hand washing among nurses in hospitals. Methods: This was quasi-experimental research using a pretest-posttest non-control design. The research subject consisted of a group of 25 nurses. This research has obtained the certificate of ethical approval issued by the Hospital Ethical Committee. Results: To determine the results of measuring hand washing before and after the treatment, Wilcoxon test was undertaken to these data and the value of p = 0.018 (p < 0.05), meaning that there is a difference in the compliance with hand washing before and after the treatment. The increased compliance was also resulted from the increased awareness relating to the importance of hand washing. Conclusions: The auditing guidelines for MRSA infection prevention and control using directive discourse were effective for improving compliance with hand washing among nurses in hospitals.

: Effectiveness of Education, Infection Control, Directive Discourse, hand washing, compliance

Public Health Issue


The Effort to maintain retention of ward nurses at x hospital
Alfan Erzi (a*), Tita Hariyanti (b), Asti Melani Astari (c)

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Corresponding Author
Alfan Erzi

a) Magister Manajemen Rumah sakit Fakultas Kedokteran UNIBRAW
2) Magister Manajemen Rumah sakit Fakultas Kedokteran UNIBRAW
3) Magister Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UNIBRAW

Background: The incidence of nurse turnover both throughout the world and in Indonesia is quite high. Turnover rates in the world range from 15 to 44%, while in Indonesia the turnover rate ranges from 13 to 35%. Research says one of the causes that can also trigger turnover is a high workload. At X Hospital, the ward nurses workload is quite high, but the turnover rate is low. This makes the researcher want to examine the hospitals efforts in nurse retention, through the nurses working experience. Method: The method chosen in this study was qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted at the X Hospital in February-May 2019. Data collection was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews and unstructured observation. The collected data is then analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. Results: In the interaction between themes found the core theme is that nurses choose to stay in hospital. The core theme is formed from three themes, namely, nurses prioritize patient interests rather than personal interests, nurses feel united with the hospital and nurses feel working is worship. The three themes were felt by nurses even though the workload was high, not optimal in working and experiencing stressful work situations.

nurse turnover, stress, nurse experience, ward, workload

Human Resources Management


The Fulfillment of Human Service Rights of Patients in Hospitals at the BPJS Era: Is That Right?
Hari Dwi Suharsono, Tita Hariyanti, Achmad Zani Pitoyo

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Hari Dwi Suharsono

Master of Hospital Management Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Government regulations are made to provide equal distribution of peoples welfare. The law on National Health Insurance and health regulations give the people the right to get good health services. The existence of Perdirjampelkes Number 4 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Competency-Based Tiered Systems through Information System Integration (Online Referral) has an impact on type C hospitals and their services. The BPJS online referral system was actually made to facilitate and improve the quality of services in hospitals, but it turned out to cause many problems in its implementation. This study focuses on exploring the fulfillment of the human service rights of patients in obtaining hospital services in the BPJS era. The purpose of this study is to explore the fulfillment of the human service rights of patients in obtaining hospital services in the BPJS era. This study uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach. Data was collected by interviewing 8 informants. The researcher found that RS Karya had taken proactive actions against sudden changes due to a tiered online referral system by increasing human resources and facilities to provide human service rights. BPJS applies tiered online referral rules that have an impact on not fulfilling human service rights. The new BPJS regulation can be a threat if the hospital does not change to improve quality and anticipate it with crisis management. Human services are carried out to provide patient rights without violating regulations made by BPJS. Suggestions for research are that hospitals need to form a crisis management team and prepare crisis management strategies to fulfill patient rights.

Human service rights of patients, hospitals, BPJS, qualitative, case studies

Social Health Insurance


Ninik Pujaning Dyah1; Fatchur Rohman2 ; Tita Hariyanti1

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Ninik Pujaning Dyah

1Master of Hospital Management, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya Malang

2Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Background: Customer satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment experienced by customers after comparing the services they receive with their expectations. Dissatisfaction and complaints may arise if the product given to the customer doesn-t fit with customer expectations. Handling complaints at Pandaan Hospital which is a research site shows that it has not perform optimally. This condition is due to lack of staff-s knowledge. Complaint Handling training with the right method is a crucial to increase staff-s knowledge. Therefore, collaborative and cooperative methods are one of the active learning models that can be considered for training methods because they may increase and retain staff-s knowledge on handling complaint. Objective: To determine the effect of complaint handling training with collaborative and cooperative methods on increasing and retaining staff-s knowledge. Method: This study was a quasi-experimental with pretest and post-test design. The study was conducted from February to April 2019 at Pandaan Hospital. Respondent of the research were 67 hospital staff who often interacted with hospital customers. Knowledge was measured by 4 indicators wich are receiving, reviewing, investigating and resolving complaints. Staff-s knowledge was measured in 3 stages wich are pretest, 1st post-test on day 7, and 2nd post-test on day 30. Results: The Friedman test showed significant differences in scores for all knowledge indicators (<0.05). The Wilcoxon test showed a significant difference between pretest and 1st post-test, and pretest and 2nd post-test (sig <0.05). The result of comparison between 1st post-test and 2nd post-test did not show a significant difference (sig> 0.05) for all knowledge indicators. Conclusion: Complaint handling training with collaborative and cooperative methods influences in staff-s knowledge and their memory retention after training

collaborative and cooperative methods, active learning models, complaint handling, knowledge change, memory retention.

Human Resources Management


The Impact of National Health Insurance on Hospital Productivity at Indonesia
Irwandy(a*), Amal C. Sjaaf(b), Anhari Achadi(b), Mardiati Nadjib(b)

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Corresponding Author
Irwandy Irwandy

a). Hospital Management Department, Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

b). Administration and Health Policy Department, Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the hospital productivity changes in South Sulawesi Province, since the implementation of the National Health Insurance policy in Indonesia from 2014-2017. Methods: The research method used was a quantitative with cross-sectional study design. The population and sample of the study were the 25 Public Hospital in South Sulawesi Province. Analysis of Hospital productivity growth is measured by the Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index (TFPI) method. Results: During the period of 2014 to 2017, the level of productivity of hospitals grew by 4%, but the annual analysis showed that the level of productivity of hospitals decreased from year to year. In 2014-2015, hospital productivity grew by 7.4%, 2015-2016 fell to 4.1% and 2016-2017 only grew by 0.5%. Conclusion: The results showed that since the implementation of the National Health Insurance policy, the level of hospital productivity continued to decline.

Healthcare, Data Envelopment Analysis, BLUD, Policy Implementation

Financial Management


Alwy Arifin1, Nurhayani2, , Indar3, Saifuddin Sirajuddi4 Andriana Susanti5Nur Inayah Ismaniar6Rosdiana7

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Corresponding Author
Indar Indar

123Departmen Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin
4Program Studi Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin
(Email: saifuddin59[at]

5Program Pascasarjana, Departmen Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan
Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin
(Email: qienna888[at]
6.STIKES Baramuli Pinrang
7 STIKES Mega Buana Palopo

Determination of non-smoking area should be held in health care facilities, one of them in hospitals. That-s why, the policy of implementing non-smoking areas (KTR) has been identified as the main intervention strategy in disease control and environmental sanitation. The study aimed to examined more deeply about the implementation of non smoking area (KTR) policy at the Hospital of Islam Faisal Makassar. Qualitative designs have been used in this research. The informants 8 people were obtained by using snowballing sampling/ chain sampling. Data collection is done by in-depth interviews, continuous observation during the research and focus group discussion (FGD). Data processing is done by using triangulation and content analysis method. The results showed that communication variables run well based on transmission, consistency, and clarity of the rules that must apply concerning KTR and its application in the Hospital of Islam Faisal Makassar. Whereas, based on the variable of resources at the Hospital of Islam Faisal Makassar has not supported in terms of staff, information and authority, and also in terms of facilities are still not fulfilled. It is expected that the hospital should be increase the things in the form of communication, structure of bureaucracy and disposition well to all elements of the hospital.

non smoking area, policy, hospital implementation

Other Hospital Issue


The Implementation of Pharmaceutical Services Standard in 43 Hospitals in Indonesia
Yuyun Yuniar1*, Lukman Prayitno2, Nita Prihartini1, Max Joseph Herman1

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Corresponding Author
Yuyun Yuniar

National Institute of Health Research and Development
1 Center for Research and Development of Health Resources and Services, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta.
2 Center for Research and Development in Humanities and Health Management, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta.

Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Decree No 72/2016 regarding the standards of pharmaceutical services in hospital. Methods: This cross-sectional study is a prospective, quantitative study done in 43 hospitals in 11 provinces in Indonesia in 2017. Result: The implementation of the standards of pharmaceutical management ranged over 97.0%. Despite the important role of clinical pharmacy service for patient safety, the implementation of the standards of clinical pharmacy ranged only around 53.5% and predominantly worse in terms of monitoring of drug blood level. A high proportion of hospitals still have not met standard ratios of pharmacists to bed to conduct both managerial and clinical activities. Conclusion: There is a need to increase the number of pharmacists and their knowledge through training by professional organizations and breakthrough efforts to increase the ratio of pharmacist per bed.

pharmaceutical service standard; clinical pharmacy; hospital

Human Resources Management


The importance of nurses- cognitive and emotional engagement in developing hospital quality culture
Aryo Dewanto, Senia Surya Febrina, Viera Wardhani

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Corresponding Author
Senia Surya Febrina

Postgraduate Program in Hospital Management, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

importance of nurses- cognitive and emotional engagement in developing hospital quality culture Aryo Dewanto*, Senia Surya Febrina, Viera Wardhani Postgraduate Program in Hospital Management, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. * ABSTRACT Nurse engagement has an important role when a hospital attempts to develop a continuous quality improvement culture. However, to be more effective hospital managers should be able to pitch in the most crucial part among engagement-s component. Thus, this research aims to identify which component of the nurses engagement that plays a significant role in developing quality culture. This study involved 643 nurses from 15 hospitals in Malang Raya Indonesia. The data were gathered using a close-ended questionnaire before they were analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. The result showed that most nurses only reach at an average level, while not more than fifteen per cent of nurses in those hospitals have a high level of employee engagement. At the same time, most nurses perceive that their hospital has already well developed the quality culture. Further, the findings indicate that two of three employee engagement components, which are cognitive and emotional engagement have a significant influence on the development of quality culture. In contrary, physical engagement does not have such influence. To encourage the development of quality culture, hospital managers should emphasize their efforts on building supportive conditions that foster the nurses cognitive and emotional engagement. For example, hospital managers should minimize distracting-activities during working hours and expose the meaningfulness of nurses- job. At the same time, they should keep on maintaining the nurse-s physical engagement.

Quality culture, cognitive engagement, emotional engagement.

Human Resources Management


The Influence of Knowledge and Motivation on the Nurses Attitudes in Conducting Patient Safety Incident Report in dr. Soebandi Public Hospital in Jember
Arvidareyna Panca (a), Achmad Rudijanto (b), Kurnia Widyaningrum (b)

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Corresponding Author
Arvidareyna panca Aprilianingtyas

(a) RSD dr. Soebandi Jember, Jalan Patrang no 124, Jember 68122, Indonesia
(b)Hospital Management Master Study Program of Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang

Patient safety is the goal of patients service in assuring its quality. One of the strategy to design patients safety system is by recognizing potential errors, in order to take necessary measures to minimize the negative effect. Reporting system helps us to recognize and report error. The number of report for health service is still low, and it happens also in dr Soebandi Public Hospital in Jember. This study aims at determining the impact of nurses knowledge and motivation on their attitude in reporting patient safety incidents in dr Soebandi Public Hospital, Jember. This study was conducted on April – May 2018 employing quantitative research design with cross-sectional approach. Data were obtained by questionnaire given to 82 nurses working in dr. Soebandi Public Hospital in Jember. It was found out that there is a significant and positive effect of knowledge on attitude(t-statistic 3.613,koefisien direct effect 0.400), motivation on attitude(t-statistic 5.216, koefisien direct effect 0.473), knowledge on motivation(t-statistic 3.289, koefisien direct effect 0.434), knowledge on attitude through motivation (t-statistic 2.782, koefisien indirect effect 0.205). Knowledge is the most dominant factor influencing nurses attitude in reporting patients safety incidences in dr. Soebandi Public Hospital in Jember.

patient safety incidence report, knowledge in reporting safety incidence patients, attitudes in reporting patients safety incidence

Quality, Safety and Service


The Influence of Quality of Work Life on Organization Commitment of Nurses in Hasanuddin University Hospital
Nurmala Sari (a*), Syahrir A Pasinringi (a)

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Corresponding Author
Nurmala Sari

2Department of Hospital Management, Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Objective: This study aimed to examine the influence of quality of work life and its dimensions on organizational commitment among nurses working in Hasanuddin University Hospital. Methods: A cross sectional study was used in this study. Data were collected using questionnaire. A total of 123 bedside nurses in Hasanuddin Universty Hospital completed the questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. For statistical analysis Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used. Result: . Results of the regression analysis showed 43.8% of organizational commitment variance was explained by Quality of Work Life. The result of the study showed that quality of work life (p= 0.000 < 0.05) statistically significantly influence the organizational commitment. Among QWL dimensions, save environment, career development and pride had significant effect on organizational commitment Conclusion: It concluded that the strongest QWL dimension affecting nurses-s organizational commitment was pride.

Quality of Worklife, Nurses, Organizational Commitment

Human Resources Management


The Influence of Religiosity on Nurses Performance in Bima Regional General Hospital;Mixed Method Approach
Syamsuriansyah Sadakah1*, Sukri Palutturi 2, Syahrir A. Pasinringi3, Andi Indahwaty Sidin3, Ridwan Amiruddin4, Lalu Muhammad Saleh5

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Corresponding Author
Syamsuriansyah Sadakah

Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

Objective: Religiosity is a system that arises, the value of beliefs and institutionalized systems of behavior all of which are centered on issues that are lived out as the most meaningful. The research aimed to analyze the religiosity value on nurse performance of Bima Regional General Hospital as public service organization. Method: This research used mix method. The data sources are primer and secondary data. The primer data was collected through observation of social situation and structured interview of the informants. The next steps, the researcher created some questioners that have been validated and reliable. Result: The result of the study showed that there was significant effect of religiosity value on nurse performance (P Value 0,001) with a large coefficient of effect of religiosity value on nurse performance 0,488 which means that religiosity value had strong effect on nurse performance. However, by implementing religiosity value in hospital care services, it provided the functions of religious values to the nurse as follows, as a source of knowledge and a source of scientific ethics, a justification and hypothesis tool, as a motivator, and as a social supervision function. Conclusion: This paper concluded that religiosity value was strong significant effect on nurse performance in Bima Regional General Hospital.

Religiosity Value, Nurse Performance, Hospital

Nursing Management


The Patient Experience in Inpatient Unit between Patient in Makassar District Hospital and Haji Regional Hospital
Fridawaty Rivai, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Nur Arifah, Adelia U. Ady Mangilep, Qolbi Khaerun Nisa Syahruddin

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Corresponding Author
Fridawaty Rivai

Hospital Management Departement of Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University

This study aimed to compare the patient experiences of inpatient unit at Makassar District Hospital and Haji Regional Hospital. This research was a cross sectional study with descriptive approach. The study involved 118 respondents in Makassar General Hospital and 120 respondents in Haji Regional Hospital. The results showed that among 12 dimensions of patient experience, patients in Makassar district hospital had good experiences in 6 dimensions (information and communication, convenient environmental, medicine management, employee availability, respecting patient-s experience, and service assistance) and patients in Haji regional hospital experienced good service in 6 dimensions of patient experience (waiting time, emotional support, pain management, trust inservice providers, perceived nutrition care, and family and friend involvement). Both of the hospitals have the same number of good experience dimensions. The study recommended the hospital to make improvements in terms of the quality of service by paying attention to other dimensions.

Inpatient Unit; Patient experience; Public Hospital

Quality, Safety and Service


The Relationship between Ethical Climate and Organizational Justice with Perceived Work Related Stress on Nurse: A Literature Review
Asmaryadi (a), Syahrir A. Pasinringi (b), Irwandy (c), Indahwaty Sidin (d), Masyita Muis (e)

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Asmaryadi Asmaryadi

(a) Postgraduate Student, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(b) Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(c) Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(d) Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
(e) Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Objective: This study aim to examine the literature that identifies the relationship between ethical climate and organizational justice with perceived work related stress on nurse. Method: The systematic search was undertaken on Sciencedirect and ProQuest with criteria full-text English articles published from 2009 to 2019. 29 articles were reviewed from 214 articles found in search engines. Results: Organizational justice and ethical climate are related negatively to work related stress on nurses. Conclusion: Development of ethical climate and organizational justice within the organizations helps to reduce the work related stress of nurses.

Ethical Climate; Organizational Justice; perceived work related stress; hospital

Nursing Management


The Relationship Between Leadership Style And Nurse-s Work Motivation With The Application Of Patient Safety Culture Of The Inpatient Installation In The C Class Hospital, Bone Regency
Andi Wetenri Padauleng (a*), Andi Indahwaty Sidin (b), Ansariadi (c)

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Andi Wetenri Padauleng

Department Of Hospital Administration and Management, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University

Objective : To identify the dominant leadership style and to analyze the relationship between leadership style and nurse-s work motivation with the application of patient safety culture of the inpatient installation in the c class hospital of Bone regency. Methods : This research is a cross sectional study which involved 104 nurses in total sampling. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test (k x k). Result : The dominant leadership style of the inpatient nurse managers is transactional with a percentage of 69.2%. There was a significant relationship between leadership style (p<0.05) and nurse-s work motivation (p <0.05) with the application of patient safety culture, respectively. Conclusion : The transactional leadership has an impact on independent culture and the combination of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation has an impact on creating public service motivation which is good to build reporting and learning culture.

Leadership, work motivation, patient safety culture

Quality, Safety and Service


Septa Katmawanti; Siti Nurrochmah; Zunnun Zuraiya

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septa katmawanti


Abstract: The incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still a health problem in Indonesia. In Malang City the number of dengue cases in the last 3 years has increased. The study aims to determine the sociodemographic and environmental relationship with the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever in the city of Malang This study uses a correlational method with chi-square statistical test (X2). The test was used to determine the relationship between sociodemography and the environment with Dengue Fever in Malang. This type of research uses a Case control design. Research subjects were 188 respondents. Research instruments in the form of questionnaires, observation and interview techniques. The results showed variables that were significantly associated with the incidence of DHF were mobilization (x2 count 48.77), the presence of DHF patients in the environment (x2 count 6.90), the distance between houses (x2 count 11.78) and water container (x2 count 6.22). While DHF are variables (x2 count 0.77), gender (x2 count 0.02), education (x2 count 2.14), work (x2 count 1.23), presence of larvae (x2 count 0.19), ornamental plants (x2 count 0.44) and behavior (x2 count 1.57). The conclusion in this study is there is a relationship between mobilization, the presence of DHF patients in the environment, the distance between houses, and water container with the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Malang. Meanwhile, variables that have no relationship are age, gender, education, occupation, the presence of larvae, ornamental plants and behavior. Keywords: sociodemography, environment, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

sociodemography, environment, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Public Health Issue


The role of Bugis cultural value towards leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship in Bugis nurses in Makassar
Andi Indahwaty Sidin(a,b), Fridawati Rivai (a,b), Rifaah Mahmudah Bulu

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Andi Indahwaty Sidin

1. Hospital Administration Department, Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
2. Hasanuddin University Hospital, Indonesia

This literature review is about the role of cultural value towards Leader-member exchange (LMX) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Bugis nurses that can help the researcher to understand nurse performance based on the culture. This literature review was compiled using the PRISMA method with stages 1) defining eligibility criteria; 2) identify sources of information; 3) selection of studies; 4) data collection process; 5) data selection. In the Google Scholar online database, 39 related articles were obtained and an assumption was obtained that culture value played a role in creating OCB and LMX in Bugis nurse. The culture values adopted by Bugis nurses, namely siri na passé, actively support the creation of OCB. Siri na passé, which is one of the concepts of Bugis culture, influences attitudes and behaviors, including interacting. Other literature also found that high LMX would also have a positive effect on OCB. A high LMX can be seen from the relationship of the superior-subordinates or ajjarang-joa which are very thick to the Bugis tribe, who have high loyalty to the superior. A form of high commitment to the head can motivate employees to show high OCB behavior and be motivated to do work that has better quality than expected.

Cultural, Value, Buginese,OCB, LMX

Other Hospital Issue


Diah Ayu Kusumawardani, Nikma Fitriasari, Lidia Emil Linda

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Diah Ayu Kusumawardani

Magister of Hospital Management Medical Faculty Universitas Brawijaya

Hospitals in Indonesia face a competitive global situation in the era of Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) and the Asean Economic Community (AEC). Hospitals are required to maintain services for increasing patient satisfaction and adaptin to the changing market. Service satisfaction that needs to be improved includes satisfaction with service products, service processes, and aftersale service. The aim of the research is knowing the influence of satisfaction on product service, service process, and aftersale service to patient loyalty. The study was conducted at the RSIA Melati Husada in December 2018 - January 2019. The research sample used was 82 inpatients who were obtained by consecutive sampling technique. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, then the data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS). The result of PLS shows a positive and significant influence on satisfaction with service products, service processes, and aftersale service to patient loyalty. Satisfaction in service products is the most dominant satisfaction in forming patient loyalty.

product satisfaction, process satisfaction, aftersale satisfaction, loyalty, hospitalization

Quality, Safety and Service


The Strategic Role of Information Communication Technology in Succeeding Medical Tourism
Dumilah Ayuningtyas1, Dionisius Alvian Ariwibowo2

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Dionisius Alvian Ariwibowo

1. Department of Administration and Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia
2. Department of Administration and Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia

In recent years, medical tourism has become a good business opportunity to increase the country income by bringing benefit for both health and tourism sectors. The turnover for medical tourism in ASEAN reached 150 trillion Rupiah per year. Information Communication Technology (ICT) itself play an important role in many kinds of sector such as e-commerce by enabling user to access, store, and manipulate information. This study aims to gain a deep understanding of ICT strategic role in succeeding medical tourism. Literature review was conducted from 2 websites, 14 journals, and 3 books by year 2008-2019 in order to find the role of ICT in the pre-procedure and post-procedure of medical tourism. Main healthcare services, such as patient admission, electronic medical record, etc., can be optimized by utilizing ICT. ICT is also necessary for supporting integrated services for both health and tourism providers. It can be concluded that ICT played important strategic role in medical tourism. Adequate infrastructures, human resources, and standard need to be improved first to maximize ICT in medical tourism implementation.

ICT, Medical Tourism, Strategic Role

Other Hospital Issue


Trends in Using Antibiotics in the Era of National Health Insurance in the City of Manado
Lukman Prayitno1, Yuyun Yuniar2

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Lukman Prayitno Prayitno

1Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Humaniora dan Manajemen Kesehatan, Kemenkes RI, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya dan Pelayanan Kesehatan, Kemenkes RI, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract Introduction: The use of antibiotics needs to be monitored. Its irrational use causes antibiotic resistance. Research needs to be done that aims to determine trends in antibiotic use. Methods: Observational research with retrospective data collection. Cross sectional research design. Data in the form of availability of antibiotics during the period 2014 - 2017 in hospitals, health offices and health centers in the city of Manado. Results: The trend of the use of antibiotics in the first level of health facilities in 2014 - 2017 in the city of Manado was the antibiotics of betalactam, macrolide, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, quinolone groups. Trends in second-grade health facilities are the betalactam antibiotics, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim and quinolones. Trend in third-level health facilities are betalactam antibiotics, quinolones and others. Conclusion: Based on the data of 5 major antibiotic use in level 1, 2 and 3 health facilities, there was a change in the pattern of antibiotic use and this pattern tended to increase.

Antibiotic Trends, JKN, Health Facilities

Logistic and Medicine


Tuberculosis and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (TB-DM) Comorbidity Care: Barriers from the Patients- Perspective
Merita Arini (a*), Riris Andono Ahmad(b), Adi Utarini(c)

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Merita Arini

aDepartment of Family Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
bDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Population Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
cDepartment of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Objective: This study aims to explore experiences of TB-DM patients for the service barriers encountered in achieving the expected outcomes. Method: A qualitative study was conducted between June-August 2019. TB-DM patients were identified from community health centers and hospital TB registers in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. Fourteen adult TB-DM patients were purposively selected using criterion sampling, i.e. those who had been cured or already completed the intensive phase of TB treatment within the period of 2018-2019. In-depth interviews were carried out using interview guide and tape-recorded. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the verbatim transcripts. Results: Four themes were identified: health services-related barriers, patients-related barriers, health provider-patients interaction-related barriers, and strategies to resolve the barriers. Conclusion: TB-DM patients faced cascade of barriers to access healthcare and supports. Re-orienting health care system for more integrated chronic care readiness and improving patients- capacity are critical to improve quality of care.

KEYWORDS: integrative chronic care, comorbidity

Public Health Issue


Turnover Intention in Terms of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Individual Characteristic the Employees of Wates Husada Gresik Hospital in 2017
Dina Fitriana R, Teguh Prasetyo, Marko Ferdian S, M.Syairaji

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dina fitriana rosyada

Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada

Over the past few years the turnover rate of employees of the Husada Gresik Wates Hospital was 27% - 30%. In one month there are always employees who change jobs. On the other hand the ideal value for employee turnover is around 15% and if a workplace has a staff turnover level below or equal to the ideal number then the condition of a workplace can be declared healthy. This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual characteristics on the desire to move to work. This study was an observational analytic descriptive study with crossectional research design. The study was conducted at the Wates Husada Gresik Hospital. The population in this study were all employees at Husada Gresik Wates Hospital, namely 103 employees. The sample size is calculated by simple random sampling, which is 82 samples. The independent variables are job satisfaction and individual characteristics of employees. The dependent variable is organizational commitment held by employees of the Wates Husada Gresik hospital, where organizational commitment is seen as affective, normative and sustainable. The research data were analyzed univariately using the chi square test and bivariate analysis using linear regression test. The results of this study were that job satisfaction and organizational commitment had a significant effect on the desire to move to work. In general, respondents job satisfaction is high (72.2%) but for the salary satisfaction dimension it has a low level of satisfaction (37.3%). The organizational commitment of the respondents is classified as high (69.8%) with the commitment of sustainability having the highest level of commitment (79.8%). The desire to move work respondents have a thin difference, namely 53% have the desire to change jobs and 47% of respondents do not have the desire to change jobs. The conclusion in this study is that job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual characters represented by marital status have a significant influence on the desire to move to work

turnover intention, job satisfaction, organization commitment, individual characteristics

Human Resources Management


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