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The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.23 for 2 days in Medan |

Page 5 (data 121 to 150 of 357) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Education Based on Local Wisdom of Marsialapari Salak Farmers Sibangkua Village Angkola Barat, South Tapanuli
Desy Andarini, Hidayat, Ibnu Hajar

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Desy Andarini

Social Anthropology
State University of Medan
Medan, Indonesia

This study aims to describe education based on local wisdom, namely Marsialapari, which is owned by salak farmers in terms of leasing salak farms in Sibangkua Village, Angkola Barat sub-district, South Tapanuli Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out and get an idea of the value and meaning of Marsialapari local wisdom education that is owned by salak farmers in Sibangkua village, Angkola Barat District, South Tapanuli Regency. This research is descriptive qualitative using an ethnographic approach, data collection is done by in-depth interviews with informants, documentation and participant observation. Next is to do data analysis techniques by making ethnographic notes, conducting ethnographic interview analysis, and ethnographic writing. The results of this study can be seen that education based on Marsialapari local wisdom on zalacca farmers in Sibangkua Village, Angkola Barat Subdistrict, South Tapanuli Regency has the value and meaning of education for the village community. The community of Sibangkua Village is an ethnic Batak Angkola, Toba, and Mandailing. The value and meaning of education based on Marsialaparis local wisdom on salak farmers is to maintain harmony and inter-ethnic harmony in terms of leasing salak farm land to the village community to protect their natural wealth.

Education, Local Wisdom, Marsialapari

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Education Cultural in Bona Pasogit
Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar M.Si, Tri Presar Jhon Tuan Panjaitan

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Tripresar Jhon Tuan Panjaitan

Universitas Negeri Medan

This paper examines how the inheritance process in the Panjaitan clan family, especially the family of Turunan King Hasoge Panjaitan. The existence of the Batak Toba community needs to be able to understand the intricacies of the family tree properly and correctly, by searching for their identity. As is done today Batak Toba society again care about bona pasogitnya not just looking for grave land, and find out about them and the final network with the tarombo. This research was conducted in two places called Sitalasari Village. This village is located in the city Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra is a land of rantau. And the second village Sitorang, District Silaen Tobasa is a hometown. The majority of the population in this place is ethnic Batak Toba and has a Protestant Christian religion. The research method used in this research is qualitative approach. With the stages of pre-field research, field work, data analysis, and ending with report reports. This method is used to generate descriptive data of cultural inheritance processes that take place within the Panjaitan clan family. The data retrieval technique used by researchers and researchers for further research. The issues that are discussed are the processes of education cultural inheritance that goes on, and what causes the community to return to care about the home page. The conclusion derived from this research is that people return to their homeland, beginning with a recognized custom land dispute. Pass through the land to find out what could be his. The search for tarombo genealogies was done and got the help of people who were the ancestral lands of King Hasoge Panjaitan, and through this the family joined a network corresponding to the ancestral descendant called the Unity of the King Sijorat Paraliman Panjaitan. And this union will try to propose one of the king named Pun Tua Radja Panjaitan become National Hero

Batak Toba, Panjaitan, Education Cultural, Bona Pasogit

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Education Management in the Autonomy Era
Jonson Rajagukguk, Benyamin Situmorang

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Universitas Negeri Medan

Education is the only way to build national civilization towards progress in the midst of increasingly complex challenges. A nation can be innovative, creative, competitive depending on the quality of education managed by the country concerned. Amid the decentralization system, a number of authorities are owned by the Provincial Government and the District Government. How the Provincial Government and District Government are able to manage education in terms of educational autonomy is certainly a discussion. This means that education management or education management will certainly be practiced by the Provincial government and the District Government. For this reason, it is time for quality education management concepts to be understood by the Provincial Government and District Government as a process. Management of quality education, measurable, will be able to make education a good process for building national civilization and humanizing human beings well and systematically. Through good management of education the impact of education as a process in building strong and directed character will be felt. For this reason, the Governor, the Regent must understand well the nature, urgency and management process of good and right education in order to produce human resources in the current era of regional autonomy.

Management of education, regional autonomy, and education autonomy

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Educational Model Based on Life Skills: A Meta-Synthesis
Aswin Bancin

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Aswin Bancin

State University of Medan

Aswin Bancin, Educational Model Based on Life Skills: A Meta-Synthesis The problems that will be examined in this study are (1) How the Concept of Education Based on Life Skills (2) How Education Management Based on Life Skils (3) How the Education Management Model Based on Life Skills and (4) How the results of Education Management Based on Life Skills are applied both general skills and specific life skills. This research was carried out in the form of Meta-synthesis, also referred to as Systematic review, a research method to identify, evaluate and interpret the results of similar studies to answer research questions, specific topics or phenomena that are of concern. From such data will be identified, analyzed and interpreted to produce conclusions. In this study the author will conduct a meta-synthesis (identifying, evaluating and interpreting) 20 research journals based on Life Skills Education, so that the authors get new concepts or deep new insights about Life Skills-Based Education Models. The author will conclude a lot of information from 20 journals that may conflict with each other or support each other which then can increase the strength of the authors analysis, overcome uncertainties and also be able to answer questions about the life skills education model proposed in previous studies.

Educational, Life Skills

Education and Research Global Issue


Effect of Analogy and Scientific Creativity Based Learning Model on Students Conceptual Mastery in Structure and Function of Cell Lesson Material Grade XI State High School Plus 2 Panyabungan. Thesis. Postgraduate Program in Medan State University (UNIMED). Medan. 2019.
a) Hairunisa Novita, b) Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Sc, c) Dr. Melva Silitonga, M.S

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Hairunisa Novita

a) Student of Biology Education, Graduate Program, Medan State University
b) Lecturer of Biology Medan State University
c) Lecturer of Biology Medan State University

The research conducted in Panyabungan 2 Plus High School aimed to study (1) the effect of analogy-based learning model on students conceptual mastery (2) the effect of scientific creativity on students conceptual mastery and (3) interaction between analogy and scientific creativity based learning models on students conceptual mastery. The research population is entire Class XI students of Panyabungan Plus 2 High School on 2017/2018 Academic Year with total of 90 students from 3 Classes. The research sample is XI Science students studying on odd semester of 2017/2018 determined using cluster random sampling method divided into 2 clusters with 29 students in each of cluster. The research instruments used areconceptual mastery test, scientificcreativity test, response from students questionnare, and students activity sheet throughout the analogy based learning process. The method used in this research is quasi experiment with Varians Analysis technique (Anava) of 2x2 factorial and significance level 0,05. The findings of study indicated that (1) there is significant effect of treatment using analogy based learning model on Class XIPanyabungan 2 Plus High School students conceptual mastery in Structure and Function of Cell Lesson Material (Fcount 7,029 P 0,017) (2) there is significant effect of scientific creativity on Class XI Panyabungan 2 Plus High School students conceptual mastery in Structure and Function of Cell Lesson Material (Fcount 7,086 P 0,000) and (3) there is significant interaction between analagy based learning model and scientific creativity on Class XI Panyabungan 2 Plus High School students conceptual mastery in Structure and Function of Cell Lesson Material (Fcount 3,975 P 0,011).The findings of the study imply that analogy based learning model contribute in providing convinience for students in understanding and mastering the concept of Structure and Function of Cell Lesson Material and enhancing students scientific creativity.

Analogy, Concept, Creativity

Education and Research Global Issue


Effect of eXe Learning Based Problem Based Learning and Scientific Attitudes on Critical Thinking Ability in Chemical Bonding Material
Nuraini (a*), Retno Dwi Suyanti (b), Eddyanto (b)

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Nur Aini

a) Departement of Chemistry Education on Post Graduate Program, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) Lecturer in Department of Chemistry Education on Post Graduate Program, Stated University of Medan, Indonesia

Abstract: The aim of this research is showing; 1) The differences in critical thinking skills of students taught using Problem based learning with those using conventional eXe-based learning; 2) The differences in the student ability critical thinking of chemistry who have low scientific attitudes and high scientific attitudes; 3) The Interaction between the Learning-Based Learning model and the level of scientific attitudes of students in influencing critical thinking skills of student. This research is done at SMA N 1 Rambah. The sample of research all of student at SMA class X at the first semeste. Intrument for measure the result of study from student critical thinking skills using a multiple choice and for measure of the scientific attitude is using questionnaire sheet. This research was conducted with the experimental methods. The sample was divided into two classes, where the experimental class learned with PBL using exe learning and the exe learning class learned with convetional using exe learning. Data were analyzed descriptively ang inferensial with the help of SPSS version 22 at significance level &

PBL; scientific attitudes; critical thinking skills; eXe learning

Curriculum, Research and Development


Effect of Learning Approach and Interest in Learning on Science Learning Outcomes in Class VIII Medan Private Middle School in the first semester of Academic Year 2018-2019
Juni Triana Sitompul(a*), Baharuddin (b)

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Juni Triana Sitompul

a) Instructional Technology, State University of Medan, Jalan William Iskandar Ps.V, Kenangan Baru, Kec Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20371
b) Faculty of Technic, State University of Medan

This study aims to find out: (1) How the learning outcomes of science students learned by using the CLIL Learning approach and the learning outcomes of science students who are taught with Direct Learning Approach, (2) How do science learning outcomes between students with high levels of interest in learning and learning outcomes of students with low learning interest, (3) Is there an interaction between Learning approaches and Learning Interests in influencing science learning outcomes. This research was conducted at Medan Private Middle School consisting of Medan Private Kingston School Middle School, and Medan Private School Singapore Middle School. While the population for students is 292 students. School samples for the study are SMP Private Kingston School Medan Middle School Private Singapore School Medan. The research was placed in class VIII of Academic Year 2018/2019. For the study sample were 67 students, namely 34 students taught using the CLIL learning approach, and 33 students were taught using the Direct learning approach. The research method used quasi-experimental with 2 x 2 factorial design. The data analysis technique used was two-way ANOVA with a significance level &

CLIL Learning Approach, Direct, and Learning Interest

Education and Research Global Issue


Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Mind Mapping on Science Process Skills Student
Tria Anggreini; Togi Tampubolon; Wawan Bunawan; Rajo Hasim Lubis

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Tria Anggreini

Universitas Negeri Medan

The purpose of this study was to analyze the science process skills and creative thinking of students who were taught by the scientific inquiry learning model using mind mapping. The study was conducted on the eighth grade students of Tunas Harapan Private Middle School in Sayurmatinggi Village, Ujung Padang Learning Year 2018/2019. This type of research includes quasi-experimental, quasi-experimental research design with two groups pretest-posttest design. The research instrument used was essay-shaped test for science process skills and students creative thinking abilities. The conclusions obtained are; (1) Students physical science process skills with scientific inquiry learning using mind mapping are better than science process skills students use conventional models; (2) Science process skills of students in the group of creative thinking skills above the average are better than the creative thinking skills below the average; (3) In this study, krative thinking skills above the dominant average improve the science process skills of students in the scientific inquiry model using mind mapping rather than in conventional learning

Scientific Inquiry, Mind Mapping, Science Process Skill

Education and Research Global Issue


Effects of Teaching Style and Interest on Learning Outcomes Passing in Soccer Games. Medan: Postgraduate Program. Medan State University, April 2019
Hamka Abdi Negara siahaan ; Budi Valianto ; Rahma Dewi

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HamkaAbdi Negara Siahaan

universitas negeri medan

This study aims to obtain empirical facts about the differences in learning outcomes of passing in soccer games between students taught by using reciprocal teaching styles and inclusion teaching styles. This study consisted of two independent variables, namely: (1) reciprocal teaching style and inclusion teaching style as manipulative free variables, and (2) Interest as attribute independent variables (moderator variables) divided into high interests and low interests . Whereas, passing in soccer games in this study is a dependent variable. The research design used was an experiment by level 2 x 2. The research was conducted at Galang 2 Public Middle School. The stages of this study include collecting data on interests, applying teaching style treatments, and collecting data on learning outcomes of passing in soccer games. The time for applying teaching style treatments (inclusion and reciprocity) was carried out for 4 weeks. With the time of the study as many as 4 meetings. This research was conducted in February 2019 until March 2019. The sampling technique in this study used cluster sampling so that each group of 10 students was obtained. The results of the study in this study are: 1) Based on the results of the analysis of variance in the attachment list, at the level of &

Teaching Style, Interest in Learning and Football

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Efforts to Improve Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Outcomes Through The Audio Visual Media
Rizky Puspa Sari (a*), Amir Supriadi (a), Nurkadri (a)

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Rizky Puspa Sari

a) Physical Education, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan

The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in rhythmic gymnastics learning outcomes through audio-visual media. The method used is CAR (Classroom Action Research). CAR has two cycles, namely in the first cycle making action plans, carrying out actions, observations and reflections. The results of reflection are used as a basis for the planning phase of the second cycle if the first cycle is not successful. So in the second cycle gives more learning through Audio Visual Media and gives more direction to students where errors are often more guided while in class before going back to practice in the field. The research instrument uses a portfolio and observation sheets. Data analysis techniques use percentages. The conclusion that through audio-visual media can improve rhythmic gymnastics learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Audio Visual

Education and Research Global Issue


Tagor Pangaribuan; Kammer Tuahman Sipayung

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Kammer Tuahman Sipayung

English Language Education - Faculty of Teacher Trainning
Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
Medan, Indonesia

Kammer Tuahman Sipayung
English Language Education-Faculty of Teacher Trainning
Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
Medan, Indonesia

Teaching is an epitome. It is the core of intellectual gain as truth. A teacher learns learning by doing and doing by learning. The purpose is to find out acts of empowerment, its effectiveness as revitalization and reinforcement through ELT classroom acts. The research methodology is an experimental designin a four months ongoing semester 2017-2018, three experimental groups and one control groups with 146 subjects. The data are collected through teacher performances in microteaching class, scored based on defined categories. This research shows that there is a significant difference between preassessment and post test in each teaching narrative episodes of teaching stages, between experiment groups and control groups. The experimental groups shows betterperformnces in realizing ELT generic skills, indesigning and assessing their descriptivehypothesis. However, hard-time services of pedagogic acts for realizing better classroom praxis are replication is recommended on generic skills, ELT and lectures.

ELT, Generic Teaching Skills, Descriptive Hypothesis, scientific teaching

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Enhancing Students Mathematical Conceptual Understanding by Applying Guided Discovery Learning and Direct Learning Model
Sri Rahwany Marbun (a*), E. Elvis Napitupulu (b), Mulyono (b)

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Sri Rahwany Marbun

a) Mathematics Education, State University of Medan
Jl. Willem Iskandar / Pasar V, Medan 20221, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Mathematics, State University of Medan
Jl. Willem Iskandar / Pasar V, Medan 20221, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze whether there is an enhancement difference of mathematic conceptual understanding ability (MCUA) of student which is taught by guided discovery learning (GDL) and which is taught by direct learning (DL). This study is quasi experimental study. The population of this study is the eighth grade students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Barus. The sample of this study is taken randomly, which consisted of two classes. The experiment class is taught by guided discovery learning (GDL) and the control class is taught by direct learning (DL). The result of study showed that there is enhancement difference of mathematic conceptual understanding ability (MCUA) of student which is taught by guided discovery learning (GDL) and student which is taught by direct learning (DL). The N-gain of mathematical concept understanding ability of student which is taught by guided discovery learning (GDL) is higher than student which is taught by direct learning (DL).

Mathematical Conceptual Understanding; Guided Discovery Model, Direct Learning Model

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


Enhancing The Capability Of Language Teachers In Developing Lesson Plans Through Academic Supervision Of Personal Conversation Technique In SMP Negeri 1 Moroo West Nias Regency
Satria Kris Ratna Waruwu(*a),Yasaratodo Wau(b), Sukarman Purba(c)

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Satria Kris Ratna Waruwu

a) Education of Administration Post Graduate Student of Universitas Negeri Medan
b)Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan
c)Lecturer at Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine whether academic supervision of personal conversation techniq can improve the ability of language teachers in developing lesson plans in SMP Negeri 1 Moroo,West of Nias Regency. The action hypothesis of this study is through the implementation of academic supervision of personal conversation techniq, the ability of language teachers in SMP Negeri 1 Moroo can be increased. The subjects of this study were language teachers as many as amounted five teachers. The research instrument that used to determine the competence of teachers in developing lesson plan were interview guide and observation sheet. Meanwhile, to observe the activities of academic supervision using personal conversation techniq are used observation sheet. The research design used school action research referring to Kemmis model, which designed in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages of activity, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results showed the ability of language teachers to develop lesson plan in the I cycle reached an average value of 85,19% with the Good category, while in the II cycle obtained an average score of 90,86% with the Very Good category. Based on the research data, it was concluded that the implementation of academic supervision of personal conversation techniq could improve the ability of language teachers in developing lesson plan in SMP Negeri 1 Moroo. Therefore, it is expected that school supervisors and school principals will use academic supervision of personal conversation techniq to improve the teacher professionalism, especially in developing lesson plan.

Teachers Competences, Lesson Plan, Academic Supervision of Personal Conversation Technique.

Economics, Business and Management Education


Establishment Of Character Through Boarding School Education Students In Pondok Pesantren
Babby Hasmayni(*a), Farida Hanum Siregar(b), Azhar Aziz(c)

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Babby Hasmayni

a) Lecturer at Universitas Medan Area
*) babbyhas[at]
b) Lecturer at Univeristas Medan Area
c) Lecuter at Universitas Medan Area

This study aims to create a description of the formation of character through boarding school education in students in pondok pesantren and to see the achievement of pesantren in instilling the value of these characters. The values of characters to be seen and implanted such as religious values, discipline, intelligence, helping others, honesty and responsibility. Character is a habit or behavior of a person. The value of the character implanted to students by way of boarding school. In this study, four respondents who previously had bad character values such as not performing the prayers, denied the parents, did not care about the environment and wished to win themselves, but after boarding school (pesantren) changed the value of the character for the better. The four respondents were two male students and two female students. Planting the value of these characters to the students by controlling, supervising and doing habituation to the existing routine in the pesantren environment. This research is a qualitative research using unstructured interview technique and observation. The results showed that the four respondents experienced a change and already have the value of existing characters on boarding school (pesantren) is.

Boarding School, Character Building

Education and Research Global Issue


Euphemism in Online Article on Konsultasi Syariah
Rindi Puspita (a*), Sri Minda Murni (b), Sumarsih (c)

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Rindi Puspita

a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) State University of Medan, Indonesia
c) State University of Medan, Indonesia

Abstract Euphemism is a word or an expression which is delicate and inoffensive and is used to replace or cover a term that seems to be either taboo, too harsh or simply inappropriate for a given conversational exchange and is the substitution of a more pleasant or less direct word for an unpleasant or distasteful one. Euphemism is common in society, we can found euphemisms in mass media, internet, etc. Some euphemism use in religious language. Ovidu (2008) stated that in the religious language, the use of the euphemism is not necessarily due to modesty, but to fear. So based on Ovidu statement the researchers will make a research about euphemism in religious language that used in article on Konsultasi Syariah. The data will be gathered by using documentary technique, the data will be limited on article that publish in 2018.

euphemism, religious language, article

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Euphemism of Political News in Republika Online Mass media
Yuliana Ridwan, Sri Minda Murni, Didik Santoso

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Yuliana Ridwan

English Applied Linguistic Study program
Postgraduate School
State university of Medan, Indonesia

News is presented not only through printed media but also in the form of online media. Many kinds of news such as, economy, business, law, politic and etc. In presenting a news can use a language that is fairly rough and very fine language. In this study, news is presented in the form of online news. Euphemism plays an important role in presenting news in order to reveal things that are deemed inappropriate. The function of euphemism is to replace or cover up other words and expressions considered taboo and rude. The objective of this study is to investigate the types of euphemism used in political news in online mass media. This study will be classified into five types (Allan & Burridge 1991) namely ; (a) shortening; (b) circumlocution; (c) remodeling; (d) semantic change; (e) borrowing. In line with this idea, euphemism can be used to make speech or text more polite. The data of this study will be collected by applying a documentary technique.

Euphemism, political news, Republika online mass media

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation 2013 Distric Batubara
Mauluddin M. Noor, Albadi Sinulingga, Sanusi Hasibuan

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Mauluddin M. Noor

post graduated university of medan

This research is the implementation research of Curriculum 2013 Senior Vocational High School (SMK) in Batubara Regency found many obstacles at the beginning of its application. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Batubara District of the academic year 2017/2018. The components of the evaluated curriculum implementation include. The condition of the student, the condition of the teacher, the teachers understanding of the curriculum, the condition of the infrastructure, the instructional planning, the implementation of the scientific. The implementation of authentic assessment, and the results of authentic assessment related aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills. The evaluation model used is the evaluation model of Stake Countenance Models. Evaluation is done by collecting information in the form of data component of the curriculum implementation to then be compared with the standards of the ministry. The population consists of 22 Senior Vocational High School (SMK). Subject of research is principal and teacher determined by purposive sampling technique. The instruments used are questionnaires, observation sheets, and documentation sheets. Trial of questionnaire instrument was conducted at school in Batubara district. Data analysis using descriptive technique. Research result, student condition of 93.4%, teachers condition of 75%, infrastructure condition of 69.3%, understanding to curriculum 2013 of 80%, learning planning or RPP of 75%. The proposed recommendations are: Student condition: active and creative teachers.Teacher condition: Increased academic qualifications in cooperation with related parties. Teachers must be orderly administration and conduct learning in accordance with the standards of learning implementation.

Evaluation, Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum 2013

Curriculum, Research and Development


Ditta Manullang (a*), Eka Daryanto(b), Zainuddin,(c)

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Ditta Manullang

a) Education Management, State University of
Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan,
b) Education Management, State University Of
c) Education Management, State University Of

The Education Policy for the Implementation of Inclusive Education is regulated in the National Education Ministers Regulations of Indonesia No. 70 of 2009, and the North Sumatra Governor Regulation No.29 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of Inclusive Education. However, in its implementation various problems arise, namely inclusive education for special needs children is not yet understood as an effort to improve the quality of education services, teacher competence is still unable to carry out learning for special needs children , unavailability of Special Advisory Teachers in inclusive education institutions, facilities and infrastructure what is available is not in accordance with the needs of the special needs children, so that the policy needs to be evaluated. This study aims to describe and discuss the achievements and factors of failure to achieve the implementation of policies for the implementation of inclusive education in early childhood institutions in the city of Medan. This research was conducted using descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach that emphasized the study of 6 (six) research indicators from William N. Dunn (2003: 429-438), namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, similarity, responsiveness, and accuracy. Data collection was conducted through interviews with 18 informants consisting of 2 Education Department respondents, 4 Principal respondents from inclusion early childhood education institutions in Medan city, 8 teacher respondents from inclusion early childhood education institutions in the city of Medan , and 4 parents of respondents from special needs students in inclusion early childhood education institutions in Medan, with a purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the evaluation of the implementation of inclusive education policies in early childhood education institutions has not been well implemented, there are still some obstacles : there is no Special Advisory Teacher in inclusion early childhood education institutions, inadequate facilities and infrastructure to meet the special needs of children with special needs, the response of the Medan City Education Department is still in the form of socialization of inclusive education and monitoring to early childhood education institutions. Therefore, there is a need for good coordination and collaboration between relevant agencies in the Province of North Sumatra to better implement inclusive education.


Educational Policy and Administration Education


Evaluation of the Implementation of Teaching and Learning Subjects in Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) in the 2013 Curriculum in State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) in Medan
Netty Zakiah, Prof.Dr. Agung Sunarno, MPd , Dr. Suprayitno, SPd. M.Pd

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Netty Zakiah

Pasca Sarjana Unimed , Pendidikan Olah Raga.

Netty Zakiah The author is a Postgraduate Program Student at Medan State University Physical Education Study Program Email: ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the process of implementation and effectiveness of the implementation of the evaluation of teaching and learning Physical Sports and Health Education Subjects (PJOK) in the 2013 Curriculum in Medan City in the Academic Year 2018/2019. This study uses quantitative data analysis techniques and qualitative data analysis techniques (Mix Method). Determination of subjects in this study was conducted purposively. The informants in this study were the PJOK teachers in the State Islamic Senior High School in Medan City, which numbered 6 (six) people, XI grade students from 3 (three) schools totaling 50 (fifty) people, and 3 principals (three) people. Data collection is done by examining all data collected from various sources, namely; giving questionnaires, observations, and documentation. Data analysis was done by collecting data through research instruments validated by experts, and research triangulation techniques to check the validity of the data found from the interviews between researchers and informants. The results of this study indicate that the assessment process and the implementation of PJOK subject assessment in the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in MAN in the city of Medan in the Academic Year of 2018/2019 run smoothly with several obstacles.

Learning Evaluation, 2013 Curriculum, Sports Physical Education, and Health.

Curriculum, Research and Development


Evaluation Of Tiered In Order To Increase PAUD Teacher Competence In Medan City
Rehmenda Christy 1), Anita Yus2), Naeklan Simbolon3

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Rehmenda Christy

State University of Medan

This research aimed to evaluating the implementation of the basic level tiered training conducted by HIMPAUDI Medan City in 2019.This research is evaluative research with a quantitative-descriptive approach, this design is chosen with consideration to evaluating the implementation of tiered level education and training (training) at the level of Medan City PAUD teachers in 2018. The evaluation model used in this study is the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, and Product) proposed by Stufllebeam. The results of the study on the context dimension indicate the existence of physical and non-physical support from PAUD education stakeholders but it is not maximally. The results of the study on the input dimension obtained an ideal score of 720 (100%) while the empirical score was 600 with a percentage of 83,27%. This percentage shows that overall the results of the study on the input dimension are in the norm of good judgment. The results of the study on the dimensions of the process obtained an ideal score of 420 (100%) while the empirical score was 366 (87.81%). This percentage shows that overall the results of the study on the input dimension are in the norm of very well judgment The results of the product dimensions research obtained all product aspect indicators are at the medium rating norm. The highest average percentage (65.95%) is in the aspect of professional competence with moderate rating norms, while the lowest average (64.82) is in the aspect of pedagogic competence with moderate rating norms. The ideal score for evaluating product dimensions is 4440 (100%) while the empirical score is 2897 with a percentage of 65.39%. This percentage shows that the overall results of the research on the product dimension are at the medium rating norm. Furthermore, it is recommended that this tiered training be improved to improve the competence of PAUD teachers.

Program evaluation, Tiered training, PAUD teacher competence

Curriculum, Research and Development


Sri Ramadhani , Sahat Saragih , Amin Fauzi

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sri Ramadhani

Postgraduated Unimed

This study aims to describe: 1) the validity of device-oriented learning models based on the developed model, 2) learning devices oriented to the development of learning problem models, 3) the effectiveness of device-oriented learning developed problem-based learning models, 4) improved communication skills of students using learning tools oriented to learning problems based on the developed model, 5) increasing student self-efficacy developed using learning tools oriented to problem-based learning models and 6) identifying student answer processes using learning tools oriented towards developing problem-based learning models. This research is research and development, using the 4-D development model. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII-A and VIII-B. From the results of trials I and II obtained: 1) Learning tools developed are valid criteria, both in content validity and construct validity. 2) learning devices developed meet practical criteria 3) learning devices developed effective criteria, 4) there is an increase in mathematical communication skills and self-efficacy of students using developed learning tools, 5) there is an increase in student self-efficacy using model-oriented learning tools developed models problem based learning developed 6) the criteria for good are mostly good criteria. The process of student answers in experiment II is more structural, systematic in accordance with indicators of mathematical communication skills

Development of Study Peripheral, Problem Based Learning, Mathematic Communication, Self-Efficacy Student

Transformative Learning and EducationalLeadership


Factors that influence Principals Organizational Commitment of Vocational High School in the City of Medan
Saut Purba1, Sukarman Purba2

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Saut Purba

1,2Postgraduate School, State University of Medan
e-mail: purbasaut[at]

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction on Principals organizational commitment of Vocational High School. This study was conducted in 2019 with a sample of 106 using the Kreijcie Table, with Proportional Random Sampling techniques. Data were analyzed by path analysis after meeting the analysis requirements test, namely the Normality and Linerity test. The research findings show that Principals Organizational Commitment of Vocational High School is directly affected by organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction. Based on these findings it can be concluded that any changes or variations that occur in Organizational Commitment are influenced by organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction. Therefore, to increase the principals organizational commitment, organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction must be included in the strategic planning of human resource development at the Vocational High School in Medan, while still considering other variables that influence organization commitment next research.

Organizational Culture, Academic Supervision Knowledge, Stress Management, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment

Economics, Business and Management Education


Aminah Ari Fadhila (a*), Anni Holila Pulungan (b*), Rahmad Husein Napitupulu (c*)

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Aminah Ari Fadhila

a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program
Postgraduate School
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

b) Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

c) Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Cooperative Principles which was proposed by Grice consist of a set of maxims which are fundamental to establish effective communication. However, people tend to fail in observing certain maxims. This paper is aimed to describe the types of flouting maxims in courtroom, specifically in Administrative Court since people in the courtroom have their own purposes and needs related to the case, they tend to produce flouting maxim to get what they want. Descriptive qualitative research will be applied in this research. The data in this research will be clauses which consist of flouting maxims in the courtroom of Administrative Court. The source of the data will be taken from the courtroom of Administrative Court. The recorded cases will be about land affairs and employment, because cases which handled by Administrative Courts are those kinds of cases. The data will be collected through observation, video-recording, transcribing, sorting, enlisting, and arranging the obtainable data systematically. The data will be analysed by using Theory of Maxim which was proposed by Grice (1975) as the guidance to select the appropriate data in this study.

cooperative principles, maxim flouting, courtroom, Administrative Court

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Gender Conversation in Workplace Context
Aisyah Fitriani Dasopang (a*), Sumarsih (b), Amrin Saragih (b)

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Aisyah Fitriani Dasopang

a) Post Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, 20221

b) Post Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jalan Willem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan, 20221

This study deals with Gender Conversation in Workplace Context. The subject of this study were 3 male staff and 3 female staff in Internal Auditor Unit at Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara. The object of this study were the utterances of Male and Female Staff. It specially focused on why are the conversation used by male and female staff as the ways they are. The theory used in this study are based on the features of conversational styles proposed by Tannen (1992), namely status versus support, independence versus intimacy, advice versus understanding, information versus feeling, orders versus proposal, conflict versus compromise. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Having analyzed the data, it was found that male and female staffs used different style in conversation because male and female staffs have different opinion about their status during the conversation. The reason male and female staffs have different characteristics which also lead them having different style in conversation.

Gender, Conversation, Workplace Context, Male Staff, Female Staff, Different Style

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Maharani Dalimunthe, AnniHolilaPulungan, Zainuddin

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Maharani Dalimunthe


Gender can be find around us and everywhere. That is also part of our lives.Gender do not only have social and cultural differences but gender have many different of aspects. The research, there are different between male and female teachers utterances in teaching learning process based on inquiry model. It can be seen from indirect utterance of male teacher, while direct utterance of female teacher.The research analyzes and clarifies types of male and female teachers utterances in teaching learning process based on inquiry model. The objective of this research is to investigate types of utterances of male and female teachers in teaching learning process based on inquiry model.Data is based on the male and female teachers utterances. The teachers consist of six teachers. This study will use Tannens theory (1990).Both of genders have their own characteristic in communication. There are the features of report talk and rapport talk in communication. Report talk: a Direct Request, b Longer Talk in Public Context, c Speech Includes Slang or Swear words. Teasing and Banter, d Giving Advice to Solve Problem, e Mixing Business and Non-business Talk, f Rarely Give Praise or Compliments, g Showing Authority. And rapport talk: a Using qualifiers, b Apologizing, c Taking Blame, d Thanking, e Maintaining an Appearance of Equality, Downplaying Qualifications, f Establishing Relationship, g Downplaying Authority. This study will apply qualitative research design.

gender, teaching learning process, inquiry model

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Grammatical Error of Speech by Students in Bilingual Program of Mahad Al Jamiah UIN North Sumatra
Riyah Shibha Nasution, Rahmad Husein, Anni Holila Pulungan

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Riyah Shibha Nasution

english applied lingusitics program
state university of medan

This study investiagtes the types of grammatical errors produced by arabic learners in english. bilingual program is a condition that the students speak both english and arabic languages in their daily communication. the researcher used descriptive qualitative research in conducting this study. the data are bilingual students utterances consisting of grammatical errors in daily communication. the utterances consisted of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The prior aim in this research is to describe the types of grammatical errors since there are two kinds of grammatical errors namely morphological errors and syntactical errors.

grammatical error,bilingualism,english, arabic language

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Gratitude Expression and Gratitude Responses Used by The Characters in The Vow Movie
Sabrina Octavia Pandiangan (a*), Sumarsih (b), Sri Minda Murni (c)

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a) English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia
c) English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Indonesia

Gratitude expression and gratitude responses is the choosing way to express and to response one kind feeling or appreciation toward action, saying or benefit received. People look at it as politeness behavior as the crucial part to build and establish good social relationship. This research aims to analyze the expression and response of gratitude by the characters in The Vow movie. The researcher describes what are the gratitude expression and gratitude responses used by the characters in The Vow movie. This research is qualitative. It is analyzed descriptively based on related to Aijmer Theory of gratitude expression and Hymes Theory of gratitude responses. The data be explains by showing the context of situation and the meaning of the utterances.

Gratitude Expression and Gratitude Response

Social,Language and Cultural Education


he influence of leadership, work climate, professional competence and work motivation on the performance of Medan city junior high school teachers
Rosliana Maria Sinaga,Irsan Rangkuti, Benyamin Situmorang

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Rosliana Maria Sinaga

Universitas Negeri Medan

The organizations environment and climate are important variables because the fact is that more and more organizations are scientifically monitoring environmental strength. This monitoring becomes a much-needed source of information for organizing change and organizational development. The meaning is that a conducive school climate affects the performance of members of school organizations. In other words, school going forward or backward depends on the ability of the school to create its environment and the willingness of the environment to accept its existence. Teacher performance is also influenced by teacher motivation. Quality teachers are directly proportional to student performance. A qualified teacher means that the teacher is also a good teacher. A good and quality teacher has the characteristics of a number of competencies. These competencies are teacher effectiveness, teachers cognitive abilities, teachers personality, classroom management, mastery of information technology, and commitment and responsibility. Teachers as educators have a very important and strategic role in achieving development goals in the field of education. According to Davies and Ellison in Baedhowi (2006: 278), teachers are the keyperson in the classroom. Mention of key figures in the classroom and as educators for teachers, is indeed very reasonable considering the role of the teacher cannot be replaced by anything, at this level knowledgeable, insightful, competent, and certified teachers are very much needed. This is also an indicator of professional teachers

he influence of leadership, work climate, professional competence and work motivation on the performance

Educational Policy and Administration Education


High-Level Comprehension Skill by using Competencies PISA in Indonesias Education System
Sahyar, Wawan Bunawan and Muhammad Aswin Rangkuti, Jeddah Yanti

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Jeddah Yanti

Department of Physics Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an assessment of global competency in education that leads to adoption and development of sophisticated to equip next-generation for success in education and produce the world-renowned tech entrepreneurs. Asian countries dominate the top of the PISA rankings with the strongest performance than all regions in the OECD country. However, a reverse trend is observed in ASEAN middle-income countries because of disparities in access to basic education, particularly between rural and urban area, and also in teacher qualifications and quality of curricula. Indonesia is one of the countries facing this problem. The latest PISA report shows science education in Indonesian claims the 0.8 % of share top performers in at least one subject, which science, literacy and math. Indonesias average ranking across the three subjects is 69th out of 79 countries PISA. This score is lower than Singapore, 1st rank in applied PISA to education system in world. In consequent of the current curriculum system does not accustom students to works on a problem that can encourage, stimulate, and analyse a problem using high-level comprehension skill. So, these problems require further analysis by finding a solution to the problem involves constructing system, knowledge, and competencies that will transform the current curriculum to reach the aims of PISA.

Curriculum standardization, Knowledge and competencies PISA, PISA Indonesia,

Curriculum, Research and Development


Zahraini (a), Benyamin Situmorang (b), Tiur Asih Siburian (c)

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Zahraini .

Universitas Negeri Medan

The purpose of this study was to describe the human resource management system used in the senior high schools to improve the quality of teaching and learning process. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach with the data obtained from observation, interviews, field studies, and particular documents. The principals and the teachers were the subjects of this research. The results indicate that the recruitment system had not yet utilized the competency test, so there were several civil servant teachers, contract-based teachers and education staff who were not able to develop lesson plans, syllabus, and learning media that were appropriate to the topics of learning. In addition, the career development of the teachers and education staff was still based on the instructions of the principals. Unfortunately, the placement of the teachers and staff was still not in accordance with the principle of the right man on the right place, so there was a mismatch between the educational background of the teachers and the subjects taught by them. Moreover, most contract-based teachers and education staff have not carried out their duties to the fullest due to a lack of government attention to the general welfare of them. Therefore, it could be concluded that to ensure quality education, the development of the teachers and education staff must be considered seriously. The government has already implemented a program of Contract-Based Government Employee or P3K since 2019 as one of the best solutions for this problem. This program has just been implemented for contract-based employees with Category 2 or K2 status, which currently ranges from 159,000 people.

Management, Teachers and Education Staff

Educational Policy and Administration Education


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