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Arief Ruslan

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Arief Ruslan

Faculty of Communication, Budi Luhur University

Independent animation has an influence on local identity that present on social networks sites (SNS). Through visual, communication is formed, compiled and negotiated in reflecting Indonesianness as a reflection of animators. Recognizing that cultural identity in animation has the potential to develop values for national ideology and culture, it also becomes one of the forms of Intellectual Property (IP) and creative industries that deserve consideration. This research reveals how visual literacy is present in Independent animations on SNS. We begin selecting and filtering animations that are present on animator Instagram accounts that have above 10,000 followers. Focusing on the meaning of identity that is built through visuals, texts, and narratives in animations that appear to be connected with the acceptance of followers (followers), observers, and comments given as confirmation of the success of Indonesian animated identity. In the end, this research can identify visual perception, visual aesthetics in building Indonesianess identity.

animation, identity, visual literacy, social network sites



Intercultural Communication Kampung Home stay Ngaran II Borobudur with Foreign Tourist
Annis Azhar Suryaningtyas, Lintang Muliawanti

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Lintang Muliawanti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Borobudur is one of ten government programs called Bali Baru which is expected to bring in 20 million foreign tourists. With a large tourist target, the Borobudur society will interact more with foreign tourists. This phenomenon is certainly experienced by the people of the Borobudur home stay village, Ngaran II. Cultural differences and backgrounds between the surrounding community and foreign tourists will certainly encounter various dynamics in the interaction process. This study analyzes how the intercultural communication process that occurs in the society of Kampung Homestay Borobudur to foreign tourists. The dynamics as an initial illustration of the communitys readiness to face the priority programs of tourism. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using semi-structured interviews. Sampling of informants using purposive sampling to determine the criteria of informants. The technical analysis of this research data uses the process of interaction analysis. While the technical validity of the data using data triangulation. The results show that the interaction between home stay managers and foreign tourists can be interpreted as a form of communication between cultures. Language has an important role as a medium of communication between cultures. It is known that there are anxieties experienced by home stay managers when interacting with foreign tourists. Anxiety is caused by limitations in foreign language skills. Therefore, they chose to use the help of an opinion leader trusted by members of the Borobudur home stay village as a translator of the initial agreements between the manager of the home stay with foreign tourist guests. However, it was found several home stay managers with limited skills who succeeded in conducting intercultural communication. This behavior is based on mutual understanding and uses nonverbal communication when communicating. This result is expected to be an illustration of the readiness of the community around the tourist priority areas especially the Borobudur region as a "host" and the vanguard who interacts directly with the "guests" of foreign tourists to support the success of the tourism priority program in Indonesia.

Intercultural communication, tourism communication



Interpersonal Communication of Social Workers and Teacher Communication Climate as an Effort to Improve Human Resources
Anne Maryani, Nurrahmawati, Asep Ramdhan, Irfan Ahmad Nugraha

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Anne Maryani

Universitas Islam Bandung

The role of government agencies, namely junior high schools under the auspices of the Department of Education and social rehabilitation of street children carried out by the UPT Puskesos under the auspices of the Social Service in building community welfare is inseparable from the problems that are tried to be examined through aspects of interpersonal communication and organizational climate that can encourage activities more empowered human resources. The title of this research is "Interpersonal Communication of Social Workers and Teacher Communication Climate as an Effort to Improve Human Resources". The purpose of this study was to determine the interpersonal communication of social workers and the climate of the honorary teacher communication organization. The method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were taken by means of observation, in-depth interviews, document review and reference. The results showed interpersonal communication has a role in rehabilitating street children with an empathic and supportive approach, interpersonal communication also builds an organizational climate atmosphere, because through effective interpersonal communication the organizational communication climate could be develop, so that a healthy organizational climate contributes to the development of teacher performance.

interpersonal communication, social workers, communication climate, performance.




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Shinta Kristanty


INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS OF PARENTS AND ADOLESCENTS IN TANGERANG TO OVERCOME MOBILE LEGEND GAME ONLINE ADDICTION Shinta Kristanty , Dini Maryani Sunarya Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Budi Luhur ABSTRACT Online game media can greatly affect adolescents personality. Teenagers are more likely to be addicted to online games, assuming that online games are their daily needs and tend to be closed to the surrounding environment due to lack of socialization, especially with families. Actually the atmosphere or family climate is very important for the personality of adolescents. Especially from the intensity of communication between family members. In this study we will discuss about Mobile Legend online games. Mobile Legend is an online game that offers many advantages. Among other things, games with good graphics, easy to play, various kinds of hero characters are available, and various other advantages. But playing Mobile Legend games can have a negative impact on gamers. In adolescence the role of parents in supervising the use of online games is very necessary. Understanding of adolescents about the adverse effects of using Mobile Legend online games needs to be emphasized. Parental communication carried out to adolescents can be done in several ways, such as direct monitoring, communicating by providing an understanding of the impact of excessive online game play. Based on these problems the purpose of this study is to find out Legend? What are the barriers to interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents in overcoming Mobile Legend online game addiction? How to overcome the communication barriers that occur? This study uses concepts related to online gaming, family communication and interpersonal communication. The research method used is case-1 case study, qualitative approach, data obtained by interviews and participant observation, and secondary data sourced from related documents, books, and mass media. The results of his research were the informants who were 21-year-olds and carried out college activities experiencing addictions to the online game Mobile Legend. The aspect of online game addiction Mobile Legend leads to aspects of compulsion and Interpersonal and health-related problems. Interpersonal communication applied between parents and informants fulfills the element of openness, empathy and positive attitude. Barriers to interpersonal communication occur mainly from the psychological side, namely the difference in points of view, ways of thinking.

Game, Online, Communication, Interpersonal, Family



Sulkhan Chakim, ( Moh. Roqib, ( Nawawi, ( Uus Uswatussolikah, (

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Tension can lead to violence, competition and even hostility taking place at the intersection of power relations in the domestic and public sphere into the practice of domination and subordination simultaneously. This study examines the resistance of religious and political gender relations in the relationship between Islam, Judaism, and Catholicism in a Ayat-Ayat Cinta film (AAC). This research is a qualitative study that illustrates the crossing and resistance relations of religious adherents in the discourse of humanity. The analysis technique used is Roland Barthess semiotics. The results of his research are the violence in interfaith relations caused by the construction of adherents of religion both produced through individuals and different social structures in the fight for humanity. The conclusion can be explained that the relationship between adherents of different religions, especially followers of Islam as a minority always gets pressure in the form of; swear, poor image, stupid, donkey, savage, and terrorist. Meanwhile, on the other hand Muslims are constructed as tolerant, polite, friendly, and helpful.

Intersectionaly, Gender, Religious politics, humanity, and Ayat-Ayat Cinta Film.



Leadership and change management: making television relevant in the age of digital disruption
Nur Kareelawati Abd Karim and Rosidayu Sabran

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Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Digital disruption is a transformation that is caused by emerging digital technologies and business models. It has changed how producers manage television production. At some point, it may affect the executive and creative decisions of a television channel. By drawing on Islamic strategic management and qualitative data analysis, this article addresses how Malay Muslim producers perceive their leadership role and the extent to which they negotiate with, and adapt to the changing culture of work and sociocultural norms. This study is essential in such a way it may aid television channels to manage change and lead. It may not only help these channels in restructuring their business model but also make television relevant in the age of digital disruption.

television, leadership, digital disruption, strategic management



Rosidayu Sabran (PhD), Nur Kareelawati Abd Kareem (PhD)

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Rosidayu Sabran

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

Working in an eco-system that dominantly targetting at wealth creation often force workers to face many forms of sacrifice. The word eco-system is used to reflect the on-going work momentum in creative industries which at times can go beyond human ability. The constraints worsen in the private sector of media industry as media workers in creative industries work for long exhaustive hours and these conditions may lead to imbalance and unhealthy lifestyle including emotional wellbeing. Many worked in tension and in the long run involved in serious health issues. This paper therefore intends to find out the influence of eco-system of a workplace influencing Muslim media pratitioners- well-being. To what extend does the enviroment at a workplace influence Muslim media practioners- life and job performance? How does Muslim media practitioners manage the environment, their work and religious life at workplace? and ultimately be translated in good work and performance? Using the qualitative approach by interviewing Muslim media managers in Malaysia, this paper reveals that time management, work culture and leadership are keys to developing healthy eco-system that produces talent and workers of better quality in creative media industries.

Muslim media, wellbeing, creative industries, talent



Indra Ardiyanto, Antar Venus, Agus Rusmana, Iwan Koswara

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indra ardiyanto

Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University

Since 2014 there have been frequent forest fires in Riau Province of Indonesia in which the occurrence has mostly been caused by illegal fire-raising in the forest by local residents. This disaster has caused disruption to the economic, health, transportation, and environmental aspects. Additionally, it has been reportedly affected other neighbouring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. This study aims to analyze company corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs whose concerns are about the dangers of land and forest fires of PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT. RAPP). The program serves as a strategy to reduce the fire-exposed areas through positive engagements with the communities. The research method implemented was that of the quantitative and qualitative by using non-probability sampling techniques, content analysis, literacy on company document, and questionnaire distribution for every entity actively participating in the CSR activity. This research identifies that the effectiveness of the CSR communication, message and media management, program management, partner involvement, and evaluation process serve as determining factors for overcoming the social issues that eventually create particular values for the communities. Research shows that as many as 57.1% of the evaluations of this program yields positive impacts in providing benefits to improve the welfare of groups and communities. The overall analysis of the research process results in a fact that the CSR program does have positive contribution to the social values. In order to discover the evaluation on the CSR communication program, this research implemented quantitative survey. Additionally, it was also intended to discover how the main messages in the FFV program, the media selection, and the impact evaluation have given impacts for the communities and provided the reputation of the company

Corporate Social Responsibility, Communication, Indonesia, Fire-Free Village, Engagement, Environment



Media Relations on National Social Security Institution: Case Study on Role of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Public Relations toward The Implementation of Media Relations
Happyta Queenamilza Oktaviyasmine, Inaya Rakhmani

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Happyta Queenamilza Oktaviyasmine

University of Indonesia

The media has an important role in everyday life. It is not only as an information link, but it can also be the sign of good reputation of an organization or institution. A proper publication will bear good impact for organization and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to have a good relations with the media which can help the institutions to get a safe reputation. The research aims to understand the role of Public Relations BPJS Ketenagakerjaan toward the implementation of media relations. The researcher used a qualitative approach, while the research method is a case study. Data collection was obtained by interviews, observation, and other documents needed. The result showed that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Public Relations has implemented all four roles of public relations, namely prescriber expert, communication facilitator, problem solving facilitator, and communication technician, thus supporting the establishment of good relations with the media.

Public Relations, Roles of Public Relations, Media Relations, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, case study



Metrosexual Identity : Cultural Construction of Modern Masculinity of Male Beauty TV Commercial in Indonesia
Irmawati Oktavianingtyas, S.S. (a*). Dr. Agustina Zubair, M.Si. (b). and Dr. Henni Gusfa, M.Si. (b)

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Irmawati Oktavianingtyas

a) Master of Communication Studies, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
b ) Communication Science lecturer, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia

Media has shaped modern version of masculinity into a culture called metrosexual for their pursuit of profit. Based on the definition of masculinity, being girly has been hated by men. However, the definition of masculinity has been broadened in modern days, embracing metrosexuality. Metrosexuality has defined masculinity into new version of man who is not shy of performing their feminine side, such as caring about their appearance. It has influenced male to pursue not only beauty rituals but also urban and consumptive lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to find out how metrosexual sign is constructed in beauty advertisements and what the connotative meaning behind it is. The research objects are five beauty advertisements on Indonesian television which are randomly selected among popular aesthetic products; Axe Perfume, Garnier facial wash, Gatsby facial wash, Clear shampoo and Biore facial wash. Semiotic analysis is used to conduct the research. The result shows that media has constructed metrosexuality in the advertisements by displaying masculine signs through hard working, muscular, and manly characters as well as highlighting feminine signs through fashionable men and men caring about their appearance. The connotative meaning in these advertisements is that men need have a good job and make good amount of money so that they can afford nice wardrobe, effective beauty essentials, and refined hobbies.

Metrosexual: Masculine: Semiotic: Advertisement



Modernization Era Challenge Community Cohesiveness Fishermen Group (KKN) in the village Nadran Ritual Activities Bungko Cirebon
Pipit Fitriyah, Lenie Okviana, Wahyuni Choiriyati

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Pipit Fitriyah

Gunadarma University

Process ritual held once a year Nadran culture refers to the belief that inherent ancestors and hereditary. Performing rituals aimed Nadran symbolize an influence in civic life and to address concerns related to the number of catches Fishermen, sea water conditions, weather and storms by implementing Nadran traditions or rituals. Traditions or rituals Bungko Nadran Cirebon village. Traditions or rituals Nadran can be executed for their solidarity of the Community of Fishermen Group (KKN) Bungko, Cirebon Village who understand the ritual as a habitual action (action hereditary), the action of formal and also contains the values of transcendental, look at these views, understood that the rituals associated with the show voluntarily undertaken (by habit) concerning the behavior pattern. The purpose of this study to find a form of community cohesiveness Fishermen Group (KKN) in Nadran ritual activity. The method used is qualitative,the sociocultural approach, focusing on forms of human interaction rather than individual characteristics. Perspective in this study can be observed from the Community members Fishermen Group (KKN) Bungko Cirebon village enthusiasts Nadran rituals and willingly sacrifice personal interests for the sake of the group. Each member willing to take responsibility in order to meet its obligations. That matter show their unity, interests, and closeness of members Community of Fishermen Group (KKN) Bungko Cirebon village. Community cohesion height Fishermen Group (KKN) Bungko Cirebon village, is associated with conformity to the norms of the group members and the equations that improve communication within the group.

Cohesiveness, Communications Group, Sociocultural,



Mother Green Terapeutic Communication Patterns in Overcoming the Case of Gawai Addiction
Ayoedia Gita Citrayomie (a*). Dr. Agustina Zubair, M.Si (b) Dr. Henni Gusfa, M.Si (b)

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a) Universitas Mercu Buana
Jalan Meruya Selatan No 01 RT 0 RW 01, Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia 11650
b) Faculty of Master Communication

The use of devices in children causes many negative effects including affecting growth and behavior change in children, namely excessive use of devices or addicted behavior. This study aims to determine the therapeutic communication pattern of mothers in overcoming child addictions. Using the theory of interpersonal communication, theory of Coordinated Management of Meaning, therapeutic communication, and Green Therapy. This research is using constructivitis paradigm with case study method. The researcher conducted observations and in-depth interviews with six informants, five mothers who were dealing with children that addicted to devices and one psychiatrist.The results showed that the addiction of devices in children occurred from the mothers intention to introduce the device to the child. Green therapy is one of many therapy that is used to overcome this addiction. It is a combination of ecopsychology, namely the relationship between humans and nature, and psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals to understand and create meaning from emotional and psychological difficulties. From the five informants, there were three therapeutic communication patterns applied by mothers to children. The first one is animal assistance interventions, which is spending time with animals with the participation of mothers in them. Secondly is therapy with physical activities. The media used are swimming pools and playgrounds. And the last pattern is increasing social involvement in education sector, for example like school. These various communication patterns aim to help children learn new and positive behaviors that will reduce existing problems that is the addiction for devices (behavior using devices).

device, therapy, behavior, addiction, child



Online social support communication of breastfeeding mothers on Facebook Group
Wichitra Yasya (a*), Pudji Muljono (b), Kudang Boro Seminar (b), Hardinsyah (b)

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Wichitra Yasya

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta,
Jl KH Ahmad Dahlan, Ciputat, Banten 15419, Indonesia
b) IPB University,
Jl Raya Dramaga, Bogor, West Java 16680, Indonesia

Improving maternal and child health is one of the Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved. Breastfeeding is a natural and sustainable strategy to achieving that goal. One factor proven to have a positive effect on breastfeeding behaviour is the optimization of social support. In the age of social media, social support has extended not only from the mothers surroundings but online through social media. This study aimed to analyse the structure and communication behaviour of social support obtained in Facebook group on breastfeeding. Qualitative methodology using netnography was used. Results show that action-facilitating support is the most exchanged, where more support was given than requested. The communication structure in the Facebook group is open with a radial pattern that is beneficial in breastfeeding communication because radial patterns are considered more effective in the diffusion of innovation and new ideas. Admins play a key role in the Facebook group communication network; they acted as cosmopolites, opinion leaders, and gatekeepers. In conclusion, Facebook group in an interactive and effective media for online social support communication of breastfeeding mothers. Interventions on breastfeeding should consider the use of social media as they can mediate the breastfeeding support not adequately provided offline.

breastfeeding; health communication; social media; social support



Ani Yuningsih, M. Husen Fahmi, M. Subur Drajat, Erik Setiawan

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Ani Yuningsih

Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung

Dissemination of information in urban areas requires a separate strategy and approach, because people in urban areas generally have diverse characteristics and information needs. In addition, issues in each region are also relatively dynamic, with different priority problem solving scales. The flow of information and communication of urban communities for dissemination and access to information on government programs, need an interactive and a collaborative patterns of both parties. The existence of the Community Information Group (KIM) in urban areas in Indonesia, is a facilitator between the government and citizens. For example, in the city of Bandung in Indonesia, various activities are carried out by KIM, which is referred to as "ADINDA", which stands for: Access to Information, Discussion, Implementation, Networking, Dissemination and Advocacy of Aspirations. All of these activities require the competence of science and communication skills of the fasilitator, especially the skill of managing creative messages and the skill of optimally utilizing media. The facts, show that the majority of KIM administrators and also facilitators do not yet have sufficient theoretical and practical communication competencies, thus requiring empowerment in through communication training. Empowerment has been carried out through training utilizing communication media such as photos, videos, graphics and other applications on smartphones, as the main instrument used by KIM. Moreover using discussion methods, simulations and practices through the relevant communication laboratory facilities and infrastructure. Based on evaluations using pretest and posttest, quantitatively and qualitatively or observation, the results of empowerment activities indicate that there are an increase in the knowledge and skills of KIM administrators and facilitators in the use of communication media and smartphone usage. This means that the use of appropriate methods, media and training materials can optimize the role of communication in information dissemination. Optimizing the role of KIM communication in urban communities through the use of smartphone media can be done through appropriate training and empowerment activities.

information dissemination, optimization of the role of communication, media, empowerment



Personal selling to Sell Home Industry Products
Yusuf Hamdan, Anne Ratnasari, Aning Sofyan, Yenni Yuniati

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Yusuf Hamdan

Universitas Islam Bandung

Developing businesses organized by MSME have the full support of the government, private institutions, universities, and other institutions. The program implemented by the government is to improve the competitiveness of businessmen. One of the businessmen running the program is the Home Industry Group at the Sabilulungan Farm Market Association, which is under the auspices of the Bandung District, West Java Agricultural Service. Various products produced by members of the group are vegetables, fruits, processed foods, etc. This article is the result of research on personal selling training in marketing Home Industry products. The objective was to analyze the group members understanding of the application of personal selling including interpersonal communication in building relationships with consumers and presentations to market products. The research method is descriptive to measure research phenomena carefully. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 32 members of the group as participants in the training. The sampling technique is done by census, all members of the group are respondents. The results showed group members comprehended about interpersonal communication in personal selling activities to build relationships with consumers, the knowledge about presentations is also high, and group members can do presentations to market products

personal selling, to sell, products, Home Industry Products, MSME



Polemic about the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Content Supervision on Netflix and Youtube
Aep Wahyudin (a*)

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Aep Wahyudin

Communication and Islamic Departement, Faculty of Dawa and Communication, State of Islamic University (UIN) SGD Bandung.
email :aep.wahyudin[at]

Internet users in Indonesia reached 171.17 million in 2019. Data on Spring 2014 Global Attitudes mentioned that in developing countries the impact of the internet has given bad influence. It rompted the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to supervise the internet. However, it received disagreement from part of community by delivering the petition to reject KPI plan through This research aims to find out the pros and cons of KPI in supervising Netflix and Youtube content. The study used critical discourse analysis. The results revealed the polemic due to differences in interpreting the Broadcasting Law 32 of 2002, especially regarding other media whether it includes the internet or not; whether Netflix and Youtube are included television broadcasting or video on demand (VOD) cable television identification; or whether KPI has been given the authority to supervise them. In the context perspective, KPI conveyed that the discourse was in line with the phenomenon where the creativity of internet users increased and television programs quality were below the standard. KPI should convey these issues to the Indonesian Parliament. The KPI supervision must have clear legal basis first, and do not obstruct internet users- creativity.

Polemic, Internet, Supervision, Indonesian Broadcasting Commission



Political Identity: Agenda Formation Fantasy About Identity Politics in the Digital Media Against the Cohesiveness of the Brotherhood Alumni 212
Ari Sulistyanto

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Ari Sulistyanto

University Of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
Jl. Perjuangan , Bekasi Utara, Kota Bekasi

This study aims to reveal the formation of an agenda of fantasy identity politics which is arranged in the narrative of the agenda of digital media news that has radical Islamic influences on the perceptions of the millennial generation. The research approach uses mixed methods. Framing analysis and fantasy analysis themes are used to find out the media agenda about identity politics. Digital media analyzed by 13 media. Whereas, the public agenda as an understanding of the perceptions of the millennial generation is carried out surveys with random sampling techniques, there are 150 respondents as samples. The results showed no significant relationship between the formation of the agenda issues of identity politics fantasy of radical Islam digital media with the perception of the millennial generation. The research findings explain the reality of the millennial generation is very apolitical, democratic and like the value of harmony and religious tolerance rather than split. Research has theoretical implications for the expansion of agenda setting theory, namely in the formation of agenda not just framing, but also the formation of fantasy themes in the prominence of the issue to glue the cohesiveness of the mass.

Political identity, cohesive, Framimg, Fantasy Theme,



Political Semiotics Analysis of Joko Widodo Through Social Media in Forming Image Building
Jeanie Annissa (a*), Ricky Widyananda Putra (b), Benny Muhdaliha (b)

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Jeanie Annissa

Budi Luhur University, Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Pesanggrahan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12260

Abstract The use of social media today is a necessity for millennial actors. Social media is used as a communication medium that provides transmission of value and extensive information flows. This is a necessity in the era of globalization which emphasizes the implementation of information, communication, and technology (ICT). Through social media political goals can also be carried out by using forms of political communication through both language semiotics and image visualization. Through social media can also form a self-image for a political figure. This study uses the theory of semiotics by Pierce, social media theory by Kaplan and Heinlein, and the theory of political communication by Mochtar Pabotinggi. This study uses qualitative methodology with data collection techniques from secondary sources. The results of this study indicate that social media can be used as a form of political communication by Joko Widodo to form images with the use of political semiotics both in writing and visually through video. analyzing language posts and video posts through president Joko Widodos social media in forming a frame of self-image. Shows semiotic analysis of Joko Widodo through social media in youtube content in the frame of Pierces semiotic theory that the sign used is in the form of a video blog (YouTube vlog account) Joko Widodo, with objects in the form of visuals such as images, colors and graphics and narrative text. While the meaning of interpretation has a difference between each vlog.

Semiotics, Political Communication



Practice of Convergence in the Makarena Segment on Radio Delta FM Jakarta
Laksmi Rachmaria

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Laksmi Rachmaria

Universitas Budi Luhur

This study aims to see how the convergence practices that occur in the Makarena segment on Delta 99.1 FM Jakarta radio. Media convergence is one of the developments in mass media that involves many technological factors in it. The Makarena segment is the only cooking program on Radio in Indonesia. The Makarena segment serves a variety of recipes from all regions in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach. the theory used in this study is Media Convergence Theory of Henry Jenkins. Delta FMs research results through the Makarena Segment carry out a convergence process by integrating the Makarena segment by utilizing social media and the internet as an effort to adjust in the midst of intense competition in the media industry. Media convergence is not only a shift in technology or technological processes, but also includes shifts in the industrial, cultural and social paradigms that encourage consumers to seek new information. Media convergence occurs by looking at how individuals interact with others at the social level and use various media platforms to create new experiences, new forms of media and content that combine us socially, and not only to other consumers, but to producers of media companies.

Convergence, Radio, Media, Industry



Representation of Tolerance in Mass Media
1. Mulyanti Syas, 2. Mulharnetti Syas

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Mulyanti Syas

1. Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Faculty of Communication, Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia,
2. Faculty of Communication, Jakarta Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Tolerance is a problem that continues to grow and is always discussed by the Indonesian mass media. This is because, Indonesia is a pluralistic country, both in terms of language, ethnicity, customs and religion. Republika as one of the Islamic media must be able to carry out the role of uniting the nation through the discourse of tolerance that it presents to the public. The purpose of this study; first, to find out how Republika as an Islamic media presents values of tolerance. Second, how Republika chooses issues, addresses certain aspects of the issue, so that the audience can understand and be motivated to be more tolerant. The method of this article is the discourse analysis approach. This article argues that Republika has discussed tolerance values based on an Islamic perspective and calls for unity among Indonesian citizens of various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Issues raised and discussed lead the community to understand and appreciate differences. The article then concludes that Republika has presented a discourse on tolerance values that lead to national unity and integrity.

Representation, Tolerance, Mass Media, Discourse



Shopping Experience and Form the Impressions to Improve Brand Awareness
Johan Faladhin, Dewi Martina

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Johan Faladhin

Public Relations Study Program
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
Pekanbaru, Indonesia

This research discusses about how an impression of a mall can be formed from an individual shopping experience. As does the visitor of SKA Mall in Pekanbaru who do shopping can feel the experience with some impression as a result. First impression of a consumer will affect their perception of the next judgment in terms of choosing and determining the reason for their purchase, looking for something different, price considerations, interest in an item, and trust in a brand. Through these values of impression can help the brand to improve their brand awareness. The problem was the tenants are more recognized by the consumer than the mall itself. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by aligning the AIDA brand awareness marketing model and the relevance factor of the consumer behavior process. The result was impression can be form by the motivation, perception, attitude formation and integration from the consumer and it will build the brand equity including satisfaction and loyalty that is unconsciously formed in the mind of the consumer. The improvement of brand awareness of mall SKA will be more effective if they do some adjustment to their physical evidence, situation/ambience, lights, and other supporting facilities. These adjustments are necessary to keep the consumer from their competitor.

Shopping, Experience, Impression, Brand, Awareness



Strategy of Video Editor on Content Media Production at PT Radio Suara Tunggal Angkasa Raya (Star Radio)
Arbi Cristional Lokananta

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Arbi Cristional Lokananta

Universitas Budi Luhur

The media is divided into two categories, namely print and electronic media. Print media that can meet the criteria as mass media are newspapers and magazines. While electronic media that meets the criteria of mass media are television, film, radio broadcasts, and online media (internet). Media radio in its use in the world of journalism is considered effective and efficient, because it can be accessed wherever and whenever, so that people can more easily obtain information. Therefore, until now radio still needs to be considered in relation to the reason that it cannot be compared with other media such as print media, which disseminates information about the time needed when compared to radio. As a mass media, radio that is very close to its listeners does not only contain entertainment and songs, but also contains information needed by listeners, for example such as updated news information, disaster information, traffic monitoring, and so on. One radio that still exists airs in Tangerang is Star Radio. In making radio production, many contributing parties include a video editor. Video Editor is taken as the person who edits the content that has been taken by the Videographer and Video Editor who determines and selects which videos are worth editing or not to look good on Instagram Star Radio Tangerang social media. With the existence of online media competition between radios is getting tougher making researchers want to improve the Star Radio Video Editors strategy in make content media production so that radio still exists.

Strategy, Video Editor, Radio, Content Media Production, Star Radio



SYMBOLIC EFFORTS FOR MAINTAINING ANTI-COMMUNIST DISCOURSE A Critical Discourse Analysis of Matan Magazine published by Muhammadiyah East Java
Radius Setiyawan (a*), Sri Lestari (b)

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Dede Nasrullah

(a,b)Lecture Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

The meaning of communism discourse in Indonesia is closely related to events involving the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). The meaning of communism ideology has become a symbolic arena of struggle. Whether PKI as a victim or perpetrator of the massacre became a debate that continues to this day. This assumption has implications for the meaning of "communism as an ideology" in Indonesia. Thus, this day communism is still a scourge for some people become an existing reality. Even though Suharto era had ended, any efforts to preserve anti-communist discourse became a phenomenon in Indonesia. This research focused on how Matan Muhammadiyah East Java Magazine maintained anti-communist discourse. This was done to get the power to produce and showed the world view that had been the most recognized, the most considered true, and had legitimacy. The symbolic preservation efforts on anti-communist discourse carried out with a meconaisance strategy, i.e. euphemization, sensing, and implicature. In addition, Matan presented an old well narration as an effort to preserve the discourse. Through the critical discourse analysis method, this study showed that Muhammadiyah was still an active Islamic organization in reproducing anti-communist discourse in Indonesia.

Symbolic Efforts, Anti-Communist Discourse, Muhammadiyah Magazine



Teacher communication strategy to build parental involvement in science education for children in school (Case study at Tunas Unggul Bandung School)
1 Ike Junita Triwardhani, 2 Wulan Trigartanti,3Indri Rachmawati

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Ike Junita Triwardhani

1,,2,3Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA)
Jalan Tamansari no.1 Bandung

An important factor in implementing education is to build an environmental education. Educational environments in schools are often not integrated with childrens learning needs and what goals to achieve. To establish a school environment is not only built by teachers and children. Parents are important factors that support the achievement of learning objectives in school. Good communication in a school ensures optimal interaction between children, teachers and parents. With good communication, it will create togetherness in diversity in the teaching and learning process. This research will compose a communication pattern of how teachers build parental involvement in the educational process of children in school especially on science education. The research was conducted with a case study method. The object of this research is the communication strategy and the subject of research is teachers. Teacher-to-parent communication is a source of observation. To establish a pattern of teacher communication in building parental involvement in child science education is conducted through the stage of translating the science curriculum in establishing communication with children, mapping the way teachers in establishing communication with children, Develop a teacher communication strategy in engaging parents on science education activities in children, and devise a pattern of teacher communication in building parental involvement in the teaching of science at school.

teacher, child, child education, parenting, science education



Yulianti, Stephani Raihana Hamdan, Dian Widya Putri

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Yulianti Yulianti

Universitas Islam Bandung

Referring to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2010, the 2013 National Education Curriculum, and Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 which all lead to strengthening character education through boyscout activities as mandatory extracurricular activities. Scouting as the spearhead .Character education in scouting is carried out by the teacher, in this case the cubmaster and scoutmaster. Cubmaster and Scoutmaster is an important component in the formation and strengthening character of students. This study aims to obtain a picture of the comparison between credibility and authenticity of cubmasters and scoutmaster in strengthening character education in scout extracurricular members in the city of Bandung. This research uses a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. With population of grades 1-6 elementary school students in the city of Bandung in accordance with PPDB Bandung data, which is a number of 231.1477 students and obtained a sample of 511 students consisting 252 cub and brownie scout and 259 boy and girls scout. This study uses the credibility and authenticity theory from Brookfield (2006). The results of this study indicate that the credibility of cubmasters snd scoutmasters consisting of indicators of expertise, experience, rationale, and conviction shows that cubmasters and scoutmasters have high credibility, while the authenticity of cubmasters and scoutmasters consisting of congruence indicators, full disclosure, responsiveness, and personhood indicates that the cubmasters and scoutmasters have a high degree of authenticity, only for personhood indicators with hobby-related question items, both cubscout and boyscout respondents show low similarity with their masters.

scouting, character education, credibility and authenticity



The Effect of the Anti-Corruption Campaign to the Exposure Aspects on Social Media
Neni Yulianita (a*), Nurrahmawati (b), Anne Maryani (b)

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Neni Yulianita

a) Communication Faculty, Bandung Islamic University
b) Communication Faculty, Bandung Islamic University

Corruption has existed throughout human history and continues to transform over time. Corruption is increasingly rooted in various joints of human life. The problem of corruption experienced by the Indonesian people is at an alarming point. Corruption still occurs frequently, for example in fairly complicated public service procedures, licensing, procurement of goods and services, etc., triggering opportunities for corruption. This condition proves that the problem of corruption must be sought the latest solution, so that this corruption problem has the best solution. The object of research is the anti-corruption campaign carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through Instagram and Facebook. The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze, and discuss about: aspects of influencing anti-corruption campaigns on social media Facebook and Instagram. The research uses survey methods through descriptive comparative in social media Instagram and Facebook. The results showed that anti-corruption campaigns on social media Instagram and Facebook can be influenced by several factors such as: messages, words, sentences, images, videos, message usage, use of words, use of sentences, use of images, use of videos, use of colors, Fonts, Fonts, and Information on the KPK page.

letters and words, sentences and messages, pictures, videos, colors



Haryadi Mujianto

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Haryadi Mujianto

Faculty of Communications, Universitas Garut
Jl. Raya Samarang No. 52A, Hampor-Tarogong, Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of online learning communication using website in Contemporary Media Public Relations lectures. The course material used is on the material portal website. The website was created independently by lecturers as supporting media for lectures. The research methods used are qualitative and quantitative. The study population was all students who took the Contemporary Media Public Relations course in the 2018-2019 school year. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires. Data were processed using SPSS 22.0 software with descriptive analysis. Based on the test results of 30 respondents, it was concluded that: (1) Lecture material can be more easily understood by students because the material to be discussed in class can be downloaded first on the website, (2) Lecture material consists of text, images and sound in the form of video and Microsoft PowerPoint can be well received and clear and helps students better understand the material presented, (3) Lecture material increases student knowledge, (4) The e-Learning method through the website provides a means for students to receive lecture material and carry out the instructed tasks. (5) The e-learning method as a means of self-presentation since the instructed task can be seen by many people in general via the website. In general, the results of the study indicate that the delivery of material in Contemporary Media Public Relations courses using website media is very effective. So it can be concluded that online learning communication using website media in lectures using website media is very effective.

learning communication, online learning, Contemporary Media Public Relations.



The Effectiveness of Using iPad as Communication Technology in Delivering Message for Secondary School Students in Malaysia
Rosninawati Hussin and Mazny Abdullah

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Rosninawati Hussin

Faculty of Leadership and Management, USIM

iPads are a device designed through the combination of computers and tablets. The use of the iPad is widespread and it can cover all aspects of use regardless of whether it is in the office for official tasks or for casual activities such as playing video games and surfing the internet. As a form of communication technology, the iPad is designed to facilitate communication through browsing the internet, receiving and sending emails, connecting to social media and for anything else on the go. This device is also a medium to gain knowledge in schools; as early as 2010, the iPad was used as a learning and teaching tool in select schools in Malaysia. This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of iPad use among high school students. The qualitative method of semi-structural interviews was selected for this study. The researcher interviewed five teachers from secondary school who were using iPads as part of their learning and teaching. This method of data collection continued to interview ten students, face-to-face to ensure the flexibility of using an iPad in the learning environment. The results of this study are to achieve the objective, which is to determine if the iPad, as a communication technology device, has a positive impact in terms of helping to acquire knowledge amongst the students. As the conclusion, the article is about the efficacy of iPad use in schools, and the challenges of acquiring knowledge of the latest communication technology devices.

iPad, communication technology, education technology, secondary school, Malaysia



The Impact of Exposure and Repositioning on Consumers Purchasing Interests at Meikarta Post-Land Permit Cases
Sri Wahyuni, Wahyuni Choiriyati

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Sri Wahyuni

Gunadarma University

In The Meikarta project worth Rp278 trillion in the capital market, which has been dragged into the case of alleged bribery in managing construction projects. Even though a number of permits have not been completed and reap some controversy, the marketing of property units in Meikarta does not stop. Meikarta continued to develop and sell its units of the apartment. To keep attracting the interest of prospective customers, Meikarta continued its promotion through advertising and repositioning. In practice, exposure as a variable (X1), repositioning involves seven marketing mix variables which include: product (X2), price (X3), promotion (X4), place (X5), people (X6) process (X7) ), physical evidence (X8). Consumer buying interest (Y) is used as a reference in determining the success of its implementation. The purpose of this study is to know whether or not there is an effect of exposure and repositioning on consumers buying interest in Meikarta apartments after land licensing cases. In this case, the researcher uses quantitative research methods with the positivism paradigm. The researcher distributed questionnaires to 100 respondents, using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study are simultaneously all variables of exposure and repositioning have a significant influence on consumers buying interest in Meikarta apartments. Partially there are significant effects between exposure (X1) and repositioning from product (X2), price (X3), promotion (X4), people (X6) process (X7), physical evidence (X8) to buying interest (Y) consumers of Meikarta apartments. But one variable, place (X5) does not have a significant effect on buying interest (Y).

Repositioning, Exposure, Meikarta, Interest in buying, Marketing



Yulianti Keke

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Yulianti Keke

ITL Trisakti, Jakarta-Indonesia

Increasing technology is characterized by widespread internet use on all business lines. The internet as a new technology becomes a form of network that can combine communication and various functions, such as providing information to product or brand development. Online business transactions are one of the choices for business people to market their newest products and with the increasingly sophisticated information technology increasing business competition among business people. In the world of tourism is also very visible with the emergence of tour and travel companies that are increasing and this has become one of the things that are very interesting to study. Internet is also alleged to have an important role for the community in choosing the tourism location to be addressed. Tour and travel companies also take advantage of this opportunity to communicate their services through social media such as Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of social media and testimony on the selection of tourist destinations. The scope of this research is social media and testimonials, as well as the selection of tourist destinations. The population used in this study are tourists who have already booked via the internet. Of the total population, the sample needs are calculated using the Slovin formula (2003: 146), the data is analyzed using LISREL, data obtained from 200 tourists who have toured Indonesia. Based on the conceptual framework and research hypotheses, this research will look at social media, testimonials on the selection of tourist destinations. Exogenous variables consist of: Social Media and Testimonials. The endogenous variable consists of: Selection Decision. We find that Social Media and Testimonials have positive effect on Selection Decision of Tourism Destination.

Social Media, Testimonials, Selection Decision, Tourism Destination



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